1000 Days as Warden Ninja – Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back

And giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul that’s when I heard booming footsteps behind me I

Turned and saw a huge dark figure approaching me I was only a tiny Warden ninja and I didn’t have any weapons yet so he terrified me I gave the orders I am Shogun skull the ruler of this land and all who defy me will be destroyed including you Shogun skull pulled out a

Huge katana he looked like he meant business I needed to activate my special power ultimate stealth I practically turned invisible immediately causing Shogun skull and his dread ghouls to lose my Trace where did he go he’s using his ninja abilities to run away like a coward no matter we’ll find and destroy

Him another day as much as I was ashamed to admit it all I could do was run I got out of there and ran out into the alien Fields looking for some food to satisfy my Hunger I managed to find some baked potatoes but they were being guarded by

A band of three brigin excuse me brigin would you be able to give me one of your baked potatoes I’m really hungry would love to man love to but here’s the thing they’re all mine and I want them all so that’s going to be a no the brigin

Attacked me even though I was unarmed and I needed to fight back luckily my unarmed attacks actually did a lot of damage and soon I defeated all three of them that must be my ninja nin martial arts training kicking in There’s Hope for me yet on day two after eating some

Of those baked potatoes and storing the rest I left the alien fields for the ebony Woods looking for the right place to build a base the ebony Woods are dark and mysterious perfect for a secretive Warden ninja I used my martial arts powers to start punching down a tree and

Gathered up the resources to make myself a crafting bench and used it to create a wooden pickaxe then I mined into the ground for some Stone to make my first set of stone tools and a basic Stone Katana of my own now we’re cooking with

Gas I used my new tools to clear a tree and start building a new secretive ninja base I did some mining underground because I wanted the base to be a secret so most of it would need to be under the surface it’s a good start I’ll do more

Later but first I need to figure out what’s going on around here and why Shogun skull is putting a hit on Warden ninja heads I went exploring around the ebony Forest looking for Clues until I found another gang of dread ghouls that Shogun skull had sent after me big

Mistake guys this time I’m armed I pulled out my stone Katana and made short work of the dread ghoul gang leaving only one remaining tell me everything I need to know about Shogun skull you fool even me talking about him seals my Doom you should know you are a

Key part of his Boom the last dread ghoul exploded it must have been Shogun skulls doing he really was powerful but what was he trying to say I’m a key part of what better keep watching if you want to find out with me on day three I continued searching

Around the ebony Forest I needed some kind of lead some kind of vital clue before I could progress any further that’s when I happened upon a small Hut in the middle of the woods where a strange man was just sitting around hi I’m Zozo who are you I’m a nomad oh yeah

What does that mean it means I used to wander around a lot but since I got old and settled down I don’t do much traveling these days what brings you to to the abony woods Zozo he gave me some mushroom stew and I sat down to talk to

Him well I’m a warden ninja and I used to live in a big Warden ninja hideout with others like me but then Shogun skull attacked and now I think I might be the only one left that doesn’t surprised me you know things were once more peaceful across the land there were

Dangerous creatures around and sometimes a foul would happen sure but overall we lived in harmony until one day all of the leaders across the land suddenly disappeared and the Shogun skull rose up taking on everything and everyone he’s the uncontested ruler now but we can’t just let that happen what should we do

Nomad it won’t be easy but your quest is simple Zozo you’re going to destroy shogun’s skull from day four to day five I still had more questions about how the world got this way I just didn’t understand how one person could take over the whole world well Zozo you must

Understand that the Shogun didn’t just win by sheer brute strength in his shogun’s Palace to the east he made some valuable alliances with different groups first he made an alliance with the dread ghoul Army promising all the land and food they could want if they helped him

Rise to power then he made a deal with the Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigin they could Loot and pillage as they pleased as long as they helped him crush his enemies dread Ghouls and brigin started attacking any Village or settlement they could find crushing the opposition to Shogun skull’s rule but

The leaders nobody really knows how Shogun skull got rid of them he hired some other mysterious group to do his dirty work for him but who they are has always remained a secret in other words to defeat Shogun skull there are a lot of other enemies you’ll need to fight your way through

First from day six to day 8 I thanked The Nomad for all the information he gave me and decided to set off and return to my base it was getting dark and I knew that all the mobs would be coming out soon but on the way back to

My base I saw an innocent pink pixie cornered by a vicious feral Squall Golem I needed to intervene it’s ninja time pulling out my stone Katana I ran in and fought the Squall Golem he was much bigger and tougher than your average dread ghoul but in the end my stone

Blade and ninja training one out the Squall Golem Was Defeated and the pink pixie was grateful for me for saving her life that was so heroic thank you I majorly owe you for this one it’s no biggie I’m Zozo the warden ninja who are you I’m Polly the pink pixie and is

There any way I can help you with your quest how about you come stay at my base for a while and we figure something out together that sounds like a good idea so Paulie and I returned to my base I continued mining underground and created

A cool room for her to stay in I’m pretty pleased with this good now I’m on a quest to defeat Shogun Skool do you have any idea what might be a good place to start well Shogun skull is one of the greatest warriors in the world you’re

Going to need to train really hard if you want to get good enough to fight him directly maybe you should seek out some kind of Ninja Master to train you that’s an amazing idea Polly and so I had my next step seeking out a Ninja Master to

Train me and if you want to find out what happens next keep watching Until the End some big surprises are coming from day 9 to day 10 I went to an underground Cavern with my stone pickaxe to mine some iron for my next set of weapons armor and tools I managed to

Gather up some iron ore when a huge Hydra suddenly appeared in the cavern with me there was no way I’d be able to fight such a powerful monster directly so I activated my ultimate stealth and sneaked away to the exit Sometimes the best way to fight is to not fight at all

From day 11 to day 12 I took the iron back to my basee I created a furnace and smelted it into iron ingots which I then used to make iron armor some iron tools and an iron Katana and with all my fancy new gear and weapons me and Polly the

Pink pixie decided to Journey out to a nearby Bayou to look for more clues after some exploring we stopped for a minute to talk so Paulie what do you know about Shogun skull I’m trying to collect all the information I can I think it might help me in my quest well

In addition to his dread cool and BR armies I know he has an elite group three Warriors spread out across the land who help enforce his will three Elite Warriors sounds like I better take care of them before I take on Shogun skull himself who are these three

Warriors there’s the gold creeper a walking weapon of mass destruction that people always fear is going to blow up then there’s the fire Elemental a powerful being with Mastery over flame and finally there’s the Crimson wizard a crafty and intelligent sorcerer who has mastered the Mystic wow sounds like I’ve

Got my work cut out for me then before I could ask any more questions a bunch of monster mushrooms attacked us even with my iron Katana it wasn’t easy to take them down these mushrooms meant business but when I did take them down I transformed into a bigger stronger

