1000 Days as a Cat in Minecraft?! Pet Animals Gone Wild!

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On day one I spawned in as a stray cat I’ve only got a few Hearts but look how quick I am I noticed that I was starting to feel hungry so I immediately started looking for food as I explored I soon saw a small village up ahead I checked

One of the houses and noticed that there was some meat on the table oh perfect just what I need I hopped up on the table and grabbed it hey get out of my house the human clearly didn’t want me here I wasn’t ready for a fight so all I

Could do is run I kept running until I was back in the woods from before why was he so mean to me this is going to be a hard 100 day if no one wants to be my friend I kept exploring the woods when I

Saw a group of cats up ahead more cats hi guys oh hey you must be new around here we were just trying to figure out how we were going to get some dinner you’re telling me I just took some meat from one guy’s house and he chased me

All around but here I’ll share it with you guys the cats were really thankful and excited about the meat they must have been really hungry I was glad to have met them we were going to have all kinds of great adventures together before we had realized it night had

Fallen that was when we were suddenly attacked by a zombie Qui quick into the trees my new cat friends had all climbed into the trees but I wasn’t fast enough I had no choice but to fight luckily the zombie wasn’t very strong and I was able

To fight him off but that was just one and a whole group of skeletons were suddenly on me I’ve got to get away I ran off and soon saw a thick tree I hurried and punched a hole in it where I was able to crawl inside away from the

Skeletons that was way too risky I’ll have to stay in here for the night on day two I woke up to one of my new cat friends punching a hole in the tree come on Zozo we’ve got to start looking for food what do you mean I thought cats got

To lay around and be lazy all day that’s just house cats Strays like us have to work hard all day to survive come on I hopped out of the tree and got to work punching some trees and collecting wood with the wood I collected I made a crafting table then used the crafting

Table to make a wood pickaxe shovel Axe and sword I’m going to have to get even more wood if I’m going to make myself a proper base using my new wood axe I got to work chopping down some more wood that’s when I heard the sound of a

Spider and was suddenly attacked back off you creepy crawler the claws were still stronger than a wooden sword so I swung them and managed to take the spider out not too much later even more spiders attacked I was really quick and Nimble so I had no problem taking them

Out too all right that’s enough spider fighting I need to get working on that base I climbed up a nearby tree and started working on a treehouse it was hard enough that we would have to scrunch for food we didn’t need to be constantly fighting off mobs too

Speaking of food though I saw a small bird had landed on the other side of my Treehouse ohoh that bird looks delicious I positioned myself then sprang forward missing the platform there was a loud crunch as I hit the ground I landed on my feet but falling from a big height

Still hurt to my surprise though my health started going up that’s when a counter appeared showing that my nine lives were now down to eight just then my cat friend came running over oh thank goodness I heard you fall and was worried it might have been your last

Life nope I’ve still got eight to go oh well you’re lucky the rest of us have been Strays for a while and we’re all down to our last one hopefully you’re never in our position there was no time to talk though as suddenly a pack of wolves came out of nowhere and attacked

Zoo run we all split up and ran off in different directions why were these wolves chasing us come here here you little snack oh because they wanted to eat us of course I managed to jump into my tree and climb up to the top thankfully the Wolves were too big to

Fit in my tree you got away this time but we’ll be back you can’t get away from our boss I didn’t like the sound of that but at least for now they were leaving me alone as long as I can climb trees I’m sure I’ll be safe later my cat

Friends climbed up with me and together we all watched the sunset at least we all had each other on day three I woke up to a terrifying sound the sound of wolf howls it was scary but we were still safe in the trees but that’s when

I saw him what is that a giant wolf Monster was headed our way this must be the other Wolf’s boss you can’t hide from me the monster wolf climbed up the side of the tree up onto our platform watch out guys run we all ran off in

Different directions but it was too late the Wolves managed to get all of my friends knocking them out one by one no my friends there was nothing more I could do somehow I was the lucky one and they didn’t notice me up in the tree as

The Wolves left all I could think about was how alone I felt those wolves are going to pay for what they’ve done mark my words on days four to 5 I woke up in my unfinished base it’s not safe here in the forest I’ll have to find a new place

To live I left the forest and headed off I had heard once that cats were originally desert animals so I decided I would find a desert far from here to live in I’m sure wolves won’t like the desert heat too a desert will be twice as safe as I entered the desert I

Decided that I was going to build the greatest cat tower the world had ever seen plus it would be really safe to live in triple safety if I’m going to do this I’ve got to get Stone and lots of it I found myself a nice cave and snuck

Down into it mining up as much Stone as I could while I was down there I also made sure to grab some coal that could be used to power my furnace later let’s get Crafting using a crafting table I used my new stone to make myself a stone

Pickaxe I also made myself a stone shovel sword and axe next up wood I needed tons of wood so much that I cleared out an entire area of trees with my inventory now full of all the building supplies I needed I started to build the first level of my cat tower

That would also double as my starter base once I had finished the outside I got to work filling up the inside I put up some pictures as well as all the tables I was going to need soon the first level was complete all right I

Think this is going to be a very safe place for me to live just as I was saying that there was an explosion that blew a hole in my wall what was that I took a closer look and saw that the base was under attack by creepers luckily

There was only one more so I tried to fight it off it exploded too but at least it didn’t cause any additional damage to the base looks like I better put some torches out I got Right to Work surrounding the base with as many torches as I could I didn’t even want

Want to risk having more creepers blowing me up in the night once all the Torches were out I was feeling a little hungry that’s when I saw some desert rabbits hopping around nearby dinner I ran around after the rabbits until I finally managed to take one down I

Cooked the meat back at the base and chowed down that sure was tasty but I’m going to have to find out an easier way to eat if I’m going to live here much longer on day 6 to 8 I got up and headed out the door it was enough delay I

Needed to start getting ready to fight back against the Wolves it wasn’t too long and I found myself heading down into a cave time to find some iron just inside the cave behave were several iron veins so I got Right to Work mining them all out after a while I had gotten

Plenty of iron and I heard a growl behind me who’s there what are you doing in my cave leave now or I’ll be forced to take you down please I just wanted to collect some iron these evil wolves destroyed all of my friends and now I

Have nowhere to call home I know your pain my family was taken from me when I was young too not by Wolves but by poachers at a nearby Village I’ve been all alone ever since why don’t you take revenge on those poachers have you seen yourself you’re a big powerful lion uh

You know I never really thought about it I guess I didn’t realize just how big I’ve gotten yeah let’s do it although first I’ve got to drop this stuff off at my base you can come along if you’d like the lion and I ran back over to my base

When we arrived the lion was impressed wow this is quite the place you’ve got here much better than my cold cave thanks give me a bit here to get ready to go I tossed the iron I had collected into the furnace and smelted it all down

When it was done I got crafting and made myself a full set of iron armor I even made myself a full set of Iron Equipment which the lion was was really impressed by it turned out he was actually really nice oh and his name was Lenny on days 9

To 10 Lenny and I traveled to the village where the poachers were living as soon as we got there we could see the poachers there were tons of small animals in cages and they even had the Lion’s family’s heads mounted on the wall these guys were sick Lenny wasted

No time and attacked I tried to jump in too so that I could help as much as possible Lenny was so strong and managed to take most of them out suddenly a couple of poachers surrounded him and it wasn’t looking good heads up I jumped down from above and managed to take out

The coers there were a few more left but together we were able to take them all out nice job Lenny I know it can’t replace your family but at least justice has been served thank you for encouraging me Zozo I feel much better than I did before I also feel hungry

These little birds look delicious oh hang on I know we like to eat meat but these guys don’t deserve the same fate as your family let’s let them go Lenny was disappointed but agreed so we let them all out of their cages I’m pretty sure some of them got away from Lenny

Just a little faster than they normally would have we then had headed over to the nearby farm and gathered up as many seeds as we could if we really wanted to help animals it looked like we might have to get used to a little more grain

In our diets except when it comes to chickens I took out a few chickens to eat later I was still a carnivore after all with all that out of the way I asked Lenny if he wanted to live at my base with me to which he happily agreed back

At the base I got right to work making Lenny his own bedroom I felt bad he had been living in a cold cave alone all this time so I did my best to make it really nice on days 11 to 12 I went to find Lenny to ask him some questions I

Asked him if he knew anything about the huge wolf that had taken out his family but he said he wasn’t sure there was however a wise elephant that I could ask I made my way to a nearby Savannah to find the elephant I tried asking all the

Animals I passed but none of them seemed to know who I was talking about as I was looking I was suddenly attacked by a pack of hyenas leave me alone you giggle freaks I managed to hurt some of the hyenas there were way too many of them I

Was still just a little cat and had to get out of there I managed to make it out of there which is when I saw a baby elephant oh I bet they know something I ran over to them hey I’m looking for a wise old elephant do you know where I

Can find them I do come with me I can show you as we traveled I noticed she seemed kind of sad I soon found out why we arrived in an elephant graveyard and she brought me to a grave this is the elephant you looking for she was my

Grandmother and raised me after my parents died I am sorry to say but she passed recently I’m sorry to hear that I heard she was able to help a lot of people she was in fact she taught me how to help people the way she did she would

Look into the water and could see things do you think you’d be able to help me a wolf has been destroying all of my friends and their families I need to find him and stop him I would but I’m too scared to try it by myself before I

Could say another word though the hyenas from earlier attacked but this time I couldn’t run away I had to protect my new friend as I was fighting the hyenas the baby elephant ran away it was a hard fight these guys were strong and there were a lot of them but I couldn’t fail

Now I mustered up the courage and destroyed them all on days 13 to 15 I went off to search for for the baby elephant that fight must have really spooked her I’ve got to let her know everything is okay as I ran across the land I soon saw her at the stream she

Was really scared hey I’m sorry about that back there but everything is okay now you fought off all of those hyenas that was really Brave of you thank you but can I let you in on a little secret what’s that I was actually really scared they had attacked me before and the

First time I ran away really why didn’t you run away this time I thought about it but I knew you needed my help so I did my best to be brave the elephant thought about it for a bit okay I will try using my abilities you want to see

Where the wolf lives I’ll see what I can do we looked into the stream and she started to explain what she saw it looks like he built himself an ice Fortress in the great Tundra he’ll often lead his wolf pack out to attack other animals

Like cats but he isn’t doing it for food he’s doing it for fun this doesn’t look good thank you for doing that I know it wasn’t easy but you were great I have to defeat him but I know I’m not strong enough yet say what’s your name oh it’s Del

Delightful would you want to come live at my base with me it might feel safer there oh thank you but I feel like I’m not ready to leave the land of my grandma yet but please come see me anytime I thanked her and took off as I

Was crossing the stream though I was suddenly attacked by a crocodile I already hated water enough now there were things attacking me come on you little Snapper leave me alone I tried to run away but he was too quick it looked like my only option was to fight it

Wasn’t too long and he managed to take me out that’s when I saw my life counter change from eight lives to seven oh no that’s not good problem was I still couldn’t run the Croc was vicious and wouldn’t leave me alone suddenly I had lost another life oh I can’t take much

More of this luckily for me though I had been getting hits in and even though he had taken two of my lives I was able to finally take his and he only had one and stay down I decided to explore the bank a little more and soon saw the Nook

Where the crocodile must have been hiding I looked inside and there was a chest oh look at all these fish my my favorite food and in the middle there was a mystical fruit salad I don’t really like fruit but I’ll give it a go I scarfed it down and it turns out it

Was delicious just then I felt some power surge through me and I got bigger with more Hearts wow maybe there’s something to this eating fruit thing on day 16 to 19 I arrived back at the base I met up with Lenny and he told me that he was feeling really hungry hey you

Could have some of this fish I just got he was pretty happy about that then I decided I should start planting seeds as we would need to have a good food S I decided to build the farm into the tower and thought that worked really well this

Farm looks great I was thinking about the fight with the crocodile and how I had lost so many lives I was going to have to be more careful so to do that I decided to craft myself a bow that way I won’t have to be so close to Danger all

The time but first I’m going to need some string I took off in the direction of a nearby cave and soon found some spiders the spiders weren’t nearly as happy to see me as I was to see them and in no time I had gotten myself enough

String to make my bow now that I had everything I needed I was able to quickly put together a bow for myself it was just in time too because a black bear had walked up behind me I hope this thing works I started firing the bow

Landing hits with my arrows the bear was angry with me but I was feeling way better with my ranged weapon soon enough I had taken him out on days 20 to 22 I had the urge the urge to build it was Statue time but in order to do that I

Was going to need some wool I went and talked to Lenny about it and he told me there was a herd of sheep nearby he was thinking of hunting no you can’t hunt these guys we’ll need their wool Lenny was disappointed but agreed he wasn’t taking to a plant-based diet as easily

As I was I headed off in the direction Lenny had mentioned and soon saw the Sheep I took out my wheat and led them back toward my base when we arrived I quickly put together a pen then locked them all inside that’s when Lenny came around the corner okay dinner Lenny wait

You promised you weren’t going to eat them remember they’re for wool not food ah shoot fine next up I needed to get some dye to turn the Sheep into the proper colors I went to the Plains by him and found some corn flowers using the flowers I was able to make some blue

Dye and dye the Sheep blue now was time to get started using the wool I started on the first part I feel like this one is going to turn out even better than anything I’ve built so far but you’ll have to be the judge of that soon the

First part was complete and don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button and hit the Bell otherwise you’ll miss out on all my future Adventures on days 23 to 26 I felt like it was time to learn more about this Wolf Monster and travel to the Arctic where he lived as I got

Closer I heard some wolf house and hurried up into a tree to hide I’m not letting them catch me off guard this time just then I saw the wolves come by and as they got closer I saw that I had a good shot with my bow if only there

Weren’t so many of them I decided it wasn’t worth the risk especially with the wolf Monster there but now I knew for sure that he lived here as I watched them I saw them go toward a snowy Village they attacked some of the villagers and took out their livestock

These guys were horrible they continued through the village taking everything out when there was nothing left they left the village why would they do something like this now that they were gone I went to investigate the village there were some crops here and it didn’t look like the villagers were going to be

Needing them any anytime soon so I picked up as much as I could as I was going through the village I suddenly ran into a baby wolf what the what are you doing here hey you leave me alone or else I’m super mean because I’m a wolf

Look buddy you’re not fooling anyone all the other wolves are gone fight me if you want but we know how it’s going to end ah sh you’re right if the other guys knew I was going to get shown up by a cat they’d bully me so bad even worse

Than they already do why do you think I’m here they’re always leaving me behind and being so mean I couldn’t help but feel bad for this little guy look it’s okay I remember what it was like being a little cat why do you say come join me instead these guys don’t sound

Like they really care about you you can say that again you know what I’m out of here just because we’re all wolves doesn’t mean I have to put up with them he was pretty fired up but I was glad I could help him out we took off back to

The base on days 27 to 31 we arrived back at the base the baby wolf whose name was Willie immediately tried to eat the Sheep hang on hang on those are our friends not food F here let me get you something I tossed him some fish which

He was happy to have that’s when Lenny came walking up to us it turned out he had really been starting to enjoy the veggie life and wanted to share some with us we headed up to the garden and Lenny tossed some new food out for us I

Took a bite oh wow these are really good you weren’t joking just then I grew a little bigger and gained more Hearts well would you look at that eating veggies is actually good for you you get more hearts and stay healthy nice I then realized that Willie had nowhere to stay

So I got busy building him his own section of the Bas it wasn’t big but it would be perfect for him since Lenny was so interested in farming now I decided I would put a barn together for him too this way he could put all his Farming tools in one place and hopefully

Continue to not eat the Sheep soon the build was complete I was starting to run low on wood so I headed over to the nearby Birch Forest to stock up I collected all the wood I needed then decided to head back on my way back I was suddenly attacked by a giant

Cockroach how gross if I would have known there were bugs like this here I wouldn’t have chosen to live here I had managed to make my way into a tree where I was able to pick them off with the bow but suddenly Willie came running into the fight Willie no stay back Willie

Ignored me and kept fighting but it turned out he was actually a really good fighter soon we had taken them out W nice moves those other wolves better watch out you’d be able to kick their butts will he told me I was being too nice and we headed back to the base

Later on I had gone into the mines where I found some iron I figured Willie could use some armor so I collected as much as I could back of the base I smelted down the iron then used the iron ingots to make him his very own set of iron armor

I wouldn’t gave it to him which she was very excited about on days 32 to 35 I woke up to the sound of meowing could that be more cats I went to take a look and it turned out there were a bunch of cats out there oh hey guys how did you

Find me there’s a giant cat tower in the middle of the desert how could we miss it uh yeah that’s a pretty good point they asked if they could live here and I of course agreed that did leave me with a problem though I couldn’t fit all of

Them in my room so I got right to work making them their own rooms at the top of the tower I couldn’t believe more cats were around I would have to keep an eye out for some more of them once I had finished building their house is I went

To work on the Statue with Willie I had to get the next part done if my cat tower was drawing people in I’m sure a big statue would bring them in too soon we finish the second part back at the base I decided to check in with the cats

They had settled in nicely hey do you guys know of any other cats I’d love to help as many as I can well there is this one woman we had heard of who takes in cats and cares for them we were actually on our way there when we found your base

You could try checking there they explained to me where I needed to go I wanted to make as many cat friends as I could we would be stronger together on days 3 6 to 39 I arrived in the desert the cats had mentioned but I didn’t see

A house anywhere H let me see if someone can help me I talked to every animal I ran into hoping they could point me in the right direction everyone I talked to said they hadn’t heard of her that’s when I suddenly stumbled upon a huge desert pyramid well it’s not the house

I’m looking for but maybe there’s something useful in here I headed into the pyramid which is when I saw a hord of zombies at the bottom luckily I still had my bow so I used that to hurry and take most of them out then I jumped down

And finished the rest of them off with my sword as I explored I came across more zombies but I was able to fight them off just then I saw a button with a sign next to it just a normal button trust me okay I hit the button and

Another button rose up out of the ground I Shrugged and hit that button I heard a noise in the other room and ran over to see a hole had opened up in the ground oh what could be down here I went down in the hole and found another button

This is getting a little ridiculous I hit the button which revealed a hidden room full of gold wait seriously I thought for sure this must have been a trap I entered the room and started picking up all of the loot this was some good stuff I checked the chest and saw

There was an enchanting book for punch two oh now my bow is really going to be able to knock people back I was feeling pretty good about things so I headed back out of the pyramid off to try and find the woman’s house on days 40 to 43

I was running through some hills when I saw a group of llamas hey do you guys know where I could find a cat lady’s house to my luck they knew exactly who I was talking about turns out the house was just over the hill they told me to

Be careful though the lady was pretty weird I ran in the direction they had pointed and soon saw the house in the distance I ran up to the house when a woman came running out oh it’s another kitty here kitty kitty here kitty kitty oh wow you’re super friendly I heard you

Had a bunch of cats here and I’d love to meet them oh yes I love cats they’re the best maybe you can even stay here with me oh well maybe I’ve kind of got my own thing going but I’d love to say hi to everyone well please please come in let

Me show you around the woman led me into her house and showed me around to the different rooms I could hear some cats but none of the rooms we went into seemed to have any cats something seemed off but maybe was just how much she seemed to love cats and this final room

Is my favorite it’s where all the cats live finally I stepped into the room but all of the cats were in cages what was going on you can be my newest friend suddenly I was hit with a potion and went to sleep on days 44 to 49 I woke up

Inside of one of the cages on the wall the crazy cat lady had captured me I tried my best to break out but she had taken all of my tools is there anyone out there yeah man I can hear you just give up there’s no way to get out of

This place what do you mean how did you guys end up here we all thought this was going to be a good place for us Strays to live but she keeps us locked up in cages she likes cats but she likes them so much she never wants us to leave even

For a second the cat lady had come into the room and was going around feeding the other cats this might be my moment to escape as she came to my cage and opened it I pounced out of my way lady I saw a chest nearby my stuff must being

There inside I could see I was right and tried to grab as much of it as I could but it was no use as I was hit by another one of potions which put me back to sleep I woke up again back in the cage tried punching the walls again but

It was no use I told you it’s better just to give up this is our life now how long have you been in here anyway oh I don’t even remember anymore it’s been years years I can’t be here for years what’s going to happen to all my friends

Without me on days 50 to 53 I woke in my cage to the sound of panting it was Willie Willie what are you doing here something about this cat lady seemed fishy to me so I followed you just in case boy am I glad you did Willie opened

The cage and I hopped out I was free I ran over to the chest and grabbed all my stuff just then the cat lady came in is that is that a wolf I hate dogs and especially wolves I’ll take care of you the cat lady drank down a potion and

Turned into a witch all right Willie we can take this lady we all jumped into battle she might have been crazy but she was also crazy strong even with our combined power we couldn’t defeat her suddenly I lost one of my lives oh shoot now I’m down to five I can’t let her

Beat me I focused all of my energy and took her out just then there was a surge of energy and Willie leveled up wao Willie look at you you’re even stronger than before Willie was super excited next we decided to take a look around the house and managed to find an

Enchanted diamond helmet oh nice I’m going to be even more protected than before maybe I can hold on to my remaining five lives now I then met up with the other cats and invited them to come live at my base with me they happily agreed and we set off on days 54

To 57 I made it back to the the base and got right to work making additions to the base with all the new cats we were going to need some serious upgrades they had spent so long in cages I wanted to make sure they had a nice place to live

Soon the room was complete later on I was chatting with the cats when they told me how hungry they were I was pretty much out of fish and I couldn’t ask them to stick to a plant-based diet although to be fair Lenny had really gotten into it hang on guys I’ve got an

Idea I headed back down to the base and went over to the water using my shovel I dug out the land until I was able to connect the small pond near our base to the river now the water Ro run right by our front door and fish could swim right

Up I felt like it still needed something though so I got to work building a fishing dock we could store our fish and relax here while the cats could cast a line into the water once the dock was complete I let all the cats over to

Check it out what do you guys think we should be swimming in fish in no time they were all happy as they threw their lines into the water they’d never have to be hungry again on days 58 to 62 I collected some wool off the Sheep then

Headed back over to the Statue I got to work on the next part I’m sure it’s pretty clear what I’m building at this point but what do you think was this what you were expecting me to build once I had finished my work on the Statue I remembered I had gotten some enchanting

Books using my new book I was able to add the punch enchantment to the bow this will certainly pack A- punch now my bow is great but I was going to need armor to match so I left the base to go to a nearby mine at the bottom of the

Mine I could see a bunch of monsters so I decided to take the new bow for a spin it was working great and I managed to take out a ton of them some of them got really close to me but I still managed to take them out one by one pH hopefully

There’s not any more of them down here I kept exploring and soon came across another group of creepers oh no not more of these guys I tried to take them out but couldn’t stop them all from exploding ouch but what’s that I noticed the explosion had revealed an unnatural

Block I could hear skeletons on the other side I broke a block which revealed the entrance to a dungeon on days 63 to 66 I knocked out the rest of the blocks and was immediately rushed by some skeletons oh get out of here you psychos these skeletons were fast it’s a

Good thing I came prepared they tried their best to take one more of my lives but I managed to fight them all off all right let’s see what’s going on back here I hand enter the dungeon and could see more skeletons using my bow I quickly fired at them and took them out

That’s when I noticed a button in the middle of the room what does this do unfortunately it was a trap more skeleton archers rose up from the ground I was surrounded they fired their arrows as I jumped to get out of the way luckily I could take some cover but even

As I jumped out to hit them it was still too hard oh wait a second they’re stuck I can just leave I headed into the hallway I guess whoever laid that trap didn’t think it all the way through I went and explored the hallways I wasn’t

Sure where to go next then I came across a sign that said treasure room huh oh that sounds great to me I ran into the hallway falling into a hole it was another trap oh man I should have known that would happen I landed in a stone

Room where there was no way out suddenly the wall across from me started moving I was going to get crushed there’s got to be a way out I noticed some different looking blocks and started mining at the last second I burst through and fell down another hole this time though I

Landed in a pool of water oh this place is crazy I’ve got to watch my step up ahead I hit a button to open the door and walked through as lava fell from the ceiling luckily I made it through the door quick enough before it could hurt

Me the next room was full of lava with platforms I had to jump to that would have been easy except the place was full of skeleton archers I tried to cross but they knocked me into the lava woo hot hot I managed to crawl out before the

