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Hello hello hello testing Can You Hear Me Maybe I can hear me why can I hear me hello hello mute thank you that’s better hey Cherry 701 hey milk Dud fantastic salt how’s it Going easy zombie medium zombie hard zombie Ro guard oh c interesting progress Greg what is up Greg how’s it going you got anything for me yet been waiting been slacking because I’ve been waiting a little farther out oops can you hand me a milk Bucket please you can’t get your own milk

Bucket nothing yet oh my gosh I had to kick your son out of my Discord because of his name I don’t know if he knows that or not but yeah I kind of kicked him out of my Discord the one that used to be called Valic he changed his name and I didn’t

Much like it it was inappropriate for my Discord almost broke your chest plate h for dang you got killed by bu a Magma Cube heck kind of magma cubes are those you forgot they bite oh wait what how does magma cubes have at the right gear interesting you still there

Greg if you’re still there I’ll show you my house on my server it’s pretty be interesting took a while to build this is not my house this is kind of like a challenge Castle players conquer it they get a free armor trim set that for oh okay uh my house should

Be this direction because this is connected to it yep I connected it to my cart rail system here it’s a little weird I kind of made it on a floating island I built the island people on the stream help too the bottom still means kind of filled in but

Whatever and someone made the Titanic and put it behind my my floating island this is the arena with a couple shots on the front and then someone is making a hotel there I kind of wish they didn’t put it there I might have to really actually have to make a move

It I’m gonna feel bad but that is a niore okay Yep this is my place barrier blocks around it still from when I was working on it library with working elevators Elevators down to my mind and rooms people are living in this is antastic Apparently up here is where I put my stuff took me like seven streams to build this yeah I’m I’m sorry sponge but this this has to go like it’s just yeah I will help him build it somewhere else better if I have to oh and my nether portal of course Axel a

Pond then stairs down to my original place a lot of building thank you Samantha if you ever want to get on my server uh Greg let me know it’s got a grief protection uh system so you could build something and protect it no one can do anything on it unless you give them

Permissions yeah yep yep I’m pretty good at building castles I don’t know why this one I’m trying to make kind of Medieval theme for hey vantastic I see you in the voice chat what’s up I remember just accidentally summon a giant I noticed I got bad news for sponge he’s

Going to have to move that eyesore of a Hotel out from behind my house I’m sorry it keeps getting bigger and uglier made it out of something other than would probably be a little better or fit to the theme of like my house you know like dark stone stuff like that

Yeah just regular brick is an isore do it C I thought about doing uh time lapse videos in my builds that’d be a lot of work though yeah CU you have like replay mod every single stream I’d have to download and edit them and then speed up the video

And yeah a little bit extra work what the heck did you find a giant yeah um it has no AI so it can’t really do anything interesting how do we kill it it’s it’s basically an iron golem oh okay so either potions don’t hurt it or I think the arrow went right to

It it hit box is like down here oh wow okay well now it’s on [Laughter] fire interesting I’m inside of the fire I didn’t see it and he still isn’t really making sound wow um originally I think it was supposed to be a boss or something so it’s only in

Java but it’s just kind of a statue wow actually I do need out one more k um if you’re wondering how I’m getting all these like special mobs and whatever to spawn in like this I that command that I put in the Minecraft chat does that’s good that’s good makes it

Easier yeah just really annoying type in oh I bet what you should do is you create should uh open up like notebook or whatever and just type it there and just copy and paste every single time uh we can’t really copy and paste on switch so oh

Right actually I don’t even know if you can paste inside of command prompt in the actual game itself on PC either well at least you wouldn’t forget them I suppose I made I have my own little Discord server with just me in it so I just post random links and stuff things

I need there oh hey there’s something funny I can do with the I can make them du wield I have one in the basement of my castle that’s dual wielding sticks yeah I seen that on that video I watched it for a few seconds the see they had him holding a

Diamond sword in a random Diamond uh for some okay so I use the British spelling for armor for some reason whenever I type it so it it tries to work but it doesn’t actually give him armor so I was really confused earlier as to why was doing it

Oh at least you figured it out hey Munith what’s up not much building the medieval is Castle kind of it does really look that medieval but it looks more medieval than my own castle for getting the feeling I’m getting a lot of ghost blocks because it keeps doing that No wonder where everyone is it’s kind of funny what the fact that nobody else is here when I finally am on time I don’t know I’m kind of surprised you haven’t gotten a ghost on uh either the last night or the night before I don’t remember uh me and

Com bro figured out why the commands are breaking why uh something about the auto server reset breaks it it’s weird because it doesn’t affect me I don’t know i c this Tower over here was like block off center so I had to fix that oh really oh thank you thing like this over

Here like I would have started this Tower but I don’t know what to do with way you have it I had it not a tower I had one side just like that trying something new I guess try and explore the non um what’s the word symmetrical

Options do you want me to punch windows in all of the towers or just leave it with just the one all the towers that are Towers need to match all right I’m going to send everyone an that on Discord ask where they are didn’t really know what to do with the

Inside of this Tower so I just left it plank already had in it for for for hey Hayden what’s up welcome back had a nice Christmas good you playing Minecraft today Hayden about to okay I was about to but check that you will live first huh hello Hayden you hear me

Yeah guess what I’m talking on talking on my Xbox I can tell nice congrats Christmas yeah nice bet you were excited yep this is my first time having an Xbox cool I remember when I had the original Xbox the very first one took like a couple minutes for me to set up my

Games no rush I’m GNA be on for a while for oh for for and back welcome back how long I I don’t know 10 minutes maybe I don’t know still nobody else Hayden was here for like a few minutes I should probably tear these ones

Out can I put a god zombie in here in case everybody anybody somehow manages to get in um I guess it doesn’t matter until like until we actually have someone run and the challenge you might want to get rid of it when someone runs the challenge I some another giant instead of a

Zombie uh I’d suggest closing this because zombie really fast Le put like a ladder or something oh I see you found the thre yeah I just seen him moving around super quick I was like uh what he wants atck 12 but he has pretty much infinite weakness so really HT anything

Right so did you did did you copy and move this Tower is that how you did it no I just built it oh really efficient way that I have okay basically I looked at this and then I marked out the dimensions and copied them over here yeah all

Right I just noticed the inside like the inside the original house or original building part was inside the tower you know I didn’t know what to do with it so I left it m so you know there’s stuff in there and now a god

Zombie uh I’m G to fly a decent ways out because I found a command when I was naming it that I really want to try out but I don’t want to destroy everything okay let what does so what happens when we let someone run through the trial of this do

We light out a bunch of whichever zombies that they’re facing yeah I’m probably going to end up having to manually summon them with their armor and weapons and whatever but I really wish you could copy and paste well actually if you tell me what to type or copy it and I read it

And I type it when we do it me I can just push up and hit enter over and over and over so I don’t have to type it out again over and over you know at least for the like if it’s in Easy Mode I could do it for the easy zombies

Okay so there is a way that I know of to to copy paste mobs really efficiently however you would have to turn on command block so that structure block would work and I don’t think you want to do that oh I wanna you don’t think I’d want

