Video Information

Foreign Foreign Thank you foreign Thank you Foreign Thank you thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign [Laughter] sorry I went to also water my plants on the balcony things you can do during the loading screen oh so many things oh [ __ ] it’s so hot oh my God wait let me bring my friend ah it’s so hot Come on hey oh fan [ __ ] summer you know I am I’m actually well I’m happy about going to Japan soon because it’s currently way less hot in Tokyo than it is here which I didn’t think would be a thing I I looked up the weather

Uh and I was like I thought oh it will definitely be more hot in Japan because I know summer in Japan is humid and hot as [ __ ] but no uh it might be humid but it’s like way less hot and see me yeah the bird is migrating for summer

No [ __ ] it’s it’s like so hot here like the past few days I don’t know we’re having like a little bit of a heat wave or I mean it’s not even a heatwave at this point because I think this is not normal in Austrian Summers yeah uh recently it’s been like for a

Celsius yeah uh 30 to 34. degrees uh very hot and no no [ __ ] clouds no clouds [Laughter] um yeah and even in the now we have reached the time where even in the night it’s hot so Sleeping at night with an air conditioner um I’m looking forward to that I remember last year when I was streaming in the summer I remember saying something like because I was suffering remember when I said that if like next year if I suffer again I’ll just book an Airbnb or something

That has a uh an AC and I’ll just stay there for the whole summer well no I’m not doing that but in July I am gone several times I’m leaving the country I’ll be gone three times um I mean I’m counting the upcoming trip so um three times for short trips so I’ll

Be I’ll be elsewhere a lot of the time yay and hotels usually have aircon so yeah on the Jet Plane um August might get worse yeah I know it was July yeah well maybe August maybe August if I’m not going anywhere in August which I don’t know yet

Then I’m I might take a [ __ ] break I might take a summer break and go [ __ ] off [Laughter] I might just go elsewhere spontaneously [ __ ] the summer [ __ ] it um go tell someone who has they say nobody has a c here in Austria only like shopping malls and

Um well you know Cinema and hotels and supermarkets like they all got AC but it’s not normal here to have AC in apartments even when they’re or houses even when they’re expensive like even when you pay a [ __ ] ton of rent you don’t have AC here because like 20

Years ago the summer wasn’t this hot yet in Austria either and yeah so like there’s no AC culture the the when people when companies build buildings I I you know I’ve been like you know living in like new apartments and uh they always like offer

You two like you know add on stuff if you purchase it or even if you rented possibly but it doesn’t come like with the apartment by the get-go but I’m hoping that you know sort of sort of in the future they will um do this yeah something something global

Warming and and so when I buy an apartment in the future if it doesn’t have AC then I will uh I don’t care how much it costs I will but I will pay to have it built in not the central ones I mean the ones that you have in Japan global airfryer

The units that you can see because I really like Japanese Aces I like seeing them and not having them built into the ceiling I like to see them because then I know what they’re up to um yeah I don’t [ __ ] want the window I can’t I can’t have a window unit here reasons

There’s like no I I but but I’ll try to get out of this rental uh sooner rather than later and then and then yeah into the summer in the summer if I suffer too much I’m gonna go through an Airbnb or something but even airbnbs don’t really

Have a scene I gotta go to a hotel so so um maybe August full month no kiwawa oh because because shitty internet connection in hotel so only um only uh Twitter spaces okay five Twitter spaces per week from uh very very uh windy AC hotel room

Uh no no I cannot I cannot like I could never forgive myself for like disappearing a whole month without preparing anything or not streaming at all no no um no no so anyway uh uh uh Thank you I am tangenting I went to swim before stream swim before swim where’s my Minecraft logo here why is it not pink it should be pink let me make it Pink how do I do this in OBS image mask color maybe this Um so being great exercise yeah but it was less exercise and more you know trying to cool down and OBS needs more ways of editing images I don’t know how to do this stuff maybe ah maybe this oh um Uh sorry got excited about the pink maybe a bit more like this oh look pink Minecraft wow oh pink pink pink apparently I’m the only one playing Minecraft right now oh well it’s not even it’s not even so like what I’m missing but it could be online you know and fury

Wait is this this is the red window to capture yeah sorry I’m really my place to really my pace so thank you for a man but she put 20. oh my God really my face is my base my peace I want it to be bigger can I make it bigger bloom Is that a good good window size No Maybe a bit more that was a Minecraft God okay we’re bigger for myself not for you guys what is it ah there we go there is no bgm not yet You know there’s really cool new bayou mean in my Cuda right now we got updated yeah cherry blossom and also also well BTM difficult to choose also there is like some I didn’t even know about this because everybody only talks about the cherry blossom about apparently there’s there’s also

Like some what what is it like ruin excavation whatever thing Do you like the PGM sniffers sniffers okay camel yeah but so I was thinking the reason I didn’t put any of that in the thumbnails because I was thinking um don’t know if I can do all of that in one stream or if I even want to

Forcefully do all of that in one stream you know because it’s content I could split it in two streams um okay first of all And checking wow so the oh question Um I assume that I have to go really far to find new biome or can it be somewhere where we already loaded in chunks no okay I have to go far okay okay no no problem no problem um okay we’ll take a shulker of course um

Do I have a relatively empty one this is relatively empty there okay and it’s even Pink Perfect huh you want to find your I’m gonna find my own or has anyone in the en server already found one I’m not gonna go to the resource ever no

No I I stay in the end so ever this is moon this is my mom my home over why oh is it like a certain height I don’t think so fauna did Kelly did cat Kelly went all the way to find uh in El server I’m asking in the Ian server right

You can travel 40K plus if you’re that crazy You’re right you why are you sounding kind of like well then okay then do it your way why are you sounding like that I always do it like this I find these by all means because that’s part of the adventure and I I go my way come away now can we continue that

Beyond Bye yay come on come on That’s one of my favorite uh songs from as a master from back in the day but I mean I also haven’t just haven’t listened in to the new ones anyway right now it’s just trying to sort my inventory before we go before you know I

Walk over there with a lot of [ __ ] in my stuff come play yes I talked about it in my last stream bring ice or fireworks yeah oh yeah yeah I I I I will bring more don’t worry I am in the middle of preparing I have five Stacks now okay maybe a boat Where the [ __ ] are all the best What Yeah I’m in a singing mood let’s see I’m sorry I’m in a good mood because I went swimming and and I had my Korean lesson which was did not help my good mood because I felt more like very stupid and hmm I don’t know nothing’s entering my

Brain anymore and it’s going so fast and I can’t keep up anymore um I I I I’m feeling very stupid when my some same name my teacher Me because I don’t know anything I’m suffering A constant stream of random noise uh I’m just trying to entertain wait if I make a bed with akasia planks it doesn’t look like katsia does it They all look the same right like the frame looks the same right small bites I’m trying but she teaches me so much every freaking week I can’t keep up Oh they should let us make beds in cute colors too I mean not only the bedding but also the frame better mode She’s doing her job I mean you know I could well I don’t know the thing is it’s ending soon I’m almost at the end of I don’t know how many lessons I originally paid for but like half a year or so once per week we’re almost done like she we checked

You know the upcoming lessons we have to like skip some or delay some because I’ll be gone here and there but I think we’re done first week of August Um no and I’m I’m thinking maybe extending it but I’m I don’t know I might have to wait a little bit to extend what am I doing what is this that’s not the one I wanted Because she’s going on a vacation or something I think for a while so I oh yeah but I want the same teacher you know so we can continue where we left off and you know I like her she’s really nice um we chit chat a little bit in between

You know her hammering information into my brain trying to get out of the Austin heat yeah yeah it’s too hot she cute why are you asking that she’s married and she has children hmm anyway uh I guess all we can do is how rare is the Sakura biome how rare is it actually

As rare as the Mesa I didn’t answer the question she’s not single obviously Um just rare than Mushroom Island okay oh my God okay well um Sorry brain slow brain always used up by Korean lesson What am I what am I doing if I need more food what am I doing what was I doing ah I came for golden armor actually I didn’t tell you guys there is no golden armor because we’re going to the never I was drinking go to the never drive my ice

Road to the Mesa by homie then uh make the tunnel a bit longer and spawn somewhere after the mess of Miami So that way we already have like a direct um path continuing from the Ice Road and and that would be easy to get there again in the future and yeah Um I just hope I’ll just you know when I end my tunnel somewhere I have to hope that wherever I ended maybe close by there’s what I’m looking for otherwise I I guess I get rid of the portal and then go a bit further I guess I don’t know

Um but anyway let’s make some something I don’t know are we making a helmet or something but that means I need some obsidian too right here five for a portal right nice easy I still have eyes was it the blue the packed eyes that I need 10 for a portal what I have crying obsidian I have so much grown-ups and I never use it and then maybe I have some down here 10 for a portal what if I hear I got more okay well I might just bring my never um Ender Chest um let me take this because this is from our Mesa Adventures I can put this away Okay yeah it looks like wait what I’m confused I thought I was looking at my Ender Chest okay a lot of Instinct this out this we can keep Um some fireworks lace right no fire resistance and I’ll never stop oh yeah I still have to never star well uh what were we planning final was gonna do something with it no Oh wait flint and still good good portion of healing more totems yeah making a beacon where where were we gonna do that ifanna ever asks in her stream oh where is where is the beacon uh the never star you can let her know it’s in my basement it’s here she can

Take it whenever she needs it if she needs it why do I have it when did when did I get it in the end um but if she ever asks for it she’s like oh I wonder I wish I wish I could make a beacon right now oh

I wish I wish I could make a beacon right now oh um who has it again Kiara oh too bad um it’s in her basement Okay maybe we can get it oh I hope she doesn’t mind [Laughter] oh yeah tell her it’s uh it’s here [Laughter] I don’t mind fauna um no sorry brain slow very slowly just put this wherever Two shocker boxes maybe two would be nice actually okay Yeah and once I’m there I can like mine absolutely everything well do I need a home maybe for I saw that there’s there’s like flowers that grow on the ground oh can I take everything shares fierce Shoes Heroes cheers cheers for the leaves oh sheer shears cheers everything you have to do yourself everything gotta do everything yourself sharers have to make shears ah make sure share shares okay a pair of shears and a golden golden shoes okay okay then I would say I’m pretty prepared I’m actually gonna um

You know I placed an ended chest in the Mesa biome Ryan then I placed another one somewhere else now I’m out of um inner chest I think or it has been a million years since I made one So something to write the portal Torches And under eye I don’t do I have another eye I have an obsidian in a fan like maybe I saw one and the Pearl right same thing right Laughs powder what blaze powder too for then the chest what combine powder and ender pearl huh lace powder and pearl ah oh to make the eye Oh I thought this was the eye okay uh uh wait blaze rods I have We need Whoa and that’s been a while since I made one okay how much powder wait wait and there’s Thank you Wow wow it’s teaching me now I already knew how to make that sometimes game forgets all the recipes you made before no okay a new end the chest oh very good preparing preparing preparing Reset yeah yeah okay [Applause] okay Oh and we have shears put them away already but we have them okay I think we’re good to go oh actually I guess I didn’t need that much fireworks because most of the path I’m traversing Through the Never through the en servers never answered servers never regions I just this is

A way to set a respawn Point without dying without blowing up a bed whoa innocence when is that a thing I’m a copper Cow Island Mesa Bayou me and now we’re adding a fourth stop um foreign just don’t touch that too long Howard’s Island I called it kawas Island Did they long time ago yeah I don’t think anybody’s using my Express but eh let’s I can’t see [ __ ] yeah we should probably turn the um thing off in the when we’re in the never Ride video Center Shader oh did I read cow cow is left with what did I read cow

Is what did I I need to watch the VOD I did not did I Did did I block myself in did someone block this in what are you doing here they won’t attack me but did I what happened here Someone was running from them but you won’t attack me Ryan have fun in the boat I guess okay we go to the huh I can’t place it there you go we’ll go to the end of it And then we’ll build further and hope we get lucky so far I’ve always gotten pretty lucky pretty fast Finding the finding the cow is land it’s really fast Elena reacted because I wasn’t sure what it was at first jump scare Galore wow this path is really long actually Well Because you guys never answered my question whether it’s blue or packed ice you never answered me I can answer my own question now because I can look at what it is in bed I have the bed blame us of course I do blue better factors ah yeah okay right both was fine but what am I using here let me check blue eyes and Cactus both guess I’m using both Am I shifting tangents yeah yeah I am guilty of being all over the place because I actually there’s like many things many things many things I wanted to talk about can I talk about you know what I learned in my Korean lesson today Foreign I learned the yo form the Um instead of um or so on I learned more yeah friendly form yes and I learned foreign from two so I can say from Ice Cream today and um from we started sometime 5 PM so oh no oh no story of um And put and then until maybe maybe your maybe y’all see your your [ __ ] Your ship is no no yeah yeah your ship is she uh Okay brain feel slow because that’s what I learned today blue eyes packed and blue eyes blue eyes blue eyes the ice what’s better right So uh the thing is the putka team was not so much of a problem the from until you can also say it for locations by the way let’s go from home to school and team right but but yeah Um that was not the problem the problem is the the yield form oh it’s just too much I’m already struggling with um the Nida form because not always like not always it’s very obvious how you conjugate the verb and thank you form at least at least the one good thing is that apparently like for for the form the polite speech you know [ __ ] off where I say for example when I ask I ask mashitsun Nika

So the da changes to GGA it’s like a or kka more like that but in the yo form you don’t have a word that makes it into a question it’s instead you’re like okay you say oh I go to school and if you want to ask

Are you going to school you just ask you you just ask with changing your intonation which I suppose makes it easier right somehow because there’s less that you have to remember right just intonation just checking is this where my Mesa biome is right yeah okay okay don’t understand but agree thank you

Thank you isn’t it simple yeah but then there’s like five different ways that the your form will like form with a verb verb according to my teacher she taught me five different ways depending on what for example if if in the verb there’s a A or is if there’s an ah

Then it ends like this if there isn’t then it ends like this if it’s a Hada just the single verb Hada then it ends like this and then and then also if it’s then it ends like this so there’s so many different and and I I after she told me like all

Five of them were some examples like I was already like my brain was already fuming and then she then she teaches me um then we read like a like a like a sentence yeah really long actually really long sentence and I have to put in the words

And then she’s like okay how will this verb will be if it’s a you form and I’m like um uh Uh uh um brain not responding error ever I had absolutely no idea it doesn’t need to be free Tom one two three what it doesn’t have to be but we’re doing it like that Yeah I was not Computing Kiana exit I stopped responding exactly And I just found so stupid but I guess it’s okay that’s something you just been taught like a few minutes seconds ago that you don’t immediately know How how to use it right is it is that okay Wrong thing I hope that’s acceptable except German I pronounced it in German okay I got a problem with that but anyway I I mentioned I was quite proud when um the put katji came up and put put don’t put and I remembered a meme that I saw a

Korean music meme that I saw recently and I was like something Wait I have funny meme please let me teach you It’s it’s okay okay see this is why I don’t want to speak Korean on stream like that and it’s like a it’s like a g a but in Korean the the ga there’s a ga and the GGA and the KA but the even the ga you kind of pronounce more like strong like

K okay but you would write it in romanite status with G anyway um why you gotta make a weird Anyway what’s going on I’m I’m looking for a new biomi but also I’m telling people about my today’s Korean lesson experience where I felt absolutely overwhelmed um tell me guys when I should stop So my pickaxe is not gonna uh deal uh keep up with this for very long but anyway the meme the meme the meme the meme the meme the meme where are my Korean Bros Korean Bros green Bros I want to tell you about the meme the other day I found YouTube suggested

Me a meme Korean meme that there’s this one phrase that is the most supposedly not really maybe it’s somewhere up there the most used Korean phrase in Korean songs and I watched it and I was like hmm oh I didn’t know this phrase I didn’t know

What it means but indeed I did hear it a lot in Korean songs you know what it is Sue that’s from head to toe it means from head to toe wow and it’s using a lot of songs and that one was hot issue yeah We have more other pickaxes I have my silk touch one I don’t even need to make it this tall I think but you know felt like it looks pretty um but yeah and then I showed her the video I quickly showed her the video she didn’t laugh but she was like yeah yeah same same word

I was so proud I’m like look look look I recognize this phrase that you’re teaching me from this Meme and now I understand yeah so I think Modi is head in Korean I don’t know if I’m saying it correctly to be honest okay how about until here when I go out here shouldn’t there be a new biomy Oh that should be calling I guess I’ll use the surface for a while it doesn’t matter I will not go to the news ever I saw um I saw a clip two where I talked about this recently about refusing to you know do like use um or get rid of my my thinks and whatever give up on feelings and go to other places that are more efficient and some of the replies oh my God I had

To shake my head because because some people don’t get it something some people just don’t want to get it I don’t understand why why would I not prefer to use something that I built over what others build numbers one number one second of all I built it with my mom it

Has even more sentimental value due to that um number three I know where things are there I’m used to it thus I shall use it number four it just has a lot of history in my streams and all that if I give up on it now then it was all like for nothing and yeah number uh I lost track of the numbers

But it also it’s just aesthetically pleasing to me because you know put we put a lot of work into the design and you know creating the whole thing and it’s not even that Phoenix Sun isn’t efficient okay maybe it’s not as efficient as some other Farms or so

Okay but I don’t need it to be much more efficient though I’m very happy and satisfied with the efficiency that I have in Phoenix then it’s fast enough for me and yeah yeah I play how I want it’s just like it’s my town and we have

A lot of history there I want to use it I wanna I wanna continue using it also mommy she told me mommy my mom she was really happy about me um you know showing Phoenix Sun again and improving it and all that she was watching the stream you know she was very very

