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[Music] all right everybody God damn why do I keep pressing go live go live go live something wrong with me Jesus Christ live chat [Music] there we go if you want you can do slch you join T3 I don’t know who I’m talking to this is just a brick wall also like sick right now [Music] so hey there bud w ooo that’s [Music] nice watch back here so we got our decent bow oh wait can I just straight up is there something wrong with me yep yep there is something wrong with [Music] me what is wrong with me [Music] oh there we go [Music] remember there 51 we’re halfway there let’s go [Music] [Music] there’s like six people left I will use my devil’s contract Excalibur [Music] dude uhoh I yeah I know it you’re a coward Run Away Little coward [Music] I’m not even mad [Music] I a ho oh I have like five people online what the [Music] hell I dodged a bullet there Triple Eight cringe now it’s just knockback based eight knockback based games except I definitely really don’t because knockback based games carry me who was putting hearts in my my chat or am I just schizophrenic uh-oh yeah I’m schizophrenic oh damn it why [Music] take fall damage you stole my kill [Music] okay yeah yeah now this should be easy oh I got a baby zombie this is absolutely going to be easy the devil’s contract need a magic to stick reach is five I will abuse the devil’s contract no yeah let’s just take advantage of that how the hell are you not dead yet 60 seconds is a long time let’s be honest oh teleport please be this guy damn it it’s not this guy but same principle I don’t want an orange tulip I’ve decided that I’ve decided to use the devil’s contract oh that’s fine I’m fine I’m happy I’m fine and I’m happy [Music] what am I doing with my life [Music] let’s do what we call abuse abuse what what how many uses you know I don’t care probably like none so I’m not even mad [Music] not even close I’m about to get absolutely bombed AR I [Music] [Music] what am I doing yo let’s go I got to yo Jay welcome I don’t think I’m schizophrenic anymore [Music] what the hell [Music] oh there we go yo razor quack [Music] welcome oh I have two mob bows what is this I have a one punch bow now You Wish You Were Me Oh I have more Silverfish eggs [Music] oh oh okay [Music] oh hi you you’re not going to want to do this sir get back here coward face my wrath creeper infestation I don’t see how this could go [Music] wrong this one I’m just going [Music] to oh did it just like roll nope I’m just schizophrenic what the hell have you heard of AR no oh not even close uh-oh oh a oh my God it would be amazing if like somebody why do I have so much Mythril I don’t need this much Mythril I don’t have literally anything is one of my Minions full yet no Are You full yet no are you good yet no what about you literally nowhere near what I need need to be done I got four one two [Music] yippe people need to join before this turns into like an actual PVP stream but if I’m not going to do that then hold on slash yippe [Music] do I have enough that’s definitely not worth it but let’s get our Ed locator yo Ren welcome oh un chocolate rabbit egg all right I spent a little bit of my money I need to cash out my myth can I make Enchanted Mythril yet nope I’m too poor what are my collections for Mythril Enchanted Mythril oh my God fine I’ll just cash it out oh that’s money imagine not having $25,000 technically 31.8k are you kidding me wait collections combat string I need grappling hook I need three Enchanted string that’s so much money I don’t have that much money what do you think I am rich absolutely not I got one Enchanted string that’s not what I want where did my spider minion go this is my only spider minion this is cringe um I Haven have any other I have string I have nowhere near what I want how are you doing Ren oh I forgot I had this still doesn’t do anything oh wait I grow s Sol congrats [Music] that’s a couple money all right so I need to buy string combat string chanted string one two now I need um recipe combat grappling hook wait how much for spider boots because I know you can double jump with those combat string spider boots oh I just need a lot of Mana this is cringe I I’m all right oh okay okay I am getting having a stroke are you joking yeah it’s just up are you where oh my God back on computer congratulations oh we got to keep going this way oh I found a fairy soul I just died it’s it’s up oh [Music] okay I love this are you kidding me ah I took a little bit of damage there but it’s fine I’m fine I’m happy I’m okay [Music] [Music] where is that [Music] pointing in the house oh I’m just stupid what did I get [Music] wait where’s where where’s the next one am I anywhere near [Music] it oh I actually think I am oh sweet I actually am you HD DS give me a minute hurry up and let me collect it join my party part oh [Music] yippe what the hell there we go now I’m bored all right what are we doing what are we doing oh Jay [Music] [Music] welcome do I have Infinity [Music] no God I love this game you can technically [Music] [Music] preap keep running coward [Music] oh my God stop running I lied don’t run I don’t like it when you run running is for losers stop running stop stop stop stop stop [Music] just don’t you dare don’t you dare don’t you even think about it fine I don’t let’s do zombies oh my God I’m in the middle of dueling a sweat [Music] all right all right what are we doing and we’re not doing zombies J G bed war is all right oh privates or Publix what’s wrong with zombies it takes [Music] forever normal bedw War private we don’t have nearly enough people but that’s fine I’m [Music] coping bro no oh Ren’s a coward he’s still doing Sky Block I’m bad yeah I know I am I’m just doing this because so unbelievably sick in [Music] tired no way BS [Music] [Music] hi [Music] there balls all right there goes my bed y God I love getting bullied by people I love [Music] Hypixel I give up I want to do Sky Block so bad but it’s going to kill my channel faster than killing my channel [Music] why no no you don’t get my gear [Music] no I’m mad that you wanted to steal my gear that made me angry you made me upset needle you’re mean look at my bed I’ll get J sh okay you have no idea how much I hate you I was I just wanted the gear [Music] oh I guess he died [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] guys what’s your opinion on Ren cat as like a person I know that was random but I doubt he’s in the Stream and I just want to know yo Arrow ar welcome me [Music] yeah potato count 1.5 mil I believe I’ll check later I’ve been way too busy and school coping and renat just severely bullying me just like a joke you know [Music] are you kidding he has a punch bow why good your three you also have like maxed gear so you know I’m doing this practically solo because Ren will just leave me alone your gear is trash you also have a better farm so you only got melon oh my God I don’t have full melon yet because I’m poor and don’t know how to play the game I [Music] missed ain’t no way he gets this ain’t Ain’t No Way Ain’t No Way remember yep all right he’s just flexing that he has patience at this point God I love being Cyber [Music] Bullied Leo is toxic yep [Music] think you’re using the same Farm as me probably I just don’t have patience oh Jesus Christ [Music] h [Music] thank [Music] you spend time with my [Music] family you just got to move two keys yep [Music] I messed that up [Music] severely what the hell I need go so I’m going to gr some [Music] potatoes hi please no God I love getting bullied let’s do something else cuz I’m bored I’m going to get crappie armor soon nice [Music] oh Jesus Christ [Music] Chad should I in stream streak 30 days bless me please do oh man streams are ass oh screw you [Music] ignore him baiting for reactions okay that that’s that that’s the internet everybody God I love [Music] YouTube okay time to like scream about white privilege and stuff um 90% of the people who meet me and they’re like actually genuinely cool people um they either leave like it’s right as soon as I um whenever they find something better to do and then the other percentage are just people who Flex cough cough run cough cough and something I find incredibly dumb is they just like sometimes pretend to like harass me and stuff [Music] and yeah I get it it’s funny to harass the streamer but at some point it kind of gets all on you have textures wrong it’s fine sides of my legs yeah I know that’s that’s like part of the joke no no no definitely not um but like other people I just found only care about you for the numbers like there’s this guy named flame um and there were a couple other people too if you dig deep enough you’ll probably find out who they are um we only join my stream because oh it’s definitely xflame yeah he used to like join my streams on The Daily [Music] had negative experiences with him have to yeah he’s joined my stream for like two different reasons um because I I used to do like open party and when they used to like Trend um you joined my stream thought we were chea yeah I I just like him because he only saw me for the numbers he saw that my numbers were going higher than his for a short period of time because I was doing shorts and en join my streams for those little did he know the comparison was he had like 20,000 and I had 100 he join my streams for those um and he saw me for like numbers instead of like actually my personality and that’s one of the things that pisses me off about being a streamer because 90% of people either bully the streamer and bait for reactions um or care about for you for numbers and only like the people who used to like really really OG’s or people who got introduced to me um care about me for like being personality and it’s a very rare thing to find somebody cares about you for personality on YouTu I just realized how white privileged I sound right now I do not mean to sound like that um because I’m like oh wo is me I have subscribers and people bully me like some point it just gets it’s old much yeah and I like Ren he’s a cool person don’t get me wrong he’s super cool but he flexes that he has like all these cool friends when all he really did to get them