1000 DAYS as a SNOW GOLEM – Hardcore Minecraft

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On day one I spawned in the desert as a baby Snow Golem I was all alone except for a honey Golem who was much bigger than me I wasn’t sure why I was here or why I was so little where are all the other Snow Golems what am I doing out

Here where it’s so hot and dry before the honey Golem could answer me a Guster blew toward us who are you who am I I’m Gary the Guster and there ain’t a fell in the land who can take me and my Guster gang down just take a gander at

What happens when you don’t do it I say and with one attack he destroyed the honey Golem I spawned in next to how could you do that you monster because I’m the baddest gust around these parts you got 100 days to rustle up 100 diamonds and bring the loot to me or my

Gang and I will burned the nearest Village to the ground and you with it and with that threat he disappeared leaving me all alone oh no I either need to gather Gary’s Ransom or defeat him if I don’t there’s going to be trouble but I’m going to need to be a lot stronger

Before I can do that on day two I started making my way through the desert toward the village if they were in danger from Gary the Guster too I needed to get there and warn them maybe they could help me and we could keep each other safe I realized I only had five

Hearts so I would have to be careful on the way as I was walking a group of zombies appeared from out of a cave what do you want just keeping an eye on things for the boss I don’t see any diamonds maybe we ought to teach you a

Lesson in listening attacked me and I had nothing to fight back with I was scared that they would take me down I was way too small and weak to beat them right now but just then a bison ran up to me howy there little snow golem

You’re a long way from home I am and I’m in danger well hop on my back and let’s Mosey on out of here I can take us somewhere safe I hopped on the bison’s back and he carried me away from the zombies thank you what’s your name Aon

What’s yours you can call me Zozo M and nice to meet you on day day three Byron the Bison took me to his village it was the same place I was trying to get to so it all worked out pretty well except of course for the part where we had to all

Deal with Gary’s evil plan this is a nice Village thank you for having me then Byron took me to meet the mayor of the town he was a Golem like me but he was an earth Golem not snow hello Mr Mayor well how to there little snow

Golem what brings you to our town I quickly explained what I knew about Gary and his threat to destroy the village if I didn’t bring him 100 diamonds no good scoundrel’s been bothering us for some time now going on a few years maybe we can help each other out and bring him to

Justice once and for all I would love to help but how well let’s see I reckon you’ll need to make some tools get started mining diamonds and get a heck of a lot stronger too we’ll do whatever we can to help you do that this town’s plenty big enough for more kind-hearted

Folks after all you can set up on the edge of town Byron and I started to leave but the mayor had one more thing to say you know this Village needs a sheriff I reckon you might just be the man for the job on days four and five I

Went out and punched some trees so I could gather enough wood to build a crafting bench then I crafted some wooden tools once I had those I could start Gathering some Stone hey this is going pretty well so far once I had enough Stone I upgraded my tools from

Wood to Stone ones including a stone sword I was ready to start building our base say Zozo if you’re fixing to be the sheriff what’s say we build you a sheriff station with a jail inside that’s a perfect idea Byron we can use it as an Armory too it’ll be the perfect

Place to help keep the village safe from Gary and his gang of goons then I had a brilliant idea Byron every Sheriff needs a deputy do you want the job well shook Zozo I’d be honored with the Byron chosen as my Deputy we got to work

Building our base a couple of jail cells and two rooms for us to sleep in the mayor stopped by to admire our progress this looks mighty fine boys here’s Zozo this should help you get started the mayor handed me a strong potion I drank it and felt myself grow a little bit

Bigger and I gained two hearts on days 6 through 8 I explored the desert around the village looking for more materials while I was walking around I saw a Road Runner being attacked by a nest of rattlesnakes hey you leave her alone I rushed at them with my stone sword and

Began to fight they turned their attention away from the Road Runner and started attacking me instead it was a tough fight but after a long while I knocked down the last rattlesnake oh thank you k l Road Runner ran over to me my name is Ronda and you’re my hero just

Doing my duty ma’am what are you doing all the way out here I got lost in the desert I was looking for help getting back to my Nest it’s in a cave you see but it isn’t safe for me to go alone my eggs are in there I need to get to them

Before something terrible happens well that sounds like a job for the local sheriff on days 9 and 10 Ronda and I made our way to the cave where her nest was I wanted my nest to be out of the Sun and this Cave used to be safe but

When people started mining in there it woke something up something terrible this is it please be careful Sheriff Zozo I’ll do my best I drew my sword and crept into the cave what are you doing in my cave a werewolf jumped out of the shadows and roared at me this cave

Belongs to more than just you this cave ain’t big enough for the both of us he swiped me with his claws and knocked me back into the wall of the cave I dropped my sword and went ran to pick it up he hit me again uh-oh this guy is way too

Strong get out now or I’ll finish you off I’ll have to come back and face him again when I’m stronger I need to go help Ronda I ran out of the cave where Ronda was waiting I’m sorry he’s too strong but please come back to town with

Me you can stay at my sheriff station until we can come back I’ll help you get your eggs back I promise on days 11 and 12 I returned to my base with Rhonda I built her room including a crafting bench and a chest thank you for the help

Zozo it means the world to me of course I’m happy to help now that we’re safe do you know anything about Gary the Guster not too much only that he’s got a hankering for diamonds and power and won’t let anything stand in his way he’s

HT a lot of people made himself a lot of enemies if we all Bann together maybe we can do something about him that’s what I’ve been thinking too glad we’re on the same team after my chat with Rhonda I went mining for some more materials I

Found iron and coal too I made a furnace and smelted the iron then used it to craft some iron tools and Boots best of all I crafted an iron sword then I built an Armory where I could store all of my new tools this base is coming together

We’ll be able to take on Gary and his gang in no time on days 13 to 15 I wanted to find a way to get stronger so I talked to Byron the Bison for some advice well I reckon the best strength in the world is experience you ought to

Go on a quest or two and get better at helping others out then you’ll get stronger also you’d best get yourself some armor for the job thanks so much Byron I gathered silver and crafted myself some armor then I headed out to explore the forest now it’s time to find

A quest but where is someone who I can help I looked around but couldn’t see anyone that might have a quest for me how was I supposed to get experience if no one needed me to do anything then I saw a pumpkin boss shaking an apple tree

Hi there do you need some help with the apples hey you’re the sheriff trying to go up against Gary the Guster let me teach you a lesson he attacked me but I was ready I had my new armor to protect me and I had my new sword too I dodged

His attack and slashed him knocking him back after a lot of tough back and forth I was able to win I did it I did it then I noticed he dropped something a shed snake skin hey I bet I can use this to craft something I took the snake skin

Back to my base and crafted a Vine lasso with it wow I can use this to Wrangle bad guys and bring them back to jail on days 16 to 19 I decided to explore some more and see what I could find I ended up coming across an abandoned mine and

Looked inside there was a chest in there I opened it and I found an old diary belonging to a miner that left it behind ages ago Gary the Guster came through town again telling us to give him diamonds I heard a rumor that he’s building a base not too far from here

But no one’s been able to find it yet I have my suspicions that it’s out in the forest Over Yonder wow so Gary’s base must not be too far away maybe I can find it but first I’ll have to get even stronger so I can defeat him before I

Could do anything else I was attacked by a gang of mandora this is what happens when you go up against Gary the Guster they were no match for my new armor and sword just like with the pumpkin boss before I fought them hard and was able

To defeat them as a few of them ran away I yelled after them tell Gary he won’t be picking on people for much longer on days 20 to 22 I traveled back to the Village when I got there I saw some plag rats bothering some villagers I fought

Them and took them out easily wow I’m getting good at this on the way back to the sheriff station I found some silver I could use to upgrade my gear and my armor with that taken care of I was feeling strong enough to go fight the werewolf and help Ronda get back her

Nest you again I thought I already taught you a lesson well I’m back and I’m strong enough to fight you now with my new armor and sword I was able to hold my own against the werewolf he knocked me back but I didn’t drop my sword and I kept fighting then I pulled

Out my secret weapon the vine lasso I captured the werewolf in the last so and started pulling him back to the jail you’re going to jail you ain’t got what it takes to bring down Gary the gusta he took out my whole gang and I had to hide

In those caves when he came to town you go up against him and you’re toast on days 23 to 26 I threw the werewolf into one of the empty jail cells well Ronda you can go back to the caves now your nest is safe and your eggs are waiting

For you thank you so much Zozo I’ll never forget what you did for me and I’ll be sure to come back and visit it once my eggs have hatched I can’t wait by the way you should build a guard Tower it will help keep you safe here

Ronda was right you would be a good idea to have a guard Tower so we could keep Lookout I started constructing one right away when the guard Tower was done I realized I needed some ranged weapons so I crafted some javelins too I can really

Defend this place now on days 27 to 31 I decided to travel to a snowy area to see if I could find some more snow golems like me if I could maybe they could help protect the village and take down I was enjoying the cold and looking around for

Some other Snow Golems when I saw some snow beasts they looked lost so I sent them back to my base and they went off to find it next I decided to gather some ice to take back to my base if I had it there I wouldn’t feel so homesick as the

Only snow golem in the desert even if I didn’t find any snow golems it would make me feel much better when I got back to the Village mayor Earth Golem came up to me Sheriff Zozo we need your help Gary’s gang came through town and kidnapped some of our villagers oh no of

Course I’ll help and I’ll come with you what kind of Mayor would I be if I didn’t look out for my own people on days 32 to 35 the mayor and I went into the forest to find the kidnapped villagers and save them from Gary’s gang

We spotted the horde of zombies and a bunch of villagers in cages the zombies were laughing at them don’t worry everyone you’re safe now we’re coming to save you I rushed at them with my sword drawn the mayor followed me and tried to help fight too one of the zombies

Knocked him down get away from him I tried to stop them from hurting him but the zombies destroyed the mayor no I swore I’d have revenge in honor of the Fallen mayor I defeated the rest of the zombies and freed the villagers but now the town is without a mayor we need

Someone to lead the villagers on days 36 to 39 I set off in search of a new mayor for the village we need someone tough to help protect the villagers from Gary I know I’ll go into the mountains only tough people can survive up there so I

Went to the mountains and looked around is there anyone here who can be a mayor are you looking for help I looked and saw Zeus the king of Olympus standing on top of a mountain yes I am well I need help with something if you can help me I

Can be the mayor in return what is it a group of Gremlins stole my treasured guitar jamming on that guitar was the only way to pass the time up here on this boring old mountain please get it back for me it was a small price to pay

To find a new powerful mayor I found the Gremlins nearby smashing the guitar into some rocks hey that’s not what rock music means I fought off the Gremlins and got the guitar back here you go Zeus or should I say mayor Zeus thank you I’d be happy to be the mayor if the

Villagers are all as kind as you they are we’re trying to defeat Gary the Guster ah Gary he’s asking for diamonds I bet well I can tell you where a very good diamond mine is if you want yes please so Zeus gave me directions to The Diamond Mine things were really starting

To come together one way or another I’d keep the village safe on days 40 to 43 I returned home to the village and dropped off mayor Zeus at his new house back at the sheriff station I decided to spiff up the place I added torches and bookshelves for extra light and to give

Me and Deputy Byron something to read on our downtime once I was done I checked in with Byron to see what he thought say this looks great Sheriff but with so much new danger we need more deputies let’s make a depuy’s wanted sign great idea I added a sign outside the station

New deputies wanted and pretty soon villagers started showing up to apply for the job six new deputies joined I built the barracks onto the base with bunk beds so they would all have a place to sleep Gary the Guster won’t know what hit him when we take him on one of the

Snow beast came to find me while I was working we heard a rumor about an ice cave where another Snow Golem is living you should check it out and see if he can help us wow thank you another Snow Golem it almost sounded too good to be

True on days 44 to 49 9 I journeyed to the ice cave to search for the other Snow Golem when I got there I couldn’t see anyone at first but then I saw a shadow in the cave hello I walked toward the opening of The Cave but Gary the

Guster appeared yeah I knew you’d fall from my trap I hear you’ve been rustling up a team to try and beat me well I can’t have that you’re such a bully making people get diamonds for you why do you even need so many anyway you sure

Do ask a lot of questions Sheriff I’ll have you know it’s my dream to live in a mansion made out of nothing but diamonds I don’t care how many towns I have to destroy to get them neither that’s terrible never said I was nice now I got

To mosy on back to my diamonds but I’m not letting you go that easy Alpha coyote get him Gary whooshed away and in his place there was an alpha coyote he was pretty big and strong too but I knew I could take him I drew my sword and got

Ready for a fight on days 50 to 53 I fought hard against the alpha coyote you might as well give up now I’m so much bigger than you you may be big but I’m brave and strong and I have the support of my friends to keep me from giving up

With a decisive strike from My Sword I defeated the alpha coyote I did it I won well I won this battle there’s more to come hey wait what’s this I looked on the ground where the alpha coyote fell at the end of our fight there was a

Journal hey this says property of Gary the Guster inside it must belong to him dear diary I built the best dang Hideout this wild west has ever seen it’s so sparkly made up of all those diamonds I took from the villagers and no one will find me here between the two

Tallest mountains in the region they’ll never get rid of Gary the Guster and his gang of goons hey I know where those mountains are when the time comes I’ll be able to find Gary’s base after all on days 54 to 57 I’ve ventured deeper into the ice Caverns I wasn’t going to give

Up my search for another Snow Golem now I had to keep looking and see if there was really someone here or if it was all just one of Gary’s traps in the distance I could see the light of a fire there was someone here as I got closer I could

See that some of the zombies from the Guster gang of goons were gathered around the fire and they had a snow golem with them oh no I have to help him Escape I stayed back and out of sight and threw one of my javelins at the zombies I had the element of surprise

And they scattered when it hit take that you Undead Outlaws hey where did you come from this is our hide out and you’re trespassing no you’re the ones who are trespassing instead getting into an argument with them I decided to get right to the fighting instead I rushed

In with my sword and fought them with everything I had quick let’s get out of here the zombies ran out of the caverns leaving me with the snow golem I’ll get you out of here not so fast I turned around and there was an axe you’re not taking this prisoner without a fight

Unless you’ve got those 100 diamonds for Gary you’ll never get those diamonds from me I took axti down and let this no Golem free hey look oh it’s a power potion I drank it and grew bigger and I gained two more Hearts wow that’s amazing thank you so much for letting me

Go Gary has been taking out all of the Golems so there will be no one left to protect the villagers I was so scared that I was the only one left well now you know you’re not alone come back to my base with me we’ve got a whole bunch

Of people to help Gary won’t get away with it this time on days 58 to 62 I worked on improving things at the base the sheriff station was pretty great but it could still get even better the villagers had all the food we could need

But we needed to make way more tools and weapons I expanded the crafting area and the Armory so we’d have lots of space for more equipment then I headed off to the area Zeus told me about where I could find lots of diamonds I went down into the mine there and sure enough

There they were I used my iron pickaxe to mine the diamonds and took them back to the base I used all those diamonds to make diamond armor a pickaxe and a sword next I thought about how I might need to gather extra food while traveling to new

Places a fishing rod could help me catch fish on the go so I crafted a fishing rod to help me in case I ever needed it on days 63 to 66 mayor Zeus came to visit me at the sheriff station what can I do for you mayor did you get a chance

To check out the diamond cave I told you about I did thank you there are lots of diamonds there I Ed them to upgrade my gear though that’s okay I thought you might need to do that I wanted to tell you that I heard about another cave with

Lots of diamonds to mine really thank you that’s great news happy to help I’ll keep an ear out for more Diamond news too I really missed my old friend mayor Earth Golem but Zeus was doing his legacy proud and seemed to really care about the village I set off to the new

Cave to mine for more diamonds inside I saw a group of little kados I could hear them whispering to each other I’m telling you the boss is out there somewhere boss are they talking about Gary the Guster he’s a werewolf he’s tough not as tough as Gary there’s no

Way he survived that attack we’re doomed we’ll be next wait these must be members of the werewolf’s old gang I wonder if they’ll try to fight me hey are you the sheriff why do you want to know we hear you’re trying to fight Gary the Guster

And we want to help really that would be great yes if you can help us rescue more of our old gang we promised to all help you out they’re in an underground base deep in these caves you got it go back to my base at the sheriff station and

I’ll come meet you when I’ve rescued your buddies also your old leader is there in jail sorry about that on days 67 to 70 I traveled deeper into the caves in search of the underground base if I could find more of the werewolf’s gang that would be even more

Deputies to fight with me look at me turning Outlaws into Good Guys mayor Earth Golem would be so proud of what a great Sheriff I’m becoming before I could celebrate my progress anymore though I spotted a night walker Mage holding another group of little Kos prisoner those must be the rest of the

Gang they were talking about how can I get them out of here he looks pretty dangerous I don’t know if I can fight him and make it out I started looking around for a way to sneak by the night walker Mage but I couldn’t find anything

I guess I’ll have to be brave and try to fight him even though I’m scared I thought about my friends and how they’d all faced so much danger with me so far if they could do it so could I I attacked the night walker Mage and he

Flew into the air to dodge my attack this looks like a job for my Vine lasso I tossed it at the night walker Mage and caught him I pulled him back down to the ground and while he was trapped I attacked him with my sword he broke free

But not before I got a good hit in the night walker Mage teleported behind me but I spun around and got him again it was a pretty intense battle but eventually I was able to win with the help of my Vine lasso and my shiny new diamond sword thank you stranger I’m no

Stranger I’m the sheriff oh no are we under arrest no I’m here to save you go back to my base at the sheriff station your friends will be there and you’ll see that everything is going to be okay on day 71 to 74 I traveled to a river to

Try out some fishing I hadn’t done it before and I wanted to get good at it in case I needed to catch a fish in a hurry as I was walking along the river I saw a strange message on the ground if you’re enjoying this adventure find more Zozo

Videos by searching for zo zo and don’t forget to like And subscribe hm that’s pretty weird anyway back to fishing I caught a few fish and I was feeling pretty good about myself but then Gary the Guster showed up Sheriff fishing on the job eh should be out there mining

For my diamonds if you want that Village of yours to survive why can’t you just leave us alone I will once you give me what I want that’s not fair life ain’t Fair we rushed at each other and I pulled out my sword and my Vine lasso

You think you can last with me like cattle I’m no Cowboy I tried my best but it wasn’t enough to defeat him I didn’t want to run but I needed to stay alive to get stronger and to help my friends so I turned and I ran all the way back

To my base next time I’ll be ready on days 75 to 78 I got to work on my base again now that I know how strong Gary is after trying to fight him again I know we need to make the base even better Byron had a great idea for how to

Improve it what if we build an underground bunker somewhere we can hide out if we need to if he comes to attack us before we’re ready perfect I got to work building the bunker and before long we had a great big underground hideout to go to if Gary attacked before I was

Strong enough to beat him after I was done some of the little kados from the werewolf’s gang came up to me with the book it’s the magic book to help you get bigger and stronger wow thank you I tried some of the magic from the book

And sure enough I grew bigger and gained more Hearts what an amazing gift they really are good guys after all on day 79 to 84 I decided to test my new Strength on some mobs I went out into the desert with my sword and my lasso and found

Some skeletons to fight taste lasso Bon heads I rounded them up and took them all out after I defeated the last of the skeletons a desert Lord came up to me is he going to try and fight me too but to my surprise he gave me a gift instead

Thank you for getting rid of the skeletons they’ve been making so much trouble here as the Lord of this desert I present you with this sharpness enchantment which will increase the power of your sword awesome so now I’m stronger and my sword is stronger too

This is great on days 85 to 89 I came back to the base only to find it under attack by an army of zombies of course this has got to be the work of Gary the Guster there were so many of them it would be dangerous to get close then

Thankfully I had some of the javelins I made earlier you’re about to find out why you don’t mess with the sheriff zombies I threw Javelin after Javelin until I had the zombie gang on the run with the help of the rest of my deputies we were able to run the undead Outlaws

Out of town but it wasn’t just my base they were interfering with the zombies were causing trouble all over town while I was gone one of the villagers ran over to me and told me that while the zombies were ransacking the town they took one of his chickens don’t worry villager

I’ll have that chicken back to you safe and sound I chased the remaining zombies out into the woods and I saw the chicken running along with them that must be the villager’s chicken but the zombies had such a head start now I didn’t know if I

Could catch up to them in time wait the javelins can come in handy here too with a few well-placed throws those zombies were done for and the chicken was free come on little chicken let’s get you back to your owner I brought the chicken back to his owner who was so happy to

See him the Villager thanked me for getting his chicken back and felt terrible that he didn’t have anything to give me as a reward don’t worry about it the only reward I need is knowing I did a job well done on days 90 to 94 I followed the trail of zombie Footprints

And destruction until I finally found a cave with a sign out front get out of these parts or face the Wrath of the Guster gang this has got to be it their secret hideout I better check it out I snuck into the cave and saw that it was

Empty except for one strange figure standing there like he was waiting for me who are you I’m the Soul Leader and I’m here to make sure you don’t mess with the boss’s plans no more how would you work for him what he’s doing is wrong he’s hurting so many people all

Because he’s greedy nothing wrong with a little greed it’s a doggy dog world Sheriff we’re all just trying to get fed but isn’t it better to be nice to help others and know that they’ll help you in return what kind of Sucker helps people that ain’t this kind of town but it

Could be enough CH turn and draw your weapon Sheriff Drew my sword and my Vine lasso ready for a fight after all of my recent experience I was feeling pretty good about it but when the Soul Leader rushed at me I knew I was wrong this wasn’t an ordinary fight he was

Incredibly fast and strong definitely the toughest fighter of the Guster gang I had met so far I didn’t have much time I had to think fast I ran backwards away from him and pulled out a javelin let’s finish this on days 95 and 97 I continued battling the Soul Leader in

The Guster gang secret cave Hideout it was pretty close but putting some space between us and throwing a javelin helped me to do some crucial I extra damage and get the advantage I needed while the Soul Leader was recovering I tied him up in my lasso and rushed him with my sword