Uh please by me going back and improving it you know she said oh it looks so good you did so well no Mama told me why me too but why not use more efficient way why YouTuber wow because because I can like like seriously I feel like to me I I just don’t need it to be any more efficient than this I’ll use other things like fauna’s fancy fish farm instead of Amish farm now

Yeah because that okay exp when I need EXP then I usually like to have it really fast but I also didn’t if if I had built if I was the creator of Amish exp Farm that was my thing that I would probably possibly still refuse what I would probably still refuse to use fun as far and then in that scenario and I mean you know maybe I would even try to improve it and make it more efficient but uh yeah because he wants to use things that you built right if

Nobody else is gonna use it and I mean somebody’s gonna use it oh even Emma uses fun as Farm well yeah but that’s Amish that’s Amish she doesn’t she I I isn’t she very critical of her own Farm but I I really like her form though and

If that was what I created then I would continue using it but that’s you know a difference between me and Anna Maybe she hates it she likes how ppv looks I like also yeah design wise aesthetically with all the like leaves going down yeah I would say that I miss Farm is prettier

Watching all of these answers thank you thank you very much we’re pretty close to finishing Zelda yo gosh there’s so many topics can I make a little note there’s no hashtag I want to make a note I want to talk about so many things okay so for example um talk about indirect and talk about It I have I have things in my head and now I forget everything Okay what the [ __ ] um movie Collapse what collapsed no what do I have to say about the collapse that I have something to say about the collapse maybe I don’t know uh ah yeah hair appointments thank you see I’m forgetting everything before the stream I had so many toppings topics in my mind where I was like I

Gotta talk about this I gotta talk about that I gotta talk about this and that Ah yeah thank you shoulder stuff toppings yeah toppings um is there something else Yeah I knocked my brain out you made me okay maybe not for now stuff I cook finally I got to tweet it again because I I here let’s go into that um tangent right away I finally fixed the Twitter problem because you know I have two private

Phones right because one is old and the reason I continue using it because there’s like this one Bank banking app that I have on it you know when I have to send something so uh and and and then I have to use the app to like confirm it

And I’m thinking like if I uh saw ancient debris what the [ __ ] are you talking about um then the same this really yeah the Authenticator what What what it’s pet rock yeah stop stop distracting me um um um um yeah yeah yeah so for authenticating basically that’s the only purpose that’s why I’m still keeping that phone uh oopsie I think oh there’s there’s more reason but it’s not really a good reason um

And I’m like oh if I have to put this on my new phone I probably have to do some annoying authentication of you know my new phone to use it there no that sounds annoying so I’ve just been using the old phone whenever I need to do that but sometimes

It’s actually quite handy because when my old phone and my new phone went to the battery then I still have my old phone as a backup leave a blue so you know and then I’ve been having this issue for like I don’t know two months where sometimes when I tweet um

My app world crash actually not sometimes but very often my app will just crash right I told you guys about that so many of my tweets failed because of that it might be a good thing maybe in some way because sometimes I was maybe gonna tweet something that nobody really wants

To hear and nobody cares about and it kind of stopped me but a lot of the time I just wanted to show you guys what I cooked for dinner and I tried to share it with you guys and then I just can’t because I write up this whole tweet

Hoping that it will work this time and then it crashes and crashes and that happens so often yeah you guys missed out on a lot of my cooking I need to make a post where I post all of the ones I didn’t post um but yeah So then more and more often I would use my um my question actually I like this maybe I would use my second my old phone to tweet because on the old phone at least it was still working And then recently even on my old phone the Twitter app was suddenly bugging around like when I was for example opening up the replies to a tweet not in my reply section but I opened up a tweet and scroll down to the replies often it would crack or like actually

Pretty much almost always it would start crashing the app would crash because of opening replies Sam yeah so both phones my Twitter app was [ __ ] now recently and I’m like okay I have to do something I have to do something about this because like when I looked up

The solution it just said oh try deleting the cache I did that and it didn’t help sorry in the end I just reinstalled the app and that did the trick indeed no wait no the funny thing was I I reinstalled the app and then I had some troubles logging in actually It was kind of weird it was bugging around a little bit but then finally I got that fixed too I’m switching by the line keep on Switching because I want to use both I guess download more RAM but yeah now it’s finally working on the new phone so now I can finally peacefully tweet out my kitchen kiwala’s Kitchen Posts again um yeah ah Okay yeah more more things so oh yeah um come on so now you will now kiwawa will cook again more because ah because Wawa knows that you guys want to see what Wawa Cooks you know oh there we go again Foreign There’s nothing to explain first of all because ketchup is like it has maybe this like childish image doesn’t mean it’s bad okay I mean I normally I think I I actually always used to eat fish fingers when I was a child with mayonnaise but anyway this is uh a recipe from hello

And they currently have like a campaign going on with this like I think it’s Pixar an animated Pixar movie called Elemental and like for every week they have like a themed Elemental themed dish and I think if you get three of them I think you get a free movie ticket so I was like hmm I’ll try if they have good dishes then I’ll try making them I guess um oh I’m almost at the end well I am at the end So one of them was that like fish fingers with um The potato cucumber sound which also a lot of people questioned but it was really good so give it a chance please it was really good and and the dressing was a dressing that I feel like you usually have live the potato salad it’s not like typical American potato

Salad with a [ __ ] ton of mayonnaise super [ __ ] unhealthy excuse me for making something healthy because like some people are like that sounds so weird uh I I wouldn’t eat that usually the picky eater no you guys are like oh that’s weird May was great I I will say yeah Mayo is

Great normally like I eat potato fries and all that with mayo um but yeah this one came with ketchup which yeah I agree it’s kind of like simple and kind of childish yeah but but it worked really well it tasted really good it did taste really good with the fish

Fingers I oh my God I’m like I had a little bit of trouble cooking it uh because the oil Splish Splash swish swish swish my hands felt so burnt in hindsight it’s my fault I could have done better because um the way like I wanted to flip the

Fish fingers so I used two forks so that I have better control over them and so I had no hand open to hold something in front of me to yeah keep the oil away later on at the end of the process I finally started using the tongs and then it was way better

But until I got to that point I had so many oil burns on my hands you don’t see them at least at least they’re really like like really low-key Burns um they’re really low-key I want to make um oh I kind of wanna I didn’t bring any wood did I I want to make a sign but I guess I can make it later I’m gonna make a sign that says right side um probably Sakura by Omi and down Mesa by Omi but okay for now um let me get the belt

We’ll see where we get out on the other side I feel like we’re far enough wouldn’t you guys agree isn’t this enough far enough oh yeah right there’s hanging signs now yeah otherwise if you guys say it’s not enough then I’ll I’ll have to repair my pickaxes Um Yeah I’m traveling to find you by yummy explored a lot of the old world in that direction did I like past the Mesa Oh yeah to find um what was it that that tree the Cave the Lush cave Ryan but it didn’t go that far than I I want the train to be like very close but okay let’s just check what we can find um foreign make a little space for portal How big are we gonna make it um I’ll make it here is this one two three four five six seven eight nine no ten has to be a full circle right I haven’t made a portal in a while Four ten for the four portal I can skip the true I can skip the corners yeah so here here Or does it have to be wider come on bottom Freon [ __ ] okay not quite Nice Like this okay and then were they really this big Wonderful one two three one two three oh Yay okay I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared Oh I’m not in the same message am I I think when I was flying over my over my own Mesa like soon after I found more missions I think what did the courts say the court the court say this how far am I from my own muscle

It can’t be the same as uh at least we spawned elsewhere so it’s just a coincidence Yeah yeah 12K Be the end of my mess up nah it’s just a coincidence pick it up yeah taking a screenshot let me fly around a little bit Um remember Straight back straight back straight back let me it’s different there’s Temple Temple no no Temple so now I’m going I think kind of I don’t know which direction am I even going what’s that what’s that okay Left myself forward Mesa well we we will investigate a little bit to see if there is a Sakura by Omi is it normally like on the mountain or where do you find the sakur down I think it’s a new this is all new I think it’s all new I mean that’s a big mess up I didn’t go full circle there is and then there’s no way there is no way Sheep foreign that’s my portal I found it again let me go um wait portal currently is facing Uh I came out like this I think that means that means if I wait I I went straight and then I made a portal face in the right side of my Tunnel right so if I want to go forward in the same direction as the tunnel I would go this way maybe

Keep going south look at the chords South okay Let’s see [Laughter] we can figure out how far straight we have to go Assuming that this is really the right the right direction right Uh to extend the tunnel to be directly at the right by all mean Something like that right Song I don’t know it’s so well Like that yeah okay we have to go quite a bit further because I have yet to find me At least I took a screenshot of the coordinates of where I spawned very smart Snow so sorry I didn’t see if there were any replies is there like usually a certain environment where the Sakura biomi will spawn or is it randomly Any Green Mountain areas okay should be a waste of me or did you look it up Twist of me and we need to go I need to find one that goes straight though just so that it makes it easier for me for the tunnel making Yeah I Spike by Omi it looks so cool though I could get more blue packed ice here right oh yeah I’m too fast I’m scared I’m slow it’s so slow but this must be new chunks otherwise it won’t load so slowly would it [ __ ] is this biome is normal snowy slopes Oh my God we were up so high what the [ __ ] is like Mount Everest we’re Above the Clouds I think I’ve ever seen such high mountains in uh Minecraft before like naturally Foreign What Ender cities are only I mean they’re only in another right City no way so for this Wait that makes me really curious Foreign I just wanna peek and take a screenshot so I can maybe if I later on when I explore an ancient shooter can you see it like if you peek in oh but herewards Not open not really here maybe a pie hook I don’t want to find a bug oh this is so scary this is so scary oh just another opening oh I hear goats Is it like like how do you how do you get into that just poke a hole I want to see it thanks for the memberships minus 51. okay now whatever I won’t look I won’t look it’ll be a surprise if I ever go back here and try to find one Okay oh sh it’s night time South South I spikes very snowy everywhere here very cold very different from real life Um nice feeling see so many stars Why Oh wait there we go there’s some more we’re getting rid of the snow It’s like split right in the middle between no one not snow well we have we have trains and mountains isn’t that kind of what we’re looking for Over here the the green Greener ones the more luscious green ones It’s not really a mountain circle around this area but I I needed to be straight here uh remember this Lake I’m circling remember the lake and the ice is going West West West West West West No no I feel it Sakura bayomi in Pre hello one One that’s no I saw some pink stuff I thought maybe it was a very very tiny amount oh no Circling back nothing here unfortunately Oh that’s not what I’m looking for this time I looked for that before and successfully got my own allies alleys by my own hands very proudly so wait was this the river [ __ ] of course we’re lost now no no no no it’s right where the snow is mm-hmm

The middle between the snow and the normal trees here there we go that’s the lake see I’m not lost now we’re going south again yeah this is exactly that point wow photographic memory I’m not my goal Let me Circle a little bit here and then come back to The Big Field that I just saw circle circle circle circle circle circle circle circle Nothing yeah And snow again And while you look for something the heart it’ll be to find well well I’m far and I was looking for things I always found it pretty quickly like the frogs the Mesa wasn’t that big of a problem either I think [ __ ] uh Direction Wait where am I I don’t remember this Tower Damn it now apparently I’m facing south first try that was wild yeah but I was not looking for the trident and there was the field but that was not the tower God damn it now I’m lost now I’m lost [ __ ] wait if if I from the point where I originally was Let’s do some let’s try to be smart okay I want you guys to help me out with your smartness let me open my screenshot Um I’m potato Minecraft screenshots so we have we have this this so I looked at the portal but then I went left from the current point of view right um so here’s my question Um if if um that line that line let’s say Okay um South North and South one line right like here and then east and west East and West this line yeah yeah Um my question Um is uh I can’t I can’t put it into words I don’t even know what my question was anymore Um Yeah whatever forget it Once I have by Omi that I’m looking for but but oh wait I think I have an idea One Thousand Seven Seventeen thousand twelve thousand if I continue to go south then what is going up the the eighteen seven okay okay okay so if I go the opposite of South

Then I’ll go back to the 12 000 right so if I also okay okay I’m I’m I’m answering my own question right now oh my God I’m a genius so if I go back here then the block I just wanted to get it back to 187 you know so then I’m on the

Same line you know what I mean oh wait I’m already there okay okay if we stay around here then oh you don’t see it but just next time I land one eight seven one eight seven just gonna bring it back to 187. 00 you can see the steam coming out of my head okay and now uh the 18 000 which was 12 000 before is going further up okay okay okay Coming out so we’ll try to stay on the line but I’m back in the line now basically if I go all the way straight backwards then I should be back at my portal hi um wow yay positive that yeah do we want to check out the ship now that we know

Exactly where we are and what we’re doing I want to check out the ship time Why why did I get no boat what the [ __ ] is that there was like a yellow boat looks like it was made out of hay oh wow Sheesh that’s a good chest though is that already the best chest in here Normal why you gotta why you gotta you know make it feel like less of an accomplishment there’s always two chests found it yay book book and the bird treasurement oh yeah right um what do the treasures usually have and also I feel like I I have I would have to do the treasure

Chest now otherwise I’ll never come back here because it’s it’s like somewhere close right new chunk confirmed why because there was a treasure map diamonds hard to see but I don’t really I don’t really care about the heart of the sea hmm well if I ever need more I gotta get

Back to the ship My ex is not what I mean by X is not right Nice to save the chords yes just just making sure okay um That’s what you mean yeah yeah I kind of uh yeah straight away again Somewhere over here 187 I was like how did I Stray away again I was going straight [ __ ] I dropped them up map what no yeah but I haven’t sort of twins Zelda jungle Welcome to the Jungle Jungle jungle speaking of I never really actually explored the jungle properly when the jungle was in an update I don’t know why but I mean all there really isn’t a jungle that’s interesting as parrots right besides that I don’t know if it’s really that interesting because there’s not not a

Like new type of wood either right that’s 10 years ago oh pandas pandas and parrots yeah foreign they have different things compared to the desert temples I didn’t know that jungle had temples too Bamboos blocks now they mean but wait Does that mean you can make green Furniture like doors and stuff Oh hi yeah It’s not green though it is rather whitish I want to try making it that’s cool did they also add that in 1.20.1 or 1.20 [ __ ] hell I’m looking for so long just can’t find it We have a portal here at least free portal wait maybe I should mind the obsidian actually gonna mind it really quickly what’s Skyla doing is she streaming she’s not streaming is she at this time of day Meaning Let me put my never rack all here and take these things So many boots maybe no but feather falling and protection four hmm soon she answered hello hello to get this is Right for the never don’t have to make my own ones I’ll keep them from my collection oh my oh my God come on Stream heart Challenger more crying obsidian I won’t use the oh what I keep on forgetting what it’s for What is it for I know wait why won’t it meant from from mining this is it not spam anchor um super rare I know I have so many of it too actually because when it because it’s so rare I keep on mining it every time I see it even though I don’t use it maybe we sleep

As well while we’re here Now let’s be thank you XP What is so special you’re saying only or well then I think that’s just another point to back up my thoughts train of thought of why I thought maybe possibly obsidian is not real maybe it’s only a Minecraft thing you understand now so much sense Direction South South for sure Bunnies for me Yeah I mean I know obsidian exists in real life but that that was the discussion that through playing Minecraft it made me think that because it looks so unreal and and and you know it’s being used for such unreal things that possibly it’s not a real thing at all um

Because how could it be you know you know when it does such weird things like making a portal to the underworld Okay I mean I I feel like I’ve heard and known this before Another ship Also because you know there’s other materials that exist oh One mushroom only it’s like there must be a Kodak here there’s one single mushroom tree that means there must be a quarter cue no there’s another one okay What was I saying oh yeah other materials that you have in Minecraft some like never rack you know you don’t have that in real life so you know the name of obsidian already sounds like told [ __ ] eh open a portal on people’s stomach during a sermon with obsidian what do you mean

Do people do the surgeons you oh Whoa do surgeons use obsidian for a surgery Because this Ocean’s looking so boring We should wear at 23k and fireworks well I think I have another one in my never chest but because never chance is somewhere else in theory if I find it and then don’t fly back but make portal and mind my way back maybe I can make the tunnels meet Oh my God should have brought even more fireworks Uh yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty I buy pretty I buy there’s only [ __ ] ocean Trying to not use too many but Kyle can help you in this situation how you mean by having her fly all the way here and bring me fireworks And I don’t think so she would do it oh yeah worst case I guess [ __ ] it’s called a little bit back to here because I’m kind of off anyway Oh hi friends nice Oh that’s sweet they have an Animal Farm what what they have an animal far is there a new kind of Trader I never saw that before Sakura Village I know that certain types of animals spawn very uh commonly uh in this kind of biome Awesome find No beautiful they have beans they have pigs they have everything Kind of surprised that they’re not building the houses out of the Sakura um trees at least but there’s no trainers on it Is it because they’re only farming I found this surprisingly fast you think so you call that fast well here we have Farmers hi hi it’s so beautiful and we can rest here too look at them All right let’s get mining baby how I will get back is a different question but no I mean we are only 100 blocks off from our original x a little bit less even how how much is that in the Never foreign the math Barely anything right Oh that’s nothing so if we make if we um make another portal here the only problem is we will have to if we spawn grab a low in the never we’ll have to make our way up and build continue building our tunnel from the other way there

That’s usually for me very annoying the process but yeah but we’re I don’t think it’s impossible right it’s not impossible Okay okay okay okay um uh That’s what this is elsewhere but okay once I make this rain I can always come back here so there’s no stress to farm everything now the real why is he green the real mission is why is it green was was he green but he has no job what

