100 Days vs Minecraft’s Deadliest – I Survived!

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all right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done one of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me tell you what Mister but this time I may have gotten a little overconfident and may have managed to paint a big Target on my back so now me and my friends need to prepare for the most ferocious mobs in the game to come after us will we be able to defend against the most overpowered monsters to defend ourselves I sure hope [Music] so bro you’re getting a kind of a head start over there man Jerome what’s up well yeah I mean I’m kind of in a little bit of a rush here uh you know all right right listen I trust you guys I trust you guys so I I broke into this year’s annual meeting of the mobs but the problem is I did it disguised as myself uh and anyway disguised really honestly yeah right I I didn’t think they’d see it coming but uh either way uh I ended up uh screaming at them and calling them weak and basic what yeah and so uh anyway there may be an army of super mutant mobs coming our way now to come kill us all right good luck guys okay everything strip the town clean check the blacksmith’s house there might be some iron and stuff in there no there was only apples no there’s nothing just apples what kind of a blacksmith are you I’ll kill you literally three apples I stole the bread already oh you’re the culprate no it was just bread Steve it was like four pieces of bread there was nothing value in there wait Guys these people’s houses are made out of wood why would you cut down trees and you just cut down their houses oh ahead of you on that they’re probably going to be our houses when we take over well stead can get this one that’s missing the corners I wouldn’t worry about it it’s just going to burn down the houses yeah I’m just going to burn it down drone what do you mean look at this guys ew I don’t like how the wood pickaxe look I was just thinking that this thing is hideous what do they look like I got Stumpy can’t be that bad oh no they’re bad dude they look Stumpy also I’m using the walls of this guy’s house for the Cobblestone same I can’t believe put us all in danger it’s not that I put us all in danger it was Secret Agent [Music] J guys exposed abandoned M shift that’s big that’s big I that is big I just have to make my way over there without taking too too too much damage also we got to be careful once we’re inside it’ll be great for looting but at the same time a lot of mobs will be there and maybe even the evil mobs from the mob meeting so uh yeah we got to play cool got to play cool all right that’s a dead end we’re off to a great start haha not a dead end oh no that’s another dead end all right guys this is uh this is not going well this is not going well I mean it’s going fine we could build out to a drum I’m looking over it I’m I’m in the tunnel right now still looking I’m looking at some suspended Parts but yeah just on in dude yeah just jump right down instead you’ll be fine yeah yeah just jump right down J yeah let me just jump right down stroll um I’m glad you guys understand yeah you’ll be fine dude don’t know gravity doesn’t affect stead there’s no gravity in Minecraft what do you mean oh guys I found a cave spider spawner and kill it before it’s B yeah yeah boy kill him before you can call him basic you probably already did at the meeting mon yeah oh the the representation of cave spiders was there they heard it seemed like it was an all-encompassing basic ofy yeah I pretty broad broad Strokes really across the board and just kind of hit them all with the basic yeah did you go one by one or they’re also going to hit you with a broad stroke drum right across the jaw yeah that’s why you guys are here you’re my muscle body sh yeah Shields exactly [Music] ah Shrek with the knife mini Shrek with the knife babies no what are you talking about what hell not this guy again get get get baby Shrek of the knife out of here okay cap I I do have a special request for you what okay so um I remember the meeting of the mobs I told you about you know obviously because it’s the whole reason that we’re here for this 100 days uh ke why are you running away from me okay anyway uh I’m kind of scared so uh I I may or may not have been bragging to them before I started uh insulting them and told them about that I had a really cool house and uh cap I’m homeless uh is there any chance I know you’re a good Builder but is there any chance you can build me like the sickest house ever just so that we come in they be like wow this Jerry guy is really cool he’s not basic you know what I’m saying okay okay okay tell him I’m hip tell him I’m hips with it and and and die down diggity dog I can do that for you Drome but all good things come with a price yeah that’s why I mined up these four diamonds for you no no no I am not a man of material wants or needs oh thank God comp you’re cool there you go C the house thanks buddy no no no I require 50 puppies all with immunity from you and every other bu everybody on the server none none shall die is a reasonable thing to ask but how about we lower that number from 50 50 puppies is how many it takes to kill the warden though and I feel like that’s essential and I I you’re going to have to really sell me on less puppies if you want your cool house is all I’m saying okay how about you can’t adequately love 50 puppies equally don’t you underestimate me bro everyone knows that the the a man is only capable of loving seven puppies equally how about seven no no no no no you you can’t you can’t take me down to less than like 10% of my puppies like you’re going to have to hook me up with like at least 25 puppies then that can that can take the war to down to half health and like we can totally square up with the warden and it’s was like you can’t it’s like you’re going to have to do better than seven is all I’m saying F fine how about this cap what if it’s seven puppies but they will be armored and named armor armor wolf armor oh you drive a hard bargain sir 50 armor puppies I’m just kidding I’m just kidding seven armored puppies is enough okay also how did you know that the name of my car was hard bargain hard bargain I thought that was the name of your [Music] racehorse all right you have a deal cap let’s make it happen let’s do [Music] it there it is guys the wolf Traders camp now hear me out here we have to be extra stealthy cuz the last time I met him I may or may not have called him basic and got a fight with him so he doesn’t like me anymore okay I’ve been having a bad string of things getting hey dude how’s it going St no Steve are you doing St no no no drum he I’m just communicating why are you hitting him he’s such a nice guy take the puppies oh sweet I got coins see you guys all right L the guys so cap here it is in the chest as promised I knew he’d have him right here cap look he’s got name tags for you he’s got wolf armor for you cap you’re missing all the goodies buddy I’m I’m at the goodies I’m at the puppers who do you think I am bro hold on a second here one 2 3 4 5 6 seven this is way too many dogs no Jerry run there okay you you only get kill two there all right that that seems like seven you’re fine now cap come on out here buddy and take a look at the goods they are too angry at Jerome now here yeah they very angry I’ll make you a little carpet way out of there so you don’t have to you know get them all angry at me again here cap until until your boys calm down oh God oh God it’s fine Jerome kill it oh my God so C here it is Buddy over here that immunity okay cool here’s all your horse ERS wait there’s a perer yeah he’s my baby here let’s see if I I definitely want to protect a puer so look look he’s got diamond armor you’re going to burn cap some of your dogs are bre out bro I’m sorry I didn’t know it worked on the puppies too look at him yeah okay there sit good boys good boys cap that’s wonderful look at I actually you know these dogs are not are you burning down the forest no there’s one mode with this guy I swear it’s always arson it’s burn okay soting arson in 1.4 seconds instead of you burning the forest dead standing next to an entire Forest flaming that’s mine no all right cap so a deal is a deal right you’re going to build a really cool base so when the mobs come they go wow this guy’s really awesome hey man a Deal’s a deal and I’m a man of my word cap I have one request I have a request please make it fireproof so yeah I was going to say can we make it Ste proof you wanted to protected do you want to make it yeah it’s sad when even Ste wants it protected he just lcks selfcontrol he like please all right cap uh it sounds like it’s we’re all agre here maybe pleason make it out of wood or will I who knows whoa this is a lot of work that went into this place hello guys uh did you H Dr did you build this all for me us stad had a lot of input he he like he was like let’s make a castle protect us from the mobs to see ste’s influence here I mean it scares them off right yeah but I kind of told them that it was a homie place and that this is you know this is kind of what do you mean steadfast is totally a homie well yeah he’s a homie but this is not very H so you want like a couch a TV and everything that’s what you want honestly I think the best thing to do would just be to start from scratch bro you want peasant quarters got it no not peasant quarters just not like so you want this made out of quarts yeah I want this to not look like edgy stead made it I want it to look like a home I mean I was going for a fear but okay exactly it’s not fear it’s supposed to be like a home you shouldn’t be afraid of your home I’m afraid of stad in my home you know like New York apartment or are we talking like so you wanted cramp I said oh not a dungeon Cappy Jesus here I’ll go out and get you some materials and I’ll be back okay guys okay okay okay Steve you go ahead and supervise him make sure he doesn’t get trash I got [Music] this hello hello oh this is a really cute this is a really cute guest house for my main home this is really nice you’re a SL you’re a Savage get out of my life dude I I how can I never get this right for you you’re just like oh I don’t want a giant castle but I also want a mansion it’s not that I didn’t want a giant castle I just didn’t want it to look so evil you know how about we have like a big like like imagine this Vibe but just a lot bigger and plus it has like holes in the windows there you know I swear to God I’m here I got these for you walls on my Adventures there you go buddy okay okay okay Steve C’s going to let the air flow right through jome okay everybody oh I wouldn’t put this down here we’re not going to use is home here we’ll start demolishing I’m going to kill you going kill you I don’t care if it’s hardcore I mean yeah there is one issue we requested it to be stead proof true true let her rip stead oh no the roof is already burning the roof the roof is on fire all right well uh here how about this uh take monk with you Monk’s a good Builder he knows what I’m talking about take monk he’ll up you out me and Steve will keep going out of the Wilderness and uh eating things now you don’t want to stop my toe [Music] again now this looks like what I was talking about Ste are you the alligator in the mode no I’m doing my daily laps Dr oh good good that’s healthy that’s healthy Behavior I like Hello Cappy I would like that was not me that was not literally me it was Jerome it’s not even the right word anymore oh jeez Steve you animal I only picked up one this is beautiful look at this place okay you guys absolutely killed it cap where can we set up shop with an enchantment table and everything dude uh right here works pretty good like just in this general area in here here a good area unused okay well do you still have it cuz I gave you guys it yeah oh please tell me someone took it from the old home before we burned it down hold on what is this Wei I think I got it on me right here God okay so Cap’s okay cap got it cap got it yeah so place it around wherever you want I’m going to work on something really Qui cool guys now I don’t know if you know there’s a ton of different really cool custom weapons like steel Hammer so steel Hammer does 12 attack damage 1.2 attack speed and believe it or not it’s actually extremely easy to make steel it is literally just remelting iron again so you smel a block of iron you get a block of steel it’s literally that simple so let me go back out here and use one of your blast furnaces you got going here it is one piece of regular there we go oh the full blocks of Steel though do take their time that’s so wa it’s going to take five ever oh well I guess that’s the trade-off that you make the good news is though it’s super powerful and largely inexpensive to make this all right well once that’s done waiting and once we get that all made we can go and enchant some of our gear and then from there we can get ready all right so I should have everything I need to make the steel hammer and that is going to be way better than our diamond sword like oh my gosh how much better way Steve let me go and enchant up my diamond armor here let’s see if I can ow who just shot me in the back of the head yeah what the heck who would do that dude I’m not getting any good enchant opportunities of that let’s try the bow for unbre dude what is with these enchants I I’ll just I’ll just throw efficiency on the diamond pickaxe let’s see if that’ll reset some of these you could enchant a few books to reset them true true true true here’s like six books dude this is insanity I’m getting no real okay Power two bow now we’re talking now it’s get there we go get some protection on there steel Hammer okay sharp one yeah we want that on the hammer Pro two on the leggings all right we’re getting we’re getting the good in chance now hold on a second here and pro two nice all right would a sharp Hammer just be an a no I mean Steve why you asking these questions wait wait drum we can throw them in the prison we can throw them in the prison wait you built a prison in here no we have a prison though I don’t know I just stumbled across it how far down did you build this cap oh my God don’t worry about it about it all right Town prison get in Steve I don’t want to get in there wait wait take his stuff this is some prison you got going on here we got to take his pickaxe guys take his life all right guys now all we need to do is wait for a challenger to approach but all I’m saying is with fully Enchanted gear the steel hammer and Cappy’s dogs on guard I don’t think they know what’s coming there [Music] away guys the first Challenger approach es this is the king of the creepers The Eccentric TNT wait cap you don’t want to bring him close by I think we FL I hit him that was a good shot no stop stop hold your fire you oh my God you guys are the worst people all we need to do is him because when he blows up at the end he’s going to really blow up wait a minute all right go get get so just keep them away from the castle we have a moat around the castle for a reason he’s bigger than the mo Steve do you not see him what if we let him up higher will he explode oh he’s coming oh God he’s rolling rolling get away from him get away from him he’s going to blow oh God he’s BL oh God dead we’re good well what did we all learn uh not to trust big TNT shoot first don’t ask questions all learned the wrong lessons good what was the right lesson do you want to tell us the right lesson was wait for the strategy to come in and then we attack on the strategy right that’s going to happen guys look at this even though drops is not here she built a portal for us a wow that’s great of her that’s so kind of her yeah I mean she’s not wrong though to be fair we do kind of need to get get ourselves some netherite scraps and we also probably should get a brewing stand for the nether fortress so oh God instead it’s necessary no this biome is the worst biome to spawn in it’s fine I brought us beds just in case we need Steve don’t you dare I’m staying away from Steve I I don’t trust him what is that uh let me see you know I don’t know and I’m I’m tempted to go explore it but I also don’t want to die but I I I I got to know what it is to I’m with you all right let’s see how we can get down there is there like a safe way down no slowly but surely Sor seal Okay C we are not dealing with sorrow seal on oh God ow it hurt me already it hurt you okay we got guys I think the sorrow sealed run spread out try and find netherite scraps or a fortress anything we the other way from oh that’s War Forest don’t know exactly what I’m running from Sor [Music] see a fortress I found one all right guys we got to make our way over there so let me go and start collecting this if anyone else has a pickaxe as well help me out just get some building blocks cuz we’re going to need a lot lot of them yeah I’ll start the building process but I don’t have very many blocks so you could have asked I have Cobblestone guys oh yeah to be fair I actually do have Cobblestone too I didn’t even think of that all right cool uh Steve you good over there Steve’s already speed building yeah I accidentally I accidentally jumped when I should have placed don’t worry we’re good we’re good this man’s trying to get us are we sure we should be the the guy that we literally coined a term Steven it should be the guy who’s building the pathway up for us well that’s all I got so all right well I’m going all right all right we’re okay here guys everything’s going to be fine everything’s going to be fine all right guys we’re almost in I think from here we could probably just yeah mine our way up bust through the wall yeah all right perfect so remember we’re looking for blazes so that we can make a brewing stand and other than that I don’t know if there’s anything lootable steal from it obviously I mean it’s usually chest full of like diamonds and stuff here’s blazes all right we don’t need to kill many of them for the brewing stand we just need like one Blaze Rod really and then from there we need a couple extra blaze rods just to power it obviously so I don’t know if we walked away with like three or four blaze rods I think that’d be fine Steve no beds I I got us beds jum all right I have three blaze rods let’s see if we can maybe sneak one more should be easy easier said than done uh done I literally had easier done than said I had it done before you said easier said than done so I think for once it was actually easier done than said Steve Dr I heard scary noises coming from that way go let’s go check it out then come on I don’t know what it is but there’s something down here I’m in danger cap I don’t know what Adventure you’re going on but you need to be careful my man I’m fighting weepers and gever oh this is the same block that the SAR seal was in Jerome I don’t think we want to go in there I think we do want to go in Steve oh uh ow I’m withered okay uh loot around um punks really the chest is empty we should probably break the spawner huh yeah yeah if you see the spawner break the spawners yep I think we’re in like a very similar dungeon right now dudes yeah I I might be in the similar place as you guys to be honest but all the chests I’ve checked so far are empty so I don’t know if it’s a waste of time or what wait there’s an obsidian one right here all right guys let’s just get out of here the chest don’t have anything in it for some reason so hold up I’m blocking it off all right o ancient debris oh good good grab cap that’s what we came for also a respawn anchor oh so I don’t need my beds anymore I don’t think you ever did you never did heads up Steve behind you no behind you all right Netherrack geod can you open those uh normally that’s what you do with geodes it says what could be inside right click holding a pickaxe in the off hand to crack open oh dude what that’s cool all right so got the pickax in the off hand and here we go okay gave me some like gold this is cool oh is that is that netherite scrap dude dude it drops netherite scraps too so it drops all sorts of stuff netherite scraps gold we need more of these geod we need a lot more of these geod guys all right split up and let’s find dead why are you staring so menacingly through the other the I don’t know freaking me out man I’m just trying to go home man I was waiting for you all right all right well the good news is we can finally what is the magician oh guys I another one how did they get in I don’t know he’s the magician King well on the door and he’s the magician King so it’s kind of magical ow I’m on fire oh my God why is everything on fire kind of being a butt um you that much dude Drome there’s a cloud above you ow I he’s in the corner get him the Corner dude we’re laying on this look at that keep hitting them in the head uh there’s Shields oh watch your watch your spots he’s in the wall what do we the door down I think the magician King is suffocating Drome look up we’re winning wait why is he healing we’re winning we did it he’s not healing Ste he’s doing the opposite of that he was healing I saw his oh now he’s dying he’s suffocating in a wall guys he’s like I was saying about these guys uh what What’s the word I’m looking for here oh yeah basic basic and weak all right well I’ll put him out of his misery mine his legs out so he keeps suffocating is he in the ground he is in the ground he has a shield how do we get rid of the shields oh he’s down they’re down get him just keep hitting him yeah any of get rid of the fire so we don’t lose drops here oh I got this it’s a scripture really he dropped that yeah uh press M to pick magic type hold right click and release to use your custom magic what heal mode what that just gave me resistance strength and regen three for 5 seconds what that is awesome that is so strong that’s insane actually thank you Steve we’re going to keep this thing on us all right now to the best part guys I’m going to go ahead and craft myself up a bunch of netherite the whole reason I wanted to do that right like the whole reason you’re about to see is that you can get a really good sword called the breaker blade requires a decent amount of netherite but it’s all going to be worth it in the end I hope so it sounds like a cool blade yeah dude so first things first get the full set of armor next thing we need to do is make one big solid block then I need to make a diamond sword turn the diamond sword into a netherite sword and then from there you infuse it with an entire block to get the breaker blade 20 attack damage 1.3 attack speed look at this bad boy oh my God that thing is so cool that looks cool we’re going to be ready for anything that’s thrown our [Music] way all right guys I’m pretty sure the next boss is going to be one of the hyper creepers so we need to be extra careful and I what was wrong with that pork chop I don’t eat pork I got this you said super careful is the lesser of the meats uh no what are you no no no no no let them let them all right is he tried to drown so anyway guys we need to get ourselves obsidian cuz believe it or not you can actually trap some of these bosses in obsidian and it makes it a lot easier to fight them and prevents them from you know like blowing up your entire house or anything who would do such a thing stead starters oh that’s so smart