100 Hours In Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 2 – UPGRADES

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Please don’t see me i’m about to do my intro i know i’m not supposed to record between sessions but old habits die young um i’m i’m starting here because it’s happened again the tridents are back can he not see me do you see what i mean

So what i’ve been doing is setting up my copper to oxidize and i thought it would look cool if i did it in a cool little grid pattern like this and i’m playing a fun game of dodge the trident while i do it ow i feel like there’s something wrong

With this server and the amount of tridents that there are you know what i think we should uh diamond up here because i’m getting absolutely destroyed by the drowns and we got a full amount of diamond armor i don’t have the levels yet to enchant it but we can get rid of

This junk boom blue right there he is come here ow okay it doesn’t hurt nearly as much so what are we going to do in today’s episode well today is the day i want to get the villagers sorted now this is not something i really want to to do at all

But it’s also something i can’t leave till later because the earlier in the series that i sort this out the more benefit i see for the rest of the hundred hours this is the difference here we know that we got 100 hours to do this hardcore world i don’t know what

Happens if you actually hit 100 hours fireworks we should we should set up fireworks so last episode i asked everybody to uh put put your bets in on when you think that i was gonna die i wasn’t very surprised to see that absolutely zero people thought i could do it there there were

Zero comments saying oh no don’t don’t worry green you can you can do it hundred hours easy peasy so it turns out that scar and joel are actually doing this challenge with me on this server first of all kudos to them for coming on here and messing with

Me and i think that’s a welcome addition to this series 100 hours with my bros and see who gets to the end but also scar is scar gonna make it willy though i love scar to bits but if you look at like the graphs of scars deaths in season

Any season of hermitcraft he is always at the top hundreds hundreds and hundreds of deaths i have faith in you scar you can do this okay that was way more effort than it needed to be but the aesthetics of seeing the copper all aging and oxidizing this way

Is way cooler okay so now it’s time to start working on getting these guys all sorted this is some early game investment into a late game thing but we’re gonna do it we’re gonna see if we can do this in a couple of hours i i hope okay to the nether

Blaze powder oh no no okay that’s pretty good nice oh i forgot the torches the torches don’t help with these we got two blaze rods i think we can we can try and do a little bit better than that i think that’ll do for now successful nether trip success okay let’s do ourselves

Some brewing i’ve always found it weird that you can stare at enderman through glass surely the same principles apply apparently not i’m pretty much gonna skip the awful villager parts what we’re gonna do is time-lapse most of this villager stuff because i’ll be honest i don’t really want to talk much while

Doing this so let’s go Check it out we have got the well first of all check the timer it’s been like six six hours seven hours and we’ve done quite a lot in those seven hours i have got all of the main books that i need and i’m probably gonna stop here because as

You can see seven hours for this many villages not very good but this is a source of xp it is a source of many items which are useful and i’ve got all these villagers around the back here should i need them one thing that happened which was quite

Embarrassing was i was like oh i don’t need this villager and i bopped him and then this guy gave me quite the fright and he’s since forgiven me but that could have been the end of my hardcore series in this episode so that’s where i’m going to leave the

Villager project for now because as you can imagine after seven hours i have quite quite had enough how do you have well dumbledore’s house i thought you were saying double doors have been kept i have been busy and i see you have been staying on the server staying on the

Server in style i mean look at the shiny armor look at that look at it it’s not falling apart or just about to break anyway shape or form how how’s your hundred hours going scar it’s going quite well i’m actually still alive i am 10 hours and 27 minutes and you haven’t died

And oh i was i was about to try and end your series right here no no no no you don’t no there’s no there’s no pv there’s no pvp this this is this is this this is the this is a wall no you can’t swim through the wall oh

Wait there isn’t no there’s look nothing that’s probably i’ll be honest scar this is probably for the best this is the this is probably for the best wow and you’ve got an enchanter and everything scar this isn’t last life why would you i see it i see it right there no look

Look at that crazy wow just wild times okay do you have a diamond just one single happy diamond i think i might have one around the back here yeah i got i got okay i’ve got one dime i’ve got four diamonds that’s all i’ve got to my name

You give me a diamond and in return i will grant you whatever you want a favor a service anything in the world so i have to choose it now you can redeem it at any one time i want to see your base is that a two-person boat it is now oh

