【Minecraft】#15 dedication #KaelaNB69 (500 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Oh hi oh good morning good morning everyone hello hello good morning Andrew cannot make it tonight or morning for you I guess it’s okay otsu I hope you have fun and productive today cold cloudy morning is my perfect weather how about yours dude yeah I don’t I don’t really like uh

Hot morning but yeah yeah yeah um by the way good luck everyone Kyle here’s my luck thank you so much Naga let’s go yeah I cannot practice from morning to morning that’s why I’m here foreign I cannot practice alone but it’s okay Andrew is what is starting I’m practicing with me like Good Luck Good Luck Andrew thank you let’s go for more than seven zero five what seven zero five debris even better nice I mean if I’m doing Candy I also practicing my click right so well yeah

Mama Bear I really hope for my two week work around yesterday may I have a doo doo to congratulate me for my hard work oh you did great welcome back home do you wish me luck I wish you luck that’s the trade hey thank you thank you thank you thank you

Yesterday you asked me to practice now I practice clicking color we miss you already what Miss Miss I’m I it’s it’s not even 10 hours it’s not even an hour yeah it’s not even 10 hours oh I think it’s ten dollars I used to watch a lot of whole life

Before Kyle now I watched too much whole life thanks like you can never get rid of Hidden very nice okay where is it uh wait okay like this like this okay let’s go la see la oy Oh let’s go click this is Before I before I started the Stream I check it it’s all good matsula Nah now you’re free right The Minecraft server now afraid I said otsu and then like that yeah let’s play Tetris I guess still blockly even back oh Minecraft server down video might have something to do with it to protect her from friend no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Ouch Okay I’ll stream the wrapper um foreign Okay We really need to be productive today we are not productive today I don’t know oh no this is cannot believe you got burned from that I know right how is this possible how is this possible and I can’t even practice by myself rude xiaoshi gets some help thank you good morning good morning Where is the debris give me debris Ohio Okay Okay um everywhere Wow wow there is no debris I mean Mona have a reason to ban you from some competition your one-man Army on mc2o one one man army what do you mean one man army if I’m one man army and now right now I will be practicing but I cannot

I cannot practice now because I’m not one man army But I really like it I really like it that uh I really like how uh the pack of war is like that like spamming Mouse because if spamming Mouse I know and I believe that I can do it but if like spamming controllers I can’t foreign How many that we can get today I don’t know hmm last time is 500 something something 500 what last time is 500 how many was it Last time when last time last time can be last time the last knb eh no no no last say last time is the with the Kiara Senpai one right before that best to not set any goal um mm-hmm well the idea Kyle Affairs his whole life no um positive Only 400 zero one oh it’s not 500. oh Aloo what 500. Kaila Kyla good morning thank you Wendy are you going to take our luck for ancient debris or whole ID cup why do I need to choose if I can take both huh why why thank you gotta get some help I mean you’re the Kamisama of MC1 versus many fine I’m not Kamisama hello I cannot even practice now I want to practice but I can’t I cannot I cannot I cannot practice what a very nice rule that we have like we cannot play by ourselves right very nice Or in 15. foreign Foreign foreign You do now yeah I’m done I’m done yeah I guess Antonio The team also is arranged was was also arranged by m Chan the what is that the team foreign foreign Japan best friend though Foreign by the way last time when I prepared for the knb you guys asked me to ask me to bring the to bring the totem right random topic do you think you will lose to be your total stream time in the future more grind maybe yes maybe no yes and I don’t know

And we are not even combo we are not even competing with that because uh uh because I just realized I don’t know if the collab ban when when will the collab ban will be real uh released 11 release but I just realized that um if the collab Ben is a month I don’t

Know I don’t know I don’t know how long the collab been gonna be or lift oh yeah lift yeah lift it uh but if it’s a month right if it’s a month I just realized that it’s gonna be on the September right and on September um I don’t know like on September October

Um there are a lot of things happening and I don’t even know if I and stream daily or not but I will try But I will be back stronger on November Another month without Kyle and More stronger okay there’s been like I don’t know how many months already like in this for three months four months that I got Not enough streams just want to let you know you’re the reason me and my sister start playing Minecraft no thank you hey andika have fun with your sister yeah yeah here’s only five percent luck I need the rest sword dude that is why five percent only but yeah good luck

With everything you do and thank you so much for the membership gifts even in busier months and times we’ll continue supporting so don’t stress too much we’ll be here when you’re available to stream yeah um um actually right in the yesterday meeting can just say that uh Maybe

Maybe you want to like uh plan your what is that uh holiday like as in because uh after this how many how many years I don’t know since since I debuted it’s like one and a half years right I think not I think I’m sure that I have never taken any holiday yet

And and I just said to Angela um and then welcome holiday any holidays uh uh yeah and then uh MCU took up stressful as well get some help SV and then the rose yes I mean I mean just asked if like any any schedule to take my whole day because it

Feels like I’ve never taken my holiday at all like because um we uh we pick our holiday by ourselves it’s not like um it’s not like okay now whole ID whole day holiday like no it’s not like that right we we need to uh land by ourselves and blah blah blah blah

Blah blah right then yeah that’s what I’m John asked me about that but I just like yeah and and then after that meeting all right because I’m just asked me to like prepare right because um we have been like we we’re gonna be very busy and yeah I don’t know maybe maybe Amazon

Just afraid that um we gonna get like a raise that but it out yeah right so to prevent that kind of things we are recommended to like take whole day right yeah Yeah and then um after that meeting I thought about it right I thought about it and I don’t know I I haven’t I haven’t said this to M Chan but I have an idea I really really have an idea like you know what’s the idea is I have a bad feeling no I haven’t said anything because everything really everything really wants me to pick the holiday right so I I plan to tell amjan me maybe if I’m me MJ if you’re watching this if you’re watching this please let me know just let me know what’s your opinion

About this yeah I’m I’m planning to tell Amgen that okay M10 I want to take the holiday now like not now I mean later like um I don’t know what month it’s gonna be right but I will I will still streaming and what whole what kind of holiday it

Is it’s just gonna be like I want to stream stream stream stream stream stream uh no no limitation no chats no work no anything just let me be like just let me be because because yeah I feel like I don’t know it’s it’s like my my my stream time

Is very limited due to all of the work already and I just I just I just want to be free I just want to stream I just want to play games like I I just want to play games without thinking about my work okay yeah it’s it’s it’s kind it’s like the

Perfect vacation for me it sound when she gets I know you get some help and I friendly give us aside tell me I really I hope your holiday is doing outdoor and if it goes well yeah thank you yeah foreign Yeah like maybe maybe you guys think that then what’s the difference no there are a lot of difference like right now my my brain my mind cannot stop thinking about my work I cannot stop thinking about like all of the other things that is happening like I can say that um probably it’s

Usually Uh usually after the debuts after the debuts uh so I think right I can I can really stream without thinking of any work I think it’s already like last year foreign foreign Know ourselves better know our community better so it’s like a different focused yeah so it’s like um and then we are also not uh we haven’t joined like a big big events yeah the adaptation process first yeah so we still got like um not many many world class but after that

Uh after that we got a lot of word projects uh like individual projects and the other projects yeah so I don’t know uh if there is a chance for me like um Kyla do you want to like take holidays or not I feel like is there any chance that I can just stream

Without the thoughts of like uh the home ring and blah blah blah go ahead and do 24 hour stream even better it’s not that 24 hours La let me receptive October you will go to JP I’m not even mentioning about GP at otherwise you guys assuming things

Nugget thank you take my life thank you it’s something morning in line making a stalker box farm right now nice super nice super good I’ll continue afterwards it’s hard to capture this shelter life yeah yeah true I know it’s hard but you can do it it makes me float in the sky

And please get some real fake eating with you friends friends doko But yeah I will I will try to negotiate with later yeah I will I’ll definitely um negotiate with I’m trying about that and it’s not gonna be for sure it’s gonna be if if I’m taking a vacation or whatsoever I will be I will I will tell you about that okay

Like I will definitely tell you if my idea got accepted maybe not But but probably if it’s if it if if my plan got accepted um it’s gonna be uh November November is my best bet I think because December we’re gonna be uh uh what is that uh December December we’re gonna be very busy with uh New Year things right

Yeah yeah yeah so maybe September October we’re gonna be very busy we cannot do that we cannot do like vacation vacation whatsoever cannot um yeah November is The Sweet Spot yeah that’s my best free month for now at least I don’t know um Really really I I really missed I really missed uh streaming without any thoughts like empty head just la la la Lily I really want it you deserve a whole day perhaps can bring your family out too will always be there to welcome your return yeah but it’s okay I’m I’m not

I don’t know I’m not because okay because the holiday is kinda confusing like you know um if I want to do like a family outfit family I would like even better family outing kind of thing um I can only uh I can only use the what is that uh

Because uh Papa Ella and Mama Ella is still working too so I cannot just like let’s go they will only have their long holiday in labaran Yeah so I mean it’s not only me that is working papaya and Mama are also working you know and the only chance that we go for like a vacation travel something like that it’s just the button one Okay so yeah we are all very busy not only me Streaming is working well screaming is My Sweet Escape sweep Escape what sweet sweep sweep Escape brain very good Sweet Escape suits sweep Escape even better my brain already sweep Escape sweep Escape yeah I my brain is like making the PNP stop Because for me right if I can only like stream stream stream stream stream stream stream I think it will be the most it’s gonna be the greatest day ever in fact you cannot do that Jonathan Ryan very nice nice Grand Back to how it was a year ago hope next year wouldn’t be as busy I don’t know I don’t know why this here is super busy yeah but we’ll see Foreign Foreign Foreign Independence Day at the same time ID also got our independence day so it’s like overlapping the work is kind of overlapping for us yeah so it’s like haunted as like double even Double big event and I have my birthday too on August too and also um we are also preparing for something something something in September October so it’s like a combo you know but I don’t know what will happen like um next year I don’t know it’s gonna be like very busy or

Whatsoever I don’t know I mean I’m excited for it I’m excited I’m really excited but sometimes personally I just want to have like um I just want to have the time when I can just stream I can just play games without any thoughts of my work and

Yeah the full me time my me time is playing games so yeah All birthday preparation is finished I don’t even have time to think about that you know because we are still focusing on everything that hap that will happen in the whole ID cup as as we said earlier that Polo ID cop is not just that like it’s not just uh

It’s not just the Arena and we just need to like compete each other no it’s not like there there are a lot of things coming up too so yeah like I’m John and I uh doesn’t even I don’t have any time to talk about my birthday right now We’re focusing on the other things did Foreign Right now to just maintain streaming every day it’s already hard enough to do yeah honestly last year it’s super easy to just remain every day even though if there are like homework here and there but it’s still like very easy to do right now right now

It’s just hard to even to maintain like streaming every day hard it’s hard it’s hard you know we’ll always supporting even though you’ll not can stream every day Yeah yeah I know I know I know but I’m still I’m still uh you know I’m still trying I’m still trying to maintain that and deep down I really I really love streaming I really love talking I really love talking I really love playing games Last year I still remember that last year I can still play other games off stream I can have the time to like you know um outside of my streaming time yeah I still play any other games right now it’s just not possible it’s just not possible right now if I can find this

Time to stream it’s good enough already that’s why when I’m trying to say that yeah this year we’re very busy already and it’s the right time to for you to like think about um holiday like plan the long holiday that you want to take probably and then the first thing that came up

To my mind is like and I just stream without any thoughts like but but I really do want it like yeah because that’s the best holiday that I can have maybe it’s not making any sense when I say like um yeah a lot of people still got no idea that streaming kinda

I I treated streaming as non-work related laughs a lot of people always ask me to like dress please dress Kyla stop streaming please rest yeah yeah people just got no idea that the only thing that made me tired is not even the streaming the streaming is like it’s a part of the fun

Yeah I just I just want to be like having fun on stream I just wanna kinda forget about all of the behind the scene work but yeah I don’t know I don’t know it’s a mixed feeling every single time people ask me to like stop streaming just sleep I know whatsoever

Yeah it’s it’s a mixed feeling you know it’s not it’s not as simple as like um it’s not as simple as like people ask me to sleep blah blah blah it’s not as simple as that no oh yeah it’s a mixed feeling every single time I got that kind of comments yeah yeah