Lava burnt me to a crisp I started shooting arrows at the skeleton taking a couple of them out that’s when I noticed there was a chest and some diamonds up ahead I’ve got to get to that to reach it though there was one more Archer I took careful aim and fired taking him

Out the treasure is all mine I hopped the rest of the way up and opened the chest inside there was a diamond block as well as a bunch of diamonds this is exactly what I was searching for with everything out of the chest I then mined

Out all of the Diamonds In The Wall my pockets were now over flowing with goodies now how do I get out of here I hopped across the room and saw a door which I barely managed to get through after grabbing onto some Vines I swam up a waterfall and followed the hallways

Until I saw another room with a chest okay there’s got to be a trap in here I stepped forward slowly and set off a trap that Arrow nearly took my head off I think there’s only one way through I took off at a Sprint as the arrows flew

By inside the chest was more diamonds as well as some XP potions I ran back through the traps then loaded up on the XP I went back through the hallways and soon saw another path through I guess this must be the way out I stepped forward when suddenly a bunch of lava

Came falling from the ceiling trapping me inside the room that was way too close as I looked into the room though I saw it was full of skeletons including a big buff skeleton there was no time to lose I immediately started shooting my bow taking out as many of them as I

Could I got some hits in but it was getting dicey I didn’t notice the buff skeleton had me in the sights and after a good hit he knocked out one of my lives oh no now I only have four left over half of them are gone I didn’t have

Any other choice though I had to keep fighting I had managed to hit him a bunch so he couldn’t have had much health left I hid behind a pole then struck him with my claws taking him out yeah who’s the tough guy now and we’ll just pretend that you didn’t take one of

My lives that’s when I noticed that I had actually picked up his head ooh creepy I wonder what else is in here I ran around the room and saw a chest which had an Infinity enchantment in it as well as some gold in another chest I

Also found a brand new bow I knew just what to do next at a nearby Anvil I added the infinity enchantment to my new bow which gave me endless Arrows by now my pockets were filled with goodies so I used some Cobblestone to block the lava

And left the dungeon back at the base I stuck my mutant skeleton head above my door now everyone knows that this house belongs to one tough Kitty now that I had a bunch of diamonds I went over to the crafting table and got Right to Work crafting myself an entire set of diamond

Armor I was going to be super protected now with the armor done I also made myself a full set of diamond tools it was just about time as the iron tools just weren’t going to cut it anymore with all of the tools finished I grabbed

Willie and we got to work on the next part of the statue it was time to add some details in and I was excited to see how it was going to look it didn’t take too long and we soon finished the next part back at the base I was feeling like

I was almost ready to take on the wolf Monster but asked Willie if he had any ideas of what I could do to power up well there’s a special set of claws I’ve heard about they’re strong enough to rip through wolf hide that sounds like just

What I need where do I find them there’s a fort pretty far away from here that they are rumored to be in but it’s got some tough mobs defend it I can show you the way that would be awesome but first let me go check with Lenny to see if he

Has any new veggies for me to take on the journey went up to the garden with Lenny and he gathered me a fresh set of food thanks buddy you’ve gotten good at this on day 71 to 74 Willie and I had reached a snowy Tiger Biome when

Suddenly we were attacked by a polar bear I had just upgraded all of my gear so the polar bear didn’t really stand a chance against me together we defeated him easily yeah that was so easy suddenly a bunch of polar bears came running out oh this is not easy the

Polar bears were really mad at us and we were taking a lot of hits this situation was all too familiar and I suddenly lost another one of my lives oh no only three left now I had lost another life but we had made good progress and together we

Were able to take out the last of the polar bears it helped that Willie was now a full- grown wolf we soon found a cave and settled in out of the cold thanks for coming along with me Willie I thought all wolves were bad but you’ve shown me that’s not the truth Willie

Didn’t say anything and started walking around in circles it was kind of strange but maybe he just wasn’t comfortable expressing his feelings it was getting pretty cold when Willie set out a camp fire oh just in time we both settled in for the night on days 75 to 78 Willie

And I reached the snowy Fortress deep in the Tiga this must be where the claws are we entered the fort but as we walked through I couldn’t help but notice the place seemed empty there might have been a battle here long ago but there was definitely no one here now as we entered

Another section the doors closed behind us oh no it must be a trap get ready Willie that’s when I realized it wasn’t an enemy who set the Trap it was Willie I’m sorry Zozo but I can’t resist my Natural Instincts I tried but cats are just just too delicious what are you

Saying come on we’re friends I have a lot of respect for you I didn’t know a cat could be this strong but I have to do this and once you’re gone I’m going to lead the pack to all the other cats in the base Willie get a hold of

Yourself this isn’t the right way I’m sorry Zozo but it’s the end and just like that we began to fight Willie had gotten really strong and his blows really hurt I couldn’t believe his instincts were this powerful please Willie it doesn’t have to be like this

But it was too late he was done talking and I I could see his wolf instincts had completely taken over he kept swinging at me and managed to take another one of my lives only two left I hurried and climbed up some trees making my way to

The top of the ruins from there I started firing arrows Landing some blows Willie ran around trying to avoid my arrows it was making him really mad I wasn’t going to be able to finish it this way though I had to land a blow up close I hurried and climbed higher into

The ruins firing arrows as I went get back down here I climbed out the side of the ruins as Willie continued to look up where I was before I snuck up behind him and delivered a sneak attack it was just a few hits more and he was finally

Defeated Willie why I’m sorry I had to come to this I ran outside and picked a flower I carried it back inside and laid it where Willie had disappeared I’ll see you in the next life my friend on day 79 to 84 I was feeling really sad about the

Loss of Willie I couldn’t help but think though Willie was super strong and he was just a regular wolf what chance did I have against the wolf Monster that’s when I remembered Delilah the elephant could help I traveled back to the Savannah and just in time too up ahead I

Could see Delilah had been captured by poachers you thugs get away from my friend I charged in as the poachers turned to fight I had no time for these punks and I had to save my friend there was no way I was going to lose two

Friends in such a short amount of time I was way stronger than the last time we had pop poachers and so at long last I took them all out oh Zozo you showed up just in time I don’t know where I’d be without you or well I guess I do I’d be

Dead you mustn’t talk like that but I was hoping you could help me with something oh sure anything I need to defeat the wolf monster still but I’m wondering if there are any special items out there that could help me could you take a look Delila agreed and took a

Look into some nearby water okay I can see the nether there’s a huge Fortress there and inside oh there’s some claws they look like they’re strong enough to rip through wolf skin so those claws are real do you know how I can get there it’s showing me a path to the nether

Portal it’s actually not that far from your base wow that’s great news I’ll have to go get them but before I do are you sure you still don’t want to live at my base there’s so many poachers out here oh I’ve definitely changed my mind mind I would love to live there elila

And I headed back toward my base as we got closer she caught sight of my statue an elephant I love it it reminds me of my grandma I miss her so much I wish I could have met her I’m almost finished with that statue too just one more part

To go but I think you’ll think it’s pretty cool from there I got Right to Work building Delila her own room at the base the poor girl kept getting attacked so I was glad she decided to come and live at the base with us her room was

Going to be at the top so she was definitely going to be safe soon her room was complete here you go I really hope you like it here Ila assured me she would and she especially loved the view out of her window on days 85 to 89 I

Headed straight for the nether portal I had to get those claws oh no it looks totally destroyed hopefully there’s some more obsidian in this chest I opened the chest and luckily there was everything I needed someone must have been here before just then a snapping turtle came walking right over the chest and

Attacked ah you’re so slow and creepy he wasn’t very strong and I took him out quickly then another animal attacked me out of nowhere this guy wasn’t strong either and I took him out too all right enough let’s do this I quickly fixed up the portal replacing all the missing

Obsidian blocks I stepped into the portal and was teleported to the nether I stepped out into a Soul Sand Valley and could see a few Enderman roaming around as long as I don’t look at them I should be good but as I got closer they turned and started to attack me I guess

They just really wanted me to stay away once I had taken them out I took a look at my surroundings that’s when I noticed some ancient debris in the wall oh yeah I can make some netherite Gear with this I mined out the debris and stored it

Away for later it was time to explore I took off into the nether traveling across dangerous terrain and fighting off Enderman I found some more ancient debris too there were also some gas that showed up but I was able to take care of them with my bow soon I saw it in the

Distance The Fortress from Delilah’s Vision there it is I just need to get across this lava and the claws will be mine I started jumping across the broken path being sure not to fall into the lava as I entered the Fortress I was suddenly attacked by a hellhound and a

Couple weather skeletons I should have known something would be waiting for me I tried to climb up some platforms as quickly as I could and started taking them out with my bow the wither skeletons were getting too close for comfort but luckily I was able to take

Them down now it’s your turn I jumped down and started swinging my sword showing the hellhound who his boss even the dogs in a different dimension are mean I kept swinging my sword and finally took the hellhound out that was a tough fight he destroyed most of my

Armor but the important thing was that I had one I went over to the chest and took a look inside there was tons of Loot and most important the claws were inside I can’t believe it I got them I took out the claws and equipped them that’s when I felt the energy surge

Through me and I grew into a huge super buff cat wo I’m extremely ripped and I have way more Hearts it was time to take the fight to the wolf on days 9 to 94 I returned to the base to see all of my new friends it was quite the sight to

See everyone so happy we had all been affected by the wolf Monster in one way or another and it was great to see that despite it all we had all found a place to call home I was too big to fit in the door now so I knocked out of space and

Grabbed some supplies out of a chest then I made myself a fancy new moving door ah yes this will work perfectly now that I had a functioning door I took the ancient debris I had collected and smelted it into some netherite scraps then I took some of the diamonds I had

Collected and made an entire set of diamond armor now I’ll need a smithing table I got the smithing table put together and then combined the netherite scraps with some gold bars to make some netherite ingots using the new ingots I was able to then convert all my diamond

Gear into netherite now let’s finish the statue I headed outside and finished putting all of the details on the elephant I thought it looked really nice and I was glad that it reminded Delila of her grandma well what do you think is this your favorite build I’ve done so

Far or did you like another one more with the Statue complete it was time to say goodbye I met with all of my friends outside thanks for all of your support guys I’m going to go fight the wolf but I’m still not sure how I’m going to beat

Him I was thinking about it and didn’t you say that crazy cat lady threw a potion at you that knocked you out maybe she had other potions that could come in handy for your fight oh that’s a great idea I’ll have to go stop by there and

See what I can find good luck Zozo I know you’ll make us all proud the rest of the animals chimed in I never could have done it without all of their support time to get that wolf on days 95 to 97 I arrived back at the cat lady’s

House all right let’s see what’s going on in here I ran up to the house to get inside as I tried to take a look around I realized I was too big for the doors so I knocked out the walls to make myself some space something tells me

She’s not going to mind as I checked around the house I eventually opened up her bedside table and found a bunch of blindness potions no wonder she always had these on her the lady literally slept next to them but these will help in a fight with the potions in my

Pockets I headed off toward the wolf Monster’s base I soon reached a snowy area and could hear the howling of wolves in the distance but this time I wasn’t running this time I was heading straight for them hey your boys check out this cat he thinks he’s real tough

Walking into our land like this your pride will be the end of you I’m going to take down your entire pack oh Cry me a hair ball fuzz bag bring it on we lunged at each other and started swinging these guys thought I was weak because I was a cat but they quickly

Found out I was super strong I could tell they were scared and soon only one of them was left you no cat you’re a freak just wait until the boss hears about this the last wolf ran off to tell his boss yeah not even a warning is

Going to save him from me the wolf wasn’t very smart though he was leading me right to their base soon enough I saw a large Fortress in the distance this must be it I walked up and started to explore I could feel something behind me

I turned around and saw there was a huge sub behind me quick subscribe to the channel we must win this fight on day 98 I charged into the base and was immediately attacked by some wolves out of the way you mangy muts I swug my massive arms and knocked the Wolves out

With my strength these guys were a please soon the room had been cleared that’s when I noticed something horrible is that what I think it is on the stairs there was a mounted animal head these guys were a bunch of sickos they had to be stopped in the Next Room there were

Even more wolves get aad of this jumps I smacked the Wolves as they crumpled beneath my blows they were able to get some hits in but they were no match no one was going to stop me from reaching my goal once they were all destroyed I noticed what was on the table more

Animal heads I won’t let them add anymore as I left the room I noticed a button on an nearby wall I hid it and a wall opened revealing a storage room oh nice I bet there’s something good in here I started opening up chests and found a lot of gold including some

Golden apples then I saw something out of the ordinary there’s warnings on this chest must be something good in here I opened the chest and saw I had several potions of Leaping that would surely give me an advantage in the fight now I just had to find the monster on day 99 I

Wandered through the halls and eventually walked into the Great Hall The Wolf Monster was Seated on a Golden Throne oh what is this a cat walking R into my house who do you think you are you know who I am you destroyed my entire group of friends yeah you’ll have

To be more specific I do it all the time it’s literally all I do I’m Zozo oh Zozo yeah I still don’t know who you are it doesn’t matter today is the day I take my revenge yeah yeah get this cat out of my sight suddenly the wolves are on the

Table charged he might not know who I am but he was about to find out I knocked out his wolves in no time I always knew knew I was surrounded by a bunch of weaklings I’ll do this myself the wolf Monster charged at me the fight had

Begun this was ending today he was still strong and was really knocking me down I ran away to try to get some space eating some food to heal get over here you little cat I tried fighting him as I went getting hits in here and there I

Soon made it up a set of stairs turning in time to start firing down arrows at the wolf Monster oh knock it off I kept firing arrows until he had reached me he kept hitting me and eventually I saw my life counter appear again I only had one

Life left I had to make it count I kept running through the castle trying to play it safe every now and then he would catch up and I would swing my claws to knock him back some of his wolves even tried to jump into the fight but I was

Able to knock them away my health was starting to get really low though all right let’s see what he thinks of this I took out one of my blinding potions and managed to hit him oh I can’t see what did you do the wolf ran off as I heard

And ducked for cover I was safe for a moment so I hurried and ate a golden apple I had been getting hits in but it didn’t seem to be enough it was time to try something new I could hear the wolf in the hallway up ahead so I snuck up

Behind him and smacked him surprise oh you sneaky little cat we exchanged some more blows and I ran off making more space I was really starting to hurt him now just then we ran into a room with a couple of his wolf cronies get this guy

Off my back I thought wolves didn’t run away from anything as they went back out to fight I saw the wolf had disappeared where did he go I kept searching around the place until I ran into a strange sign Place sacrificial heads oh I don’t

Love that but maybe may it could help me I ran around the palace and gathered up a few of the animal heads then I placed them on the altar suddenly a hidden door opened and the Wolf Monster was hiding on the other side there he is I ran up

To face him give it up man you can’t beat me the wolf shook his head he wasn’t going to go down easily recharged as his Sidekicks attacked it was an epic battle but they were no match for me I even tried using the leaping potions which helped me to get to higher ground

And use my bow this is for everyone you’ve hurt I swung my claws hitting him again and again he wasn’t even sorry for for what he had done at long last I swung my claws destroying him for good goodbye the wolf was finally gone now we

Could all live our lives in peace on day 100 I made it back to the base all of my friends were there to greet me and I couldn’t believe the fight was done we were finally free from danger the world was once again a place of Peace on day

One I spawned in as a rabbit oh no I only have one heart I’m going to have to be really careful if I’m going to survive but check it out I can jump high and I’m super fast I took a look around and I could see there were tons of other

Bunny friends around but suddenly they all ran away hey guys what’s going on just then a fox appeared that must be why the other bunnies ran away I had to be careful if that fox landed just one hit on me I was done for luckily I was

Able to run really fast and jump super high so I was able to outrun the fox and get away the best thing I can do today is just survive I better find a good place to hide for the night I took a look around until I found a good spot I

Dug into the side of the hill and hunkered down for the night maybe I can find all of my bunny friends in the morning on day two I woke woke up and went to go look for my bunny friends as I arrived back at the spawn point I

Didn’t see anyone around where could everyone have run off to I wasn’t sure where to start looking for them but I had an idea maybe if I can build a really cool Bunny House they’ll come back if I was going to build a cool Bunny House I needed some tools so I

Headed off into the forest to get some supplies after a while I had gathered enough supplies to be able to build my first tools I put as many tools together as I could including a sword with my new Tools in hand I headed into the mine to

Get some Stone as I was mining I was suddenly attacked by a spider wao get back I had to be really careful if I took even one hit I was done for it’s a good thing I had made myself a sword though because with that I was able to

Defeat him oh man that was too close I better get to work on day three I got to work starting to build my new base since rabbits live underground I thought it’d be cool to build out a bunch of tunnels underground it was a lot of hard work

But soon the base was all set up all right the base is done but I don’t see any more bunnies I better go look for them I headed off into the forest but I could hear someone up ahead on top of a tree I could see a little squirrel hey

What’s going on what are you doing up there I’m up here hiding from the big bad wolf you better watch out too the big bad wolf oh man he sounds like a lot of trouble how about we stick together it’ll be safer I think that’s a great

Idea on days four to 5 the squirrel and I headed into the forest to get some more materials as we explored the forest we came across some more friends the first animal we saw was a raccoon hey have you heard of the big bad wolf yeah

That guy’s a real jerk but he’s been leaving me alone for the most part I don’t know if I want to get involved sorry well I hope you change your mind the squirrel and I kept going through the forest until we came across a bear

In her Cubs uh-oh I hope that bear won’t eat us I took a deep breath and walked up to the bear hey do you know the big bad wolf yeah but why would I care about that guy he doesn’t bug me and I don’t bug him say you’re looking a little

Tasty um okay well thanks for telling me about it talk to you later bye the squirrel and I got out of there I didn’t want to risk anything else wanting to hunt me as we got deeper into the forest we started to chop down some trees hey

Hey you I turned around and looked up into the tree a monkey was looking down at me uh yeah what’s up that’s my tree what do you think you’re doing chopping down my tree the monkey was mad but I only needed a little bit of wood it

Didn’t matter to him though and he jumped down and charged you’re going to pay for this uh-oh if this monkey hit me I was a goner but just then the squirrel jumped in and helped me out together we were able to put up a good fight the

Monkey wasn’t going to be able to hurt both of us by working together we were able to defeat him sorry Mr Monkey I didn’t want to fight you but you left me with no choice on day 6 through 8 the squirrel and I continued through the forest we were feeling pretty good about

Ourselves we had had a couple of Victories and we were getting a lot of supplies we’d even met a few of the other animals as I kept wandering through the forest though I heard something scary up ahead as we got closer we saw the source of the noise it

Was the fox and he had a group of bunnies cornered you have nowhere to run and now I’m going to eat you oh no I can’t let him eat those other bunnies but what am I supposed to do I can’t take him on by myself that’s when I

Remembered I wasn’t by myself I had my squirrel friend with me let’s do this the squirrel just started to charge he didn’t even wait for me wait what are you doing oh a little appetizer the fox took one swing and the squirrel was immediately defeated oh no my friend H

Looks like there’s another snack over there for me too the fox took one look at me but I had to get out of there I’m not going to be his dinner today I’m sorry other bunnies but you’re on your own for this one I ran as fast as I

Could straight back to my burrow I couldn’t risk having and find out where I lived or Worse eating me I was just going to have to help those other bunnies out another day I feel bad about leaving all those bunnies behind but what was I going to do I’m just not

Strong enough on days 9 to 11 I was feeling bad about running away but I wasn’t strong enough to fight as I ran through the forest I came across an abandoned Village oh look a ton of carrots I gathered up as many carrots as I could there was even a bunch of

Wheaten pumpkins too I decided this would be a good place to spend the night in the middle of the night I woke up to a strange sound outside oh no there’s a bunch of skeletons out there I ran out of the house with my sword in hand there

Was no way I was going to back down this time I charged out of the house swinging my sword I’m not scared of you I kept swinging until one by one all of the skeletons were destroyed man these fights are terrifying when you only have one heart but I feel better now that

I’ve want to fight even though I had won the fight I was too scared to go back to bed so I decided to spend the night looking through the rest of the village I found some more food as as well as some other supplies I even found a whole

Stash of iron awesome now I can start making some iron gear I ran back over to the crafting table and put together an iron chest plate and equipped it on day 12 I emerged from my house in the village and headed back into the forest I was running through the woods when I

Saw a carrot on the ground up ahead oh what luck a free carrot as I continued through the forest I saw there were even more carrots I decided to keep picking them up I was going to need as many as I could get just then I picked up one of

The carrots and suddenly fell through a trapo wo I landed inside a small room and there were several other rabbit’s looking at me uh hi guys what’s going on you’re not the big bad wolf I turned around and saw a large elderly bunny looking down at me no sir I’m not what’s

Going on around here I see all new around here let me explain for years the forest was a beautiful and peaceful place all the animals were happy living in harmony the wolf would try to hunt us but we could always get away then one day something changed the wolf had

Discovered some kind of magic which he used to give himself a cloaking ability suddenly we could no longer hide because we didn’t know when he would attack we have been in hiding ever since no how can we stop him there is an ancient Relic known as the rad glasses crafted

By our bunny ancestors its pieces have been scattered across the land but if you bring them to me I can craft them a new they will allow you to see the wolf even when he cloaks you think you can help us I’m not very strong but I’ll do

My best on days 13 to 15 I had d d back in my base and made a couple improvements to the inside then I went outside and started working on a farm and planted some of the carrots i’ had collected it wasn’t much but it was a

Place to call home I needed to get some sand though so I headed off to the desert to gather some I managed to get a bunch of it when suddenly a group of rattlesnakes came slithering up behind me hey guys can I help you the rattlesnakes just stared at me then they

Attacked hey that’s not very nice luckily their bite wasn’t too bad because I still only had a heart I was able to keep moving and I took them all out suddenly I felt a burst of energy and I grew into a a bigger killer bunny and look now I have five Hearts I’m

Feeling way better already on day 16 to 19 I returned back to the base and made a few adjustments now that I had gotten a little bigger and stronger later as I was harvesting some of my crops I saw a squirrel walking up to the base hey I’ve

Been looking for you hey there what’s up I saw you were with my sister when that fox attacked her she seemed to trust you so I want to help you too for my sister I’ll take all the help I can get and I’m sorry for what happened I’m much

Stronger now and won’t be running away from anything we then set off making some more Improvement to the base it turned out the squirrel’s name was Rocky and he was happy to help after we had finished upgrading parts of the base he pulled me aside for a chat thanks again

For letting me help Zozo I had an idea for the base I think we should build something that will make the other bunnies know that this is a safe place oh I know just what to make but we’re going to need a lot of orange dye we ran

Off into a flower field and got to work grabbing as many orange tulips as we could to make the dye on days 20 to 22 we were heading back to our base when the fox popped out from around the corner yeah the bunny That Got Away I’m

Going to get you this time you aren’t hurting anyone this time I jumped into battle and started swinging away at the fox Rocky jumped into the fight too with my new Strength the fox didn’t stand a chance we beat him easily nice going Rocky how did he find our base I don’t

Know the only thing I can think of is that he must have seen me and followed me here sorry about that that’s okay better reminds me we need to start looking for the parts to those special glasses do you have any ideas of where we could look I’ve got one idea but

Before we get there we’re going to need some serious upgrades first on days 23 to 26 I was deep underground looking for resources luckily for me I was able to find a bunch of iron as well as some coal this is just what I needed now I

Can finish making my iron armor I took some of the stone I had collected and used it to craft a furnace then I added the coal and iron to smelt myself some iron bars once the iron bars were complete I used them to craft myself iron tools including an iron sword then

I used the rest to finish crafting my iron armor now I’m really powered up I decided to keep exploring the cave when I suddenly ran into a group of zombies try and fight me now you flesh heads the zombies could pack a punch but there

Were no mats for my new New Gear I swung my sword and was able to take them out I kept going down the tunnel when a spider dropped down from the ceiling oh gross ciders are disgusting as the spider charged at me I swung my sword he

Managed to get a couple bites in but he couldn’t do much against my armor soon enough it was defeated I wonder what’s going to be at the end of the tunnel up ahead I could see something glowing in the distance what could it be I walked into a large open room and subscribed