Is that your base i can’t see over your enormous head [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah you know this is a hardcore world right oh don’t worry i built a swimming pool under it so if i fall i fall in the pool that’s right that’s like wait what well

The pool is gone now but when i built it i put a pool under it so if i fell which i did many times i um landed inside of the uh inside the pool and survived the most dangerous hardcore base and unnecessarily so that is the most unnecessarily dangerous base and you’ve

Survived for 10 hours it’s not an efficient way up i’ll tell you that right now wait is there any way up is this it oh you just gotta go around the mountain how do i get there do you have to jump scar do you have to jump what’s wrong you have to out You walk up the trunk oh okay you don’t have to danger i was going to say if you do that jump i was so impressed oh no you got it you go this way and then down this base is so convoluted you go down the ladder now be very careful my

Comments warned me that trapdoors can be very dangerous scott yes no no this is a disbelief oh no i’m scared of my own have pace scott you know like if there’s a button i’ve got to press it if there’s a trap door i’ve got it just you’ve created the worst possible

Hardcore base i’ve ever seen this is so impractical on so many levels what i hate most about this is that if you fall it’s not even clear water why is there a tree you kind of think when you when you jump down you gotta do like a little

Okay all right green all right you gotta you gotta take the the the walk here all right all right you gotta get in that and then you gotta row yourself off this is safe right just do it this is safe just do it oh wow you got some speed oh wow

I love danger oh fun fun fun fun well korean i must be off okay i have many things to conduct many things such as pathways and enchanting and all sorts of fun things so yeah we’ll see okay bye have a great time did you say enchanting ska scar scar i need that

I have played in two series of last life and third life with this man and you know what there’s just there’s no point there’s just no point trying to get the enchanter back i’m just gonna make another one he will never give it up i’ll i’ll be forever chasing down that

Thing okay so what’s next the next thing for me is actually to maybe get set up with a wool farm i think that would be a really good idea but i do not have the string for it why do we need wool for a hardcore world well the main reason is actually because

I need a lot of beds to do some netherright mining and for beds of course you need wool so we are going to do some heavy wool farming i’ve got plenty of white wool and i actually spent the time to make a little path that goes up to the top of the mountain

One because this is the direction that scars base is and two i think if i’m going to be making a big build it’s probably gonna be up there because i’d like to get an elytra and having a high vantage point is a good idea so scar told me that joel’s base is

Over yonder somewhere and i thought we could go and see if we could find it and joel is actually online so maybe we can maybe we can scare him because i have a loyalty trident and they make quite a good noise for scare oh i just [Laughter] that’s possibly the most embarrassing

Thing that’s ever happened to me oh minecraft oh my god oh yeah not bad oh dear okay let’s see let’s see if we can find joel so according to scar joel is just over here hardcore’s really got me on edge oh wow okay joel has a really nice looking base

Don’t know where he is oh look he’s so organized oh my goodness look how organized he is this uh this somewhat puts me to shame hey he’s even he’s got a similar farm to me it’s like he asked to copy my homework but uh put it in his own words

I don’t want to ask him in chat because i don’t know that he knows i’m online so i never want to waste an opportunity for a little jump scare wandering trader style oh no no get away from the portal i don’t have a way back no

Get out of it now this could be cool well it doesn’t look like he’s here how did that fire get there did a fireball leave the portal and land here if so that’s that’s pretty unlikely if we’re going to make some significant minecraft progress then we are going to need more ender

Pearls and i just realized i think you can trade for them i am really really loving joel’s base by the way i think i think he is a fantastic builder i love the way he’s used copper which is an expensive block for a starter house i think him

And scar have something in common very very nice i figure that joel will be back eventually so why don’t i just stay up here and see if i can give him the old spookaroo of course it depends what he’s up to right now okay can i hit that fish from here yeah

I think joel has been uh hunting for netherrite by the looks of things is he still hunting for never right looks like he’s using the bed technique which is what i said i was gonna do here’s the thing i’m i’m not a hundred percent confident i know how the bed trick works so

This could be a very big mistake do you have to put a blast in the way and then just touch the bed or do you hold that and touch no oh yes okay well you survive as long as you put a block there by the looks of things that was terrifying