Okay and one thing that can make me tired is actually behind the scene worth I I recharge my energy by streaming nice birthday merge ideas if the if the birthday merch idea is already finished like you know um merch usually we finish it already like I don’t know the preparation of the preparation of the merge already usually I don’t know taking up like

Uh more than six months usually and then we are finishing it like a few months before the actual date usually right usually after the birthday usually after the birthday stream like in two weeks later we already start talking about like a next birthday merch already Yeah it’s like the plan the plan we kind of plan everything quite ahead yeah yeah yeah because everything is processed So can I have a big experience in one year please eat cakes is there I need the brain nope I don’t even know if we can safely uh send that package to you by the way it’s gonna be hard I think unless unless it’s a plastic big eggs plastic picky keychain

Hey and you got the Hammer kitchen though Hammer kitchen Pickaxe plus even better why why the pickaxe becoming so cute suddenly we are not baby why you give us plastic Wonder One right correct me if I’m wrong but what I know is actually three they’re cute they’re cute yeah Oh sit there oh no I already this is already three thousand I have no portion Pig eggs night lamp picks uh what’s that big cakes light stick definitely can Bonk people in the concert that’s kind of a bad idea That’s a great idea no that’s a bad idea though a bad idea you know what this is kinda bad I’m running out of space I’m running out of space Hell I wanted to know if you wanted to touch the fluff and flush on for Moco before the movement I just had patio I mean the tail the tail is tempting yeah their tails are tempting yeah mm-hmm fun fact sand cat is the smallest yet deadliest cat in the world send Kent scary

The smallest so I can say that they’re also the cutest and deadliest even better yeah Naga thank you for the fun fact of the sand cat yeah uh Mikko 2021 looks like none of your Gentry Ian goha is say solar prepare yourself I mean I mean that’s kind of obvious because I’m

The say so one since I’m the say-so want I know that they are not say so but yeah where is the ocean I need potion Good luck with your work thank you please I really need to use up all of this potion how You do squats no I cannot even eat the quartz now no I cannot Say or see so it’s like saying water is wet wow Argon battleborn but I’m say so tell me why tell me why I’m not say so why I’m say so because of what do you you do what what did I do Sadly you are say so sadly I’m I’m say so why sadly Mana yeah nice I’m say so I know that I am say so what can your bee say so if even be just be just scared of you a BJ is scared of the pickaxe not me yeah I just love pee cakes Um I wonder why she’s scared with big eggs good question yes I also wonder why mind breaking only atomic bombs in empty pulling senpies bullying Senpai SWAT flexing or grinding biting and lava too many rhinos too many rhinos guilt-ripping crony what objection I did nothing I did nothing I grain for Canby right I grind I grind so much for candy and tell me what should I do with all of this Ned dread if I’m not putting it down as Beacon but I’ll take them off a six-month scambership even better Sorry Kyle I cannot defend you with this all f I can Define myself I’m not manly text don’t think my last place I’m still working thank you so much for the luck yay no pain I did automatically Lose Yourself appearance always has been since the first gen debuted no I’m say so suspicious

Oh Where is the debris no debris so sad those things so much letters so does sending you Jen gets neither armor no Dan was known things I’m not even using that right tulsla hello do send I don’t have that right tools Poor I’m poor enough kind of you to save it all just for them wow nice very very nice Hey where’s the network where’s the nether where is the engine the brain where’s the ancient debris at all like for real exploiters of the sea flattening mountains and stuffing them into crates what’s that

Refuging beach and depriving Turtles of so it’s like when you call yourself pool and you’re actually super cool which is also a crime is that even a crime that I’m this cool wow wow never know about that I know that I’m cool yeah there is no ancient debris at all thank you That one is at least true Kyle is very cool I know right yeah thank you foreign I don’t know there is no ancient debris at all why Literally no ancient debris fine it’s been a while but here’s your lucky charm not Taki Taki get some help thank you so much welcome back welcome back Oh no I need the Brie I need the free give me the Brie by The Village way too foreign wasting space in my inventory There you go just went through all your candy stream two days ago just to calculate your actual 80 mine per hour turns out to be 3580 per hour of actual mining so good luck for the next 60 60 hours okay 35 right 35 35 80 is actually low

Maybe we need to be faster we need to go until like 50 per hour but I don’t know did you really count the pre-talk pre-talk one because usually we thought one on the preparation time like sometimes we prepare for two hours how do I say so

Guys I mean if you want Supermarket we have to give her as they say so right yeah I’m not taking the mouse luck just give me their luck yeah accompany me to do my thesis way congratulations I’m happy if I can help but no can be so slow imagine someone finished their thesis already and can be still not finished yet Kyla you can do better than that stop slacking start working Kyla yeah Kyle is weak and bullish Technically when you first announce this

Video you see that it will be done by the end of July just keep it up you’re doing great it’s none it’s not by the end of July hello argon Battle Born it should be end of August Subtle blonde pushing a machine with pomaldo inside weight is that I’ll pushing our Hobbies Hobbies Halloween Nice wasn’t it end of August yeah it should be end of August you need to check the do you need to check the Tweet again the Tweet say um and suppose if everything goes uh as planned it’s gonna be end of August and the worst case is gonna be uh mid-september

But I’m already pushing it through we are ahead of time uh I’m pushing it through because I’m gonna be very busy like yeah August September October so Do do do lafa everywhere everywhere the end of August but what year we don’t know even better nice no no can be will be finished before uh 15th of August I’ll post my limit I’ll push my limit morning Kyla my man my hand hurt why are you practicing a taco 4

Beginning ending and Long Middle feature I cut spent hours just to make sure it’s as accurate as possible it’s so slow like 36 yup Oh okay are you ready somehow massage nice so the clip is called Iris wonders what kind of things this is always online in Minecraft all the way back in May and new definitely stayed July okay The July one the the iris one right the iris one it’s supposed to be like at first uh why I say July it’s because at first uh at first we are aiming for like two two streams and two streams cool to 120 right the goal is like 120 per

Stream and we are aiming for two stream per week right so um and then after the first can be stream we got twice and then I say it like oh yeah uh if like that probably we can finish it uh at the end of July then instead of like August yeah

So I mean uh uh it’s actually possible to do it on July but well yeah suddenly after that after after that talk right after the talk suddenly Hollow summer Approaching Polo ID will be taking part of the Holo summer record this recorder record this recorded record this recorded no you cannot you cannot do this no you cannot stream yeah let’s go you need to confirm this you need to confirm that no cannot TNT adios but yeah I mean you know

I mean it’s okay because uh the actual schedule is end of August and and then after that I say to myself right like um I say to myself cannot do like two streams per week still of killer it’s okay um we still we we’re still ahead of time

Right we still have like enough timeline August or killer August and then suddenly I’m done hey new projects right so I need to push it again no matter what the can be needs to be done projects yeah Genie in English so many boss you know if you’re playing RPG games

You want to go to the main quest the main quest is the candy right but suddenly you meet like so many mini boss well if we can get a solo concert out of it I’m okay with it taking a bit longer Soul concert we’ll see about that Kyla on stage hmm

I’ll get something you better really like you’re playing at coffee I go bad one nice well you’re really cool today hey thank you so much I know that I’m cold every day thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah Thank you so much gusto but yeah I mean you know what all of it all of the streaming time that has that have been sacrificed all of this time gonna be worth it someday when the time comes you’ll understand why I really want to tell you like what is happening behind the scene

Right now but I just can’t but but it’s gonna be worth it I believe foreign foreign It’s not copying thank you I want to see what kind of thing you’re doing yeah you’re gonna see it sooner or later I’m really working on it yeah oh yeah by the way I think in the next two weeks I’ll be touching a lot of grass many many grass that I’m gonna touch

Yeah when either starting off of this week or next week or next two weeks I don’t know I’m still waiting for Amazon to uh confirm my schedule Kyle’s Council will be like watching Madagascar with those blue and red 3D glasses I better get my papa also comedy show Las Vegas when what

Get some help no no maybe after whole ID cup no no no no it’s gonna be before it’s gonna be before Hawaii cup very busy gonna be very busy gonna be very very busy yay Who TF are you actually why this girl start like giving spoilers what spoilers I’m not giving any spoilers I see Miss one as we missed two where Green Archer no shame on postponing the candy stuff you can finish that eventually you have to work in even more

Awesome things my wallet won’t be happy yeah but you know actually right um I’m the type of person if I haven’t finished the work I will be thinking of it again and again and again and again it it it’s like haunting me so I really need to like

Finish this or else or else yeah well I’ll see you soon is quite similar on your case you’re just like an emcee in romance anime please take all my life you really are amazing thank you thank you thank you hunting you you think we’re not that’s why that’s why

That’s why we need to do this as fast as possible right yeah we hear Bobo almost every day even better but it’s all gonna be worth it imagine the day that we complete the knb it’s gonna be a big day right oh I can’t bake and bake knb J and B

Gonna be up it’s gonna be his history Images foreign 2021 nice I’m still hoping for the lock resource potion merch Aragon Battle Born Nice ocean luck recharging luck Nope it’s actually it’s actually a really really sad moment if I need to uh postpone a bit of collabing with uh whole life Advent just because the schedule is not possible because of the color band right yeah that’s actually what I told m not I’m done I told Zetta yesterday like hey

Have you realized that you know We don’t really know like when the call had been gonna be lifted but I see too that uh like uh their collab pen is lifted gonna be lifted on there it’s just a bad timing for us because yeah isn’t it one man I don’t know I don’t

Know I I mean I also haven’t asked I’m done about like the black Ben funny September And the timing is just it gives a certain Rock longer to live I’ll come back stronger Gift with your time to paper prepare for what prepare for battle paper for what her funeral what That we need I’ll I definitely suggest I will definitely suggest uh be due to build an amethyst house and I don’t want to help admining the amethyst so she needs to mind the amethyst by herself and she needs to mind the amethyst with pancakes because you don’t have any other choice

I’m sorry I don’t have any stocks on Amethyst and by that time she will understand beauty of pickaxe We can make Amethyst from Farm though well that’s even better um yeah yeah killer normal day of rude Ella what understand the beauty of Pancakes right right no pressure though images yeah yeah foreign Maybe it’s rough but but from that experience we can learn something as expected I’ll follow feeling I just say that the Amethyst House gonna suits her well right I will definitely browse some tutorials of amethyst house and later I can send her the reference probably she will like it

And yeah I can help with other materials but maybe you need to find the amethyst by yourself I mean I can show you like I have like eight or more I have I have at least eight amethysts Keith my personal at least at least eight uh amethyst caves with me but I’m sorry um I cannot mine it by myself maybe if you want to go to take it you can take it foreign At the same time What road now I know is that the reason why I have like so many personal um amethyst caves that is that the sign that it’s a bijo prison actually hmm now we know who left to that who would have thought that all of takes to awaken colors the

Other side was a Rocco I’m not she say that she wanna learn Better Boy well you need an ancestorial over unique to drop to Mega strong enough pickaxe for Bijou by the way did you hear that diable diable for reading went way down or really why what happened already

If you want to learn not volunteer what do you mean of course learn how to build her own house right first thing first if you want to play Minecraft you need to have your house your own house that’s what uh Muna senpai uh uh me first right build your own house yeah

Yeah right so we need to build a Amethyst House first thing first we need to have the materials how to get the materials I can I can prepare like 1 000 ironp cakes for learning purpose hmm I’ve known The Real L for a long time remember Ella using Chris iris is

Specifically killed in fast well it has always been whole feeling mine is four thousand dollars Ugh There is a misunderstanding Happening Here that couldn’t be me nope nope she held crossword You specifically cheer when I died at least when you died back then you didn’t realize what happened and now you’re blaming me for that this is like taking a cup of butter shop than taking the cow how to butter other cows then make a tent house with theirs

Hey don’t make it so dramatic Aragon battleborn you’re making that sound so terrible laughs because that’s exactly what it is no no no no no no no no no terrible it’s not like that I’m in danger I’m in danger ancient debris please foreign What Okay so much love but I just wanted to say that I’m really happy to be a pumala and good luck today Louis thank you so much you too good luck for today Mm-hmm or video she just wanted to be a gamer Iris he had no idea that she would be bullied so much by her standby what I’m she said she wanna learn and that’s just part of the learning you need to have peacocks in Minecraft by the way will you inviting Rory in

