🐍 TauntSnake 42109 – Clearing Haters in Minecraft!

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What the heck it didn’t kick you out did it no okay good good and they can’t see my mouse all right looks like everything’s all good I see among did somebody say ta snake beware for I have arrived hello everyone hello hello welcome to the other part of

Minecraft and I will finally beat the homeless allegations finally I will no longer be homeless in this one my name is Jeff for too long I have uh for too long I have unfortunately yeah I’m getting arrested for oh my God hello the great guest welcome to the

Stream welcome welcome thank you for tuning in uh real quick are you able to hear reuben reuben can you speak real quick my name is Jeff brazel no I they can hear you never mind yeah also I made sure to put the music as good as possible like at the right

Amount of like settings probably yeah your your your last stream got recommended for me did it I clicked on it and I got ear raped bro when you put it the back when you put the bgm oh was it too loud that was so loud when you

When you were messing with it oh whoops you’re probably jump scared people watching as hey the great guest how’s how how’s the music by the way cuz whenever okay so I’m talking right now and while I’m talking I want to see like if the music is too obstruct obstructing in the

Background like if it’s too loud if you know what I mean while I’m talking just want to hear something nice in the background while it’s you know pretty good the music is fine yeah the music is okay oh hello ulissa welcome to the stream welcome welcome I have a question

For you uh ulissa the witch were you the one that sent me that friend Quest on Xbox by any chance Xbox live cuz I got a invitation Xbox yeah I got I I have an account hi hello hello hello no that wasn’t you hold on cuz someone uh

Whatchamacallit oh no I’m sorry it they’re called Alysa my bad yeah sorry no no no they’re called Alyssa yeah I got a I got a message and a friend request saying hello is it okay if I can join or if you can invite me to play or something I’m like yeah sure

It’s fine like I’ll do a new world and then they never responded after that yeah I’m sorry Alyssa it’s aysa with an a my bad oh yeah and the music that’s playing is uh too music uh I’ll put it in the description copyrighted music I don’t think it’s copyrighted it

Is no I’m going to jail I’ll put it in the description real quick are you on the are you on the island uh going to all right cuz I’m I want your opinion on something all right give me a second Mic used all righty let’s do that all right so if everyone could refresh your streams uh the music will be there in the description there you go oh my God there’s some upbeat nice music all right I’m here what do you need my what do you need my opinion on come

Here oh the lag whenever all right here we go F1 get a good view of this everyone what what this is beautiful dude this is nice I’m not done but um what do you think looks better this wood uh-huh is totally not uh copied from my video yeah uhhuh yeah of course better

Uh this wood mhm or this wood uh I feel like the Cherry would be better all right now wall what do you think Cherry wall or that that the other one um all right cover this whole pink one and then I’ll look on the other side I only have three blocks though oh

My God uh I got to guess if my axe is in my hand there you go no what are you doing oh my God okay I’ll put it back I’ll put it back here he fix it that was my you can’t fix it from my saplings oh my God G one no no

No you put it back no just put it back right here just put it back it’ll never be the same no put it back I didn’t even know how it was okay now connect it to this one on the left no you okay now make it go upwards just upwards yeah yeah yeah

There you go and then put it to the side put it to the yeah there you go see it’s perfect yeah okay what do you think what wall or you want me to fill it in yeah I need you to fill it in real quick just grab one more if you don’t

Mind let let me keep getting seing on let me talk to the chat real quick hold on one second uh speak real quick hello okay now they cannot hear I once had Minecraft from my PS4 lost the USB and my CDs are all scratched for some reason so now I can’t play anymore

And you don’t even have Minecraft rip no no no we fixed a treat but like rip to your Minecraft thing but I think um I mean to me it’s it’s a 20 $2 game to me it’s like cheap but if if it’s too much for you guys then that’s fine just

Just come on watch you can experience it through me of course no problemo Reuben yes there you go and now for the moment of truth let’s see how this bad boy looks all righty so looking from the side okay H yes I think pink would be better all

Right yeah yeah absolutely pink one would be better let me go commit deforestation real quick oh my god look the pedals are look they’re falling down yes yeah I want to F like this whole section with I want to have the same Vibe you know yeah yeah yeah

Yeah you know I mean I know exactly what you mean I don’t think I should cover this tree right here but fudge it we’ll see what happens let me get some bones I have 15 on me let’s make these plants grow all right any you want me to make

Grow uh it does matter all right since it said it doesn’t matter there you go you got one in front of your house well thank yeah yes sir you got another one W thank you I tried I was trying to wait can this no it can’t grow oh wait

You just put in the pot I just realized yeah oh look it’s connected a bit see these two trees right here oh yeah yes sir and you got any more oh I see but but I’m going tear them down right now uh this is too close to the

Wall I cannot I I was really wishing for it to be like right next to it I thought it look cool I think you you like put it a little bit like I say place it right there all right what about here there you go let’s go okay the okay one these

Two trees I’m not breaking either okay you’re not going to break those no I like them all right yeah yeah they look pretty right there yeah back here is it’s fair game you can break any of these yes Sor thank you just come on Lucky two Oh Perfect Two Grew From The Thing

Uh bone meal very nice very nice I’m going to go ahead and get some more bone meal why would you put a mushroom on top of a sand uh my goals are beyond your understanding of course it would be where the fudge is my second tonem of undying you fudging goblins you loot

Goblins I not Ste anything I don’t have anything and then Jose stole my materials like oh it’s mine no the fudge is not but you know I I guess you can keep it you put him in the stairs I don’t know I don’t know where the stashes but he put them in the

Stash like he has a secret stash or what yeah apparently oh that’s right he did he did say something along those lines all right since it’s fair game in the back I’m going to do some uh chopping fing yes sir man you should listen to the music right now it’s really

Good is it litty it is fantastically litty oh my God oh maybe it’s because of things in the way let me see there’s no way I just spammed it like six different times okay what the fge dude something’s wrong with this tree I’m why isn’t it growing here oh

There’s leaves here God dang it Jose I need you to fuding Reuben I need you to break these leaves up top it’s not growing for some reason oh look going away thank you there you go dude I nearly wasted like 20 of them what if I give you a boost

Jump what the heck what the heck don’t worry I got this uh he U you want to keep on farming here you go thank you are you a cat person or a dog person Reuben uh dog I see for me I’d have to be I don’t have a thing against kids but

I just a preference yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for me I think I’d want to cuddle more with a ah I think I’d want to cuddle more with a cat than a dog even though I have cats I mean even though I have dogs here

At the house I was like you have cats I have no se one we do have cats they’re far in the back my dad did you know here’s a funny story a couple weeks ago there was like a you have cats yeah but they’re like the like stray cats that

You see in like the back straight cats yes sir hello loord donov thank you for tuning in to the stream thank you thank you last time a cat pulled up to our house mhm and it had a bird in his mouth was it a big bird it was a small bird oh my

God I was like go okay what were you saying about your cat or oh my bad uh yeah we have like cats in the back and but my dad didn’t tell me about it cuz you remember that Instagram picture I took a picture of of the

Cat uh the the one that was like white uh blue eyes white cat oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I really wanted to take it and my dad knows it too and just like a week after that happened there was a straight cat in the back and my dad was telling

My mom hey I found a cat in the back don’t tell Juan don’t tell toita and then my and then my mom told me and I’m like Dad there was a cat in the back you told him and I wanted to go get it but like

It was late and I’m like ah God dang it my aunt has one of the most chillest Kats what a sad story I just write about one of my viewers were pets they had a they had a hamster and they bro H hamsters for no reason have

Like the most tragic death stories I swear to God yeah oh have you heard that one where the one like uh I don’t know from what video it was but it it was like a picture like have you seen those type of uh comments on YouTube where

Like they have a lot of uh likes but it’s just like one picture yeah there was one where it was a story about like I saw my hamster fizzle out and die cuz he ate a bit of like Coca-Cola or like something that makes it Fizz right yeah and they said

