1000 Days as Ant-Man in Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned into the jungle as Ant-Man everyone’s favorite size shifting superhero wao this is awesome I’ve always wanted to be able to shrink down really tiny hold on a minute why is my suit not working darn it I must be out of pin particles I wasn’t sure how I managed to get here or where here even was everything around me looked like it was normal but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right why isn’t my shrinking Tech working maybe there’s something I can do to fix it just then I heard the crawling of a lot of legs and turned around to see a spider it was huge way bigger than any I had ever seen before something weird was definitely going on here wao aren’t you a little big Then There came the horrible noise of something woring loudly and it was coming closer and closer I could see a huge vicious looking creature coming straight towards me it looks like a huge head with much smaller arms well well isn’t that the question of the day are you sure it’s not you who’s a little smaller than normal huh that is a good question I suppose I don’t feel any smaller than I normally do but then if I was how would I know why don’t I save you the trouble then you are indeed much smaller than normal and it was by my hand that you were shrunk down to a more manageable size hey that hardly seems fair you can’t just go around shrinking people who the heck are you anyway I am Mok coward for me Zozo for you’re trapped here in my miniverse miniverse oh no like a tiny universe precisely here I’m in charge nothing is its normal size and now you’re trapped here but let’s give you a challenge shall we if you can make it out of the miniverse within 100 days I’ll let you go free but if not then you’ll be trapped in my tiny world forever and you think getting out will be easy think again suddenly modok Unleashed a blast of energy that burned the huge spider to a Cris I had to get to cover so I didn’t get blasted too but it was too late for the poor spider yeesh talk about having a big head on day two I tried to find my way out of this crazy jungle I was in the trees were so dense that I could hardly see a clear path in front of me on top of that I realized I only had five Hearts so I had to be careful if I ran into modok again or any other dangers in his miniverse then I’d be in serious trouble just then I overheard a loud angry buzzing sound when I followed it I stumbled across a group of enormous tarantula Hawks they were way bigger than normal insects just like the spider had been oh man these are some nasty looking bugs maybe I can communicate with them well well look what’s buzzing my bug Bros a lost little superhero with no powers this is the one man Master modok trapped here come on let’s get him destroying him will win us a lot of points with our Master they attacked me I quickly noticed I had a bow in my inventory and used it to try and fend them off but at my size I wasn’t able to do much damage at all plus I was outnumbered oh no I can’t die not yet I still have to find my way out of this miniverse but then right as I needed help someone came rushing out of the trees and fended off the tarantula Hawks it looked like it had the body of a bee but with huge arms and legs like a person what the heck was going on in this place hey are you all right you should really be careful out here thanks for saving me what’s your name you can call me har the honey Golem what’s yours well technically I meant to be Ant-Man but I don’t have any powers so I guess I’m just Zozo on day three harlo brought me to his Hive where there were even more honey Golems just like him they were living in a cave and had built themselves in entire Community underground wow I’ve never met any honey Golems before we were created in one of modok’s experiments that big head of his house is a pretty big brain he’s been using this miniverse to perform all kinds of crazy experiments on the innocent insects and creatures here we started out like normal bumblebees but now we’re monsters hey I don’t think you’re monsters you saved me from those mean tarantula Hawks harlo explained that modok had been causing Havoc all over the miniverse with his mad scientist experiments I told him that I needed to find my way out of there before my 100 days were over you need to get out of here I understand but you’re going to need some help if you have any chance of escaping the miniverse so how about I tag along to assist you wow thank you so much harlo but wait how are you going to help me get out of here well let me cut you a deal you want to be freed from the miniverse and I want the miniverse to be free from modok so how about we team up I’ll come with with you it can be dangerous but I know my way around so I can navigate and provide protection and in return you can build up your strength so we can stop modok’s schemes once that’s done I’m sure we’ll find a way to get you out of here what do you say okay sure if we can take down that big-headed bad guy and get me out of here then that would be amazing then we better get to it modok is ruthless and he’s left plenty of his experiments running wild out there they’ll do anything he wants so harlo and I head out as a team on days 4 through 5 we made a start on Gathering some resources and building up my strength for the fight ahead I punched some trees and gathered enough wood to make a crafting bench afterwards I made myself a set of wooden tools then harlo showed me a cave where I could mine for Cobblestone and then I used that to craft a set of stone tools as quickly as possible harlo and I then explored a bit and eventually found a spot where we could build our base on we were pretty far from the honey Golem’s Underground City so I built a room for both harlo and I to stay in using the materials I had been Gathering it’s not exactly the Avengers Tower or the backer building but it’s a start at least hopefully we won’t have any trouble from modok and his experiments bothering us while we’re here just as I had finished up harlo brought some food that he’ managed to find for us he wasn’t kidding he really knew his way around the miniverse I ate some and when I did I quickly gained 10 hearts for a total of 15 hearts look at that you’ve got a little bigger too at this rate I’ll be tough enough to take on modok in no time let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet but I’m sure you’ll get your chance soon with our new base already night was beginning to fall so harlo and I settled in for some much needed sleep on days 6 through 8 harlo and I went exploring searching for some more materials to craft new items and maybe even upgrade our base harlo led the way as we headed back towards the jungle area being careful we didn’t run into any more of those awful tarantula Hawks or something even worse soon we found a jungle spider who was being terrorized by creepers at first we thought they were just normal creepers but there was something wrong about them they had longer freakier legs they were mutants made during one of modok’s matad experiments hey leave that spider alone they didn’t listen so I started firing arrows at them using my bow I scored a few direct hits and it angered the mutant creepers luckily for me though harlo had my back so as they came charging at us we were ready for a battle even with my weapons and harlo strength combined our fight with the mutant creepers was still a tough one they were much stronger than your average creepers but with a few wellplayed shots and with harlo strength we were eventually able to overpower them before they managed to explode we went to check that the spider was okay thank you both for your help my name is jup the jungle spider whoa spiders can talk here what do you mean harlo you mean you can’t hear Juke oh of course my Ant-Man helmet it must be allowing me to talk with bugs I hate to ask but there’s another of modok’s experiments nearby I’m far too weak to fight it but maybe you could beat the beastly thing leave it to me Zozo you guys go on ahead I’m going to go back to the base to collect some more supplies on days 9 to 10 I followed Juke back to where she had last seen the mad modox Evil experiment after a fair bit of searching we found ourselves at what was left of jupe’s spider nest with a massive mutant Earth Elemental roaming nearby that’s the monster it destroyed my home jup was understandably upset but unfortunately had caught the Elementals attention by accident the creature spotted us almost immediately and instantly started making its way towards us ready to attack oh no I really wish we hadn’t left harlo back at the base well jup scurried off to hide I pulled out my sword and took a swing at the Earth Elemental I could barely leave as much as a scratch it was way too too powerful and I was still too weak to fight it before I could get overwhelmed I ran as fast as I could only stopping when I met up with Jupe we’ll have to come back when I’m stronger maybe if I can fix the suit I can grow to a giant size and stomp him I’m sure you will but in the meantime what should I do I have nowhere to go now that this monster has ruined my home well for the time being you’re welcome to stay at my base with me and harlo on days 11 to 12 I made my way back to my base with Jupe but beside me I quickly built her a room where she could spin some new webs to make herself nice and comfy thank you for coming to help me and for taking me in Ant-Man most people would see a spot of my size and be terrified that’s okay I’m glad I can understand you through this helmet how did you get to that size did it have anything to do with modok oh modok that horrible madman he’s been toying with everything here in this miniverse he Alters sizes creates new creatures whenever he feels like it then aband abandons them if they won’t fight for him we’ll never be at peace until someone puts an end to his schemes sounds like a job for me after I had talked with jup I went out and mind for some more materials I hadn’t had a chance to gather anything since fighting the elemental I managed to come across iron and coal so I made a furnace to smelt the iron and crafted some iron tools and Boots after all that work nighttime was approaching so I had to move quickly if I wanted to take advantage of the last moments of daylight walking a short way from my base I found gravel and began to dig for Flint then kept that in my inventory on days 13 to 15 I was feeling eager to get stronger and to see if I could get my powers back so I spoke to harlo for his advice well I only became this strong because of modok’s experiments but you should probably try training I hear that’s what a lot of superheroes do practice does make perfect after all I guess that’s worth a shot I then went out in search of some of modok’s lower level cronies to fight after a bit of traveling I ended up finding myself in a forest there were strange creatures flying about in the air and they were a lot smaller than most other mobs I had seen but what these dark leeches locked in size they made up for in numbers okay then let’s take you on I launched into an attack wielding an iron sword I had crafted the dark leeches swarmed me but I knew that the best way to attack them was up close they were too small for me to pick off from a distance with my bow and arrows they were fast but each one could be slushed down with ease I just had to be careful not to get bitten by any of them after a lot of swinging my sword about I managed to defeat the swarm of dark leeches and come away Victorious the dead leeches dropped some healing potions wao now this should definitely come in handy I used the healing potions and to my surprise it caused me to gain a few more Hearts well I guess that just happened on day 16 to 19 after beating those dark leeches I decided to go off exploring a bit more to keep building my strength up up during my travels I stumbled upon a village but when I went to take a closer look there was nobody around to be seen I searched all the buildings however none of the villagers were in their homes huh I wonder what happened here where did everybody go you should not have come here you scared me it was the Ghost of an ordinary villager no wonder I couldn’t find anyone here something bad must have happened to them it is not safe here you must leave while you still can what do you mean what happened to you we were living peacefully here until modok came into this miniverse he took the people of this Village to use in his experiments he’s a monster in his madness he tried to create a creature that was powered by anger that would get stronger the more enraged it became but the experiment went wrong and the creature ransacked our town this is why you must leave it’s still here wait a creature powered by anger that sounds a lot like the Hulk suddenly a villager Beast came bursting through the roof to Ambush me the ghost vanished in fear while I rushed outside and took out my weapons ready for a fight the Beast wasn’t as strong as I was expecting but we were still pretty evenly matched it was looking like I might need to run away again that is until the ghost appeared again and help distract the Beast quick well his back is turned Zozo smash asash with a big swing of My Sword I put an end to the Villager Beast and the battle was done woo thanks for the help on days 20 through 22 I was heading back to my base on the way I kept my superhero training going by fighting a few zombies that I came across I took them out with ease like they were nothing harlo was right practice does make perfect and I’m definitely improving as I got closer to the base I gathered some extra iron which I held on to I’d be able to improve my my gear with it once I made it home I finally arrived and smelted The Ore I found into ingots I then crafted some iron armor and an iron shield to defend myself in future battles alongside with a new sword since mine was about to break well if a shield works for Captain America then it’ll work for me starting to feel a lot more confident with my superhero skills as well as my newly crafted tools and weapons I decided to pay a visit to an old enemy Jupe I’m going to go and teach that Earth Elemental a thing or two about what happens when you mess with innocent spider’s nests I made my way back to the ruins of jupe’s old nest and that’s where I found the elemental waiting for me it immediately charged directly at me Swinging his huge Rocky fist as he tried to hit me I blocked with my new Shield but his attack stunned me making it difficult to keep my health up or move out of the way luckily harlo had given me plenty of food to bring with me and my armor protected me from each of the Elementals blows too he continued to swing at me but I had already taken down the Villager Beast this was just another of modok’s experiments waiting for the perfect opportunity I landed the perfect hit and managed to defeat the Earth Elemental causing him to burst into Rocky Smither woohoo among the stone remains of the elemental was a note so I picked it up to take a closer look it was an order from modok don’t let that no good hero find where we’ve stashed the pin particles if he finds out where they are he’ll be able to use them to power his suit we can’t have him shrinking down to sneak out of the miniverse or growing bigger than a house he’d wipe us all out in no time whatever happens stall him keep him away from the particles of course modok’s the reason why I can’t get my Ant-Man suit to work I can keep getting stronger but without pin particles I can’t use my Powers so I guess the question is where do I start looking from day 23 to Day 26 I returned back to my base to give jup the jungle spider the good news j i did it I defeated the elemental that had ruined your home you can go back anytime you like now though of course you’re always welcome to stay here too that’s so wonderful to hear Zozo I think I’ll stay to help you until modok is defeated then I’ll return to my true home oh thanks to you feeling good after helping J I made myself a flint and steel this will be perfect for making campfires after that I spent some time building a strong perimeter wall around my base that help keep out the mobs at night from day 2 7 to day 31 I decided to venture out into the desert to continue my search for the pin particles without them I’d never have any hope of defeating modok while out in the desert I ran into a feradon hey sorry to bother you but would you happen to know where I could find some pin particles around here pin particles H I can’t tell you exactly where to find them but I have some theories I’m actually an advanced particle scientist and I wrote my thesis on Bim particles oh wow that actually sounds like super valuable knowledge want to come stay at my base and work on this together I’m Zozo by the way I’m Frank and sure I’ll take you up on that offer as Frank headed back I decided to mine some sand blocks that I could take back to base when I arrived again I turned the sand blocks into grass blocks and use them to create Windows in my base that should get a little light on the situation but I didn’t get to enjoy my new windows for long harlo the honey Golem ran towards me looking panic Zozo I need your help I just got word there’s been an attack on my underground Community what we better go immediately from day 32 to day 35 harlo and I ran straight to the caves that protected the underground community of Honey Golems the cave was crawling with giant vicious centipedes a type of aggressive mutant centipede created in modok’s evil laboratory don’t worry everyone we’re here to help keep away from the centipedes but we had arrived a little too too late there were so many centipedes and even though we tried our best to fight them all off sadly we spotted no honey Golems inside hopefully some escaped harlo and I worked together to defeat the rest of the centipedes but the damage was already done I’m so sorry harlo I wish we could have done more we must defeat modok Zozo we can’t let him get away with this from Day 36 to day 39 I needed to get away from my base after the incident in the caves I had trouble even looking harlo in the eye instead I went out to the swamp seeing if I could find any interesting materials out there while searching I met a joust who needed a favor hey stranger Jerry’s the name being a joust is my game now I don’t want to impose but my little Swamp Shack is surrounded by crocodiles if you were to help scare those Chompy Critters away I’d give you something in return H there is something I need do you happen to know anything about modok modok oh me and that guy go way back we went to miniverse college together he’s always been a huge meanie if you scare off those crocodiles I’ll tell you what I know deal I went further into the swamp until I found Jerry the Jou sha which was surrounded by vicious crocodiles I pulled out my sword and ran in swinging and flailing get out of here croakies go on get once the crocodiles had been defeated I returned to Jerry the joust and asked him what he knew about modok he acts like he’s confident but believe me the guy is real and secure he’s only as strong as the monsters working with them if you’re able to become strong enough and get them alone that’s your best chance at defeating him from day 40 to day 43 I decided I’d spend some more time sprucing up the base seeing as I was spending so much time there I should at least make it look nice I spent most of my time working in the yard I put in some nice trees and flowers that really livened up the whole base who would have thought I’d have such a green thumb after that harlo approached me and told me that there were a lot of Honey Golems who needed a place to stay after the centipedes destroyed the underground town of course I invited them all to come stay with us and even built some extra rooms onto the base so they’d all have a place to stay that’s when Frank the feradon came to me with some exciting news Zoo I’ve been doing some research and I got the lead on some potential Pim particles out in the Badlands that’s awesome to the the Badlands I go from day 44 to day 49 I went out to the Badlands in search of the pin particles that could give me my powers back instead I found modok and one of the freakiest looking minions in his roster the floating bugy Beholder looking for pin particles Zozo as a matter of fact I am so if you’d kindly step out of my way I’m going to keep searching oh I’ll save you the job I have them what I already already took the particles and I’m going to use them in my experiments they’ll give me the power to create even larger more dangerous monsters and monsters so tiny you won’t even see them until they get you the miniverse will be my personal playground and then I’ll fan out and take over the entire Multiverse I’ll never let you get away with it that isn’t up to you Zozo behold her destroy him I’m going back to the lab odok flew away leaving only me and the beholder I pulled out my sword and tried to hide my fear as the terrifying monster flew towards me maybe we can just talk it out from day 50 to day 53 I started fighting the beholder because as it turns out he did not want to just talk it out he was fast and strong but thankfully I was able to use all the skills I learned so far to gain an advantage I lost a few Hearts along the way but the beholder was eventually defeated jeez I hope I never have to see another one of those again while I was still resting after the fight I noticed that the Fallen Beholder had dropped something a notebook marked book of research written by modok that’s perfect maybe it can give me some inside information the inside of the book read without the PIN particles my research is coming up short but soon soon I’ll be able to take it all to the next level when I have the particles the first thing I’ll do is take the smallest threat and make it into the biggest one then unleash it on those helpless fools in the mountains the mountains that’s where my base is I need to get back there immediately from day 54 to day 57 I ran back to the mountain as fast as I could ready to head off whatever monster that modok had Unleashed and the last thing I could have expected was a giant endrio page rampaging through the mountains its size must have been massively enhanced by pin particles I don’t even want to know what kind of Ender flu that monster would give you I tried to attack its legs but that didn’t seem to have any effect its head was its only weakness but I didn’t know how to get at it and what’s more from the direction it was heading it was going straight towards my base than Zozo think wait I have an idea I ran ahead of the giant endo’s path and started desperately digging a pit into the ground as the giant Enduro phas approached it fell into the pit putting its head at eye level with me time to cure this walking virus with one strike of my sword the giant andreo phas Was Defeated and it dropped some pin particles into the pit at long last they were mine I collected the particles and went straight back to my base where I figured Frank the feradon would know what to do with them you found the pin particles this is amazing so can I use them to change my size no not yet leave them with me Zozo I’ll refine them and get them ready for use you’ll be ready to take the fight to modok in no time from day 58 to day 62 I decided that it was time to refine my base and gear a little more and put all my new scientific skills to good use I started by making Frank a scientific lab so he could help me more efficiently after that I did improvements to my room adding more chests and forges and making it feel more fit for me it’s like having my own little laboratory think Pim would be so proud then I made my way to a nearby diamond mine and took all the diamonds I collected back to the crafting room so I could upgrade my gear I made a full set of diamond armor to help protect the fragile technology of my suit and a diamond sword to help me Pack-a-Punch but even though my equipment had never been cooler my base was looking a little gloomy to Spruce it up I added some new couches so me and the boys could relax this has got to be the coolest base in the miniverse now from day 63 to day 66 harlo the honey Golem approached me at the base with a cool idea Zozo I think it’s important to get as many allies as we can when fighting Nook we have no idea how many mutants and monsters he’s created out there so we need to get a team of Our Own own that’s a really good point harlo where do you think would be a good place to look for more Allies try the forest I bet nook’s goons have hassled a lot of creatures up there they’ll probably be eager to sign up harlo was right I needed to leave the base and venture over to the forest where I could find new potential team members for our anti modok movement but the forest was way bigger than I thought so I was searching for a whole day without finding anything I hope this whole thing wasn’t a waste of time I can’t afford to waste any of my my 100 days to get out of the miniverse my thoughts were interrupted by a huge figure running through the forest towards me aam I pulled out my sword in a panic and prepared for a fight but the poam stopped he wasn’t here to fight me please C stranger my name is Peter and I was playing with my son out in the forest when suddenly a monster attacked and took him I need help to save my son will you help me of course I’ll help you Peter I’m Zozo you lead the way from day 67 to Day 70 I followed Peter poam deep into the dark Forest it didn’t take long for us to find exactly what we were looking for Peter’s son a baby poam being chased around the forest by a scary buzzing warped Moscow that looks exactly like one of modok’s experiments modok he’s the super villain that made all the mutant creatures around here stand back Peter I’ll take care of this one I pulled out my sword and ran in getting the Warped mosco’s attention and distracting him from a attacking Peter’s son a nasty mutant attacked me and we started to fight didn’t anyone ever teach you not to pick on kids Moscow every time he hit me with his powerful Moscow arms I could feel my health going down but I needed to keep fighting for Peter and his son’s sake it was a hard battle but in the end the Warped Moscow Was Defeated and Father and Son were together again you did me and my son a great service Zozo one day in your hour of need I will repay you for this no problem man it’s just what Heroes do from day 71 to day 74 still feeling good about helping Peter and his son I continued my search through the forest I really do love going on adventures and if you love going on adventures like subscribe and search zo zoo for more videos from me ooh is that an abandoned mine I approached an abandoned mine deep in the forest I didn’t expect to make any friends down there but I figured I would at least be able to mine for some useful materials I’m always making the best out of a weird situation but in that abandoned mind I didn’t find any decent materials I found modok himself waiting for me you’ve fallen into my trap you pathetic teeny tiny Ant-Man the only thing tinier than you is your brain well my brain would have to be tinier than me or it wouldn’t fit in my body silence fool modok was angry that I made him look dumb so he fired an energy blast at me he missed and I ran back at him with my diamond sword but when I hit him nothing happened what force field techn technology son it protects me in response to trauma you’d need to be a lot bigger and stronger than that to even put a scratch on me and with that modok laughed and teleported away I still wasn’t nearly big or strong enough to defeat him from day 75 to day 78 I returned to my base feeling glum after not being able to defeat modok yet again maybe if I make some defenses that’ll make me feel better I decided to create a few guard houses so that I would feel more at ease and my friends would be able to see refuge on whatever side of the base they happen to be at building is so cool as if on Q Frank the feradon approached me I agree Zozo and it’s thanks to some good old-fashioned science that I’ve finally been able to refine these pimp particles and upgrade your suit so that it can do what it always should have done you mean I’ll be able to change size now I won’t just be a mini Ant-Man exactly Zoo give it a whirl I activated my refined pin particles and felt myself growing to my proper height at long last complete with double the hearts it feels good to be back Frank from day 79 to day 84 seeing as I was back to my full strength I wanted to go and settle some old scores first I went deep into the jungle and encountered some old enemies some of the tarantula Hawks that were bothering me and my friends when I was Tiny Hey look it’s the pipsqueak oh wait he doesn’t seem like such a biip squeak anymore thank you for noticing I fought the tarantula Hawks who had once been such a challenge with my new strength and my diamond sword within a few minutes they were all defeated I went on the rest of my journey with my head still high on my travels I ran into a mad scientist doing some research deep in the jungle hello there I’m Mike the local mad scientist I’m conducting a wildlife survey what are you doing here oh I’m Zozo