【Minecraft】 Mining My Own Business WEEEEEEE

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Foreign Foreign Why is it so quiet oh it’s weird okay okay this is fine I can I can why is this stop playing please play I know how to I know how to stream oh there we go I want to come back good job you practice for an hour but you still messed up hi good morning afternoon evening professional streamer Hall of English Smiths Nailed it hi how are you guys are you alive am I alive is this heaven Hi it’s been a while oh my goodness how long has it been 18 days actually kind of less than that I think because there was uh what was it there was a uh what was there there was a holes here there was a space of course yeah that was it

Well April fools was the last stream stream and then well I was sick and then I had to go to Japan again very shortly if you guys haven’t if you guys didn’t know last um when was it sometime earlier this month I had to go

Back to Japan for a little bit how’s the audio by the way this is what the okay so the audio setup is not complete the upgrade is not complete yet because I’m still missing oh fun two three three wires three cables audio good sounds good BCM slightly loud that can be fixed yes

So uh yeah my go XLR has served me well for the last two in two and a half years-ish yeah because I remember I remember I got the go acceler delivered like on the day of or like before the first like proper karaoke stream so that’s that’s quite a long time ago a

Long time ago but um it has it’s it’s had its ups and downs and um definitely had to see had the problem of if I nudged it a little bit it’ll disconnect like everything it’ll just stop working and it’ll also freeze my computer because it crashes all the sound drives yay so

Um I have learned that uh it is time to retire the go XLR and go very manual with the audio things and I gotta say it’s been quite quite a learning curve because basically with like the streamer focused audio like mixers right they’re very what should I say streamlined towards streamers

Streamlined streamers stream anyways um but they’re very easy to use you literally have to just plucking your mic plug it into your PC and you’re set basically it has all those you know virtual audio channels and things and you can slide the knobs and it’ll fix

Everything but the new mixer I have to set things up very manually so alright to get cables to connect to different channels I want to split things into and if I want to split it as much as I want and well I’m used to having like the four channels with the

Core XLR so I wanna split it into four channels although this mixer has more than that but um I can technically split it into three but to slid into a fourth one I need another audio jack in the back of my motherboard and one of the option was

Um get a sound card to plug into my motherboard for those extra audio jacks and that seems like too much work for me and so and so genius genius is a whole lot of English noticed that when I plug in my audio interface it has its own audio channels so what

Are the channels that I’m gonna use it’s gonna be assigned to my audio interface and plugging my audio interface into this mixer so I could control it on the mixer and it was problem solved the problem with that is is that um the cable they got were the the

Quarter inch what’s it called TRS to 3.5 millimeter Jacks um but in order to connect my interface to the mixer I need I need individual quarter inch to quarter inch jacks for each left and right side so yeah I’m waiting on that but anyways it’s it’s coming along and I

Have enough you know audio setup to stream which is good because there’s a second stream tonight later tonight which will be a short karaoke and maybe perhaps announcing something that will also happen later this week ish yes [Laughter] hmm I wonder what could I wonder what it could be oh Well they carry a TV Archive of course because it has an announcement with it I have to make it archived otherwise you guys will be sad anyways um yeah today’s is a Minecraft stream and the reason I have to de-rust and gather some stuff in Minecraft is because because

Is that that’s not a word because can’t have a past tense it’s not a verb no but it can if I’m describing when I because this is a verb right I can be like yeah I was talking about that and then I’d be caused yeah anyways

Um I think some of you might know we might uh we may be fighting a uh a Wither weather tomorrow tomorrow and uh I have not played Minecraft in a very long time yes the wizard yes um I have no idea what to expect you guys might have to give me some pointers

On what to prepare I’m thinking right now I want to prepare some like health potions um yes tomorrow I need a soundboard just have a tomorrow on demand But yes um I have no idea where we’re gonna fight it I have no idea what to prepare I don’t even know if I have all my gear and if I do where I have kept it because last time I checked I think I was not wearing any armor um yes

Yeah so anyways um where where are we okay let me just connect to the server and join in the world and then I can turn on game surely Minecraft I gotta say Minecraft has been acting quite Ah that’s loud oh Yeah We got it She’s time is in Japan That’s like so early late late early this is six o’clock oh it’s like six o’clock in the morning oh full where am I oh I don’t think this was here last time I was I was here there’s just more and more things being added when I’m gone oh is that true all right

I’m gonna try it basically also let me just move my tablet all the way it’s kind of there we go but yeah those of you who didn’t know I um I cleaned my uh I cleaned my keyboard and it has new keys now it sounds so nice I don’t know if you

Can hear it I think you can maybe no oh trying it’s really nice oh what’s this is this a date course what is this foreign there she is I own your potatoes She’s so cool oh I think she wants me too Oh here Come on This is this is the rare rare okay let it rain let it rain oh foreign thank you I owe you my life [Laughter] oh I can make a whole bunch of glowing signs and stuff with that right I hope they add like more recipes to the clothing ink because it’s kind of cool

