🍄1,000 Days in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] Survival Let’s Play | Red’s World: The Wild Update🍄

Video Information

I recently realized that we’ve survived over 1 000 days in our 1.19 World which is the longest that I’ve stayed alive and built in a world and Series so far and so to celebrate I wanted to look back over all that we’ve built and accomplished so far in this world and I

Decided to compile all the episodes for red swirled into one long movie length video so on that note grab yourself some snacks some drinks get cozy sit back and enjoy all the Cozy Vibes and episodes we have so far in Red’s World The Wild update let’s take a look at our area we

Spawned on this tree leaf right here we’ve got oh an interesting mix of we have Swap and Spruce okay and uh Birch oh I didn’t even notice that there’s a mangrove we’re definitely going there first guys the Wild update here we come oh man I love that we’re

Right by a mangrove swamp and a witch’s Hut too okay cool maybe we can grab a little kitty friend take the well I don’t know if I want to take the witch’s cat you know they’re they’re pretty lonely yeah I would I would feel a little bad maybe maybe the witch hurts

Me I won’t feel bad we’ll just leave it with that these are so cool like look at this look at our I feel like everyone does not know how to pronounce this new block and uh and I don’t either oh it’s your first little frog oh hi bud

Oh I want to give you a slime block yes I do okay I I know that everyone is super excited about frogs but they’re so cute look at that yeah yeah they’re just they’re just adorable oh and they hop amazing okay and then with any classic start to Minecraft we

Grabbed some wood made a crafting table made some sticks made of wood pickaxe got that Stone Age advancement so we could make our stone pickaxe and get an upgrade to everything right away bam and Bam stolen tools acquired let’s go exploring we found a ruined feather portal checked inside the chest found a

Bell and then we saw a village and headed that way so far I’m really liking the spun we spunk right by a mangrove forest and we have a village like right here this is awesome next we rated some chests grabbed some hay bales for food went inside this child’s house and stole

From them and we managed to find a saddle but we’ll take we’ll take the leather yep yep and you die you see you fashion we then said goodbye to our village voted away with our fashionable new armor came across another ruined another portal checked the contents and

Grab some tools next we found an ocean Monument so we marked the chords for that to come back and explore that a little later on when we were more prepared we found a sparse jungle so we grabbed some jungle wood and saplings to go no way oh this

It’s a great start mangrove Village ocean Monument ocean world oh oh and uh swam underneath it that’s cool Hello beautifuls oh I love you guys oh you’re so cute okay guys you have to admit the mushroom cows are just adorable this is giant wow this is so cool there’s so many cows

Oh it’s so fun wow guys I say we try to go mining in some of these caves because uh We’re not gonna have bad guys after us which is great and we started working our way down into the cave system finally making it safe Grab Some Coal so

That we could make more torches to keep mining around everything grab some iron and then we started smelting it all and turning it into iron gear next we made an iron pickaxe an iron ax a water bucket for water bucket clutches of course and we started doing some Diamond

Strip mining poking some holes okay our first Diamonds oh wow this is a big one whoa we’re getting at least four out of this this is amazing oh my gosh no way we’re getting six oh oh this is a good one so I have one two three four five six diamonds guys

Our first diamond pick look at that guys well we are coming out of the mines and I would say that getting six diamonds because we made a pick a stack and eight of iron lapis I’d say that’s pretty good it time to find our home now

I’m not exactly sure quite where I want to live yet but we are going to go get our boat and start finding ourselves a place to live as we were following a bird treasure map I ran across a sunken ship got some Treasures finally found where the buried treasure map was found

The chest also got some Treasures here as well oh we found a village and this one looks like it could be a blacksmith so let’s go find out oh it could be a double blacksmith look at that these two right here okay hello don’t mind me sir just uh coming through

Here excuse me good so well we’ll take an extra iron sword as I was exploring noticed a ruin another portal in the village next I went inside this house and noticed there was a kid jumping on the bed so I joined them and I think they judged me for it thank you

A diamond and a saddle okay foreign Bells you take less damage I started working my way over to the nether portal because I wanted to rebuild it so I splashed out the lava and got to work mining which without enchantments on the pick it takes forever built up the

Nether portal and we had it built all right guys we’re gonna see where this nether portal takes us push me luck oh okay warped Forest this seems pretty safe no lava because I just look at one oh gosh well this is uh not bad I will gladly take a warped horse this

One is ginormous though wow I can’t even see anything else but this bio this is crazy well this isn’t too bad uh easy access to oh I hate those scary noise Crimson okay I just uh need to not die as I uh make it back to the portal I will gladly take

This safest whoo almost save us biome okay all right well we’re in a giant warped Forest I’ll take it well that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be next I realized I had missed checking some houses so I went to go look at those my goodness that is a dangerous pet

There we go much safer for these guys they uh they don’t need help uh struggling oh there’s a dark oak forest guys you know what we’re gonna grab saplings alrighty guys so I also have been kind of wandering around this dark oak forest looking at what’s around us knowing that

We have that Plains Village in this direction I I think I’m gonna build here and I think it’s gonna be really cool I’ve never done a series where we live inside a dark oak forest and my idea for this series is that we are going to be living

In more of a Hobbit style Village and base area while using the 1.19 blocks as well I think this area guys is where we are going to set up our base right here so we are going to start placing down our items to mark that this is our base area

Wow okay this is great I’m like right underneath my base area yay oh look at this we get a mine oh we uh get a nice little mine shaft intersecting a nice Mossy cave wow look at this and you know I’ve been needing some Oaks so this works wonderfully

Name tag we’ll take it but we’ll grab iron not today look at that first time using it foreign one thing that I try to check for is making sure the middle block of the three is broken because then at least I can poke my head through to see if

There’s any creepers that are gonna surprise me so if they’re just kind of hanging around the corner or waiting for someone to come by at least I can see them now so that’s kind of my thought process and why I’m chopping just the middle ones just so I can see because I definitely

Uh gotten blown up from not checking this found some more chests to loot and a golden apple saw a duel happening right before my very eyes make it a little easier for uh me to kill him because they’re already weak grab some Vines because Aesthetics blur Blossom Spore Blossom yeah

And took one last look inside this cave before I headed back up to the surface to start working on my base and uh not dying to a creeper enjoy this time lapse Thank you Foreign foreign Everyone we have finished our house and you can kind of see in the background a little bit but let’s go take a closer look now we have our path from our little river Canal we just run our way over here and here we are we’ve got our starter

Home hobbit hole and I think this turned out amazing we’ve got some crop Fields here we’ve got some carrots over here and I’ve just put all of the carrots that I’m going to be collecting in this Barrel and then we’ve got potatoes over here and they’re being collected in this

Barrel but we’ve got our starter crops on either side I love using the Warped planks for the chimney and the door with just that pop of color I think it looks so great we’ve got our decorated path and here we are our starter home interior I used the shroom lights to create some

Different type of lighting in the house other than just the lanterns but to our left we have our kitchen area we’ve got the smoker blast furnace and regular furnaces barrels on the floors and the walls same on this side with our stone cutter and our Anvil and our brewing

Stand Gotta Sink to you know wash our hands before we get cooking but then just use some of the prismarine black that I found at a drown ruin to just create a little bit of color pop in our floors to the other side we have our bedroom

Which I have some our starter armor that we started the episode with and then the gold armor that we found to go into The Nether with we’ve got our fireplace and then on the other side we have our double wide bed we’ve got some bookshelves I use the chain to create

The stand for our little shroom lamp and then I’m using the vines to kind of coat the ceilings and the walls just to create some texture same in the entryway and using composters with the Spore Blossom and then we come into our storage area and I think this turned out

So cool I love having this much space I’ve never had this many chests and this much storage in a starter house so I think this turned out amazing what do you guys think of our little hobbit hole this is the first time I’ve done this style and I absolutely love it like

I am in love with every room of this house I think it’s so cool and I love the Spore Blossom creating little particles I love it I use the azalea bushes to create some texture and color on the floor as well but this is what we got for our starter

House I I absolutely love this we found diamonds we went to the nether we found a mushroom Island an ocean monument and we created this lovely little starter Hobbit Hole in our dark oak forest and I think it’s going to be such a cool little area to build out with these uh

Similar Hobbit holes we are going to be building a cow Farm because I want food and leather and we are going to be collecting resources and then building an iron farm and for the first part of today’s episode I actually streamed it so let’s get right into it now that the

Cow Crusher 5000 is done let’s go take a look at it so I’m actually very happy with how this turned out uh not for their sake but more for my sake they look a little miserable but it’s okay I’ll give them wheat and they’ll love me

For it but look at this guys I’ve just been running this and reading up the cows and the cow Crusher 5000 is working so well I have unlimited food now I can make books I can make picture frames item frames I think going forward when I

Do a series I’m always going to make a little cow Crusher like this yes it’s inhumane but uh it benefits me so it’s great I made a little like uh people so that I can like check on them to see if I can breed them and like not die from

Creepers and stuff and Phantoms but this works so efficiently and it’s such a small little uh build and such a small farm but we’re gonna quickly run back home and sleep all right now that it is morning and we are well rested I also wanted to show you guys that I found

These two uh wandering Traders stopped by when I was actually building this whole hobbit hole and I just uh kept them around because they kept kind of wandering you know I figured uh why not make them our first official pets you know we need some friends around here so

These are our two llama friends comment below what we should name them I I don’t have name tags so uh they’ll just be honorarily given name names now that we’ve gotten to see our cow Farm I want to show you guys our iron farm because it works it actually works and as we’re

Coming out of the trees here we are it is running efficiently I decided to make this stream of water since sometimes the uh The Hoppers don’t catch the iron it like comes and falls right here and then falls to the ground and I was losing it

And now it was getting collected so look at this because I made this water stream I saved a stack and 11. I actually afk’d here for a long time Stacks like completely filled up we are good on iron guys I made a working iron farm for once

In my life I’m so happy and that’s all thanks to this sky and our forever terrified villagers but this is working so well with the poppies I’ve just been putting them in this chest funneling them down and now we’re getting a little bone meal this is the Redstone torch

That turns the farm back on the iron farm I turned it off because obviously it’s it’s full like I don’t I don’t need more iron right now so we’re leaving our torch in here for now but we cannot keep our iron farm and our Kyle Farm looking

Like this oh no no we are going to build up a little uh a little mushroom build for both of these things so my idea is that because we’re in a dark oak forest and you see the little red mushrooms dotted around we are going to be building a giant mushroom build to

Kind of hide our iron farm and then we’ll know that as Little Farms pop up around here that they are all the big mushrooms so I think it’s going to be great I have the idea that since this is an iron farm we’ll use some iron blocks some more like lighter blocks Grays

Silvers for the mushroom topper but uh we have a problem I don’t have silk touch to pick up mushroom stem blocks and I don’t have access to quartz or like fortune 3 so we are going to spend some time uh trying to get those things

We are at our village now guys I totally forgot you know that Mushroom Island I literally it’s right here our house right there Mushroom Island right there if that’s not luck I don’t know what is all right guys I was thinking so we need to trade tons of our iron with the

Weaponsmith I want to get a tool Smith and an armorer if we level these guys up by selling them armor so that we can get emeralds so that we can upgrade the Masons uh we can get full diamond gear today so uh we’re we’re definitely doing

This let’s go grab tons of iron bring it over here and uh well I mean you know how it goes the Villager grind and so I started by converting a farmer into a Fletcher so that I could get sticks I worked on my water bucket clutches from making my water bucket last episode

And I made some axes so that we could go chop down trees to convert to Sticks and when I say trees I mean lots of trees and I just wanted to take this moment to say thank you so much for all of the love and support on episode one I

Have been absolutely Blown Away by all the excitement from you guys the support on this episode one and I’m excited to have new friends along to follow this 1.19 let’s play series but seriously you guys are amazing and have been so encouraging in the comments it truly

Means a lot to me so thank you so much for your comments your likes and your support it makes me even more excited to share this world with people that are just as excited in this world as I am so thank you so much friends back to the video

Sappy stuff aside we continued trading sticks to get emeralds with this Fletcher until we had it fully locked out for now did a water bucket clutch which I landed and was very proud of finally got ourselves a sharpness to a knock back one sword so we could be a

Little safer heard some growling in the ceiling and I realized that I had some unwanted Neighbors which I evicted them pretty quickly the second neighbor uh was a little bit more uh stubborn didn’t want to leave uh tried to harm me so we uh did a Courtside duel which uh I won

Then we went back to leveling up our a weaponsmith from novice to Apprentice so that we could hopefully get the iron trade and when he leveled up we got it so we were in business and so we started trading out iron for emeralds leveling up our Masons Back to the weaponsmith for more iron leveling them up some more to see what we could get from them finally get axes in Diamond which is great then we were able to level them up to master and get a sharpness one sword as well getting geared up early I think

This is going to pay off honestly I think that uh an iron farm in episode 2 uh is definitely paying off this guy is uh pretty great and we bought ourselves that sharpness 2 sword you know I only wanted him so that I could get emeralds

To trade with the uh the Mason but uh you know getting geared uh to Diamond potentially today is uh not bad so then I decided to make a blast furnace to convert this Fletcher into an armor to just uh get some Diamond gear as we’re already getting diamond tools and then I

Started the process of leveling them up as well treaded more iron for emeralds leveled up the armorer similar but I didn’t want to keep all of this iron armor that he was giving us so I decided to convert this into iron nuggets instead traded clay balls for emeralds to level

Up are Stone Mason then traded Emerald’s bore chiseled Stone to Love The Apprentice up got him to a journeyman and then I needed more emeralds went back to our weaponsmith and he had increased his prices a little scammer he knows I need him unfortunately went back to training more sticks for emeralds

Leveling up our armor a bit more we finally leveled him to experts went back to trade more iron for emeralds and I realized he increased his prices again this time even more I can’t believe this guy he’s a thief from four to ten sir I’m just gonna make a

Different villager a different trade so you can’t do this to me anymore yeah what do you think about that okay you don’t care for sure of course so I made a king-sized bed made them some bread and started making a path to lead them to the beds gave them all the carbs and

Then waited until the magic happened and then my little villager was running around you will be the future son went back to our stonemason trained him up from expert to master All right guys we finally got quartz yay I will take all of you now we’re in business guys now we just gotta grind a bunch of uh emeralds to get more of these quartz blocks here so we’re just gonna work on that next I don’t know

When this happened but we now have two I’ll take it but didn’t expect two though I then proceeded to kick this child out of their bed to sleep in it tried uh jumping on the bed with them again and you know uh still getting judged I don’t think that will change

And then we were back on the grind trading with the weaponsmith the stonemason the weaponsmith the stone Mason the weaponsmith the stone Mason one eternity later after all that monotony I needed a change of pace so I went shopping picked myself up a pickaxe shovels and then combined them on an

Anvil and then I got myself a new shiny outfit oh guys look at this we’ve got some diamonds we’ve got our sword we’ve got our ax and we have some Diamond gear just because we’ve been trying to get Quartz this whole time and uh upgrade with iron so

That is a pro move guys we got uh diamonds and we didn’t really even uh set out to get that as a focus we just wanted to get more quartz so we can have some mushroom block stems and then we were finally on to phase two which was

Uh avoiding skeletons and getting the rest of our resources so next we needed to collect a bunch of light gray concrete powder and light gray concrete so I spent some time mining that up Grab some white concrete as well and mine that up Grabbed some brown concrete and started mining that up as well Alrighty everyone we have all of the supplies uh I believe all the supplies that we will need to make our little uh mushrooms so we’re primarily going to be using quartz blocks for the base of it mixing in some of the diorite and you know we’re bougie

Now we’re rich so maybe we’ll mix in some of the iron blocks who knows in some Birch but then for the top of the mushroom we’re just going to be combining a bunch of different Brown blocks and then for the little white polka dots I figured this is almost like

A pink kind of like the cow’s udders are so I feel like this could be a really cute accent block for the little polka dots that’s what we’re going to do for our color palette now let’s make a mushroom house foreign y guys we have finished building up our

Mushroom House for our cow farm so let’s go take a look as you come up The Path I have decided to put wheat Fields kind of rolling into the hills stacks of hay bales because we uh we feed our cows in our cow Crusher 5000 wheat and so I

Figured it was very uh fitting to just have a bunch of wheat Fields all the way around so we can don’t look at the Enderman so we can just uh pick up some wheat whenever we need to and feed our little cows inside but here is what we

Have for the build let’s add some shaders on and from the outside we’ve just got it decorated with lots of leaf blocks we’ve got some lanterns hay bales we used some of the roots some lichen Vines glowberries and that’s just all the way around I love the roof palette

That we have it’s just Soul Sand concrete we’ve got the concrete powder and some different wood blocks I and then we used the the white terracotta which looks like the pink accents for kind of like the cow udders for the mushroom stem we have quartz we’ve got

Some iron we’ve got Birch we’ve got quartz pillars we’ve got diorite and we just kind of varied that with slabs stairs and the full blocks all the way around we made it so that it looks like some of the stems are kind of like creeping out towards the fields but all

The way around I just think it looks so cool now since it’s getting dark we’re gonna go inside because I also made and it’s raining so definitely going inside but on the inside I just put some brown and white carpet because the cows and then I just added some glowberries and

Some Vines a lantern to just make a little Cozier but I love the carpet I think it’s just a nice little touch got some potted plants on our way up the staircase some more carpets some paintings lanterns glowberries and up the ladder we have the bedroom space so

We’ve got a little Shelf with our potted plant our couch our bed we’ve got paintings glowberries bushes some mushrooms to decorate it with and a little uh countertop but this is what we got for our little mushroom house and I think it’s so cute I think I did a good

Job just filling the space for how tiny this is and just really adding some detail blocks but since it’s night outside we are going to sleep alrighty it is morning time the sun is out and I’m going to run up the side of the cliff here so you can get a good

View of the top of the mushroom and here is the mushroom from a higher vantage point so you can really see the full mushroom stem with the mushroom top and the different colors we use to kind of texture the top of it but that’s what we

