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turn off this yo we’re live say hello um spirit I no ice cream it’s not what it looks like right it’s not what it looks like you didn’t just dress up like that with did free fruits right huh you you would never dress up like that to get free fruits no no this isn’t me this isn’t me this is a um basically uh Roblox happen that’s crazy and it doesn’t let me I did not go I need to put the stream music on hold up stream music feels like it’s about to explode um we can do this music you need is that good music I think that’s good music we’re cing the P we’re carrying the pirate bounty on your back wait let me just reset I um we can do yeah okay yeah okay audio is good put that back in there audio is good chat’s good go like the Stream So more people see it that’s how it works I have you bro live the we you going to upload a video basically um Kyler’s not going to edit it anymore because last night um he was being really annoying when we when I was watching stranger things and then he just there was a kissun trying to kill me I captain of and then I went over and then I tased like the absolute out of like like like full on he has like marks on his body I Tas him so hard ready he’s One Tap you can kill him it’s fine actually we’re Pirates it does not matter I didn’t miss I didn’t miss that trust me how’d you miss that miss that that never happened if you don’t please don’t go in that Yahoo yo I hit him snipeer the centry that was definitely the sniper the Sentry yo that was you were literally why did I get teleported out that’s crazy you got to die I sniped him with X that’s crazy all right okay go kill Captain what did he ever do to you bro it’s not that deep yo why okay I hear ksun is it just me or the most sadus fying thing in life is to hit blood Bane drain it just you like if you hit blood Bane drain you just like automatically secure the win unless you stuck at so me yeah and me why why is this why are like three Forest pirat are like two Health that child there is like child oh he just left and got penalized did you did you attack this kid nope that’s bro has has the Slayer God he’s not yo he has PVP who he does the K this guy is not him is give me a minute this guy is not him I hit him again I got my V4 I’m just going to jump after he’s in there get in that buddy I’m just going to get out of that and then B he’s going to die oh well thought y’all would be [Music] teamers did you like the stream yet bro yeah yeah no you did did not yes I did does not say you did yes huh yes I did I I liked it you li I liked it bro it doesn’t say you did yeah I liked it bro well it says there’s one like and it’s me no I swear I liked your stream bro I’m the one who liked it but the thumb is like white for me it’s also for me does it say two or one for you one trust me I got a God shs my gosh I got it trust trust don’t ask where that portal goes I don’t want it know can you not attack me when I fight your friend say no what no you I want I wanted to fight you uh uh oh go hold up I don’t know why I said Oka a I’m killing I’m finding the elite and I’m going to kill it in Cold Blood I found it there there level 1500 grinding here I just hope he doesn’t know what an elite is or what someone Nam DeAndre yo the katun user just jumped me yo oh are you okay my boy I put I put like three people in dimensional ri right there DeAndre has been put into my dimensional R oh Lord oh I got a really good combo really yeah gravity kinge Z God human Z Light X light uh light x uh God human C go light C and then V it’s it’s a really good combo I I I got I it actually work this oh this kid did are you okay no he’s so weird I put I put him in dimensional RI dude what the flip where are you yeah Hydra I’m going I got my V4 he screwed why am I hearing cabacho he he awakened too where are you oh I see you are you okay currently no very much not where are you I you disappeared I’m in my dimensional Rift he is like running yeah he is running you’re the light user you catch him I don’t care if you kill him I really don’t how is he not dead bro he’s in there can I get out of there so I don’t have yo where is he just sniped him I just sniped teamers oh he got mad this guy is the guy that jumped me with K trying to help out my boy L he let no he did not leave hold up someone okay look this is my combo this is my combo oh yeah that’s smart fake 30m oh I miss I made I miss I miss life speed destroy we’re not going to talk about that right so is that a good combo yo there’s two people watching someone’s watching where are you oh Mansion all right I switched to a marine you should you should also switch to Marine I found a chop fruit tell me to just spend 60 roblo right now on what on a tongue because it makes my laugh look better it’s a tongue it’s going out and it does the thingy I’m so tempted to can you set screenshot of it in Discord I already sent a screenshot of the Avatar what it’s supposed to look like that’s what the tongue looks like so I C oh yeah can I join your crew how about no who who said that some random person like in the block stre why y all need a team to win a why need a team for a fight you jumped me why don’t you have 30m you jumped me while using K well I just said why don’t you have 30m I see I hear control who is using control magma it’s magma I’m going to change the stream music hold up this one H that is a add get Crasher your video that’s some good music I got some different music playing like what did you cop the tongue no I’m going to second I’m just trying to find a good one it’s not working I’m trying to see what it looks [Music] like just going to going sand box a there a person he’s probably going to try and jump me that’s my guess he’s a 9.6 million yeah he’s dropping me I’m gone bro I’ll just chill until my Damion I’m going to die you’re going to die oh what the hell I’m literally on 5,000 now I got my I didn’t get my combo off and whatever he jumped of course teamers can’t you tried to jump me scared of me no one then I I leave this server for the sake of the woman I just want yeah I’m just going to chill on top of there I guess that counts as a [Music] go tell if he’s he’s not holding the angle he’s holding the angle he’s holding the angle see nice did he leave no he’s probably going to he didn’t leave I want to hear an excuse he has all right finally only one you lost I don’t I don’t want to fight a 13 million is like wild not using Devils the devil’s luck uh uh title color is is a menace move you are you are scary why you I you used it once I’m tell him it’s literally a move I’m allowed to use yeah I’m scared of the 30 million he’s not using the devil’s luck title color he’s scaring me where did I rip demon go you just went out there what oh that’s crazy you should go jump him it’s funny y you need to get Devils luck I’m tired I would go kill him but y I got 5.5 let’s go that’s my with my like honor boost thingy 20% okay that’s not bad no he’s how do you unequip a title you you can unequip a title oh just click disable I did not know that that was a feature he just said men men L disable oh I never knew the disabled button existed I thought you just unequipped the title yeah I thought the first one was just unequipped like no are you killing him no I’m currently just sitting somewhere there what’s happening outside okay I raing [Music] demon I’m scared where the hell is he right there he did not go in that don’t go in that don’t go in that killed him W you I I got him in a combo just get ready to say mad cuz just say m is bad I report him for spam report him for spam teaming cuz he said spam like six times it’s teaming so he said teaming like six times bullying do he get banned probably not needs the team to win if I can’t do it himself it’s fun you L are we bull these n you can’t win to fight yourself how do you think I got 30m he’s so scared he can’t go one one him go one one him I don’t I don’t want to he’s get soon just beat him he’s so easy he’s using kit soon you can take him teaming is how you got 30 million that doesn’t make sense cuz then you I’m not pvping in a server when Midnight’s there cuz he takes my kills and I caught 30m now so I can just have fun that’s the joy of getting 30 million you can just relax on you don’t have to worry about anything Bon to team one one him just one V one him you can beat him so easily I almost died to him I’ll use um instead of P home I’ll use uh he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s oh jumping you oh he jumping all right you can beat him you can beat him just crack your combo bro he’s holding God he would see okay you that oh I’m using you can talk nope did you mind helping me I think you got this no I don’t just dip you have life oh I’m going to die would you mind helping me and he’s he’s going to like call us bad this is pretty he’s literally a 9 million he can’t talk oh I need that B get a TP oh [ __ ] well there’s an inventional Rift like go in there and then you can chill TP us all right come on bro get out of here and then there’s going to be a portal STP the fight okay okay go to the portal go to the portal go to the portal like out of the menion roof it’s like a portal in the air I went through it y fruit spawn screw screw do okay well please I need help I need help bro team me again bro yo he’s he’s in here this kitsun is in it it’s not the kitsun it’s a k I need to do 70k to I wa 70 7 71,000 like I have defin killed a kid I definitely down 70k I think so yeah okay I’ve done 70k all right I’m just going to chillax some kid just entered in here he has PVP on he’s using do got sniped by do it’s this right I know where the what was it uh I don’t know I haven’t got to it yet oh he got it what was it I don’t know y what’s good I was in your game ear yo Mo Mo’s in the chat it was Mo the rip demon guy took it what was it Spike I don’t care kid soon oh he’s outside again no he’s trying to jump he’s trying to jump that’s crazy that’s crazy bro cuz me personally I would not jump like that that’s just me though like I don’t know I don’t know you but [Music] like I got my V4 I killed him he did not even hit me once V spammer I used it once call him ksun call him katuna call him katuna C spammer yes mo mo