Oh Trident so oh wait I don’t have a bed how do I open okay uh the Shirley girl has a bed over here speak to me speak to me girl worst bread oh whoa whoa Oh it’s Atlantis oh it’s so nice oh you know what this reminded me of it reminds me of I kind of want to play Hades again it’s been a while hasn’t it it was like one of the first games I played after I debuted oh so cool whoa

Yeah Hades 2 is coming out too right two two o’clock running that reminds me I got them at taxis I keep forgetting I can’t forget stop forgetting enough you guys have to remind me to take my taxes but if I do my taxes I mean uh

Go and Japanese dogiza in front of my account See us okay Yeah I’ll be fine they usually they usually get it done like within a day or so I mean they don’t even do the bookkeeping you know I do the bookkeeping myself like like some some I’m sure some members just like taught us like all the receipts and

Everything and like they like they get their accountant to do everything but I keep tabs on all my stuff okay cost less but you know hello sheep man follow you to wear where are you where are you taking me it looks like uh what’s that thing where Thing Club where you like pulled back the elastic and you’re shooting stuff Like slingshot that’s what it is like it looks like a slingshot Fauna’s big slingshot giant though It’s like we had we had ahmed’s tennis racket and now we have funny slingshot well it looks so good though look at that whoa whoa It’s like right under like the waters and stuff I have to find where to build my new house there’s like a castle over there

And like a little gate oh that’s such a pretty little piece of land would be a shame if I’m kidding I wouldn’t do that castle Rooney whoop your shave if someone took over the castle okay I don’t want to be too far from the gig because I’m gonna get lost I guess at

Least there’s like four on a street to use us kind of like a whatchamacall uh way mark I am married it’s the Mario movie Coma I want to go see it it did come out right I think I saw it in the uh movie rankings I heard it was pretty good too so kind of kind of curious I wonder if Bonnie’s and papa needs would like to go watch it

Mama needs probably would like to go watch it because my money’s really loves animation stuff I already saw season it I saw Sesame in Japan Uh it was it was good I think it’s my favorite out of the recent three Makoto sinkai movies that came out no selves of course no subs I’m nihongo Jose foreign yeah like I mean I mean your name was good too but like I don’t know something about Susan that

Just made sense to me more than the others hello oh you have no leash it was not me so this is this is chrono’s house oh something I feel like this this little square area looks suspicious as if a certain Green Creeper has blown up don’t you think so I don’t know where I would like to build my house or maybe somewhere on here I hope I’ll have to cut down a lot of trees but then again I guess I do need a lot of trees um oh someone else is building all the way over there One is uh I’m a Industries coming in and adding in some some some traps you know it’s a lot of walking these days is this gonna be like the Ian Town of the new server foreign questionable construction well this does seem like a tree farm teaching by how how it is

I can imagine just how much wood like fauna would need to build that giant tree is she gonna whoa what’s that someone building a house there oh is this an ocean Maybe I can build my house here on the ocean or like close to the ocean because look at all the sand for all the glass I’m gonna need a perfect oh maybe like right here oh here it sounds pretty or looks pretty good oh like right here oh I just reached two years of membership and now I finally a golden Taco too happy golden taco I just want to thank you for the amazing two years you and your streams helped me through some pretty rough times well forever that’s right forever Rob probably thank you

Wow you know two years seems like a blink of an eye Until you realize you’re already like halfway through the fourth month of 2023 oh it is a month and a half we’re gonna be halfway through 2023. Okay let’s let’s forget about that this this uh I don’t even I didn’t bring any tools I guess we’ll have to be a potato back to being a potato potato so fast all right I know with this I can make stick nope stick No I can’t make stick oh oh this first okay and then stick yeah okay okay okay and then uh wait let me let me all make into this I’m literally forgetting how to play Minecraft I used to be so good at this and I gotta make crafting table yeah

Back to the basics uh yes right right right here this is where my home will be and then uh oh wait I can use this uh um um X okay wait I have iron can I scrap this oh why not iron X good thing you asked the question but I

It’s a little ironic isn’t it okay I’m gonna need a bed or I’m gonna need to log off there’s a lot of shapes around here if I recall and shapes mean wool means bed come here sheep thank you Where are you please I don’t want to lock off ah Wayne I’m gonna see why are you over here you’re Alicia’s gone me that’s a rude foreign yes yes oh are you purple oh no oh no oh no it’s too late okay all that for nothing Wait were they were they fought us oh uh check the barn why was The Barn open where is the board oh the barn blew up oh oh also I was right about it being blown it was a creeper Pole foreign it wasn’t my fault that it blew up okay

It was someone else I just I just walked in on it but I can fix it because I mean I’m writing is a whole lot of English myth and I dig dirt with axes don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry about it oh God this I got this okay um Do this I feel like a Minecraft granny right now was was a creeper okay okay okay don’t worry young sheep children will be wait what was it again we need to wait I can I can borrow some here right Smith okay okay okay hello hello I need uh how do I uh fences