Got and yeah what do you guys think I think it turned out great I love having the wheat Fields all around it because it’s just so fitting since we’re gonna be feeding our cows all of the weeds to keep breeding them up but uh we got one

Build down now one to go so let let’s go head over to build up our little iron farm mushroom house as well Foreign Y everyone we are done with our time lapse and you already kind of saw some of it but we’ve got some detail going on so I will put some shaders on so we can fully enjoy this but here we have our mushroom build we’ve got all the different block variants of diorite

Polished diorite white concrete powder the quartz pillars quartz blocks and even iron blocks mixed in with some Vines some lichen some azalea bush some peonies and just kind of it wraps all the way up and I just kind of did the exact same thing all the way around some

Of the mushroom roots are coming a little bit further out and I textured them as well here the bushes again winding down to the base of the mushroom and then if we go on inside we have a cozy little house which uh we will need

To mob proof this a little bit more but we’ve got our nice little entrance here some plants on the side some lichen and lanterns on this side we’ve got a nice little kitchen to smelt some stuff up we’ve got a big living room and a bedroom to hang out whenever we are just

Afking for some of our iron I really like how I kind of disguised the shoot that everything uh is like funneled down through it kind of just makes it look like a central pillar not exactly Central but you know Central ish and then we’ve just got our ladder all the

Way up here to our iron but uh you don’t really see that from down here and I really like that you’d never imagined that there’s an iron farm above us or inside this giant uh mushroom tree but I love it so much what do you guys think

Of the builds that we were able to get done today this iron farm build and our cow Farm build I love both of them so much in today’s episode we’re going to work on enchantments because uh last episode was so hard to not have silk touch because I could not get these

Lovely mushroom blocks behind me and uh I really want to build with them so we are going to work on rolling for silk touch and also getting fortune 3 and working on getting an enchanting table set up as well now as I was working to spawn proof this in some off-camera time

I was in a mine shaft collecting spider webs and look what I found guys mending cat a name tag and three golden apples and a ton of lapis I also sliced some glow squid but guys we found something even better let me show you we found a spawner and it also had some

Spare cat discs as well in it so that’s pretty cool but now guys we’re able to make a Skelly farm and get some bone meal some XP arrows bows the whole nine yards so that is something that we get to do in a future episode and I’m super

Excited about this so we found that in some off-camera time and uh I was pretty excited about it so uh now we have another project for a future episode now as far as we’re going to build this enchanting Hobbit Hole I’ve already made a path leading all the way over here

Next to our Hobbit Hole where we are going to be building out our Hobbit hold and the design that I’m using is one by Goldberg who is an awesome Minecraft builder and we’ve already collected a lot of the supplies that we’re going to need these are just extras I already

Have my enchanting table here just thought we can put that in right away but uh we’re missing some ingredients and to get these we’re going to the nether because I want that pink Crimson wood so that is what we’re gonna do next so I’m gonna grab a boat boat my way

Over and I’ll meet you guys in the nether okay guys we are back in the nether now if I remember right I think we need to go this way that was easy let’s get some crimson and not fall into holes uh easy enough we’re just the wood yeah

And so I spent the next bit of time collecting some of the Crimson wood and I picked up some of the shroom lights as well for future decorations that was easier than I thought okay we got a stack and 39 I’m gonna call that good I’m just gonna pick up some of

These little guys because they’re cute and uh We’re Not Gonna push our luck we’re just gonna head back out oh and it’s night I put my bed here just in case I happened to die while I was in there all right guys we made it

That’s so good okay so we have the the Crimson stems that we need we got a few warp blocks not really that many uh weeping Vines we got some good stuff and uh now it’s time to go back and build Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you foreign Ed our enchanting Hobbit Hole so uh let’s go take a look at it I made this lovely little path that kind of connects to our main path and our starter base and I made a little Lamppost here and uh we’ll throw on some shaders for the rest

Of this but walking up this path I’ve just decorated The Hobbit hole with some azalea leaves flowering and regular some oak leaves we’ve got the Crimson wood outlining our door and for our chimney kind of going off of the same thing that we did with our starter base but on the

Inside here’s what we got guys we’ve got a little smelting Blast Furnace section Straight Ahead we have our enchanting setup which I think looks so pretty we did get it to level 30 with all of our bookshelves so that’s amazing and in this back corner I actually hid a little

A little bedroom we only got a lamp in here and a bed and a little bit of a carpet I’m going to be decorating more of this as we go but that’s a little bedroom uh I kind of just wanted it to be hid in a way since a bedroom is not

The main focus so close the store not for creepers uh it’s not the main focus of this area so the rest of the place is our potion and another portal so we’ve got the brewing stand and our little cauldron with our fact of uh something we brewed not really sure what but I

Would brewed something but then we’ve got another portal what do you guys think of our little enchanting hobbit hole I think this turned out great I absolutely love it I think one of my favorite Parts is that we have the nether portal kind of just framed in to

One of the sections and archways of the little hobbit hole space I also really like that we have the Spore Blossom just emitting some particles right in front of our magical enchanting once I had my enchanting table all set up I restocked on lapis added mending to my pickaxe

Added a sweeping Edge to my sword and then added looting to my sword as well next I want to make a brand new pickaxe and see what enchantments we can roll on it on the table so let’s grab some of our lapis and uh see what we get

Fortune 2 requires level 30 and I am at three nice okay guess uh we’ll just uh grind some quartz right oh and I forgot my boots oh no nice I forgot my boots time to get back through and hopefully not get hurt uh this will be interesting go away go away okay

Not what I expected but uh also I didn’t put boots on so that is what I expected oh my gosh oh you scared me so what sirs um uh we need to put a gate guys oh bye yeah you do the same can you go through

Oh that was scary oh we got a crossbow look at that what do you know um yep put the boots back on okay now we grind quartz goodness and we get Quartz while we’re grinding quartz I figured I would take this time to say thank you to everyone who’s newly subscribing to my

Channel I so appreciate you guys joining in I do have a Discord if anybody wants to join that link is in the description below as well as links for my Twitter and my Instagram for those of you that like watching SMP or more collaborative content I am a part of asmp for Content

Creators so going forward you may see me alternating episodes as I was pilling across a Chasm this gas came out of nowhere and was trying to beat me off the edge and so I was trying to get Return to Sender it kept moving around I couldn’t get it I was getting frustrated

And then it hit me and almost knocked me off into the lava so uh after this and uh trying a bit more I I was done in the nether we were we were gonna leave foreign guys uh after the guest was attacking me I kind of figured we’d take a break

Um pretty close not quite there but I wanted to take a little bit of a break uh we found a ton of quartz like I’ll take it well well two stacks and almost three and then since I didn’t get enough XP from the nether we went back to the

Village and started trading with villagers for a bit to get us up to that level 30. all right guys we’ve made it to 30. we’re gonna go back and see if we can uh roll any uh good enchantments now for uh some level 30 in chance let’s get

Our pick and our lapis oh what did we get oh no way that’s really good okay it’s like threes right it’s efficiency three and I’m breaking three but come on guys like that’s that’s pretty good right now you guys might be wondering well Brett if you’re already doing the

Villager to get all your armor and your tools why’d you come back to use the enchanting table why not just level them up with books I like the idea of being able to just use the villagers to give me the tools but then come back and use

The enchanting table to see if I can get any uh combos like I did here obvious easily added mending but that’s a pretty good pick I think I still want to get a better Fortune pick and maybe try for silk touch but I don’t want to re-roll

This so maybe we will go grab some extra tools and just try re-rolling them from our village so I’m gonna go to bed I’m gonna go to bed yeah then alrighty and it is uh daytime again so let’s go and grab some extra tools we’re kind of going back and forth today but

Uh you don’t see that you just see me uh showing up at the places so uh it’s pretty nice for you guys right be very sneaky yes yes yes come here attacks ah yay oh it talks okay guys I’m literally so excited there’s this neighborhood cat that in

Real life will come around by where I live and if I’m sitting outside it will come up to me and he will just take all of the scratches all of the pets but uh there’s no collar on him so I kind of just honorarily uh named that Cat in

Real life tucks and this Minecraft cat looks exactly like him so guys neat tucks now that we got some extra tools which uh I have two of the efficiency picks two of the efficiency shovels two efficiency axes and I also got an extra sharp and a sword in case we kind of

Want to combine or re-roll any of these so back we go to our base now uh let’s see what we can get on the pickaxe for 30. efficiency four all right will we get anything else no okay but that sounds about right shovel efficiency four it’s gonna be one item

That efficiency 4 on breaking three fortune three no way oh my goodness that’s amazing I’m shook now we are going to continue to upgrade our armor with the enchanting table but we’re going to focus on that uh next episode because I want to work on that skeleton

Farm so I can get XP easier but I do want to get silk touch today because I have some really cool Lantern ideas so I’m gonna go back to the uh yes back to the village and we’re gonna upgrade a library until uh he gets us so touch so

Let’s go over and from here you know exactly what I did play selectrine Break the lectern play selector and break the left turn Okay this guy is literally just watching them sleep a little creepy dude little little creepy and after adding that villager to the neighborhood watch

List I continued doing exactly what I was doing before oh guys we got silk touch for 16 finally yay oh yes you know what this means guys mushroom chopping time alrighty guys we are back in our base area well we’ve got our silk touch pickaxe and uh I want to move this mushroom

So let’s get this yes yes yes yes amazing I think now let’s go find a brown one we got them both the brown mushrooms and the red mushrooms this is big guys I’m so excited to use these blocks and we even uh we even got the the mushroom stem

Block which is gonna make it so much easier to build with and uh just use throughout this series mushroom blocks aside we have one last thing to do for today’s episode and it involves two friends hanging out over here it involves our llamas you guys gave me so

Many great name suggestions I so appreciate everyone that left a name suggestion for one of the llamas or both of the llamas but uh we have officially chosen names to name the First Citizens and uh animals of our area llama number one shall be named cloudy and llama

Number two shall be named Pizza next we just get to name them and we are good to go so we’ve got pizza hello pizza how’s it going and we have cloudy our two little llama friends we are going to be working on decorating that skeleton XP farm making it look

Prettier I also want to create a safer nether hob spot because uh last episode I forgot my boots the gold boots and uh I got attacked by piglens right away so uh I want to change that to make a little like house in the nether to keep

Us safe and we uh we’re also going to make a safe path in the nether to get us from our enchanting room Hobbit Hole here to uh our village so that’s what we’re going to work on today so let’s get right into it now before we head

Over to our Skelly Farm to start looking at it and decorating it there’s something that I’ve been wanting to do since I made the cow Crusher involving the glowing I have wanted to make these signs glow since I made this thing ah yeah glow and behold we got the advancement oh that

Looks so much better that literally has been bothering me since episode two but now we got the signs all glowing and lit up and uh it’s gonna be night so uh cows we’re gonna gonna sleep in your little bedroom here uh sorry guys don’t mind the noise you know they’re a pretty uh

Rowdy Bunch throughout the night all right so now we have slept away the night and now we uh we have one issue with our skeleton farm and that is the way to get there is literally like so difficult basically I have to go inside a cave

Down through a cave and uh well let me just show you in a speedy little time lapse okay Laughs foreign And we finally made it here see what I mean it takes forever so part of what we’re gonna do is make an elevator Bubble Shoot to uh make a little easier to travel but uh I added some furnaces in here we’ve got some gear that we’ve been leveling up I’m

Gonna combine some of these bows because they’re really op got some good gear for the nether so uh pretty excited about these no skellies are gonna get me so excited about that but uh we’re gonna make this room bigger better and beautiful so I am I’m gonna go collect

Some resources to uh decorate the room enjoy this time lapse Thank you Foreign Foreign Guys we have finished decorating our Skelly spawner and you can see that we uh added the bubble elevator as well so we’ve got our up and our down and I kind of use the Torches to like point me in the direction of our like iron farm

Beyond these trees and such but if we uh work our way down we’ve got our very long bubble elevator and then we come out into the room and this is what our entrance and exit looks like I just added some azalea bushes glowberries lichen some Vines I used my silk touch

Ax to uh gather these Crystal Shards but just using the sides to keep the water in use the Moss carpet and I think this turned out so good we’ve got chests we’ve got barrels we’ve got a little smeltery area to kind of throw away any

Of the stuff I don’t want for the actual spawner itself where I’ll be slicing I just left two openings on this side the other side is just the corner where we can smelt up some extra things while we’re down here and then downstairs I have more of the chests related to this

Because it kind of siphons down through this one into some others but then I just made some little uh floating shelves which I got this idea off of Pinterest and I love it did the same over here with this little guy but we added the Spore Blossom and I think it

Looks so cool the carpet some more of the stone cutter just kind of work workstation this is kind of like the work section of things and then I put a little bed here so that if I’m ever just here overnight don’t want to deal with

Phantoms when I go back up I can sleep down through our little trap door is where we have all of the chests now right now I have a chest that is locked and collecting arrows and collecting bones but the bow that I got has Infinity so I I don’t really need the arrows

Um so I’m trying to figure out how I want to do this I was trying to set up a system where lava will just burn everything it gets put in the chest but I need to fix this these levers allow me to lock the hopper so that they’re not

Filtering out all of the bones from this chest because what I found is once it finished filtering out the bones and this bone right here was like removed then whatever else was in here would start filtering into here as well so I had to rename things as placeholders so

If you want to kind of Lock and filter out a hopper I was trying to figure this out and finally did by watching some other people but you just name an item and then these don’t move they’re locked in place and Whatever item you place

Here as long as it still is like up in the top chest it will be able to filter down but as soon as you run out of Whatever item you were filtering in the top chest whatever is left over will just also start filtering through so keep that in mind because I definitely

Had to remove a bunch of uh bows and armor that kept going into the chest that I was only wanting to collect the Bones from but I act that I was able to kind of do some uh Auto like filtering well not fully auto but like semi-auto and I think this

Will be great but this is what we got now for the moments we’ve all been waiting for let’s take a look at this in shaders hello yes it’s beautiful and here is our Corner again I’ll close this so here’s our Corner again the crystals are glowing The spora Blossom

And glowberries are blowing the like and it’s glowing just a little bit the particles are creating The Vibes of the room I think this is so cool the glow of the Furnace looks so beautiful and even the bubbles and just the reflections of everything just looks so cool I I love

This so much but what do you guys think I think this room turned out amazing I’ve actually never decorated out a XP farm this way and like fully put decoration into it and I think this is beautiful I absolutely love this it is such a Vibe down here this is just one

Part of today so we’re gonna keep on moving with our day now that we are done working on our Skelly Farm we got something else to do and uh I have been wanting to do this for a bit an outfit change so I’m Gonna Leave You guys out

Here go change and uh come back out in my brand new outfit but first of all Let’s uh take our armor off so that you can see the full effect and here is our new skin guys I uh I got some inspiration from uh shovel from her

Empire season one I loved her mushroom skin so definitely took some heavy inspiration from that but uh changed it a little bit because you know uh my dark green hoodie that I was just wearing you know gotta gotta keep the same hoodie on just uh changed you know the little

Overalls and uh changed my shoes I also have a new hat so we’ve got a little mushroom hat got my long hair now out and about instead of uh tucked behind the hood but what do you think I think my favorite is uh the little shoes but

Now that we are properly dressed for living in a uh dark oak mushroom World taking some inspo from uh the literal mushrooms that are around oh I left my door open how dare I I don’t want creepers coming in but now that we have changed into our outfit I uh I want to

Work on something related to the uh another again um I want to make a safer path from our little hobbit hole here to the village and uh I think I want to actually try making a little like Hobbit hole in the nether to kind of give ourselves a

Little cute nether Hub so let’s go work on that a little bit enjoy the time lapse Foreign Foreign Foreign Everyone we have officially finished decorating are another Hobbit Hole nether Hub let’s go on through and uh I’ll show you what we made I’m actually really excited about this and here we are and of course we will throw on the shaders but here we have it guys we’ve just got some space

To add more chests on either side again we framed in the Nether Portal and it looks beautiful I did have a linking up mishap where I had it one block back further and uh I I ended up somewhere in between the village and our base area along the water and uh pillagers there’s

A Pilcher Patrol and they almost got me so that was fun but the rest of this is just some texturing the floors with some of the warp blocks we’ve got some chests starting to get filled up I started trading with some piglets so we do have some fire resistance which is great I

Got soul speed three boots which is also super great I have some spectral arrows which I was excited for and then we just started building up a bunch of different blocks some more decorative things but we have the inside and I’d say it’s a pretty cute little Interior right but let’s go outside

Here we are guys I made a little campfire area with the soul campfires to chase away the piglands we’ve got some lamps here since we’re in the Warped Forest I used those but I did want some contrast and so I did use the Crimson as well for some blocks I have another

Lantern over there I also added some floating lanterns because I thought it would just add a little bit extra so I added some floating lanterns here and then just here let me move a little bit further back without dying uh but that’s where this is our little house guys our little

Nether hobbit hole and I feel a whole lot better about having this as uh where we spawn when we come into the nether because uh there’s Cliffs everywhere and uh being inside a house is a lot nicer than just having your portal open up into craziness but I’m gonna come back inside

Because frankly I get a little scared being in a different perspective for F5 when there’s so many of the Endermen around but I absolutely love this guys I think it’s so cute I think the final touch that I want to add here is just putting a Spore blossom in the top but

Since we uh officially made our another portal and decorated as a hobbit hole next we need to secure a safer path to get from this little hobbit hole over to our village so I’m gonna go work on that alrighty guys we have finished decorating our path uh it’s not fully

Covered kind of safe but it is a lot safer so let me show you what we have right outside our door we go up to the left and we just follow this little path up here I made ourselves a little uh lamp to light the way then we just come

Underneath this tree here we go up our ladder which uh I may move we’ll uh we’ll see but oh you’re not supposed to be there but then we’ve got our little railing to keep us safe when we come up the top we’re following this mix of

Crimson and warp block all the way over here and down this little railing and here we have it the village portal so that is a lot easier for me to now know uh where on Earth this portal is because I was getting a little lost and