nice to meet you Mike I’ve just been testing out my new PIN particles they help me change my size of will I can get bigger or smaller that sounds fascinating would you mind telling me more about this for my research not at all I spoke to Mike the mad scientist for a while explaining to him exactly how the particles worked and how my suit used them all the while he looked super interested and made notes in the end he was so thankful he gave me an enchantment he’d crafted that would increase the damage of my sword my luck looked like it was finally turning around from day 85 to day 89 my luck turned around again for the worst I returned to my base only to find it being attacked by a gang of water Elementals working for modok I just can’t catch a break around here I pulled out my diamond sword and ran into fight I didn’t want to use the full power of my pin particles just yet cuz I knew I’d need them to take on modok himself so I F the water Elementals the oldfashioned way I’m going to make you regret trying to destroy my base I defeated most of them but a bunch of water Elementals started to make a run for it and I chased after them I didn’t want any of them to get away after this but while I was running I saw a distressed looking K Blas standing in the distance trying to get my attention stranger please I need your help my friend little KO is stuck in that really tall tree I’m worried he’s going to fall and hurt himself don’t worry I can help I used my pen particles to get a lot bigger due to my size the little KO was confident enough to jump towards me and landed safely thank you Zozo no problem and with that I continued the Chase from day 90 to Day 94 I chased the gang of water Elementals until they were forced to stop at a ravine Nowhere to Run guys now we have to fight and I think I’m owed a little payback without a second’s hesitation I started fighting the water Elementals one by one I defeated them until only one remained he was unusually good at taking my hits even with a diamond sword I don’t understand how are you so tough before he even replied he punched me so hard I lost some of my hearts naive little Ant-Man I’m not just any water Elemental I’m one of modok’s greatest experiments the angrier I get the stronger and faster I become and believe me you got me pretty angry a booy and just like that I knew I was in for the biggest fight of my life so far from day 95 to day 97 my battle with the water Elementals continued he was the strongest and fastest en had ever faced and as he got angrier his skills increased face it Zozo you’re outmatched I’m going to crush you like an ant I clearly couldn’t defeat him like this I needed a new strategy but how could I defeat someone who got tougher as they got angrier wait I have it I needed to calm down that way he’d be weak enough to lose I just needed to call him down water Elemental imagine rainbows and puppies I don’t know what to trying to do a booy but it won’t work think about calming waterfalls and the smell of fresh cut grass think about relaxing at the end of the day and watching your favorite TV show no how dare you you can’t do this to me I’m getting calmer think about getting to sleep in late on a Saturday think about getting a massage and drinking some herbal tea think about meditating in the middle of a meadow filled with dandelion blasted I’ve never felt so calm I finally used my pin particles in combat becoming tiny and attacking the water Elemental with great speed making me even stronger it only took one hit like that and the water Elemental was pushed into a corner he dropped something it looked like a map wait is this a map directly to modok secret laboratory why would you even have this on you you work for the guy I have a terrible sense of d diretion okay but it doesn’t matter you may have defeated me but you’ll never defeat modok he’s got the biggest brain in the miniverse yeah and the smallest heart I’m going to defeat modok if it’s the last thing I do and with that the water Elemental vanished on day 98 after defeating all the water Elementals and finding out the location of modok’s secret laboratory I returned to my base to speak with my friends harlo the honey Golem jup the jungle spider and Frank the feradon friends it’s time I need to defeat modok once and for all I want to thank you for all the help you’ve given me but even if I win this might be goodbye because all need to leave the miniverse harlo spoke up first Zozo you’ve helped me through some tough times when my people’s homes were destroyed by modok you were there for me so after you’ve taken him down I wish you luck in whatever comes next then Juke the jungle spider you’re one of the most heroed people I’ve ever met Zozo you may be an Ant-Man but you’ve got the heart of a jungle spider and I mean that as the highest compliment I can give and of course Frank the feradon you’re not just a hero Zozo but a brilliant scientist I believe you’ve gained all the knowledge and skills you need to defeat that bigheaded monster all you need to do now is believe in yourself on day 99 with everything prepared I decided to make my way to modok evil laboratory so I could stop the bastardly villain and escaped the miniverse once and for all using my refined pin particles in my fully upgraded suit I decided to make myself incredibly tiny so none of modok’s guards would spot me on the way there I ran into a cockroach who was about the same size as Me in My Shrunken form hey Mr cockroach hope you’re having a good day I’m on my way to defeat a super villain the name’s Carl my friend and I wish you luck in your quest defeating a super villain sounds like a pretty cool thing for you to do I continued on done my quest until I reached the laboratory but as could probably be expected it was surrounded by Sentinels powerful mutant zombies created by modok’s evil experiments maybe they won’t see me if I’m tiny but what if they do I don’t know if I could take them all on at once then I heard big thundering footsteps coming towards me and I turned to see Peter poan maybe I can be of service Peter have you come to help me sure have Zozo you helped me save my kid so now I’m going to help you stop your super villain I’ll distract those doofy mutant zombies you head in there and you bring the big boss down you got it Peter let’s end this thing on day 100 I ran past the gang of mutant zombies while Peter poam distracted them and entered modok’s evil laboratory the bigheaded bad guy himself was waiting for me as soon as I came in it’s over modok I know your plans but they won’t do you any good now I have the pin particles and my suit is fully operational if I was you I’d just just give up but you’re not me Zozo I’m a genius a Visionary scientist you’re just a goofball who likes to dress up like a bug if you were truly smart you’d be able to see the value in what I’m doing here all I see is an evil guy who’s hurting people to benefit himself and if you can’t see that then I guess we better just get this over with I prepared to size shift into an even tinier version of myself when modok blasted me with some kind of shock wave that blocked my Powers too bad so sad mutated zombies take care of him bunch of modok’s mutated zombies came running out to attack me of course a coward like him wouldn’t want to fight for himself I’m ready I’ll take you all on I pulled out my diamond sword and attacked before they attacked me thanks to my upgraded suit and diamond armor it’s not like they could do much damage to me anyway soon enough every single one of them was defeated it was just me and modok you still can’t defeat me do you really think you have any hope at defeating my power and my genius you puny little lman puny is that what you’re calling me I activated my pin particles and started to grow it didn’t take long for me to Tower over modok with my new giant size how about now modok oh no with one more strike from my giant size modok was defeated finally after 100 days of struggle I could leave the miniverse on day one I spawned in as iron man and look I’m not a baby I’m all powered up I flew around firing lasers this was really cool these zombies have met their match Time to Say Goodbye I blasted the zombies out of the way there were no match for the might of Iron Man once they were all destroyed I was floating over the forest scanning the area suddenly something hit me out of nowhere what was that I didn’t see who it was but I Heard a Voice say goodbye to your power I had hit the ground but managed to survive but look now I only have five Hearts I had to hurry and leave the area though whoever that was could come back later as I was escaping through the forest a group of zombies came running up to me I know how to handle these guys but that was when I had my suit and Powers I didn’t stand a chance now I had no choice but to run away I can’t believe someone caught me off guard they better watch out because I’ll stop at nothing to get my power back but that was another day so I settled in for the night on day two I woke up all alone still feeling weak without my Powers I had to figure out who’s out to get me I’ve got quite the mission ahead of me I’m going to be building and making all kinds of really cool things but before I can do that I need to start with the basics I went outside and got Right to Work punching trees with the wood I had collected I then made a crafting table using the crafting table and my leftover wood I made myself some wooden tools including a sword time to find some lunch I went outside and soon came across a rabbit that’s going to have to do for now I chased it down and got its meat I might be trapped in the wilderness with no powers but that doesn’t mean I have to eat raw meat as I took a look around I soon came across a village in the middle of the village was a campfire let’s get cooking I laid down my rabbit meat and let it Sizzle soon I had some cooked meat I took a bite and was feeling much better suddenly I realized what kind of Village it was it was a Pillager Village uh-oh time to run pillagers chased me but I managed to get away without losing my life later that evening I took the simple supplies I had collected to start making myself a house to stay in if those pillagers found me at least I would have some walls to protect me soon the Hut was complete and I settled in for the night on day three I awoke to a knock on the door who Could That Be I opened the door and saw it was Captain America or well I guess it was just Steve Rogers he wasn’t looking so good Steve what’s wrong you’re not looking like your normal fit self I was worried something had happened to you I see now I was right your friend Iron Monger is to blame for this I was minding my own business when he suddenly came out of nowhere I don’t know how he did it but he managed to take away all of my Powers we might not be strong enough to help him right now but we need to hurry and warn the others he’s coming for him that’s a good point let’s stick together while we figure this out Steve agreed and so we figured it would be good to start building a proper base we did some Scouting Around And Soon found a nice Cliff side that would work perfect I didn’t have my Powers but I could still get shipments of stuff sent to me after a bit an express delivery with all the supplies we’d need showed up and we got to work building a house on a cliff like this reminded me of my mansion in Malibu it wasn’t going to be quite like that but I was hoping to eventually make something just as impressive soon the begin beginning of our base was complete thanks for your help Pete we’ll let you know if anything else comes up on days four to 5 Steve came over to talk he wanted to know if I knew where any other superheroes were sorry buddy I don’t I really wish I did though well you’re a pretty smart guy right is there something you could invent I thought it was a good question but nothing came to mind I stared at my empty crafting table when suddenly I had an idea oh wait maybe that could work I headed out to the caves to gather the materials I would need if I could just get everything I would need this special item would be the perfect solution to our problem by the time I had made it into the deepest part of the cave I had already maned to make myself some iron gear it was about to come in handy as I was suddenly attacked by a bunch of magma cubes all right box heads you’re just what I was looking for I swung my sword and managed to take a few of them out as they disappeared they dropped some charged coal once the threat was taken care of I also found some nearby Palladium which I happily mined up all right that’s everything I’m going to need let’s make this special item I soon arrived back at the house and got right to it smelting down the Palladium into ingots I also needed a compus which Steve gave to me at long last the final pieces were starting to come together I went to the crafting table and used the padium charged coal and Compass to make my special item a superhero radar sure hope this works Steve and I headed into another room and I set the radar down in the center I placed a lever on the wall and flipped it the radar started to make a sound and a purple line came out of it that line is pointing us to a nearby superhero now we can help them on day 68 I checked the radar again to get a clear direction of where to go I told Steve to hang back at the base and keep an eye on the radar just in case anyone else popped up on it let’s go see who it’s going to be I left the base and ran off in the direction the radar had indicated hopefully I could get to them in time after a bit of traveling I soon reached the Village but it looks like the place was abandoned hello is there anyone here thought it was you stomping around Black Widow had come out of nowhere Natasha I can’t believe I found you there’s no time to explain but I need you to come with me listen I don’t trust anyone that much even you you’re going to have to give me some kind of explanation okay uh Steve is back at my base and you see neither of us have our powers anymore so we’ve got to hurry to get out of here or the same will happen to you don’t have your powers who or what did that to you iron monger it was an answer to her question but also an exclamation He had popped up out of nowhere Black Widow had sprung into action trying to fight him off I was still too weak though and had to run away hang in there Natasha they continued to fight but it was no use iron monger was too quick and managed to hit her with a special gun he had taken away all of her special abilities huh I don’t know what you two were up to but knock it off go live normal lives like the Ordinary People you are before he could do us any more harm we ran away I couldn’t believe he was able to do it again on days 9 to 10 Black Widow and I arrived back of the base we met up with Steve Natasha it’s good to see you wait did something happen it was Iron Monger I had gotten there in time but he showed up and was able to steal her power oh no did you see where he went no we had to get out of there I hate this feeling I’ve never felt so useless it’s okay keep your head on straight I need some time to clear my head I decided to get to work building Natasha her own place to stay at the base it was good to have a project to keep my mind busy I couldn’t believe I was beaten by my own friend soon Natasha’s room was complete on days 11 to 12 I went to check the machine and saw there was a new signal but this time it was different what is it what does it mean not 100% sure it’s a new invention that even I don’t understand completely well if it’s is pointing to a friendly it’s worth a shot trying to save him yeah I’m not so sure cap what good are we as Rescuers if we can’t really rescue someone Iron Monger is just going to show up again you don’t know that and come on you know there’s more to this than just being the strongest huh that’s certainly something coming from you I’ll see what I can find I left the base and headed in the direction the radar was pointing as I looked around I felt like I wasn’t seeing anything that’s when I realized I was back at the place I had crashed on day one suddenly I noticed something nearby on the ground I picked it up Jarvis is that you what are you doing out here buddy hello sir I’m delighted to see you have found me so am I how are you I am here but I am damaged I am sorry for the loss you have suffered so am I buddy but hey do you think you can help you’ve got all that information for my suit stored in your memory don’t you I do or rather I believe I do my memory banks have been damaged but it seems plausible they can be recovered we will need to find the correct materials in order to recover it sure sure we can do that I built a suit once I can surely do it again what’s on that materials list of yours Jarvis gave me the list of what I needed and I headed off right away on days 13 to 15 I arrived at some caves and headed on in to gather up the materials Jarvis had mentioned first I gathered up a bunch of iron which was one of the main things I would need then I found some titanium which was also going to come in handy all right that should be everything I need from here I then left the cave and found myself in a herd of cows I took some of the cows out in order to get some leather that was all the ingredients I was going to need time to get back to the base on day 16 to 19 I made it back to the base and went into my garage it was crafting time I put the iron in the furnace and started smelting iron ingots then it was titanium’s turn which started smelting into titanium ingots while the ORS were smelting I then opened in near my chest and grabbed some glass I had then at the crafting table I added the glass to some iron and Palladium to make myself a new arc reactor at last power with my new Palladium Arc Reactor I could start to put together a new suit I grabbed the ingots I needed Out of the Furnace then used iron titanium leather and the Arc Reactor to make myself a chest plate oh yeah here we go with the chest plate finished I then used the rest of my materials and made the leggings boots and of course the helmet this isn’t the best suit I’ve ever made in fact it’s just as good as the first one I built in a cave in the desert but it’ll be better than having nothing hey what have we got here Steven Natasha had walked into the garage you built a new suit it’s going to be so good for you how did you pull it off it was with the help of Jarvis I found him at the crash site his memory is damaged but he remembered enough to help me build the suit you think that’s a good idea do you think it’s not no no it’s great it’s just that you said Jarvis was damaged I hate to see something go wrong I assured him that Jarvis was working well enough to help me make the suits again without putting any of us in danger that seemed like an excuse though Steve was probably just jealous I was getting my powers back and he wasn’t before I could say anything else though Natasha mentioned that she and Steve had gotten more food and stored it in the kitchen all that crafting had made me hungry I went over there to cook up some steak this is going to be much better than wild rabbit that’s for sure when the steak was ready I scared it down delicious I then went and started to make some more upgrades to the base I was a man of luxury so I decided the house needed a swimming pool I picked a good spot and got the thing installed all this building has given me an idea for one more big project I headed out and got to work building a statue these were dark times and there was always one thing that could be a light in the darkness let me know what you think I’m building soon the first part was complete on days 20 to 22 I heard a notific go off on the radar telling me another superhero had been found the wind told Steven and Tasha the good news they both wanted to come with to find who it was but I told them it might be good for just me to go given that I was the only one who had regained any of my power as I put my suit on I saw my health increase to eight hearts I was also stronger and had a flamethrower attack it was time to help our fellow superhero as I got closer to the place the radar was pointing me to I saw a large Tower in the middle of the forest I knew just who IID find inside as I reached the top I could see doctor strange was there Steven be on your guard Iron Monger is running around stealing everyone’s power what he immediately got ready to fight it was just in time too as Iron Monger came flying over firing down on us huh the good doctor I think you’ve got just what I’m looking for Doctor Strange was ready though and he started to put up a good fight Iron Monger was going to have a much harder fight this time I may have spoke too soon though as Iron Monger managed to land a hard hit knocking out Doctor Strange Iron Monger lifted his weapon and started draining Doctor Strange’s power I had to do something oh no you don’t even though I wasn’t super strong I charged in and managed to stop iron bonger from taking all the power problem was he was now focused on me me Doctor Strange was back in the fight though and together we put up a good fight in the end we managed to hurt Iron Monger enough that he backed down this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me he flew off Steven are you okay I still have some of my Powers but I’m definitely weaker than before I need to go rest Doctor Strange opened a portal and walked through it huh well that was a quick exit but at least we could stop him from losing everything I better get back to the base and see who else we can help on days 23 to 26 I was on my way back to the base when Jarvis piped up with some helpful information sir my sensors are indicating a lot of silver nearby I think that could help Jarvis then told me what direction to go and I headed there right away as I arrived at the location he was sending me to I didn’t see anything are you sure this is the right place there doesn’t seem to be anything here the silver may be beneath something but I’m 99% sure it is here well guess I better start breaking blocks I started breaking things as I looked around and soon saw an entrance to a dungeon what is this all about as I went deeper into the dungeon I ran into a bunch of piglins you Piggies better watch out that’s when I noticed that they had all kinds of material stored down here hope you guys don’t mind if I use some of this stuff as I fought my way through the gang of piglins I noticed that they dropped silver ingots there sir the silver I was detecting I happily picked the silver up and continued to fight the piglins there were hoglins around as well and they were a tough challenge but I was up for the fight and soon made it to the dungeon’s boss a piglin brute with armor you look strong but I’m stronger it turned out I was right The pigin Brute was really strong after all he knocked me back but I stayed in the fight he wasn’t going to get the better of me after a long fight I finally took him out huh he didn’t drop anything but look a chest I went over to the chest which was filled with silver this should be more than enough I hurried back out of the cave on days 27 to 31 I arrived back at my base I met back up with the team to tell them the good news guys I was able to find Doctor Strange and together we were able to fight off Iron Monger Doctor Strange was weakened but he was able to keep his powers everyone was really excited to hear the good news and couldn’t believe Iron Monger had shown up again everyone that is except Steve he kept his powers huh well uh good for him I guess I didn’t know why Steve wasn’t excited like everyone else he really must be jealous someone else got to keep their powers I left the room and went to work on a new set of armor with all the new silver I’d collected I was going to be able to build an even better suit I took my time making each set and soon I had a full set of Iron Man mark 2 Armor oh yeah now this is what I’m talking about with my new suit on I noticed I had more Health than before I still couldn’t fly yet but I could jump a little higher and felt stronger too I showed it off to the gang and everyone was really impressed if I kept finding more material I’d be back to full strength in no time I had to find more materials on days 32 to 35 I decided to see what else Jarvis could find for me I’m thinking of adding some more weapons to the suit what do you think it can handle scan showed is not strong enough to handle your reportal Cannon but there is something else that might work we’ll have to travel far away but I believe it will be worth it show me the way Jarvis explained the way to go and eventually we made it to an entirely new biome all right Jarvis what direction down sir looked like it was time to dig I think I knew what he had in mind I kept digging and digging and soon made it into a magma chamber let me guess we need some lava no sir we’re searching for a very specific mop it should be here I started to explore could you tell me what I’m looking for just then I almost ran into a monster it was a mutant blaze yikes thanks for the warning sorry sir but my sensors aren’t quite as sharp down here the mutant blazes fire attacks were strong but my new armor was doing its job I was taking much less damage than I normally would have I’m going to put you out Firehead I kept on swinging and at long last defeated the blaze as he disappeared I saw he had dropped a blaze core The Blaze core that is just what we need sir on days 36 to 39 I made it out of the hole and headed back towards the base as I arrived back at the base I went to the crafting area and got right to work on the new suit attachment using the blaze core I was able to make myself a flamethrower oh yeah I’m starting to heat up now I called the others over and showed them my new toy wao that new flamethrower is so hot right now Natasha was really excited about it but Steve less so no surprise there he was just jealous on days 40 to 43 I heard the power detector going off again it must have found another superhero maybe with my new gear I can even defeat iron monger this time I let the others know that I would head out by myself again until they could get their powers it just didn’t make sense to put them In Harm’s Way I would handle everything I set off in search of the superhero and soon found myself in a thick forest hello is there anyone around here I kept shouting and looking around but couldn’t find anyone all I saw were a bunch of bats flying around suddenly they attacked me what the get away from me using my new attacks I managed to fight off the bats but then I was attacked by some wolves this Forest is crazy what’s going on around here the Wolves snapped to their teeth and swung their claws but I was able to keep them away and knock them out I still don’t see anyone but it’s starting to get late I better build a shelter for the night I soon found a nice clearing and got Right to Work building a shelter after a bit my Camp was set up time to get some sleep I’ll keep looking in the morning on days 44 to 49 I woke up in the middle of the night to a rumbling sound what was that I ran outside and saw there was a huge castle that had appeared out of no nowhere well nothing else to do but take a look I ran into the castle and was suddenly attacked by a whole bunch of spooky mobs there were bats and all kinds of skeleton creatures I had to fight for my life back off you Undead creatures you’ll never take me alive I kept fighting my way through the castle until finally I saw something different than the mobs it was blade blade what are you doing here what are you doing here I’ve tracked a vampire to this castle and I’m so close to finally beating him I’ve come to warn you iron monger is going around stealing power from superheroes you’ve got to get out of here thanks for the warning but I’ve come too far to quit I don’t see Iron Monger anywhere so I think I have time to finish my mission well let me help together we can get it done even faster we soon noticed a coffin and walked up to it to take a look we opened it but it was a trap oh no what is this I can’t move me either Jarvis clear this gas out of my suit Jarvis got right to work but he wasn’t quick enough Iron Monger had shown up huh stay still this won’t hurt at all Iron Monger used a special item and was able to take away blad’s Powers Jarvis had just cleared the gas from my suit though and I was ready to fight thought I told you to keep out of this ironmonger didn’t stick around to fight me but instead released the vampire before flying away without his powers blade was in for a real fight come on blade I’ll help you blade and I got to work swinging at the vampire even without his powers blade was a good fighter getting lots of hits in he wasn’t good enough though and the vampire was able to really hurt him you’ll pay for that I started attacking him even more than before and could tell I was starting to win when he was at his weakest blade jumped forward and knocked him out with a steak for good thanks for your help I couldn’t have done this without you here take this steak you never know when it could come in handy thanks I’ll be sure to keep it close I’m sorry about your powers how about you come back to my base with me and we can