Oh this can’t happen you’re weak I’m strong now with the Soul Leader beaten and not going anywhere I decided to look around The Hideout for anything I could use hey a battle axe awesome you’re coming with me I turned back to the Soul Leader and so are you let’s get you back

To the jail and you can start talking I took the so leer back to the Sheriff’s station and put him in the other cell there tell me what you know about Gary the Guster fine I can draw you a map to the Diamond Castle he’s building is that

What you want yeah that would be great then you’ll let me go only if you promise to try being a good guy if it gets me out of here then sure here has Sheriff no tricks it’s real now I knew exactly where to go to get Gary once and

For all on day 98 after I got the map from the Soul Leader I decided to walk around my base and check in on everything all my new deputies were doing great settle falling into their duties as I was seeing what the deputies were doing I heard someone come to the

Door it was Rhonda and she had a bunch of baby road runners with her children this here is Sheriff Zoo he helped me get back to you when you were still eggs in the nest I owe him a lot of thanks oh Rhonda I’m so glad you and your babies

Are doing well you’re hero Sheriff Zozo never forget that next Byron came to talk to me Sheriff it’s been an honor to be your Deputy thank you for giving this old basson a chance to help save my Village take this PO of strength is a token of my appreciation thank you so

Much Deputy Byron mayor Zeus stopped by to see me next I never thought I’d be a mayor but you believed in me I believe in you too Zozo don’t forget fellows like Gary are driven by greed and nothing else friendship and goodness are so much stronger and they’ll win in the

End every time remember that it seemed like everyone believed in me with amazing friends like these in my corner Gary wouldn’t stand a chance on day 99 I followed the map I got from the Soul Leader it was now or never with only one more day left before Gary would come to

Collect his Ransom there was no way I was going to let him destroy the village as I was walking there a pigeon flew by overhead you can do it Zozo thank you pigeon I reached a massive castle made of diamonds surrounded by zombies and skeletons he has this many diamonds

Already and he wants even more this guy’s the worst there were so many enemies outside I wasn’t sure if I could take them all on by myself but then my trusty Deputy Byron the showed up didn’t think I’d let you do this without your first Deputy your right-hand man did you

Day 100 Byron and I fought our way through the zombies and skeletons and headed into the Diamond Castle there were so many of them it was a miracle we got through how can this guy afford to pay all these goons and build a diamond castle we’ve got to keep fighting Zozo

We’re almost there you’re right Byron we can do this inside Gary the Guster was sitting on top of the diamond Throne well well well look what the Cat Dragged In we’re here to end this Gary your reign of terror is over well ain’t that a hoop listen little Sheriff you can’t

Fight the wind I’m a force of Nature and I ain’t going nowhere too bad we’re here to shut you down I pulled out my trusty Vine lasso and got ready to Wrangle Gary but before I could he threw sand in my eyes and I dropped it I couldn’t see

What I was doing I’ll be your ass Zozo Dodge to the left he’s going to attack I listened to Byron and dodged it helped me avoid Gary’s hit hey that’s cheating blinding people before a fight is cheating Gary and Gary didn’t let up I could feel the force of his mighty winds

Trying to blow me away but Byron was still there to help Rush at him with his sword straight forward you can’t do this Dance Forever Cowboy I don’t have to what ination I rushed to Gary with my sword and Byron ran at him too together we dealt one huge blow and Gary

Dissolved he was gone is it really over it’s really over let’s say you and I get back to the town and russle up some cele grub that sounds good to me you make a darn good share of Zozo thanks to us Gary the Guster and the Guster gang

Would never hassle another town again on day one I spawned in the seea woods as an ice Spider-Man this is awesome I didn’t think the world’s greatest webslinger could get any cooler but hey here I am things weren’t all peachy though for starters I only had 10 hearts

And for seconds a giant buff pigas came barging through the trees towards me Spider-Man I found you wait what I don’t understand don’t play dumb with me Spider-Man I’m pigas Polly the biggest meanest smartest and also most beautiful pigas in all the land and you’ve been

Trying to mess with my plants for years don’t think that turning your suit blue would confuse me I’m a genius but I’m just Zozo playing Spider-Man there’s been some kind of mistake you will confound me not puny spider you better run or my bubble brawler boys will beat

You into a spidery pulp I could tell when I wasn’t wanted and this was one of those times I turned and ran as quickly as I could what did she mean about her bubble brawler boys but life soon answered my question a gang of bubble monsters emerged from the trees and

Started chasing me oh there they are using my enhanced spider speed I was able to escape and find a hiding place for the night always great to spawn into a world where someone already has a grudge against me I need to figure this out before it’s too late on day two when

I got the sense that the coast was cleared I spider climbed out of my hiding spot and started to explore the woods a little more casually this place is actually pretty beautiful maybe I should work on building a home around here that’s when one of the bubble

Monsters jumped out in front of me oh I’ll build you a home Spidey 6 ft under you’ve got a lot of neres showing your face around here lady Polly wants us to destroy you on sight I still don’t know what I did to upset your Beast of a boss

But if you think this icy superhero won’t be fighting back you’ve just made your last mistake we battled hand to hand what the bubble monster didn’t know was I had super spider strength so my hits really packed a punch after a few well- aimed strikes I burst his bubble

And moved on Wow beating that guy up really worked up an appetite I need to find myself some Nosh lucky for me there were plenty of trees around I collected the yummy pears from the leaves tasty I knocked down the rest of the pear tree with my spider fists with the spare wood

I made myself a wooden pickaxe then I dug into the ground and collected enough Stone to assemble a stone pickaxe Stone Axe and a stone sword I’ve got that caveman swag now with my new stone axe I gathered more wood and built myself a little spider base with a room for me to

Spend the night indoors nice and cozy things are going to get better and better on day three I left my base and went out to explore the jakaranda for it was a gorgeous sight to see even if there aren’t any useful resources around here it’s worth it for the view but just

Because the view is breathtaking didn’t mean that everyone who lived there was chill case in point a big Angry mutated bee ran over to me what do you think you’re doing here uh I’m walking here are you making fun of me no I don’t even know who you are the name’s Benson Barry

B Benson and I was just a normal bee until my human wife left me and I got turned into the superpowered newon the domination I I don’t see how that’s my problem well I got to take it out on somebody don’t I Barry b Benson attacked me with furious intensity and even with

My spider strength I couldn’t defeat his divorced mutant rage instead I ran away as he fumed loudly in the background he sounded like he should chill out or maybe get into jazz on my way out of the jakaranda forest I ran into a sadl looking spider seeing as I myself was

Also a spider I decided to go over and ask her if she was okay hey hey I’m Zozo who are you is everything okay I’m Spider Queen and sadly things aren’t okay oh wow Spider Queen does that mean you’re the queen of all spiders no I’m

Actually a one spider tribute act to the band Queen they’re my favorite but pigas hates Queen and she won’t let me perform anymore that’s horrible why not come back to my base you can work on your act there that’s amazing Zozo I want it all

From day four to day five I returned to my little base in the secret woods with Spider Queen at my side it’s not much but it’s home it looks amazing to me Zozo musicians don’t make much money and I’m super impressed by this do you want

Me to sleep on the floor what no way I’m going to build you your own room so that’s exactly what I did I gathered up enough wood to make Spider Queen her own special room where she could jam out all she liked oh Zoo you’re the best I

Couldn’t be happier take a second to hide in there I think I can hear another bubble monster coming towards us spider Queen hid away inside the room I’d made for her as I went out to battle the bubble monster pigless send her regards we’re going to destroy you for her one

Way or another or she’s going to do it herself she’s going to need to destroy me herself because there’s no way you’re up to the task Bubble Boy with my new stone sword the bubble monster didn’t stand a chance he was soon defeated and I returned to Spider Queen it’s okay the

Bubble monster is gone now you’re safe We Are The Champions hey thank you for saving us Zoo here have one of my guitars it plays music while you fight with it Spider Queen gave me the guitar and I immediately equipped it wo this is

Cool as heck oh yeah we Will Rock You on day six I started the day with the wholesome Act of sheep Gathering just in case I need the wool for a new Spidey suit I wandered into the woods and after a long time emerged from them seeing a

Road wa where am I I followed the road and soon found myself in a culdesac with some real really cool and colorful houses nearby is that a flying orange at the base of the flying orange I saw some sheep wandering around just what I was looking for I started to round up the

Sheep when an orange boy came bounding out of the orange at me get away from my sheep you costume creep whoo whoa hang on a second I didn’t want to hurt him but he wouldn’t listen to me Richie what are you doing leave that guy alone yeah

Richie he didn’t know those were your sheep Richie stopped chasing me as three more characters one of which looked like a bear came running over to me Max you know who this guy is it looks like he might be dangerous relax Beast I’m sure he’s fine wo that suit is awesome did

You invent that I’m something of a scientist myself you guys are being so rude what’s your name I’m sky this is Beast Max and Richie I’m Zozo and yeah this is my Spidey suit one of the icy variety anyway what are you guys doing out here but before they could answer I

Saw the last person I wanted to see it was pigas she had found me and she was wielding a huge terrifying mace like my new hardware Spider-Man this mace is one of the most powerful weapons out there perfect for squishing a nasty little bug like you wao who is the little piggy Max

Don’t provoke her can’t you see what she’s holding hey who do you think you are talking to our new friend like that oh glad to know there’s no hard feelings about the Sheep this is pigas Polly she kind of wants to destroy me enough chibber jabber I’ll squash all of you

Then yeah we’d like to see you try we’re not scared of you Max threw down a mysterious item on the ground and a bunch of armor appeared out of it his friends suddenly put on Armor that matched their colors along with some matching swords fight no need to ruin a perfectly

Good neighborhood but mark my words Spidey I’ll find you again and I’ll be stronger than ever pigas Polly turned and ran leaving me alone with Max and his friends wa guys thanks for the help I could use you guys back in my base that sounds really fun but I don’t think

We can make it to answer your question from before about what we’re doing here I’m a YouTuber and I document all the crazy Adventures my friends and I go on yeah if you’ve got some days to spar you should hang out with us you know I could

Actually use a couple days to lay low after that encounter let’s do it from day seven to day eight I well actually you’ll just have to click the link in the description to watch what I did on Days Seven and 8 with Max and his friends our adventure is just in English

Though but it was super fun and if you watch be sure to leave a comment on his video to let him know I sent you from day 9 to day 10 I was on my way back to my base with some sheep as a gift from Richie when I arrived Spider Queen came

Running over to talk to me I’ve been building Zozo come check it out she’d been building a lot in fact one of the first things I’d seen was the statue she’d been working on to inspire me I couldn’t tell what it was yet but I was

Very excited to find out do you have any ideas let me know down in the comments and the statue wasn’t all she’d also been working on some new buildings and upgrades for the base itself including a storage room for all of our gear a training room for practicing our skills

And a furnace for smelting ore into ingots I’m so glad to have you here Spider Queen and I’m Greatful to have you here as a friend you’re the best friend I’ve ever had Zozo last thing I did for the day was set up a basic sheet

Pen and went to bed from day 11 to day 12 Spider Queen and I relaxed while she practiced her music I’ve been wondering why do you think pigas poly believes I’m her Spider-Man how can there even be more than one Spider-Man I’ve got a theory about that actually I think when

You spawned it created a dimensional Rift that sent this universe of Spider-Man into your native Dimension well bringing you here like a big cross-dimensional swap W that’s wild how can you know all this when you’re just a one spider tribute ban no offense of course I actually have a degree in

Transdimensional physics it’s more of a hobby thing really being a queen tributa is my real ambition from day 13 to day 15 I returned to the beautiful jakaranda forest with a plan in mind defeat that dastardly Barry b Benson the mutated bee he’s got to be around here somewhere I

Mean he’s so aggro I imagine he’ll come looking for me and I was right after a little more searching Barry the mutated bee ran in and prepared to attack me there you are you’ve been due for a good thrashing Zozo I still haven’t forgiven you for your trespasses against me

Earlier I still don’t fully understand what I did but if we’ve got a fight let’s just get it over with and fight finally you’re making some sense and so our battle began I battered him with my guitar until he submitted but I decided against finishing him off because

Honestly I felt sorry for him oh talk to your ex-wife Barry you clearly have some pent up anger issues and you’re not going to solve them by beating up random strangers yeah you’re right sorry for all the trouble Zozo and with that he left but my act of kindness and mercy gave me

Some XP to level up getting 30 Hearts getting bigger and stronger and getting a web shooter which I could use to shoot webs about time I wonder wao I can also ride the webs as they fly through the air awesome at long last some real Spider-Man Powers this is great from day

16 to day 19 I decided that I couldn’t battle every Patty with just a guitar so I went down into the nearest mining Cavern to find some iron ore Spiderman Spider-Man wants his hands on some Iron Man and my catchy theme song worked because I did manage to find a vein of

Iron ore and immediately started mining it this seems like about enough to make the tools I want time to head back to my base but on the way out of the mining cave I saw a dangerous zombie Spiner standing in my way oh wait this is a

Perfect opportunity to try out my new web shooter I started throwing down cobwebs trapping the zombie Spiner in place and slowing him down to a crawl with him lodged in place it was easy to finish him off with my rocking guitar yeah that power is going to be really

Useful after that I went back to my base and smelted the ore in my furnace until I had just enough ingots to make a metal sword and a metal pickaxe ax and some boots this has been an extremely successful Excursion from day 20 to day 22 I was having the most amazing dream

When I was suddenly woken up by Spider Queen standing anxiously next to my bed Zozo I’m sorry to wake you up but something really scary is happening oh no what’s that I was playing Bohemian rapidy a little too loudly and I think pigas heard me long story short she’s

Standing outside what now I think we need to fight her it’s too dangerous for you Spider Queen stay in here I’ll go and face her alone and that’s exactly what I did I got out of bed and ran out to battle p iglas who is still wielding her terrifying mace there you are

Spider-Man not so tough with all your colorful friends no longer around it’s time for you to meet your doom I keep telling you I’m not the Spider-Man you’re looking for I Come From a Different Dimension I’m the ice Spider-Man well even if you aren’t my Spider-Man I’ll still settle forgetting

To destroy a Spider-Man and you’ll do just fine if your mind’s made up then I guess we better fight and we did but this time I had a way better chance I threw down some cobwebs immediately trapping pigas in place before pulling out my iron sword and going to town in

The end she broke free from the cobwebs but she seemed startled you you’re stronger than I remember H I don’t have time for this we’ll battle again soon and next time you won’t be so lucky she fled after that leaving me feeling stronger and more confident than ever if

I keep getting stronger I think I can finally take her from day 23 3 to Day 26 I spent some time at my base calmly collecting myself and spitting together a new addition to my spider suit I used the wool from the Sheep I got from Richie and some emu feathers that were

Laying on the ground to weave some Outback leggings with these I can move faster and Dodge out of the way of projectiles now I’ve really got the agility of a spider it wouldn’t be perfect there was only about a 45% chance I’d be able to avoid oncoming

Attacks but it was the edge I would need in my next battle with pigas and if you think this adventure is getting Wild then you should search for more videos and see more of my Minecraft challenges just type zo zo into the search bar up

Above from day 27 to day 31 while I was still hunkered down at the base in the seet woods I noticed Spider Queen seemed to be struggling with her statue what’s wrong Spider Queen zoo I just feel so Under Pressure it’s pushing down on me I

Want to get the statue finished but I’m missing a very key component hey it’s okay you’ve been doing great so far here why don’t I help you out what’s this component you need to add to your statue I just need some redstone blocks say no more I’ll go and fetch some thank you

Zozo I ventured off to track down large quantities of redstone making my way towards the Twilight Valley this place was a lot darker than the other areas I had visited the Shadows were the perfect cover for some bubble monsters to sneak up and Ambush me there he is get him

Pig’s orders hey hey come on guys surely there’s a peaceful way around this pigas can’t be paying you that much it’s not always about the money Spider-Man it’s about the Mets baby let’s go get a home run Jerry quiet down sorry he gets a little excited about baseball oh hey

Where’d he go over here bubble brain I turned the Shadows to my advantage and struck the bubble monsters in place with my cobweb attacks they tried to swipe at me from the spots they were stuck to but a few swinging smashes with my slaming six strings and their bubbles were burst

And just my luck nearby there was a large deposit of redstone ore so I got gathered it up for Spider Queen from day 32 to day 35 I continued patrolling around the Twilight Valley for any more signs of trouble along with any more useful resources I could bring back and

While I was wandering around I overheard the sound of distressed wailing help I won’t someone help me I’m far too important to need to ask for help uh hey there who are you oh oh what a rather humorous joke quite amusing yes imagine not knowing who I am

Ma you’ve cheered me up somewhat small spidery peasant uh I wasn’t kidding I don’t know who you are don’t know how insulting I am royalty I am the king pig pigheaded head of the pigh head Mony oh my bad are you needing help with something well it’s about time you

Offered my benefactor the rich mummy has run a foul of a hairy troll and since he provides me with a Lion’s Share of his wealth I’m distraught he’s not even written me into his will yet so I won’t get any of his gold if that troll

Smashes him you uh want me to go save him yeah I’m a superhero after all oh a hero of the common folk how quaint yes yes on you go spider boy it’s Spider-Man ice Spider-Man from Day 36 to day 39 I searched the Twilight Valley for any

Signs of this Rich mummy and eventually came across my first sign of where he might be a trolls mini base I watched from a distance and it looked like the hairy troll was guarding the front entrance if I tried to just walk up he could smash me to spider smithin so I

Had to think of a strategy how was I going to get in there I need to take the troll out but attacking head- on was a bad idea sneaking around the back H could work but it might take too long and the rich mummy might be doomed if

The troll got hungry before I could reach him think Zozo think you can do whatever a spider can oh could I climb in I tried on a nearby tree but I couldn’t stick to it no climbing up walls for me that stinks I could ride my web shooter but he will spot me

Immediately that’s not going to work either maybe my best option was to look for another way in from day 40 to day 43 I made my way around the outskirts of the trolls mini base and lucky for me there was a back entrance inside I found

The rich mummy trapped in a cage who might you be Oh no you’re not with him are you oh Gastly you must be his torturer no I’m ice Spider-Man I’m here to save you just keep it down I need to clear the way ahead then I’ll come back

For you I snuck through the base and spotted the hairy troll he didn’t see me coming so I used the element of surprise while I had it I spun my webs to catch him in place but he was strong enough to tear himself free it barely slowed him

Down he swung his mace at me and I was luckily able to dodge out of the way just in the nick of time thanks to my Outback leggings I retaliated by swinging my guitar at him but the hairy troll had a high resistance to rock thinking quick I used my webs again not

To get him stuck but to Blind him it worked I could get closer enough to bash the hairy troll with my guitar and defeated him with the troll out of the way I went back to free the rich mummy and led him back to the King Pig ah Ral

So good to see you thank you for your assistance spider peasant you may leave my mighty presence now huh so much for grateful from day 44 to day 49 I finally made my way back to base to deliver the redstone blocks that Spider Queen needed this is perfect exactly what I needed

Zozo you make the rocking world World Go Round it was no problem Spider Queen can’t wait to see what you do with it it was then that I took a look around the base the whole place was in a real sorry State I decided now that I had a moment

To spare I’d dedicate some time to cleaning up and improving the base with some defensive upgrades I built a sturdy perimeter wall to stop any Intruders from getting in by the time I was done Spider Queen had something to show me Tada open your eyes look up to the sky

And see wow that’s really something Spider Queen thanks Zoo it’s not quite done but it’ll rock you when it’s finished from day 50 to day 53 I awoke to the sound of a struggle Spider Queen was in trouble Zozo help help me I want to break free I’ve got to break free I

Rushed into action but as soon as I stepped out of my room I was greeted by a gang of bubble monsters rise and shine nice Spider-Man I didn’t order room service guys it’s on the house no charge speaking of boys charge outside pigas had arrived and she was sending in

Hordes of her bubble minions to attack I hadn’t even had breakfast yet and now I have to fend off monsters with all of my might good thing I got in my eight hours last night we’ got the spotty you’re looking for Boss you idiots that’s the musician I wanted the little brat and

Blue Pajamas not luy Mercury here I was still battling the bubble Monsters by the time I had finally burst every last one of them I had gained enough XP to level up what wow I’ve heard some people start their day with a workout but this

Is insane I now had 50 hearts and a new ability ice I was quickly becoming the coolest superhero around there was one problem I’d lost my musical guest in the process from day 54 to day 57 I decided my only option was to return to the

Pompous King Pig and see if he knew where I could find pigas huh King Pig pigless I wonder if the two of them are related n probably just a coincidence a short Journey later and I was back in the Twilight Valley all I had to do was

Listen out for the sounds of stolen Moneybags and sure enough I found the Monarch in front of his castle oh you’re back spider something wasn’t it did one of my servant send for you no I’m here to ask you some questions and since you didn’t even thank me for saving your

Friend I’d say you at least owe me a little bit of your time my time is very valuable like all the jewels and gemstones my servants brought me from far away but I suppose I have a few moments to spare my friend was taken by

Pigas I need to know where she is pigas pigas do not speak that name you know each other then she’s a traitor to the crown a deserter she stormed out when she figured out she’d never be next in line to the throne gave her a real complex she feels like she’s better than

Everyone but still not good enough if she can’t rule wait so does that make her your sister or no cousin royalty is confusing kind of seems like a lot of fuss over nothing nothing how dare you we haveh a proud and Noble tradition of theft I mean a tradition of tradition so

Where is pigas now I don’t keep in touch she said some very hurtful things about me which weren’t at all true but last I heard she resides in Red Rock Mountain although the terrain is Harsh so you w’t make it there in one piece with so

Little armor from day 58 to day 62 I decided to to follow up on the one useful piece of advice the king pig had to offer and set about crafting myself some tough new armor I scoured the area until I found a cave that led to a mine

