📝 NPC’S, MODS, DISCORD | How To Roleplay: In Depth {Minecraft Roleplay Tutorial}

Video Information

Hi its atmosphere and welcome back to another how to roleplay video if you missed any videos from either myself Mandy or Lilly gumdrop everything will be in the how to roleplay playlist which will be linked in the description so in this video I will be covering the best

Mods to use and PCs and how to views them dis chords for your roleplay team or any friends involved in the roleplay and a character outline for your role plays characters right now you’re at the point where you want to get a server for your minecraft roleplay but you don’t

Know the mods that you want to put on it you have to keep in mind that there aren’t a lot of mod options for specific versions of Minecraft because when you’re making your server the version of minecraft is going to be very very important the latest version of

Minecraft as this video goes up is 1.13 okay and that probably has the least mod options because it literally just came out minecraft version 1.8 actually has the most mount options however the mods aren’t up to date to those versions and it’s also just a pretty outdated version

Of minecraft for example there is a lot of versions that deco craft is offered in the version that I’m playing right now is one point twelve point two they have recently updated the mod so now they have all of this new furniture basically from this point no no from the

Curtains from the curtains down which is more than half of the bedroom menu is all new things that they added recently to deco craft so if you’re gonna be in a version after one point twelve point two you’re going to be missing out on a lot of this new furniture that they recently

Added I personally would recommend using one point twelve point two of minecraft because most of the mods are updated to the latest version and there is also a wide variety of them to use mods in your game you will need to make sure you have a couple of things Java version of

Minecraft PC minecraft so that means you cannot play Pocket Edition minecraft and have mods and you will also need to have Forge so Forge is a Minecraft add-on that is free and it’s also very simple to download which I will show you how to do right now ok so right here is

What minecraft forge dotnet looks like I will leave a link to that in the description so if you are going to have a one-point 12.2 server and 1.12 point to mods you are going to need minecraft forge one point twelve point two it doesn’t matter whether you download the

Latest or download recommended if one doesn’t work then download the other but you are going to click windows installer so we’re going to go ahead and press skip and then as you can see right here it has installed alright so then when it’s done installing you’re going ahead

And click it and you’re going to type run or you’re gonna click run no type and then right here it’ll say install client just leave that as that and you’re going to press ok so now that you’ve installed forge when you open the minecraft launcher you’re going to have

To go into the launch options and add new gonna have to go to the version and scroll down to find the forge version that you just downloaded and then click Save and then it should be right here and ready to play ok so now that you have Forge you are ready to download

Your mods so the type of roleplay that you are doing Rolleiflex on the mods that you’ll need so for example if you’re making a highschool roleplay you’re going to need a backpack mods because obviously children they wear backpacks and if you’re creating a medieval role play or something

Involving actions you’ll probably need a mod that includes big fancy weapons swords guns or anything like that so there are many sites where you can download minecraft mods but I recommend using curse forge so the link to that will also be in the description it is minecraft curse forge comm from there

You can go to projects and then mods and as you can see there are a lot of mod categories so the category that you are going to go to which is perfect for Minecraft role-plays is the cosmetic category these mods don’t exactly change the functionality of the game it just gives

More aesthetics more furniture and all of that type of stuff so depending of the version of the server is going to be the version that you click on so let’s say you chose 1.12 boy 2 we’re going to click on game version 1.5.2 and then I’ll give you the mods that are

Available for those versions and please please keep in mind when you are downloading a specific mod because a lot of people have this issue let’s say we’re going to be downloading chisel please make sure that after you download this main mod you are going into relations and then dependencies and this

Is needed this mod right here is needed to run chisels so after you download chisel you’re also going to have to download CTM Lib I recommend simply browsing through the cosmetic section and gather as many mods as you think you’ll need but also you’ll have to keep

In mind that if you have anybody actors they’ll need to be able to run the mods as well so keep it short and sweet don’t add too many mods because not everybody has a great computer and just make sure that there are enough mods to make it