hello Mo where are you are you I should that combo that combo is good that’s true uh okay uh Mo if you care there’s like d commanders in our server and it’s funny so yeah oh Lord I did not miss that trust me I missed that I’m going to stop using holiday did not just do that that’s because my screen was glitched chat chat because my screen was missed k I lost my V4 every blo TR player known to mankind plays like this except for Mo cuz Mo’s just goed Mo Mo’s golded Mo’s golded MO is the nicest Blox player ever I think Mo should actually have more honor than 3 million bro bro is the only blocks person I’ve seen willingly do a raid like willingly wanting to like wanting to help with a raid that’s the first block I help I I helped you with her ready because I forced you to definitely not because I need a fragment yeah definitely yeah he didn’t need frag will do it mean it probably does it probably does need fragments but like everybody needs fragments but like unless you have everything that cost fragments which you which you genuinely cannot have because uh what is it called I wait do I uh make Max I don’t know oh you don’t oh I got spiky shot I need that okay let’s go check here yo we can just I can actually make it up the great tree yo what’s good bro I’m flying up there with you are you also using light yeah wait is that Spirit yeah on the call the spirit yeah yes I am on the [Music] PO [Music] I hate the dash SS hey do you have it maxed uh yeah I have it maxed oh watch we just not have cyborg Max it’s going to happen are you guys going to try I don’t have cybg Max I only have make Max actually I might have shark max are you guys can just walk through I don’t have the luxury of are you guys going to tryal um if you’re like not cyborg or mink and you need help BR triy out we can help sure right ride we’d help Mo out yeah Mo said hi to you hi Mo M1 spammer what what I’m going I’m going to go to mansion and probably just get scarred go to Mansion there’s a fight I’m going to Mansion there stupid you’re F there’s a child here like this the child that almost that keeps whooping you oh Lord there’s two kid I’m going I put I put one of them in dimension over here they’re I don’t know who this kid is but like yo Go’s gone there’s like four kitsunes I know kitun was in stock yesterday not yesterday like a couple days ago yeah he’s dead his name was his name was Ohio Master 3D that’s crazy kill him kill him I demon W you you oh I missed I missed I kill him you can kill him you him he’s running I can’t hit him y he dead I’ll go to I did not me to teleport to Mansion here you go around flank him flank him flank him flank him flank him bro this is not an FPS game flank his ass mountain mountain basically my cool down is not recharged if I had ghoul I it’s not let me go up I’ll just go to like Center I see him I hit him I got a bit I got a bit of left go in there go in there go in go in I’m holding holding ra God he got out Y how did you miss wrath of God I hit him go go go go go go don’t go that please he’s diing he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s going to the water okay then I we cannot catch him V spammer Noob Runner Noob run a noob who is using there’s some guy um using Mammoth and it looks so cursed oh I didn’t even I didn’t even get anything teamers and vpam I agree he is why is every Bud saying vpam like it’s a move on Portal you’re you’re you’re cpam am I not allowed to spam and and F spam and dash spam that’s the point it’s a MBO starter that’s like saying Rumble Rumble X spam yeah these kids you you need to use it to get a combo when when you get out of the Soul guitar X then s V so Happ keep keep what am I he keep saying what am I until he until we can get a Bann when you use V you you can INF combo and in combo good for PVP V spammer keep saying keep tell keep saying yeah keep saying again B I’m going go get Angel V4 Angel’s good Angel’s really good V spammer again trading spirit all just report him now report him now bullying spam get for that I reported the wrong wrong guy my fault outside spam oh he is he is outside he didn’t get back I got him in there nice I just okay yeah C spam C spam I thought you were him for a second oh he’s back another kid is back just kill this kid I hit him with that oh I’m going to die I’ll get out of here I died that you bet bro I’ll kill him I let me let me kill them bro’s running n that’s crazy I’m going to get out of there and then got my V4 oh you just cancel my combo I killed him where is he right here kill the transform kit you user he just sucks where no he’s gone he runs all way kill this kid I got him in that I got that he’s running okay that kid soon us is also gone no get out get get out get out I’m here I’m here I’m here hit him got him in that nice I hit him with that he’s he’s one shot get out of get out of it get out of it kill him nice I missed okay keep chasing him I’ll I’ll be SEC he’s he’s gone uh go to go to entrance oh I’m comboing him I killed him easy first of all V4 second of all no 30m third of all all no 4M you died first finally bad at the game finally spammer then how did you die I think he just swore I just going first time using light uh expects me to be able to kill an admin LOL this is my first time using like why do you say kill an admin no I said that no first time using light expects me to be able to kill an admin are you one V one demon again or you just can’t huh h so I need to get better at fighting kitun changing makeup it makes really easy to counter I’m me you’ll see the true of what running was that 3.9 million where’ he swapped with he’s using mink and now he’s running oh he’s gone it’s full Mo it’s full I’m trying to see the fight I want to watch Mo if you want to join us there’s a full Mo and you can get me before 3 2 1 go okay why did he say 3 2 1 nice nice he’s in that see how many times how many times you think he’s going to call you portal Beast spammer scale one 10 like four how’ you miss not going to talk about that okay oh don’t don’t gete don’t get H by see nice nice don’t miss nice nice yo what bro oh he’s gone this kid you see him he gets he gets a transation what the hell was that aim he just his a his his like internal IQ just popped off he went in that ain’t no way I so temp to just snipe him with Divine Arrow don’t die are you dying no he’s no mind you’re not going to die he’s dying look at him he’s running see him teleport Center nice easy easy easy zero C dang it you what P him no he only said it four oh then he say it again all right rep keep keep calling trigger him trigger him bro is not going to get trials he going to get folded folded in them okay report oh he s report report him report po p y he doesn’t get banned he has connections to David you guess what killing level 2,514 using Buddha BR is not running away V again you can’t even PVP B I’m going to use V again just to make him say get we can get a man L okay did you win no I he hasn’t even havep I’m just doing it the trigger V is just Spam you know V is Spam is just bad I’m going to die to a budha user oh he just killed himself you’re really need friends say say say in game say in game or I’m going to get Camp huh say in game what why no no rip demon trying to jump me rip Demon’s jumping me again wait why why you want me to say in game cuz you said he himself yeah I killed him stay in game right now like out loud huh in game what cuz why you want here to say in cuz you said he just himself and like that no YouTube moderation in game he killed himself in game he he he he just reset in game he didn’t kill himself in real life no I wouldn’t be saying that I would be actually trying to he OED himself in Roblox yeah he he Spirit what’s your fruit black I’m good I 3 I won’t be using sit cap I don’t I don’t need to One V one if I don’t get Bounty you scared just one V one him he sucks and if he starts running just so bad okay oh one one I can’t type one one I’m the one who killed you one once you’re going to get jumped by the freaking I know I am I’ll be waiting right here I will use you what is happening is that there’s someone using mag I know yo um whoever what he doing whoever’s watching the stream right now like it please and sub subscribe cuz yeah I know Mo’s already subscribed but Mo I don’t think you like the stream yet cuz yeah but if you can thank you well change the stream music here we go that’s an ad hold up my fault my fault what does DW mean oh no he said don’t worry don’t worry right three two one got oops sorry it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine he’s really bad by the way I’m just letting you know yeah are you destroying him yes y he’s running he h himit he wants he’s running look how bad he is he’s going to use kit AC oh oh why did that that how did not hit no just like get near him you use God him and c and then just like fold him oh I it oh like that happened are you going to die no I’m actually on 8,000 Health yo one he’s so low say easy not going to lie nice I’m not going to lie nice combo uh thanks I guess again I’m so I’m just going to go kill I’m going to go kill Captain elephant I don’t want to fight him I’m going to go kill Captain elephant TR us will me one while I have V4 what is happening outside y relax I’m trying to kill Captain Al oh I need that bro I need that I need that yo my combo sorry myad my bad they’re going to jump up oh Lord I don’t he have PP on okay good he’s not have PP on well Captain elephant’s actually getting L I missed what don’t say that on stream I’m stupid right my bad if my channel gets taken down you owe me 20 bucks deal deal I swear if you report if you master report me I’m not going to do that you’re going to you’re going to get Kyler to master report your channel I accidentally just killed it with sang I hate my life anyone I I actually got Mash you on melee same yo he does not have PVP on it’s Ohio it’s Ohio Master 3D guys he does not have PVP on did who hit me think Ohio Master hit me I don’t even know why I hit him where you go I go what you see I wait heit now4 yo he’s not the type of person I mean he is the type of person to use before cuz he done it to me before don’t say easy when you win just say like GT something is it just me or 10% of the time when you’re