Because of how it extensive this uh this warped Forest is it literally just keeps going um I I did not want to get lost but we made it it’s connected and uh I noticed something in between some of the oh hi dude I noticed something in

Between some of the trees here which I want to show you we have a Bastion that we can explore in a future episode when we are much more geared up than we are right now but that would be a super fun adventure we can grab a Strider kind of

Uh go walking over there and check it out see if we can find anything good in the chest but we are just going to head back to our hobbit hole and go back to the Overworld now we’re just gonna go hang up this poor blossom in our another

Hobby tool and this will be done let’s put our shaders on for this and there we go particles are coming into our nether Hobbit hole I hope you guys enjoyed everything that we got done we were able to build and decorate our skeleton spawner make it a really cute vibey room

We were able to uh get a outfit change and I love this little skin so much got my dark green so sweatshirt still but I just love that little hat I love the little boots that I got and then after we did the outfit change we then made

This nether hobbit hole which I think turned out amazing I love everything about the exterior of this and the interior and then we were able to make a safe little path all the way up over to our village another portal as well now what we are going to be working on today

Is giving a home to a pizza and cloudy because uh they’ve been sitting outside uh on a lead outside my house for uh four episodes now so it’s definitely time we give them a house build ourselves an animal Barn give them a place to live but I also want to work on

Creating a little uh Pond Fountain right here which uh this has been here since day one and I have seen in the comments that people want me to do something with this and today is that day I am going to work on just uh figuring out how I want

To shape this animal Barn for pizza and cloudy so enjoy this time lapse Foreign Thank you Thank you Thank you foreign Thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign foreign Y everyone we have finished making our animal barn and we have moved pizza and cloudy to uh the new space so let’s go take a look now as we come down our path from our starter house I did start adding some of the lanterns which these

Are the lantern types that I want to be adding around our whole area because uh well mushrooms because dark oak forest but here is our path I just did the same kind of fencing with the oak leaf blocks and dark oak fences add some of the lanterns as well and

Guys we were able to make a friend and uh had to dye their color yellow because fashion but they are just so cute so we need a name for our little doggo friends so comment below what we should name our new little puppy friend puppy aside here

Is the entrance to our animal Barn oh the sheeps are already making themselves very comfortable but we’ve got a double wide gate in case I want to bring in a horse or anything but here we go guys here is the courtyard of our animal barn

And I am loving it we made a little bit of a pond here put some big and small drip Leaf I have a lantern floating kind of on a iron chain to kind of just create a floating Lantern Vibe but we put glowberries we put some flowers

Everywhere a lot of hay bales some course dirt we added the packed mud and the packed mud bricks we’ve added some little uh Stones some little Boulders around chickens are swimming but this is what we got and I absolutely love this this is such a cozy Vibe for a place and here

Is what I did to make an animal Barn Hobbit hole and I think this turned out amazing I love the overhang with the campfires but if we go inside use some of the mangrove wood for our edging here’s what we got guys and there’s pizza and cloudy to the right we just

Got a lot of foliage got a chest in the corner on the other side is where there’s actually more of the blocks except you can’t really see but there’s a smoker a composter a crafting bench and then I put a Fletcher’s table in there just because it kind of looked

Cool in my mind a little bit kind of like uh something that would belong in a farm you good dude you okay you don’t look okay anyways but this is what we got guys so we have two more stalls to put some new animals I’m thinking we’ll put some

Horses in here we found two more llamas as we were uh building uh in the time lapse I was able to grab some slime some packed blue ice and some dark blue uh Coral blocks so I got that from a Wandering Trader but now we have two

More llamas that I tamed and we get to name them the llamas have a bunch of hay bales and they have some water in the corner so they’ve got everything they’ll need I created a pulley system with some hay bales getting kind of hoisted up is

Kind of what I was going for here I added some of the mud rooted mud I think we call this but uh hi sheep just put some of the Rails around the hay bills like they were wrapped up I used the grindstones to create that pulley system

And then I kind of hit a bed uh right in here I added some yellow carpets to make it look like there is some straw that is falling out of the hay bales and then just added some barrels to this back corner but uh I absolutely love this

Place I think it’s beautiful I am having so much fun making these Hobbit Hole style builds and I think I’m getting better at it uh for sure next on our agenda we are going to start working on that Fountain slash Pond that is alongside our path so I am going to go

Over there start working on that so enjoy the time lapse foreign Foreign Thank you alrighty guys you ready to see our completed pond and a fountain here we have it I will throw on our shaders to just really add to the Vibes I have some floating lanterns to just really add to the vibe of our dark oak forest but we

Have glowberries we’ve got small drip Leaf big drip Leaf we’ve got sugar cane we’ve got some flowers around I textured the inside of the pond with a bunch of different variants of Mossy Cobble Mossy Cobble brick we’ve got Cobblestone we’ve got Moss we’ve got the cracked brick we

Even have tough as well and just regular Stone but we just turned this into such a beautiful Pond I absolutely love it I use the extinguished campfires to just create a little bit of a dock that we can come and walk up on but I think this

Is amazing I am so happy with this like this is so cute I’m proud of myself and uh you may have noticed we we killed uh a captain on our inner time lapse so no one’s gonna mess with us now now that our pond is complete we do have some friends we need

To go grab and place inside our pond and we are back to put our new little friends in their Pond and we’ll see if they like it so we’ve got our white one yellow pink and brown oh look at them yay look at them running around in the

Weeds yeah let’s put some shaders on I think they like it guys also now that we have axolotls officially we need names for these ones so let me know in the comments what we should name the white one the brown one the yellow one and the pink one wherever they’re

Floating around yeah let me know some name suggestions for our Axolotl friends and uh oh keep I just fell on the big drip leaf is fine I’m just chilling with the axolotls we were able to make the cutest Axolotl Pond by our starter base area and then

Coming up this path we were able to make ourselves an animal Barn Hobbit hole I love this little Courtyard we have right here for all of our animals but the inside is so beautiful pizza and cloudy have a lovely little place to live and we have two new llama friends and uh I

Think you guys know what this means but we need two more names for our lava so let me know in the comments below besides getting two new llamas we also were able to tame a little puppy so we definitely need a name for our little puppy friend here so leave your name

Suggestions for our dog here in the comments Below guys we have a problem right now I only have three name tags which means we need to get four more name tags which means we are either one going fishing or two going to a villagers and getting name tags now

Another part of today’s episode is I want to go fishing on some actual designated docks if I’m gonna go fishing so part of today’s episode we are going to be building a dock alongside our starter base area but since we need to go trade with our villagers to get name

Tags a lot easier than fishing let’s go to our iron farm and we are going to go grab some iron and go over and see our villagers hello my villagers how are we doing today scared as ever I am sure we’re just gonna take all of this turn it into blocks

Grab the rest of it I also have been storing some of the iron in some of these barrels here so we’re going to collect this and head on over and it is a raining in our village hello everyone it’s good to see you again I know I know I look

Different in my new skin they haven’t seen me since do you think they’ll know it’s still me I think they will hello sir how’s it going how’s it going so this is the one that has the name tag so I need to get four more name tags at

20 emeralds each so we’re just gonna start grinding away trading some iron hello sir yep you’re still scamming me cool let’s uh check the other one ah see he’s not scamming me so guess who’s not getting iron you blow sir thank you for having decent prices I

Appreciate you take all my emeralds and please uh reset because I don’t want to use your friend over there oh thank you right on cue wow that works out great all right I’m waiting for him to reset I’m gonna go grab us at least one name tag so we can start that

Journey of getting name tags alrighty I started trading with my stick guy to get us some more emeralds so we have oh hello sir but we have another 32 so let’s find our Master librarian all right two to go we’re gonna go chop some sticks because frankly my iron people are just uh

Scamming me hello Fletchers I have some wood to trade with you give me all of your sticks and all of your emeralds thank you very much 20. okay we got 20 emeralds let’s see if we can get to 40 because if we get to 40 then we have all

Of the name tags that we’ll need which will be awesome so just sticks all the sticks you know I have a feeling that uh trading with my Fletchers is way more efficient uh compared to trying to trade iron even even though iron is is the farm that I

Have we need to zombify these guys perfect we are at 45 so that should allow us to get two more name tags ah yay okay guys we have all of the name tags we need to name our animals so let’s head back over to our base area

And uh start naming alrighty and we are back in our house we’re ready to name our dog axolotls and llamas and thank you guys so much to everyone that put name suggestions in the comments I literally had almost 50 different name suggestions so many good ideas so I’m

Excited to name our animals for our pink Axolotl we are going to name them Jelly Bean our yellow Axolotl we are going to name lemon our white Axolotl we are going to name sugar and our Brown Axolotl we are going to name truffle next it’s time to name our llamas and

Our dog for a llama number one we are going to name them pasta for llama number two we’re going to name them sunny and for our dog we are going to name them sunflower but we’ll call them Sunny for short now let’s name some animals our dog will

Be named sunflower we’ve got truffle sugar lemon and jelly bean all named it in their place I love it now it’s off to name our llamas all righty guys time to name our llamas and you could tell by my hot bar I also gave them some carpets to match

Their names so let’s name them for one of our llamas they shall be named sunny and then one of our llamas shall be named pasta now carpet wise I was thinking that for pasta that we could give them a red carpet because you know marinara sauce pasta sauce spaghetti sauce all the

Pasta sauces so we are going to give pasta a nice little ah and there we have pasta with their brand new carpet next we have Sunny because uh you know if their name is sunny they gotta be sunny like the sky but then what we have is we have sunny and cloudy

And then Pizza and Pasta now that both of our llamas are named our axles are named and our dog is named it is time to go build us a dock enjoy this time lapse foreign Foreign Thank you thank you thank you Thank you foreign Foreign everyone we are done decorating our docks and the waterways and I am so excited to show you guys so let’s get right to it so after you come from our Axolotl Pond you come over to our little campsite and the docks and we’ve just got the extinguished campfires barrels I

Used a lot of the new mud brick and packed mud varieties and have our we have our dock right here and then it just kind of Curves around a little bit using some of the mushroom block because uh well you know we’re in a dark oak

Forest and we just use some of the buttons just kind of decorated with some trapdoors some of the fence posts and just kind of uh yeah made a little dock here I absolutely love how this turned out I think it’s so cute got some campfire chairs so we can all sit around the

Campfire you know tell a ghost stories but this I I love it uh but let’s put some shaders on right let’s put complimentary shaders on here we go guys here is what we have we’ve got the docks we’ve got the campfire chairs and that it just moves right into our Axolotl

Pond I think this is amazing and then if we just move down here we just get to come around this Edge it looks so beautiful I am a big fan but we also were able to do our waterways so let me show you what I did

Here oh well come on the lanterns I just hung on the dock but I did continue the floating lanterns out into the waterways so I will show you what I did here now since we have a lot of the mud brick and packed mud around our docks I decided to

Kind of continue that a little bit into our waterways as well so you get the packed mud and mud bricks along the sides here I added all of the floating lanterns just to guide us right where we need to go I added glowberries along the sides I’ve added some small drip Leaf

Big drip Leaf I’ve added leaves I added sugar cane and some flowers as well so that’s pretty much what I did the packed mud and mud bricks kind of stop and it just becomes more of a natural Waterway from here on out but I did want to add

Some of the mud brick closer to where our docks are just kind of show you that there’s like Civilization there’s people here they’ve been established because you know I’m established here in this little area but let’s uh keep going down the Waterway I’ll show you the rest of

It so as we pass our cow Crusher 5000 we’ve just got the floating lanterns small drip Leaf the sugar cane glowberries the flowers and honestly if you guys in your worlds are looking to just add more detail I highly recommend just adding some Greenery to the edges

Putting some sugar cane on the side some flowers even just using bone meal on the sides will uh really just improve it so highly recommend doing that if you’re looking to Spruce things up and adding some vines or glowberries but here’s our Waterway I think it looks so good I love the

Floating lanterns they just kind of guide us right to our iron farm and I did decorate a dock here but while I was decorating guys uh we found this dude right behind me this little zombie guy so now we have a reason to go to the nether because we

Have the first villager of our area guys we have the village but I did want to over time move all of the villagers over here so pretty cool that he’s our first little uh well half resident because he’s a zombie right is he a half resident yeah let me know the trail of

Lanterns ends right here since we go out to sea from here on out but here is our dock for our iron farm and I absolutely love this the dock just kind of wraps around I used some of the dark oak trap doors with the dark oak slabs barrels

Even brought in some flower pots along the edges here I used some of the bone meal just to really fill out the area with some grass and flowers added these flowers here but then we’ve just got a few stacks of barrels iron chests some of the extinguished campfires to just

Make it feel like there’s like stacks of logs as well well because they’re like kind of loading and offloading things kind of the same thing here as well put a composter to kind of make it seem like you can like put things inside here but

Then we just did a mix of the mud bricks the packed mud coarse dirt and rooted dirt and then we just have two different paths leading up to either side of the iron farm so if we go up this way I just kind of start incorporating some of the

Mud bricks and the rooted dirt and coarse dirt up along this path here and then it just leads to the iron farm the path on the other side is right here and then we just work our way around to the other side of the iron farm but then

Going down the path from this angle this is what we got and I absolutely love this I am so happy with how the stock area turned out everything we’ve gotten done today I’m about it I think it turned out amazing and I’m so excited for everything that

We’re gonna do in this world but honestly I’m I’m literally in love with this area it’s amazing all the Good Vibes all the Cozy Vibes all the overgrown Vibes it’s great I am super happy with what we got done in the last episode but based on us trading iron with our villagers and

Finding that zombie villager I think it’s time to convert some villagers get some saved and turned from a half villager into a full villager so you guessed it guys we’re going looking for another Fortress netherwort blaze rods doing all that uh nethery things today so we are

Going to just get started working on that few moments later okay guys I think we’re ready to go look for a fortress we’ve got a backup Shield we’ve got a saddle we’ve got some leads some gold I’ve got my Infinity bow we’ve got building blocks I’ve got my gold boots

That are pretty great so I think we’re gonna be okay I’m gonna go grab some wood so we can make some torches quick alrighty let’s bring some Birch to make some sticks okay I think we’re ready guys are you ready because I don’t know if

I’m ready I’ve uh never gone on a long distance nether Adventure so I’m a little nervous and we have to figure out which direction we want to go so that’s another thing to figure out all righty guys I think we’re pretty much ready to go I know in one of these

Fire resistance Soul Speed 3 I’m gonna bring these guys with me ender pearls quick getaways always important we’ll bring the spectral arrows but fire resistance potions for once we get to the Fortress is gonna be super helpful all right guys we’re gonna eat and go on

An adventure so I know in this direction there’s nothing but this warped biome that just keeps on going and it goes across a lava lake so I’m not gonna go this way I think this way could be promising it’s just a little dangerous looks like he’s going backwards

Well since we got this fun guy around let’s just uh come down here huh shall we just hide away yeah I’m gonna have to clean that up well like I was saying guys this is the easiest direction to go to Traverse um because everything else is uh either

Giant warped or uh Crimson so let’s go this direction and see where we end up yeah I don’t want to go that way We could get a Strider that might be fun if this doesn’t seem like it’s gonna go anywhere we’ll just uh we’ll just go to the lava water and grab a Strider okay different biome looks like we could sneak a peek in here and as we got

Closer we were just trying to see if we could see anything further past all of the basalt that is here I couldn’t really see anything but I was a little bit nervous to go in further in there little did I know and so we decided to continue on trying

To find a fortress even though it was back there as you saw but I didn’t know this at the time editor red nose now though but we just kept bridging around didn’t really find anything after exploring for a bit we did head back in the direction we had came from and

Decided to bridge across all the basalt Delta in that direction oh he’s waiting for me I see you you’re ready to knock me off not today oh okay we can see further back this is this is good uh anything oh guys yes okay and Blaze yay okay uh okay

And so we very carefully made our way to the Fortress whoa whoa this is massive this this giant this feels Giant I’m watching Brown for him oh my gosh this feels huge whoa okay guys dang why did it have to be here though come on

Oh it’s so scary here I don’t like it literally picks the worst bomb ever to have this and this thing looks huge I can’t get over it oh my gosh is this like this oh my this looks so scary this is literally the worst Oh guys this is literally the worst bye can we just go nope oh okay guys I’m a little nervous now not gonna lie I am a little scared oh okay we’re in we’re officially in just trying to flip up all the holes Before I Fall to my death

And so I started picking off the wither skeletons from afar fighting some Blaze heated this guy off a ledge bye and then I started making things a little bit safer by barricading some of the wither skeletons away fighting some blazes which uh my knockback sword was

Making it pretty difficult I was kind of uh having to switch to the ax because I was annoyed and of course it’s literally over a giant lava pit maybe I should have had knockback on this sort okay I got one guys I got one get rid of you fire squishy

Okay I got one oh no okay and so I continued looking around the Fortress fighting some Withers and trying to not get withered myself blocked off even more places so that the way the skeletons can’t get through tried get fighting more Blaze and continued having bad luck okay this is my last guy

I only have one next I Journey deeper into the Fortress blocked off some of the corridors so no wither skeletons surprised me found a chest with not much in it had some more target practice with some Blaze finally found the Nether wart room but went up the stairs quick to check my

Surroundings quickly before collecting them perfect guys we found another wart amazing that’s what we wanted found another Blaze and actually ended up getting a blaze rod from him my second one yes my second one went down another set of stairs found another fire squishy and another wart room so that was great

Carefully peered over the edge before checking the contents of yet another chest that didn’t have a whole lot found a blaze spawner and started long range shooting everything that was around it to keep it a little bit safer since it’s out in the open as I ran to grab this

Blaze Rod had a close encounter and got withered and was hoping that I Wouldn’t Die got set on fire with no Fire Res potions so I was a little bit stressed out at this point and then after getting a total of only three blaze rods I

Decided it was time to Tower up and get out of there and had to fight my way out with the blazes and on our walk home I felt very relieved that I was done and out of the Fortress and we just worked our way back had to avoid yet another guest and

