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Hey notice it’s your boy action today man look welcome to Antlers bro what is Antlers about man I don’t know man look warning the game contains loud jump scares and noises so that’s all y’all need to know man get the good caps on so I ain’t gonna make y’all wait man just

Follow me on Instagram check out my other channels links in the description below with that being said what the heck whoa looks like some Island actually do you see that there’s like a mini Island on the right in the middle and to the left some huge island

Bro antlers did a bunch of reindeer Go On The Run man what happened oh y’all see that I’m immersed in this thing man I look like I’m looking at this guy right now what oh where’s this oh who is that good I should go out and check so you worried about that

I’m just worried about this TV man the TV work hello but we’re SpongeBob I’m trying to watch SpongeBob ain’t working bruh now I gotta investigate the sound let me see where am I at I’m at the gas station okay so there’s a town up there the wolf’s Lair

The stallion Ranch the old salt mine the little farm the Melody Ranch the tunnel Red River Farm dag form and the Mist wood estate in the radio tower now that I’ve seen that we gotta investigate the sound so I kind of want to get familiar with this uh gas station I don’t know

About y’all but my gas station doesn’t sell books I’m just saying let me see huh how to open if they think we didn’t know how to open okay never mind oh yeah I actually did not I know how to open that all right man so this is the town

Oh they shut the door on me so fast bro like dang is this my car hello it’s not mines look at those big claw marks oh heck’s not right away okay give me back inside give me back as I close the door close it

Close the door bro I need the Ops on the way on the way no no signal no signal man are you kidding me run to town you see how far I’ll head down all right man it looks like we’re going into town y’all uh hex nah not even the

Po-po could help us cause the Signal’s no good so look first person we see we just gonna Jack they phone yeah that was good man how you doing man it’s good to catch up I haven’t seen civilization hey you didn’t get this advice from your boy

Who what was that uh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope is this the town okay the Town wasn’t far at all the map’s kind of deceiving not gonna lie oh they got graffiti out here I’m about to jump in the backyard haha

They was not expecting that and that’s how you sneak into a place all right let me see what they had they had some bread and apples some candles okay I mean I just snuck into a random store what am I doing where the people at man uh they

Got a bunch of trash where the trash people don’t come every week okay now you’re probably wondering how do I know the trash people don’t come here every week man because I’m just saying but it looked like they’ve been over here for two weeks man are you kidding me bro CK

Up after yourself man where is everybody can I steal one of these cars cars oh they got trousers wait what why they got trousers in the car I just stole trousers and some socks from somebody you know what let’s just steal from this man let me take both your tires and

Another sock anybody in here this looks important bro this gotta be a town of importance all right I’m starting to realize the stuff with the glitter above it might be super important I got some chains and a letter all right let’s see what the letter is talking about y’all

Let’s do it in the book corner I am writing this to you because I believe this town is in great danger I saw something usual in the forest this monster was over 14 feet tall had sharp claws in large handlers this monster had unusual growls if this monster is what I

Think it is we are all in great danger hex nah how tall did they say that thing was 14 feet tall those claw marks in the car could be from a I don’t know man you might be tweaking it was written by the crazy man in the woods maybe he knows

Something so I gotta find the old man in the woods are you kidding me bro uh his cabin is called Wolf’s Lair looks like we’re off the wolf’s Lair man it seems like there’s a little church here so look if we need anything we just come

Back here okay you know what I’m saying get prayed up oh there go the police hey man what y’all don’t work or something no one policeman in the town I’m Gonna Keep the map out because we gotta go off course man we leaving the streets now we

Going into the deadly area bro because if I see 14 foot Bigfoot looking antler dude I’m gonna be a little upset no oh what the heck oh snap speaking of Bigfoot antler dude there he goes oh and the light just turned off all right you

Know what I think this is a good time go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go run all

Right let’s go let me just break into bro’s house at all he was cutting some food uh finishing food you gonna put in the fire finish it or I will I’m hungry oh shoot oh I’m gone that’s all you had to say bro stop playing bro it got scary

I got goosebumps into Legends why you talk like that bro s okay oh wow my heart beats oh my gosh he will engage a game I ain’t trying to play no games don’t know what are we doing here what is it a human don’t call me boy that’s that seems crazy save us

What please man I ain’t gonna lie you should save us from the monster cause from from from the looks of it I’m just saying man it looked like you got a little less time on this thing than me I’m just all right let me go oh heck he’s here what do you

Mean he’s here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what backside what backside bro oh there’s a back door I’m going bye oh man you dead oh hex now oh heck stop if he sees you gonna play a game I ain’t trying to play

No game you want to play oh no you want to play Bingo you want to play come on oh no run run run run run run run all right we gotta escape the monster let’s go to the uh stallion Ranch that seems like a good idea man it’s been hype but

We gotta move dude said when the monster sees you you’re dead that’s the second time I seen cuz and he didn’t kill me I’m just saying get your skills up all right we gotta hit it right oh my gosh this music’s so loud boy I am I feel it

All right I’m running for my life man all right let’s go to the stallion Ranch we definitely got distance on the monster oh he’s fast and strong I ain’t see him being strong so I don’t know where you got that from place I’ve got

To save these people no no I don’t I can go home I can think about myself first there was a way to defeat this monster the library they’ve probably got some information where would the library be at library is located in the town oh man

Are you kidding me I just ran all the way to the stallion Ranch all right from this angle I can really see the town really good the Town doesn’t look bad at all man I don’t know how to save the people if they’re not even safe inside

Though like the way bro is describing them I think like I think bro and him had fought before no littering okay now that there’s no littering is this that’s not a library maybe this is all right that’s not a library maybe this is oh I’m seeing books I’m seeing books now oh

What is this I didn’t read this or is this not a library don’t tell me this ain’t a library bro don’t tell me this ain’t a library bro oh the library that says Library across it I think this is the move right here let’s go we found it

All right let’s search man I need a book on big antler creatures no no no information there goes some self-help books all right dating advice books okay walking the street for dummies ah there we go I found some papers read the book and find out how to defeat the monster

Well I got a couple of books but I think the book that we need to read is the monster in the wood even though it should say Woods the monster in the wood characteristics on page three weakness on page five how to defeat on page seven

And how to craft a silver blade oh man but that information I think we’re gonna have to craft a blade but like let’s read about it the monster has glowing eyes long yellow fangs terrible claws a overly long tongue sometimes they are described as having sallow yellowish

Skin they are hundreds of years old and they also have hibernation during the Long Cold Winters they must survive meaning they must hoard food weakness they are difficult creatures to conquer or even harm there are a few possibilities to defeat them during the day but it is also impossible to defeat

Them at night since they never sleep at night fire one of two only known ways to defeat this monster they are very sensitive to heat the pad of definitions mentions that they can only succumb to a few medals one of them is silver so fire and silver y’all that’s all we need to

Know so far how to defeat this monster the trick is to craft a pure silver blade you will need this silver blade to defeat the monster the monster can sense the silver blade miles away be careful to craft a silver blade you will need two silver shorts and a sword handle to

Craft a sword handle you will need 9 sticks nine sticks two silver shards when you have made the sword you need to rub salt on the sword you will need about 10 grams of 10 grams of salt what is we doing out here they got us out

Here pushing for some salt that’s it oh bro the farm bro dogs just scared the living life out of me bro he said we gotta check out the Farms to uh find the material oh I cannot swim y’all why did you let me do that all right man we going in bruh

All right oh snap bro we’re really sneaking in somebody’s house we really gotta be quiet bro cause we don’t know if they’re home it smells like the bathroom’s been used let’s go upstairs let’s go upstairs he might be upstairs so we gotta be careful oh yeah there we

Go we got a stick we got one stick that’s cool uh-huh all snap boy got some cheesecake and a cook what cookie is this I ain’t never seen a cookie look like that boy that is a rock well at least we got a stick y’all it’s time to

Move bro I don’t want to stay at uh homie’s crib too long all right I just jacked Bros tires too just cause he was dead just because he was there you feel me oh there should be a tunnel approaching soon all right I gotta see this

Yo whatever is in that tunnel I think it done met the antler monster in the woods oh my gosh speaking of the monster in the woods I think I see it right there oh snap okay okay yeah it definitely did damage to Bro right there all right we

Gotta go to the other Farms we gotta go to the Farms quick oh there goes the the Farms over here there goes another Farm up here I was wondering where it was at all right here we go let’s do it what up I think there’s a note on Bros thing let

Me see I left the spare key in the shack Tom okay why would you put that on right there that’s crazy to put that right there well I’m guessing the Shack’s out back it is perfect ah let me see oh my gosh oh I’m staying in here for Life give me

Something give me something give me some give me some there goes the key there goes the key he definitely does have a key you gotta rent his house we gotta move forward hey you might have got bro but you ain’t about to get me uh-huh I guess you can

Open up doors but guess what guess what it’s locked yeah Try It Out Boy you just saw it I did put a crazy lock on them another stick that’s good we need that silver short we found one Silver Star y’all hey that’s a huge step because we only need two of

Those okay there’s a left and a right when I came upstairs let’s go left first all right nothing just more books hey I’m taking everything bro yeah I was hitting the lick too no house get ran through for free like come on bro like I gotta get something for this like

Y’all got me out here trying to save the whole town I mean y’all was about to die anyway so none of your stuff really matters hopefully this last Farm has a lot of the materials we need man because it’s gonna seem like we need it from

That farm yes sir oh no this is a broken down house that’s why it has nothing to do with No Label whoa yeah whoever was over here they got their house ran through stack Farm it’s up here let’s go to the Stag Farm y’all oh my gosh I kind

Of want to stop here I don’t know what this is oh this is the Stag Farm bro I was about to go to the wrong house good thing I stopped right here hey y’all got anything man you know our run house is clean so if you do huh you shouldn’t

Hello you gotta upstairs bro don’t tell me your house is this week bro your house can’t be this week but I got another silver shark perfect I just need sticks all right the old uh the old salt mine oh the old salt mine might have a

Lot of sugar honestly I think so all right y’all there goes the mine it’s right next to uh this waterfall it looks really beautiful I ain’t gonna lie hopefully they got a ton of sugar man I need like eight more pieces of sugar and I don’t know man you kidding me guess I

Can’t visit there yet either wow last place I got a check for real is Melody Ranch and I’m really hoping that they bless a brother bro cause if not I’m going to the tunnel all right man I got my ski mask on it’s time to go crazy man

Let’s go oh man bro opening up the door and opening a book that is not how we rob houses man hit this lick quick all right let’s see let’s see two sticks perfect needed that oh oh shoot oh shoot let me grab something real quick Bob you just grabbed the silver blade

You need salt to be able to kill the monster properly tip the old salt mine might have Old Salt lying around all right perfect now we can use the old salt mine bro with this sword out I’m not gonna lie I’m not scared 10 grams of

Salt bruh I was looking for sugar but it’s salt we need okay that’s the problem man all right man let me in the mine or do I need a key oh snap look at this oh snap we’re in the mine bro we’re into mine hopefully that monster can’t

Get here but we’re just looking for salt looking for salt in the mine and it was about to be so dark in here I did not think about my flashlight at all um oh Hecks nah bro how do you think bro got down here I don’t want to know uh

Let’s try again ignore that okay left or right right let’s go left y’all let’s start it off going left man I just gotta look for salt salt salt salt yep we found a gram of salt look at that look all right at least now I know what to

Check in this should be very easy I know where looking for barrels now so that’s a good sign all we got to do is look for the barrels uh-huh give me that give me that salt boy I thought it was just all Darkness man here we go six grams of

Salt let’s find four more uh-huh let me check down here needed that needed that all right let’s check him further I don’t think he’s gonna have nothing so let’s keep going to the right all right let me check in between this area too perfect give me that gram aha there it

Is man it was a little bit further down I got all 10 man it’s time to get up out of here oh my God why would they blame me like that why were they playing with me like that that’s not cool that’s not cool that’s a

Dead end that’s a dead end oh that boy is 14 feet tall we gotta go oh snap oh snap they got me in the mines with a literal Beast with a literal Beast got me messed up boy we gone I got the Jets I got the Jets I don’t even see bruh I

Don’t even see bro bro don’t see me we gone bro I don’t even know it’s where we’re going but I’m definitely going back towards the thing though oh that was not good at all yep we just ran into it okay here we go now we just let bro

Know where we at I feel like if we just keep going straight we’re gonna hit the exit all right come on man stop playing bro where am I at come on man I’m just trying to live oh yeah there goes the scar right there that means it should be

A right perfect I’m so glad I looked at that score and remember that we’re So Gone we’re So Gone move stop acting like you can’t run stop acting like you can’t run move we’re going oh we’re so going what’s the map saying what’s the map saying how do I combine the 10 grams

With that bro never mind it’s doing it right now I got the one oh there we go perfect there’s something that could lead him to me something go back in the cave and fight him find a way to lead the monster to you I mean I

Already know how to do it I’m gonna have to go to the radio tower and then you should find something that can make loud sounds yup it looks like we’re gonna have to go to the radio tower so let me stop playing all right here we go we

Done made it to the radio tower and it actually let me inside this area so this is a good thing tweak the radio gas can put it down full blast oh yes you can search the area okay I guess I can search the area but I don’t really want

To go into like too many chests no more because like I’m done with the searching phase come to the top of this radio tower I feel like we’re gonna get something when we get up here something just tells me the town I go to just got

To have a monster in it like what oh wait what is this if the button doesn’t work check the generator on the roof it has enough fuel all right let me see did it work nothing okay generator on the roof fuel it’s crazy because I have a

Gas can right here let me speed it up speed it up pop all right there we go we just gotta look for a way to get on the roof now it seems like because they said generator on the roof is this camera looking at me man if you don’t turn off

I don’t know if I can parkour on the roof but let’s check behind the back side yup I knew something would have a way up yes sir okay so is this the generator I’m guessing whoa oh my gosh okay no the generator oh did it fry fuel

Oh you know what’s crazy about you fine if you’ll collect 10 liters of fuel wait what you mean 10 liters of fuel man the things I’m doing for y’all man cars often have fuels you might be able to loot fuels bro bro are they telling me

To go back throughout and loop one more time they got me doing the same stuff right now this this car only has some coins bro I guess the town is where we’re gonna find the most man hopefully all these places are ready to get licked on man cause we hitting them hey man

This car better have nine liters of fuel on you bro I’m just saying let me check let me tell let me check nothing uh-huh some coins how your car only got coins no gas how about y’all yup I knew the cops would have some gas on them boy

They got all Tyson man the cops got that gas on them man how about you man you got any gas yeah man all right little farm but I have a oh hi man neighbors across the street they probably want to get a hit later a

Lick hit on them my fault there we go perfect they did have gas I like that I don’t know what happened over here I feel like they got some gas they do and some change I look you want to check out the tunnel too while we’re over here