like fighting people and they start like like acting toxic and stuff and then like they will ask you for a wi when you kill them and then you just become friends with them yeah that happens that happens there was this kid he he kept running so much at Castle and then as soon as I fought on Manion he just absolutely destroyed me that that that’s why that’s the kid I learned rang Goku combo from that’s the only reason I ever used Ren Goku yo he’s respectable now I respect this man now there’s like three people watching this fight what is happening oh I oh wait I used wrong move bro my bad you fumbled oh what the what is that range blood oh did you hit that yes I did y there’s five people watching hello to everybody watching if you can speak in the chat well if you can’t speak in the chat hello hope you’re having a great day oh what was that range there’s some portal user in the kid St and they like just like you threw you fumbled the bag right I know why do you keep holding that you’re going to die oh what’s happening I’m scared what’s happening below me yo what’s up hello cobby Finn there’s six people watching cobby Finn hello I sold when I miss ug I still don’t respect the rip demon guy oh wait um wait is that third seat yeah this is this is third seat I still don’t respect um the demon guy but I respect this guy cuz he’s like y combo he’s that’s not me I oh yo there’s nine people watching now yo everyone that’s watching right now if you could subscribe and like I’d appr appreciate that especially liking well actually subscribing more but liking helps like the it show the stream to more people so yeah are you in third c yeah it’s just third C bro here this is so interesting to watch literally on Max Health he’s got I’m not on Max Health anymore you’re like half Health you fumbled the back you fumbled the back mind are you going to be famous one day oh you are going to be famous one day I I know just no’s irrelevant br’s very irrelevant oh I so I’m not irrelevant cuz Mo exists that that’s the only reason yeah M Moo’s actually carrying our fan base I’m joking please don’t harass me hello Roa ran need three out of three if you want to give it to me I’d appreciate it but you don’t have to oh I’m going to die oh you f oh who wants CB’s hunts absolutely no but I do but it’s like actually painstaking yeah uh cuz uh uh cuz I stopped trying when I’m in do trading in secondy I yeah we can do trading but I’m only really looking the the only trade I need Bounty the only trade I’m willing to do right now is probably like trading my katun for like two dragons I do that trade oh wait wait am I tripping or do they change the profile thing for Dragon no they didn’t like in fruits no they didn’t that’s how that’s what all this was oh what is happening I am scared what is happening me who the hell is using actually my name is Benjamin oh hello Benjamin if you see some person in your name and I’m the one the one who knock the one who knocks me that’s me I’m give three I killed some kid should I interfere I’m going to interfere I’m killing the 21 million why is bloody running yo oh he’s reset is this kid using no he missed that that’s crazy how the hell did he miss I know okay I got him in there let me kill let me trust me trust me nah bro let me kill him please okay there we go 17 million I joined Mo joined Mo there’s Mo I’m I’m friending Mo they did I give you 3 out of three thank you bro 3 out of three wait am I almost at 5.6 million can you see what’s your username and wa what’s your username and and is your join yeah my username is pinned it’s like uh right the the nightmare play yeah that’s my username it’s pin I yes I do have my joints on I’m gonna add Mo actually he’s so nice yo someone else subscribe had Mo yet no I had I didn’t have thank you um and how did he join us my joins are on oh I didn’t know what the be no the the guy left the Popa guy left oh okay he didn’t reach I think he just left bro he um yeah I’m going to buy the tong Qui Yeah by oh Pirates have y thank you Mo for the spring people okay Pirates have been spotted ping the castle go what where is it wait can you add me um I really only added Mo because like he was like here yesterday too if you like Tune In My Stream tomorrow then maybe I’ll add you is that Mo ready added me for um no no no particular reason yeah he’s he definitely don’t to go to the same school as me trust definitely don’t I have definitely haven’t known it for my entire life no who is this kid that’s RI demon I’m not going to kill demon I I respect demon now kind of not really there’s an I I’m actually folding demon I’m going to die somebody stole my kill all right yo who has demon W I’m about to die I got my V4 demon just died to me transforming no shot yo who does anybody have PVP on I think I I just got hit by you no it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it was this kid this kid named people have on I got I got I got in my I almost have my um I am the hell he’s laging oh he’s a hacker yo I [Applause] can’t yo who’s using skyboard oh you are me going to use that I see people the like like the the person named people I got the fruit it was a chop oh Lord yep 2700 he got his before good Lord I hit him with that I think never mind no I did not where is he I not he’s actually One Tap not really but yet oh I’m going to die what is that damage I died whatever hello I’m from the Philippines hello Noah yo midnight the three out of three yo the one who knocks joined yo uh no mo died Mo died no that rhymes you do that all the time you got straight bars from Mars sh I’m dipping bro okay I’m gone I hit someid with Sol guar and I dip oh by the way everyone that’s watching right now um if you how old are y’all 13 ready you’re you shouldn’t be asking a I don’t think you’re allowed to do that you have to be at least 13 to be in the Stream yeah you’re not 13 you’re not allowed to be on YouTube if you’re 13 that’s illegal I mean if you’re not 1 I can’t same thing yeah the W are like foury olds at Green Screen Video yeah Spirit I’m a get mask on R Goku rang Goku is like crap yeah rang Goku is so good R Goku rang Goku Rumble and sanguin used to be my build before ksun came out and now I use this build cuz it’s funny what is the one who knocks his name op bacon here that’s people what BR that just scared the life on me oh I got him in a combo oh I got hit by that good Lord can you kill him please oh I killed him oh he died I’m 13 also that’s cool he 13 people lost his Bounty like he went down from 21.1 to 21 w w he’s just like that didn’t look good 20 minut just true it really didn’t look good he got smacked up got smack up 714 let’s go I’m not irrelevant anymore yes sir bro cooking please add me I if you tune in the Stream tomorrow too then I’ll that but like yeah wait where is the guy who was like going to give me my B you there yes oh God go to [Music] Mansion where is the one who knock what’s his name op I’m buy ready I’m buying it w here all right come outside the one who knocks let we just like get that three out of three okay what is happening outside both’s giving me a three out of three he’s such a w man W man I’m buying it with 65 I can get I can get 50 Robux yeah it’s only four I can just buy a dollar worth I got it oh wait never mind now I have to do this open link in new tab thank you bro yes demon Ser yo who just jumped me am I getting attacked nah yo I’m getting attacked V4 are you good yeah I’m fine never mind I’m going to die what is this bro oh I’m goinging the one who knocks is trying to save me oh I think the one who knocked out get out of there just save me me no I killed them yeah the one who knocked tried to save my life he’s are W man he’s about to die there we go you killed the one who knock I know he was giving me a three out of three teaming is bad never mind never mind never never mind I thought I thought the one who knocks was like the a control user no the one sorry okay the one who knocks is a w man he’s cooking there Al very drippy yeah he is I’m I’m don’t the one who knock um motion what time you going to stream tomorrow probably at like 2 p.m. uh Atlantic Standard Time no I gu nothing good okay that wait we’re in Atlantic where else would we be I never knew that our our time zone is a I never knew that don’t don’t okay ready look man I’m dead I mean like I know right I mean like look at look at the pose why am I doing this PO yo why are you looking so weird I think I switched from sangin C too fast let use it yeah that’s how you’re supposed to die that’s how you got it yeah it’s gone now there’s a person I’m going to teleport to Turtle Center and Juke it did you also teleport me yeah this kid’s getting Jed yo where the hell are you don’t ask what that kid ever did where are you oh he just got like harassed y what’s good what’s good bro yo he’s about to jump ass I’m just say I I did not miss that trust me yo Mansion yo harass him in game in game yo he went through the portal game no don’t harass him in real life I killed bro actually just got bro got quadruple 41 but what can you offer for Gravity he ain’t even mad he just got this that was unfair what can you offer for shadow gravity sound and spider um iay has like every single one of those FR I just don’t I just need one more sound that’s it um he died he died Jinx what how I jinxed you bro it’s the one who knocks bro oh sorry sorry sorry I didn’t know I didn’t know I didn’t know the one who knocks should honestly go on Marine yeah he should he should go on Marine no offense everyone has I don’t have a sound even though it’s been out for like I think he’s about to jump me yeah you okay yes sh no not not M me really much not yo yo yo bro just got hit by like four moves get him boys go in diens I killed him we got the whole gang in here yeah so so so so yeah right there yeah never mind H oh I’m trying to get my V4 there you go I got it thoughts on me with light how good am I good y it’s [Music] Mo no our fellow Marine our fellow Marine brother is going to die never mind he is harassing in game in game in game in game yo you get this Dragon user come on Dragon user I’m not I have my Nvidia installed not my fault if you died oh my fault what do you mean not your fault if he died you literally were the one