Hopefully not have him blow up my place good let’s sneak around in the house oh oh my gosh guys we did it we made it out alive we got blaze rods and we got another wart okay guys that was without a doubt the most dangerous and poorly placed another Fortress I’ve ever seen

It’s like it’s terrible absolutely terrible we’ll make some sugar now I need the spider eye next spider eyes oh yes I have ten that’s perfect okay and go fill up the bottles perfect and put our bottles in fermented spider eyes oh it was just the brown mushrooms

Good to know we just do an awkward potion potion of weakness and gunpowder gets added so it becomes a splash potion there we go splash potion of weakness boom there we go and we’re a local brewery around here let’s go here’s my next dilemma right I could go and cure

That villager right now except that I don’t want other mobs uh trying to kill him right now so I think we need to go make that villager a little house so he’s safe lure the zombie villager in there and then we can cure him so that’s

What I’m gonna work on next so let’s go collect some resources alrighty guys I think I figured out where I want to build my villager’s house and it’s by our iron farm and the cow Farm now there’s this giant Mountain which you can’t really see but there’s

This kind of Giant mountain that sticks out and I think it would be super cool if we terraformed this pushed it back and then kind of made like stacked Hobbit holes leading up and then have different layers of our villagers inside so this mountain is where I’m thinking

We’ll put our villager houses and then it works really well because if we have a butcher that’s selling meat we can get the meat from the cow farm and we’ll move our weaponsmith and armors and toolsmiths over here and we can sell them the iron and they’ll be like right

Here so I think having this be our Farms side of our area with our villagers here should be a great combination so I think this is official I am here for it and now it’s time to chop and uh Shuffle enjoy the time lapse Foreign Foreign Alrighty guys we are done with the Villager house let’s go take a look and here we have it guys the top Hobbit Hole doesn’t have anything in it right now that will be for a future episode but we just focused on decorating the interior of this bottom Hobbit Hole since this is

Where our villagers are going to be and I made a zombie conversion station too so let’s go take a look and walking through our entrance we are greeted by Lush Greenery we are going to have villagers be in these three spots to start and we might expand this Beyond

But we’ve got our little bed kind of Hidden Away we’ve got storage we’ve got some shelves with flowers we’ve got barrels composters decorated the ceiling with a few of the mangrove bushes and the dark oak bushes but then we just have some barrels we have chests and walking through this section is where

Things get more fun so here we have kind of the workstation right so we’ve got furnaces chests and Barrel on both sides and then walking through here is where the zombie conversion station is and I purposely included a spot where we can be harvesting the Netherrack I might

Decorate this a little bit differently but for starters I just wanted to get this in place we’ve got the mine cart they will go up and around and in here get bitten by our lovely uh Frankie oh okay Frankie okay yes I know you like tight hugs someone in the comments on my

Last video gave me some name suggestions for the animals but I thought that Frankie worked really well for our little zombie friend because he’s you know kind of like Frankenstein zombified you know Sylvia Frankie the zombie but then yeah you might have seen these before but the villagers get stuck they

Get bitten and then they come out on this side and then we get to move them around this wall I’m leaving blank because we are going to be putting a villager breeder here so I’m leaving this wall blank because we’ll probably expand this to be a little bit more of a

Trading haul and the Villager breeder and then it’s just easy to have the build your breeder and the zombie conversion station across from each other and we can just keep harvesting the netherwort to keep making potions this will be our workstation to work on some of those potions I kind of hit a

Spore blossom in the ceiling a little bit too you can’t really see it when you’re walking in the entrances because I had the slabs kind of dropped down so it kind of just creates the particles without seeing the bright pink because I wanted to keep it more of a wood cozy

Vibe in here and not have the bright pink sticking out as much but I think this area is so cool I’m excited to kind of use this as our designated brewing station I love how green it is in this room like this is so pretty to me just

All of the Lush Greenery but we do need to go grab our zombie friends so let’s go lead him over here hello sir how’s it going all right guys so what we’re gonna do is I’m going to hop in his boat so I need to move these boats out of the way

We’re going to try to move him to the other side of the banks and then set him free and uh go from there I know I know red it’s the middle of the day the zombie villager is gonna Burn yeah I was so excited that I have my

Zombie conversion station all set up that I forgot about that fact and as you’ll see in a moment I quickly remember that fact oh no foreign this is sad well uh F in the comments uh for the loss of our first zombie villager it’s tragic let’s go bite some of our

Villagers instead I’m thinking we start with our scammers the ones selling us iron oh I still can’t believe I did that that is such a bummer I even literally made a little dirt platform above them so they wouldn’t burn so like I knew it but I didn’t know it like come on come

On red alrighty guys we have our villager uh finally in uh our little house here he’s selling us an iron for three so let’s see if we can get him to give us a better deal and we’re gonna test out how well our zombie conversion

Uh spot goes I’m very sorry for what I’m about to do to you but you’ve scammed me too many times so Karma yes okay this is working and then we go like that okay uh yay hi bud oh do you need to save your now do you

Need my help now funny how the tides have turned all right let’s go cue this guy I think if I just push this they’ll shoot him yeah okay this is working great now let’s get this guy cured okay now we wait and there we go a zombie a doctor we’ve done it guys

Yay he’s all geared up and back to normal how you feeling dude you feeling better do you appreciate me finally let’s find out oh one there we go okay I’m gonna go grab some iron and trade you real quick hello my dude you ready to trade with me oh yeah

One for one that is what I’m talking about well guys we got a lot done today we were able to go to the nether survive the nether bring home blaze rods and netherwort make some potions make this gorgeous build for our villagers to be in and to have our zombie conversion

Station and we were able to get a one for one iron to Emerald trade with our weaponsmith so that’s pretty good now in today’s episode we are going to work on adding a villager breeder and also we are going to be moving a lot of the villagers that are actually over at that

Village we’ve been going to back and forth oh we’re bringing them over here and because it’s it’s a lot of traveling back and forth but besides adding villagers to this area via our villager breeder and just uh boating our current villagers over I also want to add in

Another portal here so that we can link this up to our starter home our enchanting room and I also also want to add in a another portal over by our skeleton XP farm so we’ll you know travels a little easier so let’s get started adding in this nether portal

Here and then we will light it and see where we end up foreign let’s go find out where we end up alrighty oh we’re literally right here uh yeah I think uh we’re gonna have some linking overlapping uh let’s let’s see if I go through where I end up again

This could be problematic no okay I’m still here okay well that is uh a problem but it’s a future red problem so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go collect some resources uh to finish up what I need to add to this build your breeder so I’m just gonna go collect those

Supplies and I’ll see you on the other side of the time lapse when hopefully the Villager breeder will actually work because uh I also tried making one of these in my 1.17 series and uh I I also can’t do that so I think I just can’t do

Farms uh in general but uh so for every Farm I’ve made this season in this series is working so I’m gonna go off of that energy see you in the time lapse Foreign Foreign Foreign it looks like we have the Villager breeder working wonderfully now granted they’re uh looks like they’re having some issues you know some love-hate relationship happening right here but I’m sure they’ll work it out but guys I’m so happy to show you this so I have already got the rail system ready we’ve

Got a baby villager here and one behind the sky one over here and then if we follow this way all the way up and around there’s actually two over here as well this guy uh decided to become a farmer which we’re going to change that because that

Is not what I want you to be okay I tell you what you be okay and I also brought over our silk touch guy so that I could get the bookshelves trade so I can just make this area look really pretty by adding some bookshelves we can get

Lanterns and glass from this guy as well as our name tags but he is moved in and I do want some of these guys to become Librarians as well but we need to work on decorating it because living in a room like this says uh it’s a little

Boring so I’m gonna work on decorating this whole place up all the way around these edges and uh see you guys after Foreign Y everyone we have been working on finishing our villager breeder and we have decorated it we’ve been starting to move some villagers in so let’s throw on some shaders and take a look and here we go guys I mostly just turned this into a just very overgrown leafy green Vibe but

I added some bookshelves and some chests and some empty bookshelves that are actually looms uh excited that we’re going to be getting new bookshelves with a new 1.20 update but for now we uh we have Looms but we’ve got just a little corner of books and chests and stuff I stuck a

Crafting table there but I just started moving villagers in all the way around just added lots of greenery I added some of the roots in to just cover the ceilings make it look all cool the light gray stained glass looks so cool in here too so I love that and they’re just kind

Of hanging out doing their farming bits but I just pretty much added chests and lights and bookshelves all the way around in just different sections you can see ones there and one’s over there and it just kind of works its way around but we’ve got villagers all in these

Spots that we can give them some jobs we’ve got some babies that are still growing up and then we’re gonna fill the rest of these ones in with the Villagers from our village that we’ve been going to so that’s another thing that we’re gonna work on is bringing them into this

Area too but what do you guys think of this build I think this turned out great I love how I was just extremely overgrown in here that’s what I was going for I kind of went a little crazy on the leaves but you know uh I like it

In my world I think it’s great now the next thing we’re going to work on is a moving some villagers from that Plains Village over into here so let’s get started on that hello villagers are you guys ready to uh be removed from this Village you know I’ll uh I promise I’ll

Give you a place that you won’t get rained on yeah I’ll just you know shove you in the corner and uh leave you there to trade with me for the rest of your lives does that sound good yeah okay yeah okay yep nope don’t like that so we’ve got our stick

So we got our stick people and uh we’re gonna push you in a boat first how about that you go in yes we’re in business it’s gonna be great to have these guys closer because uh that I’m not walking over here all the time so let’s just uh let’s just focus on

Moving these guys over Well that worked a lot better than I ever thought it would I didn’t realize that that could be a hack to just lead a row of potatoes to a boat and they’ll get in the boat that’s amazing all right we continue on and it is starting to get

Dark out as we bring our other villager in here I’m gonna try this uh same potato hack so throw some potatoes inside the boat lead a little Trail ah you see the potatoes do you want the potatoes go get them yeah go get the potatoes all of them dude

I think I just discovered something ah I mean maybe you guys have done that before but I definitely did not think to use like food to lure them to a boat but duh you know I’m not gonna complain that’s like the best hack ever next I spent

Some time getting one Fletcher into his spot then my other Fletcher let the Fletchers visit our good friend of Frankie where Frankie gave him some very tight tucks got our zombie villager flesher and then brought them back to their spots moved our alive villager over to our

Zombified villager to get him bit too so we can get both of them bit and lower their prices took a little bit of time but it finally ended up working grabbed our splash potion and our golden apples and started the process of curing them both

And now we’ll wait for these guys to do the shaky shakies let’s go get some more villagers grabbed one of our Masons pulled the same potato and a boat hack to get them to go into the boat a little easier and quicker and took our Mason

Friend to go see Frankie as well to lower his prices Frankie is a pretty good negotiator you know every single villager that’s gone in here lowers their prices got him into place and took away the rails and waited to kirim went back for our a second Mason

To bring him to our area did the same boat hack which this works so seamlessly took our Mason friend to go see Frankie as well and got our zombified Mason in place so that we could gear them cured them both with the apples and then we waited went

Back to go get our armor use the potatoes to lure them into the boat because this guy got away from me and then we had a mishap where I accidentally pushed the Villager that was in a boat into a mine cart so the boat collected Frankie and put him in

The same place as our villager so yeah uh I had to separate them and that was a fiasco tried to lure them into separate boats so that I could deal with at least just one of them at a time gotta pull Frankie through here all over again

I think I’m gonna have to dock his pay for this Shenanigans what do you guys think oh boy oh boy oh boy started replacing the random blocks that I had used to get Frankie in place with brown mushroom again once our armor was back in place we grabbed our leather worker and

Brought him inside and the exact same thing with the zombie getting stuck in the boat with a villager happened yet again and then I pressed the button to move them but then realized Frankie was suffocating in the wall I was panicking trying to move him so he wouldn’t get

Hurt but then the worst happened and Frankie almost died ugh this is okay this is something else no so I guess so we need to go look for Frankie Jr huh Foreign Okay we’re back in business let’s grab our leather worker and get them that come with me and you’ll see here I’m gonna get your face spit off then I’ll save you and you’ll love me don’t worry they will take uh well care of you I wasn’t gonna say good care but I don’t

Think you’d call this Good Care yeah there we go beautiful on the way to his spot we cured this guy as well and just like that he is now a normal human again trading a one leather for one Emerald which is great but now that he’s human there’s just one last

Thing to do we need to go to our Skelly farm and add a portal so let’s walk on over there all right and we’re here and now we get to figure out where we’re putting this portal so I’m thinking that this upstairs area looks pretty good as is so I think I’m just

Gonna put it downstairs in our little uh bunker area and I did add a bunch of chests to this wall so I think if we share this entire wall I think this uh this seems like a good spot to put it perfect so if we go like this that and that

That and now we’ve got a portal in the Skelly XP farm should go find out where we end up in another let’s go okay okay then we spent the next bit of time exploring the area around this portal I found this giant lava lake area which I

Thought would be perfect for where we could build a Strider Barn some Strider pens it’s perfect and there seems to be a lot of space where we could go exploring on the lava on a Strider so this seemed like a really good spot then we hopped back through our portal to safety

Oh wait what well looks like I have to do some uh portal separation uh work but uh that’s for a future red problem but in the comments below if you know why this is happening and how far away I need to actually build these so that

They actually work how I intend them to let me know leave a comment help me out that would be amazing but portal linking mishaps aside I am super happy that we got this villager breeder up and running it’s it’s working like it’s it’s working so I really think this series is giving

Me the good luck because normally I can’t do farms and so far Farms are working every single time I make one in this world which I’m very happy about but we have our villager breeder we used it to just fill in all of these villagers all the way around which we

Will get to give them jobs and then uh get them bit by Frankie Jr we were able to move all of the villagers that were at the plane Village over here uh well the ones that survived anyways but I think that this was very successful we’ve even got our little uh station

Ready to deploy even more villagers which is awesome but I’d say this is great I’m a big fan and in shaders this area is even more beautiful and magical with the Spore Blossom hidden in here the particles just make it so pretty in today’s episode we are going on an

Adventure in true Hobbit fashion we’re going on an adventure and we’re going to the nether I thought it would be super fun to explore that Bastion that we saw in our episode one see what’s in the Bastion I’m really hoping it’s one that has one of those magma spawners because

We can get frog lights and kind of make our own little like Frog Light Farm I’ve never made one and since the Frog lights are new I don’t I have no idea but I thought that would be a super fun adventure to go on so we’re gonna put

Looting 3 on our sword go explore that Bastion find ourselves a Strider so we can travel easier let’s get ourselves looting three on our sword first I have been starting to kind of pile up a bunch of books we’ve got looting three here A bunch of protection fours to put on

Armor and we’re adding looting three to our sword for our nether Adventure so that’s perfect we’ve got our mending Shield but we’re gonna add on breaking to it really quickly so grab an um breaking three book keep our uh Shield a little safer Unbreaking three on our

Shields now perfect now we’re going to grab a bunch of fire resistance potions and I did Brew up some invisibility ones so I’m gonna take two of these just uh because it might be kind of interesting to bring these with us but we’ve got our fire rest potions we’ve got our Shield

Our new looting three sword I think it’s time we go to the nether and uh yeah I still have to fix my portals so that’ll be fun but uh I’m gonna quick run inside here okay guys so we’ve got everything we need we’ve got fire Rose potions I don’t know why

They’re zombie flesh we’ve got our soul speed we’ve got our ender pearls so I’m gonna put them down here but we’ve got our saddle and our warped fungus we’ve got a little bit of protection against some of these uh Hawkins but I just realized I forgot my my bow and arrow so

We’re gonna go grab that quickly I’m pretty sure I left my bow and arrow down in our Skelly farm so we’re just gonna walk our way over to where our Skelly Farm is all righty now the question is where did I put it Infinity on breaking power

There we go that’s what we wanted perfect we’ve got our bow and arrow we’re ready okay so we landed here which is uh where I was thinking that we could put the Strider pen because I think this would be perfect then we saw a Strider and started digging him out of this little

Pit he was in okay hey bud hi ah yeah you want this okay all right I think we’re off guys we’re off on our Strider okay this boat has legs let’s go this boat has legs oh this is so fun can I go fast then we were off we passed by many

Warped Crimson trees a few Basalt Deltas but as we went through an underpass We Came Upon a brand new Bastion so you know we had to explore it are we ready for this guys let’s see what we find these are the days let’s go okay we’ve got our first advancement and as we

Entered the Bastion I immediately started seeing chests and started digging in to the Bastion walls to see what I could find started blocking off some of the staircases for safety oh this black stone is so pretty though gilded who got angry someone got angry and to

No one’s surprise all of a sudden I started getting rushed by piglens and piglet brutes oh no oh my gosh guys oh no oh no I died oh no wow look at how many points I had I just died no this is not good guys this is not good at all

Oh where am I gonna end up sleeping in this little spot great all right and back we go luckily I have a villager trading hall now so we are going to take a visit to our villagers get some armor and tools and uh yeah do some trading get some things and

Uh level things up so first we grabbed a sword some leggings some boots a helmet a chest plate a pickaxe a new Shield grab some arrows a new bow a golden helmet and made some morphed fungus on a stick okay guys so once we’re in the

Nether we have a very limited amount of time to grab a Strider go running around and grab our stuff but I think we can do it let’s let’s try for this and so I literally jumped into action looking for a Strider and spotted one tried getting

Its attention but I was too far away so I had to bridge over to it with blocks finally got close enough to get its attention put a saddle on him and we were off to go grab our stuff it didn’t take me as long as I thought it would to

Find the Bastion again so we were well on our way to retrieving all our things got inside the Bastion walls and was able to get all of my stuff back once I uh cleaned out my inventory but we found our stuff it was all there it was great

Alrighty guys I think we got everything back that was actually ours some of our I think our boots and our chest plate are the only things that a piglet is wearing so that’s what we need to go find so let’s go do that and then I came

Across the Posse that murdered me and got my revenge and as though I had learned nothing at all I still wanted to collect more of the Guild of Blackstone even though it would make all of the piglens and Piglet and brutes mad and so I just started doing that some this guy