Jerome not I’m not the blasting man I’m Hey listen man I am in severely inhibited when it comes to blasting in this group let’s just a of obsidian honestly like having like stack or so will probably be needed so we’re going to be here a while one and whoa oh guys did you hear that outside the wall yeah I see it l he approaches all right guys is that a good thing get guys surround him in the obsidian like we about shoted on someone who’s the AR Ste he’s on you all right right is he on me we’re going to need his whoever he’s on running so we can surround him monk stop running I did stop running over here I’ve got a platform laid out okay you got bring him over to here bring him over to Cappy here we go you ready you now I’m running again okay I see Dr there go yeah get monkey get out of there get out of there get out of there mon get out of there monk monkey why aren’t you getting out monkey get out we got him trapped now now hit in the head a couple times look at that what a punk this is why I called you all base sick what is that what was that what what is that oh god oh there goes Dr yeah yeah there I did go guys oh God I’m in here now oh God help help stay Shield Cy just stay sh he’s angry is he dead uh I got him guys I got an explosion Blast okay I I I can’t I don’t want to get you guys but oh you can actually use the explo that’s so cool don’t H me hit me oh it didn’t even do any damage really did that do damage half a heart that did half a heart honestly monk I think I saw you at the mob meeting the you were there with all the basic guys weren’t you [Music] all right good work guys good work clearing it out all right guys these next bosses are not going to be complete Chumps so I want to go to a mansion where I know has these Buffs that we could use that’ll increase our attack and range damage we need it trust me St if we don’t get this we’re going to explode you mean like capturing do to the base no like having too many spicy burritos on a milk based stomach a milk based stomach go [Music] what uh guys is that is is that the ship from Among Us I’m going I’m going to go impers wonder if I can hit it from here stra up the amoga ship what what is it doing here mean that one cat please don’t start a fight with the amus people oh I’m going to fight them don’t fight the amus people I’m going up he just wants to know they’re pathing I’m going up M leave theous people alone no I got him ow nice M do you really want to go that bad yeah I’m going up there all right uh you can inconvenience me and probably stop me out it’s going to use most of my building blocks but I can get there stop it I’m waiting for one of them to to get immediately like called to emergency meeting J I want to be clear guys I don’t know anything about this we’re looking for a mansion we’re not supposed to be going I found the Mansion oh you did oh yeah it’s like too bad kind of hard to miss from up here yeah pretty hard to miss all right well uh we’ll consider this a side quest guys I don’t you just tell me what’s up there um I I only have obsidian all right if I known we were going this high up I would have bought a water bucket this really I there’s there’s a lake nearby there’s yeah there’s a river you got this Amazon River come on you you’re good at parkour right I don’t know if I’m necessarily good at parkour oh so you’re saying you’re great at parkour great at it stead that’s me oh my God drum what wrong there was there was someone in the there’s someone in the navigation room hold on there someone Dr make sure you ask them all for PA he’s killing me Bas get him what just happened I got his knife Jerome you’re NE dude are these all good what this ones are actually not dude so they were straight up an impostor and the rest of them are all friendly I got the impostor what is even happening anymore it’s how much damage does it do five attack damage a all right monk I’ll see you on the other side whoosh he welcome to the other side how can I help you oh wait what I didn’t realize you were ow all right let’s get to that Mansion come on all right guys here watch out for the Sak oh my did that steak just explode what where are uh where are we exact it’s the to go oh God God blast yeah this is one of the guys I call Basic imposter knife yeah this is one of the guys I called basic he doesn’t look basic he is so basic told you basic or of magic how ory is it I don’t know it’s pretty ory fire oh you can make things with it never mind well this place is burning down guys yeah good they can put out their own fires right I guess we go explore now stop no wait it’s going to burn down the giant chicken guys no what do you mean it totem of undying ooh it’s pretty good actually did I and then someone stole it ooh there’s another chest over here o golden apples a wet stone increases melee damage by 15% I got one of those as well yeah that’s what we need keep looking keep looking there’s got to be more you would think these guys would put out their own fires by now instead I don’t why I would I would totally love a fireman like mob like a snowman fireman guys I got a wet stone as well but even better than that I also got another totem of undying a notch apple and I got a sharp bone which increases projectile damage so oh I also got a sharp bone uh I’m going to use the melee damage one is anyone here prefers range damage cuz I can give you the sharp bones I’ll go I’ll go with range H love cap you have this lovely gentleman behind you get slapped nerd you hit me too were you talking to me or the Vex yes I found a button I I don’t Dr like I don’t know does do you think this has anything to single button yeah it’s just a single button in a chest I don’t know it just says Stone button I don’t yeah it was just in here I I don’t think it yes then I don’t think it does anything oh my God this whole place is burning this is fine yeah who who could possibly have ever caused that in our group look I was told that they put out their own fires dude I think it was Steve I don’t know who told you that Ste look out oh thank you drum you saved my my life first time for everything it’ll last I think the stones buttons are in here telling me to take an L here dude I found I found a chest full stone button I found the one over there yeah I I’ve seen they’re everywhere dude for some reason they put Stone buttons in chests I don’t know what it means yeah but this one was just in the shape of an L well by by Minecraft Gods yeah hold it that monk has anyone test or checked out the bottom floors here a little bit but I don’t think there’s much yeah that’s the impression I’m getting as well yep empty chest all right I think we’re going to leave guys we got enough wet stones for everybody that’s kind of the uh only reason we came who’s that who’s what I I think we got a neighbor coming over oh no no no no no no no no close the door what do you mean the door close the gates I closed it a cap I oh he already he’s right down here that’s why he’s too close the super skeleton wait what I wasn’t even going to jump down in him he he this guy’s quite dumb all right you just keep hitting yeah he’s very dumb very beefy though oh [Applause] my hold up no no hold the phone hold the phone he flies no he spawns illusioners we can grind him for totems of undying oh my dude this guy is the most basic mob we’ve ever fought I thought he was supposed to be tough Jerome I thought so too but then again I didn’t call all of them basic so I see why you called them basic now yeah dude imagine these guys have an annual meeting you know annual meeting to be basic H evil things mostly being basic I’ve been thinking about not renewing my membership to be honest you they made you pay for a membership of course I have a membership how else would I get in your basic no he left because they’re all basic and he’s extra it’s hardcore mode I’m about to send you to a different realm pal oh he’s in the house bro that’s our house that’s great no but yeah that just opened the door dude I didn’t know you could from the other side you think we been getting back in this I don’t know breaking it I mean I would put it past you animals what do you mean that right that felt very targeted stead F just because you are doesn’t mean you are all right what does that even mean stead that isad ISM just because you are the way that you is doesn’t mean I just want this battle to end so stops It Whatever talking bad guy does not mean he is bad guy all right guys he’s walk like Duck if he’s talking duck not duck he dropped something here he dropped an energized bone which can be used to craft a bone staff or skeletal boots with plus seven armor equipped to gain higher agility passively heal to we guys I want this uh okay so all I need is netherite scraps we have that ingots we have that that bone so all right give me a second to get all this stuff together I’ll be right back all right so I should have everything I need for this so we got the iron boots here use the energized bone and boom there it is now I want to see real quick I think I’m pretty like positive here I can actually enchant why is there a zombified piglin that just tried to don’t worry about it I don’t even knowmore just accept Bob all right a you actually can’t enchant him but it’s still pretty cool I mean you get equipped to gain higher agility and passively heals the wearer so you know what I’m pretty happy with that and here we go boom and now we get some passive healing a little bit of higher jump and faster speed not bad you know guys it’s been a while we still haven’t seen the super zombie and he’s the last of the representation so I don’t really I don’t know what’s going on but seems kind of weird is he really super gr the skeleton no to be fair I don’t think any of these guys are super I think they’re super basic but otherwise no I don’t think they’re super at all scanning The Horizon that did you put that chest down there what chest that chest I thought that was your mailbox drum mailbox we don’t have a yeah some dude came by and put stuff in there the mail has arrived I I thought you had a mailbox Drome I hate it here there’s a lot of books here book and quote Book quote Book quote book jit Jerome all right let me see this one challenge a Jerome accept you seem to be confident in your base of safety but do you think you can defeat our strongest creation the super zombie in the end after from your base you have deemed us basic and weak but perhaps you are the true it said I might be the truly basic and weak one our super zombie has already dispatched the end of dragon so your battle will not be third partied go and face our champion if you dare first of all I don’t like the tone they took there there’s nothing wrong with third partying a fight as as you know as as my secret nickname uh third party man a secret all right let’s go find the also we get up to like fifth party man cuz there’s five of us and they only challenged you you know guys I’m beginning to think you guys don’t want to have adventure fun caught you thinking all right guys remember this is hardcore mode so there’s no respawning if you die in the game you die for real is everyone ready to get through yeah oh yeah I’m ready all right I’m a little scared uh anyone need a totem I have four I got two I got six I’m good thanks you were crouching I was hoping to knock you in let’s get him guys remember Crouch as soon as we oh we’re fine we’re fine yeah we’re fine the mobs were here before us remember no dragon even uh yeah I think we’re okay I mean zombie the baby zombies can’t be it is that him over there where that is him I see him where oh the guy with the blue yeah got him just hit him a get him pile on him also I’m going to eat up my Notch Apple because why not it is the final oh my shield is taking a lot of damage well that’s when you get your Shield instead of a totem of undying all right fine you have a totem of undying oh my God this guy spawns a he’s weak but he does spawn a lot of creatures yeah does anyone have a bucket of water tired of this okay hug oh monk yeah good call good call Captain I always bring water to the end you guys SM did someone just proc a totem no I think that was I think that’s my book I I have a book that gives me strength and resistance like a totem he’s halfway dead this guy’s a jump weak and basic he just regen yeah look look at just help and his arm changed color oh must another and there’s one thing I know about boss battles they have multiple Stang Steve good job Steve you’re calling me basic stay in the water stay in the water stay in the water he can’t get us in the water you can’t tell me what to do you well when Steve got one shot monk yeah oh Jesus Christ walk back walk back wait monk try and stab him in the back with the impostor knife yeah get him oh he Reen again his leg changed great so I mean if there’s one I know about arms and legs I think he’s only got one more left I don’t know about that one okay he’s so low we fin yeah g g well guys looks like we proved that the mob Association and Steve are all basic let’s head back home and say goodbye to our base guys I would love to [Music] oh guys is that giant baby Shrek with a knife he’s returned today my friends and I are going to be surviving 100 days in the Twilight Forest it’s an awesome mod pack where you get to progress by defeating ever more difficult mobs first as you start off with a Naga yeah Jerome not notag going to lie this is pretty cool Steve is the official boss Steve is the new boss everyone kill him everyone kill him and then you move up to the Lich King himself there’s a fireball you rude this painting Cy we’re going to see how far we can get surviving for 100 days in the Twilight Forest all right so in order to make the portal we need to get a bunch of flowers which is the easy part a little pool of water which well we got plenty of water on this island and one single Diamond so let’s get to work o oh sugar you’re forting one thing what’s that what’s that what’s that KP no we don’t need KP Steve I got the food covered guys I got the food covered do we have any who want to EA non meme food anyone non- meme food going on yes this is not a meme I don’t need food I just won’t Sprint also I’ll focus on getting some food for us guys cap off to the side as well if we get any bones there’s wolves and I know how much you like doggies oh I love doggies yeah yay that way we can you know her them around as potential future food in case we ever need drum Dr a crafting table oh you have a cross table thank you I’m actually always really surprised stead that you don’t like tame a dog cuz they scare off skeletons wow find one half the time wow I found a lot of iron guys oh wow you did actually find a lot of iron yeah there’s a lot down there okay well cool I’ll uh work on I just uh I just tried to break a stone with a sugar cane in my hand so that’s Noe that’s good good job Drome what what a fabulous start oh my gosh there’s a lot of iron here yeah there there’s a ton down there you got it Bud let’s make us all some pickaxes let’s get underground and let’s get those diamonds so sorry Wilbur I totally thought one of you guys was messing with me but it turns out it was just a cow pushing me thanks for coming to my Tad talk okay hello cow you are the dead these animals okay there’s there’s no way the skeleton spawned right here that literally is not a thing go in the pit no Ro I’m in the pain well I don’t want to deal with it so you deal with well I killed it I did good wait dead killed it he didn’t die wait that’s not in the script miracle I think we skipped a few pages here we’re not on the Redemption Arc yet oh well my bad um what is this pit why don’t you guys know how to make stairs I that is stead I am making times and also I am making stairs what are you talking about what did you just Sayad he said he was making time I am making time what do you mean oh you look over instead you’re looking awfully purple and golden handed what we if you get it you get it Thanos okay well did anyone actually bother to get food or should I go up there and start killing a bunch of uh I just made three furnaces so I could cook up all the kelp oh does anyone have real food give me coal so I can cook this food yeah I’ve got five coal I’ll bring up to you buddy hello oh you want these thank you I’ll kelp is in there cooking okay I’ve got some pork chops cooking nice C I’m going to get some sugar can so we need to make sugarcan cuz we’re going to need magic Maps so I’m going to collect this we can replant it down once we’re in there if we need or we can just get enough then we’re fine and then we also need to get the flowers so I’m going to do the two uh the two foraging quests I suppose yeah I’m going on an adventure without my friends this is danger o Apple I think that’s the opposite of the point of this I’m going on an adventure without my friends I honestly thought it was a man hunt and I was about ready to wall up Dr in the house oh my God what she did you just forget the whole point of the video de yeah kind of Twi for man Hood let’s go sounds about right I mean that would be a good idea for a man hunt it would be it would be but this is not a man hunt so please don’t wall me in the head I won’t I won’t on purpose all right guys by Adventure on my way my adventure was a success I went to a local Island that’s nearby and got a bunch of flowers nice oh nice very nice yeah you can uh make the portal of different ones cuz I already surrounded it what Steve do you have some more Cobblestone I don’t that’s what I was going to get I’ll grab you some thank you for the different how much you need uh enough to make another furnace oh oh dry I’m sorry you can honestly you thought the flowers were for the PO these are for all of you guys you thought I how jeez oh that’s so nice yeah you thought i’ that as to get the of the portal when you already did that c you can go ahead and just take my kelp out it’s fine what but it’s important it’s not that important it’s okay there you go I got my 16 kelp that’s all I needed you guys said it not me it’s okay I’ll just I’ll honestly cry myself to sleep guys I found a really good way to get food actually I found a really good way to get food what okay it’s called drowning oh yeah that’s that’s perfect that’s fair hey guys you didn’t take the yeah I got an iron PX and I just gave you another one M hi cap here you go you need some food Bud a thank you good luck I I think we’re above Steve here you go one two three I’m busy drowning myself well make sure you pick up those flowers that I worked hard to get you drum there’s a red one over there you should go get it what if that’s how you actually harvested flowers in real life you just aggressively punched them like also has anyone ever C calculated how strong Minecraft Steve can punch considering he can break a tree with his fist he can break a tree so pretty strong you guys telling me you can’t break a tree with your fist in real life uh who would win in a boxing match Steve I am tiny who wins a boxing match Machamp or Minecraft Steve minecra Steve that’s what I was thinking I was think I don’t know have you ever seen Machamp do a seismic toss I don’t want to mess with that yeah that’s not boxing though you can’t seze I’ve never seen Floyd WEA seismic toss on Steve is a WWE I don’t know champ would be pretty good at hugging that’s fair pretty good Grappler hey room for one more in these cave systems down here yeah probably cap take these yes I hear lava this guys yes doggy find diamond I found diamonds but I don’t have a pickaxe I’m right behind you and I got a pickaxe give me a second right there way haha yes I also made perfect nice all right then we’re all good let’s go top side and let’s get to the Twilight Forest hi Steve hi this is pick these furn for all of your hard work here is Rose good job waa I I was the flower guy hey hey sorry sorry bud it’s been revoked it’s now my job I’m going into this portal with I can’t do that actually Cap’s the only one out here there he is Cap’s here I’m going to the portal I’m leaving y’all wow into the portal wow for 2 seconds imagine dying to lightning oh my God imagine dying to a new dimension I didn’t even know that could happen that’s incredible okay oh my God I love it dogy doggy guys we got a good area for the portal there’s some like little dungeon typ look at this go that oh my God cap you could literally use this as the beginning of a house or something yeah I’m busy pushing my dogss through the portal but I can’t wait to see it oh okay ni drum you can deal with that um I’d rather not deal with that maybe you could help me deal with that I mean ow okay ow ow ow we’re dying at an alarming rate we are dying at an alarming rate oh wow that’s some oh this is a horrible spawn I’m just kidding everything’s better again yeah right wait what the portal why the portal God what why did the carar attack me guys we have a this isn’t okay okay I sa Forest we go this way we go to Forest wait no this is a very weird thing though this is not where it took me instead H wait huh that is not where it took me instead oh me and Ste are together right now hard okay wait why does it take Steve stead and myself the first time to that other spot and now it’s taking us here you think sing the dogs through the portal did it uh I doubt it this is hurting my eye oh my God uh I I guess we got to move now you guys need some food I think we go and find stead and Steve and we make our home there all right guys so now that we’re here we should make the most of it and instead of building boring old iron armor let’s build iron wood armor which is even better and it’s also just plain epic so the way it works is you need Ironwood igots and in order to get that you need Ironwood materials and in order to get that it’s a gold nugget not an Ingot a gold nugget and iron ingot and liver root which could be found in caves so let’s go doing that uh and get to work sound good sounds good are we splitting up I mean splitting up could be good I guess unless one of us finds a Cave System that’s big enough for everybody oh good point what about this house yeah this I was going to say let’s go loot this house let’s see what’s in it oh there’s the Lich King Tower nice yeah what if we go there that seems no that’s a terrible idea we don’t even have armor we don’t even have pants Steve you can’t show up at a King’s house without pants what do you mean did you steal my pants again what no oh is that no it’s not a NGA maze that’s just a regular mace over there dropsy yeah but stuff can still be scary in there so I’m going stay away dropsy you missed it huh right here right here a cave what oh oh yes I’m also to pick up these uh torch berries cuz I think the torch berries are needed for um making a magic map right also this stuff looks like it would be liver root it is not okay well I got o okay I’ve got gold ingots so this should be enough three of them will give us 27 gold nuggets that should be enough for we’re just trying to get a full set of armor what’s wrong what’s going on they look like gummy bears oh the little dudes the little blue dudes the did you say militant gummy bears yeah specifically like the gummy bear and the Gummy Bear music video where he’s like gummy bear Gummy Bear album is the yeah you little bird I’ve been nonstop in battle over here that’s fine oh God oh God there’s there’s mean people here