Whole town I I leave that part for a rainy Senpai because rainy Senpai is the uh first one to first one to mention about the whole young one so yeah thank you We should give this stuff name I’m not careful every Yeah I mean I mean she can play Minecraft without no bee cakes If she can definitely just chop trees for 12 hours right and I mean wood house seems nice wood Empire to be a farmer like Thanos even better she’s a raw she can just use her bare face nice Foreign oh yeah maybe let me let me check the statistic I have mined 170 000 of stone There’s a number of the cobblestone cobblestone now flexing no it’s not flexing I just wanna let video know that um I have 170 000 of her friends Foreign kidnapped and and most of these numbers are still kidnapped in my senpai’s house Like like yeah probably 90 percent of it 90 of it still in my senpai’s house what do you wanna do of that huh 30 chest hostage here foreign I will try to be a good Sun pirate E I was a teacher next week no wonder video is scared of God oh no the Clippers are planning making a strategy to to create a good title already wow what a big content laughs wow

The day I realize I’ve been a pamel for one year and the star of powerful art hey this is not careful kaifel hello by the way and welcome to the emerald gang let’s go police we have a hostage Very very nice over 4 000 engine don’t read the heck have you done to another oh yeah my ancient debris already joining the first page great Leo thanks even better I’m excited do you funny thank you thank you thank you Wait what did you say nothing objection it’s not kidnapping allergies give the stone another purpose of life exactly they’re lemonized how dare you do this to us what I think I just Hollow yeah definitely you guys are Hollow get some help can you repeat that in English please what repeat what

I just say that I love pancakes thank you Bye How many at the end how many four seven seven zero four wow it’s amazing that my most crafted items in Minecraft is let’s go let’s go laughs my my first most crafted items in Minecraft is TNT let’s go Let’s go yeah and you wonder why BJ isn’t scared nah she’ll be fine what is that get some help aim doco Kyla mode cool among the best thank you so much Nice massage that Skelly tried to help video even better wait where my character is like that Why am I coming like that somehow There is no L on this oh no why not and that’s why you are not a feeling yet if you were the server will be destroyed on Hell hostage already from a TNT weapon built under the whole town oh yeah you know what about at the TNT right

Uh yesterday I saw uh the I saw the clip about the pecoras and pies uh tiendi Canon goes wrong clip and it’s so fun it’s so fun hello Steve fancy seeing you here I’m a bad boy nice oh no she knows yeah I know yeah this one isn’t an old video yeah

Yeah that’s a very old video yeah that uh the one that she tried to duardo at the Village but it’s actually more than that very nice the blessing Chianti with the magical we’re gonna use all of the TNT later on after we finish Canby to duardoir the last time before I go back

Probably 1 000 right one thousand one thousand what if I die because of the explosions and I and I cannot even get or take the okay or check the what is that the the debris rocks yes Kyle become stiff monster and Being said I don’t care anymore what why the word of boom that much tiendi has undeniable proof that Kyle is a boomer Boomer what you Boomer I’m not the species thank you Nope nope nope I didn’t wanna go there Oh nice or maybe later after we finish after we finish right we can go uh closer to the gate not really close just closer right and then we’re gonna do a door so it’s gonna be a history later on if someday someone go to the ID ladder and there’s like a huge holes

We can say that it’s a careless way of party right I’ll always of partying my huge holes you mean nothing after that we can make a house We can make a house after that horse we can make a house do it in user for even better foreign yeah we can we can do that in the um the new server but wait uh the new server the new server portal is the new server portal got Forbes already

It’s gonna dwell the farm you know um because I already know I I cannot expect the explosion what if what if pecora senpai’s Farm adios because of the dollar door even that’s the point the point of wood Oh hi you’re looking cool there huh what if you crash the surfer with it can I really crush the server by doing that no right please tell me that I want Maybe what do you mean by maybe If it’s too much you can what is too much like how much is too much you can destroy this time with it But I mean party needs to be big Arty party you’ll crash the server and PC John too even better you’re good right remember this is Kyla she don’t know how many is many yeah how much is too much you cannot just say too much with me but it’s too much

The end it doesn’t really crash powerful service overloading chunks do okay maybe I will maybe I will if the day comes I will definitely um tell everything about that first M Chan I will try to crash the surfer right now on today’s stream I hope that uh you have the blessings

For that just in case if anything happened I’m John Right where I’m just need to ask permission to offer manage Good idea maybe you could try around creative mode well I mean I’m screaming rain permission Grant I mean I have tried 100 we have tried 100 right before 100 is fine how about a thousand but but I did that before right and it’s daijo Buddhist thousand probably fine thousand probably fine then gay might be bad oh no no no no

There will not be it no no there will be less than that because I’m using the TNT right it’s not gonna be and key left no it’s not gonna be that gay maybe 1K or 2K okay it’s fine right I don’t know if 2K is fine That’s why you give unlimited always because you don’t know how much cool as much I know that I’m very cool but yeah 2K is fun I think it’s okay 2K right yeah yeah okay we’re gonna see uh how many TNT’s left after the can be done

And after that dwanda we still we we will still get a lot of debris right after the door we got many many debris after that yeah right so it’s gonna be good I don’t think PC channel is Happy hearing this isn’t very excited right yeah she’s very excited

You don’t need to worry about She sounds like a goat what how dare you But before but before that do our door I think I need to watch uh the safe way to do it because it’s not gonna be it’s not gonna be nice if I I died Foreign Stiff stiff it is very powerful foreign notifications probably that’s the reason why it became stiff That’s a stiff’s hand instead the character meme guys but because I don’t know leave yes oh what else what are the other names the female is Alex oh the girl is Alice Alice or Alex Alice and Alex Alex sorry oh Alex okay There are plenty more oh interesting no wonder they flock is not that good no one that delivers nowhere to be found I need to bring back Kyla okay um now you blame Steve even better How they’re stiff trying to do a door the ID neither so rude cool one is cow Says the luckiest yeah nice scam scam scam scam crawling thank you you miss Kyle already yeah where is Kyla anyway probably Kyle is sleeping right now Hey Kyle is Steve is angry guys Foreign stiff I didn’t mean that okay what is the longest word in English dictionary Smiles because the first and last letter is a mile up nice Thank you Halloween so thank you why my character is thank you for four months of very entertaining streams lots of blood sadness and my love being dream in more months on the ever again yay let’s go thank you thank you imagine if it’s actually two hours of

All of this effort is actually just gone after I restart the Minecraft right because I don’t know why this is like Steve right now nice even better no dicks Steph is using tireless armor this is not good To relax are you sure about that all of the 80 goes to Steve infantry yeah true it’s still wait wait wait wait let me let me fix that lunch let me fix that real quick hold on close the game this is very bad Minecraft It’s your true formula even bad hold on hold on be right back be right back first Okay I’m back hold on I don’t know the the the skin settings still showing that I’m using this my skin I don’t know what happened I don’t know what happened welcome back Steve nice Hey happy day koala happy day yay good morning Ella and all that long time no see for me good luck welcome back good morning kinda wanna see Steve in that uniform even better Imagine using a helmet on the top of the head Is See Kyla got some love Steve Nola beef no luck good night oh interesting So you’re implying it took Steve’s luck now no it’s not like that don’t say that he’s the main character in this game oh yeah definitely because when I when I restart the Minecraft I saw Steve in the home screen also Steve it was nice while it lasted he will be positing yeah hmm Oh Okay oh no where should I go now this one positive I just got a two-month batch of not seeing Hollow stuff kind of Rico for the amount of acids I have this I have said keep up the good work I could say Yeah it’s very nice mm-hmm thank you so much wait the more I think about it right so it’s just like the bling bling cutting cutting one right ancient debris is not right no I don’t know this is still a rock dancing the bridge is not a rock This and Diamond family yeah not ancient debris it’s more trashier than ancient debris um see say all kinds of stones are her friends quietness is ancient debris actually Rock hmm it’s not so it’s fine still debris no mention the prison Rock exactly it’s not just wrong it’s the Hindi is from another planet

If you smell it it became a scrap like scrap metal um metal right quite sure you still destroyed a lot of rock to get 80. um we’re not going there Lord theories said it’s mutt mineral that comes from outer space okay so it’s not sorry but since you say you’re scary

It’s a different thing it’s different Now if you someday do a collab with but do the name will be good even better how can I even how can I even translate that to her I’ve noticed that some of our followers sometimes are a little afraid of you I don’t know why do you know no I don’t

Know about that no no in the USA there was a face of Fat Rocks you could even buy accessories for them so remember rocks are friends not food thank you yeah not food right yeah not food literally not food I understand that I don’t want to eat the stones no Hmm Drink Nice two days already but my water is still so flavor nice foreign Foreign ER aroma like this one is better already compared to yesterday Foreign Foreign probably tomorrow it will be gone already like flavor by the way 20 million colors in a gram of uranium thank you laughs but yeah you know what don’t try that at home there are this soap for some reason just don’t know don’t don’t try that at home Thank you Foreign like Laughs Didn’t you drink rain water one day yeah and I also got no problem back then but it’s it’s just like a cup of water it’s not like a two liters of rain water no no no no it’s just like a cup of water I don’t know for experiment Ella dot dot dot yeah

You get some help why I need to get some and Barney would drink it yeah it’s actually rain water um what I knew is actually there usually clean but in some cases not in some cases in most cases they are already polluted so it’s not nice to have that it’s not good

To have that and how about you started after this is well I don’t know What is bilas in English soak no renz no English very hot prince prince Hmm no debris no debris neither is running out of the break this is bad I just realized that now but more thing about it you have too many trivia on yourself too is it it’s just like my life is super random I don’t know like if I want to do it I just do it like so sudden even without any plans sometimes I regret sometimes I don’t

Sometimes I just laugh about that so yeah The yeast body so for face or use a winner facial cleaner though yeah yeah that’s the only makeup that I have wait it’s not makeup um uh skin care I I only I only use facial wash do you use moisturizer no no Dry skin yeah very dry screen dry skin yeah I don’t like to use moisturizer just because I don’t know I I don’t like I didn’t like the it it makes your face weird like weird feelings I don’t know yes sticky sticky sticky sticky and I don’t know kind of like oily oily

Something like that no no no no no I’m not nice yeah moist yeah moist too like I don’t know it feels like something something in your face I don’t know no but actually I know that it’s recommended to use one I know especially if you’re um

Most of the time in the AC room yes I tried like I mean I tried I tried already to use like skin care but I just cannot stand it because are you sure you’re a girl Maybe not I don’t know like I’m a girl but it’s just not all girls are the same

Um see Steve even better I mean I still have it though but I just I tried right so uh when I look at the some ads this is good for your skin this is like maybe I need it maybe I need it okay let’s try and then use just for like I don’t know just use for

Several days and then like adios really let me touch your face just to make sure your skin is fine get some help Your face changed no no no no no no no no it’s just like malice you know like molest if you wash your face regularly with so you need yeah true right moisturizer and so will dry your skin but if you don’t even do that not really require it yeah yeah like

Um if you’re let’s say if your face is if your face is oily and then you just go to the bathroom and wash your face with soap right if you do it very often like that it will literally dry your face I know about that because of the chemicals

But actually there are products that I’m offering neutral uh though without chemicals one I mean if you rarely use makeup then it’s fine to just use cleanserizing yeah Also clean gone and yeah it’s kind of sauce thank you Does this does this what does this mean we’ll never get a makeup tip stream what what I think girls look better without makeup anyway argon bad boy it actually depends right and I I literally have no comments on that I will definitely get bashed or for giving comments about that I

Better live it there play safely I just I just wanna live a peaceful life thank you you need to talk with Chiara morel I mean I mean yeah I’ve been I I once in my life like I have I have been a group of

This bunch of girls that um do a lot of makeups And yeah I mean I’m fine with that as long as as long as they are not judging me I mean I’m fine I’m fine like I understand that it’s a you know a girl thing so yeah I mean if they like makeup usually girls also do makeups for themselves so

I mean I feel like yeah it’s good for them right if they if if the girls love themselves and they can feel better why not right it’s the most important thing that you can feel better about yourself yeah it’s not for others though it’s not for others to judge if you’re comfortable

With makeup then you do you if you’re not comfortable with makeup you do you so then you don’t look then you don’t love yourself I love myself for being for for not putting makeups but I mean okay honestly speaking if I have like a great makeup artist that can

