100 Deadly Minecraft Tournaments – Episode 1

Video Information

hãy tưởng tượng khi bạn sinh ra trong một thế giới măn cơ rát với vô số người lạ và bạn phải sống sót trong đó 100 ngày và khi họ cố gắng săn lùng nhau trong bà Tần do em theo chủ đề giả tưởng này tôi sẽ là người cuối cùng sống sót hay tôi sẽ bị đánh bại trên con đường chiến thắng trong bốn ngày thực tế Tiếp theo nhưng trước hết hãy đến với bốn ngày đầu tiên của tôi tôi được bắt đầu với chế độ siêu khó được rồi Đã đến lúc tôi đang đi thẳng từ giữa Tôi cần những cái rừng này có lẽ chúng sẽ có chiến lợi phẩm tốt tôi cần lấy những thứ này vì vậy tôi chạy đến giữa và có thể cướp một cái giương không có vũ khí ở bên trong và như vậy Tôi không có bất cứ vũ khí nào trong tay vì vậy tôi bắt đầu bỏ chạy và một người chơi bắt đầu đuổi theo tôi khi tôi bị đuổi ra khỏi kovia những người chơi ở lại đây đang chết nhanh chóng nhưng may mắn thay tôi đã có thể thoát ra khỏi đó sớm nhưng tôi vẫn không có vũ khí vì thế kế hoạch của tôi là cố gắng lấy một ít gỗ và chế tạo một thanh kiếm tại thời điểm này những người chơi ngẫu nhiên bắt đầu giúp tôi vì vậy tôi đã cố gắng lấy mảnh gỗ cuối cùng can someone get him someone hit him yeah he hit him need need thankfully with the friendly Player I was able to get another piece of wood tôi tiếp tục công việc của mình và tôi đã có thêm một mảnh Vũ tôi bắt đầu chế tạo một thanh kiếm bây giờ tôi đã có một vũ khí tôi quay lại để chiến đấu với người chơi đang đuổi theo [âm nhạc] tôi ngay cả với thanh kiếm củaô vẫn không thể đuổi anh ấy đi vì vậy tôi không có cách nào khác ngoài việc chạy đến tòa nhà gần tôi [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] trong khu này có một người chơi hay đi cướp bóc tên là evom và anh ấy vừa cứu tôi tôi biết người chơi này từ các sự kiện trước và tôi biết anh ấy không đáng tin c Vì vậy tôi cần phải cẩn thận khi ở gần anh ấy [âm nhạc] rela let just relax can be friendly right bro up to you up to you not sure If I trust you Though I don’t know If I trust you I sa sair tôi quyết định rằng tôi muốn giữ Văn mơ gần tôi vì vậy chúng tôi quyết định rằng chúng tôi sẽ hợp tác Nhưng tôi cần phải liên tục để mắt đến hắn vì anh ấy có thể phản bội tôi bất [âm nhạc] cức here yeah Someone has been here look yeah we can get the food get the food OK no no [âm nhạc] no two of these guys khi chúng tôi đang cướp phá trong tòa nhà được một lúc thì chúng tôi cảm thấy có vẻ như chúng tôi đã bị mắc [âm nhạc] kẹt Chúng tôi đã có thể thoát khỏi tòa thác nhưng có một đội khác tiếp tục đuổi theo chúng tôi và lúc đó cực kỳ hỗn loạn [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] vì phát Lân đã bị cô lập nên chúng tôi nghĩ rằng chúng tôi đã có thể phản công nhưng sau khi anh ta đánh tôi chỉ một cái tôi biết điều đó đã không xảy ra vì vậy chúng tôi tiếp tục chạ và cầu nguyện rằng chúng tôi sẽ [âm nhạc] sng out way out We can goal down over ohos now I’m going to hit you with a very Sharp với một nửa đội đổi theo tôi và một nửa đội đổi theo hầu như không có H vọng Tuy nhiên chúng tôi đã tìm thấy một tòa tháp gần đó được rồi Tôi cần phải làm điều gì đó [âm nhạc] một cách đáng ngạc nhiên hai người chơi ngẫu nhiên đó thực sự quyết định giúp tôi và họ đã giúp tôi trốn thoát v m nhắn cho tôi rằng anh ấy cũng ở giữa tôi đã đến C và tôi cố gắng tìm anh ta oh oh chế pht pht pht tôi tìm thấy một vâu mưa ở đó nhìn anh ta nên nế kiểu vừa thoát khỏi đội khác nhưng tại thời điểm này chúng tôi phải bắt đầu tiến bộ nhanh chóng hoặc khác nếu không thì chúng tôi sẽ thua cuộc Tôi nghĩ chúng ta cần một vũ khí Huyền Thoại chúng ta cần bắt đầu tốt các dòng nhiệm vụ của mình cho một số cốt chuyện thế giới tưởng tượng này được điều khiển bởi bậc thầy nhiệm vụ người đã giám sát các thế giới từ con cobia công việc của anh ấy là giúp người chơi chống lại nhau và bốn phe phái sống ở đây những chú lùn ơi người V King và bộ xương bà để đưa thế giới của anh ấy trở lại từ những phe phãi này và những đội chết chóc Anh ấy đã thuê người chơi để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ cần thiết cho anh ấy để đổi lấy vũ khí và khả năng huyền thoại và sau khi thấy các cầu thủ đối thủ của chúng ta nguy hiểm như thế nào chúng tôi sẽ cần phải có được một trong những vũ khí này để chúng ta có cơ hội là người chiến thắng cuối cùng vì vậy chúng tôi bắt đầu tiếp cận bậc thành nhiệm [âm nhạc] vụ Archer palad Mage and neoman with each having special abilities and Legendary weapons assign to it difficult choice to make However with Dangerous players and mobs roaming We had to decide fast I’m going to go the Archer I’m going to go the Archer you Mage I chose The Archer class which gives players An increased movement Speed and the Archer Bow which has auto aim Infinity buffed arrows and other special abilities while