1 HOUR OF BUILD BATTLE! [Minecraft Minigame]

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Hello my name is green and today i was challenged well the other day i was challenged to play one full hour of build battle i’m obviously going to get as close as i can to an hour and i accept the challenge so let’s get into it straight away

Let’s see what the first round brings hopefully well i want to try and win as many as possible but it’s not a big deal if i don’t we’ll just see how each game and what takes us there so theme is pikachu fortunately i know what pikachu is

I basically grew up with pikachu in my life i was born at the time where pokemon was in its very early days and i was like one of those kids that just absolutely adored it so this is going to be kind of i know i know what pikachu looks like

Pretty much down to a t so we can uh whether i can actually whether i can uh put it in minecraft or not is another story having said that now that i now that i think about it i need to not like not big myself up too much because i’m

Not sure that i can actually produce the pikachu that everyone that i’m picking myself up to be able to so i’m sort of going on a very early version of pikachu i remember him you know from like uh the first movie he’s kind of round he’s he

Looks a lot cooler than he did back in the day he was like this round mousy like yellow blob now he’s like this cool slim he’s like he like lost a few pounds he’s he’s looking pretty good so i’m kind of gonna try and give him the little uh

Belly that he should have i suppose is the way to phrase it does he have anything on his front i don’t think so i’m going completely by oh my god this is terrible this is gonna end up absolutely terrible i think it’s because of this i’m gonna

Have to like knock out some of that add this maybe and remove this and actually that that just improved it a little bit so let’s uh try and give him a rounded back i’m not too worried about the back because most people in build battle go

To the front to look at the build so now i am going to just do my best to replicate a pikachu body and he has a very distinct tail if i remember correctly so it like goes in zigzag fashion and that’s as far as i can go so i’m

Gonna have to deal with that best i can uh it’s kind of not what i wanted from that uh you can do that right so he has lines like that he also has lines on his back so this should work out pretty well i hope having said

That people go to the front i hope they do look at the back now because i have put the extra detail in with the lines now it’s actually very hard without a reference picture to hand to sort of remember what pikachu’s very distinct dimensions are to the t

So i’m kind of going to have to make a awful looking head but make sure that i get the distinct ears done i’ve only got two minutes left that should be plenty of time not in too much of a rush i’m not expecting to win this one because my

Pikachu is not not the greatest thing in the world so it’s not not the end of the world but having said that i will still try my best and get the ears right uh how many is three then three again like so with eight likes he has those

Like little bits there he does have arms he does have arms so i’m gonna have to try and get some arms in there like they are only diddy and getting a neck right in minecraft is actually pretty difficult so i’m having a i’m having a tough time here

I know what pikachu looks like don’t get me wrong this is not this is not what i remember pikachu to look like i um does he have anything at the front i’ll tell you what is not helping is that i’ve made these legs like a bit

Too out of scale and i need to like knock in the sides a bit because he he’s not that chub chub although now his legs are a bit far out uh can just sort of build up the legs a bit actually that should kind of help the

Build a bit so if i knock out this again get the thickness right and perhaps just perhaps oh there’s only 30 seconds oh i should probably give him some eyes he definitely has like big big black eyes doesn’t he oh bugger i need a blackstone clay there we go um

He just has a like a normal black mouth doesn’t he so it can probably like um oh that is so much better than mine uh i’m gonna have to give that really good that’s so much that’s that’s actually pretty good i guess people have really been playing uh that’s also probably

Better than mine i’m gonna have to give that good as well i probably should have given that one before epic but this one’s definitely good i just overcome like i just mined so bad oh it’s cute that’s cute uh it’s not really pikachu but it’s cute does he have a red nose he

Doesn’t have a red nose does he i can’t i can’t look at it i can’t look at it too much oh my goodness oh my god oh he has the red cheeks oh i’m such an idiot that’s like one of the distinct things that’s very good there’s pixel art but this is uh

Uh but i’m such a fool this one does not deserve anything like what that’s not pikachu uh i just don’t i don’t understand some people in this game okay oh actually really i really like that it’s they’ve got the full thing i’m gonna go epic although there’s like just

A small problem of his arm coming out of his mouth there but it’s really cool and the pikachu here’s i guess i’m coming around this side they tried i’m gonna go okay it actually resembles a pikachu which cannot be said for some of the other ones and uh we’ll see what

This see this is what i should have done this is this is what i should have done i’m gonna go epic because they’ve actually done a really good job although i’m not sure why they chose to have it oh lightning i see oh wow that’s really clever that’s really clever

I’m really ashamed of my pikachu that’s actually all so good not quite as good as the other one i should have given that other one a legendary to be honest i hope they win i really hope they win and let’s see um this one’s pretty good this one’s pretty good

They got some of the stuff down yeah i’m gonna give it good again i’m not a fan of pixel art for winning the round oh wow really i came like last and i deserved it well i came like next to last this guy although i did really well i actually

Think the guy with the lightning deserved to win okay so let’s let’s hop straight into another one oh wow that’s embarrassing so we’re off to a great start the first one was not good so we are zero out of one and the theme is candle okay okay

