100 Days Surviving as a DIRT BLOCK! Minecraft Challenge

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Imagine you were a block of dirt in Minecraft just sitting there minding your own business when all of the sudden a couple players from a nearby Village come over and dig up all of your dirt friends you would want revenge right but you’re just a piece of dirt what are you

Going to do about it well for the next 100 days I’m going to become a dirt in Minecraft and get revenge on three farmers who killed my dirt friends on day one I spawned in as a dirt block and uh as you can see I am really goofy

Looking I even have googly eyes but that’s not what we’re here to talk about we’re here to get revenge on the three villagers that decided to destroy my dirt friends well that and trying to survive ourselves cuz if they kill me I lose this challenge now I get tons of

Upgrades throughout this video and eventually these abilities are going to ban these villagers from the server but uh right now we’re still too weak so to make sure I don’t die here right off the bat in the intro we’re going to go ahead and unlock our first item which is a

Slingshot where I can shoot clumps of dirt at the villagers now the second I leave this platform they’re going to try and kill me so uh we’re going to run to that Pillager Tower back there and hopefully finish up this Quest pretty fast I think our best BET’s going to be

To just go for it so let’s just totally ignore these villagers and let’s just go go go go get after him get that dirt we got to make our way over to that Pillager Tower and we just need to punch 10 pillagers and that will be two quests

Completed oh there’s a lot of pillagers be very careful actually we can get some punches in we’re going to dig you okay he hit me once that’s four punches let’s go this way okay we got to get inside okay here’s the entrance start climbing start climbing oh okay oh

He shot me we’re low on HP okay quick we looted the chest we got a crossbow that’s huge we got a goat horn too get some blocks let’s block up the staircase blow the goat horn okay and now we got our crossbow with some arrows oh gosh let’s grab this log while they’re

Fighting down there nice one of them died to the Pillager okay let’s make some more planks and let’s make ourselves a crafting table and quickly make ourselves a wooden sword there we go now we have what we need to kill a player which is eat some of these

Carrots make ourselves some bread okay and I think we’re almost good to go it seems like they’re waiting outside they’re struggling a lot right now oh gosh let’s go let’s dig down here let’s just start getting some wax on these pillagers ow oh there’s one right here

There’s a player right here oh gosh I don’t have a weapon oh get him get him get him we can get him here this huge oh gosh I’m getting killed by a dir block oh we have he’s done yes yes yes we got to kill on a player now we just need to

Hit the pillagers oh there’s another player right there there’s an iron golem here now wait what oh god come here you stupid nice now just punch this guy oh I got to punch him with my empty fist I see 7 8 9 10 okay run he’s got us low

Okay we finished the quest now let’s just go over here real quick let’s kill this cow let’s unlock our new combat ability the slingshot I’m guessing we don’t have a lot of time till they catch up to us I’m going to quickly grab a bunch of dirt in case they do oh dirt

Block where are you oh is he back hold on someone’s back I Heard a Voice oh yeah yeah yeah someone back someone back let’s put the actually I got an idea crossbow in the off hand we can do this oh no he has a weapon nice he’s dead he he go go you

Know I’m just out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here this is my chance to get away let’s go into the forest and let’s lose them in the jungle let’s go we’re out of here after unlocking our slingshot we begin on our first dirt base which wasn’t the most impressive

Base I’ve ever built but it was fairly hidden and I really don’t think the farmers are going to be able to find it okay so walk up your faces to the first dirt base now this base is definitely temporary I’m not going to be able to

Live here forever and you’ll see why in a sec but I decided to build this base base underneath this nether portal that’s completely surrounded by a bunch of Cherrywood and Oak Wood and actually you get into the base you literally just go underneath the nether portal over

Here and you follow this little Pathway to the enter of the base now the base overall is pretty simple with just a bed a bunch of survival stuff infinite lava infinite water and of course a little cave system but with the base finally done we can keep working on upgrades now

Obviously we have our slingshot that we can pull back extremely far and uh put mud in people’s faces but it’s really not that strong and to be honest we’re really not that strong so let’s keep working on our upgrades to get even stronger starting with our next one

Which is called dirt snack basically I gain the ability to eat dirt blocks and when I eat a piece of dirt you’ll see I gain 120 seconds of water breathing haste and regeneration one and it works better than steak so we really don’t need food after this upgrade which is

Probably good seeing as we only have 13 pieces of bread left so let’s get to work on this upgrade all we’ve got to do is get a name tag a rabbit’s foot and a carrot on a stick now a carrot on a stick is actually super easy asz we just

Need a fishing rod and a carrot to make it so let’s just go find an unlooted Village real quick and take a carrot it really shouldn’t be that difficult okay so let’s just go into this Village here and see if we can get ourselves a carrot

I don’t think this one’s been looted yet unless obviously the Villager Hunters looted it but uh it doesn’t appear so there’s a farm literally right here so let’s just break all this till we get a carrot cool we have 14 carrots and now we just need to make ourselves a fishing

Rod which is also really easy it’s literally just sticks and string and I can get the sticks just from taking wood from this house give me that and we got the sticks and now we just need some string so let’s make our way down to our cave system and let’s go kill some

Spiders for some string real quick as it should be pretty easy okay there we go we have four string which means now we can craft ourselves the carrot on a stick by simply making ourselves a fishing rod and then attaching a carrot to it and

Boom car it on a stick which means we have the first Quest done and now we just need a name tag and a rabbit’s foot so let’s go into the world and let’s go look for a desert where we can kill some rabbits for their feet okay we made it

To a desert now let’s just kill a bunch of rabbits wait did I just get a rabbit’s foot no way the first rabbit I killed dropped a rabbit’s foot that’s like only a 10% chance which is the second item we needed and now we just need a name tag which if you’ve been

Watching lately I’ve struggled a lot with saddles and name tags so I’m not really excited to go look for this but it is what it is let’s start heading home and looking for a name tag last call for Christmas for a limited time every purchase of of Ry guy merchandise

Enters you in to win a shout out in one of my videos each week we will pick a winner so the sooner you pick up your very own ryy 100 days merch the more chances you have to win simply go to ry. shop or scan the QR code on screen go go

Go all right we found a mob spawner okay we got two chests oh my we have four diamonds in there okay let’s just break this boom name tag first try we also got Diamond horse armor a bunch of gunpowder and now let’s collect these diamonds and

Now we have everything we need to unlock dirt snack so let’s unlock it and now apparently we can eat dirt now I have a bunch of dirt on me cuz I use it in my slingshot so let’s just see if we can eat it no way look at that I know of

Regeneration water breathing and haste that’s crazy oh there’s actually an abandon M shaft down here I could have looted oh hey and more diamonds this is great anyway let’s head back to the base for now and let’s pick a new quest to work on because actually we finished all

Of our tier one upgrades you know cuz we start as a dirt block on to tier two now for tier 2 it’s obviously what I’m going to work on and that’s to evolve our dirt and actually grow some arms and legs and of course it gives us a few extra Hearts

Now to unlock it we just need eight glazed terracotta a smithing Temple plate and a clock now I don’t think I’ve ever crafted a clock in Minecraft cuz I find this to be one of the most useless items in the game I mean if I want know

The time I’ll just look up at the sky but anyway let’s go and let’s started by grabbing eight glaze terra cotta since we actually just found ourselves an area to get terra cotta meaning we’re going back to that desert area and heading to the Mesa biome okay now it says I can

Grab eight of any glazed terra cotta which just means I need to smelt this stuff so let’s just go and let’s grab this is this orange oh that’s just terracotta so we can’t use that it has to be a color yeah this is white so let’s grab a bunch of this white