Warden ninja with 20 Hearts wa this is awesome better stick around to see what I transform into next that’s rad Zozo but hey maybe next time we should go somewhere a little dryer this by you is just gross from day 13 to day 15 Polly

And I returned to my base I decided to Spruce it up a little adding some plants and other decorative improvements and actually decided to make myself a proper room just because it’s a secret underground base doesn’t mean it has to be drab and dreary that’s when I

Remembered what paully had said to me maybe next time we should go somewhere a little dryer this byou is just gross and it hit me what could be drier than the Mojave Desert maybe I’d have some luck finding someone there after taking some time to rest I went out to the Mojave

Desert it was just as dry and hot as I expected but there didn’t seem to be much going on that’s when I was attacked by the desert Lord the ruler of the desert because he was on his own home turf he was even faster and stronger

Than a ninja and it was too late for me to use ultimate stealth I broke away from the fight and stood back but the desert Lord still seemed ready to battle you are a trespasser on this land this is my my desert and I’ll never let you

Or the diabolic Shogun skull you serve claim it wait there’s been a misunderstanding I don’t work for Shogun skull I want to defeat him oh I’m sorry I just assumed you was working for the dread Shogun but why didn’t all the Wen ninjas used to work for him my mind was

Blown it all made sense now the mysterious third group who worked with the Shogun skull it must have been the warden ninjas but why was he trying to destroy them now desert Lord Lord you’ve given me a lot to think over would you like to come back to my base and we can

Work together to defeat Shogun skull well I hate to leave my desert my true home for now it seems working together is the most sensible Choice let’s go Warden ninja the name Zozo follow me from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base with the desert Lord I mined a new

Underground room form complete with a bed and even a few sand blocks just to help him feel at home it’s not exactly the desert but thank you Zozo this will do seeing as how exploring had helped me discover plenty of interesting new things so far I decided to continue

Visiting new locations so I left my base once more I went out to the Prairie next to see what I could find that’s where I ran into a camel hey Mr Camel I’m Zozo is there anything I can help you with the name’s Joe and as a matter of fact

There is for the longest time I’ve wanted to build a nice beach house on the Rainbow Beach but it’s Infested by wraiths now if you you could help me clean out those wraths so I can build my beach house I’ll give you a weapon I’ve been holding on to for a while something

You might find useful that sounds like a good deal to me Joe from day 20 to day 22 I journeyed out to the Rainbow Beach to complete my mission for Joe the camel it was a really beautiful place I can see why he wanted a beach house out here

When I ran into the group of wraiths he told me about I drew my Katana and charged in slicing and dicing in a way that would make any Warden ninja proud soon they were all defeated I’m getting the hang of this whole Ninja thing then I saw something quickly moving towards

Me and noticed it was the gold creeper one of the elite Shogun skull Warriors that Polly had told me about Oh no I got to bounce I didn’t have any longrange weapons so all I could do was run for my life as the gold creeper chased me if it

Exploded while I was too close I was doomed but I kept chasing getting closer and closer and closer it started to get too close for comfort so I jumped forward into some nearby water hoping it would at least provide some protection Boom the gold creeper exploded it was

The biggest explosion I’d ever seen taking a huge chunk out of the beach around me but I’d survived I’d completed Joe the camel’s Quest and I’d defeated one of Shogun skull’s three Elite Warriors I’d call this a successful day from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the

Prairie met with Joe the camel again he was pleased to find out I’d gotten rid of the wraiths and less pleased to find out the golden creeper had blown a big hole into the Rainbow Beach still a Deal’s a deal kid and you held up your

End you can take this set of throwing axes I have since you’re a ninja you’ll probably benefit from some Throne weapons perfect for those stealthy kinds of attacks wow these will be so useful thanks Joe don’t mention it if you need me I’ll be off constructing my beach house

With that Quest taken care of I decided to continue exploring the world I reached the scenic Red Oak Forest where I ran into a gang of Mossy skeletons working for Shogun skull you’re in some real trouble now no bones about it that was an awful pun eat a I tried out one

Of my new throwing axes on the first of the mossy skeletons defeating him instantly then I pulled out my iron Katana to deal with the rest it didn’t take long for me to defeat them all except one who I needed some information from tell tell me what Shogun skull is

Planning H you’re deluding yourself if you think you can beat him he just sent out the armored Vindicator if that thing gets you you’re doomed doomed with a strike of my Katana I finished him off that gave me enough XP to level up getting bigger jumping up to 30 hearts

And getting access to my Warden Sonic Boom ability this will be useful for helping me take on that armored Vindicator guy if I ever even see him from day 27 to day 31 I started making my way back to my base through the ebony Forest I was feeling pretty good about

All my recent victories and the new abilities and weapons i’ gained I’m actually feeling pretty Unstoppable right now and that’s exactly when the armored Vindicator hopped out and attacked me he was just as big and scary as the mossy skeleton had implied and he was wielding a menacing axe your journey

Is our n Warden ninja if you give up now I can promise it’ll be relatively painless I’ll never give up I’m willing to fight you to The Bitter End good I was hoping you’d say that the armored Vindicator attacked once more every hit he gave me was shockingly damaging even

With all my upgrades I couldn’t beat him at my current strength instead I turned and ran back towards my base narrowly managing to outrun and lose the armored Vindicator that would be a battle for another day when I reached my base the desert Lord and Polly the pink pixie

Seemed impressed with my new size looks like that that training is really paying off Zozo you’re looking swo it’s true just so much bigger and stronger than you used to be and since you’re here I’ve also got something that I think you’d like my research suggests that if

You go to the Rose fields and seek out the sergeant he may be able to give you some information that’ll help you with your quest wow that’s amazing news just be careful out there I’ve heard that the sergeant isn’t exactly the friendliest guy out there with that in mind I left

My face and headed in the direction of the Rose fields from day 32 to day 35 following the desert Lord’s instructions I went out to the Rose Fields there I saw the sergeant sitting down and meditating among the Roses I didn’t expect it’d be so easy to find him I

Approached the sergeant and called out to him excuse me Mr Sergeant I’ve been told you have some interesting information could we talk about it but the sergeant didn’t seem like he wanted to talk instead he got up ran towards me and started fighting me with his fist

I didn’t even have time to reason with him all I could do was fight back against his onslaught of punches after I survived for long enough the sergeant relaxed he’d had his fun nice skills kid sorry what can I say I like a good fat what information did you want I’ve been

Told you know a lot about Shogun skull I’m trying to defeat him huh Shogun skull I fought against his army back in the day I was involved in a lot of those battles what is it you want to know about them I want to know what the

Gordon ninjas had to do with his rise to power and I want to know why he wants us all destroyed now there much is simple as part of Shogun skull’s take over plans he needed to destroy the leaders and Guardians of the Free People to demoralize them and break their spirits