I’m i can come up with something i think uh maybe let’s have a has have a quick think so what color is a candle that but i’m needing a wick for the top so i’m gonna take some fence block i’m not too good at doing the whole fire thing to be honest

Uh so right let’s have a think how i’m gonna do this because every time i consider how how it looks in my mind’s eye it never ends up looking that way in real life and already i’m not off to a good start so let’s try that again

I’m going to go up in the air i’m going to make a quick circle just just a three three uh three-sided one very simple and i’m now going to quickly add a base as well uh trying to think out loud here right so i’m also going to add a little

Bit down there i’m thinking of like an old-fashioned candle before electricity you know like you’d light a candle and carry it round like a night lamp so that’s that’s what i’m hoping for here what have i done what what mess have i created here oh i haven’t done that right okay so

I’m going to quickly finish the base i have already wasted two minutes of this round and i’m now going to do the little candle thing uh get rid of that and hopefully i’ll actually have time to do the candle itself and we’re there but i feel like i’ve messed

Up somewhere i’ve messed up multiple times going around this i think it’s supposed to look like that however wow i really messed up oh boy oh man this is gonna this is wasting a whole bunch of my time um around the corner okay there i fixed it

I think yeah okay that’s fixed right so now i’m going to create a quick lip using cobblestone stairs really simple and then i’m going to create a quick handle i hope people really unders i hope like the people know what i’ve built here for one because obviously if they’ve never seen

A candle like this they’re gonna wonder like what the hell have i made okay um i’m actually gonna raise this up i still think this time the candle itself is going to take next to no time at all and yep that’ll do now straight up for the candle with a wick

On the top and now i can sort of just create up a candle here like a long long candle and like steadily steadily make it go up to each one now the key here is that i’ve made each one of these around the side a different length so

That it has more shape when you get there so and you can see that the further away i get from the middle the shallower i’m going with the height so that’s kind of just a quick little thing to take note of if you’ll ever find yourself in the situation

I might be able to do some fire animation in fact i’m not too happy with how high this is so i’m gonna knock those down a bit it’s okay to have some of them the same height but if they’re like very comparable like that is it might be best to

Just knock some of them down or up depending on where you are what you want so i’m actually going to get rid of these i feel like it’s not necessary there we go actually i kind of like that and we could even add some wax down the bottom here

It’s like like it’s dripping i’m not gonna bother with the fire although i could see if flint and steel will work on the top of that oh oh i’m a genius look at that i’m a genius okay i kind of i’m kind of proud of that

And it was like so calmly finished on time come on round two right um i’m gonna have to poop this i’m really sorry i just it’s not a candle that’s not a candle at all those are three villages and a bunch of diorite or whatever the hell it’s called

I guess oh wait no no no yeah that’s actually pretty good i get this like it’s like a candle at dinner although those candles look like they’d set the house on fire um um not sure um if i understood what it was i’d probably give it okay but i just

Holy moly this guy’s had an explosion okay i’m gonna take i’m gonna ignore this mess and i’m gonna take this over here i’m gonna give it okay because at least this looks kind of like a candle um what is that is he holding a candle i i’m gonna go for okay because he’s

Built a table and a duck which is great but the candle bit not so much let’s see what people think of mine there’s a fire there yeah the fire’s there hey so oh let’s see what people think um oh okay that’s that’s good i really like

That it’s good i’m not sure what this is like must be the wax and then these are like really tall candles and stuff so i like that one um i’m i think people really haven’t grasped what a candle is i’m not sure what that is is it okay hey we win

Yeah okay so cool that’s one game out of two and we’re in like 15 minutes into the hour of build battle hey that’s really i’m happy with that i personally i think that mine was the best out of there and i am honest when i think that someone else should win so

Let’s hop straight into the next game one thing that i want to point out when playing build battle is when people make a human like a cute little human just to make their build look better oh b oh that’s that’s cute i’m gonna i’m gonna take that this i

Feel like people will be really good at this all right um i actually want some custom skulls for this so i want some color uh i want some big black eyes oh i didn’t really need to get two uh that’ll do and i’m gonna want some nether fence so

Yeah as i was saying uh i don’t think that build battle people like when you make a really quick for example there when the theme was candle right but that guy made a cute duck holding a uh torch although the theme like although that’s great and everything the theme was candle man like

You can’t it’s almost like you’re just trying to detract from the fact that you can’t build a candle you know so would this be um sorry to go off on tangents all the time but with this bee i need to make sure that like although it’s going to have stripes

It’s not completely perfect and i think that’s rather important in a build like this so you can have overlapping layers of the black and white and i’m gonna make my way down trying to keep it as cute as possible because bees are are very cute so going to

Uh try and bring it in now just with a small layer and let’s see that’s probably not the best there how do i how am i gonna do this how am i going to do this to make it look cuter i guess the wings will make it look

Cuter but for now that might have to do um right so the wings the wings are important i’m just going to use white stained glass to sort of mimic how thin they are going to be and of course these are insects so they have six legs so i’m just gonna place them