Hey it’s not a bad idea if you love going on these Adventures as much as I do I’d love for you to hit the button and the bell that way you’ll never miss out on day 27 to 31 Rocky and I headed into the woods to look for the first

Crafting item we’d need for the glasses I could hear a noise up ahead when suddenly a wolf hopped up on some stone blocks blocking our path ooh a delicious bunny the big bad wolf isn’t going to mind if I eat you myself go on and hide

Rocky I can take this guy wolf and I charged at each other he was pretty strong but so was I he snarled and bit getting some hits in he even got me down to half a heart but I knew I could win your VAR is worse than your bite I gave

One more swing and took him out as he disappeared I saw he dropped some kind of special item what’s this I picked it up and saw it was a fire Rod oh cool I wonder what this will do later on I was walking along the water when a crocodile

Popped out and attacked me I swung my fire Rod immediately catching him on fire wao nothing like a well roasted Croc for dinner the crocodile panicked and jumped back into the water yeah you’ll think twice about messing with me next time on days 32 to 35 Rocky and I

Arrived in the bad lands Rocky had told me he had seen something strange in the area and thought it would be worth checking it out as we rounded the corner I saw a weird sign let the water lift you up what does that mean there was a

Nearby lever so I gave it a flick and nothing happened what happens when you jump in the water Rocky jumped into the water but there was no effect I don’t think that’s it let’s try hitting one of these buttons Rocky clicked on one of the buttons on the wall and an arrow

Came flying out right over Rocky’s head wao I don’t think that’s it I guess I’ll give this other one a try I nervously reached forward and hit the button and some Redstone Dust popped out look you can put the dust here to complete the circuit I walked over by Rocky and put

Down the Redstone Dust then I flipped the switch this time a column of water came pouring down that that did the trick I jumped into the column of water and swam to the very top when I reached the top there was a chest inside of the chest there were some different brick

Locks as well as one glowstone hm this isn’t exactly what I was expecting Zozo up here I followed Rocky up another flight of stairs and saw some glasses frames at the top this is just what we were looking for the first piece the Elder rabbit will be excited to see this

On days 36 to 39 Rocky and I returned back to the base first things first I needed to craft a new fence I couldn’t risk another attack by the Big Bad Wolf Gang or Worse the wolf himself by using some of the brick I was able to make a

Nice perimeter fence once that was complete Rocky and I worked together to make him his own place too thanks for all your help so far Rocky I think it’ll be good for you to have your own place I’m happy to be here let’s build a pen

And get some sheep that way we can work on the Statue good idea Rocky and I headed into the forest and managed to find a herd of sheep using leads we roped them up and led them back to their new pen with the Sheep all locked up I

Then took some orange dye and got to work dying all of the sheep orange orange you guys glad you’re not dinner I went ahead and sheared all the Sheep then collected all of the orange dye from there Rocky and I headed off to find a good spot to build the Statue

Once we found a suitable location we got to work clearing a space building up a base then working on the Statue itself after a bit the first part was complete nice job Rocky this is a good spot to stop as we were taking down the scaffolding a group of parrots walked up

To us hey you’re bunny you must be against the big bad wolf then you’d be correct what’s up we’ve been on the run ever since the wolf started cloaking nowhere feels safe I know what you mean but there’s safety in numbers you guys should come join us at our base that’s

Just what we need we’ll go gather our things and then we’ll meet you there I told them where to go and they headed off back at the base Rocky and I got to work building them their own house to stay I couldn’t believe the wolf was

Even hunting birds we’d do our best to keep them safe I started days 40 to 43 by putting in some paths throughout the base the next morning I got to work harvesting the carrots and planting some pumpkins then I filled the rest of the spots with carrots we’ve got a lot of

New friends starting to show up I’ve got to be sure everyone is well fed just then the parrots walked up and I finally got to show them the place I had built for them they were really excited to have a safe place to rest after they

Took a look around their leader came to talk to me you’re looking for the parts of the rad glasses right the ones that let you see the invisible wolf I am do you know something about their parts only rumors I’ve really only heard about one of the parts that is but I don’t

Know if you’re going to love where you have to go to find it I’ll do whatever it takes on days 44 to 49 I was getting ready to leave my base for the new location I think it’ll be better for you to stay here Rocky I don’t know if this

Will be the best place for a squirrel Rocky understood and agreed to work on the base while I was gone after a long J I finally arrived in the area the parrot had told me about oh man it’s freezing here no wonder the parrot said I wouldn’t like it just then I stumbled

Across an abandoned Igloo this will be a great place to stop and rest as I left the igloo though I was suddenly attacked by a snow leopard wao where did you come from the snow leopard was vicious he had giant fangs and Powerful claws he must

Have set this Camp up as a trap I’ll never let the wolf and his Allies win I swung with all my power and took him out it’s a good thing I upgraded all my armor before I left otherwise I’d be rabbit stew on days 50 53 I had finally

Made it out of the cold and arrived at the place the parrot had mentioned as I walked up to the tower I saw there were two wolves standing guard hey can I come in no well that was a short conversation I don’t know why I even bothered asking

They’re Wolves of course they’ll just attack me this wolf was just a junior guard so I finished him off easily you’re not getting in my way either I turned and attacked the other guard too who didn’t put up much of a fight and I defeated him in no time all right let’s

Get that glasses part I climbed to the top of the tower but there was another wolf waiting for me this one was stronger than the others by using my fire Rod though I managed to light him on fire and eventually take him out nearly losing my life in the process hey

There can you help me out I took out my Axe and started chopping away at the nearby cage there was no part for the glasses but there was a bunny trapped inside thanks for breaking me out let me guess you were looking for a piece of

The glasses yeah I was do you know anything about it I was here looking for it too but I guess I got moved to a dungeon far away from here that’s what I heard the henchmen saying anyway shoot that is in the complete opposite direction well might as well stop at my

Base in the meantime feel free to join me there the rabbit agreed and we headed off for the base on days 54 to 57 the bunny and I arrived back at the base which was on fire oh no what’s going on as I got closer I could see that the

Base was being attacked by a pack of wolves standing outside the base I could see the big bad wolf he was giving orders to his men the Wolf Gang headed into the base and rounded up all the parrots they were taking them prisoner I don’t have the glasses yet but I have to

Do something I sprinted into the base sword in hand the Wolves attacked get out of my home we never did anything to you one by one I cut down all the Wolves soon enough the only one left was Mr big bad you’re going to pay for this I

Charged at the big bad wolf leaping into the air when suddenly he disappeared oh you coward I’ll find you on days 58 to 62 I took a look around at all of the damage I couldn’t believe I didn’t keep everyone safe as I walked around I could

See that everyone was gone that’s when I heard a noise from under the table Rocky what are you doing under there Zozo I was so scared but this was all my fault I told the Wolves where the base was he had captured my squirrel friend and said

He would hurt him if I didn’t tell him where to go Rocky you should have told me we could have rescued your friend together I know I’m so sorry sorry in the end he didn’t let my friend go and just took away all of our new friends I

Hope you can forgive me I felt bad for Rocky I could tell he was sorry it’s okay I know you just wanted to help your friend we can figure it out together in the meantime though we better go get some supplies to rebuild the base from there I headed into the mines and

Managed to find plenty of iron as well as some gold and coal I smelted down all of the iron and used it to make some iron bars then I headed out to the river and scooped up a bunch of clay I then used the clay to make more bricks at

Long last I headed outside and replace the fence with iron bars while also repairing any other holes with the bricks it took a while but soon the defenses were complete those wolves are going to have a heck of a time breaking in again on day 63 to 66 I told the

Bunny and Rocky to hang back at the base while I headed out to the dungeon this could be dangerous and I didn’t want to lose any more friends the journey was a long one and I passed through all kinds of different terrain as I was passing

Over a mountain I saw a wolf in the distance just as it destroyed a baby elephant it was the big bad wolf what have you done I charged at the wolf but he disappeared again what kind of monster would attack an innocent elephant as they looked down the elephant’s mom came

Over the hill what have you done to my baby no it wasn’t me it was the Big Bad Wolf The Elephant didn’t care and she attacked I took a few swings to keep her back as I tried to explain but she wasn’t listening my only option was to

Run away as fast as I could on day 67 to 70 I could see the entrance to the cave up ahead it looked really dark and scary this must be it who knows what’s waiting for me inside I entered the cave and soon found out waiting for me was a

Group of skeletons H why are you guys so creepy the skeletons swung their swords and shot their arrows as they jumped around hitting them with my sword they got some hits in it but I was able to take them all out I headed deeper into the caves and saw a spawner let’s just

Get rid of this I can’t fight these mobs off for Forever on day 71 to 74 I pushed further into the mines when I saw some diamonds oh those would help me so much I quickly put up a bridge to cross over when suddenly the wall exploded and a

Zombified piglin came bursting through wao I quickly pulled out my fire rod and lit him up he lit on fire but my fire Rod broke ouch he’s so strong I swung with my sword as my health dropped finally taking him out as he disappeared he dropped something I picked it up a

Diamond Hammer this thing is powerful and I’m getting it just in time too excited about my new weapon I headed back over to the diamonds and M them out being careful not to drop them in the lava with the diamonds in hand I put down a crafting table and made myself a

Pair of diamond leggings to replace my iron ones maybe we can make it through here after all on day 75 to 78 I had finally reached a big empty room there was a chest on the other side hello looks like this place is deserted I walked over to the chest when suddenly I

Heard a thump behind me I turned around and saw a giant spider had dropped down from the ceiling oh hey man you mind if I grab it in the chest and leave you wish bunny boy you’re not getting out of here alive I thought you might say

Something like that just then the spider leaped forward and attacked I got hidden but not before he started shooting his webs at me oh boy this isn’t going to be as easy as I was hoping looks like it’s time to get my very own Lucky Rabbit

Foot that’s just a weird thing to say the spider charged at me but I was ready I jumped out of the way causing him to jump into the pool of lava I’ll keep my feet thanks just then I felt the energy surge through me and I leveled up into a

Buff Bunny Man wo I have 10 Hearts now too I went over to the chest and opened it inside were the lenses to the rad glasses along with a bunch of diamonds I can’t wait to see what the Elder rabbit can do with these on day 79 to 84 I

Arrived at the Elder rabbit’s house sir I’ve got everything you need to remake the rad glasses Zozo well done well done this is just what we needed the Elder rabbit quickly turned to his enchanting table and assembled the glasses imbuing them with special power he turned and

Tossed them back to me take these and take Courage the hope of all bunny kind rests with you now we know you can do it thank you I’ll give it everything I’ve got I turned and left his house time to get ready for the final fight on days 85

To 889 I arrived back at the base and saw the rabbit and Rocky had done a great job improving it nice job you guys this place looks amazing thanks zoo we had a lot more creatures come and join us so we had to build them all a place

To stay aren’t they scared yes but they believe in you and know this is the safest place for them to be I sure hope so that reminds me we better finish our special project there could be more creatures out there Rocky and I headed back out to our statue and got got to

Work finishing it up this carrot was going to be a beacon to all the animals in the area that this was a safe place it didn’t take long and we were soon finished now let’s go get prepped we’ve got some wolf butt to kick on days 90 to

94 I was back in the base putting together some diamond armor I used the diamonds I had found in the dungeon as well as some additional ones Rocky had found in the cave I better go check the chest too Rocky said he had some stuff

For me in there I opened the chest and saw it was full of healing potions I grabbed them all and added them to my inventory I’m feeling pretty stacked let’s go Wolf hunting on days 95 to ’96 I ran across the land to in the direction of the wolf’s base it wasn’t

Too long until I hit a river the wolf’s base was supposed to be further Downstream so I chopped down a nearby tree and built myself a boat as I paddled down the river I soon entered a dense jungle it wasn’t too long until I came across my first wolf hey leave that

Cat alone I ran ashore and started swinging saving the cat thank you I thought I was a gonner for sure no problem I’m just glad you’re okay you’re so nice here follow me I saw something I think you’ll find useful cat set off into the trees as I followed close

Behind we soon reached a small Stone building covered in cobwebs I cut down the webs and opened the chest inside a trident and a shield you’re right these will help a ton thank you happy to help I owe you after all I invited the cat to

Stay at my base to which he happily agreed I decided to give the Trident a test sticking it into the nearby tree this thing is awesome it’s definitely going to help in the fight I headed back to my boat and kept rowing down the river suddenly the crocodile from before

Popped out this guy again I thought I taught him a lesson the last time the crocodile lunged at me catching me in his Jaws oh let me go I swung my sword as he kept trying to do damage to me this guy was tough let’s see how you

Like this I took out my Trident and threw it spearing him into Oblivion better luck next time pal on days 97 to 98 I was rowing down the river when I saw my stop up ahead I jumped out of the boat and started climbing the mountain

The wolf’s Lair soon came into view as I got closer a couple of wolves attacked sorry guys but you picked the wrong guy for a Boss by using my sword Trident and shield I managed to fend them off I entered the mansion and more wolves attacked they were vicious but there

Were no match for my new armor and weapons one by one I took them out let’s see where could this guy be I’ll checked the basement I headed down the stairs and saw a tarantula at the end of the hallway who charged what’s with this guy in spiders the tarantula managed to

Stick me with a stinger which poisoned me it was doing damage so I had to be quick luckily I was able to take him out as the poison wore off let’s try upstairs instead I headed to the second floor as a couple of wolf guards came

Charging at me I could tell these guys thought they were cool but they couldn’t get past my shield guess they weren’t the smartest couple of doggos I managed to take them both out I was rounding one of the corners when a monkey came running up to me hey you oh hey wow you

Sound just like me that’s because I am you from the other video oh yeah the video where I survived 100 days as a monkey that’s right yeah I just wanted to stop by and tell people they should come watch my monkey Adventure after they finish this one I think they’ll

Like it I agree that was a crazy adventure tell chimchim I say hi I will good luck with the wolf thanks wow what a nice guy on day 99 I reached the top floor of the lair where the big bad wolf was sitting on his throne waiting for me

Well well well if it isn’t the little bunny who cried wolf you think you’re so strong but you attack bunnies who can’t see you you’re a coward is that so now you’re just was making me angry and I was already hungry you won’t like me when I’m angry the wolf leaped forward

And attacked he was strong but I was ready he got a few bites in but I landed some blows of my own I could tell he wasn’t expecting me to be so strong let’s see how you like this wolf started summoning in some smaller wolves while was able to easily outmaneuver and

Defeat then I hit the wolf with my sword causing him to retreat still a coward hiding behind others to fight for you I see I’m not a coward I’m just powerful enough games this ends now suddenly the wolf disappeared and started to attack me and now you’re cloaking you’re just

Proving me right the wolf reappeared on his throne who cares you’ll be gone soon no one can stop me when I use my Powers I quickly grabbed my rad glasses and put them on Wolf used his cloaking power again but I could still see him what

Part did you hit me not so invisible after all are you how dare you the wolf let out a flurry of attacks which caught me off guard nearly taking all of my health maybe I was being a little too cocky he only had to hit me one more

Time and I was done for Zozo I looked over and saw Rocky standing by the stairs catch he threw a splash potion at me which immediately restored all of my health no I pulled out my Trident and threw it at the wolf destroying him for good Rocky I can’t believe you followed

Me here I’m glad you did though you saved the day but our work here isn’t done yet on day 100 I headed down into the basement and used my hammer to break the animals out of their cages be free my friends it’s safe now after I had

Broken all of the animals out I stood by the door of the Mansion as the creatures ran to Freedom sometime later I was back at my base surrounded by all my new friends thanks for all of your help and I’ll catch you in my next Adventure on

Day one I spawned in as a little mouse ooh look how cute and tiny I am but uh-oh I only have one heart I’ve got to be careful that’s when I noticed that my hunger bar was half the size of a normal one too uh-oh I guess I have a tiny

Stomach I better hurry and start getting some supplies right away I started punching trees so that I could get some wood using the wood I had collected I put together a crafting table then used that to make a wooden pickaxe shovel Axe and sword I packed up my crafting table

And started to look for some food that’s when my hunger bar started dropping I had to hurry I soon saw a patch of berries oh thank goodness this is just what I was looking for suddenly I heard a growl and a giant grizzly bear came

Walking over oh he’s going to eat me I got to run I ran and ran through the forest until I felt like I had gotten away this forest was a dangerous place just then I heard some squeaking up ahead I soon saw a little mice family oh

Hey guys you’re just like me is it okay if we stick together a new friend yeah absolutely everything is easier when you stick together my name is Remy Remy introduced me to the rest of his family it was nice to have a group of friendly

Faces he told me that they had a nice cave to live in too we headed over to the cave when suddenly a fox popped out and started to attack us oh no I have to help my new family together we did everything we could to fight off the fox

Luckily for me our combined power was strong but we took the fox down yeah you won’t be messing with us again we then all went into the cave it was small but cozy the perfect place to settle for the night I just hoped that tomorrow I could

Find some more food otherwise I’m in big trouble on day two I headed into the cave to get some coal I was able to quickly find some and mind it out I also grabbed some Stone time for this mouse to get an upgrade I put down my crafting

Table and use it to put together some stone tools I also made some torches I headed over to our cave and set up the Torches this should help keep the mobs away my Hunger was starting to drop again so I decided to go out and look

For some more food as I ran through the forest I could see something on the ground but as I got closer I could see it was just a flower man where is all the food I didn’t have too much time to think about it though as the grizzly

Bear from before showed up again oh this guy again I can’t risk it with one heart I had stone tools but there was no way I could take him on I soon arrived back at the cave to talk to my mouse friends have you guys been able to find any food

Everywhere I look is either empty or has a hungry bear H you’re not alone we can’t find anything either but that’s because of the humans the humans what do you mean there’s been a lot of humans coming through here and they’ve been taking all the food it’s been hard for

Us to find anything I felt really bad for them and they agreed to try and go look for food I wanted to do something to make them happy so I went outside and gathered up some of the materials using everything I had collected I started to

Fix up the cave we might not have any food but at least we could have some beds to sleep in it’s the best I could do but I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here I’m really starting to feel like I’m part of your

Family on day three I woke up to a loud noise noise there was a human in our cave he had put my mouse family into bags and I was next let them go I had tried to hit him but he nearly took me out I had no choice but to run you can

Run but I’m going to find you eventually I kept running until the human was far behind me what was I going to do now how could this happen to my family that guy was huge but one day I’m going to be big and strong too mark my words I’m going

To save my family from the humans on days four to 5 I set off to find myself a new place to live if I was going to get big and strong I needed a safe place to sleep at night and store my gear I soon found myself a nice close side and

Dug into the side of it I wanted something cozy like the Lost cave but I was going to make it a little nicer time to get some Building Supplies I headed out into the forest and gathered wood as well as all the other materials I was

Going to need this was going to be a classy Rat’s Nest I then got to work building all of the rooms I decided to build something even bigger than what I needed including rooms for other mice I was determined to save my mouse family and they were going to need a room when

They came to live with me soon the base was completed and I decided to get some rest in the middle of the night I heard some noise outside uh-oh I forgot to put out torches I got to take care of of these zombies I got Right to Work

Fighting off the zombies but I had to be careful because I still only had one heart luckily for me I was able to survive and took them all out I better get those torches up quick the next day I headed outside to take a look around

The area what is that over there I went down into the forest and soon Came Upon a small half-built structure inside was another mouse hey you’re just like me am I cuz I’m looking real buff well you’re just a skinny little guy I’m not a mouse

I’m a v what are you doing out here my family was kidnapped by the humans and I’m going to rescue them but I’m worried about getting food first boy are you right about that how am I supposed to keep to my all protein diet with those humans taking all the food

They also got my family too I think they’re keeping them as pets oh these humans are ruining everything let’s team up and take them down yeah let’s do it two more vs that popped up from nearby wa where did you guys come from I thought you were the only one oh yeah

These are my brothers they’re around what’s up little guy you look like you could use a protein shake uh thanks well the more the marrier I suppose come on you guys should live at my base with me tomorrow we can figure out the food the

Vs agreed and we headed out on day 6 to 8 I was wandering through the forest when I finally came across the berry bush but it was empty that’s when I saw a raccoon taking off the last few berries oh hey would you mind sparing a few berries I haven’t eaten in days

That’s just how it works out here bud do I have enough to spare yeah I do but I guess I’m just a jerk sorry not sorry I couldn’t believe this guy well you’re right about one thing you are a jerk I had had enough it was time to start

Fighting back give me those berries I jumped into action and started fighting the raccoon I caught him off guard he didn’t expect a little mouse like me to be this strong I managed to beat him in no time as he disappeared he dropped a bunch of berries finally some food I

Took a bite of the berries when I suddenly felt my strength begin to grow and I leveled up I had gotten even stronger and now I have four Hearts awesome with my belly more full than before I decided to head into a cave lucky for me I found a whole bunch of

Iron by using my pickaxe I managed to mine a whole bunch of iron enough to make myself all kinds of Iron Equipment as I headed back toward the base I also came across some sugar cane even more food today is just my lucky day I managed to collect a decent amount of

Sugarcane when suddenly the the grizzly bear appeared again I’m not running away this time I jumped into action but it was a mistake this bear was just way too strong okay looks like I’m running away this time today was just not the day to

Beat a bear but hey at least I got some food back at the base I started planting the sugar cane if I could get some more ingredients I’d have myself a nice food source I can also use it to make books I was Hing to build a library in the base

Once the sugar canane was all planted I went back to my base and started smelting the iron ore I had collected with the iron ingots I made myself a full set of iron armor then made all of the tools I would need as well I’m feeling much better already ready I then

Decided to upgrade the base by adding in a library I felt like the Vols might like it I just wanted to make sure they were comfortable and happy to be here hey guys come check out the new library the v’s headed upstairs to take a look

Around reading is for nerds but even I got to admit this is a pretty nice looking Place good going pipsqueak on days 9 to 10 I woke up to the Vols coming into my room bro we’re starving we got to do something about this food situation good morning I agree but I

Feel like I’ve run out of places to look there is this one place but only someone small and sneaky could go there like you I could give it a go where is it there’s a human farm near here just full of stuff if you can get in there and steal

Some of their food we could start our own Farm it sounds a little risky but at this point I’m not sure what choice I have I’ll do it the Vols told me where I needed to go and I went and waited outside for nighttime once it was good

And dark I snuck down and soon saw the farm these humans have so much food why are they taking everything from the forest I quickly gathered as much food as I could we were finally going to have a reliable food source once I had grabbed a good amount of food I noticed

A chest nearby inside is a box of hats I wonder what this is all about just then I heard a bark and a dog came running over to me hey why are you barking at me don’t you know the humans are taking everyone’s food the dog stopped barking

They’re taking everyone’s food he’s my best friend but that doesn’t seem like a very nice thing to do suddenly I heard a shout and the farmer came running out he you get on out of here I had no choice but to run away those humans were dangerous and I would never rescue my

Family if they captured me too after a bit of running I made it back to my base I threw some potatoes into the furnace and started making some beetroot soup I also baked some bread with all kinds of good food in my pockets I headed over to

The v’s room I’m back and look what I’ve got I started tossing the food out much to the v’s Delights we’d never have to be hungry again after everyone had eaten I showed them the hat box too everyone picked out their favorite hats and put them on we were all pretty excited about

It the next day I went outside and started working on a farm once it was all set up I tilled the land and planted all the different plants finally I could focus on my main mission of rescuing my family on days 11 to 12 I woke up to the

Vs coming into my room again but this time they weren’t complaining they were excited because they had something to show me apparently it was a fancy statue I went outside to take a look so what do you think we all worked really hard on it it’s a mouse just like you wow guys

That is really nice thanks for making this for me you know what could be really fun what’s that why don’t we make one together there’s more than one of us here so I think it just makes sense for there to be more than one Statue yeah that sounds dope but we don’t really

Want to build another one so you can make it we can’t wait to see it first off I decided to go out and start collecting all the flowers I would need to to make dye I was going to find some sheep later so I ran around getting

Everything I would need once I had gotten all the flowers I needed I snuck back to the human’s Farm I snuck upstairs and managed to grab some shears out of the chest then I went over to the sheep and dyed them all the different colors I would need I had just collected

A decent amount of wool when the farmer and dog came running out uh-oh here they come again I’ve got a bolt the farmer shouted and the dog barked but I was able to get out of there just in time back at the base I got to work building