To do what turn on command blocks because that’s the only way structure blocks would work so I can copy and paste no unfortunately not yeah uh if we turn on command blocks it’ be it would put the server at too much risk people can make those you know repeating command blocks making the

Server get bogged down or making those machines to purposely destroy the server and like make it overload yeah well I do um I may not know of some commands that could that could possibly fry the server but I’m not going to use them because I’m not like that okay well just don’t

Tell other people I guess I’m GNA hope other people don’t know him but about all I do you’re doing great white ninja good s this is going away already so I’m doing good oh okay uh am I just un killable un survival we need to open these towers up to the main

Building uh someone them have or the other two have uh zombies and skeletons at them for like the base level we messing with them it’s okay to let them out isn’t it h there’s only like 10 in each so it should be I know they wear

Leather there is one in there that can go stupidly fast but so I should probably kill it if I can why are all the characters named Archer because we’re making this Castle into a kind of a challenge Castle to fight through and if you kill everything and kill the main

People in it essentially you get fairly rare items depending on the difficulty you choose oh that’s the okay we could make that into like a hidden boss that they can find and try and kill and if they happen to kill the hidden boss we’ll give him like an extra

It item or something what do you think that’d be a really difficult hit in boss I guess though that’s a pretty cool idea that will put some creativity near your Castle also a good idea to always hide secrets for them to find as through Journeys you go through some tough bosses

Yeah this zombie is supposed to be like ridiculously strong God zombie is actually killable it only has resistance too it just can it basically is as strong as a warden though so oh you’re wearing protection 4 netherite is pretty much one shot we could leave

It there and if they happen to find it and kill it we’ll give them something good or something might want to put a sign there and put beware ENT if you dare or something or like it’s going crossbone signed I doubt we can make one of those uh actually I can’t

Charge enter at your own risk this tower has no windows I just realized I didn’t get to that one yet okay why is there a dispenser in the wall just oh uh that was what we were using to get the armor on the zombies oh okay or originally at least uh we

Figured out we couldn’t give them weapons unless we use the command what should you name the castle like castle of Doomsday and maybe difficulty should be easy normal hard or demon we already have like easy normal and hard where’d he go um finishing Windows does this work yeah yeah that’s

Good CU if it was just the skull thing I could do something else but it would be more tedious put it we could do a demon mode where pretty much every single zombie is a god zombie have the potion for ready but no matter how many people do it only

One armor trim set is given so if the people want to work together and get it done fine but it’s still only one armor trim set you know what I mean so they’ll just have to do it again for each person see I’m just gonna have to keep the banner

Here because I don’t really have any good signage to put up all right that’s fine what have we uh like um put in a trip play right here to where the zombie like Springs up and starts attacking them that’d be hilarious if I can figure out the Redstone for it which actually shouldn’t

Be that hard like it just immediately just shoots up the ladder and just comes out and starts swinging if they go down there they have nowhere to run and they’ll have no chance against it to be honest well I mean it’s ridiculously fast anyway so they generally wouldn’t oh

Okay so the small space would actually be pretty helpful step in the Doom State castle for higher risk higher rewards step in if you dare try to escape as you kill bosses mobs and more and even get rewards while you’re killing them so you don’t kill yourself get so

Uh this is just the first challenge Castle I’m thinking about making an underwater one too next would be an you know I could actually possibly enchant the uh armor and weapons on these but on these zombies but that would be such a long command think your service Tings would allow it oh really

I don’t know put my God name Tag Away D it he’s now dual wielding and like three inches taller than I am okay so there is one zombie that’s named Adventurer roaming around somewhere really yeah uh it’s basically a leather armor version of Fred but it does a decent amount of damage that’s

Fred oh I got huh I don’t know how are people supposed to get between floors I don’t know we need stairs here he is oh whoa here he goes there he goes oh this floor is missing well there a good place for a staircase mhm or the towers technically are supposed to be

Staircases just not the death Tower in here I thought I was dispenser yeah I just seen it I’m like uh okay one of your torches is lower than the rest ladder in each Tower will work I just said a in chat it’s not me anything okay just

To just so it doesn’t Mark me as AFK watching and bup down your view thank you I’m at five at the moment which is good says four for me oh I don’t know stream La say 5 hey Gohan what’s up I’m going to do something that’s dumb

But anybody who wants to risk it can okay so I’m making it so there’s basically a little parkb jump on the ladder in God’s chamber over here but it’s not on the bottom floor so you can’t quite reach you if you make it oh okay yeah dual wielding zombie with insane

Speed and strength definitely isn’t terrifying at all right trying to make a viewing deck or something you just do that like little shelf that’ll work as long as they don’t walk off too much I guess Crouch walk or something cuz we’re going to De beat sea creatures in the underfall

Castle how are the intros good how’s my day going pretty good where’s that sea castle you’re talking about um I was talking about making another one of these challenge castles but underwater with like how how would we go about doing that like instead of zombies we would use Dr yeah that makes

Sense drowns or yeah how do we do the mobs the same way really like um you can add equipment to drowns can’t you there you’re muted in Discord oh you can add equipment to DRS can’t you yeah I just have to change the command to drown instead of zombie then

Yeah yeah it’d be pretty much the same no I don’t stream on Mondays if you want to see my schedule it’s in the Discord under the uh schedule updates area who’s going to say the intros that chatted I don’t know like give a trid yeah Trident would be heavy in that

Um in that challenge it’d be drowns and baby drowns I can actually summon the children and I can summon them with no AI for statues and yeah question is how am I going to what I’m going to make it look like kind of thing I made one before I can’t

Remember you could do something like a giant ocean Monument yeah oh God that would be this would be terrifying like another oh yeah Ultra hard mode freaking baby drowns or give it a sword and and a freaking uh Trident a sword and a trident it’s tiny tin he has a fork that’s

Great now he’s really scary and Speedy fast I really want to keep this I don’t want to kill it it’s funny because he does have a helmet but you can’t see it because their heads are so big right should I just leave these up here with this I mean it doesn’t really matter

Until someone actually takes the challenge so you can if you want to I think I’m going to redesign this corner here kind have when you were putting your windows in on the main building you kind of had holes in them you got ghost blocks with the windows but not the oh that’s annoying

Thanks I think I’m gonna edit my cart system here to go to where I’m going to have my Underground water temple so go one way it’s going to take you to that medieval castle one and then go another way it’s going to take you to the underground water

One which is probably going to just be right behind my base essentially underwater I can run faster than you can fly really someday I might get rid of this Titanic it’s got really no point here I think he that uh you can ask them

To copy or cut it and then paste it up there has that command yeah he still he has it let’s see the drowned Castle can be here I guess uh how big do you how big of an area do you want me to clear pretty big it’s going to be like

You said a giant ocean Monument let me with maybe like pillars and stuff around the outside like if you think of the L city Atlantis kind of thing 20 like air I hope I don’t destroy everything broken archways okay so something like I got rid of the how dare you whoa uh what