And one more there we go so that’s kind of cute i’m kind of i’m kind of happy but i just i know on a on a theme like this everyone’s gonna have really cool builds and because i’ve i’ve never made a bee before i’m just sort of going on what i possibly know

Uh theirs is probably going to be better than mine they probably got like a really good idea of what a bee should be i i think mine’s cute i’m gonna call him billy uh i got two minutes left so there’s no need to rush on this i can in fact like

Add some little details um i don’t i actually need to make these as symmetrical as possible which is annoying because it’s glass panes and i just spammed them everywhere but as close to as i can get the better and i’m going to keep trying to do that let’s see take a step back

Need a couple more blocks here on the side one up the top and that’s not too shabby actually uh the whole thing is off center one block you can see here i can actually fix that probably by adding that block there how could i improve this build not too sure right now

Um bees are quite cute i’m gonna actually just edit the top here to try and make make it a bit more cute and i’m actually going to add some gray in here to try and give it some texture i’ve got a minute so i’m still not too worried i’m kind of finished so

If all else fails i still have a b to show everybody let’s take a step back again it’s important to always take a step back i could build okay i’m going to rush it i’m going to rush a quick flower for the b because i feel like it goes well with the b

Theme and it shouldn’t take me too long if i’m just being very quick so i had 45 seconds to build this and now i have very little time let’s take a quick look and make a flower 18 seconds no worries at all and this is the worst flower this is

Probably a waste of time let’s actually make it a tulip since i don’t have time to get another block out that’ll have to do i’ll have to do what it’s like a dancing bee that’s pretty good i have to give it to him oh wait oh wait wait wait wait wait

Wait that looks like the from the movie i think that’s good i like this this is this is pretty cool it’s gold he went for iron fence which pretty sure it would weigh the b down but that’s still cute nonetheless i’m gonna give it a good and

Wait let me just try and get some perspective on this okay i’m going to take this as his b because i’m not sure what that is and i’m going to give it a good and let’s take a look this guy oh he did finish almost almost finished i have to penalize him

For not finishing but that is quite good but i think the others are better i think pixel art is you know not the best thing okay so here’s my b oh dear organics are not my thing we’ll have to we’ll have to see um that’s actually uh so cute that’s

Really cute i’m gonna give that good that’s actually really cute i’ve got nothing else to say it’s like small dainty and to the point is is this guy got a front i think this is the i’m gonna have to only give it okay they built a b but

Like there’s no wings and stuff oh okay um again i’m gonna have to give it okay i like the concept and he could have got it cuter but i mean it hasn’t got any wings it hasn’t got any legs and all that kind of stuff

Oh these are that’s a nice design i like this it’s it’s square but streamlined and it’s got stinger i didn’t even add a stinger that was kind of done with me so i’m going to give him okay oh well i should give him good whoops sorry mr man um

It’s snowing here and the bees are out that doesn’t quite compute although it’s quite it’s oh it’s got i like what they’ve done with the eyes so i have to give that one good for the creative eyes let’s take a look um i’m only gonna give this okay they’ve built a b

Actually i’m gonna give it a good because i have to stay consistent as possible hey this oh wow i really like that’s epic i really like that that’s really cute they’ve done pretty much exactly the same as me but they’ve managed to like make the bee cuter and

Looking at that that looks more like a hoverfly if you know what they are we have them over here in the uk but i’m gonna have to give that a good for the sake of consistency they’ve done quite a good job of giving me hey i won wow i

Won by like a landslide that’s a huge amount wow i really don’t think that i deserve to win maybe i think that that person that did uh the cuteness uh the cute bee probably deserved to win that round so that was round three so we’re now on to number

Four so we’ve got two out of three whew this is exhausting we still got a bunch more rounds to go so let’s see what comes up next thankfully i haven’t had any repeat themes so let’s have a quick mosey at what it is volcano i wish i wish i had

Were voxel sniper right now that’s not owned it’s not okay like i could make a sick volcano in no seconds flat like nothing i’d just imagine it’d be there but unfortunately i am stuck with having to hand place them so this is going to be tough

So i’m going to start off by spamming uh i’m going to lay out a general circle where i want the volcano to be now i’m gonna have a bunch of surrounding uh rocks and stuff now getting this right it’s not gonna look great because i just i don’t have time

To texture it in the way i’d hope now and this is also unfortunately for you viewing the video it’s going to be rather boring because i’m going to be working my way around by hand placing up these to create a volcano so it’s going to be a rather lengthy

Just spam of uh this clay block because i’m going for on a grey grey volcano people really like colored clay and build battle and i’m gonna use that to play to my strengths of knowing how to get an organic shape so i just need to keep working my way around and

Hopefully i won’t hit the ceiling because there is a build limit on this and i need to make sure that it doesn’t take me i mean i’ve wasted two minutes already two minutes and i need to keep going keep going and it will i need to also make sure that

The closer i get the more intense it goes up so right now it needs to just be kind of steady and i am achieving that very slowly um but it’s it’s not not the greatest thing right now and i really need a minute spare in order to detail it

Uh i also need to start using some other blocks to give it the texture because i obviously don’t have voxel sniper to texture very quickly so i have to do that by hand there’s probably going to be holes everywhere and i’m probably getting to the point where i can start