Uh and Crafting table surely a fence two sticks okay I can I can make stick okay And then the gate need the four sticks okay foreign I’ll just borrow a little bit here okay I can fix this wiring trust trust um okay it was like a lucky day Okay and then thank you to do this Don’t Panic Minecraft I’m kind of worried for trouble not gonna work I’m going to fight the wilderness Everything will be tied up all right okay there we go this is the right word right okay okay now I can bring all of those everything everything will find tomorrow I mean Kiara has played a bit of Minecraft father has played a little Minecraft mummies play a little Minecraft sheep

Come forth children it is time we must go pink one oh pink one where are you pink one pink one please where’d you go oh there’s another white one pink one where did you go we’re your friend No there was another pink one there’s definitely another pink one It’s not in here oh it is yeah it isn’t okay never mind okay okay white ones white sheep this way yes he’s taking a bath all right get in here yes yes nice I saved it okay there there used to be two stripped seems like it’s missing like uh two

Slabs and like two stripped logs I wonder if she has them here oh she does and then One Snap too small this is it’s missing one more oh I guess this is actually this Is like that right it’s not symmetrical Okay I’ll put this back and I need the uh can I get a um Slab Mistake and there oh my goodness I’m Gonna Die Tomorrow a lot they’re not bringing my Elijah or anything honestly you know why have you not played Minecraft all this time you’re so restful how are you gonna build all your stuff now you can’t get out of this pants okay okay surely

They do it did I fix it Man okay um oh wait she has so much wool I can’t have to sacrifice wait there was a magenta sheep does Ryan like me Yeah everything is done see all back to normal nothing helped and now I shall partake in making a portable bed which I cannot because I have three different kinds of wood up there okay you can make a pink one okay all is well everything died over I mean I helped I helped

Like huh a creeper blew up but this is magically still in place what a miracle now Bella wow what a coincidence it’s the strong house you’ve been it’s like as if a creeper went huff and a buff but the house did not fall down All right uh we’re back all right is this where I right on time All right carry the bed with me what am I gonna do today Um right I’m gonna prepare I was gonna go back to the old house to get some potions and stuff or prep some potions and stuff now this is my respawn point isn’t it or or it’s gone my respawn point hmm do I have to leave it here there’s a buzzing sound

I don’t hear it There’s a tiny buzzing sound it’s probably my fan because it is very this microphone is very um sensitive so I don’t know Is it like a electric buzz is or is it like an automatic Buzz Unplugged wire I don’t hear me huh only one in the game I have my iems so I should be able to hear it if I it is I mean oh midline like okay Foreign I wish I could hear it um Is it called a Minecraft Okay what about the music if the music is gone is it gone it’s still there huh okay what about what about now still there okay okay mute the game audio it changed pitch I tried beating my microphone it changed pitch when I tap back in here

It might be a cord somewhere because I didn’t completely um what’s gonna call it optimize it I just literally plugged it in to test it so I have to organize that because it’s a it’s a mess down there but yes maybe I’ll just turn up the music a little louder

So you guys don’t hear it what’s up there this entire time or it just started not too long ago this whole time but you guys said the audio was fine no I forgot what I’m gonna do all right I was gonna go back and make potions

It’s time for everyone to get their ears checked including me my doctor’s probably just gonna tell me I’m I shouldn’t be using the audio stuff like the headphones and stuff for too long in the day which is true which is why I attached off the speakers these days however yeah

Oh there’s no BTM is there BTM now sorry I’m still getting used to this okay All right it’s like a toggle to listen to what’s gonna call it USB that’s just the ring USB audio and stuff new streamer who it is um hello welcome welcome to Minecraft stream uh yeah new to streaming sorry foreign how is everyone joining from oh my goodness my uh first uh first time

Playing uh Minecraft okay I need to go back to the old server to grab my stuff oh Wow the streamer is really cute oh thank you thank you I don’t know how to get back home well find my way taco no way home and theaters now congrats for 1.5 ml DP sounds oh thank you oh sheep oh Pig who built this here and why

You try to hit me no you can’t I’m too fast I’m too fast you didn’t hurt me at all it doesn’t hurt at all it doesn’t hurt at all oh it doesn’t hurt the only thing that hurts is disappointment twice forever my way home To the place Oh so many of the same cats so cute Donkey donkey donkey I haven’t watched wrecking so long she kind of re-watch it when I’m bored if I could have find my way back home question mark oh it’s it’s right here uh uh back to ID jpen this is it oh yeah oh Wait did someone make the lighthouse that it what Head oh no that’s so cool wow what else have I missed like I feel like everyone was at the new series I didn’t expect anything new and uh the old server Literally bringing technology to this the countryside she’s bringing electricity to the countryside ah it’s a nice Tower looks nice too pretty at night yeah I miss this place this is what you call home right yeah I need to I need to walk home don’t I