Just in case what if there’s a bunch of cars just messed up on the tunnel oh my gosh that was such a great call yes dude I’m so glad I came up here bro we’re Beyond good on gas all right perfect now that we collected all the fuel let’s go

Let’s go let’s move man I’ve done too much bro I got 11 liters of fuel man okay how do you feel now all right finally the radio tower is back in sight man oh my gosh it’s time to fuel this thing up and get up out of here bro

Because this monster has to see my hands or something bro cause I gotta fight dog dogs been wasting my time look at that 10 liters pour that in that thing come on now Wyatt fuels that I’m gonna run up here to the radio station and I’m also

Gonna clinch my cheeks because bro was about to start talking again it’s gonna scare me I’m not gonna lie Quest turn on the radio tower man that’s all you had to say flop come on man please work please work should I stay up here I got the radio working is that the gas

Station down there on this year you know where to find me you do I got that country music on come on find the monster the monster stays away from loud noises you should walk away from the radio tower oh yo you know this you know this you know this oh snap all right

Epic battle time last light flashlight in your eyes oh boy up in the air you know what to do come on let’s go I’m gonna throw you in the water oh sit down boy yelling bow sit down big antlers y’all know who I am do you really think you’re safe in the

Woods like do you really think you safe in the woods think again wait what you mean think again bro I just laid dog I ain’t scared of nothing hey you know this it’s your boy action today man look today I was walking in the forest right

I was just walking in the forest when some dude came up to me and then he handed me a ticket bro what is this and you said hey bro it’s a ticket to the carnival if you don’t get lit I’m like wait but don’t the carnival be closed

Don’t you see the moon out it’s like midnight bro it’s like dude are you kidding me this is the ring Master Carnival like bro it gets lit so look here we are I had to check it out man let’s see what the fives is okay so the

Big old Carnival sign let’s just open welcome to the show wait hold up who is this up here boy if you don’t get your big skeleton looking boy look like he had a long neck like stick your neck out you got a totem pole on his head what is

That that is not a house I mean a hat all right let me see what’s this on the ground pick up items about interacting you already knew I had my ticket prize is that you Aaron you’ll give you this you want this and you’ll give me a lantern

I’m an idiot man no what you’re gonna need is a fresh shave because I ain’t gonna lie bro the only reason you don’t got the whole beer and you gotta go tease because it didn’t grow in right yeah I’m really on you a big note let me

Let me trade in with bro uh hey bro uh hey bro bro hey bro what the heck what do I gotta do oh comes with a little oh there we go I recommend keeping that Steve off the nightmare oh my God you don’t trust me hit it again

What you mean I’m a winner Man I’m The Peddler but you can call me Peddler for sure continued don’t go dying on you you want me to leave but you don’t want me to leave this game contains jump scares stay on your thing you will Mo you will likely

Fall prey to the nightmare but all is not lost use each failure as a lesson and remember the way remember the way way to the door it’s right here I’m gone man that Homeless dude must have been working for this Carnival boy they’re Liars imma just get as many tickets as I

Can cause it looked like the dude up front could help I have no clue what’s gonna show up or what’s going on here man y’all hey wish me luck bro what is this is that a clown with those big fishes teeth oh my gosh boy I punching

Your head the lantern is already full okay so fuel does this wait the lock pick is the lock pick not the way to get out I’m gone bro you can hide from The Nightmare in barrels or toilets man I am not hiding in a toilet who do you think

I am man this is your boy action talking right now okay not Mr hide in the toilet nasty old dudes man what y’all into give me that oh the lock pick isn’t a red key man a lock picks just a lock pick I guess we can check out the left side

I’ma turn this on so y’all can see man I’m not trying to overdo the lantern but it’s like at the same time I already have fuel for it I don’t know how they count oil or how it goes down to none of that a lever it’s pretty large where can

I use this bro I’m trying to figure out where to use the lock pick bro don’t be giving me all these items at the same time man now you know I ain’t that smart right back outside bro let’s see what the carnival talk about for real they

Got bumper cars oh my gosh boy I need to get the homies to come back to this Carnival when it ain’t night time can I ride these no can I write these no it doesn’t let you ride it bruh you know I would have been lit in that thing too

Man all right man let me get the tickets bro you even have the fun game a high Striker I wonder if I could use this to make a loud distraction bro this is gonna definitely bring homie out I don’t even know who homie is but it’s definitely gonna bring them out let’s

Try it does it work hello oh oh I didn’t hit it I gotta go wait let me keep my eyes on it it definitely did make noise though can hear my breathing it sounds good we were already in this area thing no we weren’t because I would not leave

A ticket at least I’d hope I wouldn’t leave a ticket let’s see what’s back here anything back here man oh it looks like my oil went down one so was that 15 I was at 14 so that’s good to know let’s see if old dude popped out we got

Another lock pick okay so we got two lock picks that means there’s area what was that what did I just see over here oh that’s just a carnival head I was like did y’all see that big old clown what the man y’all gotta hit the like button before I walk in here bro

Cause ain’t no way I’m making it out here I’m gonna be honest the game I don’t know why but it’s just an instant reaction did you see what just happened this dude’s nose just closed on me all right what do I need to get in here seems like we need some

Golden ticket or something imma just get away from that head let’s remember if we get a golden ticket to come back there though what is this is this like uh trailers do people live back here oh hold up we gotta check in here real quick how you living here with nothing

Bro what even goes on in these rooms all right how about these areas yup okay maybe there’s something in here they wouldn’t oh okay what was that over there I’m going back I’m going back I gotta figure out wait what it just it’s just there nah bro was

Really about to climb up out the tent that’s the crazy part eggs not nah man y’all got me messed up they even got a ferris wheel with a clown head on it like bro all right let’s see what y’all got over here too that’s cool to use uh

The ravage I don’t even know if I’m saying that right are these ravagers uh I don’t know what they’re called bro y’all let me know down in the comments hey be real with me y’all if you was at a carnival by yourself at night would

You at least like play some of the games I feel like I have to punch these cups over just one time instead of doing it with a ball like you know what I’m saying just knock it down and these are these just be robbing people people be

Sad after playing this game like damn my money do you know the ticket over here oh bro I’m tripping I was getting all these tickets I got 28 tickets remember what bro at the start had he had a whole thing where you can buy a bunch of stuff

With the tickets okay so we way closer than uh anything use the refill your Lantern you’ll want to keep lit I’m guessing that’s talking about the fuel so I’mma get fuel let’s forget the purchase going on yet no I haven’t figured out what’s going on that stuff

Crazy part so a lock pick can get you places you shouldn’t be that that’s good to know what is this up here though posting a speed need a short speed boost that’s cool what is this clown horn seems like it could battle a night wait

Hold up hold on my horse being fast hold on my horse beating fast stop playing bruh it seems like it could uh rattle a nightmare into Retreat Retreat if you’re close enough all right I need to find me two more tickets so I can actually use

That I’m definitely good on gas I can see that oh another ticket just spawned do they just respawn is is that what’s going on but if that’s the case we got 25 right now let’s do it wait a security office maybe this gate will lift if I

Find a way to restore the power to the park okay so two areas will restore with power that little secret area by all them roll up tents and then that one right by the gate that’s good to know now we’re getting some oh my gosh oh do

You see these bathrooms I would not want to be the janitor first of all I would quit and then hold on graffiti to smile on this one this one say help oh hex nah I just used one of the uh the fuels it restores the oil all the way up now that

We know that it’s gonna be lit for the rest of the video I’m talking about the uh literal litness a generator it looks like it’s missing a lever we finally did something okay now we’re making it the power’s back on I should see what changed around the park okay bet well I

Know a couple of things that change around the park especially going this way right over here so we’re gonna go back and hit the two spots that need power we might figure out what’s going on next here we go I go back here a

Little bit there it is there it is I see it open up that door yes sir oh yes a bunch more tickets here but that Homeless dude who got me in here I’m mad wait a cannonball where could I use that where would I need a cannonball for all

Right I’m Gonna Keep The Cannonball right here in front of the door to the same door that I needed it that’s where it’s gonna be dang that kind of ends our little journey right there if you think about it because we went that side of the park we checked all the way over

There now we’re back on this side they did say see what the power changed in the park so let’s see the Ferris wheels on that’s good to see this is on that’s good to see it moving something else was supposed to turn on go-karts working out and they still not working but anyways

Let’s go back here Cannonball Cannonball Cannonball cannibal Perfect all right y’all we gotta bring the Cannonball all the way back over here I knew there is more to this man this thing’s so heavy y’all don’t know all right it should be back here if my memory is correct yep there

Goes the field there goes the field uh-huh so there’s a freak Show let me figure out before I just throw something at it what the heck is that a big old Elephant Man to call it a freak though that’s messed up it’s like that’s why people go to the uh carnivals because

It’s a freak Show all right let’s do it ah here we go and indicated I gotta see what happens wait don’t tell me they’re about to shoot it at the freak Show they did oh my gosh dude it just let this thing loose where’s it going bruh I

Don’t know if it’s the right thing to do y’all I gotta follow this boy this elephant is too geek to get out of here do you see how fast he’s moving oh my gosh where’s he going uh oh wait is this my escape this might be my Escape

Because they’re straight down here yep I know he hit something I know he did yup he did he rammed that wall down this is perfect there’s more to the park what do you mean I thought this was the exit the freak Showdown opened up the freak what

The heck is that oh hex no hex no bro I just saw some get up from there oh attempt Escape pick lock retry man attempt to skate bruh you kidding me you escape the nightmares clutches but you’re not safe yet four attempts remaining oh my gosh dude I should have

Picked the lock if I got hit like that but I gotta go back to the area cause I don’t know why the thing just got me too it was out of nowhere clown just popped up beneath me talking about some gummy oh shoot yep he’s active now he’s active

Now my boy is active I gotta make now oh wait come on lose it use it use it listen oh yeah oh yeah move move we gotta run oh he’s tired you can’t keep up boy yup oh oh it said I can hide in lockers and toilets if I’m not uh

Incorrect all right I gotta sneak pass bro now that I have bro chase me it’s a perfect time to get back here what was that elephant doing it was titled freak Show and then it opened up the freak Show y’all we bout to go in there and

Get laid it seems like there’s another Cannonball over here actually fun fact there’s another Cannonball over here and there’s another pick lock right here freak show time man let’s see what the freaks talking about nothing in here nothing in here it seems like this is

Parkour so I’m gonna do it nope it isn’t I’m gonna check this area out because I don’t know what’s back oh this is what we needed this could be my ticket through that clown mouth and into the circus tent all right babe that’s all I need to hear let’s deal what up big

Clown nose I’m about to punch you in your nose nah all right it didn’t work but I’m about to punch you in your nose with a ring ticket yeah oh yeah that one worked hey y’all I need all your energy man everybody in the car stop hiding in

The comments it’s about to get real this dude breath stank when we going in let’s do it there’s tickets to the left and right but I really don’t want to just be free roaming beforehand but here I am free roaming look this I feel like this

Is gonna have a jump scare yep I knew it I knew it you just look like one that had a jump scare you know what I’m saying so the red ones have a jump scare can’t be too sure we gotta check this side too before we go inside look

Someone’s gonna pop out like oh never mind that’s those are the red barrels I meant to say the strike barrels we don’t trust let’s go in here goes nothing man all right left right nothing so far man it’s about to get good I’m leaving I’m leaving man did y’all just see what I

Done seeing look it’s right behind me oh they do not pay me enough for this they do not pay me enough for this what’s going on I guess the only thing I really can do is watch look they say careful listen to them they’re saying careful

Bro I don’t like this at all look how many of them there are okay is there any way I can hop in this ring okay there’s a little Bridge up here wait what killer clown boss what is that boy oh my gosh dude has some big forearms oh oh shoot

Okay I guess this way I guess this way I guess this way I guess this way hey man what you gonna do what you gonna do when they come for you oh snap what’s up what’s up do it Target me then yup that’s why you missed boy look at this

Dude he lit for breakfast bro he don’t even eat he just lift and then pop two eggs yolking all that I gotta go I gotta go uh-uh we gotta find another wall for dude to run into cause no sir now sir you do not want me I don’t taste good

Hey where you at dawg oh yeah here we go look I’m about to cook them oh yeah let’s do it oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot boy look at you boy don’t do it oh yeah that’s did it oh yeah your forearms ain’t so tough now

You done fell through the ground this is exit oh my gosh this looks like force I think this is my perfect time to escape oh my mans Hold Up Wait what is this building in front of me don’t tell me we still in the park somehow the key the

Key the key to keep key stop playing oh gotta go I gotta go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Go Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Go Go I gotta go back through this way uh oh uh oh I knew other Brody wasn’t done it doesn’t look happy quick

Run to the main gate and use the key to escape before it catches you it’s chasing me oh he’s right behind me I’m not playing I’m gone I do not like clowns this video alone made me not like clowns I’m gonna go right now all right

Clowns I’m out the circus right now I don’t like clowns uh-oh move move move move move oh y’all gotta move all y’all gotta move oh y’all gotta move whoa no stop playing stop playing stop playing how do I get out no I ran out of my Lantern are you kidding me uh-huh

Follow the dark follow the dark bro this isn’t cool this isn’t cool at all follow the polo ground follow the ground follow the ground follow the ground follow the ground Yep this way this way this way just to exit move move move it’s dark it’s too dark for this it’s too dark for

This oh my gosh move my man’s my man’s my man okay y’all it’s intention because I don’t know what’s gonna happen yeah anytime anytime say hi are you kidding me all right this is the escape yep here it is here’s our time y’all use this key use it use it use it

Go go go go go go go go go go run run run it’s too dark I can’t see nothing bro what get back in the bed dreamer get back in the bed get back in a bit who’s y’all talking to me bro wait huh Escape I did it y’all

Man come on bruh you already know it is I do this if you guys enjoyed today’s video make sure you guys hit the like button hey notice it’s your boy action today man look it’s been a while since y’all see me on the channel I get that

I’m currently in the moving process the background and stuff isn’t gonna be familiar but with that being said today y’all we are playing Bigfoot in Minecraft there’s really no introduction it just kind of started me off in this black room with the start buttons I guess we just gonna get straight into

This and just see how it goes man look y’all smash the like button I need all the luck we can hold up bruh this is kind of cinematic yeah hey we going in I just told them what they talking about they float in that’s the studio got the

Big foot he got five toes because Bigfoot at the brisk Autumn night rolls in over Camp Redwood it’s time for your work shift tonight you are on watch Duty you should head up to the tower and relieve your fellow colleagues oh my gosh dude I’m a colleague bro this is

Like an actual horror map I’ve been watching so many people play horror games I’ve been waiting to do something like this let me go to the top of this I’m guessing this green mist is what we supposed to just follow where my colleague at expecting to relieve your

Colleague you’re confused as to why he isn’t here that’s what I just said you can make out muffle oh my gosh that sounds like it’s getting close bro generator offline oh my gosh where’s the generator at where’s it don’t tell me I gotta go back downstairs all right let