protecting him that’s the M there oh what this guy has a YouTuber title he does what title Koba family oh he does oh yo oh who you kill for that oh heo who’s heo her he makes like PvP videos oh no why hyper have him I think Mo died no we must avenge Mo yo we we avenge Mo all yeah Mo came back e avenge goofy get goofy yo Ain noo we own This Server I’m friending the guy he’s nice aage M you’re a family I don’t want to report him yo he has Max friends a he said oh yo there’s another person there’s someone in the trees there’s someone in the trees I repeat there’s someone in the tree where there’s someone in the trees bro oh he just got Sucker Punch chase him down bro I did not hit him with that oh he died just step oh yo yo the whole Squad come back real quick and the whole Squad just like mods mod attack this kid everyone get him oh no attack this kid in game in game get him guys we’re not harassing people in real life we wouldn’t do that yeah YouTube I’m about at I’m going to die Avengers Assemble Yeah Avengers Assemble where did this guy go oh Avengers get in the dimensional Rift everyone get in the diens he got out of there get him guys get he messed with the wrong Squad bro he messed with the wrong Squad bro’s not bro is not surviving hi hello spooky hello spooky he ain’t even mad hello spooky spikes I don’t know why I clicked the stream oh and hello X zyus hello welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day or good night whatever time welcome to guess who’s back back again wait this is how you’re going to get people basically you’re going to make the scam you’re make the stream uh picture my haveit that would work I’m just going to like get him boys get him oh he died oh he died he 100% died yeah he died um he’s gone Mo don’t be toxic yo oh there oh scared me W wait oh 700 just got a second C oh look he’s a second C starter that’s valid probably just to remind everyone to have a good day and a good night thank you Kyle um why can’t I say scared oh no gravity technically my only good one yo yo follow them guys get him boys he’s got to he’s got to be targeting me oh he died both got ambushed no this guy why does he keep going out eat nuggets slide please I was I want nugget he got delted yeah he really got delted he’s coming back he’s back oh he’s going to die a you got Buu oh you said motion you got robu oh um what’s happening no I don’t know I know I don’t got Robux I have like who called me Sprint who called me Sprint I’m bed it was Mo bro relax I’m joking yo yo Mo no don’t don’t don’t if he kills Mo okay I’m killing him he’s getting harassed in game he died in game in game yep in Game Y it wasn’t more might have ban them who calls me how is this how is this poor guy going no mo no I got him in that Dad how is this guy guy how is this going to how is this like guy this pirate going to cope with all this emotional trauma Bounty he’s getting just harassed you want to go on pirate so we get that Bounty boost nah bro Marine better no not B don’t kill B I got him with that him byebye byebye he he died to me spinning him around I’m almost died we got you Mo we won’t let you die bro up we got you I’m hold I’m holding um ready give me a handshake no hold up how do I do this that that is not the uh wait uh use use coco yeah he have getting cyborg V4 and all these and all those things are pain for me yeah cyborg was a pain to get I hate cyborg I mean I got it I got it f i got fist of Darkness first try and the and the core first try we were going to try and get me dark blade we we were about to get uh midnight of the dark blade V3 and then and then I got a fist and I’m like no I on cyborg I got the fist then midnight hosted One Singular raid yeah yeah he does not One Singular raid hey no way bro has the nerve for that I’m just going to hold this and boom oh how did I miss he’s going to die he di midnight I got Fist from a chest what that isn’t a fist oh never mind yeah that is a P that is never never mind then I just got cyborg oh that’s how you got it yeah I got a fist from a C Beast because I was supposed to help midnight get dark BL V3 but I screwed it but he has dark blade V3 wait hey minute no one wants to play with me can we play if you want um I don’t have my VIP dark BL V is hard to get though I have it me and him got it I think it was like the same I I think I randomly got it we got it the same day yeah no we didn’t Oh no I got like a day we did yeah we did yeah we did cuz that was that was when we were having to sleepover what oh I sniped him I just sniped him with that sorry for beg can you please respon begging uh it’s fine um yo hello wait hello Debbie I can’t really donate you roblo cuz like yeah he does not have PVP on he does not have PVP on never mind I’m only on second see um yeah maybe may maybe after maybe after I can join you and help you yo I hit him with that again yo I got my V4 I got a glock in my AR he’s trying to kill me not really he does not have a Glock guys protect me guys protect me what happened I am the chosen one protect me protect me I didn’t actually attack mo mo what did Mo ever do kill him oh oh I I I I BR I killed him with soul guitar I don’t know have my who is this who is this oh no mind no no no no no no no that’s the one the one stop no no stop stop it oh [ __ ] my mom would never let me go to a sleepover oh wait wait someone asked for sleep over um um um basically um bring your what I was no I’m not going to say that I’m in second C only maybe you could go join spooky for now and then I’ll probably join after cuz second C is really fun so is this but like yeah do I do I almost have 5.7 you’re like way too close to 3.7 how how much you need like 3,000 more bount crazy I’m going to teleport to like great tree actually go to like Ice Cream Land wait let me I should probably equip a that means somebody somebody has killed big mom in like the past Kane is like the like the sword I’m best with like I I suck with any other sword I mean I can use cdk yo Debbie subscribe thank you Debbie for subscri Debbie’s cooking did you respond if yes I did not hear sorry for bothering and not paying attention can we play together yeah um yeah we can play after I’m I’m just going to probably go get like 5.7 and then I think spirit’s going to go get um 3.7 and then we can join second team okay where is pale scar they remove pale scar that’s tough let let’s just go let’s just go spawn don’t yeah okay um there’s somebody at gr tree I will take that trust let me kill them how close am I you need 3,000 more okay you can kill them I don’t care that man is not Happ that’s crazy this server’s dead this server’s like really dead why I go to I wonder why this like yo okay here let’s let’s go to Second seat everyone go go with me let’s go to Second seat let’s go yeah oh that is our friend that is not our friend go to Second SE boys everybody go to second second SE boys we on a second SE yo I’m at 718 Subs I am not irrelevant anymore yeah compare that to like Matt Pat I’m not in your server but I’m just going to kill in the game in game not in life not I am not oh there’s a fight happening in my server second can see yo we also fighting my fellow Marine brother’s going to die I killed him I got you I just pulled up and saved the guy from Eternal death yo yes I killed some kid some kid has dark BL you want that’s crazy V1 is just crazy V2 is like I I I don’t I’m not going to make fun of people with V2 but if you have V1 dark blade you just suck y I got oh I was on pirate I hate my life basically I didn’t get it because I was on pirate you didn’t get what uh my 3.7 cuz I was on PIR ready where did you change Marine oh I was literally out there and I just dipped shining flight I need go one more person in the game yo why was I there’s a kitsun yo all raise up Z me a I want a I’m going to join you there’s like 500 people there’s like 500 people in my server there like a kid soon everybody in my server just sitting at the oh hello blood why didn’t he come oh he probably got glitched uh but this is the nice Channel ever yeah I think so too thank you thank you he’s so chill and he’s around our yo everybody in the chat is being like nice what happened in like all in the Stream chat yeah they’re like um bro this is the nicest Channel ever yeah I think so too he’s so chill and he’s around our ages for real yeah remember last time that kid kept spamming bad stuff and then then he then he said you sound like a six-year-old and I just banned him I’m the only one that gets to make fun of your voice that’s true you do I’m not going up y just join me join me bro oh let’s see here U give me three good reasons why 3.86 good reasons why actually 3.141592 I roll the bomb one one I’ll give you a bomb too because the chat wants you to going give him a bomb BR in game Midnight we’re not giving bombs out Spirit you and midnight giant W yeah yes sir now who was spamming those some random person can I join yeah my username is up there just join up whenever yeah I’m in second C cuz like I know a lot of you like are how many people in the Stream right now I can’t tell 14 I’m not irrelevant yes sir you got that stream you should start we should probably you want to make I hate okay my ready can you TV me y Mo could you TP me to a cafe real quick I want to swap the Marine can I change oh y can I I can I join how I have my joins on and basically it’s it’s just like yeah my username there just join up I never knew [Music] oh Midnight’s also 30 million he he he he got 30 y midnight got 30 million like five years before me though yeah hello ABD I got mine not too long ago no someone else joined his name is Abdul and and Z plays join what’s good welcome to the stream I’m just going to like y hiora family yo hiora is back yo wait how did he join us I think he’s watching our stream yeah he’s he’s definitely watching our stream I’m being first boys yo not in combat I got it Falcon that called speed pretty be speed I got I wish bro the best of luck and getting his gold I got to go now all right bye Kyle have a good day what is your username uh my username is pinned it’s like this this is my username I’ll just type it in chat again in case anybody where ISU do you that’s my crazy I thought he watching I’m a St can you help me