🐶 EPIC Minecraft BARN BUILDING with a twist! 🐄

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persistence and Obsession that’s how you keep progressing I already learned that lesson yeah I’m changing who I am I’m making a new plan rearranging my life I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life and I won’t look back evero no fiery clear you deserve it be great I know it feels like things get in your way push through those walls in the others will sit up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy anxiet no friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay strong a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to have Clear Vision and purpose and I feel like the patient last if you can move on and the things that make you feel bad and you could change in your brain I’m certain I’ve done it before man I’m not perfect changing who I am I’m making a new plan rearranging my life and I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life and I won’t look back ever again I’m I am I’m new rearranging my life I won’t look back ever again you ain’t see me activated you better that you never see me agitated I think about my ACS plan I’m out evaluating that’s how I end up on the top man I’m calcula my mind’s a weapon my body is the I’m never second guessing I just do what I Wasing cuz I feel I got the blessing persistence and Obsession that’s how you keep progressing I already Lear that lesson yeah CH who I am I’m a rearranging my life I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life I won’t look back noar you be I know it feels like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy aniet no friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I Mo on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the G I want to feel like I’m a new I want to have Clear Vision and purpose and feel like the last if you can move on pass the things that make you feel bad and you can change in your brain I’m certain I’ve done it before man I’m not perfect I’m changing who I am I’m making a new plan rearranging my life and I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life bro these cats got me so screwed up I almost hit stop streaming Jesus freaking Christ Lord Lord almost said stop streaming oh my God bro I’m dead what’s up guys it’s your girl doggy back at it again I’m feeling kind of crazy right this a second Jesus Christ cats is going crazy these back here are actually laying down and being quiet toothless it’s quiet right the second okay I can deal with it I can deal with it it might be shortlived the whole time I’ve been sitting on my stream y’all tooth has been screaming to the top of his lungs y’all can hear me right I updated my freaking computer I want to make sure y’all can hear me right and when I update sometimes it turns my mic off can y’all hear me oh my God it’s been a day bro hold on I got to peen this pen pen all right go away go away so I can see my chat go away so I can see my chat okay y’all can hear me all right bet I was panicking for a second there but I didn’t want to show the Panic did the Panic show I don’t know uh J fam’s doing good from what I know of uh thce JJ’s currently working now he’s working like 12 hour [ __ ] days they just got back from Disney he’s doing good the wife is doing good the kids are doing good he’s just working a lot right now so he’s streaming when he can he does have another channel it’s called Jay grubs he’s doing mukbangs now and doing really [ __ ] good with it too so y’all check him out Jay grubs on YouTube yeah there’s toothless I’m sorry y’all if y’all can hear toothless I’m sorry I have tried everything I’ve tried the M Master weapon of Destruction the water bottle I’ve tried giving him food I gave him some of my lasagna he just don’t want to hush tonight he wants to sing the song of his people loud and proud sir we’re going to be hearing him singing loud and proud but I got you Kelly I seen you said you’re on the way I already got you a party invite S I don’t know if baby blue is going to join us tonight but my main mission is to get on here and go find some copper so I can make some more copper blocks so I can finish building my silos and then we can build the uh the uh the barn I’m a farmer now not just of cats but th I got you hold on let me do this can I do it like this what up Carlos what up youo yeah sometimes you’ll get them before the stream sometimes you’ll get them Midstream I won’t let me do that all right I just have to do this then the dancer AA hold on I got face hold up I got to get my sis she got a new channel cuz YouTube [ __ ] her over damn it bear with me momentarily yes I have a cat mask I do I put it on during stream the other night I posted the video in case people didn’t see it go to channel let’s go baby I got you th I got you L sis I got you L baby let go let’s go he Minecraft on one screen and fortnite on the other yo don’t I’m glad you introduced me to them they are freaking crazy I like them a lot oh my God but what up Ashley what up Carlos what up don’t what up vam what Serenity what up thce what up Cali making sure I didn’t miss anybody what up ELO I think I got everybody what are you doing good God I didn’t realize I had so many cats in here I got cinnamon I got py I got bride eyes I got socks I got pumpkin I got them all in here but toothless what up V what up D oh my God they are crazy don’t they really are they really are Daisy’s doing good she’s currently back here rubbing up and down my bed oh there she was oh it’s this way now she’s laying beside me you can’t see her dang it but I’m sitting here drinking my bzy Bliss if y’all didn’t see that freaking