Me check out the generator dude the generator looks like it has been attacked by some sort of an animal Bigfoot you can repair it to turn the lights back on I guess we’re just going around Camp Redwood let me look at this sign real quick bro let’s see what campaign

Protect the forest camp in designated areas Camp do you see these trees oh yeah we did it ain’t even it ain’t even worth trying bro we dead bro Redwood Peak I guess we could just follow along under construction no you know imma just follow the trail like real quick we can

Look around a little bit but I don’t even want to look around too but no let’s just follow the trail bro it’s a foggy outside and all that is Dusty uh Camp Redwood recreate responsibly um uh respect local Wildlife yeah I respect it until Bigfoot jump out are

You kidding me look at the trees bro the trees is literally like uh 18 humans put on top of each other oh no Bigfoot come on I’m just saying bro I’m swinging with a hard right bro like oh shoot I was playing it was a joke it

Was a joke it was a joke it was literally a joke it was literally a joke stay on the trail stay on the trail stay on the trail you should find a wrench in the maintenance room located in the welcome cabin all right let’s see you also need three fuel canisters to fix

The generator once it’s done let’s see what’s over here All right what’s good what’s good with you but what is this Mario what was that Kim werewolf is home to all types of adventurous activities each activity has its own badge see if you can collect them all you can locate that all the activities by looking at your mouth oh

Let’s see zip lining let’s see the activities they’re cycling archering boating there’s a lot of things we can do okay so where am I no clue okay I see a fuel canister oh this is easy three of these you already found one we already killing this this is the welcome cabin

This is where the wrench should be said the wrench should be in the welcome cabin oh my gosh look at the progress that we’re making like people don’t do it at this speed I’m just saying check-in reception obviously there’s gonna be no receptionist I’m guessing everybody’s checked out of the camp and

We the only ones at the camp right now I see something glistening in here so I’ma just go into that thing where it’s listening Bop one more fuel canister we should be able to power up the generator this is nice and simple let’s check Lodge too let me see anything in it Bob

We did that this is all you need to fix the generator let’s head back up the hill man we don’t even need to do nothing else out here man I’m telling you bro we can go home after this can we but they clear they clearly got me

Messed up first of all use the wrench to fix the generator all right back there we go and now let me uh fuel it up I’m guessing yeah you don’t got to tell me generator online turn your lights back on okay hatred the license boy what is that it sounded like it was

Coming from a cable car station zipline’s the fastest way let me see I should be able to see the zip line I think the zip line starts over here uh it’s under construction let me get up here because I see one of those badges I’m trying to get all the badges I ain’t

Gonna lie bro if I can get all the badges I’m gonna get all the badges give me that what badge is this huh but that went straight above pioneering okay I guess I’m a Pioneer I really do this bruh I told people I do this oh here’s

The zip line I was thinking it’s the other side here’s the zip bro let’s ride this thing whoa boy this is high up in the air I am oh my gosh imagine being this high up in the air bro I’m up with these big trees these big trees do not jump

Um cable car so we can go up yeah let’s go upstairs that’s what that’s what the green goo was telling me to do let’s just do what the green goo telling me to do man the Mist all right let’s see uh oh zip line uh-huh so we can jump

Straight down there or we can keep riding the zipline I’m Gonna Keep riding the zip lines that was come on oh thanks nah bro look how high up we are look at how I’m holding on bro this is dangerous oh my gosh I’m living life

On the edge all right so we can exit or go over here let’s keep it going oh man look at this camp this Camp is huge bro I don’t know who the counselors is but no it’s clearly me I’m the one working the camp they already said I was working

The camp all right let’s see anything in here no nothing bro they don’t got no snacks what is the dude supposed to eat in Camp without no snacks man this Lodge is kind of nice man how about y’all y’all y’all ever been camping man y’all let me know down in the comment section

Below if y’all been camping bro because I I low-key be down unless there’s Bigfoot out there oh hey snob footprint like this almost looks like a human a human boy this thing is cute I can lay in this footprint and it’s still it’s still bigger than me are you kidding me oh nah

Bro see look now they just making something what is that what is that oh no I’m moving no no no stop playing stop playing stop playing stop playing look at me I’m booking it that’s all you had to say well I’m gone they want me to go up here

They say get off the mountain and yet they want me to stay on the mountain what is wrong with them the cable seems to be turned off oh my gosh they want me to fix everything man I must be getting paid a lot man you can’t pay me to be

Out here where they make it sounds like that uh-huh let’s see oh my gosh it’s missing some key components all right so I need a fuse a key and some cables where would you find a fuse a key and some cable oh man not the component locations so I gotta get halfway across

The zip line I would take a photo of this but my phone recording the face cam right now bro I gotta improvise now you know I’m dedicated when I’m pulling out the iPad to get the screenshot now I got the locations up on the iPad oh my gosh

Okay you know what imma just get to step in imma just get to Stepping I don’t know why I was staying here anyways okay so I gotta go back towards the zip line this way and go across the river that’s the first thing it looks like I gotta do

This is where things get really real because now we’re just venturing off in the camp looking for a fuse there goes another badge let’s get that any badge we can get I will take it give me that badge we just kind of got another badge what badge was that that’s the camping

Badge wait what is this down here big leaf oh no these are huge leaves oh my gosh oh wait hold up this might be something never trial level try oh is this how we get the lever Bigfoot is keeping the lever in his cave we didn’t even know if Bigfoot was actually

Do now okay let’s uh not step on leaves that’s the only things we need to do oh my gosh let’s get a good look at Bigfoot bro nobody’s gonna believe this bruh I’m gonna go back home and people are gonna be like hey man how was Camp bro I

Almost died the big you gotta chill when stepping on these leaves bro you gotta chill when stepping on these leaves oh come on oh come on boy did he just do a crunch I’m not here I’m not here I’m not I’m not moving you

Know what no we got it it was because I got way too close to him and just kind of Stood Still I’m out here in the in the woods bro I’ve been out here for like three weeks bro you feel me like why did Bigfoot just run to the front of

The door okay let’s try this again without waking Bigfoot wow Bigfoot is actually in this Forest so if I follow the river this way it should leave bruh they gotta stop but those audio cues if I follow this path down here it should lead to the other

Lever so it should be like on that side so let me just get past this and oh we’re making progress we’re gonna be out of here quicker than I thought Bigfoot don’t stand no match for me honestly I thought big Fool’s gonna be a little bit more challenging but he’s too busy

Sleeping in his cave bruh oh he’s not sleeping no more boy is pounding his chest imma just act like I don’t see him mind your business they don’t got nothing to do with me that’s it hey that’s his problem if he’s having a bad day you know what I’m saying that ain’t

My day that’s his day wait hold up what is this we just need a fuse and a key a fuse in the key up the fuse trial here we go let’s see if we can get a fuse oh my gosh the fuse should be at the end of

This power line bro now they got me tight roping I just told them okay this ain’t a tight rope man I just told him okay but I am not joking oh wow they got bro why is the Copper Rock let me try this again bro I’m about to

Show them how it’s really done bro um yeah hey hey hey you know how we do I ain’t tripping no I should tie my shoe if you talking crazy I’m like who is you hey I’m performing that day talking all that trash but they don’t talk trash

Okay you know I’ma just stop rapping all right let’s see ah Thunder perfect weather for tight roping power lines yeah that that sounds great to me too what is that big what is he doing oh hex nah bro well he’s trying to rip down the whole thing

Oh my gosh suicides oh my gosh Bigfoot is really trying to rip this thing what is he doing oh my gosh he’s over here too how is he doing that big for the hater bro on the real he’s really hating on me I was trying to hop up on the dang

Did you see we just gotta move fast we gotta move fast on this one we gotta move fast oh my gosh okay maybe I was moving too fast that was my problem yep that was my problem I was moving too fast move slow don’t Sprint just walk no I’m right at

The end I’m down just calm down I feel like we’re making huge progress all right I’m gonna switch sides one more time just because I feel like every time we switch sides it helps let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go foreign They looking down and he’s gone now I can do it bro that was it that was it that whole time oh that took forever okay the key is in the area that you know Bigfoot just came from banging oh the last one should be near a mountain

On the other side past the river bro this fuse was probably the hardest thing to get in any game that I’ve ever played if I just stay on trail I feel like that is the right way to go it’s cool what’s the worst thing that could happen I’m

Gonna just stay on trail come up here and just see what’s up here wait it’s looking like there’s something oh my gosh I found another badge this badge is the the Telecom pass let’s see maybe we can get up here and uh the key is in

Yeah no how about down here in this little corner little Eric no hold up there’s a little area down here maybe it’s something to do with down here maybe I can swim down uh nothing just a deep hole wait a second I’m on to something there’s like a dark cave area

Maybe we are onto something it probably is in the mountains oh snap and I know Bigfoot can’t swim why else would they have a cave system or underwater cave system if this doesn’t lead to a um what why do I hear Bigfoot I know bro

Can’t swim bro don’t tell me he got his floaties I know for a fact bro don’t got his floaties nah this is evil that they’d have an underwater system and it doesn’t lead to nothing yeah I feel like I gotta follow the mountains and head

Over to the right of this all right I made it back over to the zip lines and I think oh my gosh finally I found some new ground oh my gosh I’m glad I find some new ground what is this archery oh snap there is like a little archery

Stage oh snap this is for the key all right let’s see squirrel nut catch a squirrel wait what let’s scroll with the key oh bet let’s man we gotta catch some squirrels let’s go oh bet let’s do it bro this is it oh that’s not easy oh

Yeah there it is there it is give me that key bro give me that key yes I got the key all right you know what it’s time to go back to the other side of the thing oh my gosh all right we finally got everything we need oh my gosh all

Right let the key do its thing let the battery go in place and let the lever do its thing bro please and I mean please tell me we’re out of here bro that took so much longer than it should have bro wait what sounded like Bigfoot it’s headed our way

Um quick pick up those wooden boards and wrench where’s the boards where’s the boards oh there it is there it is we got a board we gotta board we gotta board up board up board up board up your thing do your thing all right come on come on

Come on come on dude I am not letting Bigfoot come in nah bruh cable is two minutes away bro I don’t know if I got that oh my gosh now they want me to keep repairing this too oh my gosh dude they’re playing they’re playing they’re playing they’re playing they’re playing

Stay up stay up stay up step after all I did bro you think I’m gonna let you break this down are you kidding me bro you big man Angry Beast dude no no no no no no no no no no no no no no compared

To everything else I had to do this is simple the broken net train hey can the train come a little faster oh now you’re trying to jump all the way to the other side like you can get in like I let that happen where’s your energy Bigfoot

Where’s your energy Bigfoot come on some of these doors it seem like you ran off oh my gosh wait Bigfoot broke through the window wait is that me don’t tell me that’s me you lose no one escapes Bigfoot Bruh so you’re telling me that I played to find out that no one escapes Bigfoot So man make sure you like button man turn on notifications and subscribe bruh with that being said man I hope you all enjoy you guys want to see more content make sure you guys like subscribe comment down below because this won’t hurt my back I’m not gonna lie this won’t hurt

My back with that being said I’ll catch you on the next one Hey you know what it is it’s your boy action today man look I’m bringing y’all underwater horror man now this backtrack is insane right now look underwater and these people do not know I can flow I don’t yeah because I’m gonna go I don’t know oh shoot yeah wait you’re a protein

Bro hit the like button though yeah yes action in this thing for real Let’s Get It Started man come on bro look you just saw all that right there bro that’s all the credit bro all right boom there you go now for real shout out ever Bloom

Game studios man for real we’re gonna get this thing started oh wow out running High bro you know you know I got them hands on oh 2086 oh this in the future okay into hazardous degrees okay president stated their intention to investigate an optimization Solutions we have to implement a Swift and effect

So it seems like we’re in a place where the population is going down and this is from the future so oh there’s a Sprint meter so you see a hot bar vice president exotic animals exhibit hold up what you mean exotic animals what y’all got y’all got y’all got crocodiles y’all got

Cheetahs oh my dumb self bro I’m about to stay I’m supposed to stand by the door bro I just man I heard you Kimball I’m trying to open up the door okay someone got to tell Pratt vice president Kimble to shut up so they said exotic this can’t be the

Exotic area oh shut up yo look at this robot man just got messed up that’s crazy there really must be a breach uh which one of y’all robots are talking I know it ain’t Wally what is that sorry let’s eat the Carson’s what oh it’s good are you good love you all right

Okay that was kind of creepy y’all ain’t gonna lie that recording was kind of freaky but I’m still not turning around let’s see Medusa jelly um small fish larvae other jellyfish okay uh is it special oh my gosh bro stop twitching at me man all right these

People keep twitching I don’t think I should be running over whoa oh my oh so I just got ate up that’s crazy bruh note to self don’t go that way and fall in that pit of I don’t know what that is clam oh whoa oh they said don’t fight

They said don’t fight what is this thing what is this thing this is a rotter all right oh Roger don’t growl at me dude what’s wrong with you big man big man chill out chill out oh I can’t even punch oh come on chill let me read this

Bro let me read it bro come on bro what you gotta get is reading man people hate reading that or ow let me through the thing hey look y’all read that real quick I’m out ow you took a bite okay move move move oh oh oh

This is not hiding this is not hiding oh not a fishing at least up here up here up here oh my gosh chill out chill out chill out move whoa they can’t jump they can’t parkour right oh shoot they can’t how did I get over here okay wait I’m in

A different part oh stop they sound loud as heck man trying to bite me like what is this final Zoo security log all right I’ll read this when I have space what is that what are these oh no oh no oh no oh

No no no no oh no oh it’s over it’s over oh hex nah so we can’t jump over that was like low-key a good route let’s see what we can do all right don’t die to another Medusa jelly all right look at them boys look at the boys oh from what

I’m comprehending our best bet is just rotating around through here okay so jump up here uh-huh all right I think we’re supposed to go down I think we’re supposed to go down all right let’s uh let’s put this dude on a little Chase all right he comes this way do it then

We just run around yes sir boy we gotta play smart now all right let’s go downstairs it’s time to make progress bruh all right let’s see what we got going on bro oh my gosh the zoo uh-oh I need like a lever oh wait found one whoa whoa whoa that’s what’s up

Uh I don’t care what uh Kimball was talking about whoa but I do care about my life whoa everywhere they’re everywhere they’re everywhere come on let’s go let’s just press these buttons man I need something I need something to happen all right come on now’s the time

To just get our breath back all right what’s on this side another door to open bro no no no no no I don’t got the patience for this bro how how am I supposed to get that door open whoa is that a dino so they just got dinosaurs

Down here now too that’s crazy just saw loud and stuff all right here’s a chance here’s a chance come on quick quick quick hey bro hurry up hurry up bro ouch hurry up out hurry out out all right let’s try this again as fast as you can now bucket