Happened e you kind of got rid of the water that’s an issue uh I can fill it with water do yeah do that like you might have to do it clear it then fill it with water oh now it’s a little too high now it’s going to look goofy okay air

Again and then go down to water down one more one more yeah I think another one here okay your level again water perfect the top of the water looks normal Okay cool so if I just stay at this level it’ll be fine yeah uh about

How wide do you want it because this is a 20 by 20 start off I guess 60 by 60 I don’t know 6 okay so you’re going to create an account on Discord cool one two 67 oh I ran into the oan monent and if that had been too much

Higher I would have started and too much farther over I probably would have started leveling k on accident oh don’t do that that’s far enough you can from here over uh which direction that way or that way the way over here um run alongside the ocean Monument I

Guess no kind of add to the area yeah this will just kind of be a mini boss structure as a warmup yeah it’ll just be a part of the section I’m adding on to the ocean monu Monument with my own better Monument um the water still looks okay

Except kids’s water from his Titanic but whatever random underground boat good good I think maybe three rows of what you’re doing should be enough and it would be at 60 by 60 if I did yep okay so The Edge it is 87 so be 107 this is mildly inting but whatever

Why uh look over at the corner of the ocean Monument back there it doesn’t quite line up oh that’s okay all right go what do you think big enough uh judging by your other one probably okay I I made it a block too wide on the on one of the rows

What hey over here we could put like a secret mini yeah each of the little caves have sys we could do that cuz there’s one over here that just kind of goes off into the wall and ends immediately yeah I don’t think kids’s Titanic would still quite be floating over this

Right all right so I don’t need wood stuff anymore stone bricks no oh yeah there’s another little pocket down here we can put like a structure over no actually we can make this like a giant underwater ruin type thing yeah rather than a castle and just have kind of invisible barrier set

Up as you can water log barriers so yes Roblox is on Fridays well actually now that I think about it can I level the ocean Monument uh why it just looks kind of weird next to this or at least there lot stuff on it I want to get rid of that there’s

Stuff on it you want to get rid of like all the sand and the kelp and the Sea grass oh yeah you can get rid of the stuff on top of it I want to get rid of like all of it if you know what I

Mean that’s one thing I’m going to need for forgot sea lanterns for my lights if I knew how I just use the slasher Place command for it and then replace it with air or water or something so it would auto fill yeah don’t get rid of it I like it being there see

Pickles hardest part is going to be building it underwater honestly the best way to do it would just be with night vision so you can see the general size true it’s not perfect but it works who put all this sand here might have already been

There I doubt it unless it fell from my floating island when it was being built for some reason I don’t no it’s like 50 or 60 blocks off of your Island so unless ke is building sand then just beird generation or some in here I found a sponge room

Guardian either really like sand or really want to go that way just really like stand so in Minecraft Bedrock Edition you can water lock banners I forgot you can’t do that in Java so I we can’t really use banners or doors or anything like that oh underground or underwater yeah oh oh oh

Well I mean we could always just do the trick where we have air in that area wherever we put the banner or whatever so it’s like in a fight Arena or whatever maybe like the inside of it is going to be mostly water or not water air you

Just got to get through the water to get inside of it okay so uh you’re going to have to tell me the exact dimensions for this if you want me to fill it because right now I don’t want to actually destroy anything on the

Walls on the walls of what uh for like I don’t want to accidentally tear down one of the walls of the commands oh well I need to make it a perfect Square and I think I’m making it like 45 squares arounded or squared I can build I can just quickly fill a 45 by 45 just under it that’d be good I guess but it need to be like in the center of this area uh that’s not what I meant to fill

With that did it though I think that kind of shows me where I could go so it start there whoa and then I’ll just go back and fill that again with water later what is it now it’s black concrete so you can for sure see it 45 by 45 okay

Okay uh my game is struggling right now because commands oh really so mine is because for some reason it does not like me placing that much black concrete all it once it was a lot yeah uh 4,300 or 4,232 blocks wow uh the max you can go for something

Like this at 32,000 I think I think you can fill one single layer of that stuff instead of me doing it uh yeah sorry I was getting that command bag uh a single layer of essentially this layer the same dimensions where you just was but on the layer 39 it looks

Like I can probably perfect okay now uh I know how to do walls which is annoying walls oh yeah well the walls ain’t that bad I could probably take care of that myself uh if you stand on the one corner that was standing in and then run that

Command it’ll do what I just did get out my way drown child yep child with the for are you kind of copying the style of the ocean kind of maybe a little bit different hey you have seven likes on your video already cool that’s funny considering like no one is

Coming you mean my stream this time I don’t know million watching one so far Jesus George plays what’s up what are you up to okay okay kind of feel like I want it to have three three high so I need one more one more layer oh uh okay I’m trying something

Okay that’s right dimensions yep none of the walls in my thing good all right I got this one last layer to do then I’m going to have you do some more filling and I’m going to mark it with this dark green terracotta that’s uh dark prison R dark prismarine yeah so the

Inside of this all the way across do not touch the outer wall all needs to be the prismarine okay you’re playing Battle Cats cool hav heard that that’s a fun game I haven heard that game in a while it’s good oh yep nice all right good then let’s go my game hasn’t fully

Finished rendering and the walls are gone I don’t see any missing okay yeah I’m getting delay for blocks for when place and break them oh boy just CU all the commands you’re doing well the more we go inward the less you’re going to have to place so there’s that I

Guess did you just oh okay I thought you did yeah there we go hey L1 thank you for subscribing so it’s going to be a pyramid like the other one but instead of just going straight up it’s going to be going up by in and up by like three

So so you need to go up four more again and I need to get the command ready so you don’t have to do too much work if I do accidentally destroy something please don’t destroy nothing try not oh also one thing uh well it’s a good thing

I checked because I did what happened what did you destroy uh just the bottom layer the thing is gone oh you can undo right uh no you don’t have the mod or whatever necessary to do that I don’t think oh all right I just put it back and then go onun the command

Again with a slightly shorter bound I got one thing you’re going to have to do actually actually you could probably we could just do with um sponges so it’s not too risky every layer after we seal them up we have to get rid of the water okay well since I know the

Dimension to the other one I should I’m gonna go down and do it hopefully not take a roof off if you think you could do it without you know deleting something okay so this one is 39 I believe it’s not 39 what uh oh you got rid of my bottom

Again yeah just just going to have to keep doing this and redoing it until I get it right’ you put the same command in no just that like that go back over again uh 37 okay 37 Works no it does not 36 get my way fish why does it not

Work something about this upper layer is demonic and you’re going have to do with sponges I I give up okay that’s fine oh well I guess the bottom layer already is air oh is it yeah down oh nice that’s convenient yeah very make sea lanterns not work I

Forgot so I actually do need torches uh for now I’ll put probably put the blue lanterns later let’s fill it in so monsters will stop spawning 35 by 35 35 by 35 seems to work okay now just you yep was about to say just need to fill

That uh see if I can do it without oh taking the ceiling off there’s a piece of the wall missing still there’s a few pieces of the wall Miss go dang it okay two so three there we go now you can see all the holes wow yeah there’s only a couple yeah