Right I think you’re also part of my dog family I gotta walk home because I don’t trust the real track last time I went on the real tracks I didn’t get home I went to the neighborhood next door I miss my home I wanna go home let me go home 2023 oh and there’s someone’s gonna update to 2024 next year oh no but he’s gonna keep doing that that’d be nice I feel so slow walking all the time I don’t even know where to put my lunch it’s probably in my inner box huh right I hope so And your chest and your box in their chest man I’m I’m so attached to this server like I like the new server too but I don’t ever want to leave this place Maybe I’ll just be takoboti and boy here I don’t want to run though running is too much work And just like that one last remaining you know like when when like online games they go out of service like right before they gotta go out of service there’s always like that one what’s it like the one person remaining who plays look at that like taco Dome And my house is as beautiful as ever I have so much memory you know I started off with like a hell yeah I’m back I started off with you know like the one room apartment style house foreign Like 500 Amazon boxes on my doorstep I’m confused also where’s where’s yukidati okay Windows those piglens are still there they might all remember the very first form automatic farm That I have to manually replant Andy died here in my llamas And there’s definitely not suspicious basement I wonder I don’t think there’s I don’t think there should be any in there oh there’s a lot of feathers And my rainbow sheep farm but still running oh is that hot she was giant castle yeah oh my goodness what happened here oh yeah I remember I got rid of it to build the cement cement I think it’s cement machine thing it still works beyond the house I built for them

Yes good memories I think I was gonna kick this down to build something else but then like the new new server happened oh yeah I was here for my gear wait did I make this I did oh it looks good it looks good castina looks so good pastina and how are you oh yes uh my house I like my house I spent a lot of time on this house and my Foxy’s friend and two other friends lots of captains I’m pretty sure it is this gift from

Mommy Ash probably movies somewhere um oh these are all my tools that’s where it is Um it’s like here I don’t know if I should I should bring oh shoot to the fight huh foreign Yes prepare it first I don’t think I can repair it anymore that’s the thing it’s already it’s already on its last little bit you know They got the gear settled for me I’ll keep these here I might as well wear my armor though the rest is in my in here no there’s our Taco where’s my sword one percent uh Wait I named My book I did I have some portion of healing already but who are you I did feet thanks Pasty I forgot you did Oh okay well I have a helmet now I’ll die a little less I hope Um I don’t know where anything else did I just not have any armor they just Okay sure surely it’s in one of the skull like one of these boxes oh it might be in here Well I’m pretty sure these are extra that I got from going to the places Sometimes it’s just look at the things you need to sort or clean up and you say to yourself and then you just put it away and pretend it doesn’t exist do you think perhaps there is what I’m about to do right now You wouldn’t know you never know Okay maybe I’ll just wear these for now I don’t know what that is Paul’s just wear it I need some kind of some kind of armor you know yeah oh my goodness my brain is my brain is trying its best but of course yeah I’ll wear fauna’s uh

I’m not wearing pants but that is okay I’m always the word for tomorrow okay my uh my bow senses will come back I need an arrow or a rose Okay this is fine okay so guys before before I go anywhere tell me tell me about tell me about the weather is it like is it like like the under dragon right Or like is there something I should know like um for example like you can’t hit it with certain attacks or something it explodes okay I need a shield of course I can heal it can fly it blows up land so it’s basically like an overpowered creeper that flies it’s a flying creeper

Ball of giant fire has two phases okay two phases uh-huh three heads not to kill all the heads or just toys I need milk does it like poison It’s immune to both arrows won’t work in seconds so just use use arrows in the first phase okay okay wait I need to take notes okay chat sensei is in class with it like number one uh they’re two phases uh bows they don’t work Um Lots of blowing up then it flies did the people save me do I actually need milk okay you need milk and golden carrots milk and golden carrots Invulnerable and first summit in vulnerable when friends oh Just just don’t bring milk just bring a cat that is a good good idea bring a cow Okay I’ll bring some okay let me uh uh prepless okay I’ll bring some bring a cow and I’ll bring uh I’ll bring some milk bring a couple milk some milk Uh I’ll make more more HP potions just in case is there like a what should I call it look at the fence up potion regen potion oh today the Friday of the fourth first I’m not answering free after 34 months of dealing I have to thank you for the

Happy indivisions during that rough time I’m glad you are doing well I’m glad that you know we were able to cheer you on you know Turtle push I’m golden um how do you make golden apples can you make it Golden Apple Wait I guess I can check the recipe Gold Plus Apple like what gold surrounding the Apple but is it like a bar or a block I need a work bench Oh I have lots of both ingots that was in uh uh It was in this one I think nuggets Bar for Apple nuggets for carrots should I cook carrots or Apples because I literally have like a lot of gold Apples okay well the apples carrot is for Hunger oh okay yeah this is all this gold is from I heard Andy Andy I see your particles is that you Come visit after so long come to say hi Oh wait that’s just a chest but I did hear I did hear an Enderman though I don’t know where it’s probably outside uh I should have apples Apple apples What I don’t have apples I have carrots how could I not have apples let’s just be a root I didn’t know this was gonna be the problem I have not having apples I have the gold but I don’t have the apples you’ll have to go hunt down some trees I mean I guess I can bring the carrots do I just keep eating the apples I do like apples I mean I guess at the same time right like you can’t really grow like apple trees or oh my God where in the world can I get some apples surely surely there’s some random

