๐Ÿ”ฅEpic Minecraft Building & Coding Mods – The Block Party 120

Video Information

This is the block party of Minecraft podcast episode 120 we’re your host bearded sloth and little C get all our info atth blockparty mc.com now let’s get the block party started hello little C hello this is fun we have been talking for so long on the pre-show just goofing around yes the pre-show

Awesome having tons of fun yes join join join right now go join the Discord you can find it on that website I just said the blockparty mc.com yeah what could that mean oh you guys should go check it out it’s like MC like in Minecraft the

BL party mc.com makes sense it’s been a great week Minecraft week A lot’s been going on in Minecraft really yeah there quite a few talking about stuff no not a lot of hype but they are working on it which is a good sign and some big things

Are happening I think Java players might be a little irritated because I think you guys are still waiting on some mods to update and it looks like they’re getting close to update Java Edition again H not again yeah we’ll have to get into that I’m looking forward to this

Week we got quite a few comments from you listeners I’m really excited to read those that’s what this Show’s all about is you the listeners you the Minecraft players the Minecraft Community we want to hear from you it’s your show we’re just here along for the ride our first

Comment this week comes from kangar last week in the podcast you asked if our realm felt like it had more mobs because of the world animals addon no it feels the same you’ll usually see three of the same type of animals spawn as you explore an area the same as always it’s

Just nice when it’s not the usual sheep cow Etc but something cool like elephants you and holy Bookworm were talking about animals you’d like in Minecraft on the no corner you wanted turkeys ciaras for little sea deer owls mice hamsters and squirrels well the world animals pack has deer and

Squirrels and yes they climb the trees I think little C talked about wanting monkeys in one episode well they do have chimpanzees and you can dress them like an astronaut obviously if you have a chimpanzee in a game you have to be able to dress it like an astronaut that’s

Just a requirement okay that’s amazing and kangar I do appreciate you sending me the link to that I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet I’m definitely going to have to check that out now just vanilla but I might have to play with this sometime this sounds

Awesome I’m kind of curious is this do we want to go modded with something like this we want to go modded on Jericho I don’t know that does sound fun though it is now going back to how the animals are spawning if I’m looking for a sheep

Though I bet it’s less likely for me to find it because there’s all these other options of animals spawning if that makes sense you’ll be like hey I’m going to go get a sheep and then you’re just like wait a minute that’s an elephant I

Don’t I don’t think I can make a bed out of that right exactly and I don’t think that that’d be kind of a weird texture for a bed wouldn’t it elephant skin yeah it’d be like yeah let’s not do that to elephants anyways that’s that’s bad yeah

We got to keep elephants alive anyways we’re getting off track there and yeah he’s also talking about the noob corner I was on the noob corner like not just for the intro well that’s cuz you deserve to be on that show I’ve seen you play Hey Now I kind of agree with you

Somewhat I’m not a complete Noob though I’m not as awesome of a noob as holy Bookworm is though but yeah we were talking about that I think that was our Thanksgiving special maybe and yeah talked about the turkeys and of course you need your Cy Mars got to have why

Why not that’s the top voted thing on the Minecraft suggestions is cppy baras that’s a perfect Minecraft mob they’re kind of unknown there’s not that like a lot of people don’t even know about them they’re kind I don’t think they’re endangered but they’re definitely a species that’s not like too many of them

And they would just fit they’re blocky they look like they came from Minecraft in real life in our live chat right now one of the listeners advisory Labs just posted cppy varo woo and of course posted a picture of this adorable cppy right there in our live chat again are

Amazing that is is awesome thank you for this I’m still looking forward every week to hear what else is in this pack I’m not going to give spoilers if I do try out this pack I’m going to have to wait until he says something because I

Don’t want to spoil his fun here in his comments either a next comment comes from it’s your Sammy I was once playing hardcore Minecraft and this stupid Skelly kept missing his shots and I was at like two hearts after about two missed shots I decided to pull my shield

Away and make a break for it his next shot hit me and I lost my 10-minute hardcore world I think he said six missed shots actually is that what I said I think you misquoted him and said two but yeah six Miss shots that’s crazy that is a skeleton like of course the

Time you go away is the one time that he actually hits it and doesn’t have Stormtrooper aim yeah that’s crazy crazy he also said with missed I mean he completely missed me out of all six shots not one was even close close to hitting me for some reason must be a

Stormtrooper from Star Wars it’s got to be yeah that’s insane and 10 minute hardcore World o 10 minute that sounds like how I would play all of that work you put in my live stream that’s exactly how it started now it wasn’t a hardcore world I’m just playing a bedrock and I

Wasn’t giving it up that quickly but I did die twice very early on and it’s kind of sad I have two words for you skill issue I was also getting used to streaming and playing and all that at the same time yes I’m making up excuses

Still a skill issue yeah I agree just different kinds of skills skillies are kind of overpowered at sometimes I think especially in Java they have machine guns oh they have bows they are just going at especially cuz they spawn more Java like has a lot more spawning I

Think with m Ms and animals so there’ll be like 20 skeletons in a cave shooting at you it’s very scary that is terrifying all right thank you for that comment it’s yours Amy it’s nice to see you in the comment section again so really appreciate that next comment