as friends was like Contraband them on Sky Block if you know what I mean imagine he’s just afking in the Stream and just leaks my ADD [Music] dress how many people are in the party list me need and J shell all right let’s do SLP PR op DS let’s do like threes or something I just need like 10 SkyWars experience before I level up I’m L to talk talk my farm yeah I’m like this is going to sound dumb like every Sky Block player or like people who are like decently big on Sky Block who have seen me they’re kind of like technoblade clones if you know what I [Music] mean don’t get me wrong he was a good YouTuber and he had a great personality and and he definitely influenced me a little little bit I I didn’t watch much of him but I watched a little bit of his videos because um like as soon as I heard cancer I was like hm what’s this about and then I just watched a couple of his videos and I was like oh that’s why people like him because of his personality um now people are like um trying to replicate his personality and it’s just not something it’s not something you should try and do you can’t bring someone back from the dead as much as much as you want to try you [Music] can’t you can yeah and that’s what pisses me off people think you can replace by Reviving with the fre okay yep you’re joking there are a lot of techno clowns it works all the time yeah it definitely influences me with like my SkyWars like let’s plays because I I always loved SkyWars I was just thinking what can I do with this and then as soon as I saw like his SkyWars Let’s Plays I was like oh I can just F clout and then each of them got like 10 views and I was like oh that’s not going to work very [Music] long oh Leo [Music] red uh quickly do I die [Music] here there we go [Music] oh my God can someone help me Rush why is blue here what is [Music] this what why is everybody [Music] [Music] here that was sad TNT then hurry up Jay oh he doesn’t have TNT [Music] anymore they deflected it that’s a new strategy TNT deflection uhoh um we’ll be right back all right I almost died right there [Music] I have no blocks what is this [Music] game Oh I thought you were about to like not [Music] you’ll split don’t worry all right good I had a friend like um sweet I had a friend who used to like tried to uhoh um goodbye no I defend J [Music] show that’s not okay let’s go not die yes invis I can tell you need coins me too man I have like 200,000 coins [Music] oh split all right you should probably go in first cuz I suck at [Music] this I have no clue what to buy with this I’ll just buy TNT and a KB stuff got three Jesus Christ that’s enough to kill everyone we’re turning this into we’re we’re we’re pulling a Japan here boys 270k but it’s easy to break oh yeah absolutely unless they’re like an admin that would be hilarious if I’m just in a game with a nicked admin I think he has something don’t tell me [Applause] no what is wrong with me there is something wrong with me in the head wait I don’t have [Music] shears he’s daming me [Music] that’s probably [Music] [Music] [Music] copyrighted okay okay that’s gold that’s gold and I’m I’m not even lying that’s actually gold all right what are we doing what’s gold oh um right now but you need more coins though yeah hold on let’s go back Sky Blocks CF oh yeah we got [Music] so the next thing we got to buy EG locator nibble chocolate [Music] stick oh yo he’s visit hold on S visit s z those are your garden got the [Music] melon yeah this one’s a lot less hold let’s [Music] go collections two mil Jesus Christ what about me I have one mil this is [Music] fun all right what should we do what should I do what what [Music] do it’s just me and Jay Jay do you want to do Sky Block until someone else [Music] joins it was beds all right my voice didn’t crack I don’t know what you’re talking about this new keyboard I don’t want voice mod I only have it because one of my friends told me to get it OMG it’s techno blade where are you schizophrenic or something potato contest soon yeah I might I’m actually going to participate in that one if there’s a potato contest let me know when there’s a potato contest so I can participate [Music] it 10 minutes all right I’m not time [Music] so I should take my medicine who needs medicine when you can play bedw Wars am I right your armor got bust what the hell is bustling yeah J you’re going to have to cope with him I am just going to [Music] go [Music] y what’s the best farm reforge that’s right I should reforge my armor I’m stupid why why do I have a bed bug in my inventory is there something [Music] [Music] stupid 50 [Music] million ah I don’t like it I don’t like it can can we do can we do Sky Block Please until like someone else joins sure thank you [Music] yo he’s visiting my Island oh I do need farming level 25 [Music] Ario you Chang my name yeah I know it’s you I know [Music] oh sweet thank you [Music] sir there’s two mil [Music] all right I do have an anvil all right let’s [Music] go what the hell is a reforge [Music] Anvil follow okay [Music] see my [Music] Island holy C crap that’s a lot of [Music] Health that explains