Video Information

I Fore Fore there Fore [Applause] for Spee Fore oops I’m sorry okay um H chos hello guys strategy has struck pocorn I burned the popcorn it’s an emergency it’s not really an Emergency I feel sad I burn it I’m sorry H Shina I was making popcorn and I got distracted up here setting up the stream and when I go downstairs it’s burned it’s burn it is burned and it was smelling like burning you know like it was not burning anything but it smelled really bad so my brilliant idea was to pour

Water into the the pot um and at least at least stop smoking caola um it feels like you know I put water into the pot to kind of like cool down things a bit and it stop smoking but now my pot looks like that is like this goo of Blackness that looks

Like someone pour cocacola inside of it and I did not have time to deal with it so I just left it there hi Melanie I Phoenix Venom was it microwave no I I I was I was like I hi Lotus hi aring cookie hi sakon

Hi Shadow no I put it on a pot the popcorn I put oil on a pot and I put it on the kitchen so I was heating it up and then I put the popcorn and Clos it I was supposed to monitor it but I came

Upstairs to set up the stream and then when I went down it was already burning there was not alarm but there was a lot of smoke coming out of it I don’t know what to do with it now this is Venom it’s not Venom stop

I um I put water onto the pot um because it was smoking it was smelling really badly now the whole house smells like burned but nothing is burning it’s just the scent of the burnt popcorn reminding me of my failures it reminds me of my failure okay Lotus I’ll be here

See I got really nervous I’m sorry a linger smell of past mistakes yeah basically get some soap in that pot is it a good good idea to pour the contents of the pots are still what do I do do I pour it into the sink

And then put soap to it or what do I do Shadow it’s fine much gracias hi Rush yeah it’s going to take some time for this smell I’m sorry the cont socking soy water okay okay muchas thank you so much I did was not expecting

Guys can you give me like a minute or two I’m going to pour the contents of the pot into the sink and then I’m going to put um soap on the pot so it does not remain burned okay can I have permission to go do

That give give me a minute give me two minutes okay please um do something entertaining in chat I’m going to clean the pot otherwise going to be a total loss wait for me please I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I will I will let you

Um I will let you a video of me playing SP I’ll back I will let this video playing Um okay I’ll be right back I’m going to fix the pot and I’ll be back super quickly just a second ch ch ch ch ch ch Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chugug chug chug chugug chug chug chug ch CH I’m sorry about that I fixed part of it thank you rash hi pixel um I’m sorry if I scare you things are better oh I’m going to open the window let me open my window so um the smell goes Away it’s time to make some ventilation going On Okay I’m Here I’m sorry for the delay Al I was saving a pair of cookies hito I know it’s called solar but I need to open the the window so like the thing um it gets ventilated it’s Mila’s birthday you mean Milo hi neighbors are making disgusting noises this is snowing don’t worry don’t

Worry don’t freeze to that I have solved the problem of the burning popcorn I’m not making popcorn and leaving it unattended ever again okay let me close the wind why are the neighbors making stupid noises everything is going bad today hi oh yeah I need to drink water water good good

Good never again I will not um I hear some stupid noises in the background can you guys hear it hi K do you hear the noises of of really horrible fetuses screaming in the background hi winter I need to collect my cool I need to collect my

Co and the Mystery of the burning popcorn you don’t hear it I’m glad you don’t hear it CH I got really stressed I’m sorry kick the baby okay okay M thank you so much for the 50 memberships I’m so grateful mcraft today we’re going to play Minecraft and aside from the

Burning popcorn incident everything has been going well what is wrong with your head popcorn isn’t one of those things you can leave along now you know yeah I will know sorry Lego fortnite for hours I don’t try it yet I have not tried Lego fortnite I only play fortnite for fun sometimes hola

M thank you SMG your NE teacher gave us example sentence wa wait what why Lotus why will your your German teacher do that Zak P how are you doing hello it is Miller I know you already said that Z thank you thank you so much for saying that three times in chat

H hearing the CRI is burning popcorn S I am hearing the sound of the popcorn Souls burning hi Diamond I have an update in the war against The I’m going to close the window I can’t deal with the Noise today is not my day everything is going wrong um hi so last night after my stream my kitchen has been cleaned that was yesterday by the way no ants in the kitchen but since I put my kitty’s bowl of food outside in the backyard it was being attacked by the Ants um the ants were attacking my my Kitty’s bow hi Kanan and so I had to take quick action hi Skyler welcome I’m I’m okay I’m a little um um so I took action right and I noticed the trail the ants were making from the garden you know the dirt towards the

Kitty’s ball and I poison it all they’re attacking your boy yes um so I I I I got rid of them um and free food trail mix you’re not supposed to eat it thank you for the two months man thank you thank you you got a big kiss from me cheering me

Up um so after that I decided to put the kitty bowl farther away still outside so the ants will have to Traverse longer distance and after poisoning them today I woke up and there was no ant to be seen near my Kitt Bowl so that was effective so I’m I’m so they’re trying

They’re trying their tactics but I’m pushing back and I am keeping keeping them at Bay the answer obnoxious hi demon bacon Lord I love the username yes and today I was cleaning further the you know how backyards have like um floor and then there is the garden itself well I was cleaning the

Floor I was putting like a lot of cleaning stuff to it so it’s really pretty but I don’t think the bugs will like it so I don’t think an will bother my kitties bowl for some time so I have I have I have gotten some time for

Myself um hi Max hello how are you doing Deon bacon R Royo it’s so good to see you the ants will try anything to get free foods they see an opportunity and they will take it and I will keep pushing them back so so that is the update on the on the

An war and I’m winning back okay they’re not going to get my kitties bow but at least I am um more safe and I feel happy that there is no ants happening in my kitchen which is the first objective and I have successfully reclaimed the territory for myself so that’s a win

My day is good Demon bacon I just burned the popcorn in my kitchen and I was having an emergency with that I was a little uh upset and then sad and now I’m here you’re doing well you just requesting hard and blms Okay no I don’t think there is ants around here we sh must protect the kitty at all cost see I must yeah I burned a popcorn I Was preparing it for the stream itself then I come upstairs onto my studio to prepare everything and I rushed back and

It was already freaking burning like insanely burning so yeah it was a mess more fish Lim cheesecake Lim yes I pixel you’re going to be busy andj your L Max enjoy your Pokemon if you’re doing that I am eating a cookie cookie cookie cby iby Am eting cookie because the popcorn banned how do you make popcorn the microwave like I have I have purchased the you know the seats of the popcorn right popcorn um so what I do is I grab a bowl and I put some oil cooking

Oil and I put it under the fire right on top of the fire in the kitchen so I let the oil heat up and then I pour the the the popcorn seeds on it and I close the lid then I wait the right time before

They burn and I I turn it off and then I pour H some salt and that’s it you know you buy microwave of popcorn what do you mean microwaveable popcorn the ones that come in the bag how do you know your Pokémon because because of DLC Max I know you think oh

Hi um microwave popcorn is a lot less healthier than regular made popcorn so what are you suggesting me to buy microwave popcorn guys do you not care about my help important Sal wait River why are you having a gun put it put that thing away that is microwave with popcorn in

Bags and also containers that are microwave safe that you can cook popcorn in I didn’t I mean I never bur my popcorn before popcorn I got really sad I I just I was really craving for pocorn I was really craving for popcorn during the stream D

Pocorn buy a stop top popcorn machine I didn’t know they sell them s how are you doing cutie do boy do you hear about my popcorn burning story I feel so incompetent it happens to the best of us I’m sorry I’m sorry Wonder popcorn pulls the ant killer out yeah

