100 Players Simulate WORLD WAR on Minecraft Earth…

Video Information

100 players were split onto six different continents asia australia europe africa south america and lastly north america home to yours truly i will be surviving amongst the other 100 players to get the real world accounts of what takes place here every nation starts out with their own structures and

Towns that they have to loot in order to fare against the competition what will ensue amongst these citizens peace or violence will these six nations come together and rule under a collective order or will war ravage the land leaving one victor at our feet this is 100 players simulate world war

As all 100 players were released from their imprisonment phase 1 had started each team has 15 minutes to scout their land and gather as much loot as possible i started with the team in north america land home to tobacco and more corn fields than you can count on your left

Foot we ran into the forest grabbing all the wood we could need for our tools upgraded to stone and we were off to our adventure every team seemed to be doing the same thing wanting to truly know who could get to diamonds first a little bit of exploring later and our north

American team stumbled upon an old western village it was full of crops animals that were killed very quickly and an abundance of gold not unlike the california gold rush in the 1850s okay yeah i may have been the one who killed all the animals by the way we

Just don’t mention that part cutting over to africa they seem to have found an old pyramid with an egyptian pharaoh guarding the tomb inside while africa was struggling to get the loot from inside the temple most people had started their journey down below in the caves we didn’t have long to get our

Gear up before the grace period ended so we spent most of the phases underground africa finally making their way inside the temple had found a trident a netherright helmet and tons of gold things seemed to be going extremely well for these guys speaking of doing well i

Was one of the lucky players on my team constantly stumbling upon diamonds this made it really easy for me to have high confidence over other players and while i was accomplishing that goal our leader it ryan and his two bodyguards bluebee and toeing went searching the land they were scouting

Out the u.s mexico and canada for places to build the base however time wise it made more sense to just settle in the western village once grace period was over team africa decided to get the jump on australia the land down under so they headed out in boats after getting

Mediocre gear to take on the spider-wielding snake throttling kangaroo punching menaces once they got there they showed us their sneak level 1000 while slowly making their way to australia’s base which was a gigantic village on top of a mountain clearly giving them the advantage over team africa however once they climbed

The ropes and searched the village no one was there and they had thought they got there too late even though grace period had just ended that was until one of their teams spotted them over by a sugar cane field it seems australia were just simple farmers sword and his team

Ambushed australia trying to get the upper hand quickly in battle australia began pushing back trying to gain cover from the house that they were held up against the only one seeming to be doing any damage to africa was the man with the trident and over the course of this

Fight he was the true mvp they managed to make it to boats and regroup at the ocean being individually hunted by the afrix team australia started to meet up in the ocean for an underwater battle australia soon gained the upper hand and everyone in chat was extremely ecstatic

That an entire team was going down sword kept his distance during the battle using his power two bow to try and take out australia while the trident man kept launching his loyal trident out into the ocean dwindling down the africa team soon africa seemed to be popping like

Flies and sword had to get out of there his plan had backfired him and only two other members of team africa were able to survive the onslaught of the australians apparently a sneak attack was the only thing they were prepared for and africa stood no chance against

The pvp skills of australia while that all went down europe and asia actually came to a peace treaty the eiffel tower and the coliseum shook hands and teamed up to form the biggest nation in this entire event later you’ll see how well that worked out for them and before we

Get too far into the video i want to tell you about today’s sponsor project arrival project arrival is a futuristic sci-fi survival game adventure the open world collecting materials to craft your own base of operations as well as crafting your own weapons to use in the wilderness the graphics make these

Weapons look so cool whether you’re rocking an old-fashioned grenade launcher or a high-powered futuristic rifle also make sure to check out the amazing architecture found throughout the world creating a truly immersive experience into the future create your own astonishing builds using blueprint templates or do it yourself with various

Customization options to build your ideal home just look at this modern house i wish i had this in real life once you’re tired and venture home adopt a cute pet this corgi has the key to my heart and don’t forget to drip out your character with new headpieces and

Backpacks showing your wealth project arrival has started a closed beta for android users in the uk and canada starting april 22nd and ending may 2nd use the link in my description to try this next-gen sci-fi survival game for you and other regions and platforms stay tuned for more updates in the community

Of project arrival who knows how fast you can rise to power and conquer the intense sci-fi terrain back in north america things were going well we are getting enchants we had diamond armor we found netherright boots our team was solid however after getting word about the europe and asia treaty we knew we

Had to do something drastic so our president ryan hopped in a call with the leader of south america and had a little bit of a chat the results gave us massive hope all right they offered us peace yadda yadda so i decided to hop in a