Comes from IRL Nick amazing how every time you ping everyone you get a response this is kind of a joke because he didn’t ping anyone this week and that he got more responses than usual right no I ping this came after I did Ping everyone okay and guess what it works

Now if you don’t if you’re one of these people that really hate pings tell you what just go leave your comment right now show comments and I won’t ping you I usually only ping if I’m not getting a lot of chat going on just to remind you

Guys that so you guys just have to be more active and then there’ll be less pings that’s right that’s exactly what I’m saying it kind of works that way but anyways that is kind of funny and we went on I tried to keep that channel by

The way not chatting back and forth but I couldn’t resist and we had it going back and forth about pings and I was pinging him back and it was hilarious he goes on here though what would you think if Mojang just completely eradicated Minecraft Bedrock Edition from the face

Of the planet and started updating Java as well as making it more accessible wait a minute wait be the opposite hold on I’ll talk about it here but isn’t this a question yeah kind of it’s more of a discussion point question though and less of a question question yeah I

Agree I have no problem I’m just teasing him we actually know IRL Nick in real life so we have fun with that hence where he got his name iral nickname okay so theoretically here because they’re if anything they’ll get rid of java Edition before Bedrock Edition I don’t think

They’re going to get rid of either only because Bedrock makes more money it’s all money exactly well and that’s kind of why you create things sometimes right well this is why Microsoft bought them well yeah it’s not about oh let’s make the best game ever I mean there there is

Some monetary value here and that’s okay there’s nothing wrong with that necessarily but in this theoretical never going to happen world if they made Java more accessible for players like me with a controller natively I have no problem against Java I just don’t get what all the hype is about it offand and

Combat system and to me that’s not that big of a deal to make as much hype as people do I had a conversation this week actually on Facebook and somebody who was a Bedrock player was listening to all the other hype from the other players on Facebook and went and got

Java Edition and started playing Java they didn’t like it at all and there was real reasons the UI seemed less professional to them them I see the so opposite right and it’s just what you’re used to guess I think it’s just OG Minecrafters like Java more because it feels more like Minecraft whereas

Bedrock feels like a mobile game made for 5-year-olds but it is odd how people want to make this discussion into Java’s ultimately better in in some ways it might be and in some ways bedrocks better Bedrock cool because you can upload a world to like a real or server

And then just go sit on your couch play it only on Playstation you’re on the go play it on your switch or your phone or you know you want to actually sit down and try hard play play on your computer right and that’s an a exactly a perfect

Example of what we’re talking about there’s different applications if you’re really into modding and crazy things then of course Java is going to be better for you but if you’re just a casual player and stuff I have to say bedrocks the way to go as a casual

Player yeah if you don’t want like offhand and stuff right and more like Advanced and hard tole learn combat now it’s not like they H aren’t updating Java that’s still their main thing the developers are playing on there all the developers play Java and probably care

More about Java so it’s not going away anytime soon like some people think yeah I don’t think it’s G to go away completely because of that you now if those developers ever do like sell their position or Microsoft takes over or switch which is something then I think

Then it would become Bedrock only instead of this I don’t see a scenario where Java would be the only one though yeah if they ever get rid of Java though that’s going to cause like so many people to never play Minecraft again and that would not be a good decision for

Them all right thank you for that comment IRL Nick that got us on uh whole Rabbit Trail about bedrock and Java I know that’s a Hot Topic in the Minecraft Community but you guys are kind of ridiculous with keeping it going let’s just all play Minecraft together it’s

Great Minecraft is good just play Minecraft that’s what it’s all about our next comment comes from Rabbit TV hello guys so um this is my first show comment so yeah I just wanted to say that I started coding Minecraft plugins it is surprisingly easy if you know the basics

Of the Java language and follow the right tutorials so far I’ve been able to code event handlers which is basic basically when an event gets triggered player join for example another events get triggered set join message for example there are a lot of things you

Can do with just that and it’s only the surface of coding plugins another thing I learned is how to make custom commands that trigger an event I’m still pretty new to this so I have a lot left to learn that’s awesome I know when I started getting into to coding our

Bedrock out on packs and stuff it’s amazing how much you can actually do now I’m assuming he’s on Java the way he’s wording everything talking about plugins and stuff and of course the the triggers the event triggers and things it is awesome how much just that how much can

Be done with just that I totally agree with you on that and don’t worry about being new I don’t know all that much about even Bedrock add-on stuff I focus on one thing so which as you said the event triggers I focus on things like scoreboards and doing things with that

That’s what I love to do I did make our craftable Donuts which right now is currently unavailable I’ve been working on it I kind of want to polish it up maybe add coffee to it and things before I get it available to download again but this whole community on changing the

Game up modding the game in whichever version I find it kind of difficult to find the right information and there’s a lot of bad information about it too so you have to be careful I’m sure Java Edition is a little easier because it’s been around for so long and the modding

Community is so big in the Java side of things I’m sure that makes it a little easier I haven’t played around with any mods or anything with Java little see have you coded anything like even texture pack wise Java Java done anything like that for stuff okay and

I’d like to know what some of the differences are it seems more complicated than like Bedrock texture packs Java on seem more complicated okay and I haven’t looked into them too much A lot of times people will take the Java pack and change it into a Bedrock pack I