it [Music] I’m assuming this is it oh [Music] let’s go [Music] I do need farming [Music] 25 how do I get Farming 25 [Music] and just Farm bro that’s cringe it’s cringy F melon give good XP [Music] oh yo let’s [Music] go something good please w [Music] come on [Music] how many potatoes I’m at 1.5 mil [Music] is this the weard Wither wizard chocolate dinner egg has appeared [Music] [Music] [Music] not now studies theor [Music] s TR sounds [Music] [Music] bad doing it for splendid Dimension every four hours good to [Music] know oh I have no gear I Rift Dimension what this [Music] place Sky Block dwellers feel lost here always anxious of laying out their own PA [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell am I doing [Music] what am I doing [Music] [Music] what the hell warp to the top of the there we go [Music] ow [Music] [Music] heard Enigma s [Music] [Music] R cide um Argo where is the Argo what the [Music] hell where is Enigma there we go [Music] and find you Backes for what am I doing die die shy Crux [Music] F punter you’re not F I don’t think you’re a j [Music] died where is the Bug Hunter [Music] [Music] Aro for your trafficker Mr Tate moment [Music] damage no damage I’m surprised he just going to continue [Music] counting I don’t have enough Moes what do I do what do I do where’s the Bug Hunter what the hell is [Music] happening oh okay somebody help me what the hell [Music] yo welcome whatever skate what my Sky Block Level currently my Sky Block Level is 21 how’s it going whatever skate where is the none of these guys are important to me where is the Bug Hunter combo Wombo Combo 60 [Music] seconds the trees the [Music] trees where in the trees use pad [Music] I don’t like this I don’t like this he’s not [Music] here back to the Wizards he’s he’s just not here he’s he’s just are you kidding [Music] me okay that’s that was the house I believe are you kidding me where am I I don’t like this I’m salty I’m mad [Music] h [Music] yo it’s [Music] real and I’m back at spawn [Music] again oops [Music] sweet what do I buy with this literally no clue [Music] [Music] [Music] what what what what do I do now right I need um this all right let’s [Music] go all the mountain [Music] get more than m [Music] [Music] BL it [Music] all right let’s go attempt to complete some more mountain things whatever the hell they’re called I need more Mana what’s the best way to get more Mana I don’t want this or this [Music] get hard of the mountain 3 so I need 150 myal or and then two [Music] titanium reforges and talismans and what’s the best way to get a farming XP so I need farming level 25 before I can really actually do anything because I need 1 billion [Music] potatoes it’s my combat level uh combat level 13 I think no combat level 14 wa why do I need 1 billion potatoes because my friend will uh help me meet ashwag in like a VC and stuff [Music] or should come back huh I’m I don’t trust that at all hold on that yeah I knew it I knew it welcome welcome hello hello Beast Clips ‘s froo fro frer I love how you said froo froder should come back and then this guy joins that’s hilarious oh let’s go enchant Mythril recipe yippi how’s it going Mr Beast Clips is it a verified user yeah it’s a verified [Music] user I just need to complet get like one more Titanium or you know him oh nice it’s your boy [Music] [Music] this is enjoyable I like this [Music] [Music] oh there we [Music] go there we go all right now um this portal too many recent Vis shut up now we go Dwarven mines you should totally subscribe use portal Hub yeah I know that’s what I do nobody uses it what the oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right what what are we doing yay look heart of the mountain too I guess get mining whatever the hell this is when daily powder oh I guess not you missed the entire contest yes I did Forge I don’t need quick Forge mining Fortune that’s enough all right let’s mine 250 and slay 50 cre I can slay 50 creatures in the mines it’s [Music] easy anything over here [Music] oh why do they deal so much damage sh Wait can I just hit him with this I can Jitter clicking it has reach it’s recking it’s recking it’s recking why do I have so much money I don’t like that I have money and aspect of the end that’s probably good ouch ah I don’t like it I don’t like it wait don’t I have like a healing stick stick yep ah that was so much health I don’t like it I don’t like it run wait can’t I deal like bow damage I don’t have any like bows or arrows oh what do you do I don’t see humble little shop that allows you to upgrade some useful Essence I can operate whatever I don’t care [Music] I smell to spawn are they gone yet no got solver nice I really dislike this I I am dancing with death currently I am done dancing with death I lied [Music] wait can I just bully it from here get back here [Music] coward let’s do Slayers sure I will gladly do [Music] Slayers I’m scared I’m not scared anymore ah stupid imagine dying idiot what the hell is a starf [Music] FL you know I don’t care which Slayer is first I [Music] more uh-oh launch chocolate ieg located at 8 879 golden