Terracotta and now we just take this stuff home and throw it in a smelter and now we just add it to our furnaces give each of them one coal and now we wait for all this glazed terracotta to finish melting and just like that we’ll have the first Quest completely done and then

We just got to work on a smithing template and a clock but we’ll go into that in a sec for now let’s just grab eight glazed terra cotta from our furnaces which should be done and just like that our first Quest is done now let’s go get a smithing template and the

Easiest way to do that is to head to the Nether and since I don’t have a single nether portal anywhere in this base and for the fact that I just got three diamonds let’s go and let’s make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and let’s make our way down to the mines to find

Some lava where we can make and get some some obsidian okay I found this area with two lava pools so this should do fine we’ll just put the water here we’ll just start with grabbing these okay that’s 10 obsidian now let’s go make ourselves a nether portal which I guess

We’ll just put in this wall right here cuz it’s the easiest wall to put it in there we go now we just need to light this thing let’s just grab an iron inot from the chest and now we combine that Flint with that iron ingot to make a

Flint and steel which we’ll use to light up the Nether and now let’s head on in okay we’re in the nether now we have to find a Bastion cuz that’s the best place to find a smithing template so let’s go look for a Bastion there could be one

Anywhere oh we’re in trouble oh we’re in trouble oh god oh let’s go we found a Bastion it’s right down here okay let’s get down there there’s a chest there hopefully there’s an armor template inside worm our way down try not to die here okay here we go be quick be quick

Okay there we go jump here we should be able to open the chest we can we got a golden apple nice we’re surrounded we’re surrounded we’re in a bad spot we’re in a bad spot we’re in a bad spot oh go run run run we’re in a very bad spot get in

The wall oh my God we just almost died what just hit me oh I missed ah get hit oh God eat a dirt eat a dirt let’s get rid of these brutes we haven’t found an armor template yet oh Hunters Hunters Hunters oh I see him he’s he’s hiding hold on the

Hunter’s here oh God he hit me eat a golden apple get back in here get back in here let’s dig out so he thinks we’re still trapped in there now we’re over here look at them all they’re all trapped in that corner oh they’re on me

Oh he’s dumb he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s got Pig on him he’s behind me dude down here in the hole in the hole in the hole nice okay there’s still probably two more Hunters up there somewhere oh my God there’s so many piglins I’m being shot at I’m being shot

At he’s building up go this way we’re taking damage quick in the hole back in the hole in in why can’t I go in I don’t fit okay we go ready and break that and we’re in there’s still a hunter out there somewhere I only see one I don’t

See the other one oh he’s coming over make him fall make him fall Ready he fell he fell he fell oh my gosh dude yo we’re in trouble uh yo dirt block temporary truce oh gosh oh let’s go we got him to fall now they should kill him

They should K get him get him get him no no no no no no no yes yes they all died I knocked them down into the piglins okay let’s get rid of all these piglins real quick okay so I’m pretty sure there was only two Hunters cuz I cannot find

Another one I’m just going to quickly start looking around this place for more loot okay let’s check this double chest here ancient debris and we have a Smith smithing template right there oh my God we got the smithing template the only downside is that it’s a smithing template netherite upgrade meaning I

Kind of want to save that one I really don’t want to use that if I don’t have to there should be a double chest somewhere around here oh oh if they get up here I’m dead I’m making this so they just cannot get up there’s no way okay

There we go there you should be good check this double chest bunch of arrows I don’t see a single upgrade though okay’s check this one nothing in this chest another ancient debris though come on give me a smithing template yes there it is another ancient debris a netherite

Scrap and a snout smithing template oh this is huge check this last chest okay nothing in that chest just a gold block and some extra obsidian but boom just like that we have the smithing template so let’s get out of here yeah before those villagers come back okay it wasn’t

Really expecting to get in a fight over it but we got the smithing template which means all we need now is the clock and to craft a clock is pretty easy we just need four gold and one Redstone wait I have gold do I have Redstone I do

Have Redstone so wait I can just put the gold in there grab the gold and now I have a clock I think is it that easy oh it is that easy okay well just like that we can upgrade our dirt block into an evolved dirt so say goodbye to this cute

Bobbly eyed piece of dirt and hello to to the evolved dirt oh wait what he’s so cute look how happy he is he’s actually Wicked cute looking I’m the happiest dirt ever you know besides the fact that my friends were murdered now I have to get revenge on them by killing the

Villager Hunters but anyway we now have 10 total hearts of HP which means we’re now equivalent to one full Minecraft player but I’m versing three full Minecraft players so uh we’re still at a large disadvantage here though I guess one benefit is we now have reached two

Which means I can out break blocks and walls that are wicked far out of my range and I apparently do not fit in one high gaps anymore so I actually don’t fit outside my base I just realized that’s not fun so let’s uh fix that real

Quick okay cool we have a clear way out now again but it’s not really hidden anymore so I’m going to have to work on that in a second so for the rest of today let’s just focus on red disguising this entrance a bit and seeing if we can

Kind of make it blend in by just filling in a lot of these gaps in the walls and stuff okay I think this is pretty good it looks a lot more hidden now again than it did a second ago and now you have to actually walk over here to find

The little tunnel and then you’ll be inside I think this should be hidden enough for now that we do have to actually build ourselves some doors because now mobs can just kind of walk into if they find their way so we’ll just build ourselves two doors there and

Now make a new little Cherry log design that goes all the way around our new entrance and now our entrance is good to go okay so welcome to day 15 now that we’ve upgraded our dirt it’s time to get a little bit stronger with a new combat

Ability and this next ability is called the tunneling blade which gives us a sword as strong as Diamond but can let us tunnel underneath players whatever that means I’m not going to lie I really kind of want to know what that means so we got to unlock this as soon as

Possible so let’s unlock the quest and now we just have to get not today thank you loot an intact desert temple and then get three kills with our slingshot which is going to be hard cuz our slingshot really isn’t that strong but anyway for now let’s start with the

Easiest one which is getting not today thank you it means we just have to block an arrow with our shield and I’m not going to lie there actually is a problem with this advancement I already got it I already have a shield I’ve been shielding stuff for a long time at this

Point so if I go to my advancements menu you’re going to see not today thank you was unlocked a long time ago but luckily there’s this thing called commands and there we go we revoked the advancement from myself so now I can earn it once again otherwise we just wouldn’t be able

To unlock this I don’t want to hear anyone calling me out for Cheating in the comments on that one look there have been times where I’ve cheated and you’ve called me out and that’s fair game this is not one of those instances okay now let’s get not today thank you we need to

Actually block an arrow or a projectile with our Shield so I’m trying to get a find a gas in the nether that will just quickly shoot at us but I don’t think there’s any gas nearby so I’m actually going to go back to the Overworld and

Just do it with a skeleton instead all right so let’s just go down into this cave let’s find a skeleton or any mob or some mob that can just shoot at us there’s one come here shoot yeah there you go buddy thank you and now go away

Okay cool we got out today thank you for the second time and now it’s time to go loot a desert temple so let’s get going to the desert and start looking for one cuz I haven’t seen one yet so uh I don’t think there’s one in the desert I know

About so I went out and searched everywhere for a desert temple and I found one on day 18 we got a desert village up ahead is there oh there’s another desert village actually up there there’s two Villages right next to each other I think I just saw a desert temple

I did there’s a desert temple oh my god dude this is op two desert Villages right next to each other with a desert temple right next to it that’s so cool okay well let’s go loot that desert temple and it says it has to be intact

In these blocks there we go now let’s go down here oh yeah we’re going to have to break blocks no matter what to get down there so let’s just go down here down here down here down here okay now we have to just catch ourselves here we go