Call with them and check out the real deal okay so have you uh decided yeah i’ve delegated with the delegators and we delegated a decision and uh the decision is um we’re up for it we’ve got a village here in north america and i can send you the

Coordinates to that we can meet up we got some diamonds and enchant table etc and we can uh start working towards you know getting our gear upgraded so then we can go attack some other nations do you guys want us to come to you guys i’ll let you guys

No okay i’ll tell my team to come to you guys now and that was it we’ve officially united the americas we now are on the exact same playing field as asia and europe unfortunately africa and australia were never able to team up and had that huge fight at the beginning otherwise they

Might have stood a chance against us now we met up with the south american team at our western village and oh boy we looked great having so many people combined in one effort the first thing that we wanted to do was travel to africa and finish off sword’s team we

Were hoping that they were there either at their old base or still gathering up more materials in order to survive this war landing in africa with two nations combined was probably one of the coolest things i’ve seen yet we journeyed inward and found africa’s main base of operations when we were there we

Definitely didn’t steal all of the good stuff inside of their chests making it impossible for them to come back here for resources and while that was happening a few of our members actually continued searching africa and found sword bluebee sicko and duck chased him throughout the ocean while he continued

Trying to escape sword made it to land while his team showed up from behind making it a fair 3v3 siko and doug turn around to take care of the people behind him making short work of the rest of the africa team however that loved bluebee in a 1v1 against sword with swords

Triton and pvp skills bluebee was taken down pretty quickly our first north american death sword managed to escape the battle but he is now the last africa member standing at first they started off strong finding some of the best gear in the game from their temple but he

Single-handedly led his entire team to death he now has to survive solo to keep the memory of his fellow members things got quiet for a little while there wasn’t any fighting and no one knew where anyone was we went to australia to see if we can find any of the aussies

However we ended up just kind of sitting at their castle for a little while at one point i thought that i would be able to find somebody in europe so i actually headed out on my own i was able to find some really cool builds including a gigantic woodland mansion makeover i

Guess i went inside checked it out and there ended up being a prop 4 villager in there which means whoever was on the asian team is going to be stacked out of their mind i continued searching until i found a coliseum but it was empty as

Well which means they have to be in north america at this point so the only thing i could really do was get in a boat head home and meet up with fellow members while teams were lurking around not really doing much we decided to sit at our village for a little while we

Figured if we were gonna get into an all-out war it would be best to do it on our terrain and while waiting we even gave out the cords to our base and told everyone to come here so that we could do an all-out brawl n a and s.a versus

Asia and europe and the idea of that fight happening definitely didn’t disappoint while we were fortifying our base we had word that there was an enemy in front of it apparently somebody spotted sword trying to get close to na however at the exact same time europe

And asia were lining up behind our base to do an all-out assault at this point in the video ryan’s computer had already crashed so i was now the leader of north america realistically i had to lead these guys into battle against the second biggest army being full diamond

Armor only made me like a mid player on my team especially since we have two players with netherrite so doing what i thought was right i went ahead and set my army against europe and asia while i took out sword which means we’d be taking out three nations at once i was

Going to make this africa’s last stand sword and nitrated bow shots for a little while until it became close combat this is an all-out leader vs leader duel who will win i started off strong even though it was a sword verse in axe and i am so not

Used to this pvp we were trading hits i was doing my best to get around him when all of a sudden his axe crit did way more damage than i predicted at one point i definitely had to back up to eat a gapple because i was worried if he got

One more axe crit i might have been gone while doing so i placed lava so he’d back off and that was the exact play that happened he ran away into the river and i was able to chase behind him and crit him a couple times while he was in

The water finally ending sword and the rule of africa but while that fight went down things were escalating in the other war going on dozens of people were dropping and things seemed to be going really really fast everyone dropping like flies at first it looked like we were taking a

Massive beating that was until all of our players started grouping up and taking out their big dogs europe and asia were suffering major casualties at this point and this is when i showed up to the battle things were going horribly for them and amazing for us and i was on

The perfect flank i was able to cut off a few of their members and start bowing them down with swords power to bow that i got from his body that’s when a large group of north americans started pushing the rest of europe and asia and we were

Able to take out the competition like that european death after european death it was an absolute massacre and i don’t think we lost a singular person this battle was won before it even begun we are now a major superpower in this game we’ve taken out almost three teams

Already and things were just getting started north america and south america split up for the final time after defeating europe and asia our north american team met up in our western village while they were outside of it actually at a grave site to one of their fallen on the north american team we