what the hell is the golden you know what I don’t care get back here coward what the hell XP is dropping regular weapons are not very effective use a pickaxe or drill I get it [Music] [Music] glassy Jewel what the hell is a glassy Jewel it is said that there is a lost villain I don’t care honestly I need better Dragon I need better armor in general why is my friend messaging me I don’t like it I actually really like it [Music] [Music] 15 I get [Music] CS yo light form welcome how’s it going my AFK no [Music] [Music] no I complete it yet ah just saw my stream on YouTube you joined the stream end no yeah hello light for am I just being very quiet yo let’s go I got look rock candy power [Music] ah wait wait oh uh I think I reached [Music] 50 coward imagine dying I’m stupid Slayer time yeah baby let’s go the bridge and Duels um sure it dual me [Music] I might have them disabled so just let me know [Music] [Music] are we going to play something all right now uh you think [Music] so uh I’m going to make you 10 tier 4 the first two oh [Music] yippi wait what the hell you’re [Music] watching you’re not logged in are you at least listening to audio [Music] there something at the end of the parkour no that’s [Music] lame Crystal nucleus mind yeah baby let’s [Music] go wh what do I quue I’ll cue something I just have to know what to play [Music] oh me join V 33 I’m really tempted to just change the to a Sky Block stream at this [Music] point yeah let’s just change it to a Sky Block stream why not why not I don’t see the reason to [Music] [Music] what the [Music] hell I think I just heard a scream all right I’m about to get absolutely destroyed by a serial killer all right guys um what do you want to play on Minecraft um hold on let me just go to this um this this I’m slow in the brain do TNT tag Ren welcome how’s it going Ren can we join Bridge 3 well or TNT tag it’s pretty much the same Ren should I change this to a Sky Block stream [Music] you don’t care I need input Ren I need [Music] input yo hey Sick 777 I me oh my God I’ll just remove you from the co-op you said in three days but no 30 m I’m being so white right now [Music] whatever oh that’s stupid unless I’m offline for a month what do you mean I can’t [Music] what we call a catch 22 what the hell is a catch 22 oh yipp oh my God damn I I’m ignorant yes yes I am I don’t I don’t play [Music] Hypixel I mean Sky [Music] Block my in CS2 I am s too yep I’m I’m a pro you don’t play CS2 oh my God Ran answer the question what is a catch 22 play TF2 [Music] same yeah I know I suck I don’t play the game Superior in every way when face Shadow welcome um 30,000 subscribers and I’ll face reveal which means I won’t face reveal because I don’t I don’t get 30,000 subscribers unless it’s like on an ALT account because I’m planning on getting weff to help me if you like actually never mind anyway oh my God it counts oh my God I’m not revealing my face because they’re all just going to the alts are all just going to not that doesn’t work last I check yeah ah [Music] [Music] ah okay whatever that’s fine I’m fine I’m happy I’m fine SL go up manage he [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this is not good be nice I can’t even delete it okay I think my best bet is probably just to leave Ren ain’t going to do it not going to do my Island I’ll just leave the co-op because I can have much better stuff on my other one anyway [Music] [Music] yeah I should probably leave to figure this [Music] out oh wait okay I have an idea to get rid of Ren I’m going to have to co-op add you um list um Mr Soul can I Co-op add you and then [Music] I what do you mean I don’t have a free profile slot I give [Music] up that’s that [Music] need a free profile slot yeah [Music] manage bro [Music] how the hell do I kick him then there too much of a threat to this potato [Music] thing even know who you are K who I need to kick Ren because he keeps threatening blow up my [Music] [Music] thing and we need to accept damn it yeah that ain’t going to work whatever whatever it’s probably fine [Music] [Music] are you kidding me whatever all right let’s go to my private island yeah run definitely left [Music] what do I do with Starfall [Music] [Music] why are people buying it then someone has to use start hold on [Music] [Music] Beacon meteor Shard what do I do with a meteor [Music] Shard what do I do with it usage does does it have like a usage thing orifi reforge to equipment 24 Jesus Christ who is Link you know what doesn’t matter [Music] [Music] [Music] Chad I’m probably going to end stream right here [Music] yo lemon soda 18 how’s it going who’s lemon soda 18 [Music] [Music] [Music] m oh wait I’m almost potato 19 let’s [Music] go all right I forgot [Music] something chat I’m a head out collections farming potatoes 1.6 million let’s go I’m going to head out because what is my potato level whatever I’m going to head out because I want to eat and actually exist like a regular human being probably actually like play something else other than Minecraft for once I’m getting so tired of Minecraft but yeah thanks for watching guys later