Right ready there we go perfect now just loot a chest boom We looted it without setting up the TNT so now we oh god um well if there was any items down there they’re gone I I’m honestly just kind of lucky I didn’t blow up with that

I thought I was going to have to restart the video already well we got the quest done but uh if there was any good loot in there we don’t know about it so I guess now let’s just build back up and get out of here okay now we just need to

Get kills with our slingshot but uh I actually have no idea where the hunters are hiding at the minute so I’m going to go find them real quick so that way we can start getting our revenge on them for what they did to my dirt Brethren

But luckily it didn’t matter if I knew where their base was or not because I would happen to find a village that was already looted so uh that kind of made finding their base really easy okay let’s check this Village they love to live in villages so we’ll check this out

Oh wait a minute I could be on to something look at this there’s no crops here I’ve never been to this Village actually speak of the devil I don’t see any hay bales okay I don’t see any base at all here but there is another Village

Over that way let’s check that out cuz if this Village is looted they might live in this Village over here it’s looted it’s looted this Farm’s looted and once again I don’t see any hay Bal o that’s pretty s tinted glass they live up there oh wait I think that’s got to

Be a villager oh that’s definitely a player oh my God y I see a dirt block out there they definitely see me they live up here in this hill let’s try to climb above their mountain and get to the tinted glass area oh they’re on us hold on we’re in a bad

Spot nice we got him we got him we got him get over here oh my God I’m covered in dirt that should make him blind let’s go around the back here let’s climb this climb up okay keep climbing here we go okay we’re getting close Okay their base

Is somewhere around here I saw this villager oh here’s a tinted glass okay we’re at the base let’s just break here through the tinted glass okay where they’re at they’re not in here yeah they’re not in here they’re not in here let’s block this in case they try and

Come up oh yeah they’re in the village they’re in the village oh they have a tractor oh hit the tractor okay we got to hit them with our dirt we need three kills with this slingshot let’s get them actually I have an idea if they try and

Come up and they break this block we can get them here so bad come we get him here we get him here it just takes 10,000 Minutes to shoot it oh we killed him oh we got a kill oh wait he’s going to spawn right here we got to be super

Careful okay wherever they come out oh we killed her okay that’s one oh uh yes oh we got all three kills run get away from them get away from them oh there’s a giant tractor behind me get back here boy oh God run dirt block run let’s unlock it combat tunneling blade

Okay we have the tunneling blade now let’s see how this works let’s go to the oh that’s getting up me quick let’s go under let’s go under that exploded when I got hit I think that I don’t know if that was a tunneling blade or what oh

They just tried to throw a hoe at me and it exploded we need to wait for this cool down let’s see if we can get another kill three no nice we got one we got one oh my God this slingshot stinks it’s so slow oh my god oh it actually

Killed him no dude oh my God thank you let’s get this last one boom oh he threw a pickaxe at me nice he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead okay we unlocked our new ability I’m going to get out of here for now cuz I still don’t fully understand

How it’s working and I really don’t want to die I don’t see them and I’m pretty sure we’re safe and out of here we survived now go buy something at ry. shop anyway now that we’ve unlocked our brand new tunneling blade which lets us go underground if there’s Farmers nearby

As you can see when I right click it now it says there’s no Farmers nearby so uh this literally doesn’t do anything unless there’s Farmers nearby but with that unlocked it’s now time to unlock a jackhammer which is an omni tool that will double all ores we mine and double

Ore sounds op so let’s get it all we have to do is get nine glowberries one spy glass and two bells and since I found a billion Villages at this point let’s just go steal a few Bells okay here’s the spawn Village and here is wait two Bells wait what multiple Bells

Per Village that’s a thing I’m grabbing this one and then I’ll grab this one and there we go well that was easy Bell one Bell two okay well the bells were super easy to get now I guess it’s time to make a spy glass and then go grab some

Glowberries now spy glass is going to be kind of tricky cuz we have to go down to our cave and then actually find some amethyst so let’s see if we can find some of that real quick oh we found a huge one look at this I found one inside

An abandoned M shaft okay now we need to grab some amethyst shards now to make a spy glass we literally only need one so with this in hand we’re good to go okay now let’s just throw some copper in here real quick and let it get melting and

There we go just like that we do copper copper amethyst and we get ourselves a spy glass and now we just need some glowberries but uh the cave below my base doesn’t have any so we specifically have to go look for a glow Berry cave

Which uh we’re not going to find here oh fou glowberries go over here let’s see what we can do ready okay we got seven is that all we need needed boom we have everything we need to get the Jackhammer and boom we unlocked it okay let’s try

This thing out so if I break this oh my God look at this it’s breaking so many blocks so fast and then wait can I shift right click it now it’s a lighter now it shears and now it’s back to being an omni tool oh this is so cool it’s a

Weapon too oh yeah let’s just double these diamonds and then let’s head home oh my goodness we just got six diamonds okay we’re home I just saw name plate I just saw I’m almost POS yeah I just saw name plate I just saw name plate plate

Oh I see a name I see a name oh God I hope he didn’t see us the hunters are in my base the hunters are 100% in my base if the hunters are in my base I might be able to sneak around them hold up watch

This this should lead to my cave can I go up our stairs it’s going to be huge huge huge huge huge play we’re definitely at home and not near your base ah psych we lied oh I missed I missed I missed I missed go down no oh

It’s not going to explode oh run we’re still going on health we’re still going on health swim this way they don’t know where I went okay take this chance let’s get back to the base go this way go this way bury them just bury them dude what

Is this they tried to trap look at this they tried to trap me in a lava pit oh they’re coming through they’re coming through oh what how did he find me I’m building a wall I’m building a wall I’m building a wall let’s actually grab our stuff let’s grab our stuff let’s just

Get out of here quick quick quick grab the important stuff oh they grabed a bunch of it already I can tell I got him I got him I got him I’m going I’m going I’m getting out of here we’re going we’re going oh God I’m low I’m low low

We’re low we need to go we just need to get out here we just need to go we need to go we need to go oh I missed he going up here so just watch out where’d he go go this way I can’t even tell if they see me actually

Hold on we can get away here we can get away here leap down this hill in the water oh yeah they’re they’re trying to get over here they’re trying to get over here oh he almost got me with that actually oh God we can get away we can

Get away while they’re building across we can get away this is going to be huge I don’t see them okay I think we’re actually good I think we’re actually good let’s just climb this then let’s just climb this hill and we’ll be good we are out of here let’s go oh we barely

Live that but we’re live and that’s really all that matters I’m not going to lie our first base lasted way longer against the farmers than I thought it would so I’m going to take that as a mini Victory from here however I decided to build a base that was even more

Hidden but uh just to keep it fun I built that base under another broken nether portal okay so welcome your face to the brand new dirt block base as you can see I’m right on the edge of a jungle right next to a river and once

Again I’m right next to a broken nether portal but this time instead of living in the Nether Portal I’m using as is a distraction so anyone that comes over here is automatically going to want to loot this chest which I’m leaving unlooted and looks pretty natural so you

Won’t assume anyone lives near here but if you simply go around this corner and go underneath these leaves you’re going to find this little Waterway and when you swim into it you’ll see it leads to an underwater cave and right down there is my base so you just go in this little

Water path here and we’re here now who is going to expect a dirt block to live underwater nobody so now that we’re done with that introduction let me show you the actual base so obviously this base looks a lot nicer than our last one we have Cherrywood doors all these Cherry

Logs everywhere we got our enchanter done with our beds over here and overall this base is just going to be much easier to survive in cuz it’s also a lot more hidden and since we’ve finished the tier 2 Evolution the tier 2 combat and the tier 2 utility upgrade it’s time for

