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for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi cranker how you doing hi Peak hi glitch right then we have con I mean but but con is kind of like a little like a you know hey Trey Who the hell’s Trey Who the hell’s Trey hi Trey how you doing um hi arah how you doing hey cranker how do you feel about um Taylor Swift winning the um the Super Bowl I was forced to watch it bro okay so basically I was I was working yesterday I was like okay I’m probably going to like know just stream CU like I’m not really like much into football I’m not sure if you guys watched the the the Super Bowl yesterday you didn’t watch it you hate both teams well you if okay just letting you guys know I was planning on streaming yesterday okay I was planning on it I was I went to go work and then I I was like okay I’m going to come back stream right car breaks down luckily I was near my uncle’s house so oh you guys have ads I I’ll wait I’ll hey ghost how you doing yeah my car broke down yesterday cranker well it was the battery screw my car yeah um so I was like near my uncle’s house but obviously like I don’t have a console there or like you know anything to stream on I mean I could have done like an IRL stream but you know I was just it was like family so no car trouble suck yeah stop yapping buddy shut the [ __ ] up okay this is my stream anyways like I was saying um car breaks down so I couldn’t get home I got home last night like around like 11:00 I went to my uncle’s house we had like a little like tin like improvised superow party while my car charged because the battery like well it’s not it’s not it’s not an electric car it’s just like a regular car gas car but the battery died so it just wouldn’t turn on so you know he gave me a jump I went to go drive over to my uncle’s house and we just charged the car there and then late at night we got back home but yeah anyways hi core how you doing all right let me get the World up and running because officiality won’t let me be a Storyteller okay I’m trying to give you guys a story give you guys like the idea uh where are you why want you your fluffy hair uh because actually my hair’s not like not looking okay first of all the world’s up and running for you guys okay so you guys can join number two my hair’s complain mess I mean it’s getting like a little bit longer than what I would like it to be but I want to like you know get some like glasses and then like put them up here because it makes me look cooler I got I got to get some like some some really good sunglasses and put them here because it makes my angle just sound like a lot more manlier see real manly but apart from that you know yeah right yeah shut up officiality sounds like a little sounds like you’re problem little bro shut the oh okay all right let me get the music set up for you guys cuz like I was just trying to explain that hi orah how you doing I like that you got your stuff back that’s that looks nice man that looks it’s a good look on you man it’s a good it’s a good look okay uh what else uh the day before that I honestly I don’t even know what I didn’t stream I I don’t remember why I did because I think I happen like okay con dropped bro I saw the Kanye um Super Bowl ad where he was like yo bro like I spent 7 million bro on just like the slot alone for the Super Bowl ad so I I didn’t have like a budget for like an actual like commercial so uh go to yeezy.com I saw that cranker it was it was yeah I I was excited because of the um dehydrated grape looking out our face anyways what that was all planted planned what was I don’t even know like what you talking about anyways um dude uh what was it bro Deadpool Deadpool that was the highlight of course he of course it was cranker dude Deadpool was the highlight of the Super Bowl okay that I find the sign yet no probably not um I still I still have to do okay the the music music right music right you guys want music right chat what why are my speaker okay I was about say look because that’s down to zero okay got it so music I got to get that for you guys right music oh yeah because he’s a marketing genius I think he went broke because of all the sponsors [Music] I still haven’t seen like his shoes honestly really like into shoes you already know that like you know I I go through shoes like so easily all right there we go um we’ve been waiting for Deadpool 3 dude that was the highlight of the Super Bowl okay Deadpool 3 was the highlight I don’t care what anybody says like you know oh like uh like Super Bowl like halftime show and like Taylor Swift and all these guys like yai yappi n fam dude Deadpool 3 was the highlight follow you I don’t want to you’re going to build your house yeah nice uh 10 push-ups I didn’t get like a notification saying that you redeemed it no um your room Lo lock the deadpol so the house doesn’t work so what are you talking about that what are you talking about what are you on about well hi n how you doing um okay so are you guys like in the game now okay Aria I saw that you went and got on right um con are you in here yet we got ghost okay ghost is building his house though what are the courts of the mob farm we don’t have a mob farm orah actually there is but I think like cone knows where it’s at I don’t know the actual cords to it yeah okay K can take you there um I’m good I’m good and a CR I’m good and a cranker I almost said hot I’m good and a crunker because like crunker okay anyways what yeah I’m doing great ination by yourself uh you only saw like an empty room what empty room what are you what what are you talking about um I’m going to send you the best song in the album I don’t oh you already know that I don’t listen to Kanye you know that I don’t listen to Kanye though you’re lagging still U is it like your device or like your internet your MTH at the 49ers didn’t win um I honestly like me I’m not I went I watched the Super Bowl yesterday but just like I was like eh it doesn’t bother me anyways uh what else what else is there anything else we’re missing boys any questions any any um anyone trying to like you know say something anyone got like a fire speech for the day you know hype us all up or something I don’t know it’s actually fired there’s like you know one of his best songs just trust me bro one I don’t listen to Kanye you know that number two I’m not even like I don’t listen to rap in general number three I could care less number four I could care lesse miss something all right I just want to make sure running all right you don’t like Kanye I don’t think anybody likes Kanye just crunker I just want to know what the hell was I spice doing there bro who invited her like not not I don’t think I don’t think like a single person invited ice spice into it bro but she was just like bro I’m here what is the VIP badge in the Stream you you see like that uh like pink diamond right next to kuner’s name that’s a VIP badge that means that like you know you’re uh you’re a top dog you’re a top G that means that you’re like uh in a very exclusive group of very exclusive people that’s what it means right Ania tell them an will tell you more about it an take it take it over an you got it go ahead her looked like a Cheeto puff ball yeah I agree with you I agree anast I I definitely agree uh you’re going to have it next it’s it’s between con and Anastasia I think so far I’ve seen like those like the ones that have like the most points apart from like you know and Eric and actually don’t think yeah anyways um what else what do we leave on what did we like leave on uh the other day you guys like recall anyone officiality officiality I know that you don’t because you’re of L taker I’m not sure when like the last know you were like inviting your friend right so you got that for the people that don’t know we went and built like a little mono that goes from like the spawn area over to the actual like know Beacon area so we have that M now I finished out this little train station the other day and I finished well I did this train station I finished out the tower by the way I don’t think you’ve seen that right I think that’s what we left on I don’t I don’t even listen to hipop Hip Hop either I finished the tower crer I finished that out right yeah you didn’t show the other day right the uh speaking of which are you feeling better because the pill like the pill that you took didn’t do well are you feeling better now uh villagers okay yeah we fix okay yeah we fixed those so we’re good then what did you take I thought you said it was a pill oh yeah we need to make shipping docks rights good idea yes fix and fin it uh so like the inside is basically you know like ready for interior basically uh so I did that and then I also built like a little bit of like neighborhood cranker I’ve been getting like a lot better um any updates not yet loaf I haven’t like really been streaming like these last couple of days apart from just like you know Sean he went and added like you know back streaks to like the tavern he added like you know garbage bags dumpsters a little more of nature on the walls um I guess barrels Bic these are like barrels with like fire or like you know kind of like homelessness kind of like idea I guess he’s going for I’m not sure and then um there small little tiny house that I did over here uh cranker I did like a very small house well actually I did two houses I know that like you didn’t show that the other day right cranker um oh yeah for sure down I’ll see you later um so yeah cranker here check it out I’m just gonna show you this real quick because I don’t know about this uh at first I was like very questionable about it but I built like like side house like you know add like a little bit more down and I’ve been getting like a lot betteri so it is like quite small but check it out High though I quite like it CR what do you think I need wi bro DMV right next time bro I I can’t even have that anymore bro cuz like let’s just said that Dr Came Out Swinging bro if you guys know well you guys know but like like Drake is kind of like swinging though you have the UR with more alive caps you know damn well those lag honestly there’s like million ways of making a Thing feel alive that are not armor STS because ever since you started put armor stands all over the place the’s been lagging more and more people are like you know oh caps did it we can do it as well and then boom we got a bunch of armor St and the whole Ser like lags bro I did see crun better Interiors than me dude I feel like I’m garbage interiors and yes bro like Drake is swinging bro DM if you guys haven’t watched the DM like Drake video bro bro’s swinging anyways check out um I tried like you know improving improving on my interior a little bit so you got a little fireplace I my my interior work is not the same for all houses but I quite like it table barel room and and then I little cross here like anyways yeah great got that gummy gummy warm on him yeah bro bro is like you know you know that little I’m not sure if you guys ever played Black Ops 3 Zombies bro but you guys have seen like the uh those gummy worms they you need to like know collect for the Easter eggs bro that’s that’s what draks has bro he’s swinging yeah bro is straight up swinging anyways uh you’re hopping on I’m not hopping on the server you’re gonna be drawing on what is pro like a digital thing you’ve been doing have you have you been working on that by crank like the hours have been going like a lot like back I got to work on that a little more it’s a digital drawing nice and obviously like you know I didn’t do this interior I know that you haven’t like seen like Town recently but we we have doing that and improving on as you can tell Lo I’m not sure when you’re getting on but like you know as you can tell like we have been doing like a St on it at least I’ve been trying had like a little bit of extra time between like probably out so you know it’s good it’s good it’s good um what else are is in the news boys what what else do you guys want talk about what’s in the news yes ghost what’s up what do you need um what else is in the news uh there there was a um you come okay on my way then yeah sure why not um there was like a u I’m not sure if you guys saw the news but like there was like a like a water park that blew up there like a yes water park like blew up I guess that’s in the news yeah DMV I’ve been just doing some like you know some very light grinding you know am I G to go um back some external hard D for upgrading my storage I I no it’s not about my storage my Xbox storage is not full but uh there’s like a thing called a cash on Xbox that basically saves there’s two different kinds of storage on Xbox you have your external hard drive which is the SSD that controls like the size of your game and um that’s basically what it is it just controls like the size of your games how many games you have that is like one thing but then you have like the cloud storage for Xbox everyone gets the same I’m not sure if you’re allowed to upgrade it but I know that it’s like the safe storage that lets you control all the storage for let’s say like your game progress so for example like your campaigns in certain games um your your worlds basically your your cloud storage just saves like the progress that you have inside of games like Minecraft Call of Duty cyber Punk Skyrim all those kinds of games GTA it just holds like you know your your stuff your worlds which is like something different if if I can upgrade I’ll look into it but I’m pretty sure it’s like you know you have like a like a Max on on that um well con that’s the problem somebody would let the villagers out there today need um stuff I’m wondering if you can like move what what is chest you can just do that you just do that at the end when you once you like use all the materials first of all I think you’re used if you want to like up your build because like okay so some of you guys have been sending me like you know pictures of your Builds on Discord I feel ghost that you have been upgrading you have been getting better but it’s still kind of like nbish right like you still need like a lot more work and me personally if I were you I would just I would just copy the texture of the road and just put it on here because having this much Cobblestone makes your build look land and kind of like makes look like a noob so if I were you I would work on getting more better materials before you build your house because right now you’re basically just using Oak and Cobblestone which makes you look like a compl total Noob because most noobs use the template of cobblestone and Oak and they don’t go out of their way to like you know change if I were you I would change your color palette to something else because this makes you look Bland and I’m just telling you like you know just for example I’m not sure what U whoot is this this is like I think DMVs yeah DMV right this is your your lot right here right uh he kind of changed up his palette a little bit and added like you know Stone and then smooth Stone cobone Spruce just for his wall alone and then obviously like adding the Oak and then the the leaves make it makes like better palette you’re just using a very generic palette which is not going so if I were you I would work on that before you go and like build your actual house because if you worry about making your house look good now it will make it like much easier to like you know make it look a lot better in the future so that’s just like an idea uh you honestly don’t have to let you know take my advice you can do whatever you want I’m just saying but I’m just saying if you want to go ahead and improve in the future just go ahead and do that okay um and DMV if you really need a roof just go over to my spawn area where my town is just take pictures of like the roofs and just make up like the one that you would like because I kind of use use the same roof for like most of my builds speaking of which crank are you like are you getting on today um basically like the idea of my roofs are actually very very uh I I actually quite like them I’ve been getting better and better at doing them but let me go and show you right now okay um I’m just asking because like kind of like know getting really inspired to like go and do the towns recently and I’ve been for I finally got forced like back on board on doing like the whole to thing um I green lit is like a little Bas me but uh do me a favor prer look up um Bleak false far or barah just look that up it’s going to show you like a little Skyrim thing It’s Kind like it kind of like fits really well with this like Mega base but it would be a little like basically cranker I kind of give him like a little like I green lit his makeup base but just make it like look R down and like ancient and we’re like let him do like a little like um I guess ruin that’s AG it so you know that’s the that’s the whole idea you’re going to try to do it well here’s something I want to go ahead and show you right so this is like my house that was in my previous server which was alha world uh this is a roof that I really enjoy doing uh you basically use like the pallet that I used in the road on the actual like inside of the roof right you go two blocks out you basically just look at this here let me go up there so you can kind of like see in detail and if you guys struggle with roofs you guys can go ahead and do this as well but you kind of like do need to like go ahead and make um pretty big roof for this so we’re going to go in third person right now I’m going to show you okay so first things first you go like basically two blocks out from like the roof is and then place the frame of the roof obviously I like regular um logs for spru and then in the middle I add the little log right and then you can add like this little like stair design which just like stairs and Gates and then it makes your roof like pop out like a lot more it makes it look you know quite nice and this is like a roof that I’ve been working on and using for like a little while now and it’s looks pretty damn good you know and I mean if you guys like to do struggle with roofs you guys are more than welcome to go ahead and use this design if you guys need to um yeah you don’t need on kind of getting excited about streaming and doing all that so you know things are obviously like looking up a lot more up and um yeah I’m not sure if like were you the one that put all this water over here all right uh because I’m not gonna Li the water but you know coming out of your look right but I can’t get near it though now it’s just like okay I did I did a bit gosy by getting close to it hold on let me fix this um guess we can just like do the barrier right yeah here let me just like the barrier slash give s uh barrier it’s like grinding by the way DM it’s just like grinding yeah there I hope that helps you with like you know your future roofs man and uh honestly like if you want to go ahead and use that design you’re more thanc welcome to okay man don’t worry about it just uh I mean if you need if you really need to man you can just come over here to the town you know it’s quite easy now that we have like a little a little like um obviously like we have like oh I guess it’s s kind of like coming down in general by itself oh damn okay well you you know we have like a little monor now right so it’ll take you there like you know quite quickly so yeah welome to go ahead and do that um you’re drawing an animal color should be what kind of animal are you going for anal are you going for you’re going try to do it uh you need you don’t need like copy my specific one there’s like other ways of doing it as well right DMV like not necessarily you have like copy my roof per se but you know there’s plenty of other examples you can go ahead and use M Town more of a s kind that it’s not the greatest but you not bad you he in a second dog it looks like right now um maybe like a um very light brown and like what would it wouldn’t be white it would be like more like a like a gold color like goldish I think that’s what CR like um I think that’s what like um chewy has it’s like a like very light brown flash gold kind of like to look at beige yeah get beige gold what whatever you want to call it sure Oak color the oish color um yes okay so JZ is in the game so just keep that in mind all right ghost I mean like I said you don’t need to follow like my instructions right you can just do whatever you want man it’s you it’s your build at the end of the day I’m just like telling you like hey like if you want to go ahead and improve you know you can go ahead and do that speaking of it um go the person that like like a build for you like show his off you did his his was like a YouTube like you know uh build I’ve seen that build so many times like other people like Shooters and like they’re all YouTube builds so yeah uh here’s like another example right here DMD I kind of like did a little bit differ this time around um did the exact same thing right but I added like beep to it same thing same concept but you know it makes it look quite good so yeah same same there who else is in the server so we done that my drip over R I know that you went and got your stuff back so I mean I glad that you got your stuff back is there anything like else you’re like you know working on right now like rebuilding going on in that R and uh Bone Crusher okay so you you constantly been getting on the on the server recently right so that’s that’s quite nice of you um there was one person that I wanted to talk to because I was going to do this like yesterday um I wanted to like know have someone join my town today or yesterday actually my bad um I did have like two people in mind because I mean I told you guys this I want to say on Friday I said like you know I had like a couple of people in mind that I wanted to go ahead and like give give like a um a house to and a pretty good idea who I want but I’ll see we’ll see you’re grinding gunpowder right now okay um did the uh the tree farm like designed that work for you r or what’s up FAS have you been using it because like I just want like no I just want to like know not sure how things are like not I’m exited I’m not sure like you know how how have you been pranker I mean I know that we haven’t like know really uploaded like a video because we haven’t like recorded anything but you know I’m still quite happy and you know we’ve been doing better okay good I I just you got be worried like you know when you text them you saying that you were like throwing up and [ __ ] you I mean you had me worried we I’m not sure if like you’re having a bad reaction to it but you know at least you’re you’re looking doing it just obviously as you can tell like you took I guess I mean I mean even you said you’re not doing it again because enti experience who the hell like I someone broke the now this must be a redstone block right there somebody got rid of it right here some got rid of it [Music] there you go now we’re back up all right got you well just make sure that I mean I was just like wondering safe spot I’m your Budd house or whatever I just want to like make not in public or something should I mean me personally know that you been just I like that kind stuff so so yeah I mean I don’t know dude you know crer those those speakers bro I’m telling you bro I highly recommend those speakers I’m telling you right now cranker like the speakers that you got me bro fire but here’s the problem right um I have to like you know wake up like at 5:00 in the morning every day right and turn on my um my stock market kind of thing right I do that and I make sure like everything’s like running right and sometimes I’ll get like a whatever right bro those speakers are so damn loud I forgot like it makes like noise saying like oh trade goes through um it’s going to say like oh like order complete right I forgot the speakers were on and like the whole house just heard order complete woke in the and I was like oh man it got me that’s how loud they are if I like completely cranked it up cranker and just play something like kind of like loud I be able to go and hear from the other side of the house put it that way you remember me Cog I’m glad you remembering again honestly most people just don’t remember me even even in like Valentine’s remembers me on have water myid hold on let get the water I got keys bro anyways how you how you doing um you’re still doing like your um doggy right that wasn’t like turned up all the way can you guys he me like a little louder now I think was it is it a little bit louder could be Jesse are you like in the world right are you here bro I got yelled up for picking for picking up the dog like my mom turn up the TV to 54 and then half the time halftime show is bro the halftime show was kind of like cheeks though you remember cing my server thanks man and I was working with the RO admin okay okay buddy I’m guessing it’s either like MC or kunker but by yo kunker you’re a rogue admin bro kunker or J well don’t go and con if you already have an elytra I hope that you’re not in the end right now just get because if you go super far away the end as well it’s going to increase I hope that you’re not over there right now because it’s the same thing as like going super far away in the actual obviously you can’t do it in the like yeah if you already have an elytra just don’t go and get another one because I’m not sure if you guys remember this but if you guys go super far away in a like in a regular world the the size of the world increases right and it makes so like you know eventually it’s going to get to the point where you know it’s happened before where you get to the point where it’s just like super um super heavy in size that just like just blue screen just no longer like you know lets you um like you know go and get more or like play on the world right like the world just gets deleted right and it’s the same thing in the end if you guys go super far away in the end then yeah I understand like right now we’re like earn like you know maybe like 4,000 blocks in the end but just don’t that okay so like if you already have one just don’t go and get try to go and get like you know to show off you know it’s been months that’s honestly it’s maybe short I think I think it was mostly just think about in kunker the Rogue admin bro you can goad and Inter the Rogue admin yeah but con you might not think that it happened before but it did right you don’t have access to the information but I do right when you went to the end cone I’m just going to tell you right now it went like 6 like 80 megabytes which is like if we get to like 800 or so it’s like the world is done that’s what happened to shark toia right shark Topia people went super far away and it happened right it’s usually like around like the 700 the 800 Mark and right now we’re at we were we were at 660 okay and yes believe it or not like you’re part of it right it actually went up from 660 to about uh 690 so you might not think that nothing happened but in reality it is happening it’s just you’re unaware of it okay so I mean it was just an MC that guy got and hog but yeah that I got banned and this like a different server anyways all right we’re good they’re always low on battery hey screw your headphones then I got some water though so we’re chilling anyways hog I mean if you want to go ahead and join the server hog you’re more than welcome to do it I mean apart from like you know kunker there’s no really like you know uh what what did you call them rogue rogue admins bro there isn’t like you know that much of that so if you want to go ahead and join and go for it you’re more than welcome to hey Sean how you doing Sean um any ideas on like you know what to do today because uh I mean maybe just like building like more houses right maybe maybe that be I know that you you’re still working on little back cave right uh tossing them in the trash lamp Okay I need to go that far with it but okay I’ll let you cook but um okay here we go here’s like a little back tap right is there anything like oh there is something past like a waterfall how um did you watch like the new death poool uh commercial did you watch it the the Traer you don’t understand basically don’t go far away cone don’t just basically you already have your elytras no need for you to go far away again in the end okay because if you do it’s just going to ruin things and yeah okay just I guess there’s like the I’ll I’ll dumb it down for you okay con just don’t go far away or don’t go to the end unless there like the XP um with no cheats you mean like activated well this has to CH activated because every server that we do it has to CH activated so we can increase the player limit are you like are you like achievement hunting okay I’ll dumb it down to you okay I’ll dumb it down for you okay because like it seems like you’re kind of like being kind of dumb right now okay if you go super far away the size of the actual World increases right your storage right let’s say that your world is 10 megabytes right obviously if it’s 10 megabytes it’s not going to H nothing’s going to happen but right now let’s just say that we’re not at 10 megabytes right we’re at right now we’re at 990 right so right now we’re at let’s just say 10 for you okay let’s just say 10 but if you go super far away the size of the world increases because it has to render more distance between players so at that point once you let’s say you know we were at 10 you go super far away and now the game is forced to go and render like a bigger distance because of you well then we would basically increase from 10 megabytes up to 100 right but there is a certain limit in storages on consoles in Bedrock that for example if you go let’s just say if your world exceeds 15 megabytes the world crashes people can no longer join and nothing saves so basically the world just has to be deleted because it blue screens everyone and then the server’s completely gone from their point from that point forward there easy enough hi station welcome back do you know who have the dragon egg I don’t know I think we just got rid of it that or I think like other like Deon CJ or prank I I really don’t care doesn’t really like you know there’s like no need for just decoration so I really did didn’t really like check go like fix up my elytra for like the rest of the day so we just like do that at least like twice every day I think um does anybody know who this person is by the way I have him added as a friend but I’m not entirely sure who that is okay um hog so basically like I’m not sure like I mean if you mean like cheat like when like you know we go and like you know have like mod M stuff like that uh we don’t but we do have cheats activated and the reason that we have to do that is so like you know once the world is like full we can increase the player limit and have more players like you know be part of the server so that’s why we have activated sometimes I’ll go and build on creative mode like in in my town but I don’t go and spawn items then so the only te that we technically go and use is just to have more players basically I’m not sure if like you’re achievement hunting I’m is that why you’re asking and um I do not know