This video, titled ‘Hypixel With YOU!! [/P Join Th3Ex1le]’, was uploaded by Exile on 2024-05-09 11:09:04. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:01 or 5881 seconds.

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RULES: #1: dont hate on anyone #2: be respectfull #3: be nice #4: no begging for mod #5: i have the final say

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    Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11 A Thrilling Mystery Unfolds in Pendragon | Monster Marauder Part 11 Breaking news has hit the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server as a loud boom echoed through Pendragon overnight. A local resident managed to capture a video showing a shadowy figure, believed to be the infamous Monster Marauder, followed by a massive explosion. Local authorities have swiftly responded to the scene, but the mystery only deepens as brave adventurers are already on their way, convinced that this event is the next clue in the hunt for the stolen treasures. The Adventurers’ Quest It’s been an intense journey for the… Read More

  • Blindfolded in Minecraft: Water Woes Unfold

    Blindfolded in Minecraft: Water Woes Unfold In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a poetic stream. No water in sight, a challenge so bold, If it’s seen, the game’s story will unfold. Hasyblock’s the name, crafting tales with a twist, In every video, excitement can’t be missed. From Instagram to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With donations and buzz, the community holds. Join the discord, the link is right there, For Minecraft adventures beyond compare. Shorts and memes, builds and more, In the world of Minecraft, we always explore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem

    Magic Cure Love Shot: Loli God Requiem In the world of Minecraft, a magical cure, Love and shots, with a loli god so pure. Hatsune Miku and Ui Shigure, in a fierce beam fight, But hold on tight, things are getting too bright. The computer’s about to blow, the damage is done, Oops, the chaos has just begun. But in the midst of the glow up, a new mob appears, Crafted with care, overcoming all fears. With songs from SAWTOWNE and Ui Shig, The music and beats make the mob dance and jig. Skin credit to Imoi for Hatsune Miku’s look, And a custom mob created… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

    RageStorm SMPJoin the RageStorm SMP today! Do ‘kits when you join. Defend your self and build a team. There is /tpa . Lifesteal included Read More

  • Bloom SMP – Semi-vanilla | SMP Survival | English | Java & Bedrock | Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP = Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded, but contains gameplay-enhancing plugins. Keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Nu Towny – Java & Bedrock Crossplay: Towny, Jobs, Quests, Dungeons, Economy, AdvancedEnchantments

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565⭐ ** AdvancedEnchantments **: Custom enchants, Enchanter & Tinkerer.🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ping: You call that spice?

    Looks like the only thing getting a workout here is the ping! Read More

  • City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali’s Arresting Adventure!