Tier three and I really think we need to get stronger so we should probably work on devastating blow and to unlock that’s kind of difficult we need the advancement those were the days we need to kill 10 vexes and then hit a bunch of players with our tunneling sword when

We’re near them now to take on vexes we’re going to need a woodland Mansion but I have no idea where one is so let’s just start by getting the advancement those were the days which is this advancement here that you can see I’ve already already completed oops oh hey

Look those were the days enter a Bastion Remnant that was totally never unlocked before so let’s go to the Nether and let’s get that advancement okay this nether portal is pretty far from my other one so I actually don’t know where find a Bastion so we probably have to

Look for a new one oh Bastion Bastion Bastion Bastion I found one let’s go okay now we just need to get inside this Bastion right here we just have to get inside right so if I just get up to it and just do this y we’re good we got

Those with the days okay so with that the advancements done now let’s just go home and I guess we’ll start heading to a woodland Mansion I’m not going to lie I really don’t want to I hate fighting vex’s they’re the worst mob in the game

At least in my opinion let me know in the comments what your least favorite mob is okay so the first step in actually finding vexus is to get sugarcane like right here now obviously six isn’t going to be enough in fact we’re probably going to need like two

Stacks so let’s just try to find a desert real quick cuz it’ll be easiest to get sugar cane there okay there we go we have all the sugar cane we need and now we just need to grab a bunch of sand so uh let’s pull

Out our Omni tool and let’s get to work and there we go that’s uh way more than enough sand so let’s just turn our sugarcane into paper and our sand into glass panes and then we’re good to head to a woodland Mansion okay so let’s turn all our sugarcane into paper to start

Now which wait for all our sand to finish melting so in the meantime let’s just make sure we have all the rest of the stuff we’re going to need like the fact that we’re going to need to make two compasses and the fact that we have to make ourselves a cartography table

Okay let’s take the 32 glass we have and let’s turn into glass panes which means now we just have to trade with some villagers to actually locate a woodland mansion and kill 10 vexes so let’s start with this guy right here let’s see if we can give him a job of becoming a

Cartographer nope nope he won’t okay see you later you you want the job right yeah he’s coming for it he’s going to do it yes and let’s trade him a bunch of paper for emeralds like we always do now we’ll do glass panes and that should give us even more emeralds more than

Enough yeah we we definitely have enough emeralds now and then last but not least he’ll give us the Woodland Explorer map for one compass and a bunch of emeralds and now we simply follow this map to get to the Woodland mansion and take on a bunch of vexes okay the map starting to

Generate we did go a little past it but we’re definitely getting back to it I still don’t even see this Woodland Mansion yet where is it oh found it okay we’re pretty much at the Woodland Mansion we’re just going to break through and go to the top floor okay

Here we go let’s find our way in let’s go to the top here there we go we made it now it’s let’s just break a hole in the roof perfect let’s go in this room and let’s clear it out next wall Bon ofex he was right here kill off the guys

With the axes first there we go get him on me okay there we go time to battle these dudes there there they are come on one Vex down there we go two vexes down nice okay we’ve killed two vexes there’s the third there we go three vex’s down

Come on S more vexes there you go two down there we go three vexes down that’s six come on keep spawning vexes let’s go let’s go dude I’m kicking you a booty there we go we got a lot of vexes on us another Vex down we just need to

Kill one more come on there he is there we go that’s all we needed kill this guy there we go grab his totem let’s put his totem on there we go let’s go dude that’s huge all the beex are now dead now let’s just collect as many totems of

Undying as we can in this place okay I’ve looted the rest of this place there is literally no more totems in here just the one that we got so good thing we didn’t kill that magical Pillager whatever he’s called the illusioner I believe otherwise we would have just

Screwed ourselves but we didn’t we got the totem we got all the Vex kills now let’s just get out of here let’s just get up in this tree and now let’s head on home okay so now that we have a totem of un dying in our hand and we killed 10

Vexes there’s literally only one more Quest we can see on our screen and that’s the 10 players with our tunneling blade which means let’s make our way back to where the Hunter’s base is and let’s use our tunneling blade to get them underground okay so let’s use our

Tunneling blade on them right here okay I see them I see their name and now if I tunnel under them with this sword I should teleport to them and they’ll explode okay here we go let’s try this oh what what oh my gosh no jump jump

Jump jump jump jump jump jump jump oh my God I didn’t kill any of them but it definitely got three of them oh my God that’s three hits with the tunneling blade already we just need two more we’ll be done with this Quest their whole base just exploded look at it oh

My goodness okay we just need to hold them back for a little bit longer look at all their bookshelves and stuff that must be from like an enchanting room oh my God my inventory is full I heard one jump I heard one jump we got the tling

Blade again I need to just get two more here we go ready and get back here dirt block oh what what was that we got one we got one hoping that would get two but it only got one okay we just need one more oh he hit me he hit me oh I’m

Stunned yeah get so locked yeah oh God that’s going to oh God okay we’re stunned we’re alive we’re alive we’re alive oh my God if they hit me with that hoe it literally stuns me that is so crazy okay we’re I got I got it ready

Boom got him what is this got to eat some dirt I got to eat some dirt he’s trying to he’s trying to kill me he’s trying to kill me oh my God I got them both I got them both let’s go let’s go dude they even Stun Me we

Unlock our next combat upgrade which is devastating blow pick up and throw blocks if I hit enem they become trapped in a ball of that block suffocating them let’s go and let’s unlock that let’s put that in our inventory let’s try this out there’s one coming in he’s being careful

He can tell I just unlocked a new upgrade okay I can pick up blocks and I can Chuck them at him oh my God look at this oh what is that cool down oh I’m going to have to run go this way go this

Way go this way go go go oh no Farmers nearby did I lose them let’s climb this tree I don’t oh right there right there right there oh he sees me oh god oh he’s in the tree he’s in the tree go this way go this way go this way just keep

Hopping across the trees I actually have an idea I have a huge idea watch this let’s go to this little island over here I don’t see the oh I see them I see them I see them uhoh get across get across get across oh gosh yeah they’re across

The water they’re across the water let’s throw blocks at them ready and you’re not getting away what is that what the oh gosh let’s go oh my God this is so cool this ability he’s trapped in all the grass wait are they both trapped in there oh no no he’s trapped try to

Dig him out let’s get the other one this ability is so funny he’s just stuck they both suffocated in a wall and now I am out of here so yeah anyway our ability to throw blocks is really really cool and really broken but not as cool as our

Next ability mud slide which is an ability that should let me put a bunch of mud on the ground that makes me stronger and the farmers weaker and I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a mud slide in real life but they’re uh terrifying so let’s unlock mudslide all

We need is one Observer eight podel and gold horse armor and luckily making an observer is super easy so let’s start by going to the Nether and grabbing some quartz there we go and now let’s just go back home and now we just combine together a bunch of our red stone with

The quartz and a bunch of cobblestone to make ourselves an observer and just like that the first Quest is done now let’s make our way back to the nether to get the second item on the list which has got to be the gold horse armor then we

Can find this in bastions all throughout the nether so it’s really not too difficult we just got to find a Bastion I haven’t looted yet cuz uh I’ve looted all the ones near here okay I found a a Bastion right over here this should do let’s just go inside here and loot the

Chest and see if we can get some gold horse armor okay now let’s start digging in okay let’s check this first Che oh they see me they see me they see me oh they’re all trapped down here let’s go that’s huge okay we know this chest doesn’t have what I need but it

Does have a couple smithing templates let’s hope this one has it it doesn’t and now just dig this way and there should be another chest oh no wait we’re in the lava building there’s not a chest this way okay but here’s a chest right here please have what I need chest there