core what was your other username I know that like you told me like you want to up your username night what’s your what was your other username core I would love to hog but the thing is you would not okay well we don’t use cheat okay but we have to go and increase the player limit for other players because let’s just say that right now we’re at cap right now okay we were and then people are going to be like Shar can I join I’m like well we can’t because the game’s full right they’re going to get bored and basically they’re going to like leave the stream right and then I’m screwed right so what I have to do is increase the player limit so more people can go ahead and join it’s not it’s not only about increasing like the player limit but it’s also like you having more people on the server that you know equate to having more people in the Stream So I would love to hug but obviously console they only allow number of players and so yeah okay yeah sure okay sure hog but I don’t know why I’m not sure why I’m arguing with you like no need there’s no for me to argue with you man it’s it’s not like it’s your man sure I think if it bothers you too much man you don’t have to join you know I was just like sending you like a cordial invite like I do to everyone not just you I go and send an invite to anyone I don’t need like argue with you that’s yeah never mind you don’t need to join man there you go for you to [Music] join and yes before I actually activated or created for the server I would build everything survival for a time there was a time that I did build everything everything in survival but all my blocks would be stolen by other players so I was not able to go and build the town that I want for example the city server that you joined you think like you know building that entire city and survival would have been easy with other players stealing yourself of course not but you know you do you you are required to like make an actual Ser to like have people you know have fun and like add different things to uh server right so you need you need command block and you know build like know really good structures sure I’ve built most of them are but you know to do like more advanced things you need to create if you ran a server you would like understand I’ll do all that what’s required on Console you can’t just have know mods and have no cheats on it’s a little bit different you need to have cheats to have command blocks make sure that you go for example you’re go make shs because technically this is a custom World by the way this is not just a regular Minecraft world yeah you kind of are sound like a like you don’t I mean I wouldn’t say that you’re sound like a cry baby it’s just like you’re sounding like you know like how how would I explain it you sound like I don’t know I wouldn’t say crybaby I would just say very demanding like a [ __ ] little [ __ ] like shark why don’t you with no cheats like oh my God that’s what it well man there’s like there’s like no uncons UNC no not not a Ken unconsidered unn knowledged there you go not unconsidered unn knowledged there are so many things that you need to run a server on Twitch that involve cheats right which main thing is like increased player limits right like Anarchy server we didn’t have any cheats for that but you know we needed more players had so same thing for like the other server shy town there was no cheats from that but eventually even though I was achievement hunting on that server I had it because you know I players server and then on yeah it’s just sound very [Music] un you know it’s something like you like you’re not it’s not really optional unless I go and spend like actually even if I spend like a buch of money like like TR a server which I have in the Pasty World it still doesn’t like you know you still have cheats on it because let me put it this way unless you’re just like playing on a regular world do not really like a server orp on Twitch you’re going to find like a very hard time finding like a server that invites players she put that way anyways end of the rant uh I was just playing with my dogs in isue but like you I was like taking like a little nap I was taking like a little like nap between the day and um dogs just start like barking like barking and barking and barking theying so many times I’m not sure how Ben up man again like I said I haven’t spawned anything I’m telling you like apart from just like building a town in a certain part of the world I don’t use C spawn items in for myself I’m I’m not sure if you realized but all the items that I have currently in my inventory five more ads yeah he’s he’s just assuming that I went and got everything on Crea on Creative which I didn’t yeah I told you just unn knowledged um so Sean do you have like any idea I mean are you like working on your on your um I mean I know that like you did like the the little like Town section or sorry you wouldn’t like improve the Mind Right Sean um are you gonna be working on your what what is it are you going be working on your um on your back cave for like the rest of the night is wait I forgot to like put on Discord like live um hold on let me go do that real quick I forgot about that I’m not sure how how long I’ve been streaming for but yeah I forget about it let me go and do that real quick people like you know put in okay um DMV are you the by the way [Music] everyone I am gay I am five there we go okay perfect now we’re up and running um you guys still have ads by the way cranker is is like the whole like power world like um craze like over is that over by the way you know how like you know people were just like talking constantly about power world okay good I haven’t played so yeah I don’t know I mean I was like thinking about downloading it over day right B in the right I think uh can’t play family stuff I’ll be playing your videos though s you can just like you know pop in the Stream or whatever on YouTube and leave that if you want how was did did you have like a little Super Bowl party did you have like a little Super Bowl party s let me just go fix this up quick it won’t take long that’s all you man go for it all right um is hog is his ad done yet I think he’s just like cranker he’s just talking out of his ass did you go do the Sean nice if you went then I’m not sure I let him know I think like just think like you know just maybe maybe it’s like 19 19,000 levels that was you um what okay so cor is are you done my dripper bones okay so I’m just like trying to figure it out because like bones I’m pretty sure Bone Crusher is bones and then I’m pretty sure my drip is core CU like I was asking earlier core like what was your other usern because I remember I remember you tell me like like aame I just like I couldn’t recall what it was right I just got kind of like you know forgetful for it right some just like asking like other us what like the other was that’s all it is all right let think going right here yes okay so I do have that correct right bones your bones that’s right Bone Crusher your bones and then D my drip would be core right CU I’m just like used to like you being like U your other username was not Don my drip it was like da my something it was not drip it might have been but I feel like I’m pretty sure like the other us was something else right I maybe wrong but it was d d my spawn there you go yeah okay gotcha okay so yeah that hog guy is no longer here it’s just know I guess BR was just like trying to like you know say stuff about like benefit myself I feel like if you guys didn’t know by the way like yes I might have like you know creative mode like you know build my town some of you guys know like you know I build towns and like servers and stuff like that right and obvious you know most people go and do it on Creative right I mean I have done some stuff on Survival here but you know most of it has been like just creative right well I think little bro thinks like I went use like creative like SP all my items then and just then you guys know know the beginning of the server I know some of you guys like have not played at the beginning of the server but just letting you guys know I didn’t spawn my stuff know I played like two or three weeks just grinding my stuff out first before I even like like the whole server server thing so I guess this is like a little Public Announcement I guess all right there we go although I guess like the 19,000 levels kind of like you know make it look otherwise right cranker but that was just crunker like levels [Music] that’s all right I’m G to just finish out like this um wait that’s not stairs that’s supposed to be stairs let me for this I’m like finish out the um what I need for this to the rebug got my block no wor I understand like you dra hope your drawing good though oh wa I forgot about the fen right right go ahead and figure out how like make this look [Music] um like even does that Mak sense this [Music] that okay I basically figure how like do these stairs um Sean don’t worry about it man like right now I’m do it myself I guess and then [Music] um you you want give me more levels maker you want give me more levels took away my I thought you took away my operator man I was like wait what I don’t think like you can even do that right ker just you know griefing curiosi like you can’t take my operator my operator right okay and then I think like right I’m going to like make it so you can kind like just go down yeah I’ll make it like right here so like [Music] here we just go like this and then um okay we just like do it like that then I just want like make sure I can get like all the that’s like correctly so people can like not I guess like fall down on places that make sense but it’s kind very hard to like go ahead and like do it’s it’s weird like like walk out like that I can’t I guess they can certain places but just hope that they just don’t I said I tried removing them no it’s fine I don’t care oh yeah you went got rid of my operator I don’t care about I don’t care about the level honestly I think it’s funny I think it’s funny when people just pop into like 19,000 at least get hilarious so you’re good it’s just like you know you get like people like that bro that like you know just I guess it’s it kind Mak sound entitled that’s what it is right cranker it kind of like made him sound like entitle like yeah bro like if how are you I wouldn’t be using cheats I don’t need cheats like bro you can defin tell little bro has never that’s what I was like you know kind looking for no you’re fine you’re fine I mean but I’m just like C I don’t don’t need like stress anymore because like server like doing better now and things are like up um I mean obviously I’m not gonna like you know be comfortable like I’m gonna like still grind and try to get more players and like that here but at least like you know it’s not going to die like we thought it was which is like the good thing something like going down are you doing something like I was do you need help with your town by you want I guess we can just take Turner because ahead fure I added two more houses I want like add because the day that you weren’t here right there were so many people that were like and I was like well there’s other towns join like yeah can so that’s going to be B you were right so may like maybe like your what was the you said idea I just like don’t know like know adding all those constantly like different talents but I might I might like need to like Nerf m so like [Music] how much money did you uh lend to the guy a while ago what money hi Shooters thank you for making an appearance for your yearly appearance I I’m guess you are you still City’s one made this like your appearance but uh I never like land any anybody in money what do you mean restart the mic is like bad again is the mic [Music] bad yeah lone shark oh [Music] yeah that’s wrong for your mate got the wrong he shoters sounds yeah just that’s like my um mic sounds about okay I’ll go and like restart my PC real I’ll be right back restarting PC okay all right we should be back up and running is the mic okay now crank mic check mic check well it takes like a second here to like you know go back to good quality well not lag but okay we should be good now okay perfect uh Shooters yeah my mic sometimes like sounds like muffled and like bad and I just like I basic just to go and like restart my PC it’s just like a PC issue but I mean I went fixed it so now we should be good we should be back up and running then the penis build right anyways how do you feel about uh Kansas City winning the Super Bowl Shooters how was your Super Bowl party how do you feel are you excited are you happy are you sad depressed All the Above okay um you build a mini house I’ll go check it out um I don’t why would you go and spray like really expensive cologne on your mounts do realize that doesn’t that really like doesn’t do anything right what do you think about Usher’s halftime show me personally I was just trying to figure out who the the hell was saser is this the mini house cranker is this going to go like underground or what’s the play here yeah I know Anastasia but I mean obviously I went and watched it yesterday I can tell that the guy was not singing opera I can tell the guy was not like not singing opera here in sta so yes I know it’s like an lgbtq DJ rapper hip-hop singer yeah I still like that it’s like a like a little shop where’s like the mini house though is this the mini house you said this is a shop right so where’s like the mini house or that that is a mini house doesn’t look bad I mean I was going like you know go and say is think about like you know the your very small house but I mean let’s see here your interior is going to be like you know 2 by two I guess you can like I mean I guess you can work on the interior like that way then that yeah I guess like this going to be like big enough yeah um I honestly I don’t even know what song that is Shooters I was just trying to figure out who the hell Usher was like you know before the halftime show I mean I actually you did jump on the server right Shooters I mean we’ve been like doing like a lot um I guess while you’ve been gone um here let me show you real quick so it’s it’s kind I mean to be honest Shooters this is basically just Sharky City it’s starting to just become like Sharky City now but here let me just show you why well you know about like the whole like you know lot situation right we started with the whole Lots well now we’re like doing like different little towns so I mean you you just saw my town actually you remember alpham realm Shooters music back on let me thr the music back on but uh do you remember alpham World Shooters I went like remade the house that I was like I had in that server so I went and remade it because like a lot of people wanted that house like you know made again so I went like rebuil it it’s a little bit different but yeah I went remade it so that’s number one I finally have like at my house on the server again so I mean I have that obviously you just saw cranker town it’s like a little small town that he’s working on and then I have like my town which is like you know this right here still working on it still under progress and stuff like that but you know it’s quite decent it’s kind of just like a small Sharky city right you know you have like your Lots area then you have like you know small little towns here and there we have lyrics we have Force we have quites we have uh um oh by the way quits came back just letting you know um then you have four so you might get a town then Bus full of kids he’s like a really good Builder but you know I think he quit because he got griefed so there is that but I mean you know I’ve been working like a lot on this like little like I guess town I got like like you know that’s going to be like a little tiny like mall area kind of thing that’s going to be like a Tavern I got like you know small houses here Shooters so I mean that’s pretty good it’s like a little like small like community right here you know you got like you got one two three four houses there and a tiny little Park in between so I’m going for like you know that that kind of like feel and uh yeah things are like you know growing a lot we kind of you know got the Ser back on his feet so things are looking looking well but still got a lot of work to do or at least that’s a plan yeah that’s all we that’s all Shooters there’s like a little like rundown of everything all right let me go ahead and um put the music back on real quick and I know that you were like oh why are you streaming on YouTube I know you you were like wait what we’re just trying to get our our hours up crank or uh yeah we’re trying to get our hours on YouTube again Shooters because I went like lost my um I guess didn’t no one told me this but like if you don’t like upload for six months you get like your partner taking away so I want to go and like you know start uploading on YouTube and doing all that so that’s the plan turn this [Music] down yeah I your drawing going by the way in station girls on the PO I thought it was like family they cut out bad words but not those girls I didn’t I didn’t notice it was girls on polls I was just being happy about life I didn’t notice girls on PS because you popped in for like a second there on the YouTube right I go going for you Shooters going everything going good has been like stressful and stuff like that [Music] recently okay so um I got that all built up I want to like going like build like a little Canal I hadn’t mine yes crer what’s up for whatever reason like like my thing is kind of like a lagging cranker I don’t see like anyone’s badges or anything like that I gota go like I gota go and like get like a little like thumbnail made for YouTube as well um yeah I’ll go and help you right now to be honest I’m just going to let you know right now my interior work is not really that great okay I’m still like you know working on getting better I haven’t like watched any YouTube videos on like how to get better at it I’ve just been like just trying to go with what I got and that’s what’s coming out so you know if I go and like mess it up I’m sorry but it’s just like yeah honestly like my builds have not been like coming they’ve been decent but you know it’s not the greatest I’m here let’s try to figure out like the wall design first so this going to be like a little shop right okay well yeah that’s kind of what I was going to like tell you to go ahead and do you want to go and hide this with snow I was about to say you want to like just hide this with like snow right here [Music] um okay so there we go there is no bastions bro wait oh on the ne never mind never mind you’re good there are bastions uh you want to go ahead and like make this like a little bit Yeah want to make this a little bit deeper crer I would say one block and then the floor and then let’s go all right there we go no thanks we get rid of this many chance will be noticeable not that much okay we’ll go get rid of this real quick and then make this like a uh actually what we need to do cranker never mind right here let’s get like throw in some stone brick there we go that’s no that’s what the block was cranker I guess we can go a and do that uh problem is cranker we need like a little like wall design so first first things first I would say let’s go ahead and use steep slate so can you get rid of those Creepers real quick you have any space like in between here yeah so let’s go ahead and just like cut this out right here and then let’s go ahead and like make this like into like a thing right here fireplace right there um yeah that could work I mean I was like going plan on making this like a little like bedroom I was planning on making this like the bedroom um I’m thinking about sing in on disc because U the is done yet yeah wait I have an idea what if I have I have like a great idea actually I know exactly what we’re going to be doing so here we go first things first crer let’s go ah and just like redo this I think we should make this uh deep slay tiles right so let’s do that first change the walls to deep play tiles um are you by uh sh are you don’t your ads by the way okay okay just that okay um I’m glad school’s going well um so are you like in college now you going like I thought like I thought like you were still going to high school but I mean you have I mean do high schools have dorms I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it high has oh trading school okay gotcha I’m not going to like crer to be honest like doing interior work recently has been like quite a bit of fun like I won’t lie about that like doing interior work is kind of fun difficult but fun I you like a job yet shooter so you like you know doing that at all or you just been focusing like on school like a lot um to be honest I would say yes but I would think like that would I think like that would probably like ruin your them though because like you you would be able to you would be able to like see that the um yeah I don’t think it would work I mean if you want to go for it sure but like I don’t know I feel like that would just like you know at the end of the day kind of like you know ruin your theme but I mean if you want to go for it sure like I said you you you also like listen to me now we’ve just been working a lot Shooters honestly I haven’t like really been streaming like that much I’ve been like doing more IRL work and everything oh yeah no worries Mia what happened to your Twitch is like did you go and get like hacked or [Music] [Music] something no just schol that’s good uh wait hold on um what are we going to do for the floor I guess we can just do like you want to just do this cranker yeah I think like that this would work yeah just turn the the floor into slabs or just Spruce all right we’ll go and do this I have a actually like a pretty good idea um here we’ll like go and put this here I don’t think that’s not the call right there I just like like this like that quite like that and then we need like a little like storage thing cranker so you know obviously like whoever’s going to be living here is going to need storage right so that’s why I’ve been doing like this like built-in Barrel thing do you I mean I know that you hate barrels cranker because like the whole like villagers so do you plan on having villagers up here or am I allowed to like use the barrels it’s like you know right here basically barrels go okay good and then I need this I don’t know I’ve been liking like doing that kind of like storage room recently see and then um I mean I was thinking about like you know putting like the little bedroom here I guess we can like always like put like the bedroom right here all right let me go ahead and just work on that bad have you been playing like at all recently Shooters like anything all right and then where’s wait you you don’t even have like a little entrance cranker where’s your [Music] [Music] ladders all right um yeah sh just something I’m not sure if like you’ve been playing like you know singer player or like anything like that recently just because I’ve been seeing like a lot of people like you know been doing that uh have you tried power world recently have you like you know jumped into that H hype train yet or no do you have any deep SL slabs okay let me go and just like do that real quick I kind of like this crer what do you think right over here we do like the same on this side as well it doesn’t need to be even cranker you here just check check it out okay I mean I guess if you want to go the the extra mile this is a new phone oh you did tell me that you were like you were getting a new phone so yeah how’s that going for you is it working everything properly is it faster like how do you feel about it and then just like add some delicious cranker like on the sides you can just like add bushes and then uh right here we can like add like a little like stairs thing make it out of this and then got to get some signs and then go ahead and do this like a little bit brighter so like it feels like a little tiny sofa and then from here we need to like add like a like Workshop thingy is there like space right here okay there is we’re going to like make it like little like tiny Workshop same thing on this side check it out but we’re going to add um this that I need some fences so we’re going to like add these truck doors like so that going to add a glass furnace there like that some should we do like that and then like add slabs to it like so and then like add like a crafting table yeah that works so I’m guessing you haven’t like played anything at all recently Shooters hi JP how you doing okay so I mean apart from that cranker I would just like add like a little tiny like carpet thingy maybe like where’s those those like heads that I think this I mean this could be cool right here for crer but people would just like don’t come and yank the check it out you would just come and yank it I was I was trying add like a like you know like carpet for like you know like a bear carpet basically just like helping a cranker do some designs on like his interior work can you gra the real quick [Music] anything I guess yeah that could work but we would need like know add like make like the hold on don’t get rid of it just yet we would use like some wool real quick and make it brown like that maybe yeah it’s yeah I know it’s like me I tried doing like a little like bear rug all right Peak I hope you’re doing well all right man take care and I’ll see you later I take care I’m doing good Mia how about yourself like honestly like you know right now obviously you can talk just like you know helping cranker do like this interior work I mean I think you got it from there right cranker I I would like you know just hoping like cranker out do and CH work Mia so I’m just like really just focused on that right now but like I still got to like do part of my town things going um plus M I’m not sure if like you’re interested but you know how you know like the concept of like the whole like Town thing Mia about like you know living in towns and like all that I’m not sure if you’re interested but I mean I guess you already said yes to it right of like know you doing like your little like uh lost and found thing got like going and make you a house right you um you just finish cleaning the room I didn’t do that today I just like slept all day apart like the dogs waking me up that’s like the only problem the dog just woke me up a lot today yeah so MIA I guess like you’re gonna be joining my town right Mia I mean I could give you like that house but I kind of want to make make like a little like fresh one I want to make like a fresh house somewhere I me I just like don’t know about expanding over here maybe maybe like expanding like towards like this side right here maybe putting like a house right here Mia Mia what do you think about like having like a house right here that could work right you like a little like house up let me see how much space I mean I know you m like you really like don’t need like a big house right you kind just like like a small house and then that’s where you can like basically just like live there right hi Informer how you doing what uh what have finished to look game at the game last night well I mean they did clutch up I mean I know like a bunch of people are turn like just mad about the um the Chiefs winning I mean they did they did clutch up to be honest like I mean I’m not really the football but sure they went clutched up so I mean you got to give them credit for that you you know yes so uh so M uh I might just like you know go ahead and just make make like a very small house right here and just give this one to you me I know that like you’re you’re a fan of like small houses I saw your house so maybe just like a very small house right here could work you’re going to if you you’re not even going to hop on the world today that’s kind of lame I’m not going to lie that’s really lame if you’re in your behalf okay I got to go and figure out a design for your house all right Mia right now you can just go ahead from this point forward okay Mia you’re be looking at me building your house okay so if you want anything or you need to go ahead and change anything just let me know but right now I’m going to make your house and just try to make it as best I can okay that’s the plan so first things first we’re like do it like like little bit like this maybe like build it into the actual like Mountain yeah that could work sorry sorry boys this came really sney today your phone died be right back okay I’ll wait very sney today bro very sney my bad so yeah M here we go we’re going we’re going to be making your house okay you hop on in a bit but you’re not the stream okay okay I’ll believe you now okay okay good I went and breed myself up today I went and like you know cleaning out my all my no see hairs I went and cleared out like my little like um the eyebrows you know I went like you know got rid of all the uh excess here I want you know really pre myself up today so yeah let’s the update for the day okay so yeah I’ll get you I’ll get you like a small house here me okay I’ll try you make it good for you okay I’ll try so it’s going to be like a long side like all throughout here and then we’re going to like do like a little like is it okay so that’s three and then we’re the so be like one two so basically would be three and then right here it would cut in so it would be like a wall right here here’s the wall basically for it and then basically the wood part of it will be uh basically just go and just do this first we’re going to make layout of it first okay here’s the okay we’re going be doing layout of the house first drink take right so we’re doing um let’s just do five right here so one two three four five so it would go there and expand this a little further we’re going to like build it into the actual Mountain so it doesn’t like take up that much room but in the same set it has like you know a good amount of uh area for it so we’re gonna make it small not overly small so it for you okay so we have that that’s going to be like the space that we’re going to have for you I won’t like do like a buil-in like interior unless you want me to right so basically like what I mean by built-in interior here I’m going to show you right now right so if you go to this house right M I basically like you know make a very small like 3×3 here but basically know the interior can of goes mountain and then you have like you know this I could do that for you if you’d like by the way Shooters thank you for the uh the prime sub buddy as you can tell Shooters basically Shooters I’m basically making like a little like I guess Kingdom size charar city I mean I guess I could do that if you want me to make like a little tiny interior on the inside as well probably I’m probably going to do that anyways just to be like a little bit more of room like have a little like bedroom for you so you could you’re currently at the train station are you watching Hope are you like on your watch again W does it even say like when going like put like is the Texas Peach on it should be on I would like enabled that thing like so long ago but not even sure if like it works I think