【Minecraft】Babe New Server Dropped

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Foreign Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Y’all Little Rascals how you been how you doing foreign Oh oh you saw you saw my idol outfit oh are you silly yeah take it all in I know it’s hard it’s difficult it’s difficult to take it all in it’s a very very uh big awesome yay Ma look I’m an idol or something woohoo You sound a bit different oh that’s because I’ve been recording um stuff or like foreign how long has it been two to three hours Ah it’s all week no not all week but I was busy doing stuff No not not two to three days I I was just pretty busy Um but yeah I heard that there’s a new server in town and I want to check it out and see oh what it is And thank you word to the Third I miss you so I’m right here I’m right here um yeah bye I I uh yeah I’m wondering if I should start fresh like bring no equipment from my other server or I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how other people do it Um okay fresh fresh up from the top you look beautiful today crony this is I I look always beautiful this is not a surprise but uh thank you thank you so let’s see you let’s see you let’s see I did want to build a new type of Bunker anyway

Let’s uh let’s go let’s just jump right into it yes yes yes it’s gonna be more aesthetic Maybe Maybe Oh I’m gonna level up that’s right aesthetic it’s gonna be it with sparkles if it was aesthetic it’s gonna be aesthetic in cursive all right let’s see let’s uh switch Um All right all right what we have here what we have here let me minimize this Is fine it’s fine Click click click click click All right and watch this I’m gonna uh this that’s right With with shaders all right Now I’m gonna go home deposit everything no lag anymore I have no idea but I’m still doing it because why not ow Oh man I wish I had a portal to just teleport to my house There’s no sound whoopsie hehe a good good catch Thank you man I’m saying foreign that sucks did you get a new mic no I just increased the gain what’s up does it not sound does it sound bad what’s up what’s up does it sound quieter what’s up this sounds good What the heck is happening it sounds quiet and mouthful oh no oh oh I see you ah I thought it was fine you fixed it About that that’s pretty good yeah I think this is pretty good Oh bgm’s loud that’s that’s unexpected maybe I just need to increase the volume maybe that’s what it is all right it should be gone this is probably good All right let’s uh deposit all my stuff mm-hmm And put these all in can I can I keep my can I can I keep my pickaxe though can I no And wait I forgot I have to put this into oh oh no like a fresh fresh start okay Let’s uh put these here time flies we never did see your nether armor you did see it before oh wait I forgot I have to put this torch back too uh let’s see

And then put this in here maybe I should max out the hunger before I go I can have at least that right the cook rabbit That’s illegal what do you mean you spawned in the game with full health usually hey Hey right usually it’s been a while since I started fresh All right let’s see let’s go Yeah you do okay see darn that’s fine whatever I’ll heal I do know where the portal is don’t you worry I I took a look I took a look as to where the coordinates are so good Foreign Yo there’s already stuff was this bone someone had a bone to pick with free loot free food that is awesome that’s a beetle that looks like a bone okay I can kind of see the beetle now Hmm okay they’re building something all right where should I have my place oh God it’s lagging ho ho yep oh wait it’s okay now okay Nope okay never mind no no shaders I guess damn I can’t ever win it’s the rain oh pain I wanted to play it and beautiful Shader oh curses ah disgusting blue rain All right where where should I where should I build At least it’s stable that’s true where where should I build my little place Maybe do some exploring yeah foreign oh wow this this goes down really far why hmm I kind of like being in the middle of nowhere but maybe I should change that maybe I should change it for for this time maybe I should build close to people Maybe honey I can’t pick it up all right let’s uh look around real quick whose house is this ow don’t do this

Don’t do this And you guys are ill you need help bro how am I supposed to sleep oh okay Oh finally no rain Where should I go where where should I go I’m lost like this is great and though but it’s way too crowded I wanna okay that that place is taken that property’s definitely taken uh let’s see over there that’s like a little nice patch who am I neighbors with Ow gonna build it right here at the bottom Um I’m not gonna run into anyone if I build here right do you think I’ll bump into any structure God damn it foreign I need to find like a big big yeah no no I might bump into something Uh let’s see that’s a weird tree oh oh snow oh snow oh I like snow oh kingdom of isolation that is me Oh my beloved snow This is a good place foreign this is beautiful I want it I want it right here Isn’t it a bit too high um I mean kinda I might might dying whoa I can’t I can’t I’m freezing I can’t get up what oh oh wait I this is a new feature I did not know this was a thing Wow This is perfect All right this is perfect I like it did someone plant these or yeah someone definitely planted oh Darna it’s taken I’m gonna go for a different Hill Hmm let’s say there’s a cow very nice lava over there very nice I think I think this would be a good start no you know what I’m gonna build a castle I want to build a castle I’m gonna build it I’m gonna build a castle All right first of all this this magical what was I gonna do I’m gonna build a castle oh goodness Minecraft Minecraft All right See let’s say I put this here and then sticks sticks uh um um I know stop stop oh yeah okay I know I know now okay remove this all right it’s like this and I can make a pickaxe yes wow all right I’m doing this do you see this goat foreign ow

Why is this thing attacking me Wick what did I do Get away from me All right I’m gonna go away go I’m gonna build I’m gonna build like right here yeah yeah right here I’m gonna I’m gonna clean this place out and then bam it’ll be done all right I got it Foreign Wait I have a vision I have a vision and I’m gonna make it come true Foreign It’s gonna be the where where should the entrance be the entrance This time I’m gonna make it obvious for everyone to see maybe this way right here right here who would see you facing the Horizon oh that is that is a wonderful idea Oh yeah it’s getting dark that it’s not a good sign um um Yep I know where I’m going yep Cool how do I make coal I have to dig one oh this is great I don’t have a bed It’s fine foreign I’m digging for something Yep oh man what a gameplay Foreign We can’t see I can’t see either I feel like I’m gonna die just just a hunch but okay yep all right as long as a creeper doesn’t drop I’ll be safe Yep yep all right all right I’m gonna dig because I need this I need I need stuff Coal would be great everyone start from scratch I’m gonna die huh yep I’m dead gosh darn it well that’s been great I’m gonna sleep foreign Next time how am I supposed to have a bed I need wool I need I need food how how do I food food Oh man starting from oh that is a nice brick house God it’s so tempting I Wait where am I going is that a skyscraper that’s pretty cool Uh uh whoa is that a mushroom Forest foreign that’s so cool that’s supposed to be a rare biome um okay okay huh Adventure Adventure Where where I’m lost I don’t know where my home is Where is my home Um how straight go straight I got you I got you I got it I got it I got it oh yep that is my home my home Okay good very good Yes yes That’s what I’m talking about all right all right let’s do this oh God not this again I’m not gonna fall for that twice foreign All right all right this is probably not my Mountain actually why was it not my Mountain oh because it was taken by someone else right wait maybe this is mine the goats oh goodness what oh oh oh Bro But but can I get up there I need I need wood I’m gonna die again aren’t I yeah I’m gonna die again ow well let me let me try to go up from this side or or or this side ow ow oh That would be a good secret spot I would like that I like that a lot All right okay I’m gonna bring as much wood as possible and then and then start and then I’m gonna keep on digging oh God it’s lagging so much why oh goodness oh goodness oh insane whoa wow give me a second that is insane what’s happening bro damn what’s happening okay yep

Okay this that should be good maybe God damn it oh man foreign who could have known that Minecraft takes up so much all right let’s see Um yeah that should be good check check my render distance yeah it’s not a lot beard Uh uh okay that’s weird you hear that poor PC crying but why what did I do what did I do bro Oh my goodness I’m just digging okay fine oh my goodness I can’t believe it all right Does this make you happy limit the frame rate that’s also a very good idea two 40. yes Foreign Oh yeah this is actually pretty good yeah Wait what was I doing oh yeah foreign oh you can hear my computer really Foreign all right I think this is enough I think oh yeah that’s definitely enough all right all right I’m ready I’m so ready oh I’m dead oh oh where was where was the exit uh I don’t remember ow ow Um um probably around here right no where is it man what’s the point of finding a secret entrance if I can’t I can’t find it The Sun is setting I’m gonna die thank you all right okay [Applause] All right I can’t die now Right as I said that okay um um Yeah okay This time things are going to be different things are going to be different I’m gonna I’m gonna mine first and then I’ll I’ll decide about my vision later My my vision will come afterwards all right all right that’s what I’m talking about yeah and I’m taking this with you with you what am I saying whatever okay take this mining I Love mining oh God it’s so dark maybe I should turn up the brightness Keep digging down down you know what just keep digging down I’ll find a way foreign Yep this is good I’m making really good progress I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it I can see that I can feel it I’m gonna find so much more and stuff yep any day now Gotta be there I’m gonna hit an open space foreign yep Yep I’m doing it I’m doing it I have nothing to lose all right making very good progress foreign I’m gonna make it I hear zombies that’s a very good sign I can’t dig anymore why is that foreign I’m gonna hit I’m gonna hit I’m gonna I’m gonna hit a land mine oh that’s saying the landmine but it’ll do yep now if I just have cold that would be awesome I think this is Cole this is cool This this is cool do you see Cole I Foreign Backup place I’m gonna build a backup place I’m gonna build a backup place Um uh my house my house All right all right okay oh starting from scratch is a difficult thing I’m gonna sneeze foreign thank you I’m gonna do everything by myself and maybe who knows now that I turned down the frame rates I can finally use the Shader oh no Actually no this ain’t so bad foreign Oh look at that it’s so crispy [Applause] all right last last attempt And then I’ll really really give up I really give up on the snow biome Uh if I could figure out where I’m going that is Hmm Foreign All right all right all right All right all right yes doing this yep all right we doing this All right yes snow biome already awesome making good progress already all right you know what I like this place this is gonna be This place is a little too small for my for my vision My vision my vision listen Oh man my vision My vision is that I have a vision that I’m going to follow And I’m going to follow that decision uh any day now if I can find the snow biome Okay I don’t need food Why would I need food foreign I’m on a diet I’m saving up for food okay I’m not going to receive any help from anyone because I can do this I can do this I I can do this I can do this yep I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it uh uh I should probably get some wheat seed that would be a good idea I know sometimes you can get seeds yep by doing that yep And I’m gonna take these berries because they grow back ow all right oh oh oh I feel I feel nourished All right snow the snow the snowy snow Thriving flourishing No my food [Applause] Okay I’m almost tempted to die and restart so that I can figure out where I’m going ah all right all right all right all right I don’t have much to lose look at my inventory Uh right oh right behind the beetle oh really nice all right Very good yep yep yep and then I go straight is that it Okay sleep first all right whose place should I raid Nope Do you have a bed oh my goodness never mind Oh okay then foreign I don’t see any sheep around here All right is this the way this is a straight line or is it the opposite way This is the way okay all right okay foreign This is good attempt number whatever All right while it’s still bright I gotta I gotta make a a furnace um All right all right all right that lava I’ve seen that lava near the near the biome yes yes Snow nice okay okay okay can I borrow someone no I no no I’m gonna make my own no that doesn’t it that that doesn’t exist Oh I can touch the bed I’m gonna touch the bed I don’t want to respawn and get lost again then the bed would be a great idea all right careful with the snow around here it might kill you um it’s a little too late but I’m gonna kill you right now