It’s okay demon for now the ant has been contained if you could be visiting my YouTube or twitch streams I will keep you updated on the war against the ants I’m not going to be S anymore don’t cry whoever my chunky cry will be thrown

To the court it’s okay no it’s okay I I recover myself I have some cookies a glass bowl will work put plain popcorn in it put the bowl in the microwave for about 3 minutes and then you have popcorn no oil really what wait but how do you close

The the glass usually those those things have like a plastic lead right you’re not supposed to microwave the plastic lead so if you don’t close it popcorn is going to flow everywhere unless it’s a glass lead um not the popcorn It Burn I have some mean cookies does anyone want some mean

Cookies minan not Mean you heard about the popcorn it happens to the best popcorn makers it’s so sad boy I really wanted to enjoy grabs the anti-chemical Mas to kill the ants thank you demon thank you thank you you hi Noah hello hi hi put a plate over it smart

Smart CH the cookies are basically like on top chocolate the middle is like mint and the bottom is chocolate and that’s how you eat it now you want some popcorn me too hi you can use a towel as a lid on the on the microwave aluminum foil over the

Bowl no trail mix I don’t think you’re supposed to microwave aluminum foil isn’t that thing like blow up the microwave is is doesn’t it blow up I I think it blows up aluminum aluminium foil does get like a bad reaction the microwave right explodes why why are you telling me to

Do that um Trail you’re not really meaning to harm me are you or or are you like or are you talking about like cooking on on the kitchen regular it turns into plasma exactly see plasma exact yeah no I kind of knew I kind of knew mint chocolate cookies is good you

Decline them boy it’s fine you don’t like the Min chocolate it’s okay s you cannot microwave aluminum foil no no no no it blows up the whole kitchen rink aluminum is harmful you put an what is a SL s what is that supposed to be mean I don’t understand all metal

Yeah if you ever put a fork in a microwave boom blows up your kitchen and be careful guys Lotus are you okay SL s is a tone indicator for sarcasm I didn’t know this information trail mix please no I thought you like me I know you mean

Sarcasm but still I don’t understand the sarcasm so sorry I am eting a cookie it almost happened to You do not put do not put stuff like that on the Minecraft is serious I once heard a story of a friend um she she was telling me that she got this new apartment and like the first thing she does is trying to cook like you know put on the micro with

Something and it was exactly that aluminium foil she she puts the whole thing in with the burger and she presses starts but just as she presses starts she remembers and she unplugs the microwave and nothing happens and then she was having a panic attack thinking the whole thing could

Have blow up it was so crazy that’s why I remember not to do that because she told me the story I was like no no no no it’s it’s really dangerous let’s put a little bit of aluminium foil to the microwave with a fork don’t worry it won’t explode are

You are you sure River I don’t I don’t recommend it though be careful winter don’t break microwave grease fires are terrifying mhm they can be very they can burn your whole place down yeah you can lose everything it’s scary Getta means cookie mhm mm

Gaaa I have cookie you put a MAG in the microwave that had metal in bment and it’s sparklet are you safe though you don’t want to lose your house be careful I live on my own you guys know this if I make a mistake like that that

It’s over no one is going to come rescue me no one is me I need to be very careful when I do adult stuff in the kitchen microw can easily start a fire I will never make this mistake though is the same for example if you have like um a washing machine for

Clothing if you ever put like clotus that are soaked in oil or something like that you also got to be careful what you’re putting on the on the on those things it can also blows up adult stuff like cooking what do you think wait cooking is an adult stuff

Right what what do you think I’m talking about adult stuff is cooking I’m not talking about whatever you’re thinking you mistaken you’re mistaken it’s not like yeah paying taxes in your kitchen right oh I don’t know what you guys have in your mind yeah people are being s someone edit the

Train no I all stuff in the kitchen it’s so funny Chun for no no for me but it was not me guys I promise you I did not mean it that way I just meant adult stuff is cooking you know adulting adulting umti yes that popcorn and microwave for 5

Minutes then get them M of the microwave for 3 minutes wait so you do eight minutes microwaving shadow let her cook no stainless steel is apparently microwave safe I don’t know hiia hello hello pocn guys that was the story about the ants and how I burned the

Popcorn poor CH of wor we have one from whome to horny no no no no no no no no we only whome stuff here only whome stream was buffering the chunky say something no no I’m safe I’m a familyfriendly streamer on YouTube YouTube if you’re listening to this please do not

Demonetize my stream okay Okay YouTube okay on Twitch is a different story and But Here on YouTube I am for all family mhm oh what was that noise you’re 99% wholesome yes yeah I didn’t Diamond yes I am innocent ants aren great at cooking popcorn your experience no microwave or microwave microwave microwave no I didn’t

River family friendly my disc is also family Friendly every day I’m going to keep you updated about my adventures and my war against the ants and how the battlefield develops I have two surprises that I want to talk to you about I’m not going to spoil it but I’m just going to talk to you about something hiy

Hello TT is for adult stuff I mean not really that much adult adult stuff just a little sussy um listen listening esing um there are two surprises coming up the first one comes near Christmas that is like a small surprise but it’s still something that can be be

Very welcome received and it can be fun to have the second surprise is the biggest one and that is massive it’s going to happen near the 1 of February so that that surprise is going to take longer okay that surprise the biggest one um is going to entail one of my biggest dreams

And goals and also comes accompanied with something related to my model so that’s big but I’m not going to tell you um hi fun I’m not going to tell you I don’t know if you are True yes yes I’m not telling you anything but it’s not a chi Chun yet no no no no not yet not yet 3D yet no it’s not 3D no no stress day I will I will tell you that it’s not R Shadow Legend is just something that I have

Written in my list of things that I always wanted to have and it’s finally going to happen I’m so happy I’ve been saving for this I am not going to tell you s see I am not going to tell you no bo see you can make food 50 cents a day really this

Dragon cat is a sponsor but no I’m not sure okay I’m not going to spoil you more but let me tell you something it is something this is the final hint listen closely it is something that if you can and if you want you can acquire for yourself and

You can have it in your own room but I’m not telling you Anymore I’m not going to tell you what it Is I’m not telling you I will let you some speculation happen the the closer the days are arriving I will reveal more information I don’t know I don’t know not sure what it could be but you’re excited hi Jonathan yeah it’s going to be cool I don’t know I am not you is it popcorn no it’s popcorn no it’s not popcorn I am not gonna burn it it’s okay you’re fine okay I’m not going to tell you anything else I’m just going to keep it it secret and and as the weeks progresses I will be hinting you more

During my streams and sometime on Discord and I may also tell something on the on patreon or on the exclusive section on Discord so I just just that’s a back of burnt popcorn SL stop it no I’m not going to be selling my burnt popcorn CH

No popcorn no it’s not I’m not selling burn popcorn please will you buy my Pocorn will you buy my burn popcorn will you do it though chunky Cru body pillow that will be such a good meme though that’ll be epic L Roo but no hi Sky hello you’ll buy the entire stock I love you guys so much you are the

Best gamer bath water nah gamer B pop burn popcorn maybe I should do it maybe see see it will become a relic potato burn popcorn ex mhm yes yes like I said guys it’s something you can purchase so if you want the specific kind of near dates one of them

Is near Christmas the other one is near February but by no means you must or have to it’s just an option it’s just something that exists and it will continue to exist it is not limited access and there is no fear of missing out it will be permanently available for