Random chest with apples in it I guess it doesn’t ring Ringo Bell where I could find some apples laughs baby girl oh she has one apple I shall take your Apple and eat it thank you thank you for your generation I hear zombies what is this my goodness oh it was chicken there

Everyone wait do I really not have any more apples I mean one um one might be good enough I don’t know I’m kind of worried at my state of you know my State of Minecraft so Um sometimes you just really really good I fill up some chest stuff I’m pretty sure I can just go to the go trade for apples too but I am the maximum comfortable maximum lazy right now ah the Enderman whoops I don’t even know how to describe the sound

All right we have one apple we’ll always have one that’s uh that’s a start a good start a new start brand new holes I tried okay so I’m guessing it’s Apple oh Golden Apple okay I want apple pie You know I used to be not the greatest fan of apple juice growing up but recently I’ve I’ve taken like into apple juice a lot more like but you know like when you go to hotels and for breakfast they have like orange juice and apple juice I would always go for orange juice

Before but now I go for the apple juice I still like orange juice but like before I wouldn’t even touch apple juice right but nowadays I would like apple juice okay um well we have one thing then we have one Golden Apple Um Turtle potion foreign Turtle potion how do you make turtle potions It’ll slow you down oh okay okay I guess HP potion called region wait I didn’t write down how to make potion instant HP and regen ones potion of human Up portion of healing Minecraft foreign To the melon farm thank you No one’s with gold wait I should have some melon somewhere I feel like I saw some upstairs you know well I should have some here oh yeah here does it have to be a slice Wait do I have to use all the schools this is how you do this nope is it nuggets it has to be nuggets foreign foreign Okay okay that works No one slice um Okay I don’t know how to distribute them properly okay this is fine it’s seven surely it’s really Oh left click instead of right click oh I’ll have wait I need another award I have some shoes how do you make threes how about another word yeah I need water don’t I one two I guess I can get water on this one Who is the highest there’s not three there’s no three so I can’t get the balloon okay just two all right so how did this go again um this thing here put the water and then oh you need to blaze powder we already have one though oh another word for oh there you go

My brain okay it’s already over here I should get like I should have more bottle somewhere I feel What Yeah I could just make more I should have just need like a you know one of the projects I wanted to do was making like um whatchamacall automatic ocean maker back in the day but I feel like it’s gonna be a while for me to be able to get to that place here

My glass bottles Okay my my inventory is suffering so I need to clean up a little bit here This is fine Um carrots bloody carrots Queen seeds where do I put those I think I put them the ink in here okay that works all right Good I’ll survive tomorrow I’ll be that I feel like there’s like a isaka or a series where like the the the main character gets Issa Clyde but they really really like are useless and they’re in their stats and stuff that they they literally have to what’s it use all kinds of gear

And potions to survive their their journey to defeat the the Demon Lord I just like how you describe it and literally everyone’s like you mean this you mean that no no you mean this oh boy okay so and then and then this right and then the melon Yeah Okay okay it’s like the thing about the Easter guys is right like a good isekai would differentiate itself from the others by something unique but then like on the surface it looks like they differentiate themselves by this like an eye-catching topic but if you actually read or watch it

It’s kind of still the same so it’s a difficult you know I think okay upgrade glowstone next is glowstone right can I do redstone and glowstone play hackles I do foreign I feel like I feel like a potion Master right now What about like a is there like a region potion this is like an instant yeah instant health Gas tears I have some AOE heels splash potion yeah I remember I made a bunch of this for the ender dragon fight foreign Three more sets you clear like my entire inventory I guess that’s kind of involve me anymore Baldies should I make a barrel Let’s make another Barrel Nope how do you make slips Foreign Nice I need a shelter box of potions I’ll do that later right now this is all I can manage this is the best I can do chat I gotta go to slow I don’t remember how to play Three four five six seven eight okay foreign Oh there’s some beef jerky A sec beef jerky is one of my favorite types of snacks just keep her on my desk I said if I need something salty I just need to chew on it Foreign it is really expensive but I don’t need it like one bag at a time you know I just eat like like two bites of One Piece okay Okay but that I feel like this is enough I mean I have one melon left I might as well make one more right Or maybe I’ll make an alien um I don’t know if we’ll be like close together enough to make this work but I love healing okay I mean I have two spots here I mean I guess I can take these out Okay this is done melon these are done and then what was it aoe’s gun powder genius Foreign Always it doesn’t it doesn’t work that way put that back Wait is there instant wait instant health I can’t improve it well only one way to find out It is working Thank you oh upgrade plus time all right right I miss took the two Then we have the skulls I have no idea I still follow us though or Kiara if not we can go look for some I know the place where I farm my blaze rods they have whether it’s the autism stay here Oh fallen on Carol at the morning okay okay okay see if they’re all prepared I just need to be there as a moral support maybe maybe I’ll make some carrots I’ll be hungry on the way you know you never know I’m just emotional support it’s just how it is