Oh yeah I got this oh wait was it about to open bro I think it was about to open all right here’s a chance man are you in a different route that should give me a little bit more time I hear them but they’re not doing nothing let’s go he’s

Stuck I think I got him stuck y’all go any slower why won’t you please open up yes we’re through yo that took so long I’m not even gonna lie to y’all all right here we go bro whoa what’d I step on no way I stepped on a clamp I didn’t

It’s up top whoa okay we gotta watch out for these clam guys dude all right let’s just go slow there we go nice and slow man all we got to do is get out of here like they said it’s not about fighting any what in the world I

Know this Zoo didn’t have an exhibit with a 18-eyed preacher oh so the door just gonna lock oh no no no no no no no no no don’t do me like this bro bruh I knew we should have looked now um what oh time to get up time to get up

On something bro is this thing flooding the room oh dude well I’m glad I’m parkouring already all right don’t miss a jump whatever you do not miss a jump that thing is rising up gotta go we gotta go we gotta go all right keep your

Health going up oh no we got to go up some more floors no no no no no come on big job no oh take two ain’t looking as good I ain’t get a head start okay get your speed up get your speed up show them how we move show them how we do

Uh-huh give us a second crack your knuckles real quick yeah yeah we’re good bop bop uh-huh walk over here walk over here walk over here big jump that’s what we do that’s what we do and up yes sir and we out we made it out oh run run run quick press the

Button oh my God yo this is insane bruh no one told me you’re up delightful he’s talking be so lucky next time though I recommend that you reconsider moving forward I’m starting to think this bot doesn’t like us some tell me that this bot is not messing with us or

At all let’s see what we got going on what’s down here all right well watch out for these uh these Grabbers I often witnessed it on your dinner off strange that so many oh I often see that you guys like me like bro chill out bro maybe you like meat bruh let’s keep

It moving oh get Dodge get Dodge bro these people don’t know nothing about this man all these robots are dying though kind of sad I’m telling you bro so I don’t mess with the deep sea all right big jump oh that was not smart yo wait I Loki finessed I

Low-key finessed okay I see me going crazy with it big jump uh-huh big jump again no whoa that was a close one that was a good save I’m glad we didn’t die there let’s try that again though here we go big jump oh bro I keep hitting my

Head at the top bro I need to remember that big jump yes that’s how it’s done let’s go ahead and keep moving well watch out for them things man they said they had an exotic breach this is not what I thought it would be I didn’t think about

Exotic fish I’m not gonna lie local worker recording can’t believe a machine was a okay boom yep y’all read that y’all read that all right I’m glad that y’all read that man y’all know more than me back in this area wait that’s a brew I thought I already seen the Brew give

Me a second to recoup give me a second uh-huh let me let me think about this on the toilet hey y’all what they got going that man’s tail almost hit me in my face oh nah oh heck look at the ground right now I don’t even want to touch okay

Now’s the Time to dip let me check this bathroom bro whoa what the heck let me guess yeah oh my gosh bro all right let’s get it I’m ready now I’m ready now where you at where you at bro hey is he scared where scaredy cat go oh that is

Not a scaredy cat that is a big man bro any living creature uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh what you got them what you got on me you ain’t got nothing you ain’t got nothing come on come on got you Juke got you duke thinking about your life got you over here thinking about your life

That’s crazy that’s crazy hold him don’t open hey I’m joking all right give me a second y’all what in the world was that all right uh-huh yep keep going that way you’re going that way dummy dummy take your ankles boy took ankles just like that quick quick they said just hide just run

It high bro name of the game running hot I don’t know what I just pressed but it had to have done something I did Demi a little something a lot of stuff is turning on that’s what I do okay wait was that a time limit oh I’m on this

Side now let’s go now the brute can’t get over here perfect bro this gives me a second to really think about life for a second oh my gosh they said they had exotic animals boy that’s the last thing I expected I promise that’s the last

Thing I oh hold up bruh they got drinks and snacks man what y’all got bro for real the menu is looking nice man I might give me some tea the heck was that oh so it’s got noise they just got noise going on they got a

Diving suit which you could go in there I definitely want to go diving later psych not in these Waters oh there’s probably a journal log let’s read it all right surface Expedition report uh okay uh-huh good luck reading that I hope y’all paused and read that bro cause I am not

But look I think there’s a way down right here no that’s the same way up something I’m missing well Roger that let’s check nothing oh it goes down some more what does this lead to nothing think about games whenever the hunger and the Sprint runs down bro I don’t

Like to stop sprinting all the time man man you gotta be kidding me bro emergency button you are sitting right there oh hold up bro I just pressed the emergency button yo what’s going on is that a big oh oh oh nah oh nah bruh oh

That thing is breaking it oh I need this shoe I need this suit so bad give me the suit give me the soup give me the soup oh it’s still breaking in no no no we cannot handle the flood dude don’t you dare oh but everybody just did something bro get

The diamond suit come on come on give me that oh I can breathe now oh my gosh why did that giant octopus just break this thing you know what that’s not the questions we need to ask bro this remember what I ain’t even listen bro I’m so wondering what the heck is

Going on right now all right you know what this I think this is as high as I can go up all right let’s go down here let’s see what happens we just follow the bubbles just follow the bubbles just follow the bubbles where we going hey we

Going down down down down how about we swim over here with all of this stuff going on man it looks like there’s a house underwater that’s such a weird sight all right I guess we can swim over here something’s going on with this Foundation y’all and I cannot put my

Fingers on it I don’t play horror games man okay all right I’m back in the area so let’s just go down yeah let’s say we just walked out of here and just stayed on the ground where to uh oh I see robots I think I found the area all

Right there we go now we’re somewhere bro at first I was tripping oh dude it’s so hard to see right now everything is impossible all right let’s just take it nice and slow and oh what the heck what was that a robot malfunction underwater

I’d be lying if I said I know what I’m doing right now y’all man I’m just trying to make it out bro man I wish I had a sense of direction but these stairs are kind of promising these stairs are kind of promising please oh

Can I go down no oh my gosh we just gotta stay in the water uh-oh even more robots robots oh yeah we done found it we don’t found it let’s press that what does that do is it the water’s draining oh my gosh y’all have

No idea how long that took man oh my gosh hex nah man all right now that we back here bro sorry what let you leave brief please stand back hold up bro who just left wreath what the heck man oh however bro reef is evil and in control right

Now whatever reef is even if is it an organization is it a oh a hex no all hex no all hacks no no no no no no no I’m good on those I’m good on those I’m good on those bro oh no I promise yo yo yeah

That’s what I thought move out the way all I can do is hide and all of that it’s Dr wheeze if y’all is the one making this if y’all don’t want to make an exotic animals it’s on y’all my case but the choices we made come on what’s wrong with it

No no no yeah oh no oh no oh no mommy cave creatures yeah y’all kind of messed up yourself oh wait hold up oh chill I was listening don’t get that much power to yourself bruh if you get that much power to yourself into your creation it’s on you

That’s literally on you they had all of this coming bruh and now I gotta deal with it look this dude look ready to eat but I gotta deal with it shark dinosaur like who makes a a a Shiner store come on bro what is that what what

Um not just green Minecraft planet is that bro I’m running by it I’m gonna buy it no no no oh that face is terrifying look at this nah man this is getting crazy look at these boys they just so ready to eat what all right the chemical report hey

Y’all Read that read that and read that all right good luck on that reading I hope somebody putting the story together man I want them to inform you what’s going on let’s go down here oh man oh there goes the Sharks just wait let’s start with this door and then three two

Go go for it ow ow boy they eating like dogs man they eating like dogs okay can’t parkour can you yeah bet you can’t that’s what I thought yeah them boys thought they could jump why would I open that door that just sounds dumb just looks dumb all right nothing in here how

About this room more robots so a bunch of dead robots the typical like why are robots even on this underwater case bro it doesn’t make sense you put them in an area where they could just drown you know what I’m saying that don’t that don’t sound smart to me that’s just me

Though you know I’m a smart dude so uh is there another report in here nope it can be placed on lapis lazilla well let’s find a security gate damn boy what we waiting for back around oh yeah back around found it come on let’s do that thing let’s do this thing now we’re

Making progress part of this City yeah I figured figured pre-circuit figured figured shut up Reef I’ll smack you and they give you the hands and then step on you how about that yeah you think I do all that now yeah even if you claw your way to the surface oh that’s cool

Oh that’s cool oh okay it’s not too too bro I’m not going to no pins cap not doing that nah you just sound evil Reef I’m not doing none of that but anyways they uh government meeting all right y’all read this one too y’all got it y’all got it

Y’all got it good keep me updated y’all I’m just trying to beat this thing man I don’t mess with these people boy oh wait oh wait big door big door big door you know what we doing it’s time to get out of here good thing that dude ain’t

Crawling up on me man it’s time to get the mess out of here bro I don’t know what reef is but Reed’s gonna have to deal with action and action don’t care about Reef uh somebody hey hey open the door quick I’m going I’m going on whoa

Dude almost died almost died launched a skatepod I don’t care bro let me escape how about this one how about this one uh how about this one man you just being a hater I’ma go through it anyways let’s go through what do I intend um the world’s about to die

Cap nope you know hacked in the city boy you don’t hacked into Kimball I don’t know how Kimble accepted you to do that to do what you could not to think as you cannot oh so you think you think better than me you got life oh my gosh That boy was moving what’s wrong with you Kimball expansion oh my gosh there has been a Containment Breach in the Exotic creatures exhibits initiating suppressive measure expressive measures failed let’s go creatures are out of their pen whoa oh my god oh Reed knows what they’re doing oh my gosh

He did it on purpose what yep do that you can’t harm people I cannot but oh my God and they can frighten people away let me out bro what’s wrong with you Reef there was a 94.3 chance that he will die out there now oh my God in here and wait dude that’s

Messed up breathe come on what I was made to do oh my gosh Kimball a place where humans could live forever bro in Terror eventually disappear brief as vice president oh no it doesn’t work like that it doesn’t work like that you already gave him power I could not hear your order I

Turned off my microphones oh my God creature pacification system yo he knocked her out to sleep brief is evil oh my gosh Kimball no this will not oh nah yeah you want to play like that I got some games we can play we can all play some games wreath you want to

Take down Kimball I don’t know who she is but I bet she a nice lady and look we can go on a nice day when we done it all right so I’m gonna go ahead and save her I’m gonna go ahead and save her and then

She’s gonna owe me one you know what I’m saying oh the council this one this one’s for Kimball now even though Kimball got us in this mess what’s wrong with her bro she done gave reap all the access never trust a program more than a human bro you out your trust in the

Program what is that hey yo what is that my guy you have decided oh oh that’s reasons for both of us overheat by turning off the coolant valves I don’t know how to turn up the cooling valve so I’m gonna just try oh don’t follow me bro how many valves is there imagination

Oh that’s cool nope nope vengeance Vengeance midgets ouch come on come on bro hurry up yes look at him bro he hitting them folks let’s go yes sir yes sir offline go bye reap it’s too hot good night Reeves bye Reef good night little buddy dang

What we’ve got on us nothing all right let’s go to the top the tip top definitely not going back down but at least Reef isn’t keeping up with us no more let’s keep moving maybe we can save Kimball so a chance to save Vice President Kimball all right not going

Down all the robots to sacrificed this is not for nothing man it’s not for nothing let’s go here we go now it’s time to get out to the skatepot I don’t care if Reeve said I can’t do it I’m gonna do it hopefully we don’t get eaten

By a monster oh we’re in the Pod oh my gosh Vice President Kimball I am Vice President Kimball what huh yo that just took a turn so I definitely don’t sound like Vice President Kimball wow wow wow everybody clap it up that right there was a banger man and I

Hope you all enjoyed man if you did make sure you smash that like button turn on notifications subscribe all of that good stuff share the Channel with your friends follow me on Instagram check out my other channels links in the description below with all of that being

Said we’ll catch you on the next hey you know what is it’s your boy action today man look today I’m in the middle of the street bro and this phone keep ringing like dang but don’t you see the dents in the ground right now hey I know it’s

Been a while y’all but let me pick up this phone bro let’s get on my nerves hello hello bro let me pick up the phone who is it’s oh why why not I want to know you is oh wow I’ll call you again you gonna

Call me are you sure you don’t call me hello is it gonna hang up the phone on me talking about go to the House at the End of the Street what about this big big what if I don’t know these these invite me over for a sleepover and

I don’t know you man I ain’t gonna fall for that but look I ain’t never backed out of an invitation it’s kind of rude look what y’all should do right now is follow me on Instagram man I’ve been posting some fire over there so go do

That look at your mailbox dude just wide open like somebody can steal let me stick a mill uh-oh what was that so you’re telling me somebody just laughed they shut the door and then that door open you know what we’ll we can’t get out so there’s only

One thing we gotta do it’s going man everybody smash that like button because I’m scared I don’t know told you they was scared back there but it wasn’t me man let’s do this thing bro all right there’s another phone probably gonna call me oh my God hey man I’m here bro

You need me to mail you a letter bro I guess our mission is to look for a letter y’all see a letter man like Dora break y’all better be like action X I know you seen that letter down there bro I need y’all eyes peeled just as much as

Mine is that a letter oh your boy action found the letter oh they gonna love me all right so they need me to mail it so I’m gonna go out to the mailbox and do what bro told me to do man you know what I’m saying look it ain’t that hard to

Fall directions yes sir cash complete open up the gate please I’m trying to go home please well I guess that still somehow got me zero respect so I guess I’m gonna go upstairs because what else would you do when exploring somebody else’s house though where the guest room at bruh they ain’t

Even they ain’t even no cat man they can do better Hospitality all this calling on the phones speaking of it speaking of it man bro what you blowing my line or bro I don’t even like you like that for real what you mean wait don’t let the clock wind down find

The key and then that dude got some static all right there’s the clock right there so if it stops winding find the key well I’ma just go ahead and look for key this house is huge my gosh man this crib almost as big as the Airbnb I just

Stayed at whenever I just did my first concert in Dallas I mean I know y’all heard me my first ever performance was in Dallas in January man y’all gotta stay on it check out all the other channels you don’t want to miss out on stuff like that what’s going on in the

Backyard let’s take a look in the backyard real quick the key probably wouldn’t be out here but you know what are the chances of this backyard not coming so oh my gosh oh I’m going back in the crib bro there’s something just crawling across the floor heck no man I

Know y’all just saw that one what’s that see look I went back in the house to see if they had a Blick they don’t even got the Blick stick Wick wick on them so look man imma just had to do that with these hands you know what one thing about

Okay let’s go in here and see what they talking about bruh was I tripping or did something not just crawl across the ground like and go this way bro because I promise I I guess nothing was back here but that little girl crawling or whatever I seen

It looked like a girl but it also terrified me and I turned my head really fast let’s check upstairs here now this is a good area to check upstairs because upstairs seems like don’t tell me there’s a third floor third floor man when I get my don’t make a sound or something okay