I don’t know uh do wonders to my face I also like the outcome right I will also definitely love the outcome but I just can’t like I just can’t do makeup to myself and if I do makeup to my face it’s gonna be like I don’t know

Probably I’ll become like a clown so it’s better for me not to do it but let’s say if Muna Senpai probably wanna help me to do the makeup yeah yeah just just do it I mean I’m okay with makeup though but it’s just not my thing I just can’t Using makeup for what barbecue using makeup uh for what My answer add spice the barbecue even better and why sadly we are talking about makeup right now but it’s okay I mean yeah let’s talk about makeup yeah I’m good I got no idea about makeup here but let’s talk about makeup yeah Get some help Can you have stuff near your face like eye drops I can’t I can I can use I can use soft ones perfectly super fast I can use soft lens without any mirror or whatsoever I can use my finger to do it just flat shot I also kind of help um some people to

Use soft lens like for their first time yes Um what else eye drops I really like to use eye drops I mean I love the sensation of eye drops but it’s it doesn’t mean that I use eye drops every day no no it’s not but I just like the sensation of it Um then it’s just refreshing no wonder your fingerprint do you use lotion at all no I okay the time when I use lotion is just when I travel because uh I don’t know why maybe this is like allergy or something like that I don’t know but when

Um when I travel the weather right the weather sometimes make my skin itchy yeah and then so yeah I I usually just bring a lotion uh when I travel no matter where I travel whether it’s like uh usually when it’s a winter winter yes I use lotion every single day after I showered

But other than that no never never never never never never so yeah I just bought the lotion when I want to travel um sunscreen on travel no just loose no just just lotion no But yeah I mean I know that sunscreen is very important I know you better have your sunscreen by the way just saying okay yeah when back then when we met Kiara senpai I’m I was the one that not using makeup and then I was like ah Hello ah ah Made sense I would go real I’m not nice even better You must have still looked good since he at least called your manager yeah talking about that right talking about that I wonder if actually if actually looking okay um look looking like a manager it can be like um it feels like that you uh Well suit well uh well not well suited how to say that um meet a need or like Um or whatever I don’t know or maybe it’s just like A well-dressed yeah well dressed it’s because of the well dressed so that I look like a manager or Are It’s just like um almost that face because usually manager manager uh having the almost that expression already so I don’t know which one yeah right the dahla face that inside here the dead inside hello guys I’m dead inside but yeah that inside of me yes so I don’t know which one

It made you first meet someone with that face yeah but in my defense in my defense right That day was very exhausting already before I went to meet them yeah it’s a long day already it’s not like I’m it’s not that I went there from home yeah uh the detailed story you can find it um on the membership stream It’s almost that close until I cannot make it actually that I couldn’t make it and laughs at first I thought that I couldn’t join just because yeah the schedule I I have another I have another meeting I have another meeting um I have another meeting uh what’s that before that

And I rushed back for that and then yeah probably that’s also the reason why maybe I have the that inside that inside because I literally died inside probably that day thanks thanks to thanks to Papa Ella ellang Yang to drop me here and there that day Gigi papaya MVP yeah How to make that inside face Stitch me you know bimok just beef or maybe you know the dark love face which is and then when and then when I look at all of the other members and they use like makeup the more dahla I am I was like it’s definitely

Yeah so I arrived I arrived quite early I arrived quite early and then when one by one came I was like oh anyway oh oh cool yeah hi hello hello miss one debris oh yeah that’s true oh come in foreign How people can talk in front of the mic by ourselves like this but I saw a clue where I’m going to say even without makeup L is really crappy very preppy I know maybe Muna Senpai just being nice we will never know right we never know Maria thank you so much Muna senpai

But yeah no confidence yes I love pretty pretty weird yay weird hey weird collab with PC jungle asked Lady piece is a model even better or binobi I know I should have make PC chat as my mascot but I think it’s too late already I regret that it should be a PC chat

Mascot oh no get some help You can have two muskets what have too much but foreign even better How is it too late I mean why not PC2 well I don’t know I don’t know it’s too late because probably the mascot is already there we never know right the clue isn’t visited okay George blue another clue another clue another clue another clue so many many clue clue and hints

Clue this clue that oh yeah let’s talk about the YouTube profile picture there’s a funny backstory about the YouTube profile picture so after the Apollo Advent yeah after the whole Advent debuted I saw their channels right and then I just realized that Holy hero is uh we’re still using the default pass

Photo right and then Yeah the default password and then I asked M10 about that M Chan can we change the YouTube profile picture because it’s been a while already and then I’m just saying yeah I you can do it and you can at the time being maybe you can just use the what is that the

The picture from your merch like your previous merch and then oh okay and then oh no no before that that’s that’s the end and then I just change it right but before that uh I’m done I’m done feels like I don’t know maybe I’m just feels like there’s something wrong going on right

So amjan asked me first like what kind of picture do you want to change and then I said yeah anything uh like but it’s not gonna be a pickaxe I say and then I’m done like you know uh send me like um angry emotes Like I know it’s it’s just a joke but it’s very funny like you know the the Angry the I don’t know the what is that the angry bazo emotes I think I or I I forgot members members angry emotes or something like that I think it’s buzzo if I’m not mistaken buddy Uh yeah oh yeah very nice that’s the story so it’s just like a very random thought because I just realized yeah I just realized that we as in whole here is still using the past photo um No other reason I just use this one because I’m done saying that it’s a good one not the biggest one definitely so yeah It’s really good though after all Mm-hmm Wait I need the I need the crafting table crafting table foreign I need extras inventory I need in extra inventory Out of space foreign Channel refill your schedule oh no By the way I I haven’t prepared the Pokemon thingy that’s that’s actually super random right like way suddenly like like what on Earth is Kyla doing there like what on Earth super random I know nobody saw this gun Not sure if you can talk about this but will you be doing a guest appearance and be your fast mode stream tomorrow to show her the way Aussie I don’t know um I mean guest appearance mean what Yeah I cannot I cannot talk with her like as in Vice chat cannot backseat intent even better for Kevin United Pokemon unite um I used to play um afro games before like as in before the whole life but uh I haven’t played that again it’s been a long time already

And if you ask me why I why I’m there well um for fun you just want to have some fun right super random I know Yeah like why not Wow very nice Thank you okay didn’t just don’t use that okay I’ll use that Extension debris and should debris gone scammed got it Foreign looks very tanky very nice it’s very tanky and it’s painful sleep nice Snorlax very Diggy Alberta uh hahaha foreign By the way you miss my SP2 four months ago so sorry about that I I I didn’t mean it hahaha thank you you miss mine three SBS three months ago three SB and like you’re so rude For me it’s about six months ago wow wow so rude Kyle always missed my SP one year ago wow so rude missed my essay on Julie Pass here wow I can’t believe that kaella why did you do that afia Albert a To be honest you miss my essay too but I’m good yeah I mean sometimes I just missed some asses as me really sorry for that yeah kamarama get some help please Them I failed empty then wait baby goo daddy Goose said that I need 60 hours right the complete can be right this is three hours we still have 57 hours let’s go 57 hours yeah 60 hours 60 hours is just more or less three days you know Sorry I even miss whole ID gen 1B you know nice Fine basal Pokemon tournament can be August is really pack are you sure about that because I think Because I think they are more than that And they’re more than Ella please please what I just sit there more than okay Burner joke is It’s it’s there’s more along in one day there is like 24 hours right what part of the day that is your laziest hour like you just don’t like it you just don’t want to do anything at that hour mine is um one o’clock to three o’clock that’s just

Uh the most unproductive hour for me all of them nice nice Am Pm P.M like after the lunch time it’s just like like it’s really hard every day to pass that hours you know yeah not nice 1pm 3 P.M I feel like not doing anything Yeah I mean even though I’m not having my lunch still the same like you know I just look at the time and this already like 11 30 and then I was like it’s almost one it’s one even when you play game at that time kinder yes because I personally don’t really

Like afternoon time mostly I love morning I love night time but I don’t love afternoon so it’s like uh I don’t like afternoon time foreign that’s why I prefer to have my activity starts at four at three A.M if it’s possible this person I don’t really like um

Afternoon that’s also the reason why I don’t usually start my stream in the afternoon if I cannot start the stream in the morning well you know and just add yours already embarrassed at 5am it’s good yeah Later as I’m gentle meeting at 1am that’s why usually the meeting is 1am 2 am that time because that’s the most possible time that usually I’m not streaming if I’m if I’m streaming well usually I already start the stream in the morning and I just can’t stop before the meeting

Wait are you serious serious what oh am oh hey yeah I thought it’s PM nice and then odds no no no done foreign no meeting 1am M10 needs to rest okay Yeah I mean we usually have meetings at 1 pm 2 p.m 3 P.M right so well it’s kind of confusing every single time I got the meeting time like that 1pm 2 P.M I was like what I’m sure I start my stream one time should I start my stream hmm Any meeting today no no meeting but their homeworks but I don’t know let’s just play Tomorrow I already start my class again Um tomorrow yeah that’s why that’s why I want to stream today morning in the morning class foreign get some help Um Foreign Hmm wait why Mama Ella suddenly chat me Wait I think Mama Ella sent me a wrong message hold on with suddenly so many message Salah Salah kirim um What’s happening It’s like it’s it’s already like spamming in its surround message what Oh wait married life first nice nice very nice very random but okay Understandable Very random very nice At least it’s not weird well Kinda agree but not really I mean my weird trait comes from my parents too so well it’s either papaya is weird or mammal is weird but yeah foreign also said to Mama Ella like definitely like um no wonder no wonder Kyle is very weird because it comes from you so yeah

It’s just a daily talk daily topic you’re saving not weird uh not really I think not really I think I think the most the most not weird person and this house is definitely my sibling and then after that uh Papa Ella and then after that Mama Ella and then me

I’m it’s already like um Uh I don’t know I cannot explain that but that’s what they say Uh yeah talking about uh my weirdness right my sibling also watched the whole order 3D right and then it’s a very random morning suddenly my series said like you know it I kinda concern actually and then I asked like what why what what concern right Then concern actually my sibling was really afraid that I will do a very random uh very random dance here and there very weird movement here and there by the time I got my 3D someday the one that um the one that my sibling always not always or sometimes record right

Whenever whenever I ask something weird it’s even just gonna record it so yeah I mean Yeah I mean why should we say you you know um a lot of a lot of precautions already been given to me like you better behave better not to do this better not to do that like I mean how can I even remember all of that thing you’re serious it’s just a concern

But yeah yeah very nice and then Wait Saturday there’s so many message Happening hold on what is that Mama Ella text me my sibling text me Papa text me what is happening hold on what is this oh no wonder this is oh this is lunch time probably they are having lunch break right but why suddenly this is so Care to check them no my saving is talking about games a recommendation but it’s like one two three four five six seven seven notifications for my sibling talking about games huh the message is like if you play this game right you better did it don’t forget to this this is this or

Else you or else you cannot cancel it back said yeah I don’t know it’s what is this game is this a new game probably a new game It’s okay you can replay them first except your siblings what foreign Let’s go back to the topic like I mean how can I remember all of that uh things when it actually happened right one thing for sure is I cannot just stand still I will always keep moving but maybe the nervous maybe the nervous can stop me from moving I don’t know

Why bother to send long texts if he can send twice to what who my sibling I mean sibling all are working right now but why suddenly they chat me probably is because lunch break time now I’m sorry my family I don’t have any track of time yeah they’re all working in the office

Right so they have this kind of like lunch break time I replied already at am or p.m now it’s 12 P.M Their clock says it’s almost 12 p.m yeah it’s almost 12 p.m yeah Um oh debris I’ve met so far anyone update what engine debris I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t know I’m planning to have what should I have for lunch I I had my breakfast at seven it’s quite early so I cannot make that as my brunch

I really need to grab something to eat later not now but I don’t know what to have hmm fried rice Kinda oily azip um foreign ER Nasty Boys Yummy yummy because Nice if later iaf gave to have lunch you guys continue the grind for me okay Foreign guys why I asked you to grind and then you guys just leave me like this don’t leave me come back come back to me now please talking about your family I wonder what their openness about us I know probably they think that you guys need

To get some help maybe right no come back come back to me we’ve come back to me don’t let me like this I give you 10 seconds guys to come back okay then nine eight seven six only three hours today I’m early summer calendar if you guys don’t want to come back now