Is he different from the others see the mayor Wait he’s also green I guess why is there green ones and not green ones bring one sapling no I went to a farm a lot here I know I can make my own trees I know and I will but I might as well you know take some of this stuff with me and these flowers but I can make whoa you know what my mission will be I’ll make a little Sakura Forest close very like right at the Ian

Um like main hub so whoever needs to get some of their own can quickly get it from there and then then my ice station uh train is actually not very meaningful um but but well well I mean for me for me if I need more you know right I’m coping but

If I need more I can come back and then get more yeah yeah yeah put it at the end of the Ice Road uh yeah yeah my goal is to extend the ice road so far that I can get here easily it’s so pretty with the like

Bright inside and the dark outside of the tree but it makes me wonder because I’ve seen Sakura trees before in real life and I’m guessing that they would try to make it really accurate but does that mean that Sakura is I know they’re pretty dark outside but there

Are other also this this bright inside I doubt that they’re pinkish still that’s just like to add a special extra I think in Minecraft Got the saplings I want the saplings but how do I get saplings again I have to like wait for them to like fall down right After I there we go here’s one after I mined the tree I was only one and I have two free Cherry saplings ah some sticks Yeah I’ll get a couple more chop the tree I’m chopping the tree I mean you sleep actually Uh I’ll sleep in the house what else are we in a village for excuse me you can watch me sleep hey monster Because of me because of me they’re infiltrating The Village Golem help Do something nice nice he killed him I Am The Monster all along do not spread such filthy rumors no no off these flowers but if I if I planned a tree though do these flowers also spawn naturally around it or to how how do I get these do they only spawn naturally in natural

No it won’t see okay so these ones I actually need to bring with me all right Increase them oh yeah I saw that like if you have like this small one and you throw bone meal and then they grow bigger yeah yeah but but they won’t grow around it right Why No okay so that’s actually the trees I can make my own but for these flowers that they’re so pretty I need to get them from here and see that’s okay that’s the reason to come here for right At least one good reason I would say so no you can both milk what do you mean whatever we don’t have to simplify everything okay I came here for a reason and that is to fill my shoulder boxes with these materials don’t ruin it for me Beautiful they’re so pretty on the floor why normally they don’t grow on the floor but this is just random pink flowers I think yeah oh it’s oh eh it says petals but these are obviously growing that’s just falling down petals but honestly to me it looks like one of those Animal Crossing

Patterns that I was using and other people were using to make the ground prettier in there sorry sorry in their villages in their Islands Are you mad at me for taking your flowers be mad they’ll they’ll grow again I’m sure it Sorry sorry They seem kind of mad oh it’s because they’re fun they’re puppies going away oh oh Okay they’re gone I I’m free by the wow how many do I have oh my god wow that fills up very fast Okay is there still some saplings Yes Anymore that I left in the ground no oh there Okay I think I got it I think I got it Okay then for now you know what we will do we’ll make a portal um actually let me walk as far as I can while still staying in the biome yeah maybe I’ll make it here that’ll be a nice like impression when you walk through the portal and you spawn here

Won’t that be really nice it’s good let’s make portal yeah I have everything that I need okay okay I make one two two right one two I need to sneeze I’m the correct X kind of yeah at this point it makes barely any difference is what we have um concluded because it will just be a few steps in the um never I’ll just be a little bit difficult to

Meet them up if I don’t know the exact x coordinate of my ice path um which I don’t think I ever took a screenshot from that thank you thank you Wait where was mine and it just another chest and no um neighbor of that um know what I mean where did I put them chests up here chocolate box yeah here Excuse me for intruding your beautiful Village but I’m just here to appreciate it and share the joy with other people I have 25 saplings it’s a good start I think because you know what I I said I don’t make a forest but how about I’m for once I make

Something efficient and I make a tree farm out of these saplings Or these specific trees where will I be where will I be should I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared what the [ __ ] isn’t that kind of good if I ever need one of these fortresses again oh the lava is just spawning in wonderful I’m down so low I need to go

All the way up [ __ ] Look it’s like all the way over there I left the Shockers yeah that’s okay I’m just building the the ice path for now to be honest I don’t know should block that side of the portal true yeah bye bye Anyway hey that scares the [ __ ] out of me we’ll make a proper while here so that I don’t fall off can I um place down there Um Scared [ __ ] okay Okay ah how will I mine all the way back with my current pickaxes is another good question but for now we have to go up [ __ ] I should bring some no we make we make stairs but I don’t have enough wait I have let me go back once

Oh no wait diamonds are no I have to add one Diamond I think in one of my shoulders can you show us before so we can help you remember yep yep yep yep in a moment you gotta you guys gotta help me find my way so I know which way I’m supposed to

Mine I was gonna ask you guys for that anyway um one diamond I could make some some golden pickaxes then the chest well then the chest is on the other side of my Ice Road that is currently inaccessible for me respawn anchor to Mark the location Because I don’t really need it right now you know what I can do for blocks right now I can mine some ground blocks with my With my biggie call me that’s some easy to get building blocks yeah [Applause] I can work with that see how fast we are and quickly we have enough to make some stairs up to the ceiling the never roof you know normally you always have too much

Of these blocks and you never need them but right now I need them okay how many okay that’s probably enough right to make some stairs up to the ceiling okay I hope I don’t die um I don’t want to bring the shulkers right now because what if I fall and die

And you know and then I’m kind of [ __ ] and I fall into the lava and I lose my Shockers or something like that you know what I mean so I prefer to First build the stairs then come back And don’t think Let’s sleep Maybe I mean I could kill him he’s gonna walk in here anyway sleep let me sleep yes yes yes put your lights on the shulker yeah okay I accept this offer Water is my brand you know what I’ll bring some water with me I was saying anyway that some water might be useful okay anything else I should leave maybe the fireworks I don’t know Okay okay you can’t oh Can’t place water okay I forgot that one oh well but it’s not gonna like explode on me right like that creeper that’s creeping up on me oh that’s all well that’s better than the Creeper following me over here and then suddenly exploding in my [ __ ] face right now in this very spot

I was wondering if they were gonna follow me Okay uh what the what is this why did it speak okay um look at these beautiful coordinates please um we are where how do I can you guys do you know I guess I have to the facing the the the the direction is still the same right so I have to go

North anyway because I’ve been going south all the time yeah I know I’ve been hearing the guests too I want to get away from them really quickly looks like there’s only a single layer keeping you safe yeah it’s freaking me out sounds so if I oh God

So if it in in in in in the Overworld um I was currently like X like around 280 or something um and I want to get to 187 doesn’t mean that it’s gonna go down from 34 to something like I don’t know 30 or or maybe 15 or

You can think about it above yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m making Stone floors will prevent gas from breaking them well no we don’t have Stones right now we don’t have the luxury of stones but we’ll be fine it’ll be fun once I make it so the the gas cannot see me

Then I am basically non-existent also I can’t see it I keep on hearing it but I can’t see it Well then let’s make like a ceiling uh It’s completely make it into like a cave kind of thing right Then you won’t know where you are when you spawn when you go for here but yeah I know that there’s a fortress here if I ever need a fortress and I know it’s there I’ll make a little window you know this this is the window And another window Okay and now we want to go up And yeah how how to go up okay okay wow you can do this I hope though I’m kind of scared what if I what if lab agreets me um we have to take that risk I guess [Applause] How to mix there Okay let’s take a while what is this ocean sound it’s actually kind of relaxing it’s like ASMR Never heard this sound before in the Never I don’t know if I can keep up the ceiling though important diagonally upwards diagonally I feel like we can adjust our X position while we are up there so right now I’ll just go straight up I would say I’m just kind of like struggling and like building this right now I’ll do your build stairs upwards efficiently I like this Ah I should spiral just Tower straight up I guess I could make a tower straight up and then make some ladders I feel like I can easily make some Ladders because you only need wood right maybe I should do that that’s way easier Okay let’s do that foreign Okay um is it easier though because okay I would make like two rows up up while I keep on jumping on one of the rows I make a a whole Tower like that but then how do I get down That would that would mean I would need the ladder already when I’m building the tower no before I bring my wings yeah Okay Um I don’t know how to float I always struggle with that like when it comes to floating the need to float I would prefer to just make some ladder really but because I have to make ladders in the end anyway well let’s not make it with the fan

Unless wait if I make a ladder with this wood would it be pink because that would be kind of freaking cute hey Bale wait if you jump from a very high height on a hay bale do not take damage Okay no pink ladders no you will oh okay that is so sad all right I will um make some ladders do I need anything sorry about that guys do I need anything besides um wood I’m ruining this I’m ruining this beautiful Village sorry sticks and planks okay I don’t want to use the cherry trees I don’t know why I’m reluctant okay let me let me use them maybe maybe Unless there’s a better option holy [ __ ] there’s so many though I found a really big one And thankfully these trees are also not even that tall it seems usually so you can just mine them from the ground without leading to like build yourself a little a little codestal thingy you know what my mom is gonna take care of my cats again when I’m in Japan and

She yesterday we were on the phone and she was like suddenly I don’t know where she’s like by the way um can you please please please please please please please please please please please please let me access your this time please please please can I use your PC

And you want to know why oh [ __ ] I just it’s just sad I can reach it easily it turns out I can’t you wonder why because like before I just let her use like my laptop or my iPad always no she doesn’t want to stream but no she

Really wants to play the new Diablo on my PC she said that you know on her PC she could never make it work and you know it’s also expensive I guess so um maybe even even back but yeah she’s a big Diablo fan and I guess she found a liking in the new

Diablo so far Oh which is good because I don’t think she played Diablo 3 I think Diablo 3 was generally like not didn’t have the best reception right Here’s Diablo heavy on Graphics yeah for real I mean she complained in higher quality than I did because she doesn’t have to stream it so she’ll foreign Oh my God poor Pig come on so a poor Pig I should get out of here but I’m trying to collect um the sticks of the saplings wow Rip pinky free Hamza Liam but I didn’t take it I think full inventory Okay I think I’ll go back Yahoo to the Village do you think that’s enough material for a ladder for as many ladders as we need I don’t know how much I get out of one single block oh [ __ ] I hate kids zombies they suck Um Destroy the ecosystem oh no oh no is that what okay can we sleep now I think he’s dead now another seven stick but makes multiple from the recipe okay we’ll see we’ll see otherwise I’ll take some more wood from the village but we also need to make uh like a

Building block thingy right which is also made out of wood um crafting table planks mm-hmm Here we go and now ladder let me check this what only from sticks oh okay Dicks Oh they look so pretty they’re so pink Wow wow okay that’s a lot of sticks Yeah okay don’t waste these beautiful materials that’s uh on it 64.64. wait what no wait uh no it wasn’t ladders sorry I’m confused pork block ladder 64. okay that’s not enough we need more 23 which sticks Okay my inventory is so full I can’t do [ __ ] Um A couple more planks There’s a show because there’s somewhere else wait Leather I keep on switching back and forth there we go wait wait there we go there we go there we go now we’re talking what’s on the ground okay shulker I have more than enough you think so okay I’m gonna leave some stuff like this and the warm okay going back let’s build

Too many ah it’s okay See me didn’t see me [Applause] Didn’t bring ah blueberry personally charged shriek h Steph and she didn’t Damn what the [ __ ] she’s fighting the warden what the [ __ ] girl what the [ __ ] My secret hole why did that I didn’t even see a creeper on on my side where I was chilly where I was coming from hmm the sand yeah how is the sand intact actually yeah so sand like safe from creeper blow ups I’m gonna do a parameter on the other side perimeter was the perimeter Uh all the creeper blew up right there so it didn’t affect the sand I was standing on the obsidian okay but I thought it like affects the surrounding suit because it did affect the ceiling didn’t it I went my speaking of my my wall is gone Ah a it’s there go away guess I’m almost gone wait I wanna wait wait wait wait wait wait no don’t make me teleport no don’t make me teleport I don’t teleport no no no no no no no no I can’t place the block oh Close portal so ow can I turn it off dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying okay Laugh if I get rid of one obsidian block or what Oh oh can I um no I can’t put it on there you’re cool Except that one yeah is the block gone Stop laughing you little [ __ ] Huh please don’t [ __ ] it up again and we’re gonna make the stairs to heaven aka the normal world and I’m thinking To build it in the smartest way possible but the gas is like chilling over there [ __ ] okay so we would do it like this and I was thinking like I Um I’ll like make blocks here make myself higher you know what I mean but behind me I’ll also build the wall higher okay where is it where is it where is it he gone right now okay okay okay okay okay He can stay away please is she trying to keep the village a secret I don’t know no no not why why does it seem that way I don’t think actually it isn’t it like isn’t the worth of this like portal this area that I’m creating even higher now that we have another Fortress here because the Fortress that we know the closest Ian Fortress is like already like farmed like you know Isn’t it nice to have another one I

Don’t know what for but didn’t we like destroy some things that you could get there normally It’s very good yeah yeah I’m doing this just for safety because that’s I need to go after the ceiling for my ice track to make a meat Scary safety first I I I I’m scared that when when if I see the gas and I suddenly will get the jump scare especially if it shoots me and then I don’t know where to go and I fall down and I die [Applause] and even if I build myself a ceiling when it already saw me and that’s what I’m talking about it’s gonna burn [Laughter] oh yeah but still yeah but still ah foxy I panicked I panicked immediately I knew I would panic thank God there was a Blog here I can make that jump

Come on come on wait I have ah I have feather falling boots feather falling golden boots in in the sugar would that help me when I fall down that would help me wouldn’t it surviving really well actually thank you thank you me the days of me dying What why Oh How deep am I what 67 67 . I need to go higher I’m fine oh my God um that sucks I really liked the way that you know you go out and you see the cherry blossoms immediately why does it have to be like those oh man now you come out and you see this just okay

Um now I have to go out of God I have so many ladders aren’t we happy about the ladders now break the portal break this portal Oh But then how do I get wait but then and then go for my old portal are you sure about this let’s let’s first see where we’re um gonna end up at um Very smart very smart digging straight up very smart very smart foreign For sure And no I don’t want to think anymore but the ladders the ladders don’t the ladders what if I go down and then I build the ladder Why is it so why are we so low should I break the portal first that’s what the poems for true okay I’ll break it [ __ ] now I have to now I have to go up again Thank you Harvest obsidian oh well foreign wait isn’t this like a way of endlessly producing more obsidian if my other portal still exists elsewhere oh it is oh my God That’s it are the developers aware of this loophole It’s not right yeah then I don’t really need to mine Deceiver enough obsidian I should build a whole house out of the obsidian oh this is terrifying Where the [ __ ] am I am I like in a mountain what if I’m in a mountain and I have to take like 5 million blocks up Hard to say foreign Okay wait a second guys we don’t need this anymore do we let’s talk about one topic Sun cream so I went to the pool swim swim today and I noticed I don’t I feel like I have some cream somewhere still but I didn’t find any okay

So I went to buy some and the store only had one because it was a supermarket they don’t have much variety and I didn’t look at the price because it’s just like a Nivea 30 SPF Sun cream I was like I mean how expensive can it be I I know that yeah

Sun cream sunscreens cream can get expensive especially if you buy a really High SPF one but like hit I take it I bring it to the counter and then the girl that checks me out she’s like kind of confused like she offers me to not buy it because I think she was also

Confused by the price because I I bought three things I bought some potato chips and a bottle of iced tea and the cream and it came out as like 30 bucks or so and then she’s like wait what what I think she she every time I see her she

Always looks kind of confused because I think she’s not wearing glasses even though she should Um and she was kind of confused why with these tiny items I get I I have to pay so much and the moment she mentioned it you know I didn’t really listen to what the the total came out to but she she was like this can’t be right this can’t

Be right do you wanna like maybe the price must be wrong do you want to maybe like give it back take it I can I can take it back I’m like eh wait wait you’re right this is kind of a crazy price is it like written wrong what is this snow no

No why snow I’m supposed to be in the Cherry Blossom by You know that’s a dollar for SPF exactly If I mind this will it fall on me I’m scared And we need to coordinates with the OG again yeah snow next to the Village maybe uh maybe maybe we’re not that but it’s a gravity block it better be it better be [Applause] okay what was I saying oh yeah so I was really confused we were both confused

And I thought I found yeah there must be a mistake like maybe they have the price wrong in the system ah But which way is uh what no I saw this with I’m in no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dad ah what what the heck down Dig Down I’m not gonna die wait where’s down where’s down where’s down where’s down I’m I’m always down where’s down where’s down where am I where am I where am I where is down I’m safe I’m safe I think I’m safe [Laughter] why ah this is so scary I was outside of the snow I wish to get one then we’ll place this here it will keep me safe why Mom Please let me go powder snow what will every step that I take be like that so I better make myself a pair Leather shoes or a leather shoes good against all the Snowman Yes oh see how smart I am no it’s raining You can Where is the village Where is the village I get a bit higher I I could see it maybe wait no this is a tiny piece of the Cherry Anyway that’s Maybe that way do I have to go south or north or 346. let’s get closer to like 200 maybe I don’t know and we didn’t see it if that’s the same Village is it Is just the right way Oh yeah it looks like the the other side of the village yeah I see my shelter boxes okay Such annoying like sudden incidents We did Should I bring something here in particular I think I’ll make some more [Applause] we wanted content yep I am getting that sounds so simple to go somewhere get some blocks and go back but no no it’s not not simple at all wait did I um okay ah here take this Is our portal still there that’s the important question yes yes sir at least one good message yeah anyway so it turns out the price was real like she called the colleague to go with me to the product to check you know if the product was written uh differently