you get away from me bones oh my God there’s so many bones down there let’s go wait really you have two already did you harvest it with anything did you need a pickaxe or no snacks see cuz oh a hatchet axe okay do you have a crusting table drop at any chance I can make one yes please cuz that’s what I was wondering so Steve is this it right here uh no this is normal tree so it looks like this but it’s green oh oh color blind things okay good good good well all right maybe maybe we’ll find the rest come back over here yeah yeah I’m I’ll show you what it looks like cuz I found more me uh let me take a gander hi Steve over do you sway yes yes this one right here that one but I broke one of those and gave me a stick only what yes he’s not going to be able to tell that one gave me a stick underneath it that one that one a bunch of green there’s there’s a ton more over here look Dr I’m cutting down this whole Forest no hold on hold on do you see the difference between top bottom yes I do so that one behind you no I got it there so for these two right oh no I I lost the game again okay we’ll get some of those so we need to get 27 at least for one set of armor and then we can just have everyone go back at other times and get them but I just want to get at least one full set 27 when do we need 24 well sword right or is that a sword or an axe well you said full set of armor so I was like hold on yeah no 27 would be uh with an axe or something we’ll do 26 then for a we we’ll get us all this okay 26 oh and a singular extra piece of iron of course would be nice watch out creep Yep this is bad down here guys this is not pretty you got that one dropsy thanks yeah oh God maybe I don’t maybe I don’t maybe I don’t maybe I don’t oh man there is so much bad stuff here I hate it a cabal yeah it’s like it’s like a tiny lizard person forgot which way I ran I think it was this way yeah it was this way I ran past a bird hello jez you get away from me zombies you get away from me zombies you get away from me I’m up to nine I have six so that’s 15 we also have no iron is that like not supposed to be prevalent down here I just picked up some iron I brought over a ton of iron from the Overworld we should be fine oh you brought a okay nice so then we just need to get the liver rout and we’re done mhm although I think this cave that’s what I that’s what I planned for nice why Steve I think this is a it’s dead and I found three more yeah like I said dead oh no my axe broke can we leave this thing there’s just too many skeletons I feel like oh God don’t go that way I would believe it yeah there’s a ton down here for God’s sake all right I’m leaving I found on top if we need that for anything No Sa Mr Ed can you uh add steed’s name over that actually that’d be awesome how did you die you’re not does it keep happening to you like that Howes that happen bro like it’s transcending time and space now dude I saw the skeleton I saw one HP and then I was like well this is bad news well luckily these skeletons are now killing each other so I’m getting out of here finally all right time to find a new cave all right Steve let’s go dude we’re going to be able to get the rest of this stuff easy peasy easy peasy oh my God what is a surprise there’s more skeletons well uh Jerome all I can say is get good I mean I killed him you did oh there we go oh my goodness why are there so many hostile mobs here I hate everything and anything about this drum don’t just stand there but I was mining do nothing bump help me out oh Steve why would you run through there like that because it’s a one wide hole so I figured you could kill him and I’d run and kill the skeleton that was shooting at us okay tell me that’s a bad idea I now have 11 how many do you have um give me one second second I’m collecting up this gold so that we can make the nuggets that we need okay nice nice nice uh I’m sitting at 19 I also brought gold oh we have 19 I have 12 yeah we have enough Steve so Steve I have this cool new thing I don’t know if you no this about the Twilight Force but if you type in slash kill it actually teleports you back to your start really I had no clue I know dude it’s pretty it’s pretty wild it’s pretty wild let me get this iron wood started then so in order to make this smelted ironing it smelted gold nuggets all right let’s get smelting over here so I put gold in the top right furnace sound good I’m here yeah there’s gold and I will put some coal in there for you nice and I’ve already got the iron ingots so that’s good okay so we got the gold a lot earlier Steve can you throw me those iron Woods here’s the liver root Li root not the IR we’re making the iron wro yes yes yes of course I knew that okay there we go we got 27 of those and now I just need to smelt all of these honestly we have enough Steve we can just take these out of there for now and I’ll just smelt them all later so there we go and how dare you geez Steve all right you know and there it is guys look there’s Ironwood nice oh this stuff’s going to be great all right so it looks like all the Ironwood has been smelted we have 54 Ironwood ingots so we got a little more than we bargained for um there we go and that’s one full set plus a sword and it comes with enchantments so not only does does it have the same protection as would uh a little like in between iron and Diamond it also has Pro one and the sword itself comes with knockback one which is interesting I don’t know why it comes with knockback but either way we’re looking good wa cap the base is really come together man look at that yeah dude we’re going to be a tree house yeah we’re going to be The Lorax and the Twilight Forest I’m the lorx I speak for the trees the trees hey stop cutting me down or we’ll break your knees okay that’s not even no okay that’s 100% a blade that is that is silly look at that pit down there that’s silly no anyway uh we have to make a magic map in order to help us find Future things the reason I say future things is because normally use it to find bosses but we already know the Naga is right there and we know the Lich is right there um which is just coincidental and crazy but for future ones this will help us find where the next boss is so we need to get a Raven’s feather uh and then combin it with the torch barries we found and glowstone Dutch uh dust which can only be found in mining hone Dutch yeah did you say mining Hill Jerome yeah mining Hill mean a Hollow Hill Hollow Hill that’s well yeah that’s perfect because I’m digging into one right now perfect so if you can get us the glow stone I just got to look around for a raven then cuz I got us the torch berries but I just don’t know where Ravens be probably in problem is do you know how dangerous these things are I’m going to die you’ll be fine you’ll be fine I’m going to die it’ll put meat on your bones I don’t know how it’ll do that at all but wait drum drum I found one you found a raven I think so it looks like it hunt him down okay all right yeah you know I thought this was a hill a Hollow Hill it’s got to be right if it’s a perfect hemisphere yes but they come in a lot of different shapes did you huntstead down from the top you got two Raven feathers yes nice so all we need is Steve with the glow stone I’m working on it okay it don’t you rush me it wasn’t it was just like a yeah that’s all we need not a I don’t want to have to fight someone we’re not all right Steve you okay I hear these guys chuckling at me while I Ah that’s that’s fall damage ouch that really hurt ouch we’re good everything’s fine are you good no I’m not sure but the boots are mine what does that even mean like playing as entirely defeat a red cap Goblin in a small Hollow Hill okay ouch man these guys are ruthless have you seen have you even seen glow stone Steve Jerome I’ve been fighting my entire time that I’ve been in here I’ve not had a chance to look Bug Stomper I I can’t stop in a hedge maze oh my goodness I see a giant Hill is that a Hollow Hill does it look like just a big Mound it it looks like a actual hemisphere yeah yeah not on it should make a weird sound yeah it should be Hollow Jerome well I found this big hill but it has red grass on it um that I don’t know about yeah that I don’t know about either there’s a there’s a jackal Lantern on a fence post um I’m really scared sounds like you’re in Halloween Town Jerome I feel like that um this is scary and oh my God why are there spider webs this is literally like Halloween Town I found glow stone you found it I just got to get through the mobs to and I found Halloween land oh my gosh uh how much glow stone do we need one dust one dust okay I at least have one dust but I’m going to try to get a little extra yeah get a little extra because then we can make everyone in one of these Maps uh yeah do we need obsidian for please kill me no not yet all wait we only have two torch berries in the chest we should grab more I have a bunch I got three oh okay I have one on me as well oh God I am back all right we all combine our goodies stead can we have the Raven’s feather sir yes all right Steve the glow stone sir yep it is going in this chest because that’s just the easiest way cuz then everyone’s going to pick it up and everything oh God all right and then let me just make the rest of these guys help I’m being are you okay I’m being chased by a skeleton that really likes flowers oh God oh God oh why ow all right all right so let me see real quick and boom the Magic Map works so as you can see it points us right to the naga which is right there it points us right to the Lich King which we know is’s in that direction and the rest of the map is history it’s awesome all right guys the first day is here we have to go ahead and try to fight one of the big old nagas are we ready for this oh yeah all right well too bad even if we’re not man oh no well the best part is too I think for SC you can make a really good armor right you can yeah might have to beat a few just break it just break it and now for those watching that I know it’s a very popular mod but there could be some people who have never seen it before the way the mod works is you kill one of the bosses like this and then you get to move on to the next boss and next boss and the whole point of Twilight Forest is to beat every boss so this is stage one all right let’s get him guys let’s get him oh he’s pretty weak honestly yeah Jerome not going to lie this is pretty cool lie official boss Steve is the new boss everyone kill him everyone kill him all right I’m okay with this I good idea when I was 12 years old yes yeah remember this one hex it I mean I feel like also though we’re coming at it with five people is he escaping you get back here I think he’s trying is he trying to run we’re not done with you yet Dr did you notice how he gets smaller and smaller as you attack him more and more let’s go yeah Isn’t that cool there he is all right so where is his trophy did anyone get it right here in my hand nice you got the trophy all right look about scales I got six scales oh that’s all did anyone else get scal I was going to say we’d have to we’re going to have to do this a few times so uh get ready to grind boys more Kno bosses wo all right well if we got the scales then uh yeah want to show us the new base we can put down the uh the thingy yeah let’s do it okay guys welcome to the Twilight Treehouse dead take that off yeah what oh god Ste please take his s head off this is this is so much of an improvement you look so much better wow problem that’s messed up cap you did one the okay you did one there you go this part scares me but everything else is cool oh that part’s under construction uh where do you want it Dr right here I I got a piece of ngaga stone I stole oh oh Jerome can do you have many planks on you dude um yeah I fell off the side and I’m suing that’s that’s not a plank that’s a flank bro um got a blast all right everyone so next up on the list we need to destroy the the Lich King now here’s the problem it is way more difficult to beat him than it was to defeat the Naga there’s all sorts of minions we have to find our way all the way up to the top of the tower and then actually battle him as another thing all to itself so I hope everyone’s ready this is our first real boss that we’re going to face no oh yeah oh yeah let’s do it the rewards are great though you get one of three sceps including One lets you spawn the dead that’s where you guys go wow ooh wow o I had no clue you’re telling me we can spawn bones to kill R it’s already been done drops youill the orange Ram yep oh that’s really sad stead I mean it could have been pink and I could have killed it oh uh question who has food yeah all right now one piece of venison I have 29 steak on me oh okay divy it up bro W did no one bring food I have one thing of venison I was thinking about that gave me rotten FL all here’s four how many Ste you have steak Steve one piece Drome okay two here’s four here’s four well I like how my 20s something Steak has now become 13 but you know what you still have more food than all of us you go all right that yeah because I’m responsible stead that’s not my fault you don’t have why were you responsible hey Dro thank you I’ve done the alphabet from time to time okay what’s your favorite letter um why J for genius oh my God my my favorite letter is Elemento it’s so dark in here is that do we all do that when we were kids and you know had to do the alphabet but is it was it just Elemento was one word or one letter uh-huh yeah oh element what just hit me uh the books oh I didn’t know the book spawned Smooth Criminal ow ow ow ow ow sorry cap the books do a lot of damage guys they do a lot lot of damage and they also slow you it’s not fun yeah they give you paper oh wow oh there’s holes in the stairs watch out fixing them dad you don’t have to fix every hole in the floor but it’s okay it’s not our house okay don’t worry I’m fixing all the holes I mean the L King really let this place go to be honest all right I’m going up to the top floor guys here he is so oh no baby zombie baby zombie baby zombie so this part is a pain the way it works if you didn’t know is you have to hit back his Fireballs into his Shields it’s very difficult and I’m also only at half a heart already so oh wow okay no the L’s aim was better than mine you’re a butt sir oh my oh oh my I am at base of thing if anybody wants should I just like retreat then no keep F get get up there and do some work don’t be lazy all right all right stead AKA lazy bones I we only need to hit back a couple of them it’s just hard to do is anyone fighting them right now said was okay I am we should group up for this guys honestly so I’ll wait for you well I’m on to say I’m on my way all right guys we’re all here Steve’s almost up the uh stairs as well we’ll be good to do this be behind you oh he’s on the other side of the stairs all right let’s just go let’s just go oh my God charge charge we’ve only done one bar of damage to him that’s so sad how I hit it back at him and he still blew it up yep that happens sometimes Steve I got to retreat all right just don’t die okay I’m wait in this corner fire one yay watch out for the fireball so are we supposed to hit the fireball back or the Ender pears yes protect me dropy or both or both do you know which one I I don’t know this game my corner now oh my go this is very difficult guys I warned you I warned you about this oh okay just keep swinging yep yep pretty much n how have we not aimed any back at him I have hits some back they just exploded before I just said end Pearl but it just went the complete opposite way so I think it might be the Fireballs that are needed to yeah because I just hit an ender pearl back at him and nothing happened yeah it is the Fireballs okay need on my way hi Cappy we’re alive cuz we’re better than everyone no he targets people yeah he’s just he’s just not angry at us bro okay can’t believe this oh wow okay it’s our turn now yes shoot Fireballs but oh my close to them and spam and hope that it also Dames him there’s a fireball your you rude just painting cppy oh I got one or did I it didn’t give you points foror sadly oh I sent that back at him out my way I like how we’re all just so close to him like just smack him bro that didn’t even work maybe we should take like a medium step back there we go like like this distance yeah all right come on oh my gosh dude this guy is so annoying I will Beach come on Twilight I got one over here that I’m trying to mess with dude he won’t give us Fireballs Fireball doesn’t matter which of the litches we hit or no I just tried the other one and it didn’t work either oh all my case oh we still targeted on you oh I think he yeah cap I think he just wants you dead at this point yeah this is all you does he just Target jeez okay there you go you got get it you just got to get it right with the fireball someone take care of that skele man please you got this Cappy that should have hit him is he targeting stead now or is that just an accident I think so no he’s still not Cappy okay maybe if I leave room or Die the fireball oh maybe if I die yes yes well well who’s he after now me dropsy looks like yeah it looks like dropsy can you just use a shield to Bunce it back I was curious about that too I don’t think it would work for no because I did it and it I still took D it still hurts a lot okay yeah all we found out what’s wrong we were fighting the wrong Lich dropsy discovered that there’s a secret real one and that’s when we’re supposed to be fighting so that makes a lot more sense figh this guy in the corner here and if you also also reflect the regular ender eyes because they take off his armor oh my gosh so that’s how that happens so we’re all just smacking him right now yes where beat up beat up beat him up you think you’re so tough Punk wait where’d he go uh oh he’s on the other side other side okay okay I see him I see him over there oh wow I who would have thought that was what was wrong we were fighting the wrong ones well cuz like I was looking and I was like there’s supposed to be three of them and I’m only seeing two where is he what wise guy decided to block off the staircase yeah I was wondering that too oh I’m about to kill him the and that’s all you’ll ever be kid yeah bch trophy I got a scepter of Life Training why why why why why heyy no no this hurts Dr okay well I’m sorry yeah we did it GG cap does that say Mr num skull for the Lich yeah sure it does jeez okay you know what it really should be king num skull with that Crown that’s fair that’s fair all right well day 85 guys we need to get moving and grooving I want to find the mrooms Labyrinth so let’s find a swamp find the entryway and we can focus on the finale being to take down the minnow shom everyone good with that why yeah let’s do it here all right based on the map I’m thinking it’s right past the uh the Naga so let’s just run past there also yeah why is there a Drew down here go away Druid put some real clothes on hey day want go to The Druids well now he’s dead Steve I’m glad because he’s a rude neighbor he is a very rude neighbor he can’t he’s just wearing like a loin cloth he’s got no clothes that’s fine is that an issue yes it’s just like oh man I’ve been really making my HOA mad guys if you take a look on the left here that’s the Halloween Mountain I found ooh oh wow that’s so cool yeah very spoopy um also I might have been wrong is this that is this the swamp no it’s a roofed Forest that’s not the swamp a oh no wait why is the water orange Halloween oh God okay so Dr what is that like a is it like that’s a y gas symbol just going to take some of this what is the one that’s in that brown area up there to the left that that’s the yourest I think oh okay I think our best bet is to split up and try to find like explore the map a little bit more yeah I gor proceed for the next 10 minutes of my footage to me just finding pretty things wow this is a beautiful swamp where’s Shrek yeah where’s Shrek where’s the onion man get out me swamp give me the onion man what happened here why is this broken you know the onion man man Drop what is very go in there going on don’t go in there pleas don’t go in there don’t go in there I forgot is that we don’t have access to that area we don’t have access to that okay hear me out what if we ignore that get a bunch of water buckets and just force our way yeah let’s do it no no we can earn our way in there though I think after you kill the minow shroom the next one is the fire hyom then fire swamp so we can earn our way in but we got to find where this minro is so there’s going to be a labyrinth and an entryway to that labyrinth in the swamp I like minnows and mushroom look is it maybe underground what does it look I found a hedge maze it’ll definitely be Underground but there’ll be an entryway up top yeah it it looks kind of like the small uh The Hollow Hills but like more structured so it’s kind of like a pyramid almost it’s like grass and it’s definitely in the swamp area right that’s where I supposed to be yes okay I was just straying away from the objective so I was like Cappy look about this buy that looks like an entryway if I’ve ever oh God oh God he almost hit me the I’m jumping in without one then fine oh God oh God I have one heart oh my God that was such a bad idea and there’s a there’s there’s a cow with an axe down here please please oh my go that’s the minnow shroom no no it’s not it’s not him it’s one of his minions please help please someone jump in the pit of Doom in despair hey hey dropsy what you just fall on jumped hello help please I regret all guys I I feel like this is his own fault I need help I need help it’s okay I killed him and I have beef or meef sorry I have meef wait you already have me yeah me me I like me all right guys let’s recalibrate and we’re going to go and rush through this but I think we need to go back and get better prepared all right the day is here everyone let’s get to this should we stick together I’m guessing cuz otherwise we’re just going to get lost um I think we should all take a different path and see what happens all right we’re going to die uh Steve uh uh I mean just pick oh my do he charges guys guys I found a chest I found a double chest and it’s full of let’s see a charm of keeping Golden Apple Arrow I mean we don’t really need the arrows but milk oh here’s another one oh what is this down here ow what why can bug run run so dropsy you’re Smur what is the charm of keeping dud does it keep things I think it’s kind of like a keep invent oh hey guys oh that’s pretty cool actually milk and a golden apple so what exactly are we looking for I found looking for you’re looking for a dungeon that’s surrounded by like fences that’s where the minow shrooms kept well it isn’t there multiple layers to this dungeon uh I think Steve found it yeah but we have to oh huh huh I found a Bard off room I found some bugs yeah oh it’s a CH in it yeah yeah grabbed me oh the bug grabbed you oh God oh God I’m in the wall I found I think the next area help oh no cap is anyone near cap to save hims He’s My Hero guys I found swamp water yeah you drinking all that no it’s in like a fountain like it’s a hey hey check this out what huge lily pad that is big Lily ped thick thick Lily P Leaf maze wafer let’s go I got one of those too what’s a maze wafer do a maer you don’t know what a mafer is Steve