That he heard the last thing he heard from his hamster was like a squee as it sizzled and started expanding like a balloon and just popped what the heck yeah I was like oh my gosh what a way to go out hamsters have the most tragic death

Stories for some reason well you want to hear this one from uh the great guest from my chat yes I used to have a hamster and one day when I was little I took him outside for some fresh air and that mother trucker [Laughter]

Dipped did you just say It ate a bit of Coca-Cola no it it like drank a bit of uh what was it like no no not not Coca-Cola but it was like uh uh it was something powder that made it like fizzle I forgot what it was I I do

Not know but no I didn’t ate Coke now we just have to wait for Jose yeah stinky boy stinky boy I like how this is like two separate areas on the island even though it’s the same one it’s like comp feels completely different so since I am the mushroom guy

I’m going to plant mushrooms over here and like color my roof as if it’s a brick you got the shrooms I do got the shrooms I need a button of uh fudge what am I looking for again ah I remember clay where’s my brick at oh right there it’s not enough I’m

Going to go get more I’m going to go on Expedition Reuben Expedition Expedition where’s our boat okay here they are wait I just realized someone took the one with my cat in then didn’t a oh yeah I was going to take a a boat and I saw the cat I was like should I kick him out but I just left there so it

Was probably close it oh my god dude my cat’s gone what the fu can’t anything you can’t have anything in this it’s not fair nothing goes our way all right the the the dark biome for the the guy the big guy um the warden yes he’s down there

He chilling he is chilling that’s crazy how you guys found like three B three of the rarest things back to back I still can’t believe that that’s insane I’m still fighting over he said he found this place first I found first you found it first are you

Sure when yall were together and I was like Juan I think I found a mushroom oh you did say that you did when you when you were like like a spawn or something I remember I remember cuz I had I had left on an expedition M also that that’s a good nickname for

Your uh Guinea uh hamster by the way Stripes ah cuz I remember that in the episode yeah oh wait oh I’m thinking okay so yes I do know that Craig did have a guinea pig name Stripes but there was actually a hamster called let me Winks let me

Winks and he went on all kinds of crazy adventures in that show all right I was uh muted for a bit did you say anything no did you say anything to me by any chance I did not oh okay okay oh my God I’m getting so many

Saplings out of this you got any bones no shame when when I plant one I go build a house and then bamage is there hello maluk welcome to the stream she it’s been a while since I’ve been on your stream yeah yeah um I’m going to fix these settings later tonight cuz I

Just want to build like the setting of my house but uh one of my uh viewers told me that maybe one of the reasons why I kept like crashing a lot is because I don’t have the right OBS settings oh my bad I did I forgot to mute I’m

Sorry but welcome welcome to the stream by the way thank you for tuning in thank you thank you I’m pretty sure it’s a class pet that’s called L me Winks you going to go to sleep Ruben sleep yeah so I can go back no I’m good I’m feeling oh okay okay

Okay ah what the fudge ah he’s got to try yo he’s doing 360s oh no I can’t get near I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh stop it I thought you were homeless JK no in the game I’m homeless in the game all right I’m going back for round two no No f you yeah I got him I got the guy with the tradit are you proud of me Reuben did it did you get a TR no no disappointment okay I’m Sorry you you do not hear my dog okay you have a dog what you have a dog yeah cuz I just heard you say you did not hear my dog when you when you a dog when’ you tame a dog no no I mean outside my door like I like

Oh my house no I didn’t hear him he’s out there bargain I keep on seeing K man videos and deleted YouTube for and deleted YouTube for a while what’s Kim man what is K man I don’t know what that is let me see that up on my phone real

Quick I’m going to die oh God K man oh Kyle X Cartman ah okay I see what you mean did you know that that’s a ship Reuben a ship you know what shipping is in like shows and stuff oh yeah well there’s one ship that uh you wouldn’t expect these characters

To be shipped with but it’s to be expected and they’re from South Park guess which two characters one I do not watch s Park so I don’t know their name okay so it’s the Jewish one the one with the green hat and the fat one with like the red jacket

Where he’s like respect myor yeah I I don’t remember oh my God yeah it’s and oh my God let me get to my boat fge off ah Ruben he kicking me in the butt are you getting bullied I am getting bullied he’s there’s two of them that ganged up on

Me give me that clay you son of a biscuit here we go no Trident but H come on my revenge speaking of Cartman did you know that one of the character boy boy oh my God Jose you Joined now I’m going to go be my me oh my God where no I’m streaming What the fu you can’t say that guys you know you beat your meat like in actual cooking like yeah of course of course yeah for real cooking I’m going maluk ask uh Jose what you beating

To don’t answer that don’t encourage him you’re gonna say some the most out of [ __ ] thing stepmom got stuck again oh my god oh and that they have a Christmas breaks going to start for them in like 3 days nice merry merry GM merry Merm and that’s for college students

Too oh my fuding gosh I can’t get I can’t get near this guy going get some water I did I’ll be back you’re going to get what I’ll get some water and beat my meat I’ll be back they’re saying you have good taste B I got to season the hotel oh my God

Come on come on come on what oh my what are you living at these fudging Trident guys maybe they’re a lot here cuz I think I got to go to bed now let me go to sleep I got to try it oh it’s at nearly at half over half

Health BR I always get him literally one shot I know what you mean like you think that you’re trying to like whenever you’re finding them and then when you whenever you do find the guy with the Trident and then it’s just ah it’s here bam it’s only like no health or two shots

Left yes are you sleeping coming over all right how do you have Trident and diamonds tool and still homeless okay wait a minute the reason I am homeless is because you know I I got to deal with these two uh shenan you know I got to

Deal with these two Ruben and Jose’s I did nothing exactly I did most of the work for him look at that you see that he admitted to it we are we are we help each other out again exactly fair enough yeah yeah yeah do you want to die I’m sorry hello

Apple pie 274 welcome to the stream thank you for tuning in being homeless is still better I guess man okay so as you see with this floor I did have a house design built but I gave up on it completely you can see it in the last

Stream I did I didn’t rage quit I just you know got like a bit upset you you no no I didn’t get rageed quitting anything I just you know just got a bit upset a bit just a bit Sorry just listening to Peak music right now too you don’t know about anything called too that’s okay neither do I because I only know about the music what don’t worry about it oh the music that I’m using is in the description by the way like the music

Used uh just tell me if it’s too loud by the way yeah it’s copyright no don’t say that the stream’s going to end no hopefully it doesn’t and if it does you guys are here for a treat cuz then yeah watching getting banned live on

Twitch on YouTube uh what did you ask if I had by the way me yeah you said you needed something no I no were you about to say something cuz I think I cut you off no I got mad cuz I broke my chest and everything Spilled

Out YouTube Team banned this guy’s using copyrighted music Don’t at them no sleep rben yeah yeah yeah B them no please Yes we are awake accidentally slept ah sleeping is good so it’s fine wait I got to wait here for it to like I got to wait right here for it to uh actually smell so I can’t even leave here Oh that was you that said that loer door knob L for some reason I I thought it was someone else that said that in the chat no it’s fine it’s fine if you’re feeling sleepy then you know you can listen to me of course and it’ll be like ASMR like

Hi I’m going to do some noise oh just do some ASMR hey a bit of some ASMR uh what should I do now I guess I could just put this junk in here I’ll organize again later keeping this we should play person 5 uh Royale like 100 hours of gameplay actually if

You didn’t know I actually have it in uh on my PS5 so I do have Persona 5 Royale see actually actually actually dude oh Jose fudge Reuben you know what’s crazy oh there you call me how dare you compare me there was one major difference between us and what would that be and

It’s a siey little card with the color of that that card be green perhaps yes I do not require such things I see oh no oh I’m sorry what you saying Oh I said don’t tell them I said that okay yeah every time I get near you like it