Going ham on going upwards oh boy and let’s take a quick gander let’s take a step back it’s not not the best i’m gonna admit it i’m gonna admit it’s not the best now i need to go up really high using uh going steeper because obviously volcanoes peak really hard towards the middle

And i need to make sure that i get that the best i can as well although well five minutes is not enough time to do that effectively and two minutes remaining and i need enough time to have like lava spewing out and stuff like that so now i can take

This block and attempt to have a ring around the top which is a different block but i’ve kind of messed up here by spamming so much and rather haphazardly without thinking about it i have created quite a mess of uh things here so that’s not not the best for me

Uh i should probably change the floor because it doesn’t actually look very good so i’m actually going to change that to i’m going to change that to grass um wasting a lot of time change up the grass right cool and i’m going to have lava come down the sides

If it would flow correctly just need to make sure that i have the correct there you go and then it can go down right now i can have that aim for it manipulating any sort of liquid in minecraft is quite horrible so now i need to grab some red and some

Orange and spam i didn’t even grab the orange i think i threw on the floor great another another few seconds wasted and time is precious in this game um so i’m gonna like make it look like it’s exploding the best i can and obviously it doesn’t look too good

Right now but what i’m going to do once i’ve placed all these is i actually need to get the yellow as well quick why does the yellow have to be at the bottom and i’m going to delete some of these blocks to make it less thick and to make

It look like it’s actually exploding and have some lava in the top that’s the best i can do that was the best i can do and it was a bit better than this guy who is going to get an okay because they’ve i suppose technically it counts

As a volcano and i only give people super poop and poop when it does not resemble the theme at all so this guy again is going to get an okay actually i’m going to give it good i don’t i have to hold withhold judgment to see what everyone else done okay this

One definitely deserves good it definitely deserves good and i can completely relate with everyone that has tried to make a volcano because it’s not been easy you saw how much time i had left it was like nothing and again i’m gonna give this good it’s not too bad

And it’s just so difficult to get all of those blocks placed in the five minute time and this guy’s got some effects it’s square i probably would have given them epic if they had gone for a little bit more smooth edge instead of doing like a pyramid because it looks less like a

Volcano more like a bedrock pyramid i actually kind of like this one but it is again only deserving of a good i think but again these people have done well i completely sympathize with people’s work here and i do not agree with the use of the gold and diamond ore

So you’re going to score only an okay because i think you probably could have chosen some better blocks although i do appreciate the dead bushes around let’s take a look at this one that one is gonna only have to qualify as an okay because some of the other volcanoes were better

I do like yeah people have done well this one and then there’s mine oh no there’s a hole in it a hole in my volcano so yeah i tried it doesn’t now that i like take a step back and have a look it’s not not too good i could have

Textured it a bit better that’s for sure um and let’s have a look at this again okay it qualifies as a volcano don’t perhaps agree with the random lava place hey not bad nice one i i do agree that it was a difficult round for everyone including me i struggled with that

Definitely definitely struggled with that and now we’re on to number five number five it is whoo this has been this has been really intense i must admit so i’ve got another probably four rounds to go before i can complete my hour of build battle this is gonna be interesting let’s see

What the next one is so i think i’ve won three out of four in fact so that’s not too bad popcorn so immediately in my mind the stereotypical american bag of yellow and red pops into my mind but what can i use as popcorn probably the sandstone block pop comes to mind or

Even sponge sponge might do well here so let’s not dull too much let’s get a bag going so um perhaps something like this would do nicely so instead of that something kind of simple simplicity in build battle is actually highly appreciated when you try and go a bit too hard on your build

It sometimes doesn’t come out as well as you’d hoped because you either don’t have enough time you’re rushing you’re panicking or you just can’t quite get what you were after and that’s completely understandable i feel exactly the same way when i’m rushing like you saw the pikachu at the start i thought i

Had that down in my head but when it came to it it just didn’t translate well at all but it ended up being pretty funny so that’s a really good thing let’s take a quick gander at this and we are back up so there we go that’s my popcorn thing so

I think i’m gonna go for sponge this perhaps is not my best work i feel like people are going to do better than me on this one but maybe if i produce i don’t i i don’t think i even have any excuse here i don’t think i have any excuse

I’m gonna just try and produce the best damn popcorn you’ve ever seen uh i actually think i need to change this block to be that perhaps uh no no no no that was probably a bad mistake and it’s too late to change my build

Uh does it have like a i think i could probably go for like a thick ring of red around the bottom just to highlight it and make it look like it doesn’t just extend into the floor um i gotta admit that’s pretty poor on my part not not too sure

Not too sure on that one perhaps i could have gone bigger taller more popcorn um popcorn’s a difficult one i guess i could now quickly make a bowl full of popcorn but i don’t have that much time but since i do have two minutes it’s probably worth trying to increase my

Score as much as possible so let’s try let’s try i need to to make just the standard bowl that i’ve made before um because obviously you need enough space to place just blocks so the scale of it needs to be quite big i mean it’s only small