Now we’re just gonna peek our way through here oh well hello you then as I was mining through some Netherrack I broke into a different segment of the Bastion and it opened up into this giant room with some hoglands some chests and Soul Sand with

Nether Mort in it too and then one by one I started picking off the piglens and Piglet and brutes to get rid of them so I could explore in safety I then tried opening a chest which the piglens and piglet boots that were left did not

Like so I had to take them out one by one in order to get down next I towered all the way up to the top of the Bastion and then this is where I realized that there was chests to loot as well once all the chests were looted in this

Bastion I went on my Merry way down to my Strider to continue our adventures as we were leaving I accidentally hit shift on my keyboard dismounting me into the lava and I quickly took my fire as potion to save me and hopped back on oh hot tourist destination let’s go explore

All the nether biomes look at us getting achievements oh okay then there’s that yeah a few moments later and there is the Bastion this is the Bastion that I was imagining when I said I wanted to go to a Bastion now the only question is uh how safe is this

And what kind of Bastion is this after I made sure the coast was clear I entered the Bastion area and then I hopped off my Strider to start looking around and seeing what I could find found a chest in one section and looked around to make sure the coast was clear

Before opening it guys a snout pattern that’s so lucky oh I’m so excited for this oh my goodness that’s gonna be amazing we actually got a snout pattern all right let’s keep looking because so far this is pretty good next I carefully started bridging across to the other

Section of the Bastion and then once I saw the Piglet’s I started shooting them to get rid of them so I didn’t have to deal with them later then I started bridging up to the top where I saw that they had been guarding chests so you

Know I had to eat some food make sure my health was up and then uh bravely jumped down I almost looked at an Enderman which was really scary but then I just checked around to make sure I wasn’t going to run into any piglets or piglet

Roots that would get mad at me as I opened my chests saw a silk touch and an efficiency three pickaxe so you know I took those an ancient debris let’s go that’s awesome okay next I grabbed the school block I found another chest but blocked off the entrances and stairs before opening it

Ancient debris number two let’s go that’s amazing after collecting all the Gilda Blackstone I then Bridge back over to where my Strider was took one last look around and then it was time to head out all right everyone I think we got everything we can out of this Bastion we

Got two ancient debris a snout pattern Soul Speed 3 some magma creams we’ve got more gilded Blackstone and some spectral arrows we’ve got some obsidian and I got some extra building blocks along with uh everything we looted so we’re gonna go home and quit pressing our lot so let’s

Grab our Strider front and get going and now we head on home this is pretty safe you know we only died once and we killed a lot of piglet brutes without getting hurt so I’d say we were pretty successful guys we made it we found so many good

Things okay we found another right scrap two ancient debris we found tons of gilded Blackstone magma creams gold we even got a golden apple Soul Speed 3 the snout batter pattern which is really cool to find some more crying obsidian we got a bunch of this polished Blackstone bricks Black Stone just some

Decorative blocks we’re able to find some obsidian as well as some spectral arrows we also found a silk touch pickaxe and an efficiency 3 pickaxe as well so I’d say this is the this is a pretty good loot you know uh I I’m pretty happy with that especially the ancient debris another

Right scrap all we needed to do was find one more and I could have gotten some netherite tool or armor piece already and we’re not even that far now let’s go bring it back to the Overworld you know it’s always nice coming back to our little hobbit hole I’m a big fan of

It but we’ve got some netherite that I would like to some melt up in our Blast Furnace here so let me find some coal because uh clearly I’m out and I stopped carrying it on me grab some coal and add some coal to our Blast Furnace so we get the rest of our

Netherite scraps oh yeah look at this we’re getting them three netherite scraps guys I feel like that’s pretty good you know bastions are dangerous but uh they can be worth it we then headed back over to our villager trading Hall where I remembered that because I have

Blaze rods I can make blaze powder and we have the Eyes of Ender and I have obsidian so I could make an Ender Chest ah look at this we have an Ender Chest you know it’s the little things when you’re starting it’s the little things

But now I can move this with me and store some extra items now that I have some extra space in my inventory it is time to go and gather some supplies so we can start working on our next project which is our Strider pens in the nether

Alrighty everyone I have got a lot of building blocks all ready to go so so far I think the palette that I’m gonna use is a lot of the Warped planks going for that blue with the dark oak as the main so then we’re going to texture it

With the warp blocks and then just use a lot of the blue so it’s mainly going to be the blue and brown blocks I also added a few extra things inside this under chest some of this is my like if I die and I need to quick grab things from

An Ender Chest but we’re also going to use the Gilded Black Stone mixed in with the dark oak and the Warped I think that will look really cool we’re gonna go grab some black stone then we’re just gonna decorate with some leaves I brought a stone cutter along and some

Lights as well but that’s that’s what we got and uh I’m excited to get started on this so let’s just get on in the nether again and build us a Strider Barn Thank you foreign foreign Foreign T and from the portal we have this lovely little spot that leads right down this path into our Strider Barn I was using the orange stained glass to try to create some barriers so that the guests can’t see me so I can kind of duck

Around a corner but this is what we got so this is where the Strider pens would be we would take leads and hook them up here and then once I’m on the Strider I’ll be able to safely dismount on any of these edges right here but we would

Have two Striders that could fit here and then we’d have two Striders that can fit on this side as well this just is a kind of like a lookout point where we can just look out into the lava we have for the smell room I just added some barrels and chests and some

Counters for now I’m probably gonna add more to this and then we just decorated some of the floors with the different blocks from the Warped Forest the roof is kind of just like an oval curved shape I added some of these little floating lanterns and then they lead up

Into our house here I added the Gilded Blackstone from when we were exploring those bastions earlier but we just got a simple little room here not too much right now I’ve just got a ton of different supplies some backup armor and such but this is what we got for our

Little uh bunker safe house I’m probably gonna put a respawn anchor in here I just uh I need more crying obsidian to make that but what do you guys think of this area I think this turned out super cute I’ve never made a Strider pen before so I didn’t really know what to

Do for a design so I might tweak this a little bit later on decorate it more but for now we’ve just got a bunch of chests and barrels for extra things we’ve got Saddles we’ve got got our warped fungus on a stick which I’m gonna put in here

And keep for them I really like this floor here too because it just is uh fitting to everything around us the lava is the floor so literally the floor is lava which is uh kind of cool we rated two bastions we were able to find three

Ancient debris we were able to find the snout pattern and a ton of cool blocks as well and then we were able to get the portal to correctly link up to our trading Hall our villager trading Hall and we made this little kind of base

Camp for us to hang out with in before we take our Striders from their little Strider bar and Pen here and we go off on adventures into the great unknown we are going to be working on a sugarcane farm and gunpowder Farm because uh you know we’re gonna be working our way

Towards the end and defeating the dragon it’s true we’re working towards it we’re just going at a very chill Pace now as for where I want to build this sugar cane farm and gunpowder Farm I was thinking of putting it on this side of the river because we already have one

Big mushroom there and one mushroom there so I figured something on this side would be perfect so let’s go investigate I already kind of mapped out that this area right here would be where I would want to go because then we can make a little dock right across from our Villages right now

Okay I did not hear that creeper oh well I mean he kind of cleared out the trees for me which uh is pretty nice of him I guess uh I just need to continue where this creeper left off so uh let’s clear out this Trail and uh make a little path foreign foreign

Y everyone now that we have cleared the space for our sugar cane and Creeper Farm I have been putting together the resources for this sugarcane farm which we have everything we need for this one and we have our list of items all collected for the creeper Farm except

For this slot right here we need to have bamboo to make scaffolding and we need to get two cats so this means we’re going on an adventure to grab our cats from the village and we need to look for a bamboo forest let’s go grab boats grab

Some supplies we’ll need for our trip and start making this journey and just like that we were on our way in our little chess boat we decided to take the route by our flower floors to see what we could find beyond the flowers and here we are guys this was actually a

Lot closer than I thought it was our flower Forest is right here I just never actually made it out of render distance this way so I figured I’d come this way but look at this bamboo that was a lot easier than I thought it was so let’s go grab some bamboo guys

All right I’ve slept through the night and now I’m kind of curious what else is in this Forest so I kind of want to go look around a little bit maybe we’ll find a parrot I mostly just want to see if I can find a Panda so let’s go exploring

Weaving through here we’re also going to grab some seeds in case we see a parrot like I think there was a blue one up here somewhere yeah right there hi buddy do you want to be my friend three seeds Okay that’s not bad we got a little bird now oh yeah yeah wait

Is this a jungle temple that looks like a jungle temple guys oh we’re going over there next guys me and birdie we’re going just got a Burge my way down with my cobblestone all right I set my spawn I dropped off my bamboo so I have some extra supplies

And we’re going to switch out our steak for our Shields and all right Bird we’ll be back guard the outside make sure uh no one else comes in like creepers I’m gonna light this up I’ve never explored one of these I’m so excited but also nervous and just like

That we descended into the belly of the jungle temple I knew that there was trip wires and I knew there could be creepers so I was being really careful to try to dismantle the tripwire hooks but unfortunately I stood in the wrong line and got shot anyways but we’re able to

Disassemble one of them went around the corner and saw the next one so we knew that what we had to do to disassemble this one grab the dropper before we got hit again and carefully looked for the tripwire line but uh were able to get around it grabbed the tripwire Hooks and

Started collecting the resources collected The Troop wires collected the Redstone and I knew that somewhere there is a secret room where we’re going to find some sticky pistons I am curious to try to figure the puzzle out for myself though after a bit of trial and error of

Flicking the levers checking around the corners flicking the levers checking around the corners I finally was able to figure out where I should have actually been looking the entire time and it was above so we found the chest and were able to mine our way down to it and

Check the contents not the greatest Loop but uh that’s what I’ve heard about jungle temples but it was still fun for me to finally investigate one for myself but I was pretty happy about the sticky pistons well uh we successfully figured out the code to get to the loot items not really

A whole lot looting to and smite four I will take a saddle though always take a saddle and some sticky pistons those are the real winners plus you know we got some dispensers so never a bad thing but uh now that we got bamboo and we were

Able to loot this jungle temple I think it is time to go back to our village and uh grab those cats and start working on our sugar cane farm and Creeper farm so I’m just gonna take my little abood friend and we’re gonna get going I’m also thinking guys this place is

Actually in a really cool location if I’m looking around it looks like this is on top of a hill like this is such a cool jungle temple this could be really cool to do something with fully on I’m well at least my bird’s safe I’m gonna go before creepers come I started

Working my way out of the Jungle grabbing some of these melons so that later we could make a pumpkin and melon farm guys it’s one of those rare cats I know you can’t tame them so it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for me to try

To get it but look at just hang in there he’s so cute huh is this a panda oh it’s a panda oh my gosh hi oh my word hello that’s a little scary I don’t want to fall and hurt myself oh my gosh there’s a panda

There’s two pandas oh my gosh hello guys you’re so cute hi oh look at you oh it’s so cute and as you can imagine I proceeded to get very distracted by these pandas and trying to lead them over near each other so that we could breed up some babies

But instead of just following me this Panda decided to take a snack break from the bamboo that I had been clearing out of the way I then went to go grab the other one to maybe lure him a little bit closer and that seemed to have a little

More luck gave them both some snacks and they were good oh and uh oh he’s so cute hi little dude oh he’s a silly rolling one no way okay I need him trying to get myself to stay focused i instead took note of those coordinates and would come back later to

Our Little Panda friends and uh we’re gonna leave before those guys notice us and we’re off before the pillagers see us we’ve got a Parrot we’ve got bamboo we’ve found where some pandas were so I’d say that’s pretty good let’s work our way back home and

Home sweet home again with our bamboo in hand I decided to leave the Creeper explosion hole as kind of a cool entrance to get to where our Farms are gonna be so if I park this boat up here we’re pretty much exactly across from the little trading Hall there you can

See some of it right there but then we’re just coming up this little path over here and we have arrived I have replaced the stone bricks with some blocks that are more conducive for making a mushroom farm build so we’re just gonna get started on making our

Creeper and uh sugarcane farm once the sky clears the area enjoy the time lapse Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign everyone we are making good progress on our mushroom base and really this is going to be kind of like a short and curved Mushroom on this side so just kind of a a curve of the mushroom on one side of it but on the side I was

Thinking since this is both a sugar cane farm and a gunpowder farm and we’ve been making all of our little uh mushroom Toppers match whatever is the item that the farm is for like the cow Farm we’re going to have a green mushroom top on

This one and more of a gray variety one on this one because of gunpowder and sugarcane but my only problem is I do not have green blocks I don’t have Cactus and I don’t have pickles so I needed to come up with an easier solution which you can probably tell by

My hop bar to turn this whole mushroom top green and we are going to use Stone as the first layer and you know we’ll make this guy Stone too then we’re going to put this single Moss block on the top and then bone meal it I think this will

Actually work extremely well and quickly cover this whole gray stone mushroom top into Moss so let’s get started on that and finish this guy up Foreign Foreign And the last one we’ll just put right there alrighty everyone we have finished our sugar cane farm and gunpowder Farm combo so from this little path right here we go all the way up this path we added some sugar cane obviously to add some Greenery and also created some

Bamboo kind of walls to keep some of the mobs out if they happen to get through but then we just have some glowberries some lanterns some azalea bushes all the way up here we kind of snuck some lights underneath our little mushroom guy here to make him glow and I think that turned

Out great then here we are guys and uh I do need to figure out a way to hide the scaffolding but I think that’ll be for for a later point when we have more of a um an elytra to make it a little easier to just fly around right but here we

Have it I just used glowberries and some leaves to just decorate the exterior I used a combination just like before with our iron farm mushroom of quartz and diorite of polished and slabs stairs some wall blocks as well and just kind of dotted them around some of the shape

Is a little still boxy because of uh well we need to keep the shape of the creeper Farm intact otherwise uh it’ll it’ll stop working and I need my Farms to work and as it starts to get darker you can kind of see the glow of

Everything and I love it we’ve got the top of it just covered in Moss and it worked super well to just put stone blocks as the start of the mushroom and then just uh use some bone meal May make it all Mossy and then we get some of the

Azalea bushes and grass at the top as well and from the other side we have our little TNT mushroom as well with mainly gray to represent the gunpowder but you know TNT blocks for some accents but all the way around it’s pretty much just the same some bamboo some sugar cane all the

Way around but I absolutely love this then as we come around and we hop up our scaffolding inside the interior of the mushroom we’re going to be able to decorate this room into something really cool as well but for now it’s just a really green Lush room comment below

Some of your suggestions for what we should put in here because I’m not exactly sure in the comments you guys gave me some suggestions and the one that I think would be super fun to have in here would be our pandas so this will be a little uh panda sanctuary but don’t

Worry we are going to open up the ceiling to give them a skylight probably use some green stained glass to really just shine some light in here and uh we’ll add some bamboo we’ll make it really cute but that’s my idea for this little panda sanctuary now since we are

Working our way towards the end and defeating the dragon because we’re going to have sugar cane and to make paper and we have gunpowder today we’re gonna do a little bit more of that we are going to take this TNT and go to the nether for a

Few different reasons one I want to make another right Ingot so I just need to find one more piece of ancient debris and then I’m gonna make a chest plate out of netherrite secondly I also need to get more blaze rods if we’re gonna get some Eyes of Ender because I want to

Go find the stronghold in today’s episode as well so we’ve got some work ahead of us so let’s go to the Nether and we’ll grab our blaze rods maximize the vendor and uh while we’re in the nether we’re also going to find one more piece of ancient debris so let’s get

Going and we found ourselves a flame bow so we’re gonna grab that grab some arrows now that we’ve got our flame bow time to go to the nether now if we’re going to be going to the Nether and we are going to be trying to do some

Blasting of the netherite we need to fix our gear right now my helmet has protection 4 but my chest plate only has blast two my pants only have projectile three my gold boots they’re good they’ve got the projectile four but we need to get some blast protection on my pants

And my chest plate luckily I have emeralds and I have books so we can easily get those books on our gear hello thank you very much sir and now we just grab our chest plate and grab our pants disenchant them in the grindstone and we’ll put protection for on my chest

Plate and on my pants blast protection 4. perfect I’m gonna grab us and I’m breaking for each and amending and we’re gonna go get one more mending book from our mending guy up in the front now we’re going to take our chest plate and we’re gonna add mending whoop and new one

And on our chest plate we’re also going to add Unbreaking 3 so we have protection four mending and breaking on our pants we’re gonna add Unbreaking three and we’re gonna add mending except we have two levels instead of five guess we’re gonna go to the Skelly grinder quickly

Now that we have seven levels we have enough to add mending to our pants perfect time to go to the Nether and get some blaze rods and also get an ancient debris okey dokey now I’m gonna quick check inside here oh did you guys kill a Heartland I have a

Feeling you did and now we go up to the nether fortress get some building blocks as well just in case we need to create some Wither Skeleton oh hello some Wither Skeleton barriers pillar up once again and make our way over to oh that’s dangerous we’re gonna plug that up so I

Don’t fall and here we are once again the nether fortress I’m a little bit scared to be here but it’s fine uh let’s let’s let’s go guys foreign Foreign I’m just gonna spend four more minutes and uh get some more blaze rods in here and with 48 seconds to go we’ve got 32 blaze rods so far and you know I think that’s pretty good so we’re gonna head out of here before we get hurt well that

Went better than I thought it would and we were able to get 33 blaze rods which is awesome now the only thing left to do before we go looking for the stronghold let’s go one more ancient debris so let’s go down to y15 and set up shop I

Think that uh we use our little house kind of as a mining entrance so I’m actually going to start digging down here to get us to y15 and we’ll go from there Now let’s find those corners and get going now let’s try our TNT method so if I put tea in heat T there and there and there we’re just gonna open it up along that bit so we have flame and and we shoot foreign there it is guys we got it we found what

We needed well that didn’t take too long let’s go claim our prize Well hello beautiful Don’t Mind If I Do we got our ancient de Brio we can be done but I am kind of curious to see if uh there’s anything else so let’s just go until our