All right let’s try this again this is a this is like a one one false move and you die i think i’m gonna get a jump scare every time i do this i don’t think my i don’t think the shield does anything and there we have it some ancient debris

I came down here looking for joel and i’ve ended up farming netherrite so that’s i mean that is a textbook getting distracted very easily and now i’ve kind of got to see this through oh look at that i’ve got three hidden in the depths we’ve done well here that

So far is three out of four beds has produced some netherite oh no no no no no no no no way five five beds or six beds five netherites five ancient debris oh it it scares me every time every time without fail i feel like i’m pushing my luck but i have seven

Which means i think you need four to make a single nether right ingot so i feel like i i only need to push my luck just a little bit more and then we’re good to go oh no no no no i didn’t put the block i didn’t put the block somehow i

I misclicked i misclicked i think i was saved by my blast protection helmet i think we’re pushing our luck here i think it’s time to leave we’ll check ah well there you i’m go careless there is there is no way there’s no way i’m making it to 100

Hours when i play like this we are so so lucky okay we got 12. i think is that three near the right ingots okay we’re leaving we’re leaving that’s good enough for me i’m gonna annoy some people by having one bit of diamond left i’ll make it the

Diamond helmet so that it at least looks like a hat oh wow that is that is honestly the most luck i’ve ever had in the nether farming for for netherright i’ve never i’ve never seen luck like that oh i totally forgot we were trying to mess with joel’s gone

Well there that idea goes no oh no my oh no this is not good how did they how did that how okay okay okay okay do i have a way i’m stranded i am full on stranded in the nether then joel’s gone uh in situations like these you just gotta

You just gotta message your friends and hope they’re still awake okay i think joel’s on his way oh they there it is hello grian how’s it going uh not not so good just uh one of these yeah uh if this was a single player that would have been the end of the series

Now there’s ways to do it how you need a fire charge and yeah yeah this is how it happened your portal is not in a great place okay can we can we can we go look at you and your snazzy never right yeah i’ve got a little gift for you

Actually because you know you gave me all those books only two well you’re you’re uh you’re i found your bed tunnel and i started using some beds as well and i i don’t know how long it took you but i got uh 12 ancient debris with like five beds oh

You kidding me i it took about 50 beds to get 12. honestly i’ve never seen such incredible luck in my life and i’ll be honest i didn’t really know how the bed tricked worked so i got spooked every time do you have some ender pearls because i would love to go and yes

There you go should we join go and kill the enderdragon we’ve got to try and well my goal with this 100 hour series is to try and kind of complete minecraft in quotation marks you know kind of do everything that you normally do in a minecraft world oh yeah so megabase uh

What else what can i think of everything like infrastructure without going too over the top try and have the complete minecraft experience okay well yeah i’m down to kill the end of dragon um i’m i’m yeah i’ve got a bow i’m gonna take this water i might get a pumpkin

Because i am scared i got a trident yeah okay that’s a good idea okay let’s let’s meet up in five okay okay time to get set up for a dragon kill i think i’ve got more than enough to do that let’s make some eye of ender i’m gonna need more blaze rods joel

Oh scar she’s got he just logged out she’s crazy joel come on man it was it was looking so good i was actually here earlier and i appreciated your uh your method of spreading it out the dedication i just wanted to see how quick it oxidized so i did a little test uh-huh

Yeah sure sure we can already oxidize everything i’m gonna go and get some more blaze rods if i come back and that is this copper forget the dragon thing i’m going by myself this is a test and we’re gonna we’re gonna see how this goes do you think joel’s going to pass the

Test we have 13 eye of ender i don’t actually know if that’s enough but i i think the max that can be missing is all of them so it would be 12 and then you have some of them break when you’re trying to find the stronghold look at me with my minecraft knowledge

It was a test it was a test and you passed wait wait wait no you failed oxidize him nicely that’s it i think you actually passed with that i was not what i expected there you go i was just harvesting it for you it looks nice now okay let’s

Have i’ve left you some mossy stone all right i think i’m ready i don’t think sky’s going to be joining us no unfortunately all right maybe for the best yeah do you know what i think i think we’re doing him a favor here because when i saw him last he stole my enchanter

Out of character i know crazy crazy and he was rocking unenchanted very damaged iron armor oh my gosh oh well all right it’s at my base let’s go yeah well i’ve i’ve been playing this uh pretty poorly i’ve i’ve had a few times already oh good because i’ve had about five