The first part of the statue it meant a lot to me that the Vols had made me a statue so I thought it’d be nice to make something too I still needed some more supplies so I stopped at the first part on days 13 to 15 I was out exploring the

Woods when I came across a beehive oh we could use some honey this will be very helpful I gathered it up and then saw another one so I gathered the honey from there too that’s when I noticed a small house on top of the hill a house that

Small must be for a mouse I ran up the hill to find out door opened and inside was a feeble old mouse well hello dear what brings you out to these parts hi I’m out Gathering some supplies for my friends I’ve got to search pretty far for special items since the humans are

Taking all of our resources ah those pesky humans they’re just the worst it’s high time the mouse of myth comes along the mouse of myth who’s that ah have you not heard the story Legend says that when the humans begin to ruin the mous lands a brave and Mighty Mouse will rise

Up growing to be even bigger and stronger than the humans that Mouse will save all Mouse kind really wow that actually sounds a lot like the situation I’m going through right now perhaps you are the mouse of myth then ever experienced sudden bursts of strength once but I think that was because I

Hadn’t eaten in a few days the mouse of myth sounds way stronger than me well the mouse of myth will be confident in himself so perhaps it’s not you after all oh yeah uh maybe not we chatted a while longer but all I could think about

Was the mouse of myth I hoped that could be me but maybe she was right I didn’t feel confident in it at all I soon left to go back to my base on days 16 to 19 I woke up to the Vols coming into my room

Again yo Zozo you’ve been proven to be pretty tough after all so we had a favor to ask what’s going on some of our buddies got themselves into a bit of of a situation and we were hoping you could bail them out I’ll see what I can do

Show me the way I followed the BS out of the base and out across the land they had soon led me into a dense jungle where we came across some squirrels stuck in a tree there was a Tasmanian devil down at the bottom and he wasn’t

Letting them down out of the way Mister I charged at the Tasmanian devil and we started to fight why won’t you leave those poor squirrels alone the Bulls cheered me on as we continued to fight this little guy was intense but I was quick and took him out in no time bro

Nice one the V called up to his squirrel friends to let them know it was safe and they came down to chat yo that was sick we thought we were never going to get out of that tree no worries guys I’m just glad we could help say if you want

You should come live at our base with us there’s a lot of dangerous creatures out here gnarly bro we’d love to live there with you guys just then I felt strength coming to me and I grew in size and I’ve gained even more Hearts than before dude

Nice gains I didn’t know a mouse could beef up like that soon we all left and headed back to the base I had grown in size again maybe I could be the mouse of myth I’d have to figure that out another day back at the base I got Right to Work

Building the squirrels a place to live I started with some steps and a ladder then got to work making them a tree house I figured they would be happiest living in a tree so I made it the best I could then I filled the inside with all

The Comforts they could need soon I was done I really hope they like it here on days 20 to 22 I got woken up again but this time it wasn’t by the Vols what is that sound I ran outside and saw the base was surrounded by zombies but where

Had all of the Torches gone I couldn’t worry about that now though I had some zombies to take care of I ran down the hill and quickly attacked them they weren’t super tough so was able to defeat them quickly all right I got to figure out what happened but just then

Another group of zombies came over the hill more of them oh brother I started swinging my sword and was able to take a few more of them out but how many more were there going to be I don’t know if I can fight them off forever it was close

But I managed to finish them off okay enough of that I better get more torches but then even more zombies came over the hill and this time they were covered in iron armor what is going on I kept swinging my sword and was getting hits in but these guys were way tougher with

Their armor it was starting to look a little close but I finally fought them all off oh I can’t fight anymore hopefully that’s it but it wasn’t it more iron wearing zombies came over the hill and this time they had skeletons with them uh-oh I don’t think I can

Survive this I started to fight them off but it was too hard I ran under the statue for cover but I was surrounded just then the Vols came charging out of the base and attacked the zombies hang on Zozo we’re here to help with our combined power we were able to start

Fighting back and start taking out the bad guys even the squirrels got into the fight at long last the zombies were finally defeated this time no more zombies or skeletons came over the hill soon we were back in the base thanks guys I thought I was a goner we thought

We ought to help you out for once I’m sure glad you did we’ve got to figure out what happened to our torches though otherwise we’ll be in big trouble oh right we might know something about that the voles explained that they had taken all of the Torches and put them in the

Library apparently it was too dark for them to see what they were reading it turns out reading is actually pretty dope but we didn’t think about the zombies my bad homie I told them it was okay and got to work setting up some new torches outside we’ll have to try try

And make even better defenses tomorrow on days 23 to 26 I left my base to go and gather some more supplies our base had nearly been taken over last night and we needed some serious upgrades first I dug up a bunch of clay I was

Going to make bricks so I needed to grab as much clay as I could I then brought it back to my base where I began smelting it into bricks before I started working on the wall though I decided to build a nice walkway down to the farm it

Was going to be much better than having to get wet every time we needed to get a bite to eat with the new bridge complete I then got to work on the new walls there were some natural mountains around the entrance to our base but I thought

It’d be smart to plug up the gaps with some walls after all a wall is no good if someone can just walk right through it once the walls are finished my next project was building a guard Tower if we had something nice and Tall we’d be able

To keep a close eye out for any more zombies or even worse humans it took a bit but the tower was soon complete too as I was admiring the build from the courtyard one of the squirrels came outside to meet me Hey Man Nice building you’re really good at this thanks I just

Want us to be as safe as possible yeah absolutely you know I’m actually a pretty good cook if you wouldn’t mind building me a kitchen I’d be happy to make food for everyone oh that’s a great great idea before I started on the kitchen though I first grabbed some food

From the farm there was no point in building a kitchen if there’s no food to store in it with all the food in my pockets I headed inside and got to work on the kitchen I made sure to set up everything he needed and filled the

Pantry with all of the food I couldn’t wait to see what he’d make later that night I was up in the tower to see how while our defenses work I could see a big group of zombies outside of the gate but they had no chance of getting in I’d

Call that a success now I just had to hope nothing bigger would stop by on days 27 to 31 I was keeping watch from the tower when the bear from earlier showed up this guy again I’m so sick of him always trying to ruin my day I ran

Down and headed outside the gate you’ve tried to take my food too many times I’m not letting you in here the bear just laughed and let out a roar he wasn’t much of the talking type but he was still a jerk just then he charged the bear was still really strong but this

Time I wasn’t going to run away or back down I was Stronger and he was going to have the fight of his life with my sword in hand I swung as hard as I could knocking him back he let out a roar but it was too late I hit him with the final

Blow and he was defeated well aren’t you just the toughest little mouse I’ve ever seen I looked up at a nearby tree and and saw crane looking down at me oh man you have no idea that bear has been trying to finish me off for days I just

Couldn’t let him win well it’s not every day you see a mouse beating a bear have you ever considered joining a fighting League all of the toughest animals around are in ours and you’d be perfect oh I appreciate the offer but I can’t I’m on a quest to save my family not

Become the ultimate Mouse Champion oh but you don’t understand this will help you by showing your bravery you can Inspire the crowd who want to help in your cause not to mention you can earn some serious money by winning fights money that could help you uh okay I

Guess there’s no harm in checking it out where do I need to go the crane told me where to go and I said I would head over there after preparing a little bit he thanked me and took off later that day I was deep in a cave looking for resources

If I was going to win any fights I needed the best gear I could get that’s when I noticed there were tons of diamonds in this cave I mined out as many as I could this was just what I needed with my pockets overflowing with diamonds I headed out of the cave back

At the base I got right to crafting making myself a full set of diamond armor a helmet boots leggings and a chest plate I then use them to make a picka Pi ax shovel Axe and sword there’s no way I’m going to lose any fights now

On days 32 to 35 I made my way to the location the crane had told me about standing outside the entrance was the crane good evening sir I’m so thrilled you could make it you’ve got quite the Challenger tonight but I think you will do splendidly okay I’m all ready to

Fight so bring it on the crane motioned for me to enter and I headed in the arena was brightly lit or at least the fighting area was I could hear a crowd in the darkness though so I knew the place was packed as I stood in the arena

I saw a gate open at the other end it looked like my Challenger was a Sheba youu I could take this guy a bell rang and the fight was on the Sha was tough but so was I as we fought the crowd cheered as we both landed blows they oo

And odd they seemed like they were really into it if I can win this fight all the animals watching will be able to help me rescue my family I’ve got to win the shba Inu put up a good fight with my new weapons and armor there was really

No contest I soon defeated him and the crowd went wild as they cheered a bunch of emeralds started dropping into the arena as well as XP points I’m not sure what I’m going to do with these emeralds but I’m sure I can figure something out this is awesome just then a bunch of

Lapis and obsidian dropped in as well excited I ran around picking up my rewards as the crowd continued to cheer I gave one final wave to the crowd then headed back down and out of the Arena to meet with the crane congratulations I just knew you could win thanks that was

Actually a lot of fun I think all the animals were really excited for me too oh yes the crowd loved you please feel free to come back soon I’m sure the crowd was very inspired by you I thanked the crane for inviting me and ran back

Toward my base I made a stop by the sheep farm first though and grabbed a bunch of dyed wool I was going to need this for the Statue back at the base I took the wool i’ had collected and got to work on the next part I kept going

Until I ran out of wool again I couldn’t wait to see what it would look like when I was done on days 36 to 39 I was exploring a nearby Acacia Forest when I saw something strange in the distance is that a mouse she’s really beating that

Wolf up the mouse soon defeated the wolf and I hurried over to talk to her wao nice moves that was super impressive thanks I thought I was the only big strong Mouse out here but I see I’m not the only one my name is Bella my name is

Zozo there’s actually a whole group of us living just back over the mountains you should come live at our base with us are you sure I don’t want to trude oh no it would be great we could train together and everything I feel like I could learn a lot from you well all

Right show me the way we headed off back in the direction of the base once we arrived I got right to work making her a room it was going to be awesome having such a tough Mouse around soon her room was complete on days 40 to 43 I met

Bella in the kitchen hey Zozo I’m going to go out and train do you want to come with that would be awesome you can teach me all of your moves right on just give me a second Bella went over to the crafting table and made herself a new

Purple hat it was really cool she was then ready to go so we headed out back in the ACAA Forest I watched as Bella took on a whole pack of wolves I couldn’t believe she wasn’t even scared the Wolves were fighting their hardest but Bella wasn’t even breaking a sweat

Soon she had defeated all of the Wolves Zozo why don’t you hop in on this next one another pack of wolves charged at us and I hopped in I’ve got a tip for you instead of just hitting jump into the air and hit them as you’re coming down

You’ll do even more damage than normal I gave it a try and she was right I tried it on as many wolves as I could and together we defeated them all no problem later we were taking a break when I had a question to ask her so how come you

Train so hard what makes you want to fight so much that’s a good question I wasn’t always like this but one day I met an old mouse woman in the middle of nowhere she told me this story about a mouse who could grow in size and was

Really strong I had been fighting mobs just before then and had grown inside a little myself that was when I realized I had to be the one in the legend I had to be the mouse of myth really I think I met the same Mouse I heard the exact

Same story I couldn’t believe that I might be the mouse of myth though well that makes sense though because you’re not I knew without a doubt the legend was about me and so I’ve dedicated myself to training in order to fulfill my Desy you really thought you were the

Mouse of myth that’s cute come on I’ll race you back to the base Bella took off but I couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed I mean she was really talented so it did make sense but I was really starting to believe I might be the mouse of myth we’ just have to see

How everything played out on days 44 to 49 I decided to get some more work done on the Statue I had collected a decent amount of materials for my last raid so I got quite a bit done I was even able to do the tail which I thought turned

Out pretty good I was taking a moment to look at how things had gone so far when the Vols came running out Zozo come quick quick there’s a human at the gate and he’s asking for you a human you guys keep an eye out from above this could

Mean trouble I ran over to the gates and sure enough there was a human on the other side this human was dressed like a mailman what do you want human don’t you worry little rat I’m not here to cause you any trouble yet I’m here with a

Message from all of us humans what could you thugs have to say to me we wrote it all down but watch out we know about your little base out here we’ve seen you and your friends training too we could destroy all of you if we wanted to but

We’ll let us slide on one condition yeah and what’s that stop stop messing with our farms and stealing from us otherwise you and all your little rodents Can Say Goodbye okay I’ll agree to that on one condition you let my mouse family and all other animals go huh they didn’t

Tell me you had a sense of humor but seriously knock it off or we’ll knock you out the human turned and walked off who do these humans think they are it’s time to teach them a real lesson on days 50 to 53 Bella and I snuck up to the

Sheep farm I had been visiting but this time I saw they had built a huge wall around it looks like we inspired them to up their security but I think I know how to beat that Bella pulled out her shovel shovel shovel Bella and I got Right to

Work building a tunnel I had been here enough times to know just where I needed to go to pop out under the Sheep pen we tunneled our way through and popped up right underneath them holy sheep where did you two come from wa I didn’t know

You guys could talk uh sorry for dying you different colors and stealing your wool are you serious you’re the only one who has been cutting our wool and it’s hot out here you’re doing us a favor oh well that’s great to hear you guys wouldn’t happen to want to live at my

Base would you we thought you’d never ask the humans are the worst we all jumped into the tunnel and ran back out from under the wall this was going to make make the humans so mad it was perfect back at the base I got Right to Work building the Sheep a nice Farmhouse

To live in they didn’t even have a roof over their heads before this was going to be much better now we just needed to sit back and see how the humans would react on days 54 to 57 I was down in the mines Gathering some more materials the

Humans would probably want to attack me at some point so I needed to make some upgrades once I had collected everything I needed in the mines I headed upstairs and went over to the crafting table using the obsidian I had gotten from the arena I managed to put together an

Enchanting table time to really upgrade my gear I went into the library library and cleared out a space for the enchanting table I surrounded the room with bookshelves and placed the table at the center of the room then I went through all of my gear and gave them different enchantments to make them

Stronger I’m going to be one tough Mouse to beat now I then went outside and got to work on the next part of the statue this time it was all about the details starting with a torch in its left hand then I got to work on a sword for the

Right hand this was my favorite part of the build for sure this statue is looking great on days 58 to 62 I decided to make some more improvements to the base starting with the bridge I took down some of what I had done before then began adding in some new railings and

Overhang as a final touch I added in some hanging lanterns speaking of lanterns I thought they looked quite a bit nicer than torches so I went around the base and replaced all the Torches with the lanterns I also added a doorbell the least any invading human

Can do is ring the bell first I then headed inside and cleared out a wall and added a window inside I put some cushions and bookshelves to make a sitting room the Vols were really getting into their books so I thought they’d enjoy the space later that

Evening I was lounging in the sitting room with Bella I’ve just got to tell you Zoo you’re a really great friend to me the Bulls everyone you meet and plus this base looks amazing thanks Bella that means a lot coming from you on day 63 to 66 I heard someone ringing the

Doorbell and went out to take a look perched outside was the crane good morning sir it would seem your next Challenger is ready he’ll be even tougher than before but the crowd has been begging to see you in action again I think you really made an impression on

Them okay great I’ll be there later on I was back at the arena the gate opened and I stepped into the ring the crowd was still in darkness but they sounded excited to see me across the arena I saw a honey badger had stepped in to face me

We squared off and as soon as the bell was wrong we left into action the brain was right this honey badger was way stronger than my last fight and his claws were really hurting sorry but I’ve got a family to fight for I thought about everything Bella had told me about

And tried to put it into action once I started Landing the more powerful blows I could tell it was only a matter of time soon the badger was defeated the crowd went wild I did it like before emeralds started to drop from the ceiling followed by some lapis netherite

Ingots and health potions there was also a mythical potion which said it could only be used by a mythical hero huh I wonder what this is about it’s supposed to taste like bananas too I bet a monkey of Legend Legend would be into this just then I noticed there were two small

Honey badgers crying on the other side of one of the gates hey uh that wasn’t your dad was it no our real dad was taken away by humans long ago but that Badger you just fought had agreed to take us in he just needed to win the

Fight to get the resources to take care of us oh wow I’m so sorry I had no idea he was also fighting for her family it’s okay he knew the risks we know that you’re just trying to rescue your family from the humans too we’re just tired of

Them ruining all of our Lives you know what why don’t you two come live at my base with me there’s all kinds of animals there who would love to be your family wow that would be amazing the two little Badgers followed me back to our base they were excited to finally have a

Place to call home I went ahead and dug out a room for them to stay too who knows how long these two little guys had been looking for a home on days 67 to 70 I headed out of the base things were really starting to come along where is

Everyone I walked out and saw the Vols were outside harvesting some wheat but Bella was out there giving them commands what is she doing I headed down to talk to her hey what are you doing telling everyone what to do oh hey Zozo I figured that some I was the mouse of

Myth I should probably be the one calling the shots around here I don’t really know why you keep saying you’re the mouse of myth there’s not really any proof for all you know it’s me oh yeah well if you were the mouse of myth you’d already have the frost Slayer sword the

What yeah see you don’t even know what it is part of the legend is that the mouse of myth is able to get it from the Great Northern Tundra well you don’t have it either in fact I’m going to get it right now oh yeah not if I get it

First Bella and I took off for the Great Northern Tundra I would show her we soon arrived and boy was it cold we were both so worried about getting there first we ran right into a pack of polar bears uh-oh we both fought hard to stay alive

But it was clear we couldn’t fight them off fighting on our own we changed our strategy and saw that by working together we were able to take them all out oh Bella what are we doing we’re going to get ourselves into some serious trouble if we don’t work together you’re

Right we’re being really Hasty how about this we both work together to get the sword once we get there we can just see who the sword chooses it’s not really up to us who the mouse of myth is anyway exactly all right let’s go get that

Sword on day 71 to 74 Bella and I continued deeper into the tundra as we TR traveled through the ice bikes we soon came across a dungeon this must be the place no matter what happens we’ll still be friends deal deal Bella and I ran down the stairs and into the dungeon

It’s full of water how are we going to get through just then we noticed some levers at the top of the stairs these must control the platforms down there here you go down and I’ll work these levers I ran down by the water as Bella started flipping switches after hitting

The first one a platform came out of the wall I jumped over to it Bella continued hitting the switches and more platforms came out of the wall I had some close calls jumping between them but eventually I made it to the next passageway hang on a second there’s a

Lever in here let me hit it and see what it does I flipped the switch and a shortcut opened up for Bella she hopped down nice hopping let’s see what else is in here we kept going down the hallway when suddenly a bunch of poison snowballs came flying out of the wall

Hitting us ouch those really hurt there was a small passageway so we ducked through there to heal up Zozo I have to be honest with you what is it I know I’m really confident all the time but the truth is I’m not sure if I’m actually

The mouse of myth the old mouse woman had just told me a story so specific I felt like it had to be me yeah it was the the same thing for me but you know what we haven’t considered yet what’s that maybe she was just making the whole

Thing up to trick mice like us to take on the humans you know what you’re probably right as if we didn’t have enough reason to want to fight them I guess we’ll find out soon enough anyway I agreed that’s when I noticed something odd about the Box we were next to hey is

There something in this we looked inside and saw there was a fancy new helmet inside my diamond helmet was still in good shape so I let Bella take it we decided to keep pushing on and ran out into the Snowballs we took some hits but made it through we soon entered a big

Room that was full of bad guys we sprang into action fighting them off some of them cast magic spells that dropped explosive ice blocks on us they were really tough but nothing could break the power of our friendship we quickly cleared the room I think this might be

The last room up ahead let’s finish this together on day 75 to 78 we stepped into a large room where a snow troll was standing in the center of the room but look what he was standing in front of the frost Slayer I can see it let’s get

That troll out of our way Bella and I sprinted in swinging our weapons as hard as we could this guy was unbelievably strong his blows did a lot of damage and no matter how hard we hit him it seemed like he wasn’t even hurt this guy is

Crazy I don’t know if we can beat him our health was dropping fast too maybe neither of us was the mouse of myth and it was all going to end here but just then I had an idea Bella Follow My Lead hey dum dum over here we took off

Running and he followed us over by one of the support pillars he swung a stone column at me but I jumped out of the way causing him to hit the support pillar there was a crack and suddenly the whole pillar fell over smashing the troll Zozo

That was brilliant go on you can grab the sword first I stepped up and took a hold of the sword suddenly nothing happened it was just a normal sword there’s nothing special about this sword here I toss the sword over to Bella who picked it up you’re right this is just

Like holding any other sword that Legend must not be true otherwise only one of us could have held this true or maybe it’s just about anyone no one has born the mouse of myth you become it by trying suddenly there was a rumbling sound and the roof started to cave in

Without the support column we were all in danger we ran as fast as we could and made it out of the room just in time on day 79 to 84 we had made it back to the base and settled back in for the night

Night the next day I had a lot of work to do I started by doubling the size of our farm so everyone would have plenty to eat then I got busy putting in a path around it this was going to be much easier to navigate then I went over and

Put together an archery range for the squirrels they had been really helpful when the zombies had attacked so I wanted to give them an even better training ground nice shooting guys if humans show up here they aren’t going to know what hit them the Vols had also

Mentioned to me how they were reading all about gardening and wanted to try their hand at maintaining a garden so I put in a small garden for them to manage as well yeah we better get the pruners out these roses are already looking a little wild and keep a close eye on

Those poppies I’d hate to see them fall to the weeds with so many animals around the outdoors were starting to get a little untiy so I made a small storage shack for us to stash all of our odds and ends part of these improvements was also getting a better space for us to

Improve our weapons and armor so I built a Smithy area for us to do everything we needed to do I thought it turned out pretty nice with the new Smithy I took some time to fix up all of my diamond gear as Bella fired up the blast furnace

To make improvements to her equipment too then I headed inside to the smithing table where I used all of the netherite I had won in the arena to upgrade my diamond gear to netherite then I brought the new gear over to the to the enchanting table where I Enchanted all

Of my netherite equipment I’m going to be one Unstoppable Mouse now and finally our last project was upgrading our walls which the Vols offered to help with at this point our humble little rat base was becoming a full-on castle we gave the walls major upgrades and even built

A large tower on days 85 to 89 the Vault came running into my room with a warning Zozo the humans are outside the walls come quickly I hurried and ran to the walls and could see a small army of humans were preparing to charge but the squirrels were in position and ready to

Fire Hold Steady guys here they come the humans began to charge as the squirrels Unleashed their arrows their training had paid off and they were deadly shots several humans fell as they ran toward the base it’s working the humans had lost many of their soldiers and started

To run away yeah nice job everyone they aren’t tough at all what I didn’t realize was that this was just a decoy a powerful Warrior had scaled the mountain behind us and jumped into our base what was that I turned and saw a warrior standing in the courtyard he said

Nothing as he stared up at me charge I leapt into action swinging my sword but if there was anything I had learned it was that friends are stronger together Bella came running running out of the base followed by the vs the squirrel started shooting arrows down as well

Even with our combined power though it was quite the fight keep going everyone we can defeat this guy the warrior was strong and his armor was hard to crack eventually we managed to knock him over the cliff as he landed in the water we kept on him and I swung my new Frost

Slayer sword with all my might at long last he was finally defeated we did it the humans will never take our land and they certainly won’t take our freedom suddenly I felt strength coming into me and I leveled up gaining eight more Hearts we will never be conquered on

Days 90 to 94 I ran into Bella in the lobby but she looked really sad Bella what’s wrong I thought you’d be excited after our successful fight I am excited about our win but I’m just really down about this mouse of myth stuff I mean I dedicated my entire life believing I was

Fulfilling my destiny but it’s looking more like it was all a lie you know what I think we should go talk to that old mouse woman even if it’s all a lie you can at least be at peace knowing the truth Bella agreed and we headed out we

Soon arrived back at the old woman’s house I told Bella to stay back while I knocked on the door as the old woman came out she was excited to see me oh look who it is could it be our very own Mouse of myth cut it lady we came here

To find out the truth we just then Bella jumped up which caught the old woman by surprise we why did you tell both of us the same Legend is there a mouse of myth or not oh uh I yes or no I uh okay okay

The truth the truth is that I made it all up why would you do that that lie nearly destroyed our friendship oh I’m sorry I never would have wanted that the humans have been messing with mice for decades and no one ever seemed brave enough to stand up to them I just