reaction video make sure y’all go like it share that mother trucker and go grab you some hit that pink comment go grab you the bundle do on it way you get this bad ass Shaker it’s badass I’m sorry my camera is shaking because Daisy is I got to break the Shaker in Daisy’s scratching and she shaking everything she’s shaking my chair yeah [ __ ] it post her link D dink I just called you [Music] dink oh my God that is called Don’t dink that’s hilarious oh my God yeah it’s fine don’t go ahead go ahead do it do it do it but we’re going to do some magic we’re going go ahead and get in here oh [ __ ] I fixed it we can go ahead and do some magic and uh have some fun ready I’m ready magic hello here’s my house my beautiful house and when I was playing earlier it was raining now it’s raining again can I sleep no because it’s not a thunderstorm don’t going it yeah it is it is crazy to see JJ doing something different than gaming but I have a feeling I have a feeling he GNA be back to gaming next week let’s see first second next Wednesday to be precise guys guys they posted it on Twitter today rebirth day rebirth day is April 3rd y’all rebirth is coming back next Wednesday next freaking Wednesday oh my God to ass I’m excited I’m ready for it so don’t you better go ahead and redownload it because we’re playing it no if ANS a buts about it heard what I said don’t so what to said it what’s up Isaac and Marley this cat oh my God I almost just blew up my whole house I almost just blew up my whole house well you better go ahead and break her in don’t you better go ahead and break her in ah dang it I’m playing Cod tomor oh that is not what I wanted to do that a what I wanted to do y’all going to keep on and baby blue is going to get y’all now they’re fatting so what better time to break her in than now don’t tell what I said CH tell them what I said I literally sound like I’m in a [ __ ] farm right now all of my animals oh my God don’t make me come in there where’s my baby at she’s right there long as I mess with my baby I don’t give a [ __ ] fight to the death we can talk about it tomorrow you better be up early there blue he [ __ ] all my [ __ ] up bro that looks semi decent it’ll work damn creeper I need one more piece one more piece we make it to TA I fixed it you’ll never know W be on Thursday with bowling crawfish all right there was something that’s Thursday night okay yeah I know you slept over this morning you heer dog on it slip over on me Sor I got to finish my game all right what cave do I want to go to I think I got something in my mind let’s go get some copper going to get some [Music] copper [Music] cover I gotta be careful forgot there’s water right here somewhere so how was everybody’s day y have a good day guys I’ve been chilling tried to get baby blue to watch a movie with me tonight but she was like what are we GNA watch figure it out man and she never caved so we’ll play Minecraft ow that hurt can’t remember if I went all the way through this thingz look like there’s a lot of unclaimed territory oh what that is definitely a creeper hole definitely a creeper hole oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap wrong button oh my God hey it morphed again it’s not supposed to morph again whole bunch of little itty B baby slams slams slams slams what are they called slams get away from me I got him almost to level 30 baby oh lag get out a copper beautifulness beautifulness what you been up to you guys tell to me don’t be scared don’t be scared oh [ __ ] what’s up youo yeah I’m on PS4 hello oh crap I got to do something I forgot oh Darkness all right I’m good hold on one second I got to turn my party bar got to turn it oh it is all the way over okay okay yo let’s get some freaking dog pound hype in this chat you go really he become a dog F member let’s go don’t no hype in the chat yo let’s go hey welcome to the dog pound bber he said let’s get her a PS5 let’s go if you guys on the dog P putting exclamation point don’t hype to join the hype Let’s Get It In Due Time B in due time hey welcome back th what’ you get eat Kelly what up Cherokee what the [ __ ] was that scared me oh that’s why I couldn’t hear there it is yeah that might help over here M myselfy muted we were both muted we were both muted I’m dead times at least hear you that’s all it counts that’s what kind of day I’ve been having oh my God it’s been crazy what up Haley how you feeling sis aave without I know right and I just realized that there is Uncharted Territory down here in the mine bro oh that you’re in that cave yeah you’re in oh baby zombie baby zombie baby zombie no no no no get out get out get out get out get out no it’s not on the oh my God there’s no copper is heing me no I’m good Copper got [ __ ] somebody over po oh my God I’m [ __ ] dead bro oh [ __ ] don’t die by the lava just wanted his green Skittles what is this a was that a big ass creeper the [ __ ] I don’t think I’m going the right way oh god oh [ __ ] hold on hold on I freaked out I’m [Laughter] holding I think I got it hold on I don’t know how to get out oh [ __ ] up sign doy feeling nervous about the first what you nervous about the first for all right don’t go got you rebirth sorry I got excited nothing to be sorry for I’m [ __ ] excited too I got excited now I wonder if they’re going to do that [ __ ] where they do it first thing in the morning or in mid the [ __ ] day and piss me off because I had to leave no I don’t have to leave baby boo m00 midnight baby blue ain’t got no school hey hey baby a got [Laughter] [Music] no oh [ __ ] I forgot baby Blue’s on spring break next week let’s go hey what up brother Darkness how you doing bro I legit in Florida no not