Lags a bit like you can’t see my gamertag right here we go yeah I saw you in well I think you’re crushed now but I saw you in the corner of my eye no no no no come towards me and then you’ll see like it’ll like lag a bit

Why you crouching get over here no I’m going oh no it did like a bit never mind get back over there uh I had to deaf in real quick but no I’ve never played any of the Persona games but guess what you know what I pre-ordered Persona 3 the

Remake and I’m going to get it when it comes out cuz you know you know what else is on February 2nd my birthday yeah if you guys don’t know Groundhog Day Persona 3 reload yes I got it I got the uh the big edition of it

Cuz I didn’t want to miss out I got the big one and it’s going to come out on February 2nd which is also my birthday and you know what else comes on February 2nd Suicide Squad the game dude so many things happening on February 2nd

If I said February 4th I don’t know why or maybe I’m thinking of that but February 2nd it’s when the games come out the suicide squad in Persona 3 reload and it’s Groundhog’s Day so there’s a lot you can remember from that all right I’m sorry about that Reuben I had to Deen

Yes yo warning on Persona 3 it’s going to make you tear up is it is persona persona 3 Persona not Persona you fool you play Persona 3 no it’s Persona and I’ve never played any of the Persona games so whenever I play I’m going to play blindly Persona yeah Persona 3 persona

Persona not fur it’s p I think you’re a furry one no I’m not a closet furry or a furry at all why would you say that I no you’re in for a treat don’t go to YouTube or Twitter I have both but I’ll do my best ah I

See 1 2 3 4 5 6 wait it gives me 20 if I use it here oh it is better to use the stone cutter have you been using the stone cutter by the way uhuh if you use the stone cutter for like uh making Stone stuff like you

Know how you put like stone brick together and you get more right yeah you get more for cheap stay unspoiled Persona games are like a once in A- lifetime experience I would love to erase my mermaid to play Persona 3 and four again well here’s the thing I have a PS3 that’s backwards

Compatible with PS2 games and I have Persona 3 uh hold on where is it I have where is it uh hold on I’m looking uh where is it where is it hold on let me look ah my Bel okay so I got the disc and I just uh

Found it for cheap at Game Exchange but I haven’t even played it yet and it’s called Persona 3 Fest and it’s called Festival but it’s like Fest for short and I don’t know if you guys want me to play that first or if you guys want to

See me play the uh remaster or remake of Persona 3 reload dude the fudge where did you get that I got a cheap at Game Exchange they were selling it for like 25 bucks dang how many times have you been using this Anvil I I haven’t even use it that was like

Jose or maybe it was you I haven’t even used it I haven’t touched it once I had even I haven’t even touched it oh wait no I did that’s a lie I put I have a diamond shovel uh pickaxe that’s like Max Enchanted so like I did a couple of like

What’ you do what’ you do what’ you do come here what’ you do what you do I fix my pickaxe you what you do I fix my I fix my give me I fixed my a it’s so expensive around my area oh you oh that’s what I wanted to say as

Well if you have a PS3 then you should definitely on the PS3 oh sorry I’m going to defin real quick Ruben so that way you don’t have to worry about me talking let me do that real quick so I deafened but if you didn’t know if you have a

PS3 uh I don’t yeah if you have a PS3 what you can do is you can go to the uh shop and they have guess what they have Persona one through two like literally all of the Persona games and you know what they have on PS3 Persona 5 and Persona 5

Royale isn’t Royale it’s like it’s not a PS4 four game both PS what the fud they got PS5 or PS4 games on PS3 which is crazy and they got PS1 games but yeah I legit just played Persona 3 fast on a PS2 emulator did you know ah I see I

See dude I’m Legit looking to buy a P3 to play Persona 5 no why would you buy a PS3 if for Persona 5 at least buy a uh PS4 PS3s are very cheap in my area oh okay okay yeah I mean I think the gra I mean

Obviously the graphics are going to tank a bit but um uh Whatchamacallit but if you want to get it on the PS3 then that’s fine too but if you can uh try to get a PS4 cuz I know ps5s are like expensive expensive I would know I I bought one

For you don’t want to know but you know there we go I do have a PS4 oh okay yeah wait if you have it’s just broken oh no that sucks dude I’m sorry to hear about that hey I got a question for you guys

Um I think I can but since this is like a onetime experience thing for like you know anytime like I go in blind for a game would you guys prefer me stream the Persona games or would you prefer it if I um if I uh recorded it and then uploaded it on

YouTube what do you guys think do you think I should like record it or do you would you prefer to like stream it have me stream it sorry just was out of curiosity I want to know what you guys think just record all right all right yeah yeah and then

Persona whenever Persona three reload comes out then I’ll do it oh no where’d you go Reuben where’d you go Reuben did he leave Discord what he’s gone where’d he go let me call him I think he’s in the phone call cuz he’s like hanging up right away it’s fine we’ll just wait for

Him you def wait did I def uh no I did not R Jose the [ __ ] the the other he’s busting that H I think he’s on a phone call right now cuz he just left right away and whenever I tried calling him he uh uh hung up yeah he’s busting case right

Now he’s busting case what does that mean busting case goit just record less chance of getting spoiled and back seated oh okay okay okay okay hey Jose guess what comes out on February 2nd Feb second Feb 2 February 2nd I just excuse you did you burp gu

No oh let me guess is it a movie it’s a game two games as a matter of fact oh it’s a game yeah in February the [ __ ] comes out Fe you don’t know what comes out in February no second Suicide Squad killed the Justice League and that’s not all the Persona 3 remake called Persona 3 reload so a remake yeah and you know that they crucified that game like a

Long time ago what do you mean they crucified I remember seeing so many bad reviews on the trailer I’m like damn oh nah that that’s just a bunch of haters and a bunch of like nitpicking n pick yeah yeah I agree what Nick picking what Nick no okay

Nitpicking nitpicking criti I said Nick I said Nick picking like Nick like a person Nicholas isn’t even here I know just I I even asked him on the group chat like hey join us again yeah Manuel saw it but he’s like he’s grinding a Modern Warfare 3 and he said he’ll and

He said he’ll join whenever he’s finished so we might not see him for a couple of months and Nicholas didn’t even respond he just saw the message dang what you do to him bro you you hope broke his heart BR what did I do all I all I said was I didn’t really

Want to play botom Warfare 3 it’s not even that good you just look Ju Just say I can’t afford m Warfare 3 instead of I don’t want to okay and then when they buy you the game you’re like buy me the game you’re going to buy me the game

That’s what that’s what you do to me I don’t want to play and then you buy it for I think I’ve bought in like two games for the low price of what the fud oh another Trident guy who have you bought games for uh it

Was I forgot fuding oh my God not for me though I have but I forgot what games it was Gmod yep Gmod that was like 10 bucks I don’t know why the [ __ ] you got G mod if we never Play Just Because to have I guess just to have just

Gmod just Gmod [ __ ] you 10 bucks and you act like as if I paid for your whole game gallery because of you I bought one two but they were all like on sale and stuff no no no no three games that I never [ __ ] use battle blocks uh we never [ __ ]

Play Dead Space 3 we never [ __ ] play that was Black Ops 3 and we never [ __ ] play that we’re all on sale black Black Ops 3 all of that was like for 30 Battle blocks was 10 or 15 no it wasn’t for sale though it battle blocks

Yes yeah it was no I I I think I bought you that one oh yeah I think that one too oh my God yeah I did get you that one so you only used likeing it sure it was a good day today huh what that yeah how’s the [ __ ] day

For me what happened tell me what what troubled you young one what trouble you why was it bad then I was trying to do something for my business but it wasn’t working so I gave up ah I see oh I was going to um I I’ll get the

Stuff for Ruben by the end of the week by the way so that way like everything will be ready all right man he’s got a trident what’s up with these guys with Trident all right here we go what’s good ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow yes