supposed to have like you know audio we won’t get you like a super like small Hut yeah but we’ll get you something nice we’ll get you something nice don’t worry about it all right we had to hold them for 5 seconds because we would have won are you guys still talking are you guys still talking about the game who are you rooting for I don’t think Shooters you did you even tell me like who you were who you were going for who are you rooting for in former here I’ll do like something little I’ll try like at least make a roof like really nice yeah okay so I think like this so yeah it’s kind like this as well same thing basically just increase that increase this I mean it could make it into like a small like kind of like Hut thingy I mean if I honestly I hly you guys know I just don’t watch football but if I had to be rooting for someone I guess it would been like the 49 or another C I know that you a professional like Ali hater yeah that would have been like the thing that Mak make sense for me obviously you know professional Cali hater here but yeah I really didn’t care I P up 4 because you don’t want Taylor stuff to win I so at least we can go ahead and agree on something let’s be honest here the real winner is going to be Taylor Swift here like the amount of publicity that she got from it bro wild straight straight wild I just call it calling everyone calls call Calla calling [Music] don’t don’t even get on my [ __ ] again in forer don’t even get okay so Shooters you know how like you’re a professional Cali hater even though more than likely like you know people inside you probably love the L of it you just like don’t want to admit it you’re watching on your phone M okay okay gotcha gotcha basically the argument that he’s trying to you know give me right Shooters is you know how like no you know how like there’s like a northern Cali and then the South Cali right nobody calls it like Central Cali or at least not every and not anyone here refers to it as Central Cali right but he’s trying to argue that San Francisco San I think s that’s San Jose right San Jose Oakland and Sacramento are Central California and then there’s like you know like the um northern California but I keep trying to tell him like you know San ant San Antonio sorry not San Antonio but San Jose Oakland wait is it San Antonia I don’t know but say Oakland Sacramento and San Francisco are Northern California then you know like LA Anaheim San Diego are basically considered South California that’s what he’s trying to argue like bro nobody here calls it central calling we just consider it like more than that’s it the [Applause] city uh Travis Kelsey probably beats her every everyone calls it Callen yeah n dude I wouldn’t say that and the reason I wouldn’t say that is like first of all she would probably like you know be the first one like go and expose them crank her the reason I say this because like I even even right if like Taylor stre was like the hottest chick of all time right right I wouldn’t even like go near her and the reason I would say that is because if I was Travis Kelsey bro just think of her like history bro if you go and break up with her bro the amount of hate that you’re going to get is massive right Absol massive do you really want to like you know be part of that and like let’s be honest here how much like is he really benefiting from it right let’s say yeah they’re in love or whatever right let’s just say like they’re crazy in love by each other right you sure you sure that’s worth it little bro like sure like you know everyone’s got his eyes on them on the on the super like where is it though it’s a it’s straight up yeah straight a cult it’s straight up a [Music] cult and let’s just say like you know let’s just say like the mental health inside of that cult is not really that great let’s just say that right Mia wouldn’t you agre you about your old laptop got yeah I hope that like your like your computer’s like okay your laptop because like I okay so basically I’m not sure like if you ever like seen like track uh shoes before but basically I used to basically like the track shoes that you like you know use right they have spikes in the bottom of the shoes so you can like you know actually like land perfect like you know perfectly on the actual track right well I had like you know my my track suit or my my track shoes inside of like my like little like know exercise bag right and I had my phone in there and I fell asleep like during a competition while my phone was like inside and like when I woke up I forgot like wait I put I put my damn phone inside of a bag that has like no sprad shoes I wouldn’t like start like oh I started worrying so hard when I open up my back dude my phone was just like cracked it was so cracked broken because like like basically phone screen everyone’s predicting the car of downfall I want say no the reason I say this is because like it’s such a huge cult that even when she’s like 80 there’s still going to be like you know people like you know still talking about her like sure she’s like not at some point she’s GNA like you know be like not the top artist anymore because let’s be honest here bro she’s on top of every single chart like it or not like she’s just taking over the world I genuinely think that if she really ran for CH following right but like I wouldn’t say a huge downfall capture sure Shooters you’re like know just praying that there’s a downfall but I don’t think it’s be a downfall do I think Travis Kelsey and tlor is going to last I don’t think so the reason I say this because they have so many people having like putting their eyes on them that it’s they’re going to like eventually one of them’s going to break yeah I I used to do [Music] TR there is so so much attention that’s going like know both of them that I feel like eventually one of them are crack and they like they they’re not going to like no longer like you know deal with it I mean obviously they’re like used to like you know having attention by themselves but like now they have the attention of like you know both the NFL and the Taylor Swift fans the swifties I feel like eventually one of them going to crack right like it’s just a matter of time that’s what I would say for whatever reason bro for whatever reason I feel like kany is just like a like a m artist I mean does anyone like really take me seriously I know like you’re a big fan of a bre maker but like for real though Kanye just like this new one actually like actually like you know like fully like I what do you think this is like Kanye like you know kind of like for real for real looking artist I feel like at this point it’s just more like a uh I think it’s like the cool thing is is like make one of them right cranker obviously you’re gonna obviously you’re going to say like know it’s really good album like he’s best thing that ever happened in music right but like for real though like it’s like basically like it’s like if if Taylor Swift went drop like a new album right all every single s will be like oh it’s the greatest album of all time I love it I I I I’m in love with it right but obviously you know it’s different because not just like you know Kane so it’s like a it’s like a different thing is kind of weird yeah I can it’s just like I feel like he’s like he’s not like good in the head does that make sense there’s something like definitely wrong with the guy and I mean it makes sense you know after like you know losing his like you know shoot company basically and you know after like you know getting divorced and Pete Davis you basically bro got left for Pete Davidson nobody I mean nobody would feel good about themselves after that because I mean look at Pete Davidson I mean BR does not scream like you know hey what’s the sexiest man alive thing now like if somebody went and left me for Bradley Cooper I’ll be like okay that’s fair enough but Pete Davidson bro like trust me crer I feel like Kanye is like really like not well in the head there’s there’s definitely like something wrong with little bro maybe was this mom dying that you know would it really affected them but something’s like not well with little bro even right now game is game yeah but no I mean I don’t I don’t mean that but like you know just think about for a second like you having like know such a like know actually the Kim Kardashian is like no not really like know that let’s just say hot but let’s just say like you know you have Kim Kardashian right but then she just completely like leaves you for Pete Davidson bro that that cannot feel good right see you that canot be a good feeling right I mean he’s funny bro no joke could like make I don’t think he’s a little funny though I honestly don’t feel like he’s funny I mean half of his jokes is just like him his dad ding about to 911 like I’ve like seen so many clips of him and it seems like every single kind of joke it has like it involves his dad like bro are enough and now he’s got to be like you know Pete Davidson’s like you know [Music] catalog I feel like P is not really that [Music] funny um are you weird for eating raw Ramen noodles [Music] if you eat like the whole thing sure but like if you just like eat a little bit anyway sorry yeah no worries me I’ll see you later and like I said you know I’ll probably have like your house like you know built by uh the end of the the day by like you know little little bit basically kany is a muff wait what are you like a muffin what are you saying I don’t think I don’t honestly I don’t feel like yeah I honestly don’t feel like like that funny honestly there hasn’t like been like one time that I like all laughing out loud all this jokes you know I like am I like allergic to something now like I’m allergic to something now I used to like never be allergic to anything but I was playing witch you yeah playing witch me is honestly one of the greatest times that I’ve ever like not experienced playing Wich me isly like no I think it’s like a w thing because like if you would put like a flower on top of it and then start cooking it and I feel like you the would be correct on and then you know the flower just like pop out I feel like the flight sometimes like really messy but if you kill enough mobs I feel like that it’s like a really enjoyable like swiming lesson you’re tired from what inance you haven’t done anything today what are you tired from is that confusing enough Shooters I another go it anxiety you’re in your bedroom Anastasia I don’t think like anyone is going to like you know around you or going to like attacked you hold on I got to like go and like clean my nose out because like yeah [Music] damn bro some’s G be like sick now hi Ron how you doing hey baby G how you doing oh God bro what’s getting me like all messy okay it’s just like right now I don’t know why I’m I so like I don’t see her promoting it though that’s the thing cranker like sure maybe they just put her name up there for some benefit reasons right let’s just go ahead and say that but like has she ever like gone out and like promoted them or anything like that cuz maybe it’s just like you know maybe it’s just like a passion ofers you know and she just talk about it that’s how I would be honestly like let’s be honest here bro like if you had like a passion but you were like a pop artist but like just something that you know it’s just just just for you you wouldn’t want to talk about it I feel like maybe that’s what L like Lady Gaga is I mean yeah sure let’s be honest here odds of that being a thing not high but I mean if she’s passionate about like you know Cam and roads it’s just like you know photographies that she likes and hey let her be you know I mean I can see like the same about Kanye like what the [ __ ] does he know about making shoes and designing them sure he has successful company about it sure but like he doesn’t go and make the shoes himself he’s he’s a rap artist how doly know how to like run a business they can like the same thing but you know need like on them because I know he’s very successful at it right so you know let him be I think he’s just like trying to like you know you know I think he’s just trying to like [ __ ] on people to [ __ ] on people let’s be honest here bro like half the times that celebrities that go and Bash on people for is just for publicity it’s just for publicity that’s all it is I mean think about like you know YouTube controversy you think people going talk about that like just make a point no they just talk I don’t like this let me just like cut this right here I mean let him cook right but it’s just like you know hey out of this man she doesn’t done [ __ ] to you I don’t like KAG but I don’t dislike her I don’t dislike Kanye but I feel like sometimes like you know hey than me man anyway my honestly I don’t even know I go with an anxiety isn’t I don’t know Anastasia it’s just like I feel like people nowadays have overusing okay so anasta real talk for like a second okay real talk I’m not usually anxiety is more of like you know you can’t be around people because it just causes you anxiety right I’m pretty sure that’s what mostly that’s what it is uh I actually forgot that school have about having which is cool so technically you can watch the stream while in class just put your at Le put your like airpod or something on so you don’t get in trouble okay CU right now I’m still building their house you know so like doing I mean I was going to like make it super small but you I want you to have you know some room for yourself as well so you know you’ll have like little like decent room like that anyways anyways cranker um what was I oh well what I was saying was like I justed don’t like people using like the anxiety because it’s just like it’s so overused with kind like depression people like even if if they feel sad they’re like oh depression just like no man don’t use that like don’t like for because like if someone just feels sad in general they’re going just call depression or anide there’s people like that really do like have Society for real but it’s just like just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you’re you’re excited you’re just tired cuz like okay so let me just ask you right when you go outside can you be like near people or hug them or like you know be able to go and socialize because are you able to do that or you start sweating running all over the place things start becoming blurry and you pass out okay so uh yeah you can go ahead and join I mean I already have you added so you can go ahead and join so there you go you don’t have excite now sure other other things can cause you sure that’s like the main one most common one at least so it’s just like people have been calling like you know anxiety recently a lot and just over using it like you don’t have that you don’t have it it’s just you’re just tired later yeah you lat there anything that you would change to this house panic attacks are fake no I’ve had panic attacks at least like you know I’m making a house yeah I’m making making a house for Mia right now no had tax cranker believe it or not they make me [ __ ] my pants yeah yeah I fainted before I felt like and you felt like it it’s just I don’t know it’s just it’s something that’s been overused recently and I’m sure you can probably that people have been just like you know calling out anxiety for like you know whatever reason they can and it’s just like you know some we do have to get get away from because you know people that you know especially like you know depression you know people always like say I’m like I’m depressed there people that are truly like depressed it’s just like now we don’t trully know because people just like you know completely going and overuse the term you know they go and like overuse the term which I don’t know uh I don’t know what block to use from the roof oh there you go MIA right yeah so Eduardo right now I’m basically just making like a u house or Mia very small house but nice just because you suffers like some of the symptoms of it doesn’t Ian I would say if you do if you do Ania then go and get treated then because I feel like for example like yeah sure sometimes I don’t like being around people but I’m not going to go and say like oh yeah I have anxiety sometimes like you know when you feel rushed and like you know you start like panicking over like you know timely maners that could be anxiety as too as well but I mean happens toet just like I don’t know man sometimes people just want overuse terms and sadly it’s just like when someone actually does self from it I just go and just I go and like hey I don’t care CU everyone does I guess I guess is just something that you know just has been so overused recently that just it makes the value of the world of the word meaningless that makes sense there you go cricker uh sup coly how you doing so you’re not a frequent Shopper huh Drinker yeah but that’s not having a fear of death is not exciting what block yeah I was thinking about a light tone but ivly I know like you know what kind of tone do I want but like I don’t know what natural block I don’t know and it’s just there’s nothing against you I’m not like I’m not referring to you specifically just like refering using all these terms like you know just it loses its meaning if that Mak [Music] sense I I was think like know mix around with an oak palet I was thinking about just like doing Oak but I don’t know I mean you’ve already seen like my my Oak pallet know like you know stripped stri logs and like you know strip logs and then like you know just uh planks you you know that palette but I don’t know yeah it just loses its meaning that’s that’s all it is like I said it’s not nothing against you me it’s just or it’s just I don’t know that’s just like my ran for the day there’s my on you ran for the day me and bro started uh stared at it for plenty of time is it someone that you know or just like an online thought random yeah then I mean that’s then she probably probably just her trying to like know promote something I’m not say what but you you know people overuse I I honestly I just I don’t go into never use like hey I have anxiety depression no I I you know have I had in the past not diagnosed but sure yeah I don’t use a a mod pack Co um no like I don’t use like a mod no I’m not sure if like you’re are you talking about like my world Coy is that what it is you know you know what would be like a hit right here check this right here check out this roof looks [ __ ] thick right yeah look at that roof looks fire look [Music] delete the world just because of that for my Xbox are you talking about like yes my okay so yeah no it’s just like a regular it’s like a custom world coie so like first of all you shouldn’t be walking like coie what you were supposed to do is just like get a property in the server and then you can like you know a house there I’m not sure like you know where you went man but like there’s like custom biomes I’m not sure what biome you’re looking for but like yeah it’s it’s different on this world because it’s just like a different kind of server it’s not it’s not just like a regular Minecraft world like an actual like you know full on custom map so yeah yeah no worries me I’ll see you [Music] later you know I’m going I’m going try something [Music] different give me a second just let your boy cook for like a second okay let trust the trust the process yeah so coy that’s not what we really want to like to do which we’re more like a little Community server something just let you know like even if we do find your house we’re probably going to end up getting rid of it because like the rule is you have to like you know be near people you know that’s like the whole idea of the server and I mean you’re kind like just not wanting to do that which kind you know basically kind of ruins it you know I think that that makes sense this kind of cleared a little bit but look like my [Music] [Music] Ling I don’t know can this not too bad [Music] right and then right here I just got like you know basically make my my same old same old thing right here if like adding these with uh that yes so Co like the whole idea is for us like you have like a little Community server and eventually like you know basically the whole idea of the server [ __ ] is for you to like know be part of our town right you go like make your own property you have like your own little like uh your own little like house right which you go and build by the properties and then what you would do is like once we get like all this built which eventually we’re build you guys are like join like a little like Town SL like faction kind of like thing right so basically I’m gonna have like my own little town cranker like his own little town um own little town basically bunch of different towns the world right which that’s where that’s where you kind of go and get away from people right but you know still be like in a town with people and uh be part of a little Community right so that’s the whole idea right eventually you’re going to get like a chance to go ahead and like you know go by yourself you know I guess be by yourself right but the thing is we can like want to have like a little Community things first and then sure you can go like you know far away and like you know live in somebody’s ch and do all that but right now we want to know focus on like being more of like a community kind of Center thing your second residence will be like in someone’s town which is going to be only like a handful of people but I mean you get to go ahead and pick whichever town you want to go ahead and join I if they go and accept you then sure but like yeah well I mean then you should reported him but you didn’t coie and I get it but like the thing is like we just don’t want people going far away because it ruins the server you know there like you know a bunch of different things that well you know basically plus things are going to be way harder for you co if you go super far away just trust me for this you because it’s like a custom world so you don’t even you don’t even like know like half the things but one it’s going to be way more difficult for you two kind you know breaking the rules and um three we just don’t want going far away it kind of like ruin the whole like concept of the server yes I mean hence why you couldn’t even find like a normal I’ll tell you what right the reason you couldn’t even find like a normal like looking V is because like you don’t even know that about the server you know that makes sense you didn’t even know that so it’s just just like you know you’re going to struggle all right better if you’re just in a part of our town you get your own little property just I mean if someone went okay if you would like made a base somewhere and it got destroyed either one it was either me that did it because if I see like a base that’s like not supposed to be there then we get rid of it because what you’re supposed to do coie is asking for a property you get your property where you can like you know go ahead and build your house your base shop whatever you want on it but if someone went and burnt it down because you like it was in the air that was supposed to be in then that’s why they got rid of it okay so I mean if it was if it happened when you were off I mean to be honest it could have been me I did it because I going like if I go out and explore or like do certain thing and I go and see someone’s base that is like not in the actual like lot area well that’s against the rules and I go un break and get rid of it burn all the loot you can just rules you know I mean it could have been very well mean um no Informer I would not like to do that how was your drawing going in a station anyways crer did you support is that technically cheating thougher I mean I mean if it happened when you were off cool more than likely to be honest I mean it could have been me that destroyed it you know I mean did you send anything to the girl what did you send to the girl yeah definitely cheating bro that is definitely cheating cranker crer do you want to have like a a streak with me yeah basically like like said if you go and build a certain part like you’re not supp to you get rid of it I mean here spawn in right now Co if you can go ahead and join and then I’ll teleport to like where you’re at and if I like if I like see where it’s at I might would like like I mean it hit me up I’ll take them if you don’t want them I’ll take them like sure oh Dam never mind I don’t want my allergies are still kicking up though yeah just get on cool and then I’ll tell you like can you do can you help me do the chair for this cranker can you me go do like the interior just hop on Co I’ll tell you where just like show me where it’s at no it’s not in for no it’s not I’ll be right back I got to go and sneeze sh you know what it is crank I just realized so it’s not allergies or anything like that it’s the fact that I went like shaved like all my nose here so now it’s like so now it’s just like if it makes sense like there’s like a bunch of like tiny little hairs that are still like in there that are kind of you know making it like itch a little bit and then it just makes you sneeze it forces you to sneeze okay so coie maybe what it was is that you went and built it in a square that it didn’t give you do you remember if it was cranker that did it like this guy right here because if that’s the case then basically what happens is like if you use like you know go like building one of those squares right because it has happened in the past where people just go and build those squares right but like it’s not the one that I Gwen gave them then yeah we get rid of them usually I don’t know there’s like a bunch of like different stuff that could have happened cool just go Ahad and hop on and then just show me where it’s at okay cuz I mean the way that you put it it kind of like made it sound like you kind of went super far away and then destroyed it or uh we distro it you know that’s kind of how it sounded to me but yeah all right what’s up Hi Marcus how you doing exactly um name one that’s better Cranker’s Town My Town um I mean how many members are in your mafia just you right I mean my town already has like two members when it comes to it well three with Mia and Sean and CJ so basically kind of like five is there anything that you can like add to the town cranker that like you know will make it like look better just like go around just like think just like check it [Music] out what am I doing Marcus I’m currently making a house for Mia cuz she’s like the new the newest member of my town so right now I’m basically just making a town or a house for her so she can actually like you know live in here that’s what I’m currently you know doing basically just making her a house because technically she technically she should she kind of like just does the maintenance and stuff like that for for the actual Town that’s going to be like her job because basically in my town you’ll be like given like a little tiny job you’ll be given like a little like job that you can go ahead and like do to like you know basically make the town like you know function don’t mind your skin what you being an e girl yeah so basically like in know in my in my town you’ll be given like a little job I got raccoon he’s making all the uh you’re going to you know be making all the cakes right that’s what we agreed on you’re going to make all the cakes going to build you like a little farm righton so like you have like your house and like a like Farm I still got to work on that and then uh I’m not sure what uh con is going to or yeah I’m not sure what con’s going to do I know R’s going to be working on the uh he’s going to be like the basically the baker of the uh the server so I gota like you know give him like a little like basically kind like a little farming thing Mia is going to take care of the maintenance and uh yeah I got like you know little jobs thing set [Music] up but we’ll see how things go um what else have like you know basically add here uh what else can I can I like add to like first so I need like a little trapo so that’s number one then we can go ahead and just put these here Bastion what ask me to go get a B for you you’re there we go you’re con if you don’t do anything you’re going to get kicked out of the town and then right here what what should I make this I don’t even know I you to make that little like area right here we just like do this and then like right there and then just like add like a little tiny um some stairs right there like sofa thing right here we just like leave it like that and then you have like a little storage yeah this would work and then right here so we can do right here check that out like that and then like this and for example like right here can just like put like a little Lantern and then like a um little flower pot you know Mia is a girl so um you know what girls love flowers so throw some flowers in there right me on put on there perfect look like the second most girly one can’t put this one in there so the third looking Girly one there you go well I mean Coy then if you have seen that Co we’re supposed to you know go in and like you know let me know who that is I can go ahead and like you know I mean sometimes some people I like like basis I that could be the case but you see that tell me Le tell me destroy your base as well it happens I’m sad I just figured that out but it’s fine sry we’ll just like do something right here check it out this this what we can do that can’t put you know very very big girly flowers on there fine like a solution there’s always a solution to this okay you just go do that and then you get like a little trap door like this right you go and do that and then boom you ready for your girly flowers here you go here’s some girly flowers boom girly flowers now what you ain’t got [ __ ] on me apart from just like you know my allergy is still gone but yeah you ain’t got [ __ ] on me there you go there you go MIA your house is complete looks beautiful I know well like one add the stairs to it but make actually like it kind of like looks a little bit off right now right just looks right now a little off doesn’t look part of the town but I’ll goe and fix that so first we got go ahead and right now just like look for whatever reason I know that these slabs can and will make things like kind of feel off and reason but the trade is like you know quite good this is so like unnecessarily unnecessarily um unnecessary it really is right but it just makes things like look a little bit more should I say Lively obviously you know now you got you know walk walk up some like really tall ass stairs so like get get to the [Music] house weird like yeah I understand there’s no reason I have that light blue or baby blue do that on where right here can’t make a freaking uh there you go there’s light blue bye have a good night I’ll I’m not really good with lights cranker not going lie we just got make this kind of like part of the road I hope me likes yeah cool go ahead and join you’re good you’re good to go and do so man actually I keep forget that you have to like you know get an invite right you can’t join me just list you should be able to just go ahead and join me through your friends list