Okay I just almost leave you guys alone I almost leave you guys alone next time if you guys leave me again I’ll just leave you guys I’ll just leave Is that trident no no that’s not a threat nope it’s so sad playing games and streaming so that I will it feels like I have friends to talk to when I play games and then the chat die saddest story ever don’t leave Mika or I will have a good sleep

Panisama if you want to sleep just sleep hello I thought you used to it well yeah but I mean if I want to play games with myself it’s okay if I’m not streaming I’m streaming and I’m all alone again even better nice Even better foreign Trust you if you if you see that you’re doing great I trust you yeah good luck no it’s not good luck uh welcome back I think yeah Thank you Okay I wanna order meatball should I should I write in the notes section that don’t forget about the meatballs don’t forget about the meatballs and then the soup ideas Even better dry meatball without soup are nice end up just being the meatballs only yeah no soup foreign Eating a lot of chili again sambal very nice thank you It’s gonna be very fast if my foot comes I will be eating my back so first okay I’ll be FK because it’s not possible to eat the baksule in front of easy done easy don’t like it didn’t do it Not noodle rice noodle Okay Albert monhan oh yeah yofi Senpai I think your face Empire can play more than with you maybe just say that she wanna play 100. Finally hmm Sacrificing go high to Infidel it’s not sacrificing eh it’s not sacrificing if she really likes to play mon hando it’s like giving go high an opportunity to make some fun time zone I’m John what is time zone anyway That’s why that’s why um they they kind of like story story games Foreign please have some lunch first foreign Foreign Nice Polo Jack driver lock let’s go I’ve been up for so many hours I think I should sleep yeah Andrew enjoy your rest good night even better my Back soul my box so This is already 5 000 and we’re just starting I will definitely end up in around 50 000 or 100 000 calories probably later on after two weeks is sorry for so I’m just excited yay hey Andrew thank you oh three nice nice one And then is foreign Touched their ear the corner is married hmm I think you need to stop the Halo Halu you offer think too much already you know think too much overthink too much offering is already not good but you offering it too much not good okay guys it it it worked out Everything cannot Bellybole belly is badminton good Ness foreign Solo foreign Foreign worms I can play by myself warm sweat the worms armaged on which worms You missed it which one in the lava don’t go or this one how can you guys look at that warm Street oh no the drive for almost arrived I need to be faster message him ask him to be slower no I think you know I have a better idea

As the driver to grind the engine debris for me and I eat ask for help ing the app yeah of course the battery got a good Job nice even better um hello guys hello guys even better yeah I know right oh no the driver is so close I’m looking at it now no please please give me a chance to do all this first no no okay okay okay okay okay grab your Lines no no not yet not yet

Faster faster faster faster faster Foreign Oh no I need to go adios give me how many um I don’t know give me okay eating we’ll be back twelves 40. I’ll be back before that actually but yeah be right back way please have your lunch too guys thank you Foreign Get some help Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign That was a fast lunch of course we need to make everything fast because can we will not wait hmm dude what dude Layla’s cycle why am I having lunch at 1 30 am even better thank you so much for the membership gifts thank you get some help thank you You could have taken a bit more time you know it’s fine but cakes The boxo is spicy and hot foreign We continue what if you let someone else drive for you and they send us all of your things is that better or worse than if you send us yourself things about letting other people play your account is actually if zenmos is actually fine right but you know

The guilt that they will have is it’s just not nice they were like saying sorry endlessly like endless sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry and I mean it’s gonna be fine but I’m promised I’m not trying to change with this thank you so much for both double six time thank you Yeah that’s not a nice feeling yeah I mean I’m fine zenless zenlos no zenlos is all good Zen lost just Grand again looking back at the meditation room it’s just like a sign that I’ve ever filling that down in Minecraft but I mean look at me now right look at me now Look at Me Now like nothing happened

So it’s just like meditation room is just a symbol of strength hello projects build foreign Maybe it’s time to because because I usually just grind for sleeping usually I just grind or just in case if any members need the matters right but if I keep grand grand grand grand grand grand grand and no one use it it’s gonna be like too much enjoy membership foreign Before I start the shelter Farm I think I just wants to grind for Diamond first yeah I’m running out of diamond and it’s not good to run off diamond we need to grind for diamonds first and then and then yeah probably can start the shelter Farm first before starting the

Build other build I mean All days of diamond paneling yeah diamond diamond grinding brings back a lot of memories yeah because diamond is expensive right now diamond is expensive and Diamond dirt there is not possible to have like diamond Armory we need to manually grind it right but why didn’t but why no members the grind for diamonds

I wonder why we’re not talking about dope hello because Emerald there is a farm right Farm Why no one is trying to find diamonds good afternoon stay hydrated grind a real life go smooth talking about let’s have you try hold me with probably no like you ramune is the soup uh uh is that good Ness Thank you this is grind diamond grind diamonds diamond grinding is actually uh easier and faster and who knows that we will find another ancient city right hmm Yellow green diamond setting and small nice Where’s the portion Is I almost hit away my under chest Face I need the space one two three four um not counting the 80 that I got and just go on and on just go finally green dude ever again let’s go Foreign if I want to get 500 in minutes eight stacks Target is foreign like the time when I try to find the what is that called again Rems every day just free talk every day free talk every day free talk You can but what about us what about us nice song you’re just singing right you’re just singing because you’re definitely very excited about that right what about us what about us what about us that’s not the melody of it but yeah I know that you just sing because you’re

Very very excited of it I know tonight can be a game no tonight hey tonight’s stream already the waiting room is already there you know the title is very very long I don’t have any space to write the title yeah what game is that that’s an X game

Daddy go give me a lot all of your luck Give Me Your Love All you can conjure up give me your love all of your love till you go mild with lunacy Teddy go give me your love give me your luck give me your luck now

Give me your luck give me your luck give me your luck give me your luck give me your luck give give give give me your love give me your love give me your luck now give me your love give me your life give me your luck give me your luck give

Me your luck if me or luck with Me Your Love Stop that I don’t know if the mic cuts off my voice but okay it did an unfortunate oh really perfect mic foreign already mixed you know I listened to that already it’s a perfect song if I recorded it The tuna song if you if you want if you mount my luck if you mind man what I think we did I think polymer didn’t right yeah true true correct here’s lucky meal and Fila guitar get some milk And in the brief pleased my lucky gift to the creators and really can I get a guitar I don’t think if your acid needs to get a dsh hmm thank you may I ask where to get her because because you are cool I know that I’m cool thank you thank you thank you

Really just summer be careful with your luck guys thank you so much for the first Super what it’s 1pm oh no why it’s already 1pm I just want to get as many as possible But really you know the first time I grind for another ride it’s like super hard to find even with the same techniques the same entity right now it’s like the ancient debris everywhere hmm if only ancient debris Not that hard like this I should have started the Canby project sooner last time did they use fear luck makes sense was weak and foolish pascala listen up you’re weak and foolish weak and foolish Imana weak and foolish Um pascala school new color school kanisama thank you so much I’m cooler than the past Kyler last dreams who imagine asking Kyla about that imagine who mm-hmm I saw faunas Empire talk about that she expected the new engine to play Minecraft right and yeah I mean I wonder when they will

Uh join the Minecraft server because I don’t know because I don’t know if they joined the Minecraft server already or not no pressure no pressure but I don’t know yet minimum thank you sorry Um foreign Asking someone to drink but after drinking the water the throat is worse than before drinking the water Entering the Imaging matter right now issue Foreign No ancient memory at all And two The time Ian Gentry join the server I’ll be the first one to say hi hello hi hello welcome to the Twitter first and then after that left the game that was a nice first crack Ella fairy dude get some health tasty Frankfurt thank you does that mean you’re so far not talking

About your no pressure yeah no pressure definitely no pressure Foundation pie to JC thank you so much for the six nine you sound like wanna wrestle them not gonna lie oh really no it’s just a warm welcome like uh well coming with full of excitement foreign To grow Rumble Hi And welcome to my to my world Minecraft is my world even better foreign The tragedy of duard the office door Zeta saw the tiendi I didn’t exactly know what happened back then you know like I got no idea I literally got no idea and then I just died so I really I really didn’t got any experience of that word just because I didn’t understand what happened

I just stand there and then I died In Good Old Time what is your schedule you seem to always be on oh hi oh hi nice to meet you again hi my schedule my schedule is yes Schedule schedule gonna go back but really you know when I look at all of the schedule from other members they have a very great scheduled temp template and I really wanted to have one too but yeah I mean I literally just But um I don’t know like I’m just confused how to use it um what’s wrong with the current schedule what’s wrong with the car schedule we do have a schedule nice thank you Foreign you need the schedule for that state Kyla yeah thank you I mean I always update at the night stream like about tomorrow’s schedule so well I hope it helps schedule what’s that can I eat even better now at this point you should at this point you should have a schedule

For your meetings okay hold on I have a I have a mend candy right here that I don’t know how long it’s already here but let me check the expired date first expired date 23 May 23 what day is today 2nd August 23 even better just uh But but you know what like um It’s it’s still new it’s still new but I mean um you know uh usually right after eating that kind of candy like the mint candy it makes my throat worst yeah imagine expired candy nice um we can sense when you’re about the stream even better nice

Can we back the topic again what’s the topic I forgot schedule right schedule what schedule schedule we had a topic imagine having a topic oh yeah Kyle are you gonna practice before the tournament I don’t know I don’t know I literally don’t know I literally don’t

Even know if we have the permission to do that like I mean the permission of the the what yeah the Pokemon Unite I don’t know no need newbie luck will be enough your newbie luck let’s go let’s get this out onto a tree nice index Anna thank you

One two three four five six way hi hi hello meeting schedule or meeting schedule meeting schedule I don’t even know my meeting schedule though oh it’s seven Is this the Newbie luck Nice nice nice thank you Um yeah maybe maybe it’s the chunk Boulder yeah Johnny 10 maybe I’m not streaming skills that should be easier Imagine Kyle taking a break it’ll be fine later right September October you’ll be asking kylo when when you gonna stream you can win when you’re gonna stream color We won fine Excellency when you’re gonna drink a long time no streams throw stomach I know right I need to uh stream more yeah yeah I know after all you’re gonna be the one missing us Oh missing you oh I’m missing you amazing you missing you Don’t do it we many many many debris Foreign What kind of glue hello RJ you’re the busiest schedule this person I yeah yeah I think Amazon can confirm that every single time I’m just asked me like Kyla will you be free tomorrow depends depends on what me fans depends it really depends and Depends I can be free

I’m I I’m I I might be free but I might not be free it really depends yeah but if I’m done if I’m done say like Pila tomorrow meeting one o’clock okay I just okay usually I just okay even though I already have any stream schedule like as in

Let’s say if tomorrow I want to stream from uh seven to five and then suddenly I’m just say Tyler tomorrow’s meeting at one yeah okay I will I will just stream from second to one then asked me like Kyle are you free tomorrow well well oh no I can’t imagine that Arana will

Ask me that and I will answer is sorry cannot make it tomorrow I’m playing with rubber ducks yeah exactly Um this one five hours oh is it already five hours no No Do you randomly decide to do 10 hour streams Star Car Um I will seriously answer this question I have never planned the length of my streams what I always plan to do is I will do short stream so I don’t know I’ve never planned unrelated but I love a stream where you talk with the voice you use for Super Chat alerts

So cool so cool ever falling which one the the what the get get some help that’s not even my voice that’s my isekai’s sister voice My My isekai sister voice Jen Jensen land I get the gorgeous ceiling to get new character in a gacha game today I think my life is total to be here now sorry are you sure about that so you are not giving me your luck right now thank you for the luck oh by the way I just realized

Your profile picture is always senpai Even better Chief penguin cannot turn into your stream for past few days because of fact you’re glad to be back hey welcome back you’re feeling better now I hope so only found in your voice Get some help Um Just scored this way possibly is Gloria from a different alternative Universe than to kill no no no no no no no gorilla coming from the same universe there they they come in one package they cannot be separated gorio is the best friend of Kia yeah from the lower

They are just trying to enjoy flowers and then Kyla fell asleep and all of the things happened the portal got opened they are both they they were both got isek height to Kyla’s room here’s a secret Ollie called me to stem first um do stin get some help kid