Yeah I defend the falling boots wait this will now bring me back to the real portal right will it Better yep um um so then the price on the actual sign was the same I’m like kind of like like genuinely shocked it’s so expensive but the the both of them were so nice and then I think the um the other one was it was the superior

Of the girl and at the checkout and he just you know was like sorry this is it but if you want I’ll give you like 25 off of the price and I’m like hey yo what what that’s so nice thank you I’ll take that I will take that Yeah how can it be so crazy expensive pretty SPF is nothing that doesn’t even help me from Um fending off a sunburn it doesn’t even work for me I need like 60s Yeah and it was Nivea like Nivea it’s not Mommy I feel like you know all the other creams are not expensive it’s just I guess only the sun why is Sun cream so I’m so expensive that just how expensive can it be to create that huh and it keeps us from not getting

Skin cancer so can you please make it affordable thank you What today actually I am interested now now that I’m talking about it what is in there compared to other creams that keeps the sunburn away what magical thing is in there so what is it diamonds gold flakes obsidian yeah like just bullshitting me so far now what blocks the UV iron Google it I don’t know who to believe everybody says something different check Check what makes sunscreen um keep uh work there it is what makes sunscreen work physical sunscreen contains physical UV filters that reflect block the sun’s Rays before they penetrate the skin while chemical sunscreens contain this is what we’re talking about right contain organic compounds that transform UV rays into heat

Uh okay that sounds ridiculously um confusing let me Google in German pass is in Sun and cream Loosely organizations what are the UV filters made out of yep well I don’t know this doesn’t really help me I’m speaking of Oktoberfest Sink and titanium oh so interesting that that works like that I’m just stalling because I’m scared of the gas Wait Okay okay how do I how do I go back okay you see you see here no but I also didn’t really see him before last time and then he just suddenly appeared and shot me that little [ __ ] at least we the only reason we went back and and were in that Bamboozled

Situation was because I wanted to feather falling booths right and now we have them and now falling down shouldn’t be too painful right I would survive a big fall hopefully I don’t know The higher you go the harder for him to seal really so we just gotta quickly reach the ceiling I thought that was him [Applause] it looks like him now he’s close okay there he is and go down go down go down leave them to see

Me see me he didn’t see me he didn’t see me he didn’t see me go away go away go away pre-recorded why would you think it’s pretty recording it Oh well didn’t hurt that much there’s something that looked like the ceiling there by the way But we’ll probably have to dig a little bit more even there because then there’s a the Soul Sand but that’s not the ceiling really oh God it’s still very far Yummy oh come on I’m so bad with ladders I know wait Crouching the ladder to stay still okay second row of ladders Maybe one more ladder Foreign That one topic I’m just shocked by how expensive it is I ended up buying it and I uh put it on my body but I hope I’m not getting a sunburn from it I also put on after sun so sunscreen and after sun both I feel like I’m gonna be fine yeah looking at my arms now I feel like usually when I get a sunburn by now I would already see it And I don’t [Applause] save this style okay How about coming out of the Soul Sand suddenly it better not I don’t think there was like foreign He’s above me oh I see the the other ceiling the ceiling above the ceiling so progress Sheesh Ceiling section I’m too scared to look above I want to wear like an umbrella or something oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I think an umbrella would help me I want umbrellas in Minecraft something to Shield you from the Gaze of such enemies I want to hurt you ah [Applause] get on it Mojo Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi so where was he is moving did you see him I don’t see him No oh that almost killed me Where’d you go I wish I could put something there that would like You know bounce me off maybe jelly or something like that a bed bed Works no wait Are you seriously asking for me to put a bed in the Never are you you you you know ah ah just okay you can do it as long as you don’t right click it foreign

I don’t know please please have mercy on my soul oh What did he despawn He was he was going that way suddenly right behind me no no no no no God damn it I’m just not shaking please leave me alone what I mean with that I’m just you know scared ceiling ceiling’s getting closer Okay next tangent um oh yeah shoulder step I posted it on Twitter See it where is this [ __ ] I should kill him to him so maybe you saw on Twitter guys but uh yeah I I I bought this like here they call it taka band I mean there’s also a lesson [Laughter] let’s fancy word called elastic band this means it’s a elastic nice reactions done you should add the floor here for now what do you mean oh for jumping down maybe yeah on the side good idea no he’s aiming very well but he he shoots at the point where I’m standing

On top so if I jump down if I wouldn’t jump down he would totally get me Here is a level okay while they’re saying oh yeah I bought one of these these uh they’re they’re not made out of latex but they are kind of like latex really thin strips of latex-ish uh something oh I’m running out of material Um and the reason I bought them is because I remember that being really really useful like it actually easy to use when I had physical therapy in Austria several times before but then in this one physical therapy they use these these latex tape thingies to stretch in many many ways you can

Like make it easier to stretch like every part of your body seemingly and also I noticed when I was using it yesterday Not just stretching it it literally really needs some some muscle so you can build muscle with it too while stretching now is the gascon somewhere it’s always there we cannot let our guard down yeah and it has like it came in five different variations um depending on the color

Some are even like yep um stronger stronger than others [ __ ] that we’re more like difficult to pull and stretch than the others and it also came with a little booklet that has like instructions on how to uh use it what kind of stretchings you can do and which part it will help but

The reason I really posted it on Twitter was because of the typo did you guys even notice the typo I wanted to roast the booklet Oh cause on top of the booklet on the cover uh yeah I’m still there we didn’t shoot this time There we go yeah yeah Quick stats I’m in with these kind of things that you get from Amazon so often will there be um typos yeah but I mean come on on the cover foreign Come on I was reading a little bit for you to find more typos and there were more typos inside but like it’s like sometimes they write the same word right and then they write it wrong what’s what’s going on there huh that the person who wrote or like

Translated the manual because there’s so many languages just type it all by hand but like speed typing I try to finish it in like five minutes how else could you make so many typos of course no quality check but I get that because I I’m I assume it’s a sweet product so

There’s no no typos and though no one to check the typos anyway I’m really again kind of out of materials so but I’ll pick up the Soul Sand now I guess is this the ceiling now how do you isn’t there like a a set ceiling like always

At the same Block in the Never foreign ing is a dying job yes saddling are six pretty high 128. 128 or 19. please no lava please don’t lava please no Lava that would [ __ ] me up that would [ __ ] me um we’re safe from the gasp now okay

Nice window here I’m gonna close it up There’s no way he’ll see me now at least I can mind this with my um ah never mind I can mind this move my shovel I was saying but now I need my pickaxe that’ll be fun we’ll be fine If I were to mine some um what’s it called again The stuff you get in the never the not not the first Marine the quartz I could get exp from that right Yeah maybe I should go look for some but this area I don’t know it scares me scares me okay but wait I have one diamond I could re repair it oh see we reached the ceiling reach the ceiling okay okay okay okay let’s make like a little base to stand on right um And decide which direction we’re going wait which direction are we going North right in any case North Um a little bit less X as well but hmm I would need Stone pickaxes where I am ah what’s the chord I don’t really know I don’t really know actually if you don’t think I ever took a screenshot Man I I I wanted to meet so I I kind of have to get it right here when I start the tunnel I’ll just go a few steps over here I mean it it could work if Kaila went to the beginning of the tunnel and told me the X right if she just tells me the X and maybe also the why although the Y should not make a big difference It’s busy though isn’t she and you guys said she wasn’t streaming but surely she’s streaming now right yeah she’s exploring really far And die and dig from the other end Um Yeah I can explain that to her but Um don’t don’t worry it’s not streaming why would she do stuff like that when she’s not streaming that’s streaming content Yeah my respawn is in the village now um tell me [ __ ] really Do you wanna we see oh clink Hi lion oh she almost makes me want to adopt her as a whole no Tony ah where could we see I’m okay I’m in I am in Japanese BC server Is she a real one she’s the real one I’ll explain everything to her I have confidence in getting her to the beginning of my eyes path who knows maybe somebody maybe she she should know where you know my house and in a house Etc is right she

Probably at some point saw it before I’m sure someone took her there before maybe like in a tour I I I I don’t I I could really use a little bit of help I am so sorry to trouble you but you can’t hear her one second I’m streaming by the way as you may know um here wait a minute what happened what happened

Um so I I’m on the en server so first of all can you make your way to the Ian server oh okay okay hold on don’t don’t worry you can take your time take your time it’s okay I I can just die it’s okay okay well done yeah yeah okay

Trying to kill the warden outside of a stream oh no no no no I’m I’m not I’m not trying to kill the word I’m hunting for the trims the new items in Minecraft the update one ones um they have like 16 dreams and I was like already

Knife done and I have done on stream like uh nine of it I think eight eight eight eight eight of it and then I kind of do yeah like yeah you know um there’s I I feel like I just cannot do it like all on stream because it’s gonna be like

Unlimited stream of finding yeah I I actually never heard of the armor trim before so I didn’t know what you were talking yeah it’s a it’s a new update it’s really new it’s really new okay well done okay so let me explain you my situation so okay I’m gonna answer it

And I put like a long time ago I built in the never in our main like never portal Place uh we I built an ice path an ice rail before to get to the Mesa biome okay yeah and uh that’s a long time ago but today I wanted to find the Sakura uh

And so for that I I thought okay I’ll use my eyes track and I’ll go even further and then I continue to extend the ice path and now I’m basically like really really far away and trying to build the ice path from the very very other side where I’m far away and then

Make it meet you know I wanted to meet paps so so so so right now I’m in the never and I think I’m kind of like like somewhat close to the ex um you know XYZ I’m I think I’m close to the X path where I should be but I’m not

Sure where exactly I needed to be exact so that the two sides meet you know what I mean oh actually there is a calculator about the nether portal in the Overworld oh yeah but I’m I’m already in the never and the other side is also than ever I

Just need the the path to me so for that I would ask you to go to the beginning of my ice road because I’m not in the ending of it and just tell me the X okay okay okay sure sure do you know where our portal is our never portal

Uh not really but I can I can try okay it’s okay I can explain though um do you know where my and Ina and gouda and all our houses yeah I think I think I kinda remember but it’s okay if you take the uh you know you spawn

Somewhere and then there’s a train right that goes through muna’s legs and Ollie’s legs take that and then you will be in the main myth area that’s where the nether portal is okay here uh uh take your talent take your time how are you doing today Kyla

Fine just playing games the whole thing yeah nothing to do what time is it Kayla almost two almost two yeah okay time where are you right now keep me updated uh hold on I’m still um trying to put all of my items yeah in the and their chest take your

Time can you are you good at multitasking yeah yeah yeah okay so when I just keep talking you you can still do the things yeah okay I can’t what do you mean like you you talk with your viewers too right like yeah and making sentences when I’m playing

Minecraft and doing things than when I’m not playing Minecraft and doing things nah you’re lying you’re you’re lying you’re you’re good at it was from what what’s interrupting myself and losing track and I’m like where would I well look I make no sense really okay I’m just I will just die I’m trying

To find a way to die um okay yeah the gas was interrupting me that’s the truth Where should I die anyway everywhere is a good place to die no no I’ll just I’ll just call the warden again hold on here yeah Lord and I’m here is like so slow faster oh I want to meet more than two sometime mm-hmm so wait there’s there’s armor

Trims where the warden is yeah the ancient city the armor trims are they all in the ancient city no no no no they’re they’re like 16 right so it’s like 10 different no no no um eight different places eight probably I don’t know if I don’t miscount okay

Like what are other places for example okay uh the ocean Monument the sinking ship yeah and then the the desert temple places yeah interest but the ocean Monument one you need to defeat the what is that the Elder Guardian the big one the big creature one yeah and then it will drop newly

Spawned uh new new spawned chunks right yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Kyla is dead okay uh R.I.P I’m taking all of my items first today and this update was I mean decently big with the ancient yeah you you should do like exactly I mean if you if you really

Love to explore you can do that like yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s my main thing in Minecraft I’m so bored when I have to build something that’s for me that’s why yeah yeah so my next plan is after after I’m done with my Sakura cherry blossom

Thing I want to check out the ancient the ruins the ancient ruins Kyla doesn’t really build either I guess so you’re more of an Explorer too I usually build off shrimp though so that I can focus when there’s a new update somewhere in maybe half a year or so I don’t know how

Long it takes but if there’s a new update we go explore together okay okay we go together then you can go elsewhere but keep one thing that we can go together okay okay okay sure right away don’t worry I’ll do it right away with you if he also enjoy exploring so much and

You know I always check out these things alone but it would be nice to go with someone hey let’s go okay I’m heading out to the en portal oh okay um and then I need to go to the portal the nether portal like the general one right

Uh yeah it’s like in the middle of the myth houses like across in a house and so on so after you after you write the the little train through all these big Muna and Ollie and Ahmed figures you go past the big kfp like the the Rainbow Road and the kfp

And then and then you should already kind of see the portal you just go straight okay hold on um the pants to express right that was the name The Punchy Express hmm is this the first time that we’re like one-on-one kinda right yeah kinda in the Stream yeah yeah on stream

This one Kayla and kiwawa You’re the only one that got my name like correctly what do you mean yeah the other is like Kayla yeah but I mean it’s fine like it’s just like kind of surprising yeah yeah I get that though because like for me it’s not as a big difference is your name I think but

For me everybody calls me Kiara Kiara like they say it’s so English but I always just say my own name is Kiara like Japanese yeah yeah yeah so that’s like why I also pronounce your name you know more Japanese kailan you know Kayla yeah that’s right yeah

A lot of people call me Kayla Kalin Kyle and Kyle Kayla but you yourself you call yourself Kyla yeah uh no usually the ID members gonna just call me Ella instead of that’s so cute but when you say yeah full name when you say the full name oh yeah yeah um

I’m in the nether already yeah so you spawn in this little like fenced area right yep yep yep then you walk out the fence and you turn left immediately okay turn left turn left steps first okay go up go up up okay eventually you will reach the top okay

Just go up the stairs right yeah you are so fast Kyla okay and then oh yes the eyes you see that nice okay now look I don’t know if it matters it probably doesn’t matter but look look to the look towards the eyes and then tell me your coordinates

Oh just this one yeah there’s a boat with big lens is that intentional no not really but ignore okay okay so you want the coordinates like um x y z in uh no I mean um where should I stand like besides the fence or in front of the ice I think it’s fine

Okay okay so it’s um 31 oh uh do you need the Y yeah let’s get them all 120 120 and minus 53. minus 53. okay you are an absolute Angel oh wait ah okay never mind sorry one more thing can you is there a chest somewhere there

Yeah with a boat inside yes yes a boat yeah can you take the boat and go all the way to the end of the it’s really fast don’t worry okay just quickly go to the other side because actually at the end of the Ice Road

Um when you get off I built like a continuation an extension um you have to get off the boat once and go to the right side there’s a a second path that one is probably better if I get the chords for that one hold on Um do you need anything like shelter chest or anything because I have um all I need I just need to make the connection from the ice road but I’m like really far away But the only way she could give it to me is if she left the never and then flew over on her own found me here because there’s no connection yet guys she doesn’t need to no no no no but I mean um I mean a pickaxe would be nice but no no

No no no No no I mean I mean can you can you continue working with other pancakes yeah my problem is my both of my pickaxes are pretty dead and I need to make a really long tunnel that’s why hold on I’ll figure that out I can give you my outside coordinates

But then it would take you ages to read here to reach here I mean I mean you have made like the what is that the nether portal right yeah but if you uh well yeah yeah yeah there is a portal where that is relatively close to where I am I guess yeah

Wait hold on this one wait I have already arrived and then there’s like an intersection yeah where should I go after the eyes did you get the end you got off of the boat once right yeah and then there’s like stairs don’t go down go right I think on the

Same height there’s a continuation okay continue okay you saw yeah I continue speed speed speed speed speed do you even have a pickaxe that you can give me right now um I I I can I can I can just give you mine it’s okay okay I’ll give it back to you though

I think I think I have fit but hold on hold on I’ll I’ll yeah I’ll check if you don’t have it then it’s better to go back now than afterwards yeah I mean yeah right do you have enough fireworks because it took me a couple of fireworks

The fire oh yeah yeah the portal to where I am I oh okay oh it’s okay it’s okay uh all good all good I’ll get all the no worries no worries uh this one I should have bring Okay this one this one okay so I got from the portal you should what did I see when I got I I think I I have a screenshot of what I saw just to confirm if when you get out of the portal I I can confirm with you the coordinates that you should

Have okay so I go out from the portal okay okay and then it should be 187 yep 71 and 12 000 something yep okay okay okay now I go outside of my portal and I tell you my Overworld coordinates yeah it’s um okay do you have to probably write

This down it’s quite a lot I mean you can just type it on game problem okay it’s good oh my God genius it’s gonna be easier okay genius it’s uh 259. all right now and you will notice when you get in the area there is a village

With uh with lots of uh cherry blossom trees okay and it’s very beautiful okay okay so but actually you have to go south mostly um you’re moving to that place no I am here right now and then I mean I mean as in you’re gonna build whatever you’re

Gonna do after this there I’m not gonna live here but I’m just building a connection so that you know we can mine I’m probably gonna be the only one using it but you can always have uh cherry blossom trees here oh yeah if someone needs a lot of cherry blossom trees then

You can come here you know you know how everybody uses like the Japanese server and the resource server and all that but I I’m a little bit stubborn and I want to continue using the en server and find things on my own not use things that

People already found so I try to find my own resources you know what I mean okay okay yeah I mean that’s kind of great yeah thank you did you go out to find your own cherry blossom bayomi yet or not yet uh yeah because I pass it through like