Well his armies fought their armies he needed an elite group of Assassins to take out the high value targets that’s where the warden ninjas came in they are excellent assassins and with their stealth skills they could sneak in and get the job done and they did their job

Very very very well but once their job was done and Shogun skull was in power he knew that if the warden ninjas could help him into power they might also be able to topple his throne so he sent out his armies of dread Ghouls and brigands to destroy every Warden ninja you kid

Are probably the last one left from Day 36 to day 39 I returned to my base knowing that I was Public Enemy Number One for Shogun skull made me realize I could really do with some better armor so I asked paully for ideas I I think

The Shogun has a base in the tropical rainforest where you might be able to find some diamonds Diamond Armor and a diamond Katana would be a huge help for you excellent idea Polly I’ll go there now I didn’t waste any time getting to the tropical rainforest and beginning my

Search for the enemy base on the way there I ran into an air Elemental that lives in the forest excuse me kind sir I have a quest I need help with some nasty dead worms have invaded my beautiful rainforest if you see them do me a kindness and perform a little Pest

Control would you of course I’ll definitely get rid of those dead worms if I see them I kept searching until I struck gold well not actual gold I found the enemy base guarded by a pair of dread Ghouls and it was time to fight my way

Inside from day 40 to day 43 the fight began first with the dread ghouls that was an extremely quick battle I pulled out my throwing axes and threw one at each of them defeating them instantly then I ran into the base ready for the real fight to begin and it would

Definitely be a real fight because the armored Vindicator was in there waiting for me finally I can finish what I started and Destroy You Zozo at least this time you won’t run away like a sad little coward like you did before no this time I really am going to fight you

With all I’ve got the armored Vindicator charged to me I unleashed the sonic boom stunning him while he was stunned I finished him off with my powerful ninja swing I told you I’d beat you armored Vindicator I’m a warden ninja of my word with him gone I searched around the room

Until I found a chest just like Polly the pink pixie had told me there were diamonds inside looks like my armor and weapons are about to level up from day 44 to day 49 I crafted my diamonds into a powerful Diamond Katana and even had some diamonds left over to make a full

Set of diamond armor I’d hate to have to go against me using this bad boy after that I left the base with my new diamond Katana in hand looking forward to finding something to use it on and as luck would have it I happened upon a

Small gang of vicious dead worms hey the air Elemental told me to get rid of these time to kill two worms with one sword okay a few more than two with my diamond Katana I defeated all the dead worms with these and destroyed the infestation not even the Shogun himself

Could deny I was Stronger Than ever now from day 5050 to day 53 as I traveled further through the tropical rainforest I Came Upon a cave that I sensed an unusual amount of power coming out of this must have something to do with shogun’s skull I should go investigate

Just in case but when I was about to enter the cave a magical genie came floating out of it halt traveler you are approaching the Cave of the fire Elemental if you wish to enter then you need to answer my riddle I remembered that the fire Elemental was the second

Of the elite Warriors working for Shogun Skool I needed to answer the riddle get in there and defeat him okay what’s your riddle I belong to you but your friends use me more often what am I it was a challenging one what do you think do you

Know the answer to the riddle if you do let me know down in the comments to help me out H can you repeat the riddle I belong to you but your friend use me more often what am I that’s tough H wait I’ve got it you’re my name it belongs to

Me but my friends use it more often when they talk to me correct you may pass through I entered the cave and saw the fire Elemental waiting for me he sent a few fire blasts my way which I was luckily able to Dodge I fired a Sonic

Boom at the fire Elemental then ran in with my diamond Katana with a few quick decisive SW the fire Elemental was destroyed two of Shogun skull’s three warriors were destroyed and I was ready to level up I got bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 40 I had also developed

Ninja speed making me faster than ever before I’m on the path to becoming a true ninja I bet the Shogun is quivering in his boots from day 54 to day 57 I was using my new ninja speed to zip through the forest my Powers were growing but I

Needed some kind of way to hone my skills why can’t I find the Ninja Master Mentor I’ve searched everywhere and I still can’t find him unless I’ve already found him and didn’t even know that’s when it hit me it was right under my nose from the very beginning The Nomad

In his little Hut in the ebony Forest The Nomad who’d known a suspicious amount about what was going on in the world I need to go back to the Nomad right now so I sped right back to the small Hut in the forest only to see The

Nomad outside again waiting for me I wondered when you’d be back Zozo glad you finally figured it all out so are you ready to begin your training from day 58 to day 62 The Nomad Master began his training he said there would be three lessons the first would be cutting

Down trees to practice my sword swings and to help me Focus if you can slice through a tree then no enemy should pose a challenge to you next he made me practice sword fighting with him he was a tough opponent but I could feel myself getting better as as the sparring went

On and for the third lesson he released a giant mummy Scorpion and got it to chase me around until I finally built up the courage to defeat it with my diamond Katana afterwards I returned to the Nomad Master’s Hut you have done well Zozo and proven you are worthy I’ll

Teach you my special technique ultimate slash much stronger than a regular Slash use it wisely thank you master I will use it with honor from day 63 to day 66 I returned to my base only to see it under attack by a gang of dread ghouls straight from the

Shogun’s palace hey get away from my base I pulled out my diamond Katana and ran in taking them out with my ninja speed and ultimate slashes it didn’t take long for me to defeat them all and that’s when the desert Lord ran up to me Zozo we need your help some of those

Dread ghouls kidnapped Paulie the pink pixie we need to get her back oh no where did they take her out into the ebony Forest you need to get after him quickly don’t worry desert Lord I’m on it from day 67 to Day 70 I used my ninja

Speed to run back through the ebony Forest looking for the dread ghouls that kidnapped paully it didn’t take long for me to find them don’t worry paully I’m coming to save you thanks to all my training these dread ghouls weren’t a challenge for me I slashed through them

With my diamond Katana until only me and Polly remained that was amazing Zozo thank you you saved my life from all those dread cools I’m so sorry for ever letting you get kidnapped in the first place Polly let’s go back to the base we returned to the

Base and I decided that after all this I needed to put in an extra line of defense building a defensive wall around the base’s entrance better safe than sorry I can’t risk another attack while I’m away like that again from day 71 to day 74 I wasn’t sure where to go next I

Knew that I needed to defeat the Crimson wizard before I could take on Shogun skull himself but I wasn’t sure where to find him so instead I decided to go back to one of the deadliest enemies I’d Left Behind before with my new skills and my diamond Katana I returned to the

Underground Cavern where I’d face the Hydra before as soon as I entered the cave I blasted him with a powerful Sonic Boom momentarily stunning him and ran in with my ninja speed hitting him with ultimate slash again and again faster than he could even regenerate from it