Oh oh yes finally my first food oh yes this is what I’m talking about I’m gonna kill this cow too while I’m at it I need food I need food All right I don’t know if you give me food oh my God that thing tried to headbutt me okay oh good oh my old stuff all right I need more wood Get out of my face Okay Okay I’m going to kill you yeah run away Trying to mind my own business Okay good all right now the Sun is setting I gotta make a decision real quick where do I where do I want my entrance where do I want my entrance um um right right around here um oh it seems like I might have done something about this

Oh it’s not gonna be a secret this is my secret area foreign Okay so with what I have I am going to start I’m going to begin no more fooling around um right Foreign No more fooling around it’s about to get real wait can monsters come through here though I hope not Okay and then this very good yes yes yes now now wood to burn wood um How do I burn wood foreign logs for charcoal oh that’s not good Oh Um I’m gonna build a chest I mean I mean yeah like like this yes okay Nice okay making progress whoa nope this yes okay and then all right then I’m gonna go take a quick feet notes uh oh oh day is breaking that’s amazing okay okay very good very good Uh-huh Very good nice I don’t need no ax There was a it was it was this way yes and it was this way yep and it was right around here uh right around here yes okay nice Maybe I should make a landmark that is a very Splendid idea let us uh mark it foreign I don’t wander around like a poor little oh God Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea All right Nice okay woohoo yes all right this is great I’m making progress all right now I am gonna burn bees uh it’s the other way around how did I make oh oh my God I’m doing it wow thank you oh wow oh cool Okay nice I can probably make torches with charcoal right probably let’s worry about that later I’m just happy that we have coal I mean charcoal all right this is this is my place now Yes all right nice doing stuff okay Why why why why did I just do it Okay yes That and this yes light nice put this right there and then now I’m gonna dig safely all right so I watched the video I’m gonna put up the video that’s going to uh have the little structure that I’ve been uh senior all right all right I’m gonna do this I liked the video

I was studying that’s right it was uh for my Underground bunker um give me give me a second give me a sec oh I found it okay great nice okay Right how how tall how tall I don’t I don’t like that sound what is that Wait hold on I’m I’m checking the tutorial hold on hold on don’t don’t do anything don’t do anything rash Okay okay this is one two three four five okay five one two three four five all right so remove this and then this and then use that have dirt uh a little more dirt Okay now what did they do and then they built staircases so I’m gonna foreign Who okay yes now where were we uh and then I need to start considering food all right All right you can plant the berries oh wonderful idea oh and then I have these oh man it works out all right um all right okay All right I’ll have the luxury to think about design later all right Oh it needs light there we go So that’s uh it’s not good it’s not good And then I’ll just keep digging straight oh Oh yes Wow all right okay now that that’s done okay and then I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna make this okay and uh for a bit of this and stop yes yep yep nice Very good I’m leveling up this is good was it Oh no Foreign Ty followed why’d he do that I was so naive of him He should know that I don’t pick easy roads Like if you want to follow is that a diamond Foreign I’m gonna block it off Okay okay yo that looks like diamond are those diamonds those are those look so diamondy foreign Okay yes look at this I’m making progress foreign Really don’t like that spider Anyway oh it’s not diamond darn that’s lame well gotta keep on keeping on It’s fine I’m not disappointed All right yes look at that look at that damn that’s some Flawless design right there hmm yeah um Damn it’s looking fine oh I’ll just worry about the extra setups later bye bye bye bye foreign damn I love being Underground it’s all about them underdogs you gotta cheer for The Underdogs Foreign all right all right I am going to build an underground Castle all right all right so um how deep do you usually need to go in order to uh mine for diamonds because it used to be what was it minus 22 but apparently it changed foreign minus 50 minus 55. 57 okay minus 57 okay Let’s see all right all right I’ll show you my specs now after after a year of hiding it I’ll show you my specs Ah get ready get get ready No way yes way All right prepare to have your mind blown okay Bam that’s right yeah take it all in anyway I start digging I’m still pretty far uh 134 Eh Foreign Foreign no potato Oh oh we are finally entering iron iron era all right all right And this Foreign Remember to put torches oh yeah yeah I will oh don’t worry about it I I got it I got it all under control Hmm That sounds like a creeper I don’t like that Um okay okay yep and then just keep going down Uh and this is nice is it day or night it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter not in bunkeroni you will never see the light of day here oh my goodness oh this is taking forever okay and then this oh whoops that that and this and Bam Bam iron pickaxe yes Okay these are very good finds me like very much All right all right all right Okay and then 128. oh God we’re going to be here for a while Mining is part of the game yeah it’s my favorite thing to do Foreign This is this is nice the thing I like about Minecraft is that you can just kind of zone out and keep digging that was my favorite thing to do I’m not gonna risk that I um just endless digging oh boy that that I I do not like this please

Please let me just dig Oh foreign Oh How do I make a shield That I can do okay Uh huh yep gonna just equip that and and then Get the rest of these I should probably make an armor And a sword I’m gonna make a sword Okay oh foreign all right let me just take this uh can I make a helmet no I just need one more Okay yeah Let’s do armor that’s great oh wait if I make boots then I won’t sink into the ground right so maybe I should make boots first okay Only leather boots whoops Foreign Oh wait that’s plus three armor how why what Chest plate oh plus six If I need eight oh I have plenty okay never mind okay And I am set almost And with that leftover fire I’m gonna cook chicken foreign Whatever that man whatever all right you foul Beast I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you I let me just put this and get back foreign and and maybe my torches too Where I do need a pickaxe I’ll just use this foreign please Kill Blow up foreign kill come on do it Do it do it oh oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God yo oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I can’t I can’t I can’t and you can’t do that that’s my house

Wave my armor uh I had a landmark I had a landmark I I honestly didn’t think I would die so I did it I’m gonna lose all my stuff huh oh screw you Screw you screw screw you wait can I borrow something I I can’t ah my stuff my stuff my stuff my stuff foreign this is this should be the landmark um what oh God I can’t be dying again Oh duh where am I oh goodness it’s so cold I don’t even know go away go away die die I don’t have time for this wait this ain’t this isn’t my house oh boy you stupid zombie oh I hate you so much oh yeah probably do you spawn by now go away Oh oh man I hope people have a hard time getting to my house Uh Where’d I where where where where did I where where where where where where where where where where And I should be making my Landmark higher And I’m so lost I passed it foreign Yeah well I mean yeah that should be my house uh it’s fine iron iron iron is is a common resource I I didn’t need it anyway this powdered snow is completely stupid who even thought this was a good idea Ugh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait I had no hope ow no no no no no no no You don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t Foreign no you don’t no you don’t oh oh Oh Oh oh oh oh oh goodness foreign I’m gonna start building my base uh let’s see yeah Uh just just around here would be good Yep okay this is good All right okay All right this is good let’s uh How am I supposed to make a bed guys think about it I don’t have I don’t I don’t have wool think about it foreign Yes this is this is a good place Foreign good okay All right this is a good place I like this place foreign What’s the vision here you’ll see you’ll see yep I like um a high ceiling it’s at the outside world okay good is this the outside world No but almost which is not good Uh let’s see do we hate the outside world here um it’s it’s not as bad I’m going to Foreign You’re going to your naughty corner Uh stone cutter what is it oh there it is Oh all right nah nah It actually yeah yeah It’s all right Iron’s a common resource like I said foreign Ty be really sad if a creeper came down And in order to prevent that I’m oh yeah that would not have been funny all right all right this is a good good resting area You would have left that’s that’s that’s nice I I don’t think I would what was that That sound like a burp All right okay This is good Uh yep this and this look at that The berries have not grown for some reason more torches I don’t know foreign s need the sun no buddy buddy have you seen bunkeroni Let’s see Oh foreign let me just put more or whatever if that’s not enough I don’t know what is All right mm-hmm and I guess this one would be the farming area oh they need a headspace that’s lame this does not look safe oh Hello uh could I need to wear Foreign Oh it’s growing Okay oh yes food yes yes food They are growing all right does that sound I don’t like that sound Foreign All right all right all right all right all right Man I wish I had Samantha site that’d be nice I miss having stuff You hate andesite what’s wrong with you All right now I gotta start uh thinking about the bigger image My Majestic place And I’m thinking I’m thinking they uh do they have the entry they had like a fancy little thing I don’t know what they did oh God that’s a lot of stuff Oh oh wait I don’t have any of these materials oh no Oh no oh no Um you know what I don’t need I don’t need I don’t need it right now right now it’s all about getting resources all right okay okay okay okay okay okie dokie okie dokie Okie dokie And one two three and this and stone back to Stone Yep good more sticks Sticks ticks And then um the ones I gonna do Sticks and stones Like that yes okay whoa All right uh one two three um um one two three right around here Okay this is good this is good wait this is not good Now it’s good foreign yeah it’s good two three nope it’s not good three four now it’s good oh Okay now I need dirt good okay I have dirt nice all right we farming we farming oh I don’t have water ugh we are not farming Uh Well Foreign I need torches I need I need more torches to be exact haha I will not go outside you can’t make me go outside I’ll die before going outside foreign are you a vampire or what whatever I don’t take kindly to shade you Okay yeah Yeah take it ow are there so many of you Jesus hold right all right okay now that I still have time to live and whatever I’m gonna bring all the cobblestones and then I’m gonna eat this no this is emergency food I need I’m gonna take the berries All right Foreign oh you bring carrot whoa where bro Foreign oh they don’t stop coming really at least I finally cleared it yeah that means I can keep going now foreign I I conquered this place and a free carrot that that would be good that would be awesome foreign I have to dismantle this just uh block everything off because I I don’t trust anything here Not anymore not after what I’ve been through Okay oh we are not going to talk about what happened ever again All right nice making good progress Going Underground oh God Okay it’s good though it’s good now it’s it’s good Oh yeah all right for now It’s okay for now Everything everything is gonna be okay now foreign This is Okay More food would be nice though yeah Is that water Thank you Water Log is that a creeper Foreign captions Video settings Chat settings there’s a narrator audio oh I was just raining okay Whoa that’s an emerald Foreign Oh nice All right all right Okay we are raking in that stuff that stuff stuff that little stuffy stuff Okay it’s gonna turn out good don’t worry it’s just it it’s just not that good right now but it’s gonna be good it’s gonna get good like real soon you won’t be laughing then yeah wait um cool Stone yes this is this is good this is good making very good progress