boma had picked the Mage which gave him fire resistance and the Mage Staff which had special Magic attacks like fireballs meteors ice spikes and even magical chains So now that we both have picked our classes it was time to start our y stay back stay backo stay back oh my h some down nhiệm vụ được giao cho tôi là một nhiệm vụ tiền thường có nghĩa là tôi phải đi să một người chơi ngẫu nhiên và giết chúng Nhưng nếu tôi không thể làm điều đó trong kh thời gian sau đó tôi sẽ mất một trái tim và mặt khác van m đã tìm nhận được nhiệm vụ nơi anh ta sẽ cần lấy một mảnh đá nhỏ và trả đó trở lại nhiệm vụ for ax and have a Sword and hel How long do have have 30 Minutes 30 with toach as moving oh I I think that person left the game wait Who’s wait is it a target yeah Yeah It’s Die For Diego Ok Let’s go Let’s go Let’s got be I have I have to obtain one dri with both our Quest Active We started traveling towards the target and eventually we saw our first Player he say this way This I forgot You can’t see the compass No I can’t see the compass I have to one fcking drstone the Player We were approaching actually ended up being My bounty So now all We have to do is approach him and finish the job Yo What’s good Hey We’re Looking For A Team what you We’re looking for a team’s Uh he there behind you by the way there someone behind There’s someone over [âm nhạc] there oh my god oh god had 11 Diamonds h 11 Diamonds that was so i that was Criminal that was Criminal Ok wait um back yeah But if We could get your dripstone then Let’s do that So you donard I’ve got 9 Minutes to get dripstone [âm nhạc] vì vậy với nhiệm vụ của tôi đã hoàn thành bây giờ chỉ còn V Anh ấy chỉ còn 9 phút nữa chúng tôi cần lấy viên đá nhỏ giọt này càng nhanh càng tốt [âm nhạc] the thing You just did to there behind you that was How could you do that to it us him that was the bounty oh my After a bit of mining We stumbled into a cave and in this world all the caves w Super large and l which means they also had dripstone and increased or i can i can putc for you I got you oh my God I’m can i this h that I killed this guy with yeah yeah use the use the Ok there we go I’m using it Ok Yeah I could that [âm nhạc] vì vậy V đã có thể lấy được viên đá mình cần nhưng trong khi chúng tôi ở đây chúng tôi quyết định lấy một á vì bề mặt cực kỳ nguy hiểm vì vậy chúng tôi bắt đầu lấy sắt và bắt đầu đấu chely FED this wait Do you have any IR now Do you have any ext you m greedy What the hell [âm nhạc] um Ok I’m good um I need Why do you need an ax I don’t know cu don’t ask don’t ask me that question Yo Wow that actually stinks that actually stinks you know what might as well just let your let your Quest run out atci Please Let’s go I thought it was of good lete I’m I’m going to freak out actually We could just make a Diamond pix um all right Let’s go So now that we got Everything We needed From The mines We started to head up again We can make it back to mid and complete mine go go jump jump jump Oh my god try to K [âm nhạc] could who knows here One listen What to vì vậy sau khi đạt được mục đích Cuối cùng chúng tôi đã trở lại mặt đất vì vậy chúng tôi bắt đầu đi ra giữa nhưng vơ chỉ còn rất ít thời gian cho nhiệm vụ của mình Vì vậy chúng tôi tiếp tục chuy hiện theo kế hoạch của chúng tôi [âm nhạc] Yes see I don’t think I’m going to make it Though got 50 Seconds no Oh I’m not going to 4 Seconds No Ok we got this We got this just take Damage This ou I don’t know why I’m taking dam I don’t đã hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của mình đúng lúc nhưng không biết từ đâu một người chơi khác bắt đầu tấn công anh [âm nhạc] ta hư người chơi khác đến tấn công tôi nhưng tôi đã có thể chống trà và Thoát Khỏi Anh ta và cũng có thể chống lại và bây giờ bọn tôi đang đuổi theo người chơi anh ta liên tục Trốn [âm nhạc] Chạy Scary you do you think we our next or we should we go down and get in would us we don’t want to get jumped like Again even Though enchantments would help us We decided to continue the is too Dangerous Ok I started My Quest It’s a puffer fish I didn’t my good do your do your Yeah I think We just focus on one at a time vụ tiếp theo đối với tôi là tìm và nhận nhiệm vụ nơi tôi sẽ phải kiếm một con cá nóc vì vậy chúng tôi đã đi ra ngoài giữa và bắt đầu suy nghĩ về cách bắt cá nó try to find or something of and of Hard To str fishing Maybe We could find a different Player and Trade with them there structure here Do Do you remember If any mobs or like they had cobwebs or anything in this Maybe some C have no idea Though I can’t really remember Do you want to ok Maybe We Ok Let’s go We de to go Through The structure in case There was any string ors for food Oh ouch Yo the whole family Quick ok oh yeah if we can just get the food from