I’m just a potion thrower I’m a support what else can I do strength potion Strength how do you make a string Blaze powder my potions are too powerful no it’s not powerful enough I’m playing what’s it Alchemist what wasn’t that what they were called back in um let’s not call it Ragnarok online the truck potions and stuff It was one of the classes I played back in the day I think foreign I don’t know if that much blaze powder though only three I mean I guess I could technically make like two Is there a place Farm or do I have to go I mean I might have more upstairs I have to check Oh yeah I do have some more I did oh I have more carrots too and two apples testing what have you been doing yeah oh whatever you want it Pastina was more prepared than I always okay I can put the gold in a lot of gold too apparently for all these books What’s this oh invisibility Um I should open the potion shop if maybe I mean I mean I have another word for in the basement right okay I can bring some over you can bring this whole basement over a little bit I mean I think we already have like drip Stone farm and whatnot be a lot of farms

But I think I think making like a potion shop or like a vending machine would be nice it’s like I’m going to isekai and making a potion shop there living the life you know okay Um I mean I guess you can make like six six should be good enough right I think so that was the language of the water bottles Okay and then do I make it a longer one or do I make it oh there’s another color in here I guess I can leave one here I think I used it for a potion Oh yeah I need to I need to refill fully wait it was eight not six or three powder Strength two or shorter since you might drink it oh that’s right okay we’ll make it a stronger one then Oh what’s this right see now now that I’m used to it I don’t have to look at the textbook or maybe I should add add pages I can’t seem to can’t ride it never mind all right I mean a minute 30. I don’t know how long the fight will last but a lot of space here I gotta take the book first Ah there you go um how about I add here um Why can’t I okay next page can I like copy okay I’m gonna copy paste that okay okay um strength All right I’ll just copy paste this Foreign And then These are the you know these are the only ones over here I will go first okay all right Oh yeah I have a notepad of course oh boys power glowing melons there nice okay Um you can put these back Probably put the rest of the blaze rods up here okay I kind of like the you know the raid number that’s that’s in charge of the consumables yeah it’s Crafter do we need food I mean food is pretty easy you know Maybe maybe I’ll make another Barrel I love it I need more milk I mean I I think America’s probably easy easiest thing to get because I have all the cows outside I guess we need buckets huh I know I have extra buckets in the lava Farm yeah yeah maybe like five two three five Ten Wow two for each member Maybe Okay cows it’s time to finally get to work you’ve been sitting here doing nothing for the last I don’t know how many years now ever since you were in the farm two three four five All right all right we good we good foreign Just my brain cell apples And when it comes to golden apples you know fauna always curious what in her hand maybe everyone can just like that yeah fauna has a lot of the golden apples and carrots so Um put the carrots down do I risk bringing Joker box It’s a rare item I don’t want to lose it And but then someone will have to bring an energy this is Far away from the fight I mean Kyla doesn’t think it’s the rare item it’s a rare item for me I should probably be I’ll keep this in here Thank you How many shells do you need to make a chest again I guess I can look it up oh two I can make a new one It’s not like I don’t want to clear out the previous ones or anything Okay I can name this the other ones are pretty full okay uh Foreign I wish they were like bigger shelter boxes like the two two boxes Size A super sharper box can put all of this one box instead of two wait but don’t I um I guess I can carry the rest home baby now I can probably do this All right I can’t stop the bread they’re named Can I clearly I mean I can probably dump it into one of these okay I’ll dump it into Why do I have her head do not ask I have more gold don’t worry about it it’s from like the the Summer Fest a long time ago you know I have so much gold Oh no I’m running out of space Me I think I can probably toss this out I don’t know what this is all the things I don’t even remember where I got But confusing oh you this love melon slice okay now I guess I could technically wear this okay Now I can put the rest of the wait but I think I might have to rename the shelter box to potions too oh I don’t have enough experience oh I know I can fix that I can fix this Anytime now Thank you Anytime now fish I literally just need one level okay oh there it is See that’s all I need it might be faster no I literally just need a one level I’m not walking all the way over for one level [Applause] Okay now I can put this back in here we have this here Milk Oh not that oh I’m getting hungry stomach’s feeling it are you guys feeling it the call of lunch I don’t even know what to have for lunch maybe I’ll make an onigir or something oh Maybe I’ll put the Apple in the care and then too it’s like my bento box it’s my little pencil box Well I guess I could put the Phantom membrane in this so this one huh I thought I’d threw these out this is so confusing have you guys ever made like those like uh Whatchamacallit uh really cute bentos and stuff I tried making one before because there was like a really cute cat