but I know that YouTu don’t do that so I’ll try make this part of town somehow cuz I mean right now I kind of just off what do you mean stop stop hogging the people you talk about me well bro I mean it’s to be honest bro you got to like step it up and start like know recruiting yourself dude you go like know build houses and start getting people to like join you bro I mean I already said like you know Mia was already like down to like join me like a couple weeks ago and just I kind of forgot about like adding her right now to be honest bro I can hog up like another like three people right now if I wanted to because I have like the houses available you just got to like stop slacking trer I’m not going to lie bro you’ve been caught slacking you got to build some houses to get people in there like now make them feel like hey we can be part of Congress town you got to find like a way of like making that accessible though because obviously that people are not going to want to go and climb up that huge mountain just by like walk there what I would do cranker honestly um what are those like um those little like what are those trains called the uh I take you those mountains what are those things uh else but uer the the thingies that lifs there another name for yeah got like make like make one of those crank like not go up to your go to your town I’m not Hing up the people crer like like I said I mean right now I could have recruited like two more people I have like some people in mind that I want to go recruit but I’m still waiting for like the the moment I’m not sure who do you have anyone in mind yourself cranker I do like I said but you know gondos there you go some like try to make a little little base oh did you go I’m guessing you you added that crer I mean this is not looking too bad I got to add right there yeah you’re cool I’ll go ahead and invite you right now I don’t think I’m not sure that’s W I’m not sure W not yet not yet at least there like a things I go ahe and like add to make it a w but I want say it’s a w just yet uh it’s going all right glitch it’s going all right could be better but going all right first thing off is this damn allergy thing that’s killing right now I think it’s just like my nose I got you know this happens crer when you go like you know go chop down all your damn hair for the uh no hairs but it’s something you got to do so yeah anyways my lamps are basically quite generic franker to be honest they’re basically just like this quite generic but efficient anyways now that I have actually have actual person for this go ahead and put right here and let’s be honest here bro Mia does not do any PVP so you you don’t need like know worry about that cranker noty um I just like made a made like a little tiny house right here just now nothing nothing huge or any special it’s just you know just there me house I would made check it out I’ll I’ll let you I’ll let you check out the interior you know we walk in quite small quite decent you have a little kitchen know this that fireplace some stuff storage basic but basic but you know decent and then you have like a little tiny like walkway actually now that we have that um what I can do is like make this kind of go up here as well let’s go and just carve all this out real quick this one’s going to be like a lot easier because like the road is kind of like you know quite easy to go and carve out right here actually we’ll go like go an extra extra block because I we have so so much damn room you know so basically what we what we would do is kind go like this check this out so you would go like that and then you add that block right there actually this would go like that this you can make decorate make it look decent raccoon what are you doing bro got like this Bros got like nothing to do Dam I went like did a big oopsy there all right there we go so that kind of like carves out like you know the right way right there we go this kind of just goes goes up to the actual like you know road so there we go that’s all set up now that’s decent I mean it’s not like the best but I mean it’s it’s it works can you have me like this make this like look a little bit less weird you’re not busy I feel like this sort of like looks sort of weird right raccoon come here I check it outon just looks weird maybe just like add small pond right here that’s your angry are you angry are you angry let’s put some water here and then here let’s just go and just do look at another barrier already have one that that would kind like look kind of weird right kind of want water to like come down here why won’t water go like right there kind of wanted to I guess that’s fine right there we go I guess that that works kind of not entirely okay yeah so what are we did crer actually works and then we just got do the exact same for like this side right here right glitch that doesn’t you’re right GL you’re you’re here see Sean playing Sean are you working on anything right now just like your back I got I mean I was going to say I gotta like add like a little like Pond oring like know fish to your house right but then I just realized bro like you have like a huge ass Lake I just realized that this looks good it didn’t good job but I have an idea for like right here like just right here to but might look a little bit difficult I not I think before actually making it though hi in forer uh yeah I was thinking like like making like a wheat farm or like making a farm over there or making making like a weat farm like right under the waterfall around there the idea uh cranker is there anything that is this like item hopp right here iner obviously like you added that so like anything do that just like there because right now in former I’m basically they grow so quickly there’s that maybe maybe you’re right galaxy right now we just like trying to like figure out like the signs for this so I’m just like working on my to now forer and um you know I’m just like working in this little like road down here right actual station and then I was working oning like a small house from Neo so I got like that built up um so yeah you know working on doing stuff right now and this what I got so far I would small house right there that one for me you like you know Mia house right here home boom you get like this house right here that I was working on a i to keep it like nature I still got to make make like a little tiny like road that goes to like my house I kind of want to clear out this area and maybe kind thing like a Circle Fountain kind of that’ll be kind of good I might have like a build that I might have saved but I wonder if I go ahead and do I don’t remember exact know what build I I mean I know kind like a little picture for it but I got to go check it first there’s like a very specific I want to go ahead [Music] do I think I might have like saved it somewhere but I just like don’t know where might have likeed [Music] that’s not it let’s see here that’s not it that’s kind of like it but not [Music] entirely I can’t find it might have like screenshotted might have been one of those like bu like had my head that I just like that’s happened before where I have like you know build in my head that I want to do but I just like kind of like forget might have [Music] been where it’s just like something that I had had like planed in my head but just like didn’t go through with it or whatever [Music] yeah I can’t find it so well [Music] damn [Music] [Music] all right if anyone needs wol you have sheep hi six how you doing um no I just can’t figure it out so I guess I’ll just like you know keep just doing like regular houses I mean I kind of have I have something like similar that what I that I’ve built like over in shy City so I me I me I would need to go in sh City and take pict of it though Sharky Sharky Parky kuners shark Sharky Sparky okay I guess we’ll go and keep it like that then but hi sticks how you doing man I’m over here just like just building I guess just building regular regular regular old shark just building all right should I do this this might be like a good and bad thing I don’t know we’ll see guess do it fine it’s fine add through the thing I’m getting working on my my town right now got a little bit of allergies going on for what reason but you know we’re still chilling uh we’re doing good um My Little here I my controller a hot everon yeah actually that’s not a bad idea I did that for like my um my other town of shyville but I mean there was like one person that went build another one that was better than mine so might need to go there just copy it there like a bunch of BU on city that you know would fit really well into this world but I just don’t know um so yeah but apart from that I’m doing pretty damn good are going to be joining today six what’s up today I want make sure everything know working properly and making sure everything like know looks good because I mean I got this thing built I need to like put something like right there but I just like don’t know what cranker what are you working on this looks weird you’re test okay you’re testing something okay got I’ll let so I mean yeah hot air balloon would be like a good thing I mean maybe just like putting one like around here I I want to go ahead and work here I’m going to show you guys real quick I want to go ahead and just wait until CJ goes and does like his uh his uh boat because I want to like you know go ahead and just like use like a structure block and go like put that boat in the middle of my Lake because I mean as you guys can tell there’s like a huge like Lake right like right in the middle of the town uh CJ is currently you know building building like a huge boat like right over here which I want to like I mean if it looks good enough I want to like go ahead and just kind of like know copy it and just like put it over there I might just finish it myself to be honest I might just finish it myself and just let him add details in later yeah actually let me go ahe and do that cranker if you want to like add any smaller details to it cranker I’ll cook what blocks am I going to use for this though because I feel like Spruce I want to like use a lighter block maybe like oak or just like all stripped Oak I just play around with it your phone died yeah no worries man so I mean we’ll go ahead and do that I’ll go ahead and like finish this prank if you can just like keep cooking on my town add this details and good I might actually like lower this by one block all right that is definitely not a good thing there Cas though you didn’t say anything in the Stream though I’m sure here here that is definitely not something you want to say but I guess Bross down for it hey queso how you doing [Music] [Music] man unless cranker you have any ideas for this this little like uh any plants on this cranker anything come up with I might did you place see your thieves I mean this is quite a big boat got to go on truck and see what we did on the on the big boat but yeah not really you’re doing great I’m glad man I’m glad you’re here we just like we’re Curr just working on my town finally so I’m just like you know building like a couple of things here and there nothing too crazy it’s just like you know some stuff here and there but I mean it’s it’s looking good right now we’re like you know working on making like a little like U obviously as you can tell a big boat project which I might see if I can I can like go and put that in the uh like the middle of the lake I’m not sure if you have you gone over got over to like my town yet like in a while by my town I mean like the spawn area where like the the the train T takes you two okay we’ll go like put like this and just like that we’ll make this like knle up with it there we go okay so that’s not too bad that’s only half of it bro yeah little bro over here celebrating how that’s looking good but little know the other half it’s not too great but okay I’ll go ahead and work on that then I gota like know make the C quarters as well like sorry like what’s wrong with me today bro there’s like so much [ __ ] I got allergies now I got like a whole bunch ofs what’s wrong with me today bro I don’t know little bro suffering from like everything I have anxiety bro okay I’ll stop making for you guys it’s fine I know I’m funny I’ll shut up okay I got to like make space for the Captain Quarters right so I mean like right here what I this is like this is not tall enough though maybe like right about like here like about there right I think that would be good I skinny ass but still still some so we go like right there and then I you’re like work making stair staircase which would go like right about [Music] there yeah and then I’m just go like this right that I mean that I guess that’s [Music] good sinus infection I don’t think it’s that bro I’m just like sneezing I’m just sing bro it’s I mean it literally just happened like literally maybe like 20 30 minutes ago I mean it literally like started like 20 30 minutes ago so it’s just like I’ve very much how I got sience infection just like you know two couple minutes ago you [Music] know okay so you’re already in here right are you are you like finally working on your little little like U I guess what is it house property not even sure what you got build up [Music] now [Music] so very much just like an infection I’m fine it’s just obviously it’s just bothering my uh my nose a little bit but I’m pretty sure that’s just mostly because I like I wouldn’t got rid of my hairs today like my nose hairs I chopped all those down so it’s just right now there’s a bunch of like you know of small hairs in there that are probably just causing it to like you know a little bit um have you guys like ever I mean guess when you start getting like you know those hair you just kind of get rid of him and then basically kind of just affects it so Bic makes it so you start little the tingly in there and um basically C like just sneeze a lot so I’m pretty sure like all the con constant sneezing is just cost my nose to like which is fine like it’s just not something like you know I’m not gonna have this tomorrow basically that makes sense I’m not gonna have this tomorrow it’s just right now just trying to get used I mean right now it’s kind of it’s kind of going away away right now anyways I’m need like I need two I know how can I have a problem here H never like a huge boat right so I’m have a like problem here to uh see what the hell am I going to do this I got like you know make like little right here right and then I got like make the sails I I have like couple of those in the past but not great I I want to make it like look great for the town so what should I even like do I can’t go look at the picture right now because like my phone’s charging so can’t go and do that right now I’ll probably just like wait till later once my phone’s charged out pict be able to zoom in and do all that like add like light to this because it’s down here so that right now so far on the inside doesn’t like too bad Ian and work with but I mean eventually this boat looks looks good enough we’ll take we’ll put it over by my town like in the huge like Lake in the middle which hopefully looks good because if it doesn’t then we’re just get rid of it just keep it here or whatever damn I mean just just like just like think of how many players have been in the server think of how many times like we’ve reset like you know plots I’m sure like some of these have been like used like two or three times so yeah we’ve had like at least good amount of players on here actually you can’t even how would you even like you any idea thing that P you to your town kunker and kunker and shks now are G be allies that’s why that’s why we’re so close little can’t get okay wait here it looks decent but I think it’s all the stairs right yeah I went rebuild it CU that’s missing see didn’t add anything to this to this house I really don’t want I don’t m a lot because made basically I guess for what reason raccoon went and added a B Banner to it for whatever reason that’s our official Banner so where are you guys adding a B Banner is you going out of two cone where this like not even like theage for like our town go pick someone for this house as well and the other house right so how many houses do we have now okay so we okay so yeah we have a good amount you want to do the interior you you a night cranker the interior for like a t real quick or are you like working your town yeah that’s it’s not going to become DET that’s what you’re thinking and now I if you if you want you want to start doing that Qui tell right now I can go and kick your ass out of the town just trust me I have like a bunch people that want to join the town I told you guys like once you guys join my town you guys are uh locked in under contract I don’t want you guys like messing around with it or whatever you that’s that’s that’s what your guys’s properties are for that’s your guys’s Town that’s that’s up to you guys but this is my [ __ ] it’s like me going to your house right now calling it sharington that would that wouldn’t be cool would it come if I just like went over your town start your town property it’s now shark bro you wouldn’t be happy with that that’s why my ass off in this town you know got like a bunch of sexy here crer there’s there’s one like on Sharky city that you know it’s like really really good we should just copy that one there’s one that’s like you know really good on shy City like a really good one should just go over there and like copy it but I just like don’t want to go over to the world right now there’s one that’s like fire trust me there’s like one that’s like really really good I think we should just copy that one but I just like don’t know or I don’t want to go over to the world right now there there like two pict or two builds that I want to go ahead and like take pictures of in Char City right now so we can go ahead and do like do them I guess we could right crer what do you think hot air balloon and then like the one build I’m talking about it’s unfinish but like you know I want to go ahead and finish on this world what do you think should we go over Shar City and just like you can take a picture of the hot air balloon I can take picture of the build I mean we trust me cranker okay I’ll I’ll trust you but just let you know like the one that’s built there is like fire cuz I think some other I think dark build it I think it was dark like to put something here I just like don’t know what I just I don’t know what like I like actually put there you guys have like any ideas on like something I can just like you know put on here on the sides just start giving me suggestions you know I’ll I’ll listen to them like something like you know very small like right here benches yeah I was thinking like like kind of like that but trash bins there’s already like a couple of them like know the the back side of like you know builds I didn’t want like build this properly that the interior for the tavern um was like used to Bru there for the bottom side I of wish that L would have like never gotten rid of the in the Sharky Town world we we would just been able to go and copy off there I guess we can just like have him like like redo his interior gun here once he actually gets on you’ll join later Jake yeah no worries man how you doing how’s your day Jake and check things out I go to go and like check out really I’ll go check that here in a second I we have like a decent space right here for interior Dev but let’s go and just like make the uh go ah just for this up and then make that like one floor [Music] what I truly want to go ahead and do so I you know make it into a Tavern at some point I guess we can just like have Manning doing right getting Manning in here is like in here [Music] there we go crer good news your boy just got 500 bones 500 smoons from one of my investments just came through that’s good news okay I’m not not supressed now 500 smaron is not going to be bad I mean who’s going to complain about 500 right what what happened K yeah one of my investments just as well so yeah what do you need have like know decent what’s up you need like an or something I got to like put these somewhere have a little like I think there’s like some there [Music] I hope I didn’t lose that I think there was like 200 bucks in there bro [Music] [Music] on see not there I’m just like trying to figure this out col it think there’s where do they [Music] go I might so like damn you want I I used to have a a [Music] but damn it I just don’t know where this thing is this is not it so none here did I go and use that money by here think so no I think I might have just lost 200 bucks Bo just misplaced it I think there was still like 200 bucks in there want to say I’ll go and look for it later all right bye right have a night it’s going be like a bit [Music] worried uh I don’t know drer I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know hi Fenix how you doing man I really gota go pee right now for what reason I just really want to PE crap um yeah go ahead go for it to go try to join [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for I’m back sorry I just got to pee and then my mom gave me some coffee why is it not letting you join Fenix what is it saying by the way that’s like not not letting you join what is it saying I want to like let you [Music] join crer did you give up on the uh on the on the heart air balloon it didn’t look it didn’t look right I TP you where are you oh oh so you’re basically saying that you’re oh for for convenience you know you know you know our our policy racon you know our policy you know our policy man you know I’m not allowed to do that for you uh be right scroll down settings and then go to game settings okay and scroll down cem experimental cameras I do not see that no wow JP you can’t even make your own stone cutter what a lazy little bit anyways [ __ ] better have my money anyways C I was thinking about doing something different today like four fornite but I haven’t played fortnite in so many like in a weeks bro I feel like I’m going to be like hot hot cheeks [ __ ] I was going to make the GTA transition from so basically like you know you’re just like driving and then it goes from like like you know a city desert like in 22 seconds is that what you’re saying why don’t we just join Forge this conquer think about it we will be like the most powerful town of all time oh okay oh okay gotcha so what you’re saying is you’re trying to leech off my town by saying like yeah bro looks it’s kind of like it’s kind of like the same right and then it makes yours look a lot better and then look it makes mine look bad screw you kunker I’m joking I love you kunker what will we what would we do if we didn’t have kunker give up on life maybe who knows that’s we don’t need to worry about it because we have kunker right kunker tell me honestly you guys are being spoiled you guys have kunker the world would burn yes the burn the world would burn not they seriously add a thing crer where you can like the GTA transition they seriously add that b better have my [Music] money you [ __ ] anyways let’s go ahead and grief raccoon’s house raccoon I feel like griefing your house wait he not here was like right here oh you got off you got off that tur what I came over here I don’t know chat what do you guys think we should just for today or something I don’t know I mean we could and later sleep well my prince my king of copia King of the raccoons not the Rocket Raccoon not the cooler one but the one right underneath chat what what come what do you want me to do the world is closed I think I think it’s when you start the world like when you when you make like a brand new world then I [Music] think we’re going on taret City first to take pictures we going to shark C first I I know I know I mean no no one is we going to compare to shark [Music] okay so first things first that I was talking kind something like this uh okay hold on where’s my phone at charged okay so let me take pictures real quick first things first we can go ahead and do it right here and then where’s my controller here not drop it actually on the side there like really not really that much so okay we can just not worry about that and the hot air balloon creers this one right here take pictures pictures of this bad boy quier now take pictures of that bad boy right there now that is what I call a hot air blue first things first we have to the side just like that right there C that’s the shot right there boom and then a little bit like this right here right there no crer I don’t no but like but like you can still like do it as decoration my town is that the kingdom this is my uh city server that I used to like have I need to take pict like just for reference this us be like my city server anything else you need pict of cranker this hot air I’ll just like take a picture of this one real quick just for for reference as well I prefer to do do that the other ones no all right thank you TCH thank you [ __ ] better I have my money all right first things first why did the server go increase by 20 minutes there’s some dumbass like K or raccoon or there’s somebody here that’s like you know causing this world like expand a lot more than it should be I think con just like [ __ ] what I said just you see it went from it went from 687 to 79 so that’s 13 22 megabytes there’s some dumb ass here that’s r ruing things that’s like the most that it’s been increased in like a month or [Music] [Music] two crer I know but I’m not like doing your [ __ ] first I’m making a copy first [Music] so didn’t even work cranker [Music] [Music] game and then you set X experiments allity Creator custom biomes upcoming server Creator features MOJ experimental cameras [Music] just go and test it first before we go and do that let’s go and test it first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh you can start working on it now cranker it’s just you know better not lag and do all that [ __ ] because I mean it does say like you know it’s it’s quite probable that it does crash a lot I mean it’s just like a copy of it I mean it kind of like you know for me to play on a copy of it first but I mean I can just always turn this into like the actual like you know version of the world you should be fine by the way crer I’m not going to lie well okay so I mean cranker is not here con have you have you ever heard about the story of Disneyland girl have you Sean I know that you have Jake I know that I know you have JP I told you about this like story well I told you I was like eventually going to say it one day on stream right crer always heard like a million times you haven’t heard of it it’s my last previous like sort of relationship and I kind of just talk I just talked to now well I sent her a message because uh follow you follow me where crer what do you what do you want cranker yeah you’re in stream but what do you want me to you don’t you don’t need to be in stream you said you want to like do your own thing right you don’t need to like be in stream you want JP are you there [Music] I’ll tell the like act like no detailed long version of it good night shoters still here I don’t know I would I would do cranker this is just people are gonna like be in your town I would say like you need like bottom side like somewhere for example like somewhere like over here right right I would say like don’t do it my time necessarily because that would like make it kind of like cheap what I would do is make like a very like little tiny village like around over here here to me real quick cranker what I would do if I were you I would make a very small village right here that would like make would be basically like the entrance and then you can like make littley thing right here that says I go to the top side that would just add to it it would make it like a lot cooler but you would need like make small village down here but that would like TP you up to the uh to like your actual Village like doing it in my town would be that kind of like counterproductive train station dude I I think that’s a better that’s a better thing just because I mean in that way I kind of like feel like you’re not like because I mean think about it if you’re if you’re GNA like you know be like if the entrance to your town is going to be in my town don’t you think like that’s kind of like cheap like if we ever have like a war together right cranker I mean what what would be the difference between my town and your town that if that was like the case you know it would be it wouldn’t really be a difference it would just be like you know an extension of my town basically it wouldn’t be like you like there would be like no difference okay your sh town oh oopsy I mean crankers even if even if like we got into like a war together right it wouldn’t make sense for your players have to go through my town to get to yours right I think like the town thing is better better call if I have it would I wouldn’t look cooler to be honest I [Music] wouldn’t I mean I guess it out of my town I mean if crer I mean if we were both like you know in the agreement of like you know making your town an extension of my town and be like kind the same team then yeah that would make sense but like it if that’s not the case then it doesn’t it wouldn’t really make sense two separate teams even though like the it’s both in the same area you’re cool with that I mean if you’re cool with it I guess I’m cool with it it’s just you know it would just then it would be like you know you would need like name your town though like you know the Great Peak of shington like we did or like like how like I said the first time around at the same time but like allies I guess I guess that works I guess I don’t know all right then um if that’s the case then yeah just do at the train station then JP are are you in the Stream by the way J are you in the Stream damn it Mia you scared me although your left looks pretty cool not GNA lie damn it me you scared me you a scared the hell out of me okay I’ll tell the story then here you’re going to finally listen to by you can go ahead and go do your own thing because I’m about to tell that basically CR I just I just text the disand girl I just text her I don’t know something just took over my body and just text her just now it might be like a stupid decision but I I did so like you know they they’ve been want to hear the story I just keep another day another day another day so I guess today the day why I’ll let you cook crer so like listen to the story anyways so con and JP uh sharks last I guess last one I actually tried dating someone like properly right so this happened maybe like about a two let’s just say two years I was like a year and a half two years basically basically at the end of high school right and what happened was is like my high school has a tradition that every single person that graduates has the option to go ahead and like you know take a trip to Disneyland and this called grad Knight right um if you guys like at California area like most schools have it where they have like the option or like a a day where like you know for your graduation I I wouldn’t say graduation party but basically for your graduation visit you go to disend for like with with the school