Thought if I made up a story I might be able to inspire someone to actually do it they took my family years ago and I’ve always wanted Revenge well I suppose there are worse things to lie about we do want to teach them a lesson and are actually strong enough to do

Something about it after all Bella agreed and we had a nice chat with the old woman about her family she sounded lonely living out here so I invited her to stay at the base with us she agreed but on one condition we had to rebuild her house exactly the same I took some

Time to take down her house so that we’d have all the right pieces then later back at the base I reconstructed it so it’ be exactly how it was before she was delighted to have a familiar but safe place to stay on days 95 to 97 I walked

Out of the base to see the crane waiting for me oh good morning again sir I know you’ve got your hands full but your next Challenger is ready for you the crowd has said that they wish to see you fight once more I’m sure they will make it

Worth your while well one more round of upgrades before we fight the humans would be nice okay I’ll do it the crane nodded before flying Up and Away later that day I arrived back at the arena entrance ready for my fight I entered in and headed back into the arena as the

Gate opened on the other side I was shocked to see who it was Bella what are you doing here it’s okay Zozo we don’t have to fight to the death I’ve been doing these fights too so that I can train come on it’ll be a fun training

Exercise we can see who is actually the strongest well all right I don’t know if the crowd will like it but obviously I don’t want either of us to be eliminated of course not bring it on well then I charged at each other we weren’t planning on taking each other out but

Neither of us were holding back the crowd was going absolutely crazy Bella is this too much maybe we should stop no listen to them they’re loving it we’ve got to give them a good show if we want them to still pay out at the end it

Didn’t feel right to me but we kept fighting on Bella was such an amazing fighter but she had taught me all of her moves I landed a really hard hit and Bella backed off okay I think we need to stop there nice hit Zozo yeah of course

You really had me on the ropes once the crowd realized what was happening they started to boo I could hear the Crane’s voice coming from the stands Zozo what are you waiting for finish her off what no she’s my friend fine but people came here expecting a finale and I’m going to

Give it then just then the crane dropped in from the darkness finishing off Bella what have you done the animals watching are going to support knee against you you mean these animals I looked at the balcony and saw that the crowd had stepped closer revealing themselves to

Be humans I couldn’t believe the crane had been working for them this whole time I could feel my blood beginning to boil and in my rage I grew into a large ferocious rat you’re going to pay for that I charged at the crane hitting him again and again defeating him in no time

I could hear the humans laughing as one of them shouted for the guards the gate opened and a bunch of human guards came running in get out of my way the guards thought they could stop my Rampage but I was way too angry I SW swung my sword

With all my might and quickly took them all out I could tell the humans watching were starting to get nervous don’t think that you’re getting away either with my new Strength I jumped from the arena into the balcony and started to attack they didn’t realize who they were

Messing with I managed to take several of them out as they tried to run away enough is enough I’ve got to end this I jumped back into the arena and ran out of the building on day 98 I had made it back to my base and my rage had turned

To sadness I couldn’t believe Bella was gone as I looked at the Statue I wanted to do something nice to remember her a top the Mouse statue I took some time to add the same hat that Bella had worn when we first met she had always said it

Was one of her favorites that night I was looking at the Statue when suddenly Bella appeared in front of me Zozo thank you for dedicating this statue to me I want you to know that everything is okay but it was never supposed to be like this we were supposed to take down the

Humans together I know but the truth is I don’t think you need me I spent a lot of time thinking about the mouse of myth the old woman may have made it up and in doing so she also made it come true you have become the mouse of myth and I’m so

Proud to have been your friend I shed a tear and thanked her for everything everything she had taught me I felt like it was finally time to fulfill my destiny it was time to save my family and the world on day 99 I met with all

Of my friends and our base okay guys it’s time if any of you want to stay behind you can no one will hold it against you no one said a word they were ready to fight very well get geared up we attack at nightfall before leaving I

Ran over to the chest and grabbed the mythical potion as well as the health potions I had gotten earlier the team regrouped in the lobby and we headed out for the human’s base on my way out I paused to look at the mous Statue I could feel Bella was with us we soon

Reached the gates to the human’s town but how are we going to get in don’t worry guys I know just what to do the Vault slipped through a small hole in the side of the Guard Tower popping out inside of the base he ran over to the

Lever and flipped it letting us all in nice going let’s get him we stormed into the base running into a couple of humans alt together we took them out with ease off in the distance I could see the farmer this time he was geared up to

Fight there they are BOS take them out BOS BOS attacked his owner taking him out then he ran over to us you’ve had me thinking more than I have in my whole life these humans have been so mean to us other animals and I can’t be part of

It I’m here to help with bosow now on our team we charged into the streets there were several humans geared up to fight but they weren’t ready for us we all Unleashed our attacks knocking them out of our way keep going guys we’re doing great we kept fighting through the

Streets and soon Came Upon a mansion in the middle of town this had to be where my family was being kept we charged the doors and quickly took out the guards but how are we going to get in hang on folks I’ll get us in there somehow the V

Started sniffing around and soon found another hole on the side of the building he crawled through dropping into a li maze good thing I got into reading I just have to follow the titles back to a and then I’ll be back at the front using the authors as his guide the V wo

Through the maze until he noticed a hole nice a shortcut he popped out and flipped the switch letting us all inside just then there was a sound in the town and we could see the whole Army was coming for us quick Zozo go we can hold

Them off yeah man your family needs you you guys are the best I’ll see you soon I ran into the basement as the rest of my friends stayed back as I entered the basement I could see it was filled with animals including my mouse family Remy

It’s me we’ve got to get you guys out of here Zozo I can’t believe it look how big and strong you are just then I heard the gate slam and hurried back up the stairs well well well if it isn’t the rat That Got Away I should have captured

You and I had the chance you you are just the worst no monologues I jumped into action swinging my sword where had all my friends gone did he hurt them I didn’t have too long to think about it though as he was really starting to hurt

Me my health was dropping and so my only option was to run away and heal up what’s wrong too afraid to fight had just gotten my health restored when the human caught up to me I was going to keep you as a pet but something like you

Is too powerful to be kept alive we kept fighting but I was starting to lose hope he was too strong I hurried and ran up the stairs to the roof to heal some more hiding around the corner come out come out little Mousie I just want to talk

This human had been the cause of so many problems he had destroyed and captured so many of my friends he was going to pay I took out the mythical potion if I’m truly the mouse of myth this will help me I drank the potion down and felt

A powerful surge of energy I gained more hearts and felt even stronger than before it had worked it was time to end this what the how can a little rat become so powerful what is this this is what happens when you mess with a guy’s friends his family his world the human

Had backed up against the edge no okay okay surely we can work something out nope it’s over I lunged forward and knocked him off the roof sending him falling to the ground below he’s gone but where are my friends on day 100 I heard a shout as all of my friends came

Running over the bridge it turned out they had pushed the soldiers all the way back into the town and defeated them I made my way back into the dungeon and finally released my family along with all the other animals we laughed and we cried it had been too long back at the

Base everyone celebrated even all the way from mousy Heaven I felt like I could hear Bella jumping for joy our fight was finally over on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out

I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can SW swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up

For me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time splashing around together and following mother duck around we didn’t even run into any trouble as the sun set that night we made a little shelter and all huddled together to go to sleep

Maybe this will be an easy 100 days of survival hey a duck can dream on day two we were all awoken by the sound of loud barking I looked around and saw were surrounded by some mean looking dogs our little duck shelter was super weak the dogs got right in and started attacking

Us oh no I would have to be brave feel the wrath of my mighty beak I tried to fight back but I instantly realized that a little duck stands no chance against big mean dogs we would have to make a run for it my duck family and I fled

Away waddling as fast as our little web feet could take us but it was no use the dogs ended up surrounding us again I have to do something wa next thing I knew I was tumbling fast down a steep hill ouch o you could definitely say I

Was on a roll I fell with a splash into some water at the end of the hill I was nowhere near my family anymore they were all still far above me my family was being kidnapped I did what I could to find my way back in time to save them

But by the time I arrived everyone was gone this is not good what’ll I do without them I made my way back to where I first saw my family I wish I was playing with the other ducklings right now I don’t want to be all alone if I

Wanted to survive long enough to find out what happened to them I’d have to find some place to hide and noticed a little hole along the edge of the pond and ducked into it no pun intended I waited out the night there and decided to track down my duck family in the

Morning on day three I woke up without any issues from the other Predators I hopped out of the hole in hopes of seeing that my family had returned but to my great disappointment there were no signs of other Ducks around with nothing else to do I went around and started

Collecting and Mining materials to build a better shelter I didn’t want to be out in the open if the dogs returned I’ll have to be smarter than the average bird brain when I build this shelter I need to keep the big bad dogs out eventually

I had had a good amount of supplies and started crafting my craft table wood tools and then began the beginnings of my little house by the shore of the pond location location location this house had a great view it was the perfect spot

For a duck like me on days four to 5 I still needed lots more materials for my base I had to Waddle off a little farther away from the pond to get more materials suddenly I saw a peacock in the distance I came closer and asked the

Peacock if I could get some wood I explained my situation to him the bird gasped my family was kidnapped by a group of dogs too no way what the chances of that happening do you know where our families were taken the bird wasn’t sure but explained that they were

Being kept somewhere so their feathers could be harvested over and over that’s awful ruining lives just for some measly feathers we heard a rustling and Out jumped an ocelot the peacock was instantly spooked and ran away I wish I could get away but that wasn’t an option

For me I would have to be tough I was only a tiny duck but I wanted to find my family I couldn’t let this cat ruin my chances to do that I was able to dodge a lot of the attacks the cat threw at me then without too much trouble I defeated

That rascally cat you were a bad putty tat once the cat was gone I could feel myself changing I was leveling up I wasn’t a little duckling anymore I was a little bit bigger duckling I got extra hearts and let’s test Out These Wings hm

I can fly a little bit I’m a flying talking ducky now I could only fly a short distance but it would give me some much needed advantages cuz this was neat on day 6 to 8 I returned back to my base and started crafting some stone tools as

I worked I started hearing something outside I carefully went and looked around I was hoping to see my duck family but instead I saw one of those awful dogs sniffing around my house I wasn’t going to let him get away with his evil Deeds he would be sorry for

Stealing my family hey you dog who are you and what have you done with my family the dog refused to give any information instead it lurched at me the dog probably thought that this would be an easy fight but this time I had my stone tools I was ready to take him down

And that’s just what I did once the dog was gone I saw that it dropped a note I picked it up and read it the note was in order for the dog to find the duck that got away and to bring me back to the

Farm located in the bad land lands aha I will quack this case soon enough now I knew they were somewhere in the bad lands having that dog come after me proved to be a very helpful thing after all on days 9 to 10 I did not want to

Waste any time I could travel towards the Badlands having my new ability to briefly fly came in handy whenever I’d come across Ravines or other obstacles I could flop my way right across Them Up Up and Away by and by I made it to the Badlands with no harm done I spotted the

Farm but it didn’t look so much like a farm it looked more like a prison there were so many sad animals fenced in and caged up so many birds in cages that’s so mean birds need to be free to Flap and fly they shouldn’t be cooped up I

Noticed all the depressed animals but I didn’t notice the big wolf guard staring me down until I was close to her I assumed she would yell at me but instead she lowered her voice you shouldn’t be here I would run far away from here if I

Were you wait you’re not going to try and capture me not if I don’t have to I’m not exactly happy with what is happening here I’d leave myself but things are complicated who is in charge here I shouldn’t be telling you any of this but if you must know he is a

Powerful monster a big big big dog fearsome and Powerful no one dares go against him or you’ll be destroyed just then another guard came out of nowhere and attacked me you need to go to obedience school didn’t anyone tell you not to bite I tried to fight back but

The guard was too strong there’s only one way out of this I would have to run I didn’t like the idea of running away from my family but I knew if I wanted to help them I’d have to live to fight another day I took my chance flapping my

Wings I dashed away from the farm on days 11 to 12 I ran away I decided to take a rest in a tree my wings and legs were getting so tired I was new to this flying thing I was getting ready to rest my eyes when I heard hooting at first I

Wasn’t sure where the voice was coming from but then I noticed an old owl on a branch who who are you young duck oh I didn’t see you there pardon me I’m Zozo what’s your name I am wayar the wise who are you running away from I’m running

From these dogs that are rounding up a lot of birds and other animals they are throwing them in cages they took my whole family you should be very careful you don’t want to end up in a cage who I know of who you speak for this happened

When I was a young owl not much bigger than yourself animals were being taken from their homes and forced to do the bidding of their captures we fought together and eventually defeated our foe I’m much too old to fight again but I can see the world is in need of a hero

Perhaps that hero is you Zozo who me I don’t know about that I wasn’t so sure that I could save the day I couldn’t even defeat one of the guards but I knew I would do whatever I could to help my family Escape I bid the old owl goodbye

And thanked him for his wisdom I headed back to my base I needed to regroup and figure out a plan on days 13 to 15 I woke and realized what time it was upgrade time I wasn’t strong enough yet to go up against these dogs in the bad

Lands but I could make my base more secure after all they could be sending more dogs out to grab me at any minute so I started improving my little Lakeside home man I can’t believe big dog is capturing all these animals it’s so messed up if I didn’t figure out

Something quick more animals would be in trouble I finished my upgrades and really wished my duck family could see the home I was building for them I think they would get a quack out of it thinking of them made me get an idea I could totally have them with me just in

A different way a statue way you know what time it is right statue making time I began building and thought about how the Ducks taught me a lot life should be spent with the ones you love and being free as a bird I lik the way it was

Coming along the statue family would keep me company until I rescued my real family I was really getting into building the statue when I heard a bird chirping excitedly it was the peacock that had run away from the wild ocelot well bless my soul it’s you good to see

You’re still alive after that runin with the cat yeah me too my name is Zozo by the way I’m Taffy I noticed your nice Lakehouse did you build that all on your own yep now I’m working on a statue of my duck family that got taken away it’s

Hard living on your own isn’t it I miss my family too say you could live here with me if you want we can keep each other safe I am working on a plan to rescue our families Taffy thought that sounded great as long as I won’t be too

Much of a burden I went inside and I made sure that she had everything a bird could need on day 16 to 19 I decided it was past time I got around to making some iron weapons I wandered around the area and after a bit of flying around I

Spotted something interesting it was a m shaft bingo I entered the mine and followed the maze tracks to some iron of course it wasn’t a walk in the park down in the mines it was a walk in the dark I met some zombies and skeletons down there that were interested in ending my

Life back off I’ve got a sword and I know how to use it I started swinging my sword at them and had a couple close calls but I knocked them out pretty quickly it was good to see I was learning how to hold my own still I

Didn’t care to run into any more creatures so after I had enough iron I booked it out of the mine as fast as I could back at the house I Reed my supplies and got to work crafting my stronger weapons and armor with my crafting table these will give me the

Edge I need to go up against those tough guards on days 20 to 22 it was time to release the quacken I told Taffy to keep a bird’s eye on the base while I returned back to the Badlands this time I would be ready those guards won’t see

Me coming because this time I wasn’t going through the door I was flying overhead I know what you’re thinking I wasn’t the most accomplished flyer but I could fly better than those dogs could it was worth a try as I approached the walls of the farm I took a running start

And launched into the air I’m like a flying ninja yay there’s a duck flying over our walls into the farm now that’s what you call a bird brain well I guess I wasn’t as stealthy as I hoped I was I landed near the guards wait a second it’s that Troublesome duck that keeps

Getting away from us get him I jumped in into the air dodging attacks tan play at this game on guard I got out my weapons and started handing out damage I couldn’t lie it was a bit daunting they would get a hit or a bite but with my

Armor protecting me they were toast after a few hits what a rough day for you dogs getting your Tails handed to you by a little duck like me finally I had finished the guards off I didn’t waste any time searching for my family I started running all around the ground

Searching for my family I wanted to save all the other animals I saw and I promised myself I would help them but first I had to locate my family but they weren’t in any of the C or fences where are they what is all this squawking and

Hollering a chill ran down my spine a giant creature stomped loudly out of the four boting base it was enormous a big dog I was terrified Gods why are you letting some pip squ cost such a rocket say looks like somebody will teach this quacker a lesson big dog let out of out

Came a tiger he charged at me I tried to fly away but it was no use this big cat could jump hi I used my weapons and his attacks broke my armor quickly I was exposed and I was losing Hearts fast a a big wolf came bounding into the fight it

Was the nice guard she told the tiger to back off let’s get out of here we ran for it who knew how many more guards would come running after us or Worse big dog shockingly the tiger didn’t chase after us after a while we felt safe

Enough to stop running you saved my life I couldn’t stand by any longer and you’re really Brave you might have what it takes to take down the farm I failed to save my family for a second time I think it’s pretty obvious I can’t do that the wolf assured me that she

Believed in me it was nice but I still felt awful that I hadn’t saved them yet where are you going to go now honestly I didn’t think that far ahead I just couldn’t let you become catnip I have a base I’m building with another bird friend why don’t you come live there

Until you figure things out I’d be very grateful to stay with you both I led the way back to the lake house by the way I’m Zozo what do I call you aoo is the name seems fitting on days 23 to 26 we got back to the base Taffy greeted us

And I introduced AO to Taffy I’ll need to do some upgrades and add a room for you AO it shouldn’t take too long I made sure to make the room nice and spacious for AO it was the best room in the house I noticed I hadn’t added to my statue in

A while so I got to work on that too you know I think I’ll add my friends to this piece I’d like to honor all my good friends and family just then a woo came trotting up wow this is looking great everyone watching should subscribe so

They can see all the other cool stuff you’ll make what do you mean everyone who’s watching it’s just us here uh they know who they are on days 27 to 31 I went out exploring to find new resources I was pecking around when I heard someone who sounded very upset I

Followed the voice and Came Upon a raccoon hello is everyone okay no everything is not okay I’ve been kicked out of my house by a big old monster he thinks he can just push me out of my home cuz he’s mean and can destroy me super fast huh nobody ain’t got no

Respect these days I tried to calm the raccoon down and asked him to show me to his house he walked away and showed me to his home I approached the door and sure enough there was a monster cooped up inside the monster growled and told

Me to get lost before I became its next meal listen this isn’t your home you really shouldn’t take things that aren’t are you still talking be gone be gone or be eaten silly food talking back to a predator such as I if I weren’t so cozy in here and already eaten three meals

Today why I’d gobble you up in one bite scram PS it was clear this rude guy wasn’t going to listen to anything I had to say I’d have to teach this guy some manners and I had an idea on days 32 to 35 I started digging near the raccoon’s

House what we had here was a reverse Three Little Pigs situation in this scenario the big bad wolf is inside the house and I need to blow the house down and to do that I started to dig a tunnel deep down under the house until I found

Some lava pools this was one pool I did not want to get my feathers wet in now that I knew where the lava was I headed back out of the tunnel the next part of my plan was to find some creepers as I came out of the hole I quickly found

Some I’m just here for your gunpowder don’t mind me now that I had gunpowder I just needed one more thing sand I headed to the riverbed and gathered a bunch up with the gunpowder and sand I crafted some TNT I think you might know where I’m going with this I returned to the

Tunnel that I dug under the raccoon’s house and ran down to the lava pools I carefully set the TNT next to the lava and began setting a fuse up and out of the tunnel match set light everything was going according to plan on days 36

To 39 I waddled up to the front door and called out to the monster the door opened to reveal The Grouchy foe hello again I thought I’d let you know that you have a limited time offer to leave this house before I huff and puff and

Blow this house down and how do you supposed to do such a thing easy I have a brick of TNT nearby and a fuse that’s ready for me to light TNT it’s dynamite and I’ll win this fight I would Slither on out of here if I were you this house

Isn’t worth your life you talk too much duck I yield to No One be gun okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you I activated the fuse and down the signal went into the T I took cover there was a giant explosion and the floor of the house

Gave way sending the monster to his fiery grave yes my plan worked the raccoon was nearby and watched the whole thing was your plan to destroy my entire house the raccoon was not exactly happy despite the fact that the monster was gone I felt bad maybe I had been a

Little intense with my plan now how am I going to afford to rebuild my house put it on my bill that was a joke I don’t actually have any money but what I do have is a really big lake house that would totally fit you I have other

Friends staying there too why don’t you come stay there with us the raccoon grumbled but agreed he was still a little sore about his house being blown to smithin I showed him the way to the lake house and we made our way there on days 40 to 43 we arrived back to the

Lake housee the raccoon sure was a grouchy fellow but something about him was endearing too like an angry little elf they’re just adorable when they get mad you can’t help but smile when they yell at you I showed the raccoon around and created him a raccoon tastic space

For his home I went over to my statue Creations we had my duck family and Taffy I love how it was looking it was only right to build a statue of the raccoon too I started building the raccoon statue looking at all these family and friends in the statues made

Me think about another creature that had been so nice to me wear the wise owl I didn’t want anything to happen to him maybe I’ll go visit him and see if he would like to stay at the house we are safer in numbers I don’t want him

Getting captured on days 44 to 49 I returned to the tree where the owl lived I found him sitting under the tree but he didn’t look so good Mr wayar are you okay ah Zo so my dear boy I was worried you might have been one of the henchmen

I’m fine I’m just feeling a little under the weather it’s hard to get food in such these days I can’t fly you see I’m kind of stuck in this tree that was not good I couldn’t stand by and let wear suffer I told wear that I wanted him to

Come live at the house with us and we would help take care of him he was so grateful but didn’t know how he would get there I’ll figure out something I’ll find a way to carry you there I immediately thought of the mine carts and the mines oh those would work great

I just needed a way to push it along I headed back to the mine and started collecting the tracks for the cart I would make a track from the owl’s tree to the base that should be enough I took everything back to the owl and laid some

Tracks down and rebuilt the cart climb aboard once he was in I pushed wear along in the cart picking up the tracks as I went along and setting them ahead until I made it all the way back to the lake house I was excited to build him a

Room in the house my little Misfit family was growing so much wear was super grateful for the help he couldn’t believe he had us to care for him now ain’t no thing but a chicken wing I’m an owl on days 50 to 53 I decided to go

Deeper in the mind to find some diamonds I hadn’t seen diamonds yet but I was certain I’d run into some if I went a little further in as I went deeper I ran into a big stinky toad I smell something most foul and it’s not me aha care for a

Slice of My Sword I swung my sword while the toad tried hitting me with his tongue he was no match for me though and I quickly took him out I went a little farther and ran into some tarantulas too oh these guys creep me out I made quick

Work of them swinging my sword as hard as I could they too were soon gone that’s when at long last I had found the diamonds I mined them up as quickly as I could and then headed back home to make them into things I made a strong pair of

Armor and some super strong weapons as they say diamond weapons hurt forever I definitely felt I had a better chance of kicking bad guy booty with these upgrades I just needed to figure out where my family was being held as I was crafting one of my friends told me wayar

Needed to see me so I went to his room hey wayar the wise you wanted to see me oh oh Zozo I have loved being here I feel so much happier I hate to seem ungrateful for asking you anything so you know what never mind it was silly

Anyways no please I want to help I’m happy to do anything anything at all well okay if you insist I have the most overwhelming craving for a tropical fish I loved eating it when I was younger my siblings and I would devour them when we were in the nest

Together oh how I miss those days sure that’s no trouble at all I’ll go right away wayar was so excited to hear I would help him I started on my quest immediately on days 54 to 57 I finally reached the water there was a perfect spot for catching tropical fish now if I

Was a gorilla or hogland I might have trouble getting this fish but I was a duck so I was in luck I paddled out into the water and Dove after the fish okay this is a little trickier than I thought I spotted a school of fish and started

Swinging my sword eventually I got one I kept swinging until I had gotten a few more well now to Simply Swim back to the shore with no problem somebody bit my tail feathers it was a shark I was under attack actually I was more over attack as the shark was below

Me oh you like picking on smaller fish do you wait a second don’t you eat smaller fish too well yeah but that one was supposed to be mine now scram I fought the shark it was tough but eventually I won thanks to my upgrades oh check me out I’m growing I’m a much

Bigger duck now I had leveled up finally hey maybe I can fly now I thought a happy thought took off running and started flapping my wings I zoomed into the air this was amazing I can fly I can fly I can fly on days 58 to 62 I arrived