Thankfully for both of us the Hydra tapped out and agreed to tell me anything I wanted to know you’re looking for the Crimson wizard right no worries I know exactly where he is you just need to go to the Weeping witch Forest he’s guarded by some brigin just go after him

And leave me alone please I left the Hydra to his own devices and ran off I had a crimson wizard to defeat from day 75 to day 78 I followed the advice given to me by the Hydra and traveled all the way to to the Weeping witch Forest a

Place like this is a perfect Hideout for an evil wizard why didn’t I think of this sooner I continued to go further in until I fell down a hill and found myself surrounded by brigin just like the Hydra told me youve wandered right into our trap Zoo there’s no way you’re

Ever going to escape us here I don’t want to escape brigand you and your bosses are the ones I’ve come here for with my ninja speed and my diamond Katana I zipped from brigin to brigant taking out each one with a single strike once they were down all that was left to

Do was hunt down the Crimson wizard but the last thing I expected was for him to come to me instead the Crimson wizard appeared right in front of me and fired an energy blast that took out a number of my hearts it was clear that he was

The strongest of the Shogun skulls three Elite Warriors this is hardly even a challenge why don’t you show me your good time Zoo have you come this far just to perish is how’s this for a good time while the Crimson wizard was distracted by his own gloating I ran in

And struck him with my Katana hitting him so hard and fast he was immediately destroyed probably should have fully defeated me before you started bragging Crimson Wizard and this means that I’ve defeated all three of the elite Warriors and that clearly meant something because I leveled up into my strongest form yet

With 60 Hearts it’s time to finally defeat Shogun skull from day 79 to day 84 I returned to my base to give pully the pink pixie and the desert Lord the good news they looked amazed at my size and abilities this is incredible Zozo it’s amazing to

See how far you’ve come Zozo we’re so proud of you thanks guys I think I’m ready to defeat Shogun skull do you have any idea where I can find the shogun’s palace I can help you there Zozo I went there once it’s deep in the zova for

Forest and I can lead you there thank you desert Lord let’s go from day 85 to day 89 the desert Lord and I traveled to the Far East into the zova forest we stopped for a moment for one last discussion desert Lord it’ll be too dangerous from here I’ll go alone are

You sure Zozo I don’t want you to get hurt it’s okay I’ve been training for almost 100 days I believe I can do this okay Zozo I wish you luck and with that the desert Lord and I went our separate ways from day 90 to Day 94 I traveled

Deeper into the zelkova forest searching for the shogun’s palace it’s got to be around here somewhere where could shogun’s skull be hiding right behind you I turned around just in time to see Shogun skull standing right behind me before I could fight back he hit me and

Everything went black when I woke up again I was in the bad lands miles away from where I was supposed to be with Osiris standing right in front of me you’re not who I wanted to fight but I guess you’ll have to do I still had my diamond Katana thankfully and used

Ultimate slash on Osiris he wasn’t that hard to defeat but knowing how far I was behind all my plans to defeat Shogun skull now I felt terrible all I could do was make my way back to my base and figure out a new plan this is going to

Be a long week from day 95 to day 97 I continued making my way back through the Badlands frustrated that Shogun skull and his minions had put me so far behind schedule and speak of the devil a gang of dread ghouls emerged from behind some rocks it’s over Zozo we’re going to be

The ones to take you down better mobs have tried and failed I don’t fancy your chances I didn’t have much time to waste on these guys so I hit them with a sonic boom then finished the rest of them off with a diamond Katana Shogun skull your

End is near on day 9 8 I returned to my base exhausted from all the setbacks that had slowed me down and gotten in my way I returned to find pully the pink pixie and the desert Lord waiting outside and looking equally sad for me I’m so sorry that all of this happened

Zozo he”s been facing the impossible perhaps we put too much pressure on you maybe the desert Lord Is Right Zozo it took a whole organization of wed ninjas to deliver Shogun skull into Power maybe it was just wishful thinking to believe that one worlden ninja would be enough

To overthrow him guys we can’t afford to think like that we need hope if we were ever going to win this thing Shogun skull is throwing everything at us and that’s because he’s scared because he knows deep down that I can defeat him so let’s keep pushing and prove that evil

Jerk right that seemed to pep them both back up and if you want to support our adventures and see more be sure to hit like And subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss another Zozo video Zozo if you believe it’s truly time time for

The final battle I’ll lead you to the shogun’s Palace again let’s bring his reign of terror to an end once and for all that’s what I’m talking about Lead the Way Desert Lord I’m ready to do this on day 99 following the desert Lord through the zelkova forest I reached the

Shogun’s palace where we bid farewell of course shogun’s skull was never going to let me just Walt in the gates opened and first he sent out a band of brins to attack me we’ve been promised to real good payday if we can destroy you Zozo that’s money you’ll never get to spend I

Ran in with my diamond Katana supported by my now iron willpower I’d never let these brigin defeat me I kept fighting until not a single one of them was left and only I was standing who’s next Shogun skull I can take anyone you throw at me but the next group of mobs didn’t

Come from the palace they snuck up behind me it was a gang of Silent assassins they were much tougher than the brigin but with my expert Diamond Katana skills I was able to still defeat them all by this point I was getting tired but I still had the will to fight

Is that all you got Shogun the gates opened again and out stepped a huge Warrior it was the Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigin who’d helped the Shogun rise to power all those years ago your army Zu you’ve destroyed so many of my brigin do you have any idea how much

Eff it will take to replace them all for that I’ve decided I’m going to destroy you myself not if I have anything to say about it I Unleashed my Sonic Boom blasting the Bandit warlord right in the chest but he tanked it he was completely unharmed H pathetic that barely tickled

Do you really think such a feeble attempt would really defeat me the Mighty Bandit Chief suck only to the Shogun himself this is is going to be fun worried that this could be the end I pulled out one of my axes and threw it directly at the Bandit warlord to my

Surprise it destroyed him instantly oh I guess he was just bragging huh with his guard Force taken care of all that was left was to enter the palace and battle the Shogun himself on day 100 I entered the shogun’s palace and found the man himself Shogun skull waiting for me well

Done Zoo you’ve proven yourself and fought with honor for that I will give you the privilege of A Warrior’s death you deserve little else all that Bluster can’t disguise how scared you are Shogun skull I know the truth you never would have gotten to where you are without

People like me and what the warden ninja gives the warden Ninja can take away that’s the true Way of the Ninja how arrogant Zozo do you really believe you can take away this Shogun skull began to transform into an even larger more dangerous version of himself the

Strongest I’d ever seen him no more talking Zozo it ends now well at least we can agree on that the battle began the two of us clashed katanas we seemed equally matched in skill but because of his dark magic Shi gun skull was bigger and stronger for a moment I was worried