We go boom the gold armor we got it now we just need to get eight podel to finish a mud slide so let’s head on home excuse me just coming through ignore me now you can’t follow me goodbye okay so we’re not going to talk about uh that but ignoring that let’s

Just work on getting the last item we need which is a bunch of podzol it’s like that extra dirty dirt you can get but to get it you need a silk touch pickaxe which I definitely do not have so let’s go ahead and let’s make ourselves a fresh diamond pickaxe and

Then let’s go over here to our enchanting table and let’s see if we can get ourselves silk touch okay watch first try boom Oh my God we did we got a first try well that was easy now let’s just go get some podel but it wasn’t

Easy it turns out podel only spawns in a limited amount of biomes so I had to travel super far to a bamboo jungle biome just to get some extra dirty dirt oh let’s go BCE some bamboo which means we’ve also found some podel I think I

Haven’t actually ever done this so uh oh yeah look right here podel so now I just take the silk touch pick and I should get podz I did it okay now let’s just grab eight of that and there we go but a big b of Boom we can unlock mudslide now

That we grabbed all that pod and now we got to try out mud slide let’s see how this works okay I’m going to hit the button let’s see what it does oh oh snap look at all this mud it put on the ground and when I’m in this mud you’re

Going to notice I get speed bonuses and strength bonuses though apparently flowers are immune to my mud but whatever this ability looks sick now it’s time to head home and this is going to take a little while because I had to travel so far by boat just to get to

This place okay so now that we can literally slide on mud oh well now my base is covered in mud actually that’s probably not a bad thing cuz now I have a speed boost in my own base this actually pretty good okay so that accidentally worked out in my favor but

Now that we did that it’s time to unlock the Lively dirt not only because my hearts will go from 10 Hearts to 20 Hearts but uh the guy also gets a bunch of other abilities as well if you look at this I get reach four and Fire Resistance so this Lively dirt’s going

To be pretty op and funly enough the new dirt guy is actually really easy to unlock we just need to get some cobweb some crying obsidian and some pink petals now our first base had a ton of pink trees near it so let’s just go back

To that area there and grab some pink petals cuz I know they’re there okay boom there is all the pink trees we could ever need we just got to climb that mountain and grab pink pedals okay here here we go we made it up to the top

And here’s a bunch of pink pedals so let’s just grab these real quick and with these pink pedals done that’s the first Quest completed now we literally just need crying obsidian and cobwebs well crying obsidian should be pretty easy I mean we do have a silk touch

Pickaxe so all we have to do is find an abandoned nether portal and then just break some crying obsidian on it cuz I literally only need one so this really shouldn’t be that hard in fact I’m pretty sure my first base was in a nether portal oh there it is there it is

Yeah it was see look it was underneath a nether portal I did remember it was right here let’s see how my base looks wow just as uh destroyed as it did before but anyway let’s just grab this sing angular crying obsidian on the outside and let’s take it for ourselves

And boom just like that crying obsidian done now we literally just need eight cobwebs so we can just go to the abandoned Min shaft at home and grab those okay so let’s just make our way down to the abandoned M shaft real quick so that way we can get ourselves some

Cobwebs okay there’s the abandoned M shaft right here now let’s just go grab ourselves some cobwebs okay here’s one here here’s two here’s 3 4 5 6 7 eight there we go we’re done and there we go we now have all the cobweb we need which

Means we can say goodbye to this cute tiny little dirty man and say hello to the Lively dirt oh my God he’s adorable look at him he’s so much cuter than the other one I got a little flower on my head now and everything I think this

Might be the cutest model we’ve ever had in a video he’s so Derpy looking I love him and he’s apparently op too you see I can literally reach this block all the way over here also on top of that supposedly I’m lava proof now and I am

Otherwise this video would be over but anyway yeah this cute little guy is incredible and I love him okay so it’s day 42 which is great news cuz it means we can finally move on to tier 4 which means we’re finally in range to start Banning the farmers and that’s why I’m

Going to get my revenge on them for what they did at the to start of the video with my dirt blocks we literally will be able to kick them off the server for good you see this ability here called fossilized reinforcements I’m going to be able to summon these giant dinosaurs

And if I kill the farmers while that’s happening they’re banned but anyway enough of that because we still got to finish tier four before we can even use that so let’s get started on composting combustion or that’s normally what I would say but I actually have a funny

Plan I want to do first before finishing up this quest line and that’s to make a bunch of TNT okay so we take all of the gunpowder we have right and we split it up and then we surround the rest of the slots in sand we be able to make a bunch

Of TNT and now I’m going to take this TNT to the farmer’s base I’m doing this because I want to slow them down so I can just keep focusing on upgrading cuz as we get closer to the end here I don’t want them to steal any of our upgrades

Because lately in almost every video they’ve been getting to the end when I do and stealing the dragon egg so I’m just going to try and slow them down now so that doesn’t happen so uh I’m at their base and I kind of forgot I blew

It up I doubt they live here anymore seeing as it’s still pouring water out of it uh yeah no this base is definitely abandoned they’re not here anymore so let’s go find their new one and blow that up instead so I went around looking for the farmer’s new base and I actually

Found it on day 44 however I couldn’t just walk inside I to spy on the base first and wait for the farmers to leave once they left I took my chance someone’s definitely been here the question is is this it is a base literally look at that right there

There’s literally a base right there okay I don’t see anybody nope no one’s here yet okay cool oh they have a bunch of lapis yo I will gladly take some of that okay so looks like they have two entrances they can come in this way through this waterfall or they can come

In over here with this little water entrance so let’s go ahead and let’s put a trip wire here and a trip wire right here now let’s just go ahead and let’s dig out a little TNT trap and so now we just need this Redstone to connect downward under the floor okay we

Surround TNT like this here now we just need this Redstone signal come over here and touch this TNT and now it can be set off okay that trap is active now they have a TNT trap in their base oh it’s night time which is perfect timing cuz

They’re not here and next time they are here they’re going to blow up okay so now that they have TNT inside of their base we just have to wait for them to come home and uh hopefully we see them die in chat though I do wonder where they were cuz they obviously weren’t

Home y guys you careful about something in the warden all right uhoh God oh no oh no Noe run so anyway now it’s time to work on composting combustion and to start we have to get the advancement this boat has legs where you ride a Strider with a warped fungus

On a stick now we have to make ourselves a warped fungus on a stick in fact here’s a warped fungus right here now we just take that warp fungus combine it with the fishing rod and now we just got to go over here and find a Strider you

Take this saddle let me hop on top there we go we got this bod’s legs anyway we’re done with you you can go live about your life just put me back on my dirt okay now that we’re done with that advancement we’re going to go pay the

Farmers a visit which is kind of unfortunate cuz I don’t even think they’ve fallen from my trap yet okay hi everybody this is future Ry guy here I’m cutting in recording this in the future it actually turns out they found my trap really fast and well uh you know I’m

Just going to let you see their perspective wait what the yo oh my God there’s a trap here oh my gosh yo guys the dirt block tried to trap our base dude yo I think we can use this TNT on him so yeah that’s about happen but this

Is me in the past again who uh has no idea what’s about to happen when I go through that nether portal so yeah that’s it let’s go going through guys T oh God he Tred it he triggered it he triggered it oh God oh God oh God God oh

I’m dead I’m dead I’m I’m dead oh I’m so dead oh we’re live we’re live we’re live get up here get up here to the entrance oh my God I almost died oh they’re starting to show up hold on hold on so up here I can block them up up here

There we go they’re blocked off they’re drowning there we go one down oh they’re starting to dig up okay he’s in a leaf prison there we go a all right that’s not going to hold him very long what about a melon prison let’s get it with