Die have you ever played any Persona games Jose nope I see I think it’s stupid what do you mean the only one that I would like to play would be five but the rest are just stupid you want to borrow Persona 5 yep for I do I have it on disc cuz it

Was the one that was on sale before at the Whatchamacallit uh Traders Village but I didn’t get the chance to play it cuz you know I I I forgot like PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 games as well the for the PlayStation 4 yeah for the

PS4 I think about it all right yeah that’s that’s good because that [ __ ] is a lot of story based now yeah it’s like turn-based RPG I believe do you like that those type of games turnbas if you don’t know what turn-based RPG is it’s like um you

Attack first and then your enemy attacks and then goes back and yeah like that kind of stupid BR you don’t like that you just swing [ __ ] Swing Swing Swing fight fight fight but I mean I could I could play strategy strategy it’s like Pokemon yeah ju think about it if you do

And then I’ll let you borrow it if you want yeah let me Bor all right yeah yeah so whenever you swing by my house I I’ll give you like hey here’s the game bend over boy oh my God that reminds me I got to buy the Persona

Games on the PS3 if I want to even like record them cuz they asked they yeah cuz um you won’t believe this but guess what they have on the store that’s Persona related and the PS3 store elies all of them all the games from the first one to like Persona 5

Royale and that Persona 5 Royale didn’t even come out until like when did it come out cuz it was like in 20 something Persona 5 Royale date uh personify Royale release date it came out in 2019 and it was on the PS3 I saw it on there so they have like that’s crazyy

Dog so you could live stream it question uh they said they prefer recording so that would like less chance of like back seating and stuff all right so I’m going to have to buy the first one as well but they’re also cheap how much is it out of it uh not as much

As you think for like six games even the first one yeah the one that cost like 300 bucks if you want the disc yeah that’s that’s still crazy to me uh yeah I think it’s like goes for 15 so yeah so in total i’ would say 100 bucks for all of

It I believe so yeah maybe even less cuz there’s like bundles but you have to include taxes one that’s true yeah that’s true that is true a responsible person you know you grown up when you add taxes to your prison yeah no longer than days I grown

Up one I am grown up you’re a child I just for I just forgot to do the taxes n no n n you child I am a man I have a beard at the end of the day I’m a man a man a man that loves get it through your head get it

Your and apparently that was from like a serious video like it was one of those like serious um uh skits I mean I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be funny but serious no no no I watched it and it’s like a serious thing but like that part was just

Funny it was out of pocket what oh no it’s because uh there’s this funny video that we were talking about uh here let me put the audio on at the at the end of the day Ronnie I’m a man yeah um put it up a man that

Like at the end of the day Ronnie I am a man a man who’s gay you like [ __ ] get that through your head funny we say we don’t have that pass I mean I do F you huh yeah bro I have black friends what’s up okay I’m the least racist out

Of all of us basketball no you’re more of a tennis guy anyways do you think black people don’t play tennis I still see some they go crazy in the tennis court and the basketball court I forgot her name but she’s really popular at tennis Serena Williams yes there you go

Why did I forget her name like a portal she got a she got a body if you know what I mean thank you Jose what do you mean are you no I’m saying thank you for that input of yours just it just means I’m not racist okay okay

Buddy I’m not racist if I smash I’m not racist I I have a crush on the on a black lady yes sir no your parents dead Jose welcome Jesus Christ why would you dude both your parents are dead oh my God to the ne they well you

Can’t just say why did they follow me to the ne they followed you cuz they were like ah they’re my my uh where are you going Jose we’re coming with you heyo Juan what do you like the least about Reuben okay uh I I think it would have to be the fact

That I have nothing to say about bad about him that’s like one of the bad things he’s too perfect man he’s that good of a he’s that good of a person I I I can’t believe it he barely talks enough so we don’t give him anything no criti yeah me

Allah Allah me Allah because I’m gonna the [ __ ] yeah my phone died by way yeah I was wondering like what happened cuz it said like you hung up you kept hanging up right so I thought maybe like you were on the phone call with someone your porn towns were taking too much

Space my is going to mess up the portals bro this game drains better like no tomorrow I have my phone at like 56 mhm and then bam I get the message your phone’s at %. at 15% it went from 56 to 15 yeah but and but since my phone it’s like the

Battery is all screwed up as soon as it reaches like 15 mhm it starts draining fast even if you cook it up do you have those type of chargers for your phone where like uh well you have Android right it’s a fast charger yeah it’s a

Fast charger you hook it up it does like the blue 14 13 12 ah but it’s the one that has like the blue thing that shows up right instead of green when you charge it wow you don’t know about that cuz there are some Chargers where like if

You plug it in instead of like the usual green circle for charging it’s blue and it’s supposed to be faster and it even tells you it’s faster the cube the cube and the screen say fast charging ah I think my chat screen is frozen cuz no one’s saying anything let me

See they all left without you oh no yeah no they’re not saying anything cuz there’s no messages sleep oh it’s just me py just me that was left to sleep on your route is so dumb I I got lost I’ll come actually yeah I’ll come save you

Real quick save me you need save it sa me of your shitty [ __ ] design all right I have pumpkins and and dang my armor is about to die from getting you so many times Jose B I nearly broken do your job I would if you would actually stop

Dying you know that would be pretty good did I do it without I no I don’t think so go up that tree when you’re past the soul Valley No [ __ ] I’m at the the portal the other portal you made the portal you made for the the other oh oh dang you made

It did I yeah this is like a you’re safe at that point you just keep going straight well we we made it to this point and we still died shut the [ __ ] up I got knocked over oh that’s I was going to get a bucket a thicker a thicker

W I need that and I need uh sugar good thing we have so many sugar canes I have half a heart if I get sniped I die uh be careful you might have to drop a few blocks no you don’t actually never mind drop do I go here please don’t get

Sned when did uh when when did Jose join he joined uh literally after you left [ __ ] it was touch me bro all right I’ll come get you Jose invisible shut the [ __ ] up you want me to get you you got it I don’t need you you need me bro you need me no

[ __ ] you need me to save you you need me to do your savings What the fu okay you’re the last you’re the last person I want to talk about savings about uh let me go ahead and milk these cows of their nutritional soup even the the smallest things one copies me

From I thought I thought it was fine what the heck I think you’re learning about the real world that not everything is royalty free no oh God and I’m still waiting for these bricks to like hurry up man fudge this what am I doing I got to do the

Alterior the bricks the bricks darn bricks oh I saw your PS2 the broken one yeah M how much commission eight where the [ __ ] what did you leave it it for boards yeah for boards how much you get like 30 15 yeah we went for 15 did it actually go that low no I

Mean I just told him that like the video thing was broken I mean we it was offer up oh we didn’t have to pay for any fees so he’s all right nice there still there’s still people on left Road it’s crazy yeah bro that’s how I got my first

Car did you actually what you didn’t get that car boy no oh you got inherited The Inheritance you know yes quite literally inheritance dang Ren uses need to wait for your parents to die I mean what what get so you could get all the course the

Ranch the cor Ranch I I just have my miot that’s all I need so you’re going to sell the co hey yo give me the co range I’ll give you like two bucks the co range is what you call it the cool yeah the it’s a better name all

Right the cool R the cool R I just have to put the audio down slightly down I don’t know if that helps maybe it did maybe you didn’t I’m pretty sure I didn’t come this way but how’s the Expedition Jose your [ __ ] up okay I sh a [ __ ]

Ah oh my gosh I got to put a labels on these chests now I got to find the the hidden hole you made little piece of [ __ ] just literally go up the tree and go straight you’ll find it just hug the wall [ __ ] tree one what the [ __ ] you

Made it pass out of the Soul Valley right into the red Forest go literally go up hole you made just keep going straight upwards and then look around at the corner like there’s going to be a cliff when you’re up and look a bit to the left [ __ ] there’s a