Alexia should be from Another Universe that’s why don’t let Kyla sleep or else anything can happen it’s so scary to let carelessly I kind of miss Kyle say I want to make a song with her yeah I don’t know like Kyle XK is very talented like every single word that she said it’s all got melody in it yeah let her go no problem foreign I don’t even know where is a person but yeah Nice But this case Israel yoga real guys I don’t know I don’t even know like if Sakia is real or not I don’t even know already it’s weird And the wash This little more complicated than liquor yeah I know right very confusing it’s very very confusing here what if Yago wants to hire them and they become your kohaida even better my kohai great I can say that a grit Grit great great nice guys I’m sorry I’ll battle no matter what even better nice Here for hollow I became again one even better I am 10 Hollow ID gamer Holo ID gamer oh I won I want to play games many many games yeah many many games foreign left right Oh yeah yeah see that And then Debris engine over there engine over here many many many many many if only ancient debris can mind using Fortune hmm thank you Mm-hmm engineer Let’s see I just asked foreign you know what rare you you know you know what’s rare finding friends to play with Israel that’s just you wow Foreign foreign guys I just I just putting down TNT and you Grace and being so angry get some help Very nice that was so cruel self defense they attack me first Young Naga get some help before you did first foreign Foreign Likes me with sin destroying the 100 million years cave where the first speaker was born no survivors have been ripped 100 100 million years cave wow that’s just wow ocean Dude Stay away from the side a lark and the TNT is still going well it feels like I’m I’m doing such a crime I’m not I’m not All right help me lafa foreign Not really if I remember that correctly not really I did not think ing do I wanna go idle meeting first Kyle is not criminal season even that is suspicious You sure it’s Idol meeting not comedian meeting if the members said Idol meeting what the fear is gonna say viewers meeting listeners meeting hey Carla I was wanting to donate you two at what you don’t need to you on the 31st because that day was my birthday

Next year I plan on turning on notification wherever you go like next time so I can say it’s my birthday happy Birthday Chris boy I are yay Yay yay happy birthday wish all the best in life ah no engine to breathe at all no I should have just go a little meeting hmm is this bad Oh hi Okay okay among ancient debris rare yeah who say that ancient debris is rare tell me thank you everyone who ever play amps so you are saying that I’m not playing MC right now it’s jungle simulator even very nice but not um thank you Nope oh there you were after this go idle meeting first how many times I should say that I want to go idle meeting 80 is so rare that when I Googled naira Beacon the second link is titled another vegan is the ultimate flicks anyone try really okay My name is nice foreign get some help to our emergency Hollow maester get some help words see Is it done maybe not yet Okay Okay okay okay another meeting I’ll meeting I’ll meet him we answer debris Never Enough ancient debris what’s this one okay I’ll meeting sit sit sit sit sit sit uh sit ooh nice wait let me let me drink my flavored water first hmm nice job meetings that’s very nice

Be right back yeah cannot be right back Andrew couldn’t sleep have a cold but I’ve been listening I appreciate helpful and nice URL to me and I think sleep is overtaking no adios adios Andrew enjoy your rest okay be right back be right back be right back wait

Before I go I don’t meeting I want to stretch first okay I want to stretch fish oh okay now I go Kishi Foreign Thank you Wait For get some help you’re right I’ll meeting inclusive meeting Idol scam no right what I’m I’m an idol and I’m doing item meeting I did idle meeting me Why all mating cannot be this short because it’s just different right Nice foreign get some help keep us in Gita Is About Daniel Negative positive no get some help of course no get Summer because the SB just Daniel no message I cannot read it like nothing no message why needs to get some help Okay foreign Foreign By the way you know what right now we only or we already uh touch the 1000 Mark already you know like I mean it doesn’t mean that I got like 1000 it means that um last time I still need 2252 right I think right now it’s already like

We only need like 1 000 something something right now yeah we are that close we are that close guys Um yeah we are that closed obino Villa I know this is sweet question have you watched our kid of course we know but yeah of course I watch arcane Um we’re gonna go less than one thousand and then less than 500. wow excited and I want to gocha of elephants today can I get it no Akito Yuka long time no see but still no foreign foreign too many things happen in this in in the process of can be you know like

Up here anyone still remember like the first time I say that probably first time I’m joking about the Canby I don’t know we’re gonna miss this so much later on I don’t know is it was did it happen when I also play Minecraft like I kind of remember the first time I

Say that hey you know what guys it’s actually possible to to make another Beacon and then and then I say that actually it’s doable and then I tweeted about the another one I quitted about the schedule of the can be the calculation and then yeah but I didn’t even remember

Like what stream was that miss one it’s okay back oh I remember a long time ago you joked that you finished another beacon in 2025 what a memory right imagine how many people finish the thesis using can be in the background yeah because usually usually can be most of the time can be was streamed in the morning the atlas I say thank you

I’m gonna miss can be emcee will never be the same without a fish to John and Ryan we can make Kyle and me 69 the movie even better the movie the movie great yeah you need to get some help what is happening foreign [Applause] Foreign there is no good and goodbye we can have the there is pressure in the no pressure When you finish the canvi the first three response you get will be any order or mix of well congratulations and get some get some help Nice and you’re like what is the point of actually having a Madrid Beacon I don’t know I’m mad I thought you’re gonna say no to do so we can be bend that way Laughs nope nope inventory inventory It’s a ultimate Flex Nedra weekend is to send message Sending message hmm what will you do after candy I have a lot of plans after knb though you don’t need to worry about that I kind of miss actual doodles from Whole cure Hollow cure I will I will play um Hollow cure before the new updates just truth on just to get back the muscle memory again and who what is that warm warm up warm up warm up right and uh collect some money for the next updates just in case playing card patch or Early Access

Current patch yeah more gold yeah more gold you’re gonna be nice foreign Where is the town border I cannot even see the town border oh no fine It’s minutes I don’t have any other potions we need to be fast There can be great about a year ago is how I first started watching you I believe it was the day you had three different strips because of technical East yeah what a rough start huh three different streams because of technical issue and you just started watching me tweet Jay-Z

Thank you so much for the six nine you are and your are two different words cause you are hello maester get some help okay please get some help thank you oh no it’s 2 P.M and there’s a Discord notification let me check right Let me think Um Thank you Foreign My work what’s this 3 P.M 3 P.M ha tomate ah um yeah okay okay usually I just okay if usually I just okay okay if um if I’m done say like that the date and the day already I just okay okay but if free not free I don’t know no

No it’s not it’s not today it’s not today Ocean yeah it’s okay it’s okay what can I say the refusal to quit and keep trying to shrink up my attention how these days you think is so ensure to six nine thank you so much for believing in me right yeah And then yeah black we’re talking about technical issue and there’s technical issue now even better la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la Foreign Ah what’s this Mentioned debris there is no engine to Pray Again oh yeah I need to prepare the potion now I remember Now I remember Quartz and then this is crafting people Um and then the n t I’m not here B and D one two three four five three twenty three five nine already three five nine already Oh let’s take a lot Okay Wait wait wait wait foreign So we are like we just need 1900 here around there foreign stream yeah something offstream .com are you still aiming to complete this within 10 days that can do that but what I aim is before 17th August because there’s nothing that can stop me now I have like I have

The all of the materials already it’s just like the matter of time whether I really want it or not so yeah if I want it I’ll make it Yes you can gamble it my TNT hello Many men many many many many many many many many many many many friends I’m just giving my love a friend something to eat Oh nice yeah I know okay how many is many I don’t know but I won many many ancient degrees many many yeah I mean if we just see the leather Beacon right neither Beacon how many blocks is it only 100 something something right but if you’re

If if we are talking about like the ancient debris is like 5 900 something something but if it’s like then the Ned right blocks it’s just like one hand not even 200. Almost 6K 80 plus gold they are the gold right Yeah yeah all good good Episode your girlfriend is working pretty good yeah my gold Farm yes true thank you 16. re-engine debris six stacks you have six Stacks uh six Stacks not even 400 okay okay For zero one is your current record yeah I I will definitely pass that record I think the 400 one is because of the meeting right I stopped because of the meeting right no or what I kind of forgot about that maybe another Beacon you will need a total of

Five nine zero four scraps scratched by one side one one six four blocks is 5904 engine debris if this wasn’t crazy enough for a survival project you’ll also need five seven zero for gold ink yeah yeah very nice but we’re just that close already where we’re that close so yeah all good Do you have a game that’s worse we could know that what kind of monster city has surpassed UI I mean What we know in the internet right on the internet they’re already uh there were already two people doing that right two people did that already like the never Beacon one yeah cool people Congress and being the first YouTuber to do that I guess we have thirsty tuber foreign but I don’t know I need to check that any feed tubers out there any first feed tuber After candy why not try and build something massive like a Minecraft build they had it because why not they are because why not yeah I have I um well if you’re talking like massive massive I don’t know how massive massive are you talking about but I do have like a project of like

Massive building that I want to build but we’ll see about that No one is crazy like you even better image imagine after I after I completed the key and we read and then and then I say to M10 I’m done you know what I’ve I’ve finished my will be like then what then what Then more beacons second can be packet second can be even better Short on the floor yeah it’s from the pigland you Know Foreign block Temple into 80 Temple even better 80 Temple oh good morning everyone good morning Ruby wolf welcome welcome Nice okay make all the bacon for flex no place to put it but I mean it’s diamond right 5900 diamond we can do that like it’s gonna be fast because there’s a fortune big eggs right Yeah Diamond gonna be fast foreign ancient time thank you Ancient Temple Ancient Temple and more for another stack foreign ers 70 of 5 900. is Or 132 one four one three two Do I have for one three two already not yet I don’t think so but you almost got there the target for today’s at least 78 percent I don’t know because last time it’s already 60 something foreign how long are your Minecraft streams usually my Minecraft stream I think

I usually do all streams the same way it’s not only Minecraft it’s the useful thing And just say yes yes that doesn’t even look that doesn’t answer the question I don’t really have the exact answer for that foreign Five more for another stack is Masa Six Stacks this is uh is that six Stacks or five stacks I don’t know I think it’s six yeah six yeah I think it’s six um Okay okay Foreign Nice um No salt no no thank you I need five more another Stacks five more five more I need five more five more five more just give me three and three it’s not that hard to get like three and three right give me three and three three and three is not five yeah I mean

If you can get six like why you need to get five right let me turn on my AC first sensor is real Sydney Today Guys uh okay um okay what’s so big lots of piglet even better night thank you nice Mmm or salmon um oh yeah yeah okay Temple bloom in summertime is foreign Um yeah maybe I don’t know maybe if we can get like 500 today but I don’t know if we can’t pushing the limit push push push push push push push push push all the way push all the way hmm Okay oh three and three let’s go Let’s go foreign If we got more than the actual numbers it’s good I mean if I have like more after I finish the can be I can’t have my nether tools back even though I don’t really need it right but if less it’s gonna be a problem Okay Foreign of the candy progresses once amazing it’s just like one person yeah let me drink to make this ridiculous goal I don’t know who said one stuck in is one percent nice poof yeah I mean I’m just lucky that actually 80 is not rare tattoo person is Humanity Amazing or person oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I I just I just take the rough math the counters not if nice it’s okay Teddy drink some water first okay okay uh counter drink water first don’t be mad it’s okay you’re doing great okay yeah yeah you’re doing great no worries no worries

Yeah yeah we are we are always talking about the ancient debris right ancient debris Thank you for five months of Love Skyler chat needs together for real for real you no no need to get some help how about you thank you by the way yay um Bernard nice [Laughter] Hello Stephen Nice mm-hmm Da da wait the setting up setting up setting up setting up setting up Okay Thank you [Applause] positive Young Lang Syne is on stream roll back we can still do something about it because we have the evidence image and roll back off stream right amazing Then you need to Rico African grinding of shrimp well well well well well well what Well my last foreign Like that you wanna fight huh you wanna fight or what Yama bro you wanna fight um I should have put armor on PC Chan needs armor just in case PC potato PC well let’s get caught with t-o-kpc potato of course win with tiny hands tiny

It will be well yeah you want to talk of work you want to play attack of war Minecraft my hands are not tiny hands but I know that I am capable of that armor cannot protect from emotional damage Yama bro you get some help fight la thumbnail fingers closer to Mouse button Ruby