Extremely near misses including one today where i forgot to put a block in front of the bed and just nearly exploded careful you almost lost that don’t fall in okay now we’re cooking and we got it back what’s the chance of the and the eye of ender popping i i don’t know

Fun facts with joel we’re probably quite close i’m going to pop a pearl where’d it go where did it where did it go oh went that way it went backwards oh okay we must be close we’re really close cool let’s yeah let’s try do you want to play

A game of uh dig straight down um yeah sure this never went wrong don’t no i don’t like this i’m glad we have feather fighting i’ve got my bucket ready this this can’t go wrong i didn’t bring my fire resistant potion you shouldn’t do this i found it what i’m in come here

There we go oh that was easy hey and we didn’t die that’s a win uh i don’t know i got a music disc called lena rayne the other side i love that one hey it’s here a what oh there’s two pills in it we are lucky this has been the smoothest series so

Far like we didn’t have any ender pearls pop we had two in here we got some to spare moment said before disaster don’t look at any enderman oh wait we can we can we can we got we got pumpkins on it’s just it’s so that the audience can see look at this

Stupid enderman okay right here we go oh yeah i forgot i’ve actually not done this in a long time oh hey i don’t think so i can shoot arrows what through the game careful yeah here one second or maybe not i’m missing i’ve hit the dragon i don’t think so well definitely what

How did that happen you can shoot with little gates tips and tricks with smallish beans maybe he does know his stuff hey nice i think this one on the big tower i got this uh oh oh i hit joel all right i guess it’s time to start hitting the dragon

We’re gonna try it look at that joel did you see me did you see me did you see what i did i didn’t see what you do going in whoa whoa oh gosh i am so lucky all i heard was just screaming i’ve never been so lucky in my life i

Take it back i take back what i said about the dragon i feel like i should be more stressed than i am yeah this is quite relaxing although i almost did die i did have to do an mlg water book yeah me too i really i really want to

Finish this guy with the trident um joel oh okay it came back i thought i just threw it in the void one more one more one more i got this i got this i got this get him no wait that’s going i’ve lost that’s gone that’s definitely gone oh come on

Wait does it not come back if it’s probably not everybody the void is gone it’s not coming back Hey dragon egg i mean we can if you want go i feel like we need to make a pact to try and keep scar alive can can we help scar get to 100 hours um yeah you don’t sound too confident so pvp is not working right so if i hit you it’s okay

If if for some reason it just glitched out then i would have been upset to say the least stop it please i don’t like it as funny as it is i don’t like it how do you like it swinging their fist at you have fun our

Goal is to try and find an end city look there he is all the way over there okay i found one is there a ship because if there’s a ship uh doesn’t look like there’s a ship oh there is i thought there might be a boat just not rendered in there’s

Absolutely no boat that’s uh that is rough i might as well try and get a few shulkers here joel has just found an elytra which is great for him not so good for me oh six diamonds i’ll take it come on is there really there’s honestly nothing here i think at this point

We’re so deep into the end that whether we find an end city or a gateway well we’re gonna have to find a gateway but if we find a gateway before we find an end city i’m gonna take the exit and just try again another day oh no no way ah okay okay

I’m so sick of bridges oh wow okay there we go we finally found one and i don’t know how long i’ve been looking it’s been at least half an hour but i feel like it’s been more like an hour it feels like a really long time when you’re bridging everywhere okay right

Let’s do this sensibly make sure we have bucket on hand we get the elytra and we skedaddle out of here just need to find a gateway this timer in the bottom right hand corner makes me feel like the world’s worst speed runner and we’re in my ward my my beautiful my my lovely

My favorite my my precious my wings but it means less when there’s a pumpkin have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your life we could fly again okay we’ve got ourselves enough shulker shells i think it’s time to fly on out of here we just need to find ourselves a gateway

Are we honest i don’t see any okay we have no rockets so we need to go as high as physically possible to get the most out of the elytra and we need to know that we are not and i mean not going to end up flying really slowly

Into a void hole so i wouldn’t even attempt to get over that way so any gateways i didn’t see any i came from that direction as you can see so i’m guessing we’re gonna go this direction all right let’s see if we can get anything no way is there

A ship here as well and we’re in yeah yeah yeah yeah and we’re back oh okay 20 hours 45 minutes we did it we did it we did it and i think that will have to do for this episode because i am absolutely pooped so all there is left to say is a

Massive massive thank you for watching and i shall see you in the next episode good bye

This video, titled ‘100 Hours In Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 2 – UPGRADES’, was uploaded by Grian on 2022-01-18 18:00:15. It has garnered 4474799 views and 175957 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:26 or 1766 seconds.