Tucked away deep underground and in the mine was plenty of what I needed diamonds I managed to find quite a few but not enough to make the armor I needed not wanting them to go to waste I forged them into a mighty Diamond Sword for stronger attacks and a matching

Pickaxe to make mining quicker and easier I didn’t have to wait long to test them out either as it turned out the M belonged to a skeleton Jackal who was none too happy about me mining his diamonds but it didn’t take more than a few swings of my shiny new blade to

Settle our differences from day 63 to day 66 I decided rather than rushing straight back into danger and venturing up the treacherous terrain of the Red Rock Mountain I hiked back to base to catch up on some rest that way I could be ready and refreshed when I set off to

Save Spider Queen but speaking of Spider Queen when I returned to base I was met with a saddening sight here statue left unfinished now that she’d been captured I thought about completing it in her honor but it felt too much like admitting defeat before I’d even tried

To save her so instead I left it as it was she could have the satisfaction of finishing her hard work once I’d gotten her back in one piece knowing her she was probably looking forward to it I settled in for the night right in spider Queen’s bedroom that way I feel closer

To her watch till the end of the video to see if we managed to save her and why not click that subscribe button down below to stay tuned for future videos from day 67 to Day 70 I made my long journey towards Red Rock Mountain scaling the dangerous Crimson Cliff face

And being careful to watch my step one fall and it could be all over as I descended from the Peaks I spotted a path I followed until I saw the looming structure that pigas had made into her base and the whole place was massive and absolutely crawling with her minions

While I was still scoping it out from a distance I thought back to my mission to save the rich zombie from that hairy troll and how I hadn’t been able to enter through the front but had better luck looking for a second way in so I tried the same tactic again heading

Around scaling massive mountains swinging from one Hilltop to the other until I made it to the side of the base I saw my entry point an opening in the side I aimed carefully and shot my web shooter to make my way in and I landed

Right in the middle of a group of bubble monsters it’s the spider get this sucker boys think of a way to roll out the Welcome Wagon you trade all your guests like this I swung my diamond sword and instantly slashed the nearest two taking care of the next with a well-timed ice

Blast another hit from my sword and he was shattered to Pieces while the others were quickly stuck fast with my webs right where I could strike at them from day 71 to day 74 I snuck around the inside of Red Rock Mountain Base making

Sure to keep out of the path of pigas as many minions but there was one enemy I recognized halt in the name of pigas oh wait it’s you Zozo Barry Barry b Bon black and yellow hello um how are things with you and your wife hard to say hard

To say we’re still going through it we’re planning to go see a concert soon she likes Jazz that’s that’s good so you’re not going to attack me nah you’re good I just need to think about some things it wasn’t hard to see that his heart really wasn’t all in on working

For pigas it’s a good job I mean there not a lot of coverage no Dental stuff like that I’m going to go oh sure listen I shouldn’t tell you this but check the chest in the room up ahead there’s some handy stuff in there went to investigate

And found myself the proud owner of a full set of diamond armor wa Barry wasn’t kidding now I can match the speed of a spider with the protection of diamonds from day 75 to day 78 I explored a little more and found where pigus had left Spider Queen trapped in a

Big cage she’d clearly been singing to herself to keep her spirits up but by now she was just yelling in case any of the bubble monsters were passing by I just got to get out of this prison cell someday I’m going to be free oh look I

Want to break free I’ve got to break free now please easy come easy go will you let me go now’s good for you then Zozo oh you’re a sight for sore eyes I’ve been so bored cooped up here I want to get out and have fun I want to ride

My bicycle I want to ride my bike you have a bike but you’ve got eight legs I think it’s a metaphor or something well I’ve got just the thing to break you out gunpowder gelatin Dynamite with a laser beam close it’s a diamond sword with a

Swing of the blade I cracked open the luck and sent Spider Queen back to our base she rushed off and not a moment too soon because pigas had found me you first you intrude on my Dimension then you intrude on my home and going to squash you at long last puny spider

Pigas came at me but I was able to freeze one of her feet in place then web her hands to slow her down I leaped close to swipe at her with my diamond sword but just when I thought I had the upper hand she knocked me back with a

Powerful hit I decided to escape while I still could and dashed out of the base from day 79 to day 84 I was exhausted from the fighting so the Spider Queen offered to give me a ride which was really nice of her we managed to make

Our way back to safety but little did I realize that pigas had had enough that little wret how dare he triy to defy my right to rule he and the rest of this Overworld will soon see that they shouldn’t have messed with pigas with that pigas used a powerful potion to

Make herself even stronger now she’d be an even tougher fight when it came time for me to face off with her again from day 85 to day 89 we arrived back at base and my good friend Spider Queen whose ride was surprisingly comfy was super happy to be free from Piglet’s cage

Pigas thought she could stop me and spit in my eye but we did it we are the champions my friend we sure are look I managed to swipe this from one of the Gods at Pig’s base I thought I could use it to break free but instead I was just

Screaming let me out anyway I think you should have it you’re going to take on the world someday Spider Queen handed me the upgrade it was a fire aspect and sharpness to enchantment I immediately went to apply it to my diamond sword to deal some extra damage now I had the

Power of ice fire and spiders on my side once I was done improving My Sword I returned to find Spider Queen putting the final finishing touches on our statue heyo are you ready hey are you ready for this are you hanging on the edge of your seat and I present to you

My masterpiece I call it Zohan rapid Zohan named after you of course Zozo I can’t keep living without living without living without you by my side I like it makes me feel ready to take on pigas one last time well you better be careful I saw she had a whole cabinet of potions

To make her stronger a bubble monster steal them from King Pig’s Cellar and bring them back to her huh maybe I can intercept them and take a potion for myself that ought to level the playing field and that way you’ll keep on fighting to the end from day 90 to Day

94 I headed back towards the Twilight Valley and followed a trail that the bubble monsters had left from the King Pig’s Palace to a small camp they had set up nearby just like Spider Queen had told me they had a potion of power but it must have been the last one left yep

That’s the last one left he boss question if pigal had us stealing all these here potions why doesn’t she give each of us one then we’d all be a tougher Armory and she could overthrow the king pig we not about that kind of talking the potions are for pigas I

Webbed the closest bubble monster in place slashing the other with my newly Enchanted fire aspect diamond sword the heat popped them in an instant and before the other two could get free I cut them down too I retrieved the last potion of power but waited before I

Drank it the King Pig’s Palace was only a short walk away and maybe I could get one last favor from him from day 95 to day 97 I walked right up to the King Pig’s throne and showed him what I had recovered you know what this is why

That’s an excellent vintage one glass is worth the yearly wages of my entire staff you’d better put that back in the cellar with the others before I have you executed there are no more others pigas had been sending her minions in to steal them from right under your nose pigas

Something must be done about that treasonous traitor I’ll take care of pigas but only if you let me keep this potion and be way nicer to your servants in fact stop hoarding all this fancy expensive stuff learn to share share what is that I’m not familiar with

This common folk slang you have a whole Library here look it up in the dictionary after a few moments of learning what sharing was the king pig returned Preposterous if I how do I pronounce it shared I wouldn’t have all my power and riches but that might not

Be such a bad thing if even a fraction of your wealth might improve the lives of other people so if I say for example just gave you this netherite armor then how would that improve anyone’s life well with that I could take down pigas which is also what you want isn’t it yes

But confounded what commoner Wizardry is this you’ve confused me I need to go lie down here this is yours I think with that the king pig handed over an entire set of netherite armor now I had the most powerful protection against pigless on day 98 I returned to my base to make

The final preparations I needed to ahead of my big battle with pigas I had my diamond sword at the ready enchanted with a powerful fire aspect for added flaming damage I had my netherite armor on ready to defend me against oncoming damage plus I had my ice Spider-Man

Powers at the ready I even tested out my ice blast and cobwebs and they were ready to go before leaving though I stopped by spider Queen’s room to tell her how to get to Max’s neighborhood if I didn’t make it back she would need a safe place to live now there was just

One question what was going to happen next if you think you know know then leave your answers in the comments and while you’re there tell us what video you’d like to see next on day 99 I made my final journey to Red Rock Mountain and stopped just outside the entrance to

Piglet’s base it was quiet too quiet all her minions seemed to have run off in fear if they were that scared of her new more powerful form then I needed to be prepared I drank the potion of power and this upgraded me to my final form I now

Had a full 100 hearts and the last of my ice Spider-Man Powers were finally unlocked I could climb walls ready for anything I headed inside to find pigas waiting for me she was much bigger and stronger than before and way more vicious I was meant to rule this

Overworld it’s my Birthright and I won’t have you meddling in my destiny any longer oh I don’t think so pigas the battle was on pigas hurled a javelin at me but thanks to my super spider agility and my Outback leggings I dodged right out of the way then climbed up the

Nearby wall so I was out of her reach from my vantage point I fired ice blast and cobwebs at her trying to slow her down get down from there she threw another Javelin and I went to get out of the way but I timed it wrong and fell I

Quickly picked myself up and got back into the fight it was the toughest of battles but pigas seemed to be overexerting herself I managed to keep dodging away climbing the walls and using my webs to slow it down until finally I landed a ice blast this is too cold don’t worry my sword

Has a fire aspect enchantment it should help turn up the heat with a mighty strike I had done it pigas was defeated at last on day 100 instead of returning to my base I returned Victorious to Max’s neighborhood where I was immediately greeted by spider queen as

Well as Max and his friends Another One Bites the Dust great work Zozo I knew you were going to be a big man someday well I couldn’t have done it without about you Spider Queen oh you’re too kind you’re the champion here Zozo Spider Queen really liven the place up

With her music but we’re glad to see you made it back in one piece me too and everyone should click the link in the description to check out the adventure we went on together then much to my surprise the king pig also showed up Zozo my boy you didn’t tell me that

Sharing also came with this delightful feeling I don’t really know what it’s called but seeing the smiles on my Serv faces give me one of those uh what what what are they called emotions you mean you feel happy that’s the ticket and I’ve been reading up too did you know

That all the traditions of the pighead mar are centuries old it seems so silly to still be upholding them so what did you do oh I gave my Palace and all my riches to my servants except they aren’t my servants anymore just people and so

Am I look at me one of the people now who is your Charming eight-legged friend friend here well you might be a former King Pig but she’s Spider Queen and we will We Will Rock You on day one I spawned into the frozen lakes as an ice

Wither storm wo even as a baby ice wither storm I’m pretty awesome and thank goodness because I don’t feel cold out here either but my celebrations were interrupted when I heard the flapping of Mighty Wings coming towards me I looked up and saw a huge ice dragon floating in the air above me

You uh me don’t be funny with me boyo what’s your name I’m Zozo mister I’m Ivan I in the ice dragon and that means ice is my thing you think you can steal my thing you wey little wither storm I’ll teach you what it means to be truly

Ice cold Ivan fired a huge ice blast down towards me it nearly hit me but I was lucky enough to dodge at the last second hey you almost hit me yeah that’s what we in the business call a warning shot dum the next one will come when you

Least expect it you want to keep the icy cred you’ve got 100 days to earn it or frostbite is going to be the least of your worries he Unleashed an even more powerful ice blast and this time I just had to run for my life got to beat Ivan

Or he’s going to freeze me to my doom on day two I wandered further across the frozen lakes and whether this freezing even I started to feel the cold this is so embarrassing for an ice wither storm maybe I just need some food I only have 10 Hearts it’s important to keep my

Hunger bar filled up I searched across the frozen lakes until I finally found an apple tree it’s not easy to grow food in a place that’s cold so I needed to enjoy everything I could get I broke down the tree and ate some of the apples solving the hunger situation but it

Didn’t solve the situation of a dread thall charging out of the distance H enjoy those apples you little baby that’s such a baby thing to do eat apples is it I’m not sure I follow your logic here it makes sense when you’re a dread th okay it’s like a cultural thing

Anyways let’s fight I’ve been told me that a Wither storm was trying to Jack his style I owe it to him to put you down the dread thrall ran at me and Unleashed some powerful attacks I wasn’t strong enough to fight him yet so all I

Could do was break away from the fight and run for my life I got out of there as fast as I could but as I cowered behind a pile of snow I heard something approaching I was terrified worried that it could be the dread throw all instead

A cyclops stepped out come with me if you want to live how could I deny an offer like that on day three the Cyclops led me across a safe part of the frozen lakes telling me to keep as quiet as possible you need to keep a low profile

Around here if you want to last Ivan’s dread thrs are all over the place where are you taking me sh somewhere safe that’s all you need to know I kept quiet as the Cyclops led me then he suddenly stopped this is as far as all go it’s

Too dangerous for us all to be in one place go forward 50 paces and you’ll see a Dodo hippogriff at a campfire speak to him and then come back to me when you’re done okay understood I followed the Cyclops instructions until predictably I found myself at the campfire where the

Dodo hippogriff was waiting he sent you good you follow orders you might have a better chance of surviving than the last one wait what do you mean the last one you think you’re the first nice wither storm to spawn here there have been many and Ivan has destroyed them all out of

His evil jealousy but if he’s after ice wither storms why are you and that Cyclops guy so afraid of him and his goons your people have the worst of it but Ivan is a nightmare for all of us anyone who bruises his ego gets destroyed we want him gone and with our

Powers combined we can make it happen what do I need to do go with cyclop train get stronger if he finds you this threatening now imagine what you can do when you reach full power from day four to day five I carried out the dodo hippogriffs wishes and left with the

Cyclops I knew that if I was going to survive this I needed to put a roof over both of our heads sit tight Cyclops I’m going to make us some tools and get started I knocked down a tree with my weather storm strength and made the pieces into a wooden pickaxe from there

I mined into the ground and collected some Stone I had to be careful where I mined and built because some areas were just a thin layer of ice over water when I had enough Stone I built myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword with my spare Stone I started building a basic

Two room base to protect myself and cyclops from the elements this is a good start Zozo solid but low key this won’t attract any undue attention thank you I think but it may not have been that low keyy all that building had attracted a dangerous dirt scorpion a long way away

From home has it attemped attacked this time I fought back until the dirt scorpion Was Defeated this gave me the XP to level up getting 30 hearts and a new power ice blast now I can finally start living up to my ICE wither storm name from day six to day eight I left

The Cyclops back to the base while I went out to explore a nearby Frosty mountain range called the Alps wow the air is very thin up here I probably wouldn’t make a habit of hanging out up here but my thoughts were interrupted by an adorable orange and white kitty

Running up towards me please stranger I need some help there’s something terrible happening back there calm down calm down what’s going on here kitty a dread scuttler it’s horrible and it was chasing after me I was so scared don’t worry Kitty you just hang back here and

I’ll go take care of it thank you stranger thank you please call me Zozo I braced myself and went off in the direction that the kitty came from it didn’t take me long to find the dread scuttler and with the help of my ice blast and my St stone sword it didn’t

Take long for me to beat it either afterwards the kitty approached me happy that I’d taken care of the nasty dread scuttler Zozo that was amazing you’re the best please it was nothing well if it was so easy maybe you’ll help me take care of a dread L not far from here he’s

Been causing a lot of trouble sure I’ll always do my best from Day N to day 10 I followed Kitty’s instructions and went further into the Alps that’s why I found the dread L waiting so you’re the one who destroyed my dread scuttler do you have any idea how hard those are to

Summon I’ll make you pay for this you wretched little ice wither storm Tu is cheap dread let’s duke it out but it didn’t take me long to regret being so gung-ho The Dread L was way tougher than I thought he tanked my attacks and returned with some magical attacks of

His own my only option was to run away and survive to fight another day I met with Kitty again and told her the bad news don’t beat yourself up Zozo you tried your best and you did an amazing job getting rid of the dread scuttler and

I’m going to take care of the dread L too but I need to get stronger first why don’t you come and stay at my base in the frozen lakes it’ll probably be safer there that’s a very generous offer Zozo and I think I’ll take you up on it from

Day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with Kitty and quickly set about building a new room in my base for her to stay I made sure it was the kind of room that’d be really cozy for a cute little kitty what do you think Kitty I

Think you did an amazing job Zozo so amazing in fact that I made a few base upgrades of my own to repay you and kitty certainly had made some awesome upgrades she created a sheep farm full of yep you guessed it sheep she’ also created a furnace and a storage room are

You implying I should go and Forge myself some new weapons Kitty nothing gets past you Zozo I searched until I found a decent Cavern for Mining and searched until I found a healthy vein of iron ore I dug up the ore and took it

Back to my base with me there I used the furnace Kitty built to smell my ore into iron ingots and with those and some sticks I made myself an iron pickaxe and an iron sword now I’m stronger than ever before that’s what I’m talking about

From day 13 to day 15 I spoke to the Cyclops again asking if he had any advice on how to get strong enough to defeat Ivan the ice dragon well what have you fought so far I fought a lot of things fought and beat I mean oh uh a

Dirt scorpion and a dread scuttler you’re going to need to fight stronger things than big bugs if you want to really level up Zozo go back to the Alps and find something worth defeating there only true challenge will help you grow your skills great advice Cyclops

Following his advice I went back to the Alps even making my way up there was exhausting this was going to be more challenging than I thought hey if it isn’t a big Goofy Apple eating baby I knew I’d find you eventually and now you’re doomed it was the same dread

Thall who’ hassled me earlier but this time I wasn’t going to talk to him I was going to fight him and I was going to win with a combination of ice blasts and lethal strikes from my iron sword The Dread thrw was vanquished and I picked

Up a healing potion he dropped once I’d swigged it down I started to transform I got bigger stronger I had 60 hearts and a new ability shooting with a Wither Skull half ice half wither storm my power is really coming along from day 16 to day 19 I went from the mountains of

The Alps to the even higher Frozen Peaks if getting challenged makes you tougher I’m going to be as tough as one of these mountains soon during my journey I happened upon a book laying on the ground it’s title read dread thr’s diary well this seems like a central reading

There was a section that read Ivan’s been such a drag since that ice wither storm turned up he’s so paranoid and stuck in his own head he’s started staying in that base in the eroded Badlands what kind of ice dragon hangs out in the Badlands it’s way too hot

There he’s staying in the eroded Badlands that’s really useful information I looked up and saw another dread standing a few feet from me hey that’s my diary you jerk oh before he said another word I blasted The Dread thrall with a powerful Wither Skull and

He was no more from day 20 to day 22 while heading back from the Frozen Peaks I wiped out a small but vicious gang of coyotes it feels good to be so powerful I think I’ve earned myself a treat I returned to my favorite mining Cavern

And collected a few extra trunks of iron ore then I returned to my base and used the furnace to smelt them into iron ingots from that I built myself an iron chest plate and equipped it you probably can’t see it in all my wither storm swirls but it feels good to know it’s

There with my new power and new armor I felt the confidence to go back and settle an old score I returned to the Alps where I saw the dread L waiting ready for me to hand you your ice wither storm heiny a Zozo I’d like to see you

Try dread L this time it was a much more even fight with my wither skulls and Ice blast this time I put him down for good kitty is going to be so pleased when I tell her suddenly a chill went down my already chilly ice wither storm spine I

Heard the great flapping of wings in the sky above and saw Ivan the ice dragon coming towards me a there you are you little plagiarist you lazy copy cat I’m going to be the only ice Bean out here as strong as I’d gotten I still wasn’t

Tough Enough To Take on yet I did the only thing I could and ran from day 23 to Day 26 I made it safely back to my base and rushed to tell Kitty the good news hey Kitty remember that dread L you were having trouble with you mean the

One you were having trouble with Zoo well those troubles are over I defeated him perfect nicely done Zozo I didn’t want to rest on my victory for too long after all I had only just nearly escaped from Ivan I still needed to get much stronger if if I was going to take him

Down for good I decided to venture back to the mines and have another shot at Gathering up some more iron ore luckily for me there was plenty to be found in another vein underground and I hacked away with my pickaxe once I had gathered up enough ore I smelted it into some

Shiny new iron ingots I had plenty to Smith myself an iron helmet and sturdy pair of iron boots to match my chest piece now I was fully protected Sozo come have a look what’s new kitty cat wa Kitty had been working on an upgrade to

My base as a way of saying thank you for helping her out she’d built a brand new perimeter wall to keep danger at Bay now I wasn’t the only one with added protection my base and my friends were too from day 27 to day 31 I headed back

To the Frozen Peaks now that a few of the dread THS and that pesky dread Lich were taken care of it was a bit safer for me to explore the area although I had my guard up when I spotted a mighty Beth but was he a friend or Foe relax

Little ice wh wither storm take a chill pill sorry I can’t be too careful with Ivan and his dread hord around oh that buzz kill yeah I can imagine he would have given an icicle like you a really icy reception are you going to keep making jokes like that all day sorry man

I’m just feeling pretty good since you took out all those dread throlls it’s made things around here way cooler but you know there’s still plenty of Ivan’s minions around right you’re right and it’s not safe for you here Beth head back to my base with me sweet you’re a

Pretty chilled guy Zozo I made my way back to the base with the Beth once we had returned I was able to grab some wool from the flock of sheep in the pen and use that wool to make some nice decorative banners that really liven the place up once the decorating work was

Done the Cyclops ran over in a panic Zozo come quickly I need your help there is another challenge that might help build your strengths then lead the way from day 32 to day 35 my Cyclops friend and Mentor took me towards the frozen lakes where we came across a sight that

Even made my ice wither storm self shiver a swarm of Ivan the ice dragon’s dread THS were chasing after dodo the hippogriff Zozo help it’s Ivan he’s found me he’s on to us I leapt into battle swinging my iron sword to chop down some of the dread thalls I let off

An ice blast then another attack my Wither Skull blast I was desperately trying to clear a path to reach the dodo hippogriff but there were just too many dread THS in the way no The Dread thalls destroyed the dodo hippogriff I slashed my sword at them taking down each and

Every one of them until not a single th was left standing but I was still too late from Day 36 to day 39 I decided to wander off on my own for a little while I needed to clear my head and be alone with my thoughts I hadn’t known the dodo