but I heard police oh yeah that’s true I seen it that’s [ __ ] is I don’t blame him every goddamn spring break these [ __ ] college students go and trash the goddamn beaches guess where that trash goes they’re enforcing curfew and every [ __ ] thing wait is that diamonds don’t let people that just got out of their team some them still in their teams do some drink a partying they don’t know how to be responsible Kell alcohol I can be an idiot you know how many times I’ve been drunk is still responsible goddamn last one of them cuz I’m still here godamn it oh let me go drive drunk that’s smart he’s over here going on a [ __ ] rant and I’m like I found a m [Laughter] shaft well I can’t can’t help you cuz I’m across the goddamn world and it’s dark outside not Phantom right now damn it sit here I’m shake my ass at my I think we I think we’ve been here because there’s torches every [ __ ] where it’s a massive so that means I could have potentially found my way out you could have yes but now there’s so many [ __ ] at 43 166 that’s home no [ __ ] I’m screwed start digging up you’re never screwed no last time I did that I found gravel and I died oh [ __ ] is this the way I came a [ __ ] 37719 is where the m shaft’s at in this cave oh yeah that’s a perfect place for my water bottle right in the middle of my [ __ ] hot bar over no that’s not happening thank you Haley CU I have no [ __ ] clue B assing oh [ __ ] um for minutes bet you’re already sick of you mve into your apartment on the first let’s go why are you nervous that’s exciting I don’t know where I’m at didn’t I kill this [ __ ] spider while IO why is he back alive wait a minute I see diorite okay that’s not the DI ride I was looking for do I need I got [ __ ] chest full of wood I’ve never been on your own it’s it’s going to be different it’s going to be very different Haley it will be but it’s going to be a good thing it’s going to be a good thing my VI in theight hell yeah brother Darkness I got my bzy Bliss let’s [ __ ] go I’m on Minecraft and I’m lost in a cave I’m lost in a cave like always so I’m [ __ ] vibing there’s a creeper almost choke I’m okay I’m ping and dying in I happen to come down up I don’t know how to get home copper oh [ __ ] how the [ __ ] I get down here oh right here I hope this is the way I came a I damn uh I got to get all the [ __ ] supplies for it because I want the top of it be copper why I don’t know yeah wait a minute Houston I think we have liftoff baby slime he never stood a chance I think I have question mark um I think I did I did not wait let’s go this way I found it oh [ __ ] oh my God I lived you want to know how many hearts I got a half how the [ __ ] did you know CU I know that sound exctly half a goddamn heart and I dropped I don’t even know how far I thought I was falling down a goddamn I know that sound that sound is too [ __ ] close to home all right haly I’ll be here for a little bit see like oh just DM me and we’ll try to line something up brother moving to his first apartment in a week let’s go that would have been bad hey you know oh I got turned around I found my way out there he want to English I’m okay I came out not the way I went inam no I this I’m not not talking about this way I like come out the other side of the cave I didn’t even go that way so now I see what you mean about it hell I don’t know this woman’s back at home I’m running over to the goddamn entrance over here and she found a way home wed her happy ass through the cave home and just magically appeared I call [ __ ] okay she was on this ever earlier figuring out some [ __ ] there ain’t no goddamn way already home I don’t I’ll be right back I got to my father-in happy birthday happy birthday oh thank God there’s water at the bottom of this one this [ __ ] just came out of nowhere be he he freaking build himself a hole I don’t know how I got out the cave like that I really don’t I really don’t all right let’s get rid of this and let’s get rid of this and let’s get rid of this thank you pleas to B how is your brother you go is like is this his first time being out on his own or I’ve been on my own since I was 15 literally was it scary [ __ ] yeah did I get it done [ __ ] yeah now right I have my copper now I just got to smelt it and I got to turn it all into blocks have a state no sit your ass down have a steak it must be [ __ ] monsoon season in my world right now because it has been doing nothing but raining it’s he’s moving into his first apartment at 30 now the Real Life Starts you’re godamn right cuz Real Life Starts Now it ain’t no walk in the park no walk in the park at all oh I’m so good I need coal damn it did you die no I didn’t but I [ __ ] feels like I smash [Laughter] goddamn damn oh [ __ ] so doy just got out the shower did you clean behind your ears did you clean behind your ears Isaac it’s taking forever for this freaking copper to some mil there’s one that’s stuck over there in the water and he’s just sitting there floating around in circles away drown with I got half my [ __ ] life I’m dead don’t die don’t to be honest with you bro I do honestly think that if you got on Minecraft and took your time and learned it you’d get addicted I honestly think and if Miss A and if Miss A got on it I know she’d be addied I know it [ __ ] dead bro hey why am I missing a torch on that side the [ __ ] I don’t like that what the hell was going on there yo swag yo everybody in chat right now put some [ __ ] congratulations in the chat for my boy swag because he’s now a [ __ ] daddy bro that’s my nephew that’s my nephew a birdie yo I love that picture that you sent me and he’s got his tongue stuck out that’s freaking precious it’s freaking