Were discussing whether or not it was good to have south america in the final battle which was taking place in 15 minutes sword was going to be tping every single team to the coliseum where we would fight in an all-out brawl being the leader of north america that means

That every single decision is on my hands so whether or not we kill south america is pretty much up to me we visited them at their grave site and paid a little homage to the men fallen but at this point i was really wondering if we should kill them or not especially

Since some of their members have better gear including tridents and nether eye armor at this point i feel like it’s a good decision to at least get them lower in numbers especially since if we’re gonna go one on one in the final battle it’s going to be very very close so i

Organized my team so that they would focus certain men we needed to get rid of their leaders so that they were scattered and we definitely needed to get rid of the netherite guy so i put multiples on each and i was going to be taking out the leader and that’s when

War broke loose on the battlefield once more all right three two one go wait he’s got another one you got grabs all right i killed spinner i killed spooner he’s everyone if you can get to the grave site if you’re not still fighting we still fight bro we just annihilated

Them how many of them oh there’s always there’s only like four no there’s anybody oh yes you got him you got him nice nice nice that’s what we needed good job good job wait who’s this guy wait who are you get him he’s behind him maybe maybe he thought he could clean up

He’s going up he’s going up and with that final hit we had finally killed out almost every single south american two of them were able to escape but that doesn’t really matter because the coliseum fight is going to be a massacre i realize that we just backstabbed one of our greatest allies

But in the coliseum fight we now have a huge advantage over everybody having the most players and the best possible gear the main reason i did this was because of australia think back to when i found that mansion with the prop 4 villager if they had found him and used him that

Means that we have a huge fight among us even if we have two more players so south america was an absolute sacrifice play that we had to do and after that major betrayal we were teleported directly into the coliseum the final battle was about to begin they broke out

They broke out broke out to the side the battle had started and the first thing we did was go for asia we wanted to clear out every single team possible right off the rip yep all right got him after he was dead we headed over to europe trying to take

Out the last european player but he had so many golden apples so it was a long fight he got me at the waterfall go aussie go against aussie the last team remaining in the super bowl was the australians they had the upper hand as they were higher up thankfully our team

Was already on it and climbing the walls as we speak i started bowing from below trying to knock out as many players as i could or at least get rid of as many hearts as i could after that i went up and started fighting alongside my team

Get up get up get up i’m going after mister so who’s fighting me someone’s fighting me okay this is healthy american sicko you got two on you i’m coming to you i know one’s dead they’re very get the chest plate guy get the chest plate guy chest lead guy now

This fight took an extremely long time this was the exact reason i decided to betray south america this man right here had brought forward netherright in diamond gear and it took all eight of our players to take him down we rushed him throughout the coliseum

And outside of it at some point this guy was an absolute menace the amount of gapples the gear he had if we didn’t kill south america and have the player lead we could have easily died to this singular player at some points it was a one-on-one while my team was struggling

To get in but i was keeping up trading hits with this guy the entire time there was no way i was letting him out of my sight he was easily the best player that i fought so far or maybe it was the fact that he had huge gear but he went down

Just as hard eventually my team and i were able to single him off and kill him finally oh my word it took forever nice let’s go with the australians sent back to the land down under it was only two people on the asia team left they were

Taken out by two of our members almost instantly meaning that we had just won we were the last nation standing and had taken over the entire planet we won yes we’re all dead let’s go let’s go overall our team had more than 50 kills combined which means that we technically

Took out half the planet we met in the middle for a final screenshot commemorating the win that we had just gotten and that was it 100 players scattered across tons of nations tried to work out peace and ended up with violence as much fun as it was

Participating in the event it was even better to see how the world would react in this sort of situation players went from peaceful farming to all-out brawls from forming alliances to cutting them off within seconds things got rough but north america came out on top and won

The world war if you guys want to see more of these videos make sure to hit that like button down below and subscribe to the channel i’m going to be hosting my very own 100 players event very very soon if you want to participate make sure to go down below

And join my discord as i will be announcing everything there again thanks to project arrival for sponsoring this video and i will see you guys in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate WORLD WAR on Minecraft Earth…’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2022-04-23 15:05:19. It has garnered 855177 views and 19468 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:53 or 1073 seconds.