here then this would be be Pretty [âm nhạc] solid There’s nothing Good in this hopefully There’s anything Oh gu up here oh my gu up here oh my gosh Why did that guy not Attack me oh my goodness Ok let’s get out of here There’s nothing good um at this Point this structure was completely useless to us so before We left I decided to make some food and we sted to head down all right let’s get out of here yeah slowly but surly yeah you It’s ok wait go down go down What is happening ok ok oh There’s nothing up here There’s nothing up here Yo What’s up y I’m good oh oh get to this [âm nhạc] tre he ok Oh my god these guys are yeah they did a lot of Damage Ok wait wait l Do you have any string Oh yeah string are you just out Here I no just Chúng tôi đã tìm thấy một người tên là l Tôi biết anh ta từ các sự kiện trước và chúng tôi quyết định thêm anh ta vào đội của chúng tôi nó sẽ rất hữu ích vì nó làm cho nhóm của chúng tôi mạnh hơn và cuối cùng tôi đã có một thành viên đáng tin cậy vì tôi vẫn không tin Sa vom nhưng với sợi dây Anh ấy đã cho tôi tôi đã có thể làm một chiếc cận câu và chúng tôi tiếp tục tìm kiếm nước some Can Oh vì tôi vừa có con cá N và phải quay trở lại giữa chúng tôi đã mang đội này Cùng với chúng tôi vì tôi là mục tiêu của một đội không xác định khác vì vậy chúng tôi cùng nhau bắt đầu đi đến chỗ ở giữa [âm nhạc] there over I would the spa region no the spa region is not safe by the [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] way those guys those guys Run Run r run run run Oh My God Oh My God ended up Absolutely obliterating those two peaceful players which made me trust him even less However at this point B was still chasing me so We had to keep on the move guys guys We got dig down We got dig down somehow just Diamond theam Ok we need to get to a cave Why are they still chasing us I don’t know can they leave us Alone Please Who whose team is that I don’t know they’re just chasing us I Can’t Believe you just killed those players I’m sorry i s An opportunity and I took It i s An opportunity it they had Diamond Armor Hold On Watch this You’re such a terrible person Ok Ok Let’s go down We have to go down yeah It Up Block it above you if That’s the team with the bounty on me then We have to dinging [âm nhạc] the team was still chasing us but we managed to dig Underground However aoma was still trapped on the Surface it seemed that they only cared about me as I was their bounty you [âm nhạc] here I think They they kept chasing I don’t know where is Oh That’s right yeah so we kept diing and eventually we found [âm nhạc] cave oh my no There’s even more down here bro Oh my god come with me come with me if can find a Lava buet oh I think I got Lava you have got wait no no take one [âm nhạc] oh my heart I don’t know What’s happen [âm nhạc] 45 My bounty should only last a Total 30 Minutes He’s Underground Ok Yeah began mining towards location However We were quickly interrupted really Ok thanks oh my I’m going to try That’s so insane Br oh my Go oh my Oh Br just Enchanted One now oh my god oh that was the gu that was I wasing Why he Was just standing there I didn’t even see him bro Yo he thought he would take us he thought he would take us oh my Yeah Oh my god freaking out Oh my god I’ve been so Close To so many times already so many times and you’ve been in the game the whole time Oh Yo If WE didn’t find a Lava bucket We were done I was so low yeah we would been it was game over wait Why did you the laa I didn’t think that far bro you know myin flows like all the time come on lock in What we doing What are we doing me and kept mining we told to come meet us in the [âm nhạc] C How did you escap killed Br We that that me a tree tree he was doing bro wait Let’s Let’s head up because oh my Diamond Oh yeah Take some Diamonds too what I I I mean I Found some diamonds are you fing kidding me bro You spoiling Me Right now This is crazy Of course My Heart We have to spoil you no Where you killed that guy two [âm nhạc] righta ah That’s good good bro was so Evil Br all right wait Let’s head Up and just keep do tôi đã có thể giết gạ đó Nhóm của chúng tôi vẫn đang bị hạn chế nghiêm Trạo so với đội khác vì vậy chúng tôi tiến lên bề mặt để bắt đầu nhiều nhiệm vụ kế tiếp was able to find some side Quest npcs along with the shop where we also found a Dungeon Token Which is Super valuable as Dungeon tokens allow players to enter dungeons and get all the insane loot That’s inside However they’re extremely Dangerous and if you were to die in one you would lose a hard so We couldn’t buy it right now as We didn’t have the funds or the Gear to do a Dungeon do you think worth to do some side here so We decided that we might as well do some side Quest and this Iron miner wanted 64 Iron for 300 