figure this out that sounds like just what I need right now on days 50 to 53 blade and I returned to the base then we met up with Natasha and told her what had happened sorry to hear it didn’t work out this time it sounds like he’s getting smarter I’m sorry too but Hey where’s Steve oh he said he had some errands to run and left he didn’t tell me what those errands were huh that’s odd just then Steve came back to the base sorry about that I was just was collecting some more materials to upgrade the base I thought you could use some new materials for our new guest that was a fair point he was right too blade needed a place to stay using some of the material Steve had gathered I was able to put together a room for blade Steve had also mentioned wanting a training room so I got to work on that just because they had lost their powers didn’t mean they couldn’t stay in shape soon everything was complete on days 54 to 57 I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right I decided I needed to talk to Natasha in private hey I wanted to ask has Steve been acting strange to you now that you mention it he has I have haven’t seen him do anything strange specifically but he doesn’t seem like he’s been his normal self I usually try and let people just do their own thing you see the thing is Iron Monger always seems to show up right around the same time I do I’m not saying Steve is somehow tipping him off but I want to be sure he’s not involved say no more the next time you guys go I’ll keep an eye on him that would be strange but we’ll feel better if we can rule it out thanks Nat I appreciate it I then reached out to Jarvis to help with the next stage of rigging up the superpower detector if Steve was really tricking us I needed to get the super detector to trick him Jarvis said he knew what I needed to get but there were some special items I needed to collect first let’s get exploring on days 58 to 62 Jarvis led me to a cave that was filled with spiders I was pretty strong at this point and these spiders were no match for me I easily knocked them out of the way aha there’s the gold ore you wanted me to get I quickly mined up all the gold I needed then hurried back to the base there I crafted some special wiring out of gold and took it to the superpower detector after I attached the new wiring the detector started to go off everyone came running into the room the detector found another Super hang tight guys I’ll go get them and help them out everyone agreed and as I went to leave I gave Natasha a nod to let her know the plan was on she nodded back I soon reached the mountain toop where the detector was pointing me to of course no one was here but I needed to put on a good show oh hey Thor I can’t believe you’re here just then Iron Monger popped out uhhuh huh I was ready for him and gave him a good hit what the there’s no Thor here I can’t believe I’ve been betrayed and tripped like this what do you mean betrayed how did you know I would be here no I’ve said too much iron monger flew away something was definitely going on I hurried back to the the base as I arrived I could see Natasha was waiting for me you’re not going to believe this what happened after you left I followed Steve just like you asked once he had gotten far enough away from the base I saw him pull out a communication device I got close enough to hear who he was talking to who was Iron Monger you’re right I can’t believe this we’ve got to confront him right away on day 63 to 66 I headed into the base to find Steve I soon found him hey you weren’t gone for very long did you find anyone there was no one there but you probably already knew that what do you mean how could I have known that because you been in contact with your friend Iron Monger give it up Steve we know you don’t know anything just then Steve started to transform suddenly Steve was gone and Mandarin was standing there Mandarin so it’s been you all along I should have known it was someone evil trying to trick us well you just aren’t very smart are you you’ve been leading us to superheroes this entire time what do you want with us I’ve been absorbing all of the powers soon you’ll be unable to stop me I was hoping I could wait for you to build another super suit so I could steal its pow too but no matter you’d never stop me I leftt forward to attack him but he was right he was really strong he knocked me out of the way and was able to escape he wasn’t fully powered up yet but if he was this strong already we were going to be in real trouble on day 67 to 70 I went to talk to Natasha and blade I couldn’t believe I had been tricked I apologized to them for leading Mandarin right to them don’t worry about it you were trying your best now that we know who we’re really up against we have a better chance of stopping him thanks Nat I appreciate the support and speaking of support I appreciate all of you watching too after this video search for more Zozo zo zo sir I’m sorry to interrupt but I’ve managed to repair my memory banks and unlocked a new design for another part of the suit oh that’s great news what do we need to build it it looks like we’ll be needing some diamonds but I’m not detecting any on my scanner you need diamonds I haven’t seen any underground but while I was tracking the vampire I stayed in a village full of them I’ll tell you where to go blade explained where the village was and I set off to find it I soon arrived and saw that blade wasn’t lying there were diamonds everywhere here the villagers had all kinds of diamond tools and armor hey there there nice armor do you guys have any extra diamonds you could spare I might have some but I can’t just give you them for free that’s understandable how much do they cost you know we’ve had quite a bit of a problem here and if you can solve that problem I’ll give you everything we can spare sounds like it must be a pretty big problem then yeah there’s a monster that has started living in our diamond mine and we haven’t been able to go in there for weeks take care of that monster for us and we’ll give you our spare diamonds okay I’ll do it tell me where to go on day 71 to 74 I arrived at the diamond mind but the place looked a band I guess the monster really cleared this place out better see what I can find I went into the cave but didn’t see any diamonds I didn’t see anything for that matter the place was super dark as I went deeper into the mine I placed torches to help me see the mine kept going deeper and deeper I was starting to wonder if it would ever end at long last I reached what seemed to be the final room there’s nothing here maybe the monster left or something just then I noticed that the Torches I had placed along the wall were starting to go out one by one they broke getting closer and closer to me suddenly the vampire from before appeared what I thought we defeated you the vampire smirked and then attacked he was even stronger than before and this time he had some tricks up his sleeve too he burst into a ball of smoke summoning a group of bats what in the world this is crazy the vampire had disappeared I had to defeat these bats I ran around trying to cut down as many as I could suddenly I felt a hit the vampire had reappeared get out of here Dracula I still couldn’t believe this guy was still around but I guess it’s true vampires can never really be defeated that’s when I remembered the Stak the vampire was getting weak now and it was time to finish him off I grabbed my steak and hit him finishing him off he would be back eventually but at least I could get my diamonds in the meantime I hurried back into the village and met up with the Villager it’s done the monster is gone now let’s see about those diamonds amazing you saved us here you can have everything we have to spare the Villager tossed out a single Diamond I gave him a look I thought you said you were going to give me all the diamonds you have to spare I did we only have one Diamond to spare Jarvis piped up that should be all we need sir thanks well here you guys might need this I tossed him the steak and and headed off back to the base on day 75 to 78 I arrived back at the base it was time to make what Jarvis had remembered as I went to the crafting table Jarvis told me what I needed to do to craft a new Repulsor it wasn’t my full suit but at least it was a stronger weapon than before just then Natasha came into the room you’ve got your repulser up and running that’s great yeah problem is I don’t know where to go to find Iron Monger or Mandarin yeah I was thinking about that when I heard Steve or I guess Mandarin talking to Iron Monger I thought I could hear some machines in the background blade came into the room machines there’s a factory not too far from here maybe he’s hiding out in there it’s worth a shot I’m not sure where else to look they all agreed and I decided that before I would leave I would go ahead and finish the statue it took a lot of hard work to get it done but I soon had it all finished in no time so what do you guys think did you guess what it was correctly on day 79 to 84 I soon arrived at the factory blade had told me about I’m not sure if this is right but we’ll find out as I got closer I was suddenly attacked by a group of zombies if there were zombies around here there was a good chance Iron Monger or Mandarin were around too I managed to fight through the wave but avoided using my repulser in case Iron Monger was watching I didn’t want him to know I had it soon all of the zombies were defeated on days 85 to 89 I entered into the base that’s when I saw Iron Monger standing amongst a bunch of zombies trapped in cases of liquid what are you doing I knew you would show up here eventually I’m doing what needs to be done you superheroes think you can just do whatever you want zombies can be controlled so I’m taking your powers and giving them to them then I will control all the powers on earth oh I see you don’t want to stop super Powers you just want to be in charge of them yourself I won’t let you get away with this huh you’ve been trying to stop me this entire time and have never beat me today I will finish you for good we’ll see about that Iron Monger flew up in the air as a door opened letting zombies into the room there were a ton of them uh-oh I better take care of these first I ran around the room trying to take out as many zombies as I could this was a tough fight with so many things going on at once I had to defeat iron monger though my friends were going to need all of their powers back where is Mandarin hiding you’ll never find him because you’ll never leave here Iron Monger and I were now fighting each other directly and it was getting intense he hadn’t expected all of my upgrades though and I was really hurting him how did you get so strong I thought I took everything away from you suit isn’t a brain and that’s what’s going to defeat you I fired my repulser at him and took him out for good as he disappeared I saw he had dropped some unique Parts which I picked up sir we can use these materials to remake your stronger suit yes now we just need to find Mandarin and get everyone’s powers back let’s do this on days 90 to 94 I made it back to the base I ran right over to Natasha and blade to tell them the good news I was able to defeat iron monger the bad news is that he was trying to inject zombies with your powers that’s horrible it’s a good thing you beat him though speaking of any way to get our powers back before I left I saw he had some kind of machine that must be storing your powers if you guys go there you may be able to get them back right on thanks for all of your help you’ve got it now I’ve got to get to work returning to my final form I rushed over to the garage as the other set off for the factory using the materials Iron Monger had dropped I got to work but building my final Mark II version of my armor after a lot of hard work my armor was restored yes it’s going to feel so good to fly again I ran up the stairs of the house and over to a balcony here we go I jumped off and nothing happened I landed in the water below Jarvis what’s going on sorry sir but while your suit has been restored the flying capabilities still need some repairs don’t you think you could have told me that before I jumped off the cliff my apologies sir it’s okay no harm done now where do we need to go on days 95 to 97 Jarvis and instructed me that we would be heading to the nether so I got to work building a nether portal I hadn’t been able to get a diamond pickaxe so I had to get creative by using lava and some water I managed to Fashion a nether portal together it took a bit to get it all done but soon I had my own nether portal ready to go all right Jarvis show me the way I stepped into the portal and soon found myself in the nether this place always gives me the creeps let’s make this quick there was some quartz nearby so I quickly ran over to it and mined it up luckily that was all I needed so with my pockets full I jumped back into the portal back in the garage I got right to work crafting the flight module it didn’t take too long and soon it was all complete I walked back towards the cliff jumped off and it worked Yahoo I’m a flying man once again I took some time flying around feeling good that I was finally powered up just then Jarvis delivered some interesting news sir the super hero detector at the base is going off the signals are off the charts I hurried back to the base and went into the detector room the machine was going crazy the signal is way too strong for it to be Natasha and blade getting their powers back Mandarin must be up to something it was time to take him down on day 98 I headed off in the direction the detector was pointing not too much later I saw a giant base rising out of the ground this has to be Mandarin’s base just then I was attacked by a bunch of zombies oh no he must be trying to do the same thing Iron Monger was I’ve got to get to him and quick I was so strong that I knocked the zombies out of the way no problem but there was still a lot of them I also couldn’t help but notice some of them were stronger than others I had to hurry and get to the top out of the way zombros I kept firing my Repulsor Cannon until at long last all of the zombies were defeated I ran over over to the stairs and started heading up to the top as I got close I passed a sign in the distance oh subscribe you should do that right now and once this adventure is over go look up some more of my other ones just search Zozo zo zoo to find them on day 99 I reached the top of the tower and saw Mandarin floating in the sky wait how are you floating impressive isn’t it you’re too late I’ve absorbed your friend’s powers and now you’ll never be able to defeat me no I don’t believe it I’m going to knock their powers out of you bring it on rich boy mandrin started firing energy blasts at me causing some big explosions I returned fire launching attacks with my repulser Cannon I had to be careful though getting caught in those explosions really hurt the time of the superheroes is over and the time of the super villain has begun I managed to get a hit in with my Repulsor which stopped his monologue but suddenly a bunch of Yellow Smoke appeared and Mandarin was gone where did he go looking for me Mandarin reappeared launching more energy blasts he could teleport now this wasn’t looking good I had started to fly around but this was tough I was hanging in there but I didn’t know how long I could last what’s wrong am I too strong let me make this easier for you and finish this there was another plume of yellow smoke and Mandarin copied himself I was getting attacked from all sides oh no he’s too strong I was taking out some of his clones but there was no way I could keep this up I finally took out the Clones but took a heavy hit one more hit and it was all done for me I removed my mask I’m going to enjoy this you have been a thorn in my side for too long suddenly portal opened and all of my friends came running through including doctor strange and Captain America thought I ought to pay you back this guy stole my face that’s America’s face not his we were able to get our powers back all thanks to you now let’s return the favor well well well aren’t we all just one big happy family well you’re too late I’m not just as strong as all of you I’m stronger manderin cloned himself again and we all started to fight it was on now he was still strong but there was no way he could take us all down because even though we might be equal in power we had something he didn’t friendship no it can’t be how can I be losing we had defeated all of his clones and surrounded him in the center of the platform well thanks for playing tell Iron Monger we say hello no I blasted him with my Repulsor destroying him for good my friends and I all gathered together Steve I was wondering what had happened to you thanks for showing up yeah the doctor here came and Found Me by the time we met up with the other two they had just gotten their powers we came here right away just in time too suddenly another portal opened and Hulk came through wait a second this isn’t where I was trying to go where’s Abomination uh-oh that Hulk sounds like me looks like me from another video somehow wound up here can you help him get back after this video is over go watch my Hulk video on day 100 we had all arrived back at the base the world was safe once again and everyone had their powers but we would stay vigilant and keep an eye out you never know when trouble could strike again on day one I spawned in as the Hulk oh yeah look at me I’m incredibly tiny I was small but I could still punch pretty pry hard and jumped pretty high before I could spend too much time admiring my abilities though I was attacked by a bunch of baboons get away from me you mad monkeys I thought about running away but wait I was the Hulk I started swinging my fists in no time I had pounded the baboons into the ground bet you thought this little green guy was an easy dinner I decided to go looking for my friends as I was exploring I came across a village while walking the streets I noticed that it was empty and several of the buildings had been damaged wow I wonder what happened here I kept exploring but couldn’t find any survivors so I found myself a good house and went to sleep for the night on day two I left the village and entered a nearby Forest time to start punching trees I punched down trees until my fists were starting to hurt then set up a crafting table to make myself some wooden tools I made all the tools I was going to need then headed over to a nearby cave wood can only get me so far better get some Stone in the cave I managed to find some coal along with plenty of stone as I was mining though I suddenly heard a noise behind me the little boy ran off into the cave he had totally caught me off guard hang on a second come back here I ran off in the direction he had gone and soon caught up with it that’s when I saw a skeleton was trying to attack him hang tight with my Hulk strength I managed to take him out then I turned to the little boy please don’t eat me eat you why would I eat you so you’re not going to eat me no of course not I don’t want to hurt anyone what are you doing down here in this cave a big monster came to our village and destroyed it my mom told me to hide in this cave the monster reminded me of you but I guess you’re not as big as he was like me huh that’s confusing but do you think it’s safe to go back to the Village I didn’t want to break it to this kid that the village had been complet complely wiped out so I didn’t it’s still pretty scary out there so our best bet is just to stay here in the cave we can go look for your family tomorrow on day three the boy whose name was Nash and I headed back to the Village this was going to be awkward Nash showed me to his house but it was completely destroyed he was feeling really sad when suddenly we heard a cry from the inside someone is in here I ran over to a pile of rubble and underneath I could see a pair of eyes it’s MAA that’s my big sister I quickly cleared out all of the blocks letting the little girl out of the rubble are you okay what happened here uh I I think I’m okay it was a green monster that attacked us he was big and scary kind of like you but he didn’t have friendly eyes he ran around our town destroying everyone and everything in front of him our house claps so I don’t know if my parents escaped or not I’m sorry to hear it how long has it been I don’t know days have gone by since I’ve been under here just then we heard a howl and a group of feral wolves appeared they must have been Scavenging in the abandoned Village hang on kids I’ll take care of this I sprang into action hitting the Wolves they were vicious as they snapped with their fangs but I wasn’t going to let them hurt these poor kids soon enough I had taken several of them out it wasn’t enough though as I could hear some more wolves off in the distance come on guys I don’t think I can fight all of them off let’s get out of here we ran from the village until we were a safe distance away it was time to start building us a shelter first off I put together a full set of stone tools so I’d have the equipment needed to get any job done then I got to work building a simple house for us to stay in it wasn’t anything fancy as we needed something quick but at least for now it was a place to call home once the house was finished I then made several torches and put them outside to stop mobs from spawning we had survived another day but who knew what surprises were coming next on days 4 to 5 I left the kids at the house and went to go look for some food we weren’t going to last out here if we didn’t have something to eat oh look pigs I had spotted some pigs so I rushed over and attacked them I quickly knocked them all out and collected all of their meat just then black panther came out of the trees tala what are you doing out here diara is a beast that has been destroying the villages in the area they call him Abomination I have tried to face him myself but he was too powerful oh man if you can’t beat him how can I I’m so small you know there is a cave near here that contains something I think might help you he explained where I needed to go and so I set off to find what he was talking about after a bit I soon found the cave he was describing as I entered in I saw what he was talking about it was gamma radiation this is what made the Hulk in the first place I stepped up to it and immediately started to absorb the radiation I could feel it entering my bloodstream when suddenly I grew bigger and stronger than before awesome I feel like I could beat anything right now speaking of which there was a Roar as a zlin had just shown up he must have been absorbing the radiation too let’s try these new powers out but much to my disappointment he was really strong I was losing the fight I was taking too much damage and had no choice but to hurry and run away on day 68 I had arrived back at the house that’s when I realized I had eaten all the meat I was supposed to bring home oh man the kids are probably hungry I turned around and headed back out luckily it didn’t take too long and I quickly found some chickens this will make a great meal for the kids I then headed into a nearby mind to try and find some better materials as I went deeper into the mine I soon came across some iron yes now I can finally stop using these stone tools with my pockets full of iron I headed back to the house for good this time as I entered the house the kids were really impressed with how much bigger I had gotten Unfortunately they were less impressed with eating raw meat that’s a good point let me fix that I got Right to Work adding on a kitchen to the house I’m not sure why I thought feeding them moral meat would be a good idea I guess I’m just used to being able to eat whatever I want with the kitchen complete I got the chicken all cooked up now the kids would be able to have a decent meal with the food food all sorted out I then started smelting down the iron ore using my new iron bars I made myself a brand spanking new set of iron tools which would be way better than my stone ones then I got to it making some iron armor I wasn’t able to make a full set I wasn’t sure it would be strong enough to take on Abomination but it would be better than nothing that’s when I realized that none of us had a place to sleep I then made the kids their own bedrooms complete with beds in their favorite colors on days 9 to 10 I woke up to a knock on the door it was Black Panther how are you feeling about your powers now Abomination is nearby perhaps together we can defat yeah together I’m sure we’ll have a chance I followed black panther out and across the land we soon arrived at a seaside village I could see Abomination rampaging through the town destroying people in buildings alike oh man he’s bigger than I thought he would be this isn’t going to be an easy fight we couldn’t let him to continue to hurt these innocent people though so I charged down into the village straight at Abomination leave these people alone Abomination turned and hit me hard ouch yeah I don’t care how much you hurt me I’ll never stop fighting you get out of here you lab experiment I don’t have time for pets like you kept fighting but it was clear I didn’t have a chance just as Abomination was ready to finish me off black panther hopped into the fight he was able to get a few hits in but it wasn’t enough to stop Abomination he was just too strong the two of us ran off as Abomination continued his Rampage through the village we had both nearly been defeated and tala was nearly on the verge of death luckily we made it out of their alive on days 11 to 12 we arrived back at my base tala let me make a room for you to heal up I quickly got to work making him a fresh new room so he could relax and get his health back up I soon finished the build and to Chala was able to move in the kids had run in to see him and were very excited apparently they thought he was their new kitty theala was not amused hang out here guys I’ll see about getting us some food I started to leave the house eating our last bit of meat in the distance I could hear some spiders I better take those out before they get too close to the base I soon Came Upon the spiders and managed to fight them off without too much trouble as I picked up the string they dropped it gave me an idea if I had some leads I could get some pigs and raise them at the house luckily I soon came across some slime I fought the Slime destroying all of its parts I picked up the Slime balls they dropped and then use the ingredients to craft some leads time to go pig wrestling I went searching through the woods and eventually found the pigs I was looking for using the newly created leads I led them back to the base I then LED them into a pen that I had built earlier finally now there will be enough meat for everyone I wanted to be sure we had some variety though so I broke some grass to get seeds I’d also gathered some water in a bucket so I was all ready to build a farm I tilled the ground and placed the water which then let me plant the seeds I had collected this base is really starting to come along the only thing I was missing at this point was a statue to really put my mark on the place since I was so busy with food I thought I would make it my favorite food you’ll have to let me know if you can guess what it is once I had finished the first part it had gotten pretty late and I could see some creepers had started spawning near the base I better take care of that before they blow everyone to bits I headed down to the base and knocked out all the creepers fighting them was always scary business but I managed to knock them all out without too much trouble on days 13 to 15 I decided that I needed to focus on getting more powerful but I wasn’t sure where to start just then there was a knock on the door Tony what are you doing here I was flying over and saw the statue you were building who else would build that other than you fig figured I’d stop in and say hello boy Tony you really dropped in at the right time this Abomination has been rampaging through the towns here and I’m not strong enough to stop him oh well I know what you mean I’ve had a few scrapes of my own I wasn’t sure I was going to get out of what have you got so far well I came across some gamma radiation that powered me up but that’s about it well what are you wasting your time with me for that’s your answer right there surely there’s more radiation points out there you think so but how could we find them bring me some dirt from the cave with that I can build you a detector that will lead you to new deposits piece of cake I agreed to the plan but there is just one problem that Zin would still be there I decided to head back to the caves in order to get some more iron with the new Iron I collected I brought it back up and smelted it down using the iron ingots I completed the rest of my armor all right let’s give this thing a go I soon reached the cave from before I think my best bet is going to be trying to sneak I tiptoed into the cave and saw the perfect block for a dirt sample I quickly mined it up without any Movement by the Zin looks like I might just make it out of here alive just then I noticed there were some diamonds nearby it