Popcorn at the end of the day and but each popcorn is like one sponge block so i gotta spam the hell out of them perhaps sandstone is a better sandstone is definitely a better choice i feel maybe if i have time i’ll go back and change the other one

But right now i’m messing up a lot and sandstone was definitely should have been my first choice that is for sure and i think i might have time to go and swap over to sandstone on this in fact i might if i’m quick be able to just overlay on the top

Get rid of that oh 40 seconds actually i’ve got plenty of time i don’t have to brush too hard 40 seconds is enough to place um some sandstone i’m making sure that i get these very important gaps in between them i think sandstone looks a lot more like popcorn for a start and

I think it was the sponge that was making my build look really bad and a few more perhaps in the middle here and one in the air another one here and that’s probably enough for me there we go let’s see how that does that’s not particularly good oh someone use glowstone that’s

Clever that’s good they went for the similar thing as me they made a pot it’s not circular but it’s pretty good so i’m gonna go good on that one gg someone said it so the theme is popcorn and not corn but they have done something different so i’m gonna

Have to give it okay but it is popcorn and not you know corn itself i really like that butter butter pops i’m gonna have to say good on that one because they did the same same as the first one they actually used a better choice than me you notice how i

Use the red and yellow hey look it’s me yeah so um let’s see if people like this is a bowl of popcorn and uh i think everyone has done the same thing they’ve gone for a bag of popcorn and the next one pop okay so they just wrote the word pop and

We have to go okay they have put some popcorn into a rather oddly shaped bowl but it’s just not as good as some of the other people’s now that’s clever i like this i like this they put some thought into that and they’ve even had a drink i’m gonna have

To go for good because they’ve done something different yeah it’s but it it’s not as innovative as it could be and i do withhold epic and legendary for something that i would be like whoa um that’s just popcorn on the floor so i’m gonna have to go okay

And this one again i’m gonna have to for the sake of consistency give it good and if i was rating my own i would probably give myself good as well just as i’ve been giving everyone that’s done the same idea of this as this so let’s take a quick look at this is

Very simple it’s not quite as good as the other ones although they’ve used the same idea as us and i say us because a lot of us and i’ve said this before and i’m not sure if i’ve said it during this video people that make like little

Uh people to improve their builds is not good like i have to take a look at the popcorn and i should have probably given it good instead of okay which was my bad they’ve put popcorn everywhere i actually really like this one it’s gonna have to go up in the good

Uh so yeah as i’m saying like people just there you go see that this guy won i came fourth which is understandable because mine was not the best so we are three out of five for build out but see this annoys me this person should have

Nothing to do with the build because if the theme is popcorn you have to build popcorn you people like build tellys and then uh have someone watching the telly it’s um i think it’s just a sort of a cheap way of trying to improve your build like by

Decorating it with a very easy to make human being so right let’s have a another round we are this is rather exhausting actually laptop right i’ve actually built one of these before in my time so i’m going to get a head colored head gray and probably going to want a trackpad so i’m

Going to resort to my old gray cyan block and i’m also going to want a block yeah i want black um so it’s going to be a very simple build so people appreciate the simple things so i’m going to make this cornered off like so and work my way around

And that’s probably enough for the laptop itself so let’s make our way filling this in this is where the keyboard is going to go and i’m also going to do a track pad because that’s a very defining feature of a laptop and i don’t really want people to get confused with the computer

In this build so i’m going to continue to spam the grey block because well for the most part i don’t know how it is with you guys with your laptops but my one is mainly gray and i’ve seen plenty of like gray silver ones so just

For the sake of trying to get people to know what my build is i’m going to just stick with the gray block although it might feel like i’ve used grey quite a lot in this video in these rounds of build battle anyway so let’s make a screen there that’s

Probably big enough to look like it falls down now i’ve gone for the angle because everyone has their laptop open at an angle well most people anyway you don’t have it completely flat and i think that’s what’s going to make my build stand out from the rest the fact

That most people will have like this shape just the l shape like that so uh i probably want to actually take a different colored head because i that’s gray so i want light gray i need some contrast so there’s the escape key one two three one two three one two three now

Oh oh oh oh i don’t want the angled so let’s just have a bunch of keys so like i need to i made it look like you know f1 escape it’s not perfect obviously but it’s going to do and i have no idea how i can simulate actually yes

I do yes i do i had a stroke of genius and there’s the space bar and that will have to do oh that’s going to trigger a lot of people okay cool they’re all in line now i need to do the track pad which is usually here

Uh is there a lighter stain this is gonna have to do for now it’s not the best but uh there we are i need to grab the black that i just got rid of rather stupidly and make my way down with the remaining two minutes that i have

Which is not the best not the best so need to try and do this now i must admit when you are confronted with a build battle theme that you have not done before you are at a very distinct disadvantage to everyone else that has played this game for a long time and are

Familiar with all of the themes because not only have they seen what works with build battle what people vote for they also have a larger variety of inspiration and ideas for example if i were to make that pikachu again i definitely wouldn’t tackle it the same way i did on my first