This oh yes we got him stop it no only one more only one more there we go we got him he’s dead yes let’s get back to our base and get our stuff back and then let’s move to a new basee really quick cuz that base is definitely compromised

So that explosion was almost the end of the video I got so lucky to survive that and the only reason I survived is cuz I can eat dirt and heal that likely saved my life anyway with that beautiful base now destroyed it was time to make a

Third dirt base that I decided to call it dirt okay welcome to my new base I didn’t hide it at all it’s literally a giant dirt Cube but I figured this was fitting look I’m a dirt block and now I live in a giant dirt block it seems

Fitting doesn’t it what we do to get inside is jump in this little waterfall here and swim on up so once you get past all these Smoke Stacks you enter the giant dirt Cube where we have a skeleton horse I found I named this one bones and

He’s now my friend now besides bones this base is actually pretty cool and I’ll show you everything in order starting with our infinite lava generator then our nether portal our enchanting table our main survival area where we have a jukebox where all discs are allowed except for cat and finally

An infinite water source you’re also going to notice this parkour course which is really just so my ADHD brain can just hop around this little box but anyway to finish up our tier four upgrade and get composting combustion we got to wage war on the farmers cuz if

You read the last two quests we literally have to catch some players with mudslide and kill some with devastating blow so let’s get going to their base and let’s give them a devastating blow y there’s their base right up there let’s grab this Cobblestone let’s jump down here we go

If we see someone we’re getting them oh um I think I hit their cow save Jake no oh that did not work that did not work I put mud out there now they’re all going to get mud slided we just got three out of four we just got to get one more and

Then we need to get one more with devastating blow and we’ll be good okay let’s get over here to their base again and we’re back inside nice there we go oh what oh okay we’re going down totem totem totem totem totem oh gosh run run run nice we trapped him we trapped him

We trapped him go okay so we’re home and uh that plan did not work at all we got most of the quest done though and we literally just need one more kill with devastating blow and we would have been done to be honest I probably should have

Stayed and just worked on that but they pop my totem of undying so I’m not really going to risk anything in fact before we go back let’s go and let’s make ourselves some diamond armor real quick now we’ll get rid of the iron armor put on diamond armor and now let’s

Head to an ancient city and see if we can quickly get a god Apple okay cool we’re back at the ancient city we found earlier in the Lush caves and now let’s just start looting some of these chests and seeing what we can find okay let’s

Check this one oh we got the best music disc other side we’ll allow that to be played at our jukebox at home but you know what won’t be allowed cat I don’t think so yes there we go we got one we finally got a gold Apple that’s Enchanted and

Now with the amount of wardens that are here I think I’m just going to get out of here and use our new diamond armor and Enchanted Apple to take on the hunters once and for all and get them with the last ability okay we’re back at

Their base and all we need to do is get one kill with devastating blow so we just grab a block throw it at them get them to suffocate and they’re good let’s go in ready and jump in oh god oh that did not work okay she’s trapped what did

They say rip Jake was that the cow I killed he’s trapped in bookshelves good luck getting out of that buddy yes he suffocated that’s all the kills we needed now we can lock composting combustion let’s go right here and do it here ready there we go all their chests

Are destroyed that messed them up he’s done they’re still spawning over there hold on I I have to figure out why they’re still spawning oh taking some damage here oh he what’s this scaffolding oh hey I found their beds bye-bye okay they have no more beds he’s

Breaking our beds he’s breaking our beds no nice they’re trapped up there again he fell in the water he fell in the water let’s get him nice he’s dead oh there’s another one on us ready quick grab this Stone and BK oh we missed BK any more on us nope we’re good we’re

Good we’re good and their beds are destroyed so they can’t respond which means my work is done and I’m out of here okay so we unlocked a brand new ability that I didn’t even get to try out but that’s okay because we’re going to try it out right now now the new

Ability is composting combustion which apparently says I drop a composter from the sky that sucks up nearby block so let’s try it out I’m going to use the Ability here okay there’s the composter I probably want to get far away from this thing I don’t want to risk dying let’s just build up

Here oh oh my gosh yeah I’d say it made a tiny explosion it destroys everything that is so busted okay so uh now that we know we can drop absolute nuclear bombs I can just destroy the Hunter’s bases with that I don’t even need to do my

Like weird sword ability where I go underground I don’t have to do any of that in fact now that we have this really op ability I don’t know if we can lose but just in case I can still lose let’s get our next ability healing routs

To make sure that we can heal ourselves when whenever we need to now to unlock this I just need a totem of undying I just lost one of those and then I just need 16 mycelium and a gunpowder so let’s start by getting another totem by finding a brand new Woodland Mansion

Since we know the one I looted definitely doesn’t have any more totem so let’s make our way back to the desert real quick and let’s grab a bunch of sugarcane and sand okay I found a desert now I’m going to make this really really quick and there we go now we have a

Fresh Woodland Explorer map now if I’m looking this Mansion is definitely far to our Southwest so let’s start heading south this way and then we’ll head West till we reach the Woodland Mansion okay I made it to the Woodland man engine now let’s just start building up okay cool

And we made it to the roof now we just need to oh look look look that’s literally the hunters no way is this their new base after I blew up their last one it is look they have chests right there the top floor is definitely already taken so I don’t think we’re

Going to find an illusioner there so let’s just build down a floor oh god oh they found me they know I’m here now okay whatever we just need to find an illusioner okay she’s stuck in the carpets I’ll let her deal with that I’m going to keep running there we go

Tunneling bladed yes that got me out my gosh no nice we got him he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead okay I don’t think there’s an illusioner anywhere in here and they all seem to have totems of undying check their chest see if they have any extra or something no totem totem we’re good

We got the totem grab some of the other stuff they have they’re really low on stuff right now cuz we just destroyed their base and we’re about to destroy this one too I’m resetting them again bye-bye beds now let’s drop the bomb on them ready there it is okay it’s

Starting to suck things in now it won’t kill me let’s break this glass let’s get outside and now watch this should just detonate everything oh my gosh the whole Woodland mansion’s gone pretty much okay well they’re dead let’s just start building over this way and let’s get out

Of here we’re still taking fire oh wait no they are alive fine I’ll play ranged Wars with you take that there we go she’s stuck in wood she’s going to blow herself up boom I got you no no J no I’m putting another bomb here look it’s

Going to start sucking in the blocks let’s just run he’s trying to Shield it go go go I don’t think he realizes he can break that nope he definitely didn’t realize wait what the my gosh oh God luckily we take no fall damage anyway

He’s dead and now we can get out of here okay so now that we got that totem of undying we just need to get mycelium and gunpowder now I’m not going to lie the gunpowder I already have so that’s easy but the mycelium that is a little

Tougher it would be if I wasn’t already dirt you see being a piece of dirt I actually have a power that I haven’t shown off yet okay so if I put a piece of dirt right here and I pull out my slingshot you’re going to see that if I

Shoot the slingshot at this piece of dirt it will turn into another random piece of dirt you’ll see what I mean in a sec okay there we go you’ll see that one turned into mud which is not what we want so let’s break it again put down

Another piece of dirt and we’ll shoot it again and this time let’s see what we get okay once again we got I think that’s podel we don’t need that let’s do it again give me my celium yes speaking you shall receive my celium now now we

Can grab that if we look at our Quest menu we have one of 16 melium but you get the idea I basically just have to keep doing this until I get all the mycelium we need so uh let’s keep going okay we’re done that’s 16 melium which

Means now we just have to grab the eight gunpowder from our base and we’re done okay so let’s just go grab that gunpowder and now we can unlock the healing Roots ability now I have Roots growing out of me that are healing me up to full oh and I should probably also