coins so all three of us decided to accept the Quest And now it was time to go in the caves and get some [âm nhạc] Iron and there we go I got the Quest all right We’re all good right We got all the iron and it was time to head back to the Surface and visit the iron miner Hello Iron miner Ok Ok I got 300 coins 300 coins That’s actually good I think Let’s just If Let’s just keep doing My now that We had more food We decided to go back to mid so We could continue My Quest Line as one of us needed to get a Legendary weapon Asap in order for us to be The Last One standing [âm nhạc] and a you one Dr No I don’t you man thankfully when we got to mid the players seemed harmless so i was able to start my next Quest and this Quest was An exploration class to find a village guys We have to find another Vill After a good time of wanding the map We finally found a village Oh guys OK that’s per are you [âm nhạc] Blind us We finally found a village After a long time of searching However this wasn’t any normal typ of village We end uping on was actually or village So I got My Quest but while Here We had to be careful There’s so many What is happen do don’t do too much Damage [âm nhạc] Ok Let’s just get out of here let’s get out of here since this village was already looted and filled with Dangerous mobs We decided to go back as My Quest was now complete so We began traveling to mid However as We got there It seemed Like It May be too late guys I have 50 Seconds left I don’t know um the tre right there Br It’s Over Over tôi đã có thể hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của mình và trước khi rời đi tôi quyết định rằng tôi sẽ bắt đầu người tiếp theo của mình tôi phải có được một trái tim V vậy chúng tôi đã có thể quay trở lại qu đúng giờ Tuy nhiên nhiệm vụ tiếp theo của tôi là tìm và nhận một nơi tôi phải có được một trái tim và quyết định cũng bắt đầu nhiệm vụ của mình nơi anh ấy cũng cần một trái tim có vẻ khá nghi ngờ đối với tôi khi Nhóm của chúng tôi quyết định tập trung vào một nhiệm vụ tại một thời điểm vì vậy chúng tôi đảm bảo có được vũ khí Huyền Thoại càng nhanh càng tốt [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] kế hoạch của là chọn một số người ở giữa theo yêu cầu của chúng tôi Tuy nhiên tôi đã rất chống lại ý tưởng và tôi không muốn giết bất cứ ai ở đây vì họ có vẻ khá thân thiện nhng điều đó đã không ngăn chặn được v [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] Vì vậy tôi đoán một hoạt động của thực sự mang lại lợi ích cho chúng tôi khi tôi đã hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của mình nhưng anh ấy vẫn cần phải hoàn thành [âm nhạc] Ok need You need a th right Yo Come on ok wait wait I I have an idea wait to slash withdraw How many h you have yeah That is the dumbest way I’ve ever Done it but I mean It’s technically done the Quest do để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của v M là một điều khá khó khăn và tôi bắt đầu Nhiệm vụ cuối cùng và cuối cùng trong ngày vì người chơi chỉ có thể hoàn thành tối đa năm nhiệm vụ một ngày vì vậy tôi bắt đầu nhiệm vụ tiếp theo của mình nó tình cờ là một nhiệm vụ tìm kiếm tiêu diệt nơi tôi phải giết hai chú lùn và chúng tôi bắt đầu hướng về phía họ như chúng ta đã biết bốn ph phái có khu vực riêng của họ những chú lùn ở phía Đông Bắc người Ving ở phía Tây Bắc Bộ xương ở phía tây nam và Oki ở phía Đông Nam Vì vậy chúng tôi bắt đầu hướng đến những người lùn [âm nhạc] pleas perf Oh This is so good We were able to find a village and thankfully It had a large Farm However What we didn’t know is We actually stumbled on a door village which was Perfect For My Quest What are these things Br What’s Happening There’s Oh my god bro Oh No this is Exactly What i need Kill per oh I The run run ok Let’s just go back to oh my Oh [âm nhạc] Oh vì vậy chúng tôi đã có thể có được tất cả thức ăn chúng tôi cần bắt đầu đi ra ngoài Chúng tôi đang chạy đến Giữa chúng tôi nhận ra rằng chúng tôi đã quên một cái gì đó [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] come on just left me what what are you doing Let’s you left me guys just sitting doing nothing only 5 Minutes We Oh my god no no we got it we got it Don’t Worry want to get to daydreaming in a f having [âm nhạc] vì vậy l cơ chỉ đứng yên không làm gì với những người lùn và cuối cùng anh ấy đã lãng phí rất nhiều thời gian và tôi không biết liệu chúng ta có thể quay trở lại giữa chừng không Trước khi nhiệm vụ của tôi hết nhưng chỉ có một cách để tìm ra vì vậy chúng ta pha sang đó càng nhanh càng tốt my time was running out but We Could See right in front of us We’re here’re here’re right here I don’t know where you [âm nhạc] went Oh no There’s people no no no come on f f [âm nhạc] come no Heart Taking Taken the time Ran out i failed My