Attempt i would go for something smaller squarer and simpler so it’s interesting how i’m sure that you can get better at build battle just by playing and for light of a better term just building what everyone else builds and you can just do it because i built this

Laptop before and although i did it slightly differently i’ve learned from where i went wrong last time and how i could improve this time so yeah it’s rather interesting now if i’m actually fast enough i might be able to get a apple logo on the back of this just for

The sake of a little bit of detail so this has been a rather boring build but you know building a laptop is never going to be that much fun i can’t actually think of much more that i would change on a build like this especially in around old audio 15 seconds uh

If i had an apple head i’d put it on the back net 10 seconds 10 seconds i don’t have enough time i don’t have enough time come on four three two no okay as i expected people use the l shape however they haven’t gone for keys but

I’m i’m i’m okay yeah he said he’s didn’t finish i’m gonna have to go okay i wasn’t expecting much more oh and now that’s just rude that is just rude i’m gonna i’m gonna have to give the poop yeah real mature he’s right it’s not not okay that’s not okay people

So let’s have a look at this one um question mark maybe i’m i’m sorry i i don’t quite know what that person’s done and this is the best one so far so i’m gonna have to give it good just for the sake of being the best one so far and

They’ve even put minecraft on the laptop so that’s pretty interesting wow this guy has summer really hot keys uh i’m gonna have to go for okay it’s not quite as good as the last one who put in the extra mile of detail this person has i suppose he’s made a laptop with a

Thing so i’m gonna have to give it good it’s got something on the inside for the detail and it’s even got this uh sort of leverage damn it i wasn’t able to finish the bottom but at least people can maybe appreciate the space bar and all the buttons that i put in

Uh so maybe they’ll like that and i am not too sure i think people got stuck on this i’m only gonna give this okay they didn’t finish but i can see where they were going with it and that’s what’s important here and on to the next one this is a similar

Design to the one we saw before so i’m only gonna give it okay if they could have put detail into the back it’s a simple l shape i think it could have been better but it’s not bad it’s not bad hey we won hell’s yeah so i’ve lost two and one four now

I think not bad not bad at all i think the guy that had minecraft on his laptop probably deserved to win over me however i think it would have been a close call so let’s move into the next round whoo a whole hour of build battle who was it that blimmin uh

Asked me to do this fruit fruit so when you think of fruit or when i think of fruit i think of an apple so of course that’s what i’m gonna do and as i’ve learned from my time playing build battle which is not very long um making

Stuff out of clay as an organic build is probably the best way to tackle build battle so let’s see i’ve never made an apple before so i’m gonna have to try a concept i suppose a theory in my head so when an idea pops into my mind when i’m playing this game like

For example the pikachu i see it in my mind’s eye and delivering it into game is the tough part because sometimes it just doesn’t quite translate or i’m just rushing or not paying attention like i am now i’m not not paying enough attention to the shape to what i really want

Because apples are not as uh wide as that they are more circular and i’m yes watermelon is a fruit i’ll just help this guy uh if i could type yes someone’s helped him yes there you go and work my way around i’ve done an upside down apple i’m actually gonna

Go around here try and recover a bit damn it i’m not doing very well on this apple hmm perhaps a watermelon would have been a better idea but i cannot steal that person’s idea now and to be honest i would have stuck with the apple no matter what so let’s try

And create a thicker top half that’s i feel like that’s what’s gonna have to happen here uh i’ve made a real pig’s ear of this one i’ll be really surprised if i can bring this back i’m trying to save a dead build it’s like it’s like dying and i’m

Trying to give it cpr but it’s just like no green no let me go green it’s over i’ve created a monster um so i’m just gonna i don’t know just keep spamming blocks until i think it looks acceptable it’s actually starting to take some form gotta keep keep going

I’ve still got plenty of time so i can i can probably pull this back but maybe the cpr is working i’m just like you can’t leave me now i don’t give up on you come here apple right so i’m coming up to the top now

And i still want to go a little bit higher the cpr seems to be working on this build it’s not over and right so now i’m reasonably and i use that term very loosely reasonably happy with how this has come out so i’m now going to actually you know what that doesn’t look

Half bad because all things considered that doesn’t look half bad i’m i’ve actually really happy with how this has turned out and i can even give it a like shine on the side of the apple and perhaps now i could even make a banana or perhaps i should leave it at

That i got a minute i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it i believe i believe in myself after saving that build i believe that anything can be done even in a minute even in a minute a banana can be made i feel like

People are gonna like if people are gonna be so pinnickety i can tell like her bananas are not a fruit technically but it doesn’t matter it honestly does not matter most people have bananas as a fruit so let’s just pretend that it is for a minute i could have also done a tomato

But i’m pretty sure people would have thought it was a apple and confusion would have been sued so i’m just gonna go for some very basic stuff and i do believe i’m done that the banana’s not the best but it’s not bad at the same time um probably going to have

That bit there and then just have one of that at the bottom i guess that counts as a banana and we’re done that’s not bad i was just about i was just thinking hey i’m never first to be judged and this time i was so let’s buy a banana and