It was over for me when suddenly my warrior Spirit kicked back in and I found the will to fight again and I also miraculously regained all of my health I fought harder than I ever had before hitting Shogun skull again and again and again until he was almost defeated I’d

Never seen him look so weak and helpless I charged up all of my strength and with a single blast of my Sonic Boom Shogun skull was destroyed and peace restored to the land once more I love a happy ending on day one I spawned in as a

Zombie Warden wa I guess I must be a warden who was revived into a zombie what are the chances I only had six hearts to start with probably because I had just been brought back how bet I can become a lot stronger than this it looks like I already had the physical strength

Of a zombie and the senses of a warden I could also perform a wicked Sonic Boom even after becoming a zombie I’ve still got it I realized that I was inside of some musty old tomb there was a necromancer nearby who seemed to be jumping for joy yes I have done it after

So many tries I have turned a warden into a zombie now my creation will serve me and do my bidding whoa there guy I just got here don’t I get to choose whether or not I do your bidding H Free Will I guess I need to use a stronger

Control spell and Necromancer started slinging magic at me it was probably the control spell he mentioned I didn’t want to be controlled so I started to run away I ran off into a hallway of the Tomb and found cover Against The Necromancer spells he was not happy

About that you will serve me get him Reaper an undead Reaper was summoned and ran towards me chasing me but I found a hole in the wall and squeezed through on the other side were a bunch of coffins and Gra Stones I guess I could rest here

Since I’m a Zombie I’ll find a way out of this place tomorrow so I can stay free on day two I took my first steps towards freedom and entered a forest inside of a cave I thought that the way to the surface must have been somewhere

Around here I could see perfectly in the darkness because of my Warden senses so I punched one of the trees and gathered enough wood to make a wooden axe and pickaxe this forest was way bigger than I expected I realized that I had no idea

How to get to the surface from here but but I was determined to keep exploring this place until I did I soon found out that I wasn’t alone there was some kind of warrior ghost floating around near a mysterious Monument which was emitting a strong light greetings you must be

Another one of that necromancer’s pawns or at least you were I’m nobody’s Pond the name is Zozo and I’m looking for a way out of this tomb so I can start a new life on the outside you’re lucky you can move around so freely I am ghost

Bound to this Monument but but my spirit is too strong to be controlled by that Necromancer so he tried to make you his servant too yes but be warned the Necromancer was not the most evil thing in this tomb there is a more ancient and deadly force living deep below and it

Too may try to keep you here good to know thank you for the heads up I continued to explore the forest and ran into some cave dwelling mooses it was honestly a good thing because I had gotten very hungry I’m eating mooses tonight or wait is the plur moose or

Mooses or is it me whatever it was the raw moose ribs I got from the fight tasted great it seemed like most zombies I’ve got an all meat diet on day three I found a wide open Cavern where I could start building an underground base I

Can’t be much of a warden without a place to Ward I mined some Stone so that I could build a small shelter for myself with the material situation sorted for now I started to build myself a temporary tent-like base I would need to get more materials before I could make a

Highquality base but this would do for now I heard a sound behind me and my Keen Warden senses told me that it was a Soul Leader I fired off a sonic boom to tell it not to mess with me but it seemed to only make it matter the Soul

Leader ran towards me and attacked you’re not getting my soul today I fought back with my zombie strength the Soul Leader was a tough enemy but my Sonic Boom had weakened it before we got into melee range so I was able to win the fight I felt the souls that the Soul

Leader had collected entery and began to feel my power grow my number of Hearts doubled to 12 and I even became slightly larger later with the rest of the wood I gathered I built a fence around my shelter on days four to 5 I searched the forest Cavern for more materials to use

For my base and to protect myself I wonder if the entrance of the Tomb has any materials that I might have missed even though it was risky I went back in the direction of the Tomb when I arrived at the entrance I found that the Necromancer was there waiting for me you

Again I already told you that I won’t be controlled I am a free zombie you have no idea what is coming for you Zoo The Demon King promised me great rewards if I could build an undead Legion for his army The Demon King who is that he has

Waited countless eons to make his return this tomb was where the ancient Heroes of the past sealed him away but now that he has come back the world will belong to him and I will do my part to ensure that the Necromancer cast another confusion spell but I countered it with

A perfectly timed sonic boom that stopped it in midair nice try but I won’t work for you and I won’t work for the demon king I blocked another confusion spell with my Sonic Boom and Drew My Sword I ran toward the Necromancer and struck him down you

Foolish zombie you could have been on the winning side but now you will pay the price for being a traitor he crumbled into dust leaving nothing behind on day 6 to 8 I began digging into the walls of the cavern so that I could find a way towards the

Outside my brand new tunnel quickly turned into a mind and I was able to gather a ton of stone I built myself a full set of stone armor while I was at it I also upgraded my tools to Stone it was just in time because a pack of

Cobalt showed up right after to attack my base and try to steal my materials I fired a sonic boom which startled them and then I hacked and slashed with my stone sword until I took down the entire group I was starting to get the hang of the zombie Warden fighting style but I

Knew I’d be able to get even stronger these upgrades are only the beginning on days 9 to 10 I was in my mind when my stone pickaxe started breaking through Netherrack a few minutes later I broke out of the wall and onto the surface but the surface world was not how I imagined

It it was overrun with monsters the entire landscape was filled with lava is this the work of the Demon King if I was going to survive out here on my own I was going to need some better materials I looked around the dark landscape to

See if I could find any that’s when I ran into the Demon King himself it is so good to be free or should I say bad to be free bad for you that is you must be the Demon King I’m the zombie Warden of the Tomb call me zoo so so you’re the

One who defeated that Necromancer and made me lose my Undead Army no matter I never needed them anyway I will conquer the world without the undead he swiped his sword at me faster than I could let out a sonic boom that one blow took out

A lot of my health and I could tell right then and there that the Demon King was too strong for me to defeat what’s the matter Zozo are you scared yeah a little that’s why I’m getting out of of here I turned and ran back towards my underground base for some reason the

Demon King didn’t choose to follow me why would I return to the tomb I was sealed in I have the whole world to destroy now when I arrived back at the hillside I was surprised to see a familiar enemy it was The Reaper that the Necromancer had summoned to fight me

Back for more Reaper not at all I came to thank you for setting me free from that spellcaster control oh I guess we’re cool then we’re more than cool I saw the way you stood up to the Demon King perhaps we can work together and

Take him down but I ran away you ran away a second more than anyone else which means you’re braver than you know besides if we want to keep our freedom we’ll have to face him eventually he’ll send another Necromancer to control us before Long Point taken I guess it’s you

And me Reaper please call me Grimsley on days 11 to 12 I invited Grimsley back to my base and began to build another structure to house him while I was at it I popped my tent back up and decided that wasn’t enough so I turned my tent into a watchtower that