Love it love it and then one day one day this time maybe I’ll make things automatic so I’m not gonna expand too much just enough so that I would have my berries and food sustenance Oh You you tempt me you are a temptress Oh okay done done All these levels but for what patience patience It’s all about patience what you doing now Farm gonna make a farm Oh no that’s okay Berries don’t need water foreign okay This this should be good this this should be good you trust me thank you I’m gonna make it look nice and then I’m going to plant him Beautiful why are they turning foreign Well there’s no point in making them look nice I guess All right all right just gonna take some more just a little more just a little more a little more Good oh making good progress Foreign Okay what am I gonna do more wood I’m gonna make more sticks so many sticks foreign why oh yeah because of this Uh-huh hooray okay be good should be good this should be good and then I should have Everything I need for a proper Berry Farm one two three four five six seven eight uh this brings back memories And then once that’s done I’m going to dismantle these oh Okay okay do this put these back these back knees back these back yep who knows when I’m gonna die again so all right this this and this man this is so nostalgic did you check on goat song yeah still still alive Still kicking nope nope nope nope nope nope nope not today nope nope nope nope nope nope nope foreign I don’t care I never wanted that why why Did I have to be iron oh oh Foreign I can’t be sad about these things it’s fine just just gotta accept it and move on and besides it’s fine we have plenty of emeralds it’s still the same server so you know can train it’s all good At least I’m getting more coal and that’s good I’ll take that So my goal this stream is to reach what was it negative 58 yeah that Foreign Okay Why did I get a mountain because uh my entrance is gonna be fancy uh duh you don’t care about Aesthetics if you don’t honestly shame on you When I can afford it yes stone bricks because I think that is the epitome of Aesthetics and Minecraft Where will be the entrance at the top over there you silly Quartz yeah quartz are good but I mean I I can’t afford it Too rich for your tastes uh yeah I’m a little bit about being modern and simple I thought you wanted to be fancy I want to be fancy but not too fancy Do you get me Foreign come back when you do get it it takes an intelligent individual to recognize my amazing eye for architecture foreign Don’t you know I’m I’m rich with coal foreign I’m so rich Oh I hear lava oh that’s not good that is actually not that good because I don’t have a bucket to save myself oh oh no that’s not good that’s not good at all It’s okay what are the odds of hitting lava Ah iron would be really nice to have her 106. only oh God More coal I don’t I don’t need more coal anymore All right that’s why you don’t start on top of the mountain but the Aesthetics also I’ll never bump into anyone I can expand however much I want Also this hill this hill is mine I’m the the queen of this hill Okay foreign or not or not oh that was quick Look at all that cool nice Blended Pretty good pretty good this is a pretty good haul I should make another chest you’re right Okay And then I use this because I’m lazy Very good okay Oh dear oh okay never mind I have more okay oh scared me oh man silly so silly okay let’s see oh good night I’m not gonna go outside I I told you this already I am not gonna go outside you can’t tell me what to do Does that sound it’s probably nothing it’s probably nothing you’re gonna run out of wood though oh it’s fine I have like 28 blocks Ah that’s like plenty you worry too much It’s cute honestly so so so naive so so innocent I worry a lot I can tell thank you All right Going back for another adventure maybe not before having these yummy ow Yummy ow Yum Skeleton converts to stray what what what does that mean foreign oh okay every uh oh God I meant to put exclamation marks It’s okay she’ll probably understand the message oh okay Kyrie XXX does she want me dead oh oh okay Uh XOXO Foreign oh she’s so nice man Oh man damn Foreign Impressive torch strike oh thank you Can we remove all gravel no that’s uh it’s not a thing we can do and besides don’t you need gravel to make concrete so in the end it all kind of works out everything has its use yeah I mean you could die in gravel but it’s fine one day I’ll reach

Negative 50 something that day will happen one of these days I feel it it’s gonna be great when that happens Ah oh oh wait whoa whoa ho hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up Whoa finally after God knows how long finally it’s done oh yay I’m saved Man I can’t I can’t wait to start digging in a straight line and get diamonds that is that is my one true joy in this game that is my my top favorite thing Foreign Do you think it would be fast uh like faster with an iron pickaxe what do you what do you think or is it still the same speed Oh it is faster okay God the ceiling is so annoying foreign I should build an extra furnace it’s such a pain Okay and then I’m gonna bring some more coal happy very good I don’t want stairs because I want to use Stone I think yeah stone stone staircases Foreign Wait oh wait I mean what’s the point of doing that if I don’t even have planks to build a Foreign Okay so what was I gonna do oh yeah this right and then I’m gonna make a crafting table yeah yeah baby okay I’m gonna do that and then I’m gonna go back down and that’s gonna be great it’s gonna be good it’s gonna be good foreign damn I didn’t bring the sticks huh Well I’m just doing this for the sake of entertainment you know and I’m glad that you guys think it’s funny like it’s all it’s all a big it’s just a bunch of joking around and being silly and whatever it’s just it’s just debate I was taking this so seriously well you

Shouldn’t you silly um because nothing is real Foreign Oh it’s already done oh that’s great okay so now we are going to make what do we need pants no wait no no no no no no no before we do that pickaxe pickaxe yeah yeah now I’m starting to get afraid what if I lose everything A bucket yeah a bucket And I don’t have enough for that how about pants definitely not enough Oh hey oh wait why why is it in caps hey give me a second okay that’s all good wait what does that sound foreign And then after I run out I use the iron pickaxe oh is that the my my card Hmm let me see This is this is nice I almost want to play Minecraft again offline foreign that would be interesting Hmm We are watching an addict relapse yeah I mean Because because in the original server I already got everything that I wanted you know so it was more like it’s all working so why should I bother and then starting from scratch it’s it’s kind of interesting there’s so much to do when you start over exactly And I am gonna do it again but better hardcore is the one where uh you only have one life right like when you’re dead you’re dead kind of thing Um Foreign People saying uh thought it was good the show it’s very very uh faithful to the original story I should leave All right is it good is it good now See can I join okay good I think I think it’s gone I can’t tell Watch it oh My God I just don’t have time But like did they did they get someone accurate for I guess Joel and foreign accurate so far oh they Do they not look accurate to the characters no I mean I’m sure they’re still good actors though but foreign Not so similar hmm Oh it’s a Ellen Page right The the original Because it was a night oh Elliot page Elliot page now right and I’m not up with the news foreign yeah but A lot of uh roles for video games come to think of it like last of us and then What’s that other game that one had controversy Oh Beyond Two Souls yeah that thing Foreign I thought Ellie was based off of uh Elliot page though now maybe I’m just getting things wrong spec Ops the Line don’t talk about that game All right that gay man I don’t even I don’t even know what to say that that is uh that is a game damn definitely definitely new but uh yeah controls are a bit finicky but I think I think that The the way the narrative went was interesting A bit okay I was I was trying to be nice maybe maybe the controls could have been uh a little more than better Okay I got copper okay that’s good know what I’m going to use it for but yeah uh man uh if you like Call of Duty and Modern Warfare oh boy then Spec Ops that is the game for you go check it out right now foreign Stop being nice it’s hurting what was I being nice when I don’t remember I was nice when Okay That was weird That’s uh that’s a cave sound foreign Player coming after you oh no the ambitious crossover for real for real It’s good now though it’s it’s all good now though cause you know why because because it’s just good things do be good how far 60. gosh darn it Oh we’re getting and decide baby all right that’s promising Foreign I’ve been streaming for three hours that’s insane Oh how time flies oh hey did I tell you guys no I didn’t but uh yeah yeah and one of the gonna be a little real with you for a moment oh the bread oh yeah I finished um Noel I’m I’m almost done I’m down two three was it was tough oh nice But uh anyway where was I uh yeah so you know like I guess there’s a little personal but you know you know Sally right she is uh foreign Yeah she’s uh she’s pregnant um I’m gonna be an auntie foreign She is uh pregnant Uh man Yeah but it’s just I feel like it’s too quick oh yeah it’s only been a few months since since you know she got married and everything I feel like it’s too soon uh and I don’t know I mean I’m I’m happy for her of course but I don’t really know how to like

Treat her lately because you know I feel like yeah you know like I know I know I know it’s it’s not true and whatever but I I feel like and I feel like We’re not gonna be as close as before uh she would have God damn it oh man Like you know cause she she looks after Mia um foreign and she’s very nice but I guess I guess we’re not I guess I feel like we’re not gonna be as close because she would have other responsibilities and other priorities and I know uh Guys whatever are you jealous of the baby dude what are you even saying foreign Answer yes oh man no I’m not I can’t believe I have to explicitly say it for you guys to understand well at least some of you most people get it ever again uh it’s yeah I know it’s like yeah I feel like the Dynamics Gonna Change and it’s just whatever just need time