Grian surviving 100 Hours In Minecraft Hardcore I am spending 100 hours in minecraft hardcore and trying to do all the minecraft things and still survive till the end, when do you think I will fail? This is a unique series where we have guests on to help out with difficult tasks

Heads up episode 3 will likely be at least a week away! Thanks for all your support!


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    DRONIO - 😱The Round Minecraft World 🗿 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Мир Круглый 🗿 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 06:00:31. It has garnered 5239 views and 756 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in HAWAII Hardcore Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in HAWAII Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in HAWAII in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by SmittieKing on 2024-06-07 14:00:02. It has garnered 31542 views and 1338 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:54 or 4314 seconds. I spent 100 Days in Hawai’i in Hardcore Minecraft and here’s what happened… #minecraft #100days #hardcoreminecraft ➡️ Watch my other Minecraft Hardcore videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFCEhoaiP6vtectjASvAKZvJ3XYHrFiM&si=tKHfd7KPIoy5lDYK ✅ Map Download: https://www.patreon.com/collection/584726 🟪 Modpack Download: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/smittieking-hawaii Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft 100 days in Minecraft modded ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Channels Mentioned:… Read More

  • Win Every Game By Disconnecting Players in Minecraft!

    Win Every Game By Disconnecting Players in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Only I Can Win If The Player Disconnect’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-23 14:15:22. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:11 or 311 seconds. new video lol subscribe pls like comment favourite game. Random Tags …………………. minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft 1.19,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge mod,minecraft funny,minecraft build challengeminecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro… Read More

  • INSANE FAKE Minecraft Games?! Watch DokuSeus14 Test!!

    INSANE FAKE Minecraft Games?! Watch DokuSeus14 Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Awful FAKE Minecraft Games!!’, was uploaded by DokuSeus14 on 2024-02-28 23:54:24. It has garnered 1897 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:34 or 574 seconds. In This Video I Play & Test FAKE Minecraft Games!! Apply For My Modded (Boss Quest) Minecraft Series: https://forms.office.com/r/C4LYzcbUw3 🎮: GAME: – (Minecraft Classic) – https://gameforge.com/en-US/littlegames/minecraft-classic/ – (Voxiom-io) – https://www.crazygames.com/game/voxiom-io – (Mine Clone 4) – https://www.games.co.uk/game/mine-clone-4 – (Pixel World) – https://dinosaur-game.io/pixel-world – (Bloxdhop-io) – https://www.crazygames.com/game/bloxdhop-io 🔔: MAKE SURE YOU LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON 🚩: SUBMIT A VIDEO IDEA: • https://forms.gle/KZYu1BNPsNQPjfha8 👕: CHECK OUT… Read More

  • Unlock the ULTIMATE SWEET T π Secret!

    Unlock the ULTIMATE SWEET T π Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Final Yearning’, was uploaded by SWEET T π on 2024-01-08 18:48:25. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:55 or 475 seconds. Just some footage from a private Minecraft server that I share with some friends, we may not mine for a while, but we’ll always yearn for it. ❤ Socials ❤ ❤Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sw33ttpi ❤Twitter: https://twitter.com/SW33TTPI ❤Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sweettpi.bsky.social ❤Carrd: https://sweettpi.carrd.co/ ❤VOD Channel: @sweettpisvodchannel #vtuber #twitch #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable new Minecraft project on Nevergame.net!