TNT runs out all 19 of them and then we’ll head back well hello there number two There is another one let’s go Foreign perfect then we know this is the way up and out and picking up our other three smelting up these three so now we’re able to make one piece of netherite which I think I want to use on our chest plate let’s go grab some gold and make this ingot four

Pieces of gold and one another right Ingot oh look at this let’s put this on our chest plate taking our chest plate off so gear here another Ingot here my very first netherite guys I’ve never made netherrite before oh yeah look how cool we look oh I’m actually so excited

Guys literally I’ve never found myself ancient debris so this is a big deal for me okay this is amazing but now that we have our netherrite chest plate which I just gotta keep looking at it’s beautiful we’re going to make a bunch of blaze powder make some Eyes of Ender

Have some backup all right we’ve got 12 Eyes of Ender I say that’s pretty good let’s go find us a stronghold all right guys let’s find out where this eye vendor goes huh okay we’re going over there let’s go okay guys this looks like it’s a stronghold definitely a stronghold okay and let’s

See where we crack into oh I’m so excited ready bam now what let’s go exploring shall we we’re gonna set our spawn right here and as I began exploring I’ve started blocking off the rooms and the hallways where I had already been and there was nothing down that way just to help me

With not getting lost as easily because it is pretty easy for me to get lost in these strongholds so this was my way of helping keep me from getting lost we then stumbled upon the first library and in classic Builder fashion I could not resist taking every single bookshelf in this Library

And that’s one Library completely dismantled now to keep looking for that portal well that is not very fun um let’s do this I guess that works okay guys I hear silverfish and I heard some lava so I think the portal is somewhere okay here we are guys we made it yes

Kill this dude quickly oh my gosh we made it and there’s one nice oh my gosh guys we’re here we made it to the portal room oh I’m so excited now I’m gonna go grab my bed and make this our spawn room and then we’re gonna

Get a portal set up and uh there was just a little chest here so let’s see power five and Quick Charge wow that’s actually pretty decent and it looks like I just found another Library so I’m gonna guess this is the bigger Library okay now let’s be careful for mobs again

Yeah this is a whole new one okay check this one loyalty and piercing impaling in power five those are actually decent I’ll take books too and all of these books will be gone in three two one and we have three stacks and ten of books and we also found in the upstairs

Chest channeling sharpness for protection four so we’ve uh found some pretty good books now it’s actually time to go find us carpet Perfect all right our bed is set respawn point is also set we’ve got all of our books and all of these now let’s see what happens when we build us

Another portal now since this actually has a door I think I want to make our little nether portal in here because that way we can close the door and not let any of the piglens come for us so I think this will be a pretty simple way

To just have a closed off another room a little bit safer but still have it super close by and we’re one short but I think I had some spare in my Ender Chest oh thank goodness it’s got that extra one okay and it can be closed off so this is

Super nice okay let’s go see where we end up okay let’s get on top of here all right okay not bad this looks like that second Bastion that we rated so literally on the other side of this Bastion should uh be our home so we’re actually

A lot closer than I thought we were which is awesome and once we came back to the Overworld we decided it was then time to head on home alrighty guys so we are back by our area and I just remembered the I still have bad Omen so I need to find

A cow before I go home otherwise we’re gonna be trying to defeat a raid and I don’t feel like doing that right now so yes it’s night yes I left my bed in the stronghold but uh we’re gonna go find ourselves a cow all right that worked

Pretty well okay so drink our milk quickly and just like that bad omen’s gone now we can actually go home and after a long adventure we’re home now the next thing we’re gonna go do is drop off our bookshelves all right and all of our bookshelves are dropped off and the

Books that we found are also dropped off we’ll just leave them in here for now I’m pretty happy with some of these they’re kind of a weird combination but you know it’ll work now the last thing that we’re going to work on today is something I mentioned in the beginning

Of the episode we are going to decorate our panda sanctuary so we could bring them into it in a later episode so I’m going to collect some resources and we’ll get started on that now before we get started actually decorating our panda sanctuary I want to swap out this

Scaffolding for something that someone left in the comments and that was glowberries using a blueberry Vine to instead climb up that versus the scaffolding I think is a great idea and while we’re at it we might as well get some extra glow berries for actually decorating our panda sanctuary

Alrighty and now we just get rid of some scaffolding make the vine longer get rid of scaffolding make the vine longer get rid of scaffolding and make the vine all the way down to the ground and uh perfect yeah this uh this looks much better look

At that beautiful now we can climb up our Vine and get started on decorating our panda sanctuary foreign just like that we have our panda sanctuary all done I’ve added bamboo glowberries azalea bushes some dark oak saplings all around this interior it’s pretty simple to start I might add like

A little like Pond Fountain thing for them to kind of play in as well but we’ve got our sport Blossom creating some particles and we’ve got our Skylight which still looks a little ugly because we still scaffolding up here but I think once we get our elytra I’m just

Gonna remove all the scaffolding and then create some like floating clouds as our AFK platforms we did a lot today we were able to smelt up one more piece of ancient debris that we found to complete this chest plate we were also able to get a bunch of blaze rods to make Those

Eyes of Ender to locate our stronghold located the stronghold created a another portal so that we could know where that location is in the Nether and we were pretty close to our base which was super exciting but we did a lot of adventuring today and then finished off by making

Our little Panda enclose closure now today guys we are going to be working towards the dragon fighting yes it’s that time of the series but before we do that I want to finish a bridge that we worked on on stream now I’m going to take shaders off because I I don’t want

My PC to hate me but guys in some off-camera time I fixed the forest that kind of burned down a little bit from my live stream that I had with you guys if you guys are on that live stream uh you saw how chaotic it got when uh lightning

Struck and kind of uh burnt down a bit of our forest so I started replanting some of the trees some of the saplings I’m still waiting to grow up but we also on a live stream worked on a bridge here and so what we’re going to do first is

We are going to finish working on this bridge making it look pretty and get it all overgrown and green and Lush you know fit the vibe of the area and then we’re gonna get started getting geared up to go beat that Dragon so I’m gonna

To get to work on this bridge and I will see you guys after the time lapse Foreign This adds so much to our area guys I love this bridge so much and we will come underneath it and we just got a very very simple little docking bit because we have our main dock down by our iron farm but if we just want to

Come dock here see our sugar cane and gunpowder Farm then we can go right up the little path but here is the entrance from our gunpowder and sugarcane farm we’ll just do a little slow tour I added some mushroom blocks and some Leaf blocks into the floor as well as just

Some Spruce trapdoors and some Spruce planks to just kind of fit in our mushroom dark oak Vibes but then we’ve got all of the fence skates along the edges here we used fence posts and the lights for our support beams to hold up our roof our roof is lined with the

Mushroom blocks and we have these slabs from Spruce as well but I love the texture of the floor and it’s just so cute I love it so much and this is what it looks like from our little uh villager breeder sign so I love it I

Think it’s so cute and it’s starting to get night which is perfect timing because next I want to start working on getting some supplies ready to go beat the dragon and one of those things is Phantom membranes for some slow falling potions and after a few sleepless nights

We finally had what we needed to go start making some potions first grabbed another wart Got that brood down to be an awkward potion then got a fandom membrane and got that brewed up and finally added some Redstone Dust to make the potion last for 8 minutes instead of a minute 30. once all the potions were made up I started grabbing them all to move them

Into my under chest to get ready for fighting the dragon alrighty so we’ve got gunpowder and then we’ve got sugar cane to make paper with mixed paper make rockets okay then we’ve got three stacks of rockets in here alrighty guys we’re gonna we’re gonna get going I’m actually

Kind of nervous I’ve never I haven’t done this in so long I’m gonna bring some wood in case I need to craft anything but then I think we’re we’re good I think we got everything we need and I need to stop procrastinating so let’s grab this we’ve got water buckets we’ve got the

Bed we’ve got everything we need let’s go fight a dragon I realized I almost forgot a pumpkin so I can make a jack-lantern to wear in my head so we’re gonna stop by The Village pick up a pumpkin actually uh I’m I’m changing course because there’s pumpkins on the

Hill okay I’m gonna grab like three of these just in case now we’re good to go since we have our pumpkins so that’s fun we’ve got all of the Eyes of Ender we’re getting extra building blocks set aside we’re keeping carved pumpkins here we’re gonna leave a bunch of rockets here just

In case mine as well okay I I think we’re good okay all right guys since I hid the armor you can’t see the pumpkin which is kind of cool because then uh you can still see me except I have the pumpkin blur so I think uh I’m gonna do some

Production magic and Adam mod so that we don’t see this when we look around and there we have it I’m wearing a pumpkin the pumpkin is on my head but in my first person view I don’t see a pumpkin and I will link it down in the description where I got it

So we’ve got a pumpkin we’re safe from Enderman but we see crystal clear I’m going to also take it off of my head so that we still look like our cute little a mushroom self but I’m I’m literally procrastinating so hard right now so I’m gonna leave these guys here

Okay there’s no time left we’ve got to do it here we go and the last one here we go we’re going to defeat that dragon let’s go the end okay okay we’re on a platform which is no big deal because we have blocks oh gosh okay here we go guys

All right there it is I just realized I left my Ender Chest in that room yeah so this means this is all we got which we have one stack of rockets and yep I’m I’m so smart I got all prepared for nothing so that means we have the water

Bucket for water bucket clutches and that’s all all right and you all know how this next bit goes got one good shot a few of the end crystals that one pillared up to a tall one got launched and almost died oh my gosh oh my gosh I

Almost landed that but I didn’t it’s fine tried using my water bucket to climb all the way back up again no it’s okay it’s okay good thing I set my spawn grabbed a pickaxe grab some backup armor grab some new snowfall potions some food some building blocks fireworks

A new pumpkin carved to add up quick grab the feather fall floor boots instead and back and we went ran back to collect all of our stuff got heated again so then I dug myself a Hivey hole made a chest to store the backups all right eat our food and go back in

Went straight back to the exact same pillow that killed me almost twice was real glad I drank slogan went back and finally got the shot Tower of the next one and got that one I think I can grab this dragon’s breath right yeah look at that dragon’s breath cool and got the fun

Done okay then the fan hitting the dragon whenever it perched got launched oh you needed me hit it some more got launched again some more bow shots some more ax shots got launched again and finally the health was getting low enough all right guys we’re getting close just

A few more will we get her on this last round and oh we did it we got it oh my gosh this is my second time doing this I’m so happy look at that XP raining down oh look at this yes repair my tools repair everything that’s been broken oh we made it It got so excited well I only died once which is better than me dying 12 times so it’s progress right but uh man I am not used to doing this but we did it guys we actually did it I’m so happy I know a lot of people like do this often

Um but for me this is a this is a big deal um I don’t do this this is my second time defeating the dragon uh I feel like it took me you know uh at least half an hour maybe 45 minutes because I died but

It’s fine just cover this up so I can get the egg great okay so to get the egg you put a torch down break that block ah there it is okay clear the inventory make room the dragon egg look at this guys we’ve got the dragon egg the Next Generation

Yay that’s such an accomplishment oh I’m so happy okay well we have the dragon egg and now let’s find that end Gateway and go looking around the end all right look at that the end Gateway oh that was scary that is right on an edge oh my word why

Realized I was once again on an island platform then started collecting more blocks so I could Bridge my way over and so we were off on our adventure East in the end looking for end ships and end cities and then finally spotted one once we were close enough we looked over the

Towers realizing this has so tall and deadly Chambers and they’re pulled across the void to get closer and then started busting our way into the end City started shooting at the shelters trying to collect shulker shells and dealing with levitation effect found some Loot and then tried working

My way over to a corner so it land safely all right finally killed all the chakras in the room so I can make a little box for myself okay eat some food checked the first chest and it wasn’t really anything special but I grabbed the horse arm then grabbed her first shulker shell

Collected a few end rods grabbed our second shulker shell made a crafting table and then made our very first shulker box there we go first shulker box yay now that we got ourselves a shulker box we decided it was time for us to head out to keep looking for an

Elytra not long after we came across a small end City and just a little bit further in the distance was finally what we were looking for an end ship proceeded to break our way into the bottom of the ship and started fighting the shulker excuse me I’d Like These

Wings thank you can you leave thank you excuse me all right big moment wings ah the sky’s the limit the war for the sky the dragon first then for the elytra look at this we’ve got an elytra oh it’s so exciting now what I should have done

Hindsight 2020 is bring a mending and Unbreaking book which probably some of you in the comments will already tell me that but uh I haven’t done this in a while so yeah we’re learning next one to go click the dragon head oh look at that we’ve

Got the dragon head oh it’s so great dragon head in hand it was time to head back home look at this guys our first flight and of course because I had my chest plate she you couldn’t see my wings but here we go this is so exciting

Ugh I love it and with our new shiny Wings on our back we started heading back home looking down at the places we walked on foot and it doesn’t really seem that scary anymore flying above the void even running back across our Bridge isn’t as scary ah man we did it guys we

Accomplished defeating the dragon getting in a light truck I am so excited we can now open this up as well oh so amazing all right we did it guys and now we go back home and here we are the end credits and I’m pressing escape to skip we did it guys

This portal is no longer scary because we have wings and we have Rockets to get around but now we’re gonna head back home and finally we get to see what our base looks like from the sky and I love it I’m super excited to finally have an

Elytra it’s gonna be great to make our way around exploring some more this is great let’s go grab bending and I’m breaking and we’ve got our elytra all ready to go and combine the books for two take off our elytra and there we go mending I’m breaking on

Our elytra I next wanted to quickly go make some of those clouds for AFK Towers so we can get rid of this ugly scaffolding so that’s what we’re gonna work on next so I’m just gonna go grab some blocks from our storage room and then we’re gonna get started on that foreign Foreign But there we go guys our little little clouds uh I think they look so cute in this guy what do you guys think they just kind of add a little something to the area right and now we have a little AFK platform it kind of looks a little funny that

There’s just a few clouds hovering above the sugarcane farm but at the same time I really like it I think it’s super cute to have them there but let’s turn off shaders before my PC screams at me some more but uh if we come from over here whoop

There we have it I think it looks pretty good this is kind of cute I might add some more into the sky just to kind of like Circle the gunpowder Farm more so I’m not really looking to like replace all of the vanilla clouds but more so

Just kind of make it intentionally just hovering and circling just above where our sugar cane Farm is because it just makes sense we did a lot we were able to make some slow fall potions and go to the end defeat the Ender Dragon we only died once so I’d say that was pretty

Successful for only having uh defeated the dragon twice and we were able to get ourselves an elytra and make these lovely little clouds in front of me and above my head we also were able to make this bridge which fits our areas so well with the mushroom blocks kind of

Matching our lanterns and it just adds a really cozy yet really practical feel to our area and we were also able to make a little dock so that when we do come bridging by if we are coming to just our sugarcane farm we now have a little dock

And Bridge to go with it I actually want to go decorate now the strong hold room where that portal is make it look really cute make it fit our Vibe of our area a little bit more and I also want to go searching for all three of the Frog

Types and now that we have an elytra it’s a lot easier easier to fly around with our rockets and go find them so we’re going to start working on that so I’m gonna go grab some buckets from our storage room so that we can get all of

Our frogs in there and I’m thinking that I actually want to have the frogs be residents in the stronghold room where we’re going to set up and decorate our area and I’m super excited to start decorating this because it is quite pretty but frogs first so that is where we’re gonna

Start so let’s go on an adventure back to spawn to find that Mangrove swamp and the different frog types okay not too many slam balls but we might be able to be okay we’ll grab some water buckets already filled up and some that aren’t yet so let’s go find us some frogs and

Here’s the Witch Tower from episode one our Mangrove swamp and spawn was right over there so we’re gonna go inside the mangrove swamp and start looking for some Froggies well Froggies hello I just heard a frog croak hello I hear you jumping where are you are you in the tree

You’re in the tree oh hi bud you want a slime ball ah yes you do okay let’s find you a friend all right that is also not a frog that is a zombie found some frog friends and started leading them over to some water to breed

Them up come with me and you’ll see we’re gonna get you a bunch of slime you will love it I will too then you’re complete my collections three finally got all the frogs into the water started breeding them up and then waiting for them to hatch some frog eggs

Our first tadpoles yay oh I’m so excited guys then our other set of frogs hatched some as well started making smaller enclosures so that we could track down the tadpoles a little bit easier ah we have our first group of tadpoles yay okay hi buddies oh there’s three of you

A bucket of bucket ah catch a tadpole in a pocket we got our first little dude ah yay okay you guys come here perfect and then you come here thank you okay we have three tadpoles yay and now we’re just waiting for these guys to also hatch and since we’re in

The mangrove swamp we decided to grab some Mangrove roots and mud while we were there okay and our other three tadpoles of hash yay okay so we have six tadpoles which means we definitely have enough for all three of the Frog variants so this is great this is super exciting

Then we’ll just have to figure out how to get them all back home is the thing but for now we are going to grab this final little dude and go on our way so now we have six of these little tadpoles which is super exciting we’ve got some

Extra mud blocks and such but look at this six tadpoles I’m so excited so now the thing is they need to be hatched in a warm biome a pulled biome and then uh enough forget the third I haven’t actually found an icy biome so uh I’m

Very curious to find one of those first so let’s grab our shulker box with our little dudes and we’re gonna stick them back in here for safe keeping grab our Ender Chest but before we leave since it’s is getting to be dark I am curious if in the swamp over here we could

Potentially find some more slime let’s see if we get lucky for a little bit here and then we’ll head back to grow up our new little tadpoles foreign Thank you okay we’re back in our area and we’ve got frogs so I think I don’t want them with my axolotls because I’m not sure if axolotls would eat the frogs or not because otherwise I’d put them in the pond with them but I think we’re going

To just like make a tiny little Pond over here and just let two of them hatch and then I’ll just move them from there started digging out a pond for our noodle frog friends then started filling it up with water then grabbed our shulker box so we could pick them out

And we just want two of them because we have two that are going to hatch in each of the biomes so we’ll let you go and you go we’re gonna go to our jungle next so that we can hatch two of the white ones and then we need to go find a