You’re missing a corner uh 30 time that work yep no it did not no what okay uh 25 25 okay I have to put your wall back cuz I accident like good um I’m going have to lower it back down to one layer so I don’t take all the wall down

Oh cool I guessed right nice or at least mostly right if not I can just move around as need uh car you might want to watch your head actually how tall are these four that’s three I was off by two so 35 down to 27 math right that would beus eight every

Time all for that I use there we go and then I’ll go in and fill there uh did break something uh oh no a well probably because I didn’t put the second or the middle coordinate in hey smile where you been you late have to fill back up and you’re missing all the

Fun fun vantastic vantastic is having loads of fun totally hey it’s actually turning out pretty cool I don’t know about what you what do you think yeah well I mean I I really don’t have to do that much work comparatively so if I theoretically do 19 now yeah okay I got it right

My math is correct yay maths this will be the last layer by the way okay yeah see if I underground challenge Temple do that or underwater and then you said it’s four layer right yep okay what I teleport into the building yeah yeah if he wants

To oh well I kind of already did the second by the way sow what’s this I hear about you giving someone a full stack of netherite that doesn’t answer my question someh uh he’s doing with stream delay you’re just now asking him very disappointed in you somehow very disappointed

That was the last one we’re not going up anymore oh okay we’re going to like decorate the top like with uh broken arcways and then we’re going to make a staircase probably going off one side where’s the other where’s the other the other one is over there probably we’re going to have the

Staircase on this side that’ll go upwards where’s the child the child the I do for shame through it for shame sow for shame uh how many of these tiny drowns should I put in uh I don’t know that’ll be decided by the difficulty I guess I don’t know well the bottom layer should

Theoretically be the boss layer so I’ll just put in four of them yeah and then on top of that all the mobs that are in here and layer above it I guess I’ll do kind of the same thing but they aren’t going to be children

You know now that I think about it I probably shouldn’t give just the hard ones uh netherite armor give diamond deciding what kind of stairs I want to use dark Marine probably yeah Dam Browns look ugly in armor honestly like except for netherite netherite they it kind of makes sense but the diamond

Looks all right okay and of course they’re all gonna have Trident in the hard level uh how many should be up here should I do the same as the lower level maybe just weaker like slightly weaker they’re only in diamond armor and they’re regular size DRS rather than opposed to the four

Netherite baby DRS oh if you really want I can build you st I can someone statues that’d be cool I mean gr you can still kill him but it still be a nice um effect like have them have different ones stand at like Each corner like here you know like each

Corners face the same direction unfortunately dang use the facing Direction I mean I guess that’s okay but it’d be cool to have like some drowns here with armor Maybe Baby drowns here like you know have them look different at each level and the co you give them armor and stuff if they die

They’ll still drop set of armor so it just be free gear oh well we can’t do that then because here see if I do no AI like yeah cool it’s still sit here but if you kill it it’ll drop all his gear um surround it with barrier

Blocks then no one can kill it right I have to center it yeah also I’d put it right here standing on that uh I really wish there were structure void because then I could just set it in structured void nobody would be able to hit

It the command would be too long if I tried to do that to to put it in structure void or to put it in that place no for like actually it would get way too long way too quick yeah see it doesn’t even fall so I have to be I think it’s perfect

Yeah I’m trying to center it hey there we go looks good well actually we can put a couple Giants in well no we can’t a drown and there is no giant version of the drown so oh that sucks yeah if we put a few of these guys like on either side of the

Staircase up here then that’ be pretty cool yeah kind of for boing statues as you enter M yep and they’re only in on Plain Diamond gear cuz they don’t even really have a chance to drop it or a very good one at least I’d still barrier block all the monsters so no one

Gets any ideas like putting an Easter egg in here what stup okay just going to be a baby drown here welcome back s you know I shouldn’t give it diamond armor or really anything at all if it’s GNA be unprotected in here well you’re putting it back

There yeah it’s just gonna be kind of an Easter egg oh okay I think the actual steps is too much I’m gonna have to do it just by cubes yeah I can’t actually get out of here okay well time to water log everything so I can me and that’ll have to

Work while when I was when I was making the when I was making the stairs with slabs it was coming off like the staircase was going to go way way out okay game does not like me trying to exit so that’s just stuck there’s just a baby drown stuck

Behind the staircase now I can’t do anything with it anymore whoops are making the solid block well I started doing it um the Stairs what what was he saying true in this case it might be better to do this St blocks instead of using the slabs maybe that’s why well actually leave those there look ah cuz if I put him oh yeah cuz it’s four tall and yeah

Three down so so the way I was doing it was okay we just need to add the actual stairs on top of what I had no you just need to make this block here a stair instead of no here here here here you can have it like how you

Had the blocks but you have to turn these blocks right here to stairs well I’m okay with it sticking it out more though with it sticking out more just not as much as it was going to be if I made it into um all slabs slab what the slabs would definitely be a

Little bit problematic yeah because it was like going out more and more and it was going to be super far away in the end and by the time you hit the ground it’ be like out here somewhere yeah that looks better here uh should I claim this area I will

When we’re done you want to do it I will yeah that looks a lot better just need one of those on every side I guess are you going to copy these yes I just said that okay yeah have fun with that um I’m G messing with statue okay that’s fine that’s your job

Somehow just make it the same all around okay and as you’re doing that I’m going to start doing maybe design for light fixtures oh uh maybe you should delete the claim and then so then he can help I haven’t even built it yet oh are we still in my actual

Claim wait where’s the assume so considering yeah cuz we’re under the Titanic we are still in it because I think it goes all the way out to here oh that’s uh so samal should I give you actual permissions considering you give away netherite H should I you think you deserve permissions

Siml well actually uh I’m going to see if I can do something okay this right here isn’t claim none of this is claim so I don’t see why you can’t build it should be claimed I think no I I can I’m respecting claims but I can

Still Break Stuff well I trust you I’ve I’ve already given you permissions oh well um Sponge apparently you gave no it wasn’t sponge it was um actually yeah I think it might have been sponge or Leo it might have been Leo I think it was Leo you gave him a stack of

Um netherite apparently yeah it was Leo which is not okay I mean I searched Leo thoroughly and all I found was one piece of netherite but he might have robbed one of the shops up here for it so I don’t know who’s Leo okay well some now’s trying to figure himself out

I am going to put down a couple statues two that’s child I don’t want the child hello hello oh hi we were just talking about you I I apparently Leo or sponge one of them I don’t know SN no no no no I was totally serious they were saying that you uh gave

Them stuff so you admit it I don’t know I I don’t remember doing anybody Any okay this is starting to make me angry this drown that’s not right he’s trying to stand on in this laab so theoretically if I stand here it should just spawn it like on the slab but it’s not how do you like my light fixtures huh said how do you like my

Light fixtures they’re definitely interesting bad good they’re that’s all I have to say oh okay the I have to copy the lights too I don’t know I don’t know if I’m gonna stick with them finally decided to sit down Jesus two three hey are those going to be

Attacking or no no they they don’t have any AI I didn’t know you could do that well with the way I’m spawning him it’s a really long command so is you going to close this hole up or you going to leave it open I don’t I give them netherite Gear