Several of it right because I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you can’t even looking for it oh no there is like oh wait there is like a jack picks here what so if you so if you um trying to find ancient city right you need to find like Jack pics Yes there’s gonna be like probably ancient city there I just passed through it check check picks Jack picks pics check check okay um is that what I found guys when I was exploring today because I found some really really really really really high mountains yeah the mountains I’ve ever

Seen yeah I think the en server got a lot of high high mountains yeah but you gotta go really far away but yeah I found something like that this is kind of interesting that was that was jacked Peaks really yeah okay then I know where to go next time yeah to explore

But just be careful wow is it dangerous uh when you I mean not oh there’s a woodland Mansion here what I missed that yeah there’s also trims in the Woodland mansion by the way oh nice why I found everything when I’m when when I’m not really did it right now I know

It took me quite a while to find the Sakura today oh me hold on hold on do you want oh let me let me just take a screenshot of the Woodland Mansion so that probably later on I can hand you over the coordinates okay I might have

Explored one before but maybe I’ll go again yeah because you need the trims right like let’s say because that I guess is a new chunk probably most likely yeah and then this one is close just besides of the Woodland Mansion there’s like a frozen picks so maybe there is

Like um engine cd2 there Oneness wow Jack picks oh no maybe you’re looking at the same ones that I saw the jacked Peaks yeah now that you’re coming I’ll take my I’ll take these boxes with me shulker boxes that’s cool Where I am right now ten thousand more well be careful when you fly not that you like Bonk into something accidentally okay let’s do some some some Chit Chat while you’re on your way have you ever been to Japan Kyla yes but it’s like um just a vacation with like a tour

Leader and something like that you went with a tour how was it tell me about it I don’t know like joining a tour usually just kind of tiring but yeah wait did I forget to ask about the second tunnel chords did I wait maybe I did

Do you really need it because it’s kind of snow it’s okay later later yeah you have to go back anyway yeah yeah yeah we just have to wait a bit a little bit longer it’s okay anyway yeah yeah and please continue to The Hobbit homes in New Zealand yeah

Yeah what what what what the life [ __ ] what what the life that told you didn’t they sometimes already before the pandemic of course what why why why why why why why why what did you do you do you love Lord of the Rings as much as I

Do oh my God that’s the question actually what was the answer guys can I just teleport somewhere oh my god of the Rings why did you go there yeah because of that the same reason the tour just brought me there and I hi you actually went just to see New

Zealand and that was the part of the tour yeah yeah part of the tour oh my God and then you saw The Hobbit holes and it didn’t make you want to watch the movie know that the tour in the bus right they kind of um

Play The Lord of the Rings movies but I think I think I think I think yeah I think I think that’s because if you don’t watch it properly you better not watch it at all in them yeah I know I know I get it I get it no it’s okay no

Worries I just I just slept okay yeah so so all good all good come on coffee of course of course but since I got no reference about it probably I just like ha ha ha like that but but it’s cool it’s really cool it’s cute it’s cool

Yeah and where else wait the the New Zealand tour wasn’t part of some kind of worldwide tour where Japan was also part of it was it why do you always go on tours I’ve never been to a tour like that before I just traveled it’s because I’m like I mean my parents like

Um yeah my parents so I just like yeah okay yeah okay so wait was that was the the trip the idea of your parents originally going to New Zealand was there any idea uh because they have this kind of like you know they they want to like um just

Go as many countries as possible before they probably cannot walk you know like yeah and then they took you as well wait that’s nice but it’s like oh there’s outposts here I’ll just take the screen yeah I’ll take off the screenshot and we’ll hand over

It all of it for you thank you thank you yeah because there is also trims in Outpost ah okay wow hey it’s like a schnitzel yacht in German what’s it in English again uh uh it’s called again you guys tell me what is that what is that scavenger hunt

Yeah that’s fun let’s look at the hunt in if it’s your Han do you know what scavenger hunt is I’ll tell you oh my God I can teach you something I know it like in the Indonesian maybe I don’t know probably there’s an Indonesian word

Um it’s like when normally you do it as a child I would say you um get like a uh you need to find something so oh God how do you even explain that how do I explain that how do I explain that hey there is also a Sakura biome in the 18 000.

Money yeah you get a list of items to find and then you have to find them you know so like in Minecraft now this trims oh yeah as a child I think maybe maybe you even did it before it’s like a fun children party event Um what’s a [ __ ] 18 000 and you were just going straight right now right not really I think oh no yeah no no why not it would be faster if you just go straight because because it’s like a habit yeah of getting distracted with all of the things yeah

I was trying purposefully to just go straight because I wanted to make the tunnel easier to connect you know I don’t want to have any Curves in the tunnel I just want the tunnel to go straight straight straight place to go to go make it straight and

You get out of the tunnel and then you have Sakura yeah okay I’m 19 000. okay like if you if you had to build something and you need Sakura now you know you can come here and use my Sakura sure yeah okay I mean I know where it is

Right now right so I’m gonna go okay we have a customer it’s free of course wow Kyla got the permission to use the resource from E and this is kinda this is I don’t know if this is kind of good or kind of bad because because

Actually right I was like trying to oh myself for like the resources from the Ian well as long as you don’t take 50 uh electrons hello then we’re good don’t worry how can I stop like how wow oh by the way I’m sorry I just disconnected for the sleeping part and I

Lost the accordions I’m in 20 000 already what is the X wait I read it again the whole thing these these okay okay two five two five nine two five nine okay that way where are you now 21 000. oh I’m close I’m close I’m pretty close now yeah

I’m closed let me stand on top okay then oh and with open arms I think I can I can hear you from from the sky yeah I think yeah [Applause] [Laughter] um you can hear me from Indonesia yeah okay if next time I I come to Austria in Austria oh don’t go on the tour just go yeah yeah I’ll make sure that I call you

Hello hello tell me all the countries you’ve been to before because you’ve been to so many apparently ah I think the one religion that I haven’t gone to is I think only America oh well where in Europe have you been oh the the general one like Paris

Um okay okay um I’ve gone to West Europe um um um um yeah that part of area the East one not really have you been to Germany in Germany yes but I kind of forgot like what what a tourist destination I was there Berlin I think I think have you been to Austria

Austria oh no I really need to uh I don’t know somebody just made me know because yeah when when we when we went to like uh when we go to a tour like that right we we went to like a lot of places like oh was it a Europe tour like

A general yeah the West Europe tour and the South Europe nice did you go to Spain yeah did you go to the Netherlands yeah true true did you go to the to Hungary yes yes yes yes yes fine did you go to Italy of course of course did you go to Switzerland

Of course we went to every day except Austria because I think Australia also but I kind of just like I just forgot you know like I really need to check the itinerary yeah yeah I need to know of course of course yeah yeah London of course London yeah check

Check um maybe not I think once yeah I think I think once yeah whoa did you go because I don’t know can I remember some more European countries did you go to Um hey there’s the village yeah wait wait what where should I go um I mean maybe I’m in front of the portal hi hello okay Oh my God Kyla you know what you know I used to play MMORPGs back in the day all the time and right now the moment I saw you I got this feeling of like holy [ __ ] this is like a high level player who’s like 50 letters above me

That’s that’s the vibe you’re giving off if you look look at this look at this you you see the dress oh yeah that’s the yeah I just wanted I just want to look so high level to me yeah that’s the trim you got the Austrian flag on your head the Austrian

Flag red let’s go thank you so much for coming it’s so it’s almost night there is no creeper here better with problems and there are some isn’t this place so pretty Kyla I already took some trees pretty Ryan I’m gonna sleep over here on my floating bed I will somehow find

Where is my bed I don’t know or maybe I can just fix it it’s okay easier with NHS this was actually also a problem I had that I left my under chest uh what do you want and you have to self watch um you have the silk touch the cakes yeah I

Have it but it’s like pretty much broken now um because I’m building the tunnel yeah because if you want to take the under chest you need to still touch right yeah yeah yeah I have that but no worries I I don’t need anything from the interest

Either I think I just I just need a fresh pickaxe maybe oh okay beings I wonder what she got the big what the okay Kyle I have in her and the chest my workshop looks empty fireworks show nothing inside she’s just imagining it actually actually I could repair my own pickaxes probably

Because I have some diamonds in my under chest all that done done done because because right now right in the in the updates you really need the diamonds for sure oh okay yeah you really need that oh Maybe maybe I think will you use them to duplicate armor trims so they’re more important what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] already like I was already struggling to gain more diamonds now you need it for another thing And you there’s still no way to make like a diamond farm right no way there’s no way of doing that then why oh why would they do that no but I don’t know how how much I really need armor trims I think I think just take

My my pickaxe is also not just just take this just take this just take just take it and probably just rename it it’s okay I’ll I’ll make a new one for me twice I will uh oh two thank you I’ll bring it back to you I’ll find your house and

I’ll bring it back or maybe you can just drop it in the temple later on or maybe no worries like because you’re far away find you we’ll find each other you’ll probably be online the next time I play Minecraft you’ll be somewhere okay okay okay sure sure

Um you really don’t need the energy chest you sure about that yeah if you really need it I don’t know do I need something guys oh I think now I don’t I decided to not fly back I decided to make although um do you need food food no

No okay all good yeah guys should I fly back with her and go to the start of or should I or should I just build from where I am now where I started I don’t think I will fly back though what I think I’ll just die again

But then I don’t know the coordinates yeah I mean I can just die and then just go back to that um portal yeah it’s a portal or the ice it’s gonna be easier yeah I’ll build from here then okay because I already started anyway kind of I’ll just leave the Ender Chest here

Then okay I think that’ll be useful for the future anyway so if you ever need to Blossom stuff come here because I will be the only one using it probably oh you look so cute without your armor what I’m cool not yet no I know okay where can I die here I

Can kill you oh yeah it’s an honor to be killed by me right uh of course yes um sure you do not have anything else firework all good um yeah now I don’t need the firework anymore but they’re in the in the chest anyway okay uh okay then

Anything else no no have you ever seen powder snow before in the game the one that um that one kills you yeah the one that kills something yeah yeah some close by oh in case you want to die I love how this is it is it that one

Like in front of it yeah yeah that’s it that’s it do you want to die by powder snow not really like um it’s gonna be painful right it’s also going to be painful to have you stab you uh I don’t know what what can I do um ouch Ouch no no I will I will die with this oh I’ll try oh yeah this get this not gonna be painful right um well I have some painful experiences oh no that must have hurt okay hold on um and then I need to are you sure you’re human

Yeah of course you died you left nobody behind you just left you poof there was no body that’s my soul hold on um where is the the closest and richest in the Yen Surfer there’s one at the never portal I don’t know where exactly you are right

Now are you in the I’m in front of the what is this the temple the spawn area is it the main spawn yeah the spawner area yeah is there and it’s just there there probably is I just don’t know where then maybe you take the train to the

Nether portal because there there’s a I know there is an NHS there or maybe I can just hold on I’ll just go to the portal first to the news okay okay I’ll go back into the never so what do you need um the the the coordinates from

Like before you left the never right before okay the end of the ice train By the way do you not like fantasy movies um [Applause] honestly I’m not really watch movies though like it’s not about fantasy movie it’s like General movies I just don’t watch movies I’m really sorry all your free time with gaming yeah like that do you never do like Movie

Watches for your members no I I I I I did once I did once I tried but every single time I watch movies I just fall asleep so are they all boring to you maybe you just saw the wrong movie it’s not really not really but I feel like it’s just

Like you know sitting down and then like just looking at the screen it’s just like um not relaxing right I mean I understand that when you watch a movie it’s easy to fall asleep once you know it’s cozy do you watch it when you’re lying in bed

Or not really I mean I mean um I have my friends like um asking me to go to watch movies I also fall asleep so um it’s just it’s just I think I cannot because I just cannot watch movies I think What about anime do you not watch anime then uh back then I watch anime with um my siblings but it’s not like the anime that I want to watch too like it’s just like my siblings gonna say like hey this one is a good anime and then I just who

Do like um watch along with my siblings yeah so it’s like that but right now I just played James yeah wow maybe you wouldn’t fall asleep during a movie if you properly get some sleep before like eight hours and then watch the movie it’s not like that it’s not It’s not it’s not like that feeling that you know a human usually falls asleep when they’re tired you know it’s a sign of being tired it’s my defense no in my defense I’ve I’ve never fall asleep when I’m playing games no matter how much I sleep or how late

Understandable don’t that make sense though because you’re like focusing on a task and for for movies it’s easier to fall asleep because you’re not really doing anything but it it will be even easier when you’re actually when you’re sleeping you know but I mean I mean instead of watching movies

Probably it’s better for me to just sleep but you have to well my point was you have to watch Lord of the Rings that’s that’s what my child also said about that like don’t let Kiara know that you haven’t watched a Lord of the Rings so good really it’s really really good

And especially that’s why I was asking if you like fantasy because fantasy like in terms of fantasy the genre it’s like the top of the top um a lot of learning this is a great movie I know but yeah yeah um For you because you said it’s made all the Rings is not mid um the so you can’t even say what’s your favorite like genre for movies yeah and shows TV shows and anime no I just I just don’t watch oh my God you can’t even judge that because oh my God yeah That’s that’s so interesting I’ve never I don’t know met a person like that before who just I mean I guess I got a lot of movie tickets because I yeah you know like um my my friends gonna be like hey watch this movies this is like trending movies

Okay okay okay okay and then I just left like but I keep I keep all of the tickets so that if if people ask me like hey uh do you watch this and then I’m gonna say like oh yeah yeah I watched that yeah yeah I I I I didn’t know what happened

But I still keep all of the tickets it’s like it’s like four tickets five tickets per movie no it’s it counts no in pounds not if you don’t remember anything no no unbelievable so where are you right now I’m in the portal making the boats Kyla what’s your favorite food

I like bitter food bitters oh do you like bitter food well do you like it do you like that you would bite into a into a lemon and enjoy it just for fun bite into a lemon yeah I mean why not but my favorite is actually bitter bitter melon bitter

Melon I don’t know is that bitter melon in Austria I don’t know they’re melon I think the melon would only be bitter if it’s already like off sour do you mean sour oh wait I know lemon was Sour sorry yeah but sometimes it’s really sour you like bitter food dinner Way better better is like damn that’s like like cough syrup is bitter and and what else is better but yeah but I mean not the cough syrup yeah wait wait wait isn’t um you know uh what’s it called um there’s this fruit that always people always put into like fruit bowls and all

That that’s pretty bitter um um um it’s like almost like an orange yeah grapefruit grapefruit do you like grapefruit what grapefruit is not bitter yeah to me it’s bitter what chat isn’t it bitter it’s not sour I think it’s bitter Griffin tends to be like sweet and sour you know

All the people in chat saying it’s bitter but then a lot of people are also confused and say it’s sour you guys I think we’re both we’re all confused right now what’s better and what’s sour but for me I feel like it’s generally bitter um that’s how no it’s not sour we’re not

Talking about lemons anymore I haven’t met any grapefruit there’s bitter what wait so what food is bitter bitter melon is bitter and then there’s like a papaya papaya leaves the papaya flower I don’t know if um yeah that’s bitter yeah that’s really bitter bitter amount oh that’s gourd oh yeah yeah oh I hate gourd I think

Wait what’s Gordon German again gorgeous there are a lot of uh bitter food bitter bitter food bitter drinks and ID so yeah just it’s not just I am in front of the pores also I cannot go out right yeah no no leaving just tell me uh the coordinates please in

Front of the portal right yeah I’ll just write it thank you then okay wait which portal you’re in the never right yeah the inside the nether right not the Overworld yeah like on the ice road in front of the live portal mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah and then that’s

What I need yeah that makes sense with the 119 that makes sense okay oh you’re the best thank you thank you if you need anything just chat me you know what I need I need to do another collab with you sometime let’s go the Minecraft exploring collab it will be fun

Maybe we can uh how many trims do you have by now oh I think I think I’m gonna finish it this week oh hey how many trims is usually in one location okay so um there’s like um one or two oh oh dear yeah because I was

Gonna offer that we go together but if we have to share one or two then I think you you you can have you should you should go alone yeah yeah I mean but actually um if we the stronghold gonna be can be like more than one and then and then actually if I

Have like the duplicate it’s actually fine too because the duplicate is like kind of expensive we need eight diamonds for each duplicate wow so yeah I mean hmm I will always be open for any yeah we’ll go on an adventure maybe not the trims but we’ll

Go on a different Adventure yeah we can kill the warden together so of course yeah okay thank you I’ll give you back the the pickaxes sometime thank you it’s okay no worries good luck for your work good night don’t don’t stay up too late good good good what good afternoon is it it’s already half past nine pm here okay okay then good night then again Bye bye guys oh that was nice nice talk I mean during the whole time when we were talking uh not I feel like I barely you know I didn’t do anything and we stayed in the same spot yeah but we got the chorus Um so let me look at this 22 22 22. oh this way it’s going down so we’ll um go a little bit uh this way 20 22 Yeah 22 22. we’ll go until we’re at 22 and then we go towards the dead and then we should like literally arrive right in front of

Our portal hmm 22 22 22. oh yeah so honestly the sacrament that I found is like really right where I needed to be hmm pretty much perfect location there’s no ah now you don’t hear it okay I switched I switched the Boom the output there you go okay Uh 22 22 is here and then uh which way though I need to run around a little bit here in my chamber we need to get the 3 000 down right that’s going up this way okay so right side makes sense this way right and I had a four wait we can even adjust I think it was