    City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali's Arresting Adventure! In the city of Minecraft, chaos did reign, Efekan and Ali, the police, to detain. Arresting everyone, causing quite a stir, Their antics and pranks, oh how they were a blur. With laughter and fun, they filled up the screen, Their adventures wild, like a crazy dream. Subscribers tuned in, for each new episode, Their support, like a bridge, helping them to unload. Kare Kafa, the narrator, with a twinkle in his eye, Describing the action, as the story flew by. In Turkish, he spoke, for all to enjoy, The essence of gaming, like a favorite toy. So let’s… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you’ve died for the 100th time in Minecraft and you’re just sitting there like “I didn’t sign up for this much stress when I started playing with blocks” 💀 #minecraftstruggles #respawnplease Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?間違い探し(かんたん)118 #shorts #マインクラフト #マイクラ #minecraft15 #マインクラフトでマイクイズ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar!

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar! Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATIVE FLIGHT & THE BLOOD ALTAR! Embark on an exciting journey with Nik and Isaac in Minecraft Encrypted_, where creative flight and the mysterious Blood Altar await in this modded questing survival adventure! Unleashing Creative Flight One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to soar through the skies with creative flight. Imagine the freedom of exploring vast landscapes from a bird’s eye view, uncovering hidden treasures and secret locations with ease. The Blood Altar Delve into the depths of the Blood Altar, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient power. What… Read More

  • 🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. – MINECRAFT

    🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. - MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Under Ground【MINECRAFT】’, was uploaded by Auri Lunami Ch. 🌙☄️ on 2024-05-30 06:20:54. It has garnered 418 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:27 or 7707 seconds. 🌙☄️Hello my sweet Mothies. I’m your chaotic space witch ready to show you some magic!🌙☄️ ⭐Donations: ⭐Throne: !NO DONATION REFUNDS! Please be sure to check how much you want to donate. Thank you ^-^ ⭐Discord: ⭐Follow me on twitter: ⭐Follow me on Tik Tok: 🌌〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜🌌 🪐TAGS🪐 General: #AuriLunami Memes: #Aurimeme FanArt: #Aurti FanName: #Mothies Oshi mark: 🌙☄️ 🌟DA RULES🌟 1…. Read More

  • Minecraft: Shark Cheat Upgrade

    Minecraft: Shark Cheat UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-01-25 20:00:15. It has garnered 69152 views and 3812 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:46 or 1126 seconds. Today I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft! The //Upgrade Mod in Minecraft is so insanely powerful! What should we do in the next Minecraft build battle? BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Merch – Subscribe! – Join My Discord – My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here… Read More

  • Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_Dark

    Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_DarkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic world | #minecraft #trending #shorts #TGC_Dark’, was uploaded by TGC_Dark on 2024-04-30 11:15:51. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky’s Den SMP!

    Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky's Den SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 The NEW END Has Arrived – LuckySMP’, was uploaded by Lucky’s Den on 2024-03-23 20:04:29. It has garnered 105 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:22 or 13462 seconds. Hello There! In Today’s Stream, we play through some Minecraft on a small SMP called LuckySMP. The whole SMP is NOT modded, so anyone can join! If you’re interested, feel free to ask about it in the chat. Today, the End Biome will be arriving to the SMP, it’s been a long awaited dimension and everyone is super excited for it…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BECOME INVINCIBLE ON THE LIFESTEAL SMP #lifesteal #minecraft #smp #gaming #mc’, was uploaded by Not Length on 2024-04-12 12:26:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP: discord: Version: 1.19+. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯

    🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The FASTEST 3 Game Randomizer Yet – Combining Pokemon, Minecraft & Super Mario 64’, was uploaded by 360Chrism on 2024-02-06 12:49:36. It has garnered 16730 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:19 or 2779 seconds. I combined Pokemon Red, Super Mario 64 and Minecraft into 1 interconnected Randomizer. If you want to try Archipelago Multi-world Rando yourself check it out here: Check out my other Archipelago videos here: ► Twitch Live Stream ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Discord ► Spotify ►TikTok Want to… Read More

  • Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #Minecraft

    Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@rajabbutt94 fan base and Meetup #freefire #freefireememes #freefirebooyah #minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐂ʜɪᴋɪ☜ᶠᶠ on 2024-04-12 14:07:13. It has garnered 414 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMoments

    Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘LoL #minecraft #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-04 20:05:00. It has garnered 7717 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shorts

    Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most Satisfying Game? #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-02-20 23:21:49. It has garnered 6638 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. idk what to put here… #phonk #2sayt #trainerdario #shorts _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #hypixelskyblock _________________________________________________________________________ (dont read) Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020,… Read More