With it but people know how to get past barriers sometimes so I’m not going to risk it yeah you could put um can you enchant the gear yes but again I already told you it would be way too long command also what’s the point you you could put Bing or

Cur it it’ be curs of Vanishing because well but even then mobs still have a chance of dropping armor that’s enchanted with that real yeah doesn’t work like player that players like just lose completely yeah they only have the AI for or the coding for that Implement for players it doesn’t work

Mobs nine likes this is amazing awesome thanks guys should probably mute my mic as doesn’t correctly moving around a lot so I’m going to take the helmets off these guys because they keep like glitching in and out of existence the helmet there H get rid of that completely I kind of like that

Better this one’s going to be left-handed I think the sea candles are or sea pickles are a little more ominous well not really for me since I have night vision but yeah I hackers yeah I without it’s better at night honestly what’s the point of Prisma ring

Crystals uh they to craft uh the lamps oh okay oh yeah like basically oh see Lantern that’s it oh it doesn’t even I don’t know why but for a second I forgot how to give them a off idir why don’t you copy a like copy you

Can’t I can’t I’m just scrolling back up using my arrows and it’s Auto filling oh I already asked him that earlier left-handed drowned they’re different they’re different and this makes me Angry so I have to go and fix that now otherwise it’s going to make me angry to know when uh we got a placeo that’s not we got a okay we got a problem what uh I’m going to have to do the staircase on this end will be cut

Short oh we got to move this wall or yeah we have to expand a little further I guess whoops Okay don’t mind the countless amounts of rotten flesh and armor and and weapons and things floating around I’m just start destroying this mountain all right all right Shield oh can drowns not have shields uh I don’t know it’s because I spelled it wrong stand right here Crosshair and dead center the

Block roughly and then I just changed Trident to shield and then Shield the Trident it’ll be left standed yeah now symmetric makes me happy yeah looks great if there were half block lights that would be perfect for this what do you mean who’s Leo huh that’s what Leo said in chat he’s

Offended samal gone trouble for you uh getting netherite hey you covered up the drown there’s just there’s just a child walked away Under the Staircase maybe in an hour I’m not sure yet Leo yes a while after is I be perfecting and replacing all the statues break all the gravel there we

Go okay he he has fresh water circulation in there now so you can look in and see him but you can’t really do anything I don’t know I don’t know why you have mod I can take it away if you want do you not want it okay apparently

Um maybe I thought that you were in enough streams or something maybe I thought I could trust you should I take it away was I wrong this is fast it’s an oh do you need me to do you need me to fill that with air I mean if you want

To oh yeah yeah that’ be good you were busy want to interrupt your work the walls the castle the monument down yeah please don’t much which way 60 30 or not 30 uh 10 10 water did I take any of the walls off no I didn’t awesome

You know now I think I probably went a little too far back yeah a little should be one more block over yep that’s good and then block down that works I almost forgot to replace the black concrete with uh Stone I mean it’s hidden underneath might not be that big video I don’t

Know please don’t take out the floor okay did good if only Giants had AI and a drowned variant I would have so much fun with it messing around let put a gigantic drown on the basement okay so the ones you have over here oh I should probably get rid of

Barrier okay so these ones are symc this one two blocks yeah I’ve tried one I’ve tried two and now I’ve tried three and I can’t get them all equal like because every time the ends of them like by the stairs are off by one oh I was muted um yeah I’ve tried

One two and three and I can’t get them all even like every time when I get to the stairs they’re off by one maybe having it right on the stairs might help I don’t know why because these ones are three wide no I mean like I said I’ve tried

One two and three and I I no like the staircase is three blocks wide over here wait what wait these are four sow yeah sow you’re fired that’s why it’s not working oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re supposed to be four Ah that’s it wait what how admin

Revoked here look here it’s supposed to be like that 10 from each corner I think I counted I don’t remember oh 10 I counted nine let me double check it’s supp be like this two three four five six seven eight no it’s eight and then the prismarine right now

One two three four five six seven eight so original originally it was nine but now it’s eight to where the Prisma range should be one two three four five six seven six seven Okay so I guess I think brisar should be right there Ms and such sure if you want

To I’m GNA make them like a little Corral over here one two three four five six seven eight okay hold on because I think I did everything you sure did I had noticed all right right now this top part is even or where it’s supposed to be

Where are you Leo why aren’t you helping ow oh you’re going to make me fix the prismarine I see how it is well I got to get to these other ones why are you punching so many holes on the floor what over there punching holes in

The ceiling my bad I was trying to get rid of the what’s it called he’s trying to drown all your drowned no he’s well he’s kind of failing at it considering he was on the other side from where I’m at or the I just realized something what uh the the bottom staircase

Has his one block why that wasn’t me huh like there’s one two three four on like the on the first on the first three top there’s one two three four five he hit hole again he made a hole that’s just cuz the floor on this side is one lower yeah

Am I on the top or the middle layer uh I don’t I don’t you’re you’re on the third row up so you’re one you have one more row above you okay so this will be medium yeah so just give them iron swords and just rounds with iron swords all right yeah

We four five six eight don’t escape medium dead center almost summon a bunch of them with no AI that would that would have been terrible fix that and the armor there you go yay all is well was I what are you going to do like this pattern all the way

Um well I I needed to redo it because it was off because your stairs was off we could do three spaces maybe all the way up one two three one two three one two three and they should be ending at one space away from the stairs hopefully yeah this one looks good so

The bottom layer is three let’s see what three looks like on the second two so netherite swords and trid do the same amount of Dage oh so I can pretty much safely give why is there only one of these guys in here what looks like three is going to work

Perfectly possibly on all levels yeah because um because I made it inwards three each level nice go me four those on that layer now I I now I think about it I should probably let these ones free and outside the make the easy ones free yeah like outside so they can fight

Their way in maybe I have them like the medium floor I have them all in a Corral oh and if we do put the easy ones outside we’ have to make sure they didn’t wander too far I mean would it be that big a deal as long

As they don’t have um um ridiculously good armor like if they have like leather armor I don’t care how far away they go you know I mean our chain armor how about that’ll work that’ll work okay so the medium floor is arguably harder than the hard Flor this

Is looking really good guys I like it I love it actually I should probably actually put a couple of these down here it’s way better than my first underwater temple I’ve done of course last time I didn’t have someone helping me fill in either knives satisfy you okay white ninja that is concerning

Right all right So the bottom layer people still have to contend with regular mobs sorry I’m I meet up hey 10 lik on awesome and sometimes if I just respond to a question really late I’m I have stream going in the background so I have your audio and stream’s audio playing at

The same time so it’s Confusing minutes that’s prob be specific it’s been 9 minutes yeah oh well he’s late he didn’t join n minutes like he said he would yep fired what happened to all the the children with the netherite uh where were they uh they’re on the bottom floor uh did someone poke a hole and

They all got out somewhere or was there a ghost block you know they probably got out because somebody put a hole in it is there a is there a hole down there uh not anym but well that’s annoying five or seven of those tiny drowns roaming around