I’ve never heard of Aer before why is there a room with just all these torches hit the deck oh what wor God I am follow sound of creepy Crawley oh that’s bed rock down oh so this is straight up the bottom so there aren’t multiple I got steel leaf nice that’s really good actually how many I found a couple minotaurs I got five of them what you found a couple minotaurs yes cppy has found the bug there’s the bug oh no help I’m getting kidnapped by the bug I’m getting kidnapped by the bug I got you be fine it’s going to bring me back started out at all right wherever cap is I think is the end right he found a bunch of minotaurs well I busted through a wall we need to find the fence thing okay he’s like locked in why W get out of here stupid bugs I think I’m hot on the trail guys I found a center area so many mobs over here oh my goodness drum I wouldn’t recommend oh God is that a maze slime I didn’t even know that existed yeah yeah they’re they’re pretty ruthless there something got to be through there yeah cuz there’s more mobs around the corner like this is definitely where we need to be yeah there’s no way this is all for nothing break this it’s also way out of the way too like pick any of this down you can’t there are roots in the wall you can break through another one well there was something that blew up over here I could use that I don’t need any of that junk um Steve did you go the other way than me so we separated yeah instead and I did okay okay but it’s a dead end that way wait a minute I found the TR I think I found the trophy room oh yeah I don’t know actually I have no idea so I found four pillars there’s some spawners here and chests in some of the pillars and and one Minotaur I’m going to break through some of these I don’t I don’t know know what this is oh wow drum yeah this is really cool wa steel leaf chest plates and tons of ir here the big one or oh it’s a that’s a baby one yeah you’ll take him all right I got maze Wafers another Ironwood sword charm of keeping I mean these steel LEF steel leaf chest plates are actually quite good I’m going to put one on I would recommend how many did you get two where do we go two so you can get some El a visitor oh that’s fine give him a hug all right yeah for real make him feel welcomed I did I ask him a question I found another one of those loot rooms that you just came from Jerome and there’s two minotaurs here and they’re really beating me up all right guys this is how you go another level deeper Leo okay let’s get in there and there we go oh my ow okay drop you oh there’s a double chest through here well you you got to jump it’s not that far anyway you’ll just hurt your ankles but it’s fine you don’t need please don’t hit me I’m already low on health and I’m Reen cap I was going to do that to maze workers no no no I I deserve this all right yep we all split up we’ll find slime bugs I already found it I already found it it’s so close by guys there he is there he is the Min room it’s uh 273 1513 I see you Jerome yep help me out here there’s bugs I was just going to follow your name I’m on my way that too yeah just you come to my name cuz it’s literally he’s right here oh oh no all right we broke in I hit the M beat him up beat him up beat him up oh my gosh go I’m going to sit back here oh there’s more there’s more there’s a lot of regular minotaurs too I’m working on the regular minotaurs he looks very Angy oh gosh I need to return we got him dropsy was chopped to bits though wait did we kill him we get achievement for it I I think I might have gotten the achievement I don’t know I don’t think I didn’t pop up yeah I didn’t see you get an achievement I think you have to pick up a steak from them to get the achievements you you have to get me strogov me strogov okay I got the me strogov and the you do yep uh toss it around let’s see if it’ll work nope that didn’t do anything well I mean I don’t think I got the achievement either for it uh what about the head oh there it is all right so all we have to do guys is eat the me enough and we’re done GG I hope we have to do another 100 days soon today my friends and I are spending a 100 days in the end but in order to help us out we threw on a bunch of mods to make the end that much cooler from Custom biomes to new armor and weapons if you name it you can find it in this crazy end adventure and to make it even more fun my friends are going to play the entire thing as Enderman will we be able to beat the Ender Dragon at the end of these 100 days I don’t know I mean the end is not very forgiving all right guys take a look at how beautiful this version of the end is this is incredible cool it’s so beautiful I’m going to cry now I have a question how do we eat what eat I’m very hungry we need to figure that out you tried eating bark bark I mean I don’t think you can eat bark but I’m sure you can yeah you can make it into planks cap can you build us an Ender house yeah I totally can dude I’m going to get right on that okay wait a minute how do we all have pink cloes that’s awesome I don’t know you could do that I’m going be thanking dropy for that one I think yeah yeah well the glow is already applied by magic gods but I just made it think all right I have a crusting table now guys let’s see can we make everything the same okay it’s relatively the same then living I end too bad okay there go wood pickaxe does that mean that do you think end table colored that’s cool okay bad news guys endstone is not the same as cobbly Stone okay yeah well let’s let’s dig straight down and we’ll find something eventually more than likely maybe Poss oh no this is endstone isn’t it wait no but weirdly enough we something weird Steve if you mine endstone straight up you get oh know it does pop out I think someone just stole it the other times I did it yeah did steadfast here you go there you go there we go I got it all right let’s see can we make an endstone pickaxe please work please work otherwise we’re doomed we’re doomed okay we can’t do that then maybe we just go and jump straight to the next ore which is fium let’s try and look out see if you find an ore it should have about I found Anor you did yeah is that you all the way away from us yeah I found the nice spot for our house and there’s this like blue thing in the ground over here okay are you is that you kept digging yeah yeah like is that it God oh God oh God oh God I’m stuck in the wall help I’m stuck in the wall help I’m stuck in the wall I’m going to die oh so you’re not Jerome oh bro is that not you over there kid no it’s cold over here I don’t want to be over here anymore wait what oh you’re all the way I see start turning cold we wait we can start turning cold yeah my screen started freezing oh oh oh I broke I broke the thing hi friends where is the delass okay so here here’s two right there oh nice so you can mine it with a wooden pickaxe absolutely bro perfect perfect all right now we’re moving let’s see if there’s a different type of furnace and there is an endstone furnace nice okay oh Jerome there’s more right there oh my God kep great eyes buddy all right we’ll get some of these so cap do you want us to work on getting all this while you uh make an awesome base of Awesomeness yes but if like the moment you guys get like better tools could you hook me up I’ll hook you up right now I’ll makeing some furnaces and maybe we can all get like some iron or theum pickaxes what even is iron that doesn’t exist in our world we’re Enderman Yeahs yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay endstone furnace check I found a lot of this stuff actually okay good good good Steve then uh get to mine it should be more common than even iron is but it should have the same protection as iron does also as Enderman we get double Health pretty cool pretty cool stuff I got to say I mean I guess that’s kind of cool you know what else is kind of cool me yeah thanks bud I think he’s very cool though pretty what’d you find I found a different ore furnace wait what Crystal Shards what yeah I just found nend shards oops there we go well I just made myself uh you okay fium ingots just became a wooden pickaxe um what m i see this is a little bit of scramble craft too in order to make a fium pickaxe you need a special kind of anvil what same with a sword and the armor needs a forge plate with the same we need we need so much the asium and how do we even make the sword blade oh gosh how much is so much jome oh gosh too much oh gosh we got to get to work guys we need to get to work collect them as much the last teum as possible okay C you get to work on that base guys we’re going to be here a while all right this is not going to be an easy one we how much I mean Steve for the Anvil itself it’s like a traditional Anvil and then on top of is a whole new crafting way like Steve I don’t think you understand oh my I don’t understand yeah it’s insane Steve just get the Lum I’ve got 11 okay what does it look like I haven’t seen any just an ore blue it’s like a blue ore um also these end crystals actually probably are useful for us for crystalite uh armor oh that’s a thing yeah uh you need the the um I don’t even want to try I that word let I tried hiring some new workers for my construction efforts didn’t work out Stone oh can I please have a stone pickaxe this wood one sucks I mean I’m I don’t know if this is what it says it is he’s trying his best anyone have extra smid asium yeah I have over a stack of 64 no you don’t why I do that’s why I’ve been that’s why I’ve been sitting here saying how much is okay Steve where you at buddy I mean colleting UPS right now stuff well Steve uh if you if you want to um come to us and bring it or you know we can get moving and grooving no I think I’m okay Steve please I beg of you I’m I’m on my way all right all right all right all right it’s a long walk back alone cap I got one for you I don’t know which one is you but there you go there we go yes yes yes these guys I hired just suck I’m trying to find random to eat and it’s not really working out I am home all right where who who to what am I giving this uh just put them in the furnaces okay oh there’s no no fuel source in there yep we’re going to have to get more fuel so if anyone wants to help out Steve great work Buddy uh I could I put some of my wood in there so I’ll make an ax and just start cutting trees that works buddy that works we just got to keep it moving and grooving all right let’s see oh okay we had some some planks to start that’s fine yeah this is really pretty guys this makes me happy all right guys we got a really good start going so I say we let cppy finish up this house take a little bit of time and hopefully uh we’ll have a ton of theum this be good all right everyone so we smelted up a ton of th aium and we recently found out for food actually mushrooms are the easiest way to get it it’s actually a really decent food source you can cook them up uh no complaints there so I’m going to go ahead and make us some awesome anvils here so you ready so you just need to make that that then one of these and now we have a fium Anvil so cap where can I put this in your house oh if you just want to put it along this back wall right here that’d be great y there you go all right so we got the fium Anvil so now we should be able to start crafting up some pretty crazy things so if we were to go ahead and get a fium hammer I think next oh actually no there’s more to it than that oh gosh oh gosh okay so we need to get for ourselves is that regular Anvil F oh no no no no I got it I got it so we need the hammer and then an Ingot and that’ll give us plates okay got it um so that’s a solid block again all right all right all right all right all right let’s see if we can get this working okay let’s see here I’ll put down the crusting table right next to it okay now in order to make that we need a smithing table which is also super easy you use the Lum instead of how youd normally use iron so like that I put it in the wrong spot dang it there we go uh put that down there and now we can start to craft the rest of this stuff so if I was to put a stick there and that there it actually works we have a theasian hammer and now I can kind of take some of this stuff here that’s going to make a theasian axe head oh you can just choose between what you want to make okay so if I wanted to make like for instance a delium pickaxe head I could do that and then if I wanted to make the other part of it um oh just a regular old stick in that let me see guys I’m actually starting to understand the crafting in this yeah that’s awesome just it’s kind of one extra step but it’s fine yeah it’s a little different it’s not bad there we go so now I have a tassium pickaxe okay now what about if I wanted to make the armor here okay so you just hop into the Anvil here you take these ingots like that and you make a bunch of forged plates okay I can come all over to here oh man guys this really could be much worse I actually finally understand it it took me like actually doing it to really get it but now I do and for this I need a sword blade okay so I go over to here and we get a little something maybe one of these over here a little something like that so now oh God Steve what happened I fell oh was that what you said right on out yeah I was like uh oh and just happen to miss a jump and fall right on out of the world didn’t teleport to save yourself uh I was falling i i m teleported no I didn’t I Mis jumped but no I didn’t teleport to fix it I was too far down that’s okay Steve was done for it happens there was no coming back from that one dropy I’m sorry okay I’m trying to make this sword here and it’s still we’re going to need a lot of theum yep yeah but there we go I mean it’s not the end of the world you guys can’t see it but I have a full set of theum theum sword and a theasian pickaxe so we just need to get to work on getting everyone else it and uh you know things should start coming our way I mean yeah we’re going to need a lot of let’s uh’s let’s get around to doing that all right guys now we all have theum armor sword and pickaxe I think it’s time we go exploring there’s tons of different biomes out there cool things to see so let’s all uh let’s all Bunch up I know where I want to go okay which one are you wait which Enderman are you uh I am hopping up and down currently oh hello yes hello she know the way follow wait what are we going towards dropsy what is it uh I don’t know I just Smoke Stacks like in the distance and I thought it looked cool what okay who left the door open you it’s more of a gate than a door oh no oh no oh no I fell is that the way I see I see smoke over there yeah to the right I don’t know if that it’s the ring of fire oh yes they they look like volcanoes how do we get across so does any have building blocks oh I’ve got 58 in stone on me say c yeah go uh do that I’m going to M more pass by yeah we did pass by so I the one single block is bad you you went there I went my mind went towards food there was tons of mushrooms up there I wanted but I’m going to sit here and I’m going to watch cap and maybe even break the block under him also for future reference for those not building if you want to see what the stone block looks like okay yeah give me a second I’m getting some oh by the way did we set game rule keep inventory true in the end yeah do you want to find out no all right dropsy can I see can I see is it this stuff this is this is the stone block okay so that becomes Cobble or well stone pickax well it it’s it’s the equivalent to Stone yeah it doesn’t become Cobblestone but all right let’s do it I can’t wait to explore this there like sulfur let’s see wait when you hit have three we’ll tell you the bi it from here yeah but I feel like I should complete the bridge this is according to this guys we’re in the biome is the end oh my goodness the end o what’s this water par Endy I forgot we were Enderman for a second did you really oh thank you for saying that I forgot we were end pretty though dropsy it’s like if an alien took over a human like this is my human form you know like I’m still trying to get the hang of this stuff I see I see I’m sorry I’m an um so I made it to the top guys but I can’t do nothing well these yellow blocks look kind of nice here to look at stuff but this is also something to keep in mind for the fishing oh there are Little Fishies in there I’m going to get with my bare hands I killed one don’t do that I killed him I killed him with my bare hands and I got an end fish uh there’s a weird yeah I really like these building blocks can I bring you home some yellow stuff you absolutely can bro is yellow snow I peed on it I got it get kep these going to be so great dud oh it poisoned me oh it’s not nice what’s not nice what’s not nice a look at the bellyfish caboa I got gelatin gelatin from it caboa can that be the new thing can that be like when someone’s being really dumb can we be like you’re being a Cabo I thought that was the Lost verse of Jamaica T guys I got good news what’s that I got a hydrothermal vent thing what does that mean yeah what does that exactly mean it’s the top stuff it makes the poof poof with the smoke all right cap I got you 48 of this uh Brimstone the yellow stuff a neat neat can we go to another biome yeah pick up some of the the only one I know of so okay well we can keep exploring we’ll find some new places wait it is guys it’s called Sulfur Springs what yeah didn’t you say that well the biome changed it it initially just said the end but it finally changed should should we pick up some of the sulfur um sure question mark I don’t really know what we’d use it for yet but I found new biome new biome you there I see you end I got you look in the distance I don’t know what that is but I want to go to it we will expl oh my gosh look at it there’s the Christmas lights that the Christmas dimension actually I’ll go down and then oh wow that is so cool I’ve got an Ender Shard hey you want this raw fish I bet you tastes really good I picked it back up it’s okay I did oh no here no no no um well me go Safe Way don’t worry guys I’ll keep the exploration going fine I’m I’m on my way back you have any more building blocks person here me I can’t whoever I punched in the bag of the head oh that was me I have three oh bro we’re doomed there’s three there’s one of that I have 15 sulfur and 12 wood I got an idea Steve you ready yay oh oh God the water burned it worked I’m here it worked I’m here too wow dropsy didn’t work for dropsy Steve want to go fishing with me okay just a little bit further why why why are you whoever did that you’re a monster whom is this guys I got five raw fish I’m pretty sure that’s dropy I’m so proud of you Jerome thanks Steve you care Oh My Gosh guys everyone gets one guess as to what these are not you Steve cuz you’re right here and you probably already picked one up uh in Cactus actually very close Cappy oh it’s definitely Cactus they’re Neon Cactus what I want to put these in a pot purple tree I’m out bro oh waa another new biome oh yeah let’s go explore let’s go explore dude this is so cool I love this okay I’m I need to take all flowers oh flowers don’t get picked up yeah I was going to say can’t get them oh my goodness what are those purple blocks all right let’s get some of those so cap I got you 37 Neon Cactus 48 Brimstone we’ll go get some of these purpley blocks and that way you can accessorize yes access guys using their teleportation as much as I wish they were oh God are these updated choruses uh cat this is called put Thea logs think about it dude pytha dendron yeah put the B logs yeah the the the pantheon logs I I mean I could reset up fruit chorus mushrooms are here too you can eat those so pick those up um um n n n n this this is the thing we need these I’m going to keep eating chorus fruits and you can’t stop said we need these so we need okay so it’s a good thing I was picking them up I am only just pick up this whole thing you from teleportation now oh those are so cool what are those wait dropy are you just using your hand on these or no no you just can’t see us using stuff okay I was just I was need to find more of those so now I know the biome they show up in like what is this what is this rock over here verid Jade stone what guys yeah there’s a tower up here W oh my goodness what can we explore it can we explore it please Dad yeah we can explore it tomorrow I’ll be your dad let’s go inside I want to see what it’s all about wait wait hold up hold up I don’t think they attack us I’m breaking in I hit the shter don’t I hit him in the head they don’t attack us let’s just go oh cuz we’re one of them yeah climb me upstairs you know what being an Enderman now you realize that this is ridiculous the end cities cuz they can’t even go up their own cities yeah their heads hit the the ceiling oh God ouch that really hurt oh wait yeah why aren’t we just teleporting up there a God I’m stuck I’m stuck nope that’s not a good idea Jerome no it worked extremely well for me you’re just bad probably I did it I I teleport to the loot room diamond pickaxe Unbreaking three let’s go lots of gold and gas TI diamond helmet with curse of Vanishing and mending guys make sure you pick up everything even if you don’t think it’s like that important cuz it’s Overworld stuff like I picked up beetroot gold ingots gas tiers just get everything jome if we break the in chest we can go to the nether no you messed up my oh St to there wa I didn’t know such thing you’re right but where are the just got one and I’ve got eight obsidian let’s go dude if we break one more you’re right we can go to the nether at some point all right I’m going to break into this Tower here I see you loot I see you Mr loot okay three gold ingots that’s fine oh okay I got another in chest dude that’s 16 ooh so much regular iron way to go dude okay I’m going to keep exploring this has gone so well yeah I’m going up oh God I’m at half a heart I took some serious fall damage okay oh wow okay so I got some diamond boots and some fire protection legs with some golden ingots and another end chest so I’m going to destroy that that is really awesome no B oh hey hey hey oh my goodness I got eight obsidian you want to go to the nether here you go Cy I got you all these to build a thank you thank you so much and I got Pur block ooh that’s actually pretty awesome well I got exactly 12 so I could do that on all the corners oh dude that’s sick and what I’ll do after that is like this I’m dead Cy which one hi dead I’m Jerome I’m this guy yes okay I got you these and these and this and that oo you guys are so good to me that might help out a successful day of exploring honestly all right guys if we want to make an infusion pet pedestal we’re going to need some Eyes of Ender now normally you’d use blaze powder for that however being we have this new mod here we can actually build it using Crystal Shards which we have tons of already and Amber gems so here we are guys we just got to go over here and get some Amber gems for ourselves a a decent amount of them and uh from there then we have to go kill our Brethren and steal their ender pearls which also doubles as the Ender’s liver people don’t realize that die do it really yes this is so sad D oh my gosh they deser slimes there we go got this one I don’t like this no well it’s too bad there how many do we need what why can’t I