Y’all saw that too I’ma just keep walking that’s one of my just keep walking I was about to say man oh my God whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this only makes sense she’s going invisible in uninvisible bro wait oh my gosh yo that looks like a Jeff the

Killer doll oh I’m cool hey don’t step on the bed man oh she stepped on the bed she stepped on the bed we gotta go oh my gosh the light is flickering she got with the lights are oh my gosh she almost just took me out

And I ain’t talking about it on a date and I’m not going on a date with her don’t make me at the check out front bro because if it’s out front that’s too much already done checked in the back now I gotta go out to the front and see

What’s up so far I’m not seeing too much in the front man I already mailed off something can I go home like bro don’t want to see me win or something that I it’s pretty obvious that bro don’t want to see me win oh who just told me to get out but I’m

Gone I ain’t gonna get out I gotta get this key bro there’s another floor duh bro I’m wasting y’all time I thought I just found the key I’m going back downstairs I’m gonna make this day right now I’m going back downstairs right now it was on the third floor bro I should

Have did that first excuse me my curiosity wins here goes the key all right test complete man what’s the next pass give me the next task bro cause somebody’s Whispering at me and there’s that dog back there oh hey what’s so right on me bro I’m not

Messing with that bro give me a new test oh right down there keep your eyes on it keep your eyes on it keep your eyes on it oh don’t play me I will jump don’t play me I will jump stop playing me oh I’m gone they thought I wouldn’t jump

Man I told you I’m crazy but I do this God no no no no no no no no there go the phone there goes the phone pick it up pick it up pick it up what’s your creepy message of the day man what’s your creepy message

My son to remove the cobwebs in the Attic well I already checked these two floors so if they spawning on those floors honestly they’re just rude so I gotta go to the attic man let’s go up to the attic oh my gosh when the doll is sleeping that seems like it’s a good

Time for us oh my gosh bro I ain’t messing with no dolls though bruh and what cobwebs in the Attic it’s kind of dark in here matter of fact you’re not gonna get out about I got a flashlight first of all I don’t know what pain this

Is but it looked famous bro I ain’t gonna lie I don’t sell this for three million what what y’all think man should I steal the pain then sell it or is that not right guess there was nothing up here anyways running downstairs looking for something that I can slay all the

Cobwebs with and gonna take them out I don’t even know where you at but I’ma take you out man I hope there’s no spiders though you know rock with spiders I screw a spider for real bro I saw that dog start to get up and move bro don’t you start getting up and

Moving bro cause I’m not playing it I’m not playing that I’m not playing that right now I look you got to Circle it give me them ankles come on bro you whispering in my ears and not doing nothing about it oh my gosh the lights wherever she goes flickers oh yeah you

Want to play oh my God whoa now I know something about the dog the doll is super fast let me check and see if it’s at his corner it’s not at the corner until the phone rings there it is all perfect timing perfect timing give me that man which what

Creepy stuff you want to talk about same thing you want to start with the mail uh oh okay okay okay find the key find the key find the key all right let’s see if the key is in the same spot because if they’re in the same spots we can

Speed run this for real oh they’re not in the same spots you gotta be kidding me okay okay we just gotta check around man make sure you see everything if I see everything in these rooms yep there it is key that’s how we move oh yeah I

Like this pace wait what’s happened with my vision I’ve never seen this happen before oh it sounds like some zombie oh it sounds like some zombie give me the clock is that the clock is that the clock let’s go I did that even when it dark man I’m gonna step outside cause I

Ain’t seen that doll outside and I don’t know if it can go outside hopefully they give me an easy task like putting something in the mailbox and not sling cobwebs blowing up my phone bro you do not pay rent here bro do not call my phone on them oh wow

It will try to stop stop all right let’s see where the dining room table is there it is all right there goes the candles there’s four candles now I don’t know what type of uh ritual dude’s trying to pull here but I ain’t with it I ain’t

Waited at all well it seems like we need something like five so let’s look for some Far all right if not it’s in any of the rooms downstairs we got to check the backyard oh my gosh what was that let me not ask questions bro when I hear a bunch of

Noise bro that’s not smart now I’m about to find out where this where this person crawls to okay where’d you go where’d you go oh hey oh oh whoa what are you doing what are you doing you got to chill what are you doing you gotta chill hey bro we not

Allowed to dance in inside the room we’re not allowed dancing inside the room go I’m going so fast oh my gosh I’m running oh my god oh not the noises two you ain’t had to bring in the noises I was already scared it’s like real one don’t get scared I was on that

Gotta be kidding man I gotta fight yep there goes the phone give me that pick up pick up please help all right sheet music that has something to do with the piano so the piano’s over there I don’t like that flashing that means it’s about to get active it’s

About to get real active man I barely did anything so far all I did was visit your house uh Mrs doll Mrs doll my fault oh flashing lights up here man if I got oh my gosh like that bro you really on me like that you really only like that

I’m just looking for sheet music I’m looking for Beethoven I’m looking for that Shakespeare I’m looking for that come on oh it’s about to get intense if I go out here okay here we go I like that oh there goes the sheet music let’s go we gotta go downstairs to the piano

Man that’s where all sheet music goes man if you guys don’t know how come on big jump yep all right here we go run it over run it over run it over and bang that’s how you do it baby come on call me again oh snap here we go

Come on man and don’t talk about no creepy stuff I know you win though this one is the one I got stuck on last time were we looking for a torch are we looking for Clinton steel I feel like that would help us a lot wait what is

This over here what is this oh almost just left the room let’s go we got the lighter baby hey they said it’s gonna try to stop us so you know what we doing man we gotta take the shortcut my ankles all right here we go light it

Quick let it quick light light come on come on we better light light light there we go go all right let’s go outside and we can just wait outside bro I don’t know who’s lighter this is but they got the gold lighter come on they know some

Oh whoa what is she doing outside what is she doing outside no no no no no no no you’re not about to play me y’all know about to do that cheap stuff no no you’re not about to do a cheat hey call the phone call the

Phone call the phone she go outside call the phone she is outside hey can I call too why can’t I call 9-1-1 I am locked in somebody else’s property All right there’s some kind of a toy that’s been left outside all right let’s check the backyard first but at least we have a idea where to go outside I think I see it I think I see it perfect perfect wait what type of toy is this is

This like a the Villager in the Box villager in the Box all right they said take it to the room upstairs let’s go move what bedroom upstairs man there’s plenty of bedrooms upstairs oh whoa what’s the sound of that man it sounds like perfect ball again they can call again

Y’all I hear constant movement dog I’m terrified oh get out the menu get off the menu get out the menu get out the menu get out the menu move move move move I’ll tell you I’ll tell you that I’ll take you on the Run let’s go what do you want to go to

What do you want to go to let’s go all right all right we just got to Duke we just got a Juke which way you going which way you going I’m not going the way you’re going oh Lord Oh Lord okay we gotta put him on the chase we gotta put

Them on the chase hey I’m over here if you want me so bad but I think they left they were puppy guarding the phone bro did you see that I ain’t playing Ring Around the Rosie with you man give me my task bruh don’t forget it’s not remove the cobwebs from the

Attic again I still never been able to do this task either man all right come on man give me something strong give me a sword give me something they gave me a lighter for the one thing so that was good but now I just need a sword let’s

Check backyard one more time because we only checked the backyard and I only have one item that we needed so hey they might have two items that we need let’s go over here man and I’m not about to fall for it go ahead and crawl left man

Go ahead and crawl left do it oh wait did I already get the jump scare over here like look at this house from the back are you serious I was just talking about I just anyways look at this house from the backyard man it looks nice like

Bro’s gonna try to jump scare me so late like bro if you ain’t get your late looking hold up man I did not just look at a spoon and think that that could really do something to them cobwebs bro like I don’t think you understand y’all

I really looked at that spoon like oh yeah that’ll do it whoa whoa what is that okay they just be making noise in this thing I promise that room’s full boy I got all the goods it needs we found the duster here we go let’s go

Upstairs oh we Gonna Knock in this out yo all right all right all right cobwebs cobwebs I see cobwebs over here we just gonna knock it no no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not bruh that’s some crazy

Stuff right there no no you know where I am Don’t Ask Don’t Ask Don’t Ask Don’t Ask no no you oh you gotta be kidding me bro hey man I hope you all enjoyed hit that like button subscribe bro if you want to see me beat this on stream or

Something hey subscribe to all my channels man I’m gonna do it on one of them hey you know what it is it’s your boy action today man look we gotta escape the night we crap now look I’m clone even know what’s about to happen some things you might want to know imma

Need some info in the nightmare world you must find the alarm clock in three batteries I’m talking three batteries to wake yourself up when you find a battery drop it on the alarm clock be careful monsters are everywhere every scary thing you experience will lower your reality and if your reality reaches zero

You will wake up but a part of you will be lost in the nightmare until you can try again and Escape what I’m not trying to enter no nightmare that’s gonna kill me yeah you know what let’s just get it started what the heck bro I didn’t click the

Lever and notice oh this creepy old music bro I’m about to go to sleep for real are you kidding me bro huh what what happened escape the nightmare oh snap There Goes My reality all right so I gotta find three batteries and drop it on an alarm clock

Bruh we got a big red truck out here look at this truck looked like a kid pixelated this thing bro just remember there’s Monsters Everywhere or there can be and I look at this tire swing bro now if y’all was blessed enough to have a tire swing you’re lucky now me bruh I

Wish I could but I feel like I get stuck like what if your butt gets stuck in like what all right it’s a little dark in here oh my gosh bro what the heck is that oh reality bro okay okay okay we need to get away from stuff that seems

Fake all right all right all right so that lowers reality it’s making sense to me now now before I go in this house bro I need at least 100 likes oh snap here we go we in the crib oh let’s look for Batteries bro is it a triple a battery

What battery they gotta be specific what that I don’t know what type of battery it is but it’s a jumbo battery hey biggest battery I don’t see oh now it’s this small okay so I don’t Shrunk The Battery oh they got me messed up who’s Whispering oh that whispering sounds crazy bruh

Whoa bro it does not go away even if you stop bro there’s something knock on the window bro now I got the Goosebumps because of that knocking I’m not trying to play this game bruh all right you know what let me check the front door you know there’s a whole lot of

Whispering over here let’s just check the front door I forgot there’s no doors on the literal wall I feel like something’s in this closet oh whoa oh my gosh don’t let my reality go all the way down bro I’m not trying to let my reality go down uh-uh stop Whispering at

Me bro oh snap oh snap bro it’s hitting 360s bro it cannot it’s oh oh the addict’s curse oh this addicts curse move bro I’m not trying to get folded by a mannequin bro I really will put some clothes on you and knock you out bro say

You I’ll put you in a a mall all right that’s probably the only battery that they had upstairs yep that’s it one oh you don’t got to tell me twice you don’t gotta tell me twice whoa what is that oh I’m out I’m gone y’all I only

Had 21 reality left but did y’all see that creature just running that house bro what was that bruh it’s a boogeyman oh heck no I’m not playing with that and now my heart’s beating your reality is getting low be careful oh stay away stay away stay away as far away from me as

Possible I’m just looking for Jumbo batteries man just looking for Jumbo batteries bruh you don’t gotta chase me down dang ready uh-oh run again oh my gosh there it goes I’m scared I don’t know what to do bro it’s getting crazy up here I gotta leave how do I get past

This thing all right I’m about to Duke it up oh boy just growled at me look oh I got no reality what reality is unsure said the part of me would be left behind well let me leave leave my house I gotta go back in there

Y’all are we going back in man ding ding ding ding ding ding ding so instead of running straight to the house let’s follow this big old trail because this Trail is huge uh oh it looks like there’s something in the distance over here oh maybe the battery spread out

Every time yeah battery in the woods that makes complete and total not sense to me but yeah let’s check over here anyways oh yeah this map is way bigger than I thought bro I feel like it’s gonna be on one of the main landmarks though okay let’s cut through this

Barbed wire they already whispering in my ears we just got started imma see if the batteries switch up in location so first we’re gonna run through here and now that I know that there’s no time to be playing around I’m gonna be efficient fast and Swift oh there it is yes it

Does change up so we already got a battery bro I think I get it bro the alarm clock is the thing that we saw in the One World before we enter the nightmare bro oh back up to the attic and they’re knocking on the window they’re knocking

On the windows again oh boy what you hitting them folks boy that is not how you hit it come on bro give me one battery up here I just need one this house was worthless but it’s okay at least whoa what you mean I’m not messing

With that there you go you gotta stay in that house if you know what’s best for you you don’t want your ankles to look like I just did took that Boy’s ankles so fast she ain’t know what to do bro you surprised you never seen nothing

Like that all right let’s see what we got over here where are the batteries alarm clock found yes we found the alarm clock no batteries found boom One battery we need two more batteries we gotta bring it back to the barn now we’re making major progress the path

Extends over here let’s go all right this makes me very happy because I got endless Sprint and it seems like the path just keeps going so that’s everything that I needed to know baby oh not over to a corn mate oh heck snow there’s corn fields and I low-key want

To start entering them but I don’t know if that’s smart something growled at me bro I’m not staying in there all right how about these over here bro look like two missiles let’s check out the missiles all right nothing over there how about up here in the Big Green

Tractor nothing come on man I just jumped up on this big green tractor ain’t gonna give me a battery is this something over here wait what is this over there all right you know what we gotta go towards it we gotta go towards it I want to but I feel like there could

Be a battery over here Dodge through here Dodge through here the exit oh the exit okay that’s cool that we found the exit but find the alarm clock and three batteries to open the door oh my gosh is that a scarecrow I gotta check that out

Oh my gosh bro no way they got a huge scarecrow out in the middle that actually is kind of scary bro like good thing he didn’t move I got that why my flashlight go off bro stop playing with me I said don’t move all right so if it wasn’t out here then

Where the heck could it be at I think I just went full circle I think we’re back over here at this area where it started then that means I guess I should check everywhere let’s start deep in the woods man what what could possibly pull up in

The woods some batteries oh look there’s a house over here now nobody in the world would have expected this house out here man this is super far back let me see battery battery no way there’s no battery over here bro anything all past that no nothing past it oh look at this

Tree up here battery give me let’s go bro there is a huge battery sitting at this big old tree like that doesn’t even make sense but I’m going with it oh a little Shack out here come on if they give me the last battery bro this would be golden bro don’t tell me

I’m a first no this is my second try I got this bro got this on my second try I know it I’m feeling it bro uh-uh they just whispered what’s back in there like dog oh whoa he came up from the dirt I know y’all saw that get away from me sir

Sir get away from me oh we got close friends bro you look like you need to eat okay not me bro I am not food I don’t taste good I just got done working out bro I’m sweaty ill the reality is getting low be careful how is my reality

Getting low okay we gotta go it doesn’t seem like I’ve seen this area before is this in the backyard maybe it’s on the playground okay playground playground nothing nothing okay little random Trail I like this follow the random Trail it looks like it’s gonna lead us to Victory