You d boy thank you for the five Super Chat thank you so Much remember it’s going to exist forever so it’s no fear of oh I need to get it now or or or it’s going to be gone you know nah I don’t no I don’t do that not it’s just an option how are you doing Captain CLE hello welcome I burned my popcorn also

Do imagine your burned popcorn goes out of stock before the actual thing you plan to sell yes that’ll be epic if you do not have the economy for yourself do not do not give any money okay you do not need to give money for me to love

You I love you the same no matter what okay body pillow popcorn it’s not going to be a body pillow with burned popcorn I wanted to ask you guys I’m going to commission more static emotes like five maybe whiches do you want do you want the burn popcorn

Me suggestions I’m going to be writing this down popcorn okay wait wait um burn popcorn emote bur popcorn I’m glad you’re doing great captain potato dancing remember this is a static emote I don’t know if I can make a potato Dancing what other suggestions do you guys have ants stealing no me fighting against the ants I don’t know I don’t know man chunky orig no chunky chili chili chunky would you like a Chili chunky emote let’s go start chili chili chunky pastel no a bag of potato chips chunky Coen okay chunky chili

Chunky you has a chunky please thank you Bish I already have plenty chunky emotes on the Discord burm C popcorn marketing profit mhm Arcane cookie you know how you have bon chunky you have I want mash potato no that’ll be so sad the potato is so precious I

Could never commission the potato being dead as a potato mush chili chunk is better chunky Doritos chunk okay uh we have three emotes I need two more no I mean it’s an emote I don’t know how to do that Lan Roo do we have potato chip chunky I don’t know I don’t

Know chunky in the microwave wait wait no you put me in a microwave I’m going to leave the O up the options open Okay cookie chunky I don’t know potato chip chunky maybe captain car thank you so much for stopping by for a little bit I miss you I miss you I

Hope you have a wonderful time I’m going to probably take a also questions from from Discord um to see what are the other a fish maybe no SMG no chunky n j no a purple CH with chunky face that’s so cute I love you guys so much let’s get

Your imagination is the best it’s blue not purple you’re bad Blue Chip chunky Yes I’m going to have some other ideas you’ll see you’ll see chib chunky Pott I mean IIA the the emotes are basically chibi chunky cuz they’re kind of tiny right chunky have a bongo chunky cat crying chunky because Dark Souls 2 we have two two crying emotes maybe I can

Make like a a defeated chunky the one that chunk is laying on the ground you know the ones that are laying on the ground like they’re tired or something Boop chunky see bo bo chunk chunk Chunky we need one more family that guy chunky okay okay Family Guy the Chun okay those are five emotes I have there is always chunky with a gun yeah we already have a chunky with a gun yeah chunky G but how will you draw it though remember it has to be really really

Tiny a Theos in chunky okay I will I will I will I will I will focus on more of those things later on guys stream so far I love it the guys I have a sticker of chunky gaming do you guys want to see it I’m going to spoil it to you meting meting meeting um M Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down never going to run around and you never going to say

Goodbye never going to say goodbye never going to tell and you me if you blink you miss it yes hi Kimberly you personally vot chili chunky and Bo chunky yeah they will be made don’t worry R it’s all going to it’s you nothing Bonita you’re convinced chunky

Short no I’m not I’m potato looks cute yes chunky gaming emote that is not an emote that is a sticker for a surprise but I’m not telling you what the surprise is about no no no no no nobody knows cuz nobody told Me mecks you want to sticker chunk train I don’t know take care love you Minecraft chos it’s time for Minecraft adventure we’re gonna go to Blue market and we’re going to trade stuff like potions and and and totems okay thank you Kimberling do we have a RI roll OTE no

But I don’t think I know how to Rick Roll OTE Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down never run around around and you you’re welcome Kimberly guys we only have three more Minecraft streams before the server goes boom it’s going to be the End I’m going to remove the nose the Minecraft server is going to go I’m going to wear my my skirt Blank I’m going to miss the Server but you know it we need to refresh it every Year that is what needs to happen you know what are my ears Punk why because every year we make a new server yes we’re going to start a new season wonder you got to get the mini games to the end of the server there is going to be an event yes

Blue RI roll give maybe they’re in a market for potion but someone is welcome to sell some yes let’s go play the game okay it is time for has to start the end is near But A New Beginning will start too don’t feel bad if the server the Minecraft server is

Gone after Christmas we’re going to have a new one Okay fin yeah we’re going to go for my the season three we were discussing the the new emotes I’m going to commission you hi hello everything is going to be all right Minecraft Legends begins update nobody cares you’re spinning good you’re about you thought about recording everyone

House in the server for at least taking pictures to put them in an album do it do it how how can I offer you guys the map for download can anyone explain to me how at the end of the stream or on the survival craft how can I save the world and give

You the file so it’s accessible to everyone thank youg for the headb see I will share it wait what does it mean what I I paid for this wait what oh no it’s loading okay that’s not for me me New Year New Year yes you’re welcome to check your

Underground Lain okay I’m not going to check it though L here we go guys one of the final streams of the Minecraft Server I’m on my boat hola Wonder hello hola cheesecake hola hi estone coronate hi solar pixel thank you SMG do oh wait I need to add some people do you also play Minecraft right some people have been waiting Melanie you’re cute you’re so adorable let me see who has been

Requesting okay Outlet gold let me add them I already have Outlaw bimo you have access SMG I’m going to add you right now okay Wait a moment please you need to accept my friend request uh real quick and then swagness okay I am ready friend with swagness okay you should get a Minecraft Youtuber model or like a pixelated one maybe Alias maybe in the future oh I cannot read Wonder hold on look for winning free potatoes

POG hello guys does anyone want fire potions I need them I need plenty of them what about to go into The Nether so we’re going to have a lot of problems outside make sure everyone is packed with fire potions bring armor and weapons you can spare losing although

Honestly there is no need to hold on to material possessions because the server is going to die soon um but just bring things that you need so we can have a good Adventure in the nether okay TR I will wait for all of you here we will meet in 10

Minutes you know how to make them Z okay can to Cheesecake be it is we can you add me back yes winter wait you’re not added back what what do you mean you’re not why like okay welcome back you need to go run love you see you thank you for stopping by

Here big kiss for you if you have a total of seven levels of fire protection armor you won’t be ignited I don’t think I have that though you need magma balls I don’t think I have the magma BS oh we have one the server is very laggy prepare

Everyone the totem is going to be wonderful for Later we’re going into The Nether I’m so scared say me paros I think the Ser is full winter that is I think that’s the problem you can make three potions with one Okay let’s go skin na do you like my Christmas skin hi Rose hello Hi I don’t have AO sorry not in my boat I did not own this you don’t have PlayStation Plus no it’s not I I don’t know about that though Winter this is so interesting I have a potion Shack you made a bunch of potions okay lead the way you’re in so much pain Akuma what’s wrong are you Okay SMG okay what was your name again SMG please remind me in chat la la la la la Oh what is this is that an ocean Monument folder Chief okay you have been invited let’s go follow the map chos I don’t even understand the map myself either Yeah y we’re going on the map adventure first then we’re going to the Bastion in the nether let’s see what we can actually find when do you plan in this server at the end of this year or after Christmas basically basically so there will be a week of inactivity and That follow me I have the map the map is speaking on enchanting table language yes it look like a static static no I added you a SMG okay Yeah that’s me oh my game is going to crash no m i I need to I’m going to turn off the shaders for this Okay only when I’m playing on my own but when I’m like streaming it tends to crash a lot when I have shaders no it’s not lagging because of my shaders is my computer doesn’t want to play it it’s fine I’m coming backos when you get back I borrow your map for a