was too good to pass up I headed over to the diamond and mind it out out but unfortunately it woke up the Zin oh boy here we go the Zin let out a Roar and attacked I was the same level of strength as last time but I didn’t have this much armor back then the Zin was still incredibly powerful and it was a tough fight thanks to my new gear I was able to take him out and win on day 16 to 19 I managed to make it back to the base with a sample Tony needed a lab to work out of and had gotten to work putting it all together there was some pretty cool stuff going on in there and after a while it was all done wow this lab is looking awesome with the lab complete Tony could start working on that radiation detector I could tell was going to be here for a while though so I got to work building him a house of his own it probably wasn’t the mansion He was used to but he would just have to get used to it as I was finishing the house Tony came running over to me he had finished the radiation detector a Tony this is going to help so much thank you it was time to get out there and become even more powerful on days 20 to 22 I had the detector in my hand and started running off through the woods as I ran I almost ran straight into a woodland Mansion huh the gamma must be underneath this Mansion I’ll have to keep my guard up though this place is dangerous I walked into the mansion and took a look around as I walked down the hallways I was immediately attacked by elers don’t mind me it’s just a casual breaking and entering the ERS started firing off their arrows and I ran around giving them the old one too it was tough but luckily my iron armor was doing enough to protect me I kept pushing my way through fighting the yellers off as I went eventually I saw a chest room and started taking a look inside oh wow these materials will be perfect for my statue what luck I checked more chests and found even more materials in the chest as I passed around the room I saw something floating on a pedestal power gloves I’ll bet I can punch super hard now I kept following the tracker and came across some more illers using my new Power Glove I was able to knock them out much faster than before boy am I glad I found this thing as I continued down the hallway I soon saw a very strange looking set of stairs this must be the place as I reached the bottom I saw a massive warped mosquito uh hi want to move suddenly the mosquito took flight and charged this dude had clearly been hitting the gym and his punches were powerful I had to do a lot of running and hiding to try and stay in the fight oh mosquitoes were already bad enough why is this one so much worse in addition to his punches he also shot a gross looking liquid at me I had to end this and fast using the plants as cover I managed to jump out and get hits in it took a lot of effort but eventually I was able to take him out now that is how you squish a bug with the mosquito gone I headed into the doorway and could see the gamma inside I stood in place as I absorbed its energy suddenly I got a little bigger and gained more Hearts yes this will never get old as I was getting ready to leave the Mansion I caught the scent of a nearby Farm but it was inside I went down the hallway and saw a room full of carrots well the elers aren’t going to be needing this anymore I gathered up as many carrots as I could now we’d have a more reliable food source time to get back to the base on days 23 to 26 I got Right to Work planting all the crops I had gotten from the illagers as I was finishing I heard black panther calling to me well we don’t have more radiation for you perhaps we can train you to get you stronger well I’m sure every little bit will help I’m in I headed out behind the house and got to work building a new training course according to tala’s instructions it was looking like it would be a fun course but certainly challenging once the course was complete tala ran through it to show me how it’s done he made it look look really easy all right I’ll give it a go I did my best to run through but definitely made some mistakes this was going to take some practice to get better after giving it a few tries tala suggested that we try fighting I hope you’ve got your armor on tight I’m going to smash you good luck we faced off and started to fight I was really strong but I think that was my mistake the Black Panther was an experienced fighter and was able to get more hits in in the end he was able to defeat me oh man looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do do not worry even the smallest seeds can become a mighty tree you will get there on days 27 to 31 I was feeling especially motivated to get stronger I decided to start looking for some more radiation stations okay let’s see where this thing leads me this time I followed the radiation detector across the land and eventually reached a snowy Tundra it looks like it’s pointing me to this cave over here I didn’t see any green glowing but maybe it was just deep within I headed deeper into the cave suddenly I was attacked by a bunch of diamond zombies leave me alone I was able to beat them back but they were much tougher than I thought I needed that radiation boost more than I realized I kept going and ran into a whole group of diamond skeletons too luckily some of them shot each other so they ended up fighting amongst themselves while I took them out guess that’s what happens when you don’t have a brain the good news was that I was able to spot some diamonds which I happily mind out well this doesn’t make me stronger physically but it will definitely give me a leg up in a fight with all the diamonds mind I headed back up out of the cave before I could get too far though I heard a noise behind me it was a Yeti uh-oh these guys are strong the yeti and I started to fight I was right his blows were Landing some hard hits I wasn’t sure I could take him but I had to be strong I couldn’t leave those kids behind I rose up and started Landing blows I could tell I was was going to win I only needed to land one more hit when suddenly the yeti let out an ice attack freezing me in place he was hurt and ran away to go heal this is not good on days 32 to 35 I was still frozen luckily the ice was starting to melt and I was able to break free well it’s a good thing that Yeti left now where was I I followed my radiation detector which soon led me to another cave but look who it was that Yeti I know I can beat him but he’s probably just going to freeze me again but I need that power I moved closer to him but before I could could start to fight he spoke wait wait don’t hurt me I thought you were the Abomination I can see that you’re different though I try to be what do you know about him not much other than he destroyed my Village everyone I know was lost in the battle and I’m the only one of my kind left what a monster why do you think he attacked your village well my Village was near gamma radiation Source like the one in this cave my best guess is that he was trying to get to it oh no it must power him up too I’ve got to get to the radiation before he does he has to be stopped I’ve been watching this cave to try and stop him in case he shows up but I trust you to stop him I’ll let you in but be warned there’s a monster even more powerful inside I’ll take my chances I headed into the cave soon I saw what the yeti had been talking about inside there was a ghost Mage uh-oh here we go the ghost Mage charged me he wasn’t going to make this easy he looked like he had been waiting here a little too long I’d be upset too if I didn’t have any legs but hey at least he could levitate get out of my way I swung as hard as I could and at long last the ghost Mage Was Defeated now I could finally ACC access the radiation I stepped up to it and could feel the power enter into me soon I was even stronger than before oh yeah that’s the good stuff as I left the cave I invited the yeti to come and stay with us since his village was destroyed and he no longer had a reason to guard the cave he happily agreed on days 36 to 39 I got Right to Work building the yeti his own room turned out he used to live in a world full of monsters where he would help in their mail room he said he got banished to our world it was all politics poor guy with the yeti room complete I decided to give the base some more upgrades to make it a little safer we needed to beef up our defenses just in case Abomination ever found us once the defenses were all completed I was starting to get hungry that’s when I headed over to continue work on my statue by this point you’ve probably got a good idea of what my favorite food is leave your guesses in the comments after a bit I had finished the second part that’s when Black Panther came running up to me he said he was impressed by how much bigger I had gotten he said there was still a lot more work I had to do though and invited me to do the obstacle course again I would but I’m just not very good at it it’s hard to do an obstacle course when there are so many other things I’m trying to get done I understand but it will help you if if you can complete the course I have an item I believe will help oh I like the sound of that I’ll have to keep training then I ran over to the obstacle course and got to work it was still hard but I felt like I was doing even better than before black panther encouraged me even when I fell off and had to try again I wasn’t able to beat it today but soon enough I would have to win that prize on days 40 to 43 I tried to use my radiation detector to find more gamma but it wasn’t working oh man what’s up with this thing I headed over to Tony and asked him what was going on with it he explained that I must have found all the gamma radiation within range of the detector so how can we expand the range Tony told me to wait there and headed into his plane when he returned he tossed out some Eyes of Ender and told me I needed to get some ender pearls oh boy this isn’t going to be easy I thanked him for his help and started searching for the end portal my journey led me across the land at one point I even came across some diamonds which I was able to use to finish up an entire set of diamond armor I’m going to need this in the end for sure it took a lot of searching but eventually I made it into the Str strong hold and soon found myself outside the end portal I inserted The Eyes of Ender well here goes nothing I jumped in on days 44 to 49 I appeared in the end let’s get those ender pearls there were several Endermen nearby and I got Right to Work chopping them down these guys were really scary when you looked them in the eyes but you just had to be brave I ended up getting into more than I asked for though and was soon surrounded by them how was I going to get out of this one suddenly there was a sound above me and the Scarlet Witch came flying into hell together we were able to take out the rest of the Enderman oh you showed up just in time I thought I was a goner always happy to help a friend do you know what’s going on with the Enderman though I noticed that not a single one of them dropped any under pearls I have noticed this as well yes there is something going on but I don’t know what it is yet well let’s stick together and maybe we can figure this out she agreed and we continued on through the end nearby there was an nend city so we went to check it out as we got closer we saw something terrifying look at that Enderman he’s bigger than all of the others we charged in and started to fight this Enderman was unlike anything I had ever seen before he had four arms and we clap them together trying to smash me in them he would also pick up and throw blocks at me as well as teleport around this battle was really tough with the Scarlet Witch’s help though we finally managed to take him out he let out a shriek and exploded in a display of Enderman goo it was pretty intense and look an ender pearl the giant Enderman had left a single Pearl behind the Scarlet Witch told me I should take it as she had more research she wanted to do in the end she opened up a portal for me to return to the Overworld so I stepped in to head home on days 50 to 53 I arrived back at my base safely back home I went over to Tony to give him the ender pearl I had collected he thanked me and got Right to Work improving the gamma radiation detector suddenly there was a sound outside what was that a as they got closer to the sound of the noise I saw that some Enderman were there Scarlet Witch must have left the portal open too long I hurried to defend the base from the Enderman knocking them out one at a time once they were defeated Scarlet Witch came through the portal oh I am sorry about that I have been in the end for so long I forgot to close my portal that’s okay good luck with your research she thanked me and headed back into the end on days 54 to 57 I decided to go find Black Panther to do some training what I found instead though was a note meet me in the woods North huh I wonder what he’s up to this time I went North and soon found black panther as as well as a giant circle of stones what’s this all about pay attention this suer will summon a mystical monster defeat it and you will receive a special item I stepped into the ring and soon a Magma monster appeared he didn’t seem like he was too tough and that’s because he wasn’t I jumped around and managed to take him out pretty easily is that all you wanted me to do that was easy don’t not around I turned around and saw a much bigger Magma monster uh-oh this guy was way stronger than the other one and I was taking a beating why didn’t tiches have me fight this guy the first time I felt like my training was paying off though and soon I was winning I got into position and managed to land the final blow taking him out completely got him all right now where’s that special reward or is there another monster behind me black panther chuckled and suddenly a ring of fire appeared in the arena I stepped into it and picked up an enchanted pair of diamond boots wow these have feather falling four on them now I can survive huge Falls I thanked aala for his help then left to go back to the base on days 58 to 62 I was arriving back at the base when I saw someone standing on top of it who is that as I got closer I could see it was the Red Hulk hey what do you think you’re doing here the Abomination knows what you’re doing there’s only enough room for one big green guy in this world and that’s not you we’ll see about that we charged into the base but we’re suddenly attacked by a group of red crabs what the where did all of these guys come from the crabs weren’t very strong but there were a lot of them we were so distracted by the crabs we didn’t notice Red Hulk had snuck around the walls and into Tony’s lab we soon defeated all the crabs but there was one question on our minds where did Red Hulk go we ran around the base and soon saw the house he had run into he had managed to break into the lab Tony quickly ran around to check if anything was stolen bad news big guy the gamma radiation detector is gone oh no now Abomination will be able to find all the sources before me there’s no way I’ll be able to beat him without it suddenly I realized something else was missing too the kids we ran around the base and eventually saw them hiding under a desk they were scared but unharmed it’s okay guys it’s safe now don’t worry I promise I will always protect you no matter what now that everyone is safe follow me I can use my tracking abilities to find where the Red Hulk ran to let’s go on days 63 to 66 black panther and I were tracking Red Hulk path soon I could see a large Tower in the distance that must be it hang back and I’ll go take care of this I made my way over to the Tower and entered in I was immediately attacked by a bunch of red crabs get your piny pincers away from me he managed to clear out all the crabs on the ground floor and started running up the stairs what a weird place to call home as I reached the top I saw Red Hulk was waiting for me huh I guess I should have gotten rid of that little Catman but no matter you’ll never defeat me bring it on Red Hulk and I charged at each other exchanging blows it was a different fight entirely to be punching someone who was just as strong as me you should be helping us you are a Hulk after all big deal I’m here for the strongest and that’s never going to be you his heads were getting harder and I was almost out of hell suddenly there was a flash of light and Scarlet Witch appeared someone needs to be taught a lesson Scarlet Witch started firing energy at Red Hulk which had totally caught him off guard we were winning we may have been too confident though because even though Scarlet Witch could fly she got a little too close gotcha Red Hulk landed a hit knocking her out of the sky down toward the ground no you’ll pay for that my blood began to boil and I suddenly grew ruin size becoming even stronger than before I charged at the Red Hulk smacking him again and again he tried to fight back but it was no use soon he was defeated I can’t believe Scarlet Witch had to die I’ll never forget her on the ground was the gamma radiation detector which I happily picked up I ran back down and out of the tower waiting on the other side was Black Panther and Scarlet Witch what I thought you were gone what do you mean I thought you knew I could fly you knocked me down but I caught myself it seemed like you had it from there right that makes sense well I got stronger let’s go on day 67 to 70 we returned back to my base and got Right to Work building a place for the Scarlet Witch to stay I was so happy to find out she survived the fight that was way too close for comfort I soon finished her place then I went on to build something for the kids I couldn’t believe Red Hulk was able to get into our base so easily no wonder the kids were scared if it had been the Abomination things could have gotten much worse soon I finished building them their very own playroom my armor had taken a beating in the fights so I went over to Tony to give him supplies to fix it up he was happy to help so I set off to work on the Statue I then headed outside to finish up the next part of the statue I’m sure you’ve guessed What It Is by now a hamburger it’s definitely one of my favorite foods what’s yours soon the next part of my burger was complete on day 71 to 74 I was having a horrible dream I’d finally found Abomination but something was wrong he kept getting bigger and bigger well I kept getting smaller and smaller I wasn’t going to be able to beat him I woke up in a cold sweat oh what’s going on kids sorry to wake you up but we wanted to tell you thank you yeah even though the base was attacked we’ve never felt safer we know you’ll always do what you can to protect us I assured them that that would always be true I believed myself when I said it but I couldn’t help but feel nervous about the fight ahead on days 75 to 78 I felt more motivated than ever to get stronger in order to protect my friends all right let’s see where a boosted detector takes me this time I followed the arrow and soon found myself back in the forest where I had been training with black panther it led me to the summoning Circle which suddenly transported me to the nether wa wao as I arrived I saw tons of magma monsters who attacked jeez all my friends really need to work on their portal management skills these guys could have come through I kept fighting and was able to get through the magma monsters that’s when I noticed that there was some ancient debris nearby oh excellent I’ll be able to upgrade my armor and tools to netherite with this on days 79 to 84 I was still following my detector through the nether I could tell I was close but before I could go much farther Abomination came out of nowhere well thanks for being my guide looks like this is my stop your guide what H all that muscle and so dumb didn’t even realize I was following you this whole time with this radiation I’ll finally be at my full form no I charged at him but even without his final form he knocked me out of the way no problem I was in big trouble he took off and went into the volcano all he could do was watch as the volcano started to erupt what did he do suddenly a giant Abomination came leaping from the volcano and Landing right in front of me now I am truly powered up your little Adventure ends here I knew I didn’t stand a chance in this fight so all I could do is run I turned as Abomination started chasing me through the nether I had no idea if I was going to get away come back here weakling I’m going to crush you I ran and ran but suddenly I came to a giant Cliff Time to Say Goodbye goodbye I jumped on days 85 to 89 I was still falling after what felt like forever I landed in a pool of water in a jungle how in the world did I get here suddenly a crocodile came out of nowhere and attacked it was just a few punches and I took him out in no time it felt good to be able to be on the winning end of a fight again all right where am I I’ve got to get back to the base I took a look at the surrounding area and realized I wasn’t far from my base but thankfully Abomination didn’t follow me I should be home in no time as I arrived back at my base I went to talk to Tony to tell him everything that had happened so yeah I don’t know how I’ll be able to beat him well there might be one more gamma spot you could use I didn’t mention it before because it’s pretty hard to get to where do I need to go I’ll do whatever it takes it’s deep inside of the earth give me some time to improve the detector and I’ll be able to lead you right to it there wasn’t a whole lot for me to do but wait so I decided to use the time to finish the hamburger statue I know it was kind of a strange thing to build but there was something about a giant hamburger that just gave me a sense of normaly in this crazy world soon the statue was complete on days 90 to 94 I went to visit black panther all right tala today’s the day I’m going to beat your obstacle course you are already strong enough my friend you don’t need to prove anything on the obstacle course I have to prove it to myself besides I want to win that item you mentioned ah yes the item go on then I ran to the course and got right to it I could get all the strength and muscle in the world but if I couldn’t Triumph a test of will what good was it the obstacle course was still as hard as ever but my friends believed in me and I had to win before I knew it I had beaten the course yes I did it well done well done here is your prize as promised black panther tossed out a hammer is that Muir Thor’s hammer I picked it up wait I picked it up it’s just a replica I may have made it sound cooler than it was going to be sorry about that H that’s okay I actually really like it it reminds me of my friend if only he could be here too that’s when I had an idea I headed over to the hamburger statue and started to make some adjustments I decided to add a helmet in some arms it wasn’t my friend but I was happy to have a reminder of him I was admiring my statue when suddenly Thor appeared Thor what are you doing here well I’m not really there I’m just kind of there but the real question is why did you make me a hamburger it’s a long Uh Hungry story don’t worry about it sure sure say we do sound a lot alike don’t we well that’s because I spent 100 Days with you before oh yeah that was awesome everyone should go watch that video next yeah absolutely all right well good luck on your upcoming fight I know you’ll smash it nice you’re always so funny talk to you soon Thor disappeared time to go check on that new detector on days 95 to 97 I went to Tony’s to see if he had finished the detector as I entered it looked like something was wrong Tony what’s going on Tony was floating in a water tank on life support I took a look around and saw a note lying on the table what was going on only thing that could give the detector enough juice was my arc reactor I will hang out here till then huh he’s risking his life for me to find this I can’t let him down before I could leave though I had to go say goodbye to the kids they thanked me for giving them a safe place to live and wished me luck in my battle against the Abomination as a final gesture they gave me a piece of jewelry to remember them by now there’s just one thing left to do using all the ancient debris I had collected in the nether I managed to make some netherite scraps then I used that to make some netherite ingots finally I was I was able to upgrade all of my equipment to netherite on day 98 I had reached the Badlands the detector had been steady so far so I knew I had to be getting close okay it looks like this is the spot man how deep do I need to go just then there was a giant scary bug and he looked hungry buzz off bug boy the bug was a vicious little well big spider I never met something so determined to end me the only way a bug could be this big has to be because of the radiation I kept swinging my fist and was eventually able to knock him out all right let’s level up for the last time I stepped up to the radiation and nothing happened what’s going on I’m not absorbing the radiation that’s when I realized I never was absorbing radiation to get bigger every time I had gotten bigger it was because I was angry about a friend being in danger I took a look at the locket the kids had given me inside of the locket was a picture of the kids with their now missing parents the Abomination has taken so much away from everyone I care about I have to be stronger I was so angry about it that I started to feel the power flowing into me and I was about to grow bigger than ever before on day 99 it came bursting from the ground in my final giant form and look how many hearts I have time to find the Abomination that’s when I noticed that the detector could find other gamma radiation users Man Tony thought of everything I flicked the switch and saw it was pointing at me wait that’s not right I flicked it again and it pointed another direction oh no it’s pointing to my base I took off running my friends were going to be in trouble back at the base there was an explosion outside the walls the kids hurried and ran under the desk for cover here he comes Wanda get ready Abomination came breaking through the wall as Scarlet Witch and black panther tried to hold him off they were doing their best but he was too strong as I got closer to the base I could see the fight was intense I hurried and jumped in nice of you to join us couldn’t let you guys have all the fun how about you two shut it and let me pound you into the ground we’ll see about that we continue to fight as the Abomination exploded more and more of the base we had to win but he was too strong he kept knocking us back suddenly there was an explosion and the side of the children’s room exploded help oh now you’ve got me really angry and you won’t like me when I’m angry a surge of energy came into me and I grew even bigger than I thought was possible Hulk smash I started swinging punching the heck out of the Abomination what how where did this come from the Abomination was really backing down now I punched and punched then at long last he was defeated goodbye for good we took a moment to celebrate our Victory but wait what about the children we rushed over to the house and found the kids under the desk oh thank goodness you’re okay they laughed and cried out of Happiness they gave me a hug and I started to calm down as I calmed down I shrunk back to a more normal size the danger was gone on day 100 we took time to rebuild the base the danger was gone but who knows when it would strike again but when it did we would be waiting and we would be ready on day one I spawned in as lava Spider-Man in the middle of the Black Forest wo lava Spider-Man what a combination what they think of next but I didn’t get to enjoy being the world’s hottest web spinner for long because suddenly some Endermen were emerging out of the woods around me uh-oh I think I’m going to leave you guys to it I turned and ran off as fast as I could until I couldn’t see the Enderman anymore they Blended in well with the dark trees of the Black Forest I’m only a baby lava Spider-Man with 10 hearts and no weapons I can’t take on a whole gang of Enderman like this but I hadn’t accounted for one thing Enderman can teleport one of them popped up right in front of me stopping me in my tracks why are you running from us little one do you have something to hide what no I don’t have anything to hide I was just running cuz you guys were scary no offense sorry kid but I don’t buy that you’re going to need to come with us our Master is going to want to speak to you I thought about running again or trying to fight but then I turned and saw that even more of the Enderman had appeared behind me there was no way I could get out on day two one of the Endermen took me to some kind of strange Fort deep in the Black Forest I had no idea who these Endermen worked for or what they plann to do with me if you just play ball with us kid then and no harm will come to you there are just a few things we need to figure out somehow I didn’t believe him he threw me into some kind of prison cell with tall walls and no ceiling just staring off into the sky that’s when I noticed a back door don’t bother trying to open that I turned and