Used have an app that would do that that was cool yeah and texture packs are different than getting into the game modding the behavior pack side of thing things and you do need a little bit more with that also welcome to the comment section there Rabbit TV I’d love to hear

More about what you’re doing in Minecraft and doing the coding I love that stuff so I love talking about it want to hear more about what you do with that of course all right that sums up all the listener comments little C what do you want to talk about in Minecraft

So I played a bit of Jericho wait what now this is about to get even crazier the current season season 4 and I played Jericho season one season one that’s going way back so I played a bit on the modern Jericho season 4 and finished the mega building and shoing District it

Looks awesome by the way and then finish I cleaned up like the Shockers and chest monster that was out front in the lawn well I put it inside of the building kind of hidden but you know I cleaned it up totally hey it looks nice you can’t

See isn’t there and I also played on my single player world which is Jericho season 1 because that’s like my favorite Minecraft world I’ve ever had just cuz one I just have so many memories with it I can just walk around and be like I remember that day building that and

Stuff so it’s nostalgic and then also I just like the layout of the world and everything so I made a central storage area and cleaned up tons of chests and everything in the world and just kind of cleaned up the world I’m trying to keep all the buildings that are there kind of

The same besides like my base and then I’m trying to polish everything if there’s a build that someone else was doing I’ll try to finish it in that style but still finish it and polish it but still keeping the original style of it yeah and at the end of the season

Which we’re nearing I have announced that the end of Jericho SMP season 4 is going to be the day after Christmas so if you are a part of that make sure to get everything finished up get grinding finish up your builds the other thing I would suggest too is taking everything

Out of your ender chest and putting it somewhere accessible so that when you get the World download in case the file doesn’t save it yeah it won’t when your local file and your server player file is separate now if you took that world and put it on somebody else’s device and

Then you play it on it you’d have it if that makes sense but if you play it on your local device you won’t have all everything everything so it’s always a good idea to take it out because it’s going to be saved forever December 26th it’ll be Frozen in Time right there I

Did check out your mega build by the way little see I was giving a tour yesterday actually of somebody that came back from season 2 and just started playing with us kind of want to get the hang of everything again before we start season five giving her a tour last night your

Build is just totally epic it finished ises off the shopping district it’s so massive though compared to every other building in the world yeah it is huge but I like that and it is it looks like a government building or something and I think that should be bigger than

Everything else bigger government better right no no no all right that’s another topic for another kind of show maybe we could talk about that on after hours I mean next season we’re planning on having less quote unquote government less like rules and stuff still like a lot of rules but like less restrictions

On where people can build and stuff like that yeah exactly and at least loosen up the requirements for nether portals and stuff we still have to figure that out and exactly what we’re going to do with that well this week I spent a lot of time helping server owners I did this

Last week too I think I talked about it on last week’s podcast but I helped somebody else this week it’s been nice to try out some of their different server hosts so I can see what else is out there and I do like being able to

Have access without me having to pay for a server on these host I will say I’m Still Loving bisect it by far is outperforming these other ones that I’m playing around with and one in particular that we used to use for our like test server and stuff oh my

Goodness bisc so outperforms that one and I just switched somebody that’s what I did last week switched them from that server host to BCT and they’re super happy with what they have now I’m also trying to help people on teaching them how to add their own add-ons to their

Servers so I don’t have to do it all the time I mean that’s not my only reasoning I don’t mind adding them but it it’s nice if you’re a server owner you really should learn some of these things and I think that’s important to learn I remember when we started season 2 of

Jericho SMP and starting the server I had no clue what I was doing I made all kinds of mistakes and I told people wrong on things we had all kinds of lag on the server and that was basically my fault lot I the original spawn point in

Season 2 changed one point in the season it did and I didn’t know how to change it back or anything like that the world seed actually changed so technically we had two seeds s it was very confusing it was crazy all the things we went through

On that and that was a great world I actually just gave access to that person that came back to that World download again and she’s going to try it out I’m sure she’s going to be filled with Nostalgia on that one now my live stream on YouTube on the black party

Youtube.com/ atth block party MC you can find me there the live streaming is going really well little see you’re supposed to be selling it not telling them a reason to not go there because I’m doing it no comment a wait a minute so I did go on an adventure last week

And uh I liberated some villagers yeah that’s it liberated them uhuh I’m thinking maybe this week’s live stream maybe do it this afternoon or something or tonight of finishing up the roof on my house so if you’ve seen the live stream at all I got the basic

Outline of the roof and the shape of it but I’m going to fill it in and I think I am going to use that Cobble suggestion that you said I’m going to add to I don’t know what they’re called the where like a window Jets out from the roof and

Makes another little Peak on the roof those are hard to build but they’re fun yeah I think I’m going to try to figure that out without a tutorial by the way this whole house has been built without a tutorial oh so that’s why it’s uneven wer drawed in just it’s actually not

That bad now I know this is the debate in our household little see that you really dislike Acacia planks I think everyone dislikes Acacia planks I don’t know what the hate is for that I I just don’t get it I think it looks nice I really need to get some Farms going on