To adapt to the change I guess I know just kind of awkward around her nowadays I guess I just really care for her You know like her husband great and everything but then when I heard I was like oh oh oh nice congratulations but also curse you how could you you when I see you I am going to end you on site foreign she was my Yoshi yeah I feel NTR but no no I’m sure I’m sure the little Baboo baboo’s gonna be cute Well I can’t wait for the kid to grow up so that we can play games together and then I’ll crush him and I’ll be like haha you suck get better scrub And then I would tell the kid like hey did you know I play games I’m a I’m a streamer but also a v tuber you don’t know what a vtuber is but you would probably know what a streamer would be a don’t ever get into YouTubers uh that is a

You can’t go back once you as you go Can I can I go back can I go back in okay Do this But then again by the time the the the the kid can talk will I even still be here it’s gonna be like five years or six years no oh no it’s like a really long time Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh no no no no no no oh oh no oh oh That’s a lot of copper There I I saw something weird oh those are bats Oh oh goodness okay I just want to take this foreign And then maybe I’ll just have a little opening so that I would know Just just just just just to be safe I need that I need that thing but in order to get that thing I need silk touch which I do not have so uh so so Leave a little room like this Okay that’s that’s probably good Okay that’s this is good this this is good now I’m getting paranoid again Yep I’m definitely getting paranoid again that’s okay how far are we 26. maybe when we hit the miners I’ll call it Maybe Maybe it’s only 70 to go uh I miss iron oh no Oh oh No no No no No no no uh okay I’m gonna take this Eh God there’s so much stuff Oh oh my God I’m good I’m good fam yep Yep great okay awesome and then I am building a furnace it is a nice furnace which is why I’m going to make a furnace and then I’m going to put coal because it’s gonna be a nice one it’s gonna be a really really really nice one A really really nice stuff it’s gonna be beautiful while I’m waiting I’m gonna organize it that’s gonna be beautiful and I only have one and the site and that’s not good I’m not very happy about that But that’s okay because I have other things to worry about and stuff Do I really sound that monotone though out of curiosity I swear I’m not doing it intentionally You don’t sound that monotone to me oh thank you thank you that’s very kind of you sometimes you get kind of old uh get old I mean that is true but I you know that whole thing about haha you sound so sad you sound so tired you

Sound so sleepy it’s kind of old if you grow up with it I guess it’s like no I actually just sound like this and then you say that your entire life it gets a little old you know laughs You feel me that’s why I stay silent oh don’t do that I’m pretty sure your voice is lovely because I think everyone’s voice oh yeah I think everyone’s voices are lovely Not mine I mean you don’t know that like if you don’t like the way your voice sounds you kind of grow used to it and then you can also train it to sound better I suppose you can change the the way you talk or something there are other

You know tutorials out there like uh how to make your voice sound good and like some of them they they’re like kind of on the right track like so it’s like oh I mean that’s not really changing the way you speak some of them are but it’s more like how you

Carry yourself I suppose Like breathe more air so that you you can have a more I don’t know like have a better tone sound charismatic or something just just breathe better or something uh that’s that’s usually something that they say I guess one other thing is uh I don’t know what they say talk talk a little slower should I be sleeping I should be sleeping Enunciate yeah there’s there’s also that too uh foreign Well actually Uh this is something that you’ve heard before but I guess I didn’t really like the sound of my voice um it’s just or well not to the extent of oh I hate this voice it’s more like uh because you know there there are some people with a nice whispery tone to

Their voice and I was thinking oh man I wish I could sound like that Like a little more Ganky and it’s like tihi and then there’s me foreign Also I guess I would how should I say I would have a bit of a slur to my voice So I guess I put a little more effort into enunciating things properly which is why I guess some people tell me that I sound like Google translate nowadays so uh pros and cons to everything I guess is that a pro or a con I don’t even know Um yeah but the the point is the reason why I brought that up is because if you don’t like the sound of your voice and you want to change it you can Bye It’s kind of like I I guess in a way that also applies to singing too because they usually say oh but you have to find a style that fits your voice foreign Goes for voice in general they’re Loosely connected so Um Foreign yeah everyone’s voice has nice qualities like even if your voice sounds nasal uh you can you can make that sound good or um if you’re focusing on voice acting like you would be really good with uh having those like certain requirements of a specific character down to a notch

Like I would I would hear voices uh that would have a more nasal tone to it and they told me that they don’t like their voice but I was like hmm I mean Like I think you can do something about it I think it’s I think it’s good Okay how far am I five Foreign uh I’m so excited Go away you’re so annoying foreign is this Deep sleep oh cool Oh I don’t have any room oh oh this isn’t good oh no You I’m going to kill you I’m actually going to kill you You’re getting in my way so much it’s so annoying you have to stop okay I don’t want to kill you Giving you one more chance okay you’re dead Good I don’t want to do that I I I really didn’t want to do that foreign Oh no I’m a murderer Oh Oh Me Oh My what am I gonna do now how am I gonna live with the consequences of my actions oh no oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy Okay okay oh random but I I like Breaking Bad memes I think they’re really funny I don’t know why but something about it is just really funny I didn’t even watch the entire thing I guess just a it’s just a pretty good show the darn darn good show Goat stop it behave Foreign Foreign Oh yeah baby okay this is good this is real good this is like darn good this is like really really good are you seeing this it’s really good who’s like really really phenomenal it’s amazing why don’t you agree girl I know right pretty crazy all right good Yippee yippee yippee foreign like this is a really good run haven’t died for hours exactly we take those would be nice to have sheep would be real nice that’d be really nice Ow so much food so much food so much food And I can probably get pants and a helmet Yes yes Yes yes yes yes um Hmm I am pretty well equipped is someone sleeping someone is sleeping oh Okay It’s good now she’s dead Oh my God she died Oh No I didn’t even notice Go go man go man uh senpai Nakata uh TT That is the crying Emoji right Wait this is this is not formal um Cry Um foreign Do you oh God oh my God oh my God do you need do you need help oh Jesus what is happening Okay okay this time I got it this time I got it I I left Ah foreign Okay let’s see I wonder if I can help her though because I’m kind of I’ve kind of locked myself away do you want my goat oh oh do you how do I give foreign I can I can ageru Your goat I mean I can uh Goats can again laughs I can give you a goat I can give you I can give you a goat huh Let’s see here what was I gonna do I’m gonna make a pickaxe Yeah the pickaxe I’ve just enough nice Foreign all right The goat was a lifetime Goat had nugai jeans Hahaha That that is right goat rip goat Foreign Goat was Goat was goat Okay Okay oh Bro bro wait can I dig these with the the iron pickaxe though bro Oh I can’t oh sweet oh oh man oh man I’m so excited oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness Negative three Is amazing I can make a pickaxe but if I die I’m going to be really upset and then I’m gonna cry and then I’m gonna cry a lot Like I’m gonna cry so much that you wouldn’t even be able to comprehend my sadness Now if I could Foreign Foreign I can I can still go back Foreign Oh Where where was it oh God how far did I fall I just hold this on the other side Foreign Okay where where from here foreign Foreign Foreign Do you really believe us A dude Foreign Foreign 80 and negative 1400. 218 minus three foreign minus three 218 minus three Wow wow I was insane wow thanks guys wow we are hopefully not going to do that again um I’m gonna go back and um just just kind of call it I think I’m gonna call it I’m gonna call it Oh Yeah I got my diamonds just just like just just what I wanted yeah that that shouldn’t shouldn’t be too greedy it’s uh you take those wins when you can huh foreign isn’t good Okay um put this in and we are safe All right very safe very very very safe this is good this is good I’m gonna gonna eat some food now All right and then next time next time actually there are these sheep nearby uh no actually um actually um I’m going to wait until I get full health Okay Foreign oh yeah you’re right um I’m gonna I’m gonna get some more cobblestones huh so that I can mark my place Bye oh dear okay Okay foreign Not on the soft snow okay nice you’re right you right you’re right you’re right I’m gonna die I ain’t gonna die here Okay well well I I made a I made a grave mistake This entire place is a death trap I don’t I I think I’m gonna go underground you know I just this is whatever Yeah I like This is not my home where’s my home is this my home foreign this is this is my home uh there’s an opening that that’s that’s not good I’m gonna block that off you know what I shouldn’t be too greedy I’m happy with the progress that I’ve made today foreign Damn like right right here foreign this is good 64 144 negative 13 16. okay of course I’ll definitely remember it ow I just need to find it Ow you suck Give it it’s worth it it’s worth it it’s worth it All right okay good very good we made very good progress yeah all right very good uh I can’t find any water so this this will do and then one day I’m gonna have an automatic farm one day well one day one day all right this has been very good though Oh yeah shall we go to go oh wait I forgot to say goodbye no It should be fine right uh uh but it’s kind of awkward to go back in just to say goodbye and then leave it’s fine okay uh yes to me Goodbye foreign peace [Laughter] All right okay let’s go away so that was that was productive Oh Um almost four hours of Minecraft time flies Just like good old times indiator exactly four hours that’s insane whoa whoa whoa five more after the stream nah I’m gonna I’m gonna sleep I’m gonna do the sleep sleep after But uh I’m gonna be reading the zukas now uh thank you everyone for coming and to those who have to head out Cuda yes to me Sleep schedule doing good um it’s uh has its on and off days Mm-hmm At least I tried that was right That’s that’s a new excuse oh okay oh okay okay Um bye let’s see yeah let’s see mm-hmm Have you just tried to fix your sleep schedule I I tried just just does not work let’s see so to start us off thank you to Bryce hmm remember when you said that nothing lasts forever you forgot the second part where that’s why we have to treasure

Every moment like the ones I share with you always something about bread at 4 30 A.M hey the bread is all about that bread And it’s not just any kind of bread it’s not just wonder bread it’s it’s like high quality stuffed bread man and let’s see here uh thank you to Grumble dog thank you thank you And Big the Cat oh oh I could make some lame bread joke but that’s the yeast of my concerns uh instead I’m just gonna loaf around get toasty and watch the funny Blue Woman play some Minecraft oh yeah no puns absolutely not very good And Mr Vega with fourth best incoming proud of you ma’am thank you thank you I hope I do you one proud and itchy sake why are we still here just to eat bread yeah when I made that bread five uh it meant that I had only five bread left Yeah so to expand on the lore I was just thinking about bread but for some reason that tweet about bread nobody nobody could respond to it so I wrote bread too as a sequel And then later on bread five is just the number of bread I had left Um Why did you lock the replies I don’t know man it just kind of just happened it took a look and it was long so I was like huh why is it locked so I made a sequel It was like 5 A.M look I can’t tell time but anyway uh thank you to Casey thank you and sir956 I hope you had a great day thank you thank you and custard raisin breadless demon this week seems it didn’t go as expected but don’t worry it can’t be shiny every