saw a cartographer standing in the corner watching me I’ve tried it can only be opened from the other side I’ve been here for a week so I think we’re going to be here in the long run so they got you too huh I’m Zozo they captured me outside what are you in for they captured me while mapping out the area I’m a cartographer that means I make maps but they accused me of working for some suspicious person and locked me up believe me I’ve tried every way to escape it’s impossible H or maybe not going on a hunch I walked over to one of the walls and started to climb up it like a spider this must have been one of my awesome lava Spider-Man Powers look look at me go I climbed all the way up the wall and hopped up onto the other side then I opened the door from the other side freeing the Cartographer that was amazing Zozo you’re like a superhero oh jeez that’s nice of you to say but we should probably get out of here before those weird Enderman come back and try to capture us again good idea we’ll split up and I hope to see you again someday Zozo likewise stay safe out there so I ran off trying to make my way out of the Sinister black forest on day three I escaped the black forest and reached the Badlands which was as scorching hot and unforgiving as the name suggests wow thank goodness I’m a lava Spider-Man or I’d be roasting right now but it wasn’t just the heat that was a problem it was Hunger you can’t just run away from a bunch of sinister mysterious Enderman without working up an appetite and there aren’t that many trees around here either so I guess apples are out of the question too but I wasn’t out of luck just yet I managed to find some delicious healthy carrots nearby and pick them up for a quick snack I may be a Spider-Man but I’ll take some nice carrots over flies any day after eating the carrots and filling up my hunger bar I continued exploring the Badlands until I ran into something spectacular a huge tough diamond golem hey there little dude pick your jaw up off the floor you may be looking at the ultimate blinged out Golem but don’t worry I’m actually very approachable sorry I I don’t mean to stare it’s just wow you’re so shiny oh yeah you better believe it you know what they say diamonds are forever and so am I no matter what these goofy un shiny Enderman say wait the Enderman are after you too I literally just escaped from those guys is that so little bro and I think we have a lot to say to each other follow me my pad isn’t far from here I’d made another friend I eagerly followed the diamond golem through the Badlands excited for whatever would come next from day four to day five I continued with the diamond golem over to his pad it was the coolest base I’d ever seen the exact kind of thing you’d expect from a blinged out super Golem wow this place is amazing diamond golem I’m so impressed please kid call me Dino and your name I’m Zozo Zozo the lava Spider-Man that’s a mouthful little Zozo but I can dig it what you’re lacking in Riz you can make up for in guts I like that let me guess people have called you a superhero wow that was a good guess I have a talent for reading people you just look like a hero man there are some dangerous people out there not every Golem is as nice and cool as me I need your help to take care of the people out there giving me a bad name can you dig it you think you’re tough enough I can dig it and I definitely think I’m tough enough I’ll help you defeat all the bad guys right on little Zozo first though you can’t hang out here you’re harsh in My Vibe take these tools and go build your own place get it yes sir Dino the diamond golem gave me a stone sword and a stone pickaxe and I left to make a base of my own that’s how I ended up in the amaranth Fields yeah this is a much nicer climate I immediately started cutting down trees and mining stone until I had enough material to start building a base it wasn’t anywhere near as cool as Dino’s base but if I worked hard maybe someday it would be but the physical exercise was worth it anyway because I suddenly leveled up getting bigger stronger suddenly having 20 hearts and gaining a new power Web Blast oh oh yeah now I’m like a real Spider-Man and that new power couldn’t have come at a better time one of the same Endermen from earlier teleported in front of me you I’ve been searching for you all day since you escaped our base I knew you were trouble oh you have no idea unlike them I wasn’t taking prisoners I fired Web Blast after Web Blast until the Enderman was no more when I level up enough I’m going to be every bit as strong as Dino the diamond golem from day six to day eight I continued working on my base making it a little bigger by adding a new building and once I’d done that I could start making it look as cool as Dino’s base during my lunch break I saw a familiar figure walking through the amaranth Fields it was the Cartographer who’d been in the prison with me of course I immediately ran over to have a chat with my old cellmate hey buddy how’s the free life treating you hi Zozo I wish I could say it was shaking out well but it’s honestly been pretty tough oh no why my boss and I Golem was meant to give me instructions on what maps to make next but when I got to his house it was destroyed and he was gone it feels like something suspicious has happened maybe someone is going after Golems that’s worrying take care of yourself out there cartographer I’m going to go tell Dino the diamond golem if someone is going after Golems he needs to know and being true to my word I immediately left to go visit Dino and warn him about the Potential Threat H wish I could say I was surprised but it ain’t easy easy being a Golem here’s the thing though us Golems are tough we’re not easy to take out if someone is going after Golems there’s a good chance they’re a vengeful Golem themselves do we have any leads on who it can be I’ve heard rumors of an obsidian golem operating in the north Badlands go look into that and report back to me of course Dino I’ll get on it and so I left in search of the Obsidian Golem who was potentially behind the Golem disappearances from day N9 to day 10 I traveled North braving the harsh conditions of the Badlands knowing how important my mission was but why would the Obsidian Golem go after his own kind like that it doesn’t make sense as a budding superhero I know that nobody commits a crime without having some kind of motive but while I was mulling over the mystery I’d been sent to solve the Obsidian Golem got the jump on me literally jumping out right in front of me ah I knew someone was following me you think because I’m a Golem I’m dumb big mistake bucko and and unless you have a good explanation it’ll be your last look I’m sorry that I was looking for you but it was for a good cause I’m hunting the person who’s making Golems disappear huh like I’d buy that I think either you’re the culprit or you’re working for him and I’m not taking any chances on my life here let’s go creep there was no more reasoning with him after that the Obsidian Golem attacked me full force and there was nothing I could do to talk him down I just fought back as best as I could until he was finally defeated but in the process I was almost completely destroyed wow Dino wasn’t kidding about Golems being powerful luckily for me a friendly humongus happened to be passing by he walked over to me seeming concerned you okay there son you’re not looking so hot aside from the lava of course yeah I just got beaten up by a huge powerful Obsidian Golem so you’re right I’m not doing too well lucky for you I’ve got a spare health potion yeah take it you look like you need it more than me he gave me a health potion which I quickly drank delighted to have my health restored you’re a lifesaver literally say do you have any idea what kind of Golem might be able to destroy other golems I’m hunting a dangerous criminal a Golem that destroys Golems huh that’s a tall order there need to be an extremely tough Golem to do that not to mention incredibly crafty an obsidian golem is probably too low level to pull off that kind of evil scheme an extremely tough Golem interesting this will give me something to look into from day 11 to day 12 I returned to dino the diamond Golem’s awesome pad with less than awesome news I met a m us out in the Badlands Dino and he seemed to think that the Obsidian Golem didn’t have anything to do with all the disappearances it need to be a much stronger Golem than him huh who you going to trust when it comes to Golems little man some random mongus or me an actual Golem believe me nobody knows this situation better than Dino uh that makes sense I guess what do you think I should do now then there’s a Sandstone Golem in the amaran fields I’ve got a good reason to believe he’s involved in all this you don’t need to investigate him just take him out understood understood I’m sorry forever doubting you Dino yeah man you better be now knowing how tough Golems were I knew that I needed better weapons to take them on that’s when I found a mining cave and searched deep inside until I found some iron ore this is exactly what I need I mined the iron ore and set to building a furnace in that deep dark cave I then used the furnace to smelt the iron ore into iron ingots which I then turned into an awesome iron sword and an iron pickaxe now I’ve really gotten Edge I left the cave only to find an angry grizzly bear outside waiting for me so this is your cave huh when the bear tried to attack me I Unleashed some Web Blast and then defeated it with my iron sword first a grizzly bear next a Grizzly Golem from day 13 to day 15 I traveled across the amaran fields in the glistening NightLight searching for the Sandstone Golem so I could carry out my mission I finally spotted the Golem standing at a campfire and warming himself it was strange he didn’t look aggressive at all but I trusted Dino I carefully approached my sword drawn preparing to fire a web blast at him and then charge in for an attack but before I could he turned and saw me standing there hey there friend you look a little chilly for a lava Spiderman want to come and warm yourself by my fire are are you sure of course there’s room enough for everyone around here I approached carefully and stood next to the Sandstone Golem even though Dino had told me not to we talked for a while shared some jokes and strangely he seemed like a nice guy I just couldn’t believe he’d been behind all the Golem disappearances something was up something fishy I left the Sandstone Golem safely by his campfire and went back to talk to dino I’m going to get to the bottom of this from day 16 to day 19 I went straight back to Dino’s pad to confront him about all the strange things I’ve been noticing lately he wasn’t pleased what why didn’t you take out the Sandstone Golem why don’t you trust me it’s not that I don’t trust you it’s just everything you’ve said to me it doesn’t quite add up here’s what doesn’t add up kid you and me if you don’t trust me as then you don’t follow every single one of my orders to the letter without question I can’t work with you get out of here and never come back I’ll solve the Golem disappearances myself with that I left Dino’s pad knowing I’d probably never see him again I returned to my base only to see to my surprise that the Cartographer was waiting for me there again oh hey cartographer what’s up no time for small talk I’ve discovered something important the one behind the Golem disappearances it’s a diamond golem what it makes total sense that’s one of the toughest kinds of Golems out there only he would be strong enough to easily take out other golems oh oh no Dino was behind it all all along he used me I need to warn Sandstone I ran back to the Sandstone Golem’s camp in the amaranth Fields but it was already too late Sandstone was gone and only Dino remained you’re too late Zozo my man I just finished up what you should have done Sandstone finished you you monster you used me you’ve been betraying and destroying your own kind but why simple a diamond gold Golem is pretty special but you know what’s even more special being the only Golem and I like the sound of that so you’re just destroying all the other golems to satisfy your own ego yeah pretty much why you going to stop me I’m absolutely going to stop you I’m Zozo the lava Spider-Man I’m this world’s superhero and your evil selfish plan ends here but it didn’t end there because Dino the diamond golem ran up to me and knocked me out cold with a single punch from day 20 to day 22 I came too at the campsite Dino wasn’t there anymore but the camp wasn’t empty a TNT Golem was standing right above me oh no you don’t work for Dino do you goodness no I’m SPO the TNT Golem I was here to warn my friend Sandstone about the evil plans of Dino the diamond golem but it seems I was too late I’m so sorry I couldn’t save your friend Spoto I should have seen Dino for what he was earlier but I was so blinded by how cool he seemed I let him boss me around but never again we’ll work together to take him down Spoto returned to my base with me and I built a new house for him to sleep in while we worked on our shared plan to take down Dino before he could destroy all the Golems I Believe In You Zozo together we’re going to bring this evildoer down yeah we’ll be superheroes together from day 23 to Day 26 I traveled back to the black forest it sure feels different being back here after learning so much I was a lava spider boy back then now I’m a lava spider man help I need somebody help not just anybody I need a hero hey that’s me wait I know that voice I followed the sound of the voice and saw the Cartographer being attacked by a Guster get away from him I fired a web blasted the Guster destroying it thank you that was a pretty close one I’m glad you showed up me too I want to make up for letting Dino trick me and that means I need to help as many good guys as I can being a superhero isn’t just about beating the villain it’s about helping the people who need it from day 27 to day 31 I continued exploring the Black Forest as I did I spotted a herd of sheep that looked really lost turned out I was right they had lost their old home and were trying to find a new safe place to stay so I escorted them back to my base I guess you guys will need a place to stay no point in inviting you over and then making you just stand around that would be rude so I built a pen for the Sheep it wasn’t anything fancy but they seemed pretty happy with it after I was done building that I de decided to check in on the rest of the base while I was gone Spoto the TNT Golem added a chest area and made paths while I was building awesome so much extra storage just what every superhero needs meanwhile Dino the diamond golem was at his base in the Badlands and he was up to no good if I’m going to get rid of all the rest of the Golems I’ll need some extra muscle that’s where you come in think you’re up to the task bada bing bada boom I’m going to go ahead and guess that means yes but boss from day 32 to day 35 I hatched a new plan I need to go back and talk to those Endermen and explain what I know I think we’re actually all on the same side I just hope they’ll listen to me I traveled back to their base in the Black Forest where I spotted one of the Endermen standing out front hi there funny story I was wrong about some stuff you bold move coming here little lava Spider-Man you’re in big trouble wait we don’t have to fight we’re on the same side I promise do you think I’m a fool why would I believe you you can take me to your boss I’ll come willingly this time I just want to talk to him interesting very well he took me to an evoker hello my name is Zozo I I know who you are you’re an acquaintance of Dino the diamond golem yes I was but I was wrong he tricked me I’m so sorry I want to help I can tell that you have a good and honest heart the heart of a hero very well young Zozo there is very little we know for certain at this point but we do know that the Golem disappearances plaguing this land can all be traced back to dino I will provide you with more information when I have it as long as you promise to do the same it’s a deal from Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to my base those guys were actually pretty nice I can’t believe I was so scared of them before but now we can work together and if I’m going to be much help I’ll need some better equipment to the mines I headed down into the cave and started mining I found some iron ore which I smelted into iron ingots I used it to craft a set of iron armor I returned to my base shortly after only to find a toolsmith waiting for me excuse me are you Zoo sure am I brought you something he handed me a diamond oh wow thank you what did I do to deserve this I just thought maybe you could use it also I need your help come with me we have a friend in common who needs to speak with you from day four to day 43 I followed the toolsmith and was surprised to see the evoker hey again what’s going on I just saw you indeed but I have received some new information that I needed to deliver in person as soon as possible you see Dino is but before he could finish what he was saying a Pillager showed up bada bing bada boom you dead meet Zozo uh-oh that’s me he’s talking about he was way bigger and stronger than me I’m not sure if I can defeat this guy both my myself and the evoker ran off in separate directions and met up later coincidentally go Zozo run I will do my best to handle him I will meet you in a safe place when the ghast is clear you got it I ran out of there as fast as I could from day 44 to day 49 I made it back to my base without the Pillager following me I just hope the evoker got out of there okay I certainly did Young Zoo the vulker emerged somehow completely unharmed you’re here you’re alive I’m so glad I was scared the Pillager would hurt you he certainly gave it his best try but I managed to elude him I didn’t get this far by being an easy target you know I may not be much of a fighter but I know how to survive me too so far at least I’ve learned of something that I believe will help you with your continued survival and with our shared goal of stopping Dino from continuing to wreak havoc a sweet tell me about it there is a special weapon a Destroyer capable of breaking apart diamonds with very little effort I imagine it would give you the edge you need against Dino when you finally confront him sounds perfect where is it that’s the trouble its location is a secret I have heard that there may be useful information in the Badlands however I suggest you travel there and see what you can turn up I’ll head there now from day 50 to day 53 I travel to the Badlands in search of information on the Destroyer they call this place the Badlands for a reason it’s terrible I hope I find something quickly and don’t have to stay here for too long thankfully my wish came true I spotted a book on the ground and when I picked it up I noticed the title The Destroyer and you wow this is super convenient okay it says that the Destroyer is a special weapon one that’s hundreds of years old it was created to overthrow a corrupt diamond golem who tried to become the king of the land hey that’s kind of like what Dino’s doing I think but where is it when I flipped to the end of the book The Last Page was missing oh no I bet that was the part of the book with the destroyer’s location guess I’ll have to come up with another plan back to the spider base from day 54 to day 57 I was on my way back to my base when the Pillager jumped into view blocking my path hey I’m walking here well hey I’m blocking here you thought you got away huh well tough toenails kid no one gets away from pety the Pillager if you won’t let me pass I guess we’ll just have to fight about it give it a shot pipsqueak I attacked the Pillager but he didn’t even budge uh-oh he’s still way too strong I need to get out of here before this gets serious I fled the scene and got out of there as fast as I could meanwhile at Dino’s Hideout he was feeling triumphant Another One Bites the Dust soon I’ll be the only golem around no one’s going to be as special as me all these other golems better watch their backs from day 58 to day 62 I ran back to my base when I got there I saw that my friends there had buildt an additional storage room for us to keep weapons in hey with all this space I should make some new weapons to keep in here to the mines I headed down into the cave to see what I could find turns out luck was on my side because what I found was some diamonds I’ve heard of fighting fire with fire maybe I should try fighting diamonds with more diamonds I gathered the diamonds and use them to craft a diamond sword a diamond pickaxe and a diamond chest plate from 63 to day 66 SPO came to speak with me Zozo I was able to find out the location of that Destroyer you’re looking for apparently it’s in the brimstone Caverns quick come with me I’ll show you I followed Spoto to the brimstone Caverns phew it smells like rotten eggs in here yeah that’s all the brimstone anyway here’s the place uh-oh looks like we can’t get in I think we need some kind of key oh no I’m sorry Zozo I’ll help you look for a key we’ll get in there thanks Spoto you’re the bomb get it yeah I get it from day 67 to Day 70 Spoto and I walked back to my base when I got there the evoker was waiting for me hey maybe I should go ahead and build you a guest room no thank you Zozo this is not a social call I’m afraid I’m here to ask you for your help a magma Golem is tearing apart the amaran fields and I fear that you will burn them all down in a fit of rage please help me reason with him before his fiery temper destroys everything I’ll do my best I looked around following the smell of burning grass and sure enough I spotted a magma Golem stomping around he looks really angry hey I can see you’re upset about something but you don’t have to do this please stop before someone gets hurt you I know you you’re working with him that awful diamond golem who killed Sandstone I have nothing to say to you with my mouth at least we can talk with my fists your fists can talk oh no you mean you’re going to fight me wait he wouldn’t listen he attacked me and I had to fight back my diamond chest plate protected me from taking too much damage and I managed to knock him back long enough to talk again I don’t work with Dino anymore I realized what kind of guy he really was now I’m trying to stop him from hurting any more Golems I swear you’re not just lying to save your skin no from a lava guy to a magma guy I promise I’m telling the truth then I’ve got an idea let you and me work together and show that diamond that a jerk is not as special as he thinks he is from day 71 to day 74 I showed the magma Golem back to my base he told me that he had lost his home while trying to run from Dino and he didn’t have anywhere else to go luckily we had plenty of room you can stay here for as long as you want it’ll be fun but I couldn’t stick around for the housewarming the Pillager turned up ready to cause some trouble still going to be fun when I crash you potty little man oh no the Pillager that’s right hey nice place you got here would be a shame if something happened to it with that he started attacking my base and smashing it up I drew my diamond sword and attacked the Villager but he was still stronger than me nice try pipsqueak but no dice I’m going to take something of yours to teach you a lesson before I could stop him he ran away Zozo help that was Spoto’s voice I ran in to help but the Pillager and Spoto were already gone I couldn’t stop him from taking Spoto what kind of hero am I I couldn’t take it anymore and I went to my room to lie down a little while later the magma Golem came to my room Zozo I built some additional defenses while you were resting we have a new perimeter wall around the base to protect against any future Invaders thank you that makes me feel a little bit better now I just need to find a way to get Spoto back meanwhile in the bad lands now that the Pillager has taken that TNT Golem that I couldn’t get to before I’m one step closer that loser Zozo is never going to beat me from day 75 to day 78 I was busy trying to come up with a plan to rescue Spoto I’m not ready to fight the Pillager yet I’m going to need something to give me an edge a new weapon or another ability something and as if on Q the evoker appeared Zozo I heard what happened to your explosive little friend I believe this may help you the Pillager is vulnerable to explosive attacks and has very sensitive eyes its flashy ammunition should both damage and distract him he handed me a firework crossbow oh this is awesome do you know where I can find the Pillager I know many things Zozo and yes that is one of them he lives just outside of Dino’s lair in the Badlands thank you I took my new crossbow and set off to find the Pillager and get my friend back from day 79 to day 84 I traveled to the Badlands it didn’t take long for me to spot the Villager lurking around outside of Dino’s base give me back my friend nah I don’t feel like it maybe this will change your mind I fired my firework crossbow and it actually managed to hit hey maybe I can actually do this and so the battle with the Pillager began I felt much more confident with my new weapon but he was still much stronger than me ready to give up no this is merely a tactical Retreat I ran away until I found a big rock to hide behind where I met Against All Odds Spoto the TNT Golem Zozo I escaped and on my way out I managed to grab this quick eat it he tossed me a golden apple I ate it in one big bite and I felt myself growing stronger my hearts increased to 60 and I gained a jump boost I grew too that Golden Apple gave me the strength I needed to finally defeat the Pillager I ran back fighting the Pillager one-on-one until nothing was left Dino’s strongest henchmen had been defeated and Spoto came over to to celebrate with me I did it thank you Spoto you’re a real hero so are you come on let’s go home from day 85 to day 89 splut and I returned to the base guess what chicken butt no that’s really funny though I grabbed something that the Pillager dropped when you beat him it’s a magic key I think it’s the key to the brimstone Caverns you can finally go and get the Destroyer that’s amazing you’ve helped so much thank you Spoto you can thank me by getting rid of Dino once and for all with the magic key in hand I traveled back to the brimstone Caverns I held my breath as I unlocked the door and enter the caverns there I saw it the Destroyer yes finally I started walking toward it but a wither skeleton jumped in the way oh no you don’t it attacked me but I fought back it took a little while but I managed to defeat it a destroyer yes I’ve got to get this back to my base from day 90 to Day 94 I left the the brimstone Caverns ready to head back to my base but as I exited the caverns Dino the diamond golem appeared in behind me hey Zoo how’s it going what aren’t you here to attack me nah why would I do that we used to work together pretty well you and me what do you say we team up again give it another shot are you kidding you lied to me you kidnapped my friend you’re trying to hurt tons of people why would I ever work with you because when I’m the big boss around here you’re going to want to be on my good side I don’t think you have a good side with great power comes a lot of responsibility and you’ve misused it at every turn thanks but no thanks fine have it your way before I could stop him he pushed me into a deep hole and snatched the Destroyer out of my hands he left me there and took the weapon with him from day 95 to day 97 I used my new climbing skills to escape Dino’s trap but by the time I got out he was long gone and so was the Destroyer I need some advice I should go visit the evoker and see what he thinks I should do I traveled to the Black Forest to see if the evoker had any tips for me but when I got there the place was in chaos the evoker was there but he was badly injured oh no what happened Dino came through on a rampage he must have learned that I told you about the Destroyer I don’t have much time little lava Spiderman listen close you must get the Destroyer back it holds a great power and it will give you the strength you need to defeat him the weapon itself is not what matters but the strength within you that it will bring to the surface the power is within you and just like that he was gone thank you for everything I promise to get revenge on Dino for everything he’s done on day 98 I return to my base to get some rest and come up with the next phase of my plan but when I got there it was a mess the perimeter wall was destroyed and I couldn’t see my friends anywhere oh no Dino must have done this he did Spoto you’re okay I am I managed to hide from him everyone else ran away I don’t blame them it was scary but don’t get discouraged Zozo we’re going to be superheroes together remember I’m not so sure Spoto he’s so much more powerful than us how can we ever hope to beat him listen I know it seems hopeless but we have to try I’m still here it’s not over yet he came after our base now we need to take the fight to him on day 99 I traveled to the bad lands to confront the baddest guy in those lands once and for all I don’t know if I’ll make it through this but I