    Unbelievable new Minecraft project on Nevergame.net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Nevergame.net | Projekt Schiff’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-18 01:08:08. It has garnered 112 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:22 or 3922 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ https://dsc.gg/x-cross ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ https://discord.gg/dreamwyld ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be happy… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT DISCOVERY: RED ENDERMAN REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUELLA VOLTA CHE TROVAI UN ENDERMAN ROSSO NEL MIO MONDO DI MINECRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Zeraura_14 on 2024-04-11 10:45:32. It has garnered 189 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. Also in those days of February 2018 I made a video in which, in the same world as other sightings, I spotted a strange little man with the eyes of an enderman, something I had never seen, and I called him the Red Enderman, or the Red Strange Enderman. He was walking around, and he seemed similar in… Read More

  • ElohimCraft

    ElohimCraftSomos un servidor encargado de brindar a nuestros usuarios diversión, entretenimiento y sobre todo, calidad de jugabilidad! ElohimCraft fue fundado en el año 2017 y estuvo muchos años inactivo, sin embargo estamos ahora presente y con mucho potencial para brindarles muchas horas de diversión y estabilidad! play.elohimcraft.com Read More

  • HexArchon SMP: Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique with quality gameplay. Community feedback is valued, and player enjoyment is the top priority. Community voice & transparency We value community feedback and transparency in decision making. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose their playstyles and progress with various abilities and stats. Trust & respect We aim to be transparent, honest, and trustworthy. Dedicated updates Constantly adding… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 100-player Minecraft city-building fail

    “Trying to manage 100 players in Minecraft is like herding cats – except the cats can build skyscrapers and wage wars.” Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 610 In Minecraft Land, Episode 610, We dive into adventures, oh so keen. Exploring caves, crafting tools, Building homes, breaking rules. From mining diamonds to taming wolves, Every moment is full of thrills and hullabaloo. With each block placed and each mob slain, Our journey in Minecraft Land will never wane. So join us now, in this pixelated world, Where creativity and fun are unfurled. Stay tuned for more, in Episode 611, As we continue to craft, explore, and have fun. Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Why did the warden refuse to fight the golem? Because he didn’t want to get boulder-ed over! #punintended #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Master Minecraft Navigation with The Lodestone

    Master Minecraft Navigation with The Lodestone Mastering Minecraft Navigation with Lodestones Are you tired of getting lost in the vast world of Minecraft? Fear not, for the solution is here! Enter the magical world of lodestones, the ultimate tool to turn your compass into a personal GPS system. Let’s delve into the wonders of this incredible block and how it can revolutionize your Minecraft experience. What are Lodestones? Lodestones are special blocks in Minecraft that can be used to alter the direction of a compass. By right-clicking on a lodestone with a compass, you can link the compass to that specific lodestone. This creates a… Read More

  • Become a Steampunk Legend in Minecraft Hardcore

    Become a Steampunk Legend in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl Poczatek’, was uploaded by Chrzestny on 2024-04-02 02:28:15. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n… Read More

  • Roosty’s DIY Minecraft Server!

    Roosty's DIY Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Made My Own Server!’, was uploaded by I’m Roosty on 2024-04-14 16:38:41. It has garnered 69 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:23 or 12863 seconds. 👊 Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/imroosty 💰 DONATE: https://streamelements.com/imroosty/tip 👉 JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Cu9xSxRhzN MERCH IS HERE: https://store.streamelements.com/imroosty Socials: https://linktr.ee/iamroosty My Minecraft World: https://www.patreon.com/imroosty/shop/minecraft-world-download-175341?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_fan&utm_content=join_link Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS #Hogwarts #harrypotter #minecraft #skyrim #imroosty No one reads this far in the description…Who are you? Read More


    PUBLIC SMP SOON - TITAN SMP LIVE SECRET TWIST!Video Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC SMP SOON – TITAN SMP LIVE (WITH A SECRET TWIST!)’, was uploaded by DevanshXD on 2024-05-18 16:30:13. It has garnered 100 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:07 or 12847 seconds. #youtube # minecraft live 🖥️ PC Specs : • Processor: I5 12400F • Motherboard: Asus prime h610 M E • Graphics: RX 6700 10G • Ram : 16GB 3200 MHz • SSD: 500GB NVME M.2 SSD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rules: 1. Don’t abuse anyone in the chat. 2. No profanity or hatred. Or else will face the consequences. 3. Please do… Read More

  • SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!