basically to like 2: a.m. or whatever because usually the parks close like at midnight but in this case basically basically they kind of close off the park for like graduation kids for one day right so it goes all the way up to 2 a.m. well ever since I entered that high school I knew about that trip and I was very very excited to actually go on this trip right um because I love Disneyland and you know haven’t you know at that time I haven’t like gone there in a while right I haven’t probably gone there maybe for I would say maybe like close to seven years or so right so you know I was really like know wanting to go so as soon as the tickets got released they were like you know close to like 200 bucks like 250 which included like transportation and everything like you know going to this and the park and all that right well I went immediately painted right I was like one of the first tickets sold because that’s how excited I was about this trip right well I didn’t go and ask any of my like you know like friend groups of like of them wanting to go just due to the fact that I expected everyone to like you know go bro out of like the 10 dudes that I us should like you know hang out with none of them said like yeah I’m going they either like had no money for it or like they couldn’t go right so I talked to uh some of the girls I used to hang out with um there was like some girls I would like hang out on the first per like you know when when I first got into High School uh there was like these girls I would just hang out with and I asked them like hey are you are you going to the Disneyland trip because you know my friends are not going so is there any way I can know s into your group and uh go with you guys and they were like oh we’re going to like you know in separate groups like you know one girl’s going to like one and then the other one’s like you know going to the other one so I was like okay um I I’ll just like hang out with either one of you guys it’s fine right and they were like yeah it’s okay with you know they were okay with it uh one of the French group I didn’t like recognize like anyone and the other one I did recognize a couple of girls right it was like five of us actually it was four of them and then I was the fifth one right well one of the girls that I was like you know planning on going with she went and got Co so she couldn’t go and then you know I was stuck with like the other girl that you know I was going with which you know the friend group of like four people right uh two of those girls I knew and it was my friend and then the other girl I didn’t I did not know but you know it was like about like two months before the trip that we were like I was like you know making sure that I had someone to go with so I made sure to go ahead and like ask her and all that and yeah she was cool with it and um I knew two of the girls that were like in in the actual like you know group so it was it was fine right it’s fine um well what ended up happening was is like when I was like going out of school with uh with my friend the other girl that I didn’t like know just like appeared and then she like you know she introduced us and that was the girl that I started like you know going out with because like you know we kind of just hang out for like maybe like 20 30 minutes outside of school for like a little bit just waiting for uh people to go pick us up no she had like her mom picking her up and then I had my mom picking me up and my friend right well what end up happening was is like my friend gets picked up but then know it was just like another girl and me stuck just talking um getting to like know each other and um like in the um going out of school right so we started talking she started following me on Instagram and you know we started planning things planning things out just like you know just talking about the PRP or whatever right well we eventually like started kind of like know talking like a lot a lot and you know we had like this one agreement right because like I we took her out for coffee at least like after school like one of her spots that she liked and um I took her out and then um you know she went hit me up with disagreement like hey he like you know you cuz I mean I was just like you know the Curtis thing was just for me to go ahead and pay for it right I just like did it immediately without like no hesitation right but then she told me like hey like you know after this like would you want like if like you know you pay for this one and I’ll pay for the next one and all this and all that and I was like yeah I’m cool with that um so that’s what happened right the next time she paid and the next day she we went we went out to like the cafeteria and school and like an ice stream and it was it was quite nice we got along 3 D well and for like the next two months like we started like you know going out before the trip and we kept talking about it and I just asked her like hey like I’ve already been there I know like you know quite a bit about the park like is there anything that you would like to go ahead and do because she’s never been so I was like yeah I’ll take care of you well basically I planned all this thing out for about two months right I learned about all the extra passes how to like not get in lines how to like avoid all the lines and get on basically every single ride possible and uh I took her I took her out to like a bunch of like you know coffees and like concerts and one concert but yeah you know and um by the way cranker I do not think that having a pressure plate is going to be like a good idea by the way actually he not even the stream missing I’ll tell like later actually I should probably tell him now um or is not fair because like if anyone’s going to be walking into the train station they’re GNA automatically kind of go accidentally towards this town um here can you go and tell tell C to come to stream real quick one of you guys um like GTA camera but hold on [Music] cranker this crer fin here too late no cranker not not not cranker because I don’t want it to be like right here because like if anybody just walks in right to like in here and just like okay I want to go over here to like know the thing they’re going to like accidentally step on your thing and it’s going like know teleport them and then they’re going to be they’re going to be like lost and then it’s going to be all screwed up I don’t want it like here right here is fine but like you know right here they’re going to be like okay let’s accidentally hits it and then screwed up I didn’t know that like you were doing it like right here I didn’t see you doing it just like know you went and put like in the wrong spot you should have thought of that you should have thought of that right here is fine right there and like put like a sign saying like you know to kunker [Music] town uh wait what do you want Galaxy why did kunker k kick you I don’t know anyways like I was saying right JP um um basically like you know for two months I ended up taking her to like a bunch of places and know our agreement only lasted for like about like two like dates I guess right she only like you know really paid for like one or two and then from there she like never paid for any other ones so I was like okay okay sure right like I I I was I wasn’t I wasn’t really like you know make trouble out of it right I just like okay that’s fine okay fine anyways long story I mean not I’m telling the long story here okay so basically what ended up happening was is we went out like a while then fin trip came through right went out and we finally went to well basically what ended up happening is like you know my bus got there like about I would say an hour early before like you know her us actually got there because we didn’t plan it all the way through right um so we didn’t get in the same bus because we weren’t like in the same class right she was in a different class I was in different class the same bus well I got there like about um an hour early or before her and obviously I didn’t go like you know none of the people that were in the group was there right so I just kind of hung out with this like one girl that just didn’t have anyone to go with I guess like she just got stuck by herself right a damn it I hate when people like leave their carts like that whoever’s doing that please stop anyways um we I get there like about like let’s say like 9:00 in the morning she only she gets there like around like 10: so I rode one of the rides which Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time with from my actual class have go with right so I went with her and you know we went one one ride she said yeah my are not here either so I was let’s just hop into this ride you know by they we get out of the ride it should be here right so you know we get out of the ride and I say goodbye to her and you know that’s where it goes right I finally go and meet up with the group which was like know five girls or four girls that I talk about than me right five somehow the group ended up like turning into a 12 group somehow which was weird I don’t like I don’t like meeting new people like that but okay right you’re not banned cone by the way you’re not banned um but basically like my whole plan was already kind of like set in place right so I wanted to be other Park we automatically got sent to like the one park that I didn’t want be in um so I basically kind of took the group and I said hey let’s go over to the first part because they CL well we’re supposed to like be at this park at 9 o’ so from 9 o’clock to like 2 o’clock in the morning we can just hang out in this park but you know basically like know the other one sooner than this one so to the other one to those VAR and come back so I again it out and the basic the five the four girls and myself go over to the park right and what it ended up happening was is the friend group got split up so three of the girls went to go shopping while me and the girl went over to the castle because she wanted to go and take pictures I would I would need to go like restart the entire servers to go invite you to I’ll tried inviting you but if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work um anyways um the girl and I going go to castle and just like take take pictures basically right well she’s all excited she’s all happy and crying whatever that and then um we go on like one of the rides right we all the like they get distracted basically us right so it’s just between me and her for rest of the day um we go and do that and yeah then that and what was it um everything kind of went smoothly until like you know like 4:00 in the afternoon so basically I go and like get these passes that L us like through the lines they cost extra money but I went ahead and get a for us anyways right I went and got her a pass I went got myself and we’re able to like skip through like most of the lines quite efficiently you have to pay extra for it but yeah it’s like you know well basically what ended up happening JP was that everything went smoothly until like you know 4:00 in the afternoon where we finally have to like you know go and sit through one of the rides right that was a little bit longer than what I expected right because she didn’t know that like you know Disneyland lines are like insane they take like somewhere like like an hour like two three hours for some of these rides right but we were able to skip through like most well this one we weren’t able to skip through uh but yeah B the whole idea is you have to go and schedule ride and be there like at a certain time well this one we didn’t have a pass for because like it was still on our cool down time right well she starts getting cranky and about like y I don’t want to like be here she’s s tired she’s like this that that that and you know I just saw like hey you know we have to time to go ahead get on this one ride and then from there we have to go to Splash Mountain so from there we go like while we were waiting in line we just like ran to the girl that I told you from like the beginning that was like girl that got stuck by herself right eventually she did find her but she told me like during that line like hey um my friend group all they wanted to do to take pictures and I wanted to be on the ride so I just kind of like them she fire herself but she told I ran out I ran out of money so I can’t eat so I was like oh damn well I was I was going to like take her to dinner W with us but like you know basically what ended up happening we got out of that ride because we had like another ride that was like more important scheduled so I just told her I just told her let’s get out of this ride we’ll go over to the other one which is more important it’s way better trust me um and I told like my other friend like hey just go and meet just there right put a dinner right because I like very I had this like very exclusive like dinner like Bic like planned out because this dinner was like little restaurant JY is like inside of one of thees I like but like the restaurant is like super expensive right uh but I was like I have money it’s my money I can go ahead and pay for it it’s fine um yeah it’s always something I I really wanted to do right so I CH her there and basically I told her just order whatever you want right she I’ve always wanted to try this dish she goes ERS like some like sandwich that was like or something I don’t know but it was like way too sweet right like she went took a bite of it and it’s like way too sweet I ordered myself like a really nice steak and like she like let me have a bite of her and I didn’t like it so I was just like not for me and then she starts eating my damn steak right well I guess that’s I mean I could have probably just asked the server to like you know just get rid of the sandwich and just like you know replace it for a steak I probably should have done that but like you know it’s something I just didn’t want to go and do right so basically I went um she starts eating my food so I was like okay I guess there’s nothing really I can do about that so I was like at least like I told her like at least go and take like that food that you didn’t eat to go like you know go and give it to friend that you know she she hasn’t even been able to eat today because yeah so I told her get go and then she does that right well she put in her backpack whatever so for the rest of the day we use more rides and um I was still kind of hungry but I was like whatever she kind of like mess with my little experience for that restaurant always wanted to try but she kind mess with that a little bit um we went a couple more rides and then she had IDE like hey I want to take some more pictures castle like well like already did that but she was like I want some more well for the P that I got as JP you were like able to get like U professional photographers around the entire park and take pictures of you high Force um yeah you were like able to get like professional photographers um the but they force you hopping on did you finally get like your your uh your plus so like basically at this point JP was like about like 8:30 at night right um and I go over to the castle like you know tell the guy like the photographer like hey can I you pictures of us at the castle and all this all that right she was sorry mate he was he didn’t say but like oh you know the fireworks getting ready to start after the fire after the fireworks like continue but like yeah we can’t right now and I was like hey man I’m part of like this like little gra night thing where like I have to be at at the other park at 9:00 right that was like the rule you have to be at the other park at 9:00 if not they don’t let you in and I was like hey I got like 30 minutes when this the fireworks starts like 9 o’ so I said like I can’t really know wait after the fireworks and they were like well let me go and speak to like the organizer or whatever right and they were like okay so what we can do is just take you to like this little reserved area on the side where you can like still see the castle you take take pictures there are you like you know do you want to do that I was like yeah sure no problem let’s do that so I go and like you know convince this guy to finally take pictures over like you know from a different like area home forces or Force crankers like currently working like GTA camera angle I’m not sure what he’s doing but yeah it’s something for like this town or whatever I like I went and work a little bit on my town here I’ll show you yeah JP basically like you know they took pictures of her and I at theast and all that so we went and got them but like at this point it was like already 8:45 we needed to be at the other park at 9:00 this is where at right um basally we have it’s already 8:45 and she want to do some shopping right and I was like hey they have to S shops over there right we go to the other par so like at least they don’t kick us out and she kind of just ignored me for like the next 15 20 minutes and it was already like alive and she was like still at the other par like shopping I was like Hey like like head over but she could part me um yeah I did this foring well basically like she just like IGN anyway she’s been buying that’s thing she been buying she just like wasted a bunch of time so we finally you know get over to the next part before we get to the gate you know my friend she just threw it like trash I like what did you do that for and she was like I don’t want to carry anymore I was like bro okay so yeah she made me pay she she made me pay like like $1 like restaurant bill just for her like just to throw basically it like 150 bucks or something like that it was it was stupid but yeah restaurants are quite expensive but yeah just for the two of us mind you um so yeah she threw away the food she care less and then you know we were already gate so like the the gate basically kind of was a little mad at me and I was like I’m sorry but it’s just let’s just the complications I kind of just like looked over at her and then kind lady like oh those complications she let me on by which was nice of her and then um basically she just over to the next Park and still shops and then goes and eats some more and I was like I’m still hungry she didn’t even like even offer me anything I was like okay this point I was like man I spent like most of my money already I had to go like my uh my like emergency like emergency credit yeah um I spend like more money there but yeah uh basically should went shopping par another like 30 minutes and didn’t even buy anything at again okay that’s stupid what are you doing Jake B we head over to the next bar it got to the point like I was just I was just like pissed off right I need to go and charge my phone so I had like my phone charger with me I was just like trying to find somewhere plug in every single voicey like oh yeah allowed to like plug into like the walls you want to char your phone you need to buy one portable chargers at our store that’s kind of like gay but okay I’ll go right so when bought one of those Char that were like about like 30 bucks scam yeah I go and buy one of those Chargers my phone was like at 8% or whatever right is that anyways basically what happened with JP is like at this point I was just like pissed off right I just wanted to go ahead and just charge my phone because like know the passes the maps everything were on my phone right hi Celtic but everything was like basically on my phone all the important stuff but she was like my phone’s slow too but she just wanted to take pictures with her phone that’s all she wanted to do I like well you can take pictures of my I just like send you later we need we need like our right she didn’t even buy a charer for herself she just used mine that I bought she just like grabbed it and just like boost that’s consider it okay that’s inconsiderate but okay um so yeah she took my charger and I was like I was just pissed off so I was like okay just keep the charger I went and texted my the friend that like you know got left by herself and I was like hey I got you food but she threw it away she was like no problem and I was like hey you want to go like ride a couple of rides she was like yeah very understand I would explain like the entire situation by force um I was charger rides right well finally like she went and like like my other friends or like other girls that like to be there right I to like why by myself travesty of the day she can just like see it in my eyes she like is it is that better because like I’m not sure like the mic is just like mess ing up again that’s what happened like yes like it happened earlier so that’s better okay good okay so basically what ended up happening is like the girl when like basically found my other friends and um I told her like I to go me with her like I I had like time she can just like see in my eyes right I mean I didn’t have a time right I like a pretty good day at Disneyland just like you know she was being very difficult but um you can see it in my eyes I don’t worry about it we just hang off for the rest my truck back and it was like kind of funny because girlfriend she kind of like wind fing like I to be honest bit like she just my friend I like better went a couple more R and the day ended but B entire time and it was just like so it was just bad I didn’t really tell her ever that like that she was being difficult because I kind just kept it to myself because you know she did she did say like you know her favorite memory of high school was like Disneyland so I just like never really told her about like know the difficult parts of it for being inconsiderate but yeah con the reason I didn’t answer because I could give a single [ __ ] about you being right now I’m telling the story okay I don’t need like I don’t need some can I Jo I don’t can you reach out the Ser just so I can shut you up I’ll reach out the Ser [Music] damn can’t even wait until I get oh great now it’s way too big save I got to get rid of something [Music] well you went you went and [ __ ] KCK cone out cranker so now now have to go and restart the [ __ ] server because you won’t shut the [ __ ] up about joining again uh Phoenix I had to go yeah I guess last time I tried going each that’s was a I went out with her a couple more times and just you can just see that she was just being goldish so I kind of sto talking I kind of sto talking to her after like a little while there you go Phoenix so you are pro adom right and then now he doesn’t even join course I go and reset the whole [ __ ] server and then he won’t even join here’s some food by the way I’ll give you a little tiny tour of the world all right go ahead and follow me all right I’ll you base first things first make sure you go like cart have like a little like mine cart set up here so you go ah and use like Get over to our town right this is just our my little like building but our little like Bas is like actually here so mine cart right if you this right here click on him and onart there you go just go a and put like the mine cart right here and just go on go on M all right there you go who’s on not not that many not many um they’re not necessarily mod they just like use creative yeah okay two for come on no I’m still like sney all right so yeah this is like our main basement but you might want to go and set your spawn point down by the way uh you might want to go and just set your spawn point down right here man so in case you die you can just respawn back with us okay so make sure you go ahead and do that first all right all right Phoenix sure you sp down uh yeah so of course you are going to like be doing your the little I told you you are hi how you doing a couple things cut out J but yeah there some iron and stick do that quick the rest going your so go and make some tools first make a little like sword to pickax and an Axe and then just like the rest go ahead for and then just yourself but you are going to be doing doing the town though right force and ever since JP I just haven’t really like to dating yeah she was kind of a you know um is he is is Fenix like even listening to me because like think he’s not really like so I just like don’t know if he’s like here here so I’m just going to go let let him cook um glitch if you can just goad and explain to him like you know he’s he’s going to get like a property if he just asks for it whenever he’s like ready to go ahead and build this house I’ll give him a property so he can actually like you know go and I guess Jake you can just take over right um yeah go just let him know like yeah Jake just let know like you know on go ahead and anyways check this out first like bman flash face where he’s like making cave just like his crib like like a like flash thing what is he working on bro he’s been playing all day I’m oh little bro working got little monitor set up here it cow that’s going to get that’s definitely get stolen by the way Sean I would just use like leather use leather armor because that’s going to get completely stolen uh just me Force because nobody else is [ __ ] do to like you know the the toal like C you haven’t done [ __ ] do shed anchor apparently wants to just like be allies probably like need help with the people that are actually accounts do [ __ ] [Music] [Music] for I don’t know so Forest do you like him man do you like men yet just like now that you’re military [Music] are you too many yet for you always been you going to go check out a girl I can I can show my boobs on stream two Force don’t think I can’t don’t think I can’t bro I have the power the will to do so who says I can’t too because whoever says I can’t dra sexist for real show my boobs on stream too right I got a good pair of [Music] knockers what I [Music] want [Music] [Music] can [Music] [Music] all right so that’s like um super impossible you made your own command well first of all like it activated like super early like it it activated super early like I was like near the spawn area and like the whole like camera just like turned my whole screen just turned like no black for like a [Music] second [Music] [Music] um [Music] that’s actually not bad it’s actually not [Music] bad actually I that’s that’s pretty good [Music] [Music] Burns cand I need like throw like a hoodie on you guys mind if I throw a hoodie on cuz for I’m freeing my nuts up I should do that cranker what do you think should I like buy like a hot tub and just like do like hot tub streams now I think I should do that honestly at this point Come viral that [ __ ] up you [Music] You Make My Dreams Come True by the wayer how you going to get back by the way quick question good question how’s it even how’s it gonna work or I going to do like right here I guess that works you make my dreams come [Music] true all right try it doesn’t even work doesn’t even [ __ ] work forgot to turn it on bro crer [ __ ] that up crer you you [ __ ] it up I can’t your they’re basically just going to like here and come back what you should do crank is just have like make make like a little requirement make a requirement of like where you’re to and off that’ be that’ be usually what I always do is just like come right here what I do is come right here and then just like jump off of my li should just make it a requirement having a like Jo CR you and you can just do [Music] [Music] that there you go see easy JP JP JP I want to tell you something you’re okay thank you thanks for your attention can you give me like 69,000 levels crer just like 6 69 420 I at least 169 [Music] crunky this [ __ ] don’t work fry because you’re a [ __ ] dumbass kunker that’s why let my dreams come true [Music] does it work now can I finally test it can be can be like your life subject thing good down is it good can I try it can I try it crer can I try it can I try it he crer I want to try it crer crer I want to try it crer crer I cry to restart [ __ ] you have a job now what’s your job Jake what is your job how far could this thing like take you I’m just wondering how far can like it actually take you what kind of assistant are you bro to the new players all right I I respect I respect the side side gig okay so I mean it will take you over to like first of all who [Music] the Mr cat’s bed oh we’re going to go just get rid of this because as you guys know what was the rule boys what was the rule you have to build the properties property that’s what you [ __ ] at boys not whatever you not whatever you want right in the [ __ ] properties okay M so this [ __ ] no no okay this is not good okay this is the biggest piece of do okay boys where did you guys build that CH where do you guys build that the tra all right M I was very very build in the fuing you get your own [ __ ] you can make a house no I build here I’m build there no no no no no that’s not it works okay so no trar catches that [ __ ] boom destroyed and then I don’t want to hear the [ __ ] of like oh and someone broke my house I didn’t follow the [ __ ] Tru and someone broke my house no I didn’t know shark not my fault man not very much my fault no it is your fault [ __ ] I told you no [ __ ] building unless it’s in your property mate you [ __ ] what M I am very clear about that [ __ ] that’s sh [ __ ] playing around on this big game big dick okay I don’t want to hear this I don’t want to hear I don’t know I didn’t know I didn’t know right I don’t want to hear that [ __ ] okay I want to hear my bad trick I’m the mess okay that’s what I expect okay because this this right here boys this this right here is a [ __ ] okay the cat very much a lot of [ __ ] not allowed to build anywhere except the [ __ ] properties very specific very [ __ ] specific a very very very very very very very very very very very very very [ __ ] where build come back he going to come back there I [ __ ] broke it man what you gonna do about it what you gonna do about you gonna do [ __ ] [ __ ] not going to do a single [ __ ] right would you agree J [Music] yeah look at the though a bunch of free Oak I’m joking I’m joking like a flame [Music] [Music] burn [Music] anyways chat am I very [ __ ] clear about where the buildt very very very very [ __ ] clear right very very specific build in the is might very clear very very show [Music] all right now I just got to go in like I guess go and bring all the the loot over from that one build and just like bring it over here and just kind of just donate it I guess [Music] I I want like more like all right and then I got other stuff hi Ola you g tell me a poem all right give me your poem give me your phone hit me with it let’s hear [Music] it all right hit me with your poem I want to hear got that poem r [Music] here we go almost coming [Music] up so what’s your poem then Ola I’m still waiting okay I guess he’s just just kind of just like gave up on the phone bro okay I respect it is that a about marijuana is it you don’t have to lie with the truth is it a pH about marijuana Mar they’re good good they good good [Music] stuff loveen like the love of nature be littleit mer one right Taste of see iir I get that right get out the way okay there you go okay where’s the spruce right here put that there the oak put this Oak stuff in here all right there we go and then uh going put this here the furnaces and then yeah