know I have to try Spoto was right I can’t lose hope now when I got there he was waiting for me hey Zoo welcome to my humble abode ready to lose another fight nope I attacked him but he hit hard I took a lot of damage but I got an idea I got my firework crossbow and fired a shot it’s a priz d and he jumped back when he did he dropped the Destroyer now’s my chance I grabbed the destroyer and took off in the opposite direction of Dino’s base yeah you better run I’ll be back I took the Destroyer back to my base and remembered what the evoker said the power is in me I just have to find it I used the destroyer and as I did I had a vision of every fight I’d had so far every friend I’d made along the way I felt so much stronger when the vision ended I saw that my face was magically repaired as if Dino had never destroyed it that’s it I’m ready on day 100 I returned to dino the diamond Golem’s base for the final showdown this time I had the destroyer and more importantly the heart of a hero my heart I mean here too late Zozo pretty soon there won’t be any Golems left you think you’re special you’re not special I’m the only one who’s special that’s not true you think you’re better than everyone else and that’s why you’ll never really win I use the Destroyer to attack and for the first time I did some real damage to dino hey what’s the big idea Justice that’s what it was a tough fight Dino was the strongest opponent I had ever faced but I knew I could beat him and after a hard battle I finally did I can’t wait to go home and tell Spoto we did it we beat the bad guy we’re real superheroes after all on day one I spawned into the Badlands as an awesome lava dinosaur I may only be a baby but I think when I grow up I’m going to be the coolest creature of all but being that cool comes with certain drawbacks you attracted a lot of attention that must have been why a terrifying Soul Blaze suddenly appeared in front of me behold is I the ultimate being the Lord of Souls and I wish to add yours to my collection Zozo wait how do you know my name I know all I see all and in time I will be able to do all I will absorb your power little lava dinosaur and with it I will become unstoppable my power I don’t even have any power yet oh but you will Zozo you will over the next 100 days I will challenge you I will hunt you through these trials I will make you strong and then when you reach reach the height of your power you will be mine before I could try to talk him out of this wild plan he fired an energy blast from his supercharged Soul blaze rods I ran as fast as I could terrified by what he planned to do I want to get stronger but if I do will I just be playing into the Lord of souls hands this is going to be a tough one on day two I ventured out deeper into the bad lands to try and see what I could find there’s still a lot I don’t know about this place it’s called the bad land but it seems pretty okay to me so far I’ve got to be careful though I only have 10 Hearts so I want to stay out of trouble suddenly I heard my stomach growl oh that’s right I’ve been alive for almost 2 days and I haven’t eaten yet I better find some snacks I wasn’t sure what kind of food I could find in the Badlands but as I was looking around I spotted something red on the ground hey apples perfect an apple a day keeps the Lord of souls away that’s the saying right I ate the apples and felt much better with a full stomach good luck didn’t last long I saw some Vex piglins scowling at me and flying toward me face us Zozo the Lord of souls sent us to test your strength no I don’t want to too bad time to fight they got even closer and started to attack I did my best to defend myself but I had never fought anyone before and these guys were way too strong for me all I could do was run away from those terrifying Vex piglins and in the process I ran into a spider llama follow me these Piggies can eat my dust on day three the spider llama led me to a campfire further out in the bad lands it was a huge relief to find a cozy safe place to rest for a while this is where the magic happens and by Magic I mostly mean sleeping and hanging out with my buddy the fire Guardian I don’t see a fire Guardian until I did see one standing by the fire that’s because I’m over here guard in this fire hello there baby lava dinosaur I see you too are a forged in fire May your flame burn brightly thanks I’m Zozo by the way it’s nice to meet you Zozo my name is Dennis and this spider Lama who brought you here goes by the name Zack I’m grateful for both of you those Vex piglins cornered me in a totally unfair fight they were working for this awful Soul Blaze big scary guy maybe you know him unfortunately I do the Lord of souls means to add you to his collection I assume yes he said he’s going to wait for me to become strong then he’s going to take my soul and steal my power so I decided I’m not going to get stronger at all that way he won’t get me I’ll just lay low and stay out of trouble I know it seems frightening but you must seek strength and progress anyway but you can’t allow the load of souls to steal that strength instead you must use it against him so that he never takes another Soul again oh jeez that sounds like a lot of work it will be but you will have help no dinosaur is truly alone in this world now when he has friends go is Zach and build your first base we’ll develop from there okay then it’s decided I’ll become the biggest strongest lava dinosaur I can and I’ll defeat the Lord of souls before he can use my power to become Unstoppable it’s the right thing to do from day four to day five I got to work building my base first things first to build my base I need some tools I’m going to need to gather some wood can I even touch trees without setting them on fire I sure hope so luckily me being a lava dinosaur didn’t have any effect on the trees and I was able to gather some some wood then I use that wood to craft a wooden pickaxe next I’ll get some Stone I use the wooden pickaxe to gather enough Stone to craft a full set of stone tools including a stone sword my first sword check me out I’m not just a weak little baby dinosaur anymore now I’m a baby dinosaur with a sword but I didn’t have time to practice sword fighting I needed to build a place for me and Zach to stay I built a small house and added a room for Zach and another room for me there we go home sweet home nice digs simple but nice we can always add more too Zach went inside and I was able to follow him when a skeleton ran out and started attacking me luckily I had my new stone sword and I was able to defend myself I was still pretty new to fighting but I managed to defeat him after the fight I started to feel funny not in a bad way but different I grew a little bigger and I felt stronger my hearts increased to 30 yay as I yelled I saw a blast of fire shoot out of my mouth cool fire breath I’ll have to be careful not to accidentally burn anything down when I talk but this is awesome from day 6 to day 8 I decided that it was time for me to explore the area outside of the bad lands I can’t just hang around here forever I’ve got to get out there and learn more about being a lava dinosaur like what’s the difference between a lava dinosaur and a dragon is it that I don’t have wings I got to find out and also stopped the Lord of souls from stealing my power e that too I traveled to the black forest I thought black forest was a type of cake but I don’t see any cake here I guess life is disappointing sometimes oh well I was distracted by the lack of cake when I saw a poor old fisherman being attacked by a nasty thornwolf I ran at the wolf with my sword and attacked it took a while to defeat the thorn wolf and it snarled at me snapping its jaws it was pretty scary but I managed to fight it off thank you young dinosaur I was afraid that blasted wolf would tar me limb from limb yikes I’m glad he didn’t you need your limbs I should do can’t really in the fish without them which is what I was trying to do when I was attacked by that beast but if you think that thorn wolf was bad you should see the other guy the wolf guy that is say if you manage to defeat that mongel maybe you can defeat this monster too could you give it a try sure I can try just show me where to go from day nine to day 10 I followed the fisherman to a place deeper in the Black Forest is it just me or is it getting really creepy in here it’s definitely not just you you can probably sense The Thorn corrupted Wolfman that’s taken over this part of the woods which is a shame because some of the best fishing is over here and I can’t get to it with him attacking anyone who gets too close that’s not fair I’ll do my best to make sure you get your fishing spot back up ahead The Thorn corrupted Wolf Man appeared he had nasty matted fur and wild eyes ow who’s trespassing in my Forest it’s me Zozo you huh well I was getting pretty hungry I guess you’ll make a nice snack how about you try some fire breath I used my fire breath to attack but The Wolf Man didn’t even Flinch he came back at me and slashed me with his claws ow oh this might be too tough of a fight for me I ran back to the fisherman and away from danger as quick as I could quick let’s get out out of here you’re just giv up no I’ll come back when I’m stronger but if that’s going to happen we need to survive another day come on the fishermen agreed and we both ran out of there until we couldn’t hear the wolfman’s bone chilling house anymore from day 11 to day 12 I led the fishermen back to my base you can stay here until the Black Forest is a Wolfman free zone well thank you but is there any room for me I don’t want to be rude but your home looks pretty small well I can fix that just wait right here I’ll build you a room I got to work and built a nice room for the fisherman to sleep in when I was finished I saw that he wasn’t where I left him he had added another room to the base too what’s this just a weed token of my appreciation I thought you might need more room for items and such so I built you a storage room I hope you’ll find it useful you didn’t have to do that there is very little we truly have to do in this world it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing I’m glad there are nice people people out there and not just the Lord of Souls and his minions stay far away from him my friend he would love to steal a power like yours that’s what he told me too I’m going to do my best to defeat him so he can’t steal people’s power anymore be very careful I’ve heard rumors that he’s been waiting for the chance to absorb the strength of a fire breathing dragon and as a lava dinosaur you’re probably the next best thing yikes talk with the fisherman inspired me to keep working on upgrading my weapons so I I went to a nearby Cavern to get some mining done I gathered some iron ore which I took back to my base and smelted into iron ingots then I used them to make an iron pickaxe and an iron sword spiffy hey with another new person staying here we’re going to need more supplies I should find some animals I spotted some sheep grazing nearby and decided that they would be perfect I built a sheep farm for them and hered them into their pen this place is really coming together from day 13 to day 15 I was out of ideas for how to get stronger so I decided to ask Zach for some advice hey you’re a tough guy right sure am why did someone say I wasn’t I’ll fight them no no no I I just wanted to ask you what you think I should do to get stronger what should I do well everyone’s journey is different little dude but I do know that facing your fears is a good way to grow maybe try that well I was pretty scared in the Black Forest I guess I can go back there I’ll just make sure I don’t run into the wolf man oh yeah Don’t Mess With The Wolfman they’re always looking for a fight and they’re no fun at parties I traveled back to the black forest keeping an eye out for the Wolfman got to face my fears it’s so creepy in here though why is this Forest so scary as if to answer my question some Vex piglins popped out maybe it’s because you’re nothing but a weak little baby oh no it’s those Vex piglins again yep we’ve decided you’re a waste of the B Lo his time it would be better to just get rid of you and find a better Target for him guess I have to fight you then and face my fears I used my fire breath to attack then ran at them with my new iron sword they fought back but I dodged them after a little bit of fire breath and sword action I was finally able to defeat them I did it Zach was right I do feel stronger oh look a health potion they must have dropped it I picked up the health potion and drank it it my hearts increased to 60 and my claws got sharper cool I have a new ability claw attack from day 16 to day 19 my exploration took me out of the black forest and into the Cypress swamplands so nice to change out those old trees for some new different trees and those different trees brought me Good Luck because I spotted a book and picked it up the title said Better Living Through Exposition what does that mean better take a look inside just to see okay it says that the Lord of Souls hid somewhere dry and hot so definitely not anywhere nearby then that’s good to know why read about it you’ll be winding up there soon enough Vex piglins but I just defeated you no those are some other Vex piglins they are dozens of us dozens and we’re all coming after you well this worked before so I guess I’ll try it again fire breath attack I used my fire breath but it wasn’t quite enough to defeat them so I followed it up with a few swipes of my claws claw attack turns out the Vex piglins were no match for my new and improved Claws and I managed to win the battle from day 20 to day 22 I headed back home to my base on the way I thought a mean looking spider to test out my new abilities it was easy to beat way easier than the Vex piglins okay now we need to get back into the mines and see if I can find some more materials Zozo needs some iron armor I don’t know why I talked about myself in third person like that let’s go I climbed down into the mining Cavern and searched until I found some iron ore back at my base I smelted the ore and used the iron ingots to craft an iron chest plate this thing makes me feel pretty tough between this and my new abilities I think I can finally Fight The Wolfman with my new confidence and more importantly my new chest plate I traveled back to the black forest to look for The Thorn corrupted wolf man I followed the sound of his H until I found him when he saw me he growled back again good I was starting to get hungry and you’re bigger now even better I could use a good meal he came at me with his claws but I had claws too I used my claw attack and he looked shocked at how much damage it did that didn’t stop him though and he attacked me again but my iron chest plate protected me from his fangs and Claws and I was able to get the Upp hand and win the fight Splendid I turned around and the Lord of souls was there you’re getting strong stronger I see soon you will be strong enough and your power will make me Invincible or I’ll use it to defeat you impossible you were born for this very purpose a prophecy foretold that the power of a fire breathing dragon would allow me to conquer all but I’m a dinosaur close enough I didn’t want to stick around to hear what else he had to say so I got out of there as fast as I could from day 23 to Day 26 I ran away from The Lord of Souls and headed back to my base I can’t stand that guy at least I have good news for the fisherman speak of the devil you do I love good news yes the wolf man is finally gone you can go back to your favorite fishing spot again thank you so much Zozo next time I catch a fish I’ll name it after you okay next I went back into the mining Cavern to find some more iron ore once I had it I smelted it and used the ingots to craft an iron helmet and Boots pretty snazzy stuff while I was admiring my new armor the fisherman came to talk to me again before I head out to catch some fish I built a perimeter wall for the base something to keep us all a little safer here just my way of saying thanks for getting rid of that man eting Wolfman no problem wo it looks great from day 27 to day 31 I decided to return to the C swamplands to see if I could find anything else useful I found that book here before who knows what else I might stumble on turns out the answer was a fire Elemental and he stumbled on me excuse me are you the dragon that got rid of the Vex piglins who were here earlier I’m a dinosaur but yeah that was me that was really impressive they were causing a huge mess around here but before you managed to get them they got to my house and destroyed it any chance you know where I could stay for a while follow me I’ll show you the way to my base I escorted the fire Elemental back to my base then I collected some fluffy wool from my sheep you know what sheep I think this place is looking a little bit boring what do you think the Sheep didn’t say anything back but I could tell they agreed so I put up some decorative banners much better from day 32 to day 35 Zach came to me to ask for help what’s going on it’s Dennis he’s facing some kind of Menace I think that Lord of souls sent some creeps to mess with him oh no let’s go right away I traveled to Dennis the fire guardian’s campfire and by the time we got there there were Vex piglins all over the place and I couldn’t see Dennis anywhere you will pay for this I rushed in and blasted the piglins with my fire breath then I shredded them with my claw attack I was able to defeat a bunch of them and once they were out of the way I saw Dennis fading away oh no Zoo you came thank you but I’m afraid it’s too late for me be strong help the others save the world and just like that he was gone from Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to the black forest so I could see how the fisherman was doing at his fishing spot before I could get to the fishing spot a ghost Miner drifted out from between two trees and approached me well I’ll be you look like a strong young who might just be able to help out an old Tim like me what do you say sure what do you need back for I was a ghost I was attacked by a deep spider around these parts suppose you could destroy that spider so I can finally get my revenge on the crit sure I searched the Black Forest until I found the Deep spider it was pretty easy to defeat with just a blast of my fire breath and a few swipes of my sword then I went back to the ghost Miner I did it feels good to let my soul be at rest thank you Sunny speaking of souls better be careful of yours around that Soul eer fella if he snatches yours there’s no getting it back he’ll absorb all your power and leave nothing but a husk behind I’ll make sure to remember that thanks from day 40 to day 43 I returned home to my base when I got there I saw that someone had added a nice new Lounge area outside this looks so nice it’s the perfect place to curl up with a good book and relax I’ll definitely do that once my quest is complete and the Lord of souls is dealt with I wonder who did this it was me little dude oh cool but why I don’t want to cramp your style but I’ve got a few buddies that need a place to stay mind if they kick it here with us for a bit sure that would be great a little while later some other spider llamas came to the base Zoo these are my bro Bros welcome to my base everybody after I said hi to the spider llamas the fire Elemental came to see me I know you’ve already done a ton to help me but could you do one more thing there’s a skul scorpion that well skulking around the ruins of my old house until he’s gone I can’t rebuild it I’ll write him a strongly worded letter just kidding I’ll go out there and see if I can get him to leave from day 44 to day 49 I traveled back to the Cypress swamplands to look for that pesky skull scorpion that was giving the fire Elemental so much trouble is there a scorpion in the house or around the ruins of the former house I didn’t get an answer what I got instead was an unwelcome surprise appearance from The Lord of Souls why waste your time trying to help other weaklings when you could be growing stronger when you could be fueling my eventual victory over all this isn’t about you foolish Zozo everything is about me now hone your combat skills and fight he disappeared and in his place there was a huge powerful pigas I don’t want to fight you but I get a feeling I don’t have much of a choice from day 50 to day 53 I battled the pigas he was much bigger and stronger than me but I did my best to hold my own I did have one thing he didn’t have though fire breath and my other dinosaur abilities with the help of those moves and my positive attitude I managed to defeat him you may have bested me but only a pure heart and a diamond sword can defeat the Lord of s with those final words he vanished into dust that was a tough one but I did it oh hey sparkly the pigas dropped some mystical diamonds I’d better take these with me they’ll probably come in handy later from day 54 to day 57 I resumed my search for the skull scorpion no matter what the lord of the souls says I know it’s worth it to help out those who need it I spotted the ruins of a house and there nested in the middle of it all was the Fulk scorpion you can’t just take this place it’s someone’s home the Scorpion just approached me threateningly and attacked but the Scorpion Stinger was no match for my claw attack pretty soon I had won I sprinted back to my base and gave the fire Elemental the news wonderful thank you Zoo you really are amazing no wonder the Lord of souls thinks you’re the hero from the prophecy he’s convinced that you’re the fabled fire dragon that can give him the power to take over the world all he need needs for you to come into your full potential then he’ll steal your soul I keep saying I’m not a dragon I know you’re love a dinosaur I’ve met others of your kind before you have many abilities similar to those of dragons but you’re different too thank you I was starting to worry I might be wrong so many people kept calling me a dragon never let anyone tell you who you are Zoo you know yourself better than anyone from day 58 to day 62 I decided to make some quick improvements to the base I built another sheep pen and found some more sheep to H into it Welcome Home Little Sheep next I remembered what the pigas said about a diamond sword so I went into the cavern and mined until I found some diamonds I was going to use them to craft a diamond sword but then I remembered I also picked up those mystical diamonds before so I used those to make my sword and the other diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe afterwards I exited my base and noticed Zach standing outside my door little dude I added some awesome stuff to the base check it I expanded the resting area outside to make it even better this looks amazing I can’t wait to hang out here from day 63 to day 66 I was trying to decide what to do next I went down into the mines where I was surprised to find the fisherman Zozo I was looking for you I heard that the Lord of souls has his heart out in the dunes I thought it might be worth a look oh that’s good to know it’s definitely somewhere dry and hot like that book said I’ll go check it out I traveled to the dunes and looked around for any sign of the Lord of souls or his Hideout I didn’t want to fight him yet but I wanted to be as prepared as possible while I was exploring I wandered into the domain of a crimson Phantom get out of here now Associates of the Lord of souls are welcome wait I’m not one I don’t work for him I’m trying to get rid of him oh that’s great news sorry for the scare hi my name’s Coco hi Coco I’m Zozo so if you’re a good guy does that mean you could help me get rid of the creeper spider that’s been lurking around and trying to bite me sure does I’m great at fighting spiders from day 67 to Day 70 I helped coko the Crimson Phantom with her spider problem it didn’t take long to find the creepy spider it was creeping around nearby and looking for a chance to bite her hey there’s a bug problem here and I’m the Exterminator I don’t think spiders count as bugs but I like your spirit I’m not good at bug science but I’m good at fighting I blasted the creeper spider with my fire breath then attacked it with my diamond sword pretty soon it was done for that spider won’t be bothering you anymore I can’t thank you a laugh I wish you lots of luck in your quest from day 71 to day 74 I continued exploring the dunes I can figure out where the Lord of souls lives I’ll know where to go when I’m ready to fight him speaking of fighting and adventuring if you want to see more videos like this search Zo zo that’s Zozo me but that call to action attracted the attention of none other than the Lord of souls Zoo there you are uh-oh why aren’t you cultivating that wonderful power for me soon it will be time for me to take it I tried to blast him with my fire breath but it didn’t even make a mark he was way too strong I had to run out of there before it was too late from day 75 to day 78 I went back to my base and headed into the pool to cool off can’t believe I had to run away what if I’m never strong enough to beat him what if I get just strong enough to help him and I ruin everything just then the fire Elemental came to see me that won’t happen zoo I know it hey to get your mind off things check out what I built it’s a watchtower for the base I’ll admit that’s pretty cool it’s hard to be sad with a watchtower like this thanks after that my main man Zach approached me if you like that then how about these apples sorry that was confusing there aren’t any apples but I do have this mace awesome let me try it out when I did I felt magic coursing through me I grew bigger and stronger the gift increased my hearts to 100 and I felt like I had a new power too I tested it out and I was right wa you have a dragon Fireball ability nope I have a dinosaur Fireball ability from day 79 to day 84 I returned to the dunes feeling much more confident in myself as a hero I didn’t see the Lord of souls anywhere but I did see a zombie shuffling around and tested my fireball out on it it worked I blew that zombie to Smither hey that was really cool a big Axel came over to congratulate me I got this for my uncle’s birthday but I actually think you should have it you’re a way better fighter than than him he handed me diamond leggings wa thanks sorry to your uncle though nah it’s fine I’ll just get him a gift card these leggings will go great with the rest of my diamond gear from day 85 to day 89 I headed back to my base to show my friends my new diamond leggings but when I got there it was under attack there were Vex piglins all over the place hey get out of here stop I rushed towards the piglins and started to defeat them one by one using my mace but some of them managed to run off and I gave Chase I lost sight of them after a while but I didn’t give up I heard a loud buzzing sound though and when I looked in its direction I saw a giant mosquito ah don’t bite me bite you oh no that’s not why I’m here I need help breaking apart this block I’ve been trying for days but I have no tools and my little bug arms are too weak quickly I broke the block apart with my pickaxe there you go got to run bye I’ll never forget you kind stranger from day 90 to Day 94 I tracked the Vex piglins to a spot in the dunes this place looks super evil oh this must be the lair of the Lord of souls I’d better not get too close I noticed something I hadn’t seen before the Vex piglins had an Ender Blaze with them they were all listening to him and following his orders we messed that place up good huh yeah the Lord of souls will be pleased with your service as his right-hand man I will deliver reports of your loyalty I rushed out of my Hiding Place and confronted the Ender Blaze so you’re the one who messed up my base I guess this Fireball is for you then from day 95 to day 97 I began my battle against the Ender Blaze I shot a fireball at him but he shot a fireball back at me I dodged it but just barely ouch that’s hot glad it didn’t hit me but this guy is really strong this is my hardest fight yet I drew my mace and attacked again this time I had more luck I managed to do some damage and that gave me the confidence to keep going I got him with my claw attack my mace again and that managed to finish him off when he went down the Ender blades dropped a key this must unlock the Lord of souls base this is awesome yeah take the key go inside it’s right where the Lord of souls wants you to be once he has your power he will burn down the entire world to re Build It In His Image thank you Zoo you will ensure his victory with that he was gone I won’t let that be true it can’t I have to get ready because it’s time to prove the Lord of souls wrong on day 98 I returned to my base more determined than ever I’m almost out of days I’ve got to make every moment count first the fire Elemental came to speak with me Zozo you saved my home without you I would have nowhere to go I know that you can conquer this force of evil then came Zach the spider llama little dude well not such a little dude anymore but you’ll always be little dude to me I’m so proud of you man you’re going to do great Dennis would be proud too and finally