Back in the base with the fish as I climbed into the base I saw that wear was even worse off oh no wear you don’t look so good here I brought you your favorite fish this should help thank you Soo I don’t have the energy to eat it just yet let me just

Put it here I remember when mother had returned home with the fish back in 1932 just as you just did she liked them lightly pan fried and put a dollop of cranberry sauce on on on the side wear wear wear suddenly passed away with a smile on his face I wondered

If I had gotten him the fish sooner if I would have saved him but I was also glad he took his final breath knowing he was cared for not alone he was going to be very missed on day 63 to 66 I was muming around around the base I felt so sad and

That was okay I just needed to let out my feelings and be upset I went over to the statues and had a good SOB while I added another one to the bunch I wanted to honor wear’s memory by adding him to the group The Statue made me feel better

And I could smile again there was my wise friend wayar staring back at me this place was becoming a whole museum full of statues it was beautiful on day 67 to 70 aoo came up to tell me that they had found something it’s a note from Waymart you’re going to want to

Read this I took the note and read it Zozo check out the Old Fort east of here your family might be there and remember things aren’t always what they seem just because you can’t hear or see something doesn’t mean it isn’t working believe in yourself and your plans what was that

Supposed to mean it was a nice sentiment but I feel like it was some kind of coded message I try to remember that well Lau looks like I need to follow these Clues can you help keep watch over the lake house while I’m gone I wo was

Up for the task in the morning I would take my leave on day 71 to 74 I went in search of the Hidden prison in the tundra as I traveled across the snowy Forest I spied a fort hiding in the mountains is that it I saw that the fort

Was active and that there were guards that looked just like the ones from the farm they were carrying large shipments of feathers out of the fort this place must be a prison where the other ducks and birds are being held captive they are harvesting their feathers my blood

Boiled I didn’t waste another moment I drew my diamond weapons and with my diamond armor I charged in I started swinging my sword with all my Mighty Duck strength those guards did didn’t stand a chance I couldn’t believe how easily I blew through them all feel the

Wrath of my revenge I made my way into the prison cutting down anyone who stood in my way I was feeling like I could take on anything at this point on day 75 to 78 I reached a room that looked important I barged in unafraid and saw

The tiger that had almost destroyed me back at the farm I felt the tinge of fear creep back into me did I have what it took to go up against him regardless what choice did I have now my family could be in this very room I shook off

My fear and went head-to-head with the cat or cla a sword rather this tiger was still tough I got lots of good hits in but he was so strong it wasn’t doing that much damage he was good at blocking too he even scratched me a few times and

I saw tons of birds in cages maybe my family wasn’t here as we fought I noticed a big lever it looked important I took a chance and hit it hard all of a sudden the cage door swung open the birds were free the tiger was in shock at his sudden Misfortune what’s the

Matter cat got your tongue some of the birds started to attack him while he was distracted by all of the birds flying out of their cages I was able to attack his weak spot he was done for the tiger was no more I looked around the room and

Saw my baby duck siblings they were so excited to see me and couldn’t believe how much I had grown I was so relieved to see them and where’s Mama duck the ducks look sad mama got taken by the big bad dog to his Mansion the other birds

Say that it’s on some sort of volcano that seems like a bad place to build a mansion this dog isn’t as smart as I thought don’t worry little ducklings I will rescue Mama on day 79 to 84 I spent some time searching the room where I had originally found the tiger you never

Know what kind of information you can find and this tiger was clearly a leader of this operation he had all sorts of confidential information laying around and if nothing else I could take his valuables he didn’t have any use for them now that he was toast I looked all

Around and found a treasure chest bingo I opened it up and found a map I looked closer well what will you know a map right to the volcano mansion and what else do we have here I saw that there was a whistle in there too I blew it but

Nothing happened why he kept a broken whistle I’ll never know but uh I’ll just keep it just in case with the room fully inspected I went back to the ducklings all right you guys let’s get the quack out of here I built you a home that’s

Super secure let’s go I saw some of the birds that had helped in the fight against the tiger they looked unsure of where to go and what to do I invited them back to the lake housee with us they were very grateful and agreed to

Come with us we waddled as fast as we could back to the base on days 85 to 889 I returned safely home with all my ducklings in a row I immediately started expanding the house and made more rooms for all of the birds they loved their new living quarters sure beats a small

Cage AO and Taffy had something exciting to show me while I was away we built something very Enchanted they had found items to make an enchanting table and had what we needed to enchant my armor WoW thank you this is incredible if I wanted to rescue mama duck I needed to

Be as ready as possible for going up against big dog this would give me a Fighting Chance on days 90 to 994 I walked over to my field of statues they were almost all done I just needed to finish building the rest of wayar statue

I was so excited to reveal all of my statues to my friends as I looked at wear’s statue I thought about the strange note he had given me just because you can’t hear or see something doesn’t mean it isn’t working huh you know that gives me an idea about

Something I put the finishing touches on the statues and was finally finished a field of all my favorite friends what a sight on days 95 to9 7 I knew it was time to go rescue my mom I followed the map to the mansion on the volcano this

Place was spooky I could see the appeal of building a mansion on the volcano now that is if you’re an evil villain it’s perfect for that Vibe I had to admit I felt a bit scared and that was okay that didn’t mean I was going to run away no I

Was saving my mother come dogs or lava I brandished my weapons and started fighting my way through the guard dogs along the path to the door on day 98 I was exploring the Mansion when I went into a room with a strange looking bunny

Man in inside of it what the who are you who Am I who are you oh wait I’m you you’re me yeah you’re me for my bunny video oh yeah that was an awesome adventure when everyone is done watching this video they should go check that one

Out amazing well I’ve got a family to save see you on day 99 I made it into Big Dog’s Lair inside of the spooky Mansion after defeating tons of guards I felt something funny happening I was leveling up this is just what I needed I

Needed to be a Mighty Duck to defeat a massive dog I’m as strong as I can get now I was super buff I was going to give big dog some trouble with my new Strength he’s going to have to answer to this fire quacker it was time for the

Ultimate Smackdown I looked around the room and saw mother duck in a cage mom Zozo what are you doing here I’d like to ask you the same question Troublesome quer huh looks like you haven’t learned your lesson and you’ve been hitting the gym I see like that’s going to help you

I’m here to take my mother home conscious say me and your mom are madly in love with each other trying to split us up are you I’m not in love with you you freak you will be if I keep you locked up long enough it’s called Stockholm syndrome love look it up works

In the fairy tales all the time dude you’ve got some serious issues this is no way to treat someone you like or love that’s no way to treat anyone what a weirdo this dog needed to be put out of his misery I drew my weapon and attacked

Big dog I gave him everything I had every bit of strength I could muster went into every hit he was still too strong I was barely making a dent compared to him I was like a yappy Chihuahua my blows were just not dealing enough damage maybe he was right maybe I

Couldn’t defeat him had I come all this way just to fail then I remembered the broken whistle in the chest just because you can’t hear or see something doesn’t mean it isn’t working I pulled out the whistle and blew it nothing but that’s how it was supposed to work it was a dog

Whistle only dogs can hear it big dog stopped attacking and sat politely good boy now play dead Big Dog’s armor came flying off of him go look big dog was completely hairless big dog explained that he wanted all the feathers to cover his naked self there is nothing wrong

With being hairless and I’m sure many of us would have donated feathers to you but you chose to ruin people’s lives over this I have had enough with your silly excuses you aren’t going to cage up anyone ever again with that a gladiator kicked him out of his window

And down into the river of lava on day 100 I let my mom out of the cage and we went back to the Lakehouse the ducklings were so excited to see their mother we all had a wonderful reunion I introduced everyone to my new family everyone couldn’t stop raving about all the crazy

Adventures we’d had and how great the lake house was we were going to live happily ever after no more living in cages just freedom and family on day one I spawned in as a baby goat oh I’m a tiny little goat andoo look how high I

Can jump let’s see how fast I can climb this hill I hopped on over and that’s when I realized I could climb the sides of the hills too oh yeah look at me go I was feeling pretty good about myself hip hopping around when I was suddenly

Attacked by a raptor a dinosaur what Sentry is this I didn’t have time to worry about that though because I only had four Hearts the problem was I had nowhere to run that’s when I noticed I had some sort of special ability headbutt all right I’ll give it a try I

Swung my head and sent the Raptor flying straight off the cliff sayanora I headed down the hill what was a dinosaur doing around here suddenly there was a rustling up ahead and a whole pack of raptors were coming right at me more of them I don’t think I can take on a whole

Pack they were closing in fast so I jumped up the side of the hill and started to climb they couldn’t follow me straight up the side of a cliff better luck next time boys the Raptor snarled at me and left I kept watch for the rest

Of the day who knew if those Raptors would attack again on day two I headed down off the cliff I had to be careful just in case there were any dinosaurs luring around just then I heard a cry out in the distance help I rushed off

Toward the sound and saw a little baby goat getting attacked by a couple of foxes hang on buddy I charged at the foxes with my head knocking them back no one was going to be picking on any goats today they weren’t very tough and I was

Able to knock them both out that was a close one no problem what’s your name you can call me Billy that makes sense come on Billy I know a spot that’s safe from all the meanies out here Billy and I headed back over to my little cave

Climbing up the mountain this will be a safe place for us to stay for the night but I think we can make it a little nicer I ran outside and cut down some wood then used it to make a crafting table then I used the crafting table to

Make a wooden ax now I can get all the wood I need after ID collected all the wood I needed I started clearing out the cave filling it with a nice wood floor then I added all the things Billy and I would need for a good starter base

Hopefully nothing would attack Us in the night on day three billy and I had decided we would look for supplies but first I needed to make some stone tools using my crafting table I made all the tools we could possibly need hopefully we could find a good food source all

Right Billy let’s get out there and see what we can find while we were looking for any resources that might help we were mostly hoping to find food because we knew we would be getting hungry sooner rather than later luckily for us we soon saw a farm in the distance okay

I don’t see anyone if we’re really sneaky we can probably take just a little bit without getting caught Billy and I got right to harvesting collecting as much food as we could well hello over there uh-oh it was the farmer we had to get out of there wait wait wait hang on

A moment I don’t mind if you eat my crops in fact eat as much as you want really no one has ever been this nice to us yes well there aren’t very many friendly animals around here these days something dangerous out there seems to be making them disappear well if I had

To guess I’d say it’s the dinosaurs taking them all out dinosaurs huh well I suppose that must be it if that’s the case why don’t you two stay in my barn for safety we agreed and followed him into Barn there were some nice hay bells

To lay on I was a little unsure because our cave seemed pretty safe but at least there was food and someone to look out for us the sun set and we put our heads down for the night on days 4 through 5 Billy and I woke up in the back of the

Cart pulled by the farmer hey what’s going on the farmer didn’t respond and kept looking ahead that’s when I realized we were all tied up and couldn’t move where are you taking us the farmer continued to ignore me after a little while longer we arrived at a

Small clearing the farmer took us out and tied us to a post without saying a word he got back on on his horse and left I’ve got a bad feeling about this just then I heard a stick break and saw a pack of raptors walking toward us we

Had no way to run it looks like it’s the end for us Billy suddenly the ground began to shake and there was the sound of heavy thuds the Raptors ran away what’s going on is it an earthquake it was worse a huge T-Rex came stomping around the corner and he had on some

Kind of weird looking hat aha my dinner is served you look delicious this dinosaur could talk we had to escape the T-Rex lunged out us but we jumped out of the way causing him to break our rope instead hurry Billy run we took off into the woods hopefully we could escape on

Day 6 through 8 we were still running for our lives the T-Rex was hot on our Tails as we came through a thick section of trees we managed to slip through leaving the T-Rex behind them I think we lost him it was wishful thinking though as he came stomping around the other

Side of the trees our Chase soon led us to a river and I hurried and swam across Billy was still just a baby though and his tiny legs couldn’t swim very fast it’s okay Zozo save yourself keep swimming Billy I won’t leave you behind I hate getting wet the T-Rex was so

Close and I wasn’t sure if he would make it but at the last moment he jumped on the shore and we continued to run we soon came bursting out of the forest running across an open plane Billy kept falling into small ponds which was always a close call let’s go Billy maybe

We can lose him in the trees we ran into a purple Forest but it was no use the T-Rex was still right behind us man this guy must be really hungry come on I have an idea we circled back into the forest from before and I headed toward a ravine

I had seen earlier a large tree had fallen across it so Billy and I hurried and ran across before the T-Rex could cross though I quickly cut the log stopping him in his tracks n you silly goats you got away this time but no one can outsmart me now I’ll find you soon

Enough the T-Rex turned and ran off how are we going to survive now on days 9 through 10 Billy and I were running back to the base as fast as we could it didn’t feel like there was anyone out here that we could trust soon we had

Arrived back at our Cliffside base well Billy looks like this is going to be our home for the future let’s fix it up I got right to work making our basee even cooler than before before I cleared out even more space than before and lined

The inside with lots of wood I also gave us all the equipment we’d need beds furnaces and crafting tables as far as I knew we were the only animals that could climb up steep Cliffs so no one else was going to be climbing into our base so

Check it out what do you think of the base what part do you like the best with the base completed I decided to head over to some nearby caves to mine some iron luckily I was able to quickly find some so I mined it out I also found some

Coal which I was going to need to smelt the iron I hurried back to the base and got Right to Work smelting down all of the iron ore into iron ingots I then used those to make myself a full set of iron armor and also use them to make an

Iron sword a pickaxe axe shovel and hoe this is all going to be good for me but I think Billy is going to need some armor too with some of the leftover iron I made Billy some of his own goat armor he’s going to love this I brought it

Down to his base and tossed it out to him he could barely contain his excitement we’re ready for anything now tomorrow I’m going to get that farmer back on days 11 to 12 I left the base to go get that farmer he was going to have

A lot of explaining to do for leaving us tied to a post’s dinosaur dinner as I was making my way through the forest I heard a how and was suddenly attacked by a pack of wolves why is everyone here so mean to me I’m just a simple man trying

To make my way in the universe it’s a good thing I had just upgraded my gear though as I was able to defeat the wolves with no trouble at all soon I was back at the farm and noticed it looked abandoned where is that farmer don’t

Tell me he’s hiding I then checked the Farmhouse and saw the farmer inside packing his bags what did you think you were doing leaving us to be eaten like that I hid the farmer and he started to fight back he clearly wasn’t ready for a fight though hang on just a second there

Please don’t hurt me and why wouldn’t I you weren’t very nice to me okay okay let me explain start talking slick what’s up with the T-Rex that T-Rex is crazy I don’t know how he got here in our time or how he learned to talk but

He’s been forcing me to feed him all my animals if I didn’t give him more he was going to eat me I decided I couldn’t do it anymore though and I was going to flee time to start myself a vegetable garden somewhere peaceful I promise I’m

Not a danger to anyone I could tell he was sorry for what he had done so even though I was still upset I decided to forgive him and let him go I left as he planted some vegetables I could use later later the farmer was no longer a

Threat but what was I going to do about this T-Rex on days 13 to 15 I arrived back at our base and headed up to Billy’s room when I entered I barely recognized the place wao Billy you got a lot of work done your room looks awesome

Thanks Zozo I also thought it would be fun if we built a special statue here take this wool I’ll show you what to do Billy and I headed out and got started on the Statue Billy was really excited about what we were building and I thought it was coming along great at

Least as far as I could tell it was pretty great we soon finished the first part can you tell what we’re building I’m not really sure quite yet I jumped down from the statue and as I was walking I was attacked by a bunch of spiders oh look another mob who wants to

Hurt me stay back you punks these guys weren’t very tough and I managed to take them out in just a few hits uh-oh I can hear some more spiders in that cave I better take them out too I entered the cave and sure enough there were more spiders one of these spiders was

Different though and had blue eyes the spiders were pretty mad at me and they hurt a lot but if I could survive a T-Rex attacking me I could fight these guys off too I managed to beat them both down when the blue-eyed guy disappeared he left behind something interesting

Poison poisonous Essence hm I’m not sure what I’ll do with this but I’ll have to hang on to it for now just then I heard more spider noises echoing from the cave I headed in deeper what kind of monster would be waiting for me on day 16 to 19

I was making my way deeper into the cave when I came across a bunch of brown terracotta huh I don’t know what all this is doing down here but Billy said we’d need it for the Statue I eagerly mined up all of the Terra Cotta who knew

When we’d be able to find more as I scooped up the rest of the Terra Cotta I heard those spider noises again well let’s go down a little deeper just to take a look I soon arrived at the very bottom of a deep cave that was full of

Spider webs I turned around and saw there was a huge spider on the ceiling okay just stay calm don’t panic suddenly the spider attacked spiders why did it have to be spiders this big hairy beast did a lot of damage and I wasn’t sure if

I was going to survive if I could get the right hits in I just might make it I swung my sword as hard as I could and finally was able to take it down just then I felt my strength began to grow and I leveled up into a bigger goat and

I’ve gained four more Hearts I took a closer look at my headbut ability and noticed I had an even stronger knockback power and I could jump higher too I hurried back to my house I had an idea of what I could do with the poisonous Essence I walked back up to my crafting

Table and by combining the essence with my iron sword I crafted a spider sword tomorrow I’m heading off to find the T-Rex on day 20 to 22 I left my base to go find the T-Rex I wasn’t quite ready to fight him but surely he had a base

Somewhere if I could find his base maybe I could find a way to defeat him as I walked across the land I heard a noise up in the distance oh you wild Raptors get away from me the group of raptors were attacking what looked to be a

Scientist he needed my help watch out I’m coming in I leapt into action and started to fight off the Raptors I was Stronger and had better gear so these Raptors didn’t know what hit them they were a feisty Bunch but I was able to knock them all out oh my goodness aren’t

You just a marvelous little animal oh well thanks who are you and what are you doing all the way out here there’s all kinds of strange things going on the name’s Faraday and uh yes I am aware of these things they are actually all my fault your fault what do you mean the

Scientist began to explain you see I’m not actually from this time I am from the future I invented a time machine helmet that let me travel all the way back to dinosaur times I ran across the land I felt so cool knowing that I was

The first human to ever step foot on the land later that day though I sat down to rest and a little Raptor came and scooped my helmet onto his head this wouldn’t have been the biggest problem but that T-Rex came along flipped the Raptor into the air and the helmet

Landed on his head thing is though my helmet also makes the user smarter which is why the T-Rex can talk I had an old prototype helmet that I used to chase the T-Rex through time but it broke when we got to this present luckily the T-Rex seems pretty happy to be here since

There is plenty of easy food for him wow that is not the story I was expecting to hear when I woke up today so what can we do to get the helmet back I have some ideas but I haven’t been able to test any of them out yet that T-Rex’s

Sidekicks keep attacking me he must have brought them through time with him well we’ve got a safe base built into a hill how about you come live with us you can do your research in peace there that would be terrific on days 23 to 26 I got

Right to Work building Faraday a lab at her base there was all kind of technology that he wanted add it and it took a lot of hard work to get it right but in the end I was able to make him everything he would need to continue doing research when it was complete

Faraday went and took a look around to make sure everything was in working order later on I hopped in the elevator and took it for a ride myself it was kind of fun riding in the elevator and getting to look out the window but I’d still rather climb up the side of cliffs

I met Faraday in the front of the lab and he told me how happy he was to finally get started it was going to take some time for him to figure things out but he said I should make sure I upgrade my gear for when we finally face off

Against the T-Rex on days 27 to 31 I decided that I could use some more upgrades that could keep me safe from Attack Faraday told me there was a special item I could get from bears that could help me with this bears are super scary I sure hope nothing goes wrong as

I do this I headed to a nearby forest and soon saw a small group of bears with my spider sword in hand I attacked very nice to meet you sir the bear didn’t seem very happy to beat me and swung at me with their heavy claws they were

Pretty tough and it was a hard fight but in the end I was able to take him out there were a couple of other Bears nearby too which I was able to quickly defeat without too much trou trouble that’s when I saw one of them had

Dropped what I was looking for oh look steadfast spikes this makes it harder for bad guys to knock me back awesome I then noticed there were some fruit trees nearby so I ran through the trees and collected as much fruit as I could fruits are the best I always try to eat

Them when I can after I collected the fruits I decided to do some exploring as I crossed an empty field I saw a small house in the distance let’s see who lives here I knocked on the door and a raccoon was inside who’s out there hi I

Just wanted to see who lived here and make sure you knew about the T-Rex running around a T-Rex big deal I have a bigger problem a bigger problem problem what could that be my magic coal is stolen your what my magic coal it’s the best thing I’ve ever found do you mean

Stole how I got it isn’t important do you think you can help me or not sure sure I’ll help the raccoon explained that a coyote had grabbed it off his doorstep when he wasn’t looking and told me where to go to find him I nodded and

Headed off for the camp on days 32 to 35 I soon arrived at the Coyote’s base this place is way bigger than the raccoon made it sound I walked in and was immediately attacked by a pack of wolves relax guys I’m just looking for a piece of coal the Wolves didn’t care and

Contined to attack with my attacks I was able to defeat them before they could do too much damage now where could this magic coal be what does that even look like I kept looking through the base fighting off the occasional wolf here and there eventually I reached the top

Of the base as I finished up the rest of the Wolves hey who do you think you are coming into my house and messing with my guards I’m here for Mr Raccoon you stole something of his and I’m here to get it back huh that little raccoon is such a

Loser he just gets stuff out of the trash he’s weird so I like being mean to him well that’s no way to treat someone for being different the coyote and I started to fight this guy was so mean it’s not okay to talk about people like

That by using my spider sword I was able to poison him which was bringing down his health you’re not as tough as you think you are the coyote and I kept going at each other until at long last I hit him with the final blow and took him

Out that’s when I saw he had dropped the magic coal I don’t know what so special about this but I better get it back to that raccoon with the coal in my pocket I hurried out of the base and headed back toward the raccoon’s house on days

36 to 39 I arrived back at the raccoon’s house with his magic coal after he came out of his house I tossed it over to him woo my magic coal I’m so happy to see it again thank you thank you no problem I’m just happy I could help you have done

The greatest thing for me here I have something that you might be interested in raccoon threw out an interesting looking piece of tech I don’t know what it’s for but maybe that scientist friend of yours could use it by the way I get around these parts quite a bit so if

You’re ever in need of information let me know I can probably help I thanked him and turned to head back to the base I wondered if Faraday would know something about this Tech on days 40 to 43 I arrived back at the base and headed up and into the science lab I saw

Faraday working in his lab and knocked on the window Zozo it’s been a while how are things going really good while I was out exploring I came across this strange piece of tech do you know anything about it my Lanta that’s part of the teleportation helmet the T-Rex has

Without this he’s not able to travel through time well that’s good right it means we have a chance to stop him before he can ruin other timelines precisely I’ve been doing some research of my own let me check my notes Here faray went over to his computers and

Printed out some notes uh yes I am able to make the needed repairs but there’s a special element I need to do them that sounds easy enough do do you know where I can get them I do but the catch is that you have to defeat a rather nasty

Mob to get it faray went on to explain where I needed to go to find them hopefully it’s not too much of a fight on days 44 to 49 I headed into the mystical Forest Faraday had told me about as I got closer I was suddenly

Attacked by a heavy creeper wo slow down there buddy I swung at him and managed to knock him out it looked like he had dropped something which I picked up creeper shards was this what Faraday was looking for I better keep looking around I kept going through the forest when

Suddenly a bunch of the creepers began attacking me and exploding keep it together guys jeez I managed to fight my way through the explosions with my ears ringing in my head I soon stumbled upon a cave okay he did mention it might be in a cave I’ll take a look I headed into

The cave and was attacked by a couple of spiders I hit them with my spider sword how you like a taste of your own medicine the spiders were soon destroyed and I continued down the cave it kept going deeper and deeper until I saw something terrifying ahead okay this has

Got to be it what is this thing the Earth Golem made a terrible sound as it tried to hit me he definitely didn’t like me stomping around in his cave with his giant arms he knocked knocked me down to half a heart my spider sword had

Poisoned him and I was able to land the final blow yes I got him as he disappeared I noticed that he dropped something this looks like some kind of strange display this must be what Faraday is after just then I felt that familiar power flow into me and I turned