Way I could observe what was happening on the surface while I was in my base I spent some time out in the surface World Gathering materials to craft new items the surface world had a lot of warped stems and I made sure to get as much as

I could I then proceeded to explore the area some more I mean who knows what I might find here while I was exploring I spotted a mob it was headed my way so I I got ready for a fight I blasted the approaching lava monster with my Sonic

Boom but it didn’t do much damage my stone weapons also had no effect on the creature at all oh no I’m too weak I need to get a better weapon and come back I Disappeared into the forest and retreated away from the battlefield using some of my leftover Stone I

Crafted myself a brand new mace for combat it was a slow weapon but it had a lot of power and that suited me just fine the next time I saw that Lava Monster I took him down in one hit hooray now this is a weapon I can use I

Decided not to stop there the mace was great but I could use a durable set of armor to match some iron tools wouldn’t hurt either I went back to my personal M shaft and began to dig for iron it didn’t take me too long to find enough

To improve my tools and armor level I smelted the iron down and crafted myself a full set of iron armor and tools on days 13 to 15 the ghost of the ancient warrior called me to a side and and told me the tale of the Demon King 100 years

Ago the world was under attack by a demon king and his army of demons and Monsters the big evil guy had succeeded in uniting the demons the undead mobs and the two-headed ogre tribe into an Unstoppable fighting force the villagers and animals tried to stand against the

Demon king but they were no match it seemed that all hope was lost until one day the Legendary Heroes appeared all was one of them together myself and my companions used our Legendary Weapons to strike deadly blows on the Demon King weakening him enough for our cleric to

Trap him inside of the Tomb we now stand inside it seems as though the seal held for exactly 100 years before being broken I can only imagine that this is because there were no Heroes powerful enough to use that spell in the modern day so you’re saying that even you and

The other legendary heroes couldn’t defeat the Demon King back then and then the only way was to seal him even though it didn’t last it’s better than letting him Rampage around and do whatever he wants I don’t know even if there was somebody who could cast the ceiling

Spell these days would it even matter it’s like putting a Band-Aid on a broken sword I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like there is anything that can be done on days 16 to 19 I couldn’t find Grimsley anywhere in the base even in the house I built for him Grimsley

Wouldn’t just leave without telling me I better look for him he was a good thing I was part Warden because wardens are really good at finding things I wandered out farther than I ever had before to a hill with dark grass and strange ruins on top of it I spotted Grimsley but he

Wasn’t alone there was another mob there and it looked like it was wearing a magic robe oh no another Necromancer has tried to capture Grimsley I got closer and I saw that I was correct the cloaked figure had him enclosed in a ritual Circle and Grimsley was trapped Zozo is

That you you help me don’t worry Grimley I’ll save you I fired a sonic boom which disrupted the necromancer’s chanting he got angry and fired some evil bolts at me I circled around the hill using the ruins as cover I managed to catch him by surprise and wind up an overhead smash

With my mace see you later the magic circle collapsed when the Caster Was Defeated and Grimsley was set free well done Zozo I thought I was going to be controlled again for sure don’t worry buddy I got you neither of us will ever be controlled again this time the demon

King won’t have the help of the undead we’ll be fighting against him that’s the spirit or should I say we’re the spirits inspired by grimsley’s words I felt myself began to grow and change my number of Hearts increased to 20 and I also gained increased melee damage

Zombie horrific it was just in time too because we were joined by a troop of knights their leader wore ice armor freeze Undead Servants of the demon king I sir Frost will put you on Ice it’s cool we don’t actually work for the demon king and we’re going to make sure

No other Undead has to either oh pardon the misunderstanding then I’ll be off to continue facing his forces and searching for the Legendary Blade of demon ceiling wait a blade like that exists we certainly hope so it is said to contain the magic of the cleric who sealed him

The first time well if you need any help you know who to call me Zozo on days 20 to 22 I went back to the base only to find it overrun with giant centipedes all right you bugs prepare to get squashed they were quick but not very

Tough so I used my sword instead of my mace I figured this place needed a statue one that would show those Knights that allies could be found here in the remnants of the demon king’s tomb it would have to be brave and mighty not to mention cool sir Frost will be so

Impressed that he’ll make me his second in command plus he’s probably the modern-day descendant of one of those legendary heroes who beat the demon king that’s how it usually works I needed white and blue for the Statue to really look like him so I went to gather some

Doite and lapus I managed to mine quite a bit of the materials I needed and went back to the base with access to those materials I could start working on the Statue it was really starting to come together and look like a base of something great what do you think it’ll

Be while you’re leaving a comment on what you think it’ll be don’t forget to subscribe and ring the bell so you can see more of my Amazing Adventures on days 23 to 26 the Cobalts returned in even greater numbers this time they had some arranged weapons on them too I

Guess Cobalts were craftier than I thought fortunately my melee damage had gotten stronger and I could easily deal with them one of the Cobalts I defeated dropped a bow and a quiver full of poison tipped arrows this would make a good backup ranged weapon for my Sonic boo

Since there were no necromancers to cast spells on me I took a trip down into the depths of the Tomb it looked like they had been taken over by a d of slimes and spiders and they were in the middle of a territory struggle am I interrupting

Something I cleared out the Vermin and gathered up their webs and slime balls once I returned to the base I was able to craft those materials into some leads after I was done with that I spotted another Cobalt jumping in front of my base and ran down to face it oh hey

There’s still another Cobalt back back here back for another fight no way I want to join you guys the other cobbles were always mean to me oh I didn’t know don’t worry buddy I got you I built a new house for the Cobalt and set him up

With a workshop to make new weapons and gizmos let me make it up to you by building some traps around the base for you on days 27 to 31 I returned to the forest and talked to the ancient warrior about the Legendary Blade that sir Frost mentioned apparently this blade

Concealed The Demon King away again does that sound like something that the other legendary Warriors might have done it is possible that the cleric planned ahead and sealed one more spell into the legendary weapon but I’ve been trapped here the whole time as a guardian ghost

So I have no idea what happened in those 100 years I suppose I’ll have to go looking and see what the world is like out there The Demon King is most likely sending his minions to destroy whatever is left of the Legendary Heroes descendants if you can find them first

One of them probably knows how to find the Legendary Blade well then there’s no time to waste thanks ancient warrior I’m out of here I journeyed out into the Wilderness in search of the Legacy that the Legendary Heroes left behind I Came Upon a bridge over a deep ravine which

Was guarded by a two-headed giant just try to get past us you won’t watch me I shot a poison tipped Arrow into the Giant and watched as their health started to get chipped away why are you the giant charged right into the path of my swinging mace kapow the hit knocked