the fisherman Zoo I’ve brought you a fish in case you get hungry I’ll need some extra protein good luck Brave dinosaur on day 99 I started my journey to the Lord of Soul’s base on the way there I pass through the Black Forest can’t believe I used to be scared of this place that seems like so long ago now finally I reached the base but it was crawling with Vex piglins oh no I’ll have to fight all of them to get inside no you won’t I will Coco you solved my pest problem I’ll solve yours go Zozo get inside thank you leaving Coco to take on the Vex piglins I unlocked the door and ran inside on day 100 I am entered the lair of the Lord of souls I had faith in myself but I was still so scared that I would lose if the Lord of souls beat me it wouldn’t only be me who suffered it would hurt everyone so I guess the solution to this is don’t lose I found the Lord of souls waiting for me in his room ah here you are as for told the missing piece in the puzzle of my Total Domination of all life not so fast I shot a fireball at the Lord of souls and it hit him but all he did was laugh Zozo fire cannot harm a lord of souls you cannot burn me I can get you with this while he was gloating I attacked him with my mace he staggered back from the hit no impossible the prophecy a fire dragon will give me the power I need to ascend to Victory a fire dragon might have helped you become the ultimate ruler of the world world but this lavva dinosaur is going to destroy you I swung my mace again and again as we fought fiercely against each other finally I landed one last hit and the Lord of souls collapsed on the ground I guess it turns out that when it comes to prophecies close enough just doesn’t cut it on day one I spawned in as the Grim Reaper then I noticed I was Tiny and I only had three hearts what is this nonsense I looked around and saw that I was in front of a castle ooh this looks interesting I’ll take a look inside I opened the door and called out anybody home maybe one of my friends lived here or something I started wandering around and found myself in a throne room what is that I saw a man with a mutant wither skeleton he was holding a scythe wait I think that’s my Scythe how did you get it the man screamed in Rage and pointed at me destroy him a bunch of zombies came out from the back room and I gasped in shock without even thinking I fired an icy blast that froze some of the zombes solid huh that’s interesting I guess this is because I’m as cold as death I ran out the door and down the stairs as the zombies followed me that was not what I was expecting and why does that guy have an army of zombies that’s not right I found a small cave and decided to sleep there for the night tomorrow I’ll find out what’s going on on day two I left the cave to go exploring I walked for half a day until I found my way to the atum forest I don’t really have a home so I guess I’m going to have to make one I started collecting some wood to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe after some additional Mining and crafting I had some simple stone tools and weapons well it’s better than nothing I had been working so hard all day so when I stopped I realized I was hungry what does a grim reaper eat I found some cows and pigs and cooked up some food for myself it didn’t do anything to help in fact it made me feel sick gross I need to find something else I noticed that it had gotten dark suddenly a group of zombies popped out and started attacking me with my new stone sword I was able to take them out easily they had dropped some meat and I stared at it hungrily maybe this will help me I ate the meat and sure enough my hearts were restored I feel much better now I made it back to my base and worked on a few more things before heading to bed on day three I went back out to find more materials for the base it was safe enough but I wanted to make some improvements it turned out to be a nice day I hope nothing too crazy happens today I realized I had spoken too soon because just then I heard an awful crash I ran to see what the noise was when I saw dread Queen fighting a bunch of zombies hey Lea for be I rushed forward with my weapons the zombies started to attack me when I remembered my trick at the Castle I fired out some ice Bloss and froze up some of those nasty zombies the others noticed and started to run away nice job death it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you did you shrink who are you I’m famine do you know me I’m sorry no oh this must have been Lord terror’s doing I knew he was up to no good I was so confused at this point famine could see that I was overwhelmed you are the Grim Reaper or death I’m famine and we have two friends war and pestilence we establish order in the world but Lord Terror as he calls himself started messing with stuff he’s been infiltrating The Villages and turning people into Undead that’s horrible those Souls need to be freed and move on I thought that’s what you were planning but nobody has seen you for a while now I know something bad happened you’re smaller and you don’t look like yourself this is a lot to take in how about we get back to my base it’s not a castle but it’s safer than out here sure famine and I made our way back to my base just in time for the sun to set on days four to 5 I helped famine make a little home at my base I was driven out of my home by the undead I guess Lord terror is getting more powerful as the days go on the house wasn’t too fancy but famine seemed to like it and she thanked me no problem anything for a friend I went out to look for some more supplies when I saw a group of skeletons near a cave entrance I’m surely they won’t want to arm me as I approached they seemed friendly but then they started shooting me with their BS hey we aren’t enemies honestly I didn’t know anymore I was just a baby after all I used my sword to attack and soon enough they were all gone hey what’s that I noticed a bow on the ground and I picked it up it had an enchantment of flame on it nice this will come in handy on day 6 to 8 well out in the forest near my base I gathered some meat from some more cows and pigs famon got hungry a lot after all I’m going to keep working and getting stronger Lord Terror doesn’t stand a chance against me is that so I looked and to my surprise it was Lord Terror he had a few zombies around him let those innocent souls go you don’t have a right to keep them here Lord Terror laughed and swung the Scythe around I’m the Lord of death now little Reaper I won your scye fair and square what are you talking about about he seemed tired of talking so he swung at me instead wa he was fast I tried to dodge him but he kept getting hits in I beat you once I will beat you again I got to get out of here I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me as I did I heard Lord Terror laughing from behind me that’s right little Reaper run away I will see you soon enough on days 9 to 10 I made it back to the base famine could tell I was hurt and she tried her hardest to help me it’s okay death you will grow stronger and eventually beat Lord Tera he’s just a silly little monster trying to steal other people’s things I felt a little bit better after our talk but I still felt exhausted oh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you she brought me outside to show me a statue she was beginning to make Sada It’s Great Famine is it a tent no silly do you really not know what it is I looked again can you tell what it is I also made some other upgrades while you were gone she showed me the lanterns and a small archery range wow you’ve really outdone yourself it’s the least I can do for a friend famine was awesome I was glad I was able to find her I hoped our other friends were doing okay I would go looking for them soon on days 11 to 12 I had a vivid dream I was a fully grown Grim Reaper with my Scythe at my side I was living in the castle that I had escaped from on day one everything is as it should be not quite I looked and saw Lord Terror except he looked like a normal villager I believe we have a game that needs playing death with his dark Powers Lord Terror began to steal away my energy and my ability he shape shifted into his mutant wither skeleton self as I became a sad little baby Reaper ah I woke up in horror at the nightmare I had just had I rushed to famine to tell her about it she shook her head so that’s what happened I knew you made a deal with a dying human but I didn’t know you lost all your power in the process that can’t be it why am I back but as a baby why can he control the dad famine shook her head maybe our friends know I think it’s about time we go find them on days 13 to 15 I went out to explore I was hoping to find war or pestilence but they didn’t seem to be anywhere I hope they weren’t captured or or anything I realized I was back in the area where I had seen famine for the first time there were a bunch of zombies Milling around still I guess they just expected her to come back get lost I drew my bow and defeated them one by one I didn’t realize it until now but I was releasing their souls from their bodies I was freeing them nice I managed to release all their souls when I felt a power coursing through me I grew in size and became an older Grim Reaper I’m bigger and I have 30 Hearts I realized I could also now turn invisible for short periods that’ll come in handy I can’t wait to try this out later on days 16 to 19 I found a cave and decided to mine for some more materials this looks promising hopefully I can find some iron in here as I was venturing deeper into the cave I saw a group of skeletons standing right on top of an iron deposit it looks like I’m going to have to take care of that I drew my bow they noticed me immediately and began shooting come on guys I just need some iron after just a few more shots they were all gone their bows and arrows scattered around me I mined the iron without any more trouble and got to work I smelted the iron into ingots with a furnace then was able to make a new sword pickaxe and some other tools yes things are looking up on days 20 to 22 I started to head back to my base when I noticed I was being followed I went invisible briefly and waited for them to approach then as the figure approached I turned invisible again and jumped out wo whoo wao I’m a friend he was a crimson Wizard and the red of his outfit made me think of anger which then made me think are you war in the flesh I thought you looked kind of different you’re uh not as tall as you used to be I told him what happened and he whistled that sounds awful hopefully you can get your scythe and your Castle back those are pretty sick thanks no problem I invited him back to my base and he happily agreed I thought my house was a fortress you know being war and all but those pesky and dad got inside and started breaking everything so I left good thing I ran into you we were nearly to the base when we saw famine running toward us oh hey famine she didn’t even acknowledge War Death no terror is outside he is threatening to take down the base wait what sheesh it’s like I’m invisible stay here I’ll go see what he wants if I I need help I’ll call for you war and famine got to catching up while I approached the entrance sure enough Lord Terror was there with my Scythe I believe that sight belongs to me see now little Reaper I won this fair and square you agreed to the terms I don’t even remember what happened and you’re just a human you can’t be death that’s my calling you’re wrong the witch gave me the ability to win this power witch Lord Terror screamed and charged at me I dodged him and used my ice blast ability to try to stop him it didn’t work for some reason what in the world he laughed and lunged at me again I slashed him with my new iron sword I actually managed to hit him and he looked at me in shock I was about to hit him again when he slammed a scythe into the ground pushing me back I’ll be back to finish you off and with that Lord Terror ran away what a coward I’ll say I looked looked and saw waren famine looking out from behind the trees I did manage to wound him though so that means I’m getting stronger yeah but you have a lot of work to do on days 23 to 26 I chatted with war about Lord Terror you definitely need some upgrades if you’re going to fight Lord Terror and beat him I can think of a few things that might be useful to you like what well you definitely need to upgrade your sword iron is all right but you need some diamonds and an enchanting table to improve your attack okay where should I go War told me all the places where I would find the supplies it wasn’t a short list this might take a while you wanted to De feed Lord Terror and get your SES back right of course I do then get to it I started Gathering materials for the enchanting table and managed to make one all by myself good job death thanks if you think I’m doing a good job be sure to join me on all my other Adventures just search zo zo on days 27 to 31 I went to check on famine I hadn’t seen her while I was gathering supplies and I wanted to make sure she was okay hey famine how are you liking your house it’s great look what I’ve been working on he led me to the Statue which I could definitely tell was an hourglass you’ve made some great progress yeah well I’m not quite there yet I wanted to add something special on Top it’s a surprise could you get some white and black wool for me sure I made my way outside to find some sheep to bring back to the base I found an abandoned Village and spotted some sheep and pens perfect as I went to collect them I heard something approaching a horde of zombies were coming toward me they must have been the villagers that used to live here you guys need to rest and I’m so sorry Lord terror is doing this to you I used my weapons to release the souls from the undead I was much more powerful and helped them all in just a few moments hopefully you can all be at peace now I gathered the sheep and managed to bring them all back to the base it wasn’t easy but I knew that famine would appreciate it on days 32 to 35 I went to gather some more food for all of us pork seemed like a pretty safe bet I know the pigs will be easy to find but I need to wait until dark for the zombies I decided to set up a little trap for them and sure enough they fell right into it impressive death who is that you don’t recognize my voice shame on you old friend then I saw someone step out from behind the mushrooms of course I didn’t notice her she was a mushroom Lord she Blended in pestilence did you shrink yeah I shrunk I told pestilence what had happened and she tsed in disapproval now why would you do that death you are too clever to be outsmarted and depowered by some lonly Wither Skeleton that’s the thing I think Lord Tera cheated me he mentioned something about a witch I think that he somehow won because of her well the only witch I know of is famine hey I’m just kidding I’ve heard of an apothecary that lives here in the swamp maybe that’s who he went too this is great information pestilence agreed to take the food back to the base while I looked for the witch hopefully she could give me more information about Lord Terror on days 36 to 39 I journeyed further into the fungal patch in search of the witch I thought for sure that I would find her but I didn’t see a house anywhere where in the world is she I looked around some more when I saw a group of rabbits they were acting kind of strange a little too organized maybe they’re her pinchman or something thing I should follow them H actually they’re probably just stocking up on food how silly of me to think that they were working for the witch then I noticed that the rabbits all gathered together again they seemed to be examining each other’s food okay I should maybe look somewhere else then the rabbits all bounded toward a large mushroom and disappeared wa where did they go I quickly followed after them running straight toward the mushroom on days 40 to 43 I ran through the fungal patch chasing the rabbits what in the world Intruder a large group of rabbits came bounding toward me what are you doing in our lady’s realm did you have an inquiry is this where the witch lives the rabbit’s gasped you dare call her such a rude name she is an apothecary of great Renown sorry I just need answers I don’t mean her any harm you look like you do then the rabbit started jumping at me h hey I didn’t want to hurt them so I just tried to swap them away as nicely as I could death what are you doing here I looked up to see a friendly witch friends no need to harass death I I’m sure he has a reason for being here the rabbit stopped attacking me and quickly surrounded the woman who are you I’m Amelia I wasn’t expecting you for quite some time I’m not here to collect your soul I just need to know why you helped Lord Terror Lord Terror he stole my power and made me regenerate he took my scythe and is using it to keep Souls captive in their Undead bodies Amelia gasped and started to shake her head that was Logan Turner I gave him a potion of luck he said he needed it in order to fulfill his last dream before he passed I had no idea he would use it for such an awful thing she seemed genuinely upset I can’t undo what’s been done but maybe this can help you she went inside her house and came out out with a potion what is this a potion of strength you will need that in order to get your Scythe back thank you I look forward to seeing you again but hopefully not for a long time she waved goodbye as I left her realm returning to the swamp on days 44 to 49 I returned to my base pestilence famine and War were having a good time together I noticed they had improved their homes as well as the wall of the base you’ve been busy so of you my friend did found the witch Apothecary and yes she was very nice I told them the whole story and showed them the potion that’ll be useful later I’m glad you were able to find her probably gave her quite a scare though just a little bit we all laughed and chatted for a little bit before famine jumped up oh come look at the Statue I went to look and sure enough famine had outdone herself on top of The Hourglass was a skull that looked just like my face wo it’s amazing you’ve been a great friend to us death it’s the least we can do we admired the statue together for a little while longer and then went to bed on days 50 to 53 I woke up to a loud crash I hurried outside to see what it was and there were zombies everywhere I could see Lord Terror standing on the edge of the Wall come and fight me yourself Logan don’t call me that he snarled at me and then swung the Scythe it nearly knocked me over but it also knocked out some of the undead time to be freed my friends I used my iron sword on the group of Undead freeing them from their cursed bodies it took a little while but I eventually got them all you can all be at peace now just then I felt a pain in my back I grew taller and gained more Hearts I looked in my back to see what the pain was and realized that I had grown dark feathery Wings wo this is amazing I flew up for a minute to survey the damage this is going to take some time to fix death I looked and saw famin and pestilence running toward me I lowered myself to the ground what’s wrong Lord Tera took War the undead were just a distraction no I slumped to the ground I thought I could protect everyone but Lord Terror was too clever he needed to pay on days 54 to 57 we all worked hard to fix the base we gathered supplies made the walls taller and added extra security measures including a small not after working all day we sat down to chat about our next move there’s no doubt that Lord terara took War to the castle why do you say that oh yeah you don’t remember there’s a massive dungeon in the basement it has cages traps and all sorts of things we actually used it to meet there sometimes for brunch sounds lovely it was we should do it again soon Damon cleared her throat sorry but he’ll be there for sure there is a back entrance where we would come in quicker that way pestilence gave me directions and I wrote them down I needed to find our friend before Lord Terror did something awful but first I needed to prepare on days 58 to 62 I went mining for more diamonds I needed to make some better armor and weapons for myself since I had no idea what I might face at the Castle I wasn’t having any luck and was about to go search another cave when I saw a glimmer just up ahead diamonds I walked forward then felt something fall on me from above it was a huge hairry spider and he had brought some friends I’m a friend no need to hurt me the spiders kept attacking and I had no choice but to defend myself soon enough they were all gone now on to the Diamonds the deposit was actually really large and I managed to make armor plus a new sword and a pickaxe sweet I felt just a little bit more ready to go save war on days 63 to 66 I noticed that part of the statue had been damaged during the fight I didn’t want to finish it without War so I just admired it with all its Burns and marks I’ll save you War I promise hello Mr death sir I looked and saw some of Amelia’s rabbit friends gathering around me you aren’t going to jump on me again are you no sir we need your help hamelia has been captured by that Lord Terror man we don’t have the strength to get her back could you get her back the rabbits looked very concerned of course he has my friend too he’s probably keeping them in the same place oh thank you Mr death sure I’ll be back soon in the meantime you can wait here with my friends they can help you they agreed to stay while I rescued Amelia this was going to be a little bit more difficult but I was determined and hey if you like what you’ve seen so far don’t forget to subscribe we love having you here with us on days 67 to 70 I followed the directions to the back door entrance of the dungeon it was hiding behind some trees and bushes good job me for thinking ahead I entered quietly and made my way down down down down I didn’t hear much for a while so I thought I was in the clear what was that I turned a corner and saw a swarm of zombies blocking the hallway they saw me and started ambling toward me get back I used my wings to fly over them I fired my ice blast at them from the air freezing them Solid Peace friends I lowered myself in front of a door and opened it carefully death it’s about time you showed up war and Amelia were stuck in CAG and I quickly broke the bars to free them how did you know I was here your loyal little friends told me they really are the best aren’t they sure are let’s get out of here on day 71 to 74 we made our way back up toward the back door then I noticed a lever I hadn’t seen before it was hiding behind a pillar I wonder what this opens is that a wise idea it was my house I’m sure it’ll be fine I released the lever and a trap door opened I went inside and saw a chest in a small small room there’s a chest well what are you waiting for open it I opened it and inside were netherite ingots gold diamonds and some other ingredients for enchanting wow I climbed back up and showed War hey you can finally make that sword we’ve been talking about right we continued out following the stream of daylight on day 75 to 78 we finally made it out thank goodness I was beginning to think that Lord ter Terror would hold us there forever not so fast Lord Terror came around the corner Scythe in hand you dare take my witch and my strongest Soldier I am not a witch then I would never fight for you we brandished our weapons as Lord Terror snarled why won’t you just die he swung the sthe but I managed to Dodge I then swung my sword and hit Lord Terror he he stepped back then swung again he was fast but I was an equal opponent now I could sense his fear no no no no no no he slammed the hilt of the Scythe into the ground and blasted us back somehow through some dark magic he stole my potion of strength and drank it on day 79 to 84 we all watched in horror as Lord Terror grew and grew and grew he was enormous oh no we need to go Lord Terror laugh laughed as I picked up my friends and flew away with them this has to end soon or Lord terror is going to take over everything on days 85 to 89 we arrived safely back at my base famine and pestilence came running out to greet us okay you better not cry cuz I’m not good at dealing with emotion Amelia saw her rabbits and they all jumped for Joy it seemed like things were at least a little normal for now death come we need to fix that sword of yours War took me to upgrade my sword and then showed me how to enchant it wow this will really help War thanks for everything you’ve done hey I love conflict but not when it involves my friends it’s the fire aspect in chamman it’ll give your sword a burning edge this will help you to get your Scythe back how Lord ter doesn’t always have the Scythe with him he likes to hang it up in the main Corridor and just admire it I heard him talking about it while we were captured this is great information War if you can fight him off long enough to get the Scythe back that’ll be the key to stopping Lord Terror for good I agreed and went to show my friends they oo and a before famine spoke up come and see what pestilence and I did with the help of the rabbits it took me over to the Statue which now had wild flowers growing all around the base on top was the skull now with flowers and a touch of flames guys this looks awesome you are the Lord of death but we know you have a soft side I do like flowers I stared at it in awe I really did have amazing friends on days 90 to 94 I traveled back to the castle to retrieve my Scythe if I did it while Lord Terror was unaware surely I would be able to defeat him as I approached the castle I decided to just hide next to one of the pillars inside the throne room and stake it out I could see Lord Terror back to his normal size thank goodness he was standing around admiring the Scythe that’s mine I waited for a long time before he fell asleep I quiet gently opened the door and snuck past him grabbing the Scythe from the wall I expected to grow into my full form but something was wrong Intruder Lord Terror started to charge at me I brandished my new sword and smacked him backwards he brought out another potion and drank it before charging at me he was incredibly fast and I could barely see him as he struck me oh no my hearts were fading fast since I couldn’t defend myself I ran away taking the Scythe with me it won’t work for you little Reaper you are too late I didn’t know what he meant but I flew away before he had a chance to attack me again I need to fix whatever he did to my Scythe otherwise I’m dead meat on days 95 to 97 I brought my Scythe back to the base and had War examine it I don’t know what to tell you it looks normal to Me Maybe ailia will know I took it to her and she examined it this is my fault Lord Terror forced me to make a binding spell he is now bound to the Scythe by an enchantment how do I break it I’ll have to make a counter spell but it will probably take a few days it might even break it do it she worked tirelessly trying to fix the scythe and I did what I could to assist her I really need this to work on day 98 I helped Amelia with what I could but she said I needed to wait for the result I made my way outside and admired our base and the statue it had been a difficult Journey so far but I was glad that I I had found my friends made some new ones and grown stronger even if my Scythe didn’t work I knew that I would defeat Lord Terror somehow hey we’re really glad that you’ve been here on this journey too be sure to subscribe and search for zo zoo for more videos also comment below on what my next adventure should be I can’t wait to see what you say on day 99 I went to look for Amelia she looked a little discouraged I don’t know if the spell worked you’ll need to wield it in battle to see well then I guess it’s time to go fight Lord Terror I’m sorry about all the trouble I’ve caused if it wasn’t for me none of this would have happened maybe but I’m glad it did I got to find my old friends again build an awesome base and meet you you’re an awesome Apothecary Amilia which but who’s keeping track go give him well you know I smiled as I flew off towards the castle Scythe in hand as I landed on the steps the door was open for me the undead were nowhere to be seen But Lord Terror stood on the steps sword in hand potion in the other you can’t defeat me we’ll see about that I took my scythe and slammed the hilt into the ground causing everything to shake I felt a surge of power and I was connected to my weapon again I grew taller my hearts increased and my wings spent further you have cheated death Logan Turner and for that you must pay Lord Terror drank a potion and he grew taller as our weapons met there was a brilliant burst of light it’s not fair I Am Lord Terror the new Grim Reaper I earned that title I lifted myself into the air letting the SC swing down with a mighty Force you stole that title I am the rightful Grim Reaper and now you must move on Lord Tera screamed before the Scythe made contact and in a burst of smoke he was gone on day 100 I flew back to the base triumphant and glorious in my final form everyone cheered as I descended and they even tried to hug me you’re our hero the world is finally right again and that was the honest truth