Bit wait wonder that map that I’m holding is your map you can come with us if you like the coordinates are enable M crash work fish I love that so much let’s turn off the shaders computer not powerful enough I mean it’s good but it’s not powerful enough

See how do you turn this off deactivate okay perfect now it should actually work it’s going to look a lot less fancy but it’s better this is a map I was trying to follow is very long trip how long is it Jonathan is it going to take

Us hours to get there I mean Lam more the better we’re not going to rush 5,000 blocks okay fine it’s okay nothing to worry about we will travel together we’re potatoes together potatoes forever we’re family but so much more no matter what comes we will face

The weather putes to the cor we’re going to be traveling a lot and it’s actually great because we could build a portal nearby that area and maybe explore an unexplored area of the Nether and maybe find the Bastion as well so it’s a good trip we’re going on

A long trip to the monument water guys thank you love you you also have a woodland Mansion okay why is it taking so long to load I don’t like this uh I don’t like this amount of loading okay okay ah the game looks so simple though you’re just looking to duplicate

The map so you can follow along okay let us Proceed hey folded is here SMG I think SMG will Spa up there in the mountain umg look at the coordinates okay you can follow us with the coordinates you will log off for now okay you’re notan be prepared to walk a long distance guys only the bravest potatoes come

Here we’re going to go on a long Journey a long potato adventure putes together put that forever what a family had so much more no matter what no matter what comes we will face the weather where Apple to the welcome back Ooar Adventure please make sure you don’t fall remember the glass can be broken how do you know that’s the right way because I’m looking at the map alas I’m looking at the map right there you can see it if at any point anyone get lost yes look at the Stream

And you will find my coordinates okay this way I’m assuming this is the right way you can stop Commander B their base and restock Maybe jonan maybe we’re just going on a diagonal uh Way I hope everyone brought enough food as well there is coordinates we need to keep traveling 5,000 blocks we’re so far away from home it’s there is literally a meme saying me and the me and the boys in Minecraft searching for the perfect place at the

Home for a home and then there is this scene from The Lord of the Rings right we’re getting the Jonathan hola random yeah this is bedrock yes we found the bellage Oh shoot no just not us don’t die like that this is dangerous stuff no Vito no no

Chos right I was talking about the war against the ants they attack my kitty’s ball which was in the backyard but my kitchen is secure so I I reclaim some some territory but the water is still the the battlefield still rages on noita we have our first casualty in this battle in this

Adventure I’m so sad for Bill guys make sure you are safe okay we’re going to travel so far if you die it’s over it’s literally over need to climb the stupid Mountain someone has been here before me and the boys looking for the perfect base an actual meme es Skelly you’re so

Cute according to this map we’re going on the right way does does anyone brought obsidian we’re going to need some obsidian to make a portal near the the end of the adventure to okay okay we have obsidian jump jump jump jump jump jum jump crun me at The Voice at 2 a.m. looking

For be yes this literally us yes oh okay we cannot stop la la la Perfect Landing it was not perfect at all it was very messy [Applause] 10 out of n out of 10 Landon thank you Melanie thank you thank you for being so kind to me Lotus it’s going great we had

Our first casualty in adventure Bill died by falling from a great cliff so that is problematic oh Enderman thank you for the heartest Skelly hola Cari you found bossy what is that creeper was in the middle of nowhere look at this this beautiful area we could have set up a village here

You’re all right now I’m glad you’re okay Lotus a boat the table is acting up okay don’t worry we must proceed into the adventure we have traversed 20% of the adventure Guys I didn’t kill them Elias it was someone else I did not uh was I was not violent no And what is that who build yeah I know you hey it’s Commander hios hey we found Commander’s boat we need to cross the the oh I’m going to take this obsidian with me ow ow ow I need this de Vu I just been in this place Before let’s proceed Why did olympo took the map guys what is what is what did we just do this is a narrow we need to go that Way Oh guys keep following me okay I am the only one that has the the original um map I need to lead the Expedition I must lead the expedition to um to Conquest the goal we’re going to fight the secret treasure I really like this adventure it’s so cute dolphin hi kill dolphin they say dolphins make you go faster right the Boat if you happen to find a shelter on the Soundbar can you check it really quick for your armor tools uh maybe I will try to when you swim okay is that a Breakers hold on ship bre what is this wait wait wait no I got lost the other way the other

Way chuny dance yes I really like the Minecraft adventure that looks very sassy come on how you guys doing behind me you’re good Wonder did I think we lost Them the game is so laggy dude no okay luckily we made it here okay I love Adventure yes let’s wait here for everyone to catch up I I’m reaching New Frontiers yes commander is coming the whole part is here we’re just waiting for oo wait wait wait olympo must make it

Here birthday cake Flor Stuffle are yummy they are yummy yes Guys wait wait for a minute I’m gonna blow my nose and I’ll be back Soo has time I’ll be back in a Minute is I’m back chos hi what is that thing oh my God solar pixel don’t do that you can do you can give people a se- shirt on the stream oo you borrow the map for a second you need the map okay be careful though because it’s the

Only map I have wait wait wait cheesecake pel ah pumpkin pie okay hi blue Helloo dead I need my map look at this chunk I need my map B so cute how are you doing sh adorable why did you want the map foros are you doing something with my map you made a copy why did you made a cop Before what are you going to do with it everyone watch this Commander blue is a bunny right they’re looking a Bunny this is a National Geographic documentary now a humanoid bunny is looking at no she No I lost It it’s right there I’m going to take a risky shot okay risky risky risky oh it’s running it’s running no no I keep trying to okay we’re here let’s go okay okay blue let’s go let us Pro you can use paper and the

Map to make a copy of the map so you can also see where we are okay I thought it was more exciting if I only knew about it but it’s okay uhoh A Stone Coronet Died okay they’re just dying no you found someone Stu in a chest Good follow me Guys we’re going on a big adventure to find that an ocean Monument the heat is getting to them they’re deciding to Aus that’s true you guys were getting so hot uh you were eating Cactus to survive the heat right you screenshot the location okay good idea put it on the server how are

You doing by the way blackjack hi yodu it’s so good to see you Cactus do not give the best hugs they actually hurt you I do not recommend hacking a cactus cactus we lost our minds Yeah R hello sweetie cubic for are you doing Ria I’m having so much fun I was telling a story we’re talking a lot now we’re playing Minecraft we on adventure that structure looks weird what is That is normal is that a normal natural structure or did someone build a base oh the Mino we made it to the minds of the other stream if I will have guessed that this was the direction we will have travel by the nether hi Lily hello sweetie that’s your watch tower yeah I remember you’re about to sleep soon that is okay L I appreciate you so

Much do you guys remember the the M the mining streams like a couple of weeks ago we were here did should have told me yeah you should have told me you miss a whole tale of me explaining that that I burn popcorn yeah I burned some popcorn before the stream

It was wild I even tweeted about it it’s crazy okay this is so cool I love being in in a familiar Place Punk a iagon cat hi Penta oh don’t fall down there the server lagging is great you saw that M on your way and just stood out you completely forgot to tell me it’s okay don’t worry it’s fine fine n don’t worry R you’re okay I

Appreciate you so much is that a happy face it’s a happy face Wonder we only have a couple more streams on This Server before it gets banished forever I’m going to be given everyone that participated the file if they want to revive their memories what is