Gas Cassy [ __ ] C [ __ ] yes have you ever heard of one a girl for I have it was funny yes you really damn dirty okay I’m not GNA say I’m notna I’m okay okay because it most likely was your relatives nope oh it was not a relative really my [ __ ] was

Relative was it stranger what the [ __ ] acquaintance you say uh High School tell your girl your ex farted in your face no no no no that would have been awesome what this one’s dream who said that this one’s world fantasy wow fantasy no I would not agree to

That ah fudge I let I’ll F in your face if you give me 100 B you’re not female enough you’re not female enough 100 books D pretty no oh I was to you know this reminds me of the thing where it’s like um uh Whatchamacallit the thing where it’s

Like uh man I do anything right now and it’s like a 20 bucks just shows up out of nowhere 20 bucks there 20 bucks oh God did you see that Australian guy he say I’m not gay but 20 bucks 20 bucks no no what did you say he’s my role model

Or something cuz you wish you could Australian accent an Australian accent mate the a mate the AES out of all the out of all the loons I’ve been encountering this far it’s actually you I have no gold you have no gold so now the pigs are attacking you yeah and

Then your Trail [ __ ] it is an easy Trail I you know what I’ll I’ll put you know what I’ll put torches like I said if I’m putting down the Capt someone where they go o piece of candy o piece of candy you have no torches I you have

No gold bro you’re pretty you broish you br no drip no women come over here oh so you do need my help huh what was that ear about uh shut up I don’t need your help so you could so I can show you your shitty [ __ ] design

Okay I guess I’ll go to see how bad my design is wink wink then do it [ __ ] come on I’m coming I guess if I guess not by a go a goth by a G by a by goth or a a skeleton un believe me when the [ __ ] did

Skeletons start coming to the nether bro Happ nah bro I ain’t never seen no against they’ve been there bro they’ve been there oh no oh no oh no oh no ah they’re going to push me off the edge All My Friends Are Dead kill them bro you have Diamond [ __ ]

Bro you being a [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die bro oh my God bro don’t be a [ __ ] no no you can be over there I’ll be over there in a bit I’m about to die just come this way you’ll be safe you come

[ __ ] let me let me poke out real quick letke oh sorry let let me read what the chat says bro whatever you do do not associate with Persona Twitter or the community whatsoever it is cancer is it that bad it can’t be that bad and look we got a cow

Here I got an idea oh my God I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea you’re going to love this you guys are absolutely going to love this real quick every everyone that’s watching the stream what should I name the cow what

Should I name the cow by the way what should I name what should I name the cow because I can put a name on there cuz I got a oh my gosh I nearly forgot about my axe holy cow your mom okay okay kid you’re not that guy you’re not him bro

Oh wait I had wait where’s my name tag don’t tell me Jose took it too you’re on oh you guys you guys you know what maybe I should name it um H let’s see maluk or dorov who should I name this then no I’m just kidding uh I’ll just fudge it there milky

All right I’m going undef real quick yeah so did you make it out of the nether yet I did so what do you think what you that huh I I got a free by playing games earning points no you were so close too your [ __ ] ass you useless ass

[ __ ] he still the one I’m the one talking trash he get better at you why is he pointing his anger out at me bro nothing wrong here you know what I’ll come get you Jose shut the [ __ ] I don’t need you and right now cuz I want to see what

Trail you follow cuz you went in a whole different area it is clear as day how the trail goes and you went off course on the TR trilers I went straight and then I just saw enemies mhm your is dog sh that’s a lie boy boy

Boyy I can’t do this is that my cat no I can’t do this anymore I’m me where’s the cow milky that’s why you call your cows yep I’m calling it milky we need sheep on this island we do well we have a permanent food source in the nether by

The way you can just infinitely mil cow I need I need wool I guess we can bring she I mean we have le but uh come on the boat with me Reuben and then let’s go get some sheep real quick or sleep first no what happened saving me [ __ ] you’re

Not even in the nether I don’t need it I don’t need your help but like you’re not even in the nether but come to the go to the nether real quick so me and Ru can SLE I’m going you oh so you don’t need my

Help oh why would I need a help from a man that can’t help himself that’s crazy what type of philosophy is this what type of what are you speaking of the monkey Bo oh my God both of you not just mimic me BR boy BR boy name the cow

Stupid I’m not naming the cow that no name him what the name the cow stupidity yeah name him next something squeak oh that would have been a better name but I just named it milky you guys got hairs on your uh Shoulders by any

Chance I do too and I feel I don’t know I see other people H uh like have Smooth hair for guys I’m like I kind of feel weird about that where my PUK no on your shoulder I even said it and for some reason one of them like grows insanely

Long and I just pull it in your nipple on your shoulder the shoulder I’m coming to save you Ruben or Jose I’m dead boy [ __ ] you H [ __ ] you in your life wello it’s your fault for not being able to see where the not being able to see

Bro guys it’s so hard finding the path that’s in front of me no there’s [ __ ] fat pigs over here [ __ ] trying to kill me every time sounds like a skill with you bro wait you have that whole cave with like all the uh ores you didn’t even mine

Yet no comment bro said no com you have more minerals than any of us broen to this listen listen to this Juan you w mean Ruben you understand Robin trains with the Revolutionary Army for two years no hockey ranji runs from gay people for two years AR Armament observation one of

The six powers that’s crazy yeah don’t worry about it Ruben it’s nothing important for you right now cuz it’s uh one piece related ification that sanji’s the best character in the game it’s one piece related but in the game he said here I’m going to build this path wider for

You um I’m just healing you [ __ ] I got you hey y Ruben who do you think is that that guy oh never mind you wait do you know no you don’t who do you think is that guy that saved Luffy in log toown this is Dad how you

Know cuz I know I’m that guy how you know how you know about that you’re not supp to know that yet that’s crazy Ruben his name is uh boy Monkey D Dragon yeah monkey you didn’t it did not even tell you about that yet you’re not even there

That’s like the epilog of water 7 you got spoiled didn’t you I mean give the fact it’s been there for years oh yeah okay no don’t look at Instagram Just Close Your Eyes in just Instagram you know what I me uninstall it Bo the noise that kby makes the bo

Sounds like chicken in Spanish I like a so [ __ ] proud of himself each time he translate something in isn’t that amazing guys boo it’s like chicken and it’s like what Kirby says look at chicken the basketball player Curry Kirby no not not Stephen Curry the [ __ ] is Stefan or whatever his name

Is yes his name is Stefan Stephan Curry I meant to say uh uh like like Kirby Kirby the dog Kirby the fudging pink thing whatever he is pink hair what the fudge how do you break this faster taunt you’ll never taunt you’ll never be Kirby I want a Kirby

That like cute little ball of like pink Bubblegum adorable I want a lot of things I do I want your sister you have no money I get her number you have no money no money inia no you know in India okay I’m not a I’m not an Indian

Where is going you have to get married you have to pay the family like [ __ ] oh yeah Bri a Dar yeah some people give them goats why is that to be if you’re a foreigner you got to [ __ ] pay them oh ju ju ju see that big ass B in front of

Me no ju here I’m making the path bigger for you I got you here you go it’s even fireproof all right here we go do you see the boar I do see a still going to find some way to die yeah I’m watching I am watching he’s

Dead if you try to hit me off I’ll kill you why’ you oh no no no if I’m going down I’m taking you with me I oh they could it went up here for you it was one you couldn’t do your job bro look not even 5 seconds after I said

That Ruben he turns around looks at me and starts punching me it’s because you told me not to do it hor if you just kept on no I know for a fact you were going to do it anyways I had a feeling you were going

To do it either way look I’m not saying that I’m a j but you know how you when you get tell kids don’t do it but they still do it it yes I have the same mentality did you just say you got the seen mentality no oh oh we found a

New boy you’re dead I’m going to kill you R after this don’t think I forget don’t think I’ll forget he gets up this so easily all righty I’m going back for my things let’s see who can get there first Jose I’m running there with nothing no