HOH well whatever if anybody has the unfortunate event of running across yeah good luck with that okay so basically nobody open the bottom floor out to the water area under any circumstance right for the chat is just filled with someone new drown yeah that’s okay I appreciate

It honestly quick look down here like for somebody who doesn’t know how to fight any of this would be terrifying right because there are full diamond drowns and full netherite baby drowns down here that’s funny I me gr there AR very many of any of them but it’s a fairly open space

But this would still be pretty extreme because they all tend to stay bunched up should I just put an Elder Guardian down here if you want to it kind of makes sense okay I can’t just do regular never mind I can do ELD Guardian I was just spelling her off

I’m working on the entrance do that I’ll fumble with my keyboard okay we got an another Guardian now with netherite gear hello hello you are let’s see here seven minutes behind or six minutes behind when you said you would be yeah late uh no

No why did you do Kira I may have let one of the top zombies out you swam sway them up I just seen him swim up you guys need help whatever I have stry it was really did you get him back Yeah okay uh you know it would help if you didn’t have your water spilling over it’s still SW over okay there go I fix it okay I think I made that one too far over yeah well if I put stairs they’ll have stairs to get up

H yeah and uh the roof’s a bit low I mean unless you have the server difficulty on hard and they really really want out then you can put doors in you can just put ladders I guess true ladder should work how are they supposed to go down any lower uh we’ll have

To you can’t just put a hole in floor without having something yeah that’s true that they like a ladder because they can fall through the hole um just one corner we make the passageway with a ladder yeah do that if you put it in the center it would be way too easy

Yeah you’re GNA want to get rid of this this bottom layer of Ladders because they can zombies can climb ladders uh yeah if they’re pushed up against it they can oh up so if you if you just jump you can climb ladders huh zombies whoever really aren’t smart enough to do that so

Right all right this is blocked off from a by a door yeah so unless the player goes in here and like if there’s a ladder there they can’t come down here they can go up there if they’re pushed up against it yeah and then we’ll make the next door over here

Hey get out of my door room stupid drown get out go hey I said get out go away oh I killed one I’m sorry that’s fine I I killed him with a door she to kill with a door deserved it Right okay is this the bottom bottom I think this is the bottom bottom a it drown had a skill is next floor is the bottom line oh okay okay there’s another Flor and there’s just an Elder Guardian flopping around there so with netherite you know actually think about it I

Should probably summon one that’s holding a bar netherite or something as a reward for killing it I will what nothing okay I almost buil Guardian running again I’m bad at this right count oh probably help if I had the word count in there Still yeah so that Elder Guardian has armor and is holding other I think that’s it for mobs that we need unless you to add anything else it’s good for now go away why are these guys by this door dumb I don’t know they just really want to go down stairs I guess

M they’re not cool enough for there too weak okay so with the lower level ones I’m just going to have on with stone swords or stone and wooden swords out here that’s fine almost summoned like a lot of children people not been happy can you guys change the weather

Sword that’s an Elder Guardian not a drown drown with a wooden sword why I don’t feel like it that’s not high enough okay let me change that from Elder Guardian back a drown yay finally think about it they might actually wander back into the temple that’s fine I guess speaking of one just

Did waterfall uh is that enough or should I add a few more that’s fine because they’re gonna have to be contending with the Guardians too I just one shot a guardian you take a second to look at G’s Titanic it it is not even closer realistically

Floating you’d have to move it down like four blocks yeah I know my Titanic was way more realistic looking when I made one the pipes there are so many things on it I want to criticize but I really don’t want to make kids angry yeah there’s a couple drowns down in the waterfall

I’m debating on if I even like it or not it’s bit Skimpy you’re gonna do something like this a little dimension there you go like that I mean gr if I want to make it a block shorter yeah that looks better and I don’t need the slabs anymore actually maybe I do oh I had the same idea yeah that’s cool

Better put one of those on each side maybe yeah I’ll do that four that’s an M I’m probably going to end here in about 20 20 minutes are you going to stay on a little longer to help work with this probably not we’re almost done with what I wanted to get done

Tonight I made that completely wrong it is a block farther that one’s a block Too Close why would you do that Goofy I don’t know can I help you guys we’re almost done you can come see what we got done if you want but put all your items away because you’ll probably die

Already you’re most because there’s drowned everywhere this whole challenge Temple is full of drown armor and then No give me iron armor if you defeat every drowned inside the temple will definitely give you netherite armor cuz that’s the prize you get netherite armor give me a sword give me a sword and a yeah if you want to take on the temple you can but I wish you

Luck I’m gonna beat them I don’t know about you okay ad do you have any water water breathing get sword axe this one is more than likely harder than the castle challenge one the challenge Castle really uh empty your inventory of everything but your armor and your weapons and food

And whatever potions you want to use to try and take on the castle okay because whatever armor you get by killing the monsters you don’t keep you just get the ending prize armor which will be better than the Armor you get from the monsters more than likely okay I have a water breathing

Potion ready for you that’ll at least get you inside of the base what it’s underwater oh you’re already on your way over where is the thing oh never mind here uh float up to the surface real quick and then I got your sword and your axe they just dropped right by

Him yeah okay throw them vertical here they come they sense him they’re floating up slowly they’re coming where’s my arm where’s my armor H well he said bring your own but yeah I did say bring your own Armor oh I didn’t know that yeah give me give me at least Bedrock caror Bedrock that’s not I me me uh I meant uh I uh Cobblestone or whatever it’s h iron yes be chain yeah but you didn’t bring your own okay good night lost good night SM you have an army after

You all right I’ll put it in a in a barrel I’ll put it in a barrel up here that’s your prize for being in the first layer which isn’t even inside yet yet okay I beat it I beat it no not even close you got to work through like all the way

Through it like there’s like four different layers of this pyramid you got to work down the bottom lay you got to go in there when you’re ready oh okay I’m ready your armor is in the barrel okay he’s dead it doesn’t no no no no it doesn’t let me it doesn’t let me

Click fine I’ll just okay thanks best of luck the first layer is hard yeah there’s a guardian this is nothing oh is it okay have you seen the guardian this is the first level of this challenge Castle hold on I I didn’t get food by the way what the

Heck here I’ll give you one golden apple and I need steak I need 20 steak by the way you know you have to actually kill the monsters right to complete the level I I need that the next where did everything go I think they’re all despawning a that sucks cuz yeah there’s just

Regular yeah like look down here they’re all gone that’s stupid I I died one the bottom floor down here is fine for most part and then everything down here is pretty much gone so yeah they’re all despawning that’s stupid you all have to no that’s a lot to

Do whatever it’s fine I’ll just should I just put him in a pit that has all of them in it at once then we just let him out sure no I’m going to like put him in a pit and see if he can survive with all these

What I wasn’t trying that’s why I died once sure you didn’t even get past the first level I know I was I guess we’ll just have to set it up before someone is about to do it you know because setting it up and leaving it set up isn’t going to

Work so I guess just don’t fill the levels until we know someone is wanting to take on the challenge which is annoying there’s not a way to like change the despawn time is there in game uh no I don’t think so unless you go to like super specific man