okay there we go I mean oh wait I still got a bunch of food I can like and a little bit of in there all right King Jake sorry thank you is he going to follow me or not I know but he not following [Music] me how’s the server um your cake shop is look like a wall so yeah but I’ve been cooking in my town though my town look sexy My Town looks real sexy kind like me and we have we have players for but okay like another I’m G to show you my on right I’m G FX on you you ready I’m G Flex on your [ __ ] S I want to like build up like a bunch of things that makes Ser look a lot more sexier okay you ready you ready to see it I’m just going to put this in my my netherite or my my my Ender thingy so first things first right I would have made like a little train station and you might be thinking wow a train station that’s it a bro it’s a train station it’s a real a real sexy thing it’s a huge mono right you can see it right here it’s a huge mono basically this thing takes you from the spawn area to the beacon right directly to it wa I guess go back and forth but goes all the way through like you know area to the spawn location right I went and build up one sexy ass train station right so this takes you all the way through right directly through it and then you have you know my little like uh my train station up here no check it out I got little train station looks sexy right train station right here boom so it’s there CR like you know currently working on some commands right but you know you got this little transition that will take you over here we can talk to this like little like mon conductor and he’ll ask you like if you want a uh mine cart you just say yes and he’ll get little mine cart you here go right your SE here no you’re not anyways you got like this little like transition thing right I finally finished out that build right the interior’s not done yet but you know build is done on the outside it looks sexy right and then um Sean went like you know put like a bunch of like decorations so like we have like you know trash bins now garbage bags all the good stuff where Els with fire and stuff like that so yeah we have that and then if you keep going straight uh you’ll see that I added a neighborhood right so I got like neighborhood dra now I built this house I want say like yesterday this house nice little nice little house small right I’ve been making like all these houses like very small you got a little walking Closet Storage nice little like thing I’ve been making them like super small because the interior is so much nicer when the house kind of small but I mean you go you kind of like go up the stairs like you know you see like another house this one I built like the same day I want to say I said same thing very but Interiors are quite nice so yeah you have that going on and I think these were like the two first houses that I built for people these are already taken by con and raccoon same thing like I said very small interior but you and the last pretty nice and I got like raccoons that I would this was like one of the first St I built for the uh for the town same thing you know it’s quite basic but nice quite nice and then uh today I actually oh I finally went and built my house as well on the server I’m no longer homeless now so there’s that um there was like this very old Ser that we used to like you know play on right and I wouldn’t like rebuil like one of my houses that I had on that server because like everyone loved that one house it was like my house for that server but I wouldn’t like rebuil it anyways I buil this today another house that’s by m M’s house same thing quite basic but but nice they’re all kind like the same interior but just like a little bit different I still got work on my interior but basically like my house be like right here right so it’s like I like make a little like little this road to it here’s my crib quite big quite sexy that’s two or three floors the basement I still Haven like no interior on it it’s just I’m way too lazy but I mean basement right here floor master bedroom I still build but house is basically built nonetheless you got asked to be someone’s Valentine then you said yes right you want you want to be my Valentine’s watch I’m I’m about to R you you want to be more Valentine I built that so yeah got that going um yep that’s basically know that’s it for my town town he’s Curr there basically to kunker town does it work now there you go now you have you know cranker St that’s like at the top side of this mountain and he’s got like a little like a little village that he’s working on making that’s like a little like biking town that he’s working on but this is kunker to he has like his own little like thing gone he’s got like Viking thing so D respect to grind he’s still working on his town but it’s quite small still nice so yeah It’s Kind like you know that’s kind of like the main stuff it’s gorgeous nice nice for you on you [Music] from checking my my email so it’s strong doing [Music] it first of all not bad not bad at all this going to be like shot little town this this build’s not bad at all right finger I mean it could use more details when it comes to like the roof but not bad ooh I like the interior oh okay okay did you go name one of these horses Cas out how I get out of here was to okay okay okay I guess any looks nice I guess you can just take over this area Al I would do Sean is CH the trap doors it just looks weird against it it a lot back so right it looks better I mean I know might come back on your interior a little bit but looks a little bit better I have the S but I don’t weird and know where Celtic we just obviously I’m not sure if you saw but we’ve been working like a lot in our town and things are like looking good I’m starting getting better interior work which is nice but I still got got like a lot to do how’s your server going by the way Celtic I mean I know that your I still like here just here existing I guess your stuff is still somewhat here just like no was here destroyed [Music] completely CL yet have you [Laughter] bro this nose is like bothering me like way too much now it’s like this like I would say the entire scen i l like when cleaned up my room though a barn on your roof it’s actually well like a barn roof it’s not bad hi SRA is your nose stopped by what yes it’s just like what’s the other wood type cone no s it’s just like it’s been like I went like I think it’s what I think what it is SRA is ever since I went like cleaned up my nose no what I mean by that is like I got like my little like little like hair trimmer nose hair trimmer where I just like you know just pop it in there and it just like Cuts up the hair um so like you know just you know you don’t have like no really long nose hairs but I think I might have like overdid it to the point that there’s like very like very small hairs in there that are kind of you know tickling a little bit which makes me Snee and you know it’s basically causing it for me to sneeze and then once I sneeze my hair my nose get all clogged up like you know with boogers crap like this and it just makes me feel like you know yeah you know I think that’s what it is but yeah that’s I think that’s what it is here but good good news is here like you know I’ve been working a little bit on my town so there’s that that wait hold [Music] [Music] on sure keep nice oh damn by the all stars I just feel like I feel I’m not sick but it’s just thank you glitch I mean you can how many times have you said like bless today glitch right tell SI like which just like really bother me right now I don’t know why but all s there’s no Ip Man you have to just join through uh through an invite because we on Bedrock Edition all you have to do is point user in the chat and Bally add me as a friend I’ll add you back you can just join from there oh yeah anyways here I went and build this house I been like at Le trying to like do like at least one build a day for like my town is’s house right here same thing like small decent house small small Comfort house so yeah I don’t need 12 going like in the uh tree [Music] farm so yeah Al that’s that’s how you join man how was your day s how’s your day [Music] I’m want to play guitar a little bit [Music] [Music] lie I I really want to right now so you guys are getting guitar like it or not po okay good [Music] for tell your siblings that I hate them every single one of them I’m joking Sarah cing I’m not I’m joking okay I love you guys I think you know [Music] I’m so all stars there’s like no IP for the server basically we’re playing on bedro condition so um all you have to do is just add me as a friend in order to join uh just go ahead and add me as a friend so if you do XM Point user in the chat you can get my usern from there just go ahead and add me I’ll add you back and you can just join from there but uh Sierra siblings as you guys said do me one favor s make sure you guys some water at her while she’s sleeping that’s number one number two I want to make sure that even though you guys are watching me I still want you guys to touch grass talk girls and ho and make sure you guys are not goinging this valentin’s okay [Music] are you J people good good well then get more then get more hose then more host never [Music] hurt hi Nicholas how you doing dude haven’t talked to you like a little while how you [Music] been so yeah all star that’s basically how you join just go ahead and add me as a friend [Music] [Music] [Music] thinky you do realize this like a one you do realize this is like a like a one hit like block right like here like you give the most like op thing in the server you do realize that right like basically if you like know just go into like any person like one C they basically just like die you do realize that right here I’ll show you real quick J just I’ll give it I’ll give it back to you Jake Jake it’s like the most like rare item ever that’s why it’s like you know it one Taps everyone yeah it’s like an OP block here come over here I I’ll give it back to you because technically I mean you found it [Music] just go on the train and on my you over [Music] there it is basically you can just like go up to like any player and just like them yeah even like mobs yeah like like I’ve used this block before it’s like one typ [Music] dragon I’ve one Dragon before yeah just come over here I’ll show you real quick yeah I mean you can yeah like a warden One Tap here check check it out bro here check it out check it out bro check it out wait what the [Music] hell take away my belly so I get anyone someone turn on fire fire turn on not let me is this man creative this man’s cheating bro um oh there you go it worked see told [Music] you see bro easy easy claps you can win any fight now Nicholas I wouldn’t like you to work on my town so like it looks a lot better now [Music] [Music] yeah here you here Jake just test it out bro check it out just test it out here here yeah you can you can have the you can have the block here what look I’ll let you like test out the power of it okay you ready you ready for it here I I’ll I’ll let you like test it out you can basically just like one tap like you know here you go here test it out real quick okay I I’ll let you like uh I’ll let you like use it here check it out there you go one tap it bro one tap it you got it you got it bro one tap it one tap it you got you yo Jake bro you got got this bro CH got you got this [Applause] fam bro easy claps the one tap Jake One Tap bro Jak I Lally just told you that I literally just showed you one bro Jake come on man [Applause] it doesn’t work I L just show you that it works what do you what do you mean it doesn’t [Music] work right here right right right here it’s like the r BL like it one Taps like any enemy maybe maybe that Warmness glitched out here let’s let’s let’s let’s spawn in two that one just like one time you’re using it wrong bro you should be a to just like one tap all these guys [Applause] bro yeah you can just one tap them bro it’s easy like you here I could spawn in like five and and you would be you would be [Applause] [Applause] fine [Applause] we got to throw the block at them bro you’re not you’re using it bro how are you done with like the most OP block ever Jake there you go okay now it’s starting to [Applause] work wait how you like not what one happen though I’m not goingon to lie Jake you kind of suck at that block bro I spawn it in going to do a giveaway one Warden egg you kind of suck at that Jake I’m not going to [Music] [Music] lie Jake I’m not going to lie bro like I’m not I’m kind of disappointed in you Jake I mean you had that bro it’s like a one tap I mean I literally showed you it’s a one tap I one tapped you even with like you know full armor and you know you didn’t believe me here most rare block ever I mean the broken like not even figured it up holy crap bro who’s like not letting me be me who wants who wants some heat want some heat bro I’m sure not even sure I let little bro cook but he just like he just failed so I mean there’s not really much I can do about that you know I’ll let him cook with an unknown [Music] block it’s c r a Sierra how are they getting it wrong how are they getting it wrong it’s c a c e e a Sean come down from the tree come down come down from that [Music] tree by out what did went destroy your house this here don’t ask me what it is anyways like that cow I’m like this like that like oh like this I don’t know what this is I don’t even know what this is you just made it I don’t know where it is you go here my secret [Music] base Sean how do I get out Sean Sean Sean Sean pretty good view you got there didn’t you say you’re G like go and fall asleep in station wasn’t that plan wasn’t that your plan in station Sean your forehead is bigger than the sub [Music] goal have you tried drug [Music] Sania don’t [Music] what a crunker stupidos here and force this even more stupid well then fall asleep in station it’s not that hard just count to three one 2 [Music] [Music] three [Music] there you go rut forut forut for not I think is a ghost you know any is just Ania my [Music] God save me I am F blood is on my hands tonight you can be my [Music] goodbye go see to a place where shut up [Music] Sarah okay so JP you don’t play fortnite Adam not here SE yeah con yeah galaxy maybe Sean nut are you guys are you [Music] guys so fortnite right forn fortn fortn fortnut everyone fortnite fortnut fortnut everyone everyone fortnut fortnut fortnut fortnite fortnite I know con this is like the part that you say like oh bro you know you guys are not playing Minecraft anymore okay I’m GNA go to sleep there’s a little heart button yes hit that heart button I’m not sure what it is for but hit that hit that nut button everyone everyone everyone fort fort fortt fort fort fort [Music] everyone everyone fort fort fort for yes yes we already know we already know like you guys are playing fortnite I’m going to we know we know anyways you take to place where we canot to place where n are almost Galaxy the key word there is SRA once you’re left screw your cats anyways can you take place anyways let’s put forn ra a nut tonight [Music] ninja turt that’s is kind of fire Creator code what no it’s Sharky Sharky B the item shop wow JP that’s so racist of you [Music] so they added like an anime character bro nice I’m not going to lie bro this skid is lovely what bro what is this no absolutely no bro if you wear that skin you’re getting shot bro instant what’s wrong with her face bro there’s something wrong with her face you’re instantly getting shot with that skin anyways who’s joining shut up Sean get in the game who’s joining boys can you take me high to all placeo wait you guys are not joining bro I thought you guys were joining glitch and like Nicholas and like everyone can you take me to the place you guys not joining I thought you guys G to join me bro you guys I’m sure going to join I was like but okay so how do I do this CL pages right can I afford these you need 500 levels how is that another 200 levels right can I get that by the by the end of thingy you get school so what school’s for little [ __ ] anyways I’m joking I’m joking well so basically what you’re saying in aaia is they gonna leave s uh SRA I’m sing Creed High the Super Bowl a really me song right now wow you guys are both bed here you guys like you know night and then basically just leave me right away it’s kind of gay kind of G I’m playing Sean won’t join me Ania is Gonna Keep Me muted cranker left glitch left you bunch of [ __ ] you mean like that I would play but you you have no mice you don’t need [ __ ] nice to play this who’s Brian oh oh oh oh oh wait hold on hold on pause how dare you shark you guys are both leaving me I get to call you little B you know anyways Brian is his boyfriend so let’s play with him all right G I got you hey pal best friend lover my Valentine my buddy my best friend of all time that is actually going to no I like I like to play video games without [ __ ] streaming you know why because I love playing video ging is defitely I play video games oh what gives you that anyways you want to be by Valentine’s [ __ ] you coner quit quit baby is your boyfriend who who the [ __ ] Brian sounds like a little [ __ ] got [ __ ] against me anyways haven’t played fortnite likeing weeks so we’re going to play on uh Platinum that’s easy bro easy Clips all right run it I haven’t played fortnite in like four weeks so I can I definitely run it you ready kunker your fridge is about to explode oh wait like the the mini one she have you put like a C4 in there I ain’t no birch tree I’ll friend you and then have to get off this going to be your epic I’ll you can I’ll just like add you and then you can just like anyways I little [ __ ] just that fortnite because tired of Minecraft right they were like oh you don’t want to play yeah I you [ __ ] like to join right they like left I was Town looks I things to it so looks [Music] like Cranker’s right there Hi tell them crer I force I’m playing with a bunch of little [ __ ] by I’m not even hitting my shots in the [ __ ] public in the lob so yeah need carry I head for 69 for you will love your best friend for would definitely be for you is join the mar way oh for is like you but any good you’re still on top on top anyways kunker was saying right crer story crer like apparently Rand Snapchat girl talk snaps and and then like bler no idea pranker might be gay pranker you gay that makes sense Bo picture blocked it’s not a dick first of all holy [ __ ] bro these these guys are like know exactly what to do and like but on top hey dead [ __ ] I got this okay he’s climbing up I got him weak but I got him weak for you bro oh wait this another oh wait that was another guy I had like a shot on him cracked him a [ __ ] I got him now you screen BL quit s you’re weirdo [ __ ] weird oh [ __ ] I didn’t have any [ __ ] bullets but like I just panicked and shot you got so bad you added to this bank bank quit set this like so it bro he said set he said set on Discord she she’s like 11 he said it’s even better we’re going to get a dub right quit yeah quit quit quit say doesn’t matter quick just you don’t I have a med kit for you I just realized just grab for you send it over I mean if you like do that that’s up to you remember you get in trouble like locked up one shot M air no that’s my back to North 344 the [ __ ] place just4 he Harding sh he just like he just aiming he’s not really like shooting oh he was pretending like be frozen or some [ __ ] I I was nah playing that [ __ ] safe what is this oh don’t please don’t tell me that’s [ __ ] like something like um lucky what is that I don’t know what that is Brey Brey Hill not sure what that is [Music] uh says he doesn’t know what that is he’s not listen to your stupid it’s a person no we don’t know who are you roting for for the Super Bowl way I hear your dog is he a [ __ ] are they actually like on you on you oh no they’re shooting at [Music] me 170 like right here bro hly not playing for like weeks where’d he go got it white girl with a fat ass I am white ass that is right better recognize bro big tits well honestly if I [ __ ] like like 10,000 Subs like people already call me cute bro now imagine if I was a easy claps I don’t have to tell people that you know just like delete all my R like my videos like everything bro just like restart as a girl in a week bro I’ll become I I become bigger than what I actually currently have no would do that oh 100% have you’re the train right now thanks me for popping into the the wrong moment cash yeah yeah talk about military brange I was like bro like wait someone’s rebooting yeah I was on Force bro like n times out of 10 the military is like always okay always like know come on gay holy [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] on people today oh crap oh crap I’m getting [ __ ] lasered I got heals he I doesn’t have any [ __ ] heals I shot him like midair bro and [ __ ] him up any I’m backing out of that fight for for now because I got to heal I mean I’ll try to like send some shots in for you but crack him weak three shots two of them by the way the other one [ __ ] sucks sorry weak I I’m weak as [ __ ] are you good knocked him bro why the why the [ __ ] am I playing better when I just like don’t play at all and then when I actually like you know play every single [ __ ] day suck ass there you go oh we got people pushing this again oh [ __ ] I I canot edit right now thanks [Music] push oh wait [ __ ] I canel just it out [ __ ] he got [Music] knocked the [ __ ] [ __ ] I got of the car there’s a car in my screen there’s a car in my screen what the [ __ ] look at my screen I expected worse to be honest I expect us to be the first team out so I’ll take it the car is there bro there was a car there [Music] okay so Becky because there is a car there oh yeah 100% your call what do you want to do [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think about the Apple verion [Music] Pro the the new like VR yeah D I think it’s legendary that you can goe like you know just like [ __ ] on the moon have you seen that like people just like go on their toilets start taking like a deep fat [ __ ] but like they just like turn into like the moon dude you can be on the [ __ ] Moon while taking a [ __ ] though it’s but it’s like four grand it’s four grand for like a varar thing to make you like [ __ ] on the Moon I mean if that thing was like a a grand I would get it like four yeah the car was I mean quit on quit skin screen the car was not there I have no [Music] audio I might need to like restart my [ __ ] by the way are you like home now M or what’s [Music] up no M Mia is like [Music] uh yeah [Music] yeah I talked to I talked to ex [Music] yesterday her okay so it’s the little it’s not the cousin it’s the um brother-in-law no no no I mean the little brother-in-law that’s like the one that’s playing on the account he joined like my world so I texted like X saying like okay I would like to for like formally U complain about a small individual using your account he he call me the NW multiple times and I feel very that’s what I said to her and like no I talk I thought it was so I just like invited then you know small speaker starts talking oh so what’s your backup plan now M uh by the way quits or uh cranker asks quits what’s your thoughts on kan’s new album [Music] I think bro like bro is definitely not [Music] one bro him l he just looks like just like a girl like spent like a 3 months in the jungle and then like came out yeah that’s what he looks like you like I’m not sure you saw but like on the Super Bowl like commcial and it was just like a video where look ad so let’s go to yeezy.com and buy some shoes it was just him like truck like talking no well I’m sure that there is but like not in my area right now like [ __ ] and never ranked bro and this week it’s like okay the whole city sped there’s [ __ ] snow in the mountain bro there’s never snow here we have snow dude there’s like snow like 15 20 miles away from the beach like what the [ __ ] Shooters is like a professional like Cali hater like as soon as he come he probably wish from all the fat asses are here though bro what if you go to Texas bro sure well that’s Texas Lally every person ever bro have you seen like the [ __ ] Barbecue Road houses no bro oh yeah definitely yeah but I mean they’re pretty cute though what’s wrong with that oh where’s brick shorts wait you’re talking about like like gangster bro that’s like an LA bro that’s just [Music] La when until you like you go to like San Diego STI you like just drive down the street bro you just like stay there and just not leave like every every girl just like walking in bikinis you did it wrong nice so you were supposed to like TI me like 100 bucks [Music] right l we’re playing we’re kicking ass right anybody got on us bro we just literally got like three CS now one [Music] game I mean I can take you the G neighborhood it’s called the hill crust we can like try to turn you and [ __ ] for saying like homophobic I’m like bro like like 80% of you’re gay like being in the locker rooms with like naked dudes and just like hugging each other out while naked right like you always like see all these marines they’re like oh yeah homophobic like they’re like very and all that and then like they go to military they like okay they cannot hear you now I’m sucking it I don’t mind I I honestly don’t care I I don’t hate them I mean I’ve had like really bad experiences with them right because like yeah and then they send me like you know unsolicited videos and uh yeah yeah there was this one time bro that I was like I I was like really struggling to like you know get this like test done right because test that was like very dependent on my my grade so like you know I the older like people school because like you know I was part of the music program or whatever and I was just like hang out with like older people I mean I was like you know just fresh you know I was saying and um I had very hard test that was really important so I was like okay let me just ask one of the dudes that like are kind of intelligent like know hard done that [ __ ] right yeah he was but I mean he was just like I want return I was like you want whatever you want I don’t care right yeah and that’s what that’s what you wanted yeah it’s like yeah no yeah bro right L like n fam no bro I no bro I I completely just like [ __ ] bro I’m [ __ ] not no yeah I just like yeah bro that way I’m out thanks I like d in Us by way there’s dudes in front of us watch We’re I don’t us through this because we I’m guessing fuing Vault right probably Vault I just heard someone [ __ ] grapple okay underneath me underneath US 60 a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] L like I was saying bro we’re kicking some ass but sh up Force nobody love you yeah probably me I just like you know said like the he the train was just like no not working so so like I was saying we’re King some ass I got 1% shut up course not good at the game I end up liking men like one or actual actual [Music] enough coule months longest I’ve been with one was like two years but like yeah nowadays I just kind of like to the tap and fun tap and go kind of [ __ ] you know I mean it’s better like you don’t know move on and just like not go pay for yeah and OG SK we I’m playing with OG quits OG skin Bro [ __ ] start using p [Music] Griffin nah bro cranker like s like free everyone if you just ask cranker bro he he set up like a Minecraft shop right like he was like selling just like a bunch of like know sex toys or whatever bro he was selling feed picks right for like two emeralds like you can probably like the thing is bro like he’s just he usually like post on the chat or Discord the thing is BR looks like look like a start them out than oh what happened like are sck [ __ ] right Shield nerd [ __ ] so like I mean when when that happens at least I right so so I mean like quits basically what quit is saying is like you know if you want to see some dick he’ll send it you know you know how you like you love dick right Force qu delivers Force yo Force what’s your Snapchat bro oh are you on fun no sub looking [Music] ass have you have you even like no for real though like you go and ask girls like hey why you take news and like I don’t know I just wanted to see myself that’s so much [ __ ] lies no no no no I mean like IRL you go and like ask girls like like I just wanted to see myself yeah bike out a cloud oh yeah we know Nock screenshot your face no did you you [ __ ] idiot God bro you’re going to end up in the streets of conton you are yeah that’s why you work from that’s why you work from home now your employer said you’re you’re get a good employee but start e drugs see like e that would be shot you has a virus the first [Music] r version of open opening of your cring coat [Music] version saying you’re your own you’re not emphasizing on that that just like this the worst like no I for 18 by the way know how it is what you do wait you’re not going to let your boy in yeah but like you know you can share we can I can expand the business but what are we doing here collab you know I put mine next to yours and then you know take a picture I can I mean just like he’s trying to me to wear a monkey I got by the way what is that Miss we almost killed him let me check I gu quite a bit shark are you the bo what [ __ ] I’m like PL or like like bronze bro silver I think shark are you the Border because I can’t get over you [Music] coner Conker Conker you [Music] [Music] gay she your [Music] [Music] you want to play what not [ __ ] great bro an e e gang banger me I just take something I don’t [Music] know are you a cracker this YouTube with big dick big dick quits big dick quack your dick good good night MH you had or she had add me add me to it add me to it y yeah I be to a bra I’ll start like a I just had you see do again yo kunker got his Force Expos TR we got another one of jer’s host oh the community dick was talking don’t ask but just was think you need to find change change honestly like this is not a bad thing tell okay you like up I would I would at this point like I’ll be like hey try to special yes you are the only one who I swear they’re ly bro you and I had something special there was a connection they ask who you talking to ask did you get stuck on your teeth there’s for course I’m playing fortnite I’m play fornite bro you think I play that wait do you like it or dry um I like I like try um I like concrete for Force are are you there in oh yeah dick here ah he hear that [ __ ] never go to Disneyland bro I’m like we can go in like you know small world bro hold hands bro go on roller coaster for said said for said yes to it like 100 time bro sent it to him broed that’s that’s that’s the best part just say just say hey say I’m part of Sharky server I got you he pulling up on you by the way hey for me to give you some ideas for your build uh we got to get here what are you making fun of silver it’s kind of races bro I think I think are you over the age of 18 though so there you go you’re fine wait bro you were racist when you were like [ __ ] like 14 Never Back Down bro it’s good [Music] times I quit I love you uh [Music] here think it’s a s to cranker while you’re at it