    SHOCKING: I faked being a Minecraft noob, then Exposed my HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-13 13:00:32. It has garnered 514245 views and 13667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:48 or 3048 seconds. I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then revealed my HACKS! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft but Dash is secretly pretending to be a NOOB! And when his friends LEAST EXPECT IT, he starts secretly using HACKS! Will his friends find out? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Herobrine’s Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech Gamerz

    Herobrine's Insane Parkour Challenge! #314 ft. Tech GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘|| Minecraft Parkour || Minecraft techno gamerz Parkour mep || @tachnogamerz’, was uploaded by Herobrine 314 on 2024-02-10 18:57:20. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:36 or 6396 seconds. minecraft 100 days hard mode minecraft house making minecraft minecraft herobrine minecraft shorts song minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft video minecraft minecraft minecraft movie minecraft house design minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft gameplay minecraft hacks download minecraft 100 days minecraft video game minecraft game… Read More

  • Zozo’s Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge – EPIC Transformation!

    Zozo's Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge - EPIC Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an IMITATOR in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Transforming Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-28 01:15:02. It has garnered 26726 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll turn into all kinds of different creatures, like a wither skeleton, a golem, monkeys, and much more, as I do my best to fight the evil villain Red Nightmare! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER https://youtu.be/UpysC4j5_Jg 0:36:53 100 DAYS… Read More

  • Insane twist in Nanashi’s Minecraft adventure!

    Insane twist in Nanashi's Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] – Building Quokkaland! #03 – Nanashi V-Tuber’, was uploaded by Nanashi V-Tuber on 2024-03-28 11:39:02. It has garnered 124 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:42 or 19122 seconds. Hullo Quokkalings! After some thought I decided to invest in a smol Quokkaling server!! Let’s continue building this world together Quokkalings~ To join, please read the rules below first: Rules: 1. Please do your best not to destroy other people’s buildings! 2. If a building or box is a labeled for somebody, please do not steal from it, there are community… Read More

  • “Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!” #LeafyMcTreeface #Minecraft

    "Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!" #LeafyMcTreeface #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘RLCraft Joinable SMP! Into the Depths! #livestream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-04-05 06:55:13. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:20 or 11840 seconds. I’m going down into the an underwater dungeon,…..here fishy fishy fishy! Become a channel member and join the server! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeqUlA4JmvHSQ6i3MHarmw/join Leafy’s Discord: https://discord.gg/AxR9pkRxcT #livestream #leafy #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #clips #funny #funnyshorts #gaming #gamermom #gamer #stream #streaming #highlights #funnyvideos #funnyshorts #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftshorts #rlcraft #smp Read More

  • Mikaru’s MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥

    Mikaru's MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Porque ninguém nunca disse que construir uma casa era fácil…’, was uploaded by Mikaru on 2024-04-19 13:05:18. It has garnered 348 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:53 or 9293 seconds. 💵 If you want to support my channel pix: [email protected] 🫛Our Discord server https://discord.gg/Xe5r4TKEHq 🍤Instagram: / mik4ru 🍣 Drawings Instagram: / mik4ruarts 🍡 Email: [email protected] Thank you for supporting me, this means a lot to me. ❤️ Read More

  • GeoMineLand

    GeoMineLandGeoMineLand Is One Of Georgian Minecraft Server With Awsome Anarchy And BedWars Server Have Beatiful Design And UI https://discord.com/invite/BhFMezWs6m mc.geomineland.ge Read More

  • Parallel SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.5+ Multiworld Exploration Vanilla-Style Gameplay Player-Driven Lore Player Shops Custom Items Active Community

    Parallel Server Looking for a server that lets you explore like never before? Welcome to Parallel, a semi-vanilla SMP where players can travel through rifts between worlds in order to face great dangers, traverse uncharted territory, and collect gleaming treasure, while also keeping the vanilla feel of the base game. Featuring a vibrant community and continuous updates, you’re sure to never get bored. 🔮 IP Address (1.20.5+): play.parallelmc.org 🎉 Join our Discord: https://discord.parallelmc.org 💻 Server Website: https://www.parallelmc.org 📸 Server Photos: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers-java-edition/pc-servers/3023191-parallel-semi-vanilla-smp-1-19-multiworld (“Server Images” tab) Server Features: NEW Armored Paws Update: Featuring NINE new dog breeds, dog armor, armadillos, and a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Aladderin’ it up

    Minecraft Memes - Aladderin' it upLooks like this meme didn’t need a magic carpet ride to soar to the top with a score of 21! Read More

100 Hours In Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 2 – UPGRADES