There now that I have the villagers I got to get sheep for to make more beds so we can have more villagers of course and got to get wheat and villager food like carrots carrots are great villager food by the way because a lot of people

Use potatoes I know but you get the rotten potatoes the poison potatoes and that’s not good so I like using carrots just for that reason myself potatoes work too and bread of course also spent a lot of time we’re starting to gear up for season five of Jericho SMP and like

I said we are bringing back some of our inactive members and things like that before the end of this season get them back in the swing of things of Jericho because we’re not like every server we are definitely somewhat unique in the way we treat others we’re super friendly

Familyfriendly it’s clean and everything like that I am trying to bring in we have a brand new member our newest member of Jericho SMP got accepted filled out the application and having trouble because he plays on Xbox and Minecraft Mojang does not formally support playing on consoles on private

Servers so there’s kind of workarounds to this and you got to use an app and there’s a couple apps available yeah it’s so stupid that you can’t just join servers on consoles so I’ve spent quite a bit of time this week trying to work with him and he’s not the most techsavvy

Guy so trying to explain some things and I don’t think he’s doing anything wrong I think it’s something with his Network his home internet Network there’s something going on there but I’m I really feel bad when somebody gets hyped up for joining Jericho they get accepted

And then we can’t get them in and that’s really disappointing so I’m still trying to figure that out if you guys can give me any insight of course I’ve tried the basics make sure it’s on the same Wi-Fi network all those things but tell me if you’ve had trouble with this before and

What you did he playing on Xbox isn’t there some like weird setting thing that a lot of people use yeah you can change DNS settings and I don’t want to get into details because technically it’s not allowed on Minecraft um but there are ways to do it of course and so I’m

Trying to get him going on that if you want to leave me a comment on Discord about that I’d love to hear from you all on what your experience is using an Xbox now we don’t have any of the nin Xboxes in this house we’re PlayStation people

As far as that goes and so I don’t know exactly what the difference would be I do know know the app works perfectly fine with our PlayStation and we have other Xbox players using the app too so we got to get that figured out for him

Because I really want him to be able to join it’d be nice for him to be able to join this season before next season even that’s pretty much all I’ve been up to on Minecraft though I haven’t done a lot I’ve been doing a lot of like I said the

Behind the scenes stuff and server stuff and that’s been fun as far as real life stuff other than Trucking of like I go all over there I spent quite a bit of time this week and a lot of my focus was on our website and you got to

Check it out let me know what you guys think we’ve made some big changes on it I think it looks a lot cleaner you little C you gave me all kinds of constructive criticism most of them wasn’t constructive but we kind of worked together right and made it more

Polished and professional I guess or simplified I don’t know how you want to say that I definitely still need to work on the add-on section of the website it’s still there I’ve got it back up and that part running so most of our add-ons are still available to download for yall

We are talking about adding some of your texture packs that you’ve done on Bedrock Edition like your totem packs your Infamous totem packs they’re becoming famous now not really they’re Infamous unfamous I don’t get Infamous cuz it’s infamous that should be less not famous then I agree I don’t get

English English doesn’t make sense English is weird but yeah so we might have a separate section for that eventually change up the way we do that could be cool little see what you’ve been doing in real life I’ve done really nothing this week that’s exciting to talk about besides I helped iron

Nickname build his computer we uh he had a bunch of he got a bunch of old Parts he talked about this as on a com a while ago but um that was fun building a computer and it’s hard cuz a lot of the parts are older parts and like the case

Is a new case and what it’s an old motherboard and then new parts trying to fit into old stuff and just all kinds of stuff but we got it to work we got windows installed bearded up Windows fine and yeah everything’s working he got it home and was playing earlier

Today that’s awesome and now he’ll be able to play on Jericho SMP again mhm so welcome back welcome back that’s just our catchphrase on Jericho at this point WB welcome back yeah absolutely it’s kind of a it’s almost a requirement at this point if somebody joins in you got

To say welcome back yeah it’s starting to become like a religion so welcome back Jericho members little see what else anything else this week in real life I don’t think I did anything exciting at all like I just did school I read a books some a little bit I don’t

Know I didn’t do anything no it’s okay yeah it’s been kind of a just a casual normal week I suppose coming off the holiday of Thanksgiving I guess yeah I’m Christmas ifying everywhere like I made a Christmas profile picture and everything and I made started listening

To a lot of Christmas music so that’s something yeah I’m not quite to the Christmas listening music listening quite yet I mean I’m still listening lot of normal music though I’m kind of getting into maybe starting watching the Christmas movies and stuff I would be in the Christmas season more but I can’t

Find my Christmas hat and that is a requirement for me to be in Christmas I got to go look out in the barn and see if I can find it in one of our Christmas storage boxes that’s what we’re going to have to work on I got to get my

Christmas hat all right well that sums up what we have to talk about today now for the past weekend Minecraft or info from minecraft.net we’ve got quite a few of them I think they’re there’s four change logs they’re fairly short though so shouldn’t be too bad Minecraft Java

1.2.3 pre-release 3 came out Tuesday November 28th 2023 Mojang stop trying to update it I get it you’re trying to fix stuff but all the modders can’t keep up they have some changes here only up to 20 server resource packs are cach a client now sends additional updates