Them back causing them to stumble over the side of the Ravine the two-headed giant fell all the way to the bottom but didn’t disappear I quickly ran across the bridge before they found a way back up on days 32 to 35 I found a Grove full

Of trees and in it were a bunch of song birds Hello traveler what brings you to this peaceful place my name is Zozo and I’m here in search of a Legendary Blade that can seal the demon king oh the blade of the cleric this place was created by one of the other legendary

Heroes so we’ve heard of it but we’re not sure where it is darn it this is still a very nice clearing but wait if it was made by the heroes then just as I realized the Demon King came rushing into the Grove he used his magic staff

And destroyed half of the Grove in one hit luckily I’m here run away Birds I’ll distract him the song birds ran away just in time as the Demon King was right next to me we meet again Zozo this time I’ll destroy you it seemed like he meant

It he was immune to the poison of my arrows and he closed in on me before I could use my Sonic Boom thinking quickly I surprised him with my increased melee damage impressive but it will take more than that to defeat me I guess we’ll

Find out next time I ran off while the Demon King just stood there laughing but at least I live to fight another day just as I got far enough away I spotted one of the song birds I’m sorry about your home we’ll be able to find a new

Home you saved us and that’s what matters my base can be your new home oh sweet on days 36 to 39 I constructed an Aviary where the birds could live as peacefully as they did back at the Grove can you tell me anything else you know about the Legendary Heroes there were

Four of them in total the warrior the cleric the singer and the ice Knight the singer was the one who made our Grove and I hear that the ice Knight founded an order of Brave Warriors who dwell in the snowy north that sounds like sir Frost and his companions I should go

Visit them the good thing about the north is that it’s very well protected The Demon King will have to spend a lot of resources to claim it if there’s another place where his forces could be resisted it would be there awesome I should get prepared and make this

Alliance official the undead can team up with the knights and together we’ll find the Legendary Blade then we’ll show The Demon King who’s really boss but before I left to go explore the snowy north I did a bit more on my statue I felt inspired because I was reminded of Sir

Frost on days 40 to 43 another undead showed up at the base and I welcom them into the ranks of the resistance hi my name is Gabby ghoul welcome to the team Gabby thanks I’m from the Lower East Side of the Tomb and I know there are some really good materials behind a

Secret door that sounds cool Will you show us where the Secret Door is sure sense you ass so nicely Gabby showed us the secret door in the Lower East tomb and sure enough there was gold ore which could be used to craft some very valuable gold items it was almost too

Good to be true but it was true and there was a water there to make it a little less good I did a Sonic Boom on the dangerous bomb and performed a combo with my maze it took a few more hits than most of the enemies I’d faced but

It went down just like the rest of them wow there’s a lot of useful stuff back here I have some materials to give to the Cobalt trapsmith I returned to the Cobalt and gave him all of the materials I collected I’m sure he will make great

Use of them on days 44 to 49 I traveled across the land until I reached the snowy north if I were human I’d probably have to wear a coat thank goodness I’m Undead the local mobs were completely different from the ones that I had encountered in the lands that the Demon

King had ransacked but just because they weren’t working for the Demon King didn’t mean they were friendly a winged imp monster known as a Vex swooped from out of the sky and tried to take me down that hurt I guess it’s time to get serious I swung my mace at the creature

But it was too slow it flew back up into the sky out of melee range but that was a mistake on the mob’s part because I used my Sonic Boom to drop it I decided to travel deeper in and noticed more of these things and also that they were

Attacking a poor artic Fox I drew my bow and arrow I had the element of surprise so I launched arrows into all of them the vexes were poisoned and defeated that’s when a fox approached me looking very relieved that was helpful thank you that’s what I do I help people are you

Part of the ice Knight order I’ve been looking for them so have I I need their help with finding a Legendary Blade the one that conceal The Demon King back so it does exist at least my Village wasn’t attacked for nothing the demon king’s forces are there right now looking for

It I need the knights to come and save us I guess we’ve got the same goal let’s see what we can do together on days 50 to 53 the fox and I traveled further into the snowing North trying to avoid the prying eyes of the vexes maybe if we

Look around we’ll find someone who can give you a bit more information about the blade of the cleric there are a lot of people who hate The Demon King so they’ll probably be willing to help out but the one person I didn’t want to see was the multi-headed giant he’d finally

Tracked me down and he wanted some payback is this a friend of yours Zozo yeah something like that I rushed in and Unleashed my Sonic Boom but he dodged the sonic boom and charged at me I guess two heads are finally looking better than one but I was Stronger Than I was

All those days ago and I didn’t need only my Sonic Boom to fight my enemies as the giant got closer I pulled out my mace and jumped into the air Air One strike of my mace to the Giant’s multiple heads and he was defeated that was amazing your real hero Zozo I’m just

A zombie Warden doing his best as Fox and I continued to explore we found a mutant snow golem camping hey Mr Snow Golem I’m Zozo and I’m looking for the sword of the cleric do you know where I can find it sorry to burst your bubble

Kid but it doesn’t work that way you don’t just find the sword of the cleric Legends say that when you Reveal Your yourself to be worthy only then will the sword find its way to you oh so I’m not a real hero yet you don’t have the sword

So probably not but you seem like a good kid take this protection enchantment it’ll help you on your quest thanks Mr Snow Golem I appreciate it on days 54 to 57 I made the long and hard journey back across the map then went underground to my base I decided to apply the

Protection enchantment to my chest plate so I’d be able to withstand more powerful attacks easier afterwards I noticed that the Cobalt installed some traps a lava chest trap a diamond door trap and a pit trap hopefully these will never have to come in handy but good to

Have them just in case just then Grimsley approached me with an important task Zozo thank goodness you’re here Gabby ghoul has gotten sick I fear that it’s some kind of hex caused by The Demon King I can make a healing potion to help her but I need you to collect

Some apples from the Warped Forest it’s a v ingredient don’t worry Grimsley I’ll be right on it you stay here and tend to Gabby I quickly went to the Overworld and began exploring the Warped Forest until I happened to P some apples I collected as many as I could wanting to

Make sure there was enough for Gabby’s healing potions I went back to the underground base and gave Grimsley the apples this is perfect Zozo I have even more than I need here take a few of these spare health potions you never know when they might come in handy on

Days 58 to 62 I decided to take a load off and work on the Statue after a pretty stressful week everyone needs a little relaxation time can you guess what it is yet but just as I was about to continue my statue build I noticed that a gang of demonic reavers working

For the Demon King suddenly started attacking my base leave it to a guy called The Demon King to never fight fair but I had an Ace in the Hole as the reavers tried to ransack my base they activated the different traps a few fell into the lava pit some more fell from my

Pit trap and one of them even fell from my diamond or trap and even more were taken out by my Sonic booms I’ll take on as many reavers as the Demon King can send at me but I wasn’t prepared for a sneak attack from behind from Grimsley the reaper which knocked me down