19 right so this height would be yeah that’s exactly success we can finally continue guys exciting when she was standing in front of the portal she was standing on the ice still I think right so I need one more level lower I think Two two she was probably on the ice like standing on the ice so one more little about probably oh I got raided I never got raided by other whole life members what the [ __ ] oh my God wait is that the first time that might be the first time thank you Vesper

It might be the first time one hello besties oh thank you I am let me explain what we’re doing here I started the stream preparing to go on a journey to find a Sakura by Omi and our en server and then you know because I don’t I mean

People already found it in our Japan and resource but I don’t care I want to find my own because Adventure let’s go and then I uh flew no I first used um an ice road to the neighbor that I built a long time ago to find the Mesa

By Omi and then I went to the end of that left no then I went a little bit further I built an extension went out and went to fly to find the circle of biome on wings and that took a while finally found one then I realized oh I’m

Out of fireworks so now I have to build it from the other side so we were trying the whole time to find the perfect placement uh where to you know build it from the other side so that it will perfectly meet the other end of the ice tunnel

That I created a million miles ago because it’s literally so far away and I also brought a lot of those Sakura stuff with me and we had like a one hour okay maybe another maybe half an hour Rescue Mission from Kyla she wait this is free tall

Wait I need one more level taller yeah akaila went and because she she went out of her way to find where my tunnel is to give me the coordinates Um what an angel now we know where to go Because she was the only one online they know I’m I’m in Europe so normally when I play Minecraft the only people who are ever online is like well at the end of my streams you know sometimes you know maybe if I go really long although this I don’t think this

Ever happened before fauna could be online and Who else one two three four yeah Okay I put that I don’t I don’t remember the last time that happened so usually I’m always playing alone but the longer I play the higher the chances that I meet someone yeah yeah Will be streaming or she won’t and she’ll just be grinding her train in Mings forever whatever Indonesia she is the one you can rely on she is um I can’t rhyme on that word well that was pretty good it was pretty good up to that point pretty good

Kylie used to stream at your time yeah yeah her recent Minecraft streams I’m glad she came back but her recent Minecraft streams have also been more aimed at any times right so that’s sad too Cali come back to play Minecraft with me what is she even up to

Also how far are we getting now I need to I need to go to a thousand No wait no it’s not that’s not too bad right we need to go a thousand four hundred blocks in that direction I think he built a home she built you mean in the in the Japan server because she already has one a bunker in the Ian server

Hey yo what the [ __ ] no I hate when this happens no no problem no problem no problem no problem no problem I hate when that happens Okay okay okay I’ve done this before why is there another one of those idiots around here As long as I’m crouching I’m right I’m safe right Keep on crouching just keep on crouching just keep on crouching escape from Crouching oh God oh God Sometimes sometimes I’m not sure anymore if I’m crouching or not but okay turn around I’ve done this before I’ve traversed the never I mean the what’s that called again where where would you kill the Ender Dragon the Ender where’s online the end yeah the end I’ve traversed the end before successfully

This this is not something that can scare me eyes okay closing it off hopefully this will not happen too often also I should play some torches I guess I haven’t placed any Can’t watch it’s already closed don’t worry Fixed it servicing another centuries in the end I don’t know about that I mean in the end you gotta be careful I mean once you have the elytra Then you fly around I mean you guys were always like yeah be careful with that when I stand I want to just fly over the islands to find more electrons you guys were so concerned about me flying through but then I didn’t like off-screen once and I was fine I never

Died I think More okay a bit more crouching am I crouching I’m crutching okay yeah I honestly think it’s it’s more scary to do it with like the the the bridge technique then doing it with flying with an already existing elytra the bridging freaks me out I mean eventually you’re kind of like in

A groove right And you just keep on placing one next to another and it just all works out but it’s still [ __ ] scary yeah flying is kind of especially because yeah the chances of bumping into a newly spawned huge ass Mountain like in the normal world on normal land outside

Chances are kind of low right because the only thing you have is like these big ships and the rest is like pretty much mostly flat there’s no real mountains four hours we aren’t in Super Chat tensions pillows what do you mean you think I normally would read super Chance by now

I don’t know but super trans we’re pretty caught up but uh I’ll try to read them today as well I don’t know when almost 10 p.m now we can still go on for a while I wanna I wanna finish this tunnel for sure Nintendo diet okay let’s talk about the

Nintendo diet yeah yeah yeah yeah okay wait I should also get rid of the other topic my topic memo Talked about the shoulder stuff anyway I didn’t quite finish the topic but yeah I got those I got those um I don’t know do you guys call it Tara bands in English too is it is that just German because I think the name is actually kind of uh cool name

But that’s I’m gonna use that and when I was using it yesterday I tried to remember how I used it during physical therapy and it definitely felt like you know I was using my muscles and all that so resistance bands okay yeah I just stepped on it and pulled it up and then I also I just um wrapped it around my the legs of my big ass massive dining table because I didn’t know what to wrap it around what else and I just went into like a set down and I was like uh

I don’t know what you call that position like like I’m in the boat you know um yeah yeah good stuff good stuff Ken recommend 10 out of 10 because like it doesn’t even take up any space and it makes all of that like a lot easier and more motivating In my opinion it’s really helpful it takes up no space so I’m thinking of bringing it to Japan as well and I’m going yeah rowing a boat yeah rowing a boat I mean I have the rowing machine but I I I I don’t know about the rowing machine I how are they fine Are they immune to Lava oh well the rowing machine I feel like I I think there’s there’s something with my rowing machine that I don’t know I have to make some setting or so because I think it’s like and maybe it’s because it’s such a cheap one because there’s different types of

Rowing machines as far as I know I bought a rowing machine yeah a while ago didn’t I did I not tell you I feel like I told you I bought a rowing machine because I wanted to be able to do it whenever at home but mine’s kind of like

I feel like it has barely any resistance and that’s probably because it’s like one of those cheap ones because I don’t like don’t they usually work with like water or something I don’t know there’s like water or something inside and then the one that I have Works kind of differently that’s

Why it was cheaper and so it has less resistance but I wonder if if there isn’t like something some kind of like setting or something that I don’t know I have to change in order to use it to its full potential I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

But at least the resistance bands I can like take everywhere and they’re small and there’s also variations of enough strength that you need full potential I did not read the manual but wow not really I don’t think I mean I read the manual on how to put together the

Rowing machine which is already quite something I would say I’m doing all this on my own you know on her own dealing with her [ __ ] hmm there’s a technique to do it effectively yeah I feel like that shouldn’t be too difficult to get that down Am I still no no Yeah anyway I wanted to close that topic and talk about the Nintendo Direct so I want a Nintendo Direct I watched it by watching someone else do we watch along yeah and you know ah but it was actually really nice because like his reaction was really good

He was so happy you know he’s usually always so unhappy about everything Nintendo is doing he looks very critical very critical type of person my ocean yeah yeah but he was he said that was the best Nintendo Direct in million years and it was a 9 out of 10. very excited as well

So for me you guys know that I’m um I I like Mario games but I like other franchises way more that’s for sure like I’m not as deep into the Mario franchise as I am into the Zelda franchise for example but I mean I tried a couple Mario Games Sunshine 64.

That one that one which one was the one side scrolling one but I was so bad at I prefer the 3D ones and new Super Mario Bros new Deluxe is that the one why did you put it oh because I don’t know I don’t know I still like it but I

Like it more than other games but I like it less than my favorites but I mean I think it was worth putting it on my interests no no no anyway oof Huh no we are we are we are getting closer right it just felt like Ryan was making no promise I I oh I know I guess I don’t owe her if I if I can’t tell her that I owe her I want to say I owe you maybe she’s listening I owe you Ella under my car You were online just when I needed you then you came to my beautiful rescue it’s right it rhymes and write My Own lyrics now let’s go anyway Nintendo director um um yeah yeah so it was like I mean all the really exciting stuff was about Super Mario Mario stuff I think

The first one the RPG one it looks so cute I mean it looks very different don’t tender was commenting on how he fought the Mario especially when he’s small he looks really weird and I guess I understand like why I think it’s a look to get used to but

I think it’s still very much I don’t know like Mario and it’s not that weird the art style I think yeah yeah I think it was like Mario was really small right so okay he’s so cute he’s like squished he’s cute um it looks really cute I feel like I

Would maybe play it how long was the OG um Super Mario RPG like in playtime anyone who knows who’s got the Deeds 45 hours short RPG I like that because you know I’m always busy with my long ass ape RPGs so I wouldn’t mind having a little

Shorter one if it’s a short experience that I’ll I think I’ll play it when it comes out it comes out and November right what was it was that the other one 15 20 20. well that’s that’s that’s great actually I’m actually grateful that it’s on the shorter side

Never played the OG but I don’t know I’ve heard the only good things like everybody’s like saying oh that was so good can’t believe there’s a remake now let’s [ __ ] go people seem to be very excited about it and I’ve seen feedback that said like oh

It’s very true to the original from what they can tell in the teaser and looking really beautiful and all that you know fans seem to be very happy about it it’s good that’s very good so yeah I’m interested in it too it’s cute very cute and then after that they

Teased the peach game which isn’t the Remake it seems to be stand alone oh my God I know there’s been a peach came Peach game before for the DS right and I never played it I don’t think it ever really I never knew about it when I was younger

I don’t yes and if I knew about it maybe I would have played it But I didn’t know about it at all Okay we have to do this again and I keep on double checking if I’m really crouched Okay what was I saying oh yeah the peach one yeah I wanna play that one too but I wonder what kind of game it will be very curious she looks so cute it looks so pretty too and she was doing some kind of transformation at the end and first I thought it

She like gonna wear like a light blue dress because it looked like out of transformation because it was glowing in light blue she was gonna have like a Cinderella kind of dress you know what I mean but then it cuts off there so okay that light blue it doesn’t it

Probably doesn’t have to do with the final color at all although what if she transforms into Rosalina I don’t know she’s light blue is Rosalina like a completely different person from peach or is it just like an altar I don’t know [ __ ] about Rosalina never played her game

They’re different okay yeah I thought so she’s cute heck and cute Yeah um I’ll play it but for that there was no date they gave us a lot of release dates but no nothing nothing really not even a title right for the peach game foreign they had playable days or somewhere right yeah I was pretty excited about that too seeing Daisy I’m

Very um very big fan of Daisy I’m too up height and there’s no way that that dude can see me yellow tones I think it’s excited about Yellowstone what are you aware why are we yeah there’s a new wall where you wear while we were with while we were wet

And then while we were uh while we were so stressful to me doll so [ __ ] stressful but you know another thing I saw that Dom tennis was making fun of but I I see potential in it um Um was the wasn’t everybody one two switch oh because um the one to switch it I play with is only for two people right now this could be a potential off collab uh stream for you know whatever for example myth meets up again because I had so much fun with

Uh want to switch with goodbye imagine playing that with like five people or so because you can’t play it with more than two in the OG right I mean you can switch controllers I guess yeah I think I think it has it has potential as a streaming game for off

Collabs for bigger off collapse they’re bigger than two people Yeah so I personally actually appreciate that the moment I saw it I sent it to janma I was like look look up collab game I mean it would be kind of cooler if there was um online Cola because then it doesn’t even have to be an Off column you know I always appreciate having more uh games for groups bigger groups and also smaller groups this and that everything I just need a variety you know

Nintendo wanted to cancel it that the everybody want to switch well well honestly I don’t I I appreciate it for existing but I also honestly don’t really see a use or a need or a demand for it it didn’t really need to exist but if it

Does exist then I will take it you know but was it really necessary no At least it’s not a full price game this time as opposed to one two switch what everybody switch will be cheaper is that what you’re saying What’s going on I should let me find some blocks here so I should play some more torches ah I’m not a torches doesn’t necessarily need torches though I mean yeah maybe for no mob spawn but anyway Onto switch wasn’t packaged with the switch was on it was the same price as breath of the Wild and then this one will be cheaper with thirty dollars oh like half the price what are they saying what are they saying with that by doing that it’s basically the same game you can

Just play it with more people that’s actually shocking then then they should like just release it as a DLC or as a free update of the OG game huh well whatever whatever I’m fine with whatever But the stunks Yeah anyways I really like Luigi’s Mansion you know this one’s a really Master slash not really uh not a remake right remaster of the DS one but wasn’t this one on the GameCube too Luigi’s Mansion too because I have a memory of playing it on the GameCube

What who then what did I play Lucius Mansion one which one was on the GameCube that was one oh then I never played the second one oh that’s fun foreign Trying to rub cat hair off of my nose doesn’t go away it’s just itchy second one is there I’ve heard second one is very good if not the best for a lot of people but I guess opinions vary that rap very very very yeah very well a very

Well I just sound exactly like v-e-r-y um English whatever I had it okay well anyway yeah I want to play Luigi’s Mansion when it comes out I want to play the peach game and I want to play the Super Mario RPG one two and the other one that they announced at

The very very end I think that was the biggest hype for Mario fans but for me it was the other three the new new new 2D one with the elephant I think that was supposed to be the biggest highlight but I I don’t know I moved about the other three

Especially the peach one because we know nothing about it Um but the elephant one we’ll just we’ll just gotta call it the elephant one for now I know it has a name but you know it’s its own fault I think the elephant stayed in everybody’s memories just so it burnt it in our heads how can it not

Be the elephant one like in 20 years when people look back at all the Mario games they’ll be like oh there was this one was Alina and then there was the elephant one thank you that’s how it will be remembered Nintendo are you aware of that

Do you really want it to be the elephant one it’s too late now anyway Oh my God Paper Mario I know it’s very popular but among like Mario RPG fans but I don’t know Um But apparently the elephant isn’t the only thing that you’ll be able to turn into right there will be more animals and they just showed out Things they show the elephant since um one of my favorite uh you know especially when I was when I was a child birthday cakes or just cakes in general was a certain elephant cake and I’m not the only one in German speaking countries this cake is the goat

Everybody loves this cake even adults like it’s it’s just it’s a legendary cake you guys don’t understand it’s a frozen cake that comes in the frozen section but everybody here loves this cake it’s yeah one of the best cakes in existence I need to get it I need to get it I haven’t

Eaten so long still good I think everybody every german-speaking person unless they have some dietary restrictions everybody has eaten this cake at least once in their life I’m telling you it’s a lemonade you you don’t get it if you’re not from here you just you wouldn’t get it

But this is the name of a really famous like child animation Um we’re good that we’re not mining their um child animation elephant um which Interestingly finally finally finally interestingly amusingly Where’s cloves that very much resemble what Mario wears red and blue um those kind of trousers that have the the thingies right and then let’s hold the and and cap right the cap just like Mario the kind of cap that Mario has that’s just any kind of cat but like

Yeah overalls and a cat like that and in the same colors oh God so Benjamin in his natural elephant form looks like Mario when he transforms into the [ __ ] elephant so every german-speaking person noticed this I think or can agree to this once they see or

Once they are being made aware of it because we all know everybody knows Benjamin at least maybe Zoomers don’t what can I do maybe Zoomers don’t know I actually don’t know if Zoomers nowadays if the children from now grow up with Benjamin but but they could still around so I feel

Like yeah yeah I feel like as a toddler you would watch Benjamin even now um let him actually make some light here actually oh wait that’s not loud oh yeah that’s perfect perfect light source Yeah I think they still know right I just Googled him and right can you please can some German people type in the chat Benjamin so people can copy paste it and Google it right now if you just I mean probably if you Google Benjamin elephant it will probably come up too many videos

We’re gonna make him trend ah if you guys ever this is such a weird thing to put on your bucket’s bucket list but if you guys ever traveled to Austria or Germany or probably Switzerland maybe even I feel like Hungary could even have it I feel like a lot of countries would

Have like this cake and this character um please make yourself your way to a supermarket and find this cake you will find it in the cake section is always there and then uh let it sit in your hotel room let it unfreeze maybe put it it relatively small

Small you can eat it alone that’s why it’s you know mostly for children’s birthdays parties yeah and then enjoy it enjoy and you’re welcome this is our most popular cake besides yeah that’s the Austin cake I miss that cake in order to thank you ah don’t come yeah yeah for the ones who are going to docomi from outside of Germany you guys you gotta get together and share if kfb are getting together shared a cake for me will you and sent me a picture worth it

I’ll be yummy I’m gonna get it too maybe for my birthday so yeah that’s all I have to say about it I mean I kind of liked that like RPG I tweeted about I saw but I mean that’s just because it was the closest to what I would normally play in this whole Nintendo Direct so

One two three four Hitman pic man I’m sorry I know everybody loves Pikmin but I don’t I don’t feel like getting into it at the moment no Splatoon neither oh wait so funny everybody’s like like forgetting about the Pokemon DLC I mean it’s just a DLC but it looked pretty cool and fury like the Pokemon

Looked cool and a lot of new car yeah but the Mario stuff over her shadowed kind of the Ex actually surprising to have that announced in the Nintendo Direct another Pokemon Direct right because that was the first trailer I think I mean they showed they showed the the Pokemon before I remember that the legendary ones I announced it before but the trailer was first right first time not again

How far am I hey Taking really long What yeah and the pickaxe I have another one though I have another one and I’m gonna try to not make this one break And now we have um we have another chest on the other side so worst case I can go back um yeah and repair possibly with the few diamonds that I have Um means more Wawa yeah but my throat is starting to hurt from so much tangenting thing The tunnel while I’m making a tunnel I’m connecting it to the other side of my tunnel that leads to the Mesa uh because this is kind of my my special tunnel that leads to special areas so this one is gonna now have a fourth