Things I mean like if I go to the Apex hosting website probably find something on how to do it but like server settings or something I’m back welome back oh oops I put it facing there’s just a pit down here now I’m not gonna type that in uh I’m just

Gonna have to go back and find it okay what is never mind it has a huh there’s a spawn protection area interesting Dam dam not children uh he Leo do you want to fight the simulation of what the lower floor is okay so I’m going

To put you in a small cage first and give you your tools for this I’ll take having to clear some of this out I put it in a side just in a random underground hole okay uh this is basically what the lower floor is except for there a couple Elder Guardians

Well what what level this the very bottom you you ready to fight them okay there you go surprised see yet they’re dumb oh we disconnected he wasn’t even there that’s why they didn’t see him I lagged for a second we were just like these monsters are stupid but actually they’re smarter

Than us the monsters knew he wasn’t there all along okay well you have a glass cage around where you’re at now hold on whoa do you need to craft anything it’s going to be interesting yep I think I’m going to win yeah sure you know if they see all gonna come

Running after you at once why do they have neite they’re the hardest difficulty Monsters the final layer of that pyramid whenever we get it all set up so that’s why it’s so easy okay mhm I know he’s not going to but if he does kill them I guess we can go ahead and

Give him the prize I am gonna kill them what do you mean okay good luck good ahead do you believe in me no not really right good luck God speed wa what why did you do oh my I had strength I Tri to punch him forward a bit you

Broke my armor oh my Gosh on try again you have no armor you died by me so I to give you your armor back yeah you have more I could just use hold on I gave you an iron sword last time so give you a fair chance or I say fair

But I already have a chance they don’t have a chance I think a person would need netherite armor just to stand a chance like regular netherite armor fight them to get uh anywhere close yeah like okay I’m ready spawn in that Temple mhm why does he have two weapons you you

Afraid they’re concentrated on something I don’t know what the heck they’re doing but I can’t hit them okay two where are they concentrated on I don’t know I think it’s the water that’s outside oh they’re really thirsty okay here let me cover the floor in water and we’ll see no don’t do

That well it has to be a fight at least oh okay now it’s a fight now they’re fighting well um you forgot you forgot my food well uh yeah you have to fend them off for now though good I give you [Laughter] this actually oh crap fight you don’t have any cover down

There fight oh where was my I you picked it up and it was in in your inventory I gave you I gave you an enchanted golden apple look at all those didn’t I could have gotten a chance if I got you didn’t kill any of them yes I

Did no you didn’t none of dead I could have if you gave me food okay well there you go [Laughter] again the moment he gets there he just gets like five of those freaking things thrown at him three two one you have no armor oh I didn’t know that what would

Did you go out there with no [Laughter] armor they Me okay here I’m GNA go I’m G set up like a hopper system or so over here so you get your stuff back when you get put back in Hold on should change wow why’ you put your hole in the glass why you put shoulds in the glass that was c not me I man not even watching so that was Wrong okay well now that you have your armor I’ll give you another one of these okay when I break this glass you can just climb the staircase so I don’t have to put it back every time yeah they’re all still alive better use your Shield

I’m look at this look at the mountain of freaking Trident oh my gosh Shield is going to break very soon oh no I killed one you did kill one I just have to pick all of these trid up I can’t pick doesn’t matter leave them there I can’t pick them up leave them

There I don’t have a choice but there’s so many bubbles that it’s lagging okay there we go significantly cut down a lag oh okay well all your stuff is in the barrel again except for your Shield I think your Shield broke I made that Shield well if anybody is unfortunate

Enough to stumble across this yeah I mean hey free here if they drop anything they’ll still have to kill them somehow yeah with all those Trident flying at the person I don’t know if they would be able to if they didn’t have TI I would no you didn’t actually kill any of

Them they’re all still fine I know but they how try honestly I think I could probably kill maybe two of them I mean granted I have this but let me a copy of my armor see if I can do it all right uh can you give me a enchanted golden apple because

It’s I don’t know how to do that it’s in the creative inventory in the nature section props for some reason oh I didn’t know they actually had the enchanted one in here also that’s a couple they can’t even hurt me because of all your Buffs or what

Yeah how many Tri are there Jesus only like 20 now I don’t know I need to get rid of the litts first it’s either my gamer is going to die or they’re going to die one or the other that’s their strategy to kill your game this guy’s

Shield that dude’s just looking at you he’s on not even attacking why he’s shaking his head no don’t kill me you’ve killed all my children that that okay uh I’m gonna wait for all my H can you give me a milk bucket see if you’ll kill me for drinking

Milk that I think about I had I think I had the god potion on so oh well that’s not fair I’mma get off all right have have a good night I’m going to be ending here in a minute all right see you guys see you why doesn’t this guy attack you he’s

Literally just standing there apparently had God enabled oops he’s just shaking his head no no don’t kill me he’s intimidated yeah well you just killed all of his children you think has to do with him having two swords not knowing how to attack oh there we go so we did attack

You if I if I stand right next to him he’ll attack me that’s just weird it’ll end up killing himself if he hits me we have a friendly drown I mean or do you think it has something to do with him having two swords like he don’t know which arm to

Attack with the system is just dumb and it won’t attack they attack with their right hand unless they’re left-handed which is 11% chance so I doubt it is but either way he should attack me weird yeah you give me a couple carrots or something uh not doing

That okay he has this guy has considerable amount of reach but that I don’t even it doesn’t even look like he’s attacking you to me he is he just gets hurt every time he does because I have thorns he really he does not care weird punched him

Death all right well now we know those grounds are generally broken yeah I don’t know maybe try one sword next time I don’t know there we go you know now I think about it with how many shds were being thrown at me if I wasn’t in god mode my armor would be

Gone yeah probably maybe a little too much maybe only two of the small dudes with Trident instead of like four really laggy really Quick all right I’m gonna get off here thanks for all the help today that looks awesome over there good night wait uh actually H uh where’s your castle at I need to go find it uh there’s something I kind of want to show you that I have hidden up my

Castle okay before I get off so if I go down here okay it’s not that this okay so go down that hole oh yeah why does he keep disappearing Jesus okay so there’s normally a giant right here holding two sticks but it keeps despawning the skeleton with the

Crossbow can’t actually use a crossbow has wow that’s silly biggie bigs yeah that’s the where the giant nor hits right so you made like a zoo kind of yeah that’s cool what’s with all the constructure blocks and command blocks kind of to show that this is just Abominations that are only achievable

Through commands right that’s cool glad I got someone who can make stuff like that now definitely helped me out a lot if I’m ever making really good money my I will pay my mods on Minecraft to be honest but I just have to be actually

Making money pay I mean it would be nice but I really don’t need it well that’s good one day I may just do it anyway if I have enough because right now obviously I I mean I wouldn’t say Do not yeah I do not make any money

Really all right I’m gonna go ahead and end stream have a good one all right all right guys good night I’m gonna end I think Lewis is on I’m gonna send you over there good night

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴Minecraft Survival Server Livestream With Viewers!’, was uploaded by Pixelmaster Kira Gaming on 2023-12-31 15:11:07. It has garnered 79 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:26 or 12266 seconds.