Gold no food let’s see who gets there first bro you’re closer hopefully you die again don’t say that why would you say that see I didn’t copy the noise that time you wanted me to copy that noise no you think you live in my head rentree well every time I answer the

Phone or like I call you like oh my God what do you want exactly you only want something from me I’m at one heart oh you died over here with the carrots I see it [ __ ] you was they eat their own [ __ ] dogs all dogs eat their own

Feces not their own some people some dogs eat their own you know why they do that why they do that actually why do they doat no it’s depending I read that if a dog did my ax fall no way if a dogs like uh digestive system is [ __ ] up uh-huh they’ll eat they’ll

There it is so it could like help really isn’t that what grass is for yeah some of them eat grass some [ __ ] isn’t that counterproductive to eat their own feces if it like literally no nutrients ass conversation like a long ass time ago no we did not I don’t remember about

Eating [ __ ] what probably humans but like not dogs humans why the [ __ ] or well explain to me why dogs do eat their own species Okay Google it then [ __ ] okay never mind what type of conversations are these hey why does this happen no okay I told you and if you don’t believe

Me then Google it [ __ ] if you’re not going to take my word for it then shut the [ __ ] up oh my God why are you beating homeless people T I’m not just I’m not I promise I’m not it’s no not the title is not beating the homeless it’s beating the homeless

Allegations cuz I will be having a house this stream finally Bea no I’m not I promise the Great Depression go on explain the joke that’s why it won’t happen all right you can come on the bridge oh gotta yeah see everything is all fine and daddy Dandy not Daddy Dandy

No beating homeless people over here oh my gosh I just watched that happen in front of me front of my eyes Jay’s P I don’t know what that means I think said J’s pubes no they’re coming up here get ready why allegations yes beating the homeless

Allegations go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back go back Jordan did that move all right we’re good you ready do you need food you need food you need food you bastard do you need

Food uh I don’t have any no I’m kidding I’m kidding I got you why you give me the watermelon you racist what do you mean your character is not black or anything they call me the black Mexican why they call you the black Mexican Jose play basketball okay follow me follow

Me look there’s a whole path over here is this better for you is this better no the place where I no I went down here right I went over here and you w you’re supposed to go straight over here heyy follow the Ed and then and

Then where do I go huh are you blind wait wait wait no here there was a whole thing you see this without the dirt where did where go right here there was like right here right here no right here like before I plac a dirt there was like

A whole two block thing right here yeah then I passed it what what and you go left okay we don’t go straight there oh thank you everyone that’s spamming the hearts in the chat by the way I I I see that I see that thank you thank you

Thank you we don’t go left see that they they love watching my streams they love me than you now everyone in the Stream say I got to go no don’t say that please don’t leave me there is this better for you is that a door that is a door open it’s it’s a

Handle it has a handle on there it’s in the front so like milky can I kill milky no we need her for food why the [ __ ] did you build milky here it was it was already in here I didn’t even do that it’s because she was already in

Here wa is that a door yeah it is okay she wanted to be here so true Lo orob so True you know I like how instead of cobblestone I probably could have used the wood instead where’s my favorite minority it’s me the irony in that to go the house I’m renovating it oh it’s pink are you gay excuse me what’s wrong with pink that’s crazy Reuben hey go up go up go

Up go up go up the stairs in the ladder I don’t think I’m going to be able to make a house this stream I haven’t even started on it cuz I’ve been trying to save Jose the whole time you know not my fault what do you mean I

Say myself hold on I’m going to go say hi to my mom real quick cuz I think she’s here did you say I did my job I got to say hi to my mom cuz I think she’s here be your ass said what are you doing BR

Bag I’m going to go to my stash you want to know where my stash is was I me ju was asking about the stash I was like I have no idea where it is cuz I don’t M it’s better if you don’t know all right I was right behind you anyway you want

Bro I know the general direction in which you troubled I did that on purpose that’s why I’m crouching right now oh they’re crazy I’m using the big brain big brain where the [ __ ] am I you can’t have a stash if you loose it uh honestly I did lose it you lost

It the general area yes maybe K found it because I don’t think he was I didn’t see him mining I me digging why are so many [ __ ] trees the trees are [ __ ] me up that would be me you see me crouching little bit no all right let

Me I’m trying to [ __ ] see my ax is tou wait was your stash in a tree no it was in a tree wait is up there no I need another block not can what what are you doing don’t worry about it bro if it’s up there is going

To find it see it see [ __ ] what happened to his garden bro his farm do you hear that yes hear nothing I lost his St I ain’t going lie Oh how many diamonds did you have in like 22 he says Bo was Bing but I’m trying to find it so I have so many apples I’m going to tell you now bro you know where was it was underneath the water where his little farm was but now that there’s no [ __ ] Farm

Anymore he I don’t know where the GPS is disc I don’t know where the [ __ ] it is bro I don’t remember it’s was over here what I’m pretty sure it was like right here yeah bro it’s somewhere here like right here cuz is look this post right

Here mhm and this no no look right here this wood right here his melons were running this way like that I think they were running like that I think lost the Tero papers bro yes oh is it this it looks placed no what about this no I think one found it accidentally

He yeah I think have I mean he was playing offline I need a [ __ ] h m better next time you want I show you myage yeah that’s a sign of respect come to me come to me you going bring a shov bring come to me come to me you go down

Here my stash is proof Dam I wish I had a okay you keep going down until you find two blocks on your right bam you see these two blocks that look different o yeah okay look now wait wait wait wait let drop this are you guys trying to look for me

Put going to fill it up little what are you guys doing what are you guys doing we’re uh drug drug deals all right I’m here where you guys at did you find a hidden drest where are you over there Jose what are you doing over there did you find a

Hidden chest did I where do you have any CH where do you have your a that no I didn’t are you saying you lost the chest with the diamonds wait Jose sleep at the bed so that we can sleep so you can kill me

No come here you go and there you go and there you go where are my diamonds where are my diamonds look what is this digging over here you guys actually forgot where you put the diamonds yeah I don’t know where they I mean that wasn’t there crazy Jose might be the other side

Of the godam just accept it ju they’re my diamonds ah you lost your own diamonds then how do you lose your own diamonds why did you type we we in the chat loal doob he just put we we he French I Fu with it oh did you see that French lady that

Was getting molested huh yes I was turned on what how the fudge did you lose your diamonds okay so let me tell you how it happened I was going to help Jose come over here no right no I was already here he think no no okay

Wait okay before that tell the St no no no let me tell the story let me tell you the story so how it happened was Jose traveled thousands of blocks to get here and you know what the first thing he does is he hits me goes into my chest

Test takes 11 pieces of Diamonds and runs off with them and some other valuables too and like right here he puts some other things in there too watching my story one and not only that not only that he claims oh it was my my stuff I’m like no it was

Not and then he hides the diamonds he fuing hides the diamonds and now he loses them bro he loses the diamonds that he tried to hide for himself I mean I hide am I Am I Wrong yes let me tell you what really happened without the white washing bom CL bro we are

Brown how do you kill a chest how do you kill a diamonds they don’t die you died one you died you died no let me speak [ __ ] you died you died what the [ __ ] are you talking about you miss bum okay go for it look you died in the nether I coincidentally

Came when you respawned and you picked up your diamonds and I was like oh he has no shield no nothing and I killed you I killed you while you had your diamonds and then and then I took them because they’re SPO of War you know what

I’m saying and I won them from Battle Mortal Kombat and that you know and I hid them because you were like [ __ ] this I’m going to go get my stuff in the that’s why I still had him and then I’m like okay while he’s over there let me hide

Him that is how it happened yeah we even you even recorded this [ __ ] you at I did I did and you are a mother trucker dude they I won it from war all right [ __ ] no you didn’t you only won it because I was already injured in frail cuz I came back

From the nether all we stuff right now this that’s what you’re doing right you stole all my [ __ ] oh no uh I I I didn’t take this my SPS of war no no huh is that not the same thing you did yeah you could take him you could take it you