Not by any hands not tiny hands get some help a million cannot play tack of War you know what by the time right by the time my team wants to practice right I will Fair system They’re like three rights so Fair system where is the TNT No she won’t talk awful by using three months even better build no it’s not what One features you have three more if I play with three Mouse the the lever already broken One two three four five six Foreign foreign just wanted to say thanks Kyla for streaming really help me stay focused you have a lovely voice keep up the great work thank you so much good luck with your work too your badminton partner is also playing MC today Wawa yeah I can ask her to join foreign

Training from morning to morning Thank you but you cannot training that off work I mean if if I can needs at least two people I can’t do that Too scary oh no why you do that to yourself Ruby of by the way thank you for the stick pick yesterday one out of two yeah thank you yeah I kill us your day another shot shrimp yes your streaming thank you so much I’m great how about you

Hold on let me check my Discord What’s the title of the I have Kiowa made the sqo made the waiting room already not yet oh so because kiwawa already asked about if there is a practice day or no I mean I mean I mean she needs someone to practice right So hmm but I don’t know because it’s uh 11 wait what 11 p.m right 11 p.m GMT plus seven is it I mean I cannot take that long stream because I will have a morning class again Tomorrow but I mean she definitely needs someone to practice with if she wants to practice Do not we emcee again I mean if I if she planned to practice just in case I don’t know what she planned to do but if she plan to practice maybe I will just I’ll not open my uh you’ll feel I’ll just drop by and then just face it probably

Just practice for an hour maybe and then I’ll just go But just in case okay just in case just in case if she really wants to practice because maybe she got another plan to do with her no Um wait replying to amgan And that one done what is this uh-huh okay next one what’s this okay and then what else next one okay okay great nice what is this All good luck okay many many words all good all good is okay Smart streaming yeah thank you so much foreign Yeah you’re welcome you’re welcome thank you thank you thank you thank you welcome you’re welcome Ouch Again no space again do sixth time is 664 times six oh it’s 400 already by the way cool you missed one above yeah that’s why I’m taking it right now four zero one yay we’re breaking the record again Oh And then you check a lot of being first already even without completing the candy we are the bingo I I almost forgot about that bingo bingo and Saturday I’m just texting new homework nice good 2021 actually I have a new homework you know but I just wanna play today I’ll think

About that later later yeah homework grinding because why not This whole thing is for a check on a single box on the big I mean the first if I can if I can complete the knb before 7th in August right the the Bingo deadline is 24 August so you know um by doing that it’s literally number one number one be number one let’s go be number one for your Mario Kart Perry

I know I cannot I will not forget about the the Paris in the tournament I will never ever forget that yeah I practice so much for the Paris and yeah well yeah hmm foreign Alive by switch just wanna baby get some hands foreign directly even better With the 500 000 rooms the the numbers is not going up hmm Or seven seven four seven seven 897 Let’s see again after door no the door is not counted as mine because mind is using big kicks one dual is not counted no it’s not counting that you are thank you What what word Love of words um this one hmm Dual pickaxe yeah dual wielding peacocks amazing image immediate meeting video like this I love my job vacation got rejected can I get help us probably to give me motivation no uh but you know stay strong okay hello mayester yeah get some help but yeah Hello mister stay strong me Um Nice let me take a screenshot of that wait let me go here for the nah yes right Okay or maybe hold on okay got it we wish I I got what I need Should you sing a Shader no you will see what I use that for later you look like you’re trying to give one of your new kauai’s nightmares dual William big is about to collect some precious Devils yeah nice right he starts in 99 thank you foreign Don’t understand Foreign Aggressive and courage Welcome back we welcome back I cannot see my own character like this or I can see I cannot see my own character in the lava What is happening too this is fine Oh no foreign enough with the lava please thank you Okay oh engine debris Nice one Mm-hmm Foreign More than one step again thank you so much for the first supers my queen honest thank you Bigly big land yes Foreign two minutes two minutes Nicole thank you get some help Feeling blessed to be able to catch up with this stream Gonna Miss Alice Westville but when you’re too busy for streams yeah but it’s okay we’re gonna we’re gonna be fine right we’re gonna be fine all gonna be worth it right all gonna be worth it Yep yep no worries I’ll come back stronger and stronger stronger and stronger By the way that is Lima but thank you Foreign You guys are back already Where did you guys go thank you Very just go I just took a short nap I just took a very short nap Hey I got into a fight with a burrito Ruby wolf Oh it was a nice shirt now yeah yeah it does it did thank you It was it was yeah get some healthy seats but she never says what kind of help Carla doesn’t give a mouse guidance so really this to believe for our bad behavior colors should get some help it starts at 99 you need to get some help for real but thank

You so much for the sixth line what kind of help You need to find it by yourself Okay Oh I passed that one didn’t see it nope Seven tapers again but there’s 70 percent okay I still need another stack I don’t know if I can do it I don’t know if I can do it please Minecraft police Minecraft just be nice Okay Cannot go back thank you we’ve been Lava lava lava Please no Lava just a straight line Even better foreign Mm-hmm works okay nice Minecraft be nice to me just give me ancient debris oh nice oh nice nice gingerbread list fine hmm more please Um well again all again fall again to debris no And gender free just give me ancient baby I need to go here and negative positive dude hmm foreign If I got three debris at one time it’s gonna be 20 times undone one step but it’s hard to do oh oh nice almost there almost there Seven Dippers and if there is like 70 percent or we just need another 30 percent 30 percent means 30 more stacks kinda 30 more specs yeah 30. LastPass right 30 plus plus sounds easy enough sounds easy enough what what but why be mock easy if easy don’t be mokla easy yeah sounds easy enough yay like that no 27 stack plus 27 plus deck yeah um Normal expression nice adios begin Ancient debris ancient debris one there’s another one here hmm I think I saw weird I think I saw oh that one okay Yeah I haven’t got that one yet thank you didn’t get it I don’t know if I get it or not Nothing nope adios adios I don’t know oh yeah it’s already 51 okay nice Oh okay Seven Stacks is four two that happens Like Kayla says Kim Louise talk on Louis 61 says hello hello foreign yeah very nice this way eleven more eleven more or More for good seven stock S and then after the sevens like the seven stick we need another 52 even better refreshing refreshing I cannot wait until the time that I can explode 1000 or maybe 2 000 TNT party Foreign No I want to do it in the nether because I want to make a house there I want to have a house in the nether good so many quarts no engine debris hmm hmm after a little diving into some clips I think I feel scared of you Kyle I wonder why I do

I wonder why I wonder why I also wonder why but nah you’re not scared of me they’re not scared of me the one that is scared of Kyle is actually me myself I’m very scared because sometimes I just got like a crazy crazy idea so yeah don’t worry finger Queen 2022 you will

Find them no ancient the bridge oh No ancient debris this can’t be real this can’t be real wow Basalt now even better go away but I’ll go away all this bus I really need to go away oh it’s 480 great we need to 20 000 more to make it 500. Thank you so much for the jinx thank you for the Jinx I really need that I don’t know if we must agree with me but Kyla is a Kai’s ever and not like the bully bully her call her of course yeah unable to open game mode switcher no permission thank you so much

What is even that Foreign how how to change to create creative f3f for all f3f or no wonder I don’t even know how to change the creative f3f or okay great foreign double pressed because my fingers are not tiny yeah so I double press F3 F4 Even better nice Buenas Buenas noticed Mama Ella already reached home from work and I’m still doing who are alive who are alive thank you Mm-hmm okay Your work shift longer than no I’m just playing games I’m just playing games with a crazy crazy idea that’s what I do um Pretty nice I forgot I have Emerald now yay anyway waiting more for your 11 content in the future oh and it’s also more collabs with other kohai or Senpai thank you welcome to the emerald gang game let’s go thank you Thank you you’ve been please bust off go away please go away go away I need to find the Brie go away by salt Obasa Basalt Beacon basal Beacon nice out Six minutes six minutes Kyla Basalt Beacon KBB hey this Basel is so long I’m reaching 10 000 coordinates already nine thousand three hundred nine thousand three hundred if I open a portal in the Overworld it’s eighty thousand if ten thousand right Oh no hold on notifications let me see what is this foreign Let me give um What emotes that I want to give It nice Hmm is finally no more Vasa thank you so much Let’s see um chance lock Le It’s gonna be Ted ancient debris from M Chan’s lock let’s go No ancient debris oh here experience in the brain whoa three nice oh four oh five oh six seven thank you yeah right very very nice Foreign no just sixth Marla give me more seven is it hey Nice seven ocula awesome that you won’t be forgotten adios seven good luck but I’m just we just lost all their luck today it’s awesome 19 I think is six pretty nice thank you so much I’m done for making to another stack nice wow who ended chest for what foreign Fifty two more 52. dinner time please be nice to me Mm-hmm Foreign Thank you okay continue I think the DND is too many though but I don’t know real estate moan take this to double your love before dinner yay thank you That includes the one worthy and 1880 option yeah through through And don’t forget to minus the temple one okay just in case Condon please count down uh if the 50 is it 50 50 right okay 50. oh Okay please be nice Minecraft nice to me more or less I only have like an hour to go before dinner just please be nice Minecraft or Minecraft 39 . hmm 500. If after if if every stream we can get 500 we we only need three to four streams Saying no pressure finish it to the higher finish what today la today what finish today foreign Can continue to Super my Russian winter Moon thank you so much for the six nine away everything all fine you know now if you can get 500 per strip and you do candy every day you can finish it on Sunday even better penis on Sunday yeah finish on Sunday adios

I might Target my new Target is finishing Canby on Sunday and Chan adios and I will be uh I’ll be logging out my Discord right now okay I’m done Um Soon even better Ruby wolf no no if in one minute okay And shall we give homework to Kyle and now you’re yeah 40 let’s go 40 more 40 more we can do it okay quartz I thought is ready to place with orange and rich on top rich Ruby wolf rich can I eat rich No my debris no my debris foreign And rice super nice yeah there is one more I guess in the lava I don’t know I cannot see it though um I don’t think so I think it’s only three I think it’s only three reference for reference your shirts for reference win let me see it’s happening with my sibling Another game you’re good what is happening Hello By the way oh really Rubio thank you adios foreign I need food give me food give me food nice okay let’s go Hmm nope foreign Foreign Mm-hmm yeah I don’t like to use uh red clothes but if it’s like Maroon or red kind of brown okay but if it’s like red as in like red hold on let me let me stretch first your red brown red maroon red kind of purple dark purple it’s okay but if it’s

Like um red red red like the bloody red the TNT this red no Pray for a while yeah prefer white yeah I really like to use uh White clothes yes white white white white white white Rose foreign Blazer kind of clothes foreign Look fancy um two it’s not just one Thank you foreign Many many Carla I don’t get my paycheck until that pants but I love to hear you see the 50 hiragana of Japanese skk you’re good a real question are you good get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help okay instead of 50

Of that with what uh in a sexy voice I’ll give you a 50 times get some help okay get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help

Get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help

Some help some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get

Some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help uh get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some

Help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some

Help get some help get some help some help get some help get some help get some help some help some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help What the nether really really get some help for real the nether suddenly give me a lot of many many debris get some orange and Rich we reach again Ruby Is it like the H and the Italy is like kind of kind of far guys who broke the robot even better Yama bro nice oh robot robot what robot 23 more 80 let’s go 21 let’s go mm-hmm I embrace my Rubio thank you but you know it’s okay

Sometimes it happened no worries about that Wendy 2020 we can do it we can do it Good And then while I just woke up and now I’m Emerald again it’s been a fun year spending time with oh you have to limit us is for the reasons but will always support it’s okay remember to keep fighting stay strong you’re doing great yay it’s okay welcome welcome Emma again

Thank you so much for being here for 12 months already just one nice one guys still love it thank you by the way could you please Be cool afternoon Carl I was wondering if you want to collab with member of odm 50 like diapha Adriel Question mark question mark question mark so sad and yeah so sudden sudden sadness so sad Yeah I don’t know I don’t know I literally don’t know how to answer that because I I don’t know but what I got is probably a feed tuber yeah maybe mm-hmm Winter speaking of every dress white color I used to touch Snow White is Snow White because she wears white dress didn’t realize I was watching so until I saw the title at any because they wore blood snow blue then but yeah you know what I need to go back