Cold by them because I haven’t really found a cold biome yet so that might be while we start looking for next I think we’re literally just going to have to newly explore our area I have my under chest which has all of my little dudes we’ve got all four of our axolotls here

Hanging out we’ve got Jelly Bean we’ve got lemon we’ve got sugar and we’ve got truffle we’ve got all of them here hanging out still so they’re just vibing still loving their Pond but I’m gonna go look for a cold biome so let’s see how long this takes shall we a few moments

Later guys there’s goats oh hey look at this this is this is actually close what is this one considered snowy slopes ah this would be perfect and oh my gosh guys I can’t believe it I didn’t realize those goats so close to me hi little dude spend some time trying to

Get this goat to headbutt me and did not succeed started digging out of space to make another Pond for our Froggies grabbed our two tadpoles and added them into their little Pond since I had some time to kill waiting for the frogs to grow up I went back over to the goats

And tried to convince them to headbutt me and uh that it failed that none of them wanted to head but they they must no I want to take their horns or something notice the tadpole Pond was freezing over so went back to fix it I feel like I’m doing a seance with these

Tadpoles but I just don’t want them to freeze and then once again got distracted trying to get the goats to headbutt me except I just kept walking away one of the frogs oh they both hatched yay oh we’ve got green ones hi buddy oh I’m so excited guys we’ve got both of

Our green frogs now yay okay now that we had our green frogs it was time for us to go home grab some slime and breed these guys up when we stopped back at home I noticed that the orange rocks had hatched so then I put them on some leads

Brought them up and then we went to go find the third and final frog and we are in a jungle and look at these guys he’s the roly-poly one look at how cute look at that guy he’s just rolling down the whole hill that’s so cute look at him go oh it’s so

Adorable uh that tree’s not gonna move out of your way just so you know you can try put down our chakra box started digging another pine then filling it with water for our Froggies and we’ve got two little tadpoles one and two and we also managed to find

Our blue parrot from a previous episode so I don’t know how he ended up in the water but I think I have to just put him in a boat and uh he’ll be the first one to come over to our area but we gotta save this guy I don’t know what he’s

Doing finally got this panda in a boat and he was also ready to be transported back to our home so that worked great read up the frogs once those grew up I was having trouble keeping them close by so I kept using slime to lure them back brought the frogs again then realized

That we needed to make them a little pen made some fences so we could start making them their own little pen started laying down the fences started using the fences to make a roof so they couldn’t hop out tried opening up this fence to let this one frog get back in the pen

However it uh quickly became all of them trying to escape so that I had to wrinkle them back into their pen finally got the last frog to walk inside the pen and we officially had an enclosure for our frogs all right let’s bring a panda and a parrot home

Actually this is look at us look at this little group oh we’re so cute love it a few moments later and our panda is in the sanctuary yay oh my gosh it’s so adorable I will give you some bamboo because you finally made it up like a

Good little one all right we got a panda in there that’s super exciting a little out of order with what I wanted to do for today but since we’re heading back home it works out but now that we’ve got him in there I’m gonna quick uh grab the

Blocks the Moss blocks and put things back to normal and then we’re gonna keep on getting our frogs breeded up so we can move them towards our end portal stronghold room foreign there we go that should be good until we get a second panda in here for now guys

I have already collected everything that I’m gonna need for our end portal build so I’ve got it all in here and these are the blocks we’re going to use to transform the end portal so without further ado we’re just gonna get flying over to the

End portal and back down we go and here we are the end portal room now I’m going to get to work transforming this into something that fits our Vibe enjoy the time lapse Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign y everyone the end portal room is all decorated and I’ve got my shaders on because we’re ready to do a tour so let me flip this around and show you what we got so this is that door to get into the hallway of the rest of the stronghold I

Changed it to dark oak because it fits our Vibe better I just moved some chests out here got a little set up I blocked off the nether portal because we kept having zombie piglens cup and uh I I don’t want to deal with that so we’re

Gonna just step in here and this is our end portal room completely transformed into our woodsy dark oak kind of just using tree stumps as something that we’re going to work into our area as well but this turned out so good I use the end rods from last episode’s

Adventure we’ve got giant mushrooms we’ve got little mushrooms we’ve got ponds we’ve got glowberries bamboo we’ve got glow lichen we’ve got the drip Leaf small and big we’ve just got a lot going on here and we have the particles if you notice that as well but I’m gonna add

Some frogs in here where we have these ponds so we’ve got some mud by our ponds in both areas here this one’s a little less muddy because I didn’t want to just like fully have the mud be coming in the frontier but this one is a muddy Little

Pond for our little froggy friends I just decorated with the mangrove Roots as well for this tree and I think it turned out so good I love those black palettes and just working our way around just lots of detail we used buttons we used fences we used slabs we used

Stripped dark oak regular dark oak just kind of switch switched it up we’ve got vines on everything some flowers some mushrooms I did use some green terracotta as well to kind of add some texture we also have the azalea bushes in the floor as well to add some texture

As well and some extra Moss carpets and use those around our tree as well but I love how this turned out our giant mushrooms look so cool and then we can kind of uh put something up inside this tree here I kind of hid the Spore

Blossom down lower so that more of the particles would be down here by where we are instead of up at the top because I had it up at the top at first but I think hiding it kind of down at the bottom will help concentrate the particles down to where we’re actually

Going to be hanging out but this is so cool and I have this little like room at the top here where I can put something but for now it’s just a little empty spot and then if we go inside here guys I also like how this is kind of just

Like one of those like fairy doors I was looking at Google images for ideas but this is literally just all that this inside is and here’s the end portal plain and simple what’s really cool is if I were to open these trap doors and

Jump I would end up in the end so that is our way to get into the end we just come underneath inside the tree and we’re able to get to the end pretty simply but this is our room guys and I absolutely love it it’s so cute but I

Did mention I wanted to move my frogs here so we’re going to move some frogs here and that will really add some life to this area because the frogs are going to be jumping around everywhere so let’s go grab them Welcome welcome Thank you foreign Thank you Oh my gosh this is adorable yay oh my gosh look at that they’re already playing on the drip Leaf they’re jumping on them look at that oh I love this so much oh this is gonna be so cute to have them all just like running around here

And he’s by the pond oh this is adorable I love this so much this is amazing this is what I wanted we’ve got frogs in here they’re just living their best life just chilling everywhere ugh I love this guys this has been a great episode we were

Able to move one of our pandas over we bred up all of the different frog variants got the achievement for holding them all on leads and now they are officially in the end portal room so we’re just gonna end by throwing on shaders we’ve got our frogs we’ve got the end portal and

They’ve got the most vibey little frog end portal magical room and I absolutely love how this turned out you see that guy on the End Rod he’s just hanging out isn’t he now today we are going to continue working with her frogs and we are going to focus on a Frog Light Farm

Because I have not yet used any of the Frog lights in this series and you know it’s the 1.19 Series so we gotta use some Frog Light so what we’re going to do today is we are going to go into The Nether and we are going to find one of

Those treasure bastions that has the Magma Cube spawners and then that’s where we’re going to set up our little frog light farm so let’s get going on that now in my under chest I do have enough obsidian and we have flint and steel for one we make a Overworld portal

So that’s what we’re going to do first is find a Bastion that has the treasure Bastion so without further Ado we’re picking up our little silky box we’re jumping underneath here and we’re gonna see where we end up now in the nether I did kind of decorate

This a little bit more to kind of have a landing platform as we’re coming in here so we are just going to go running around another I don’t exactly know where we’re going to end up but I have screenshotted these chords so at least we can get back here

Safely and we were off exploring through the nether to find us a treasure Bastion came across Bastion number one however it was not a treasure Bastion but we decided to check it out anyways had a close call with some brutes but then decided to be smart and just take them

Out one by one looked around and decided it was time to go flew past our first new Fortress Found a second Fortress and keep on searching ran into a guest looking for a fight found a third Fortress found Bastion but it was just stable so we kept on going

Ah this could take a while but we will find it eventually oh hey a spot oh a fortress what do you know found a Bastion number three as we went down to explore though we realized it was one of the housing netherwar ones so we just left found a

Fourth Bastion and even though it was Staples we decided to look for some loot found chest and it had pretty much nothing saw a second chest being guarded by a brute so it took him out quickly loaded the chest which didn’t have much we just took the golden carrots I’ve thing was

Going good until oh my gosh shoot I don’t know where I am oh this is spell oh my gosh I’m like so far away okay and we’re gonna respond really far away okay you know that was bad that was very very bad so I’m going to Quick try to uh check my

Screenshot of that Bastion and uh work my way back but the other thing is if I don’t have an extra elytra kind of screwed all right well you know you just gotta you just gotta keep moving so that’s what we’re gonna do now with no elytra grabbed a measly Stone

Pick just so I could pick up my armor box and put it in my Ender Chest also grab some Diamond pants boots and a helmet so that I would be a little more protected as I went back in grabbed my netherrite chest plate since we still

Had that on us and definitely felt a lot safer with another I chest played on but hit it then we headed over to our trading room so that we could start trading some iron for emeralds and get some gear leveled up grabbed a new ax or three by accident grabbed a diamond pick

And a second for backup made our way down to the Skelly Farm to grab a new bow and arrows picked out our bow grabbed some arrows and back to the surface we went ah you know all I wanted was a magma spawner that’s all I wanted was that too difficult

Apparently it was all right let’s go to bed and we’re gonna sleep in our iron farm because that’s the closest bed oh my goodness this turned into more of an ordeal than I ever thought it would be after a good sleep we went back to the nether to retrieve our stuff stopped at

The nether Hobbit Hole grabbed a gold helmet for safety grabbed a Fire Res grabbed two golden apples just in case then made it down to our Strider pen to pick out our travel buddy and then me and my travel buddy were off for a very very long adventure to go find our stuff

After just rounding the bend from our Strider Stables we came across a fifth Bastion so we decided to go check this one out which as luck would have it it was a treasure Bastion with the magma room spawners so we had one really close to our base which meant that we flew

That far and lost our stuff for for nothing so we screenshotted the chords for it and then we still had to continue finding our stuff then after a while we had to continue our journey on foot one eternity later all right guys story time we were able to go back and find

Our stuff however our lytra Burns so so I had to ride my Strider all the way back and then we made it to the Overworld which I randomly just built a portal and when I came into the Overworld I was right next to a mansion

Yep so uh we now have a mansion in this world and uh I tried to get a quick totem but uh a Vex killed me and then I figured it wasn’t uh worth it but I heard some noises in the mansion and guess what little blue creatures I have

Now in my little windows we have two alays now look at this we’ve got one in this window and one in this window so even though we lost our wings we were able to find two of these winged creatures which is super fun since they

Are in the 1.19 update now since I don’t want these guys to keep wandering off when I am going in and out we are actually going to bring them out and move them over into a different area I think they will be actually pretty great assistants to watch over our iron farm

Well we lost one thank you come on come on in there you go all the way there we go okay perfect so take you off and you off and we’re gonna take that away from you and give you an iron block and then for the other one we’ll give you

A poppy yeah you can hold an iron block and you can hold a poppy and these are officially our caretakers of the iron farm in the comments below let me know what we should name our two away friends we’ve got one holding an iron block and

One holding a poppy since those are the two things coming out of our iron farm but since we are back home it is time for us to work on that Frog Light Farm now that we actually have the location of the treasure Bastion that has the

Magma spawner so we’re gonna go work on that and hopefully not die I am wearing mine I know the right chest plate so hopefully that will keep us a little safer I still have to clear out all of the the hogland uh like the really scary

Pigs that were the black shirts I I need to get rid of those so that’ll be interesting but let’s go clear out a Bastion foreign I should be safe and he should be stuck okay this works perfectly oh we busted in look at that immediately started clearing out the roots

Finally found a spot where the spawner doesn’t activate to build ourselves a nether portal to the Overworld grabbed our obsidian and our flint and steel started replacing the blocks with our obsidian to build our portal and then we lit it and then went in to see where we would end up in the

Overworld ended up in a cave and immediately lit things up because it was a little scary saw a cave and then turned around and then started digging to the surface whoa guys I found deeply coal ah no way this is like a super rare block isn’t it

Oh wow there’s a lot of it oh my gosh how much is there of this stuff what wow oh my gosh I got 12 deep slate coal ore okay guys is this stuff rare because I feel like it’s rare like this is super cool I love it

Okay I think I got it all okay we definitely need to hide this in our Ender Chest all right it’s going in our fireworks box which should be fireworks boxes kind of null and void now because I’m I don’t have my truck but it’s fine continued digging a hole straight up but

Realized it was night so then we decided to go back into the Bastion to keep working on that we then started placing glass and blocks to box in the area for our magma Farm started getting attacked by magma cubes and the worst happened well if I hadn’t lost everything now I

Officially lost everything I died to a Magma Cube under the lava so all my stuff is officially incinerated I genuinely am literally back to square one now and back again I was getting an ax getting pants boots element equipped the armor remembered a chest plate equipped that grabbed a pickaxe more

Glass for building got more emeralds new Strider saddles in the nether immediately almost killed myself again luckily I put my two brain cells together and did not die and uh hindsight 2020 don’t bring the bed to the nether then we were back at the Bastion oh no way I have stuff

Well I certainly did not expect that I know you can see the chest plate right there however in game me didn’t realize it and guess what I did that’s right I forgot that another chestplate survived so I just assumed everything was a lost cause and it ended

Up despawning I I am mad at myself so no need to scream at me in the comments it is a tragedy foreign foreign and then I feel like two should be enough I would assume foreign look at those little eyeballs they’re so cute hey dude how’s it going

You gonna help me with a farm yeah I appreciate you you’re super cute yes you are oh my gosh we’re getting all of the types look at this yay and guys you know what we need to do we need to get that advancement are we ready for it bam bam bam

With our powers combined look at that we’ve got all of them have all frog lights in your inventory look at that this is all that I need honestly I might get another green frog and orange frog but for now I don’t need a whole lot and this will be perfect we

Did it we have a Frog Light Farm I’m so happy and these guys will just keep spawning and there is hoglins uh I kind of am in like a Crimson Forest so I need do I need to be careful of them but look at this I can just AFK here and be

Totally safe it’s so cool I love it next time to decorate a few moments later nice I think I just killed all of my frogs oh I’m glad I respond out here oh my gosh guys I did it again oh man can I have your pants I’ve tried using gold nuggets to

Distract the piglets but that failed oh my gosh are you serious then I just tried making a break for it and I collected most of my stuff except uh yeah they still got me it was at this point that I literally just Rage Quit Minecraft for like a day

And ended up live streaming instead trying to at least have some fun with getting out of this death Loop well guys some time has passed I got out of the death loop on a live stream and then on that same live stream we were able to

Move frogs back into the Frog Light Farm since Unfortunately they had died and we were even able to go back into the end and we officially got an elytra three more shelter shells two more Brewing stands and some instant health potions so we are kind of back on track for now

Because this elytra is about to break we are going to get mending and we’re going to get on breaking from our dudes so we’re gonna get the elytra all fixed up at our Skelly farm and then we’re gonna go back to the Frog farm and finish decorating it up and adding some

Greenery so let’s get going and grabbed mending and Unbreaking combine them on the Anvil but swapped them out to get a cheaper price and stuck them on the elytra next waited for the skillies to drop and started slicing just like that a fresh elytra alright guys so I have been getting some

Shulker boxes together I just realized in my under chest I had two netherrite scrap and from end rating I found another right scrap and an ancient debris and we’ve got chest plates so that means we can make another netherrite chest plate right now even though I lost my other one so we’re

Gonna go do that real quick selected a chest plate smelt it up that Loveless cinnamon roll grab some gold made our second ever netherride Ingot then added it onto our Diamond’s chest plate and here we go a brand new netherite chest plate replacement Thorns 2 Fire proc 4

Unbreaking 3 and mending oh yeah that feels good and we’ve got all of our armor and we’re back we’ve got both our elytra and we have our another chest plate we’re back in business now let’s go decorate foreign foreign And just like that we have the coziest Frog Light Farm in the Treasure Bastion but we gotta do the best part right we gotta throw on some shaders and look at that oh in shaders it looks amazing I love it the glowberries are glowing even the spawner itself glows the magma cubes

They’re inside’s glow I absolutely love this this is so cool I’ve never seen a Bastion like actually look green and Lush and more like cozy and vibey and I absolutely love this but this is what we got guys the top is covered in Moss so it prevents spawning but obviously uh I

Still got that issue but uh that’s uh that’s a future red problem but this is our Focus we’ve got our Frog Light Farm we’ve got a little window to kind of peek outside if we want to all of the glass is now green because it fits the

Vibe better down here this is the inner workings of the Frog Light Farm as you can see we’ve got a ton of frog lights coming in because I have AFK here for a bit we also get mad the creams every time the cactus get a little too tall

I’ve been uh kind of knocking them down so we are getting some Cactus and some of this is left over from when I was collecting it but then we’ve got a full shulker box of 64. and you know I don’t have a whole lot of uh areas to put frog

Lights in for now so I think this is amazing but I absolutely adore how this turned out and we can just watch the frogs go to work and eat all of our little magma creams look at them go look how good of a job they’re doing they’re

Doing such a good job I love this so much and our little Iron Golem friend is you know chilling up there knocking down the big ones whenever they uh get a little too close to him he doesn’t like uh he likes his personal space in today’s episode we uh we lost our elytra

We found a treasure Bastion we were able to find some deep sleep coal we dyed to magma cubes and lost everything died three more times after that on a live stream got back our elytra made another right chest plate and then finally after all of that turned this froglet Farm in

The Treasure Bastion all cute cozy and vibey and there it is over 1 000 days survived in our little dark oak forest building up all our little Hobbit holes and mushroom builds transforming this area into the most cozy and vibey place if you’ve made it to this point in the

Video in the comments below tell me what your favorite build that we’ve done so far was I’d love to hear what you think we’ve still got more builds to get done in this world before we’re finished but for now that’s all I got I’ll see in the next episode

This video, titled ‘🍄1,000 Days in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] Survival Let’s Play | Red’s World: The Wild Update🍄’, was uploaded by Da Lil Red on 2023-02-27 00:06:48. It has garnered 418440 views and 11898 likes. The duration of the video is 04:09:31 or 14971 seconds.