Tell you if anyone tries to hit me while I’m healing with my Roots the Roots will throw them 100 blocks in the sky anyway on to the next upgrade which wait a minute we just need to get the soil Sergeant we just need two music discs a

Heart of the sea and nether ingots in fact I think I may already have a couple music discs oh there is there’s two other side discs so that should work right we already have that Quest complete I guess instead let’s go for the heart of the sea there’s a chest

Right here yep there we go Buri treasure map we found a Buri treasure map now let’s just follow this map and let’s see where it leads and it leads somewhere around here uh the x is literally right in front of us yeah it’s probably like somewhere like right here I don’t want

To risk destroying it oh I destroyed it it was right there okay there’s the heart of the seat and now all we need left is a netherite Ingot which surprisingly isn’t that hard let’s just make our way into The Nether and now we need 4 ancient debris or just you you

Know find a netherite Ingot which we can do if we just end up at a new Bastion that we haven’t looted yet okay and that right there is the Bastion we’re looking for this will work perfectly let’s go see if this thing has any netherite okay

There we go let’s check this chest no no netherite or ancient debris got a chest here we got an ancient no we have a netherite inot even better we done we got the item we needed we just need to go home and grab the two other side

Discs which we’re going to play right now in celebration nope there’s the music discs and now we can say goodbye to this cute flowerhead dirt thing and now we can say hello to the soil Sergeant oh my God I’m just like a buff piece of dirt anyway let’s go to sleep

Because tomorrow we get to finally start on all of our final upgrades okay so to get our tier five upgrades we have to go to the end I mean literally to get the mud gun we need chorus fruit and to get the mud Monarch we need both a dragon

Head and a dragon egg and to go to the end we have to go to the nether so we’re going back and this time we’re not going far we’re literally just going right here to this nether fortress and we’re going to start killing some blazes for

Their blaze rods oh hey speaking of the devil there’s a blaze rod now let’s just go this way over here and let’s head over to this Blaze spawner there we go we have eight blaze rods now we just have to look for a Bastion with a lot of

Gold okay we found a Bastion is this a bridge or is this not a bridge it’s definitely a bridge bridge if I break down here we’re going to end up on a bridge see now we can just grab this and this and that’s two gold it’s alive I

Thought that burned for sure okay let’s make our way back up and let’s build a little pit here that we can trap piglins in which will come in handy later when we want to trade and now let’s just go over this way cuz there should be a

Bunch of gold blocks through here I’m not going to use my big mining device because obviously I don’t want this gold to fall in lava how much gold is that 18 blocks that’s a lot and it’s probably enough and now here’s where we can trap

Them with a bunch of gold yes now get in there and trade yes okay cool we got one trading now let’s go get the others up there okay we just got two ender pearls now we just need to keep trading me ender pearls get to work fellas I think

They’re done trading I’m going to go and kill them off there’s definitely enough end pearls there I see so many oh yeah we got 23 ender pearls that’s way more than enough okay well now that that’s done with we can make our way to the end

Okay so let’s just take these blaze rods let’s turn them into blaze powder and then let’s go over here to our crafting table and let’s combine our ender pearls with our blaze rods to get Eyes of Ender now we’re just going to and throw one of

These off in our base to see which direction we got to go we’re going this way and now all we have to do before we go is make ourselves a bow and enchant it with power two and now with that in hand let’s get going to the end I throw

It off from this Coast no it’s it’s going back okay so it’s somewhere right below us let’s just dig down and we’re going to get to this thing there it is boom we’re here now let’s just find ourselves the portal real quick oh we found it we found it we found it we

Found it we found it I’m just trying to put the last one in there we go we got it in and now get inside go yes we made it to the end and now we just going to take out the Ender Dragon and steal its dragon egg which I think could be pretty

Easy the only difference is right now we can’t fly as a dirt block which is a problem but I think we can still take them all out let’s just get up here to the top and let’s use our bow to take a bunch out don’t you dare hit me down no

He used my food source against me okay whatever let’s grab a bunch of our food back now let’s rebuild up now let’s just shoot a bunch of these things boom all of them are dead now we just shoot this guy a bunch okay we got him down just above half let’s keep whacking

Him we’re going to get him low here what if I can trap him in a block oh I did look how it actually hit that’s hilarious okay he’s finally starting to land let’s just humble him now with some arrows oh he’s low he’s definitely low yes we got him oh my God

We destroyed him now just grab a torch oh my God we did this all so fast before the hunters could even show up boom just like that we have the dragon egg now we just going to make our way to the outer end I’m not going to lie I do kind of

Wonder where the hunters are right now dang it we’re late dude he’s already at the stronghold we got to get there bro and I don’t see a single end City around so we’re going to do this the oldfashioned way and start building over so I got to the outer end and realized I

Can’t fly so I had to navigate the outer end the oldfashioned way block by block which turned out to be a problem because the farmer showed up before I even found an elytra ship oh God tractors Thunder Pearl jump okay we got a we got a oh my God

Bro they have tractors nice I killed the tractor oh I kill the tractors okay ender pearl away nice we trapped one no okay let’s get our healing Roots down watch we can throw one of them 100 blocks in the sky I put the healing roots on now hit me boom 100 blocks in

The sky for you shot him what is that oh I landed it okay he landed it he landed the bucket he landed the bucket okay the other one went 100 blocks in the sky now I think but I can’t move oh they’re both done I got one of their

Items oh my God the aerodynamic hoe what does this do okay so this is the thing that’s exploding I can right click it and it charges then I throw it it sticks to a wall that explodes oh my God that’s crazy I stole their item at mine now it’s fair game I

Can use it now back to looking for an end City and so I kept looking for an end city after that battle and uh I found one on day 78 oh end ship yes there we go oh my goodness we got an nend ship okay let’s just build over

Here okay we’re about to start taking shots let’s go ahead and let’s throw our ender pearl there now let’s jump down break this we’re inside grab the elytra not that I really need it but we’re going to grab it anyway oh hey look at all the diamonds in there too and a

Spire armor trim I don’t think I’ve seen that one before or if I do it’s just not super common ooh protection four Diamond chest plate don’t mind if I do and I don’t really need the rest it so now let just build back up and let’s just grab

This dragon head up front now let’s break that bad boy and just like that we have two quests complete we have the dragon head and the dragon egg and now if we get an ninous Banner we become the mud Monarch but first things first let’s go down here and gather the last thing

We need in the end which is a bunch of chorus fruit which we get from breaking these trees grabble the chorus fruit we should definitely have enough we do meaning we’re done in the end and we can finally head on home okay so great news we’re officially done in the end and

There’s only a few things left to get so the first thing we have to get is called a rib armor trim armor smithing temp plate it’s this it’s this little red and blue thing up here now the only place to get that is a nether fortress so uh

We’ll worry about that in a sec besides that we also need to get a Nether Star Subspace bubble advancement kill an Elder Guardian destroy 500 blocks with combustion and then get one ominous Banner now here’s the thing if we become the mud Monarch we gain the ability to

Fly and all I need to do that is get the ominous banner and flight sounds really op at this point in time so I’m going to work to get that first thing so we make our way back to spawn there’s a Pillager Tower there already so let’s just head

There and loot that thing pillagers where are you okay there’s two oh there’s a banner give me the banner yes let’s pick that thing up Booyah we got it meaning now we can become the mud Monarch oh I’m like a mud Golem and now

I can fly as a mud Golem I also have 50 total Arts of HP and now I have reach eight so the first thing I’m definitely going to do is remove the water that leads in my base since now I don’t need

A way up I can just fly up to my base I also don’t fit so uh we got to expand it a little bit wait a minute is this breaking more blocks as I get bigger it is it’s breaking a much bigger region and now look I have a big entrance into