precious like yeah [Laughter] exactly I’m here [ __ ] what that a good and before anybody freaks out and they’re like why is he calling her wifey that used to be my gamertag the blue crew called me wifey okay just in the past like year and a half ghost has started calling me doggy don’t be freaking out that’s my bro go be freaking out hell itself has to free and warm at examn he call you something else I will I’m still [ __ ] Doug even know me as I’ve never been Doug but I’m Doug you will forever you will forever be dug you will forever be [Laughter] dug he will forever be now we just showed our age knowing that [ __ ] show bro sad thing is I’m older than that I’m not my I’m flashing my leg he gain 19 ounces in a day he gonna be a big boy let’s go it is taking forever for this damn does he got your hair swag that would be get your hair bro like seriously finally at home thank you for letting me know you home [Laughter] I’m made my way home Hey Brother Darkness thank you for putting the congratulations on the kick side br br swag I cannot open this [ __ ] Shaker bro I gotta break it in you got to stop saying [ __ ] when I’m drinking my drink bro that’s going to burn if it comes out my nose that is orange pineapple bro oh my God that will burn all th thank you for coming through and let me know what your new one is on the YouTube side I got you locked in see us I hope you have a good night but yeah have you ever drank Malibu you put Malibu in this freaking bzy Bliss you won’t even taste it because it tastes just like it yes my thoughts exactly now am I TR to get drunk am to H you shouldn’t swag no you didn’t bro you cannot laugh at a time like that you cannot laugh at a time like that bro my wife said the same thing I’m dead I’m dead see I didn’t have time enough for any of like that moments like that with baby blue the doctors were telling me to keep her in I was in the labor and delivery at 8:00 at 8:10 she was out I pushed three times I had her at 32 weeks she was three pounds scariest days of my life bro she was like I am coming let me out literally bigger than me I do remember the nurse telling me I had to keep my head down cuz they had me with my head like this and I put my head back like just here and take a breath she was like you got to keep your head down and she took my head and pushed it down I said don’t touch me or some [ __ ] like that I do remember that I do remember that don’t touch me you want at me don’t touch me don’t touch me I need to breathe let me breathe damn it you do this and then let me tell you don’t put down I’m sorry that was a moment I can’t remember if I got out the copper out bro it has been raining for like three days on this [ __ ] game are we in monsoon season really it’s raining on M let’s goo let’s go bro I know I hate that [ __ ] heart Thing YouTube hear us out everybody doesn’t like it on that side put it over to the left side where the profile pictures are that way it’s out of the way all Ashley thank you for Ling sis I appreciate you is he sleeping good swag is he sleeping through the night B whatever whatever you do do not let him get his days and nights mixed up when he sleeps y’all sleep bro believe me even the cat green even the cat green oh [ __ ] godamn creeper come on I don’t want to fill Ashley H are you oh [ __ ] I M your wrong button hey why do I do that I got a crafting table over here Jesus yes how do I make my game not bug out gaming Gods how the bro how in the hell did I make the same amount of blocks that I made when I was on here earlier 22 earlier and I just made 22 again coincidence she loves me more don’t that’s why she loves me more oh my God that’s going to be [ __ ] adorable swag yo earlier I went to come out my door of my house and there was a creeper standing on my bush and he almost put my house up he was creeping in the bush what are you doing to your house what the what the [ __ ] oh I ran off the end I’m a dumb ass it is [ __ ] raining it’s been raining for 84 years Bloods are we need to build an ark oh [ __ ] oh my God to build a right we need the freaking uh what are they called what what are they called what the [ __ ] is it called Dam no schematics there you go big words took me a minute to figure it out but big words I get it you talking about how my fam’s going uh brother Darkness uh the hub’s out working still baby Blue’s in there watching her TV show all the cats are doing cat things the dog is laying behind me doing her dog thing and yeah but I’m not no cooler than you Ashley we just ET phoned home that’s what we did I don’t know what I’m doing I really don’t look we started from the bottom hold it hold it hold it and now we [Laughter] here oh my God hey what’s up J how you doing welcome to the stream you’re watching your stream with your dog a what kind of dog did you say uh Molly Molly was I’m dying that doesn’t sound that toothless which cat are you show yourself I didn’t say sound off I said show yourself come hi oh my neck popped a pitbull terrier oh yeah they’re so pretty I need to go get more copper but I’m scared of a cave right now cave it’s a baby pony hi there’s a white one outside my house what are words yeah everything’s going good brother Darkness usual not here at the dog pound ain’t nothing changed except for all these [ __ ] trees are gone I don’t like it I’m about to go get my 700 freaking paint trees and plant them again no cuz my whole house will burned bro no no I know he just did not call me a ho Nai sorry water on top of your house and light everything else on what up dead zone the [ __ ] the [ __ ] if lightning strikes that [ __ ] uh what are these things called lightning rod it’s going to