out yo stre uh3 you’re stream Shing that’s my username if anyone wants to join and if if it’s full I’ll probably swap Surfers like after JK I was already watching y y bro’s cooking he cooking yo there’s 17 people watching yo Brady you’re less level I can’t talk know that I talk lelin is crazy everyone that’s watching right now like the stream because um yeah we need more people tracks more people yeah that’s how that’s the algorithm algorithm OMG OMG OMG get him Bann get him Bann get him Bann he has a K in his say get him Bann oh he’s sorted damn bro you’re the most W and chill not scam either live stream thank you bro yes sir bro hello Zar I sub too thank you bro I appreciate that you bro I appreciate that we’re almost at 720 yeah we’re one away from 720 yeah there’s 10 there there’s nothing you’re going to get KY to master boy you’re channel so you so I to give you $20 I mean $20 $20 we’re delete this [ __ ] mid night he would never he loves all of his audience not like that no no not like that yo there’s a fight happening wait wait hey wait wait everybody who’s watching the stream we should go chill in the F we should go chill in the uh like the like the Frog Zone trust me yeah everyone everyone go to the [ __ ] I’ll just like rehat for a couple minutes and then we’ll go like P you’re welcome guys do you have Buddha yes I do the 16 million Discord is crusty balls what what what I don’t know but okay yeah everyone go to the everyone go chill in the frog room I can’t I let’s go frog room frog room frog room everyone go to the frog room everyone watching this stream go to brog yo we got the whole gang pulling oh we got am I nice yes Debbie you are nice you are nice can I have shout out shout out to Zar plays for being here and subbing I hear a c yo yo that’s definitely that was magma yo we got the whole Squad yeah that’s definitely a c the whole Squad yeah we got the whole Squad no why y y should honestly find us every let’s go find C everyone go go through that portal everyone go through that portal let’s go yo yo yo I’m getting there first okay everyone okay everyone get on the boat boys I I’m gone though I I have light bro get on boys yo level 1,030 do you play TSB I don’t know what that is um server is full I was so excited people will probably leave don’t kill the CB wait for wait for everybody else we’re all oh oh CB despawn oh the guy the guy who spawned and died the whole gang’s pulling up right the CB okay everyone get on everyone get on the bo everyone get on the boat everyone get on the boat I’m getting on the boat boys yo we l we oh get on boat y here we go y here we go oh oh oh on an adventure the server is full and I’m sad uh I’m sorry uh the people will probably leave what yo who waed dimensional Rift I don’t know yo the whole gang here that’s a fake C fake fake that was definitely C that was definitely C no no it’s fake he or it’s a fake did you summon that name anything for edit um basically you should make an edit on um um a Blox fruit SE beasto family is definitely actually a Blox fruit SE Beast yeah make why would they do that you’re literally famous I am not famous yeah he’s not famous I’m not irrelevant though anymore yeah you’re not irev we got seven we got everybody go C com chat trust me we got 720 let’s go yeah y I love you hi what the I just flew off I’m coming back boys y y oh we’re going through a blizzard real quick like it’s nothing personal we’re just in a blizzard name yeah name anything for edit yeah just like yeah the way you said yeah yeah just like we’re going to search on YouTube we’re going to have the most fire edit of yeah ever you should you should make an edit on a Sea Beast just a block ruit SE Beast make an edit on 700 Subs is really good and like eight likes is better than my hello would probably win look he has a notd win thing he definitely Mr violin joined yo hello Mr violin where are you going Ain no one have a fist of Darkness bro we’re going to go till we find the SE beast and then we’re just going to harass it and then in game and then hopefully we get like and then hopefully we got fist of darkness and then Blackbeard’s just going to get harassed andot guys Blackbeard spawn that’s crazy y I’m actually getting weird choice to be honest yeah but like it’s a block fruit SE Beast I think change I think actually getting a profile picture and like not having it as a valerant agent like like it carries my profile picture is so I’m not going to say the thing because that is spoilers I will upload on my channel C Beast edit yo yeah I’m coming back I’m back someone sent me a friend request I’ll accept it sure it’s wits it’s the guy the the man I’ll talk in chat because like YouTube has like a yeah we’re going till we find a c I don’t care we’re going I would love to my channel C do it first one two thank you bro I appreciate that first one to say re are you actually getting I I I have 16 I want 15 someone if someone says if someone says a re 32 I will give them R I’ll give them a singular all right uh Zari what’s here use it c c CB c c there a real C yes yes it did I think it’s a real CV guys oh I did 16,000 damage yo it look at it health it has 200,000 Health yeah cuz you have cuz you have like 500 people I know that’s like yeah can I join hello the lion welcome to the stream yeah no fish oh no fish no fish no fist any fish fish F Mo did you get a fish fish did you get a fish fist do anybody get fish fish anyone no I don’t think anyone got make a YouTube U send the Discord link out for the YouTube for for for like the channel so we can have a Discord oh yeah like you should probably do that I’m not even in your I’m not even in your Discord like the midnight pirate what’s one uh sure give me by way Bray send me it I’m not in your Discord server all right there’s a Discord server if anyone wants to join that Discord server I’ll just straight up invite you um oh no I already J click okay I definitely trust me trust me give me give give give me the give me the title um uh give me the title I don’t know something re can you guys join a small server please um basically if anybody here has a private server send the link in the Discord so then like everyone else can join it yeah also midnight add me on Roblox um midnight after the CBS can you guys join the small server 60k damage with one M1 the yeah the server’s full D I literally you have eyes private server I need 70 Robo to buy the yeah I don’t know I could but I save yeah that’s that’s fair he people should join trust me guys you should if you have uh die ass dord um oh you should join yeah like Discord join join the it’s it’s it’s it’s a w thing bro I’m going to ask my mom if I can buy robot trust me trust me trust me there just like 80 it’s like I’m going to give I’m going to give um I’m giving um a zarif plays a one Robo yo yo she let me I’m buying a private she I’m buying a private server yo ready in your Discord server could you give me a could you give me um what’s it called uh give give me the title um give me the title of uh Lord uncore no no Lord space re trust me cuz I am the original re and it generate copy friends all all right there is the private server link I sent it in the chat join up got join up a fruit spot at like the worst time but whatever it doesn’t [Music] matter all right join that join that private server bro why does it say have zero honor okay everybody go on Marine yeah everyone go Marine did you did you make the picture of the stream my AV what no me second c yeah okay this is a second C Ser yeah this is a second SC yeah thanks yeah no problem I do what I do yo why is no one joining oh don’t know hello I Jo okay I sent oh mo has Discord should I add to the call he does uh basically you know oh yeah yeah no yeah yeah may maybe guys in 13 Spirit y okay he joined Spirit are you midnight okay wait he he’s like are you giving him the one Robo he’s curious uh um what’s your user I will give him the one Robo I need I need that I need to have five at the end and I just had 16 pirate marine marine Spirit it goes yeah I always have this since 2020 remember you were like May 14th 2021 when did I join July 9th 2021 bro he joined two months before me that’s crazy what’s stock uh wait literally nothing good did you know that um what’s best flame I made this I made this Discord server um before um I made this Discord server literally before um even portal came out give give me the give me the title in in Discord uh Lord re he why do I have the Supernova thing that’s crazy oh no oh no I don’t know no give me a king re he title trust me um rolls make make it perfect create rolles new Roll King space Ricky he and make it perfect King also we no ready ready we should get just a bunch of random pictures for emotes King re permissions that yeah you get to um um you get to like allows members to invite yeah you can invite new people you can kick you can bam don’t you can time out okay yeah give me the ban trust me trust me trust me trust me yeah okay I will but don’t just don’t okay I won’t I won’t ban anybody unless they do it on purpose King re permission okay how do I add somebody who gets this rle huh okay uh click on wait addit add members um add there yo I got kingy yo how can I join you uh my user uh the private server link is right there right private server link here I’m going to send it and I’m going to say ready look what happens when I’m holding dark PL pinned message there I like holding dark blade I might swap I might if I when I swap the sword I’m using dark blade that’s all right sec I’ll be okay keep keep the chat entertained I’ll be right back tell them to like do this I can still hear oh how do I keep keep them entertain I’ll be back in like 2 minutes uh by B um everybody subscribe to zarif playay he’s a w man going to check your videos let’s see is that it there some fire edits but these are some fire edits the Eds are actually fire zarif has fire edits uh what do I come back to oh it’s basically zar Zar has W edits did he make it uh what no he didn’t make it yet but he has W Ed also zor’s on mobile so uh you need to friend him oh okay uh Zar what’s your also I need his user to give him one Robux yeah okay Zar type your username in the chat I’ll add you yeah all right also I don’t stream