This video, titled ‘(JOIN ME) CUSTOM SMP WORLD !user !socials’, was uploaded by MX Sharkbait on 2024-02-13 07:25:41. It has garnered 61 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 06:13:44 or 22424 seconds.


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  • Oak House Craft: Minecraft’s Modern Marvel

    Oak House Craft: Minecraft's Modern Marvel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting a stunning oak modern house that’s alive. With luxury and style, we’re building with care, Every block in its place, a masterpiece to share. Subscribe for more, don’t miss a beat, Join us on this journey, it’s a Minecraft feat. From the foundation to the roof so high, We’re creating a home that will make you sigh. So grab your pickaxe, your shovel, your wood, Let’s build together, it’ll be all good. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true, We’re constructing a house that’s perfect for you…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gold/XP Farm – 1M/HR!

    Insane Minecraft Gold/XP Farm - 1M/HR! The Ultimate Minecraft Gold/XP Farm Tutorial Introduction In this tutorial, players will learn how to create a super-fast, efficient, and monster XP & Gold farm in Minecraft. This farm is based on a portal system and can produce an impressive +1100 to +2200 Gold Blocks per hour, depending on your looting level and the number of layers you build. Farm Details – Farm Performance: +1100 to +2200 Gold Blocks per hour – Farm Mode: Fully Automatic – Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 – Platforms: Java Edition (Supported), Bedrock Edition (Not Supported) Important Notes – This farm does not work on… Read More