About packs like download success they have fixes here usually Java Edition does it where these are the problems and now they’re fixed pool aliases don’t redirect start pool the word ignored is misspelled as ignored within the commands. tick. query. rate. sprinting string grammar matters spelling matters there Mojang

Good thing they’re fixing it though inconsistent Copper Door block drops when broken with tools weaker than Stone copper doors are not part of the doors item tag copper trap doors are not part of the trap doors item tag freezing the game during pickup animation desyncs item position Dragon respawn is unable

To be frozen with/ tick freeze copper doors SL trap doors have wrong blast resistance incorrect part of Copper Door texture server resource pack setting disabled no longer overridden by requir resource pack you can run SL summon wind charge without enabling the 1.20 data pack all right that summed up

Pre-release 3 now pre-release for whoa I didn’t think that was that was shocking that was a change I was not expecting it to go like that that was a plot twist that was just beyond believable and guess what it came out later in the same day Tuesday November 28th this too crazy

For me I don’t know if I can deal with this calm down fixes here slash return executed within an advancement reward function globally discards all subsequent commands server list ping icon doesn’t display tool tip that’s it that’s all the pre-release was so that was a nice short one now onto the

Bedrock side of things Minecraft Bedrock beta/ preview 1.20 6021 came out the next day on Wednesday November 29th 2023 they have additions here added volumetric fog and light shafts to the Deferred technical preview this new feature works by approximating the scattering that occurs as light rays travel through the air resulting in more

Realistic fog and a greater sense of scene depth it also plugs into existing data driving capabilities in resource packs for fog and volumes so that creators can customize the look and feel of fog under a variety of conditions and then they have a link there where you

Can see the updated getting started with deferred lighting stuff so that’s a big change as far as visual changes here so they are working on this and that’s good and bringing Bedrock closer to what you Java players would call shaders yeah we still I don’t get white we need the good

Shaders like Java has that would be amazing that’s one of the big things that I like about Java just cuz like screenshots any cinematic but like screenshots for the website and stuff A lot of times I’ll have to go on to Java where none of my builds and stuff

Usually are just to take a screenshot with the good shaders at least they’re working on it though right give them credit a little bit right you guys get like half credit and you got to realize they have to make these things work on cheap phones too so they’re probably is

There’s probably a lot more capabilities it’s just like when I play on my laptop compared to when I play on playstation it’s a night and day difference as far as performance so they’re kind of working with that too they do have some changes in this beta preview chiseled

Copper in their variants can now be crafted in the stone cutter with cut copper copper grates in their variant can now be water logged copper great doesn’t turn into wax copper anymore when being waxed beehive and Bess can no longer be silk Touched by an enchanted book with silk touch that’s funny that’s

With doing that just taking not putting it on a tool just taking the literal silk touch book and using it that just shows you how easy it was to get silk touch and everything too as far as books I’m glad they changed that by the way the villager trading and the books and

All that it’s much harder now did they still change it fully did they ever fully release it it no it’s still in there but I like where they’re going with it nether gold ore can now drop up to six gold nuggets pre previously five wind mined with an unenchanted tool or

Up to 24 with Fortune level three lapis lazuli or can now drop up to nine lapis lazuli previously eight wind mined with an unenchanted tool or up to 36 with Fortune level three previously it was 32 so that’s kind of cool getting some more stuff out of your drops I guess they

Have a couple fixes here fixes bug where the hot bar disappeared if you exit it out of the customized touch control screen with a non-touch controller input there are so many UI bugs like that in Bedrock with switching like controller stuff like if you switch keyboard cuz I

Do that a lot I’ll bump my mouse or something with keyboard and mouse while using a controller and it’s just so goofy yeah and that’s got to be difficult I’m thinking from the coding side of things to have all these different devices aspect ECT ratios and

It’s all got to work with all of it and it only slightly works with all of it yeah exactly but they’re working on fixing it so that’s good they also fix texture Z fighting issues in deferred technical preview and of course there’s many more find the link in our podcast

Description and back to Minecraft Java 1.2.3 can you guess can you guess I don’t know I don’t know pre-release five as some of you just said it’s not pre-release 5 it’s release candidate one this is getting this is getting too much Mojang just too much all right this one

Came out Thursday November 30th 2023 and there’s a fix here there’s literally one fix on this all that hype for one fix disparity between the read right logic of the explosion packet what have no idea maybe that’ll make it so uh stuff will not maybe like TNT won’t be

As laggy I don’t know I have no idea what that means too technical for my small brain all right and they are really pushing their new Discord server for discussing changes and problems and issues so make sure to check that out too now it’s time for listener questions our first

Question comes from holy Bookworm do you think a Minecraft cartoon show would be good would you watch that yes yes and yes I agree well that was an easy one to answer I think that would be amazing I actually wish they would make something like that I know some YouTubers now are

Starting to make their own Netflix shows or even comic books I think the odd ones out has some Netflix show or something like that I’m not sure exactly but it’s like some little kid show animation thing and then Carl Jacobs the Minecraft you YouTuber is making a whole comic

Book series I think like or some C it’s either cartoon comic book series something like that and like it’s starting to become that so I think it’d be cool to see either a Minecraft creator do that or just Minecraft themselves do it officially yeah I think