who is this who are you why can’t I hurt you I don’t know I can’t hurt you either all right we’ll let this slide for now Steve what do you mean you’ll let it slide all right anyone you’re doing me a favor is am over here by me no this was uh glowing pillar okay I’m assuming it’s probably underground maybe I’ll go down if someone wants to go up I don’t really know what what is it that we’re looking for what’s it called Amber gem these are slimes comes from raw Ember or Amber sorry raw Amber so yeah Amber is usually found underground I believe so we’ll probably have to do a little mining little bit we need end Pearl right yeah got some it is underground it do be underground they come in like I told you it do be they come in like decent sized veins pears do you oh guy why are you who is this why are you take that’s probably Steve take one guess okay well who it is y I crack myself sometimes Dr how many uh Ender Pearls do you need um I don’t know just keep slaughtering everyone okay how many Eyes of Ender do we need why Steve cuz I find it funny all right so if I’m correct to make the Fusion pedestal we literally only need one Eye of Ender that’s pretty dang easy so we already have a bunch of Ender Pearls but keep killing them dead it’s fine um and we need Amber gems I have one Amber gem you get it by combining four raw Amber so we need a little bit more raw Amber we’ll be fine all righty you got that right dude well I’m looking for it I don’t know if I got it you got that right dude well I mean like I said I don’t know if I do but hopefully you do you’re really going to make me say this again yep I got it Steve I got it all right so you got it right dude yep yep yep I got it anyone have any luck with this by the way with what I’m letting you have the luck oh okay stead by the way how many end Pearls do you have uh I got five for sure I don’t know about dropsy though no that’s fine that’s more than enough one nice nice nice murder rizing all right do you need slime balls for anything uh I don’t know but I have L of them I do as well that’s why I was asking okay let’s go this way wait didn’t I have an exact staircase all the way up Steve did you cover it why do who built you Jerome I was in the middle of fighting an Enderman and you got me killed no you got yourself killed Steve you had to ask me questions right that in there while I was in an intense fight now I have to go burn the house down sounds like you need to blow your nose first what dude I don’t even know what to tell you man I’ve been stuffed up for days weeks have Co weeks Hey cap I’m here to burn the house down please don’t the grass just spread okay then I’m at least making it into a smoke Factory no I mean I actually does look good doesn’t it I actually do like those blocks but can we move them to this Pond over here Steve you know what I’m a person drum I found some nice how many you got buddy I’m mining to it right now I’m getting it uh I busted up at least six but no more more than seven at least six okay so then so that’s nine so we need like a couple more then I got six dur perfect so that’s nine okay we need three more literally just three more I got uh eight ender pearls for you Jerome eight ender pearls nice that’s stead I hope you know I was kidding we only need like three total but you keep doing it buddy you got it okay just in case yeah just in case because we we all know is true true true you never know how many I’ll need to use very valid yes I found some let’s go let’s go let’s go all righty and that let’s go Jerry that is way more than enough all right we can head on home now and let’s go and uh combine our stuff together let’s see what we can make here okay so I got those I need just a little bit of more raw Amber if anyone has yeah I got six on me I’m coming to the base now oh okay okay I’m at the base buddy I’m the guy jumping up and down what about the guy jumping up and down behind you well I don’t know about him but uh can I have the raw Amber I already gave it to you ah thank you kind sir you are smartman Mr Cappy yes I come bearing decorative gifts oh I don’t know which one you are though hello corner is I’m not in the house okay I come outside hello hello I bring get out of here no this this this is not a you thing whoever this is definitely Steve all right guys so now we’re going to get ready to do our very own enchanting I want to make our own enchanting books and specifically I want to work on getting the infinity enchantment it’s not easy but once you know what you’re doing it’ll make a lot of sense so we’re going to need some of the different things that we’ve gotten over time so the obsidian the Eye of Ender the two ender pearls and then in here we also need six of these pedestals plus two of the ones from out here um so cap I’m sorry I’m going to debutify your portal no well did you at least take the two front ones nope I mismatched I did diagonal he took the two back ones or wait how are you finding them he technically took the two front ones imagine he took two Corner ones like he took one from opposite side I was going to be so mad oh that’s a good idea let me go over there and do that no just I will end you I will end your whole doing it doing it right now I’m looking all right there we go perfect drop all right wait hold up what what what’s wrong why is it right there okay so now for the next part of it let’s go ahead I’m going to put it right here in the middle of the swirly just like that and then I think now it’s either two or three let me think let me it’s two out okay so it’s like one so like that and then a diagonal two so it would be this block God it okay just like this look at that look at that look at look look look look look at that stop Steve I know that’s you who jumping on all of them is definitely Steve no placing blocks on top of the pedestals oh no I’m the one jumping on all of them so there we go this is the alter now and we’ll be able to make all sorts of enchantments the way you do it in this mod is you pretty much put random items on here I mean obviously they’re specific items pretending on the enchantments but random in the sense that we don’t know which ones they are right now for the infinity and you put them down all around in a circle and it’ll diffuse a book in the Middle with the enchantment you want it’s going to be so awesome yo oh one of my trees grew on top of the house it’s sick oh God do we have insurance for that no oh all right guys today is going to be so awesome cuz we’re working the infinity enchantment book and we’re going to get to use the infusion pedestal a bunch of times so in order to make an enchanted pedestal or Enchanted petal sorry we need to make a hydro or we need to get a hydrolux petal which we got from the sulfuric Springs and four Crystal Shards so let me go ahead and take those you put the hydrax pedal right in the middle there and of course you go around like this and you’re ready look at that this is cool so it infuses it up so now we have the p uh petal there now the next thing we’re going to need is an eternal Crystal which mushroom mushroom mushroom and mushroom that’s not think it’s working I don’t think that works the way you think it works I’ve made a delicious recipe yes okay well actually I do need to get a regular crafting table there in order to make the end Shard so luckily enough those gas tiers that we found at the end City actually going to come in big handy here so you can click on this go over to here and you can make an End Crystal for yourself okay so we got that and then four Crystal Shards now we need Ender shards ooh oh I grabbed some of those oh you did I have them in the chest yeah yeah yeah I ends right here there’s 11 of them in there that’s more than enough dude that’s way more than enough perfect I got for a second I was like uhoh we don’t have any of those no we they’re a they’re a minable block they’re the darker blue ones that you can find okay well then if you’re ready for it guys we get to go and Infuse another cool thing here we go I’m ready to infuse all right so we put that in the middle there oh wao it literally like fully it fully makes it don’t punch it don’t you definitely don’t punch who is going to punch it listen if Captain blast tells you not to blow something up don’t blow it up I think Captain blastam should blow it up no no one is blowing up the end Crystal blow it up but why not it up one is blowing crouching looks like wait is that what it yes at that guys yes oh I got sticky keys all right people turn those off that’s what you get for eating Donuts and now you ready we’re going to put spectral Arrow spectral arrow and then the pedal there and then La poopy la poopy la poopy and last but not least the book in the middle and this is how Enderman enchant stuff we’re now about to go ahead and get an Infinity bow guys how cool is that that’s neat very neat isn’t it crazy are we’re going to use the one weapon that Enderman can always Dodge I know and we’re going to use it to defeat the Ender Dragon hold up and imagine if wait we’re going to kill the Ender Dragon no no who said who said that isn’t isn’t that like our God or something well you want to kill I got a blast all right guys it’s finally the day where we’re going to fight the Ender Dragon so I used up four of my five levels in order to get an Infinity bow we had a single Arrow as well which now we have an infinite amount of and I’m going to get two stacks of blocks guys we’re going to go find the Ender Dragon and show him what’s what all right guys let’s get over to the end dragon now we’re going to have to build up a little bit first because if we just try and teleport we’ll slam into the side of that die and it’ll be a miserable time for everybody no you won’t wait what did you just do it yeah yeah living on the edge bro a nope oh no missed it so guys you could probably just TP up to him and pop him oh my gosh guys I don’t want to oh my go look at us go oh no oh God stuck guys I’m going to die ouch just hit the thing that was they already up there don’t worry guys we can do this I hope used to looking down do you think the End Dragon is going to be disappointed in us oh yes why wouldn’t he be yeah it’s true yeah he probably thought we were one of him and then we just you know you think you’re tough kill him well you’re not stuff at all all right let me see if I can pop yeah broke another crystal is that all of them already yeah I think so being Enderman rocks also what is that bottom pedestal that is an insane pedestal is he going to land on that perch you might have to shoot him a little bit also this is way more enjoyable being the Enderman don’t try to uh attack you mhm yeah no I agree it’s actually really for each one up there okay they did I think everything’s down yeah it looks like everything’s down oh he’s going to have to land at some point cuz I’m slamming these arrows into him I I think here he comes maybe also could we just appreciate how beautiful the eye looks oh yeah it looks so good that there constellation is the creep constellation you can tell it’s the way it is cuz that’s the way it is you know what makes me sad C now that you said it why are there no like constellations like how heing everyone we will continue this conversation later about the stars in M he’s angry he’s angry that’s not very nice Mr Dragon take some of this slap slap slap slap slap my goap we’re actually doing numbers on this guy wait cap do you don’t have a sword yeah I have a sword we just can’t see each other’s swords okay you just kept saying slap and I was like is he just like punching him in the headis that’s totally a me move I know but not this time oh okay okay I thought your move was not wearing pants I mean they’re all cppy B moves cppy B always be bust tal mhm I went 6 months without wearing socks once no that’s kind of horrible though like you can get away with that he’s Landing again get him oh my God oh God y i teleported down hello guys we might be able to get him to within a couple bow hits I don’t think we’ll kill him this time but he’ll be within a few bow hits remember to teleport down to like save fall damage one more you have the moral fiber of a Butterfinger oh my God wait get over here Dragon yeah that was kind of rude Dr we deserve it don’t make the mistake of hitting an Enderman they never give up even if you about with a bow this is it oh he’s Landing SL dunk time from the top ropes whack good oh my God oh God C where did you come from the top ropes yeah there go good hit GG woo and there it is everyone surviving a 100 days in the end today my friends and are going to be surviving a 100 days in a Minecraft zombie apocalypse the world is an absolute shambles but that’s where we step in our goal is to create the ultimate defensive base that’ll stop the blood moon from rising because once that happens the most insane zombie horde you’ve ever seen comes no seriously take a look that’s a lot I put down a bunch of our bear traps but guys that might not be enough y exploding that’s fun and that’s just a short snippet it lasts like 20 minutes dude I don’t know if we’re going to survive guys there’s a lot of zombies in these Woods let’s go go go we got to get out of here oh my God okay follow Jerome I’m digging a p dude there’s a lot a lot of zombies digging a pit a digging a pit why yeah where do you think I want to live you think digging a pit why is it taking so long to break this tree why is it taking so long to break this tree need an ax for that tree what what does that mean that it doesn’t break oh my God bre okay so how do break tree oh no oh no break it from the trunk but do it take forever yes it does it’s survival Jerome I tried to explain this it’s harder living in the trees I don’t want to be a zombie why didn’t you fight that zombie I was almost done with that tree I was also almost done so same could be said to you you were not because you just started there was no way guys look Timber hey we’re all alive and that’s what matters you know you know you know you know I chopped down a tree too don’t worry I got stick I’m stuck in a tree stead only you only you I’m not even going to unpack that I’m amazed I see them they you might want to get running looking for the skinny trees cuz those are easier to break I’m going to make a stone axe in a second so we can start cutting trees down like that fingers I think that tree dropped some corn dogs but how do you make planks what huh you craft the planks like you would any normal sticks oh well you’re supposed to get logs so I didn’t get logs from my tree either oh I don’t know I definitely definitely have I’m I’m going to try to chop down an entire tree maybe that’s the problem I’ve only been doing the trunks no that’s what yeah from the trunk it falls down and then they spawn logs and sticks all right let’s see with a stone ax it is a little quicker actually nice okay look at that so let’s get a little deforestation Nation going on why do I hear something yeah why do I hear a gun what um I didn’t hear a gun I thought I I’m hearing a gun someone shooting or a zombie shooting at proba be a zombie I’m going to assume it’s not a zombie shooting you um so keep your eyes peeled wait I have an idea all right cap should I give you a bunch of these uh logs and all that so you can make an awesome base yeah man definitely first thing on the agenda walls my gosh these zombies are so smart that that little Landing right here where yeah right up there we drop between these two can we have a ladder go this out yeah where are you guys zombies don’t like ladders zombies after me though I’m going to fight him all right so do you want to build a ladder oh God oh God oh I just saw that tree crumble over the what is that oh no he’s got overalls what is that oh that was a zombie you heard shooting I didn’t realize that mod was in here okay all right C if you want to build like a little thingy that they need ladders I’m going to build out dirt to okay or even just fences I’m coming over guys oh oh my gosh okay so first okay we’re going to have like a preliminary gate right over here okay um I I don’t think I’ll be able to you got to be careful chopping these trees down cuz if I remember right if you’re on the wrong end it can kill you cuz it’ll just smash you no wait really legitimately that’s a thing with these trees okay well so crafting table guys I I hope you enjoy your guys’ vacation over there on that island I am stuck in a tree with maybe 30 zombies two and two hearts how are you stuck in a tree I don’t understand why’ you run away from us we are in a zombie survival and you said let’s not stay in a group Steve are you replanting those trees or does that just happen I didn’t replant them no that is interesting also guys New Wave New Wave coming in oh my God can they break down doors in this I have no idea yes they we need to make an iron door then at some point oh my gosh be very careful of passive mobs because they will gang up and attack you I just had a sheep yes I just had a sheep bite me in the ankle all right we’re going to need to get iron so we can iron door yeah we need iron for iron door uh I’m going to need some backup on all these okay I’m making a sword now all right yeah woo I’ll go look out for us get to mining guys I think we need to find oh Steve’s dead Ste what tree are you stuck in that you Undead Your Spawn yeah guys human jerky doesn’t uh actually taste good I just wanted you to know that oh that guy has a gun that’s not fair oh God take cover oh that hurt guys I I don’t know how to tell you this but I have a board of pigs packing here right now that’s a iron what I pigs attacking me right now what oh I yeah he’s right I see Steve I see you supposed to be what is going on pigs are just go running towards him oh God Steve is everything after this all I thought this was zombies this is whatever it wants to be apparently okay okay okay okay all right well first one of these down imag at least I’m not stuck in a tree be stuck in a tree by a pig parkour yeah dud this is where I B I like this mod pack a lot can we stay here forever I don’t think you guys understand how many pigs were just chasing okay I I think I can get god well you should have been more careful I think I can get down all right okay guys how’s the aotop oh my God saw we lost Cappy oh my God Cappy run cppy run Cappy run don’t go that way this has to happen we need the food dropsy oh my God Steve God speed sir all right all the zombies are coming up okay I found it I found it I see you guys is it almost daytime up there it is daytime I don’t know where you guys are though I’m hiding I’m actually not hiding I’m underground right over here oh okay oh God I’m killing myself I’m working on getting us food yeah that is weird can I get a little help okay I got your back bro I would love to help you okay I’m on the other side iron sword go oh my God these zombi oh that’s my cast and blast him start spot I’m on the way home guys I’ve got food I’m going deeper into the mines guys there better not be zombies here there probably are going to be zombies here oh my we need to finish off this fence and like build it up a couple and make an iron door of course if you have dirt oh my God no there’s zombies with guns thank you in the mines oh no oh my God and they hurt oh my God oh God you’re going to be okay room no I don’t think I’m going to be okay Steve I’m getting chased out of the mines by zombies with guns okay but are you going to be okay no I’m scarred mentally for life oh more iron nice okay well uh I have five extra iron now okay oh here’s some more iron oh god look what are you doing down here you get away you get away from me okay um he dropped two apples guys I think I’m bleeding oh that’ll H that’ll happen sometimes Steve yeah you good over there I found Blood on the ground guys we have a zombie coming in with the gun yep you got to take care of that or like what’s going on um I have five I don’t think I can survive a gunshot killing these zombies got me some food though I finally got bread and apples yeah I kind of want to build a bridge across to the other island is it even worth asking if there any Villages or are they probably all just taken over at this point drop there’s like absolutely there’s uh about a stack of planks there for you oh thanks all right I’m going to get us some pork chops going once I finish mining up this coal and nice pork furnes yep can confirm guys I’m bleeding oh God are you ding no I’m not dying just every time I look down there’s like Splats of blood you see this look oh no yeah I see that hope I’m bleeding at an alarming rate also why would you want to bleed at an alarming stead that’s why I’m asking for help I don’t want to be bleeding in an alarming rate Steve Steve Steve here you know what I’ll help come here Steve I potatoes fine fine I was just trying to give you some zombie flesh to eat you know to stop your bleeding but no I don’t know if that would help that’s not going to help it does I stopped bleeding from Human bleed can’t bleed dead bro true oh I’ve got 26 extra iron which would normally be enough but we need to make a door so need to get a couple more and I’ll be able to have a full set and I’ll be happy okay here we go foods are cooking 26 pork chops good work there buddy 25 cuz I’m eating one okay I’m pretty sure the second island can’t be reached oh it totally can totally can okay all right now that that’s taken care of and I’m no longer bleeding I will work on getting us more wood thank you wel all right I’m coming home with this iron so we should be able to get a full set of iron armor and also uh an iron door GG all right guys now if we were to build regular old Shields these zombies would probably break right through them so what we should do instead of that is we should go and make this things called Diamond reinforc Shields or smartan Shields so in order to make it you need a crude wooden Shield which is very easy to make uh and you just need four diamonds on top of that so I guess the hard part is the diamonds but to be fair we we should be able to make that pretty or find those pretty easily um it’s just something to do all right here we go so let me put one of that in the middle and I think I can go ahead and make no that doesn’t count as a stick okay well you know what fine fine I’ll make a stick the oldfashioned way there we go yeah this seems super easy all right guys let’s go mining uh good luck surviving everyone and uh who took the button y not put the buttons on this side no someone took the button oh God the zombies are here oh my God all right get out of here who hit me off why why you’re sicko I’ll give you one guess as to who did it it was dead yeah no oh my good all right I’m taking one of these buttons from the front door Steve’s a monster I mean I didn’t know I was a monster guys I thought I was a pretty nice guy I mean you just hit your friend into a zombie horde I mean that’s kind of as bad as a get steeve that’s yeah I I didn’t I didn’t do that though I’d vote you off the island if all right we need to find a good M shaft to get these diamonds rolling and of course if you find anything else to explore totally totally worth it you know guys I found reindeer oh drum yeah right down here it’s a nice little cave oh I think that might be the one I already found if it’s right below yeah I mean you could try it it might not be but I