We’ve survived over 1,000 days in our 1.19 survival Minecraft world! This is the longest I’ve kepp and built in a world so far, which is a really cool milestone for my channel!

We’ve done so much in this world and I’m so happy with it all. I hope you enjoy this full movie recapping all that that we’ve done thus far in our lil dark oak forest world✨🍄

Chapters: Intro – 0:00 -0:26 Episode 1 – 0:27 – 16:31 Episode 2 – 16:32 – 34:38 Episode 3 – 34:40 – 49:52 Episode 4 – 49:55 – 1:08:18 Episode 5 – 1:08:20 – 1:23:00 Episode 6 – 1:23:02 – 1:38:40 Episode 7 – 1:38:42 – 1:57:29 Episode 8 – 1:57:29 – 2:16:20 Episode 9 – 2:16:22 – 2:35:22 Episode 10 – 2:35:23 – 2:52:10 Episode 11 – 2:52:11 – 3:10:30 Episode 12 – 3:10:30 – 3:27:59 Episode 13 – 3:28:00 – 3:47:30 Episodes 14 – 3:47:32 – 4:09:03 Outro – 4:09:04 – 4:09:30 ————– Shaders: Complementary Shaders Seed: -7378631945221896875.

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——-🔗 My Social Media——- 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dalilred1/ 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaLilRedYT Red’s Community Discord: https://discord.gg/CZYh2XAAqG

——–🎵 My Music—————– Provided by Epidemic Sound

——–🏷️ My Tags—————– #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftletsplay #minecraftsurvival #dalilred #1000days #fullmovie

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  • Ultimate TNT Portal Prank!

    Ultimate TNT Portal Prank! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4: Exciting Updates Await! Welcome to the latest Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 4 update! This update brings some interesting changes that will surely enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details: Enhanced Armor Effects One of the key changes in this update is the stacking of the “Burning Time” reduction effect of Fire Protection and the “Knockback Resistance” effect of Blast Protection when wearing several pieces of enchanted armor. To maximize these effects, players now need to wear a full set of enchanted armor. This change encourages players to strategize and optimize their armor choices for… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with ONE BAMBOO

    Surviving 100 Days with ONE BAMBOO Minecraft Hardcore Survival Challenge: 100 Days on Survival Island In this intense survival challenge, a brave Minecraft player is embarking on a journey to spend 100 days on a Survival Island in Minecraft Hardcore mode. The stakes are high, the dangers are real, and only the most skilled players can hope to survive this ultimate test of survival skills. Seed ID and Shader Seed ID: -4697254411347427324 Shader: Complementary Shader World Download Link For those who want to experience the same challenge, the world download link is available here. Dive into the world and see if you have what it… Read More

  • Math Hacks for Game Dev

    Math Hacks for Game Dev The Intricate World of Minecraft: Unveiling the Mathematics Behind Game Development As millions of players immerse themselves in the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, few realize the complex mathematics that underpin this virtual world. From world generation algorithms to physics simulations, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience. The Mathematics of World Generation One of the most fascinating aspects of Minecraft is its procedurally generated worlds. Through the use of advanced algorithms, the game creates vast, diverse landscapes for players to explore. These algorithms rely on mathematical concepts such as Perlin noise, a technique used to create… Read More

  • Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness

    Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where sheep roam free, I must MLG whenever one I see. Jumping off cliffs, landing with grace, In this game, I always keep up the pace. My Instagram’s lit, with updates galore, Follow me there for even more. Donations are welcome, on Saweria and Trakteer, Support my channel, let’s spread the cheer. Join my Discord, for a chat and a laugh, We’ll talk Minecraft, and maybe even craft. Shorts on YouTube, for quick entertainment, In the world of gaming, I’m a true statement. So come along, join the fun, In Minecraft world, we’ll always… Read More

  • Kroberto’s Epic Hill Destruction

    Kroberto's Epic Hill Destruction Minecraft Adventures: Destroying the Hill Duo SMP Unveiling the World of Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, building, exploring, and conquering challenges. The thrill of discovering new resources, crafting powerful tools, and engaging with fellow gamers creates an immersive experience like no other. Exploring New Heights As players delve into the game, they encounter various terrains, from lush forests to towering mountains. The thrill of conquering these landscapes is unparalleled, with each new discovery sparking excitement and creativity. Resource Management and Crafting One of the key elements of Minecraft is resource management. From… Read More

  • 1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher’s Kitchen

    1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher's Kitchen Welcome to Day 19 – The Butcher’s Kitchen! As our Minecraft adventurer continues their journey through the Better Minecraft mod with Fabric, they find themselves in need of a butcher for their animal farm. Let’s take a closer look at the materials used and the creative process behind the creation of The Butcher’s Kitchen. Materials Used: Ochre Froglight: A unique light source that adds ambiance to the butcher’s kitchen. Pointless Acacia Trapdoor: Adds a rustic touch to the design. Bonemeal: Used for crafting and decorating purposes. Golden Acacia Leaves, Orange Acacia Leaves, Red Acacia Leaves: Adding colorful foliage to… Read More

  • Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map

    Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map The Exciting Quest for Stickers in Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map #2 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s 15th-anniversary map #2 as players dive into the quest for stickers. This exciting journey promises hours of fun and challenges as gamers explore the vast virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Map’s Secrets As players navigate through the map, they will encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and hidden treasures. The quest for stickers will test their problem-solving skills and creativity, making it a truly engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Interactive Gameplay The interactive gameplay of the 15th-anniversary map #2 adds a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Party 64 – MUST WATCH!!

    INSANE Minecraft Party 64 - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] Soirée Minecraft de fou furieux ! (Serveurs, build créa…)’, was uploaded by Dring_64 on 2024-06-01 06:31:56. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:05 or 7265 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/dring_64 Read More

  • Saving an SMP: Secrets Revealed

    Saving an SMP: Secrets RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I saved an SMP from Corruption’, was uploaded by Katmin on 2024-06-01 03:37:25. It has garnered 366 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:14 or 5894 seconds. look mom I’m a hero My Discord:https://discord.gg/ecHjzdQutv My Business Email:[email protected] #minecraft #smp #lifesteals6 Read More

  • 10 Hour Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Livestream Madness!

    10 Hour Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Livestream Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Much Can You Do in 10 Hours in Minecraft HARDCORE? 10 HOUR LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by 0_Hours on 2024-03-05 01:04:49. It has garnered 127 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 07:42:26 or 27746 seconds. Heyo! How you doing? This is probably a Minecraft stream that zero is failing miserably at 🙂 In today’s stream, I am playing Minecraft HARDCORE for 10 hours straight! How far will I get? How many times will I die? Keep watching to find out! Make sure to join my discord! – https://discord.gg/49qqBusaaw Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art with Ogi the Cockroach! 😱 #viral

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art with Ogi the Cockroach! 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ogi the cockroach in Minecraft pixel art #minecraft #shots #viral #pixelart’, was uploaded by devopgamer1m on 2023-12-07 14:54:02. It has garnered 2508 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. ogi the cockroach in Minecraft pixel art #minecraft #shots #viral #pixelart Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Crazy Surprise! LOL” #humor #memes

    "Minecraft's Crazy Surprise! LOL" #humor #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘se puso raro el minecraft jaja #humor #memes#minecraftmods #halocea’, was uploaded by THEJHONA on 2024-03-18 22:09:29. It has garnered 453 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #halo #haloinfinite #minecraft #minecraftmods #halomods #halocea #halomcc This is a mod where instead of being the master chief we become steve from minecraft hahaha TAGS: halo infinite, halo infinite gameplay, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite ending ,halo,halo infinite multiplayer,halo infinite review,halo infinite full game,halo infinite campaign gameplay,halo infinite walkthrough part 1,halo infinite 2021,halo infinite guide,halo infinite secret,halo infinite final boss,halo infinite… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure ft. Homie: Phoenix Flare!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure ft. Homie: Phoenix Flare!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Vanill a Minecraft with a homie’, was uploaded by Phoenix Flare on 2024-05-14 01:55:58. It has garnered 53 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:58 or 8698 seconds. ——————————————————— Twitter: https://twitter.com/phoenix_flare69 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phoenixflare69/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TPnjmRm9MF Profile, banner, and PNG Tuber made by @astrogummi8610 : https://agummi.carrd.co/ Streaming Loading Image by mondobutter_ on discord Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback by Ayunda Risu!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback by Ayunda Risu!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】The Return of Ayunda Risduar !!!!【Ayunda Risu】’, was uploaded by Ayunda Risu Ch. hololive-ID on 2024-06-07 08:31:55. It has garnered 58395 views and 5613 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:11 or 15311 seconds. #Risu_Live #Ayunda_Risu #holoid #hololive_id #hololive This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) ================== 【LOCAL DONATION LINK HERE】: https://sociabuzz.com/ayundarisu/tribe 【Streamlabs donation link here】: https://streamlabs.com/risuayundachhololive-id ================== This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with SCS Software, which is based on the following SCS Software s.r.o. – VIDEO GAME… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks for Epic Builds And Survival

    Insane Minecraft Hacks for Epic Builds And SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unleash Your Creativity in Minecraft: Build, Explore, and Survive!’, was uploaded by Mireya Maria on 2024-05-07 21:00:35. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:15 or 2655 seconds. Minecraft is more than just a game; it’s a boundless world waiting to be explored and shaped by your imagination! Dive into a world of endless possibilities with this glimpse into Minecraft gameplay: Building Bonanza: Craft a variety of blocks to construct anything you can conceive, from towering castles to sprawling underwater cities. The world is your canvas in Minecraft!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Green Among Us Traitor Revealed!! #shorts

    SHOCKING! Green Among Us Traitor Revealed!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Among Us Green Traitor!! #shorts #memes’, was uploaded by Ellementary on 2024-01-04 11:06:40. It has garnered 392 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. animation vs minecraft, minecraft vs animation, minecraft animation, animation minecraft, animation vs. minecraft, minecraft animations, animation vs minecraft ep 31, minecraft animation fight, animation vs minecraft season 3, warden minecraft animation, animator vs minecraft, minecraft animation stickman, alan becker animation vs minecraft, animation vs. minecraft (original), minecraft animation steve and alex, animasi minecraft, stickman vs minecraft, minecraft animation, animation minecraft, minecraft animations, animation vs… Read More

  • ResGamingInc All The Mods 9

    ResGamingInc All The Mods 9Enjoy ya selves and Be Nice simple as that please join our discord and help us grow into a bigger community with others and various games to share Using All The Mods 9 (0.2.51) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 Forge 47.2.20 resgamingincminecraft.ddns.net:10045 Read More

  • sVanilla Survival SMP Semi-Anarchy PvP Crossplay Enabled No Crystal PvP

    sVanilla Survival: The Original SMP Experience IP: corn.gg Region: USA East sVanilla Survival offers a true SMP experience with a touch of nostalgia. Enjoy a semi-vanilla server with no land claims, crystal-free PvP, and a vast map that never resets. Why Choose sVanilla Survival? Survive & Thrive: Experience freedom to play your way without hacked clients. Explore, build, or conquer as you see fit. Melee Based PvP: Say goodbye to crystal PvP and embrace traditional combat with swords, axes, and bows. Quality of Life: Enjoy convenience with teleport, ignore, and sethome commands for enhanced gameplay. Bartering Economy: Trade with other… Read More

  • EdenMC

    EdenMC🌟 Welcome to EdenMC – Where Legends Rise! 🌟Embark on an extraordinary journey in the realms of EdenMC, a server where survival, commerce, and adventure seamlessly collide. Dive into a world where your skills, strategy, and mastery of the elements will determine your success.Key Features:💹 Economic Mastery with AuctionHouse: Build your empire through our robust economy system. Utilize the AuctionHouse to trade resources, rare items, and unique treasures. Will you be the shrewd entrepreneur who amasses immense wealth?🗺️ Dynmap Exploration: Navigate the expansive landscapes of EdenMC with ease using our Dynmap feature. Discover hidden wonders, plan your next adventure, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dirt OP AF

    Dirt is so powerful, it’s like the Hulk of Minecraft blocks! Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma

    Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor so bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. With each video shared, a smile is guaranteed, As Fangkuaixuan’s talent is truly a need. So subscribe and follow, for more fun and delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More


    CURSED TENGE TENGE CAR BATTLE ROYALE! 🔥😂 When you’re just trying to play Minecraft but suddenly find yourself in a high-stakes car battle with Tenge Tenge…talk about unexpected twists in gameplay! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Upgrades to My Survival Minecraft Base!

    EPIC Upgrades to My Survival Minecraft Base! Exploring New Horizons in Minecraft Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft Survival with Vocktile as your guide. In this video, witness the ingenious ways of navigating the world of Minecraft with the Most Stupidly Smart method. Brace yourself for a showcase of Giant Farms and Structures that will leave you in awe. Preparing for Minecraft 1.21 Update With the tricky trials of the Minecraft 1.21 update on the horizon, it’s time to gear up and start preparing for the new changes. Vocktile dives into resource gathering and sets up a complete raid farm… Read More

  • Sneaky Muslim Dog in Minecraft

    Sneaky Muslim Dog in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Trend of the Muslim Wolf Recently, a new trend has emerged in the Minecraft community surrounding the concept of a Muslim wolf. This unique twist on the game has captured the attention of players worldwide, sparking discussions and creativity within the Minecraft universe. The Rise of the Muslim Wolf In various Minecraft videos and shorts, players have introduced the idea of a wolf character embracing the Muslim faith. This unexpected storyline has added a fresh layer of depth to the game, showcasing the diverse ways in which players can interact with the virtual world. Samet Parlak… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret to Mastering Blockbench for Minecraft

    Uncover the Secret to Mastering Blockbench for MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Use Blockbench for Minecraft’, was uploaded by The Legend of the Minecrafter on 2024-04-30 00:43:24. It has garnered 17 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:36 or 1596 seconds. In this video I made a duck and a fairy in #blockbench for #minecraft. More #tutorial videos to come. #minecraftbuilding #gamer #creative Read More

  • Escape Choo-Choo Charles with JJ & Mikey

    Escape Choo-Choo Charles with JJ & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey ESCAPE From Choo-Choo Charles in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-03-06 20:00:17. It has garnered 32444 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. How JJ and Mikey ESCAPE From Choo-Choo Charles in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Jiraiya Boss in Sage Mode! Minecraft Naruto Mod Epi 7

    Unbelievable: Jiraiya Boss in Sage Mode! Minecraft Naruto Mod Epi 7Video Information This video, titled ‘JIRAIYA BOSS HAS SAGE MODE! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 7’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-21 20:00:12. It has garnered 1743 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s Minecraft Naruto Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs JIRAIYA BOSS HAS SAGE MODE! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 7 #NARUTO #Minecraft #NarutoMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Witch Loot BUFF is INSANE!

    Minecraft 1.21 Witch Loot BUFF is INSANE!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIG Witch Loot BUFF in 1.21 Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Rays Works on 2024-05-15 18:06:17. It has garnered 16813 views and 1030 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:34 or 754 seconds. Like and Share with other Minecrafters! ►Ray Twitch Livestream (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 2pm ET): https://www.twitch.tv/raysworks ►Join my channel to get special perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDi2s0xQrfFwivdmsPiuU_w/join 1.21 Minecraft snapshot 24w20a adds witch loot drop redstone buff, bedrock breaking nerf, piston changes, 15 year celebration in minecraft and many bug fixes. ►More News videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5egZTw99_6lv9myQq1l9ifzJuw2TOIf ►All Farms mentioned can be found here: http://bit.ly/FarmEverything Witch farm:… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Moments in BlocksMC Minecraft Gameplay!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Moments in BlocksMC Minecraft Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with my friends (BlocksMC)’, was uploaded by kringic gaming on 2024-03-08 14:07:22. It has garnered 115 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:45 or 885 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate subway surfers game hacks revealed! 🔥

    🔥 Ultimate subway surfers game hacks revealed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘jaan meri ja rahi sanam || subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #E’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-10 01:31:00. It has garnered 431 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Lapine Ch. 🐰🌙

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Lapine Ch. 🐰🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | กลับมาอย่างยิ่งหยั่ย!!! [Minecraft] | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-03-27 17:31:45. It has garnered 7266 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:01 or 6181 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 https://tipme.in.th/lapineplg Buy member products here 👉 https://www.vforgeshop.com/ #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : https://www.facebook.com/LapinePolygon TW : https://twitter.com/LapinePLG TikTok :https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgqGYXq/ 🐳 Zona – The Ancestor – FB : https://www.facebook.com/ZonaPolygon TW : https://twitter.com/ZonaPLG YT… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Panda vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: Panda vs Golem | Epic Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft panda vs golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-03-07 18:15:06. It has garnered 1067 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:47 or 227 seconds. minecraft panda vs golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole minecraft song… Read More

  • Whisper: Old Minecraft Looks INCREDIBLE now! #minecraft #shorts

    Whisper: Old Minecraft Looks INCREDIBLE now! #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is Old Minecraft Looking Better? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Whisper on 2024-02-27 23:15:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you been feeling nostalgic lately toward old Minecraft? Well, I’ve been. I think Golden Age Minecraft has better atmosphere … Read More

  • LancerMC

    LancerMCWelcome to LancerMC! A towny based server centered around econmomy, where you can play however you want. We have a very friendly and supportive community, come join us! Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth Geopolitical Nations

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Welcome to The World Of Celestria, a minecraft geopolitical server focused on different gameplay styles. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, PvPer, or anyone else, you are welcome to join our server. Earth is your canvas here, where you can create your own nation, join one, form a cult or religion, create guilds and businesses, and more. Rise to the top and make your mark on the history of Celestria. Join Us Now: https://discord.gg/hJVHnfW8Xq Read More

🍄1,000 Days in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] Survival Let’s Play | Red’s World: The Wild Update🍄