catch that whole [ __ ] Tree on fire let me move that let me move that that would be smart to do and I shall put it hither hither it’s where it shall be [ __ ] I can’t get up I got this I’m going good dead zone I’m just chilling pretty soon I got to get off uh I got to get baby blue to bed do her skin care routine she got spring pictures tomorrow let’s go whoa have we been down there yo there’s a cave right beside baby Blue’s house oh my God I just saved it ow I have not been down here have not been down here out of the witch [ __ ] like oh my God I’mma die I’m die I’m die why’ I come down here Cy why the [ __ ] did I come down here bro oh [ __ ] I’m dead I’m [ __ ] dead I don’t want to die I ain’t ready stop it [ __ ] y’all all of y’all your mom’s a hoe oh [ __ ] me dude I’m dying I’m going back up I’m going back up going back up how do I go up oh God damn I’m going die I got the [ __ ] water I’m panicking oh my God Jesus freaking Christ how do I go up how do I go up is it X yes Jesus freaking Christ I don’t want to do that ever again I don’t want to ever do that again give me my water back I’m going home I’m scarred for life now you stay right there I need know where I’m going be [ __ ] careful Slow Down slow down there was absolutely no [ __ ] torches I’m sorry youo I killo he said your mom’s a hoe oh God uh Kelly well that was kind of smart I didn’t know if it was going to work or not call itart that was smart at work all right is have a good night B yeah I found some iron I’m grabbing it all oh I found copper I got it I fight your enemies I got you I got but yeah I seen you comment a dead zone I put a like on it bro on all four comments on that video have we I will let I got it oh I didn’t want to put that there [ __ ] [ __ ] far from an angel wait what it might hold on it might mix or meet up let’s go buddy what’s up buddy okay the copper and the iron just keep [ __ ] going is there’s going to be diamonds at the end of this [ __ ] thing that was beautiful Jesus Christ I got four [ __ ] stacks of goddamn copper now yeah am using Fortune let’s go there’s been lots of [ __ ] creepers tonight lots lots almost blew up my house almost died twice three times you’re welcome water [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I saved it everything’s fine lag I saved it everything’s fine we’re not going to talk about it mine mine mine mine mine [ __ ] makes gravel gravel gravel what the [ __ ] gravel follow on my head English is hard what how did karma get me I ain’t done nothing please don’t start singing the song of your people oh no they didn’t get me they tried they tried but they did not succeed [Music] copper I feel like baby blue right now she goes crazy for copper and that’s what I’m doing oh [ __ ] hey I found another way way up I made it we’re not done yet what does Minecraft not have jackhammers no imagine if it did though what the [ __ ] EXC sper I’m trying to set you free you don’t hit me okay you don’t hit me there’s water above my head get the [ __ ] out of there that’s the way I came from that way that I just came from has water above it dangerous dangerous but like how would it that did not sound good at all how would it work if Minecraft had Jack cambers in it like how would that work what oh Lord not another joke what’s the joke is it better than last time is it going to actually make me laugh at least an hour you be grounded yeah careful careful careful don’t flood yourself I can’t swim oh my God toothless oh my God I said his name and he he changed out toothless this is going to hurt ow what the [ __ ] I fell down another hole why can’t I jump I know I got little legs but damn right [ __ ] struggling I’m on The Struggle Bus right now what did the Jack camera say to the world I’mma [ __ ] you up because that’s what a jack camera does [ __ ] [ __ ] up um coming through go away oh hello do not wake them up they are sweeping pumpkin is [ __ ] out hold on y’all got to see this look at this [ __ ] cat not this one but the one in front of her nope wrong way that one she is pregnant and killing it help help later AAC have a good one byby Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper come at me bro I a scared I laugh in the face of [Laughter] danger oh [ __ ] hey Co when did it come out if it was a 96 I was five yes yes right I what up don’t I thought you left seriously I did I thought you left I didn’t get it dead zone I didn’t get it bro oh [ __ ] I almost died what this has got to be connecting somewhere else SP no maybe she’s been down here you better be glad you said so cuz I was about to I was C my last before my eyes oh [ __ ] we’re good everything’s fine I’m home God damn six seven eight nine 10 11 I have one two three four I have 12 stacks of copper now damn no the wrong button Tess hey what up slashy how you doing nephew hey Leah hey enjoy your time with your dad so what bro I did that [ __ ] earlier he meowed back at me like I don’t care hello tree gr how are you doing why are you putting latitude and longitude coordinates in my chat you need help four days we’ll never know okay we’re not going to know when it happens what is the day Monday don’t ask don’t tell you know what yall give me a second I’m going to go check on my child I’ll be right back seriously I do every time and she be like God what I’ll be back I’m making a new plan rearranging my life I won’t look back evero you ain’t see me activ you better that you never see me agitated I think about my actions I’m out evaluated that’s how I end up on the top man I’m culated my mind’s a weapon my body is the engine I’m never second guessing I just do what I Wasing cuz I feel I got the blessing persistence and