Hippogryph all that long but I was still sad I couldn’t save him he’d had a lot of faith in me being able to take on Ivan so I figured maybe my sadness was a reminder that I couldn’t take his wisdom for granted I had to make sure I lived

Up to the dodo hippogriffs expectations on my travels I encountered a cactoid in the elves oh oh my my will you please help me I’m being pursued by a beastly creature sure thing just point me at the nasty Critter and it’s as good as gone the cactoid led me to the creature that

Had been coming after him a horrible hellhound I grabbed my sword and Reed for a fight after all the dodo Hipp had told me the path to victory was getting stronger and any battle was a chance to improve I took down the hellhound with a little effort and went back to the

Cactoid to tell him the good news oh my oh my my thank you kind chilly stranger I’ve seen Ivan’s Minions on the Move more and more lately his ego must have been pricked something fierce yeah that Dragon really is vain he took out one of

My friends just to get at me well he wants to be the only ice creature sh around I imagine he feels threatened by you take it from a guy covered in spines some people only act tough on the outside to protect themselves on the inside from day 40 to day 43 I decided

It was time to rejoin my friends back at the base the Cyclops and I had parted briefly after we lost the dodo hippogriff but I thought about what he’d said before only with our powers combined could we take down Ian hey there Zozo glad to see you’re back don’t

Worry I’ve been keeping an eyee out while you were gone thanks Cyclops say this place looks a little different well I wasn’t going to just sit around on my hands have a look around the Cyclops had worked really hard at making the base more homely just the thing I needed to

Lift my spirits after losing the dodo hippogriff he’d built plenty of new bookshelves and even a few comfy couches you know Cyclops it’s not like we can sit on more than one of these couches at a time about that Zozo I was wondering if I could invite some guests there are

More cyclopses like me who have had it up to their eye with Ivan would you mind if they came to stay not at all the more the merrier after the other cyclopses came in and found their places the bmth came over to talk to me say zoo when

You’ve got a moment I also have a favor to ask you from day 44 to day 49 I set off from my base to carry out a quest that my friend the Beth had given me he said that there was a silver Lobo hiding somewhere in the Frozen Peaks and that

He had some useful info that would help me taking down Ian if I could take him down that is but while I was beginning my search I heard the flap of two icy wings and had to LEAP out of the way as Ivan arrived swooping in for an ambush

There you are I thought you would have given up after my dreads killed your poor friend the dodo hypog you know he’d still be alive if you had just turned yourself over and let me destroy you little wither storm what’s your problem Ivan you’re really going out of your way

To try and stop me from getting stronger seems like you might be a little insecure you you’re a pest nothing more than a chilly Breeze I’m an ice dragon I should be the master of the freezing cold I’ll unleash a whole new Ice Age on this world an endless deep freeze but as

Long as you’re around you’re in my way so let’s see if we can’t fix that little problem suddenly a monstrous Reaver burst out of nowhere and came charging towards me Ivan had already flapped away leaving his minion to take me on this creature might be my toughest fight yet

From day 50 to day 53 I got to fight fighing the Reaver this thing was one of the most powerful mobs I’d ever seen it was all brute strength and rage I deflected its blows with my iron sword the occasional hit knocking into my armor and causing me a little damage I’d

Need to keep my cool if I was going to defeat this monster wait that’s it I blasted the Reaver with my ice blast while the icy attack didn’t freeze it completely it did slow down the Beast attacks I could Dodge out of the way of

Its fist a lot easier now and got around behind it to deliver the final strike with my sword the re rer fell I had not only survived but I’d beaten the creature too but my trusty iron sword was looking a little worse for wear now although much to my surprise the Reaver

Dropped something that could come in real Handy later on some mystical diamonds I’ll stash these in my inventory for now but they could make me a great replacement for my sword as soon as I touched them I was granted a magical Vision by the mystical diamonds they showed me a little dragon just

Newly hatched it was Ivan as a baby he was scared and all alone left abandoned on the top of a frozen peak so that’s why he was such a bully he’d felt so helpless and now he wanted to be the strongest around to avoid that feeling

Even if it meant being mean to others from day 54 to day 57 I continued my search through the Frozen Peaks until I finally came upon the creature I’d been searching for the silver Lobo this thing was nasty I didn’t even have a chance to negotiate or come up with a peaceful

Solution it just lunged straight for me lucky for me I had already Tangled with a Reaver and survived not to mention all the dread THS I’d taken down so with a few blasts of Wither skulls the battle was over as quick as it began and then I

Saw the thing that was so handy that the bmth had sent me here in the first place the silver Lobo dropped a map it had been tasked with guarding a location that obviously Ivan didn’t want me getting to so I grabbed the map and made

The track back to my base I needed to speak with the Beth hey there Zozo it sure is cool to see you back in one piece say bmth send me after this map well I figure you should go to where it leads and find out for yourself well I

Find out why Ivan wants to stop me from getting stronger oh I can tell you that he doesn’t like being the weak one and you intimidate him an ice dragon like him can harness the frost in the freeze but you you’re cooler than cool you’re ice cold ice Withers are made of pure

Frozen magic he only wants to hold you back back because he knows you could outmatch him from day 58 to day 62 I decided to do some more work on my base now that I was back for a while I upgraded our sheet pen making it more

Spacious for the flock so they could roam around a bit easier then I took a look at the map I had gotten from the silver Lobo and started to follow it to see what all the fuss was about it only led to a mine filled with diamonds no

Wonder Ivan didn’t want me finding out about this place I got to work mining as many diamonds as I could carry and race back to my base so I could turn them into useful items before long I had a brand new diamond sword to replace my

Worn out old iron one along with a new diamond pickaxe to make mining a breeze then just as I was finished my Cyclops friend came up to talk to me Zozo I noticed some of my fellow cyclopses were a little bit chilly so I made a brand

New fireplace with them hope that’s okay sure even though the cold never bothered me anyway I’m glad you guys can keep warm the Cyclops and his new Pals had even built a whole new comfy living area for for everyone to show their appreciation for being allowed to stay

In the base I had to admit I was pretty impressed with what they’d done with the place from day 63 to day 66 I decided to ask around my base for some advice I knew I still wasn’t tough enough to go head-to-head with Ivan yet but I had to

Do something to get back at him and besides the dodo hippogryph had made me realize that teamwork was the best way to putting a stop to Ivan’s plans eventually the best advice came from Kitty you know from that dread THS diary that Ivan has a base in the roaded

Badlands right well why not go and Scout the place out you don’t have to go in or try and face him just take a look from the outside to see what it looks like and how to get there good idea a recon mission thanks Kitty no problem Zozo I

Made my way to the eroded Badlands making sure I kept to the shade as often as I could since the Badlands were so much hotter than the frozen lakes even though ice wither storms like me were pure Enchanted ice I didn’t want to run

The risk of melting I was able to get a good look at Ivan’s base it was well guarded Ed by plenty of his minions the place was crawling with Dread thalls getting inside was going to be tricky unless I got a lot stronger suddenly I caught the sound of someone sneaking up

On me it was a siren oh no I thought one of Ivan’s perimeter guards had found me but to my surprise she wasn’t with Ivan at all you you’re an ice wither storm then the rumors were true come come with me there is something I need your

Assistance with from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the siren as she explained what the problem was one of Ivan’s dread beasts drove me out of my home not far from here it’s an incredibly territorial creature and I can’t convince it to leave I need someone to well not to be

IND delegate but someone that can remove it no problem Miss siren I’ll handle it sure enough they’re in a clearing set the vicious dread Beast it immediately sensed the presence of an ice wither storm in its territory and I got ready for fight after all I’d been looking for

A chance to test out my new diamond sword the snarling dread Beast was quick but only a little bit harder to defeat than one of the dread thalls I swung my sword at the monster and it fell bested in combat and now the siren’s home was free from the nasty Intruder oh thank

You Zozo I wish I could offer you more than just my gratitude but no that should you ever need a helping hand I will come to your Aid wow thanks Miss siren from dais 71 to day 74 I ventured out across the eroded Badlands trying to

Get a better feel for the area and see if I could come across any hidden passageways or other areas that could offer me some secret way into Ivan’s Lair I just needed to find something to give myself an advantage and if I could get a drop on that egotistical ice

Dragon maybe that would help me defeat him I didn’t find much in the way of secret tunnels although I did pass a strange rock formation when I looked at it from a certain angle it almost seemed to spell out a word if you’re enjoying this video and want to see more then

Find our other ones by searching zo zo or clicking the channel icon below suddenly I heard a familiar flopping of some fearsome Wings Ivan I must have wandered close enough to his base for one of his dread thrs to spot me you never should have come here Zozo I’ll

Tase you to trespass Ivan fired his icy attacks at me under the sun of the Badlands he was weakened either that or because I was Stronger now I could take more of what he could dish out feeling confident I swiped my diamond sword him as he swooped down low but it wasn’t

Enough to cause any lasting damage I still wasn’t strong enough so I dodged out of the path of Ivan’s next ice blast and took cover until he flew off frustrated he couldn’t find me he wasn’t the only one feeling frustrated though from day 75 to day 78 I headed back to

Base and went to sit quietly in my room I was annoyed that I still couldn’t beat Ivan in a fight I knew all about him now how he had become the meanest toughest around so nobody else could harm him but he still needed Tak down and if I

Couldn’t even manage to do that then no one else had any hope of stopping him I wasn’t strong enough and that made me feel like I’d let down the poor dodo hippogriff hey Zozo don’t feel so disheartened come and check out the base we’ve made some improvements that are

Pretty they’re good it’s okay bmth you can make a nice joke they’re pretty cool that’s what they are here I’ll show you the BMF showed me around the base eager for me to see the new battlements he and the others had been working hard to install there was now a brand new

Watchtower offering a great vantage point to spot Ivan or any of his minions coming if they ever tried to attack our base I had to admit even in my low mood it helped to lift my spirits a little but not as much as what came next Zozo

My Cyclops Brethren and I have been talking and I’ve been thinking about what the dodo hippogryph said to you about combining our powers this battle axe is a sacred item to us and well we think you should have it it I was honored I took hold of the Cyclops

Battle ax and hoisted it high I could feel its magic coursing through me as I suddenly grew larger he granted me 100 hearts and even passed on some ancient wisdom to me how to perform a special attack called a whirlwind attack from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling pumped

For a rematch with Ivan the ice dragon so I made my way back toward the Badlands to take him on with my increased strength and the Cyclops power at my side much to my disappointment Ivan was nowhere to be seen probably hiding back in the safety of his base I

Did come across a fire ogre though this was one mob I really didn’t want to let get the better of me his burning blast of flame could have melted me but luckily a huge gust of wind from my Whirlwind attack and some ice Blast for good measure quickly snuffed out the

Fire ogre for good but before I could celebrate I got quite the Fright when a ghost appeared behind me hey don’t sneak up on me like that my apologies have been wandering these bad lands for longer than I could remember just looking for where I fell in my last life

Well I’m sure I could help you look The Ghost and I searched around for a while and he seemed to be pretty grateful just to have someone to talk to after being on his own for so long after a little digging we came across a shiny Diamond

Helmet you found my helmet this must have been where my body was thank you Zozo now I can rest here take my helmet I’d rather had went to someone Worthy like you this was perfect some added protection from attacks would give me an edge against Ivan from day 85 to day 89

I headed back to my base only to find a terrifying sight waiting for me dread thrs they were attacking my base I jumped into action and Drew My Sword I let out a blast of my Whirlwind attack sending dread THS toppling over and flinging them into the air I cut down

Two with my diamond sword then froze another with an ice blast a heavy strike with my sword and he was gone ah jez jeez they promised that ice wither storm was just a big Goofy Apple eating baby that’s no baby let’s get the heck out of here with that the remaining dread THS

Ran off and I rushed after them I had to make sure they didn’t make it back to Ivan if they led him to where my base was located he could destroy all of my friends I wasn’t about to let that happen I chased the dread thrs across

The frozen lakes until they were pretty far from my base I almost lost track of them but thankfully I passed a pink pixie who pointed me in their Direction hurry Zoo those horrid brutes are tearing through the Lakes causing chaos please give them what FL from day 90 to

Day 94 I caught up with the dread THS they’d ran all the way back to the eroded Badlands if I didn’t act quickly they’d reveal the location of my friends to Ivan then he’d attack they were approaching Ivan’s base when suddenly the thw stopped a hideous creature came

Out to meet them it was a gorgon what news for master Ivan we uh we found where the big Goofy Apple eating baby was hiding but he wasn’t no goofy Apple eating baby he’s a powerful ice wither storm silence lower your voice don’t let our Master hear I will break the news to

Him first tell me where I can find this troubl some ice wither storm after the dread THS left I ran in to take on the Gorgon alone I’m right here the Gorgon gave an angry hiss as I jumped out from my hiding spot and cut down one of the

THS I took them out much easier than when I first started out but getting rid of them was only the beginning the Gorgon attacked I had to use all the attacks I had learned to fend him off this was by far my toughest fight yet from day 95 to day 97 I continued

Trading blows with a gorgon I thought of the dodo hippogriff and his wise guidance and of the Beth Kitty and the cyclopses and all they had done for me I couldn’t let them down an icicle like you can’t best me out here in the bad lands is where a serpent like me can

Thrive yeah well if you’re anything like your boss then you’re just talking a big game to hide how uncertain you are and I never met a snake I could trust a snake that was it a coldblooded reptile that’s why the Gorgon lived out here where it

Was warm if I used my Frosty Powers I could make him drowsy slow him down so that’s what I did firing off as many ice blasts as I could despite the scorching sunlight it was working the gorgon’s attacks got slower easier to dodge and I could slash the Frozen parts of his body

To chip away at his health soon he had been defeated i’ done it I’d taken down Ivan’s top henchmen the Gorgon even dropped a key that would give me into Ivan’s base wait don’t you want to know what happened to the others others the other ice wither storms yes how my

Master destroyed them all with his d breath the Gorgon told me that Ivan after being abandoned on a frosty Peak devoted himself to being the coldest creature around he had hunted down other ice Withers to absorb their freezing powers and make himself stronger that

Was why he had been trying to get to me this whole time I had to stop him but I’d need to gear up before the final fight on day 98 I made my way back to my base hoping to prepare myself for my final showdown against Ivan it had all

Been building to this and I hoped I was ready first I spoke to BMF don’t worry Zozo I’m sure you’ve got what it takes to take down Ivan you’re the coolest customer I know thanks for that bmth then Kitty zoo take care remember to lick your wounds and don’t fight if

You’ve got a hair ball trust me on that one I’ll take your word for it Kitty and finally the Cyclops listen Zozo I can’t thank you enough for giving me and my Cyclops friends a home I think the dodo hippogriff would be proud of how far you’ve come we combined our powers and

It made you the powerful ice wither storm you are I just hope that I’m ready to take on Ivan none of us are ever ready for challenges Zozo we just have to tell ourselves we are and remember what challenges are for they to make us

Stronger on day 99 I made my way back toward the lair of Ivan the ice dragon passing the Alps of my journey towards the eroded Badlands when I finally reached my destination it seemed Ivan hadn’t taken the fall of his Gorgon too well the place was was crawling with

Dread thalls I knew I could handle a group of them but this was way more than I had ever seen what I could really do with is getting help getting past these dread thalls but of course you only had to ask Zozo Miss siren my siren song Can

Distract these THS for a time that should help you deal with them you go in there and take on Ivan once and for all on day 100 I made my way into the heart of Ivan’s Lair and came face to face with the Frozen Dragon himself

So you’ve come to get melted like all the other ice wither storms no way Ivan I’m here to stop you I understand why you feel the need to be so tough but it doesn’t excuse hurting people I am tough why do you think that me an ice dragon would make my home here

In the eroded Badlands because I’m strong enough cold enough to withstand the heat let’s see about that we clashed the fight was on Ivan was much bigger than me and could fly so he already had a few advantages I didn’t but I had plenty of my own I was smaller faster

And far stronger than when we had last fought like before I kept trying to take some swings of my diamond sword whenever Ian swooped down low and came in for an attack this was working for a bit but Ian quickly realized what I was doing

And began to stay hovering in the air to evade my sword strikes flapping his wings to stay above me he launched icy blast my way and I had to dodge as quick as I could but that gave me an idea two can play that game Ivan I’ve Got The

Power of ice and the cyclopses on my side moving quickly I used my ice blast then I stayed Out Of Reach and fired some wither skulls his way it worked one more swipe of my diamond sword would finish it hey Ivan you really need to chill out boom Ivan the ice dragon Was

Defeated on day one I spawned in as an Ice Spider andn it as cold as the Arctic reaches all eight of my legs are here but why am I so little I’m only a baby spider that’s when I realized that I was trapped inside of a magic circle an evil

Looking Necromancer stood on the outside casting a terrible spell a spider of ice it will suffice so says me Necromancer brace light swirled all around me and the entire world shook but when it stopped I felt like I was able to move great I better get out of here while I

Can I tried to Scurry away but Bryce The Necromancer blocked my path not so fast there ice spider your part to play is done so now I’ll destroy you and complete the spell hey I have a name you know it’s Zozo and I don’t like it when

People say they’re going to destroy me oh it’s nothing personal that magic spell I just cast is going to destroy the entire world 100 days from now what the entire world you do realize that doesn’t make it better right but it does make it destroyed the ritual also says

That I should sacrifice the Ice Spider used in the spell for best results well it’s not going to be this Ice Spider I’m leaving and while I’m at it I’m going to find a way to counteract your spell I bolted for it as fast as my eight legs

Could carry instead of chasing after me the Necromancer Bryce just laughed wickedly to himself easier said than done my arned friend the world’s destruction is close at hand on day two I managed to get far enough away from The Necromancer Bryce that I could take

It easy I looked around in in Wonder at the glowing Ancient Forest around me I also noticed that I had 10 hearts and that my Hunger gauge was lowering fast it looks like running for my life from a destruction happy evil Necromancer really works up an appetite I searched

Around until I found a tree that had apples in it for me to take then I ate the apples until my Hunger meter was full again surviving all alone in this world as a baby spider isn’t so bad I’m really getting the hang of it I wasn’t

Alone for long though as I saw a couple of skeleton vanguards appear out from between the trees there you are Ice Spider we shall get rid of you for our Master The Necromancer Bryce he must really want to sacrifice me if he’s sending skeletons to do his bidding I

Tried to fend off the skeleton vanguards but my spider bites didn’t have much of an effect on creatures made of bone give up spider the world is doomed and your sacrifice will seal its fate the mobs kept attacking bringing me down to my last few Hearts I thought I was doomed

But then then an energy blast distracted the skeleton vanguards and made them run away out of nowhere an illusioner appeared I realized immediately that they must have been the one who cast the spell follow me little ice spider I’ll take you to my Camp we’ll be safer there

You saved my life so I guess I can trust you on day three the illusioner took me to his campsite and cast a protective illusion barrier around both of us so that the mobs wouldn’t find us you’re pretty good at casting spells illusioner please call me Alan illusioner Alan okay

Alan you’re pretty good at casting spells thank you for saying that but unfortunately there are Mages far more powerful than me in the world and some of them are using their gifts for evil you mean like Necromancer Bryce is it true that his spell will end the world

Not if we good Mages have anything to say about it soon after another Mage arrived at the campfire this one was a wind caller with the power to well call wind I’m wind color windy I’m here to see the Ice Spider that’s me I’m Ice Spider Zozo oh the winds are truly

Blowing in our favor you my amicable arachnid may be the key to saving the entire world from destruction Necromancer Bryce’s ritual can be stopped by a more powerful spell as long as he doesn’t sacrifice an ice Sider so as long as I’m alive there’s a chance

That you Mages will be able to stop him we’ll need your help too who can battle his henchmen and travel to places which would be too dangerous for us you can count on me I might still be a baby spider but I won’t let the entire world

Down from day four to day I began to make use of the trees around me to gather wood for a wooden pickaxe cuz my starting area was a forest it didn’t take long to have enough to craft the tool but wood wouldn’t be good for long

If I could do better I mined into the ground with my wooden pickaxe for some Stone and quickly upgraded to a stone pickaxe with the new and improved Stone tool I was able to gather even more Stone to use for building and crafting first I made a stone sword to defend

Myself with next I started building a strong shelter where I could stay safe from Necromancer Bryce and his Undead minions illusioner Allan had chosen to come with me his illusion spells would help keep me safe while I built the base thanks for all your help so far Alan remember

Zozu do not rely on Magic it cannot keep every mob away I soon understood what he meant when a skeleton appeared and interrupted my building good thing I crafted that stone sword I drew my weapon and brought down the skeleton with a couple wax my victory against the

Skeleton made me stronger and more experienced and because of that I grew out of my baby mode into a regularized ice spider with 30 Hearts I can shoot ice blast now that is more like it from day 600 to day 8 I was out exploring in

The nearby grally mountains when I saw a friendly gorilla being attacked by a slime ball get away from me you slime ball the slime ball didn’t answer it just bounced and got slime everywhere you may be slimy but this Ice Spider isn’t so helpless anymore I hit the

Slime ball with my stone sword over and over it did a good amount of damage but I was taking damage the longer I stayed in contact with the slime ball I retreated back to a safe distance and shot the slime ball with an ice blast it

Froze the mob’s solid so I was able to get in a few more hits with my stone sword while it was immobilized I repeated this two or three times with more ice blast until the slime ball Was Defeated once the battle was over the gorilla cheered and ran up to greet me B

I was cold just watching that but I’m glad you’re on my side of course I Ice Spider Zoo am all about saving others you’re definitely the nicest ice mob I’ve met say do you think you could talk to the other one I know and tell him to

Stop trying to freeze me sure thing I’ll let him know that’s not nice he’s just over here in another part of the mountains from day N9 to day 10 the gorilla showed me to the lair of the icy creeper a powerful ice mob that seemed to like to cause trouble gorilla seemed