Okay okay yup yup yup something on fire this is the way this is the way I can feel it in my bones oh oh come on really slay this bro I know I got this I know I’ll tell you what I’m not doing this again man I’ve been running in the woods

For so long I think I done ran a marathon up out here at this point they make me think that I gotta like return a battery one at a time before another battery pops up oh shoot boy people are popping up on the path no you gotta move let’s turn in

Battery two show them how we do baby uh-huh here we go alarm clock droppity drop two battery sounds let’s go oh I didn’t see this was the exit over here wait this might lead to something that we haven’t seen yet up here maybe oh whoa whoa we gotta chill we gotta chill

We gotta chill they gave me slowness no they’re trying to cheat y’all are cheating my reality is getting too low man I don’t want to die again back this good for nothing born I think there was a spirit in here we are not trying to die I definitely ran the edges of this

Map man uh oh it’s time to run time to go oh are you kidding me nah bro I guess I’m staying in this nightmare hey man I hope you all enjoyed if you did hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications bro hey you know what it is it’s your

Boy actually today baby look we playing the real deal back Rooms Today in Minecraft and if y’all don’t know what the back rooms is pretty much it’s an area where there’s a bunch of monsters okay you got a no clip from reality to see this area look at these monsters

Around bruh I don’t even gotta say much just subscribe hit the like button okay check out my other channels and follow me on Instagram with that being said let’s hop straight to this bad boy let’s get it okay let’s see what we got they gave us three sets of batteries like we

Had Android they gave us a guidebook which I probably should read you no clip to uh another reality oh no bro we just started I can’t read I can’t read okay dang the only way out is to find an exit you’re being pursued by mysterious monsters who don’t stop growling level

One fine ladders hidden in chest to climb to the vents and get to the second stage you run the chance of being spooked there are very minimal entities on this level use the key to find uh found the chest to open oh my gosh oh my

Gosh no it’s just starting bro it just started bro it just started bro oh my gosh okay okay okay okay okay okay this is the real deal every other thing is not as serious as this give me that give me that oh my gosh yo this entity is on

My tail I gotta outrun it oh can I run it here oh what did that take me I guess I ran to a warehouse there’s batteries but I don’t know what the batteries are they out the dark oh this is creepy all right you know what let’s just grab what we

Can all right there’s some almond water I’m pretty sure yeah that helps me let’s go back wait pipe room oh my gosh bro I’m just no clipping all over the place I like this now this is a good what I get hit with dude it sounded like

Something was chasing me dude oh hex no if I can get out of this pipe room I would love to because I don’t like this level oh you see that entity down there boy look hungry and I am not a snack bro I’m a full course meal I don’t know if I

Should trust this I walked through the chest so if I walk through the chest what the heck didn’t think I could trust this one you know what I’ll take the speed potion and this because it’s time to find some Glow In The Wall bro all

Right it says stay out of the dark and there’s light up there so I trust that light so this is the pipe room that light works what is this am I seeing something am I tripping what is that what is that like a rat bro you know I

Was in the New York sewers man come on I’m getting jumped by some Street rats bro this is crazy this is not how I expected my day to go all right now I’m full armored up I gotta watch out for these little rats bro all right there we

Go I don’t need that anymore can always use some almond water ain’t nothing wrong with almonds ow bro I watched this rat jump up and attack me you know what bro I’m about to ask this monster a question hey man what’s good what’s good with it dude oh

Shoot bro he got claws bro he got a spatula you want to work with SpongeBob don’t you oh hex now he is definitely the next fry cook for the Krusty Krab oh shoot he hit that corner kind of fast don’t you think Disney Channel Mickey Mouse looking dude bro if you don’t get

Yourself away from me okay okay oh oh he’s close oh he’s too close to me back up you’re bothering me you’re bothering me yeah that’s what I thought yeah stay back uh why you pulling up why you pulling up quick maybe the flashlight scares him away because it says stay out

Of the dark and there I was oh my gosh wait it’s not hurting me okay I got 19 seconds to get away I’m gonna use all of my time swiftness for three minutes don’t mind if I do bro let’s move all right we gotta make moves and make excuses bro

Why would they put me in the pipe level of all levels I hear something holding up on me is there something in the shadows behind me all right I don’t know if I’m tripping or if there’s something in the shadows whoa something just hopped out of that

Chest like crazy I know y’all saw that now it’s getting a little spooky bro this wasn’t as confusing a second ago what the I just got smacked in the face with something bro oh hex no well let’s use a battery and let’s see if we can

Find a new way out of here because oh wait there looks like some options over here all right there we go particles let’s go back to the lobby all right we’re back in the lobby bro oh I’ve never been so happy to be back to static

Noises never been so happy to be back to static noises let’s just not no clip all over the place this time wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I forgot about you oh I forgot about you okay we gotta move we gotta move no clip not the pipe room no

Not where I want it to be not where I wanted to be oh my gosh oh my gosh that is a New York rat bro that’s a real deal New York wrap why does it sound like that oh no oh no oh no pull out the flashlight

Mickey Mouse back up get up off me stay back I’m not afraid to use my flashlight again yeah walk the other way that thing was hungry oh hex now bro y’all gotta get me out the sewers ASAP bro I’m not trying to deal with that no I definitely

Gotta come back here bring some people bro ain’t nobody gonna believe what I just went through this is the one room I don’t like bruh maybe jumping is slowing me down all right that’s the rat we went this way didn’t we is this not a full circle all right I’m using my flashlight

Oh that’s why he was right there he was right there we out of here let’s go to the sewers the sewers oh my gosh what is that it was trying to get me when I’m in the water all right what is that bro that thing barely has a face oh shoot a

Pickaxe we had to do one of those yet okay now we getting some different stuff uh-uh you stay back there and leave monster thing oh no oh no bro my batteries don’t work in the water or something come on get me up here get me

Up here parkour a little bit there we go it’s way too dark I gotta stay up come on stay up let’s see oh I see an area to no clip whoa wait wait a second I saw something red okay let’s check it out break with pickaxe perfect I’m glad I

Peeped that I’m glad I peeped that can I break this area oh wait let’s see what we got yeah let’s check all of our options baby uh-huh y’all didn’t think I’d find it all right here we go break in there the flooded office whoa what is

What is that you’re gonna have to back up off me get the flashlight it’s not working oh my gosh is that a double-headed snake no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t like snakes hey bro let me out flood it often That’s Unique that’s too

Unique you can back up I said you can back up now get up off me get up off and swim just keep swimming oh this ain’t working um Splash okay there we go can I swim faster no dude we gotta get out of here ASAP bro wait it says something it’s

Gonna say office key need it I need an office key well let’s check around and see if we can get an office key then because I’m trying to get up out of here and not go backwards I’m not gonna lie there’s not an office key right here I’m

Going to the next area bro uh yup I’m about to go no clip to the next area we can come back here come on take me out take me out we gotta go we gotta go lights out stay out the dark okay this is this room whoa it’s way too dark bro

It’s way too dark whoa bro bro bro bro uh-uh it’s way too dark for this I’m not about to let this rat kill me I know that for a fact I’m about to let this little rat get me all right it’s way too dark and I don’t have batteries what is

That I’m not walking I’m standing still I’m terrified I am terrified okay there’s no clip over here pipe broke it off of me back to the pipe room and it sounds like something is chasing me to the left so something’s definitely on my left so when we get

Over here it’s already gonna be a problem all right I see enemy over there I’m not trying to run up on my Ops bro like I’m not doing that uh oh there you go pulling up on me uh-uh nope avoid my Ops you want to do it again

Come on bro I can do this all that oh come on bro all right let’s go let’s go oh he pushing oh he pushing up he ain’t got nothing on me bro he must not know I got them skills on me boy yep there goes

A place to no clip let’s get out of here back to the flooded office okay so we’re back where we just were all right so let’s use this as a good opportunity to check some chests because in the one chest we had the pickaxe which I needed

We just need a key all right that thing is like stuck in the wall so that’s good oh it’s not stuck in the walls it’s right there oh there’s more than one looks like there’s more than two Bro move bruh yo is that another area to dip out because last time we jumped into one area and it took us somewhere let’s see can I get in here prison they done took me to prison oh hex nah this is the last place I’m

Trying to be at home what is that is that like a prison guard oh a hex no whoa oh no there’s a ton of them I’m gone I’m gone I’m not playing with them I’m not playing with them back to the office oh bro come on man I need a key come on

Please back up off me back up on me I’m not playing with you oh my gosh this is worse than the sewers oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh let’s go back in this area because maybe I can use something over here I don’t know move not the

Tours all right we’re back to the lobby just use the ladders to get out something about climbing a vent dude I should have totally read that book but I didn’t read it as long as I don’t see the main thing of trying to attack me I should be good but these rats are

Annoying oh I hear you I hear you oh I see you I see you uh let’s go dark in suburbs oh nah that’s like the suburb for real bro like people just be doing some crazy things you don’t never know what people doing up in the first oh my

Gosh oh my gosh okay that thing pulled up quick flashlight yeah uh you ain’t playing with the flashlight you can’t mess with me I got the flashlight oh stay back I got a flashlight okay okay let’s just run let’s just run this is great I’m out of battery what is that oh

My gosh what just flew up on me I’m chilling in here for a minute bro oh they severely got me messed up they severely got me messed up look at that thing oh no oh no boy that’s about to give me 18 diseases I’m gone I’m gone

I’m gonna move the moth I got hit by the mob dawg what uh-oh uh oh oh what was pulling up whoa all the monsters are in The Burbs I knew it bro I knew it it makes sense okay we gotta go dark in suburbs bro we were just here how do we

Go from here back here whoa all right let’s go up here move move move there’s Vince there’s Vince I gotta climb up to that’s all I know stay out the dark I don’t have any batteries so it’s gonna stay pretty dark uh-oh uh oh I’m being chased I’m being chased here

He comes here he comes comes on Snap just scratches on the wall all right man we gotta move move here here quick quick quick the force oh we ain’t been here yet but that muscle’s pulling up on me bro they’re not giving me a chance to breathe let’s go here hike room

Nah y’all hey if y’all want me to come back with the homies bro let me know down in the comment section I’m gonna bring some homies hey you know this it’s your boy action in the building baby and today man look we is visiting an abandoned mansion today and look I’m out

In this cabin and all of that and this is a little thing with a book on it so you know I’m about to re oh that’s a big horse that being said let’s see what this talk about welcome Explorer to the base camp you and your friends are on an

Expedition with my friends at where my friends at homies homies bro this is not a man bro this is just a I’m gonna take that though get jugged the hunk give me that give me those give me those wow I really got no friends out here this is a

Wooden man why take his pants bro take your pants back give me that sword there we go anyways you and your friends are on an expedition and set up camp last night to get some rest early this morning your friends decided to leave you sleeping to go explore the creepy

Mansion in the distance that’s why all their stuff was left behind Okay none of them have returned perhaps you should go looking for them however be careful everyone has heard the rumors of that scary monsters that live in and underneath Chief the Davenport Mansion so if there was rumors about the

Davenport Mansion we came out here because why and y’all left me behind cause why oh I’m that dude in the group y’all don’t like screw P.S deep in the cellar of the devonport Mansion is the end portal and lots of oars that can be used to craft weapons PPS to get into

The seller you need to find the key that can be used to unlock it you will find the key somewhere hidden upstairs all right so I gotta find the key upstairs this is all my stuff I’m gonna take all my stuff bro because they just up and

Left without me like I ain’t the big dog that’s why they lost bro I had to go out here looking for him I’m gonna follow the trail and I’m guessing that’s the Davenport Mansion right there hey what I know that cost at least three million diamonds I see why they went up there

They was trying to hit a quick link bro I didn’t click click oh hold up oh oh I ain’t never seen a creeper look like this before bro oh what’s wrong with your mouth this spider boy that thing got rabies boy back up off me oh so there’s just a

Grave site out in front of your house how many people died in here okay you know what let’s just go straight into here you know y’all wish me luck hit the like button I think it’s time to go dang bro what happened to the door was there

Not just the door what is that yep it’s official all my friends is dead I don’t know what that is no no you gotta get you’re gonna have to get sliced you don’t have to get slice no back up don’t get oh the mansion monster done slate me

And then stood up and walked away that’s a new form of disrespect I ain’t never been disrespected like that before but I gotta save my friends bruh y’all can move about the way all right let’s check this mansion out so far it’s so big I ain’t gonna lie I can tell it’s a

Mansion where the goods at though dude gotta be rich so there’s a bunch of stuff here we starting to get some iron get our iron up we need to craft some armor I’m gonna just keep one of these on me I’m Gonna Keep one of these

Crafting tables on me just in case it gets a little harder to find I don’t like the fact that really trying to get me to survive up in this Mansion like I’m gonna survive my friends came out here I really don’t care about them but Jimmy only five bucks that’s the only

Reason I’m doing it five bucks can get you a lot bro like you know what I’m saying the value of a dollar and I’m supposed to find the key up here man I’m just messing around in some big mansion that I know I have nothing to do with

This has nothing to do with me why am I in here clearly I don’t know no better but let me kill this before going up these stairs some more like look at this match like bro no no no you’re not about to kill you’re not about to kill me but

Die uh-oh zombies they even got zombies up here bro dang bro all right here goes the first flight of stairs man I just gotta keep going up operation get to the attic there we go there we go there we go oh bro they got big badge they got

Huge beds bro dining room that is a small dining room light what are you gonna do with a house this big at least we know that the rumors of this place being cursed is one thousand percent true you got things crawling on the ground oh this must be why I died right

Back to where we was so we didn’t get far at all that’s great to see I got some more iron let’s make use of that world crafting table room was that not just right around the corner and if not I can make one look at all this stuff

There we go we got some leggings let’s make a helmet as well I should go for the boots but you know what I’m saying hey you can’t never knock a Brother’s shoe game unless you got Reeboks on I’m just playing all right finally I got me

Something to use man I got some torches because it’s way too dark up in here bro like it’s way too dark no way people okay there they go these are the zombies that jumped me bro you had to run up too deep bruh I’ll run up solo look too deep

And you brought this thing out bro it’s got its tongue out hey try to run up again see what happens it’s not gonna be good for you all right I think they got spawners in the house that’s how messed up this house is that they got spawners

Within it we gotta break that I ain’t playing man I’ll bust somebody upside the head with a pickaxe bro you think I’m playing oh oh you gotta crack the table what you trying to craft up a spell can’t even spell your own middle name boy all right let’s see what we got

In here nothing a huge Toilet Boy this toilet is humongous all right let’s get to the top bro I’m at this point I’m not even worried about the key bro the key is the last thing I’m worried about man I’m just trying to get my friends and

Get up out of here that’s all I’m trying to do oh yeah it’s way too dark up here oh here we go you trying to run up bro what happened to all your family so are those zombies are they like dead is they trying to come back to life cause I