One and one and a cat Bando for myself but it’s not look like a cat at all She’s like important so it’s supposed to be a cat she just knotted It’s okay it tasted good that’s what matters it’s all the same when it’s in the stomach is what I would like to say all right I think I think we’re pretty prepared we have like almost a stack of steak too um probably put that there Hmm yeah I I have no idea like what else I will have to do to prepare I don’t know how long it’s gonna be tomorrow I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m sure my my Pro Gamer skills will kick in once we’re in the fight right And I know I have like the totem one totem in my I mean I thought I gave me a whole bunch of Miles I’ll bring one more right I’ll bring one more okay I will die don’t worry I won’t die but like you know just just just just just just just just just in case you know you never know so you know It wouldn’t die but it’s fantastic just in case just just in case you know they also say monkeys also fall from trees Ina also dies in Minecraft believe it or not Seeing my gameplay during our Ender Dragon and my adventures in the in the end my soul adventures and you know all that it’s gonna be fine it’s gonna be fine it’s all coming back to me foreign I don’t remember I don’t think so and if I did I didn’t lose everything because I still remember I got it back so bad I died well that was past Tina I’m different now it’s all different now right it’s the new me You me Ina 2023 different from Ina I don’t know when was it 2021 2022 okay All right surely my my cables will be here later today cross my fingers so I can finally organize my wires I know I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I think I think everything will be okay and if I’m not okay alone I have my teammate with me it will be uh besides

Me when I die to pick up pick up my remains right please I don’t know that was honestly not much but about as much as I plan to do today is to prepare the consumables I don’t know how long the fight is gonna be so I can’t really like guess how much

Stuff I’m gonna need So so so far so good Or so I mean there’s gonna be a couple of us there so Finally in the practice How many minutes is nothing I had to be playing perfectly for over 20 minutes to clarify you know so although I probably can’t do that anymore my attention span is not long enough oh okay yeah I’ll be honest with you I am I usually don’t say that I’m jet lag because I sleep all over the place but

Recently like I said I am jealous I can’t I can’t sleep at night and now I am sleepy when the Sun is up it’s great but no I gotta stay up I gotta go eat and I’m gonna go Do my chores because I have to do my laundry Etc from unpacking and then I gotta prepare for the karaoke I’ll figure out if there’s the home during the karaoke or not I hope it’s not too loud karaoke I didn’t even choose which songs have seen each time

I really wish that this Christmas Santa will give me a normal sleeping schedule that is all I could wish for yeah I also have to prepare for the definitely not upcoming special streams that’s gonna be announced later today after the karaoke You don’t do anything and you just walk around and jump while talking and doing nothing he’s literally literally what I’m doing right now oh my goodness people watching I’m watching my cats like play Minecraft cats How many hours till karaoke Three yeah I can take a power nail I’ll be honest with you I got I was very excited for this announcement today yeah I’ve been waiting for it for a while it’s like time Thank you but yeah baby oh I wanna I wanna at least end the stream on the taco though Taco Dome is great I miss the taco though I’m gonna miss my little Axolotl like floor but currently I’m like thinking about and doing something on the news like I

Have I have like a rough design thought out for the new new house it’s gonna look something like the Taco Bell but bigger it’s gonna have like a general Aesthetics kind of similar but yes A bigger brain are they adding like some Karachi like the actual trees sometime I think so but yeah maybe maybe I’ll like maybe I’ll like think about drawing a rough blueprint of the of the little project I have in mind for the new server house it’s gonna look nice

Because it’s gonna be by the ocean too exciting but yes thank you so much I know this was a little shorter of a Minecraft stream it’s unusual but it was just like a slightly rust and slight prep before tomorrow’s big event um I also really haven’t talked to the

Other girls in a while I feel like it’s a very much looking forward to it if you guys can you know stay and visit during the karaoke and like throw you a shower To uh hang out again if not I’ll see you guys tomorrow for the weather defeating collab TM well yes thank you great to be back this stream again I feel so Rusty and so many different things so I’ll slowly in a warm up get back to how things were

Yes thank you I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the morning afternoon evening and I’m pursuing my perspective yes I will um yes I might as well but yeah thank you I guess I’ll see you guys later or tomorrow yay okay take care bye Foreign

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Mining My Own Business WEEEEEEE’, was uploaded by Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-04-19 23:17:39. It has garnered 120670 views and 13946 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds.