Worried for me that’s how I knew icy creeper would be trouble are you sure you could dock him out of being mean Zozo I can certainly try I left gorilla behind and approached the icy creeper his attention was on me immediately but he didn’t speak it looked like I would

Need to talk first hey I’m Ice Spider Zozo I heard you’ve been trying to freeze the gorilla and they’d like you to stop well that’s very nice but I’m not going to I’ll freeze anyone I want that’s so rude what did the gorilla ever do to you nothing but this is a cold

World and I’m one cold tough customer if that gorilla doesn’t like it he can go to another Mountain don’t make me fight you icy creeper I I’d like to see you try I fired my ice blast at the icy creeper but it seemed like he was even

Colder than me because it barely did any damage his own ice blast took off a bunch of my hearts in a battle between ice creatures I was definitely the loser for now I ran back to the gorilla sad that I couldn’t defeat the icy creeper I promised gorilla that I’d let him stay

In my base for now and come back to the grally mountains to defeat icy creeper at a later time from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base and began renovating the living space so that the gorilla had a place to live I used a lot of stone

Bricks so it wouldn’t be too different from the mountain he had left behind once I had built the room I went to see the gorilla and showed him where he could stay thanks for letting me stay here Zozo I thought you could use some more storage space so I did a bit of

Building on my own it turned out that the gorilla really had built a room that was perfect for storing extra items he also built a furnace that would heat up the room where he and the Mages would be staying oh yeah I guess you guys need to stay warm either away that’s very

Impressive work I call it the home away from home oh I hope I get to see the mountains again before the world ends it’s not going to end I’ll stop it I hope so that Necromancer brass has been plotting world destruction for a long time actually he’s tried all sorts of

Spells to do it and they’ve never worked this one might though and the idea of that is really scary it did sound scary and I wasted no time getting better materials to help defend myself in case Bryce showed up down in the mining area of the base I went digging for some iron

To upgrade my tools I found some iron ore which I smelted into iron ingots and crafted into an iron pickaxe and an iron sword back on the surface I tamed some sheep from the nearby glowing Ancient Forest and built a farm for them if that furnace fails there’s always wool

Sweaters from day 13 to day 15 I sought out illusioner Allen for some more advice on how to complete Necromancer Bryce’s challenge I want to save the world as soon as I can Alan is the spell ready yet if only magic with that simple Zozo the truth is that Bryce’s

Destruction spell is linked to you now the only way to weaken it is for you to become stronger how do I do that when you defeated Bryce’s skeleton henchmen before some of the Spells magic transferred into you if you could defeat a more powerful one it could happen

Again I went back to the grally mountains in the hopes of finding another undead mob to fight come and get me I don’t fear you skeletons as if answering my call to battle a skeleton Vanguard came charged charging across the mountain terrain towards me spider

Of Ice Spider of ice the time has come for sacrifice I hit the advancing skeleton Vanguard with an ice blast which slowed the undead down I was able to hit him with another before he got into melee range time to get a taste of my new weapon at that point I brought

Out my iron sword and slashed the skeleton Vanguard with some powerful hits the skeleton Vanguard crumbled and dropped a health potion to boot this potion must contain some more of Bryce’s magic I drank the potion and felt my power increase dramatically my number of Hearts doubled and became 60 and I

Gained the magical ability to turn invisible like see-through ice from day 16 to day 19 I continued my exploration into a brand new part of the world that I’d never seen before the Great Lake Isles as I crawled around this breathtaking new biome I came across an abandoned book that contained

Information about the destruction spell that Necromancer Bryce had cast a spell of Destruction cast by a necromancer must be confirmed with the sacrifice of an Ice Spider for this reason an ice spider that survives the casting of the spell can prevent the destruction of the

World by being at the center of a spell of life which is made to protect the world I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant but it sounded like there was a way to turn the tide of Destruction I excitedly began to leave the Great Lake Isles when some more skeleton vanguards

Ambushed me to try and get me to be sacrificed spider of Ice Spider of ice the time has come for yeah yeah yeah sacrifice you creeps must have followed me from the mountain I used my iron sword and I pelted the Mobs with ice blasts until they were all destroyed

From day 20 to day 22 I realized that my Powers were far stronger now that I had grown into a bigger Ice Spider I tested my metal against some specters in the glowing Ancient Forest chopping them down with my iron sword they weren’t that difficult to defeat but the fact

That they were here meant that bad Omens were on the horizon dead becoming more common could be a sign of world destruction being on its way I did some more mining for iron in the base Cavern and grabbed a enough ore to make the ingots for an iron chest plate now that

I’m this much stronger I bet I could stand up to the icy creeper I returned to the icy Creeper’s lair in the grally mountains to confront the mob with my new abilities and gear have you learned how cold The World Is Yet Zozo no I have learned that the world has good people

In it that don’t deserve to be frozen or destroyed I fired my icy blast at the icy creeper and this time I was the one dealing damage I had become a colder more powerful being never freeze the gorilla or anyone else ever again all right Zozo I give I’ll be nice icy

Creeper ran away never to be mean again and never to be seen again upon driving away from that other ice mob I saw a flashback to Bryce as a younger Necromancer just learning his first spells the world is a cold and cruel place I know I’ll destroy it so nobody

Has to live in a cold cruel world yes he was similar to the icy creeper in a couple of ways if only he knew that the world wasn’t as cold and cruel as he thought it was from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the base feeling Victorious

I made a beine for the gorilla to give him the good news I taught that icy creeper a lesson he won’t forget anytime soon I promise you that you won’t be having any trouble with him now wow you are one heroic Ice Spider Zozo I’m really checking my prejudices right now

Also I made you a gift in case you didn’t notice it on the way in I made a perimeter wall to defend the base somehow I told totally had missed the perimeter wall it was awesome and would do a great job at repelling the ring hordes of the undead base is well

Defended maybe now it’s time to make sure my body is better defended I went back to the mining Cavern and collected up some more iron ore that I then took back to my base and smelted into iron ingots I use these to make the rest of

My armor set you may not be able to see the armor on me but believe me it’s there from day 27 to day 31 I returned to the Great Lake Isles wanting to make sure that I’d wiped out the skeleton Vanguard scorge completely the more territory I can take back from The

Necromancer Bryce the less power and resources he has to complete his dark ritual and it seemed like my earlier work had paid off because I couldn’t see a skeleton Vanguard anywhere instead what I found was a large and smart looking Golem hello there good sir say

I’ve heard quite a bit about a certain Ice Spider lately your name wouldn’t happen to be Zozo would it um that depends what would you do if I was Zozo I’d congratulate you I’m librarian golum I travel across the Overworld giving books to those who need them and the

Skeleton vanguards working for that blasted Necromancer had gotten in the way of my very important mission for far too long if you are Zozo then you are responsible for many needy people getting the books they so crave well in that case I am Zozo why don’t you come

Back to my base with me you seem like you’d be a valuable Ally of course as long as there’s a place where I can read I returned to my base with the librar Ian Golem and constructed a new room for him to sleep in after completing it I

Realized how Dolan dra the base looked it needed a personal touch I harvested some wool for my sheep farm and turned them into a bunch of cool banners that I hung up around the different buildings of my base looking snazzy but my joy was shortlived as illusioner Allen ran in

With frantic news Zozo you need to come with me immediately wind Cola Wendy is under attack from day 32 to day 35 illusioner Allen and I ran as fast as we could to reach the campfire in the glowing Ancient Forest where the wind caller likeed to hang out but by the

Time we arrived it was already too late a vicious gang of skeleton vanguards had already outnumbered and destroyed him no we serve our Master well everyone who attempts to defend you will be destroyed zodo nobody will stand in the way of your sacrifice we will destroy this

Entire world not if I have anything to say about it powered by pure rage I went in there with all my weapons and powers and wiped out every single one of the skeleton vanguards in the end all that was left was myself and illusioner Allan

This is bad Zozo the wind col was a powerful Mage and an asset to our operation now that she is gone the danger grows significantly we can’t give up Alan if we give up then nobody will stop Necromancer Bryce we need to fight back against him with everything we have

Day 36 to day 39 I went out to the grally mountains to wander around and collect my thoughts I was afraid about everything that had happened but I couldn’t show it in front of everyone who was working for me Necromancer Bryce and his men are way more dangerous than

I thought my thoughts were interrupted when I ran into an incredibly strange creature a melon Golem which I didn’t even know was a thing what you never see a melon Golem before you know like melons or something oh no no I I love melons I’ve just never seen a melon

Golem before I’m sorry if I upset you if you have a favor you need doing I’d be happy to see to it and give you a hand well now that you mention it there was an obsidian golem who was giving me some real trouble would you mind taking care

Of him before he hurts me or anyone else of course I’ll get right to it I turned on my invisibility powers and used it to search through the grally mountains until I discovered the Obsidian Golem I used the element of surprise and approached him from behind attacking him

With everything I had in the end I managed to defeat him after a tough battle then I returned to the melon Golem and told him that his bully was gone hey that’s great news I used to be able to trust the other golems but a lot of them defected to The Necromancer

Brace cuz most of them are hoty enough to survive the cold so some Golems are working with the Necromancer now that’s not good news you point out the obvious a lot you know from day 40 to day 43 I returned back to my base pleasantly surprised by some improvements that

Illusioner Allen had made to the base Zozo I’ve made very good friends with the librarian Golem he’s a wonderful chop and we’ve been doing lots of discussions around the Arcane Arts so I installed a sizable collection of bookshelves and couches so he can really enjoy himself here it’s incredibly

Wholesome that you two have become such good friends and he’s not the only friend I’d like to stay here I improved the base by adding a Barracks so I could invite more of my illusional friends the more Mages we have at the base the easier it will be to defend you from The

Necromancer that sounds like a good idea to me Alan not long after a small group of of other illusioners arrived and I greeted them and escorted them to their rooms not long after the librarian Golem approached me with a new Quest Zoo as you may have heard on the grape vine or

Perhaps the melon Vine some Golems defected from the Overworld and joined up with that dastardly Necromancer two in particular are the endstone Golem and the netherite Golem out in the Great Lake Isles perhaps if you’re able to defeat him it will weaken the necromancer’s power in another territory

That’s an awesome idea like librarian Golem all set off immediately from day 44 to day 49 I set off into the Great Lake Isles to find one of the evil golems that had been working for Necromancer Bryce I want to reduce the power of the Necromancer spell in

Whatever way that I can I thought I saw the glow of magic from one of the islands and made a stealthy approach to my surprise it wasn’t an endstone Golem at all but Necromancer Bryce himself he was muttering something so I got closer to hear what it was this pathetic world

Does not deserve Mercy it only deserves cold destruction and my spell will be that destruction soon the hastening will be upon us couldn’t let him stand there and say such terrible things take that back you dastardly Necromancer oh it’s you you’re the ice spider that dares to

Defy me it seems my Undead have thus far been unable to sacrifice you why do you need to sacrifice me so badly anyway what’s in it for you if the entire world is destroyed destroying the entire world is a thankless job but somebody has to do it anyway I’ve got a brand new

Caliber of Minion now prepare to meet my netherite Golem The Necromancer Bryce vanished into a cloud of magical smoke and in his place a netherite Golem Rose to its full towering height greetings I am the netherite Golem and I will be sacrificing today the other golems told

Me that baddies like you were bad news put up your big netherite dukes and let’s have a good clean fight said the spider to the Golem I blasted my opponent and scurried around avoiding his attacks I used my invisibility to sneak in close and attack with my iron

Sword the netherite Golem was very strong and he managed to hit me a couple times dealing many hearts of damage I had Hearts to spare now and this fight was far from over from day 50 to day 53 we briefly stopped to talk you’re going to be sacrificed I spider I’m going to

Crack you like ice and then squash you like a spider oh yeah well you’re a netherite Golem and uh never mind I can’t think of anything I fired off a couple of ice blasts then I used my iron sword to hit the netherite Golem with one more ice blast I froze the netherite

Golem and brought the fight to a close with a sword strike netherite Golem dispersed leaving behind some mystical diamonds which were stronger than any material I had gathered thus far better hang on to these so I can make a powerful tool out of these diamonds later with the netherite Golem defeated

I felt some of necromancer Bryce’s Magic leaving the Great Lake Isles from day 54 to day 57 I found the other evil golem that had chosen to serve Necromancer Bryce the endstone Golem the exact Golem that the library Golem had sent me out to fight this mean endstone fighting

Machine was just as tough as the netherite Golem I had fought before so I knew I had to use similar strategies to take it down Ice Spider Zozo Golem Slayer my invisibility proved to be a great way of avoiding attacks and a mixture of ice blast and iron sword

Attacks sealed the deal both of the Golem defectors have been defeated now I can feel the Great Lake Isles are peaceful now I returned to my base in the glowing Ancient Forest so that I could tell the tale of my victory to the library Golem well done Ice Spider Zozo

Without his Golems Necromancer Bryce has lost a major facet of his evil forces the destruction of the entire world is that much closer to being avoided I’m just doing my part to stop the spell in anticipation of your return I did some research into the original spell books

That contain the destruction spell it says that the Ice Spider needed for the spell must come from the ice spikes biome have you ever been there before Zozo not that I can recall but if it’s my homeland maybe I can learn something more about the spell by going there

Someday from day 58 to day 62 I used the mystical diamonds that had been dropped by the netherite Golem to make myself a diamond sword once crafted the librarian gave me a frost Walker enchantment book to enchant my new diamond sword with frost what a neat enchantment and very

Fitting for an Ice Spider I guess magic comes naturally to me because of my new sword I was inspired to seek out more diamonds down in the mine using my iron pickaxe I dredged up a few more diamonds and made myself a diamond pickaxe I decided that was enough mining for now

And I came back to see that the living area looked much nicer and there was even a brand new fireplace illusioner Allen was standing by the fireplace feeling its warmth it looks amazing here is this an illusion I’m always telling you Zozo magic can’t do everything these

Changes to the base are 100% real wow thanks Alan building this base was such a great idea I really like living here so I’m glad I could make it better for everyone from day 63 to day 66 I was doing some more diamond mining when the

Gorilla who lives in my base came to visit me hey Zozo the librarian Golem told me that you’re originally from the aspar I actually know how to get there you do well that’s great I have been meaning to take a trip out there at some point I’ll give you the directions maybe

You’ll find out if You’ got any family out there following the gorilla’s directions I made my way to the ice bikes I didn’t see any ice spiders but maybe I would meet a friendly face if I looked around but the first face I saw didn’t appear to be that friendly it was

A mountaineer with a wicked gleam in his eyes I’m warning you buddy you don’t want to mess with this Ice Spider I have the HomeField Advantage I don’t want to fight you this gleam in my eye is The Gleam of Adventure I’m Mountaineer Monty and I’m looking to climb the tallest

Peak in the ice the tallest peak I bet I could see everything from up there Count Me In perfect with an ice spider helping me up I’ll be able to get to the top of the tallest peak in no time from day 67 to Day 70 I joined Mountaineer

Monty and we both climbed around on the ice bikes together searching for the tallest peak how will we know if the ice bike that we’re climbing is the tallest or not Monty we won’t know until we get to the top keep on crawling on these walls Ice Spider we went higher and

Higher until we found a ledge on the side of an even taller Peak could this be the one that’s when a Lea Leaf jumped down from the upper Ledges and started to attack I fired an ice blast at the mob but it dodged away this Lea Leaf was

Faster than I expected so I’d have to outsmart it I turned invisible and waited for the leap Leaf to land on the ground I dashed in and hit it with my diamond sword dealing a bunch of damage the moment it jumped I fired an ice blast directly at it defeating it for

Good Mountaineer Monty was impressed with my win that was great and also leap leaves only live on the tallest peak so we must be there let’s keep on climbing so we can find out within a few minutes we had risen to the top of the entire ice spikes biome this was the most

Beautiful thing I had ever seen in all my days as an Ice Spider thank you for being here with me down below I saw what looked like the lair of a necromancer a wicked and terrible base Necromancer Bryce must be here in the ice spikes did

He find me here here from day 71 to day 74 I descended the peak of the tallest mountain and began to travel through the ice spikes in the direction of the evil air I never expected my history with Bryce would go back so far I need to

Find out why his lair is here what happened to the other ice spiders and of course how I can save the world from destruction and if you want to help me save the world remember to search zo zo to find more of my Adventures make sure

To tell me what you want me to play as next down at the base of the mountain I wandered through a snowy blizzard only to be confronted by Necromancer Bryce you’ve returned home Ice Spider Zozo but it’s not your home anymore it’s my home and soon there will be nobody home in

The entire world your destruction spell will never work Bryce not as long as I survive without being sacrificed I drew my sword and turned invisible waiting for an opportunity to strike Necromancer Bryce only laughed he was not threatened by me at all foolish Zozo you don’t understand

What it means that I am here in the ice spikes it means that I’ve already sacrificed another Ice Spider my spell is secure I froze in place not from the cold but from the shock of what Bryce had said no you already sacrificed an Ice Spider you evil monster rice turned

Toward the spell and blasted me with a powerful spell that took off almost all of my heart he was about to fire off another so I ran away as fast as I could from day 75 to day 8 I scurried back to the base and immediately shut myself

Away in the coldest room of the base I had failed the whole point of going to the ice spikes was to learn more about my origin but now I had learned something that made me feel completely hopeless the entire world really was going to be destroyed and there was

Nothing I could do to stop it never say never Zozo it was the librarian Golem they had come to visit me in my time of regret but all of the other ice spiders are gone Necromancer Bryce sacrific them I don’t think that’s exactly what has happened Zozo Bryce was trying to catch

You off guard so he could sacrifice you he still needs you for his place and when he comes for you we’ll be ready the librarian Golem showed me a watchtower that had been installed on the base it would be an ideal countermeasure to any intruding Undead sent by Bryce thanks

Library Golem and you’re right the world isn’t doomed yet later on I consulted illusioner Allen to see what magical spells he had been working on during my travels Zozo I have used all of my magic to create this kyar it is a weapon that will make you Unstoppable in battle

Thank you that’s exactly what I need the moment I took the kther I felt a great surge of power within me I grew into the Ultimate Ice Spider the true king of the ice spikes I had 100 hearts and the ability to warp short distances combining that ability with my

Invisibility to really catch enemies off guard from day 79 to day 84 I made my way back to the ice bikes trusting that the transformation brought on by illusioner Allen spell would give me the ultimate power and that the library Golem wasn’t wrong about there being

More to learn about my past in my mighty Ice Spider form nothing in the ice bikes could rival my strength some specters tried to swoop down and challenge me but I effortlessly destroyed them with my ice blast I traveled some more through the cold biome of the ice spikes

Eventually finding an iser native to this region hello there iser please call me iseler Ike it’s quite nice to meet a spider of ice there used to be a lot more of you Protec the ice bikes so I’ve heard that was before the necromancers sacrificed them oh there was no

Sacrifice your ancestors fought against him bravely down to the last spider I kept one of their helmets too you should have it Ike gave me a diamond helmet which I proudly equipped I guess there really was more to the story than I thought from day 85 to day 89 my base

Was attacked by the skeleton Vanguard I arrived just in time to fend them off with weapons and Ice blasts spider of ice spider of ice the time has come for sacrifice ha that confirms it you still need a sacrifice and I’m the last spider standing you’ll never take me out with

The confidence I had developed in my Ultimate Ice Spider form I demolished the skeleton Vanguard one by one until the last of them went running back to the ice spikes spider of ice your sacrifice will now be done by Necromancer price I’d like to see him try I chased the skeleton Vanguard to

The edge of my base where he kept running onward it was there that I met a fungus thrower who is standing next to a Dugout pool of water oh please I spider Zoo my swimming pool is way too warm can you provide an ice blast to cool it off

Why certainly my fungus throwing friend I shot the pool with an ice blast freezing it over oops sorry now it’s more of an ice rink no I like this better I’ll call my friends and we’ll play some hockey from day 90 to Day 94 I followed the skeleton Vanguard through

The ice Spikes all the way to the necropolis or Necromancer Bryce would be waiting for me Bryce Bryce we need your advice as the skeleton Vanguard approached the necropolis it was obliterated by an attack from an armored Pillager never send a skeleton to do my job and what is your job killing spiders

By the Dozen me and the rest of my Pillager crew fought the ice spiders in this area back when they dared to defy Necromancer Bryce you mean that it was you who wiped out all the rest of the ice spiders and you’re working for Bryce I’m going to freeze on you I fired

Several ice blasts but the armored Pillager tanked them all and hit me with the same powerful attack it’ used to destroy the skeleton Vanguard it dealt a decent amount of damage so I warped away to avoid taking more I FEC many ice spiders just as big as you but you’ve

Never faced me Gathering my courage I warped back and swung my diamond sword into the armored Pillager returning the damage I took and then some from day 95 to day 97 the armored Pillager still wouldn’t let up and I was starting to see that his claims of of taking down

All the other ice spiders wasn’t all talk my ice blasts weren’t very effective so I mostly relied on my sword strikes to deal damage my warp and invisibility Powers helped me Dodge most of the armored pillagers attacks so that I could hold on to my hearts why can’t

You let me crush you like those other worthless ice spiders it’s time you learn that those lives you trampled were never worthless I warped all around the armored Pillager and barraged him with sword attacks until he collapsed at long last darn it you have beaten me truth is

You spiders fought very well I was the only Survivor among the pillagers if you lost everyone too why are you being such a mean guy about it we could have talked this out Necromancer Bryce was going to destroy the world anyway we thought we had to listen to him or he’d destroy us

First that Bryce is ruthless beyond anything you’ve seen after he hired us villagers to wipe out the spiders he had them save one remaining ice spider egg so that he could use the ice spider that hatched for his destruction spell that Ice Spider must have been you the

Armored Pillager died leaving behind a key to the lair at that moment I realized I had Avenged my people well almost Bryce stole me away planed to use me for his spell and destroy the world I’ve only now come to know I will stop