  • Controlling My Direction in Minecraft AMA

    Controlling My Direction in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: Take Control of Your Direction 🧭 Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players have the power to control their own direction and create endless possibilities. In this virtual sandbox game, creativity knows no bounds as you explore, build, and survive in a blocky universe. Features of Minecraft With its open-world concept, Minecraft offers a variety of features to keep players engaged: Exploration: Discover vast landscapes, caves, and oceans filled with unique creatures and resources. Building: Use blocks to construct anything from simple houses to elaborate castles and redstone contraptions. Survival: Gather materials, craft tools, and fend off… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bridge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Bridge Tutorial Minecraft Automatic Bridge: A Game-Changing Feature Gamers, readers, listeners, explorers, and the YouTube family of WITH ASHISH, get ready for an exciting Minecraft feature – the automatic bridge! This channel offers a unique blend of gaming, education, narration, storytelling, guides, and tutorials. Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon for all the latest updates. Exploring Minecraft’s Automatic Bridge Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? The automatic bridge feature is here to revolutionize the way you navigate the game. Say goodbye to manual bridge-building and hello to seamless, automated bridge construction. Key… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a New Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a New Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and adventures? If so, you won’t want to miss the latest series featuring Steve, Herobrine, Alex, and more. In this thrilling episode, watch as Steve and Herobrine face off against shadow soldiers, open portals to other worlds, and embark on epic adventures. Experience the excitement and suspense as Steve fights off zombies, Alex searches for clues, and Herobrine comes to the rescue. With stunning animation and a captivating storyline, this series will keep you on the edge of your seat. Want to immerse yourself in a similar world of… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Conquer a New World with Night Dweller Ep.8

    Join Minewind: Conquer a New World with Night Dweller Ep.8 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “VINO A DOMINAR MI MUNDO 💀… Night Dweller Ep.8” that got us thinking about the excitement and passion that Minecraft can bring. The series “Night Dweller” explores the world of Minecraft mods, particularly those of a terrifying nature. The intense atmosphere and heart-pounding moments showcased in the video have reignited our love for Minecraft and sparked a curiosity to explore these mods ourselves. As we watched the player navigate through a world filled with eerie creatures and challenging encounters, we couldn’t help but feel the urge to… Read More

  • Bedwars Blitz: The Hive Player Types Unveiled

    Bedwars Blitz: The Hive Player Types Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, players unite, Each with their own style, shining bright. From the casual builder to the sweat-filled fighter, Every type of player, their skills tighter. The guy who plays just for fun, building a house so fine, Enjoying the game, taking their time. But then there’s the sweat, playing like a pro, Rushing mid, destroying beds in a single blow. The turret spammer, setting up defenses with glee, Protecting their bed, shouting “don’t touch my babies!” The trapper, setting traps with a sly grin, Waiting for their prey to fall right in. And let’s not… Read More

  • Crafty Match: Naughter7u7YT FF Minecraft Delight

    Crafty Match: Naughter7u7YT FF Minecraft Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Naughter7u7YT FF is the name of the dream. With updates and news, in rhymes they do share, Keeping the audience engaged, with a flair. From Skywars to gameplay, they cover it all, In English and Spanish, they stand tall. So subscribe and like, to stay in the loop, As Naughter7u7YT FF brings Minecraft to a new group. With a playful tone and a sharp wit, They narrate the game, bit by bit. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, And let Naughter7u7YT FF’s rhymes take wing. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Magic! 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

    Hot Minecraft Magic! 🔥😂 #shorts #meme “Maybe it was magic, or maybe it was just a really good cheat code in Minecraft. Either way, I’m not questioning it!” 😂 #magicminecraft #cheatcodemadness Read More

  • Crossing the Line: Minecraft Let’s Play EP3

    Crossing the Line: Minecraft Let's Play EP3 The Bridge | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP3 Building the Bridge In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, our intrepid player sets out to construct a bridge. Armed with ample wood resources, the building process begins. With precision and determination, the bridge takes shape, complete with sturdy supports and a visually appealing design. The final result is a testament to JaredH4’s building skills and creativity. Exploring New Horizons After completing the bridge, JaredH4 embarks on a journey of exploration. Venturing across the vast Minecraft world, a time-lapse sequence captures the beauty of the landscape as our player traverses… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video about understanding the roles of villagers in Minecraft survival mode. While the video was not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the incredible experiences awaiting players on Minewind. If you are looking for a vibrant and engaging Minecraft server to join, Minewind is the place to be. With a dynamic community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. To join the adventure, simply enter the Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start exploring the endless possibilities that… Read More

  • OP Wolf Armor Exposed

    OP Wolf Armor Exposed Minecraft’s Powerful Elements: Exploring the World of Wolf Armor End Crystal and Explosives In the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter various elements that can either aid or challenge their gameplay. The End Crystal, a powerful block that explodes when destroyed, can be a game-changer in battles. Combining it with TNT, players can create devastating explosions, with 1 TNT causing a significant impact and 2 TNT amplifying the destruction. Netherite Sword and Charged Creeper For combat enthusiasts, the Netherite sword stands out as a formidable weapon, offering increased durability and damage compared to other swords. Additionally, encountering a Charged… Read More

  • STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore – EPIC Adventure!

    STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore - EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl Poczatek’, was uploaded by Chrzestny on 2024-04-01 09:37:39. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:42 or 882 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n… Read More

  • 1000 Days as Ant-Man in Minecraft!

    1000 Days as Ant-Man in Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned into the jungle as Ant-Man everyone’s favorite size shifting superhero wao this is awesome I’ve always wanted to be able to shrink down really tiny hold on a minute why is my suit not working darn it I must be out of pin particles I wasn’t sure how I managed to get here or where here even was everything around me looked like it was normal but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right why isn’t my shrinking Tech working maybe there’s something I can do to fix it just then… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mind Blowing Minecraft Reality vs Real Life #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mind Blowing Minecraft Reality vs Real Life #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Reality vs Realistic Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by W2F PLAYZ on 2024-05-02 10:21:03. It has garnered 3072 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. A too realistic Minecraft video… this is Minecraft expectation vs reality! #minecraft #shorts #memes Don’t Forget To Subscribe Read More

  • Mind-blowing Nether portal hack 🤯 #Minecraft

    Mind-blowing Nether portal hack 🤯 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and BBE that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that me haven’t been the same since I EXP This video, titled ‘Nether portal… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Clutches at All Ages!” #minecraftclutch #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Clutches at All Ages!" #minecraftclutch #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft clutches at different ages #minecraft #minecraftseeds #minecraftclutch #viral #shorts#new’, was uploaded by Royal Gaming on 2024-04-26 14:40:02. It has garnered 1110 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft clutches at different ages Minecraft making ballon with tik tok hacks Minecraft but swimming gives op items Minecraft i have colour switch pc Minecraft surving 100 day in layer chunk with freinds Minecraft one block remasterd progreesing part 2 Minecraft mutants 1.20 ff shayari,shayari,free fire shayari,free fire attitude shayari,ff short video shayari,ff atitude shayari,ff shayari whatsapp status,shayari ff,freefire… Read More

  • JJ and Mikey Adopted by Enderman Family in Minecraft?!

    JJ and Mikey Adopted by Enderman Family in Minecraft?!Video Information oh no we’re being chased by werewolves why do we always get into all sorts of trouble we must leave the children at this house and we will see the Wolves behind [Music] us pain wolves run after me look how delicious I am good job chasing after me what are you not as strong as I thought look how delicious I am try to catch up with us a so what do we do there are two little kids here we just can’t leave them here we just need workers and these kids will work for us… Read More

  • “ポムちゃん x Minecraft: 怖い目合わせクリップ!” #twitch #切り抜き #マイクラ

    "ポムちゃん x Minecraft: 怖い目合わせクリップ!" #twitch #切り抜き #マイクラVideo Information カンパ メなんで待って逃げる ほ下手くそ まやばいはははどうするどうするポム ちゃんポムちゃん終わったかもしれどどう しよう無理だどうしたらいい助けるどこ 助けるや だやだああ This video, titled ‘【Minecraft配信切り抜き】勝手に目合わせくるんだもんっ! #twitch #切り抜き #minecraft #マイクラ’, was uploaded by ぽむちゃん on 2024-03-28 13:07:34. It has garnered 3945 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Unstoppable duo DOMINATE Bloxd.io Server | Ep. 2

    Unstoppable duo DOMINATE Bloxd.io Server | Ep. 2Video Information welcome back to blocks. AO I’m penguino and this is chz oh sorry what why I I don’t have a sword I cannot fight back here you go take some empty bottles they just despawn out of my hands okay interesting no is right we accidentally fell down some holes up where the massive monstrosity of chests are and now we’re in this area where everything is protected by other players so we I don’t think we can mine our way out so we’re going to have to find our way out there’s a Cave System over here… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art Tutorial in Minecraft – Must Watch for Nessie Fans! #shorts

    Satisfying Sand Art Tutorial in Minecraft - Must Watch for Nessie Fans! #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] oh a This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Nessie) #39 #shorts #minecraft #nessie #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Persivan on 2024-01-13 13:56:47. It has garnered 5504 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Satisfying sand art in Minecraft . Hope you all will enjoy . If you like our short content , don’t forget to LIKE and Subscribe . Share our video with your friends and let them enjoy . Stay tuned for more amazing videos . Game :- Minecraft Bedrock Edition With RTX On . :- Social Links… Read More

  • Natura SMP modded SMP whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock SMP! We are a new Hermitcraft style server with multiple add-ons and a thriving economy system. Our goal is to foster a welcoming community for all players. Featured Add-Ons: Farming by Podcrash: Adds 9 new mobs, 38 new crops, and 169 new consumables. Spark Portals Add-On by Spark Universe: Dozens of different colored portals for easier navigation. Another Furniture Add-On by Starfish Studios: Adds a variety of furniture pieces. Hiker’s Friend by Razzleberries: New utilities to help traverse the world. Gravestone by Darkosto: Creates a gravestone to store items until retrieved. Join Us! We are looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “6 years ago, I found diamonds!”

    Wow, this meme is so old it probably still thinks gold is the most valuable resource in Minecraft! Read More

  • Mine City, Familiarity? No, Just Pure Creativity!

    Mine City, Familiarity? No, Just Pure Creativity! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Greenfield City, where every block survives. With mods like Aether and Vic’s Point Blank, The John Reborn, enhancing the rank. TheJestr’s map, a sight to behold, Download it now, but first, be bold. Check the conditions, follow the rules, Explore the city, like Minecraft jewels. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Crafting Minecraft news, a work of heart. Spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Diamonds: Me vs. My Friends 🔥💎 #miningmishaps

    Diamonds: Me vs. My Friends 🔥💎 #miningmishaps ME luck: Finds one diamond after hours of mining MY FRIENDS luck: Accidentally falls into a ravine and lands on a diamond ore block Read More

  • 100 Days as a Shapeshifter Dinosaur in Minecraft

    100 Days as a Shapeshifter Dinosaur in Minecraft The Epic Tale of Zozo the Shapeshifting Dinosaur Day 1-5: The Baby Dinosaur’s Plight On day 1, Zozo spawned as a baby dinosaur and encountered a Blaze Creeper, leading to his capture by the Epoch Patrol. In prison, he met Wise Willy the White Whale Monster, forming an alliance. Day 6-12: Forming Alliances and Building Bases Zozo and Kakuna formed an alliance, and Kakuna gifted Zozo with stone tools. Zozo built a base in the Baobab Savanna and encountered a stormy wind. Day 13-26: Uncovering Betrayals and Seeking Allies Zozo discovered Kakuna’s true intentions and sought allies like Crimmy… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Zombie Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Zombie Survival Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we have a special recommendation for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft video like “KEMAL VE AİLESİ ZOMBİ OLDU, ONUR’U YEDİ! 😱- Minecraft ZENGİN FAKİR HAYATI” and felt the urge to dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft yourself? If so, we have the perfect server for you to join – Minewind. Minewind is a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server that offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. With an active community of players… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: IronGolem vs Creeper

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: IronGolem vs Creeper Minecraft Showdown: Iron Golem vs. Creeper When it comes to the world of Minecraft, there are endless possibilities for adventure and excitement. One of the most iconic showdowns in the game is between the mighty Iron Golem and the explosive Creeper. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore this epic battle! The Iron Golem: Defender of Villages The Iron Golem is a formidable protector found in villages across the Minecraft world. This towering creature is created by players using iron blocks and a pumpkin, and it serves as a guardian against hostile mobs. With its immense strength… Read More

  • Insane 360° VR Minecraft Challenge with a Picky Piggy

    Insane 360° VR Minecraft Challenge with a Picky PiggyVideo Information Hello friends find the character shown on the screen at 10 different levels you will be given 10 seconds to search write in the comments how many you could find good luck round one round two [Music] round three round four [Music] round five round six [Music] round seven round eight [Music] round nine round 10 thanks for watching write in the comments how many rounds you were able to [Music] pass This video, titled ‘360° VR PICKY PIGGY MINECRAFT Poppy Playtime 3 | Finding Challenge | 360° VR World Video 4K’, was uploaded by 360° VR world… Read More

  • Viral Minecraft Survival Series: Live Part 11

    Viral Minecraft Survival Series: Live Part 11Video Information सर्वाइवल सीरीज पार्ट 11 में और गाइस इस सर्वाइवल सीरीज में गाइस ट्री हाउस बनाएंगे जैसा कि आप लोग थंबनेल में देखे होंगे गाइस और गाइस बिना किसी देरी की अरे भाई कोई और वर्ल्ड लग गया यार गड़बड़ हो गया गाइस निकलते हैं पहले उस वाले वर्ल्ड से और चलते हैं दूसरे वाले वर्ल्ड में गाइस गलत वर्ल्ड लग गया गाइस यार चलो गाइस इस वर्ल्ड से निकलते हैं गाइस और गा जिसको मेरे साथ मेरे सर्वाइवल सीरीज में गाइस अपनी आईडी कमेंट कर दो माइ कफ्ट की गाइस चलो इसको बैक करेंगे गाइस गाइस बैक करेंगे… Read More

  • “Minecraft CRAFTEO loco con Brayan Rec” #minecraft #vegetta777

    "Minecraft CRAFTEO loco con Brayan Rec" #minecraft #vegetta777Video Information sabías que en Minecraft es posible craftear las armaduras de caballo probablemente Pensarás que te estoy mintiendo ya que actualmente solo las podemos encontrar en los cofres del nether o en las minas abandonadas pero realmente es que en la snapshop 3w 166a cuando se agregó este em al juego había crafteos como este para las armaduras te suena broma pero no lo es Lamentablemente en tan solo 24 días después de su introducción estos crafteos fueron eliminados del juego Por qué la verad verdadera pregunta y dime alguna vez habías escuchado sobre este crafteo perdido de Minecraft… Read More

  • FNF Battle: Cars vs. Stive – Who Wins Rhythm Crown?

    FNF Battle: Cars vs. Stive - Who Wins Rhythm Crown?Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultimate FNF Battle: Cars vs. Stive from Minecraft – Who Will Claim the Rhythm Crown?’, was uploaded by Cars Lite on 2024-03-23 20:18:00. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Get ready for a high-octane showdown in the FNF (Friday Night Funkin) universe! In this electrifying battle, we witness a clash of musical talent between the beloved characters from the animated film “Cars” and Stive from Minecraft. Rev up your engines as Lightning McQueen, Mater, and the rest of the “Cars” gang take on… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Cooking for Real Mermaids in Minecraft?! 🧜‍♀️ – 80 Days

    Unbelievable! Cooking for Real Mermaids in Minecraft?! 🧜‍♀️ - 80 DaysVideo Information welcome back to the mystical sea and my 100 day Journey as a mermaid grab yourself a snack and a warm drink because today we’re going to be cooking I’d like to give a big thank you to my YouTube members for helping support my channel if you’d like to see these Mermaid episodes early as well as other perks consider becoming a member anyway let’s get into the video it’s day 71 and I’m so ready for these next 10 days I’ve been focusing hard on gearing for a while but this time I’m ready to take… Read More

  • Top secret mobs in Minecraft – Watch now!

    Top secret mobs in Minecraft - Watch now!Video Information this is a fox you can upgrade and here is an evil Strider and these are 115 insane mobs that Minecraft needs to add because we could have these cool upgradeable Iron Golems like a TNT Golem that explodes when it’s killed different blocks would offer different results Diamond would make him stronger but a packed ice Golem could freeze water and lava a redstone Golem could power your machines and a Glowstone Golem could light up the night then check out this cutie the changeling often found roaming around the flower forests it loves the company of… Read More

  • Mind-blowing revelation in Calli and Bijou clip! 🤯

    Mind-blowing revelation in Calli and Bijou clip! 🤯Video Information [Music] are you okay I hate hitting my elbow on my own desk why did I decide to put my desk stop being sleepy hold on I’m just going to close my eyes for one second I was going I got I got8 hours what’s going on let me just close my eyes for a sec oh okay good night let me know if you [Music] need [Music] ta nap no naps I’m awake now I just had a moment of sleepy I’m going to work on my organization while be boo you you can do that you… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server Launch with xChocoBars and Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft Server Launch with xChocoBars and Friends!Video Information charie man chat for the win oh uh Michelle is my name thank you for the 37 month thank you hello for um jorgens jorgens than the 32 months thank you so [Music] much Mochi Gia than the 20 months thank you I’m feeling much better but thank you you for the be listen I don’t want to talk about my feelings today I will be playing some Minecraft I will make the villagers relationship RP instead of me this time so that is what we’re doing today okay sorry I can’t believe why I said that but… Read More

  • 😱 CRAZY ! Longest Door in Minecraft 🎮

    😱 CRAZY ! Longest Door in Minecraft 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘We found LONGEST DOOR in Minecraft 😱’, was uploaded by 😈 A gaming channel🎮 on 2024-01-08 14:44:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft minecraft, minecraft minecraft minecraft, techno gamerz minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft in hindi, … Read More