Apple and being judged first has got to be horrible because people don’t know what’s coming up and what hideous builds are in lie ahead so i’m gonna have to give it okay i can see what grapes apple but it’s kind of difficult to tell what it is

And that’s that’s not bad i’m going to give that good they’ve done a pair they’ve done a banana and a watermelon that’s pretty good i can tell what they are absolutely no problem this guy’s done an apple i feel like my apple actually beats this one so i’m gonna give this

One okay the guy before did do a more more variety and i’m not sure why his apple is magical but nevertheless and again look at this look at this and you’ll notice that now that i’ve pointed it out to you you’ll notice people just make these like little faces and stuff to accompany

Their build i actually quite like this has got grapes orange banana um i’m only gonna have to give that okay they’ve not finished a apple but yeah you will start to notice now that i’ve pointed out people make these like little organic builds all the time all the time

And this guy’s made a watermelon and it’s not bad it’s not bad at all i’m gonna have to give it good they’ve obviously put a lot of effort in i bet that took a long time to place all that red wool i probably got one more round after this

And we’ll see how we fed i actually really like that they’ve put a face on the apple um what’s he said the crazy not normal apple i’m gonna give them epic for creativity our way it confirm good nevermind so for the sake of consistency i gave

That guy good so the guy earlier who made the pear the banana and watermelon so i have to give this one good as well now it’s important that you try and remain as consistent as possible i really like the worm coming out of that but it is a pixel art

So and the shape is a bit funky i’m gonna give it okay but i do want to know that i appreciate this again look okay here’s a prime example if you look at just this as an apple it’s pretty poor but if you look at it with the weird mohican guy it’s only

Okay i mean it’s much better so you get the idea oh golden apple on a tree i like it good stuff friend that’s a nice nice touch although the apple is massive i do appreciate that what does this say or orange orange they’ve tried to write

Orange yeah i got that it was an orange but it is rather small and this guy has made watermelon not the best i’m gonna have to give it okay i have definitely seen better like that guy who made the giant one and the winner was the golden apple i’m not too surprised

I came fourth place now i’m not trying to be uh annoying or rude here but having looked at my apple with the the shading and everything i don’t think that i should have come all the way back at fourth so there might have been a bit of foul

Play there but having said that i perhaps did not deserve to win overall so now one more build battle i think and that would be the entire hour and boy does my voice hurt my voice hurts so much superhero oh my god i love batman i’m going to make a batman logo i

Hope that that counts but um because i imagine some people are going to make like a flying superman but i am the biggest batman fan well i will i’m not going to say biggest because there are definitely definitely way bigger fans than me out there but

Having said that i have a lot of batman comics and i really love the stories now i’m not actually a big fan of the dark knight trilogy so if anyone was saying oh i love batman 2 and you were thinking of the dark knight trilogy then perhaps not today for that one

And let’s try and get the shape right because consistency is key here um right so let’s take a step back it’s important when you’re building always to take a step back to look just look how it is it’s easy to make small changes all the

Time than it is to make big changes at the end you might that’s why a lot of people like to start over and i feel like i’ve messed up already yes i have indeed so it is actually here where that should be and that’s hold on let me let me get my act

Together and that’s i think where that should be let’s take a step back yep cool got that correct and we can continue to move on so uh right here’s where that should start but it hasn’t so i’ve messed up somewhere so it goes up to

Up one up one up one and then two i guess and we continue on to the end i’ve wasted an awful lot of time making this symmetrical but and i feel like i’ve messed up i’m just trying to take a quick way back my eyes are hurting there we go um i’m

Gonna have to deal with that because i’ve only got two nearly three minutes left so i’m gonna make the yellow background as is the batman logo at least the one in the michael keaton films um it’s used as the bat signal i should have done a bat signal ah that would have been

Really inventive so i’m just gonna do the batman logo now i don’t expect to win with this in this round to be honest with you i’m building the bat symbol out of sort of uh respect for my love of batman uh this the franchise and i i’m not ashamed to admit

At all that my favorite character is not bruce wayne although i love bruce wayne to absolute bits and like he’s obviously batman he can’t really beat him my favorite character in the entire franchise is actually terry mcginnis now if you don’t know who terry mcginnis is

He is the batman of the future batman in his old age and he gets really old they don’t actually specify but he’s beyond being batman he um becomes old and decrepid and quits being batman because he can no longer do it and he creates this suit

He creates a bat suit that will sort of help him in his crusade against gotham however it uh doesn’t end well for him and he has to throw them he has to give up the mantle of batman altogether this is not centered because it is a two block center

Oh that makes me so very sad people that makes me very very sad i have disgraced the name of the betterment and yes so terry mcginnis is my favorite character he had a show of his own once upon a time and i was absolutely devastated to see it leave

So what i’m going to do here is something kind of cheeky is just put a block around here and just delete all of the ones on the other side and i should in theory have a complete uh a complete no no i messed up that one a symmetrical build again

I have totally messed up uh theory did not prevail today let’s see that looks kind of okay to me oh wow i actually did it it’s not the best and i made that really quick because i think i got a bit distracted by my love of terry mcginnis for this but