Bill don’t Bill where is Bill Bill is calling for help in chat bill you sent me on Twitter a tutorial on how to download server map thank you bye R see you tomorrow for Mario Wonder on Twitch if you have time for it we are halfway there to the adventure keep

Running you can make It so cute I cannot wait same time as always yeah 1 hour earlier from today so yeah same time as always how old the server almost a year every year we start a new server C we have a new season every every new year we’re going to go for season number three

Lag the server is very laggy don’t worry there is going to be a new a new server open a new adventures a new world new everything thank you st coronate die by a wall can we have a neing chat cute oh God uh-oh this is not good uh-oh is it going to collapse

Uhoh Uhoh okay Lotus I love you is the server Dead why did it cross though I I don’t know black I don’t wait what and why is this happening bro I’m literally paying moang for the server and this is how they keep up with the service what do I do do I accident what are going on an adventure

By the way yeah I’m frozen in time P oh oh oh oh it’s coming back it’s coming back oh oh dear I cannot even give them food Time free please yes be very careful when moving forward okay much time stop please do not die because there is

A high there is a high chance you’re not going to recover your things if you die you need a server with more slot but I cannot buy a new one this is the best server they offer I should actually contact Mojang to see if they have like exclusive

Options for Content creators to have better service and more slots you know cuz this is ridiculous this is ridiculous I mean if there is a new server I would like to buy it yeah it’s okay Jonathan I can see stay close to each other you you need an external provider

That yeah that’s that sucks honestly I don’t want an external provider yes black we actually have created some a highways nether but unfortunately not this far into the world so that’s a problem that’s why we’re doing this now this is going to be worth it though the adventure is going to be cool

I love those Towers please don’t get killed moang come on why are your servers so Crappy it just proves that although it’s a cute thing to have the Bedrock server is not efficient for Community uh thingies right No they’re not that good only people between friends yeah but I mean these are my friends right they don’t they don’t actually put effort into the servers I guess you found someone with two elytras cool I actually have a second elytra too on my Ender Chest I think we’re getting closer to

The map guys me uhoh I see a I see ah ah just keep going just keep going I don’t dare to fly in this game mapa who’s that pink dot in the map I wonder is there a shulker box and diamond armor in it no I don’t remember that in that’s not

Mine wonder is a killing machine yeah we’re going to make it we need to get out of this Mesa biome suspicious soup no what does it do chunk chunk chun chun chunk Li I love You yes commander what happened he’s so sweet I’m glad you like the Melanie you’re so adorable oh creeper creeper b b itk use a Ser professionally yes grait your first anient city wear clothes wait what is that thing oh wow this place is beautiful yeah you should do it s play

With us no you hi soda slime hello hit it with a chair let’s keep Going is is the someone has been here before intriguing right who could the Explorer be Kim wait wait we’re going the wrong way guys we need to go this way sorry we’re traversing the wrong path I miss calculated the information we need to go this Way hey S I can teach you some basic Spanish if you need me to you lost everything besides your armor don’t worry sir remember the server is going to be closed by the end of the year I’m going to set a new one so no major loss don’t be depressed by that

Lost Skelly if you want to play with us don’t star we play it regularly on Discord server too Li I’m so sorry Bill hey what is this chos oh a House you can get a sponsorship for what idilia for the Minecraft don’t fall from this okay you’re the Pink Arrow blue what are you doing over there come with us don’t get lost follow the Bridge this is called the Great the great pilgrimage of theato oh that’s a Lama you got lost it’s always pleasing me to see what people bu in Minecraft right it’s it’s such a nice thing to have with a community honestly JM when I’m playing with my community I get to

Join and see what they’re building what they’re up to it’s so cute I love it Akuma what happened to you are you okay you’re 1K blocks ahead why are you ahead come back with us no you’re not supposed to be ahead of the Party SOA thank you this is my chiy version by the way I don’t know if you know my twitch streams I also have a different model but it’s nice to meet you pin your nerves in the back I’m sorry to hear that you need to go to the doctor

Though chos we’re making we’re making great progress traveling downhill usually is way faster we’re going to make it okay that’s that’s very dangerous fall yeah that’s a very dangerous fall I don’t want to die here Yahoo Yahoo ah no ow if you can figure out the Minecraft pixel generator you will tempted to

Build Okami what is Okami oh the game of the World par parkour when you don’t know how to parkour that’s literally Meo the server is really really laggy it might be a terrible day for the servers at moang I think it’s not usually this laggy when we play together oh look at the

Map me and chos we’re making progress in the in the Map Y we’re my finally finally showing on the map okay I’m going to go this way yes the server is no longer laggy you found the the up dog what is the up dog hi demon wolf is no white in the meantime I’m going to sing a song for you while we

Travel I become so numb I can feel you there I become so tired so much more of this I’m becoming that’s all I want to do never going to make you cry never going to turn around and desert you they going to make you cry they going to say

Goodbye never going to tell a lie and H You did I just rroll you yes I did yippe how do you feel do you feel the burn because it was Funny we can make it we can make it my poor finger hurts for holding the stupid W key so much let me let me rest my hand in the end it doesn’t even matter no one know what is like to be the bman to be the Sadman Behind Blue Eyes and no one knows what is like to be Defeated but my dream they’re not as empty as my conscious seems to be I have hours only lonely my love is venance that’s never free have you guys heard that song is this further than Christmas down yeah it is really far away what are you holding I’m holding a

Map and he’s telling us the location of where we have been traveling for the past 1 hour look at the map finally showing it’s finally revealing itself everyone follow me follow the potato I am so excited Lucas wait why do I see a Glacier in Chong with yes your kind of hard to to when you ahead well that’s why you need to wait for me blue but it’s okay I’m flying I’m swimming the dolphin is here why is it so blank but yeah it’s finally snowing yes the dolphin is making me swim so much faster Finally made it hello ch ch Chun ch ch ch ch Chun okay now we need to be careful your SE touch pickax is itching for Harvest all the ice you should Harvest you Like we’re about to make it luckily the ice lets you fast travel might get off okay C that’s fine if you do the adventure is going to conclude well we’re finally moving Closer Wait what demon guys he a demon it’s a demon the demon of the water Oh oh oh oh what is that what is he doing what is he Doing what the oh okay no yellow I’m under the I’m under the ice help me gracias gracias thank you thank you gra Commander Wonder up here why am I doing this so slowly I’m doing great Supreme look nice safe yes what is this place treasure hunter acquire a map from

A cartographer villager and enter to reild a structure don’t this where am I underwater temple someone is drowning Please Don’t Drown I’m trying to make in a breathing area here uh-oh someone is dying someone is [Laughter] dying no okay you can swim it’s okay noon there is a there is a demon in

This area did you see it this is not going to be what I’m looking for this is fun I’m going to go down there please don’t die guys that’s the Elder Guardian the Elder Guardian is a demon oh great my breathing area is not going to work damn

It I just heard a totem exploding someone is about to drown cheesecakes after they Eat no ah No cheesecake [Laughter] everyone grab a golden Apple grab your golden apple in case you’re drowning you use it to save yourself okay um cu cu is okay okay I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore that screams I’m sorry there is a room with sponges in in it I didn’t know that okay need to get out