Look good but not too many to where things will become laggy ok so now that we’ve talked about the mods and you have everything in your server and you are all ready to go it is time for you to create a character outline a character outline document is actually crucial

Especially if you’re making a cinematic roleplay if you’re in need of voice actors making a character outline will help them understand what character they’ll be voicing and a character outline will also just be very helpful for you to remember each character in their specific traits for this example

I’m going to show you what exactly the character outlined for Quinn’s alive looks like this is merely something that is just for you and your voice actors I mean it doesn’t really matter whether or not it gets out there but it’s just for you guys to refer back and see exactly

What character you will be playing so as we scroll down here we can see every single character that is a part of Quinn’s lie so right under that character looks like is the name of the character the voice actor of the character and the role of the character

So the role of Tegan is that she is a student at Riverside and she is best friends with Quinn Jocelyn and Kalia cool her personality also she’s mature a mother figure of the front group and her ship is Wesley so this will just give a good description to your voice actor

Because let’s say they have a personality that is close to Kalia which is sassy you know then you could have that sassy tone of voice whenever you’re saying all of the lines and something like Bowen which it’s like he’s very mysterious then he can have that mysterious tone of voice like conker

Does alright so after you finished making that character outline you will need a way to communicate with everybody involved in your roleplay so yes you can send people individual messages however I will promise you that it will become very annoying having to keep up with every single person so I recommend

Creating a discord specifically for your roleplay so you can keep everyone up to date on any important information that they might need okay so right here is the discord for the Quinns like assed you can obviously see all of the voice actors right here it is nothing special

But it’s just something that makes it very easy for me to distribute scripts and say any deadlines that need to happen so some important channels that you might want to add to your roleplay discord is important information so right here is where you could put your server IP any server mods that people

Will need to download a schedule which I will go more into later any rules you might have for them and so on another important channel that you might want to add is the character description channel so here is where I have just the character outlined there for anybody to

Access at any certain time that they need it and I also have a name pronunciation audio file here just in case anybody may not be familiar with how to say certain names roleplay for example a lot of people while auditioning didn’t know how to say Malachi so I thought it was pretty

Important to have everybody in the role play on the same page with how to pronounce all of the characters names you can also have a script channel so you can have a one main place to post your scripts so that the voice actors don’t lose them when it’s convenient for

Them to record and one thing that I also added under where it says episode 8 script I added the characters needed so in episode 8 I need Mandy Cavs is about Estelle and flash the way to all record their lines for me and then also in the

Scripts channel you could also add where exactly you want your scripts to be or your voiceovers to be dropped off okay and the very last topic that we are going to cover for this video are NPCs so NPCs are they’re amazing I don’t know what people would do without NPCs but I

Cannot live without them so we’re going to go over interactive and PCs like if you’re making a first-person roleplay and you need an NPC to talk to you I will show you exactly how to set that up and we’re also going to go over a background NPC so any just NPC walking

In the background may be sitting in the background just something to make a place look less empty okay so as you can see there are many options when it comes to NPCs and there are probably lots of tutorial videos but I’m just going to show you guys the main tools that you’re

Probably going to be using all the time when it comes to your roleplay so the main ones that you’re going to need are the model so this is where you’re going to change the size of your NPC you have a scaling tab where you can alter with

Basically anything I like to make a lot of the girls in my roleplay a lot shorter than the boys but that’s just how I like to do it so usually the girls will be at like 90 percent everything else except for the head also because I like the way Alex models

Look I like to make the width of the arms a little bit smaller so I’ll make them like around 70 and there you go once you like your dimensions of a model then you could go ahead and click Save and then choose what you want to save it

As for texture this is the skin the ones I use all the time are player names or URL so I can put a skin link into Inger and get the M girl ink and then put it in here and then it’ll change to that skin or I could use a player name so

Let’s say I want an NPC of mandamus I will type in Mandy mrs. IGN and there you go one thing that we need to keep in mind is that NPCs are the steve templates so if you are using an alex skin it will have black bars on the back