Obsession that’s how you keep progressing I already learned that lesson yeah changeing I am I’m making a new plan rearranging my life I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life I won’t look back ever clear you Des it be great I know it feels like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall sit up stand you can get through it all I need some energy no friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay strong a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the G I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to have Clear Vision and purpose and like the patient last you move on and that make you feel B and you change your brain I’m I’ve done it before man I’m not perect changing who I am I’m making a new plan rearranging my life I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop what’s moving you can’t stop what’s moving mov I’m changing my life I won’t look back ever again more your dad said he be home after two more stops I literally busted up in that [ __ ] like I was a rainbow I keep the door and everything scared the [ __ ] out of her was quite funny should I go do it again should never be expecting it hi hi you would you like to say hello to the world everybody say hello to ashes hers is the first mommy ashes but dashes what up MX what up D what and Daisy says Hi also say hold on hold on hold on I got you I got you quit freaking out ready set and go run be free be free why you popping the dog for the dog just existing she looked at me like she was in my bubble uh Ash this is a girl she’s the mama of the first set of kittens anybody figure out what tree grow was talking about I will say this though I wouldn’t check those latitude longitude coordinates just don’t do it don’t do it just don’t she’s a girl she’s a girl H she’s doing good she’s actually getting to the point where she’s letting the kittens roam around wherever they want to go which is not good because I got off a stream today and I went to go check on snowflakes kittens and I was taking a video of them that I was going to post up for y’all to see and after I got in recording the video I was like wait a minute something looked different about Snowflake and her kittens and I turned around and looked in the box and I was like bro that’s not your mom and that’s not your siblings one of snow Ash’s kittens was in the box with snowflakes kittens yeah yeah he was playing that hell with snowflake really horrible which it’s weird right okay ashes snowflake mischief and jewels are all brothers and sisters all of these cats that I have now are from Snowflake and Jews they both got pregnant together at the same time eight months ago and had their babies two days no a week yeah a week difference Jules had hers first and then snowflake had hers and then Jules took her kittens out of her enclosure and put them in the spot with Snowflake and they raised all of these cats together they did not want to be separated Jules physically got in the enclosure with Snowflake and help her have her babies it was like she said I had some first I know what I’m doing I’m approach let me help you it was weird I have never in my life seen it happen before cuz normally cats want to be separated in solitude they wanted to be together now ashes and snowflake they don’t really get alone they never have D and D Dungeons and Dragons you just got home from Dungeons and Dragons hey thank You Tristan crazy woman alert wait what yeah I think that’s what it is had tons of Mountain Dew too let’s go I’m in my house I should be safe dogs crazy yeah I called you crazy don’t turn around look at me like that I’m literally just smelting copper guys sorry if it’s boring I’m getting all my stuff ready trying to get baby to play coer hey yeah briber ass I have lots of copper you just have to let me use what I need of it [Laughter] first she would she would literally go on the other side of her house where that big ass open is and take the blocks and just F the whole [ __ ] land over with I had 12 stacks of copper how was Mother’s Day uh Mother’s Day hasn’t happened yet Dead Zone in the United States boy blue was born on Mother’s Day I think was the 11th get up that’s why me and him are so goddamn alike we both keep getting [ __ ] on Mother’s Day it don’t matter it’s always it’s always mother’s weak and it’s always on my birthday you want to know what my birthday gift is from my mom congratulations you’re in the world I don’t want to [ __ ] be here everything’s expensive and Loud confusing I’m Dy not really hopefully every day just a little bit just yeah toothless is going crazy he wants all kind of all the love and affection and I don’t want to give it to him right a second oh my God here he goes again singing the song of his [Music] people Mother’s Day hasn’t happened yet de it’s different in the United States today is in Canada are you back there talking to yourself Daisy y’all I’m trying to talk boy blue to get me a Pym goat the ones that when you scare them they go and fall over I’ll never have to cut the grass put [ __ ] suit of armor on the thing doggy going out oh [ __ ] damn rat onward the neighborhoods [ __ ] gone yo I ain’t GNA lie in that video I literally thought that py was gonna [ __ ] attack me he just [ __ ] meowed at me hey give me just a second y boy BL some My People my people he said real one of us one of us one of us of us D excuse meang who I am I’m rearranging my life I Won’t Back ever again you ain’t see me activated you better r that you never see me agitated I think about my actions plan I’m out evaluated that’s how I end up on the top man I’m my mind’s a weapon my body is the engine I’m never second guessing