it might not be now but like probably within like the next 5 months I’m probably going to be moving so I might not upload for like or like stream for like a week or something but then I once I get like to my new place yeah it’ll be like Banger bro is there PVP Happening Here ATO I thought it was road to 30 yeah we’re going to be doing some pvps when people like join when people join the server I did not out Discord I can’t join no it’s fine you I sent the link in the thing oh oh that’s credits to my brother for learning me edit C I’m going to look at one of your edits and um yeah yeah he he has fire edits did you see one of them I I like his Gojo standing after death one it’s cool where is it it should I don’t know which one video uh I’ll watch like this one ready uh Mo ask or something I’m watching his Spiderman edit yo that’s fire I guess fire edits that’s cool good edits bro good edits 30 mil honor 30 million boun is complete yes uh credits okay wait also first ever streamer to say my name is you thank you no problem thank you for subscribing who who we who we left yo where is um wait where’s he heo um I don’t know all right uh I go swap to like pirate or something so we can do some One V one so it’s not like boring what I don’t want just going to get like jumped by like six people I know I I want to keep on my I need H has I’ll go pirate I’ll go pirate we take B wait oh no no we can just go we can go in the Coliseum bro so Bounty boost stops oh do you know what we should do I want to do something okay I’m just going to let okay I I’m just going to let everybody here I’ll turn on my hockey but they can only M1 me to death cuz like that that works right let me do let me do let me do let me my friend Dicky join okay here go go where are you he go to I’m right here here okay I’m okay only M1 oh wait I should probably just just let let him one by the way okay yes okay sowit all right turn on hockey and also turn on your observation wait hold up yo why is everyone here I’m scared you’re not don’t don’t kill V I’m right now turn it off okay don’t don’t don’t even touch me don’t touch me yeah a lot of people are okay don’t touch mid don’t touch M yeah get there I don’t think anybody here can take Bounty from me besides like Mo or someone I know mo I think buff Buffalo can yeah buffal can yeah but Buffalo can Buffalo can I really you know what I really want to do I I really want to do like a entire server versus me you’re using cyborg I don’t want to B bro b it says my account privacy authorization what uh what is wrong you know I think you I think you have to be open is your account is your account over 13 cuz if it’s not I subscribe you’ll thank you bro I won’t though okay here Mo Mo only M1 me to death M1 me only I know yeah okay okay see I don’t lose boun yeah okay M1 is mouse button one no it’s not over oh you can’t Jo I mean I could okay everybody okay wait should I kill yes but M1 oh this guy cannot what is happening no no he missed an M1 that’s crazy oh did you lose Bounty yeah somebody hit me what happened who’s using is anyone using electric claw or electric or something cuz someone use electric I think I think Factory St is electric I I don’t have hocky on oh no this I think uh I think um Diggy yeah Diggy’s using U um oh he hit me oh all here let me let me just kill him okay hold up just bam there you go okay there all right okay okay everyone post okay put your usernames in chat for me to add I’m going to unad them after who like the people that I add I’m just doing this so they can join the private server seven yeah I mean Mo was just goed yeah everybody in the Stream goed but like Mo’s been here for two streams and like yeah everybody here’s goed but yeah yeah 15 people watching it’s crazy Moosa let me get my laptop Char that’s like you on a daily basis yeah that’s that’s me you’re computer your laptop is never charged don’t be lying we’re just waiting for okay why do I sound so old I don’t know wait Ro Roy Hatch M 13 is it 13 or 14 14 all right is that uh random please okay I added you don’t lie I just die I added you yo bro my my my username is very weird you have like oh wait yo who is unaka is that this game oh no stop stop un un what’s 1 three 133 not me bro I’m not doing this that’s crazy all right I add the 44 hours we we just three out of three each other is it it supposed to to be three days yeah oh I think it starts the first time you kill somebody was it the first time I killed you today oh you killed me yesterday yeah when like when we were killing I emess that never happened oh God I at bomb when I had light on it’s fine I’ll go swap the sword stats you stupid idiot well I have like eight lights it’s fine wait is is isn’t light install wait but by I have fruit stats ready I have fruit chest you know what that means light is not in s go roll go roll wa I already did what did you get Bray look please no okay Shar what’s your name like type it in chat and then like I’ll add you I’m going to un add you guys after the stream but like yeah if if you come to the stream tomorrow keep you at it but yeah Mo’s laptop di actually that’s you that’s literally you yeah that’s literally me MO is not me trust me I’m not Mo Li I’m going to go swap the sword stats I I I I want to use dark BL oh well don’t go don’t go over there to swap the sword stats why oh wait my name is Zar my is melee defense sword okay I got sword I’m going to use Rumble don’t have Rumble all right I okay I added him okay now well everyone everyone that I added join yo are we talko we yo w w I’m gone I’m good I’ll chilling here it’s not that serious bro like br I’m gone I think you’re actually gone I am trust me that y that was so fair speed M do you want to do two raids no for 2,000 fragments why do you need fragments oh no I only have 8,000 Mo said he’s Sprint undercover he said you’re such a fake are you going to take that I’m Banning you no I’m joking I’m joking I’m choking I’m Ching all all right well where is like everybody’s going to one me one you’re going to get one ta yeah that’s true yo yo what I ever do hitting me gamer lemon gamer lemon8 gamer lemon8 i c seven what is wrong with me yo I’m gone forgot to use the X move or C move same thing you don’t know where I went [Music] bro I see you oh Lord how that I still don’t know how to I still don’t know I still don’t know how to cve I accepted everyone’s friend request everyone that like you better join in the next like 3 second yo no they almost k for that isn’t that serious oh I died to Lava okay I’m so annoy yo Mo midnight yo Mo’s hurt attack midnight it’s mo mo is harassing me Mo Mo’s AOW okay attack midnight through Mo attack midnight I’m gone Chad I’m gone I’m going to chill in here it’s not that serious guys like it’s not that serious they’re not going to talk about that either though who did I just kill about that Mo now Mo was in my dimensional oh yo it wasn’t that Ser it’s full this is not full bro it isn’t full it still does not let me Jo you killed I wait wait did you kill what have I done BR I’m trying to I’m trying to let the people join the server relax you’re going to die cuz of that what is that you one me basically cuz this thing is like broken on Nati na I’m while I’m doing this I’m configuring my private server you actually I’m gone I want to be the I was on 235 friends allowed off on refresh you should be able to join I SWA the gun don’t ask you can do destroy yeah please please please go public server who agrees bro this is my private server I added you guys I bought this private server with my money so you guys could join n why can’t you join why can’t you join bro that’s tough yo who who attacked who attacked him I wonder who it was I wasn’t me I’m not using portal I’m going to die lava again sheh yo don’t your aim that was a wrong NPC don’t don’t call me I will yo yo MO is I’m going to M1 Mo to death MO is lagging you just stle all your friends bro what are you going to take that what did you say he told all his friend that he was joining a server at a YouTuber I think so just get better Bo you have can’t do anything don’t turn PVP on simp you’re actually destroying go swap the gun stats Mo like that can you give me a stat refund by any [ __ ] baby w w I can’t join attempt to join restricted bro what I’m going shut down the server then and I I had that bro that’s that’s St okay everyone join back everyone join back it shouldn’t be it should be restricted yeah okay there I re why you kick me can you give me a salary fund by any chance I’m good can you please give me a St by any chance no I’m good oh please I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t kick anybody I restarted the private server cuz it says no one can join so I’m going to see if this fixes that issue join me no no no no no no no here right here oh I actually went on fire dud I’ll teleport you bro I got you here you also went on fire yo bro you lost your 30 million I know I don’t care I really don’t yo go switch the Marine I’m second I’m doing something both both getting a drink at the bar what is you doing you you can unequip accessories you can just not have an accessory yes I’ve done that multiple times fighting that’s possible yes why you kick me out I didn’t know I didn’t kick anybody up I I restarted the server I I shut down the spurt 1 V one yes spurt One V one Mo okay fine I’m going to watch this I’m going to make your guys eyes not bleed real quick hold up I’m going to cook I’m going rules yeah wait okay basically just going to infinite come Mo die okay this is this is the this is we’re not allowed to leave this count oh oh I didn’t realize you’re starting yo where he go he he he he electrocuted me bro oh why you pick me up why I cannot join you I honestly don’t know but like I have I have joins on you I accept I accepted your as a friend request I really you should be able to join okay see he joined oh I’m so I I’m actually bad at this game you can check that that’s crazy I’m going to teleport on that tree over there now back over there yo bro teleport in the middle of the fight I Still Still I still have yet to use portal ax why I can I join you I at the private Ser setting yeah I I know I did the private Ser setting I think it’s your guys’ accounts if they’re not