🔴LIVE🔴Minecraft Survival Server Livestream With Viewers!

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Minecraft is a video game in which players create and break apart various kinds of blocks in three-dimensional worlds. The game’s two main modes are Survival and Creative. In Survival, players must find their own building supplies and food. They also interact with blocklike mobs, or moving

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    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

    Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft's Mightiest Fight In the world of Minecraft, where heroes shine bright, Herobrine needs help, let’s give him our might. Strong people unite, let’s lend a hand, Together we’ll conquer, in this blocky land. Super Mario and Herobrine, in a pushing race, Who will win, who will embrace? Noob joins the fun, with a funny twist, Laughs and cheers, in this gaming mist. Let’s support Herobrine, with all our might, Click the screen, show your light. With a billion power, he rises high, In the world of Minecraft, we reach the sky. So comment below, who joined the fight, To help Herobrine,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Portal, You said?

    “I guess you could say it was a real ‘block party’ without the obsidian!” Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme I would pick iron ore because it’s a real “ore-some” choice! #punny #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘👑 Princess VS Zombie 🧟 Minecraft Song 😸|| Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes🎵’, was uploaded by Purrfect Songs and Nursery Rhymes on 2024-03-03 13:00:27. It has garnered 77167 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:06 or 6606 seconds. 💖🎵😻 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME 😻🎵💖 @PurrPurrKids Hey there, kids! 😻 Dance, sing and learn with Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes! Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell 🔔🔔🔔 00:00 Minecraft Song 02:30 I’m a Mummy Song 05:06 Police Officer Song 08:11 When Dad’s Away Song 10:52… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!

    Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Purple Heart And Tiktok Cape Unveiling! Day 3’, was uploaded by deepboye on 2024-05-18 04:58:48. It has garnered 285 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:31 or 19891 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA 🟢 Kick: https://kick.com/deepboye 🟣 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/deepboye 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ideepboye 🎬 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deepboye 📺 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ideepboye Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ideepboye How to get the Minecraft Twitch, Tiktok & 15th Anniversary Capes! #minecraft #minecraft15 #deepboye This stream is for solely fun purpose. RULES- BE NICE BE KIND ALWAYS BE HERE TO SUPPORT THE CONTENT AND STREAMS THAT WE DO… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don’t miss out!

    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: https://ko-fi.com/cavemanfilms if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at discord.gg/cavemanfilms Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. 🎁 Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm 🚀✨#minecraft 🎉✨ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! 🚀🔥 The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. माइनक्राफ्ट फ्री shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY 💀 #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!

    Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!Video Information This video, titled ‘shadow vs Steve & gigachad |#shorts | #whoisstrongest |#shadowfight2 |#minecraft |#memeverse |#edit’, was uploaded by Mark-[Classified] on 2024-04-20 15:10:34. It has garnered 1433 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. request@Scarledemon v#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#onepunchmanthestrongest#onepunchmanm1887gunskinreturn#opm#opmmanga#opmedit#anime#animeedit#animeshorts#shorts#short#edit#viral#viral_video#viralshorts#cosmicgarou#viralvideos#viralshort#garou#garouvssaitama#manga #one #saitama#cosmicgarouvsonepunchman#whoisstrongest #youtubeshorts#whoisstrongest#shorts#marvel#marvelcomics#nomarvelstudios#dc#dccomics#dceu#lucifer#beyonder#viralshorts#anime#edits#debate#marvelvsdc#preretconbeyonder#comics#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#opm#opmmanga #dc#dceu#dccomics#dceunews#dceuedits#dcuniverse#dcshorts#dcstudios#dcfandome#dccomic#dccomicsnews#viralshorts#viral#viralvideo#viralvideos#viral_video#viraledit#viraledit#viralstatus#viralpreset#saitama#saitamavsdc#saitamavslucifer#lucifer#comics #comiclucifer#lucifermorningstar#dclucifer#dedceu#dcstudios#dccinematicuniverse#dceuedits#dceushorts#dceuviral#viral_video#viral#viralshorts#viralvideo#viralpreset#viralstatus#viralvideos#viralreels#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#animeedits#shorts#short#shorts video#shortvideo #shortsfeed#shortsvidebate#anime#animeshorts#animedits#animeedit#animeamv#animes#whoisstrongest#marvel#marvelstudios#marvelcomics#marvelcinematicuniverse#marvellegends#marvellegends#marvelsavengers#marvelfuturefight#mcu#mcuedits#mcushorts#mcuvsdceu#mcuvsdc# marvelvsdc#marvelvsdceu#dc #dccomics#dcuniverse#os#video#videos#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#scp#scarletking#scpfoundation#scp001#scp3812#scp#scp682#scpedit#scpshorts#scpsecretlaboratory#whoisstrongest #shorts #short #saitama #saitamaedits #animeedits #animeedit #vs #debates #onepunchman #animeedits #vsbattle #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #onepunchmanedit #animeshort #animeshorts #fyp #fypシ #foryourpage #youtubeshorts #opm #anime #vsdebates #edit #edits #shortvideo #scaling #powerscaling #powerscale #manga # animevideos #saitamaedits #youtube #recommended #mangaedit #animelover #saitamaedit #animevideos #animeshortedit #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortfeed #fiction #1v1 #1vs1 #collab… Read More

  • Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!

    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs 🔊 Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCscTvpQ7po&list=PLfP6i5T0-DkIoOYMkO3N5eTKngUvhV56p&ab_channel=BreakingCopyright%E2%80%94RoyaltyFreeMusic Channel from which the music is taken: https://www.youtube.com/@BreakingCopyright I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More

  • Nottorium Network

    Nottorium NetworkWelcome to Nottorium Network – Open Beta_0.0.1!Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft experience in version 1.20.4, with support from version 1.13+! At Nottorium Network, we are creating a world where creativity and adventure meet. Here, you will find a unique combination of features and systems designed to make your game exciting and challenging.Server Features:🔧 SlimeFun: Explore a new world of technological and magical possibilities with SlimeFun. Create advanced machines, magical items and more!🌍 SkyBlock: Build and expand your island in the sky. Challenge yourself with unique missions and goals, and show off your building and survival skills.💰 Hardcore Economy: Immerse… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Average Minecraft Server: A Dumpster Fire

    Looks like the creeper wasn’t the only thing exploding in that house! Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme

    Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme “Trying to navigate through Ohio’s Nether portals in Minecraft is like trying to find your way out of a corn maze after dark – good luck and godspeed!” 😂🌽🔥 #OhioProblems #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord-https://discord.gg/pebNABVm3v SERVER IP – ​java ip – play.unityrealms.fun pe ip – play.unityrealms.fun port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – •https://linkpays.in/oxs6s –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! https://discord.gg/RH4cuddCeh Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

  • INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!

    INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-02-13 04:36:30. It has garnered 336 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:17 or 4337 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody Story

    SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having A SCARY LIFE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-24 15:57:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody … Read More