Usually i just ignore them but if it’s a big deal for you and you’re having a whole bunch of npcs you will need to make them into these steve models so the second thing that i use all the time on FPC’s is the movement so we’re gonna go

Into the AI tab and movement is all the way at the bottom the main ones that I use rotation if I want my NPC to look a certain way then you can click the manual on rotation it’s usually on body but you can click manual and you could

Type in this these are the degrees so let’s change Mandy into ninety degrees so she’s gonna look straight at me so this manual movement is very very helpful especially if you’re in a classroom let’s say and you want all of the kids to look at the teacher and not

Be spinning around every two seconds so if you want your NPC to be sitting then you can mess with the animation tab and click on sitting it comes with a whole bunch of different ones but you can allow them to sit they can lie down they can be hugging sneaking dancing aiming

Crawling or normal so you know as long as you mess around with that see which ones are suitable for your scene the second feature that I use all the time especially for like the kissing scenes are puppet so for that you have to go into advanced and then where it says no

Job you’re going to change it to puppet right there so when you get to puppet you can click Edit and basically customize these npcs to your heart’s content you can change basically anything when it comes to puppet which is great because it’s great for action you know any like certain movement that

You really need them to be doing but you can’t really accomplish with normal players it’s just great and the third thing on an MPC that I usually do all the time is inventory so right here these three columns right here you could put stuff in an NPCs hand so these top

And bottom boxes are the left and right hands of the NPC and usually if there’s a scene in Quinn’s lie or whatever and they’re at a party then I will add like drinks to NPCs hand to make sure or to make it look like they you know belong

There if they’re out of school you can add books to an NPCs hand I don’t know you could just add about basically anything okay so now that you know the basics to an NPC let’s talk about the interactive NPCs like the ones that you

Can go up to and talk to so there are two different ways that you could set up an NPC to talk the first one is in a chat or in the chat bubble and then the second one is opening a whole new menu so let me show you

Option one alright so option one is the chat bubble so when I right-click on Mandy she will say hi Hayley how are you and my shaders is really messing up the bubble but as you can see there is a chat bubble above her head and you could

Also see hi Hayley how are you in the chat so how exactly you do that may you ask when you click on the NPC with the NPC 1 do you have to go into advanced and then click lines it is the interact lines I want a cookie then you can close

It click on Mandy again she says I want a cookie okay so now this second option is the option where it opens up a whole new menu so let’s go ahead and right like Mandy and then she will say hey Hayley how are you so you can see

Maddie’s in the corner right here but it kind of dims the whole screen and you can see the text right here so let me show you guys how to do the second option with kind of dimming the screen and adding some big text keep in mind the second option is a little more

Difficult and time-consuming but I also think it looks a little bit better so right here in dialogues as you can see was Mandy’s dialogue but let’s go ahead and add a new one Mandy hungry sure let’s go ahead and do that one and we have Mandy hungry selected and then we could click

Dialogues and add so we’ll let’s add a new one let’s title it question because I want Mandy to ask a question so in the text we can type Hayley do you want to buy some food question mark okay cool so we have that text there so I’m going to add that to

Mandy right now I’m going to go back to so I’m going to add that to Mandy right now so we’re going to instead of global we’re gonna go to Advanced this time and instead of how are you let me just exit that out we’re going to select an option

And we just made Mandy hungry so we’re going to select that one and then we’re gonna select her asking question cool so now that when you click on it she says hey Hayley do you want to buy some food both of those text options are great

However if you need a line that is relatively long you might want to go with the second option of having that menu with the screw of the screen all dimmed just so that you have enough time to read the line because that chat bubble only stays up for so long before

It goes away and the line will still be in chat however if you aren’t finished reading the npc’s line and the bubble has already gone away opening the chat kind of ruins the emergent for me at if that doesn’t matter to you then just go ahead and do it but opening the chat

Sometimes you could see you know some afk messages people like leaving the server coming on the server you know you might be taken away from the whole roleplay aspect but anyways guys oh that video was definitely a long one but we had a lot we had to cover I really hope

You guys enjoyed this video and I hope it was at least somewhat helpful to you if you want to know more about NPC stuff because I only kind of went over it a little bit not too in-depth there are lots and lots of tutorials on that one as well

Yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did please go ahead and leave it a like as it will help me out a bunch thank you guys so so much for watching the video and stay tuned for the very next one bye guys

This video, titled ‘📝 NPC’S, MODS, DISCORD | How To Roleplay: In Depth {Minecraft Roleplay Tutorial}’, was uploaded by Atmosphere // Minecraft Roleplays on 2019-02-16 20:00:00. It has garnered 327971 views and 12965 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:45 or 1125 seconds.


Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe to join the Space Children! 💛

MandyMiss: https://bit.ly/2Bi5lJS LilyGumdrop: https://bit.ly/2S2n5ky

• How To Roleplay Playlist: https://bit.ly/2tk7T8r

Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/ Curse: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/

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Atmosphere – http://bit.ly/Atmosphxre MandyMiss – http://bit.ly/MandyMiss Pixiiybaby – http://bit.ly/Pixiiybaby

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    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined PvE PvP 1.20.X Economy Cross-Play Competitive Friendly Community Jobs Apartments Community Goals Houses Businesses Daily Quests

    Billionaire City NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP: IP: billionaire.city Discord: https://billionaire.city/discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience, aiming at setting new Standards in the field of Minecraft Servers! There’s lots of features to find on Billionaire City, also ones like you’ve never seen before: Buyable Ships(Yachts etc.), Proficiency & Collection System for Progression, a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the intoxicated update

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: the intoxicated updateLooks like Minecraft is trying to cater to a new demographic – the intoxicated gamers! Cheers to a whole new level of building and mining with a little liquid courage. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes Wither: I am the ultimate boss in Minecraft! BEES: Hold my honey. stings Wither to death Wither: defeated I guess I just couldn’t handle the buzz. 🐝 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce

    Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft at 3 AM Zuli’s Midnight Adventure In the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft, anything can happen, especially at 3 AM. Zuli, a brave adventurer, decides to make a trip to the kitchen for some water in the dead of night. Little does she know, this seemingly innocent journey will lead to unexpected encounters and eerie experiences. The Witching Hour As Zuli navigates through the dark corridors of her virtual home, strange things begin to occur. The clock strikes 3 AM, a time known for its association with the supernatural and the unknown…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Diamond Hunt Shenanigans

    Diamond Hunt Shenanigans Minecraft Mining Expedition: Finding Diamonds on Stumpscraft SMP S4 Ep.13! Exploring New Horizons In this exciting episode of Stumpscraft 4, our intrepid Minecraft player, Stumps, sets out on a mining expedition in search of the coveted diamonds. But before delving into the depths of the earth, Stumps takes a moment to work on their fishing dock base, adding a touch of tranquility to the adventure. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Equipped with a trusty pickaxe and a sense of determination, Stumps ventures into a new, unexplored cave in the wilderness. The dark, winding tunnels hold the promise of valuable ores, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE : MINECRAFT IN TELUGU #TheHanu0’, was uploaded by The Hanu0 on 2024-03-05 16:45:06. It has garnered 132 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:25 or 8965 seconds. Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/KN3B4VEA7E MI N E C R A F T L I V E IN TELUGU ───────╼| Minecraft – Live ┣╾─────── ──────╼|Recommending┣╾────── ✪ ➥  • Setting Guide & How To Survive 1st Ni… If You ENJOY My Content, Do The Below ⧭ Things. That Makes Me HAPPY ツ ⫷ SUBSCRIBE ⫸ ⫷ LIKE ⫸ ⫷ COMMENT ⫸ ⫷ SHARE ⫸ Discord:… Read More

  • Maximize Minecraft Advancements

    Maximize Minecraft AdvancementsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Collected EVERY ADVANCEMENT | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #16’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-05-05 16:35:39. It has garnered 4682 views and 425 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:08 or 1748 seconds. In this video I challenged myself to collect every advancement in survival hardcore Minecraft! Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FitShaw • Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UXbzKpJv5B • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitshawmc • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitshaw • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/fitshawmc 00:00 – Intro 00:35 – The first advancements 09:51 – The quick & easy 22:30 – The… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gaming

    INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:08:22. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE… Read More

  • Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks – Rijan Archer Music Group

    Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks - Rijan Archer Music GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!!’, was uploaded by Rijan Archer Music Group on 2024-01-14 06:13:07. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. SUBSCRIBE NOW!! NEW CRAZY GAMEPLAYS DAILY!! Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)

    Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi’, was uploaded by Youraj 777 on 2024-04-02 09:36:10. It has garnered 6763 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:01 or 361 seconds. How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi #minecraft #barriersmp #viral #lapatasmp #psd1 #romromsmpapplication #romromsmp #loyalsmp #phd1 #rosysmpapplication #bliss#blisssmp PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE PEARL SMP MAKING ATERNOS ME PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE dipu bhai channel link 🔗 https://youtube.com/@ItsDip?si=nBz9QtVETbDudK4Z discord link 💫 https://discord.com/invite/dFjBBY3Sh9… Read More

  • Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #Shorts

    Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Na, fühlst DU dich alt? #minecraft #shorts #chesshellfire’, was uploaded by ChessHellfire on 2024-02-18 15:04:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Just play a service worker in Bayville in Minecraft ^^ used world: … Read More

  • Numi’s Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!

    Numi's Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Numi Made Her Own Minecraft Server… Things got Crazy’, was uploaded by Numi on 2024-06-05 19:00:17. It has garnered 25736 views and 2424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. THE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS OF NOOMCRAFT! (we beat the ender dragon in 2 days) Follow Akuma Nihmune below: Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/nihmune Twitter – https://twitter.com/nihmune YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_rlc0K8Yj0KQ5ApK0Z7uew Video edited by: https://twitter.com/pipino_fi Channel managed by: https://twitter.com/revampy (Court) – Tags: #Vtuber #Envtuber #AkumaNihmune #Englishvtuber #VTuberEN Read More

  • “EPIC RetroRevival Build – Mind-Blowing 3×2 Door in Minecraft!” #redstonepowers

    "EPIC RetroRevival Build - Mind-Blowing 3x2 Door in Minecraft!" #redstonepowersVideo Information This video, titled ‘3×2 Door! #minecraft #redstonebuilds’, was uploaded by RetroRevival on 2024-03-12 21:26:53. It has garnered 2213 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Check out the original on my channel if you want more in depth! Subscribe please, this short is a minecraft redstone door build relatively easy! – Retro #MinecraftShorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1

    Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1Video Information This video, titled ‘best combo, Minecraft 1.8.9 | pika network’, was uploaded by Anfff1 on 2024-02-14 22:22:10. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, smp, gabar, blox fruits, pvp, drdonut, donutsmp, pvp arena, blogger fights, blox fruit, donut smp, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft shorts, #shorts, bedrock, #minecraft, arena, pvparena, crystal pvp, #memes, java, tiktok, tiktoker fights, minecraft pvp, lifesteal smp, shorts, boys, lapata smp, lunakom, Bella Kuznetsova, race v4, clownpierce, blox fruits race v4, hermitcraft season 9, minecraft smp, minecraft funny, bounty hunting , my game,… Read More

  • Dupe Anarchy

    Dupe AnarchyThis is a server with the /Dupe command as well as /Shop. We were initally a Minehut server and switched to a new hosting service. Give us a try and join today! Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About Us: At PrismaCraft, we focus on community building and provide a variety of content for players to enjoy. Whether you’re interested in creating a town, leveling up skills, or making money through jobs, there’s something for everyone! Main Features: Towny for land claiming and community building Skills and unique abilities Thirteen different jobs for earning money Player-driven economy with custom enchantments Craftable gear and resources Custom fishing system with 170 unique fish species Join us today to experience all these features and more at play.prismacraft.net or Discord Pride… Read More

📝 NPC’S, MODS, DISCORD | How To Roleplay: In Depth {Minecraft Roleplay Tutorial}