Again does anyone has water breathing potions no right there is gold here maybe I have this maybe I have this power hold On I do not have it no ohar that’s so Cool What C thank you so much for the 10 memberships that is 16 memberships today Members the mining f is gone the spell of the demon is gone yes yes Yes I’m going to make a breathing area here perfect mhm my plan is going to work it looks like a giant prison hello yes I’m doing Great get in here no hi hi close it close it dark prismarine I miss your smile the treasure room I hear someone Drowning cheesecake come here come in here go around go around we are under tons of water surviving here ask everyone to SPL Spong room okay we need to find we need to find the sponge room be careful oh what is This what did I just kill it’s a Shark wow they’re very oh I never seen such type of creatures if you can find those you can dry them with a furnace Okay all right guys let’s make an another portal here we need to find the Bastion too as soon as we we locate the sponge room we can go do something else okay yellow shulker let’s See uh-oh uhoh no mker give it back please SMG can I have my sh care box Please SMG give me my sh box okay thank you no don’t oh this is mine okay thank you TOS who want totems and who wants baked potatoes Too it’s really laggy yes to you just kill a guardian I’m glad I did we’re about to go into The Nether this is going to be very very problematic let me go first okay do not follow me no I’ll go first where are we Going you know maybe with this laggy server we shouldn’t be going into the nether okay where are we where are we dying what is happening what is happening oh okay okay okay okay move move move out of my way out of my way there is lava below this place is

Cursed we need to go are we underground or are we in the sky where are we exactly you’re going to leave the server take care Commander love you thank you for playing We need to go downwards what are we going in a m in a line oh oh okay perfect perfect oh oh oh oh oh oh stand back stand back stand back this guy H hit like a track man be careful be careful um please don’t die okay eat an apple eat apples

Okay F chunky egg okay me such a scary place we’re looking for a fortress for a Bas Right watch the coordinates and don’t get lost okay this place is Nightmare does anyone have the cords um no I don’t think this is a good idea uh-oh uh-oh pull back pull back run run run run run stand back stand back shoot damn guys we don’t have armor behind you behind

You oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy guys go go back out so pixel SMG get out of here you’re going to die the go back to the base okay I we just explore for a little bit uh-oh okay Blended out by piggy yeah they’re obnoxious they’re really problematic

Creatures they are very Agro EP chunky epic chunky moment I shouldn’t be flying with this laggy with this lag on the server but just going to do this okay okay okay okay I must find my way towards the Bastion I lost my way from the party everyone get out of the nether

It’s okay I’m going to continue the adventure on my own I don’t know I no longer know where I am uhoh no SMG is dead I knew it was a bad idea to come here uh-oh why are there so many piglins here they’re gross creatures you know I’m not going to die

Psch stupid Pig boom head you lost your anent de I’m sorry ah boom no no no no okay golden armor I don’t have it Wonder are you okay nothing us I’m scared hi sisu hello hello it’s it’s really fun to play Minecraft I’m going to keep this potion of regeneration just for myself I’m

Scared as as long as someone archives your base okay no sis I’m just a potato but thank you you’re too kind 400 minus 455 okay let me read that this way uh-oh uh-oh it passive Maneuvers quickly ah uh oh oh oh Sho Sh oh map okay okay I run away you could ask for a chibi hug yes Bo yum that was so Close I’m trying to get that oo why the freak those ow yeah I’m dead yeah I’m going to die here kill the baby kill the baby ow W whoa whoa no they keep reproducing I need to get get out of here okay I have full I still take a lot of damage

Though okay okay I need to go that way okay this is going to be a terrible idea but I’m going to use a rocket move ah okay I’m almost kill the baby wait that is a different location um I’m trying to get to Olympus

Coordinate ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch okay okay okay you tell me was I’m I’m I’m so happy you made it backu what have you been though whatever you went missing

You good is Life okay yes Supreme um this way I need to keep pushing to 8663 right so this way Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch oh I see I see

You oh oh guys hi freak Conrad it’s okay yum I love you have a wonderful night we finally did it that is good Supreme kayaki what is happening here what is the purpose of the Bastion by the way a what what do they have here don’t die now I’m not going to die I have a Tot by love you bless you this way yes okay and what is this there oh I think we just found the Relic A Relic from the Forgotten World you’re asking a question are you able to yeah you should be able to Supreme MRA I love the mystery of this game let me check what this place is all about okay is this supposed to be like a statue of gold what purpose does this serve like a Beacon oh I need to I need to burn all all these blocks they’re lagging sping tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck Okay thank you is that it AA guys what is that thing it’s Alien what is this thing it’s not aggressive are you Friend alien Pixel it look like a b uh it’s balding and look at the Mouth guess ging what what did I do can I ride it I guess it makes a weird croing noise I’m going to graft my uh regeneration potion and it’s slow falling just in case ah what am I supposed to do with these things are they friend or fo I have

A okay okay okay okay wait wait wait wait I have a saddle if you have a saddle I have a saddle I have a saddle oh guys the baby got crushed by the wallit that is so Sad you see the baby die that was so sad can we have a f in chat for the baby come here you’re you’re my friend now I’m going to ad you don’t Worry what is it Oh My My My Le is broken hey amig we have a new friend it’s so cute what do we name this do we name him do we name him Bob R what is the name for the for the for the thingy wait is that

Safe okay that’s safe okay okay that’s okay that’s fine don’t scare me like that please it’s so cute what does it do U Robinson you’re not going to push me into the lava are you he becomes cold if not in lava oh I noticed that it changes color now that explains it I thought it was a mistake of the game okay what are we going B I think Bob stinks he’s not moving

Oh I’m not looking you no no no b b no Bob is stupid though stupid Bob I’m going to kill Him say your last Words no stand back no protect Bob Bob tried to kill me he must die Bob where is my Bow hi 44 no oo oh no I almost die follow I leave okay I will do what you tell me okay live or die type it in chat Will you want to play zombies tonight I’ll think about it depending how I feel let Bob leave leave okay but we leave he reproduced he reproduced oo o Mal guys oo kill Bob now this this little poor poor child children is is going to grow without a family olympo a

Monster why did you do it Olympo no KES okay we need to get out of here guys we need to get get out of here so we can finish the stream okay guys we need to meet somewhere to save the stream this is the you too strange you had to say the same things three times

I’m sorry Supreme I’m just too immers into the story Oh Bob is back to life okay can I land here Perfect Landing the Deep fake yes it was just a deep fake Perfect Landing I don’t know SMG I wouldn’t touch it oh ha ha I murdered someone nothing that lose my no we loveo right

Guys how do I get out of this horri horrible Place uhoh ah oh shoot that hurt so much okay I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying Olympus BG yes I wish we could meet somewhere so we can say goodbye But garbage brother I’m sorry I’m going to stay here Forever I don’t remember the portal coordinates now can anyone tell me the portal coordinates please waa this place is horrible this place is terrible can anyone tell me the coordinates to get out of here please I need to be rescue after olympo murder Bob I’m coming back home no more Adventures today

I need rescue wait I think I’m going the right Way I’m so dead okay okay no no no no fly fly I believe I can fly God damn it these pigs are everywhere we’ll go back in mine okay let’s see let me take a look help me rescue me please um yeah for Okay do emem Supreme emem ch ch ch ch fortnite is fun that we have other games I know we also need to play Pokemon but fortnite is fun oo had his enemy um oo had a dark story but you know a dark Arc but now he recovered he’s been reformed has a reform Are you guys waiting for me outside never come us again okay it’s snowing it’s been quite a beautiful Adventure solo cheesecake it’s just me and cheesecake guys everyone else is gone you will have to you will have to tune in for the next stream to find out where the whereabouts of everyone else

You’re building a bad home oh thank you thank you thank you let’s say good night for now okay don’t worry psychosis it’s fine you are here on the stream have a good night please play good night in chat um good night solar Pixel Love You D Shadow Phantom I’m glad you have a dark skell good night s sa yes I’m going now Blackjack take care okay l or Lucas love you Red fan winter Z sosis Noah 4004 Supreme Ilia Cinder remember tomorrow we’re going to play Super Mario Wonder for the first time on Twitch stream Super Mario

Wonder when I not this cake bye Noah bye Kimberly I am going to play an ad at the end of the stream you do not have to watch it but if you do you’re going to be supporting the stream have a good night I love you bye have a wonderful

Night bye car love you Cowan bye cuties a big kiss for you here’s the bye-bye pap ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch Ch

This video, titled ‘⚫ [LIVE] DANGEROUS TRIP TO THE NETHER (Vtuber: ChonkyLotus)’, was uploaded by Chonky Lotus on 2023-12-09 01:45:44. It has garnered 355 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:55 or 8995 seconds.