★Art is by Kanata (https://twitter.com/kanata_cream/status/1647932980948799488)

★Twitter: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

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Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders


Endcard Art by Me! Endcard Animated by Veranze! (https://twitter.com/Veranze_)

★Original Loading BGM by DOVA-SYNDROME HP:https://dova-s.jp/

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  • EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! – Minecraft Monday SMP

    EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! - Minecraft Monday SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-05-12 06:54:23. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:56 or 11456 seconds. BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” “You’re pretty good” “Kept you Waiting Huh” ______________________________________________________ https://www.tiktok.com/@metalgearsnake99?lang=en https://twitter.com/MetalGearSnaked ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! https://www.youtube.com/@Cyber-Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA https://www.youtube.com/@UCCYGu8GXU1Xr94UhZAx9tcA —————————————————————————————- #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Souls-Like Universe Tournament – Mob Battle | 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Aool on 2024-03-28 15:00:01. It has garnered 1031 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. ✅ Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/3O1fgcZ 👉Watch the videos on my and Anonima’s gaming channel! (Daily Videos at 18:00) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWGlHf5qnJbXjWJo0Of_cQ ✅Support the Channel by being a MEMBER: https://bit.ly/3zyVXDp ​✅Donation Via Pix – https://livepix.gg/aoolgamer ✅Contacts: 📌 Email: [email protected] 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aool_gamer?igsh=cTRjeDVyNWtwM2pp 📌 Discord do Canal: https://discord.gg/ErZK97ZMRa ✺ Discover other series on the channel: ✺ Minecraft: THE NECROMANCER: https://bit.ly/3L8HVhl ✺ Minecraft: POISON: https://bit.ly/3ZAgRMB… Read More

  • Fian DC – INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shorts

    Fian DC - INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MENGKREP CERIA | Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fian DC on 2024-05-27 18:49:12. It has garnered 1137 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:55 or 10135 seconds. Thank you for watching this video. For those of you who want to support with donations, you can click this link: https://saweria.co/fiandinar https://sociabuzz.com/fiandinar/donate ____________________________________________________________________________________ Discord : https://discord.gg/4PcjzKB Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fiandinar/ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Spec PC Kentang : Mobo Asrock Steel Legend B450M CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X CPU Fan Cooler Master ML120L V2 RAM G.Skill Trident Z 8x2GB SSD WD Green 120GB HDD Seagate… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined PvE PvP 1.20.X Economy Cross-Play Competitive Friendly Community Jobs Apartments Community Goals Houses Businesses Daily Quests

    Billionaire City NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP: IP: billionaire.city Discord: https://billionaire.city/discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience, aiming at setting new Standards in the field of Minecraft Servers! There’s lots of features to find on Billionaire City, also ones like you’ve never seen before: Buyable Ships(Yachts etc.), Proficiency & Collection System for Progression, a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the intoxicated update

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  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes

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  • Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce

    Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft at 3 AM Zuli’s Midnight Adventure In the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft, anything can happen, especially at 3 AM. Zuli, a brave adventurer, decides to make a trip to the kitchen for some water in the dead of night. Little does she know, this seemingly innocent journey will lead to unexpected encounters and eerie experiences. The Witching Hour As Zuli navigates through the dark corridors of her virtual home, strange things begin to occur. The clock strikes 3 AM, a time known for its association with the supernatural and the unknown…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Diamond Hunt Shenanigans

    Diamond Hunt Shenanigans Minecraft Mining Expedition: Finding Diamonds on Stumpscraft SMP S4 Ep.13! Exploring New Horizons In this exciting episode of Stumpscraft 4, our intrepid Minecraft player, Stumps, sets out on a mining expedition in search of the coveted diamonds. But before delving into the depths of the earth, Stumps takes a moment to work on their fishing dock base, adding a touch of tranquility to the adventure. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Equipped with a trusty pickaxe and a sense of determination, Stumps ventures into a new, unexplored cave in the wilderness. The dark, winding tunnels hold the promise of valuable ores, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE : MINECRAFT IN TELUGU #TheHanu0’, was uploaded by The Hanu0 on 2024-03-05 16:45:06. It has garnered 132 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:25 or 8965 seconds. Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/KN3B4VEA7E MI N E C R A F T L I V E IN TELUGU ───────╼| Minecraft – Live ┣╾─────── ──────╼|Recommending┣╾────── ✪ ➥  • Setting Guide & How To Survive 1st Ni… If You ENJOY My Content, Do The Below ⧭ Things. That Makes Me HAPPY ツ ⫷ SUBSCRIBE ⫸ ⫷ LIKE ⫸ ⫷ COMMENT ⫸ ⫷ SHARE ⫸ Discord:… Read More

  • Maximize Minecraft Advancements

    Maximize Minecraft AdvancementsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Collected EVERY ADVANCEMENT | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #16’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-05-05 16:35:39. It has garnered 4682 views and 425 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:08 or 1748 seconds. In this video I challenged myself to collect every advancement in survival hardcore Minecraft! Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FitShaw • Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UXbzKpJv5B • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitshawmc • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitshaw • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/fitshawmc 00:00 – Intro 00:35 – The first advancements 09:51 – The quick & easy 22:30 – The… Read More

【Minecraft】 Mining My Own Business WEEEEEEE