I just do what I Wasing cuz I feel I got the blessing persistence and Obsession that’s how you keep progressing I already learned that lesson yeah changing who I am I’m making a new plan real arranging my life and I won’t look back ever again you can’t stop for moving you can’t stop what’s moving I’m changing my life ion look back ever noar CLE you be I know it your way push through those walls and the others fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through with all I need some energy aniet is no friend to me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move [Music] onion and the dogs going [ __ ] insane like she does every [ __ ] time literally and she’s got this thing she’s got this thing like she takes her ass and like curves it in a you to like she’s trying to make her ass touch her head and that’s how she walks well she protects me like I am son of a [ __ ] she you heard her when he when they see master so happy to see you pet me that’s how she is too she’s like s and she doesn’t want to get like she doesn’t do like most dogs she won’t sit there unless you pet her she has to lick you she’s so excited she’s like oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God let know yes Shez rather dog fcking just you don’t like being lick don’t get a dog get a c you don’t being [ __ ] lick get a c No Cap won’t lick you [ __ ] and you don’t have to give them much attention my cats are needy and they also lick and bite what up Craig but yeah Daisy’s got big old floppy ears I didn’t wait I didn’t know y’all had cats [Laughter] [ __ ] damn that’s why we’re smart oh yeah that’s adorable that’s adorable disg it is disgusting if she didn’t leave a goddamn p on my hand would be Ador but the fact of the matter is I got damn p in my hand when I when she gets done with this to go that couple times you know how slimy cat [ __ ] get yeah wasn’t that’s my dog tripping D that is my dog tripping because her daddy’s home all right I think my copper is finally almost done smelting yes ma’am your hair’s so pretty what’s up why do you have so much copper why do I have so much copper to bribe you with my dear large stack of copper I assume you need levels no but I’m getting a lot of them that’s what that’s that’s copper wrong button um I built a silo and the top of it is copper and I ran out of it see and then over there beside it is going to be a barn and the top of it it’s going to be built out of copper and whatever I don’t use you get to have but you got to get on the game to have it I did not take it I promise I promise I think you did chat says hi she said hi who you got trying to let this copper finish smelting and then I’m going to hop off for the night playing Call of Duty in the morning and do let’s go yo let’s get some freaking Dono hype in the chat for smoke dank gaming dropping $5 super sticker saying keep it up hey thank you brosi much s t what was that hey oh good God let’s go let’s get some donut hype in the chat y’all for smoke thank gaming thank you brosi hope you’re doing good that scary you want to Rend and keep door while [Laughter] yeah missing successful I don’t know which one I was looking at the bottom almost done 12 pieces in that one 18 pieces in that one Jesus Christ we went to the cave beside your house have you been in it already CU we don’t nothing left we don’t remember going in there but apparently somebody had already been in there and we both almost died and I almost killed Kelly what did you see huh what did you see what do we see copper lots of it and some coal little bit iron that’s signs that someone was already there and uh there was a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot lot lot a lot of lot of mobs there aren any who died I mean they died not us we didn’t die almost but we didn’t almost killed Kelly I thought he was going up his water trail from his water bucket and he was coming up mine behind me and all of a sudden he goes don’t you take your water and I looked and then here he come almost killed him what the [ __ ] you talking about you don’t even get doggy treats anymore you get doggy treats the whole time you’re in the Stream dun and every time you chat what are you talking about fa gambling give me just a second baby it’s almost done knock you to bed you proved your mom right about freshing up explain hey let’s go if I do it I will lose watch gamble oh I will lose him watch if it works and it doesn’t like me I [ __ ] it that’s some [ __ ] my mind is blown to you always lose I always lose I’m surprised still over a million points to be honest right she said there’s sugar in it and toine neither one is in it neither one is in it neither one is in it cleanest energy on the market let’s go what up Eric but y’all I’m GNA go ahead and call it there and get spend some time with boy blue before he has to go to bed to get up go to work again tomorrow and before baby blue has to go to bed so she can get up for pcture day tomorrow let’s go y’all please pray that my child smiles and doesn’t look like she’s in pain but y’all I thank y’all for coming through smoke dank gaming EO thank y’all for the donos tonight welcome to the dog pound fam y’all haven’t already hit that like button sub or follow if you’re new right here turn the not Bell on that way at ding dong when you know your girls on stay safe stay cool stay hydrated be good if not you better be damn good at it and go check out the video that I dropped on the YouTube channel and the Tik Tok about my reaction video to miss bzy be custom flavor bzy Bliss leave a like on it I love you guys and I will see youall in the morning for some Call of Duty with dog P members y good night bye D ch