Day but after raining rainbow always comes things will get better I believe you can handle all your bread or you already did that soon soon very soon uh it’s gonna be down to one one bread after the Stream it’s gonna be good finish the bread on stream uh it’s very far away

How old is it um well it’s like Bakery bread so it’s fine don’t worry about it it didn’t go bad it’s still good Let’s see a new Matrix if you are planning on making a bunkeroni 2.0 in the new server you should try making it a sky base this time also bread fund a sky base a sky base Hmm I didn’t think about that hmm Foreign Maybe later once you establish the castle yes indeed indeed But man that’s going to take such a long time uh but yeah thank you to whoops uh thank you thank you uh congrats on the idol outfit crony a lot of Mama did a great job on it hope you have a good time in Minecraft thank you

But it’s actually uh Mika mama who did it days Bay’s mom yeah and they did a they did a great job Thank you thank you and JD Cadence a silver wolf thank you thank you and yunay congrats on your idol outfit thank you thank you and zenya time to make second branch of famous torture facility and Hallelujah I know I mean bunker okay okay oh okay And tiny little clock welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome and bandito recently started a gym class with my mom uh she’s recovering from beating her breast cancer and that I wanted to support her any way I could I’m on my way to being the most yold

Girl in my bakery wish me and my mom luck I wish you the best of luck too uh yeah and like when I went to the gym I went there with time Mom too so yeah it’s it’s very nice of you to you know support her by going to the gym together

Hey it’s yeah it’s sweet and yeah best of luck to you both and bread robot should use all that extra bread as stuffing for your pillow ah would go bad though but thank you and Peggy Roe thank you and be seeing it oh congrats um I’m glad I’m glad something happened

Which I think is something positive hopefully so congrats BC and burrito time dude the idol outfit looks great can’t wait to see you in action yeah it’s a pretty uh uh pretty pretty freaking great these and Borg to the third yo Minecraft stream I Love Blocks cubes are great

This isn’t a member string so this one doesn’t count I see you thank you Borg and QB I miss you so much but yeah don’t don’t like I said don’t don’t miss me it’s just a normal thing don’t don’t worry I’m still alive I’m still kicking and everyone’s kicking [Laughter] everyone’s kicking

Sorry I I I choked But what if you died um it’s a unfortunate for some of you but I am a little too healthy for that but uh I am kicking and slaying yes Let’s see answer 956 yeah you look like you look like a boss lady in your idol outfit for real for real yeah dripped out for real got that rizz yeah and thank you to Aquatic lettuce yes I’m on the telly and andoro you look beautiful today crony thank you thank you

Please don’t say rizz Risen Resident Evil ha ha foreign goes by sleepy baguette hello Miss Soro it’s been brought to our attention you have been facing problems with my breadth during that recently no worries uh these accidents do happen so we may dispatch some bread agents to help with the situation as you wish have

Some compensation for now thank you I can’t wait for the FBI the the Frosted baguette incorporation to come after me that’ll be great for real for real and Louis Louise sand Louisiana thank you thank you uh thank you thank you and fedris Marini uh chroniciao crony ciao oh

I hope you managed to get through your bread crisis and taste all the flavors you wanted uh that whole rambling was sure the quality content we all signed up for uh I expect I expect any less from these next streams uh from a master comedian like here thank

You a comedian when when did that start becoming a thing you guys have a lot of nicknames for me come to think of it Grumble dog thank you thank you fourth best Idol costume and Chronos return exciting times are on the horizon and uh Blythe uh professional chromie hugger hugger interesting

Uh it’s spreading uh satsuna can’t wait to see your 3D performance love you forever crony thank you love and Shannon thank you and Crim inal yes yes thank you thank you this is gonna be great the outfit I mean that’s already great but you get to see it in

Action that’s gonna be amazing and Sam goes by sleepy baguette joking aside I am pretty happy to see you playing Minecraft again and I’m so excited you and Council risk on idol outfits you’re all so pretty it’s incredible oh you This is not common this is not common news the idol outfit uh me being pretty that’s That that one’s quite obvious foreign thank you to starmac thank you thank you Oh my God oh my God rolling my eyes and Baltimore I think yes thank you thank you and top nip gear uh looking forward to Idol Ronnie in the coming months you’ve been doing so much work on your singing reps I hope you’ve been keeping up with the

Dancing reps too have you at least got the idol step down I sure do ah yeah that is uh there’s a thing I got the moves swinging can you show us yeah do you see you see it you see it man do you see it are you seeing

Are you are you seeing this yeah yeah doing moves Ash moving this is a groovy is schmooven no stop spoiling the move I’m sorry I’m sorry it was just a sneak peek And uh thank you to love us thank you hope there will be ND 2.0 and Cat Roni and all new Dog Roney and he died because it’s too cold uh man I’m saying uh thank you for saying Happy New Year last stream uh the the Chinese speaking Community feel blessed and pleased uh

Thank you by the way pronunciation of eight in Chinese is close to Good Fortune so I wish you gather a lot of Fortune slash materials in this new server thank you eight oh and I got eight for my berries too haha Wait did I kill the goat no there’s no way where’d the go go come to think of it it left it left weird and uh let’s see a nine breaker could it be we’re finally back to Minecraft been waiting for your return since they rolled out the new server and looking

Forward to seeing a new bunkeroni 2.0 I hope you have a good time crony thank you I’m gonna make it more fancy in comparison to the first one I’ve learned since then so I’m gonna make it fancier I’m gonna gather all the materials I’m gonna make a proper entrance it’s gonna be good

It’s gonna be good You keep saying fancy but how fancy it’s gonna be so fancy it’s gonna be really fancy that the fanciest that you’ve ever seen will it have death traps no no death traps this time Uh let’s see and thank you to made in heaven uh congrats on the new Idol outfits the perfect outfit for twerk [Laughter] um well you know like I I can’t really I can’t really do that um I I can do it in my 3D debut when it happens

I’ll give you all the all the all the twerking yeah my my 3D Yeah yeah I I pinky I pinky promised that one my pinky promise yeah I’ll I will uh foreign key my my pinky uh I can’t show you my pinky how am I supposed to show my pinky I I do have a pinky it’s just how do I show it It’s yeah Pinky uh a double Pinky Promise so that my fingers aren’t crossed And stuff Hey guys swallow 1 000 needle stuff too what is that Show me your hands okay my hands my hands no it’s okay no no no it’s all good it’s all good anyway Uh thank you to uh uh thank you and Mommy uh your idol outfit is so Kakui I’m really looking forward to your first performance as an idol thank you thank you thank you take off your coat okay where where does my coat come into this you perv And uh oh did I defeat the 60 bread gang it’s actually um I think it was around uh seventy dollars actually because I said sixty dollars and uh US Dollars that’s actually um you know In Canadian it would be around seventy dollars probably not that good yeah foreign how many pieces of bread hmm I think 12 12. 12 or 13. why does it keep getting worse it’s getting worse I didn’t know that I don’t think so I think it’s okay

How big are they they were like this big uh thank you to you still got gold clock finally a a welcome welcome welcome join the gang yes and uh thank you to drunk puku thank you thank you and zombie thank you oh thank you for giving me your luck

Cause I won the day two Lottery hey oh the crony look is real oh yeah and gavranzi with the dawn of the new server is it time for bunkeroni two Electric Boogaloo and speaking of new stuff the new idle outfit design looks great on you Warden looking forward to

Seeing it in motion at Hollow Fest yes it’s gonna be cool and star Blaster thank you and Austin Wiss uh do you ever get tired of being so cool yeah kind of actually like some people just tell me crony you can stop doing the bait it was funny in the beginning but

It’s really not anymore and I’m not doing a bit I’m serious I’m so I mean like uh yeah I’m pretty hot but I’m also pretty cool those two go hand in hand really you were just born like that just just a bit but with experience it it stacks hmm

Yeah I got the best of both worlds yeah but yeah I I I do get tired of it it’s it’s hard it’s hard to look this good every day Hair flips anyway uh Neo Matrix thank you and taco curse can we start barking during your live performance bro I don’t know I don’t know man uh people are gonna kinda have the wrong impression of you and me probably don’t do that and substitute I’ll fix my sleep schedule thanks to prolet nice nice no I’m glad to hear his substitute hey let’s go and my Cairo Oh Chad gatekeeping again management was confirmed to say they aren’t obligated to start from zero I think it’s interesting to start from zero though because usually uh well I’ve never really started from zero because I would get some basic help like food and whatnot uh in a server and I would

Have pretty much all the resources yeah and I would just be digging and digging so yeah I never really started from scratch scratch yeah and even now technically it’s not starting from scratch because there are still beds that I can use but it’s it’s pretty much a Fresh Start for me

Like from my experience at least bless that bed indeed and uh thank you Corona uh for the rainbow Supa I heard that you really like custard bread and I really like hustard bread too oh nice I hope you ask your friend to buy you more Brett and I thought you could use the super to pay for oh thank you I hope these supers will be enough to pay your friend back not sure about the conversion rates for supas to brand but surely this would be just

Enough to get you the bread you want bread uh not sure if you’ve ever tried monkey bread but it’s sort of like a bunch of small cinnamon dough balls that you can pull apart also do you consider cinnamon buns bread yeah pastries bread uh do you consider a muffin part of your

Bread Grant yeah you can always freeze muffins or other types of bread if you can’t eat at all there is also the concept of sharing I shared one bread I shared one I’m so giving man Uh but yeah uh I wouldn’t have some frozen muffins from Costco those are gigantic man like the blueberry muffins are really good and then the chocolate muffins really good they’re good Frozen too but if you freeze them too much they kind of have that um freezer taste to it I guess Yeah those are so good yeah the chocolate ones are great yeah and if you microwave it uh the chocolate turns a little bit gooey and so nice Um let’s see have you ever tried baking your own load of bread and how’s the diet Gem and New Year’s resolutions foreign I have helped someone bake bread but I was more of an assistant and not really bacon because I don’t want to ruin it perfectly good food I suppose