was already in a cave there’s planks in it I doubt it there’s a lot of extra iron here might as well grab it I think I see a boar hey there guy how you doing yeah there loads of extra iron so I’ll just grab this for now I it doesn’t hurt us to get extra uh don’t worry cap I’ll I’ll help guys I’m to not be a fan of zombies they’re kind of mean yeah they they really are they don’t make good house guests really do be do you guys need help with zombies I’m just building over here no it’s fine zombie apocalypse house husband and wow the iron I found turned out to be a lot more animal Chanel in one place I now have no no they’re spread out no ow I got hit oh God they’re shooting at me ow wow I just dug into three things of iron that’s what I’m saying dude I have so much I exra 21 now oh my gosh it’s crazy cuz it wasn’t even the of the de you just got to keep your eyes peeled like a lemon Steve wait I I I I found a Ravin ooh nice well that’s an interesting thing I join you sure when water hits lava apparently it actually uh steams in this mod that’s kind of cool it’s kind of cool stay stay close to the edges and you go just jumps right instead I I didn’t jump right in well I believe it I’m I’m following the edges around it so I don’t have to actually fight these zombies there we go how deep are we we’re at 54 only jeez get targeted by a shark stead uh what stead what what do you mean what it’s your achievement you’re the one getting targeted by shark oh uh I really don’t know how I got that because in a cave with jome the waterfall sound crazy guys the the what is that the water shooting other zombies yeah but I keep doing that yeah I’m going let him let them be right um I don’t know how to say this guys but I’m getting attacked by probably about 62 cave spiders right now uh oh no and I died to a skeleton of all things to Bones Mr Ed can you put uh could you put stest name over that can you imagine can you imagine dead no no we’re we’re no no am I the only one dealing with immense amounts of random mobs attacking me yes first it was like 50 pigs then it was like 50 spiders Steve I have seen a lot of zombies and that’s it I think you’re making it all up W I honestly I’ve seen more spiders than I have zombies I’m not I have not seen anything but zombies Steve I think you’re losing it I did just find iron I don’t think I’m losing it because there’s video evidence dead sounds like a u isue then sounds like he’s losing it guys Steve’s about to be like oh no my recording corrupted right wish a zombie come on buddy walk around but I found a snail I killed him dropping stuff what are you another iron pick are you supposed to be a frog because you do not look like a frog Steve it’s not exactly nice to say um oh guys St I’m actually in a very expansive Cave System that’s at y1 so there’s an extremely good chance I’m going to find these diamonds Cappy I want you to know the sign is never going to change it’s always going to be zero I know right um okay but hey we can edit by right clicking so that’s pretty neat wait really oh okay let’s what is that blue Sprout I don’t want this I can’t eat it or maybe I can eat it uh drum did you just get shot at no I’m way underground dude oh okay I just heard someone get shot at probably Cappy I think we’re going toste oh wait I need to grab this yes please do drum did you go down from that waterfall yes okay I have no idea what you’re talking about in in the Ravine that we were in oh there’s nothing down there oh which way did you go then I want to make it to the other side of this lava patch but it’s pretty dang far away so oh God I heard a gunshot I did too I hear gunshots is that heard a single gunshot so do not believe you guys is going to be all right I think it’s dropy I think everything’s going to be terribly wrong don’t you wor um about a thing yes okay almost made it across to the further end of the Cave System let’s go come on come on Timber on him no are you trying to collapse a tree onto a zombie a little bit you know Fair diamonds baby let’s go found them nice yep I found some diamonds and I found some lapis and some gold a little bit of everything really random holes little bit of everything go oh wow that’s a lot of lapis not even a little that’s a lle it’s an ax of lles worth for sure um how many Diamond I haven’t got them yet I just got the lapis and I’m getting the gold and I’ll make my way over to the diamonds oo an eight vein of gold nine vein of gold 10 vein of gold okay I didn’t even know that was possible um wow okay I’m not getting any logs I guess it needs to be like a full grown tree five five diamonds guys nice that’s just enough so let me go ahead and let me craft this Shield up all right so we got the crafting table right there and then we’ll go ahead put that in the middle and you surround it like that the diamond reinforced Shield Max protection 2560 it says I can block and left click to Shield Bash that’s so cool bash yeah I got a a shield bash attack it doesn’t tell me how much damage it does it might just be for knockback but that is so sick all right guys all right guys it’s about time we start building some technical machines to protect our base instead of just us so I actually have a couple things that I can make here and I’m going to go ahead and do it so first things first I want to build a Sentry turret for us because uh we’re going to really desperately need this okay uh so the cental turret actually doesn’t run out of ammo ever which is really awesome and from there we can use it to defend ourselves kind of surround our base and uh be living the dream is someone my mind what it’s every time you flip through that there’s stupid noises cuz everything has a sound effect I’m going to lose it I was wondering what that was it was really bugging me okay uh let me go ahead and put the bow right there dispenser check so it’s going to be a little bit more involved but also I need to make a reinforced block which I’ll need to make one of these for the universal block reinforcer so we need a laser block to jeez there’s so much stuff that we need also I need to smelt down some Stones um so let me just go ahead and I’ll put those I don’t even know how many I need for this let’s see seven probably that’s exactly the amount we need a block of redstone and I need some glass plan so let me just go and make some of those and one of those okay per can you guys stop doing the Steve it’s Steve it’s only Steve stead stead hit me over the fence so I hit him twice okay now this is the Whit lless module this will make sure that the turrets don’t attack you okay well by turrets I mean we’re only going to get one turret for now but it’s going to make sure the turret doesn’t attack you and then last but not least the mines are the easiest thing in the world to make so we’re going to have 20 oh my God it’s time three we have 63 mines uh just that chuckle oh my God C you shouldn’t have said anything hey give me bombs I am expert yes I will I will buddy but you got to be patient okay explosions only happen to those that wait days without incident four C put that to a zero Steve just pushed that off a cliff Ste tried to feed me to the zombies two times I pushed him off a cliff I’m sorry the answer is still the same that’s an incident yes I don’t doesn’t change anything Steve okay reinforc blocks so Universal block reinforcer then all right that’s how I make one of the laser blocks there jeez there’s a lot of stuff involved with this security craft but once you get it down it’s super duper easy um all right then the universal block reinforcer I just take one glass I’m trying to do this for memory now laser and was it diamond diamond Redstone Redstone stick that was all right now the next part in terms of reinforcing it I think I just right click in the air yep there we go one two three no way guys it actually I think I did it oh wait no how do I pull him out of there now oh it just shoots out of it okay well that was interesting oh my God it’s it’s literally cut it’s caught between the God dang it what it was just caught in a weird spot that I couldn’t pick it up and I was like you got to be kidding me um perfect and now we can build the machine gun everyone this is going to this going to be good this is going to be good all right portable radar we put right there and then a dispenser and then I think it’s iron iron Redstone Redstone there it is we got a senty all right so we got the Whit list module we got the sentury and we got the mines so now I need to add all your names to this list so it’s actually really cool it works right so I just type in dropsy then I can type in steadfast games then I can type in site music and then I can type in Captain uncore blast them yeah and I don’t think I need to do this cuz I’m making it but just in case there’s jome SF all right I’m going outside everyone here we go good luck I’m going to put the turret honestly I’ll put the turret like right here smack dab in the middle I don’t see why not it seems like that would be a great place do it up up a little bit maybe for higher angles I mean yeah but it’s in a ring isn’t it yeah I think this will be fine ow ow ow ow ow that does not work it works now no no I didn’t give you the white list there you go come come on walk a little closer oh the zombies are coming let’s see that work shred them buddy shred them oh please please please work um drum drum I don’t think it works he’s just being a little patient he’s just being a little wait is it working now y it’s working now it’s working now it’sing dropy lock the door okay they just have to get at the same level as the t wait wait you no look at that no no cap cap cap yeah destroyed button cap cap cap what let us in let us in the base you know what fine I gu won’t get to place the mines everywhere I’ll just kill you and take them good I left your name off the Whit list for the turret pal there we go the buttons are back on there all right uh I’m going to give you guys some mines uh be very careful cuz if you step on someone else’s mine you’ll blow up so there’s 16 of them uh okay then I should probably not touch do you guys not want these mines I’m going to leave 60 the outside of the door I do yes all right don’t put them near this put them like out here so right outside the door right no I say let’s put them around the like who blew up already H it was a zombie actually could somebody set the incidence to like negative one yeah right yeah I got you there wasn’t an incident the mine worked exactly how it should negative one on the incident report we’re making an awesome Minefield Zombie’s about to step over oh my God he almost stepped on it oh dude it’s actually working this is going to be I think we should save the mines for when we’re out and about in the world and not just destroy our area my gosh to be fair though the zombies are now not going to they’re they’re going to make it very difficult on themselves to rush in here yeah are you going to make some pliers so that we can diffuse any mines we put down no oh great no we live I thought you’d be on board with that hey blasting isn’t just about the blast okay now you could have fooled me Cappy yeah every blast I do is specifically timed to cause the least amount of damage to you guys possible unless why is there one in a tree but he likes up there I did I did put that there okay wait what happens if we break the tree break the tree oh no I wonder I I really want to know that’s my tree don’t break it all right I’m not going to break it broken it’s probably just going to stay in the middle of the air that’s what I’m going to guess but first got to kill those zombies there all right I’m breaking it oh what happened did it work exploded oh okay oh drum drum let’s put like 14 on One Tree and chop it down what what that’s a amazing idea I’m just Kidd no we we’re good we’re good we’re inan out of Mines anyway oh there it goes guys the job well done this base is going to be Mega secure look at that turret oh I love it this is great all right guys it’s about time that we actually start making some real weapons so I want to make a Tommy Gun for all of us okay it won’t be nearly nearly as bad as you guys uh think it is I actually went ahead and got all the stuff prepared for us already and by by me I mean I stole a lot of the stuff you guys prepared for us already um what nothing I didn’t do anything nothing nothing there’s nothing at all I didn’t why would I why would I ever do that place this mine right in the middle of here and you’re going to be oh God you didn’t use all the mines right here Steve Steve you were supposed to have used all the mines remember Steve um guys who but I still have three left who didn’t check if Steve placed all the mines all right I’m going to go C it’s not my responsibility yeah come on man is it my responsibility Steve do not put that up there oh God Steve whatever can’t stop me now Steve please whatever you’re doing it’s don’t uh I I think it’s already too late he’s up in the Watchtower we have a watchtower we have a watchtower yeah clearly I’ve not been paying attention at all um okay uh iron receiver wood stocks are good okay then we need what’s the last piece a oh okay just the SMG magazine so we need to make five more of these things and then we can start working on the actual ammunition there we go boom and that should be easy enough there and then right here okay guys I built a bunch of extra SMG mags and actually I might even be able to build even more for us if we need let me see copper nuggets okay so now we need that lead ingots so we put that at the top just make some of these oh hi Steve are you okay or did that break all your bones uh do you not see the blood splatter underneath of me I don’t think I’m okay I drop well uh Steve we’re proud of you anyway buddy you you really did it big buddy I’m going to limp my way out of here now thanks I got to go do that again uh guys yeah I I may have made a couple of uh two much ammunitions what do you mean there’s no such thing making one makes eight right yeah oh how did you make um guys we might you’re you’ll see you’ll see stead uh so let me just put that let me see and boom all right so we’ve got uh you know a casual um 68 magazines oh my God that’s perfect divided by five people we can totally make that happen yeah you know uh so anyway let me finish up these guns here and you guys will be all set arino all right I can’t wait to shoot stead oh okay so here we go one right there what okay it vanished for me there and Steve here is uh 12 thingies first well I didn’t mean to I threw it down he was the first eager person there you go dropsy here you go and there’s your ammo oh dead Bobby boy why are you I’m not no no ow okay days without incident zero oh my God stead here you go ready boom and let me give you 10 shots there you go all right guys and there we go so now these things should be able to shred through zombies like nothing like let’s see oh my God it actually does eight damage a hit you know what cap can we change this sign to days without Steve causing an incident that’d be a little bit more accurate if you ask me that’s too many words though all right guys save your ammo save your ammo we know how these work now but now we’re going to be ready for any later game stuff so the zombies can’t invade our base anymore cuz we got the centuries and the Minefield we’ve also got SMGs guys I’m I’m feeling really good about this I think we’re uh I think we’re set days without incident negative 99 you know that’s fair but guys I noticed something really cool the other day so I was looking down and there are a couple of zombie villagers in there for sure so I was thinking why why would you feed them do you see the villagers down there I needed it accurate without incidents oh my God okay so anyway I’ll help you out bud there are zomie villagers Jesus watch out for the zombie villagers okay there’s one right there for instance perfect so what we need to do is we need to go and try and cure them and I have just the way to do it you ready so I was thinking how cool would it be if we made cage traps to trap the zombie in it then we go get a golden apple and a splash potion of weakness and convert them out so in order to make that happen I got the stuff right here for a portal let me go uh head on over here does anyone have a flint or should I go and get one of those uh I do not have one actually I get this thing off me either um oh there’s Flint right here we’re fine I can make a flint and steel then pretty easily nice and because you guys seem very keen on throwing people off this Cliff I’m turning it into a portal okay thank you can I throw you off the cliff Steve no okay can I put a mine in the cliff can you put a why Steve why can’t you just be polite all right and then let me put this here and let me break why can’t down yeah who me on fire not oh bro you need some help no there we go fine all right Steve good luck going in there buddy and then in the meantime I’m going to make some of these cage traps super easily so the way it works is that they walk on it it literally just immediately traps them inside of it it’s really really awesome um okay so we need to make some iron bars next so let me just go ahead and do that and we need to reinforce them too which is very easy to do guys I’m scared why what’s wrong Steve there’s legitimate souls coming out of the Soul Sand good um Steve Don’t Go Near those all right we got five cage straps let’s go find some blazes now so we can make a brewing stand all right we’re going to this we’re going to be able to save one of the poor zombies oh I’m so proud of us guys have our very own villager friend oh God yeah you’re right about the souls they’re everywhere oh my God there’s a lot of shooting war zone here dude it is straight up a war zone where’s all the bullets oh across the way Steve let’s go oh my god dude this is we can fight back Steve they sounds like they have much better weapons than we have we’re outnumbered and out guned buddy all we might have to our friends go they ditched us cuz they hate us but build bot only builds oh God Steve requiring backup buddy J over this way over this way Steve requiring backup fast we got to retreat yeah go backwards is is there a game roll keep inventory set here yet I don’t know cap I don’t know oh my my gosh keep inventory true just in case now from the nether portal which way did you oh I see you guys running like cowards yes for it seems like things are a little more peaceful here so let’s go and spread out and we’re going to find that Fortress guys there it is everyone all right we got to go get to this thing come on parkour time parkour Jerome Parkour all right we only need one Blaze Rod in order to make the brewing stand and then we need some powder in order to use it for potions so probably realistically we’ got like three four blaze rods that’s probably more than enough uh to make this happen obviously we want to make extra potions in case you know we missed once or twice or four times or eight times 19 times I think y’all made a mistake putting the nether portal where you did oh zombies coming through yes oh no oh no okay don’t worry I’ll leave once we leave this domain I will uh break the portal yeah but that’s not a good idea I I didn’t realize that would happen yeah we killed him cap got got him I used my shield bash on one of these uh blazes oh dropsy if you’re still at the house can you go ahead and do us a favor uh-huh can you start smelting some stone for the Brewing stance oh yeah cool please and thank you guys I require back up here Steve there’s a lot of blazes y did I just get yelled at for saying please and thank you yeah but you deserve it quiring back up no oh I died but I did get one Blaze Rod someone’s got to get the last one that’s all we need well no we need we also need it to make the potion we need a single one you in order to make potions you need to put blaze power that’s not in this version jome yeah yeah this is one 12 too you don’t need it interesting to note oh then we’re good I guess so I thought there was a catalyst you needed okay that’s that’s in future that’s not in this one all right well let’s get to that cap just in case do you mind uh grabbing some blaze powder while there I’ll try my best commands command I just need to find the blaze spawner give me Blaze Rod but but I wanted the Blaze Rod so this way uh if you come through here drops this is where I set up for the Brewing area I got everything you need in here One Singular fermented spider eye the golden apple to help convert them uh some glass because bottles actually I should probably make these into bottles and start filling them up I’ll be I’ll be right back okay oh okay good don’t worry don’t worry everything’s going to be okay oh God oh God oh did you get any blazes at least oh no I didn’t find a spawner bro oh dang okay uh got some of the potion bottles here and God this is annoying let me through the door all right I got nine water bottles wow where yeah see you need blaze powder everyone was making fun of been that long since the I was not making I never make potions I thought that was new all right well going back in all right I’m fun all right all right guys I got the blaze rods for us let’s do this I got two of them so a little bit extra but that’s fine um okay all right or one of them I thought I had two I must be going crazy oh you only need one it’s fine oh there we go and then I’m I didn’t see that the fermented SP ey now we wait yep and then oh foring a splash potion we need a gunpowder yes oh I I okay I got you I got I got you you got you got the gun powder yeah yeah I figured out where your other Blaze Rod went where’d it go when you tried to open the door you just stuck it straight to the door what wait what what that’s pretty awesome uh what here here use a pickaxe on it it works better anyway here is your gunpowder no throw it on me oh my gosh please just go through the door okay you want it there you go yes thanks hey Jerome Jerome look I just needed one but that’s cool camo I’m breaking it I’m invisible stad I can’t see you I can’t see you either oh my god oh no drop all right I’m just going to all right so this over here the splash poaches this should be good I’m so excited so what comes first do we do the golden apple first or do we do the weakness potion first potion follow me all right well I got I got the bear traps wait where’d you go I lost you already I got bear trap this way this way this way okay drum no what where are you jome Jerome when you were a child how often did you get lost in Walmart she left and then said follow me after she left I have no idea where she is that she is outside I go outside it’s good enough for you guys she just jumped jerks all right uh she will be missed let’s see all right all right there he is good good job good job now do we want to set up the bear trap for him he’s fine he’s what what do you need a bear trap for but I made these bear traps for us okay here I going say use everyone stand back oh my God I hit with it all right and now you just and now we cure him with a gun right now we wait does anyone else see jiggling body parts in the water that’s yeah those are zombie parts all right you see him see him twitching in like uh 3 to five business days he’ll be good to go uh uh no it’s 3 to 5 minutes if you if you want to speed up the process if you