It would be really cool I kind of wonder if you made a cartoon out of it if you could get like the you know the IP rights and everything without messing with the Ula and all those things I don’t know how the legality of that would be but I definitely would watch it

Like as long as it’s not like way too as long as it’s not dumb down kids not like Blu clu or something you know well you I’ve caught you watching Blues clu a few times we’re not discussing that back in my day it was Barney is what everybody

Watch oh my gosh Barney scares me that purple dinosaur gives me nightmares yeah I definitely would watch it though and I wouldn’t want it on the opposite end where some of these inappropriate cartoons are only good for adults I don’t want that either it needs to be

The in between a Family Guy and blu’s clues yeah somewhere in between kind of like the block party it’s familyfriendly it’s good for all ages yeah yeah exactly all right thank you for that question holy Bookworm really appreciate it hey you listeners guess what there’s no more questions there’s no more questions

Because you guys are slacking you guys got to question us and remember it doesn’t have to be about Minecraft it can be it doesn’t even have to be a good question and let’s be honest you can just just ask us what our favorite sandwich is what do you guys want to

Know about us seriously by the way let’s answer that what is your favorite sandwich the spicy Italian from Subway mine is a taco wait whoa what is a taco a sandwich I don’t know all right let us know when I Discord go talk about Taco sandwiches exactly is a taco a

Sandwich that’s a crazy debate well before we get into into that or let’s not get into that actually now it’s time for everybody’s and I mean everybody even you you you listening this is your favorite part of the show holy bookworms joke of the week how do you make a water

Bed boun here and spring Water you’re not getting the official laugh button on that one no no no not do that one was actually kind of funny I kind of laughed at that one when you should told me that pre-show oh we love holy bookworms jokes and she does her

Pun on the noob corner I love those too I like puns a little bit better than the jokes myself oo controversial opinion maybe I don’t know controversial holy Bookworm content opinion there there you go been a fun show little C thank you for helping me out here you need it

Definitely thank you listeners for helping us out it was great show comments this week love those by the way I want to hear what you guys are up to in Minecraft whatever that is love hearing about the add-on things we talked about I love hearing about the

Coding I love all of those so make sure to get more we need them every single week keep them coming join the Discord and just chat randomly about your taco sandwiches exactly you also can help support the show by subscribing to the podcast find the link in the description to subscribe

It truly does help us out by the way and is super super super appreciated best of all though with that subscription you’ll get access to more of us who doesn’t want that little C I thought we were trying to sell them on it you get the

After hour show and you get those first 49 episodes of the black party that are hidden behind this pay wall because they are kind of cringey and you can hear little little C’s voice from episode one it’s great also help us get the word out about the block party podcast by telling

Everyone you run into Christmas is coming around you’re going to go see family you’re going to see friends tell them all about the show also visit the website that I’ve been working so hard on the blockparty mc.com we want to hear from you we love your comments and

Questions you can email us at contactthe blockparty mc.com or leave us a voicemail or text us at one 26220 8225 seriously email us text us call us leave us a voicemail do it do it right now thank you all for being here we truly do appreciate it make sure to tell

Everyone about the block party a Minecraft podcast I’m bearded sloth and now I got to eat my coffee and I’m little C and I’m going to go try to find one of those TCO Sandwiches

This video, titled ‘🏗️ Minecraft Building Big | Coding Mods | The Block Party Podcast 120 🎮’, was uploaded by The Block Party on 2023-12-02 19:53:56. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:57 or 2517 seconds.

Get ready for Block Party Podcast #120, where Bearded Sloth and Little c spill the beans on all things Minecraft! In the Comments section, listeners share thoughts on World Animals addons, hardcore escapades, and even ponder the fate of MCBE. A fresh-faced coder drops by to chat about their plugin journey, adding to the vibrant Minecraft community.

In the Minecraft Talk segment, Little c unveils his massive builds in Jericho SMP Season 1 and spills the beans on Season 5 plans. Meanwhile, Bearded Sloth steps into his server support role, assisting others in setting up and exploring different hosting options. Season 5 prep is in full swing, with returning members and Xbox troubleshooting adventures.

Switching to real-life updates, Bearded Sloth talks website tweaks, seeking feedback on the evolving platform. Little c, the PC whiz, helps IRL_Nickname build a rig, showcasing his tech skills. Real-life updates provide a peek into their week beyond the blocks.

Explore the latest changelogs, from Java Pre-Releases to Bedrock Beta, in the Past Week in Minecraft. Listener questions are answered, highlighting the importance of community engagement. The episode wraps up with HolyBookworm’s joke of the week – a perfect blend of laughter and Minecraft insights!

For comments, questions, or to connect with us, email us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠[email protected]⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (mailto:[email protected])  or leave a voicemail/text at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠1-260-220-8225⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Help us spread the Block Party hype by sharing our podcast with fellow Minecraft players. Thank you for being part of the Block Party community, and let’s get this party started!

Remember to visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠theblockpartymc.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (https://theblockpartymc.com/)  for more ways to engage with us, celebrate the magic of Minecraft, and join our passionate community of fellow players.