The base that I can fly in and out of but anyway we already got the ominous Banner are done with and it’s still daytime outside let’s see what else we can do it mentions destroying 500 blocks with our combustion ability which I can definitely do if we just do that over

Here real quick let’s just put that right here that should destroy the world so I’m just going to fly back here and watch done okay we destroyed 500 blocks with combustion okay so I just realized that a bunch of my footage corrupted so while this gas blast me with Fireballs

Let me explain what I did so the first thing that I did was actually battle an Elder Guardian inside of a monument and kill it cuz I needed to kill one to get fossilized reinforcements then I simply came to the nether where now we’re trying to get Subspace bubble but first

Things first let’s kill these guys I traveled super far away from our nether portal and now we’re just going to go and build ourselves a new nether portal and now we’re going to take our flint and steel and light this thing off and now if we go through we should get

Subspace bubble let’s go Subspace bubble’s done which means now we can unlock the fossilized reinforcements an ability that does this you’ll see that I get these T-Rexes that come up from the ground and they’re going to start shooting lasers at me and healing me now these bony guys right here are exactly

How I’m going to win the video what they’re going to do is automatically track down the hunters fight them and then pull them under ground turning them into fossils just like these guys and when that happens the farmer game is over they literally can’t respond

Meaning if I do it to all three of them I technically win the challenge right well this ability is broken and there’s only one more to go and that’s the mud gun where there’s only two items we need the rib armor trim template and a Nether

Star both of which can be found in the nether so even though I just left the nether we’re going right back in now to find a rib armor template we need to look at these Nether fortresses and search their chest to see if we can find it and according to the Minecraft Weeki

It only has like a 6% chance of spawning so this is a super rare item and the other thing we have to do is kill wither skeletons but we’re going to do that after we find this template actually I can see this one has diamonds and a

Golden sword this one has a bunch of Nether Warts this one has oh it has it hold up hold up hold up there we go boom rib armor trim we got it now let’s just get out of here now the last thing we need to get is a Nether Star that’s

Literally it and we’re already inside of a nether fortress so let’s just go over here real quick and now let’s just start killing wither skeletons for their skulls if there are any weather skeletons here but there’s not let’s go find a different one and then uh we’ll

Go kill them there okay and and there we go we got all three Wither Skeleton skulls now let me just grab them back real quick and now let’s just go grab some Soul Sand down here and now let’s head back to our base and let’s take on

A Wither for its wither star go through the portal head on home and we can battle this wither oh God what is that oh God what is what is that it’s making me lag and I can’t see and oh my God it’s so strong what is that poison gas also like is it

Day or night timeout it’s definitely day okay the sun is over there oh my God oh God this is so bad I can’t see anything oh wait I have an idea let’s just summon our wither they just flew up that’s dumb of them 1 2 3 and four one just popped

Their totem already I popped their totem oh she’s done oh no one down two down okay let’s just take on this wither real quick so we can get his nether star got the nether star got the nether star now we got to kill this guy now we got to

Kill this guy or that can happen he killed it oh my gosh that was so quick oh wow my totem pop didn’t work at all okay well they’re dead that plan was a total failure and now I can simply go back to my base and unlock our last

Ability the mud gun our final weapon that does this oh it’s turning everything into mud we can make our base all speckled look I’m an artist I can paint on my wall okay so now that we have a bunch of mud on the wall with this mud gun and all the other abilities

I don’t see any way I die from here my goal is simple it’s just time to get revenge on the farmers for what they did at the start of the video let’s start spawning a bunch of these fossilized guys all around the area that way if anyone attacks again they’ll be met with

My little friends here now the question is I have three right now if I try to summon more can I oh my God I can they’re stackable I can just stack them hold on let’s just make it so that way there’s no way to leave the base so now

We can just spawn a bunch of these dinosaurs in here if anyone tries to come in they’re doomed in fact I’m just going to wait around this area here and wait for them to attack and just spawn as many of these guys as possible wait a

Minute what is that oh no they killed bones I just realized it bones is gone there’s a grave here that literally says rip Bozo and there’s his bone that’s so mean wait what okay you know what I’m definitely getting revenge I’m going to destroy them the next time they come to

My base after getting fully upgraded I simply waited for the farmers to arrive to see if my trap would work and I’m pretty confident it will work because with all the different abilities I have I see no way for the farmers to stop me at this point Hunters oh we’re poisoned

You got caught in pested swim in water to get rid oh I can get rid of the nausea by swimming in water bone guys what are you doing you’re meant to capture him he’s right there get him they got him oh they’re getting pulled underr they’re getting turned into

Fossils look at this she dropped her sword she’s going to die she didn’t mean to do that boom she’s gone she’s out she’s banned from the server no I was tur into a fossil look he’s getting dragged out oh this is so funny they can’t do anything in fact let’s spray

Him with mud now so we can’t see anything either oh he got out he got out let’s just kill him oh he popped his totem nice dead he’s my totem ped dude okay one of them is officially banned from the server and there’s still two left oh they’re coming from that way

Let’s go over here and destroy their beds oh yeah right here right here I see torches let’s nuke this place oh he’s done he’s done he’s done it blew up it popped his totem he’s going down though he’s dead nice okay let’s see if we can bone trap the

Others yes we got him in there nice now let’s spawn some bone Boys on them now they should be able to grab him get them boys yes we got one we got one okay we can get rid of them here here we go they’re both getting pulled under

They’re both getting pulled under oh dude I can’t see anything B them from the server we have them trapped underground come on turn them into fossils one’s banned what I F so Lo no get the other one yes yes they’re gone they’re banned meaning I guaranteed win the challenge it’s over it’s done

You’re all banned oh my God that was chaos at the end dude you can’t do anything when you’re covered in dirt dude this is crazy that is insane he got fossilized and officially the dirt block wins and he gets his revenge on the stupid farmers who took out his friends

Moral of the story buy my merch at ry. shop

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a DIRT BLOCK in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2023-12-09 13:30:17. It has garnered 411075 views and 10384 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:25 or 3145 seconds.

Last call before Christmas comes! Get your merch here at https://www.ryguy.shop

Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ►https://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as DIRT in Minecraft


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  • EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viral

    EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘clutch with water bucket #trending #viral #like #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ST GAMERS on 2024-05-05 13:35:36. It has garnered 464 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour – Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)

    Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour - Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:28:32. It has garnered 114 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viral

    Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viralVideo Information अरे स्विमिंग पूल इधर क्या कर रहा है और यह क्या लिखा हुआ है डेंजर डीप वाटर अरे यार पानी बहुत गहरा है वरना तो मैं नहा लेता इसमें अरे नब की इतनी हिम्मत की स्विमिंग पूल के पास खड़ चलो मैं इसको पानी में गिरा देता हूं स्विमिंग पूल के पास क्यों खड़े हो यह लो प्र ऐसा मत करो मुझे स्विमिंग नहीं आती प्लीज मुझे निकालो सरी न मैं तो जा रहा हूं चलो यार मैं फिशिंग करने चलता हूं अरे यार यह तो न पानी में डूब र मैं इनको जल्दी से बचा देता हूं… Read More

  • PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!

    PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft wies you were not supposed to know starting with a myth sent on Discord from Among Us Red who says guys watch this and tell me there isn’t something wrong with this cave also notice the seed the seed is Kei blood should be a four there huh anyways all right let’s look at this evidence huh oh wow we’re changing the render distance to four and the entity distance to 50% wait why now okay so something is apparently wrong with the cave in the seed it’s not actually the Overworld I… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Minecadia.com (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: https://minecadia.com/pixelmon-modpack ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More