uh like give them a bed and stuff it’ll make it go faster I don’t know why but that’s how it works what if I give him pants what if we um maybe what if we pay for Village cure Prime uh sadly I want have a a crusting table zombie apocalypse oh I can make one no yes can I has a crusting table thank you very much he looks angry oh actually wait I don’t even need to I was going to make a I’m going to put a door in there for him hey bud there play with those he he look too angry yeah he looks very angry right now Villers love doors fine he’s fine there he’s attached to me oh he’s playing okay a look at him guys we did it look at him oh my God him that’s so awesome all right so we can maybe save a bunch more over time guys a but he’s staying in there the world yeah he’s definitely staying in there forever he’s safe that’s what nice helmet cap thank you makes me feel cool sorry I should have said nice cap cap No No Cap uh guys it says the blood moon is rising I don’t know what that means but look at it over there oh no there’s only one thing to do there is only one thing to do in a time like this stick grenades you genius did you say stink grenades no 16 stick grenades all right get ready why have grenades why do they have Diamond Stick grenades get your stick grenades here one two one two that’s a lot I put down a bunch of our bear traps but guys that might not be enough y exploding that’s fun oh my good we set up a bunch of mines and grenades guys hold up oh my a whole night of fighting uh don’t look at the river okay what do you mean don’t look at the river in the river there’s zombies literally spawned behind this guys there’s one on the house they’re in the house one spawned in the Hut up top who didn’t put torches up there what Jerome it’s the blood moon I think they ignore the Torches I disagree grenade the river guys oh my God we’re going to get they in our house no they’re not guys help me grenade the river out but explosions don’t do there’s so many oh Dr don’t worry I’m sorry zombie vill get away from rank all right they’re in the house still drop you rang I think it might be clear in there but uh be careful no it’s clear it’s clear where am I getting hit oh God that has a gun everywhere I don’t like scary there there everywh why is my screen just getting darker my screen is just bright red oh my God guys orange that’s the blood I don’t know why you got orange blood that’s the blood cap how’s the front door holding up because there’s torches oh I’ve got another stack of grenades I’m fine oh my God good buddy good I’m trying to watch where you guys getting these grenades oh they’re really easy to craft tnt plus wood plank plus iron they’re called stick grenades Captain can I have a few grenades you know what Steve you can cleared out most of the lake on my side anyway okay here you go I hope we have more ammo that’s what I’m trying to do as well drop see I’m right there with you no problem guys I so many I can’t tell what are zombies and what our body parts it’s so hard to see with the blood moon I second that dude it’s like really hard to see my eyes oh what oh is going on I got nine mags left guys oh you’ve got more than me thanks there you go really I think the zombies on my side of the river are gone oh no no dead what happened will miss him Ste don’t die guys the drop there’s so much everywhere pop po po pop guys I’m coming up yeah more grenades uping up let him up all right got your back buddy okay drone fall back fall back drone thank you thank what’s going on grenade oh God cap don’t throw the grenades I’m right here I told you to fall back back oh my God is it working guys they’re still spawning guys I don’t think anything works yeah I think we just got a long night ahead of us D I’m throwing grenades at a group but it’s got to stop at some point man oh my God oh my gosh dude the blood moon effect is wild also the zombies are not getting caught in my trap at all flanking on your right Jerome I see him last mag for my God I can’t tell what there’s bullets to reload to craft them Jerome yeah but I don’t have the magazines though to put them in oh you have empty magazines in your inventory where do they go ohill in the empty magazines in my inventory oh my God yes of course I’m on my last 20 bullets there’s more in the chest Steve there’s more of the chest enough for like 20 more mags we’re surviving the night like this is the whole reason I play this channel guys oh my God don’t look below the house where villager is is he dead bad I don’t know if he’s dead but there’s a lot of zombies like I’m going down there we’ve got to save him I’m going down there I’m going to clear him out I’m going down oh my God I wasn’t kidding I was I wasn’t kidding it there’s a lot there’s a lot going on down there we could use some grenades down there Ace map but we use all of them for everything else oh God no we can’t we can’t grenade because we might blow him up true Steve true watch out some of them are firing guns back at us dude yeah I’m right here with you bud oh my gosh I’m just spraying into the crowd wait I forgot that you could put food in your Tech Guns to Auto eat that’s so awesome I completely forgot about that as well guys there’s too many zombies the guns are killing me I’m trying I asked if we could make make a bazooka but no I didn’t know it would be this bad dude there are so many it’s lagging so bad I need to get back into the base please can someone cover me I’ve got three hearts I’m almost where are you coming from there’s a there is a back door Jerome I’m coming for the front entrance okay okay I’m coming out and I’ll cover you I’m shooting the ones on the right side we’re good we’re good the blood moves almost over is it guys I’ve saved the Villager no ah fall back fall back fall back thr fall back oh my gosh I ran out of ammo again all right I’m going in I had to retreat oh my God guys we need more backup at the front door do do do we have more ammo made or we should have built more sentury turrets no that that one’s really working hard it is but it’s getting overwhelmed dare I look in my stash I think we’re almost done guys the knight’s almost done but they’re still spawning dude guys I’ve run out of Amo why are you over there Steve you got to make more I saing our villager hold on I’m shooting the ones behind you so oh I’m out of ammo oh okay let’s grab the wheat dude you should see what cool stuff we got like I got a double b oh it’s empty though dang wait wait wait wait I have four shotgun rounds Jerome no way really what yeah I do get get in here and I will give them to you all right we can use it oh it’s going to be hilarious bad news there’s zombies on top of our house they got mad hops bro oh my God no it didn’t work cuz it’s a hand Cannon dang oh apparently it’s different the blood Moon’s almost over I’m of ammo and there’s to rest I’m so sad that the uh the bear my last 20 drob you’re on your own after this oh no this is my I’m on one mag after this oh my God there’s so many last mag have no fear Boomerang I’m out I’m out of ammo guys we’re barely going to survive oh my God the river again oh no don’t God don’t the river tell me about it I’m swimming through it I’m using my my uh Shield bash abilities nice ow ow ow ow ow I ran down there to fight him oh no I’m about to die no stead fall back be careful dead we can’t lose a dead no half a hard in the dream he’s been bitten we need to put him down guys no no I’m F I’m F I’m F did we do it that’s what they always say did we survive the night I think we did I’ve got one heart we did it we survived the night guys I can see the sun rising we did it all right let’s pull it back into the house oh my lost has anyone seen my Boomerang no I ate it but it’s supposed to come back it’s never coming back it’s in my stomach all right guys did you say I never bring you on any good vacations I actually decided this 100 days to bring us on an awesome tropical vacation the only problem is we have to get there we have to collect resources and stuff to do say this is not the beach at all it’s a mountain C okay all right well Steve is on kelp Duty I guess at least he’s got he’s got his food I mean yeah Stony Shore but take a look guys there’s all sorts of juices we can eventually make it’s going to be fun juice what yeah juice yeah are we going on one of those all juice diets uh I mean oh God I hope not you know Steve just for you I made sure beforehand there is kelp juice at this Resort okay so oh yeah yeah so collect a lot of that kelp get tons of it bad enough when that’s all he wanted to eat he’s going to drink it now D I mean he’s the only one that has to drink so oh to be fair would you rather drink or eat kelp juice in real life refuse to drink kelp it if if if the juice is thick enough that I have to eat it I don’t want it I don’t know I feel like I feel like drinking it would be somehow better than eating it just I feel like there’s no beaches near here what dropsy what how could you say that I don’t think this is a vacation how could you this is a tropical resort we’re almost at we just maybe in England but not anywhere else garbage she she’s not wrong well yeah you’ll see you’ll all see we might have to kill a few V thees in England right now this what they look said you’ll all see that just sounds like you’re playing something awful I’m not play you guys always expect the worst of wow okay you will all see is would say we have many days in the past where that is what happened look I don’t know about you guys but I if it’s evil to take over a local Village and claim that it’s a resort then fine call me guilty I believe the proper terminal ology is Conquering which yes it is bad Jerome yeah didn’t you know this is just we could maybe make peace with them live among the villagers you don’t have to murder them every single time so wait I’ve got good news I don’t like where this is going oh do you have kelp Steve I have a full inventory of kelp wow that’s full in what is wrong I can’t hold anything else for the rest of the 100 days that’s just kelp go my God I mean oh he already beat me to the iron over here the co first I got food for everyone I’m trying to find a uh mining hole but I can’t find anything oh yes maybe might call that a cave no I don’t want your it’s I don’t want your I don’t want your Kel trash you got kelp now that sounds dangerous I tossed it away a this one has the no good to ores all right we got we got to work on finding this guys come on let’s get some good gear and we can start our vacation diamonds guys oh my gosh all right perfect let’s go get some of those diamond oh Double Diamond oh my goodness look at this you went the wrong way buddy there’s so many oh yeah there is a raw trunk there I saw really pretty interesting oh there’s more diamonds my goodness gracious yeah this cave system is full of diamonds no what is that oh it’s just a ghost child no it’s fine everybody got their kelp oh my gosh it is what is that just a few ghost children I don’t know you haven’t seen these out your vacation resorts here this all you do with them you just do a little of that a little bit of this it’s fine his misery got to take out trash sometimes sometimes you get a few GH I’ll take the trash out yeah you guys look familiar what what the drop ghost children have yeah drop drop not that I’ve personally seen just amidst the the interwebs dropsy you need to stay off the Reddit boards uh there’s a how dare you accuse me of being a redditor first of all what is that where else did you see this what is this thing oh gosh I’m blind oh God what is that thing blind ow that hurt blind Diamond what he dropped zener inot zener zir all right J come this way uh zener you can actually make some cool weapons and armor with that but you need like the amount that you normally need for like a piece of armor so we have one there’s a uh a spawner room over here oh nice nice nice clear it out clear it out I’ll go break the SP okay I I will then fine thank you I was I was eating oh cat you got cat what yeah we got cat let’s go stead that’s important wait we’re going to need one of those diamonds I got no worries dead no worries at all perfect perfect guys there’s another one I found like 15 model so I’m in my I think I have seven days to live I help the girl from The Ring is chasing me what oh then you already ran out of your 7even days silly she’s after you now the girl from The Ring is chasing me is she cute she’s terrifying cap she’s at oh my God I’m bringing her over to say hi guy no monk you’re on your own Bud oh no I really am I I think you actually are yeah we there was another D failed on you yeah I can see that now oh my kids heard him oh no um oh hey C oh diamonds on the ground thanks C bro I swear to God I’m going to take some of this amethyst oh go over here hey I got another Ingot drum oh another zener Ingot yeah so maybe another dungeon I’m going to go loot so I guess these weird like kind of horror mobs drop them cool that’s what you like to hear my God there’s a skeleton army stead it’s all for you bud yeah they’re here for you uh don’t don’t actually they for dropsy no don’t look diamonds wow drumes on a diamond F hair there’s nothing drop we might get ingots I got Saddles nice you should use that we could ride a vampire I’m pretty sure yeah bro what for sure yeah I can see it here it is guys the the tropical resort now all we have to do is clear out the current residence of the resort and it’s ours just is usual and this ain’t your dad’s vacation right let’s get in there huh no oh found a couple this isn’t the beach resort that you promised my Resort there we go totally I just witnessed a murder guys I just you’ll be seeing a lot more of those get used to it dead all right oh this one right here there’s more I mean there’s there’s people there’s Witnesses get this guy off the cliff your own good I just got a bunch of apples that’s huge that is huge I can make us some apple juices with this okay so as you can see by the way there isn’t really uh what you would normally refer to as a beach so I got all this sand here so here you go I’m going to start putting some of it down here and Tada there’s a beach in just in that direction though oh well that’s awkward here I’m going to start I’m going to start cooking up some uh some glass for us so we can get bottles and then we can make some nice juices guys okay juice yeah you heard me juice all right I’m going to go make a nice little hangout over on the beach oh okay okay can you Steve I need my inventory I’m trying I’m literally trying to actively do stuff right now here I’m trying to help you bring a friend no this is my place stay out of here I can’t I’m in the ceiling I I like your keep dropping I like your two room apartment thanks man get out man she all right there we go and now oh you already Steve I had eight smokers ready to go I thought uh I thought you needed me to cook the kelp for you already cook how what have you been doing for the last like 15 days KP just kelp just he’s been on a c do you think kelp just like takes over the Mind Drome like I think it does dead I really do think I think that’s what’s going on right now here I’m going to take the Cornerstone of this house so I can make a crafting table table out of it let me just do that what’s that one say that we usually have kelp mind right uh I think it’s hive mind steveelp kelp there’s also kelp for brains yeah I’m staying away from this kelp stuff drum I don’t know hey hey hey property of Monk I didn’t I didn’t realize that was your horse monk you have like five of them so now that I have all these I’ll make nine apple juices for Cappy and everyone else I can make oh no Steve you cooked all the kelp you can’t make kelp juice out of cooked kelp it has to be un I’ll be back this I’ll take apple juice please uh it’s not up to you it’s up to cap it’s Cap’s apple juice cap can you can they have some CLE juice trademark depending they instead totally have apple juice there you go buddy there you thank you K monk just give everybody CLE juice I’m in a giving mood today sweet juice you get some Iron Golem you’re a big boy you get two there you go oh dropsy I would like my C juice there you go thank you what they didn’t know was that it was secretly laced with be nice to Cappy ingredients oh no what a what a complex element Chemical X chemical C how much kelp you need Jerome that’s entirely a you but how much kelp do you want to drink all of it oh my God yep yep I’m staying away from this kelp stuff this weekend guys you normally interact with kelp stuff yes what all right guys sun setting come on we can finally enjoy our vacation hey guys did an amazing job ke I love this look the Axel you got cat you got that required for vacation yeah Monet okay yeah come on come sit down and I’ll read you guys a tale from the book called we can’t you didn’t make my juice yet oh how can I how can I forget Steve pass it over come here yeah yep here here you go buddy I need I need a lot of juice well I can only make 28 bottles cuz that’s all I had here’s some wonderful kelp juice I’m not not done yet can can apple juice yes you’re going to have some C juice Steve you’re sick anyway come take a seat come take a seat everyone I have this wonderful book here called do not read at Sunset what what the words in this book yes even the ones you’re reading now have a magical curse on them that will cause an eternal night until certain monsters are defeated luckily no one shall read these words as the title of the book says not to if for whatever reason someone speaks the words they’ll need to defeat specific horror monsters to restore the daylight so just in case the next page has the list of monsters list of monsters ande from the nether scarecrows oh God what is that oh God oh God help run run run living ground te run I am in awe the F oh my God the kelp Farm oh my God that’s all you I’m running towards this lava pool I guess it’s you and me stead let’s go make a house somewhere else did anyone pick up the Axel oh I hope my buddy’s okay he’s okay though they’re going to make Axel he’s safe drop they’re going to make Axel stew all right guys well uh as you can see this vacation’s taking a weird turn so we’re going to need to go to the nether get netherite and upgrade some of our armor and stuff like that because uh we’re going to have to take out some of these monsters but it’s okay cuz I have my anti-mutant axe with me so we should be able to take down got too many polygons get him what do you mean he got too many what does it even mean I don’t even know what a polygon is it’s got circles on it we can’t have this we can’t that’s it that’s it I’m going to drink this CPP juice to summon a wild Cappy help help cap it worked oh my God it actually worked cap what were you doing back I filled a hole with my tears so I could fish swiming in your tears I got a bottle of your tears buddy actually I was waiting for you to drink it Dr I’m not going to lie I don’t I don’t want to be here here’s a bottle of my why I dropy uh you don’t want to go in there that’s all I’m going to say oh yeah M that’s all you it’s coming through the portal head mon we wor we chose the smart idea Mon My anti- mutant ax destroyed the spider so mon should we hey you see that girl over there oh she’s cute yeah um yeah that’s go talk to go back I don’t think you guys should talk to them um she loves new people this is um Zer Ingot oh what are those things gry yeah I don’t like the nether let’s try and get this netherite and get out of here as quick as possible hey drone how could you have possibly known there’d be mutants dude what are you talk of at you came with an axe why would you do that if it were a tropical vacation C second of all how’ you get that through customs dudey listen guys okay it’s not like I’ve been planning this like do you know a guy cuz I I have some things it’s a I may or may not have brought you guys on a fake tropical vacation to read the book cuz I didn’t know how else to get you all together at of sunset all right that’s it we’re feing the we’re mutant it’s all good good in was that for I fed him to the mutant what good intentions it’s all with good intention the truth what the truth is Jerome just wanted to show us he could I have mutagen sickness this mutant mutant Chopper dude yeah I got it I got it just there we go think might if I die these guys are weaklings oh dropsy uh dropy careful dropy one of them gives you mutagen sickness yeah I’m a well aware by way this this NE is not going to get itself let’s get moving all right guys there’s another Fortress before we go in I want to make you guys some custom weapons and by that I mean I I can make like two of you guys something called the here drops you take I feel like that’s not what it’s called no that’s definitely here you have it there you go you get one of those um harism I feel like that wasn’t that hard I can all you can hand it back if you want you can hand it back let me let me let me sharpen it for you can I make something too yeah yeah you want to make something fancy I’m going do thing I do what do you have uh I have so there’s there’s also uh bedridden hide and you take two sticks and three bedridden hide oh my called punishment how damage did that do 12.5 nice dude oh my God what yeah that’s that’s actually awesome all right well uh I guess we got to make our way over that nether fortress over there this is literally found the one sword that has half a damage more than us at the same attack speed bro it’s the benefit of jumping into a a pit of mutants all right well uh I think I think we can yeah to be fair monk if that’s the prerequisite I’m good I’m I’m good yep all right and taada we’re inside wow I see a blaze spawner already I don’t know if we’re going to need Blaze but I’m sure eventually we will for something so might be worth going on make our way over there let’s see it’s always a start ow I’m taking a lot of weather damage what is that’s Dr that is ancient debris and there’s someone in the middle of it all hold on a second here oh no not another one of is that a friend or a foe no look like a foe a foe well he seem he seems pretty dumb are are you okay stead no I think Ste fell off oh we lost oh Ste you got it you got to have dude okay in here is a ton of zephyr Ingot or zener ingots sorry which are the stuff that monkey was talking about would you make all the super good arm armor and weapons dude all right well let let’s mine up these walls here get a bunch of ancient debris but also maybe we can make some zener here eventually that’d be pretty cool yeah fancy it’s a real shame stead died because this was in a chest no not the most Ste weapon of all I got to get this to you my dude oh that’s so sad we we’ll bring it St we’ll meet you back home okay buddy I’ll be there soon monkey you volunteer ow what’ you get was it it sound like a poison or a Wither no I didn’t he just hit me does that hurt me totally just lightning stried and lit you on fire that’s not cool hey stead you can definitely have this all right guys I’m going to go ahead and make us some Siege armor cuz eventually we’re going to have to take back over that Village so in order to make that I just use some of the zener ingots here there we go see armor leggings and boom we now have one full set of that also if you have any ancient debris I would suggest putting that in the top furnaces I’m putting