Him on day 98 I returned to the base to heal my injuries from the battle with the armored Pillager so much had happened since I started my journey and we were only a couple days from the day that the destruction spell would end the world but the words that carried me all

This way rang in my ears as long as I survive it isn’t over I spoke to the librarian Golem who was also hopeful about our chances of stopping the destruction spell No sacrifice was made and if you defeat Bryce he’ll never be able to cast another destruction spell

This could be your chance to save the entire world I will do it for the world and for all the ice spiders that fought bravely against him I wanted to make sure the powers of my magically induced final form were stable so I went to illusioner Allen to confirm your magical

Kther seems to be be working Alan oh Zozo what have I always said magic can’t do everything you took that form on your own my great illusion was convincing you that my weapon was the reason wow I didn’t expect that you truly are a skilled illusioner Alan but I didn’t

Leave the base without any new gear the gorilla made sure I had full diamond armor for the battle with Necromancer Bryce you’re a hero Ice Spider Zozo I really wish I could have met more IE spiders as long as there’s a world there’s a way I’ll make sure the world

Is safe after I stop Bryce go get that evil creep remember the path I showed you through the gravity mountains on day 99 I was traveling through the gral mountains toward the ice spikes on my way to The Showdown with Necromancer Bryce I was intercepted by a whole bunch

Of skeleton vanguards who seemed really eager to sacrifice me as always Ry really rolled out the welcome mat early huh spider of Ice Spider of ice must we say you rce it has to be time for your sacrif even though my strength my hearts my gear and my magic all surpassed theirs

The skeleton vanguards descended on me in great numbers they’re slowing me down I won’t be able to reach pry by the day of Destruction I had to retreat as quickly as I could that’s when I ran into the Mountaineer and he wanted to fight those nasty skeletons for me so I

Could take down the big boss who started it all go on now I spider we climb the talls spe together now face your greatest challenge with pride on day 100 I used the key to the lair and entered the inner sanctum of necromancer Bryce the day of Destruction is at hand and

Here you are allowing yourself to be sacrificed there will be no sacrifice and no destruction we traded a series of blasts his necromancy blast and my ice blast we each took a bit of damage then I turned invisible you crushed my people but I’m taking back the ice spikes and

The entire world from your evil you would fight to protect a world that took away your family the world didn’t do that Necromancer Bryce that was you I reappeared and attacked his blind spot with my diamond sword he began charging up his most powerful spell yet it was

The same spell he almost defeated me with the last time we fought Necromancer Bryce let the spell of Doom fly at me I waited until the very last second then I used my warp ability to move out of the way and appear right behind him you

Missed me and now it’s over for you I swung my diamond sword repeatedly with all my might destroying the Necromancer but before he could destroy anything else this world would live on and so would I on day one I spawned in his AAU ready to begin my latest Minecraft adventure

And wow look I’ve got five Hearts it must be because AAU is so good at making friends but wait there was nobody else around me in the forest that didn’t seem right AAU always has her friends especially her best friend Ian I started looking around to see if I could find

Him Ian can you hear me Ian I don’t like hanging out in this creepy forest alone but I wasn’t alone suddenly a huge humbaba came running out of the trees towards me are you calling for Ian oh that annoying little brat has given me enough trouble already if you’re a

Friend of his I’m going to need to kidnap you too so that’s what happened to Ian he always knew how to make a bad first impression I turned and ran away from the forest there was no way I could fight that big humbaba unarmed get back

Here you little twerp there will be no Escape once I reach my full power that didn’t sound good I kept running until I couldn’t see the humbaba anymore and stopped to catch my breath after the chase so he kidnapped Ian I need to get him back I really don’t like that thing

The humbaba said about reaching his full power but I didn’t have time to think about it suddenly Endermen were coming out of the trees all around me grasping for me with their long spooky arms uh-oh got to go I ran off again until there were no

Endermen to be seen I hid underneath a big tree to get some sleep in secret it’s harder to make friends in this world that I thought on day two I woke up with a sore back sleeping on the ground under a tree isn’t that comfortable I needed to make myself a

Base but first I needed to get myself some materials I started breaking down a tree with my bare hands to get the material for a crafting table ow my hands are going to be sore after that one I built a crafting table and used that to craft my first of tools a wooden

Pickaxe a wooden axe and of course a wooden sword now it’s Base building time but there wasn’t much space in the forest so I headed out into the planes to start building my base on a wide even plane I admired the planes from my new balcony nothing can sneak up on me here

That’s when I saw a bunch of freaky Little Creatures crawling towards my base are those enderal fages that doesn’t make sense what are they doing outside of the end either way I needed to get them out of here to finish building my base I went outside pulled out my sword and

Started attacking them being careful not to let them attack me if an enderio Fage attacks you you get Ender flu and nobody wants that get out of here you nasty little viruses I kept attacking them until there were no more left and stay out I went back in to continue working

On my base the first room I finished was my sleeping quarters complete with a nice comfy bed the sure beats sleeping under a tree on day three I woke up feeling well rested and decided to continue expanding my base I left the Plaines and walked back into the forest

To gather more material with my new tools after all I needed to build a room for Ian after I rescue him from the hanaba on the way through the forest I discovered an opening into a cave and decided to explore who knows what Treasures I might find in there but as I

Got deeper and deeper into that cold dark cave I realized treasure wasn’t the only thing inside suddenly an armed mimik Cube snuck up behind me before I could even react it hit me with its mimic sword taking out a good chunk of my health get away from me you lousy

Slime I’m just trying to gather some supplies but it didn’t listen it just kept attacking me my sword was like a toy against it whatever Adventurer it copied a shield from was too strong for a minute there I thought I was a goner until a friendly chobo came running out

Of the cave towards me h on my back kid it isn’t safe in here thanks that’s an offer I can’t refuse I jumped onto the jacobo’s back and rode her out of the cave leaving the mimikyu behind us in the dark we ran until we reached my base

Where I finally dismounted off of the chobo thanks for the save chobo I’m Zozo what’s your name I’m KOCO huh guess our names are kind of similar you did a great job saving us from that mimik Cube I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have survived without you the mimik cubes are just the

Beginning of it haven’t you noticed all of the Ender creatures that have been bothering everyone around here it’s all estron the hum Baba’s fault wait the hanaba I think we should stick together that’s the guy who kidnapped my friend on days four to 5 I invited Koco the

Chobo into my base be it ever so humble there’s no place like home nice place where will I sleep that’s when I realized he wouldn’t really fit through the door well where do you want to sleep personally I’ve always felt a little safer underground is that doable you bet

You Coco I mined a space underground in my little base and built Coco a cozy underground room to sleep in by the time we were done it was night time and we were exhausted it feels so nice to have a friend staying at my base with me too

But we didn’t get to cool off for long we heard the sound of zombies moaning outside jeez we can’t catch a break can we you hang back this time Coco you’ve already saved my bum once today now it’s my turn to help you out I climbed up the

Stairs and pulled out my sword it may be wooden but I could still outwit a bunch of zombies even at my lower power level I ran in taking advantage of my speed to lure the zombie horde away from my base that keep KOCO safe now it’s time to

Tango you Undead fiends once I was far enough away I started picking them off one by one defeating each one quickly before the rest could gang up on me you know that age-old rule never get surrounded by zombies this will teach you to invade my base it’s just rude you

Know I noticed that one of them dropped an enchanted book on the ground I ran in and picked it up right away oh what wow protection level four this will improv the strength of my armor that’s perfect on day 6 to 8 I decided to build a

Chicken farm on my base so I could collect the eggs and make myself some nice meals once the new section of the base was built I went out into the jungle to find some wild chickens rumming free here little chickens I’ll put up some fences and make you some

Nests while I was there I collected a few apples from the Trees Too Munch Munch Munch back to full Hearts nice and just in time too because I saw a stragon the hum Bubba coming towards me through the trees he was carrying a bow with flaming arrows we meet again Zoo you’re

A long way from your base estron I know your name now what did you do with my friend Ian Ian Ian Ian I’m sick of hearing that name almost as sick as I am of keeping him as a hostage but it’ll all be worth it when it’s time for the

Sacrifice what sacrifice what are you going to do to my friend I’ve told you too much already Zozo now it’s time for you to run if you want to survive that is he started shooting Fireballs at me and all I could do was run away there

Was no way I could face him with just a wooden sword run Zoo run it doesn’t matter I’ll catch you in the end no matter what he kept firing more Fireballs as I kept running there were so many I could barely Dodge them all I just kept ducking and weaving between

The trees they were my only protection why can’t you just leave me alone I can’t have you getting in the way of my plan Zozo I won’t risk it luckily I was still faster than he was I was able to keep running until I passed through a

Gap too small for him by the time he could make it around I had hidden behind a tree You Can’t Hide forever Zozo then he angrily spat fire all over I didn’t feel safe until I saw him Fade Into the distance looking for me I’m

Going to I need to get so much stronger before I can beat that guy I hope you’re safe out there Ian on days 9 to 10 I was hanging out with Koko thinking about how to pass the time while I searched for Ian and figured out hbaba’s evil plan

Hko had a pretty bright idea about that how about you build a statue Zozo that’s a great way to pass the time and it’ll help inspire you to complete your mission great idea coko I’m so glad I have you around to help me out but what

Would the statue be it has to be something Ian would love I’m sitting on the balcony thinking of what exactly to build oh wait I know I’d build a statue of Ian he’d love to have a big statue of himself to look at ventured out to the

Plains where I started mining some more materials this would help me build my statue and improve my base I went back to the base and started building the statue’s foundation heck yeah that’s a good start I also decided it was time to furnish my home a bit more I needed

Somewhere to chill out and maybe read oh I know I’ll build myself a library that will be the perfect place to study and relax yes built myself a nice cozy library with bookshelves chairs and a fireplace now this is the way to live on days 11 to 12 I was exploring a cave

Searching for more materials when suddenly an ancient Spirit villager appeared right in front of me oh no a ghost Be not Afraid Zoo how do you know my name I know many things as an ancient Spirit it is my duty to Guide Heroes and warriors who are pure of heart to their

Destiny I can a sense that you have a mission zoo I can give you the answers but you must ask the right questions well a humbaba named estron kidnapped my best friend Ian and I think he’s up to something bad can you tell me everything you know about

Him yes estron the hanaba there is a great darkness in that creature’s heart and started out like any other hababa living in the desert Plains with his family like many evil men estron wasn’t satisfied with what he had with the love of his friends and family he always

Lusted for power to gain control over others his quest to become a more powerful being led him to the end a realm even darker and further from the Overworld than the nether he knew that the forces of the end would give him power he only dreamed of but it exacted

A terrible price in return a sacrifice he wanted the power of the end he would need to forsake the Overworld and help the Enderman and endiro fases take it over and make it their own he gains power to perform this ritual through sacrifice I would wager that this is his

Intention with your friend Ian what that’s even worse than I thought I need to get stronger and defeat this guy before he can hurt anyone else from Days 13 to 15 I returned to the cave where I first met Koko the chocoo I wanted to get strong enough to defeat estragon the

Humbaba I needed to at least be strong enough to defeat that mimikyu as I got deeper into the cave I saw it was waiting for me on top of a stalagmite clearly he had gotten some flare for the dramatic as it hopped down towards me I

Dodged and went for his back trying to hit him where he couldn’t block with a shield he took a lot of hits for my wooden sword but eventually I did manage to defeat it with a good swing to the back the fight made a difference because

I could feel myself leveling up I went from five to eight hearts got twice as strong and gained a new ability disguise aphmau is great at fitting in so I could now convince some lower level mob groups that I’m one of them just as long as I don’t act too out of character

This will probably come in handy later after that I mined some Stone and left the cave all this will help me rescue Ian and stop estragon someday on days 16 to 19 I built myself a crafting room so I could make better gear I used my crafting table and the stone I’d

Collected to make myself a new set of gear a stone sword a stone pickaxe and a stone axe we’ve just entered the Stone Age baby I realized I needed more materials for Base building and crafting that’s why I started exploring an underground Cavern near my base the

Deeper I got into the cavern the more I noticed how cold it had gotten even cooler than you’d usually expect for an underground Cavern that’s when I noticed an Iceman standing deeper into the cavern waiting for any Intruders to enter he was walking towards me I needed

To think fast now is probably a good time to try out my new disguise ability as the Iceman approached me I switched into my Iceman disguise hey who gos there hey uh it’s me fellow Iceman so nice to see another one of my cold Bros

Down here oh yeah I guess it is nice to see another Iceman down here it looks like my disguise worked well what can I do you for fellow Iceman you mind if I mine some materials I need to upgrade my equipment sure thing Bud be my guest my

New disguise ability was already coming in handy with The Iceman’s approval I mined some extra Stone and made my way back to my base on days 20 to 22 I woke up to Coco the chobo outside the door to my bedroom frantically calling for me Zozo Zozo it’s an emergency what’s wrong

Coco eston the hababa is right outside I think he’s here to see you uh-oh I better get dressed and go see him then I grabbed my equipment and ran out of the base I saw estron the humbaba standing there waiting for me we meet again Zozo our last meeting was cut tragically

Short if I recall correctly you ran away like a coward will you run away now I’m through running away I’m ready to take you on estron are you brave enough to fight me directly gladly estron Reed his claws and ran at me we dueled managing to dodge or Parry most of each other’s

Blows impressive you’ve gotten a lot stronger since we last fought thanks for providing the encouragement as we kept fighting I managed to hold my own but I was getting tired lucky for me it seemed like estragon was getting tired too you proving yourself Zozo but this isn’t

Even my final form the next time we fight it’ll be the end of you mark my words and with that he ran off leaving us on a draw but the next time I would meet him I finally believed it might be my turn to take home the victory when

I’m done with you estragon the only end you’ll need to worry about is your own on days 23 to 26 I explored an underground Cavern hoping to find some interesting loot using torches I placed along the wall to light my way I walked deeper and deeper into the belly of the

Cavern along the way I saw a family of spiders skittering along the stone I really didn’t feel like fighting these guys so I hid in the shadows and watched them pass spiders always give me the creeps once the spiders were gone I kept creeping into the cavern I could just

Feel I was getting closer to something worthwhile hey what’s that that’s when I discovered an old chest hidden among the rocks I opened it and found a potion of healing inside this will help me regain to Hearts I better keep this for when I really need it and if you want more Zozo

Videos when you really need them search zo zoo in your search bar and you’ll be able to find all my Minecraft Adventures on days 27 to 31 Koko brought me some materials to get started on the Statue and I quickly got to work on it knowing

That it would help to motivate me to take on estron and rescue Ian this is looking Rad but I can’t help but feel like it’s missing something I realized pretty quickly that the statue needed some more color to really bring it to the next level I made my way over to a

Nearby desert where I found some abandoned sheep in a pen their wool is exactly what we need for the Statue as soon as I tried to get closer however a gang of husks appeared from behind the Sands it was too late to use my disguise skill they’d already seen me and now I

Was in trouble I’m guessing you guys don’t want to just talk this one out spoiler alert they didn’t I pulled out my stone sword and started fighting off the gang of angry husks there were plenty of them but I was a lot stronger than I used to be I bet you wish you

Just talked it out with me now huh some husks with bows were hiding on top of a sand dune firing arrows at me but they weren’t as good a shot as estron so I was able to dodge their arrows and run at them come on guys you can do better

Than that I swung my sword again and again and again never letting up by the time I was done those ancient bad guys were done and I was free to explore the pen I found a big stash of wool in a near by chest since I had what I needed

I set the Sheep free enjoy your freedom with that done I made my way back to my base to continue work on the statue on days 32 to 35 I decided I needed a change of scenery so I left my base and ventured down to the swamp to see if

There were any interesting materials to collect H it’s got that fresh swamp smell but I didn’t find any interesting materials instead I found a swarm of monstrous swamp leeches and I really didn’t want them to get too close to me I think I might be allergic to leeches

Especially giant monster leeches as I tried to run away I fell into the bog and found even more monstrous swamp leeches slithering through the water towards me I needed to get out of here I climbed out of the water and started running as fast as I could as the

Leeches started slithering up onto the ground behind me those monsters must be really hungry but I don’t want to be on the menu you nasty leeches I pulled out my sword and I was able to fight a few of them off but every time I took out a

Few of them more crawled out of the water I was on their Turf now okay okay I’m leaving just please stop trying to eat me after running for a while I finally managed to escape all the hungry leeches I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and that’s when the iron

Chicken ran out to meet me please can’t stranger I need your help of course tell me what’s happening my chicken friend was kidnapped and dragged away into a tombe but it’s too heavily G started for me to go and get her back myself will

You help me do it I will my friend got kidnapped too so I know exactly how you feel I’ll get right on it on days 36 to 39 I followed some instructions the iron chicken gave me until I found my way over to the ancient tomb of course

They’d be hiding the kidnapped chicken in the creepiest place possible duh getting in wouldn’t be easy I could see a powerful looking Stone monster guarding the gate and I had no idea what other enemies or traps were waiting for me in died I needed to think of a way to

Approach this tactically wait I have an idea the stone monster hadn’t seen me yet so I could use my disguise skill to infiltrate the building without needing to fight the stone monster once I was inside I could try to find the chicken and sneak back out it’d be a Flawless

Plan and nobody would need to get hurt that’s the APM way what could possibly go wrong days 40 to 43 I put my plan into action I used my disguise ability to take on the form of a still Stone monster and approached the stone monster guarding the entrance to the ancient

Tomb hey there fellow Stone monster how’s it going do I know you well we’re both Stone monsters aren’t we what’s up you Garden the tomb can I go in look buddy this is a security job I don’t let anyone into this tomb unless I know them

So who are you I feel like I definitely know you from somewhere are you a friend of my brother Michael yes that’s it some would say I’m his best friend me and Mikey go way back so you mind if I enter the tomb yeah dope I don’t have a brother I’m taking

You down my disguise was foiled the stone monster ran towards me and I used my Speed and Agility to dodge around him and run into the ancient tomb don’t worry chicken I’m coming for you I ran into the tomb it was a cold dark passageway where I could barely see in

Front of my face put up a couple torches along the walls just so I could find my way around that’s when I found a potion of night vision laying around on the floor of the Tomb this is perfect just what I needed I took the potion just in

Time to see a vicious Ruby mummy running towards me it gave me the Fright of my life I dodged the lunging mummy and only then noticed a green chicken cowering behind the mummy hey chicken come with me we need to get out of this scary dump

I didn’t have to tell the chicken twice she ran after me as I ran out of the Tomb leaving the shambling Ruby mummy behind us we also passed the big strong Stone monster on the way out and left the tomb for good the green chicken and

I returned to the swamp where she was reunited with her good friend the iron chicken thank you Zozo I’ll never forget this no problem iron chicken I just hope I don’t need to go into any more creepy tombs anytime soon on days 44 to 49 after reuniting with the chickens I

Decided I needed a little reminder of the friend I was doing all of this to save I haven’t forgotten about you Ian that’s why I continued working on the Statue with some of the materials I’d been Gathering it was getting a little taller every day I loved seeing my work

Get better and better like this okay the statue is coming along nicely but now I need to beef up my home defenses a little I Min some Stone out of the ground nearby and started building a wall around the base to keep it secure from any potential attackers I’d like to

See estragon break in now oh wait I should probably build a door I built a double door into the front of the perimeter gate and mounted torches all around the sides to ward off mobs after that I got to work making Ian a room of

His own he needed a good place to stay after I got him back from estron while I was at it I decided to add a kitchen as well can’t live off of apples forever now my base was really coming along on days 50 to 53 my new security system was

Put to the test when estron the hanaba attacked the base again and this time he brought friends there was an army of andreo fases headed by one one of eston’s generals the mutant Enderman who is larger and stronger than your average Enderman you just don’t know when to

Quit do you estron why would I quit Zozo I hold all the cards you’ve been getting too big for your boots this is going to teach you a valuable lesson about your place in things minions attack on eston’s order the Army attacked I thought my new perimeter wall would keep

Me Coco and our base safe but that’s when the mutant Enderman came in he teleported past the wall and opened the door from the inside that’s when the end fases came storming into the base uh-oh this isn’t good I pulled out my stone sword and tried my best to fight off the

Endur fases but as they attacked me I caught the Ender flu and felt myself getting temporarily weaker I wasn’t even strong enough to stop them from getting to Coco the chocoo Zozo help they’ve got me Coco No but it was already too late estra teleported away with Coco all that

Was left at the base was me the Ender oases and the mutant Enderman that’s it all of you bad guys are going down one by one with my stone sword I took down all the remaining Ender phases and the Mutant Endermen teleported away in fear the battle gave me enough XP that I

Gained two more hearts and double speed I quickly ran back inside and opened my fridge and grabbed some milk thankfully drinking it removed the under flu from me now it’s it’s time to get serious I’m not letting estragon keep Coco and Ian I’m getting them both back on days 54 to

57 hi decided I needed to improve my base defense system before I took the fight to estron and his goons I reinforced my perimeter wall by making it thicker and adding more layers and I added lanterns around the outside to ward off any enemy mobs good luck teleporting through that mutant Enderman

The next defense I needed was knowledge that’s why I returned to the underground Cavern or the wise ancient Spirit villager was waiting for me ancient Spirit villager I need your help estron keeps attacking me and taking my friends but I don’t know where to even start

Looking for him to get my friends back where should I look H well I think I may have an answer for you Zoo across the forest in the Badlands there is an ancient Temple which I believe is owned by eston the hababa perhaps if you find this place you can discover eston’s end

Portal if you find that may be able to rescue your friends and stop his terrible plans that sounds like a plan but first I’m going to need to improve my weapons and equipment if I want to take on estron I need to become more powerful than ever that’s when I set off

For a nearby mind on days 58 to 62 I entered the mine and started mining iron ore with my stone pickaxe this will be perfect for upgrading my gear but while I was mining I suddenly felt a presence behind me I turned and saw the m mutant