And as for the diet diet’s going pretty good I think I think it’s pretty good lost uh uh quite a bit of weight I think okay maybe not quite a bit but like but like some yeah as for the gym uh I haven’t been able to

Do that because I need to start getting ready to uh yeah To uh do stuff because um yeah uh to tell you something I have to go I have to go and get my jaw surgery uh mid-February around yeah mid-February but I don’t know if I’ll be able to open my jaw However there is also that idea that I suggested uh way back when not way back when thank you when did I suggest it I’ll use Google Translate or something yes a TTS that would be interesting yeah but I think I can recover quickly I think I think I can do it yeah

I believe in myself And let’s see here uh thank you to Jeff Starr uh congrats on the idol outfit question I noticed you and mumi chose the same hair accessory was it a coincidence yes uh I thought I thought that accessory was Um one of the not one of the better ones but uh something uh more to my preference and then I saw that mume had the same hair accessories so I was like oh oh cool yeah The sparkle hair clip yeah And uh teammate Joe thank you on the answer where you were underground so I hope I’m making a temple in the sky above everyone else yeah but I do need resources so okay maybe I shouldn’t hmm now now I’m having second thoughts it’s still in the very early stages if

I’m like overflowing with resources I’m sure I can have a temple in the sky and uh thank you to bluffy hi crony love the new Idaho outfit can’t wait to watch the fourth Fest uh online because can’t travel unfortunately and see you twerk I mean uh performing live also all the

Best for the brand thank you thank you foreign thank you and corn and butter thank you oh that sounds yum and uh thank you to Vance thank you and Mira eridani thank you thank you uh encouragement alive thank you thank you and number 1729 thank you for the stream

Also congrats on the idol outfit thank you 1729 and uh Lauren’s Mill of the chromas are thank you and uh thank you to croquette uh for the rainbow super hey crony it’s the Phillies Oh Give me a second Feliz anniversario Day for me here’s a token of appreciation for sticking around and if I can ask for anything please consider organizing a speedrunners collab bonus points if you ask a senpai you’d never collab with Who would who would know how to play speedrunners man I would have to be I would have to be nice to them but anyway uh Feliz anniversario to croquette hey hey I hope you have a great one Yes Feliz an eve and Park yongi oh rainbow super thank you thank you uh chronici was so congrats on your idol form and looking forward to seeing that uh bunkeroni uh 2.0 at the new Minecraft server uh your Minecraft stream has been nostalgic to me for the past few years past few years

It’s only been a year uh you were chased by Iris and produced more than 30 steel shoes and you chased fauna and visited the JP server with mume and you took good care of mume wrote yabai fictions uh tamed white foxes and learned Tech skills from Muna you’ve reached so many

Goals in Minecraft and uh you could also meet other Hollow members and I think Minecraft is one of your symbols in your ward in life so I’m glad you’ve returned and I hope you enjoy it because it’s been a long time and I’ll say it twice because it’s important good sleep is

Important in our lives indeed indeed that’s also a throwback isn’t it wait what’d you just say good Portuguese you will do great in Brazil is that a shame I don’t know how to feel about that is that a shade a throwback to my geoguessr I’m going to kill you I’m going to find

You and when I find you I’m going to kill you okay okay and Tiki uh say hello to borrows too of course of course man hey man buddy oh wait you’re not you’re not the real one never mind never mind and heywa thank you thank you And middlemade Aisha when the teaser was released I was happy to see you uh in a bright costume it’s so lovely honestly I’ve never experienced Idol or voice actor culture but I wanted to cheer you on uh as an idol my star love you always Crow Ani thank you

Thank you thank you I will try my best sir yeah it’s getting it’s getting closer little little nerve-wracking haha uh potato PC new pc fund you know we don’t need that you’ve seen it now you’ve seen it you know it’s not potato it’s beef it is the beef PC okay

You can do better I can do better you need RAM oh that’s just RAM for Minecraft I know you can change it uh I think I did change it before I don’t know but yeah I actually have uh how many gigs I think I have 16 gigs a ram I think

Yeah but that’s a lie there’s a lot man let’s see what do you mean only 16. what that’s the bare minimum What Nowadays that’s the minimum what what 256 gigs of RAM foreign what I had eight I had eight back then 32 gangs are the men what what no no you’re lying no no what 256 gigs of RAM you’re kidding that is not 250 gigs of RAM that’s a thing yeah you don’t need more than 32 gigs if the computer is just for normal use in gaming all right

An even intensive tasks like a 3D wondering wondering uh yeah Yep this sweat whatever The silver kill it’s so over so real Shut up uh and let’s see and thank you to Federal Bureau of Investigations thank you and Sean churro thank you thank you and Tate aniki uh Hey crony just wanted to say you rock the auto look perfectly uh looking forward to Holo Fest for even more now

If I may be so boldness to suggest a name for the castle in your new kingdom of isolation how does Chateau de cronie sound to you Chateau de cronie hmm does sound fancy Chateau de crony hmm hmm what does that mean it means uh crony’s house Sounds like a scary movie excuse me what shorten it to shot Crow foreign Maybe don’t shorten it yeah foreign Thank you to hobo thank you and elisa180 and uh Gary thank you thank you and uh you ting thank you and trouble thank you and burns we’re back in the Minecraft again yay also you look absolutely breathtaking in your lovely Idol outfit now last time you turned down dinner how about I offer

A mansion where you can dump All The Unwanted bread or front row tickets to a concert you like oh oh my but I already have a mansion a bunker and I have I have so many stacks of potatoes and and bread if I want so a good try it’s a good try honestly Yeah crony isn’t a gold digger exactly I’m a platinum digger I want a deed to the Platinum mines then I’ll think about it Uh thank you to kusu McKay congratulations for uh your new Idol outfit I can’t wait to see you on stage uh stay focused uh for your goals don’t let haters bring you down break a leg and good luck thanks man yeah oh my gosh they’re loving tradition in that vision there is just

Survival in my vision survival and survival and yeah survival survival is Kia what about culture the culture is not there yet I need to cultivate culture in order for culture to flourish and uh thank you to Bryce thank you and Tech passion thank you and K1

I I I don’t need creative mode but thank you for the suggestion K1 uh thank you to love us thank you and kudaran hi crony a happy belated Lunar New Year thanks to Colette I had a great start to the new year and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year

Thinking about watching your idol dance at Hollow Fest thank you be sure to keep an eye out for the moves okay yeah and j1161978 thank you and the bomb is here one two three out of the ashes of your failures misfortunes uh AKA death rise is the willpower and creativity to once

Again dominate the new server your legendary Minecraft Arc shall live on also epic new Idol outfit will be cheering for you thank you thank you epic win we and ZX cursed chicken teriyaki super Roni has been a minute since the last Minecraft stream of 2022 but here we are here we are

I can’t believe you reversed time on the server the new Idaho if it looks killer killer and looking forward to uh Idol Roney and live rendition of Daydream at the fourth Fest thank you thank you yeah and Corona was at a simulation of the hollow Fest made up with the fans I’m

Sure the cronies wouldn’t swarm you like that you’re right they would do worse They would start barking apparently it’s gonna be a nightmare like what am I a dog sitter man huh it’d be such a pain What’s worse You know what’s worse just get them choke collars aao AO what are you trying to say a-a-o is that what you want aao foreign Thank you and waiting thank you and look it’s frostpunk outside and dark tide inside truly the most apocalyptic home I love it but thank you and the professor Keane you are playing on hard mode this way I’m good I’m good at that I I don’t like it easy

And Mr Death the Kid ate uh crony look absolutely dazzling in your idol outfit so much that I’m temporarily blind right now don’t ask how I wrote this how did you write this looking forward to seeing you on stage maybe my brain and eyes will implode

From epicness but it’s worth the risk oh no who’s gonna be responsible for your death that’s kind of gonna be scary do I do I take responsibility this is my fault is this my fault Iago of course oh I see I see and uh crony’s neglected sword if only you had a sword I did get a sword thank you very much you’re not neglected you are not neglected you are here you are here Uh you’re you are in the closet or under the bed that’s right I honestly kind of forgot but you’re in the room somewhere uh thank you to trip Lennon thank you uh and Mason thank you thank you and QB uh thank you crony you always say I’m gonna

Kill you but can you say it in Korean like in those K dramas uh I don’t really watch k-dramas but I don’t think they say stuff like that right it’s usually rom-com no I don’t know foreign let me let me tell you a secret it was my birthday yesterday oh oh my goodness

Uh I’m not wishing a blessing here but I have something to tell you remember the day I asked you to be my Oshi uh now I have another question for you can I be one of your loyal cronies with all my life time oh I can proudly say you are not only my

Oshi but also other cronies Oshie you are my only perfect Oshi no matter what other people say maybe not in geoguesser okay you don’t have to add that part uh we’ve been through laughters and tears Chrono and Subway sandwiches and although my words are weightless you

Mean a lot to me for real for real why’d you add that part it was touching don’t add that from the bottom of my heart I really like your stream your voice your personality and as my name says so uh I’m always here to be with you and to support you

And last but not least I wrote a poem for you I hope you are having a great great great time this year and happy Lunar New Year thank you uh crony crony my one and only time is priceless you are my precious my time was wasted and my life was rotten and

Now I am hooked on the time Warden she is the presence of perfect I am nothing but full of defects all I wish is uh to only be there with her as long as possible but my wish is unrealistic yet not desirable if time travel is Criminal then meeting you is a miracle

Oh bye no don’t call yourself that you’re far from being you know being being called defective You’re great and the fact that you have me as your Oshie based if I’m the presence of perfect you you my crony you are you are one step closer to perfection So don’t you ever call yourself bad okay cause yeah I don’t I don’t accept uh defects uh as a fan no if you support me you are not defective in fact you are pretty pretty cool a cool cat you could say Thank you crony no thank you man Uh and it’s nice that you wrote a poem because I think uh during the first few months I would I would get poems and sometimes they would be corny hahaha but I thought it was sweet yeah yeah it’s a you know Minecraft it’s been a while since I really played