Doggie_Style Gaming on 2024-03-26 14:30:35. It has garnered 88 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:56 or 5456 seconds.

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#Minecraft #survival #girlgamer

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

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  • Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record!

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  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

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  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

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  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

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  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

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  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

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  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

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  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨

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  • MinionMC

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  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

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  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

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  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

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  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥

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  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

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  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

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  • 💎💰I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1

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  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RHIcG1GsVQmxbr7-SEn1Ks2qqhbqyRtj/view?usp=drive_link Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – https://discord.gg/ByUpRHJ Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

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  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

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  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥

    🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: us.vanillaevolved.net Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Vote for your LEAST favourite Minecraft characters! Week 3 Poll.

    Looks like the meme is climbing up the leaderboards faster than a creeper in a mine shaft! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a dream. With humor and joy, he crafts each scene, Bringing happiness to all who glean. His channel is the place for child-friendly fun, Where laughter and smiles are never outdone. So follow along, join the Minecraft run, And bask in the glow of Fangkuaixuan’s sun. With rhymes that ignite and stories that sing, He spins the finest tales, like a Minecraft king. So leap into the verse, let your creativity spring, And let Fangkuaixuan’s joyous spirit bring. Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More

  • RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

    RTGame's Epic Minecraft FinaleVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

    Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!Video Information yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first… Read More