Station to get off at if you want to go to uh cherry blossom by Omi yeah yeah yeah What was I talking about I I wanted to mention something Aya birthday the [ __ ] what keyword birthday so I just want to share with my lovely kfp some thoughts currently or like a warning Um you know I was like pretty hopeful for a long time I mean let’s say not hopeful because I was more like coping I didn’t want to give up on the font that maybe I could do the Brady birthday on time and then even when they told me no then I was still

Hoping that maybe it will be somewhat close to the OG date so I mean I still don’t have a date so it’s I don’t know I you know now I lost hope then it’s gonna be anywhere near it’s not gonna be in July that’s for sure

If it will be in August is also questionable at this point um but because I was like coping for so long I I I I I I I just thought it would be okay if my birthday stream that’s not the 3D one because there will be a 3D

One eventually there will be that’s for sure if the one that actually happens on the date the right date I I thought it would be okay if it was like more simple you know because I thought there would be something bigger to follow it up soon after

So I didn’t really like you know prepare much I mean I can do Collins you know like like uh it’s always fun to do Collins I can do that but I was watching goda’s birthday and I saw you know she she prepared quite a long so then I was like [ __ ] and

Wait now I feel like really stressed out uh yeah so I just want to let you guys know that um but I think I have a plan now it’s not as special as what good I’m prepared but I hope it will be enjoyable for you guys so my plan is

To start with a countdown you know on an hour before midnight for me and then and then um don’t compare yeah I’m not really comparing but just wondering if maybe I [ __ ] up But you know it should have been a pretty birthday and whatever so I’m gonna start with a countdown and I want to have some call-ins already during the countdown ideally Ian uh en Collins um and then that’ll be just a short stream yeah then on the actual day I was talking

About doing a marathon but I thought I won’t do American I’ll do three different streams not a marathon and I’ll start with uh what was it the first one was gonna be around like 1pm or so my time in early one it’s like 8 P.M jst

And that one what I’ll be doing is baking a cake or a tart with hand cam hand cam stream and during that I’ll take because this is good for jst I’ll take ID and Japanese Collins um so while baking I’ll have calling so you can even maybe ask me to do something

But I don’t really want to [ __ ] up the tart or the cake I don’t want because I don’t want to just for the sake of having them make funny requests to [ __ ] up the cake no I want it to be delicious yeah but yeah someone will be doing that

Then I take a break to prepare because afterwards I want to do um uh scuffed uh an archived 3d full body karaoke scuffs because it will be home pretty you know like I did before but I thought well at least 3D not just a normal karaoke that’s the least I can do yeah

And then after that that’ll be out that I think I’m doing that at like uh eight no seven p.m I think it’s currently my rough plan and then uh the last stream at like 10 p.m my time will be uh Jack box with as many and maybe also ID although

It will be late for them there’s many en members as possible I already sent out an open invite hello anybody who wants to participate this is the time please let me know so like a birthday party with friends you know having a big collab on my Channel with the girls

Hanging and playing drag books so we have big variety we will have a we’ll have Collins we’ll have um karaoke we’ll have a cooking stream we’ll have a big fun collab I hope this is a little bit high and fun for you guys I mean I would say that’s fun

I’m just like you know trying to make up for the lack of something yeah yeah I hope it’s okay yeah sounds like a blast I think so too no Thank you thank you I wish I could do the 3D thing because I had everything already planned out in January February I wrote my PowerPoint presentation back then already now besides that I don’t I’m not just so you know don’t look forward to it I’m not gonna release a song cover because I

Already have one upcoming on Sunday that is 100 going to happen now um and I’m not gonna tease my album yet because it will be released quite a bit later but within August end of August um so I think it’s too early to tease something on the 6th of July you know

Too early I can’t I don’t think it’s smart to do that too early so in terms of like super special like projects I don’t really have anything at like that I can show you already I’m working on a lot of things but it’s not really like ready yet the new outfit for example

I can tell you now it’s happening in July but after the birthday what’s happening um yeah because they’re currently um breaking it You guys know what’s on the menu these days keeping you guys updated You know you will I think in in like uh close times soon soon soon you will have some other things that will you know explain why I’ve been busy and make up for a lot of things not that I’d have that I’d need to make up for anything I agree with that

But I I mean it will add on to a lot of the hype so side projects Yeah gonna be a big month yeah July August September the whole summer really I think has exciting things going on and hopefully before this or ends wake me up September Ends before the summer ends hopefully we’ll have my freaky birthday I have an idea now by the way Now that I’m already telling you so many details you know I’m telling you so many details always about everything I do you know I went to I meant to record some motion capture for a music video right and originally I was thinking of doing two 3D music videos right and I

Told you guys that I kind of changed my mind because too [ __ ] expensive but I don’t know I still kind of want to do it and but by the time I don’t know when I was when I had to go to amen um Kind of because I wanted to perfect the choreo of that one song took so much time and I couldn’t even get The Courier for the other song already um because I I wasn’t happy with the first one yet so there we ran out of time we didn’t

Even make the choreo for the other song that I originally wanted to record it on this place too like originally I wanted to create two one two record two during my time there but then you know the combination of you know lack of you know not really lack of budget but

Just unwillingness to spend so much on my own pocket and the lack of time for the second choreo we just I was like okay well I’m just gonna do the the one and for the other ones I’m just gonna do simple things simple mvs to promote it But I found I I figured out a way to get free motion capture uh for the second song which makes me think I mean that was only a small part of the cost but I would have to fly to uh amen again that’s also time consuming you know

I would have to fly there again to record and again you know a second choreo that that just I didn’t want to do that so now I mean it’s kind of right in front of your eyes but it just the timing what needs to work out is the timing

What I’m saying is if I ever get the date of my 3D birthday studio time I uh wanted to perform one of my album songs anyway at least one so I’m gonna ask them to give me the motion capture data of my performance of that and then just use it for the movie

Can’t say no to that can they It just helps me to save some cost and some time I don’t know please oh wow life hack yeah so I’m hoping that’s gonna work out but that yeah it just don’t need to all happen in a timely manner two birds one stone two stones one burn

[ __ ] I’m not finishing this today I think I feel like we’re barely moving didn’t we started 2 900 and we gotta go to one still need one thousand blocks we’re not almost there I thought it wouldn’t be this far what the [ __ ] With once there’s ice here and we can go on the boat it’s no problem but damn further away than I thought I’m not finishing this as long as the whole Ice Road Again oh I think so that was the distance we covered before DJ’s the rest girl you can fish it yeah

It will I will Get not thousand ten thousand yeah yeah ten thousand just ignored one that one zero yeah that’s what I meant though no we need to go from 25 000 to 15 000. oh no following goes quicker than building now ice blocks the placements I might even run out of the ice blocks oh

One more why are you here now you are more difficult to mine anyway am I telling you guys too much like do you guys want to know less serious and secretive No You like the BTS talk um laughs no no that’s my own project I can tell you as much as I want to build my own projects it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m not getting in trouble I could if I wanted to I can I could

Even already tell you the names of the songs and all that but no that’s where I I draw the line there personally I just want you guys to know what I’m working on you know and been on my mind and why I do certain things the way I do them

Why I’m more busy at times and just general I feel like you guys deserve to be updated because you only support me wherever it be just by being here or by it like financial support by buying merchandise or sending super chats or being a member and all that

We’re buying my music and all that I’m like I feel like you but you can see it as a benefit I mean not everybody is a member here but maybe you can see it a little bit as a benefit of being a kfb member or being part of kfp

One of the benefits is you get to know all the videos Flop on my nose I need to stop face uh not pounding face what’s the word face bombing my cat what face planting planting that’s the word I’m paying you guys What 40 months or more than enough thank you so much Cat huffing Yeah but speaking of ketokato let’s go to the next topic that is moving that little [ __ ] I’ve been feeling so bad because me and smoothie are currently not in a good place my cats movie one of my kids for people who don’t know all the details I have two cats

They are freaking cute I love them I’ve been raising them they love me because I’m the only person they have chunky wonky she’s the chilled one sometimes you know I feel like she’s she’s so chill like she’s a little bit too chill but at the same time she’s also

Really like panicky and nervous when there’s strangers she hides she runs away but like recently or no recently it’s gotten better while Smoothie has gotten worse chunky monkey has been so lovey-dovey to me so sweet and like oh it’s just she melts my heart thanks for the memberships guys thank you

She mounts my heart yo she’s just such a good girl and this movie is pissing me off I don’t know what to do you know she always wants um the the wet food in the morning and there were times where you know like before I was before I was gone

For the two months I don’t think it was an issue back then I think it happened it started after that right Because I think my brother had a habit of waking up relatively early when my cats when he was uh taking care of my cats and that created the some kind of habit for my cat is moving to expect food really early so for a while she

Would wake me up really early and ask for food and Sometimes she would be like really really obnoxious with it but eventually she would stop and and more or less go back to her usual ways of more or less waiting for me to wake up and then getting her wet food about this in August already really sinway was better but currently

The absolute worst it’s ever been she will wake me up like you know she usually she had some kind of ribbon just like me that once we go to bed she will sleep also at least for a certain amount of hours the reason about a reasonable amount of

Hours but now she wakes me up two hours after I’ve fallen asleep and she’s Reckless she does not stop she’s so loud there’s not even a second between her meows she will go on and on I swear I’ve tried to ignore but it’s impossible she goes up right

Into my face she walks around the bed she it’s it’s just I I I I’ve I’ve endured her [ __ ] so often and then she would just stop before but now she just doesn’t stop she just doesn’t stop she’s driving me crazy I’m sorry but like I I

I I I like I tried to push her off the bed gently to show her this movie it’s not the time you have to wait but that didn’t work and I feel so bad because I’ve been getting so frustrated I’ve been like yelling screaming like [ __ ] I don’t even look really screaming

And and she she has no reaction she has no reaction nothing it’s not like Bamboozled by it she’s not scared she’s not confused she’s not worried it’s not concerned no because she’s on the face and then once I knew this wouldn’t work but I want to

Try to just like uh close her out of the rooms you know close the door and didn’t work of course because she will just stand right in front of it and meow endlessly really loud and that doesn’t help either um she’s too spoiled I don’t know what

The [ __ ] happened for her to be like this right now it’s terrible so then you know I get up and like surprise she’s already sprayed for a million years it’s not the thing she’s not in heat I get up because I can’t I can’t I need

Sleep you know this is a days where I need to get up but I have a certain time where I need to get up uh so I have no choice I get up I make her food because at that point it’s like I see that she’s not stopping and then make her food

And I I swear two hours later I wake up again also after I gave her food she ate a little bit maybe and then she meowed for like another three four minutes I don’t understand she does that sometimes sometimes but yeah 2 again if I get woken up once at like six and

Then at eight and I’m like what the [ __ ] I already gave you food normally once I gave it she stops for the rest of the day and we and then we’ll eat Kibbles for the rest of the day she learned to control me I’m I’m I’m so

And that’s when I absolutely lose it I don’t know what to do I tried to I had a cup of water next to me on my next to my bed so I tip my fingers in it and like splush in their face and she’s like and then immediately recovers

Doesn’t give a [ __ ] about the water doesn’t bother her nothing and I don’t want to hurt her obviously so that’s all I can do but but I think because you know when I’m sad we were like amazed that my cats when I’m sick they stay by my side and all that

Really stays by my side when I’m sick it’s actually chunky wonky huh this movie is just like she’s around the one who really cares it’s chunky wonky In this movie but anyway what I’m trying to say is you would think that if they understand emotions a little bit um then wouldn’t they if they understand my sadness wouldn’t they also understand my anger but hey she doesn’t she’s yeah the same issue with my get a

Time feeding Bowl yeah but that’s like difficult with wet food like the I looked it up already yeah I’m I’m gonna try it most likely but it’s difficult like four Kibbles it’s easy because they’re dry for wet food wet food once it’s out it’s like it gets you so fast

But yeah at this point I have to try it um because she’s she’s really robbing me of my sleep I’m constantly being interrupted and it’s so frustrating I I even started crying on the frustrating frustration a little bit because I don’t care I gave her food by

The way at that day a second time really really angrily um but the food I I guess like she didn’t like that one I gave it to her before and she didn’t like that one in particular I gave her a different one before that but the second round I was like okay

I’ll give you this one just because it’s fast to prepare I don’t want to be angry and cats I don’t know what’s happening like normally we’re we’re all just happy we’re happy family and now she’s pissing me off so much Oh frustrating but I gave her the second round of food and because she didn’t like it she didn’t leave me alone again man it’s just so frustrating right now it’s moving why the whole time you know the whole time chunky wonky is just like sitting next to me being the goodest

Girl of them all She is greatest bubble bubble in existence yes movie Rebel face maybe I don’t know maybe maybe it’s the Heat that makes her weird But I think as far as I know cats are not that affected but I don’t know 30 degrees or something like that Yeah when her face for 30 minutes I was she doing summer last year not this bad maybe we had a similar issue before but she was never this bad I swear never I wonder in the one week roughly where I’ll be gone pink maybe I hope she’ll treat my mom

Different my mom’s listening to this by the way Mom I’m sorry if you have to deal with this too I’m sorry I think maybe she’ll treat you differently though because I think she always treats Strangers Like not me differently bringing experience true true do I have to change what I’m holding

So that like this stuff like other things don’t mend What the [ __ ] I thought it’s more common on the like on the bottom of the never not in the top Wow it’s probably just one though it’s gonna mend [ __ ] it’s because it’s silk touch baby gonna Bend properly Okay then let’s mend this one Is that man in the pickaxe it doesn’t look like much Or the other one foreign Wait which one am I I use this and I put this one here then it’ll meant one of them Did it meant something Thank you It’s not giving me XP at least I don’t I think it’s mainly the one I’m mining with right I said orange now it was red before I guess I don’t know I can’t I can’t see I can’t see which one is doing it But something happened surely The offhand okay okay well it’s still very red though and now do I need to mind these with a suck touch or does it not matter It doesn’t matter okay does it give exp too no no oh it’s not my first one guys updated well just one doll I think just one that’s rare though damn It’s not my first but yeah anyway I just wanted to let you guys know I’m [ __ ] frustrated but I’m I’m my my hands are tied I have to try the automated feeding one and I’ll just set it really really early she can have it at 6 00 am for

She if she really wants oh [ __ ] I hope she’ll be happy with it she’ll love it I hope so she better that [ __ ] so done and then you know I’m like so angry during the night and then I wake up and it’s like you know like a couple that I don’t find I wake up and I look at her

Fluffy cute face and I’m like I’m so sorry I’m just I love you but all right now I also hate you I’m like I really do like why are you so [ __ ] annoying but I love you I’m so sorry for screaming at you that’s literally me every morning though

Why am I why must you be like that like sometimes I love you but you know sometimes you drive me insane I feel like that’s literally things that couples say like 100 I’ve heard that before Netflix shows even I love you but you you know you drive me

Insane sometimes and drive me crazy [Laughter] and and I’m so confused because I always I always um praise them right I always praise them in front of people there’s no time out box no I’m not putting my kids in the timeout box I always praise them to friends and you

Guys and my cats are the best behaved cutest kitty katutis they can do anything without me telling it them you know they don’t scratch furniture they knew they knew where the toilet was when I didn’t even like when I wasn’t even able to show them uh when they were kitty cats and just

Came to my home for the first time her metabolism kind of metabolism disease please yeah I’ll um I’m not sure if it will really be something but I have to bring them to the vet anyway for getting Um vaccinations again so when I find some time I’ll get that done and then they can check I don’t know how you would check that though how do you check for a metabolism that sounds like cannibals metabolism disease how do you check that the blood oh okay okay I wouldn’t mind just also doing a of the site for different reasons

Height allergy test with them too I wanted to do that for a long time allergy test I need to know because I keep on Switching their food and I still feel like something they’re reacting to something not as bad as like around like Christmas though you know when I um had an issue It calmed down but I feel like there’s so something and I tried so many different cables um but I kind of I don’t want to switch for a million people I don’t think it’s the food at this point it’s not good for them to keep on Switching the food either It’s a problem because you’re traveling more to see no no no no no no I haven’t been away since what February no February she doesn’t know what’s coming up yet she might get upset when I’m gone a lot in July but it will always be really short periods so

Not gonna be too bothered by it foreign Wasn’t that where was I recently where did I go didn’t I go somewhere recently America right that was that was one thing but that was also really short that was under a week that was like four or five days crazy short Too short Yeah I wish I wish I could only tell you good things about them normally I always only tell you good things about them and I feel a little bit ashamed I really do a little bit oh no man it’s weird I feel like a bad cat mother right now

Because I cannot control my cats or one of my cats other one cute baby No family is perfect same with teenagers there’s only there’s no way Only has good things to be said about them they’re not even a little assets no no The cats are not little ass hats good babies Looks up to me like he wants to jump online lab then he jumps over my head it’s so tilting cute foreign I wouldn’t complain Who else is streaming right now from Ian or Japan or ID is anyone streaming I feel so alone right now you know I feel like I’m a Sanctuary for viewers right now literally nobody oh my God I’m literally a sanctuary Holodeck says only me I am a sanctuary you’re welcome

Fun and one hour Minecraft form Save us I’m here for you holy qawwa is here for you Saint kiwala’s here for you then pets what the [ __ ] what pets I i i i i i okay okay to each your own right good morning good morning Oh my God The [ __ ] The promise I can’t really just go the whole time even when the block blocks break so easily because I needed to be a certain shape if I just don’t go like it will be a mess and also there’s holes often so I need to be careful such as now

Don’t shoot me don’t shoot me you might fall into jazz and well we’re not playing Zelda right now but yes I guess you could call it a chasm or a chasm no no no you’re not gonna enter here it never is the underworld continue to Kenny