Could take it but no I’m not at I’m I don’t need your permission to take it it’s mine now do I need your permission for that’s why I broke my chest plate dumb [ __ ] no I just checked well fine you know what that’s not even mine anyways I got it from the

Bastion I got it I got it from the Woodland Mansion yeah whatever my Mansion the one that you couldn’t clear until I was there you I wanted a clear it in a professional manner you kept dying too many times and you tried to kill me you decided to [ __ ] just [ __ ] Yol the

[ __ ] and made the the mansion look like [ __ ] that’s no once I got there there was already a lot of explosions that was all you no we only Pi up the roof no you didn’t it was not just a roof I saw that only thing I care was the HV the

H you dang they’re saying you suck at PVP why you healing [ __ ] what you healing [ __ ] the [ __ ] all hey he what the [ __ ] look at him look at this guy look at him bro look at him no you did that why are you trying to jump like that he’s crouching he’s trying to walk

Die hit your chest [ __ ] hit your chest yeah hit your chest hit your chest that was what I thought that’s what I thought oh no what did you break oh my God he’s breaking so many things and I can’t even repair it no no no

No I’m going to bed I’m going to bed oh my God I’m going to bed man oh I’m going sa my outro real quick thank you everyone for tuning into the stream they called for me I came I did my time now I must leave so until

Someone calls for me this is tons snake 42109 signing out good night everyone you are a mother trucker oh my God I swear to God God I’m going to ride all over your and then I’m going to ride on me you’re going to ride on me baby

Ride on me no maybe maybe this is why y are OB segregated my villain Arc begins my villain AR Shut the [ __ ] You Killed Me multiple times that was your fault that was your fault bro come on come on you to build your house I didn’t

Even I didn’t even get to cuz I spent the whole time dealing with josea and his Shenanigans you broke the bed too oh my my God you talking about you broke your own bed oh my God I’m going to bed good night what were you what were you

Cheating did you get go get your stomach I did not I can’t even do that cuz that’s bad I don’t like it whenever I go in creative and I never went by the way I never wanted to create no no no I mean did you exit the world so Juan could

Leave I mean Jose could leave so you can pick up your stuff yes you the yes but I’m doing that later though you’ll never know what time I’ll do it but I’ll do it later good night all right I’ll see you later see you later I hang go first OS

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Beating the Homeless allegations by the end of this stream!’, was uploaded by TauntSnake 42109 on 2023-12-12 16:47:26. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:01 or 5641 seconds.

Did somebody say TauntSnake?! BEWARE, for I have arrived! blocky

(Ɔ˘⌣˘)[Chat/Viewer rules and etiquette that’ll make the stream fun to watch!](˘⌣˘ C)

1. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This means that there should be NO NEGATIVITY in the chat. ☞UNDERSTAND THIS☜

2. EXCESSIVE(SPAM/TROLL) will ruin my, and the viewers experience of the game. My mods and I will deal with them.

3. I play games at my own pace; recklessly or strategically, and if need be, I’ll ask for your help. So please, TRY NOT TO BACKSEAT unless I need it.

4. I might not read your message as it’s typed in. There is stream delay and there’s no reason to, “TYPE IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS”! to get my attention. I will read it don’t worry lol! …or maybe I’m just in the zone and missed it I’msorryI’llreaditinabit…

5. Please don’t talk about unrelated topics to the stream and keep your IRL identity to yourself. I am an entertainer and it’s my job to make everyone have fun and feel comfortable watching my streams.

6. You can mention other streamers/streams in my chat if it’s related to the stream or unless I bring them up. Don’t mention my channel/stream in other channels unless they bring me up, or if it’s related to their stream. It’s very rude and mainly disheartening to see viewers come to one’s channel and have conversations of other channels in the chat. AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED LOL?!?!?!

7. If you see anyone do any of the above and continue to be unfriendly, then just ignore them and my mods and I will deal with them. Also, it’s fine to poke fun of and taunt people, especially me, but please don’t beat us down too much lol! After all, it’s a given to taunt as it’s in the channel name and I’m sure my community understands when people are being sarcastic or humorful lol.

Other than that – WELCOME TO THE CHANNEL ( ̄∇ ̄)

Music used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY7FpB9BZH4

Credit to Artist:

SOCIAL MEDIAS: Follow mah Twitter: https://twitter.com/aguilar42109?s=09 Follow mah Instagram: https://instagram.com/juan_aguilar42109?igshid=1b67329vhctuq


Friends who joined (or didn’t): Jose Sarmiento (JFlip): https://youtube.com/channel/UCOELRg-DawA3BNZtTJChVXw


Minecraft is an indie survival sandbox construction video game designed by Markus “Notch” Persson, Jens “Jeb” Bergensten, and Mojang Studios and developed on Java and C++. The game allows players to collect, assemble, or destroy a variety of blocks in a three-dimensional, procedurally-generated environment. The game takes inspiration from multiple sources, specifically the game Infiniminer.

Minecraft is a game that has no specific goals to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play it. However, there is an advancement system. While the gameplay revolves through the players’ experiences, the game encourages many players to choose their own way of “adventure”. There is no right or wrong way to play the game, players can play the game however they want it to be.

(Description copied from here) https://minecraft-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft#Gameplay


Enjoy the solo and co-op gameplay with my friends, because the fun times are coming ahead! -TauntSnake42109 Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ

#Minecraft #TauntSnake42109 #BedrockEdition #Survival

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends

    Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. Dive into a realm where imagination takes center stage and players of all ages can unleash their inner builder, explorer, and adventurer. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Content Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a creator in the Minecraft domain, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only entertaining but also humorous, spreading joy… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

    AI's Outrageous "What If" Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch) Minecraft Sketch: AI’s Ideas for “What If…” Scenarios Imagine a world where AI generates ideas for Minecraft videos! In a recent video, AI came up with scenarios for “What If…” sketches. Curious to know what AI concocted and how these scenes will unfold? Stay tuned till the end of the video to find out! Host: The co-pilot for this creative endeavor is none other than the AI from the Bing browser (although it’s still not the best browser, by the way). Inspiration: The inspiration behind these imaginative ideas comes from the series “Bláznivé nápady” by StudioMoonTV. Editing: The video… Read More

  • Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥

    Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! ArtsEducated’s Summer Craft LIVE!!! Minecraft FTB Revelation’, was uploaded by Arts Educated on 2024-05-17 06:16:58. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:51:34 or 17494 seconds. We ran out of materials! NEED MORE!!!! DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! My name is Mr. B and I am a K-12 Art Teacher and High School Esports coach that loves to play video games! The channel is family friendly content that I want everyone to enjoy! We play anything and everything. I play a lot of Roguelikes and… Read More

  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds Ever

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 🤕’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-26 08:30:01. It has garnered 1859 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    GRENINJA vs SCULK - EPIC MINECRAFT DEATH MATCH! #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Mutant Death Generate More Sculk? #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MEET GRENINJA on 2024-05-31 06:30:02. It has garnered 12280 views and 429 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shader – Complementary Resource Pack – Prime Hd (512x) #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : who did it best competition? #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-03 02:25:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀

    Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamil || Minecraft, But I Travelled To MARS…’, was uploaded by Frosterplayz on 2024-05-19 05:00:30. It has garnered 1007 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. Parakkuromm!!🚀🌑… ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╕╚╣╔╣╔╕ ╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecrafttamil #Frosterplayz Read More

  • Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!

    Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE AND ZEQA WITH VIEWERS!’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-21 11:22:53. It has garnered 178 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:17 or 4157 seconds. minecraft,hive,live,shorts, Read More

  • Pemwen’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮

    Pemwen's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft 💖 (100 Sub Special)’, was uploaded by Pemwen on 2024-06-03 22:28:01. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:35 or 1775 seconds. SUBSCRIBE 💎 ==================================== 🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/sA7CDzv3zE ====================================================== Tags 🏷️ ====================================================== #gorillatag #flashback #epic #gtag #vr #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #gtagghost #new #update #gaming #games #gtag #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #new #gtagghost #update #gaming #games #gorillatag #vr #oculus #gorillatagupdate #update #new #gtag #gtagghost #awsome #gorilla #monkey #viral #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #videos #valorant #art #newupdate #news #shorts #short #shortvideo #subscribe #like #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #comedy… Read More

  • “Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness” #live #smp #minecraft

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  • Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | Minecraft

    Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Neuro DerNIER on 2024-01-08 04:30:01. It has garnered 10432 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts Enderman’s Revenge: A Minecraft Short. Watch how an enderman gets back at another enderman for stealing his block in this hilarious 8-second animation. #minecraft #enderman #shorts #minecraft #minecraftindia #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #minecraftanimation #minecraftenderman #minecraftrevenge #minecraftprank #minecraftmemes #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideo #minecraftyoutuber #minecrafttiktok #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcomedy #minecrafttips #minecrafttutorial #minecraftmods #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild minecraft minecraft india minecraft shorts minecraftfunny minecraftanimation minecraftenderman minecraftrevenge minecraftprank minecraftmemes minecraftgaming… Read More

  • AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMP

    AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMPAfiqNajmi46’s SMP Season 7 Version : 1.20.4 Up time: 99.895% Online mode: false Discord SRV available Awesome datapacks and plugins Free of lagg 24/7 support Bedrock/Java supported 1.7-1.20.4 support IP:AfiqNajmi46.mc-world.net Port:5690 Discord: https://discord.gg/hhnfHUU AfiqNajmi46.mc-world.net:5690 Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Big Screenshots”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Big Screenshots"Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • “Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥” #minecraft #memes #funny

    "Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥" #minecraft #memes #funny When you’re trying to summon the Minecraft gods for good luck but end up just repeatedly slapping your own hands together. Maybe try sacrificing a diamond next time? #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems 😂🙏💎 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in 2D World – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in 2D World - Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in a 2D World Orhan, a dedicated Minecraft player, embarked on a challenging journey in Minecraft Hardcore mode. In this unique gameplay, he attempted to survive for 100 days in a flat, 2D world. Let’s delve into the exciting details of his adventure! Exploring the 2D World Unlike the traditional 3D Minecraft worlds, Orhan found himself in a flat, 2D environment. Navigating through this unusual terrain presented him with new challenges and opportunities. The lack of depth added a layer of complexity to his survival strategy. Surviving Hardcore Mode Hardcore mode in Minecraft is… Read More

  • Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a thrilling new Minecraft series called “NUCLEAR STRIKE” – episode 1 Teaser. While we are not the creators of this series, we were blown away by its action-packed gameplay and intense storyline. After watching the teaser, we couldn’t help but think about how perfect this series would be to reenact on a server like Minewind. With its intense gameplay and focus on survival, Minewind provides the perfect backdrop for players to create their own… Read More

  • Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6

    Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito: Una Guía para Minecraft Java 1.20.6 En el mundo de Minecraft, la creatividad y la eficiencia son clave para sobrevivir y prosperar. Una de las formas de garantizar tu éxito en el juego es construir granjas automatizadas que te proporcionen los recursos necesarios para tus aventuras. Una de las granjas más populares y útiles es la Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito. ¡Descubre cómo construirla y optimizarla en Minecraft Java 1.20.6! Versatilidad en Diferentes Versiones La Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito es una creación que ha demostrado su eficacia en varias versiones… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane May 2024 Minecraft Mods! – Forge&Fabric 1.20.1+

    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane May 2024 Minecraft Mods! - Forge&Fabric 1.20.1+Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 10+ Best New Minecraft Mods of May 2024!! | Forge&Fabric | 1.20.1~Others’, was uploaded by lauchering! on 2024-05-31 18:00:20. It has garnered 13839 views and 650 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:34 or 574 seconds. The mods that caught my attention the most in the month of May, a compilation of several mods for both forge and fabric and for various versions of the game. ====================MODS============================ ► 11. LesRaisins Armor -Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lesraisins-armor/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 ► 10. More Creatures And Weapons -Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-creatures-and-weapons/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 ► 9. Elden Block -Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/elden-block/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 ► 8. Piranha Attack -Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/piranha-attack/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20… Read More

  • Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!

    Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we BREAK the Minecraft Hardcore Episode 13 curse?! (Ep.13)’, was uploaded by Pythonator on 2024-03-25 21:00:22. It has garnered 5379 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:28 or 1348 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore – The moment of truth has come… we’ve died TWICE on Episode 13s in the past. Today, we see if we can BREAK that curse and venture into unchartered territory! Enjoy! ▶ Enjoyed this Minecraft Hardcore Survival video & want to support the channel? Be sure to leave a LIKE! Thanks! ❤ ▶ Want to support me further?… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey’s Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!

    JJ & Mikey's Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-04 10:30:01. It has garnered 74165 views and 407 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpy

    INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpyVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-26 05:00:06. It has garnered 11239 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨

    🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Huge TNT Add-On Review for Kids”‘, was uploaded by Xandermandz Gaming on 2024-03-25 17:00:06. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:32 or 1892 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft channel where we bring you the latest reviews and updates on all things Minecraft! In today’s video, we will be reviewing the Huge TNT add-on for kids. Watch as we explore the exciting features and gameplay that this add-on has to offer, perfect for young Minecraft enthusiasts. From massive explosions to new challenges, this add-on is sure to… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥

    🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥Video Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading DEMON SLAYER to GOD DEMON SLAYER in Minecraft (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-02-18 00:30:04. It has garnered 1278299 views and 7220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:01 or 14221 seconds. Upgrading DEMON to GOD DEMON in Minecraft (movie) 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)

    EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)Video Information This video, titled ‘got boots too #108 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:13 or 673 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: https://amzn.to/3TFhQuR ⌨️ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/47hhaPu 🖱️ Mouse: https://amzn.to/48twtVY 🎧 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3NAFdB 🎛️ Audio Mixer: https://amzn.to/3NDZ6Ie 💻 Laptop : https://amzn.to/41vO2CK 🖥️ Monitor : https://amzn.to/486ZIhM 🎮 About the Channel:… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL” #shorts #pvp

    "INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL" #shorts #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel | Bridge Duels #shorts #minecraft #bridge #pvp’, was uploaded by BadError on 2024-01-13 08:00:12. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. If you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like, and if you’re in the good mood you can press the notification bell too so you will be notified every time I upload another video!! Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!

    HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE’S REVENGE – Alex and Steve Adventures (Minecraft Animation) Part-1’, was uploaded by I S studio on 2024-03-15 04:20:51. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • QuasarsSMP | SMP Semi-Vanilla Java

    Welcome to QuasarsSMP! QuasarsSMP is a small semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP, with enhanced gameplay while maintaining the classic Minecraft feel. We prioritize lasting builds and forming enduring friendships over seasonal resets. Join our community of 15-20 active players who value creativity and community. Join our Discord today: https://discord.gg/GXpB4bwC. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bedrock Wither yeeted itself at second phase. RIP Wither heads. 💀

    Looks like even the Bedrock wither couldn’t handle the pressure of its own power upgrade! Talk about a dramatic exit. Read More

  • Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19

    Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fallen Kings Episode 19, a mesmerizing dream. The sequel to Ghost of The Past, a tale so grand, Witness the war from the past, in the present land. Crafted with care, each animation scene, With music that sets the perfect scene. Featuring ONLAP and Vindsvept’s fantasy tunes, Setting the mood, under the Minecraft moons. Aliaksei Yukhnevich, Colin Root, and more, Their music adds depth, to the Minecraft lore. Victor Cooper and Vitalii Suzdin’s sounds, Bring life to the battles, where victory resounds. Timur Haisyn’s Brutal Fervour, a fierce track, Perfect… Read More