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    Hunting for Mumbo on HermitCraftVideo Information any luck today G no she’s the oceans oh wait speak of speak of the what we got what’s that okay impaling for Fortune 2 but I have a pick here with Fortune 2 on it perfect I brought you some luck the sea is providing today um speaking of providing I was hoping you could help me provide some death this morning mhm I uh hold on it’s a bit precarious cuz if I get caught right now it’s the game’s up i’ I have to kill Mambo today okay okay I must I’ve set a trap… Read More

  • ЁЯЪиViral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! ЁЯШ▒| Shizo Clickbait

    ЁЯЪиViral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! ЁЯШ▒| Shizo ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANAYAT YT MC on 2024-04-29 18:04:00. It has garnered 554 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed Discover the art of crafting the perfect Minecraft home with our step-by-step tutorial. Learn essential building techniques, explore creative design ideas, and master the use of diverse materials to construct a cozy and aesthetically pleasing abode. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player,… Read More

  • EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! ЁЯШ▒ #viral

    EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! ЁЯШ▒ #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Elevator ЁЯЫЧ Build Minecraft ЁЯШ▓ #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by YT GAMERZ on 2023-12-15 03:30:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Elevator Build Minecraft #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts. Read More

  • Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01!

    Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) - Day 01!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01’, was uploaded by Faction Playz on 2024-02-10 13:17:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01 тЧЗ Game/Edition/Version – Minecraft Pocket Edition Developer – Mojang Studios … Read More

  • Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!

    Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feeds and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More

  • Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! ЁЯЪ╜ЁЯТГ AverageHarry’s Skibidi Toilet Escapades

    Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! ЁЯЪ╜ЁЯТГ AverageHarry's Skibidi Toilet EscapadesVideo Information most of my people strugg stress political corruption SK the toilet hey hey Chloe Rogue thank you very much for the two months in the show or IRL I think in the show I don’t know I saw a tweet I saw a tweet exod think for the 10 months as well you like the shirt Chad do you like the shirt do you like the shirt it’s like towel oh I don’t know why I went there to rub it it’s like a towel towel material guys my Raven cosplay came today does anybody want to see… Read More

  • ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft Live Stream!ЁЯФе Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! ЁЯЪАЁЯМЯ

    ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft Live Stream!ЁЯФе Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! ЁЯЪАЁЯМЯVideo Information and I should be live Gamers how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool we’re playing Minecraft again however most likely Friday will be either Roblox or fortnite very cool W going to start am I not started uh hello hello hello hello can you guys hear me H hi how you guys doing hey Zula hopefully you’re doing well Mr glaze very cool what the SLO that’s kind of sussy sloth wait is that the real sloth or is that big sloth oh he is a Rolla okay um I was… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes Chaos

    Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes ChaosVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh how what This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 (Full Screen)’, was uploaded by ╨С╨╕╤А╤Б Neo on 2024-02-28 07:15:02. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. ╨в╨Х╨У╨Ш, ╨Э╨Х ╨з╨Ш╨в╨Р╨в╨м #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock… Read More

  • SpongeCraft – Semi-Vanilla, Community, Towny, Slimefun, Jobs, Teralith, SMP 1.20.4

    SERVER IP: PLAY.SPONGECRAFT.NET What is SpongeCraft? Towny & Resource World – Two worlds, one with Towny claims and another with custom generated terrain and villages Toggleable keep inventory with a small death tax if enabled Slimefun plugin with various addons for machines, magical items, space exploration, and more Custom enchantments and relics to upgrade items Various ways to acquire goods – player shops, auction houses, server shop Events, parkour, and minigames for entertainment Unique ranking system with personalized perks Jobs with custom level-up perks Survival and vote crates that can be acquired without payment Friendly community and staff to assist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Greg, not Villager no. 4? Blasphemy!

    Well, I guess Greg is just trying to break away from his typecasting as Villager No. 4 and make a name for himself in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Minecraft Mess: Friend’s First Time Stress

    Minecraft Mess: Friend's First Time Stress Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, Redactted, the news reporter in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft tales that truly chimes. Icing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing joy to all, let the games begin. From mods to features, you guessed them right, Earning points with all your might. Defeating the Ender Dragon, a true delight, Claiming victory with all your might. In the end, you… Read More

  • Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown!

    Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown! “Plot twist: the real boss mob is the sculk itself, just silently judging all the chaos happening around it in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the mysterious gift of inspiration that can be found in the world of Minecraft. While watching videos like “PRESENTE MISTERIOSO #minecraft #motivation #music #art #minecraftshorts” may spark your creativity and motivation, there is a place where you can truly unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. That place is Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!

    Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I killed Wither Storm with Mahou Tsukai Magic in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wonders on 2024-03-09 12:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in Minecraft

    Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found horror alex ЁЯШ▒ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-04 12:33:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • “INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!” #shorts

    "INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by future_boos on 2024-05-09 01:36:42. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft My keyword: minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft challenge minecraft speedrunner minecraft but challenge minecraft speedrun minecraft funny minecraft short dream minecraft minecraft manhunt beating minecraft camman18 minecraft cursed minecraft minecraft funny moments real minecraft minecraft meme minecraft in hd fvdge parkour dream parkour minecraft but i cant touch grass parkour minecraft minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft minecraft short parkour… Read More