the gold ore underneath cuz well we need to smelt that up for it too that way we get some netherite gear for you guys or maybe we get enough zener so you guys can also make some Siege armor eventually and in the book of Justice in the back we can knock one person off I all Scrooge so we we killed the Scrooge there we go okay well in order to make the sunlight come back we have to destroy scarecrows we got there Shiva demon wendo the Justice League what that are the Winchester Brothers Well scarecrow is a Batman villain oh yeah boo so anyway yeah we got to destroy all these people and then we can go to freedom and we’ll be all good also Steve why is there kelp bundles of kelp everywhere yeah well clearly we needed kelp with the with the the people so I got us kelp what what we needed kelp I can think of an idea what we can do with this I need somebody all we’re breaking it oh drum the help you now oh perfect perfect oh my gosh that burns fast yeah it’s a good Fel SW oh yeah it’s a real good one Steve it’s really helpful for diminishing our oxygen supply down here yeah we should probably get out of here let’s go back to the Village to take it back over guys come on all right guys let’s get going and find that Village we got to take it back oh oh guys I found the Scarecrow I found the Scarecrow oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God don’t mon help me out here jeez man I’m trying their hit boxes are really weird you got to hit in the toes I don’t know because they travel in packs for some reason everyone knows that about scarecrows yes that’s right well well they’re filled with hay so they’re probably traveling in bundles oh my gosh all right guys let’s get back to that Village come on and also scarecrow’s down let me go check that off in our magical book of Magness okay wait since since there were only a few of them and they have crow in the name was that an attempted murder all right get him guys we got to go check on our Axel before we go to the Village we need to make sure he’s okay oh my gosh let’s hope please please please please please he’s gone you know he would have been safe in the Kel Farm that’s all long it’s okay though they left cat a cat buddy C oh [Music] no here I’ll tell you what C we stole some bottles we could bottle up the juice that he was swimming in E to remember him by just to remember him by all right you know juice is leaking out oh God all right guys let’s go to the Village let’s get some Revenge come on it’ll be okay for my little boy it might not be okay to be honest guys I have no idea what to expect what oh oh what did they take L ofes wow well they took my frame they are taking they’re getting all the frame vampire down here like the words that came out of my mouth they’re not missing a single frame oh there’s an animatronic go in this house oh my God that’s not I it’s this is my little e oh oh my gosh what’s in there I see animatronic I see Freddy I see Freddy who is it was chicky from your famous series chica no it was CH no we’re never discussing that again her name is chica we’re not doing it they they won’t die the animatronics have a lot of Health dude yeah this guy he’s dead all right he diad okay we took one out but guys there’s one left we must have missed it’s him it’s it’s Shiva guys this is good this is good this is good all right oh oh he just got W that was what a all right we’ll knock that one off the book Chum uh guys yeah uh oh it’s climbing uh there’s I don’t know it’s in my face what what is it I don’t know what it is yeah I have a basement I don’t know what is this rich guy doing with a basement who gave you a b i oh God what is that dead I don’t know well that was weird what that’s one of Why Did You Have a creepy lady stuck in your basement I don’t I just have a basement yeah but that was the demon and so that’s one last thing we have to do Ste I have a lot of questions I don’t know I just wanted I just heard weird grunting and groaning noises from my basement while I was trying to sleep that wasn’t the least bit suspicious to you I think this entire situation is yeah uh guys there’s a weird Spider Guy attacking me and he’s in my house he’s no no that’s fine no that’s his house Steve Steve there’s one way to get rid of spiders of that size in your house who’s got the Flint steel this is my house I worked hard on this light it up yeah yeah still take care of that Steve yeah we got it don’t worry we got it why can I not have one house sorry steeve no you have kelp on the mine that’s the issue cuz you don’t have proper hygiene guys it’s out it’s out it’s out it’s on fire though it is on fire kill it good good good kill it you did not solve the problem and you burnt my house I can’t kill it I can’t kill it I can’t kill it I think it’s on dropsy what why can’t we kill it can’t Hur it either oh well this is just great the let on fire again that seem to be doing something there we go kill kill look what you caus my house how oh my gosh run through the fire dropy make the parkour jumps oh my God I’m just trying to stay alive man dropsy just jump through dropsy lead it to this lava pool I’m making what I’ve got lava Le over here oh wa really really wait where are you okay I’m coming I’m coming good thinking okay okay okay just it’s uh yeah yeah hey uh it’s smart you’re going to have to trap it it’s very smart God why why did it give it such good ide there we go there we go what is that yeah woo all right guys if we’re going to go and take out the window to go then we need to go ahead and make some mounts cuz we got a long walk ahead of us so let make a little crafting table I think everyone should have all the stuff they needed to get a Talisman going but in order to start we do need to get for ourselves a summoning table and an orange Talisman so I have the orange Talisman here and let me go collect the stuff real quick to make a summoning table which I think dropsy probably has some of it which is a crying obsidian cuz you usually have all the obsidian stuff but anyway let me go to the house and get some all right so once I go ahead and make the summoning table I also just need to collect one last thing is a couple of logs so ah you know this house right here could use it there we go we’ll take the Cornerstone of the house away there good as new all right Monk’s house Monk’s house yeah to he look at mine well Steve you should you should have Tak care of your spider problem before got out of hand so there’s a summoning table so all you have to do is put a saddle a Talisman and one Soul bottle in and you should be able to summon he you got souls in there oh it’s mine in there uh I don’t think yours is in there there Ste Ste Are you standing on top of the magical I’m trying to see my soul’s in here we’re trying get oh my god oh that’s not my soul that’s so cute I got it I got a baby ferret look at this guys oh my God he can jump jum yeah dude look at that I live on this rooftop now who wants to go next summoning right now oh nice oh God okay okay I got this hold on these mounts are awesome summ the magic book come on magic book reading rainow that’s that’s a big boy look that is that a what is that I don’t know I think it’s a dragon oh it kind of looks like a feto you’re really going to say that right in front of Jerome’s fet you think that one looks like a fet and that guy right there I think that it looks like me puppy yeah oh that is not a puppy that is not a wait cap is he shooting Fireballs out of his butt never mind Al why is he attacking me I don’t know good boy oh St you got a p what is that oh my gosh he’s Speedy oo all right all right dropsy your turn oh my God you basically have a chocoo dead you’re so cool and yeah nice what is that an owl o oh my gosh that was sick gu doesn’t move too fast on land all right well let’s get moving let’s find this wendigo all right guys I think the wendigo should be around here so if we hop in this cave entrance here we might be able to find him just be careful I’m sure he’s got a lot of minions along the way oh my gosh this is a really weird place down deeper make your pet sit up there down and down the Deep stay boy stay what we find beneath um there’s a little dungeon okay that’s interesting do not like these guys do not like them get them Ste it’s your arch enemy bones destroy that spawner there we go oh my gosh all right let’s see anything good in here iron not really horse armor nah just name tags and junk all the horses that I oh they’re dead never mind anything over here instead no nothing so far all right let’s keep moving I think it just circle I think we just did a whole big circle all right go deeper yeah let’s go deeper I guess all right guys through here looks like there’s an abandoned M shaft this has got to lead us to him come on yeah let’s do it right uh there’s something over there is that him no I don’t know what the H is it’s a werewolf it kind of looks like a Zaba FU oh oh that is a wind go that is oneu is a Ru did you watch growing up guys get the wind go yeah I know I just killed two of them I’m fighting oh my gosh is there more of them there’s a ton of wendigos up here I was going to say there’s like 15 on me right now oh my gosh take them out there we go there we go perfect all right guys I think that’s probably got to be most of the one to goes at this point one can hope is it are we sure I don’t know we killed like six of them how many more could there be but where does Wy go all right guys let me check this off our list but now there’s still two more to go we have to kill abidon and tardus so I hope you guys are ready for this what pause the last tus yeah the pit that they kept the Titans in from Olympus no no that big brute guy from Halo 3 I’m sure come on it’ll be fine I thought we were talking that no we’re definitely talking about tartar sauce is mayonnaise an instrument a now I want fried fish all right guys according to the book says abdon can be found in a stronghold and tardus is in the end so let’s head home and start uh we’ll start getting ready for that we’re going to have to get some eyes vendor together and then we’re going to get moving come on all right guys it’s time for us to make an enchantment station and get ready to get on out of here so let me just go ahead and craft up some of this and some of this and some of this you can leave out the corners right dropsy well I mean you can do like one yeah you can leave out the corners man okay okay if you break it you just get books again all right it’s fine it’s fine it’s it is what it is now I was going to say you can it’s just like you know it doesn’t matter it still reaches it when it’s in that corner people just do it for looks leaving them out of the corners all right I’m going to take some lapis for myself I’ll put some away for you guys there you go now you guys can have some too uh so let’s to introduce this guy to the other guys all my stuff just wants to give me Unbreaking stop it give me protection on what’s wrong with Unbreaking okay actually hold up Unbreaking as well for me I’m just getting lot of Unbreaking I’m not getting anything I am too nothing wants to break but okay okay Mecha dog these are regular Pro one I got prop one on my leggings wow that’s a big one I got him my okay got Pro two finally on something Pro three all right now it’s starting to go my way Pro to and whatever let’s get efficiency on the axe all all right well I got a I got a good set here I think I’m ready to go I need a bigger window so that my dog can see my other dogs come again I said what I said cap what oh my God oh my say hi to the other dogs Mecha doggy you could have aake there you go a mistake now sit a doggy all right guys abidon has to be somewhere in this stronghold and then we go to the end to fight tardus okay tardus yeah Tardis sauce I’m not excited about fighting a dude Nam I’m breaking the door I don’t care oh the Grim Reaper here what that’s abidon found abidon oh don’t worry I got him well abon’s an ABA Punk dude all these guys have been absolute punks ever since we got this armor and weapon dropsy I think we can call him ABA dun what do you guys think of this vacation by the way did I do a good job or did I do a good job you did a great J no let’s not forget he tried to lead us into a tropical vacation and it has been filled with Horrors and eldrich monsters he plundered us into dark to be fair though that does sound kind of like Tuesday for Eternal Darkness wait quick question quick question guys Ste why are you so lost what do you mean I just look at ste’s name tag up in the sky like a bu oh I was in the library dude I just look up and see I see st’s name tag just all right guys well let’s get in there and defeat abidon I mean tardaron sauce tartar sauce yeah remember abadon is abadon yeah true true true yeah dude all these mobs have been pretty weak oh wait the Ender Dragon still here s to be the Ender Dragon and tardus yay y my favorite yay oh jeez oh I wonder what an Ender Dragon tastes like probably pretty good probably like imagine alligator imagine dragon’s got tastes like alligator oh dragon’s got if you could have a T-Rex steak would you try it just because yeah of course isn’t that the American way cap yeah I think I would like I know you’re pescarian drum but if someone came to you and said that they would give you a T-Rex you to say yes is what tardus giant brim Reaper thing over here there’s pretty much every horror mob we’ve ever dealt with in here instead of Enderman so there’s no Enderman there’s just every horror thing ever dude this is going to be a terrible experience I hope you sp flint and Steels the the the tardus is um the uh the warden looking guy who’s all white with a mouth first oh that guy okay I see him I see him down there well gosh a lot of those yeah I’m climbing up one of these things right now Steve trying to take out one of the end crystals uh lava I’m in a bad spot yep yep yep yep yep yep oh the uh tardus does not take lava damage no all right spider dudes I’ve taken out two of the things three of them come on can I reach that one all the way over there no come on I know I can hit this oh why do you got to so smart to avoid lava D what is this dude I’ve taken out so many of the crystals there we go good job buddy I’m just trying to survive down here all right we got to get across to that other one over here oh jeez how are you guys doing against slaying more Tardes don’t mind me pretty bad to be honest I’m taking down uh be oh gosh you are irritating dude all right oh God and the dragon here I’ll just go ahead and I got one of the crystals I think I did burn them is that actually all them I think so yeah yes okay I’m coming down guys let’s get this Ender Dragon and get these tarar sauces I’m busy yeah tarar sauces I’m dying here dude is Tartarus like the first one that isn’t a punk I took out tarar sauce he he took a few hits dude okay I mean I I just killed the third one so he’s a he’s a chump I had to fight three on my own what do you mean you guys team oh my gosh I had to fight my third one can someone help me please I’m constantly blinded where are you no I’m blind you can’t ask a blind person where they are I got the blind one oh my God the blinding one who why is Freddy Fazbear here dude dragon’s landed I got to go for it yeah I know I’m going after the Ender Dragon too massive damage guys look at that magic oh I’m going to die why am I withered oh of everything in here well I got launched into the Sky Fighting withered Freddy oh no I’m out of kelp juice had that still been drinking kelp juice I’ve just been making more and drinking kelp juice here I oh God for the burn burn why are you here well I don’t know said I mean you know I could leave made that decision for no I’m talking about these stupid things that give wither effect like I’m just trying to kill the dragon oh the dragon’s he’s he’s coming down for probably his last Landing get ready there we go let’s take him out and get back to the Overworld guys kill him him oh I just got knocked back immediately he’s toast let’s go [Music] yes me out of here oh my God these spiders all right guys now we’ve killed tardus we should have saved the day so when we get out of this it should be daytime and no longer night let’s see and well we’re underground I guess come on let’s go build up to the surface all right guys it’s still night time but I have a hunch I think I know what happened now cap when the village was being attacked you your dogs inside the house I think an evil curse was bestowed upon the dogs and so call a hunch call a hunch but let there be light it worked that was reasoned I saved Christmas I am furious

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Against Minecraft’s Strongest Mobs!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-05-06 23:00:21. It has garnered 5817 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:09 or 12429 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days Against Minecraft’s Strongest Mobs!

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    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack

    EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack The Viral Build Hack in Minecraft: Exploring New Possibilities 🌟 Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players dive into the latest viral build hack that has taken the gaming community by storm. From challenging tasks to exciting discoveries, this Minecraft adventure promises endless fun and creativity. Unveiling the Viral Build Hack 🏗️ Discover the secrets behind the viral build hack that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Unleash your imagination and explore new ways to construct impressive structures with this innovative technique. Key Features: Minecraft Challenge: Test your skills and creativity with… Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Unleash Skenter: Ultimate Minecraft Destruction Exploit

    Unleash Skenter: Ultimate Minecraft Destruction ExploitVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft EXPLOIT Which Can DESTROY MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Skenter on 2024-05-30 07:31:00. It has garnered 299 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:37 or 337 seconds. The MOST DANGEROUS! Minecraft EXPLOIT Which DESTROYED Minecraft! discord- https://discord.com/invite/3EXXTpJrqV In this video I thought you guys about one of the biggest exploit of Minecraft aka LOG4J and exploit which has an ability to gain full control over others people devices ⌛ Chapters: 0:00 INTRO 0:34 The BORN of the EXPLOIT 2:47 Making the EXPLOIT WORK AGAIN It was quite interesting so enjoy… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer with Janthox’s Chill Minecraft Stream!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with Janthox's Chill Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Entspannter Minecraft Stream! Kommt rein!’, was uploaded by Janthox on 2024-01-05 21:36:03. It has garnered 211 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:09:56 or 14996 seconds. I’m Janthox and I like playing Minecraft! Donations😇: https://streamelements.com/janthox/tip PayPal: [email protected] Media Links: Discord – https://discord.gg/DsDXkWyU5h Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/janthox TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@UCSWS9JBkTm0IUq4y9XwC4bA Read More

  • 🔥Shahbaz goes INSANE in Minecraft SMP! Join FREE now! #mustwatch

    🔥Shahbaz goes INSANE in Minecraft SMP! Join FREE now! #mustwatchVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft live – Public Smp live – JAVA + BEDROCK | 24/7 online – free to join #live’, was uploaded by IconicShahbazLive on 2024-01-08 03:34:38. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:41 or 1721 seconds. 🔴Minecraft live – Public Smp live – JAVA + BEDROCK | 24/7 online – free to join #live shahbazgaming123.aternos.me:35268 Read More

  • Craft MC – Unbelievable! Every Dad is a Hero! #Minecraft

    Craft MC - Unbelievable! Every Dad is a Hero! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Father Is A Hero To His Child.Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts #vairal’, was uploaded by Craft MC on 2024-05-06 00:00:04. It has garnered 13223 views and 734 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More


    INSANE 360° CREEPER VS HEROBRINE SHOWDOWN!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Gegagedigedagedago vs HEROBRINE But it’s 360 degree video’, was uploaded by Lucky Creeper on 2024-05-01 18:45:00. It has garnered 5928 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. All Gegagedigedagedago vs HEROBRINE But it’s 360 degree video For more Funny Minecraft video,Visit my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LuckyCreeper?sub_confirmation=1 #vr #360 #video #animation #viral #360vr #360video #360vr #360 Read More

  • Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish Ever

    Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIGGEST FISH EVER CAUGHT on KIDDIE ROD!(FISHING with NORM…’, was uploaded by Adrenaline Rush Adventures on 2024-04-16 21:00:08. It has garnered 37703 views and 2676 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds. Norm and YakPak are in town and we challenged them to a kiddie pole competition! Barbie rods, Spiderman, Minecraft, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, LOL, and Moana are all competing for the biggest river monster! Come see who pulls out the official/unofficial world record! Who do you think will get the WIN? Comment down below! Please LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT!… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems – Who Will Survive?

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems - Who Will Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Who will survive….. Warden or Golems’, was uploaded by Mr. HK on 2024-04-06 11:32:18. It has garnered 481 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. who will survive Warden or Golem…. #shorts minecraft friends 2, minecraft icrimax, minecraft house build, minecraft rp, minecraft paluten, minecraft song, minecraft lusa, minecraft parodileri, minecraft friends 2 benx, minecraft german, minecraft zozo, minecraft quarry, minecraft zombie sound, minecraft sugar cane farm, minecraft raid farm, minecraft train, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie villager heal, minecraft quartz house, minecraft quest modpack, minecraft quartz farm,… Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 Survival Dynmap Build Competitions Events No-Reset Collaborative Wiki Brewery Discord Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game. Founded in January 2019, the server maintains the same world it started with, where everything is built in survival. With 30 player slots, it offers a tight-knit community feel without overcrowding. Community Projects are suggested and discussed on Discord, welcoming contributions from anyone. Server Details Address: play.ultravanilla.world Java edition: 1.20.6 Looking for 1.20 land? Go to /outpost. Community Features Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes Minimal enhancements to the core game, no pay-to-win 5 to 20 active players online most of the time Key… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-1-18-2 Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/16819234096 Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More