if they’re not over 13 I don’t think you could just join private servers I don’t know I don’t I know if that that’s the thing but oh yeah I do have a dragon I do I’m going to teleport on that tree over there never mind no I cannot you just Krick my entire combo Mo’s cracked at this game most better at K tricking them let’s try public again I I no what happened B bedtime bye-bye best ED YouTuber to be honest said my name and also sh me thank you for coming to the stream appreciate it why cannot join us apart the telephone what bye good night see you spooky have a good night oh are you I think you’re talking about yo this is the longest fight I’ve ever had in my life there’s a piece of girl yo me and DH I just chill out I’m what the say my name he calls me Sprint I’m Banning him from I’m Banning him no hey watch this watch this like Boulder watch this Boulder fly I’m about to [Music] fly nuh that Boulder is gone [Music] oh my like yeah I’ve been I’ve been waiting for the dragon re for like 3 years now the dragon re’s not coming up we can hit by that not my fault I I just infinite clbl that’s crazy yeah but MO is good Mo’s good at P so we don’t need link sword can you just put I call people good at PVP I don’t even call midnight good at PVP is this man good at PVP though I yes I have my V4 Mo which 3334 okay hold up I think that’s the name which 3334 right yeah which 3 334 well just say stop if you want me to stop having my V4 which 3334 configure um add people which three three um three four um um and then unchanged Heaven my name is z wait didn’t Z have to go a change the stream music again I’m just spamming tornadoes at him oh I still have I still have my freaking music I think I just got copyrighted but [Music] whatever add my add my I did both I sent you I have you add members um wi 3334 yo Mo almost just killed me okay I type your type your usernames in the chat so I can add you right now oh I can’t teleport my own portal oh I’m [Music] stuck I good with dark blade can you open up your um um um um the the the the domain expansion control but Mo does not have PVP on I’m just going to take never mind never mind ready okay you can fight up here yeah go up here I’m taking the trees I’ve took the the tree is gone yo look at the tree oh Lord I’m under I’m underneath the map the tree is on Cafe underneath the map the tree is on Cafe right now I was underneath the yo look at tree look at the tree look at the tree on Cafe right now um the funniest thing I’ve ever seen yo what is Mo trying to do bro Mo Mo’s going on a massacre Mo I don’t think that was the smartest idea you’ve ever had but like yo controls bugging watch like look it just look if I throw it look it’s just going to where’ it go where did the treat go oh oh There the treat gone okay Al David 1203 what is this Ali actually scared the life out of me Ali David one two 1 2303 no it’s 1 1203 right 1 1203 okay that think all right accept I’ve accepted that one good oh mo Mo’s on his villain Arc Mo’s on his villain Arc I am actually screwed I’m cooked that’s crazy was on his villain Arc just like protect me while I add these people to the private server okay cuz like we need this W people uh you add all right you’ve been added gamer lemon 8 you been hit by a go gamer lemon8 okay I can’t invite gamer lemon8 he just I can’t invite him yeah there’s a setting you need to have oh what is T man doing all right Ali David gamer lemon okay I invited everyone that I can oh he’s enabling PV me I missed I suck oh nice nice what’s happening down there I think I think I think Mo I think Mo died oh yo he joined someone join what happened why your privacy settings are just but I can’t do anything about it um fortnite man yeah I can’t I’m sorry wait there’s a go on there’s a you can change in your privacy settings I think he has to be over 13 no if you invite you to priv what happened to all ready can we one me one uh sure I should probably stop using Phoenix yeah a good idea 3 two 1 go we should probably on Al that seems like I got IDE I did I added you Ali David 1203 I did oh Diggy move I’m gone wait let me tell DIY to move stop for a sec stop for a sec Diggy move please there okay go what who wo no one’s hit me yo yo my guy oh can you use different uh can you not use your V you okay that’s fair can you use a different sword okay you use an you use Anor okay three two one go I don’t care if use gravity I’m not using gravity that’s crazy yo there’s a T-Rex right yo how did you only take 743 damage oh that was not my right move okay maybe you don’t use anchor bad with dark blade yo what is Diggy doing Di’s just having just okay three two one go no you’re using Anor I I let me let me get out of combat you know I didn’t hit Dy he I like move move move you’re get hit what isy doing he’s getting jiggy now I’m in combat again bro Diggy was getting jiggy yo he’s getting jiggy again was jiggy’s getting rzy he’s getting jiggy I’m gonna eat I’m gonna e I’m G to eat a piece of gum so I concentrate D gets hit by that’s not my fault all right um basically I’m going to use um hm yeah all right go one second I don’t know why I’m killing these guys give me a minute not a minute there okay go 3 two 1 go that’s tough W never happened that never happened what the I don’t know why I’m using dark zck I hate how’ you dodge why are you using I thought that was a was acid rifle yeah that being acid rifle is crazy I thought that was a rifle I haven’t seen you use the other move yet never happened oh the tree just sold yo I can’t oh dark dagger oh my gosh I hate you finally Y what happening why did you just stop moving at times BR I’m lag I’m joking I really am not but yeah I can’t do nothing the dark so best with cdk why dark D you’re suuck so bad I know why did you like stop moving yo Diggy are you getting folded by DIY right I will go before diggy is destroying me yo why is T-Rex so broken di is decent at D really good at oh I took bount my fault if you kill me Mo isn’t cool you can never gadge me I’m better just Join one prob Ser one last I feel like you’re going to work um believe in me please if this doesn’t working go back to private but please pleas h no I do not play fortnite um um I’ll go to Pur just let me one V one him one more time okay R get please okay let me use um what do you want me to use I don’t care I’m not going to use ank wa wait wait let me use wait I’m going use AET rifle while I have my V4 on quickly quickly quickly 3 2 1 go this is so fair I haven’t used a rifle in so long oh I hate you did you get hit by a smooth criminal I don’t like you you’re very mean I know right [Music] no di cooking swap the gun man let me go I’m going to go swap the Gun Man real quick all right I’m going to join the private I’m going to join the public server for um him once and if it doesn’t work then I go back what check uh melee defense are we going to talk about how you like die to my cyborg no no we don’t that’s something we’re never going to talk about ever in our entire lives I mean it’s kind of on stream so ooh yeah basically you’re never going to see me again okay Joe I’m not going to I’m not going to do anything oh spooky play MO is like gone m despawn that’s tough I’m going to join you I want test a I see a level 2,000 I’m going to kill him in game yeah why is she struggling to kill Jeremy what in the hell was that noise Don swans here I did not mean to teleport the dog house I’m using make I don’t need Transportation I can just use the right ready y diggy is here that’s is that Diggy that’s Diggy right yeah come on wait where are you ready I see you let me test the combo is this him okay let me test the combo on you this kid doesn’t have PVP on bro by it’s DIY it’s Diggy don’t kill DIY don’t kill DIY it was too tempting bro my fault crack com comb really crack combo bro I missed the SE move w w AR you just X basically we’re not going to talk about that or that I don’t like oh look but like I really fumbled that oh Lord come here right bro stop that hey let me wait let me one I I just saw Diggy’s X move as soon as I died Diggy oh Dy got two shot ready one one mhm let me get my move back can you reset sure I’ll fight you with your cybor before all right go and now your observation done it’s done for how much is your obser hit you do I not have yes I do how much is your obser a not exist I have I have my obervation what in the no I can’t hit a move neither can you that’s going to hit me I could do anything you could probably have like ran away but like that’s so fair bro but this go on damn that’s tough okay all right should I like reset this time I use Rumble instead of ice that seems like a good idea I’ll SWAT on last moment 3 2 1 go you been hit back y Mo’s Back N I wa it oh Lord I’m G we going talk I need to get better at hitting uh that oh you lucky you lucky duck oh like that’s oh I didn’t have rumble on that’s not nice what is that I really don’t basically I’d have like two brain cells yo no everyone on the stream clip that clip clip that right now no don’t don’t don’t ever clip that clip it right now chat right now oh going can’t let that go I can’t let that go to you’re just going to get a you’re about you’re about to get married and someone on my stream pulls up and shows her that clip this is the damn longest fight running a lot I mean using me I’m going to die GG’s GG oh can you use something else and anchor by any chance he what is Diggy doing diggy is getting jiggy with it okay I need I need yo diy’s harassing me most me bro y Mo I’m Joan lucky you have 65 ping yeah my P in the Ser is like really good there’s a person on oh he left again I think his computer died uh spe computer H know where where did you go my Roblox oh update my computer and then I can rejoin I need get I need to get better at hitting uh what is it called Soul k z yo this bro is the most this is the laggiest walk player I’ve ever seen y why he do so much damage though yo what is he doing he’s like flying all over the place bro he’s attacking he definitely is he’s got like three Health yo what if I put the Microsoft version of Roblox oh he’s he’s weird he just awaken I killed him finally B all right I’m probably going to end stream now thank you guys for watching um expect to stream sometime tomorrow yeah