Enderman lurking in the dark you again I’ve had enough of you the mutant Enderman teleported toward me but I wouldn’t let him get the advantage here I pulled out my stone sword and finally put an end to the crafty teleporting villain he had one final trick up a

Sleeve though before I could back off I got sucked into the Ender energies that exploded out of him by the end of it though I was in a lot better shape than he was you picked the wrong side mutant Enderman I gathered up the rest of the

Iron and returned to my base there I used my crafting table to create an iron sword an iron pickaxe an iron axe and a full set of iron armor looks like I’m getting stronger and stronger every day yeah on days 63 to 66 I continued working on the Statue it was coming

Along well but it still had a long way to go and it was a heck of a lot harder to build without any of my friends here to help me but I had to keep going because that’s what Heroes do that and go on adventures of course

If you want to make sure you never miss an exciting Zozo Adventure hit subscribe and click the Bell to get notifications we promise we’ve got some even cooler Adventures on the way and you can even suggest your ideas for Adventures down in the comments I love hearing what you

Have to say but now it’s time to continue my quest let’s do this on days 67 to 70 I followed the ancient Spirit villagers instructions to find eston’s hidden dungeon I tracked across the forest until I reached the bad lands there I finally found a cave entrance

Guarded by a few floating gests with this kind of security this has got to be estron secret dungeon I bet Ian and Koko are trapped in here using my impressive speed I ran in through the Cave’s entrance avoiding the Fireballs blasted at me by the patrolling gas you can’t

Catch me I’m going to get in there and save my friends on day 71 to 74 I entered the dungeon there were Wither Skeleton skulls on the floor but suddenly in a block puff of smoke they reanimated into wither skeletons great more enemies just what I wanted pulled

Out my iron sword and started dueling the wither skeletons they were stronger than I expected even iron wasn’t that effective at stopping them I jumped to a platform off the side of the bridge to make some distance between us that sure is a long way down the wither skeletons

Were hesitant to follow over the Gap then I took a look around and noticed something sitting on the ground nearby I couldn’t believe believe what I was seeing wo a mace that’s one of the most powerful weapons out there looks like I’m getting some good luck after all

With the mace I made short work of the Wither Skeleton Squad blasting them all into a pile of ebony bones not so tough now huh after defeating the wither skeletons I noticed a gate at the back of the dungeon I just knew that whatever I wanted it was hiding behind that door

Let’s go on days 75 to 78 I walked through the gate at at the back of the dungeon and entered eston’s Lair the hanaba was standing there waiting for me with a huge end portal on the ground behind him I bet you’re proud of yourself you’ve come so far and what a

Shame it’ll be what happens to you in the end do you have any final regrets yeah not taking you down sooner I pulled out my new mace and ran toward estron he tried to dodge but I was too fast for him all it took was one good strike and

Estron was thrown across the room needless to say he didn’t seem happy you really have gotten stronger and I’ve gotten angrier you’ll see just how angry I can get if you don’t tell me where I can find my friends oh you’ll find them but to find them you’ll need to follow

Me estron jumped into the end portal and disappeared I wasn’t going to let him get away so I jumped in right after him on day 79 to 84 I arrived in the end where estragon the hanaba was already waiting for me on top of some kind of

Tower the sky above was Pitch Black something about this place made me shudder all the way down to my bones welcome Zozo to the end I hope you find it as hospitable as I do give it up estron it’s over tell me where you’re keeping my friends oh they’re right here

Zozo but you’ll never see them again isn’t that just tragic now this creep was really making me angry not as weak as I used to be estron I can defeat you now perhaps you can but can you beat me after this estron the hanaba started floating off the top of the tower I

Could feel an energy building in the air what was happening here prepare to witness true power Zozo in a puff of poisonous purple Mist estragon harnessed the power of the end and transformed into an Ender Dragon one of the most powerful enemies imaginable this is what it’s all been building to I’ve harnessed

The power of the end and become stronger than I could have ever hoped to be soon with the help of my Enderman and my andreo fases I will conquer the world I’ll never let you do that you’ll be too dead to stop me estragon the Ender

Dragon fired a purple Fireball at me I had no hope of surviving like this I ran away and hopped back into the end portal if I couldn’t figure something out soon we’d all be doomed on day 85 to 89 I ran back through the forest to my base by

The time I got back there I was exhausted from the journey and from my last fight I needed to take a nap and get my energy back that’s when I got an unexpected guess the ancient Spirit villager floated into the room and woke me up ancient Spirit villager what are

You doing here it seems the situation has become Graver than ever Zoo our shared enemy eston has taken the form of an Ender Dragon I know that ancient Spirit villager I saw it happen then you know how much is at stake what we must do in order to stop him and save the

Overworld from his tyranny you still think I can beat him if you wish to save your friends Ian and coko then you will have to but you will need to get stronger first here take this the ancient Spirit villager gave me a sharpness enchantment which would make

My mace even stronger but if I wanted to beat this new estragon I needed to make my spirit stronger as well as my weapons feeling well rested I went out to the Statue and put on the final finishing touches it looked amazing just like my

Friend Ian I knew when he finally saw it he’d love it he always was a little full of himself that’s when the ancient Spirit villager appeared to me one more time Zoo my time is Rost at an end but I have a message to impart to you if you

Wish to survive the Wrath of the Ender Dragon you must wear the ultimate armor you will find it in a chest hidden in the nether waste there is a portal to the nether on the stone Shores you can do it I believe in you and with that the

Ancient Spirit villager faded away I would need to do the rest alone thank you ancient Spirit villager for everything on days 90 to 94 I used the sharpness enchantment the spirit villager gave me on my mace to make it stronger I took my enhanced mace and

Made my way to the stone Shores could see the nether portal glowing in the distance it’s now or nether have I made made that joke before there were a few zombies scattered along the shoreline when they saw me they immediately started running towards me thankfully by

This point I was way too strong for them I took them all out with my mace and ran towards the portal nothing is going to stop me now I jumped into the portal and was suddenly transported to the fiery nightmare world of the nether now I’ve

Got to find that chest huh this place is way bigger than I thought as I wandered further into The Nether waste I was attacked by a horde of zombified piglins all oinking furiously guys I’m just looking for the chest I don’t want any trouble they weren’t interested in

Listening instead they all attacked me and gave me no choice but to fight back take this and that my Ma was so powerful Now it only took one strike each to destroy them the biggest problem was that my mace was slow so it took me a while to work through them all they

Really should give you guys a raise once the zombified piglins were taken care of I continued exploring until I found an empty Bastion Remnant this must be where all those zombified piglins came from I wonder if they were guarding something I crept inside and that’s when I saw it

The chest the exact thing that the ancient Spirit villager told me about I opened it up and found something amazing inside a set of netherite armor the strongest armor ever this would be perfect for keeping me safe against the wrath of estron with the armor in my

Inventory I ran back to the portal it was time to return to my base and prepare don’t worry Ian and Coco I’m coming back for you soon on days 95 to ’96 I continued the prep for my final battle back at the base I used my library to craft a few new Enchantment

Books that had give me the edge in the fight against estron even though my netherite armor was already the strongest armor you could get your hands on it could still be stronger I gave it the projectile protection enchantment so I could withstand anything that estron the Ender Dragon threw at me but I

Didn’t stop there when you think dragons you also think fire that’s exactly why I also gave my netherite armor the fire protection enchantment you won’t be able to toast me now estron but I couldn’t just load all my efforts into defense my maze was powerful but it was also slow

And it was no good at long range not exactly great when your enemy can fly that’s why just to be sure I also made a throwing axe to keep in my inventory just in case estron decided to cheat and uses wings and to think I started this

Journey as just a fun YouTuber now I’m a powerful Dragon hunting Warrior let’s go on days 97 to ’98 I made the hard Trek across the forest toward the cave where estron was keeping his end portal I was nervous after all the Ender Dragon was one of the strongest enemies I’d ever

Faced but I knew in my heart that I could win this thing and save my friends do you believe I can do it let me know down in the coms comments along with what Adventure you’d like me to take on next anytime you want more Minecraft adventures with me Zozo just search zo

ZL for more that’s when I noticed that dark scary dungeon right in front of me okay estron it’s now or never I’m going to defeat you once and for all on day 99 I entered the dungeon where estron was keeping his portal to the end if I

Didn’t defeat him here he might become all powerful and spread the Ender creatures all over the world I can’t just let that happen I jumped into the end portal and was immediately transported to the main island of the end I saw Koko the chocoo and Ian trapped in cages watching helplessly

While the mighty Ender Dragon floated up above huh you actually came back I can’t tell whether you’re brave or just foolish but I’ll destroy you either way Koko and Ian looked amazed to see me here and I was so happy to see them Zozo I can’t believe you actually came back

To help help us this is literally the coolest thing you’ve ever done don’t worry guys I’m going to save you that just made estron laugh I thought it might be nice for them to see you get destroyed it’s a little parting gift from me to you you pathetic little

Weakling who are you calling weakling it was time to level up I equipped my mace and felt myself beginning to change I upgraded reaching twice my height and strength my final form let’s do this estron estragon immediately swooped down towards me doing the Ender Dragon dive I

Quickly ran and dodged out of the way as he collided with the ground that was too close I grabbed my mace and ran towards him ready to deal a blow but he was already up and flying around again a come on that’s not fair he Unleashed a purple Fireball that flew down towards

Me and exploded filling the area around me with that lethal pink Haze I could hardly breathe I needed to get out of here before it depleted my health this is even worse than Ender flu the Ender Dragon had so many attacks I could barely keep up just as I was recovering

From the poison gas the Ender Dragon flew towards me again spewing a barrage of normal Fireballs down onto me if I wasn’t wearing my enchanted netherite armor I probably would have been melted right there and then despite my armor they still dealt some damage taking out

Two of my hearts thankfully I still had my healing potion to get me back to full health Bottoms Up and estron certainly didn’t like that face it Zozo I’m all powerful you can’t stop me I will rule the Overworld but I wasn’t done just yet I grabbed my throwing axe and prepared

For the next attack this time I’d be ready you want to finish me off estron come on and do it then if you insist Zozo I saw estron preparing for another dive towards me this would be my chance as he got closer I threw my axe at him

Throwing off his ark and sending him collapsing into the ground with an Earth shaking crash before estron the Ender Dragon could get himself back up into the air I pulled out my powerful mace and ran over straight towards his head I could see him starting to panic wait

Zozo no you can’t do this this is what happens when you kidnap my friends boom with one strike of my mace to his head estron the Ender Dragon was destroyed for good it was over you did it Zozo yeah you won on day 100 me Ian and coko escaped the end I let

Them run ahead while I turned around to throw my mace into the portal to destroy it so nobody like estragon would ever come back the portal started bubbling up so I rushed yet far away from it when I turned around I saw dozen of tiny falling stars rainning down on the

Dungeon and portal slowly reducing it to Rubble then we made our way back to the base to finally hang out and chill the adventure may have been over but now with my friends back the fun had just begun on day one I spawned in as Mr Beast the YouTuber famous for his big

Money and crazy challenges but wait I’m so small and I don’t even have a beard I’m not Mr Beast I’m baby Beast before I could think about increasing my size or my fortune a big mean Bounty Hunter came running out of some nearby Woods uhoh is

That a bow and arrow that’s right and I’m a dead shot with this thing too I’m the the toughest nastiest Bounty Hunter around these parts and you better start running cuz someone put a bounty on your head a bounty what does that mean it means someone is going to pay me the big

Bucks if I can capture you in 100 days and trust me it won’t take 100 days cuz I’m the best there is before I could say anything else he started firing at me the Bounty Hunter was such a good shot I had to run for my life deeper into the

Forest well he just laughed at me escaped the Bounty Hunter for 100 days boy do I have my work cut out for me this time on day two I made my way into the closest forest I could find I didn’t stop knowing that the Bounty Hunter

Might still be chasing me here in the trees I have way more cover it’ll be harder for the Bounty Hunter to hit me with his arrows gosh and I definitely don’t want to get hit by those arrows I only have three lousy Hearts I kept running looking over my shoulder now and

Then to see if anybody was following me phew it looks like I might have lost him for now now anyway that’s when a huge gorilla charged out of the trees he was buff and tough as you probably expect from a gorilla sorry that I’m in your Forest Mr gorilla I’d give you some

Money for it but I’m not full Mr Beast yet it’s an emergency though I’m being chased by a bounty hunter the gorilla laughed yeah I know you’re being chased by a bounty hunter because he hired me to help him if I take you to him we’re

Going to split the Bounty oh come on that’s not fair how can you sleep at night going after innocent people like this believe me the Bounty money will help with that money I’ll be a gillionaire and with that he attacked me pounding me with his huge gorilla fist I

Tried to fight back but without any weapons and only my puny punches I didn’t leave a scratch on him huh this really is like taking candy from a baby just when it seemed like all was lost a donkey with a saddle came running at us

Out of the woods hop on my back if you want to live so I hopped on the donkey’s back and she carried me out of there that was close too close that’ll do donkey that’ll do on day three the kind donkey who saved me took me back to her

Secret hideout deep in the woods there I met the donkey’s friend a pig who was also hiding out this is Napoleon he’s the smartest Pig I’ve ever met well I don’t know about the smartest but I definitely know a thing or two wait that’s perfect if you’re super smart

Then maybe you can help me with my quest what quest is that I’m being chased by the meanest scariest Bounty Hunter in the world and if he gets me in the next 100 days I’m toast they say the best defense is a good offense if you don’t

Want this bounty hunter fell to get you then you need to stay under the radar get strong and get him first now that’s a cool idea how would I start Napoleon you’re going to need tools weapons and a secret base for starters and from there the training will begin taking

Napoleon’s advice donkey and I set off further into the forest the Bounty Hunter wouldn’t get me over the next 100 days I’d get him on days four to five donkey and I decided to start Gathering our first materials the forest was full of trees so it wouldn’t be hard to find

Wood come on Donkey let’s get ourselves some wooden blocks it wasn’t easy to punch down the trees but with the help of donkey we’d soon broken down enough trees to make a crafting bench and some basic wooden tools it’s crafting time I made myself a wooden pickaxe perfect for

A low-level player like me but why settle for a lowlevel tool you’ll be able to mine chop and harvest even faster with stone tools donkey at a point I used my wooden pickaxe to mine into the ground and collect some stone blocks then with the help of my crafting

Bench I created my first set of stone tools but most importantly of all I made myself my first formidable weapon a super cool stone sword let’s see that Bounty Hunter mess with me now the next piece of advice Napoleon had given me was building a secret hideout it

Couldn’t be too obvious where the Bounty Hunter would find me easily I picked a spot between some trees and started mining downwards underground would be the perfect spot for my base I built some stairs and a place for donkey and I to sleep underground with some torches

To light the way hopefully the Bounty Hunter would never notice us here but all this Mining and crafting had worked up a hunger in me that’s when I noticed an apple on the ground oh that’s perfect I picked up the apple and ate it then something amazing happened I leveled up

Growing into a slightly bigger Mr Beast with four Hearts now rather than three this is awesome next I need to start growing my bank account on day 6 to8 I decided to go exploring the plains again the Bounty Hunter would probably never expect me to go back there still I

Didn’t want to push my luck that’s why I kept a low profile crouching and trying to sneak around as much as I could when you’re up against a crazy Bounty Hunter stealth is a good skill to practice but my stealth came under Fire when I saw an innocent young gazelle getting chased by

A gang of spooky husks I wanted to stay under the radar but I could not help someone in trouble get away from her you nasty husks I pulled out my stone sword and charged in ready to take them all on but the battle wasn’t as easy as I’d

Hoped the husks attacked back and I was fighting for my life one of the husks attacked me and knocked off some of my hearts that’s it no more Mr Nice Beast fueled by my determination I fought back and soon all the husk were destroyed then the gazelle came in to thank me

Thank you you saved me I’ll be forever in your debt don’t mention it gazelle is there anything else I could do to help well I was wandering across the plains with my father Papa gazelle when all these Undead attacked he told me to run but he’s still trapped back there can

You help him of course gazelle let’s do it on days 9 to 10 me and the young gazelle ran across the plains looking for her father he had to be around here somewhere look that’s him over there I turned and saw the last thing I wanted

To see papa gazelle being chased by a Wither boss who was firing explosive skulls and barely missing the poor gazelle uh-oh wethers are stronger than anything else I faced please we need to try it’s the only way to save my papa I couldn’t say no to that so I once again

Took up my sword and ran towards the Wither trying to hide my fear pick on someone your own size wither so then he started picking on me the Wither turned and fired a flaming skull that exploded on the ground next to me I immediately

Knew there was no way I’d be able to win this fight at my current strength I’ll never be able to stop the Bounty Hunter if I get destroyed by a Wither feeling ashamed of myself I ran away I retreated back to the young gazelle come back to

My base with me gazelle we’ll figure out a way to save your dad back there on days 11 to 12 I came back to my base with gazelle ready to make some upgrades and improvements we went underground and I mined an additional room for gazelle to sleep in but that’s when I realized

Something important an underground base is a great Hideout but if the Bounty Hunter finds us here we’re trapped I need to build an escape tunnel so that’s what I started building the Escape tunnel would be an going project though I couldn’t build one big enough for us

All in just one day during my day of Mining and crafting I paid another visit to donkey and asked her what she knew about the bounty hunter and why he could have been after me well it’s probably got something to do with the prophecy prophecy what prophecy for the longest

Time humans have kept the beasts down you know beasts like me and Napoleon and gazelle and humans like it that way but prophecy tells of a human who will Liberate the beast from Human control and Deliver us all to Freedom the prophecies say that this man would be

Named Mr Beast wait Mr Beast I’m playing Mr Beast maybe the prophecy is about me that explains everything the humans must think you’re going to free all of the beasts so they pulled their money together to hire the best bounty hunter in the world the man who’s known for

Being able to capture anybody but if you can defeat him you might be able to free the beasts but I wasn’t even strong enough to beat the Wither yet I needed to get a lot stronger before I could do that that in the meantime I used my

Stone tools to start mining for iron underground this would help make all my tools and weapons stronger after a short time I found a nice stash of iron and mined it up and it isn’t all about fighting it’s important to have food too that’s why I started adding extra chest

Into my underground base where I could store all the apples I collected from the forest on days 13 to 15 I once again returned to donkey and asked her for advice on how it could get stronger well the best way to get stronger is by

Training and the only way to tr is to really test yourself which biomes have you visited now that you mention it donkey I’ve only ever visited the forest and the plains there’s your problem you’re never going to get stronger if you don’t Master every biome try to

Defeat a powerful enemy in the desert next great idea donkey before I headed to the desert biome I needed to upgrade my equipment I used the ironite mine to forge myself a new set of iron tools and some iron armor and like Napoleon had said earlier Sometimes the best defense

Is a good offense so I made myself a cool iron sword too I’m feeling stronger already I left my base and crossed the forest until I found myself at the desert biome already this place was way nastier than the other biomes in my new armor the heat was killing me speaking

Of killing me that’s also when the gorilla appeared from behind and hit me thought you could forget about you old pile the gillionaire huh that’s a mistake you’ll P dearly for my friend what how did you sneak up on me like that I have my ways now it’s Shine for

Me to take you down I’m going to get that Bounty the gorilla attacked me again but this time I was Stronger his punches didn’t do nearly as much damage against my iron armor now it’s my turn gillionaire with a few hits from my iron sword he was down and I’d won that’s

When I saw he dropped a Frontiersman cap this lets the wearer move faster while sneaking this must have been how he snuck up on me I equipped the Hat myself this would be super helpful in avoiding that awful Bounty Hunter just then I started to feel stronger and I gained

Another heart five Hearts that’s more like it I guess the desert training was worth it feeling better than before I went back to my base and continued working on my Escape tunnel we made some good progress but I wasn’t going to feel much safer until it was complete on days

16 to 19 I decided it was time to try getting rich by exploring an underground Cavern after all you can’t be Mr Beast without getting rich I bet there are some great precious gemstones down here I used my iron pick a easily mine through the stone All Around Me setting

Up torches along the way so I could see where I was going that’s when suddenly an elder skor crawled toward me out of the darkness huh bet you never thought you’d see me down here no offense dude but I don’t even know who you are I’m

The Elder skull and I’m working with the Bounty Hunter to bring you down jeez why is everybody working with this meanie I don’t get it money my boy it makes the world go round if you have enough money you can do anything even pay you guys to

Leave me alone sure but you’re going to need a lot of money to beat what all the humans are paying us to come after you now let’s go but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight as the Elder skull came running at me I dodged his most

Powerful attack and took out my sword it only took a few Choice swings to take the monster down but at least he’d given me a new idea if I can’t beat the Bounty Hunter maybe I can buy him on days 20 to 22 I made my way back to the desert for

Where training I was also Gathering materials for more upgrades to my gear that’s when I got attacked by a swarm of spiders all trying to bite and sting me you guys are so rude can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here it didn’t take long for me to swat those

Nasty insects with my sword then they dropped a protection enchantment along with some string this will make my armor even stronger I applied the enchantment and felt my confidence Rising too that’s when I remembered something important Papa gazelle I can save him now as quick

L as I could I ran across the desert and returned to the plains I saw the same sad display poor Papa gazelle getting chased around by the Wither boss who was still firing skulls at him I’ve had all I can stand and I can’t stand it anymore

It’s time to take this Wither boss out I ran in Sword blazing dodging every flaming skull the Wither boss blasted at me with one carefully aimed strike the Wither boss was gone you’re free now Papa gazelle go home and I’ll send your kid back to you papa gazelle ran off I’d

Finally gotten strong enough to free him maybe I could save myself from the Bounty Hunter after all how sweet you saved the gazelle but it won’t save you I turned and saw the Bounty Hunter aiming his bow at me how did you find me you weren’t exactly being subtle kid and