This video, titled ‘100 Người Chơi Mô Phỏng Giải Đấu Nguy Hiểm Nhất Minecraft Tập 1’, was uploaded by Cut Official🦖 on 2024-05-22 02:30:57. It has garnered 47407 views and 680 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:42 or 1902 seconds.

The channel specializes in funny Minecraft, world simulation minecraft, 100 days minecraft, horror minecraft,… If you like, remember to subscribe to the channel and Like and share! #minecraft #minecraftanimation #cutgamer00 Join this channel to enjoy special privileges: / @cutgamer00 – Belongs to the Minecraft Game series ■ SOCIAL MEDIA ● ✉: [email protected] (cv) ● ☎: 0792146*** ❤️ DONATE: – No ——————— If there are any issues related to content copyright, images… please contact me at Address ([email protected]) to resolve. We will work together as quickly and in the spirit of cooperation as possible. Music Used ➩ I dont own any music used in this video, therefore all the rights belong to the owner(s) ➩ Original image copyright deserves respect

  • DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy’s Tricks

    DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy's Tricks Mhafy’s Ship Addon: Build Your Own Ship in Minecraft! Are you ready to set sail in the world of Minecraft with your very own custom-built ship? Look no further than the Mhafy’s Ship Addon! In this exciting Minecraft addon, players can craft and customize their own ships to explore the vast oceans and embark on epic adventures. Features of Mhafy’s Ship Addon: With Mhafy’s Ship Addon, players can: Build Custom Ships: Design and construct your own unique ships using a variety of materials and components. Explore the Seas: Sail across the oceans, discover new lands, and conquer the high… Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

  • Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft’s Rhyme Time

    Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft's Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, S5João brings stories, both new and old. With his Omnitrix in hand, he’s ready to explore, Crafting and building, always wanting more. From Monday to Saturday, his videos shine bright, With updates and memes, bringing joy and delight. So hit that like button, and don’t forget to subscribe, To join in the fun, where creativity thrives. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Discord too, For more gaming content, just for you. So leap into the verse, where the story sings, With S5João, where Minecraft brings. Read More

  • Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates!

    Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates! Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21, also known as the Tricky Trials update, has brought a plethora of exciting new features and improvements to the game. From data-driven enchantments to new paintings and jukebox songs, players are in for a treat with this latest update. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer! Commands and Gameplay Enhancements One of the key highlights of Minecraft 1.21 is the introduction of data pack improvements that enhance gameplay mechanics. Players can now enjoy a more dynamic and customizable experience through the use of new commands and… Read More

  • Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars!

    Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars! The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedwars Introduction Minecraft Bedwars is a popular multiplayer minigame that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and fast-paced action. In this game mode, players must protect their bed while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a thrilling race against time and opponents to be the last team standing. Gameplay Mechanics In Bedwars, players start on individual islands with a bed that serves as their respawn point. The goal is to gather resources, upgrade gear, and eliminate rival teams. Teamwork is essential, as players must coordinate their efforts to defend their bed and… Read More

  • Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12)

    Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: Exploring Terror Mods with Dwellers (Ep.12) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft One Block Skyblock, where terror lurks around every corner. Dive into the world of horror mods with the infamous Dwellers, including The Man From The Fog, The Mimic Dweller, and The Midnight Lurker. This unique modpack for Minecraft is packed with spine-chilling experiences that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Unleashing Terror: The Mods Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey as you encounter a variety of terrifying mods, each more chilling than the last. From The One Who Watches… Read More

  • Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6

    Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6 KRESH VÀ LỜI MỜI HỖ TRỢ VƯƠNG TRIỀU SAKURA !! l MON TƠ MINECRAFT MEGA SMP TẬP 6 In the latest episode of the Minecraft Mega SMP series, Kresh receives an invitation to join forces with the Sakura Dynasty. This exciting development promises new adventures and collaborations in the vast Minecraft world. Joining Forces with the Sakura Dynasty Kresh’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he is offered support by the powerful Sakura Dynasty. This alliance opens up a world of possibilities, from shared resources to coordinated missions. The collaboration between Kresh and the Sakura Dynasty is sure to… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again

    Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again The Exciting Possibilities of Minecraft 1.21 With the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update on the horizon, players are buzzing with anticipation for new features and enhancements. One dedicated Minecraft modder has taken it upon themselves to create a unique mod for this upcoming version, promising an exciting twist to the beloved game. A Glimpse into the Mod The mod, created for both Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, introduces a range of new elements that are sure to shake up the gameplay experience. From innovative mechanics to quirky additions, this mod is set to offer players a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE’s Monster Portal

    Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE's Monster Portal In Minecraft, a koala Zoonomaly Monster Portal was made, With a white, black koala, a unique creature displayed. No fur, tail, or nose, just big ears and teeth, A mix of human and koala, a strange sight beneath. To support the video, just click subscribe, Like, comment, and share, keep the fun alive. Follow on Instagram and TikTok too, For more Minecraft creations, all for you. In the world of Minecraft, creativity thrives, With portals and monsters, in virtual lives. So keep on building, exploring, and more, In this blocky world, let your imagination soar. Read More

  • Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror!

    Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror! In the world of Minecraft, when the sun goes down, The mobs come out, wearing a scary frown. Creepers and zombies, lurking in the night, Ready to give players a fright. But fear not, brave gamers, for you have the power, To survive the night, hour by hour. With your sword and your shield, you’ll conquer the dark, And emerge victorious, leaving your mark. So keep on crafting, building, and exploring, In the world of Minecraft, never boring. And remember, when the night is near, Face your fears with courage, never fear. Read More

  • 🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information build wealth every day stream time build wealth every day that’s literally the same ad okay I’m ready see yeah uh I don’t think solid knows that the stream started yeah the white list oh no I don’t have I don’t have control over the server I I I’ll check oh no it works wait what wait oh solid’s on the ball today what the hell oh well that’s interesting I don’t think I can even turn off the white list yeah I’m no longer operator yeah I can’t turn off the white list I I hate I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane Parkour

    EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane ParkourVideo Information hello guys today I’m on my server that I’ve just started yesterday I know I’m really op it’s whatever what is that so it says fun and free com coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon and what does this say parkour school which one should we go first uh I’m going to parkour school and just saying my sister’s in with me uh yeah it’s going to be fun I’m going to try and finish the parkour let’s see oh that was just sad times I accidentally did it so I’m going to hold my w… Read More

  • 🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥

    🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सभी लोग स्वागत है गाइस आज के इस नई स्ट्रीम पर साहिल प्ले वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सेकंड प्रतीक बढ़िया कैसे हो सभी लोग पारकर ओके पारकर के लिए देखता हूं मैं मॉडरेटर से बोलता हू ब्रो एसम ऑनलाइन ब्रदर मैंने आज होस्टिंग वालों से बात कर लिए है न्यू वीपीएस लच करने वाले हैं इसलिए उसको टाइम लगने वाला है जो है वह फर्स्ट ह बढ़िया डिजिटल गेमर वेलकम ू द स्ट्रीम स्वागत है आईम होल फर्स्ट नाइस यार वन प्लेयर दिखा रहा है कहां पर वन… Read More

  • Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!

    Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School vs Bad Guys: Bad Dancers Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ansar. game. 1.1M views 5 days ago… on 2024-03-25 16:22:51. It has garnered 250 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #monsterschool monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft monster school, школа монстров, монстр школа, minecraft school https://youtu.be/LKITpmjacHM Titan Cameraman And Herobrine Vs Skibidi Toilet – Minecraft Animation Monster School: Bad Monster vs Good Monster – Sad Storyhttps://youtu.be/Y7IoKEzk3ag?si=cVPBDEEfmt5Dhks- monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge,… Read More

  • Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#2 ഒരു village മുഴുവൻ രക്ഷിച്ചു 🥵🥵 Minecraft’, was uploaded by Malayalam Techies on 2024-03-18 10:21:45. It has garnered 2306 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. Social Medias:✅ Discord :❎ https://discord.gg/EpGFfDk9rj Vlog Channel :❎ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVYCwB8kV-i0RETEcS2qkDw Facebook :❎ Instagram :❎ https://www.instagram.com/malayalamtechies/ Referals:✅ Minecraft Hosting: Apex Hosting https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=5973 (Kindly Don’t Ask for Youtube Channel Promotion ) For Copyright and Promotions/Business: [email protected] Available for sponsorships, product reviews, Brand Collabs and website reviews. For Business / Sponsorship/ Queries Contact: Business mail – [email protected] #Malayalam Techies – മലയാളം ടെക്കീസ് Disclaimer- Copyright Disclaimer Under… Read More

  • Manpixel’s EPIC Minecraft War – You won’t believe what happens next! 😱 #shorts

    Manpixel's EPIC Minecraft War - You won't believe what happens next! 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] I’ll [Music] look [Applause] [Music] m This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 11 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 12:00:40. It has garnered 821 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • WX39 – CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!