Download Project: Arrival at Google Play Store using your UK or Canadian accounts, or click the link below: https://bit.ly/WelcominTVArrival1 (Currently only open to Android players in UK and Canada) For followers in other regions or platforms, please stay tuned for more exciting updates in the official community of Project: Arrival – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectArrival ————————————————————————– Check out @AntiClimaxYT for the builds! ————————————————————————– Today, I split 100 Players across 6 Teams over 6 Continents and gave them 3 hours to fight to decide which is the Strongest Continent on the server… Which team will win? Watch the video to find out! ————————————————————————– 🥋I HAVE MERCH!!!!!!!!🥋 (Go check it out now, who knows how long it will last…)

https://welcomin.store/ ————————————————————————– 🌠Check out the Discord!!🌠 https://discord.gg/CnKrtsgmNj ————————————————————————– ➜ Thanks for Reading the Description! ————————————————————————– 🚨Subscribe & Like & Follow Animation: ArialFX www.youtube.com/arialfx​

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    Welcome to Emberwing! IP Address: Whitelist Version: 1.20.4 Discord: Join our Discord Explore a World Like No Other! Why Choose Us? Economy System: Build your empire with our balanced economy. Friendly Community: Join a welcoming community with active staff ready to help. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and win awesome prizes! Game Modes: Survival: Gather resources, build your base, and survive the night. Modded: Enjoy the world of modded Minecraft. Join Us Today! Don’t miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. Join Emberwing and become part of a thriving community where the fun never stops. Whether you’re here… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: spicy template by u/xurpio

    I guess you could say this meme is at a “block party” with a score of 43! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Sumo Showdown! The Exciting World of Minecraft Sumo FFA Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Sumo FFA? This action-packed game mode is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as you battle it out with other players in a fierce competition. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that make Minecraft Sumo FFA a must-play for any gaming enthusiast! What is Minecraft Sumo FFA? Minecraft Sumo FFA stands for “Free For All” and is a popular game mode where players compete against each other in a sumo wrestling-style match. The goal is simple… Read More

  • Back in the Day: Storytime

    Back in the Day: Storytime The Exciting World of Minecraft: A New Player’s Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey into the blocky universe of Minecraft with a new player, Anshu_gaming559. Join in as they explore the vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and face challenges in this popular sandbox game. First Steps into Minecraft With a sense of excitement and curiosity, Anshu_gaming559 delves into the world of Minecraft for the first time. Armed with creativity and a desire for adventure, they set out to discover the endless possibilities that await in this virtual realm. Exploring the Unknown From lush forests to towering mountains, Anshu_gaming559 navigates… Read More

  • Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1

    Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1Video Information This video, titled ‘A quest to BECOMING a paladin…Minecraft RPG #1’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-06-04 09:06:35. It has garnered 657 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:50 or 1550 seconds. Socials linked below: https://linktr.ee/sqannky ^ dont forget to check out gamer supps ^ join my cord: https://discord.gg/KKcTjv27ck All links in my link tree are yours to explore! I’ll be posting more often in Instagram and trying to post on Twitter Second channel: ​⁠​⁠@SquankyDuck Mod pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ciscos-adventure-rpg-ultimate Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/slender-the-haunted-forest https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/siren-head-the-arrival gonna start branching out into other minecraft mods/mod packs like rlcraft and… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG Gaming

    Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft’, was uploaded by HC GG gaming on 2024-02-17 11:38:41. It has garnered 2600 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AndreoBee @AnshuBisht @imbixu @ChapatiHindustaniGamer @YesSmartyPie @TotalGaming093 your Queries:- minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp fight, what is minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp youtubers, hero prime smp minecraft, minecraft herobrine smp pvp, herobrine smp fight day, what happened with herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp stream, minecraft herobrine smp code, minecraft in herobrine smp, minecraft hero brand smp, herobrine assembly new… Read More

  • Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraft

    Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fun Police Series 26 Don’t forget to register on the channel #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft1 on 2024-06-01 06:50:28. It has garnered 1413 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5

    Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the South Pt5 in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 -Ep61’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2024-05-13 16:47:55. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:44 or 5444 seconds. HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 61 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack. It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world. I’ll be… Read More

  • “Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!” #clickbait #minecraft #gaming

    "Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!" #clickbait #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best way to make money on the Donut SMP DonutSMP.Net #gaming #donutsmp #minecraft #server #pvp #fun’, was uploaded by skittlez on 2024-01-11 07:21:13. It has garnered 1976 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. yes donut smp money making method Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live |Hive Minigames|’, was uploaded by ZookZ on 2024-05-28 12:30:04. It has garnered 91 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:14 or 7574 seconds. Would you like to join the staff for recordings? if so press the link below! Application Forms For Recording: https://forms.gle/zwaoK5TssqR7CG8g8 Public Discord For Zookz: https://discord.gg/d29Se4U2rD InterLifeSMP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kjN8CaraWT #minecraft #minecraftlive #hiveminigames #gaming #zookzyt Read More

  • Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️

    Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘👦 Boys 🆚 Girls 👧 | Minecraft 💎’, was uploaded by Chaos-Cars on 2024-05-08 20:00:01. It has garnered 1934525 views and 23011 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm – BADGER

    INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm - BADGERVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO FAZER UMA FARM DE FRANGO AUTOMÁTICA (Minecraft 1.21 Tutorial -TEXUGO)’, was uploaded by TEXUGO on 2024-05-31 22:00:16. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Have more ideas for tutorials? Comment there! Welcome to the BADGER channel, where I record Minecraft and Pokémon videos all day long! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my Mine and Pokémon Memes! Instagram: texugo.png Want to be my friend on Pokémon go? just use my code! 5826 8311 8316 Pokémon videos every day at noon and… Read More

  • Shocking! Mickey Joe’s Wild Barely Default Rap

    Shocking! Mickey Joe's Wild Barely Default RapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Barely Default Rap 🎤🎶 (Pigstep Electro Swing Remix Parody Minecraft Song)’, was uploaded by Mickey Joe on 2024-06-06 02:40:03. It has garnered 377 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Minecraft resource pack rap using a remix of Pigstep Your daily dose of cringe. I listen to too much Eminem. I don’t know what to say, but here it is. enjoy(?) Like the video, & subscribe to the channel to help me achieve my YT dreams 💙 The beat is a remix of Lena Raine’s Pigstep, by the… Read More

  • SkrubShack

    SkrubShackWelcome to the SkrubShack! This is an all new OPFactions server. If you are looking for a OpFactions experience on a smaller scale, we are the server for you! Come join the new community and work your way up the ranks! Read More

  • V For Vanilla – Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. We offer a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our goal is to provide a fair and authentic vanilla experience without game-changing plugins or commands. Join our small international community for a true vanilla experience. Server Details World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in… Read More

  • Death Follows | Official Server

    Death Follows | Official ServerDeath Follows is a modded Zombie Apocalypse server. There is an active community along with frequent updates! Play on the server or just get the modpack to play with your friends! There is a mostly Anarchy playtype for the server aside from a few specific rules. Designated CFZ (Cease Fire Zones) are to remain PVP free. There are hardly any spots and youd have to go out of your way to break that. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft X Netflix collab spicy!

    The new Minecraft x Netflix collaboration is so good, the Ender Dragon is demanding royalties for its cameo appearance. Read More

  • Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 – The Hunt Begins!

    Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 - The Hunt Begins! In Minecraft Story Mode, we dive deep, Exploring the world, secrets to keep. Episode 3, The Last Place You Look, Adventure awaits, like an open book. No commentary, just gameplay pure, Robert.T.Gaming, the one to allure. An hour long journey, full of delight, Subscribe for more, day or night. Deviantart pictures, creative and bold, Check them out, stories untold. Minecraft world, a place to explore, In every corner, there’s always more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Minecraft Story Mode, a true delight. Join the adventure, with every spin, Let the story sing, let the truth… Read More

  • Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂]

    Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂] "Drip stone in Minecraft: exists Logic: confused screaming Who knew a simple rock could break the laws of physics in a virtual world?" 😂 #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Surviving the World’s Biggest Minecraft Creeper

    Surviving the World's Biggest Minecraft Creeper The World of Minecraft: Surviving the Biggest Creeper Exploring the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft can be both thrilling and challenging. In a recent video titled “I Survived Worlds Biggest Minecraft creeper,” players were taken on an adventure like no other. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this epic Minecraft journey. Survival Skills Tested The video showcased a player facing off against the biggest Minecraft creeper ever encountered. With its towering size and explosive power, the creeper posed a significant threat. The player’s survival skills were put to the test as they navigated through the blocky terrain,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! You won’t believe what Minecraft mods I’m avoiding in my modpack #dejatwo

    UNBELIEVABLE! You won't believe what Minecraft mods I'm avoiding in my modpack #dejatwoVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WILL NOT use these Minecraft mods in my modpack #dejatwo’, was uploaded by DejaTwo on 2024-06-02 02:25:31. It has garnered 428560 views and 65523 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft

    Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Steve Dweller in a Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-21 16:19:23. It has garnered 148046 views and 6484 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn in any way. Can I make it out alive? After previously… Read More

100 Players Simulate WORLD WAR on Minecraft Earth…