Into a bigger and stronger goat looks like I’ve got 13 Hearts now too while I was down there I also got to work mining out the Diamonds In The Wall no wonder this guy didn’t want anyone down here it was filled with good stuff that should be everything let’s get this back to

Faraday and see what he can do with it on days 50 to 53 I returned to back to the base and headed into the lab fair day was hard at work and was very excited to see that I had made it back I believe this is what you were searching

For oh Zozo You Beautiful being this is going to work perfect I was feeling pretty good about myself so I tossed in the creeper shards as well and what do you think of this Zozo this is a ground creeper toenail please never give this

To me again oh uh my bad Faraday said it would take him a few days to get the next project put together so I headed back up to the base to craft some diamond armor I decided I could use a full set of armor so I made that then I

Went ahead and made an an entire set of tools I always felt a little bit more safe after making new diamond Gear with my armor upgraded I headed outside to go and do some more work on the Statue I had the Terracotta I had collected before so I wanted to make some good

Progress so what do you think about the second part think you can still guess what it’s going to be I then headed back over to my base this place could use some more improvements I decided I wanted to add another level at top the cliff we hadn’t been attacked by any

Mobs and I was pretty sure nothing was going to get to us I was pretty proud of what I was able to build and thought it looked really cool this is a nice house but it is pretty big I think I should go get Mr Raccoon and invite him to live

Here it’s not safe out there on days 54 to 57 I was heading across the field when I saw that the raccoon’s house had been destroyed as I got closer I saw him lying in the center of his destroyed house he was clearly hurt oh no who did

This to you it was those Raptors I guess some of the Wolves told them I sent you to get my magic coal back from the coyote and they attacked me without warning I’m sorry I can’t help feeling like this is all my fault surely I can

Get you something to save you it’s too late they took everything I have and don’t worry it’s not your fault thanks for being the nice one who was willing to stand up for me and just like that the raccoon fell over and disappeared but before I could do anything else I

Heard someone come up behind me well look who it is boys you you have a time traveling helmet how the Big Bossman made it for me he’s real smart now and is good with all them Technologies speaking of which we know you’re hiding that little sciencec man hand him over

And we’ll let you little goats live why would I let you guys have him you’re just going to hurt him or try to get him to make more helmets we don’t need him to make more helmets Mr Rex is going to make all that’s our own then you won’t

Be able to do nothing you can make as many helmets as you want but if there’s no one to wear them that’s not going to do you much good is it what do you mean no one to wear them can’t you see all my boys here all that technology on your

Head and you’re still not very smart are you I jumped forward and swung at the Raptor knocking him back there were a lot of them but I couldn’t let them get away with everything they hurt my friend and they wanted to hurt everyone else I

Knew you guys are going to pay for what you’ve done I managed to knock out all of the Raptors one by one until only the leader was left boy you’re crazy I’m getting out of here get back back here you coward I chased the Raptor into the forest but unfortunately he managed to

Get away in the trees I had to hurry back to Faraday we were running out of time on days 58 to 62 I returned back to the base and headed for the lab I knocked on the window and Faraday came out to meet me zoo what is it you look

Worried the T-Rex has figured out how to make his own helmets and is trying to give them to a whole Army of raptors that and they hurt one of my new friends oh dear I’m so sorry to hear it I do have some good news for you though I

Haven’t got the time travel fixed yet but I built a Tracker into this helmet that will lead you to anyone who has a helmet of their own perhaps now we may be able to find their base and hit them where it hurts I put the helmet on and

Started it up right away I could see a map that showed several axes on it they must have split up this is going to be a massive help in our hunt to track them down just then Billy came walking up to us Zozo I think you should go for the

Raptor first then we can focus on the T-Rex those Raptors could be out there hurting even more innocent animals that’s a good point plus it’ll be easier to take down the T-Rex if his Sidekicks are gone I’m on it on day 63 to 66 I

Decided that if I was going to fight the Raptor I needed to beef up my gear I nearly defeated him last time so he’d be stronger when we met next I headed across the land to a lavender field to get what I needed rumor says there’s Alexandri or here which is even stronger

Than diamonds I headed into the field and soon found some alexandor I mined it up as fast as I could I couldn’t believe I found it so quickly with my pockets full of ores I took a look around and saw a big sign on a hill Oh that reminds

Me don’t forget to sub to the channel otherwise you’ll miss our next adventure together sometime later I had arrived back at the base and headed over to the crafting table with the new ore I was able to make myself a new helmet chest plate leggings and boots I went ahead

And equipped everything let’s get that tracking system booted up and take down that Raptor on day 67 to 70 I stepped outside my house and booted up the tracker okay I can see two x’s on the map looks like they’re still separated this one looks a little closer to the

Raccoon’s place so I’m guessing that’s the Raptor I headed down from my base and off into the forest the X was still pretty far away so I made sure to stop and check every now and then oh it looked like it moved I better hurry so I

Can catch up to them I kept going in the direction of the X passing through some pretty impressive Landscapes it was too bad there were so many mean dinosaurs about because the land was really beautiful I stopped and checked my map one more time okay it looks like I’m

Pretty close and that they might be in some kind of structure it must be their base I kept making my way there when suddenly I saw a fortress off in the distance I could see a bunch of raptors roaming around and a lot of them had helmets on uh-oh looks like they’ve made

More helmets I better get in there and fast on day 71 to 74 I charged up to the base and attacked the guards they had helmets of their own but they didn’t seem to be very smart the T-Rex clearly wasn’t very good at making them yet I

Defeated the guards and headed into the base there were even more Raptors in here where’s your leader I cut through the Raptors using my spider sword and other attacks they didn’t stand a chance I had to hurry though if they figured out how to make the helmets perfectly

We’d be in a world of hurt I had finally taken out all of the Raptors in the courtyard when I noticed they had a storage shed nearby I started opening the different containers to see if they had anything good I grabbed some of their supplies but also saw there were

Some raptor teeth nearby oh I know just the thing I can make with this using the crafting table I managed to make a raptor tooth sword let’s see how they like fighting against themselves on day 75 to 78 I went to go find find the Raptor leader when he jumped out and hit

Me ouch get back here I chased him into the base and down a long flight of stairs we soon reached an open room who do you think you are one single goat trying to take down a whole base of raptors this ends here get them boys suddenly all the Raptors in the room

Started to attack this guy was no leader he just wanted to make everyone do his dirty work for him you’d think with all these smart helmets you guys would actually have some kind of strategy for this fight the Raptors were swarming in on me but I was able to keep them back

Using all of my weapons nerd leader watched as I finished taking out all of his henchmen why don’t you come down here and fight me yourself or are you too scared scared ain’t nobody calling me scared the Raptor leader jumped forward and started swinging it turns

Out he was actually pretty tough I had learned a lot through all of my fights though and nothing was going to make me back down he had to pay for what he did to my raccoon friend I hit him as hard as I could and could see he would soon

Be defeated it doesn’t matter that you beat me you’ll never beat Mr Rex he’s going to fix the time machine soon and then there will be hundreds of Raptors and other dinosaurs here you won’t stand a chance and just like that he was defeated he was right though if we don’t

Stop the T-Rex we’re all going to be someone’s dinner on day 79 to 84 I was heading back to my base when I saw a nearby cave it wouldn’t Hur to get some more resources so let’s see what we can find as I approached the cave I was

Suddenly attacked by a bunch of mushroom pigs oh I should have known I would run into something like you here I quickly knocked them out and headed into the cave fighting some more mushroom pigs along the way they weren’t very strong there were a lot of them that’s when I

Noticed there was a bunch of redstone in here I’m not sure what I can use this for yet but maybe there’s some kind of creative build Faraday can make with it I continued into the the cave collecting as much Redstone as I could find there were also a bunch of mushroom pigs which

I quickly knocked out of the way at the very end of the cave there was a room filled with an insane amount of redstone oh yeah if I ever need more I know just where to get it I headed back out of the cave toward my base I needed to talk to

Faraday hopefully he had made some progress on the helmet on days 85 to 89 I had arrived back at the base and headed down into the lab I gave Faraday a knock on the window and he came out to meet me I told him all about what had

Happened with the Raptors and how the T-Rex was starting to make even more helmets yes yes that is very concerning I have been working on some updates as well though let me show you well you look for that I also collected some Redstone maybe it can help I tossed out

The Redstone I had gathered when suddenly there was a crackling sound coming from Faraday’s pocket what’s this the substance seems to be reacting with the updated helmet I made the Redstone that’s kind of weird isn’t it oh Redstone is what you call it this material must have disappeared before my

Time are you able to get more of this I have an idea oh yeah I can definitely get more I’ll be right back on days 90 to 94 I headed back to the Redstone cave he said he needed more oh get him more I got Right to Work mining out a bunch of

The Redstone there was no way this wouldn’t be enough it took a long time but I finally gathered up all the Redstone we would need soon I was back in the lab and gave Faraday a knock on the window as always he was excited to meet me you’ve brought me more Redstone

I presume oh yeah this should be more than enough to do whatever you’re thinking I tossed all the Redstone I had gathered on over to him excellent here’s the upgraded helmet this blue shield on top should protect you from the effects of the Redstone AR then tossed out a

Bunch of redstone power balls now that we’ve combined these with the Redstone they’ll pack a powerful punch against anyone wearing a helmet in fact it should disable it at least for a moment that’ll be awesome this is going to be a lifesaver I’m sure ah yes speaking of

Which there is a special strength ability I’ve programmed in it as well but it will only work once so be sure to only use it when you really need it I nodded and thanked him for all of his hard work it’s a good thing he got trapped in our time too otherwise we’d

Never get out of this mess on days 95 to 97 I decided I should upgrade the base one more more time before heading out to face the T-Rex Billy was still young and I wanted to make sure he had a safe place to live just in case things went

Sideways once I had expanded the base a little more I grabbed Billy and we went outside to work on the last part of the statue this was a tough one to build but I think it looks really cool it would certainly scare off anyone who thinks that they’re tougher than us that is

Soon we had completed the statue I was pretty proud of everything we had built so far I still had a lot of ideas for the future though what part of the builds were your favorite on day 988 I stepped outside the base to have a chat with Billy all right Billy I’m headed

Off to fight the T-Rex hopefully I’ll see you soon good luck Zozo but before you go there was something I wanted to say that sounds important what is it I just think that everyone needs to subscribe otherwise we’ll never win oh that is important be sure to hit the

Subscribe Button as that will give us the strength to win the fight Billy headed back inside and I booted up the tracking system all right I can see him on the map it’s showtime I headed off in the direction of the TX it was now or

Never on day 99 I had made it to the edge of the T-Rex’s base he def couldn’t have built a base like this without some intelligence this guy isn’t going to be like the Raptors this guy’s for real I made my way closer and took a look up at

The tower there’s no time to waste I’m Coming For You Rexy I charged into the base and entered the inside of the tower where the T-Rex was waiting for me I’ve been waiting for you zoo that sounds kind of awkward just standing here alone

In a tower waiting for me N I don’t have time for your nonsense obviously I’ve been doing other things oh yeah like what being sad I took out all of your friends my friends please there were more dinosa dinosaurs here too but I got hungry you ate all of the other

Dinosaurs you truly are a monster say what you want but it doesn’t matter this helmet is nearly fully operational I can bring dinosaurs in anytime I want and soon I’ll be able to jump time myself that wasn’t good to hear I had to hurry and take action

Before you could do anything else if you think you’re so tough you’ll have to get through me first that’s the idea the T-Rex lunged at me and we started to fight if I was going to save the future the time to do is now the T-Rex lived up

To his reputation hitting me with some hard hits it hurt and my health was dropping fast oh I can’t let this guy keep getting these hits on me I’m not going to last long like this I refocused and started to get in some more hits of

My own I think he was really surprised by how strong I was especially when I would hit him with my headbutt you think you can defeat me let me show you what real power is suddenly two portals opened up and more dinosaurs came flying in no not the time travel these

Dinosaurs were insane I swung my sword and managed to take them out but soon there were even more coming in don’t you see you can take down as many dinosaurs as you want but I will always have the upper hand he was right I couldn’t keep fighting off time traveling dinosaurs

Forever what could I do oh wait a second what am I doing if I want to stop the time travel I need to disable his helmet I reached for the power balls Faraday had given me and started to throw them as they hit the T-Rex I could see his

Helmet start to spark as he ran around in circles oh what is going on this is it I’ve got to use that one time strength boost if there was ever a time I needed it it’s now I clicked the button on my helmet and I started to

Grow I even gained more Hearts I was big enough to truly take him on now this feels amazing now I really am the goat I charged at the T-Rex and landed a hit on him just as the sparking effects were wearing off what the how did you get so

Big the T-Rex started to spawn in more dinosaurs but it didn’t matter I quickly cut them down and kept hitting the T-Rex this is for all the animals you hurt I could tell I was really hurting him but he was hurting me too it was only a

Matter of time before one of us fell who is it going to be just then I delivered the final blow and the T-Rex disappeared dropping his helmet I don’t believe it he’s gone but I better hurry Faraday needs this helmet on day 100 I returned back to my base this time Faraday came

Out to meet me Zozo you’re back you must have done it I did and I couldn’t have done it without your help here let me give you the helmet back you know why don’t you hang on to it I just need this one component you never know something

Might come up again when I need your help in the future you never know what’s going to happen but I’m glad that today was a success in the meantime I’ll be here ready for when Adventure calls on day one I spawned into the sea Woods as an adorable little fire rabbit I may

Just be a wly rabbit but if you mess with me that doesn’t mean you won’t get burned I decided to hop through the woods and explore hoping I wouldn’t accidentally set anything on fire with my burning bunny body at least I know I’ll never get cold I wanted to stay

Optimistic but it got a lot harder when a big scary bug came crawling out of the forest behind me it was a mmck soldier halt by order of her majesty the MMX Queen what is your business here don’t worry sir I was just looking around I

Spawned nearby I can just leave if you want not so fast we’ve been told to keep a lookout for suspicious rabbits and you’re both suspicious and a rabbit come with me but what if I don’t want to come with you then I’ll just have to take you

By force I didn’t like the idea of being taken by force so I turned and hopped away as quickly as I could I may have not had any weapons but at least I was extremely fast I’m just a baby fire rabbit for now with only 10 Hearts but

If I can get away from these creepy crawlies I’ll be able to get bigger and stronger but my little self- pep talk was interrupted by another Merm Soldier popping out from behind a tree and stopping me in my tracks don’t you know it’s rabbit season silly bunny that’s

Mur soldiers are everywhere in the SEO Woods you better come with me or someone somewhere is going to enjoy a bowl of rabbit soup tonight that was clearly a threat so I decided to play along and follow him so I could save my fire rabbit skin on day two the merx soldier

Pushed me all the way to a weird be looking Hive base on the edge of the woods not the kind of place where I typically like to spend my day what is this place this is the hive you misbehaving little rabbit this is where me and my fellow mxes live with our

Wonderful Queen she’s currently in a different biome on Royal business but when she returns she’ll question you personally how long will that take though it will take as long as it takes do not question the Judgment of our beloved Queen he didn’t talk to me much

After that I was taken to some kind of holding cell in the hive and pushed inside to wait for the return of the queen but she could be gone for weeks I don’t want to be trapped in here for all that time you’re telling me I turned and

Saw a pink pixie fluttering around the cell looking bored I’m Paris the pink pixie I feel like I’ve been trapped in here forever I was just flying through the SEO Woods minding my own business when those Merm scons grabbed me and dragged me in here for being suspicious

Sorry for making assumptions here but can’t you use your pink pixie magic to get us out of here nope these walls are magic proof H but are they fireproof I walked closer to the wooden fence gates until they caught a fire and the block started breaking soon enough we were

Free as we escaped a mermaid Soldier almost caught us but we managed to get out of there thank you for freeing me Zozo I’m going to go see my family they’re probably worried about me but I hope we meet again someday I hope that too Paris safe travels Paris left and I

Decided to get out of the sea Woods before more mxes were sent after me on day three I found my way into the meadow where I figured that no MM Soldier could ever find me man escaping the that Hive was hungry work though I wonder if there’s some food around here that’s

Perfect for a little fire rabbit like me not long after I found a patch of carrots perfect I dug them up and ate them feeling my hunger bar replenish it made me feel a whole lot better until another bigger rabbit hopped over to me and he didn’t seem pleased hey those are

My carrots you just ate they were prized award-winning and you just ate them without even asking me do you have any idea how messed up that is oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t know they were yours I never would have eaten them if I did you

Think that makes me feel better I’m still down a bunch of carrots we rabbit should stick together not steal from each other is there any way I could make it up to you in the name of rabbit solidarity H well there are a few favors you could do for me follow me I’ll

Figure out a way for you to pay off your debts thank you so much for your forgiveness I’m zoo by the way I’m KR let’s go and I followed KR eager to get back back into his good graces from day four to day five KR escorted me back to

His base in the meadow he must have been pretty brave to live out here in the middle of nowhere this is my place don’t tell anyone about this place under any circumstances why because I like my privacy don’t ask too many questions it’s not a likable quality inside the

Base he explained to me exactly how I could repay him for eating a special carrots as you know the world is hard for little rabbits like us people think they can pick on us look down on us and I’ve seen too much of that throughout my

Life I’ve kept a list of the kind of people who have made my life harder over the years rabbit haters you know help me get through my list and not only will you be happier you’ll have repaid your debt that sounds like something I could

Do where should I start KR you can start by getting out of here and making your own base it’d be dangerous for us to be seen together take this stone sword and stone pickaxe and make something of yourself before you come back to me you

Gave me the tools and I I got out of there the meadow gave me the creeps so I decided I’d set up my base in the ebony Woods instead I used the pickaxe to mine some Stone I made myself an Axe and cut down some trees for wood I found a nice

Clearing in the forest and built myself a basic base where I could at least sleep with a roof over my head for the night but when I was done building I got my first unwelcome visitor one of the Merm soldiers who had captured me earlier there you are I knew you were

The killer rabbit and now I’m going to put you down killer rabbit what that’s not me I’m not going to listen to your lies time to battle You Bad Bunny he seemed strong and as I was I felt like I couldn’t beat him I summoned up my

Strength and leveled up I got bigger stronger I now had 20 hearts and a new ability the fireball attack and with one blast of that fireball the Merm Soldier was gone I really am living up to the fire rabbit name from day six to day 8 I

Was exploring the ebony Woods a little further it was a strange and magical IAL Place made even more magical by a sudden reappearance Paris the pig pixie I immediately hopped over to meet her Hey Paris is everything okay I wish I could say it was Zozo but no something

Terrible happened I went to see my family but they were all gone and their home was destroyed I don’t know what I’m going to do oh Paris that’s terrible do you want to stay at my base I can help you in your time of need thank you Zozo

But right now I need to be alone we’ll speak again soon be safe out there Paris the pink pixie left I felt terrible for her and started to wonder if maybe the ones who destroyed paris’s family were the same ones that KR warned me about

Maybe it was time to begin my quest I returned to K’s base in the meadow and asked him what I should do first to complete my mission your first Target is the hairy troll further into the meadow he’s a violent dangerous individual so you should take him out with extreme

Prejudice do you think he could have been behind the destruction of the pink pixie family what how do you know about that I know the Survivor H there’s a strong possibility but don’t ask him about it when you meet him just destroy him he’ll try to deceive you from Day N

To day 10 I followed K’s instructions and went further out into the meadow wow this is fast and empty but I pressed on I needed to avenge Paris and repay my carrot debt to KR there was no backing out now so suddenly the hairy troll jumped out and ambushed me ready to

Attack I knew he’d send someone after me of course he’d be too cowardly to go after me himself pathetic cowardly no what’s cowardly is destroying a whole family of pink Pixies rather than picking on someone your own sze I’m just doing a favor for a friend you have

Terrible tasted friends I’ve never hurt any pink Pixies he told me you’d lie let’s battle the hairy troll was a tough enemy but with my sword and Fireballs I was able to defeat him in the end shortly after his defeat a wolfwoman came out of the forest

Wow you really fried that troll I had no idea anyone could do those awesome fire tricks thanks I don’t like hurting people but I needed to stop him from ever hurting anyone like he hurt the pink pixie family oh the pink pixie family I heard about that it was

Terrible but I don’t think a troll was behind that it was some kind of other creature so the attacker is still at large oh no I need to speak to KR about this from day 11 to day 12 I returned to K’s base telling him that i’ defeated

The hay troll but that the one who’ attacked the pink pixie family was still out there somewhere if the hairy troll wasn’t behind it then it must be the thorn wolf a truly dangerous and evil creature that lives deep in the ebony Woods it wouldn’t surprise me at all if

The thornwolf was behind the pink pixie family attack Thorn wolf even the name sounds scary it’s definitely a scary creature I recommend getting better weapons and tools before you go to destroy it otherwise you may find yourself at a disadvantage good idea KR

I’ll get right on it I found my way to a cave in the meadow and explored until I found some iron ore veins inside I used some of my spare Stone to make a f F then mined the iron ore and smelted it into ingots now time to do some crafting

I created an iron sword and an iron pickaxe an iron chest plate and then left the cave where I ran into a creeper spider oh no rather than engaging I ran away as quickly as I could the creeper spider exploded behind me leaving a huge

Crater in the ground from day 13 to day 15 I ventured further into the ebony Woods than I ever had before my little fire Rabbit Heart filled with fear if the thorn wolf really was as powerful and as dangerous as KR told me then I could be in real danger even being

Around here as I was exploring I heard a sound behind me so I turned and saw the thorn wolf he was right there and I was totally surprised I braced myself for an attack but he didn’t attack instead he spoke with a kindly voice is everything okay young rabbit you seem nervous are

Are You The Thorn wolf oh yes it is my duty to patrol the ebony woods and protect the creatures there so you’re not a bad guy well we always try our best don’t we stay safe out there little rabbit the thornwolf left and I was confused he was nothing like KR told me

Something really wasn’t right here and I needed to speak to KR immediately from day 16 to day 19 I returned to the meadow to find K’s base but it was empty and KR was nowhere to be seen this is strange maybe he’s just out there running some errands I returned to my

Base only to find that Paris the pink pixie was there waiting for me this couldn’t have been a good sign I knew that much what’s wrong Paris Zozo it’s an emergency I know who destroyed my family who it was a creature they called the killer rabbit it’s one of the most

Dangerous things in the Overworld killer rabbit k r oh no and just like that it all came together KR was the Killer rabbit and he was behind everything that meant I needed to get back to the thorn wolf as quickly as possible he was in terrible danger and I was right and I

Didn’t realize it soon enough when I was there Thorn wolf was already gone and only the killer rabbit remained I wondered how long it’ take you to figure it out oh well you are at least a good tool for a while even if you’re useless

To me now I don’t get it why were you using me like that I needed a Tha rabbit someone to take the heat from me me and who’s better at taking heat than a fire rabbit besides you really did eat my carrots and I couldn’t let that fly

Could I you may have used me killer rabbit but now I’m going to take you down I fired a fireball at him and it seemingly had no effect and when he hit me it was like being hit by a train everything went dark and I was gone from

Day 20 to day 22 I woke up and the killer rabbit was gone instead a mysterious figure was standing next to me a large hippogriff do you work for or with the killer rabbit answer quickly no I only ever worked with him when he was

Tricking me now I know who he truly is I’m 100% against him good then we have a common enemy I am Laro the hippogriff and I was a friend of the thorn wolf we were Defenders of the people Guardians of the forest but now he’s gone and only

I remain you’re not alone I want to be better I’m Zozo let me become a guardian of the the forest too we’re going to defeat the killer rabbit together come to my base with me and we’ll start to plan agreed we will defeat that monstrous creature and keep the people

Of the forest safe forever more I went into the forest with a laral and we gathered enough Stone and wood to construct a new house for him to stay in together we’d be stronger than we’d ever been before from day 23 to Day 26 I was hopping back through the sea Woods where

I first spawned when I saw the pink glow of Paris the pixie predictably Paris the pixie was in Peril perpetuated by a pestering pursuer excuse me so much alliteration Zozo is that you help this wind serpent is trying to blow me away the wind serpent did indeed look fierce

But even a gust of wind will only fan the Flames of this fire rabbit I hopped forward and hit the wind serpent with a fireball the slithering mob stopped chasing Paris and started to fly towards me we battled it out in melee and I was able to bring it down with my sword