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• Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://theblockpartymc.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (https://theblockpartymc.com/)

• YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@theblockpartymc⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

The Past Week in Minecraft (Change Logs)

• ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minecraft Java 1.20.3 Pre-Release 3 (https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-1-20-3-pre-release-3)

• ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minecraft Java 1.20.3 Pre-Release 4⁠ (https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-1-20-3-pre-release-4)

• ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minecraft Bedrock Beta/Preview⁠ (https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/21754158247437-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-20-60-21)

• ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minecraft Java 1.20.3 Release Candidate 1⁠⁠ (https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-1-20-3-release-candidate-1)

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TAGS: Minecraft Podcast, Block Party Podcast, Mega Builds, Coding Adventures, Server Hosting, Community Feedback, Changelogs, Minecraft Updates, Real Life Adventures, PC Building, Season 5 Jericho SMP, Gamer Life, Gaming Community, Minecraft Builders, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, Block Party, Minecraft Community, Creative Mode, Tech Talk, Gaming Talk, Listener Questions, Player Engagement, Gaming Humor, Holy Bookworm Joke #Minecraft, #MinecraftPodcast, #TheBlockParty, #MinecraftYouTube

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Last Minute Bakkalamca TikTok Adventure

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  • CivEarth.net – TownyTowny | Jobs | McMMO

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  • Sora-Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – Greatest family tree flex ever

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  • Unstoppable Champion Crowned in Minecraft Oasis

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  • Skibidi Toilet vs. Minecraft BATTLE

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Steve is a GOD in Minecraft?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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  • Unlock the SECRET TREE HOUSE in Minecraft – PRO vs NOOB!

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  • Insane Mods in Indonesia Minecraft – MUST WATCH!

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  • Mind-Blowing Revelation in Lost & Found Series S2 Ep12: It Talks!

    Mind-Blowing Revelation in Lost & Found Series S2 Ep12: It Talks!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Lost and Found Series] |S2 Ep12| It talk!’, was uploaded by firewolf4140YT on 2024-03-16 00:00:07. It has garnered 185 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:14 or 2354 seconds. [Lost and Found Series] |S2 Ep12| #likeandsubscribe #lostandfoundseries #minecraft #roleplay #minecraftpe โ—€๏ธŽโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ–ถ๏ธŽ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/5cU7nY3GNA Things you should know about the Discord server: I hope you came and join us in the server We love meeting new people and see people having fun โ—€๏ธŽโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ–ถ๏ธŽ If you have any suggestions or questions please tell us or join the discord server to tell… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of the Vampire God – Building the Fearamid in Minecraft (INCOMPLETE)

    Unleash the Power of the Vampire God - Building the Fearamid in Minecraft (INCOMPLETE)Video Information This video, titled ‘I built the fearamid in minecraft (INCOMPLETE)’, was uploaded by ใ‚ชใƒ ใƒ‹ใƒใƒณใƒ‘ใ‚คใ‚ข NuclearHurricaneTheVampireGod on 2024-03-23 01:05:31. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Watch as me and possibly some friends play minecraft and have fun i do art videos and other kind’s of content like artwork and anime go to my upload’s to see more. Like Comment & Subscribe for more content from me. working on a gravity falls weirdmageddon world I, Nuclear Hurricane, do not give my permission for my work to be posted… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pepe Lejones Reveals Dark Secret @ 7:40 pm

    SHOCKING! Pepe Lejones Reveals Dark Secret @ 7:40 pmVideo Information This video, titled ‘time: 7:40 pm’, was uploaded by pepe lejones on 2024-05-20 13:49:25. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:27 or 2487 seconds. date: 5-16-2024 games: league of legends arenas diablo 4 overwatch 2 helldivers 2 minecraft why are there so many numbers nowadays Read More

  • Minecraft Sand Art Robloxer Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpiece #insane #viral #mashle

    Minecraft Sand Art Robloxer Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpiece #insane #viral #mashleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Mashle) #viral #trending #mashle’, was uploaded by Robloxer on 2024-02-19 13:16:40. It has garnered 6988 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. hi guys hope you like this short it took me some time to make BTW don’t forget to like share and subscribe and BTW do tell me in the comments what should I do next! TAGS! #youtube #vlog #toturial #review #howto #gaming #musicvideo #travelvlog #diy #reactionvideo #roblox #minecraft #viral #robloxedit #trending #freddyfazbear #youtubeshorts #bikeofhell #bikeofhell #billy #edit #GamingShorts #Gameplay #GamingCommunity #GamerLife #QuickPlay… Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware 2.5+ Years Old No map resets 21+ No Kids RPG-inspired Claims Dynmap Discord-MC chat Nether Roof One-player Sleep Shopping District Aura Skills 1.20.4

    Welcome to HomesteadCraft SMP Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that’s been public for over two years, and we’re excited to welcome you to your new home! Where to Find us: IP: HomesteadCraft.mcserver.us Live Map Discord As an RPG-based server, we offer a unique game-play experience tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Join our diverse community of players from all over the world for a fun and exciting adventure. Our no-map-reset policy ensures that you can build and explore without losing your progress, and we continue to… Read More