    WX39 - CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.6 – Shaders, Zoom, and Optimisation Mods Install Tutorial’, was uploaded by wx39 on 2024-06-06 06:35:25. It has garnered 118 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Download all the mods bundled together here: https://ufile.io/2vsb6jgw If you’re having trouble running the Iris Installer, there is a utility you can download called “JarFix”. It’ll fix the issue, though you may need to restart your PC after running it. If you’d rather download the mods individually, here are the relevant links: Iris Shaders – gives you shaders and the… Read More

  • RazerPVP

    RazerPVPWelcome to RazerPvP! We are a new 1.19.4 server, and a work in progress, but value constructive criticism and suggestions! We have factions, MCMMO, marriage, and an upcoming NPC shop! We also are adding parkour at spawn. Staff are almost always available on our discord – https://discord.gg/n2hRzPG6ft . Feel free to @ us in the general chat if you need help. We are excited to see new members join this growing server! Read More

  • GlowCraft PVE SMP Crossplay 1.20+ Quests No-Grief Land Claims Player Economy Jobs

    Join GlowCraft Community Today! 🌟 Discord: https://discord.glowcraft.org Website: https://www.glowcraft.org Play.Glowcraft.org Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 Description: GlowCraft is a laid-back Survival Multiplayer network with a focus on economy and PvE gameplay. Build your own adventure and enjoy custom items alongside regular gameplay experiences. Everything is obtainable through gameplay! Economy Focus: Interact with the community through trading, selling, and buying items without the need for a webstore. Perks include Crate Keys, Vote Rewards, and Glow Sticks. Main Features: Obtain everything in the game through play or advance with donations through the store. ⛏ Jobs 📅 Daily Quests 🌲 Season 3 Elemental (Released)… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamonds are my bae

    Why did the diamond go to school? To get a little “carats” education! Read More

  • From Rags to Riches: EfeKan’s Minecraft Adventure

    From Rags to Riches: EfeKan's Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan, from poverty to riches, bold. From humble beginnings, he started his quest, Building his empire, rising above the rest. With hard work and dedication, he mined and he crafted, His skills and his fortune, steadily amassed. From dirt to diamonds, his wealth did grow, In the world of Minecraft, he put on a show. His story inspires, a lesson to learn, That with perseverance, success you can earn. So follow his journey, from rags to riches, In the world of Minecraft, where the adventure never ceases. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 “Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and enchanted weapons, while Minecraft girls are just trying to figure out how to tame a cat without accidentally hitting it with a pickaxe?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #boysvs girls Read More

  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

    DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition The World of Minecraft: Crafting a Wind Fan Embark on a new adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with the creation of a Wind Fan. This innovative addition to your Minecraft world will bring a touch of creativity and functionality to your gameplay. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of Minecraft crafting! Exploring the Possibilities of Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and create in a virtual world made up of blocks. With endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introducing the… Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Smash Bros in Minecraft!

    Insane Mashup: Smash Bros in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made Smash Bros in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TerryOnline on 2024-06-01 15:36:40. It has garnered 318 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:20 or 12500 seconds. You can now get LEDGE CAMPED IN MINECRAFT! Also I did this on the switch version instead of Xbox… I didn’t want to pay for Xbox live, sorry in advance. Thank you guys for 1k Subs! Tonight I will be announcing some big events for next weekend, so make sure to stay tuned! Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/CMTusbbA #supersmashbros #minecraft #gaming Read More

  • Minecraft SCARY MOON Encounter at 3AM

    Minecraft SCARY MOON Encounter at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP trouve SCARY MOON à 3H DU MATIN sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-05-17 15:00:51. It has garnered 71000 views and 885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:58 or 1078 seconds. After Scary Moon turned me into a killer, I’m here with catnap to get revenge. I just found his secret base and I’m going to have to destroy it in order to kill scary moon. So I go inside and I explode his heart. #minecraft #thecheesenaan 🎵 TikTok: thecheesenaanyt 📸 INSTAGRAM: thecheesenaan 👻 SNAPCHAT: thecheesenaan 🦄 Discord: https://discord.gg/DUXzJrf ————————————————–… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT T-REX TUTORIAL!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Tyranosaurs Rex minecraft Wyatts vid’, was uploaded by @thehomies on 2024-03-02 02:23:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dinosaur wyatt having fun on minecraft. Read More

  • ULTIMATE WAR PLANE Mod for Minecraft!!