To the Red Sea again as kkd thank you so much for the red SC but is that 50 plus gets some help it’s not enough for you is that not even enough for you like why Like why ask Katie hello hello I think it’s time to turn off the bgm right because 50 get Samuel is not uh it’s not enough right okay foreign okay Get some help to you I lost them what do you mean you lost you lost Colin you lost count the debris already hello you need to count I I asked you guys to count down why suddenly you lost or 20 more 80 okay I forget that nice get some help yeah you need to get some

Help too cookies Omega it’s Dad is that a trap still need to get some help Sireling Tasker better medicine than what the doctor gave me all of you need to get someone for real for real you know what Skk you know what this is this is still 2nd of August okay this is still 2nd of August you better save your money for real for real why why another red super Foreign I’m very hungry right now okay Kitty get some help get some help foreign it’s not even lunch anymore it’s almost dinner thank you so much for another rat Essie I need to complete the 20. 20 80. Hmm great stream my bank doesn’t allow more Super chess for the day because of yes that’s why yeah that’s why that’s a great idea yeah Bank tried to save your life right yeah that’s that’s super nice yes yes yes yes yes I foreign Wow ah where’s the debris yay Yay cheese There’s one or the debris it nice happy thank you it’s Omega get some help oh thank you so much Omega for the debris thank you thank you 18 more let’s go we can do this faster faster faster faster faster faster faster we need to be faster foreign oh really Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you get something Wow come on Finally huh thank you so much thank you so much for asking me to sleep I don’t know that actually I really need to sleep oh Thank you thank you thank you feels refreshing right yeah very very thank you so much for reminding me to sleep to rest for Napa bed yeah foreign foreign now I know the power of sleep I love sleeping so much Yeah I finally wow thank you so much thank you so much thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah And get some help get some help 20 21 languages follow baby scream milk and tea even better nice because the lemon is this the true power of kailashin what kailash then then Ruby wolf color is Dolphin she can turn half her brain off and sleep while other half place even better nice Skk I’d rather give my money for my Oshi because I don’t eat food nice just like by the way I’m a woman yeah I know you know what if you are a woman you also still need to get some help you know it doesn’t mean that if you are a woman

Then you can escape to get some help part you need to get some help and really you really need to eat save your money okay save your money hello and um get some help okay please thank you so much please save your money for real for real or else you’ll regret later

She let us as easily as he leading you’re even cooler when you sleep you should do it more often what what cooler nice very nice nice I’m a giraffe I’m immune to get some help giraffe some help finally hi back I like the deposit this thing you get some help don’t do that

Hey guys save your money for real for real okay this one Ruby wolf I’m Ruby penguin also you so from all of you transfer into penguin already even better I’m not even to typos hard to type with well yeah maybe maybe the reason why the

Reason why you keep a rich rich rich is like that right okay What happened guys what happened it’s not even nine hours and you guys already need so much help You good oh yeah the answer is no well yeah um if you are if if you’re not good then um get some help yeah uh okay uh thank you so much for the pink supaya um okay well yeah thank you so much for the first super but well What is happening sleep stream 100 times yes I lost the bet to you remember about you being a whiz but The Lost I don’t know even better nice we need to because we can live live without dude of course you don’t need to worry bunky Kal later Hollow cure update we gonna do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do the whole day right from morning to morning yeah let’s go the lemon I’m lemon I’m too sour and yeah yeah yeah that lemon yeah okay some help yeah yeah uh titanium if sarkar no need to save money

For for my guava gives free food from our taxes hence immune together Oh no I really need to I really need to finish this stream as soon as possible or else but Milo cannot be helped anymore this is very bad this is very very bad internet eating food instead of saving mine but saving get some help Esky Kitty please

You need a lot of help for real for real you know yeah please money money money save money okay Uh Let’s go let’s go I need to do this as fast as possible I cannot stop if I stop amalu cannot be helped anymore I don’t know what happened but literally I’m running right now yes definitely I’m running right now positive and more or less good 10 more nice

Nice nice they say chat is reflection of the YouTuber well it’s not at least it’s not here this Saturday night thank you so much for the sixth night I kind of can you tell me to get some help yeah you you better get some help yes yes yes yeah

Yeah yeah uh Fida station yeah hello Uh loud snow yeah get some help yes yes rain I’ll go after Galaxy 3D and the Tura tuna song the 24 hour Dudu will be the third side of the app no it’s not finally you’ll never be able to escape this no no no I I I I want to escape I

Want to run yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay no time to breathe anymore breath rest let’s go okay okay another place just be nice to me just 10 more 10 more 10 more no Ella don’t stop go get that 80 more we need more gets high icy waffle you need to

Get some help for real for real yes yes yes by the way Miss do you have a permit to mining with TNT of course yes I do I do yeah I do thank you so when you get some help yes yeah yeah get some help get some help

Okay I will not stop I will not stop okay uh-huh dinner time is closed the model is needing a lot of help better run better run why are you running because I need to run Victoria Adam thank you so much oh no the s be gone I cannot even read that

Yeah yeah get some help get some help thank you so much thank you so much yes okay let’s go let’s go Thank you for the fun thank you so much Ruby wolf yeah it’s better for you to stop sending Essie huh every second Kyle is getting cooler thank you so much I know that I’m cool but you really need to stop too Chris get some help yoga all of you need to

Get some help for real for real let’s go let’s go TNT character please run faster why so slow okay you need to eat okay let’s go faster faster faster faster faster don’t eat the food okay I will love if you tell yeah yeah you also need to get some help yes yes

Get some help 99 Problems where normal anti-cala meet them with what what did I do I did nothing hello my wife my wife gets some help is this jealous Ruby wolves stop you need to focus and calm I’m focusing right now yes let’s go let’s go soup soup no no okay

Okay this is gonna be this is gonna be the last this is gonna be the last right this is gonna be the last Jacob soup our chat time chat chat chat time please just give me 10. iglin piglin I don’t have I really don’t have any time okay okay okay okay

Be nice be nice okay okay 10 10. okay okay let’s go let’s go Oh no eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight let’s go let’s go eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight glorious get some help is that a song that sounds like a song but okay Eight more oh eight more or eight more eight more seven more let’s go seven more six more let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go We don’t need to take that what’s filler even better Okay okay okay let’s go is that six more okay okay five more um five more let’s go five more five more five more five more No time for taking goals five more why it’s really hard to find like five more No no more candy okay okay okay okay let’s go let’s go that’s bad [Applause] Foreign Foreign Did it Okay okay okay okay it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time to go let’s just do our that and run ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding okay is it done is it done is it done is it

Done okay okay it’s done it’s done it’s done so it’s 500 right 500 right is it 500 500 let’s go Thank you thank you thank you hey thank you thank you all good all good yay yay let’s go nice very very nice way uh hold on hold on uh what is this yeah yeah because yeah um nothing nothing but yeah I just need to like just need to go right so yeah don’t

Worry don’t worry don’t worry about that um [Applause] is not part of the pyramid it seems to be an illegal operation no it’s not leotan give us 99 I heard I see it are free now just testing thank you so much for the six

Nine but no it’s not it’s a scam the MK Ella rapping super chess let’s go Legion we don’t need to get some as long as we have you get some help um okay what okay here why you ignore us get some help no you need to get some help thank you and

Then what’s that I just came back and opened you my paper may be tiny but will is strong yes super good yeah super good uh surprise free ask me thank you so much Andrew wake up check phone perfect timing back to sleep yeah adios uh enjoy your rest Andrew thank you and then

Thank you so much for the SC 500 congrats to JC thank you so much is it 500 or 501 I don’t know but thank you so much I see waffle maybe you know you can get 680 instead 500 no no it’s not possible yeah 30 good seven percent now

At 70 percent now ikuzo also ate more 80 yeah let’s go let’s go it’s done it’s done it’s it’s more than 7 30 70 already yeah great thank you so much everybody gets familiar yeah YouTube thank you so much Cody I need tell you you better get some help yeah tell

Archer you cannot run but you can’t sleep yeah true true that’s true uh cycling sending an essay fills my stomach that’s how I know you need to get something thank you so much young and saving some money uh thank you so much for the sixth time but not like

That thank you so much thank you so much oh yeah it’s it’s already done right oh yeah thank you so much for uh today it’s been a pleasure to play with uh all of you and yeah thank you so much nice good luck trying to run now I I’ve I’ve

Done all the RTA says no Corpus get some help I I finished reading already nice let’s go let me end the stream it’s a 580 is it 500 or 501 500 right 500 right miss one assy one all said if I am a ring club would you

Be my dinosaur even better get some help get some help okay Okay thank you so much for now and and I’ll see you tonight yep I will see you tonight and you guys need to get some help me thank you so much The legion when I already read that I already give Legion get some help yeah we did it guys we did it we did it we did 500. you miss this as even better no I don’t 500 guys 500. amazing progress oh let’s go see you soon tonight okay don’t forget to come back

It’s a break time the job take care stay safe you too Ruby wolf thank you so much Thank you Andrew adios great work Ella Adam thank you Adios can some mail all of you get some mail

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#15 dedication #KaelaNB69 (500 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-08-02 10:55:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

【Local donation】A bitter treat is now very EZGGWP!~ Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe #Kaelaif …

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    EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy SwampVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – Soggy Swamp ( A Perilous Potion)’, was uploaded by LegendSmehoo on 2024-01-14 13:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚

    Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚Video Information This video, titled ‘WE’RE SO BACK’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-22 23:38:05. It has garnered 936 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:35 or 8855 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me… Read More

  • From PVP to Mining – EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥

    From PVP to Mining - EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘De PVP a MINERÍA #minecraft #twitch #streamer #gaming’, was uploaded by PoolSLive98 on 2024-04-12 19:00:28. It has garnered 4020 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.Net

    Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.NetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Nevergame.net | Projekt Schiff Finale’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 07:04:51. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:43 or 4063 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ https://dsc.gg/x-cross ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ https://discord.gg/dreamwyld ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be… Read More

  • JonJon’s Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)

    JonJon's Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by JonJon on 2024-05-06 19:30:01. It has garnered 1855 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. MERCH https://bit.ly/3lzGvPI DISCORD LINK https://discord.gg/xww3Er4CST NEW CHANNEL https://bit.ly/2Im24Co Second Channel http://bit.ly/2twu7rg SoundCloud https://bit.ly/34Jgape Twitch https://bit.ly/2F9lau4 Thumbnail Artist/Animation Boy https://bit.ly/3G07Xyl ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ ✯People Who Were Here✯ Cryqtic: https://bit.ly/3lsaLfQ Fruit https://bit.ly/43XE1PE Corgi http://bit.ly/3UdXPrB SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay) 🎭 Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling, as each character comes to life with a unique personality, adding… Read More

  • WorldCivs

    WorldCivsWorldCivs is a multi-world minecraft server that uses an Earth map for its main map. With countless things to do like fight bosses, unlock more worlds, and starting your own nation. Civs is a nation/clan based survival with strong PvP and PvE aspects. java.worldcivs.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Craze

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CrazeGreat Crafting for your information, this meme has a higher score than most of my test grades in school. Read More

  • Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust

    Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a challenge for me. If water appears, then it’s game over, But don’t worry, I’ll keep the fun in my endeavor. Follow me on Instagram, for more Minecraft delight, And on YouTube, where I showcase my might. Donate if you can, support is always grand, Join my Discord, where we all understand. Minecraft Indonesia, where the adventure begins, Survival mode, where the excitement never dims. Shorts on YouTube, for a quick gaming fix, Minecraft memes, building tricks. So join me in this journey, where rhymes… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating Minecraft animation titled “Demons and humans [Part1]” that left us in awe. The combination of stunning visuals and powerful music truly made this video a masterpiece. As we delved deeper into the music featured in the video, we discovered tracks like “Evolution” by Clarx, Debris, 3rd Prototype, Castion, EMDI, “Street lights” by Time to talk, Azertion & JJD, and “Top floor” by JPB. These tracks perfectly complemented the intense storyline of the animation, creating an immersive experience… Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: https://www.eneba.com/fr?af_id=mcolo 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: https://sites.google.com/view/mcolo/euro-truck-simulator-2/simulation 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373725383 📝 Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Лучшее #492’, was uploaded by Одержимый Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeninjas-kingdoms.1926218 Installation Guide – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : patreon.com/Banditgaming98 Twitch : Twitch.tv/Banditgaming98 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bandit20799677 Instagram : https://instagram.com/Banditgaming98 Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

【Minecraft】#15 dedication #KaelaNB69 (500 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】