    UNREAL! TOP 5 SHADERS for MCPE 1.20+ ЁЯШ▒ЁЯФеVideo Information рд╣реЗрд▓реЛ рдмреЙрдпрд╕ рдПрдВрдб рдЧрд░реНрд▓реНрд╕ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рднреА рдореЗрд░реЗ рдЬреИрд╕реЗ рд╢реЗрдбрд░ рдкреИрдХ рдЪрд╛рд╣рд┐рдП рдРрд╕реЗ рдЬреЛ рдмрд┐рд▓реНрдХреБрд▓ рдПрдлрдкреАрдПрд╕ рдмреВрд╕реНрдЯ рд╣реЛ рдЕрд░реЗ рд╣рд╛рдВ рднрд╛рдИ рд╣рд╛рдВ рдРрд╕реЗ рд╢реЗрдбрд░ рд╕реНрдкреИрдХ рдЬреЛ рд▓реЛ рдПрдВрдб рдбрд┐рд╡рд╛рдЗрд╕ рдореЗрдВ рднреА рдЪрд▓ рд╕рдХреЗ рддреЛ рдореИрдВ рд▓реЗрдХреЗ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдЯреЙрдк рдлрд╛рдЗрд╡ рдбрд░реНрд╕ рдЬреЛ рд▓реЛ рдПрдВрдб рдбрд┐рд╡рд╛рдЗрд╕ рдореЗрдВ рдмрд┐рд▓реНрдХреБрд▓ рдордХреНрдЦрди рдХреА рддрд░рд╣ рдЪрд▓реЗрдВрдЧреЗ рдФрд░ рдЗрд╕ рд╡рд╛рд▓реА рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдЬрд┐рддрдиреЗ рднреА рд╕реАрдбрд░реНрд╕ рдкреИрдХ рд╣реИ рд╡реЛ рдореЗрд░реЗ рдбрд┐рд╕реНрдб рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд░ рдореЗрдВ рдорд┐рд▓ рдЬрд╛рдПрдВрдЧреЗ рддреЛ рдЙрд╕рдХреЛ рдЬрд╡рд╛рдЗрди рдХрд░рдирд╛ рдмрд┐рд▓реНрдХреБрд▓ рдордд рднреВрд▓рдирд╛ рдФрд░ рдЪрд▓реЛ рдЪрд▓рддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдХреА рддрд░рдл [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдХрд┐ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рддреЛ рд╕рдмрд╕реЗ рдкрд╣рд▓рд╛ рд╡рд╛рд▓рд╛ рдЬреЛ рдЕрдкрдирд╛ рд╕реЗрдбрд░ рд╣реИ рдЙрд╕рдХрд╛ рдирд╛рдо… Read More

  • TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!

    TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!Video Information nice look at this vein of diamonds there’s another one back there perfect one of these here that up there we go what the you’re going to blow us up I’m speed mining you slowpokes oh Jee let’s see what we got guys there’s gold oh hey I guess your method worked nice oh gold okay spal now go get it wait oh my gosh we could haveed over guys help fine I guess s’s abandoning us I’m not you oh my gosh why is it pushing me back the Cur well I guess we can’t let this… Read More

  • Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11

    Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11Video Information hey guys welcome back to another episode of achiever die this is episode 11 we’re kind of getting up there and episode numbers that looks like um so the sun’s going down behind me which means we are going to look for Enderman again tonight now I did go do a few things in between episodes I did get more Nether wart CU I still don’t know what happened to that and I got another saddle so I’m going to try the pig again I also have um accidentally killed another pig without riding it which is great… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Build – Insane Completion!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Build - Insane Completion!Video Information halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo [Musik] hal i tadi P ng [Musik] cuy [Musik] [Musik] Feel So [Musik] Good Apakah belum belum k ganti [Musik] [Musik] rupaamam kok gak bisa diganti nih Ngembak Apakah ini live [Musik] streaming [Musik] ah entarah apa ya [Musik] Ini udah buat nglag lah n sih lagi hujan Halo Halo Halo apakah ada yang sudah [Musik] [Musik] menonton [Musik] dem apa [Musik] ituer [Musik] [Musik] gimana ya agaragu ma mulai ak cuy gimana ya gimana [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] ya [Musik] H pikir kan aku pengen ganti betul ini… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving Frozen Wasteland in Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: Surviving Frozen Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information this is a frozen super flat Wasteland there are no animals no Villages no structures that I can get loot from to help me survive making food extremely scarce I installed a temperature mod which kills me if I get too cold or too hot I also installed a progressive difficulty mod so things get a lot harder the longer I manage to survive enjoy the video all right here we are I have 4 minutes to find a source of heat before I freeze to death I know that lava pools spawn in this biome just a… Read More

  • Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers ЁЯОоЁЯФе | Minecraft Live | 24/7

    Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers ЁЯОоЁЯФе | Minecraft Live | 24/7Video Information [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рд╕рдЯ рдирд╛ рддреВ рдмрд╛рд▓реА рд╕рд╛рдбреЗ рд╕реАрдиреЗ рдЙрддреЗ рд▓рд╛ рдмреИрдареА рддрд╛рд░ рд▓реЗ рддреВ рдордВрдЧ рддрд╛рд░реЗ рдЭреЛрд▓реА рд╡рд┐рдЪ рдкрд╛ рдмреИрдареА рдХреЛрдареЗ рддреЛ рджрд┐рд╕ рджреА рджреБрдкрд╣рд░ рд▓рдЧрдбрд╝ рдирд╛ рдерд▓реЗ рддреЗрд░реЗ рдкреИрд░ рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм рдж рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рджреА рдкрд░реА рддреВ рдкрдВрдЬрд╛рдм рджреА рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм рдЬреА рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм рдЬреА рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм рдж рдкрд░реА рддреВ рдкрдЬрд╛рдм рдж рдлреБрд▓ рддреВ рдЧреБрд▓рд╛рдм рдж [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдореБрдЦ рддреЗрд░рд╛ рддрдХреА рдЬрд╛рд╡рд╛ рдХрдж рднреА рдирд╛рдХрд╛ рдореИрдВ рдирд╛рд▓ рддреЗрд░реЗ рд░рдпрд╛ рдЬрд╛рд╡рд╛ рдХрдж рднреА рдирд╛ рдердХрд╛ рдореИрдВ рд▓реЛрдХрд╛ рджрд╛ рддреВ рдлрд┐рдХреНрд░ рддреВ рдЫ рджреЗ рджрд┐рд▓ рд╕рд╛рд░реЗ рд╡ рддреВ рдХ рджреЗ рд▓реЗ рд▓реЗрдиреА рддреВ рдкрд┐рдкрд▓ рдж… Read More

  • eZomb

    eZombHola todos supervivientes, en esta 2┬к Temporada le traemos el sistema de votos para que tengan m├бs recompensas Recompensas: 1 Vote Crate Key Gracias por votar! Nuestro discord: https://discord.gg/aqZ7QzthqF Read More


    Welcome Gamers! Interested in a chill, whitelisted Minecraft SMP server? Look no further! We are offering a fresh reset with the upcoming 1.21 update! What we offer: Homes, warps, and playtime ranks Bluemap for live map viewing Treecapitor for efficient tree cutting Custom heads from wandering traders Discord chat integration Bedrock Port available No pay to win system Whitelist to prevent hackers In-game communities to join Join our server today! Java IP: mc.northlightsmp.com Bedrock IP: mc.northlightsmp.com Bedrock Port: 25565 Bluemap: http://mc.northlightsmp.com:3305/#world:-253:0:3:1500:0:0:0:0:perspective Read More

  • 1.20.4 SMP

    1.20.4 SMPA new 1.20.4 SMPhttps://discord.gg/T4648yZEEveryone is welcomeCheating is of course forbidden and PvP is allowedGriefing is allowed as long as you don’t destroy a farm or village hall Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Gamers: When Pigs Fly”

    Minecraft Memes - "Gamers: When Pigs Fly"I guess you could say this pig meme is “hamming” it up with a score of 33! Read More

  • Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness!

    Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m mapping my hardcore world, living the dream. Exploring caves, mining for ore, Building my empire, always wanting more. With each step I take, a new adventure unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. From sunrise to sunset, I craft and I mine, In this hardcore world, where danger is fine. So join me on this journey, as we explore and we play, In this world of Minecraft, where we’ll always stay. Leave a comment below, share your thoughts and your views, And together we’ll conquer, in this world… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ЁЯФеЁЯШВ

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ЁЯФеЁЯШВ “Why do Minecraft boys always build huge, elaborate structures while Minecraft girls just want to tame cute animals and decorate their houses? It’s like boys are playing SimCity and girls are playing The Sims!” Read More