This video, titled ‘BLOX FRUITS ROAD TO 30M! 🔴LIVE🔴’, was uploaded by Midnight on 2024-03-06 07:38:13. It has garnered 267 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:52 or 8272 seconds.

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  • INSANE: Reaching North Pole again in Minecraft!

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  • Divine Origin SMP

    Divine Origin SMPHello! This is a continuation of an old Origins server from 2021 and 2022 that I hosted and became a fun community. Now it’s back. – Server is running fabricmc with lithium and starlight for performance – Griefing is not allowed. – hosted in Western US by shockbyte (may self-host later but currently using this) – Carpet mod is installed so TPS and Mobcaps and other information can be visible. – NoChatReports is installed because chat reporting is terrible. – Mods you must install ( currently) are Origins, Extra Origins, and Pekhui – Dm me on discord to get whitelisted… Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Join HearthCraft SMP Today! HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us and be a part of our community today! Key Features: Server never resets – World dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more Level-up System, Land Claiming, mcMMO, and more! Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Difficulty: Hard Connect with Us: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net Rules: http://www.hearthcraft.net/rules IP: play.hearthcraft.net Statistics:… Read More

  • animal crossing

    animal crossingWelcome to our Minecraft server, where the charm of Animal Crossing meets the creativity of Minecraft! Step into a blocky world inspired by your favorite villagers and island life. Whether you're designing your dream home, creating lush gardens, or exploring custom-built islands, there's always something new to discover. Join us and bring your love for Animal Crossing into the expansive realms of Minecraft. Embrace friendship, creativity, and the joy of crafting your perfect virtual paradise! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft facts slaps hard

    “I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that high score!” Read More

  • Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 Windmill

    Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 WindmillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Windmill saga’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-12 12:00:12. It has garnered 941684 views and 79580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Full vod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fASJmKcBPbI&t=1930s #shorts #minecraft #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary – Cow & Sheep Shenanigans!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary - Cow & Sheep Shenanigans! In Minecraft, I bought animals for Qurbani, Cows and sheep, for Eid, oh so fancy. Butchered them with skill, in my butcher shop, Crafting meat and wool, nonstop. If you want to play, just aim for likes, Join my world, where the fun spikes. Let’s build and explore, in this pixelated land, Together we’ll create, something grand. So come along, and join the fun, In Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. Qurbani animals, now part of the game, In this virtual world, where we make our fame. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Firestorm

    Minecraft Meme Firestorm Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!

    Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spellbound Caves CTM Speedrun (1.16.1)’, was uploaded by Happysnackers on 2024-06-12 02:24:50. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:43 or 1423 seconds. Map by Vechs: https://vechsdavion.com/super-hostile-maps/ Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with Dexoppp

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with DexopppVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing 🎮 Minecraft Bedwars 🛌 ft.@Dexoppp || dex op’, was uploaded by Gamer Boy Saif on 2024-05-12 10:53:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Playing Minecraft Bedwars ft.‎@Dexoppp || dex op •Instagram … Read More

  • INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱

    INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft /Sky Block /Eagle Joined The Party /Part 5’, was uploaded by V1kingTiger on 2024-03-09 07:43:55. It has garnered 70 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Like and Subscribe Gamer Kitty: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6u… Background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIfGUiICf8U&t=659s Read More

  • New Minecraft Pixelmon Surprise

    New Minecraft Pixelmon SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixlemon! (Surprise)’, was uploaded by The Gaming Luca on 2024-01-31 05:05:04. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:40 or 16360 seconds. Hi and welcome to the channel. My name is Luca! Annor and I run this Youtube channel. Hope you enjoy! Our goal on this channel is to put a smile on peoples faces and entertain those who need/want to be entertained. We are really goofy/dumb sometimes but serious when we need to be! Stop by and say hi and have a conversation with me! We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Sapnap’s Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJanke

    Unbelievable! Sapnap's Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJankeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Sapnap Survived The Minecraft Community’, was uploaded by itsJanke on 2024-06-15 07:51:03. It has garnered 5416 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Sapnap is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers in the world. One of the creators of the Dream Team, and one of the first members to join the Dream SMP. Today, I am going to be looking into the controversies that surround around people close to Sapnap, including GeorgeNotFound and Dream. Also, the one major controversy that he caused which sparked noise within… Read More

  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

    GameBotPocket - I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)Video Information This video, titled ‘Hoarding all the wealth on my Minecraft Server (YOU CAN ACTUALLY JOIN THIS TIME)’, was uploaded by GameBotPocket on 2024-02-28 00:27:04. It has garnered 80 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:35 or 10655 seconds. I made a public Minecraft server yahoo IP: I do read YouTube chat but cannot display it on stream. If you want your messages to be visible on stream use the Twitch chat. Please don’t spoil Minecraft 1.21 or any Minecraft snapshots. Thanks 🙂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Who Wins? Animation!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD | Animation’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-02-26 12:00:09. It has garnered 2098 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:24 or 1824 seconds. NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD made a WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA House build in Minecraft! Easy Minecraft Builds with Noob, Pro, Hacker and Scorpy server! 👇 Subscribe for more 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZvaaUVnRML8hgx1hTwEp7Q 👇 Check much more cool videos 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCi_iDPZSn0&list=PLE9Zvw0W-3seIw-7yjfCpUEptsHtxMveD ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scorpy_ytboi Hello, my name is Scorpy and today Noob build… Read More