    ULTIMATE WAR PLANE Mod for Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘War Plane military Mod for Minecraft (MCPE)’, was uploaded by ModVo on 2024-05-19 14:00:31. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. ### 🛩️ Become a Minecraft Maverick: Rule the Skies with the V22 Osprey Mod! 🌤️ Mod Download://modsteria.com/mod-war-plane/ Have you ever yearned to soar through Minecraft’s pixelated paradise with the freedom of a bird and the functionality of a plane? Look no further than the **V22 Osprey Mod**! This ingenious mod brings the awe-inspiring V-22 Osprey to life, a real-world marvel that seamlessly transforms… Read More



  • Someone is lurking outside my house at 3AM…

    Someone is lurking outside my house at 3AM...Video Information This video, titled ‘Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM…’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-08 13:00:22. It has garnered 382948 views and 5035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:56 or 2456 seconds. Somebody is OUTSIDE MY HOUSE At 3AM… (Minecraft) This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are chilling at night, when suddenly strange things start happening, and they SEE someone outside the house! Will they survive? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HOUSE HACKS!! 🤯🔨 #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠🏡🏠 #minecraftshortsideas #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HEERBUILDS on 2023-12-29 13:32:48. It has garnered 2567 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. MINECRAFT STARTED HOUSE 🏠 (PART.2) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshortsideas __________________________________________ ➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥➡️🔥 Minecraft lovers please 🙏 subscribe my channel ❤️🥺🙏 ______________________________________________________ device:- realme 3 RAM :- 4GB ROM:- 64 _________________________________ EDITING APP :- VN AND CAPCUT THUMBNAIL EDITING:- PICSART ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ INSTAGRAM:-https://www.instagram.com/shashi_gymlover ___________________________________________________________ SURVIVAL SERIE PLAYLISTS :-https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa_FNnPYYrrmfY67LvBBetSuhVGUYzkTG _____________________________________________________ hey guys how did you like my video 📸📸 please like ❤️, comment 👍, share♻️, subscribe PLEASE ____________________________________________________ YOUR… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch Now

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Judging my VIEWERS’ Minecraft Builds (April 2024)’, was uploaded by LeonSBU on 2024-05-05 19:29:59. It has garnered 421 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:31 or 7951 seconds. Let’s take a look at ALL of the entrants to this month’s Monthly Build Challenge, a minecraft build contest hosted in the LeonSBU Discord server! This month’s theme was “Custom Fruit Tree” – contestants had to create a fruit tree, featuring multiple wood types and custom fruits! Featuring @AshsDen and @layncemc as judges! ❤ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ❤ to LeonSBU, it really helps… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112

    Shocking Minecraft Secrets Exposed by CaptainSparklez | InsideMC 112Video Information This video, titled ‘CaptainSparklez Talks Minecraft Throughout The Years | InsideMC 112’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-06-07 15:00:36. It has garnered 560 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:12 or 5412 seconds. In the 112th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with CaptainSparklez, someone who has been around in the Minecraft community since the start and has seen it develop over the years! To kick start the podcast, the two start by talking about the origin of the Captain, how his name and him as a content creator came to… Read More

  • Splocus

    SplocusSplocus er en dansk prison server, som er fuldkommen unikt lavet. Her er største delen custom kodet, og alle builds er selv lavet. Vi stræber efter at skabe et af Danmarks bedste fællesskaber, hvor der er plads til alle. Håber vi ses på Splocus! 🥇 mc.splocus.dk Read More

  • Nebula Wars – Semi-Vanilla, LIVEMAP, ANTI-P2W, SMP, CLAIM-FLY

    Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. SOME FEATURES INCLUDE: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! Head Database with Thousands… Read More

  • ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00

    ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ VanityEmpire → (1.8-1.20) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ SPHERE SERVER OPEN: 03/29/2024 18:00 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.

    Minecraft Memes - Life in Minecraft: Nothing comes easy. Embrace the grind.Just like in Minecraft, life doesn’t come with a built-in cheat code for success! Time to start mining for those goals! Read More

  • Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness

    Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with animations that entertain. Funny and humorous, each video a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. Pirated copies beware, this channel is the one true, With daily original content, just for you. So hit that subscribe button, join the fun, And let Fangkuaixuan’s Minecraft journey begun. From classroom series to song adaptations so fine, Every video a gem, a true gold mine. So come along, join the fun and the laughter, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, where joy is the master. Read More

  • “Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Когда ты строишь дом, но крипер все равно его взрывает" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that even your memes are starting to mine for diamonds. #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme #cover #dance #майнкрафт #music Read More

  • Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run!

    Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run! Minecraft Shulker Farm Tutorial: Efficient and Easy Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key to success. The new Shulker Farm tutorial promises to revolutionize your gameplay with its speed and simplicity. Designed by the community, this farm is a game-changer for players looking to gather resources quickly and effortlessly. Key Features Shulker Shell Production: This farm boasts an impressive output of over 6,500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Compatibility: The farm is designed to work seamlessly on versions 1.17 to 1.21, ensuring that players across different updates can… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Minecraft

    The Dark Side of Minecraft The Dark Side of Minecraft Unveiled Exploring the underbelly of the Minecraft community, this video delves into scandals and the criminal underworld surrounding some of the most popular players. From controversial behaviors of famous creators to the illegal sale of Minecraft accounts, shocking events are brought to light. Notch’s Downfall At 00:33, the video touches upon the fall of Notch, the creator of Minecraft, and the controversies that have surrounded him. The Game Seized by Censorship By 02:51, the narrative shifts to how censorship has impacted the game, altering its original essence. Toxic Fans From 04:22, the toxic behavior… Read More