I think your pickaxe will hold ass yeah I know I know I know I’m not even I’m not gonna I know I realized a while ago that I’m not finishing this today I thought I would I was I didn’t think it would be this far but you know at least I can

Certain with the position of the direction if I didn’t have those chords in the end it was just digging mindlessly I would wonder if I would have like passed the tunnel at some point on the side and that’s why that’s why it’s taking so long at least we’re we’re gonna meet it

Directly eventually we we’ve started it out perfectly we prepared it probably effort is marble thank you we are not making that we’re tall all the way back to the start right no only two where to mess up uh station is Which was also already pretty far Sheesh I have a huge dent on the bottom right of my hand From the table Edge gamer hand starting to feel kind of rough too that the hand I mean like like it’s rubbing off skin cool gamer and excessive resting in oh wait my my face down there it fell down My bucket baguette what is the Super Chat oh ah Europe vacation won’t be able to visit your hallowed land I will see Loch Ness what Oh have fun and have a safe trip hmm No no baguette baguette Oh it does sound like a bucket bucket bucket but it’s 11 pm now maybe I should end it and then we well maybe not because my throat hurts I’ll tell you one more changing guys we had birthday plans most questions really important um let’s say you go to the beach You have to bring maybe if you’re not going alone let’s say I mean either way no but let’s say you go not alone you bring one or two towels because the person that goes with you maybe doesn’t want to bring their own bag and you bring something to drink bring

Your wallet bring sunglasses you bring sunscreen maybe a little snack you know there’s a lot of things you have to bring from my experience I when I went to the beach I I felt like I needed a relatively big bag for that a relatively big beach bag

So how big do you guys want your beach bag I guess it’s hard to describe to me how big you need it decent living um men don’t use beetroot well you will because it’s very useful towels take up a lot of space you know Carry-on size oh yeah see you can use it like that too because like currently I got like a photo of a sample and we were like isn’t that too big that looks kind of too big too big I think we’re gonna make it a little bit smaller but I hope we don’t

Regret it and be like that one doesn’t fit in after all we should have made it bigger hmm Well winter for us will be summer for some others of us and whenever summer arrives in your place then you can go to the beach with it but you also don’t have to use it necessarily for the beach you can use it for I don’t know for a hike maybe

I don’t know or for traveling on the plane I don’t know it doesn’t always have to be used to the intended way thank you I guess I don’t know I want to know how big it should be but really you guys can’t answer that question for

Me I need to find the answer myself in my heart you need to dig deep down and ask myself how big because especially in like seeing it on the photo it’s also kind of different than seeing it in person I wish I could see it in person You cannot fight this back battle for you yeah I have come to the realization to well I think I’ll be using the beach bag for sure like I need it I’ll be using it I’m looking forward to it okay Oh my ceiling is too low again You guys shouldn’t be lazy and take your own stuff what are you talking about size is not the most important that’s what I believe but for a beach bag I am porn Okay let me go front I’m going to want to have a large bag yeah yeah gym bag I don’t think I don’t think would really look like a gym bag but you can use it as a gym bag I guess like a maybe a spa

Bag it’s kind of like a spa bag honestly but the looks of it like at least from the spa bags that I’ve seen so far like in those big Resort Hotels they give you this big bag with to bring your towels and your slippers and whatever and they’re like pretty big oh

It’s one hotel and I went to the spa bag also I think functions We had a hiking back too that’s what I remember picnic back oh yeah you can use it as a picnic bag I think so everybody needs a picnic bag some or maybe I mean if you wanted to you could even use it as a shopping bag

Because bit sturdy you know as a beach bag it’s gonna be a little bit sturdy hmm Yeah kind of arrangeable I guess so yeah but yeah picnic that makes sense I think it makes sense you could use it like that you know have fun with it alrighty should I mind that Wrong thank you I shouldn’t be minding a dust silk touch right what’s mine with this one Confusing confusing more please it’s already so greedy Okay that was that Birch question and then yeah hair appointment I suffered it was yesterday it was yesterday right ah it was so painful I mean it’s not the first time I know this feeling I know I know how it is some people reply to me on Twitter like

What hair appointment can be so painful what you guys don’t understand it’s not the haircut I I Go Illusions so you don’t really see it usually but I had some roots and wanted to um bleach those you know yeah and that [ __ ] hurts and then on top of the bleaching oh God there’s a pickaxe half of the bleaching when the scalp was already like sensitive goes another uh

Never color and normally that alone doesn’t hurt so much but you know when it’s when it’s bad when it’s like on top of the bleached skull poo huge headache and really not nice foreign Happy with the result so yeah worth it y’all staff was really nice there too I think I found a hair salon where I’m quite comfortable at um already second time that I went there It’s a great year Just wanted some maintenance to know before I go to Japan because they didn’t want them to see me like that it was time maintenance Yeah yeah you know recently the massages are the two massages I went to recently after my uh America trip they were amazing so I found my ideal or like go to massage place too Sounds really good stuff really nice easy to get an appointment um good atmosphere Listens to my request doesn’t make me feel unwelcome because the last place definitely made me feel unwelcome thank you unappreciated You found some good places lately yeah finally I’m glad I’m glad I’m so glad I’m like like feeling like a gladiator Speaking of gladiator oh tomorrow members the only movie Once along I wonder what we should watch and maybe just uh the second thing on the list from last time that like was second place yeah we should yeah actually never mind so already decided because that was

My plan anyway right to watch the other movies too at least the the cat one the kitty cat okay Yeah I’ve been watching cats too just kidding oh we’re watching uh the boots the boots cat The newer one the newest one because it got second place last time I’m eating my buttered popcorn I hope it’s good and maybe some nuts maybe some pistachios pistachios these days oh hmm wait is that too high yeah okay because my nose is pissing me off Being so itchy and the pickaxe is dying I am gonna make my way back now to start which will also take a little time I guess what does that have to do with ladder cause I’m glad and Gladiator is a movie so I got to the moving idea

You’re good go be free thank you I like them too but they got really expensive recently what butter popcorn how far did we get in the chords oh let me check good question Walking those couple meters back is not gonna change a thing at this point Yeah the tunnel is hacking long and yet we’ve made uh two thousand two thousands Uh I think I started at 29 000 no I think so I did like 10 000 blocks and I need 5 000 more I think okay so I did more than half maybe I’ll do the rest on my own I don’t know um two over to the right no it’s not no

It’s perfectly placed it’s all calculated perfectly um Thanks for the memberships thank you oh yeah did work hard on this today it was fun Fun finding the biomi is so pretty any I didn’t even show you guys all the things I can make with maybe we’ll do a little build and and we’ll you know look at all the materials that you can make with the cherry blossoms I mean I’m

Sure you guys already saw most of you elsewhere where you can make with it but yeah oh my God it’s so long If I brought my electron blue in here Hope you can find a camel yeah but that’s in the desert right and I’m I guess that’s where also the no wait because the the ancient ruins were the ancient ruins and yes I will put ice here oh the last torch close we’re pushing us now

Nah take too long I just want to go back and be in a safe space when when I ended up Thank you Gotta go to sleep now good night thank you for watching yeah the ancient ruins are in the Jack pinks oh okay okay wait yeah no no I don’t mean the ancient city I mean the ancient the the ruins the new ruins ecology yeah I thought it must be desert okay sorry miscommunication Archeology [ __ ] That’s what I want to do like soon next time So those are newly generated um Newly generated uh okay noise going come on you’re so late yeah you are yeah I can only just wow I Wanna Be an archaeologist next time yeah I I have like absolutely no idea I just saw today when I was looking for um update images on Google

That’s when I saw that there’s like so much new stuff besides the Sakura I didn’t even know about it have no idea It’s a well stuck I’m stuck in the world come back No I made it on my own um yeah okay so so so so Oh I wanna go now If it’s okay I’ll go I’ll go now place it now remember why why do I need to fix the well Why it’s working Um it’s all right thank you I’ll eat the rest of my on my face fingers they were so yummy they were so yummy they were juicy and and crispy oh that was so good I hope they’re still good now why why what why is it important I’m right at the Village from water

Poisoning oh come on Salty why no listen I’m I’m having my ending speech ah my ending tangent so yeah um yeah I I hope it’s gonna still be good now second day I’m gonna I’m gonna throw it in the oven I guess to get it warmed up but not making like blah

So I will keep its crispiness I think so how much longer it will end now safe once the place oh my God oh my God you guys are so obsessed with the wow airfryer true but nah maybe um I’ll think about it but what setting like I don’t know Anyway I’ll see you guys for members only stream tomorrow and oh I haven’t actually [ __ ] I have to get up early for a meeting then until the member stream I’m planning to learn a choreo I have to learn a choreographing today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

I’m hoping two days is enough because it’s gonna be um pretty simple one I think I don’t have to save right I can just leave the game sometimes I’m unsure good luck practice thank you I really hope I can get it in my brain fast but I think I think it’s not

Too rough too difficult I was pretty the same like not as simple as like some others like shiny smiling story but still a little bit rough a little bit simple somewhere in between so but I probably after the meeting we’ll take a nap it’s too early it’s like 8 A.M or something

For me you know I can’t sleep early and then this movie is gonna freaking interrupt my sleep again yeah it’s like eight Thirty I’ll be awake for a little bit and then and then wake up and then put up the reservation for the members and then I’ll dance

Dance dance dance dance dance dance and then we’ll chill together watch a movie about Kitty katos this movie please be good yeah please I wonder if I maybe give her wet food for dinner for once maybe she’ll leave me alone longer during the night but I just don’t want that to become

Like something she gets used to that she always gets it for dinner too then she’ll annoy me in the evening and the morning and we don’t want that doing yeah she’ll expect it all the time so pester me about it while I’m streaming probably But I gave her I gave her you know to make up also I gave her the um stick she was very happy she’s by the way she’s not mad at me or anything she’s like acting like as always like you know cuddling with me purring letting me carry her around and all that

Um If she’s not angry at me but I’m angry at her and she doesn’t know it uh typical typical relationship You angry the other one doesn’t know doesn’t understand [Laughter] we’re way more bothered than they are him toxic right now it’s really a toxic relationship I tried I really tried to ignore her for like as long as I could but this time she just she just just doesn’t let go all this time

Foreign I don’t know where to ground her Earplugs I don’t like the feeling of them but yeah but but I think even through those I can hear I have some earplugs here I think but my brother left anyway my mouth is really tired of them speaking so much but I think I I talked basically about everything I

Wanted to talk about yay High Five Guys nice nice Still constantly ignore um I really I mean that’s what I’ve been doing before and she will even eventually give up but this time she’s just not giving in and I needed to sleep you know I was just hoping you know or just stop but she doesn’t give me another version

That’s what I’ve been talking about like I’ve been really trying to make her understand I’m angry and she should stop but um oh wow oh well anyway anyway tire her out during the day so she can stay awake to bother you that’s that’s a fan though she does sleep Being a [ __ ] Wow she doesn’t care about the water or fried screw sprayed water at her like four times in a row Just like stunned for two seconds and then she’s back at it really shorts done Yeah I’ll look up the automatic feeders right up the stream all right guys thanks for watching Kill Everybody Thank you guys for watching it was fun I’m hungry I’m so hungry I’m gonna meow it movie now for 10 minutes telling her how hungry I am and that she should prepare food for me let’s see how she reacts Will she show up that little [ __ ] better not show up no I love her I love her though I love her so much uh Lpnt here thank you guys thank you shadow What what do you mean tweet Foreign Uh up what time is it then let me link it to you guys one second ah ah no it’s uh going to premiere Good night and I’ll retweet that find it Damn it good morning Okay bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 NEW BIOMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII #kfp #キアライブ’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-06-22 21:54:52. It has garnered 81002 views and 8663 likes. The duration of the video is 05:58:20 or 21500 seconds.

☯Takanashi Kiara – DO U☯ MV: https://youtu.be/QI96hnhcr2E STREAM:https://cover.lnk.to/DOU

💃 Takanashi Kiara – Fever Night 💃 MV: https://youtu.be/SF4rteXN57w Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/FeverNight

✨ Takanashi Kiara – SPARKS ✨ MV: https://youtu.be/Lq9eqHDKJPE Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/SPARKS

💖 Takanashi Kiara – Heart Challenger 💖 MV: https://youtu.be/KpSLiHAYe7k Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/HeartChallenger

🔥 Takanashi Kiara – HINOTORI 🔥 MV: https://youtu.be/eDfMDkgheQY Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/hinotori

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    Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!Video Information 3 2 1 go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] VPP This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet VS Minecraft BATTLE! part 2’, was uploaded by Skibidi?!Boom! on 2024-03-02 20:15:02. It has garnered 8435 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Skibidi Toilet Vs Multiverse BATTLE 🫡💥⚡️ SUBSCRIBE ! Thanks for watching❤️❤️ Like and subscribe! 🥹🥰Skibidi Toilet is a series of viral YouTube Shorts uploaded on the DaFuq!?Boom! channel on YouTube. The series depicts a battle between the Skibidi Toilets ✅✅ ……………………………………………………. #skibiditoilet #skibidibopyesyesyes #skibididj #skibiditoiletbattle #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidibop #skibididop #skibidimeme #dance #horror #60fps #4k… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets – Dolanan Gayeng Discovery

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets - Dolanan Gayeng DiscoveryVideo Information catat Ini buat ujian besok anak-anak harus aku tulis biar besok dapat nilai bagus guys sok racin Dih Ih kenapa kau melemparku fokus belajar agar dapatnya bagus bantu like dan subscribe agar dapat nilai bagus teman-teman NK ah loh kok gak kelihatan Hah pak guru kenapa nyontek dapat nilai F Wah aku dapat nilp ye This video, titled ‘DAPAT NILAI APA YA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-14 05:00:19. It has garnered 11696 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #minecraft #gameplay #shorts #skibiditoilet instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!

    Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!Video Information व वर्ल्ड [संगीत] 2000 लेटर प्लांस बनाने के बाद यहां पर मैं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल क्रिएट कर लेता हूं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल के बाद थोड़ी हमें स्टिक्स की जरूरत पड़ेगी स्टिक्स बना लेते हैं यहां पर चार स्टिक बना ली है यहां पर एक एक्स ले लेते हैं एक्स के लिए हमें थोड़ी और प्लक्स चाहिए होंगी यहां पर मैंने प्लक्स ले ली अब यहां एक एक्स करता हूं माइनिंग मतलब नीचे डीप माइनिंग करता थोड़ी कॉबल स्टोन तोड़ने के लिए तो मैंने क्राफ्टिंग की नहीं भाई यहां पर हमें कॉबल स्टोन चाहिए बहुत जरूरत है हमें उसकी तो यहां… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

  • UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixel

    UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick’, was uploaded by UnWarmed on 2024-03-23 09:52:14. It has garnered 14632 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick #minecraft #hypixelbridge #pvp Discord : https://discord.gg/dCj6YraZqN Background Music : Dancin is What to do ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains… Read More

  • “I’M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱” #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagic

    "I'M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱" #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagicVideo Information I’m so tired of everyone saying S&P servers are so boring like that’s just not true on mindwave you’ll never get bored we have custom armor hundreds of quests and an amazing community and the best part is that we’re available on all devices so come join today This video, titled ‘I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-05-19 15:00:38. It has garnered 10625 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!

    Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!Video Information it’s no surprise cobon has slowly been taking over the world of Pokémon Minecraft mods with its blockier looking monsters that better fit the Minecraft aesthetic and unique updates that feel as carefully crafted and Polished as official Minecraft releases kobon has managed to Stand Out by showing us how this mod can do so much more than just adding Pokémon into Minecraft but ever since I started playing it people in the comments have been asking for one feature in particular that would instantly make battles feel way more Dynamic so did they finally do it well… Read More

  • Blue Moon Network

    Blue Moon NetworkWho are we? We are a java (premium) and bedrock minecraft server that prides ourselves in having a close, inclusive, and welcoming community. The server was created in April 2020 and we released to the public in July 2020 and have been going strong ever since. We have a regular playerbase ranging from 10-30 people or more depending on the time of day. We also have 2200+ people in the discord! What do we offer? We currently are a survival based network! We have two different survival servers to offer; Neptune and Saturn survival. Neptune survival has a more “modded”… Read More

  • Swift Network – Semi-vanilla Network SMP, Lifesteal, Survival 1.20

    Tired of boring singleplayer games or looking for a new server to play on? Swift Network may be the perfect fit for you! We are dedicated to providing the best possible gaming experience for all players. Available Gamemodes: In the Survival server, build, relax, and team up with others to go on adventures. In the Lifesteal server, every kill earns you a heart while every death costs you a heart. Be careful, as dying results in a 24-hour ban! Useful Links: Discord Server Trailer Server Features: Balanced economy for new players Land claims to protect your property Player shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Who TF turned on RTX?!”

    Looks like someone cranked up the graphics so high, even the Ender Dragon is impressed! Read More

  • Grudge Mod in Minecraft: Survive or Hide, Fear Inside

    Grudge Mod in Minecraft: Survive or Hide, Fear Inside In Minecraft’s world, a new mod appears, The Grudge, a ghost girl that brings fears. With long black hair and a white dress so stark, She haunts and curses, leaving a mark. Emerging from folklore, she crawls and she creeps, Her presence in the game, chilling and deep. With allies in tow, other entities to chase, In this haunted world, there’s no safe space. But fear not, brave player, for you hold the key, To survive and thrive, in this eerie spree. Craft your tools, build your base with care, Face the ghost girl, if you dare. So leap… Read More