  • Seek & Peek: Minecraft’s Easy Game Trick

    Seek & Peek: Minecraft's Easy Game Trick In the world of Scratch, a game so easy, Creating fun with code, feeling breezy. Start with a backdrop, choose with care, Design a start page, make it rare. Add a button sprite, keep it neat, Rename and color, make it sweet. Code to start the project off right, Broadcast a message, shining bright. Change the backdrop, when the button’s pressed, Show the start screen, be your best. Mechanics of the game, code with speed, Each block and sprite, fulfill the need. Fixing problems, all is well, Showing off the code, a tale to tell. Explore Scratch, learn and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Hotter than Nether! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #shorts

    Minecraft Memes: Hotter than Nether! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #shorts “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” ๐Ÿคฃ #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Monster Marauder: The Final Showdown

    Monster Marauder: The Final Showdown The Mystery of the Monster Marauder Unfolds on EcoSMP A Mysterious Intruder Nine days ago, a mysterious monster known as the Monster Marauder was sighted entering the sewers of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server. Reports from EcoSMP officials indicate that significant amounts of money and rare items have been stolen, with the Monster Marauder being the primary suspect. The Global Hunt Begins In response to the theft, a global hunt for the stolen treasures has been initiated. Adventurers on the server have been following a trail of clues and ciphers in an attempt to recover the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hot Tub Party with Camera and TV Babes – Maizen

    Insane Minecraft Hot Tub Party with Camera and TV Babes - MaizenVideo Information [Music] guys today Mikey and I decided to go fishing and catch as many fish as we have never caught in our lives you’re right JJ and we will definitely succeed because we have the most modern super cool fishing rods cool bait and and and optimism that’s exactly what you said Mikey we will succeed we are the coolest fishermen in this Village and then we will sell this fish and with the money we earn we will uh buy more bit uh you’re right um stop what are they doing here H but how can we… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft WTF Moment!

    Insane Minecraft WTF Moment!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WTF Moment | Minecraft BEST Momemt #minecraft #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ #wtfmoment’, was uploaded by Romton4ik on 2024-03-08 16:06:12. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. minecraft memes, memes, funniest minecraft clips, wait what minecraft, creeper, craziest minecraft clips, meme, funny, compilation, dream, minecaft, among us, cursed minecraft, glow squid, best minecraft memes, perfectly cut screams, snapshot, pewdiepie, cave and cliffs, minecraft fails that will make you laugh, dream smp, minecraft speedrun be like…, unusual minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft bruh momment, minecraft portrayed, frog, 1.19, minecraft,… Read More


    ULTIMATE MODDED SURVIVAL CHALLENGE in Minecraft Moonacre SMP!Video Information had one there I don’t need anymore you a little bit louder I had one in my inventory that I don’t need anymore oh okay well I’ll take it just in case I need a spare right here I’m done let up this thing actually can I make this bigger it’s going to make my thing weird but let’s see there we go now put that one in storage okay Twilight Forest time guys but we’ve not made the portal yet need to go collect flowers is everyone all good a it yeah you’re all good nice what… Read More

  • Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hacks! ๐Ÿคฏ #viral #trending

    Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hacks! ๐Ÿคฏ #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral Hacks || #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by ZenO OP on 2024-04-20 11:57:20. It has garnered 8723 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ธABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming ๐ŸŽฎ In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too ๐Ÿ˜„ Subscribe to see all of this ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ’  Instagram ๐Ÿ“ท :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above and… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Prank on Minecraft Noob! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Mind-Blowing Prank on Minecraft Noob! ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information I saw this Noob on my server and he was making his base so once he made it I switched it entirely to bedrock and he got super confused he even tried mining the Bedrock so I thought of a funny troll where I disguised as a diamond on the floor I went up to his base and he was still trying to mine the Bedrock so I hit him from the back and he seemed really happy to see a diamond right in front of him he even tried to pick me up so I jumped into… Read More

  • EPIC Orange Chicken PvP Battle ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Orange Chicken PvP Battle ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information for for some reason I don’t know if it’s just Discord on Playstation party like for streaming it just won’t work all guess who oh this is on [ __ ] this [ __ ] event is on Minecraft Bedrock isn’t it yeah that’s crazy funy gaming by the way who who who is he that’s is Funky Kong I’m like the top one Minecraft player in the world yeah I am big balls I’m better than you what you don’t you say no you ain’t L bro can you B this guy from the for I don’t… Read More

  • Ultimate Parkour Challenge – Mind-Blowing Pixel Art! (PPL Request YT)

    Ultimate Parkour Challenge - Mind-Blowing Pixel Art! (PPL Request YT)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,414’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-24 11:11:00. It has garnered 1370 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,414 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • UdayYtGamer’s EPIC 3D Minecraft PvP ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftmasacre

    UdayYtGamer's EPIC 3D Minecraft PvP ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftmasacreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 3d Anime ๐Ÿฅฐ | Minecraft PvP| #minecraft #minecrftpublicsmp #minecrafpvp #minecraft3danime’, was uploaded by UdayYtGamer on 2024-06-01 16:10:33. It has garnered 244 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. gmail: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/YnPxSWxY Taarzo YouTube :/ @taarzo_official Chandu Youtube : / @chandugameryt.3 Public OneBlock SMP Join | Join Public SMP #5 | UdayYtGamer minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft smp public… Read More