There we go there’s a very rudimentary bat symbol and um yeah so like terem against is my absolute favorite okay so here’s mine bat symbol i don’t expect to win at all but i’m i have to do i know i met the voice of um batman kevin conroy at a convention once this

Guy made batman as well i’m gonna have to give it epic anyone that builds batman gets an epic by me absolutely i love it i love it um uh what’s this guy doing i’m gonna have to soup i’m not super i’m gonna have to poop you cause i don’t know what that is

Um yeah so i met the voice of batman from the animated series and i was so excited i’ve never fanboyed over anyone in my life but just meeting him after being so obsessed from my childhood with batman the animated series then the new adventures of batman i was like kevin kevin

So that’s actually pretty good they’ve not finished but i guess it’s a disabled person i’m going to go okay because i really didn’t finish but yeah i was like super excited to meet kevin conroy does sonic count as a superhero um debatable yeah so i was like super excited i

Didn’t know what to say and he i was like can you sign can you sign this and i was he gave me a print and i was i tried i treasure it to this day this one’s pretty good so yeah i was really really excited to

Meet him and my love for the show the animated stuff that dc does is just amazing i hope that’s bizarro superman whoever’s made this one now i love dc and i love the comic books i’m not a big fan of the um live action stuff with the exception of the flash and

By maybe extension gotham but i really liked the animated stuff and it’s such a shame that they’ve cancelled some of the best shows in animated history the like batman beyond and justice league and all that kind of stuff it’s all it’s all gone it’s all had its day but

It had a wonderful run i’m sorry i haven’t been commenting oh my god i got started on batman and now i can’t stop i’ve just been voting away without really giving any explanation hey this guy went hey i came second what that’s amazing i only made a batman

Symbol okay this guy is great like i love it i love this guy so that’s it i made it i did a whole hour of build battle wow i tried this once before and people were making inappropriate builds and it was ruined and i was like oh i cannot i

Cannot continue like this but i made it here’s an hour of build battle to those of you that have made it all the way to the end and you are here listening to my voice after me talking about batman for like 10 minutes kudos to you

Well done you’ve made it all the way to the end i really hope you’ve enjoyed this i tried to talk as much as possible and improve my commentary if i learn anything from the feedback i got from my other let’s builds and not let’s build sorry build battles and

Gameplay stuff is that my commentary needed a lot of work and so i hope that this has proven that i’ve been practicing and whatever else so thank you very much for watching everyone goodbye

This video, titled ‘1 HOUR OF BUILD BATTLE! [Minecraft Minigame]’, was uploaded by Grian on 2015-11-23 20:59:12. It has garnered 3204615 views and 39239 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:55 or 3835 seconds.

I am breaking the norms of youtube. Here is an hour of build battle. I wonder how many of you will watch the whole thing?

I ended up playing 8 rounds, and see how many I won!

I wasn’t the best in every round, but it was fun, and hopefully as fair as possible in the judging. If you disagree with my decisions well.. go play a few rounds of build battle yourself 😀

I decided to do this when a viewer challenged me to do an hour of it. I was at first like “That is absurd” but then I was like, we’ve all been engrained into these 10-20 minute let’s plays and stuff, maybe some people want an hour of random build battle. So I thought I’d take a deep breath and upload the whole thing, much against the advice of others, but I am my own youtuber, and I do my own thing. Trying new things is always fun!

Has my commentary improved? Is it better? Please leave some feedback in the comments!

Thank you so much for watching, and 20+ grian points to those of you who make it to the end!

Server is Hypixel of course: mc.hypixel.net

Inspired from a suggestion from shadowolfy

Follow me! – Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrianMC – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrianMC – Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Grianmc – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grianmc/

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    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NZUADhEnrOGvMSmms4-0Q Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More

  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

    Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Collab】Minecraft【PRISM Project】’, was uploaded by Meno Ibuki / 伊吹めの [PRISM Project] on 2024-03-08 06:39:03. It has garnered 779 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:16 or 12016 seconds. I’m IbukiMeno! Nice to meet nyo~! 🐉 Welcome to my stream! would you like to be one of my precious collections? https://schedule.prismproject.jp Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/menoibuki/tip Please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll or argue with each other.🐉 2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report… Read More

  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!

    Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring My Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Dylan&James on 2024-03-19 22:04:25. It has garnered 475 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Read More


    SECRET FIRETANGLE ALEXA MINI GAMES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Games Minecraft murderer mystery Bed wars’, was uploaded by Firetangle Alexa on 2024-04-26 18:00:16. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Read More

  • Fufiworld’s Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!

    Fufiworld's Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Trial and Error” | SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above #3 | Minecraft Modded Skyblock’, was uploaded by Fufiworld on 2024-03-15 17:18:11. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:13 or 6313 seconds. Ello! We bring you our newest series called SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above. This is a Minecraft modded Skyblock using the Modpack called “Create Skies Above”. Hope you enjoy the video/stream! Consider becoming an EGG by Subscribing and being part of the Scrambles Community! We’re just a VTuber Couple gaming for entertainment and laughs! Like and Subscribe for… Read More

1 HOUR OF BUILD BATTLE! [Minecraft Minigame]