You should know by now I’m the best there is he fired an arrow and got me Square in the chest even with my enchanted armor he knocked off some of my hearts I better get out of here before he shoots me again I ran away zigzagging to avoid more arrows you can

Run but you can’t hide no matter where you go I will hunt you down you’ll never be Mr Beast on days 23 to 26 I returned to my base at least happy to have some good news for one of my friends I found the young gazelle chilling out in the

Room I’d built for her gazelle I defeated the Wither boss and saved your dad he’s back at your house waiting for you that’s amazing thank you I can’t wait to see him again I’ll never forget this with the young gazelle gone back to her family home it left me with a free

Room a room I quickly started turning into an Armory the Bounty Hunter is a master of weapons so I need to get just as good if I’m going to beat him the main thing I needed was a ranged weapon so I could fight back without getting

Too close that’s why I made myself a cool new crossbow but it wasn’t just the crossbow I built I continued working on the Escape tunnel if my calculations were correct by the time it was done if the bounty hunter attacked my base we could could all Escape all the way to

The mountains on days 27 to 31 I finished my Escape tunnel and used it to travel all the way to the mountains this will be the perfect way to get out of danger if I need to out of danger you say I turned to see that a snow leopard

Had somehow snuck up on me I pointed my crossbow at him just to be safe what are you doing here snow leopard do you work with the Bounty Hunter what Heavens know the Bounty Hunter aligned with the humans just like the horde of Viking villagers who destroyed my home they

Destroyed your home that’s terrible let me help you how do I know you don’t just side with the other humans I’m not just any human snow leopard I’m Mr Beast the friend to all beasts go and stay at my base you can take the Escape tunnel

We’ll make a plan to get back to your home later oh thank you kind Stranger in exchange for your generosity I’ll tell you the location of a cave with diamonds near here the snow leopard marked it on my map and left back through the Escape tunnel I continued searching until I

Discovered the cave and just like the snow leopard told me there were some Diamond deposits for me to mine in there jackpot I’ll be as rich as Mr Beast in no time I returned to my base back through my Escape tunnel with all my new diamonds I realized how dread my base

Looked I crafted and added some banners and bookshelves to give it some Ambiance that’s when the snow leopard approached me again I sense a terrible disturbance the Vikings who destroyed my home I believe they’ve invaded the forest we need to stop them at once on days 30 2

To 35 snow leopard and I left the base and ventured back out into the forest hoping to hunt down the Viking villagers who had destroyed his home in the mountains look there they are I recognize them anywhere I looked straight ahead and saw what the snow

Leopard had seen a group of armed Viking villagers surrounding the secret hideout of Napoleon the pig he was doing his best to reason with them I don’t want any trouble fellas I swear I’m just a humble Pig leave me be but they weren’t listening the Viking villagers were were

About to attack Napoleon I pulled out my crossbow and started blasting hoping to distract them instead it all broke out into chaos some of the Viking villagers ran towards me bird ran forward to meet and fight them but as much as I tried to fire more crossbow bolts at the Viking

Villagers running for Napoleon I was already too late they destroyed him and burned down his Hideout Napoleon no this unlocked the secret Rage of me and Snow Leopard we charged in him using his claws and teeth and me pulling out my sword it didn’t take long for us to

Defeat the remaining Viking villagers I’m so sorry about your friend perhaps humans and beasts can never live in harmony on days 36 to 39 I needed a change of scenery to help me process Napoleon’s death I decided to make my way to the beach sneaking all the way to

Make sure that the Bounty Hunter didn’t come after me when I was most vulnerable that’s exactly the kind of mean move he’d go for her but while I was exploring the beach I found another Beast hanging around a boar he looked look like he needed some help and

Because he reminded me of Napoleon I decided I’d do whatever I needed to what’s up Mr boore do you have a problem that a Mr Beast could help with I was fishing for some magic yellow fish in the nearby ocean but a small group of aggressive giant lobsters stopped me I

Can take care of them no problem at all I found my way to the Boar’s fishing spot and saw the lobster skittering around snipping their Big Red Claws but there were no match for my crossbow I pulled it out and with a few well play Shots all the lobsters were gone it felt

Good to be able to help someone after I’d had such a bad day I went back to the boar and told him the good news in return He told me something interesting the Bounty Hunter had a weakness his powers were reduced in the dark thanks for the tip Mr boar that’ll probably

Come in real Handy on days 40 to 43 I returned to my base and continued to Spruce it up I installed lanterns down the length of the Escape tunnel just to make it easier to use that’s when donkey approached me with a request I heard about some horse friends of mine that

Escaped from a human stable would you mind building some extra rooms for them down here so they have somewhere to be of course donkey that’ll be no problem at all I mined a few extra rooms and widened the entrance to the secret base so we could fit some of donkey’s new

Horse friends inside the more the merrier while the horses filed in snow leopard came into my room and shared some Vital Information my snow Leppard senses have been speaking to me again there is an abandoned mine deep in the forest that I visited once I have a feeling you may find something you’re

Looking for there just be warned it may be looking for you too on days 44 to 49 I made my way deep into the forest in the dead of night I started traveling at night more often since the board told me the Bounty Hunter’s weakness soon enough

I’m going to be strong enough to beat you Bounty Hunter eventually I found the abandoned mind that the snow leopard had told me about and crept inside it was dark and spooky in the abandoned mine so I used some torches to light the way however the second the Torches were in

Place I heard something coming towards me hey who goes there I was lucky and dodged in time as an arrow flew towards me and embedded itself in the wall next to me an arrow that could have only belonged to one person I knew the Bounty Hunter hello again you’ve Fallen right

Into my trap the Bounty Hunter stepped out of the darkness I know about the prophecy Bounty Hunter I Know Why the humans paid you they know I’m Mr Beast and they hate the Beast so they want to stay in control of them the Bounty Hunter laughed they don’t hate the beasts

They’re jealous of the beasts they were born with brains but the beasts were born with natural strength and instincts what they really want is to harness the Beast produce something with the mind of a human and the strength of a beast such a thing is impossible Bounty Hunter impossible you fool it’s already

Happened then another thing charged out of the dark towards me a creature I’d never seen before a huge villager Beast a fusion of human and beast and it was ready to fight me good luck you’re going to need it and with that the Bounty Hunter disappeared leaving only me and

The Villager Beast it was time to fight on days 50 to 53 the Villager Beast ran at me moving faster than I’d ever seen a human move before I fired at him with the crossbow hitting him with multiple arrows but it didn’t even seem to hurt

Or slow him down the V Viller Beast rammed into me and knocked me back against the wall almost stunning me I pulled out my sword and tried to fight back it was shockingly fast and strong managing to deflect or simply ignore most of my attacks in the end it took

All the strength I had to finally defeat this unnatural monster jeez I hope I never have to fight one of those horrible things again when the Villager Beast died it left a book marked research notes on the ground it seemed to have been written by some kind of

Evil scientist probably the the one who’ first made this monster the tests are going well but the subject is still far too weak I need the Bounty Hunter to capture even stronger creatures if I’m to master the fusion and create the ultimate combination of human and beast

The time will soon come when I have perfected the process and then nothing will stop us uh-oh that doesn’t sound good on days 54 to 57 I climbed out of the abandoned mine shaken by my fight with the Villager Beast it seemed that the plans the Bounty Hunter was involved

With were so much worse than I thought I wanted to go back to my base and warn the others but when I left the mine Sven the Viking one of the strongest Viking warriors of all was waiting for me sort at ready well well well you survived that’s impressive the Villager Beast is

A powerful creature but my instructions are clear the Bounty Hunter told me to destroy you if you survived and escaped so I guess that’s what’s going to happen now so sorry I didn’t have the time or patience to listen to sven’s babbling so I fired at him with my crossbow once

Twice three times but somehow every time he dodged can’t we just talk this out man I pulled out my sword and Sven kept attacking me he was a strong fighter but I’d beaten the Villager Beast so he didn’t seem that challenging in comparison once he was gone he dropped

An interesting item on the ground some Outback leggings which massively increased your ability to dodge projectiles so that’s how he kept dodging my crossbow bolts I better take these for myself they’ll probably come in handy for the next time I face the Bounty Hunter after I equipped the

Outback legings I made my way back to the base I met with the snow leopard again told him about all the crazy things that had happened and showed him the book that I collected from the Villager Beast this is troubling these are writings they seem to be the work of

The plague doctor a mad scientist who had theories about fusing humans and beasts to create the ultimate creatures I thought he was gone but he seemed seemingly returned this means all of us are in danger it’s worse than I possibly could have thought on days 58 to 62

After receiving the disturbing news from Snow Leopard about the plague doctor I decided to work on improving and upgrading the base however I could first came the Escape tunnel I built a track along the floor of the cave so a mine cart could be installed this would make

It a lot easier and faster to get from one end to another I think I’ll give it a spin right now wooo I took the mine cart down to the other end of the Escape tunnel and ventured out into the mountain biome again I explored the diamond cave that snow leopard had shown

Me and mined even more diamonds I used the Escape tunnel in the minecart once again to take these back to my base where I built my first pieces of diamond gear a diamond chest plate and an awesome diamond sword I ended the four days by building additional levels and

Rooms to my underground base in case we needed to help more beasts hide from the Bounty Hunter and the evil plague doctor there’s only one way out of this and it’s with all of us work working together on day 63 to day 66 donkey came

Up to me with a clever idea humans have been known to use boats to travel along the river in groups maybe if you follow the river along you might be able to find one of their settlements or even find your way to the Bounty Hunter’s new Lair good idea donkey I’ll wait until

Nightfall then the Bounty Hunter will never see me coming so that’s exactly what happened I waited until Nightfall then I made my way out through the forest until I found the river then I just followed the river along suddenly I got a spooky feeling like something was

Waiting nearby and turned to see a night Apparition floating right behind me I immediately pointed my crossbow at him not wanting to take any chances wait wait I’m friendly I just need your help oh really what’s going on I’m sorry for pointing my crossbow at you by the way

I’ve had kind of a rough month it’s okay I understand we’re all a little jumpy with the Bounty Hunter men hanging around wait the Bounty Hunter men do you know where I can find them of course they chased me out of my home in a cave nearby I think they were looking for

Precious gemstones then let’s go fight them I need some answers before it’s too late count me in so we ran to the nearest cave ready for battle on day 67 to 70 the night Apparition and I ran into the cave he’d once called his home the henchmen of the bounty hunter three

Gold warriors were already inside mining at the walls with iron pickaxes what are you goofballs doing the three gold Warriors suddenly turned to me in the night Apparition and pulled out iron swords we’re under strict orders from the Bounty Hunter to mine as many diamonds as possible if you interfere we

Will destroy you why does the Bounty Hunter need so many diamonds is he really just that greedy no he and his employer want all of their soldiers to have diamond swords we’ll all be stronger that way oh diamond swords like this I pulled out my diamond sword and

Charged in the gold Warriors didn’t hesitate to fight back they were strong and well trained but thankfully I wasn’t alone in this fight the night Apparition floated around the cave distracting the gold Warriors long enough for me to get the edge soon enough I defeated all three with my trusty Diamond blade

Thanks for the assist night Apparition thank you for getting my home back feel free to take any of the diamonds those guys left behind Don’t Mind If I Do I mined the remaining diamonds and prepared to leave when the night Apparition said what one more thing to

Me I heard the golden Warriors murmur something about coming from the Badlands when they first chased me out I figured that might be useful information for you on day 71 to 74 I began following up on the lead that the Knight Apparition had given me if what the gold Warriors said

Was true I might have been able to find something I wanted there and if what you want is more crazy Minecraft Adventures like this one search for more Zozo videos by searching zo zo by the time I arrived at the Badlands the only Str structure I could see was a busted down

Looking camp but that wasn’t all the Bounty Hunter was waiting for me I’m impressed you shouldn’t have survived I just started firing arrows at him from my crossbow not even letting him finish a sentence he somehow managed to dodge every single one now shots now it’s my

Turn he pulled out his bow and fired a few arrows at me but now I have the Outback leggings on my side with speed that impressed even him I managed to dodge all of his arrows too that all you got Bounty Hunter you’re dealing with

Beast mode Mr Beast here I pulled out my sword and ran at him he just stood there not even trying to dodge but when I got close he pulled out his close-ranged weapon a battle axe with one strike he sent me skidding back across the Badlands getting me down to half a heart

Guess you’re not as strong as you think you are 25 days left you’re going to be mine before the time Runs Out injured and surprised I did the only thing I could run off I’d finish this another day on day 75 to 78 I returned across

The forest to my base I built myself an extra room just for sitting around and relaxing because after everything I’d experienced I really needed to take a load off that’s when the snow leopard approached me carrying a book as you may have noticed I sometimes dabble in a

Little bit of magic I’m able to sense things other people can’t it’s true that is something I’ve noticed about you well I’ve taken my skills in Magic and use it to create this book if you read it you will finally unlock your true potential and it will help you on your next steps

To becoming the hero you are always meant to be wow thank you snow leopard I’m honored I took up the book and finally read it I felt the change immediately getting bigger stronger and getting an impressive 10 Hearts but more than that I took a look into my

Inventory and found that it was stuffed with money snow leopard you did it I’m finally Mr Beast on day 79 84 I went out to the desert to test out my new Mr Beast Powers I soon encountered one of the most dangerous creatures in the desert the sand and wind spirit known as

The Guster these things really packed a punch but thankfully so did I I ran in with my diamond sword feeling no fear and destroyed the Guster in a single strike wao I really am strong now my strength caught the attention of a nearby Road Runner who wanted to see if

I was as fast as I was strong he challenged me to a few races you’re on Road Runner we ran up and down a stretch of the desert together I was faster than I expected but he was way way faster than that it seemed that no matter how

Fast I went the Road Runner was always just a little bit faster but he still thought I gave him a good Race So when the race was over he gave me a potion as a gift a speed potion thanks Road Runner now I can run twice as fast on days 855

To 89 I put my new speed to good use running all the way back to my base only to find that its secret entrance had been discovered and it was being attacked by a group of villager beasts just like the one that had attacked me in the abandoned mine you guys aren’t

Meant to be here wait what about my friends thankfully my hard work earlier had paid off they’ all escaped through the minecart Escape tunnel before the Villager Beast could get to them but those monsters were still destroying my base I pulled out my diamond sword and

Ran to fight them with my new strength and skill the first one I attacked only took a few hits to defeat and the rest started ready I’m not letting you guys get away this time I started chasing them into the forest but I was interrupted when a tiny

Rabbit asked for my help finding his lost carrot okay I’ll help you find the carrot just know this really isn’t a good time while the Villager Beast ran away I searched around until I found the rabbit’s carrot behind a tree I grabbed it and gave it back to him before

Continuing to chase the Villager beasts into the distance I was once again extremely thankful for my Road Runner speed on days 90 to 94 the chase continued until I pass pass from the forest into the jungle it was so hot and humid in there I couldn’t help but

Slowed down a little but this turned out to be exactly what the bad guys had planned the Villager Beast had just been there to lure me to the plague doctor’s most dangerous creation yet the mutant zombie oh no that thing is huge I pulled out my crossbow and started blasting it

As it ran towards me but it still had no effect all I could do was pull out my diamond sword and face it oneon-one time for an epic battle of mutant versus beast on days 95 to 97 the mutant zombie charged me like a Raging Bull I was able

To dodge it just in time and stab it in the side with my diamond sword but it barely seemed to phase it already the mutant zombie turned and started attacking me again each one of its punches damaged me until I was low on Hearts I needed to do something quickly

Hey mutant zombie how would you like some cold Hard Cash in true Mr Beast style I threw some of my vast collection of money onto the ground the mutant zombie was immediately distracted and ran towards the cash I guess the Elder skull was right money really does make

The world go around sometimes while he was distracted I took advantage of my Road Runner speed and struck the mutant zombie again and again with all of my might until finally it fell and was defeated the mutant zombie only dropped one thing a map with exact directions to

The plague doctor’s laboratory where I’d find him and the Bounty Hunter 3 days left it’s time to end this on day 98 I made my way back to my base to make the final preparations for my assault on the plague Doctor’s lab as I prepared my friends from around the base came to

Offer me some help or words of encouragement first came the horses thanks for giving us a place to stay you’re a real Beast next came the snow leopard you can do this the prophecy has all been true up to this point you will defeat the Bounty Hunter destroy the

Plague doctor and liberated the beasts and finally my oldest friend the donkey I made you something special to bring with you firework bolts these will really make your crossbow Pack-a-Punch with everything said and done it was time to make my way to the laboratory

And save the day on day 99 I crossed the forest following the directions on the map left by the mutant zombie on the way there I passed a turtle minding his own business in the forest good luck I believe in you thanks Turtle I’m sure it’ll be totally fine in the end okay

Okay don’t push it I kept walking remaining stealthy until I saw the plague doctor’s laboratory in the distance but this wouldn’t be as easy as I thought the building was surrounded by villager beasts I loaded up one of my new firework rounds into my crossbow and

Prepared to fire but if I missed my shot would it lead the other one straight to me I might have miscalculated here that’s when an unexpected old friend turned up it was the young gazelle who i’ had saved months ago she ran past the front of the laboratory catching the

Attention of the Villager Beast they started chasing her running away from the entrance of the laboratory finally my chance using my Road Runner speed I ran straight for the door on day 100 I entered the laboratory crossbow loaded and ready to fire the laboratory was Eerie it was filled with cells

Containing more villager beasts who must have been the failed experiments of the plague doctor do you like what you see young man I turned and saw the plague doctor and of course the Bounty Hunter waiting for me all these Wonder ful Creations but they’re flawed aren’t they

But you can’t make a delicious meal without the best quality ingredients and for perfect human Beast hybrid I need the ideal subject once my bounty hunter has defeated you you will be that subject it’s why I put that bounty on you in the first place day 100 you made

It all the way I hope that eases the pain of being defeated not a chance Bounty Hunter I’m I’m not just some pesky human I’m Mr Beast the Bounty Hunter pulled out his bow and prepared to shoot but I was quicker than he was I fired a firework bolt at him but I

Didn’t wait up I pulled out my diamond sword and ran at him ready to land a lethal blow Bounty Hunter destroy the Bounty Hunter immediately pulled out his battle axe and parried the blow from my diamond sword he was a formidable opponent you’ve gotten strong I’m impressed we clashed weapons while the

Plague doctor watched I need needed to keep absolute focus in order to dodge or block every attack he threw at me I was just waiting for a window at the perfect moment I pulled out my crossbow and fired one of the firework bolts at close range right into the Bounty Hunter’s

Chest he was finally Defeated You’ve Won well done now finish me off what no I’m not going to finish you off I’m going to hire you just like Mr Beast I laid out stacks of money in front of him even more than the Bounty that the plague doctor had put on

Wow that’s a lot of money what would you like for me to do boss I want you to destroy this entire lab take the plague doctor to jail and retire I’ll make it happen boss what you can’t do that no no and with the Bounty Hunter now doing my

Job for me I decided to do the most sensible thing go back to my base and hang out with my friends

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a SNOW GOLEM in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Witner Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-07 02:15:02. It has garnered 21540 views and 296 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:05 or 12845 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SNOW GOLEM in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll become the Sheriff of a small town as I try to take on a Guster and his gang of goons. With the help of my deputy, we’ll round up bad guys with my lasso and do our best to save the land!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a SNOW GOLEM https://youtu.be/ahe4os3Bgp8 0:30:07 100 DAYS as an ICE SPIDERMAN https://youtu.be/oflq3kOUE4Q 1:06:02 100 DAYS as an ICE WITHERSTORM https://youtu.be/ZGHvUOcx0cs 1:41:13 100 DAYS as an ICE SPIDER https://youtu.be/uHG8tigr42U 2:17:25 100 DAYS as APHMAU https://youtu.be/aKc5HBpo8C4 2:57:18 100 DAYS as MRBEAST HUNTED BY AN ASSASSIN https://youtu.be/U2_BJRedVjU

#minecraft #100days #snowgolem Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

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  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

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  • Doepiecraft

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  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

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  • Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?

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  • Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My Server

    Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Special Program Reaction + Minecraft on My Own Server’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-26 20:08:58. It has garnered 24 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:15 or 12075 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE WITH VIEWERS! | 10k Sub Hype!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS | 10k Subscribers?’, was uploaded by iitzDanger on 2024-04-05 16:54:21. It has garnered 1884 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:29 or 12989 seconds. 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS Other Socials: Minecraft Channel: youtube.com/@UC6os3sY8wueBczW3Keyg5-Q Twitter: https://twitter.com/YoItzDanger Sponsors/Partners: Use code ‘Danger’ for 15% off at: https://www.kinetichosting.net/ Use Code ”Danger” for 20% off at: https://glytchenergy.com/ Use Code ‘Adxpt’ for 10% off at: https://soardogg.com/ Use Code ‘ADXPT10’ for 10% off at https://byebluelight.com/pages/adxpt fortnite,fortnite challenge,fortnite chapter 4,fortnite shorts,fortnite tiktoks,fortnite news,fortnite tips,fortnite memes,fortnite trickshot,fortnite battle royale,fortnite montage,fortnite… Read More

  • Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!

    Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic.EXE VS Sonic Baby VS Amy Rose | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 07:08:21. It has garnered 6268 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FXLN0Y-kTpc This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) . I will promptly… Read More

  • Friendly Pickaxe

    Friendly PickaxeA brand-new semi-vanilla survival server This server runs Fabric with the goal of maintaining true vanilla game behavior. 3 /home’s /tpa commands to teleport to your friends /randomtp so you can get started quick! 16 view distance Perfect vanilla behavior 20+GB of RAM Cross Minecraft/Discord chat & music bot We don’t take donations or reward players in exchange for votes Discord: https://discord.gg/Jtxw8C2WJY Dynmap: Read More

  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fd6e3c20-5a7e-4f95-ad16-cd2486d13ae5 Giveaway – https://twitter.com/eckoxsoldier/status/1768939195035193556 Discover… Read More