Ain’t letting that happen hey did you hear what I said I ain’t letting that happen I’ll I’ll get up off you yeah that’s what I thought oh what is hitting me oh it’s one of those things oh like look bro that is disgusting oh two of

Them oh so y’all ganged up twinning them you pulling up with your twins you really feeling like that you really feeling like that sit down oh shoot you trying to jump me too they can never just do a fair one-on-one they must not know the values of Life man you always

Gotta try to jump somebody man all right let me drop you down uh-huh drop down get dropped I think it’s time to do some stuff like anvils this is not an enchantment table bro what am I gonna do with an anvil name something all right

Man I changed it bro I got the backup out my face now if somebody run up back up in my face back up on my face back on my face back on my face whoa you came out of nowhere Mitch monster got me no that’s it I’m pulling up with a horse

Bro at this point they done made a brother mad we coming for all that smoke let’s go horsey you can’t fit in the door it’s all good we gonna get in there eventually come on bro come yeah we in with the smoke what y’all know about it

Boy I’m coming up with a horse oh yeah they ain’t ready for this one oh yeah run the course run the course we go up this way uh-huh just go up any stairs that we see I think that was the way that I went I just went up the stairs my

Stuff’s got to be around here soon uh-oh I’m starting to see some stuff wait this is my stuff just go past it there goes my stuff perfect perfect perfect perfect I gotta have a sword in here there it is back up on my face yes sir oh yeah that’s what

Happens when I pull up with a horse all right horsey you was doing a good job so I’m gonna stick with you okay let’s keep going up let’s keep going up let’s keep going up honestly I can leave the horse here now then I kind of figured out where I’m at

It’s getting a little dark man I’m not gonna lie leaving a horse down there I feel bad I gotta bring it a horse was trying to run out the house bro like dang bro I get it scary up here but oh okay I’d run out the house too

Okay okay let’s just go up the stairs boy that one was standing there minisling like that one that one’s 99 minutes okay just jump just jump just jump just jump just jump wait top of the mansion are you kidding me you know what man I’m going back home bro I’m going back home

Man screw all of y’all you dead you dead you dead and you dead look man I ain’t never playing this like are you kidding me if y’all want me to come back here and pull up with some fam let me know down in the comment section below we

Gonna come back in and handle it but with that being said I’m Gonna Catch You all in the next one man hey you know this it’s your boy action today man look today I’m bringing y’all deep caves this is a Minecraft Marketplace map and I

Heard it’s a little scary so you know I had to check it out guys are new make sure to subscribe like comment and all of that good stuff turn on notifications and we’re gonna hop straight into this thing man all right so we’re just gonna

See what this is bye Deli soft suit dang bro my ears oh oh that’s how we head to the drill station you can start the game by clicking the chapter one button hey let’s get it started then man so this is the drill station let’s read this story

Man all right in the quest to explore other planets and study their environments you find yourself stranded in one particular Planet resided in by aliens as a malfunction occurs in your spaceship it is up to you to Trek through the universe man come on I can’t

Read it is up to you to track through the unique alien Wilderness and get to the other side for to safety I bet that’s dope man let’s hop straight into it chapter one The Target Monster is uh Squidward a small Squidward with a big pickaxe oh snap dude they got cut scenes

Y’all oh this this legit you know open the door okay look I ain’t doing nothing to this hold up let me let me let this thing do its thing bro so I guess that’s the uh the radar Murray Ray radar what the heck okay welcome to deep caves your

Main goal is to eradicate all the monsters to progress to the next level throwing the restart item will teleport you to the previous checkpoint so this is restart oh hold up this got a vibe to it I’m still alive stupid oh hold up I ain’t on the high stupid why you acting

Foolish hey you can cool it yeah yeah yeah okay let me stop rapping parkour already fell bro that’s how we started parkour to the other side all right bet um that’s the other side oh I see the check mark indicator that’s cool that’s just four oh heck’s not oh man all right

So throw that in the ground oh that is kind of sick I just threw it on the ground where am I at oh way at the start oh I’m not using that no mo I’m not using that no more Bop let’s go quick let’s go quick a little bit of Parkour

Come on man look come dude I really do this I do this all day every day actually Bob come on man and we cheated to jump so who put that ceiling up there oh yeah yeah look at look at me come on bro I can really fly through this I can

Really fly through this all right let’s watch out for the block bow all right be sure to check on this checkpoint to save your last location all right they’re giving us a little tutorial I like it man this door is locked find a button to

Open this door all right so look out for a button y’all all right that means we gotta have our good skills on like our eyesight our vision on if y’all find a button before me call it out man be like hey action I done seen the button but

You didn’t see it nah it’s got to be in here somewhere here we go here we go what are these blocks ew why do I run like that look uh uh my character run kind of funky whoa whoa whoa that’s three of them bro

I thought it was one long one oh no dude eradicate eradicate boy you was alien species I am not messing the button the button the button oh oh so you just gonna spawn a big one in front of me bro you know I don’t mess with spider-like

Creatures and I don’t know what the oh that boy bite oh you feisty ain’t you uh-huh press this button to open the door let’s go who the heck what in the world yeah you write a passage has been opened but why you had to say it like I’m at the admin

Open bro you gotta be kidding me dang man but look how I’m running for real oh bro that’s so nasty all right but let’s take it to the way we supposed to go Bob this door is locked cap it’s open now baby we’re supposed to keep

What the heck took damage all right you know I’m tripping the head keeps taking damage another one of these boys what’s good man what’s good man yup get destroyed who’s next yeah get destroyed y’all don’t scare me cause you’re just not scary man I don’t know what to say

Bro they’re just not scary enough here we go can I how do I get up how do I get up oh I guess I gotta restart hey his sponsors not too far away that’s good um let’s see how we can parkour around this we gotta think smart man everything

Is gonna be like parkour or something unique oh I can climb on these bruh all right let’s just go like all the way up and bow that’s how it’s done baby just use the environment that’s all we gotta do that’s all we gotta do man this is about to be so easy

All these caves don’t want no problem with me man because I promise you I guarantee I bring smoke look look look he was just chilling their mind his business now he dead that boy is gone another checkpoint let’s go now we making moves for real let’s go down here

And see what’s going on some more of these man where the Squidward at bro I’m ready for squid work bring it on Squidward man I’m gonna find you bro when I do I got the mask you know what else I got I don’t got a clarinet so you

Wanted to help me with that one all right if I’m not mistaken I could possibly finesse this jump oh that’s such a hard jump to do though oh wait I did it Loki low-key uh-huh and then let’s jump on that bro look at how we

Finesse we just do that bro now I want somebody to let me know what this is because I feel like I I step in it I’m gonna die so I’m gonna just stay away from this alien species like the heck boy what am I stuck on get up bro let me

Go dang took you long enough all right let’s keep going it looks like we’re stepping on creeper block oh wait let’s find out what it really does let’s find out what it really does oh oh they just eat that okay well let’s kill them because they said eradicate all to move

On and you know I’m trying to move on uh bro that’s sticky I don’t know what that is boy it I can’t jump and oh boy I got yo they got it on my new Js bro look man dang bro they don’t ruin the J’s crease the J’s stuck up the Jays all

That to the J’s man why would they do it okay well let’s see maybe this is I can bounce off it oh oh wow ouch bro from way back here are you serious look but that’s the thing about me I can speed it up now I already know

How to get through so here we go let’s go down here and let’s get back we back baby we’re momentum y’all didn’t see that bro now we got it there it is oh that’s a big jump that’s beautiful that’s textbook form right there man give me the checkpoint give me

The checkpoint look all right I’m gonna start flying through this because these dudes don’t must not know what they’re messing with look it’s this hit him twice action in the building bro hit him twice action uh-huh let’s go up here big jump big jump big jump oh look how quick

I am bruh don’t put me in a parkour race with somebody I embarrass them all right let’s go through let’s go through what the heck was that bro I should be hearing damage for no reason I promise it got something to do with these big old spiders all right let’s keep making

Moves which way though I think I want to go this way up don’t tell me I need a button wait hold up real quick boy y’all need a butt whooping that’s what y’all need all right let’s see find the button to open the door figured well ain’t that

The best part about going through oh come on man come on man y’all want to work y’all really want to work come on bro you know better than that man open up the door our passage has been opened thank you so much I appreciate you opening that pack

Look how fast I go on this stuff though for I don’t know what it is slowing me down I sure do move fast across it look bop bop oh my gosh all right eradicate all the much Squidwards we didn’t found them we didn’t found the Squidwards

Uh-huh uh-huh let’s go let’s go oh yeah oh my gosh dude they don’t know how to spread out y’all don’t know how to spread out oh yeah what y’all thought y’all thought y’all had me you thought you had oh hold up hold up hold up they

Low-key oh oh I could beat some of y’all up man put the pickaxe down if you ain’t gonna use it right uh-huh oh hit him and right hit him and run but he don’t even want to fight Bob buddy gone though buddy gone though buddy gone though

That’s how it’s done Man chapter one beat like it’s nothing man Target Monster who is this boy look like a bunch of blocks just stacked on each other look like a wooden block Cyclops oh man easy easy normal hard yo this is about to get good damn let’s knock out

Another easy level bruh come on take me to the shrink ray here we go yes sir welcome to deep caves your main goal is to eradicate all the monsters yup yup yup I know the rules man you don’t gotta remind me you don’t gotta remind me well

I see honey blocks over here so that means yup there’s gonna be a button uh-huh let’s go eradicate eradicate you can get eradicated anybody can get out of my face oh shoot dang three of them three all three of y’all dead then Bob just like that just like that they

Opened a new passage for us look at them looking out look at them looking out bro I’m telling you man I ain’t even step in the water bro my foot probably dipped in the water barely oh I see a checkpoint but not before I get them yes I heard

That’s what oh another one come on man bring it over here we got the smoke we bring the smoke uh-huh who next oh yeah oh yeah you done folk done so all right checkpoint let’s see I see more honey block man I’m just always gonna go to

The honey block because that’s where the buttons are I like oh shoot I’m trying to are they trying to jump me y’all trying to jump bro you don’t know nothing about jumping bro come on move out my way move out my way uh-huh and you you stuck in the dirt nasty is this

The passage right here that’s open I think so this looks new are we about to see some uh wildlife in the water bro in these caves because I’m just saying these alien caves are different bro that’s one of them caves that you do not want to enter don’t enter them alien

Cage all right oh bro I had that bro you saw I had that man they got so lucky I fell well let’s keep it push it ah look at that that skill that skill right there hopefully they didn’t meet all the monsters by eradicate all the monsters

Because if so Bop let’s keep it going oh bro boy they said this level was easy man the first level was hard what y’all is not that big and squeaking at me right now dang bro that dude kind of packed a punch though low key on the low

Uh huh what’s good with it what’s good with it oh my gosh dude y’all are that bad y’all are that bad I’m about to wipe through all of them right now Yeah yeah yeah that’s what I do man what is this boy is that a ice yeti in the cave I don’t even want I don’t even want to sneak peek all them other ones man we gonna get to them let’s go ahead and do it and we back with chapter three you

Already know how I be I just pulled up in the sea okay they didn’t notice me so I smacked the dude for free I ain’t had to pay no fee huh and they trying to get away I don’t even understand no I’m not trying to chase her I ain’t talking about the bank

Talking about the chase I ain’t talking about the bank talking about the chase hey these big old monsters man I’m telling you I’m about tired of these things all right let’s hop up here make it easier for us and is the ceiling High all right good so then we can bop bop

Yup sir this cave looks a little different but let me smack buddy down there he ain’t do nothing he was just kind of big and a little too close I don’t want I don’t even want him to sneeze on me bro I don’t even know how these animals sneeze I don’t even know

Okay let’s go I call them animals these are insects so that’s why they be taking damage yup one more jump bro they just be taking self-damage well I see uh honey block over here so you know what I’m doing oh whoa they tried to run up a

Little too quick they know the element of patience bro I’m telling you bro all it takes is a little bit of patience sometimes look at this look at it look at it look at it that’s no patience though watch this oh uh oh bruh come on Bozo you don’t knock me off my

Area all right we in the next little Zone we need a checkpoint we need a nice little checkpoint because I’m not trying to run across all that again honestly all right let’s take these out bruh you can go down with the family of the other ones whoa almost landed on that one I’m

Not trying to step on them honestly I’m gonna run past them bro screw them what are they doing they ain’t got none of me hey back up dude back up little dude who’s next matter of fact you wanted to back up little dude now I just gotta

Figure out where to go exactly matter of fact let me wipe these dudes maybe I do have to kill them all all right let’s wipe them get out of here hey bro you want some too you want it too oh dang two for one special pop come on okay so

That over there brought me over there which also brought me over there all right so it’s got to be something I’m missing on this area over here that’s clear and simple all right let’s have our eyes peeled y’all eyes are peeled dude I’m looking for every little detail

Man it matters right now anything in the corner nothing nothing over here how about this corner all right how about this corner no nothing yo I’m looking out for everything what is this over here maybe there’s something no nothing huh bro I’m not that blind bro this was

Not here man it’s a spiral staircase right here this whole time well back to it I guess hey good thing I noticed there’s an upstairs though that was a big key all right come on come on come on both y’all can get it at the same time with one hand bro I’ll scratching

My I was literally scratching my eyelid bro like come on man it’ll get much easier than this okay now we turn the corner and go back over here all right boom jump up yes hey now we making some real progress oh that’s a good site a checkpoint man been waiting for a

Checkpoint form oh there goes the yetis oh there goes the yetis ouch ouch oh shoot I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped man yo want to smoke then bring it on let me out let me up first bro bro they trying to fight me before I can even get up there don’t you think

That’s a little bit disrespectful bro chill let me come up there bro I want to see what’s up I don’t even get to see what’s up there man play the music chapter four man the Scorpion cybos what the heck that’s like a scorpion monster bro I don’t even understand that one

Well let’s take it to the shrink ray oh snap chapter four up in this thing you are you know I don’t play with them Bros hey yeah yeah I’m about to slay this thing then I’m about to go around then I slay this thing all right smack a

Brother smack a Brother come on man get out of here there we go let’s uh stand on the right block and jump all right let’s get this checkpoint first I’m looking back see if there’s honey checkpoint first bro well I’m about to speed through these levels now watch

This watch this watch this watch this since I know what to do monsters is chasing me jump yes sir that’s how you do it that’s how it’s done what you gonna do you’re gonna jump in the milk you’re gonna jump in the milk all right

Here we go stay up stay up stay afloat and bow bop bop bop there it is whoa is this like there goes the Scorpions already I thought this level I mean this level is normal as well let’s take it slow going down let me stand on these oh

Yeah those do not help your damage like you’ll take all damage from this okay so we gotta go slow um ouch all right ouch get away from me here we go yep fall down you’re scared you’re literally that scared he was that scared of me y’all bro I could have been