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as ANT-MAN in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Marvel Superheroes Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-03-10 02:15:01. It has garnered 29260 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:57 or 11697 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as ANT-MAN in Hardcore Minecraft! The evil MODOK is trying to rule the miniverse, and it will be up to me to stop him from destroying everyone and moving on to rule the entire multiverse!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as ANT-MAN https://youtu.be/z_lAVR2ePYM 0:38:24 100 DAYS as IRON MAN https://youtu.be/z0WvYHOeS0E 1:08:47 100 DAYS as HULK https://youtu.be/zVzJxl8Tj28 1:39:31 100 DAYS as LAVA SPIDERMAN https://youtu.be/G0MMgldaIx8 2:13:13 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR https://youtu.be/BKZVnUpeERg 2:45:04 100 DAYS as the GRIM REAPER https://youtu.be/P1uSKmk7gMs

#minecraft #100days #antman #quantumania

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  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! 😱🔥

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  • INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!

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  • Insane Challenge: Skyes – Would you dare try this job?

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  • EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! 🏊 #shorts

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  • SHOCKING Herobrine Edit – Mobs Dream!

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  • PureConstruct

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  • Memelands: Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Welcome to Memelands! Memelands is a Vanilla SMP with a close-knit community that has been thriving since 2019. We are seeking active players over the age of 15 who are looking for a long-term Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Unique builds and history on a map that will never reset Events and activities for players of all time zones Community-driven server with essential datapacks and protective plugins Simple Voice Chat for in-game communication (optional) Ownership and decision-making by the community Basic Rules: No stealing, griefing, or hacking Be mature, friendly, and respectful towards others No bullying, racism, or harassment Join… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Warfare ITA 1.7.10

    Modern Minecraft Warfare ITA 1.7.10Modified Italian server where you can create a nation and wage wars. The server is active all day and goes offline at night to avoid problems. Join our discord now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft hero we needed”

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  • Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2

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  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes

    Hot and spicy Minecraft memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

    Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!? Welcome to the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft! Embark on a magical journey through the whimsical world of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft. 🍀 Unveiling the Cottage Witch Modpack Step into a realm filled with enchanting spells, mystical creatures, and charming cottages with the Cottage Witch modpack. 🌿 Craft potions, brew magical elixirs, and explore the vast landscapes teeming with hidden treasures. 🧙‍♀️ Immerse Yourself in Captivating Music Enhance your gaming experience with the enchanting tunes of “Evening” and “Midnight Tale” by Kevin MacLeod. 🎶 Let the music transport you to a… Read More

  • Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun

    Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun Exploring the Best Mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience with some exciting mods? Look no further! Here are some of the best mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla that you can download and enjoy right now. Horizons Mod Horizons is a fantastic mod that adds a whole new dimension to your Minecraft world. With stunning landscapes and unique biomes to explore, this mod will keep you entertained for hours on end. Download the Horizons mod here. Minimap Mod If you’re someone who loves to keep track of your location in Minecraft, then the… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Challenge: No Deaths in BedWars Livestream

    Insane Gaming Challenge: No Deaths in BedWars LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Livestream: No Deaths – BedWars Challenge’, was uploaded by Pryor Gaming on 2024-04-11 04:42:16. It has garnered 785 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:07 or 5287 seconds. In this stream I’m playing Minecraft BedWars, but I’m going to try to beat the 4 core modes each once without dying. This stream is because I want to play BedWars. **Discord and Patreon links:** http://linktr.ee/pryorgaming Read More

  • Unnerving Minecraft Modpack Gameplay

    Unnerving Minecraft Modpack GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Pack Scary Asl #minecraft #modpack #herobrine #scared #fyp #twitch #funny’, was uploaded by TwistedEditzz on 2024-02-23 16:51:57. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. I downloaded The Man From The Frog Texture pack and was left surprised… Read More