  • BurstMC

    BurstMCBurstMC is a newly created minecraft Hardcore server with insane features! – Grind playtime levels – Conquer the leaderboards – Build your army – Become unstoppable Join today! Read More

  • Brabantia factions roleplay addons bedrock economy sports league youtube lore gods

    Welcome to a New Kind of Factions Immerse yourself in a world of kingdoms and lore like never before. With 8 unique kingdoms each bound by a special ring, your ambitions shape the story of this immersive RP experience. Example of Story and Lore: Discover the tales of rings bestowed upon races, shaping their destinies in mysterious ways. From kings of man to elves and dwarfs, each ring carries a unique power and significance. A World of Mystery and Intrigue Uncover the secrets of the last mortal ring, a creation of light and dark that binds a half-orc to a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft Squad

    Minecraft Memes - Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft SquadIt looks like this meme’s got enough friends to start its own Minecraft server! Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft

    5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft The Ultimate End Farm Challenge in Minecraft Hardcore In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore, TRONY takes on the daunting task of creating 5 different farms for the ultimate end farm in hardcore mode. This ambitious project promises to push the limits of his skills and creativity as he strives to achieve incredible results. Building a Legacy: 5 Different Farms TRONY’s journey begins with the construction of a variety of farms essential for the ultimate end farm. From crop farms to animal farms, each plays a crucial role in sustaining his resources and ensuring the success of his grand… Read More

  • Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible?

    Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible? The World of Minecraft Rendering on Mobile Devices Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rendering Minecraft on mobile devices has become a popular trend, allowing users to bring their virtual creations to life in stunning detail. Modeling The process begins with meticulous modeling, where players craft intricate structures and landscapes using tools like Prisma3D and Nomad Sculpt. These apps provide a platform for users to unleash their imagination and design unique creations. Rendering Once the modeling phase is complete, it’s time to bring these creations to life through rendering. By… Read More

  • Minecraft Sensation Johnny’s Epic First Job!

    Minecraft Sensation Johnny's Epic First Job!Video Information This video, titled ‘Johnny’s FIRST JOB In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-05-28 20:49:16. It has garnered 414409 views and 6829 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Today, Johnny get’s his FIRST JOB in Minecraft! Will Johnny get fired from his job? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Client Unveiled

    The Ultimate Minecraft Client UnveiledVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client’, was uploaded by Retrived Gamer on 2024-04-21 09:51:08. It has garnered 932 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client This Client Have Cool UI And Important Features To PvP And Its Not A Jack Client No Chance To Ban Developer Is @huncholiny You Can Join Their Discord Server And Contact There Issues 😕. Download Link- discord- visit our website – Thanks for watching 😄 ignore… Read More

  • Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯

    Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by Notyash gamer on 2024-06-07 17:36:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Yash: undefined Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING KING on 2024-03-09 03:30:20. It has garnered 2965 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts minecraft pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art tutorial,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art minecraft,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel arts,minecraft,pixel art for minecraft,minecraft pixel art download,minecraft pixelart #my #mylife #mylove #mydubai #mytravelgram #myart #myself #mystyle #mylook #mybaby… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SPIDER WALL!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SPIDER WALL!! update 1.20 #shorts’, was uploaded by ScootterBoo on 2024-01-12 12:00:18. It has garnered 272 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. IM SO EXCITED!!!! let me know what mob should get a wall next!! please be kind and understanding. twitch twitter WORDS!! this NEW minecraft short is not just any youtube short. this is very epic and pog, not Minecraft lava rising, Minecraft mod reviews, Minecraft tips, Minecraft builds, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE… Read More

  • EPIC Chickentopia in Minecraft w/ Mech Girl!

    EPIC Chickentopia in Minecraft w/ Mech Girl!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chicken Block | Ep. 19 | I’m a Mechanical Girl in a Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Mntdewmania on 2024-04-04 04:00:36. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:01 or 1321 seconds. DanRobzProbz: @DanRobzProbz UKGrannyGamer: @ukGrannyGamer ElderSign: @theeldersign ****************************************************************** All My Links here in one place: Read More