Taking this Vine all the way down this whole time whoa look at these things man oh a hex nah oh okay okay I’m about to get jumped Get Ready Get Ready Swing Swing like you like means on it swing like you like me something oh okay okay

They might give me nope nope no I’m not gonna let that happen no okay no no no no no no you got the wrong one you got the wrong one I’m ready I’m locked in for anything I’m locked in for anything look at it look at this look at this striping oh

I got caught slipping once okay so what well now let’s go down the right way so I don’t take all the now let’s go down the right way okay dang bro I didn’t jump down there so YOLO like bro come on man if I live once

Man I should at least uh paid a little bit more attention while coming Diane nope y’all won’t touch me bruh only damage I’m taking is fall damage in that one hit right there that two hit right there that three hit right that four okay Bob yes sir there it is put them to

Rest put them to rest get out of my face bro I really does this yeah I really does this yeah yeah hey yo it’s time for chapter five this one’s hard and it looks like the same monster from here actually matter of fact it looks identical to it yellow eyes this

One had red eyes Okay so the difference is the eyes hopefully this is a challenge man this has been too easy for a brother like me oh snap chapter five bruh let’s do it man Final Chapter it’s getting a little sad man I’m gonna miss these alien caves bro these alien caves

Is different bro you know what I’m saying right oh look at me look at me ah oh dang it all right we gotta hit that jump we gotta hit that jump oh how are we supposed to hit it now how are we supposed to hit it now don’t tell me how

To messed up my opportunity not like this all right let’s go let’s go up here ow ow ow ow every jump hurts I feel like I messed up already let me throw the checkpoint maybe it’ll responds that all right let’s see let’s find out it did not it definitely did not respond that

Okay cool but we can use this maybe as momentum and then go up here no I got it I got it I got it it out we use this angle jump we take this angle jump all right so I’m gonna get momentum oh shoot all right we need momentum we need all

The momentum we can get Sprint and then ah don’t land on the ground jump and then jump no that was way too early how about just a Sprint jump no I didn’t jump yes yes there it is there it is and up baby all right perfect then let’s go

Here now we making moves oh we got to be quick with this one we do not want to mess up this oh dude I can just jump on them man I was doing the most here we go Dodge around this and we going up baby

We going up hey you want to go down there and meet your brother go ahead go ahead I’m not scared of y’all no more go ahead meet your bro meet your bro you say nobody you’re trying to talk to me like go meet your bro what you want to

Autograph bro I’ve been slaying y’all dude trust you don’t want to autograph for me I am not the one oh bro look at this man the speed I’m doing this like I did this before and I didn’t man too easy it’s kind of scary to look

Now all right so we’re gonna have to knock you down before I go down bro I’m not going down for you that’s a fact you’re bro did this dude just shake his head at me nah bro for shaking your head you’re dead yup there we go big jump

Over here dude I’m glad I figured out I can jump on those things bro if I knew that earlier that probably would have helped a ton I’m not even gonna lie maybe one more spiral nope no we don’t even need it we don’t even need it

Bye all right we still going up so let’s keep taking it slow I haven’t messed up yet like since getting past that earlier part I just messed up at the bottom so look oh my gosh I can keep going fast bro I feel like Karma might get me but I

Ain’t did nothing wrong bro I’m just laying the things I’m supposed to slay and doing the things I’m supposed to do look bro I’m just good at parkour that’s all it is you don’t got to be jealous how much taller up is this man I’m doing

The most right now all this to get to this button for real all right let’s open it then Bob oh on the other side okay so I did have to go up here regardless all right here we go here we go oh I see the Final Bosses let’s let’s

Lay these boys out let’s lay these boys out and you know what’s about to happen man these dudes about to get to work better than anybody else yeah I got unfinished business with these yetis hey Yeti come on bring it on baby let’s go let’s go let’s do it let’s do the thing

Let’s do the thing yep I’ll take all y’all on at the same time bro yeah fight back fight back fight back oh dude they don’t know how to fight back that’s crazy that’s crazy I thought you own these Kings I thought you only okay you ain’t never seen it you ain’t never seen

A true warrior before that’s right that’s what it is you ain’t never seen me you’ll never see me that’s how we beat it that’s how we do it oh yeah uh Rhoda music we just did it and I am going down in history as the goat

Yeah man I hope you all enjoyed today’s video if you did make sure you smash that like button you already know who it is it’s your boy action in the building and today man we’re playing jump scare nightmare that’s two words I don’t like back to back matter of fact make it

Three I just saw a jump scare was spaced out who’s rocking with a jump scare and who’s rocking with a nightmare me neither oh X nah man look it’s that sweet dreams what you mean sweet dreams bruh I’m just trying to walk in here oh

This is kind of a sweet dream oh look this looks like a pig that looks like a pig and this look like a a dog oh it’s storming outside bro you ruined the perfectly good pain because I thought it was gonna be a good day is that a broken

Mirror now you know that’s bad luck bro somebody come take this mirror throw it in the garbage uh you know let’s just go to sleep man like they said sweet dreams we probably gonna dream great all right that was cool to go to sleep ooh they

Didn’t shut the door on me it’s getting black in here am I up am I sure I’m awake bro don’t play with me bro what’s going on what’s going on oh no you got to be kidding me I didn’t trick me out I bet into the middle of the woods this is

Not a good feeling bro you know what focus on the positive things in life uh dandelions roses dandelions roses oh there goes a house I could probably stay in uh what does it say cat cab out no in Trace oh bet I’m up in this thing man wow are you kidding me

Man that Crowder scared the life out of me you know what bro actually can I wake up roses dandelions oh that door didn’t squeaked open oh that door doesn’t squeaked open father God how about back make sure the people watching hit that like button you know what I’m saying

Subscribe too don’t be a you don’t gotta be standing we about to go in this house oh eggs nah bro this look like a psycho house bruh oh if you see a little girl run away fast that’s all I’m getting so far blind little girl then kill their

Parents that’s what it’s looking like to me white white oh it’s the phone bruh what couple but we can play together until then until then hey hold up bro nah it’s not about to be super fun too whoever’s pulling up gotta be bad bro I’m talking

10 out of 10 all the doors open they talk about a couple bro I could use a couple bro I ain’t gonna lie you know what I’m not trying to play so the door directly across from me just gonna open up at that convenient moment right there

All right you know we can walk towards it though we can walk towards it though ain’t never hurt nobody what is this oh they said kitchen oh bruh I was about to say will you be whipping up no the dog girl whipping chicken bro she whipping

Up that Fried Chicken bro uh what the heck is going on bro been here for a few weeks now it’s warm and there’s food more than I had living under the bridge all I need to do is play with this kid and I can stay where are her parents

Though why’d she just let me into her house I don’t get it man why did we walk straight into our house bro bro there’s a bunch of flies going on and stuff I’m not rocking with it shut that is that candles oh what just happened brah

Here we go let’s just play some miles for now dude I’m broke the living room how you break the living room this is too crazy bro I can’t stay in here box longer oh hex nah come find you why you’re going to get a whooping you’re going to get a whooping

Oh eggs now what is that they locked the doors behind me this is crap what is that oh hex whoa you’re a little too close now buddy I need you to stay a distance okay all right let’s get a little close to you all right what’s

Good how you doing you guys are bigger eyes you know you guys are bigger eyes you know I’m not rocking with you let’s just go inside yeah we in now this is the bathroom I would never take a shower in here ill first of all that is dirty

Second of all ill third of all no that’s why oh hex nah bro let me leave let me leave let me leave oh my gosh it’s worse than I thought look at the stains on that tub uh you better wipe down properly oh no bro can I leave can

I leave just trying to leave oh this is not how the room was before though this big old bed I gotta jump into this bed bro I want a bed like that man you gotta I’m hitting the door no you’re not about to play no oh that’s that’s cute bro you got dogs

Um that’s cool that you got dogs that’s cute though hey yo why the floor is shaking ain’t nobody said no no the floorboard how am I still up in the air whoopsies oh what you mean oh my gosh I’m falling from the sky and stuff more books little eye little eye

Little eye little oh hex nah bruh bro did me reading that cause that to open all right you know what I’m gonna have to read this a little quieter little eye little eye what little sights do you spot mommy’s sitting alone the door locked daddy Crying by himself again but you’re not shocked

Hey they got bored boy you might be going through it in little white lights inside them that only you can see little eye little eye bring those lights to me uh bruh I’m not liking the riddle I’m not liking it October 5th I got no one

Else to talk to except the little girl so I’m keeping a diary might as well right and there’s nothing else to do here when I’m not cooking for the girl or playing with her that is the dude who wrote lonely is the dude who got trapped

In here sneaking into the house like me like what is he doing what’s wrong with him I don’t know what’s wrong with me I don’t know man I woke up in the middle oh no I’m telling you right now A fat girl scoot back like these oh eggs nah

Boy you gotta be kidding me not a girl’s eyes are blacked out oh yo now this is getting even scarier bro I don’t know what’s going on and I just want to sing so I’m just going to keep on singing that door just closed thing oh Lord oh

Don’t tell me this is about to be on some PT it is it is might as well get ready huh is that gonna move know is that gonna move no what is this book Escape October 13th she still won’t say when she’ll let me go she gets really

Pouty or throws a tantrum when I ask I can feel the whole house shake when that happens sometimes thinking I should just try to sneak out on my own she can’t stop me from breaking a window and leaving that way right yeah she she can’t bro give me something to break a

Window whoa bro oh that’s the wrong way what just happened what fell you telling me that that painting fell oh my gosh I ain’t even see it I was so scared I mean Daddy never let me up here before oh do you know your bad self should not be up

Here no I’m about to stop you right now bro hey stop you scaring me stop you scaring me I’m not playing these games why is it getting dark turn the candle on uh-oh they’re playing the music box you know nothing goes good when they start playing a music box that’s fact number

One in horroro Rama man I’m telling you man all right we gotta go we gotta go oh no let’s try to break out that window no no can’t break out okay I’m trying to parkour now to see if I’m on to something let’s see if I’m on to

Something okay I’m up here I’m up here bruh I thought I was on to something oh I done stepped on something something just made it sound and I don’t trust it at all maybe I should hit the door now it’s time to hit the door

Uh oh the light just turned oh what is that is that the little girl oh my gosh oh my God excuse me ma’am I gotta get this book that Jewels dropped I know what I want in a family a Daddy who fixes and makes things like when he made

My dollhouse I want him to do something like that again and I want a mommy who cooks for us and makes me dresses and I want them both to play with me why can’t no one get it right then just get it right we’ll all be happy then all right

Man give me a give me a chick bro oh you go down here who was talking uh who was in that shower bro who was in that shower bro or this time I’m watching what oh oh what you mean bruh what you mean what you mean look at me look at me I’m

Trying to get out of here bro I’m moving okay okay okay let’s move with assistant urgency it’s time to leave bro it’s time to leave she freaking out oh my other friends want to play with you cold still while they come out um no I don’t feel like holding still

What is going on those are some doll hey bro I need y’all to back up especially you on the right you in the middle left you in the middle right you’re in the middle like oh you’re on the bar right oh no I don’t like your friends bro nah bro

Yeah yeah that was it oh my gosh stop playing man stop moving like that bruh you keep moving fast and I’m out of here bro I’m out of you oh all right bro so these dolls are very real that means they are very real people getting trapped down

Here and I don’t want to be water oh all right it’s time to move bro it’s time to move whoa did you see that oh no no no no no no no stop playing stop playing start the doors bro I’m not playing with you bro I’m not bro I’m not playing with

Your grown low self now I hear a door opening oh is this door all right let’s move let’s keep it moving let’s rock out rock out wait what happened to the door because I wanted to show you my room you can’t leave yet oh yeah yeah my fault oh

My gosh dude this is foul and disgusting and disturbing oh your toys are going haywire your toys are going absolutely Haywire oh hex now that one gave me the Goosebumps all right yep let’s just chill psych I’m going I’m going first go I see stop it was a break you are

Starting to get annoying what going to places you aren’t supposed to be a good parent or I’ll have to get a new one instead as long as you don’t make me a toy go ahead I’m tired I bet you are bro my friends do things wrong nah not me supposed to be giving

You letters oh my fault I didn’t know they were going nowhere I’m just running a circle I’m just doing a circle just doing a circle you can’t see me I’m out I’m out I’m going I’m going I’m going oh uh excuse me little boy excuse me little bro all right excuse me little

Bro stay there for a bit for a bit what in the basement okay I’ll chill let me see why can’t you get this right why can’t any of you get this right why why why why why why why why why why why why I don’t know who wrote that book but that

Is definitely a complainer bro it was probably the girl okay okay let’s go in this door over here I think I’m getting it right bro I think I’m doing something right something tells me this is the way to go like I’m doing what I gotta do we

Making moves now we making moves you get infused oh hold up bro uh hold up bro there’s no other way out let me go back up let me go back up what you mean stay I’m I’m ready to come back she wants me to stay down here oh my gosh dude

Never mind maybe the doll didn’t do it I thought the dog put this hole in the wall but I don’t know how it’s in nope nope nope nope yep I know you can’t I know you can’t oh oh kill just do what you’re told because I’m I’m supposed to be a parent you

Supposed to do what you told hey I don’t know what just happened but it sounded like I just got beat up bro oh excellent oh my gosh stop crying bro I’m not gonna touch a dollhouse okay I’m respectful I got I got respect it’s like give me that

Dog yeah yeah what you what you like about the dollhouse now uh-huh no I’m breaking it yeah get broke bro yeah what you gonna do cry about it I am not your dad I am black it’s time to leave for real I’m out of here this girl got me

Messed up bro I don’t know what type of game she think I’m on but there goes another book over there oh my goodness let’s read this book birthday letter for my birthday I want a makeup set a tea set for me and my friends mommy and

Daddy to smile mommy and daddy to smile at each other again mommy and daddy to smile at me again and maybe Daddy can make something for me again you know reading this it really makes me feel sad for the girls she just had a bad upbringing like her parents just really

Didn’t show her love they must have been fighting who am I hearing oh that’s the clock bro I was like what the heck am I hearing oh yeah hopefully your wish comes true hopefully I’m going I’m going I’m going it’s morning time it’s morning time nothing scary in the morning ain’t

That facts all right what the heck what the nah no no no no no you’re not saying that time is just oh nah bro I’m in a Time Loop not this again no get about my face bruh oh shoot don’t tell me it was just a nightmare

Nah bruh I’m gone I’m gone just like that that was jump scare nightmare man I hope you all enjoy if you did make sure you hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and I’m gonna catch you on the next one peace bye subscribe I ain’t got time to entertain them try to run up on me know your Gainer this ain’t wrong

This video, titled ’10 *SCARY* MINECRAFT HORROR MAPS…’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2023-06-03 22:00:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

10 *SCARY* MINECRAFT HORROR MAPS YOU SHOULDN’T PLAY AT NIGHT! If you are new welcome to the channel and …

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    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More