So I guess all around it’s a throwback in general Oh maybe I should wait but maybe I should make one mayhem’s mayhaps up to you really oh Remind me to add a poem to my fan letter What if I can’t write type I’m bad at poems hey me too doesn’t have to be poems then what if I can’t poem then you can’t poem Edgar Allan poem that doesn’t make sense what and uh thank you to AK uh stf2 thank you and star Mech

Uh caveman Elsa who fears touching grass uh role play Hmm what uh Noel Sofia thank you Uh your crony extreme starting I was like please bring something to the new server I just laughed so hard and regret what I was thinking at the start why you laugh at My Pain you think my pain is a joke Noel that is a sociopath Behavior we need to have a talk

Yes okay we need to have a talk we need to we need to have a talk some other time about your sociopath Behavior well I got the at the rate that you’re going this this concerning if we need some group therapy I think yeah We learned from the best that’s uh I don’t know who that is but I I pity them I pity them uh and uh thank you to the gemster 101 thank you and big boss thank you thank you and Albert scoot thank you thank you and Kuro Zora I take the L and securing Hollow Fest

Tickets but now that I’ll still be cheering you on when the time comes thank you thank you foreign nothing beats a chill crony string to end the day also looking forward to day two of our bright parade our Warden is a shining Idol thank you

I am indeed shining I am radiant I am glowing I am literally glowing no I’m not I’m not literally glowing I could be no yeah I know ah I’m blind no I I didn’t even turn on the glow effects yet chill chill I could probably blur myself though

Hey you want to watch you want to watch this watch I can blur myself it’s gonna be bad oh All right so thank you uh thank you to uh Zafir thank you and uh Yamamoto August thank you sending my first super to the perfect Warden thank you get your glasses you silly oh there we go hello see that you’re finally awake Huh let’s see and I see dude thank you and ssrb thank you foreign It’s going to be there one day and uh iguana guy thank you and the unknown chair That is I don’t I don’t know about that but thank you chair Advanta black thank you will you eat bread in Minecraft after the bread incident yeah because bread is amazing bread uh and are you shun thank you and Philip tribiana thank you and Guy Savage Um oh that’s an interesting fact oh so that’s what the whole uh controversy was I see I see because I saw I saw people making the association um with The Last of Us and Elliot so I was really confused I was like what what I thought yeah

So I assumed that he provided the the whole inspiration or whatever so um I never kept up with it I don’t know me too man this is news to me oh man yeah it’s been a while I didn’t really keep up with the news either let’s see uh V faction crony stop being

Nice please it’s hurting I’m always nice okay not always nice I’m like I’m nice to the point where it’s not so uncommon I guess yeah yeah and uh let’s see uh thank you to Phil Chan thank you and space guy right thank you thank you and Captain Thunderbolt um thank you and Evan Compton thank you uh

Oh And uh aim operative thank you Um and a Raynard you get to be the cool one yeah get them games for presents instead of sweaters like my aunt yeah yeah Yeah that’d be nice that’s gonna take a while though and uh valcus ha ha ha ha ha as an uncle uh the best advice I can give is to buy the kid the loudest toys you can find easy Revenge disguised as an act of kindness oh that’s evil I like that

Oh she’s gonna hate me and uh Juke array let it be known my oh she is the warden who would sincerely tell a child nothing personal can teleports behind you and uh Katie uh what happens when the kid gets good at video games and beats you at everything what will you do now

On to you uh then I’m going to tell their mom uh to not play games too much because I think they’re addicted and that’s not really healthy for a growing child Hahaha you monster and then if they ever play uh MMOs I’m going to uh I’m going to let the mom know that they can actually pause the game for online games since it would just transfer to an offline server or something like that so uh whatever your kid would say it would just be an excuse foreign [Laughter] That’s crossing the line oh really okay How could you but I could and let’s see a borg to the Third I just woke back up which is about you being an aunt and uh congrats I remember learning I was an uncle last year strange feeling I hope your niece slash nephew grows up in a close and safe home

With the coolest Avant ever of course must be nice yeah I can’t wait I can’t wait to make their game in life special or not so special who knows depends on how they behave and uh thank you Aunt Roni congrats thank you thank you and uh

Oh that’s a little too cursed I don’t want to read that uh Taco curse no thank you and Ziggy’s Mom thank you Oh oh okay another another like-minded person time to look uh time to look for a super annoying toys to give the kiddo hmm very very good ideas And Europe Nova syndicate uh we all know about the bee’s knees now get ready for the Crow’s knees and uh let’s see thank you to custard raisin slash breadless demon thank you and rice thank you and love s he just shot down an angel who the bag who

And gaction 64. I got a terrible million dollar idea a giant statue of oracroni but it’s also a house the only way to enter it would be launching yourself to the top uh via the TNT can and trust me bro it’ll be great uh I’m sensing some mixed signals

Said it was a terrible idea and at the end you said it’ll be great uh which is it uh what what what which is it is it terrible or is it great which is it foreign statue of oracroni but it’s also a house that would be so difficult to build though because

I need a bunch of lapis lazuli probably right and just diamonds everywhere diamonds diamonds and diamonds and more diamonds that’s kind of like uh that died what was it that little uh the little not not little that big head statue uh from Richie Rich I don’t

Know if you guys have ever seen that before but uh thank you to Grumble dog thank you and Corona uh these scripted and pre-recorded streams are just too much I can’t wait for you to make the diamond pickaxe and then immediately Lose It by Falling in a

Hole or lava I hope the pre-recorded guac and screams are good yeah everything is uh everything is a lie welcome to the crony show yep ha ha bye it’s it’s a comedy show yep ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the the pre-recorded supas hahaha ha ha Uh anari congrats on getting the diamonds crony this is a fun and nostalgic stream indeed it was good and that’s con thank you and katsuki uh let’s see how do I say her name hayasi Akatsuki a bit late but Happy Lunar New Year the holidays of Lunar New Year’s almost

Ending but here is a red envelope for you and also congrats on the idol outfit can’t wait to see you and other girls on stage thank you thank you foreign Nice work laying down the groundwork for the next bunkeroni you’re going to be back to full power in no time yeah it’s gonna be fancier it’s gonna be the fancy the fancy Roni And uh Aqua sky thank you and Corona I thought you wanted to be left alone in your ice castle Elsa I mean crony so wouldn’t a frozen death trap be perfect for you Elsa did not die uh by freezing to death Elsa lived hello hello duh it’s a Disney movie why would she

Die and uh I’m gonna make a big castle with an entrance everyone can see Bill’s bunker hidden underneath 12 inches of death snow never change you well until I finish building I don’t want anyone else to see and they can see my landmark it’s an underground Castle exactly man

The thank you to Arnold Mendez and uh Casey akisu thanks for the gorilla stream there crony pleasant surprise after a long day of work and have a good weekend and take care thank you and ride that thank you thank you and hurricane glad to see bunkeroni 2.0 getting up and running yeah

And megani Crow I am the dough of my bread soft as my crumb and crispy is my crust I have created over a thousand breads unknown to wheat nor known to Rye so as I bake Unlimited breadworks thanks for the Stream um of course of course uh that’s uh that’s that’s an interesting

Uh yeah that’s that’s interesting and uh yeah uh I feel sorry for any who dare to call you deadpan they’ve never heard the blessing that is your energetic love the joy of your excitement when you talk about Fae or the glory of your singing voice

Oh oh you stop it hey stop it you’re so silly silly little silly little thing you’re just stomping oh by the way oh uh Fire Emblem Heroes I gotta check because uh it’s refreshed uh so I gotta check I have like 484 orbs I don’t know

Uh what to use it for SO waiting uh for the right Banner that’s okay and uh thank you to Ho hoy uh thank you for the stream thank you thank you and the captain you Soro uh all all those deaths had me laughing so much yeah I can laugh about it now only

Because I didn’t uh experience Zen loss yes and last but not least Bob K thank you for the fun Minecraft stream and hope to see you do this again soon yeah that’d be fine mm-hmm that was a hilarious bit dying repeatedly right all according to keikaku mm-hmm but yeah I have to start

Heading out now so you guys have a good rest of the day or night and Kudo yes to me Yeah don’t try to hold me back with the Fey talk I am going hahaha Foreign

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Babe New Server Dropped’, was uploaded by Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-01-29 09:31:13. It has garnered 268445 views and 18748 likes. The duration of the video is 05:20:05 or 19205 seconds.

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/

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[Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/TokiameTaka


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[Credits] (BGM) DOVA SYNDROME – https://dova-s.jp/ Daystar – Zero Gravity / https://youtu.be/YqAbL2hm27g


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    Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:15:53. It has garnered 324 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Infernos MC

    Infernos MCCreative/survival just for fun server, join the discord to get on the whitelist, adults only please.(no adult rp I just don’t want to be responsible for any children) Read More

  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

    ⚔️ IP: MC.LVRPG.NET ⚔️ Java Version: 1.20.1 Dynamic Map Wiki Discord Trailer A unique Minecraft Survival/RPG experience: Embark on an epic journey in the realm of Longbirch! Forge alliances, battle dark forces, and uncover ancient secrets. Join us and shape the destiny of a kingdom! Features: 10 Classes 9 Races Tons of Quests An ever-expanding selection of Pets 6 Dungeons Deity System Weekly Updates Read More

  • PixelPvP

    PixelPvP🔥 **Welcome to PixelPvP!** 🔥Are you ready to dive into the most intense Minecraft PvP experience? Look no further than PixelPvP, where every match is a battle for glory!🌟 **Why PixelPvP?** 🌟🏹 **Epic Battles**: Test your skills in heart-pounding PvP arenas. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie, there’s a challenge waiting for you.⚔️ **Custom Gear**: Arm yourself with unique weapons and armor crafted to give you the edge in combat. Personalize your loadout to suit your fighting style!🛡️ **Dynamic Events**: Join our regular events and tournaments to win awesome prizes and earn your place on the leaderboard.🏆 **Competitive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

    Well, with a score that high, I think we can safely say that this meme has passed the test with flying colors! Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your portal in Minecraft but end up summoning a catnap instead of a new dimension. Watch out for those sneaky zoonomaly creatures trying to steal your fire in the hole! #minecraftfail #catnapdisaster Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley – Survival, Hypixel, Hive

    Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley - Survival, Hypixel, HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE! Survival, Hypixle, Hive & More’, was uploaded by Oakley on 2024-05-26 08:02:30. It has garnered 192 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:25 or 10645 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #gaming #survival #letsplay Skin made by @empresslittlebit – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OUhzwD-l33V2huWLyxgUQ Read More

  • Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | from the fog | cavedwellers #minecraft #scary #3am #Herobrine #cave-dweller #fromthefog’, was uploaded by FortuneWarrior on 2024-03-24 16:00:43. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:32 or 752 seconds. HUGE thanks to curse forge and the mod pack is called cave horror project by justeriksk so make sure to check it out very fun modpack and scary. Are you brave enough to explore Minecraft Horror mod at 3am? In this video, we delve into the eerie depths of the game with Herobrine and cavedwellers, but is… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T” #ShizoClickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Destruction! Longest Path Annihilated in 2B2T" #ShizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘DESTRUI el CAMINO MAS LARGO de Minecraft en 2B2T #minecraft #2b2t #shorts’, was uploaded by HalconDeHielo on 2024-05-19 23:00:15. It has garnered 466570 views and 65535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. 🥤Uninteresting description🥤 ——————————————— ————————————————– ——– Video: https://youtu.be/j8QcSaoX_-A ————————————————– ————————————————– — In today’s video I DESTROYED the LONGEST and HISTORIC ROAD of 2B2T, this path or BETTER KNOWN as “The SOUTHERN Canal” is a Water path that starts from the SPAWN of 2B2T to a SAFE AREA. Built in 2014, today it appears abandoned. but is it true? ————————————————–… Read More

  • 🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now – Its Panda Gaming 🎮

    🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now - Its Panda Gaming 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting Items for house!! | Minecraft | Its Panda Gaming is Live’, was uploaded by Its Panda Gaming on 2024-01-04 05:40:12. It has garnered 128 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:34 or 5074 seconds. Hello everybody 👋 This is Its Panda Gaming , professional gaming channel 🎮 Here you will see my Highlights and Full Gameplays of the game Gta 5 ,Free Fire and Valorant. I’am a professional Battle Royale Player and Streamer. I do my best to record all games and that’s all enjoy watching. Don’t Forget to like,share… Read More

  • 🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!

    🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods iQ Test😲 #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Miko boiz on 2024-02-08 14:30:32. It has garnered 2527 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. minecraft,minecraft iq test,testing minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft testing,minecraft test,minecraft iq,testing minecraft mobs iq,minecraft memes,minecraft villager iq test,minecraft mob iq,minecraft meme,testing minecraft mob iq,mob iq test in minecraft,minecraft mob iq test,minecraft mobs iq test,minecraft villager iq,minecraft mods,minecraft phone,minecraft pillager iq test,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft but,minecraft funny warden iq test,minecraft warden iq test,minecraft iq test,warden,iq test,test warden,minecraft warden,iq test warden,minecraft iq test warden,testing warden iq,warden test,wardon… Read More

  • Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11

    Intense Bedwars Competition! Who Will Win? 🔥 | Minecraft Roleplay Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘RISING TENSIONS (Competition Part 1) | Bedwars Avenue [ Ep. 11] | Minecraft Roleplay (MCTV)’, was uploaded by Vastelle on 2024-02-18 01:53:04. It has garnered 626 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:46 or 1606 seconds. Bedwars has caused Vastelle’s stress to skyrocket! Meanwhile, Marbey’s infatuation with Ghostie has become much more unbearable. *:・゚✧💜SEE MORE💜*:・゚✧ Minecraft, but it’s a new series consisting of REAL Bedwars players! And guess what?! I use REAL players’ Minecraft Skins! Comment your IGN, and I’ll get you in the background of a video! ​​​ MOVING IN… Read More

  • “Top 8 Songs of War Characters – Deathsinger Revealed!” #songsofwar #minecraft

    "Top 8 Songs of War Characters - Deathsinger Revealed!" #songsofwar #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘songs of war top 8 characters #animation #songsofwar #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deathsinger on 2024-02-13 06:32:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Lurlene Crotty’s EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Lurlene Crotty's EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixelmon Mod: Catching and Battling Pokemon in Minecraft!#shorts’, was uploaded by Lurlene Crotty on 2024-01-10 10:56:31. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More


    YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ANIME BEACH EPISODE! | Minecraft CDRSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘O EVENTO CANÔNICO DOS ANIMES (Episódio de praia) – Minecraft CDRSMP’, was uploaded by Lioju_MJ on 2024-04-14 04:38:01. It has garnered 284 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:37 or 18697 seconds. Come join the lives and videos!!! Lives every day at 8pm (EXCEPT TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) Videos almost daily! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, IT HELPS A LOT! LARAY’S TWITCH CHANNEL: https://www.twitch.tv/laray__ give her support! Youtube Channel: @laray_OFI OVERTAKE SERVER: https://discord.gg/VxBnJecepk CDR SERVER: https://discord.gg/24WJKjWwh8 MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: https://livepix.gg/liojumj SOCIAL MEDIA Discord: https://discord.gg/XrR5764Yrk Twitter: https://twitter.com/LiojuMJ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liojumj/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lioju_mj?is_f Kwai:… Read More

  • kevolve.net

    kevolve.netWelcome to Kevolve.net, a free SMP server open to everyone, currently looking for Minecraft survival mode enjoyers. We run some good mods. kevolve.net Read More

  • Hermitcraft-style server recruiting SMP players, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! We are a friend-based Minecraft server built around community and trust. We offer a classic survival SMP experience without major game-changing mods. Join us for events, hang out on voice chat, and play Minecraft together! Interested in joining? Fill out our short application form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I hope my grandkids can still play Minecraft

    I hope my grandchildren will be able to play Minecraft (assuming the servers are still up and running in 50 years) and won’t have to deal with Minecraft VR on their hoverboards! Read More

  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

    Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide In Minecraft, a beehive is quite a delight, Craft it with wood planks, a simple sight. Place it near flowers, bees will take flight, Collecting sweet honey, a tasty bite. To get honeycomb, use shears with care, From the hive, it’s a precious fare. Bees in the hive, a buzzing affair, Protect them well, show them you care. Moving a hive? Use a silk touch tool, Carry it gently, don’t be a fool. Harvesting honey, a sweet jewel, In Minecraft world, a golden rule. So now you know, how to make a beehive, In Minecraft world, where bees thrive…. Read More

  • POV: I become MrBeast’s Minecraft guardian angel!

    POV: I become MrBeast's Minecraft guardian angel! POV: When you realize stopping time in Minecraft is the only way to keep MrBeast from giving away all his diamonds to random players. #MinecraftProblems #MrBeastSaved #TimeStopper Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

    NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! - Minecraft Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Building Battle with ILLEGAL Mod! Are you ready for an epic showdown between a NOOB and a PRO in Minecraft? Get ready for some intense building battles, hilarious moments, and unexpected twists with the ILLEGAL Mod! Meet the Players: Adem’s Channel: Watch the NOOB in action at Adem’s Channel Ahmet’s Channel: Witness the PRO’s skills at Ahmet’s Channel Don’t Miss Out! If you don’t want to miss out on the thrilling Minecraft entertainment, make sure to turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss a new video. Subscribe and Connect: 🟥 Subscribe for Free: Join… Read More

  • Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to start your own adventure in the vast world of Minecraft? If so, we have the perfect server for you to join – Minewind! While watching the exciting gameplay of “How To Starting the Adventure Minecraft!” by @gsxproooo, you may have felt the urge to dive into your own Minecraft journey. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving community of players on Minewind server? With endless possibilities for exploration, building, and collaboration, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison The Evolution of Minecraft: A Genre Shift Recently, a video discussing the evolution of Minecraft has sparked a conversation about how the game has transitioned into a different genre without necessarily becoming better or worse. Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and explore some potential solutions. From Sandbox to Adventure: Originally known for its sandbox gameplay, where players could freely build and explore, Minecraft has gradually incorporated more structured elements, such as quests, NPCs, and storylines. This shift has transformed the game into a hybrid of sandbox and adventure genres, offering a new experience for players. Challenges and Solutions:… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Glitch Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft Bugs!’, was uploaded by Provolone on 2024-04-20 13:00:45. It has garnered 10695 views and 226 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Been a while since I made one of these…loving the parrot one 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts #facts Read More

  • Playing Minecraft while sick…what’s gonna happen?!

    Playing Minecraft while sick...what's gonna happen?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m sick, so I might as well play Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArkticDragon Gaming on 2024-04-12 04:27:19. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:19 or 8839 seconds. Hey guys! I’m gonna work on the SMP world and work on some projects! 😀 ​Rules: no harassment, racial slurs, homophobia, NSFW, or politics. Don’t ask to be mod, spam, self promote, vent, or roleplay. also no saying you’re going to go watch another streamer. No 911 jokes either. Basically don’t be a dick and we’re chill! Have fun! You… Read More

  • Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!

    Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chained 360s…’, was uploaded by FLQMZE on 2024-05-16 23:18:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. ROAD TO 100 Subs ❤️❤️❤️ ———————————————————————————- ➢ Song & Texture Pack: Ask in Comments ➢ Sub Count: 79 Subs ———————————————————————————- #shorts #minecraft #pvp #hypixel #minemen #combos #sumo #boxing #zeqaboxing #duelsboxing #duels #zeqaduels #4k #zeqa4k #bedrock #mcpe tags (ignore) #hive, hive treasure wars, hive pack folder, #packfolder , hive skywars, hive minecraft, packfolder, minecraft, hive pack folder mcpe, mcpe, pvp, treasure wars, yoga and stretching, mcbe, controller, the hive,… Read More

  • 🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!

    🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 007 | Aesthetics’, was uploaded by Digital Rian on 2024-04-23 05:21:57. It has garnered 179 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:47 or 4787 seconds. #minecraft #redpill #podcasts Merch live! https://store.rianstone.com Chat was here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPrIwh3tHKo Sign up to the channel subscribers and get whitelisted to the server! voice mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-voice-chat/ Rian Stone, Red Pill, Relationship, Married stuff, don’t forget fuccfiles on audio https://www.rianstone.com/fuccfiles All music by Birocratic and Home and Epidemic Sound https://birocratic.bandcamp.com/ https://music.midwestcollective.us/ Read More

【Minecraft】Babe New Server Dropped