Somehow I knew I could count on you you Zozo I’m just glad you still trust me I attacked all the wrong people because of KR and I let that Menace Run free all the while that killer rabbit gives our kind a bad name you weren’t the only one

Fooled by his goody good act don’t worry Zozo I know that you’re out here trying to do the right thing doing the best that I can and I’ll work with anyone else who is willing to help me take that lying killer down count me in my family

Got hurt because of his Wicked Ways he won’t be getting away with that thanks Paris for from day 27 to day 31 I found a flock of sheep wandering through the woods they looked really tired like they had been walking for several days I hopped over to see what was going on and

Soon found out what had happened these sheep were friends of the thornwolf from the ebony woods and since he was gone they’d been looking for a new protector to save them from the killer rabbit you’ll be safe at my base sheep not only is it back where you used to live but

I’ll be your protector now when I got back to my base in the ebony Woods I helped the Sheep settle in and then went to go see how larl was holding up welcome back Zozo I made the base cooler by adding some red banners wow awesome

Work larl all the buildings of the base now had awesome rabbit banners on them which suited me just fine meanwhile over at the real killer rabbit’s base not the pretend base Over in the Meadow he was now in the process of maniacally planning his next Wicked plot from his

Evil air now there may be a few people around who know that I’m the killer rabbit but I think we can arrange some accident for those individuals what say you my fine Warden Dragon friend if there’s anyone who is good at causing accidents it’s me they might as well

Call me Daisy first name oopsy full name Oopsy Daisy you just had an accident of the you’re not going to be around anymore kind we’re really going to need to work on your threatening lines there oopsie it’s difficult wa evil boss is a rabbit I mean sorry boss you better r up

I’m not just any rabbit I’m a killer rabbit from day 32 to day 35 I remembered that one of the murck soldiers that I had encountered said that they had been looking for suspicious rabbits so I made the choice to go and seek out the hive of the mm’s

Queen I might be a rabbit but I know a suspicious one they might be looking for if I tell them who the killer rabbit is maybe all the other rabbits will stop being captured like I was I made it to the hive and found that it was guarded

By Merm soldiers I guess I should have expected that HT and J halted I’m not halting I’m here to see the queen like we’d fall for that one rabit the murm soldier tried to fight me but I dodged his attacks I didn’t want to hurt anybody while I was trying to make an

Alliance so I shot a fireball away from them to let them know who I was look I’m not the rabbit you’re looking for I’ve got firep poers firep poers but that means you’re the one who broke out of the cell that is true but only because I

Shouldn’t have been there in the first place I know which rabbit really did the crimes so he should be the one who does the time okay we still have questions but that rhyme convinced us to take you to the queen yes don’t be mean let me

See the queen you can stop rhyming now the mmex soldiers let me in sight of the hive so that I could have my important meeting with the mmex queen naturally the room where I was able to speak with the queen was her own throne room I am

The Mer’s Queen what is your request to my Majesty small rabbit it concerns the fade of all the land your mm’s queenliness I know who the killer rabbit is you do oh at long last that monster has been found how do you know about him he went

By the name KR and now he’s on a new spree of attacks on innocent creatures all throughout the biomes he always was like that even in my mother’s time she was the Merm Queen before me and when the creatures of the woods started being attacked she suspected everyone but the

Innocent looking rabbit it was her mistake because the killer rabbit claimed her as another one of his victims I had to take over the throne just as my mother’s killer went into hiding I’ve been hunting him down ever since it’s such a sad story I promise to

Help you bring the killer rabbit to Justice with all the fire in my heart there is more but it’s far too painful to talk about you should go home for now I will send a soldier to visit once I’ve emotionally prepared myself from Day 36

To day 39 I got ready to take my armor up a notch in defense by preparing to go back into the cave for some more iron ore the killer rabbit was a lot older and more experienced than me so I had to be all the more prepared for our

Eventual Showdown I soon found a spot in the cave where iron was abundant and mined away adding the iron ore to my inventory next I got out my crafting table and smelted the iron ore into the iron ingots I would need to craft the rest of my armor that should do it all

Right time to become an iron fire rabbit I made myself an iron axe since I had been Gathering so much wood lately and an iron helmet iron leggings and a pair of iron boots to complete my full set of ir iron armor you can’t see it on my fur

But believe me it’s there now equipped with all this brand new iron gear I ventured deeper in the cave and found that beneath the iron there were a few diamonds to be mined I made sure to get them before I left later on I was back above ground when I got an unexpected

Visitor he was half rabbit and half wolf a rabbit wolf how there bet you never met nobody like me before hey you’re right anyway the Merm Queen said I could leave the dungeon sell at The Hive if I went and brought you back to were let me

Guess her soldiers locked you up because you were a suspicious rabbit well yeah I mean look at me I’m such a suspicious rabbit it’s hard to know if I’m even a rabbit anyway you should go meet the MMX Queen over in the ebony woods from day

40 to day 43 I went to meet the merx queen over in the ebony Woods your queenliness I am excited to work together and solve these crimes I knew the rabbit wolf wouldn’t fail to bring you here if you ever see him again make sure to thank him for me I certainly

Will so so are you ready to tell me more about the killer Rabbit and his previous Rampage yes it’s time you knew everything about what happened with him even though we had met in a secret location and were trying to keep our conversation quiet Oopsy Daisy the warden Dragon had super powerful hearing

And was able to pick up on our voices from another part of the woods Oopsy Daisy time for an accident to happen on purpose he barged into the clearing and fired a Sonic laser blast at me which did many hearts of damage hey hey what’s the big idea nothing I just happened to

Be totally unintentionally getting rid of two people who know who the killer rabbit is by accident aha now I know who you work for you just said it was the killer rabbit ah darn it I actually didn’t mean to do that oh well I’ll just make you disappear then nobody will know

He fired another Sonic Blast my way which I almost avoided I countered with a fireball that didn’t seem to do much I looked around around for the MMX Queen and saw that she had escaped while I had been talking to the warden Dragon yeah I should probably do the same thing I ran

Off into the woods trying to go a different direction so that the warden Dragon wouldn’t know who to follow from day 44 to day 49 I had gotten away from the warden dragon and safely arrived back at my base I never expected the murx queen to be there as well waiting

To continue our conversation from where we left off I was happy to see that she was okay and could fend for herself even without her soldiers I guess the Killer rabbit knows we both know about him that’s why he sent that Warden Dragon to destroy us perhaps he needs to rely on

His henchman now because he isn’t as strong as he used to be you mean that he used to be stronger he totally demolished me the last time we fought well he still is the killer rabbit but he used to carry around a secret rare battle axe that made it really easy for

Him to make anyone he wanted disappear forever he was a killer rabbit with a killer battle axe that’s so scary how did you stop him I didn’t a mysterious I mob known as a crimson Phantom laid a curse upon the battle axe so that the killer rabbit could never use it again I

Know maybe if we find this battle axe we could use it against him didn’t stop the killer rabbit from being evil but it did weaken him then I’m off to the meadow that’s good thinking Zozo I heard that the battle axe was crafted deep down in

The depths of the meadow you can find some clues about it there from day 50 to day 53 I delved all the way to the end of the meadow in order to find out more information about who crafted the battle ax that the killer rabbit used in his

Previous reign of terror after a lot of searching I came across an abandoned Workshop that looked like it was once used for smithing weapons this must be the place I reckon I found a book near the crafting table that was titled ax maker notes and opened it up to read the

Words inside I have made a lot of axes out of a lot of different materials in my day and boy do I love doing it it’s my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world in fact it’s the only thing I do I’m the axe maker after all but this

Latest axe it’s not like the other ones it’s got an evil Aura around it like it’s too sharp and too scary just to be used on trees this axe seems like it could kill someone it’s a killer axe I better get rid of it before someone uses

It for evil oh wait what’s that someone is coming the sentence in the book ended there and the rest of the pages were blank oh no the killer rabbit must have snuck up behind the ax maker and gotten rid of him so he could steal the killer

Axe a what a fiend still from what I’d read the battle axe was a powerful weapon it must be able to hurt the killer rabbit if he was willing to do so much to get it I looked around for more clues but couldn’t find any so I gave up

And started to head back to my base from day 54 to day 57 I was making my way through the meadow when I happened to pass by the area where I had found those carrots before didn’t the killer rabbit say that those carrots were his if I

Know rabbits and I probably do because I am one then that could mean that the killer rabbits space might be around here too I was excited that I had discovered a clue but that excitement was quickly lost when the warden Dragon showed up to blast me with a Sonic laser

Attack whoops pardon me that time I was trying to get rid of you and I accidentally didn’t do enough damage you did enough actually you don’t have to do any more damage no I think I do as a matter of fact I’m going to do all the

Damage to you as much as I wanted to I was was still not strong enough to take down the warden Dragon so I made my Escape as quickly as I could even though I didn’t find it I was right about the killer Rabbit’s face being nearby the horrible hair was there right now

Scheming up a storm soon yes very soon I will find a way to reverse the curse and take back my battle axe all of them will pay then from day 58 to day 62 I had made it back to the base and saw that larl had created a storage room for all

Of our weapons great work larl thanks I just figured since you were talking about a rare secret killer battle a I should make some room for it one thing led to another and now there’s a whole room full of every other weapon we had there seems to be a lot of empty spaces

I guess I’ll have to make us some more we could definitely use some diamond ones since we don’t have any yet good point I’ll see if there are any more diamonds down in the mine I went down to the mines and it was just my luck there

Were some more diamonds R in the same Cavern where i’ had found the previous ones I dug all around so that I could have enough for a diamond weapon to put in the weapon storage room once the diamonds were gathered I chose to craft two diamond swords one for myself and

One for storage I also crafted a diamond chest plate and a diamond pickaxe because diamonds make everything better from day 63 to day 66 Lara and I were hanging out in the base when our conversation suddenly turned serious when are we going to do something about that killer rabbit Zoo he’s starting to

Become a real problem for everyone one I know larl but I can’t even defeat the clumsy Warden Dragon he sent to make me disappear much less the killer rabbit himself but if you had that secret rare killer battle axe you might stand a chance but that’s the trouble I don’t

Have that secret rare killer battle axe not yet you don’t but I think I might know where it is take me to it then don’t you know how serious I am about wanting to stop the killer rabbit Lara listened to how serious I was and took

Me to the eroded Badlands where we found some cursed ruins we walked up to them until we hit an invisible barrier how did these ruins get so cursed a long time ago the Crimson Phantom put a curse on these ruins that won’t let anyone else enter the Crimson Phantom isn’t

That the same creature that cursed the battle axe yes but it looks like we need to get him to lift the curse before we can check to see if the battle axe is here from day 67 to Day 70 the Merm Queen came into the base and told me

That she had also been searching for the Crimson Phantom he’s been cited in in the ebony woods but my gods weren’t able to capture him he’s even taken a few down I didn’t realize this Crimson Phantom was such a dangerous creature he sure is I could really use your help

Bringing the Crimson Phantom in and let’s do it you can count on me your queenliness he left my base and went through the woods to find the Crimson Phantom flying away after having just defeated one of the mm soldiers you’ll never take me alive I’m the dang old

Crimson Phantom you bunch of goofballs knock it off Crimson Phantom we need your help nah who needs my help he attacked so I had to blast him with fire the Crimson Phantom was definitely strong based on the way he tanked my attack so I whacked him a few times with

My diamond sword please don’t fight we just want to stop the kill a rabbit and we know that you do too you put a curse on his battle axe so he couldn’t hurt people with it so what if I did it was probably the nicest thing I ever did for

Anyone it doesn’t have to be if you help us again please Crimson Phantom a shs How can I say no to an innocent rabbit and just like that I convinced the Crimson Phantom to help us retrieve the secret rare killer battle axe so we could defeat the killer rabbit from day

71 to day 74 that pesky accident prone Warden Dragon showed up at my base to try to get rid of me again come on out and face me Zozo what’s the worst that could happen it will I hadn’t gotten any stronger since we fought before but my

Weapons and armor were a bit more durable so I hopped out and decided deed to take him on take this Daisy Fireball circled around the warden Dragon shooting fireballs and trying to avoid his Sonic Blast I wasn’t fast enough and my armor couldn’t protect me I took many

Hearts of damage I got down to just half a heart oh no is this how I’m going to go out apparently not because instead of doing you in I’m accidentally going to steal your best friend the H and completely not on purpose hold him hostage somewhere you monster why

I don’t know I’m not sure why I do anything anymore but I am evil the warden Dragon dragged lar away and there was nothing I could do about it because I was too weak I can’t do this I’m just a rabbit I went to the room to mope

About it and closed myself away from everyone else I couldn’t let them see me after such an embarrassing defeat that was until the Crimson Phantom arrived hey there Zozo don’t blame yourself for what happened you’ll get Laro back really think so Crimson Phantom of course I do and once you do you won’t

Have to worry because I’ve given you base some sweet defenses you wasn’t kidding the Crimson Phantom had made a wall around the base which had a curse on it so it wouldn’t allow any of my enemies to pass through from day 75 to day 78 I learned more about the

Perimeter wall like how it would only let people that I trusted into the base the merx queen was definitely someone I knew I could trust the perimeter wall let her right through greetings your queenliness Zozo there is one more thing I didn’t tell you about the killer

Rabbit but I’m going to tell you what that is now what is it MX Queen your friend laal he kept this secret from you because he wanted to protect you the truth is that the curses of the Crimson Phantom can be reversed by the feathers of a live hippogriff you mean that now

The killer rabbit can reverse the curse and reclaim his Ultimate Weapon yes you must go and rescue larl before the killer rabbit extracts his feathers I will I think I know now where in the meadow his base is the merix queen gave me some javelins to serve as a ranged

Weapon and wished me luck as I departed from day 79 to day 84 I searched for the killer rabbit’s Bas in the meow I knew that it had to be somewhere around where I had found that fateful carrot patch sure enough Oopsy Daisy the warden Dragon was wandering around in plain

View of that area he had taken laar captive earlier and now he was going to tell me where he was hey you give me back my friend oops you weren’t supposed to find me well now I have and I’m going to Scorch you you I rained fireballs and

Javelins down on him from a distance but it still wasn’t enough and his Sonic Blast still hurt quite a bit what was I worried about it’s not like you could defeat me even if I accidentally let you I was beginning to think I was done for and then laar swooped down from above

And attacked the warden Dragon while his Sonic blasts were focused on me oh no I should have seen that coming but I accidentally did not thearle’s attacks did enough damage to bring the warden Dragon down and feed him for good after the warden Dragon Was Defeated I

Approached larl larl you’re free I sure am Zozo that Warden Dragon accidentally let me go before we even got to the lair of the killer rabbit I’ve just been down here in the meadow trying not to get caught again at any rate I’m glad you managed to get away I was worried about

You I found something else while I was down here a golden apple that is said to imbue the one who eats it with true strength as long as they are pure of heart it’s yours now Zoo gee thanks I’m starving I ate the golden apple and could feel myself transform I must have

Been pure of heart because I grew into a super siiz fire rabbit and had a grand total of 60 Hearts my jump was given a big boost too allowing me to reach higher Heights than ever before from day 85 to day 89 lar and I went back to the

Base where things were once again becoming super ultra serious all of a sudden Zozo it is time I’m going to take you back to the eroded Badlands so we can get that battle axe but how are we going to bypass the curse oh wait aren’t

Your feathers the way to do it yes my feathers can make a magic key that will let you get through I held off on telling you until I was sure that you were pure of heart but now that I know you are and that you won’t become

Another killer rabbit once you get the battle axe I can give you the key Laro gave me a bunch of his hippogriff feathers and I crafted them into a key use the key at the ruin it’ll be like I’m with you I did as my good friend La

Harl said and traveled back to the cursed ruins in the eroded Badlands with the magic key I was able to bypass the curse and enter the ruins inside I found the battle axx lying in wait for me to claim it I’m going to put the magic key

That larl made away it’d be pretty silly if I accidentally reversed the curse and made it so that the killer rabbit could use the killer axe after I had safely stowed the key I took the secret rare battle ax from its place and left the

Ruins from day 90 to Day 94 I stepped out of the ruins and found the killer rabbit standing out there to confront me in the eroded bad lands how do you do fellow rabbit it’s over KR I have the battle axe now and you’ll never break

The curse on it that’s the thing about you Zozo you’ll always think you understand everything that’s why it’s so easy to trick you nuh-uh this time I do understand everything I understand that you are a ruthless monster who must be stopped before he hurts anyone else but

Think of what we could accomplish if you joined me nobody would disrespect us bunnies anymore we would be the top of the woods I’ll never join you killer rabbit Suit Yourself by the way I accidentally picked up some feathers that your hippogryph friend larl dropped down in the meadow that’s not good the

Killer rabbit leaped forth and wrestled with me for the axe I was a strong rabbit but he was still stronger and before I could stop him he reversed the curse on the axe and took it back no you tricked me I thought I understood but I

Didn’t yeah too naive now wow here in this sand pit he jumped on the sand I was sitting on and the impact of his Landing made the sand collapse so I fell into a deep hole from day 95 to day 97 I used my boosted jumps to slowly but

Surely make my way back up to the surface of the eroded Badlands there was no time to lose now that the killer rabbit had the super secret rare killer battle axe he was going to go on his biggest spre of attacks yet and I know who he’s going to go after first I

Rushed back to the SE woods and entered the The Hive of the MMX Queen her soldiers were destroyed and that wasn’t even the worst part in her throne room the murm queen was dying after having just been attacked by the killer Rabbit and his killer axe no your queenliness

Zozo so you made it I’m so sorry I tried to stop him but he tricked me once again and now he’s wiped out your entire Hive do not worry as long as there is a MMX Queen The Hive will be able to replenish itself what you must do now is get the

Battle ax away from him at all costs I’ll do it even if I have to risk everything I will do it in a few days my final egg will hatch and become the new Queen you need to protect her from me I will I will your queenliness she passed

On leaving me behind in the world that I must save on day 98 I returned to my base in the ebony woods and found that the perimeter wall and the rest of the base was destroyed larl was there but nobody else had survived the attack he

Came for the Crimson Phantom Zoo to make sure that he was never cursed again now the battle ax is his forever don’t say that larl I know that you and I get serious sometimes but we always keep on trying to make things better the only reason he left me alive is in case

Anyone else cursed the axe so that I could reverse it so that killer rabbit only spared you for his own reasons that makes me so mad they’ll probably fool you again if you give in to your emotions well my emotions are pure right now and Every Spark of fire in my being

Demands Justice then what the heck go get that battle a you’re strong enough now I can feel it larl cheered me on as I marched off through the woods on day 99 I arrived in the meadow with a burning passion in my heart I was ready

To take down that killer rabbit with all my strength and all of my fire once I was inside his base I came face to face with my Nemesis once more you never learned do you Zozo like fire you think you’re bright but when it rains you go

Out the only rain I see now is your rain of terror and it ends here a clever use of two words that sound alike but you’ve forgotten already that I have the killer axe actually it is you who has forgotten that battle axe was accidentally forged

To be evil but it was touched by a hero who was pure of heart I jumped at him and once more we wrestled with the axe this time I managed to get it away from him and ran out of the base the secret to the battle ax that I was finally able

To understand was that it was cursed twice once I was back home I used some more of lear’s feathers I found in his base to undo the first curse that happened when it was made turning it into a weapon of pure goodness and Justice now no evildoer could ever wield

It only I could wield the battle axe on day 100 I returned to the meadow with the new unimproved super Justified hero Axe and faced off against the killer rabbit why did you come back I might have let you live for a while I had to

There is a whole world out there that needs to be protected from rotten rabbits like you there is a young murx Queen who will hatch today there is a hippogriff who is my best friend for them for everyone my fires of good will burn out your evil a killer rabbit

Hopped at me but with the battle axe in my hand my attacks were strong enough to take his Hearts away curse you Zozo haven’t you got it yet I can’t be cursed I blasted him with Fireball after Fireball and then swung the battle axe down on him ending the fight there is a

New rabbit in this land and he’s a protector rabbit

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as a CAT in Minecraft Hardcore! – Pet Animals Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-11-30 02:15:01. It has garnered 14435 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:22 or 12262 seconds.

In this video, I attempt to survive 100 days as CAT in Minecraft Hardcore mode! I will have to find my way through a VILLAGE, a JUNGLE and defeat the animals who wish me harm, like GIANT SPIDERS, WOLFS, MONKEYS and so many more.

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a CAT https://youtu.be/WrKwNYFe2Eo 0:42:16 100 DAYS as a RABBIT https://youtu.be/k_QQXw1SL9s 1:06:24 100 DAYS as a MOUSE https://youtu.be/QK-1vsKRIOo 1:46:36 100 DAYS as a DUCK https://youtu.be/OwLTgNxEfDQ 2:15:33 100 DAYS as a GOAT https://youtu.be/ehuex-hrndM 2:45:22 100 DAYS as a FIRE RABBIT https://youtu.be/r09XnFyQoNs

#minecraft #100days #cat Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • play.

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘The Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes in 1.21’, was uploaded by ProbablySnake on 2024-09-18 08:00:14. It has garnered 10323 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. โ–ถ If you liked the video, please show it with a positive feedback ๐Ÿ˜€ ____________________________________________ โ–ถ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@probablysnake ____________________________________________ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftranking #mc #mcpe #gaming #foryou #fyp #stereomadness #funny #backontrack #funny #gaming #geometrydash Read More


    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC DIAMOND HUNT IN MINECRAFT! ๐ŸŒŸ | PART 5Video Information This video, titled ‘MINEING FOR ORES AND SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS | MINECRAFT | PART 5’, was uploaded by Sweepful on 2024-08-17 00:27:15. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:21 or 8061 seconds. Welcome in guy’s my name is SweepFul if you want to know my real name let’s get this channel to 500 followers and I’ll tell you that information! I’m 26 years old with a 6-month-old baby who thinks I’m her chew toy. Following dreams of creating a community of nothing but gaming videos. On this channel expected to… Read More

  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

    100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft - Insane SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a BLOOD WORM in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-07-13 14:00:39. It has garnered 3169252 views and 26115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:45 or 2745 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Blood Worm! I had to save my family from the evil Cobras! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

    4RIN+ - Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunamiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I INVADED a VTuber Minecraft server with @AuriLunami’, was uploaded by 4RIN+ on 2024-07-07 09:11:55. It has garnered 757 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:05 or 24425 seconds. โœจ Use Code “SAERIN4RIN” to Get $5 Off Your Sakuraco and TokyoTreat Snacks! โžก Sakuraco: https://team.sakura.co/saerin4RIN โžก TokyoTreat: https://team.tokyotreat.com/saerin4RIN ____________________________ ๐Ÿฐ FEED THE HELLHOUND: https://streamelements.com/saerin4rin/tip ๐Ÿฐ ๐Ÿ–Š JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: https://bit.ly/saerin4rinjoin __________ ๐’๐จ๐œ๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ __________ โ—ข TWITTER: https://twitter.com/saerin4RIN โ—ข THRONE GIFTING: https://throne.com/saerin4RIN โ—ข OTHER: https://saerin4rin.carrd.co/ โ—ข DISCORD: https://discord.gg/93kdjRJabT Business contact: [email protected] ________ Other Minecraft VTubers ________ @AuriLunami @RIHSURI @SheeIchoKawaii ________ ๐‚๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐‘๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ ________ Please… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

    Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV Underworld – Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)’, was uploaded by Nani on 2024-04-22 01:28:56. It has garnered 361 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:35 or 2375 seconds. #ragecraft #ctm #minecraft #fyptiktok #survival #bossfight I’m not a fan of boss fights where you also have to worry about the tons of spawns there are, but I must admit that it is entertaining and forces you to think of strategies to make it easier Download map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=588 IMPORTANT 1: It’s been 8 years and I’m obviously not making… Read More

  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

    Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle BlaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Cancelled in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-07-30 04:58:44. It has garnered 87 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:31 or 10351 seconds. Getting Cancelled in Minecraft !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: https://streamelements.com/uncleblaiden/tip Discord: https://discord.gg/Hbnnk2bxhf Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: https://instagram.com/blaidenbeats Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaidenbeats Beat Channel: https://youtube.com/@BlaidenBeats Read More

  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • ๐ŸŒ‘ The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! ๐ŸŒ‘ Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: nerdpvp.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More