Grimsley how could you I thought we were friends I’m so sorry Zozo we are friends but the Demon King somehow reactivated the necromancer’s control spell I’m not in control of my own body he is Grimsley you have to to fight it I promise I’ll help free you I’m worried you’re already

Too late Zozo just promise me you’ll stay safe and don’t follow me and with that the Mind controlled Grimsley ran off on day 63 to day 66 I took one of the healing potions that Grimsley made for me and chased him out of the base looks like he’s headed for the Warped

Forest I need to chase him and snap him out of this funk I followed him until I caught up with him in the darkness of the forest it was just me and Grimsley facing off Zozo I told you not to follow me it was a trap from The Demon King all

Along that’s when even more reavers came out of the forest to battle me it looked like more than I could even take on Grimsley I need you to help me I can’t help you Zozo I’m not in control you have to fight Grimsley you’re not just a

Servant of The Necromancer or the Demon King you’re your own person I could see that Grimsley was struggling to regain control and eventually Grimsley snapped out of it you’re right Z oo I am my own person now let’s show these reavers that we meet business Grimsley and I fought

Off the reavers together between the two of us those Servants of evil stood no chance thank you for never giving up on me Zozo I’ll never give up on a friend and as it turns out when the Demon King invaded my mind I also invaded his I got

A vision of a cave deep in the basalt Deltas we might be able to find something useful there on day 67 to 7 Grimsley and I decided we’d make our way to the basalt Delta’s cave together and take the fight to the Demon King do you

Think the blade of the cleric is in there Grimsley only if you’re worthy and look that might be a good way to prove yourself Grimsley was gesturing to a huge scary wendo that was patrolling the outside of the cave he must have been another demonic servant of the Demon

King I’ll go in first follow my lead I ran towards the wendigo and Unleashed a sonic boom it was more formidable than anything I’d ever faced before thankfully I still had my mace I pulled it out and hit the windigo several times as it roared and shrieked but the

Attacks only made it angrier then the wendigo started fighting back every time it hit or bit me it was knocking off heart after heart it was terrifying there was nothing I could do to stop it I saw my life flashing before my eyes when suddenly Grimsley stormed in to

Save me leave my friend alone wendigo are you you’re going to learn exactly why you should Fear the Reaper Grimsley attacked I don’t know if he hurt the wendigo but he spooked it enough to finally run it off you really saved me there Grimsley thank you just repaying

My debt Zozo now let’s take a look inside the cave on day 71 to day 74 we entered the cave hoping to find the blade of the cleric waiting for me but no the cave was empty and I was devastated I guess I’m still not worthy

It’s okay Zozo I’m sure we’ll be be able to find it we just need to believe in ourselves we better start believing harder because if we don’t then the demon king is going to rise to full power and without the blade of the cleric there will be nothing we can do

To stop him on day 75 to day 78 I returned to my base and decided it was time to upgrade my mace since it was about to break so I did just that and crafted a new mace then I decided to supercharge it and applied the sharpness

Enchantment on it to improve its hitting power nobody will want to mess with me now now but that was wrong because the wendigo who’d gotten away in the bad lands suddenly appeared and he was here for me unlike the reavers he wasn’t tricked by any of the traps he had my

Scent and he was coming straight for me with his teeth and Claws ready but this time though I had my upgraded mace and I was ready to fight back the wendigo squared up and I hit him back and after that hit he didn’t get back up because the wendigo was so powerful defeating

Him gave me a lot of XP causing me to get bigger stronger and finally reach 30 Hearts I was one of the most powerful zombie wardens in the world I was even starting to look more like an actual Warden and became pretty buff this is my

Coolest upgrade yet that’s when I had a vision I needed to return to the snowy north something would be waiting for me there something I needed if I wanted to defeat the demon king so of course there was no time to waste on day 79 to day 84

I traveled into the snowy north until I found a fortress that looked like something out of my vision and as it turned out it was this Fortress that was manned by Sir Frost and his Knights just who I wanted to see I went to Sir Frost planning room where we began to discuss

The thing on both of our minds The Demon King I’ve spent my entire life preparing to confront the Demon King if he ever rose again and in all that time all that responsibility I feel I’ve learned so little all I know is that he’ll likely reach his greatest power soon then we

Should probably stick together he’ll want to get rid of all of us as part of his rise to power but that’ll be harder if we’re working with each other come back to my base we’ll be safe there sir Frost H you make a good point Zozo I’ll

Prepare my things we’ll head off shortly on day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base to check on Gabby ghoul who had started Living inside of my statue and ask her how she was recovering from the hex that the Demon King had put on her

I’m feeling lot better now JoJo thank you and there’s something I should tell you I’ve been having visions lately The Demon King I know he’s hiding somewhere with blue trees does that mean anything to you blue trees that has to be the Warped Forest that’s the only place that

Looks like that thank you Gabby I know where to find him now on day 90 to Day 94 I went into the mines and managed to get extremely lucky and mine my first set of diamonds if I’m going to face the demon king I need need some extremely

Tough Armor I forged myself a full set of diamond armor which would defend me against almost anything and then I went about enchanting every piece of my armor just so that I would be as prepared as possible diamonds are zombie warden’s best friend on day 95 to day 97 I

Finished the statue it was the statue made in tribute to one of the coolest Warriors I know sir Frost he’d spent his whole life searching for ways to stop the demon king and looking at his statue I knew I be honored to spend my unlife doing the same the demon king would fall

And it would be because of me on day 98 all the preparations had been made the last thing I was able to do was talk to my friends I’d made who were staying at my base first I spoke to Grimsley I believe you can do this Zozo with or

Without the blade of the cleric you’re a true hero and you will defeat this monstrous villain next I spoke to Gabby ghoul you’re brave and kind Jojo and that will serve you well against the demon human King never forget that and of course sir Frost the ice Knight are

You sure you want to do this alone Zozo I would happily fight by your side if you so will it thank you sir Frost you’ve been fighting this fight a long time let me finish it for you and if you want to help me the best thing you can

Do is subscribe to Zozo and ring the bell to always be notified of the next adventure on day 99 with everything said I left the underground base and made my way deep into the horrors of the nether the first stop was the Crimson Forest the only way to the Warped Forest Gabby

Had mentioned where the demon king would be waiting that’s when I saw something crawling out of the ground it was another Warden just like me except he wasn’t zombified you worthless traitor The Necromancer and the Demon King gave you everything and yet you Rebel you make me sick you Undead freak I’d rather

Be Undead and free than alive and taking orders from The Demon King the enemy Warden tried to unleash a Sonic Boom on me but I wasn’t about to waste time on him when I had the biggest fish to fry I Unleashed my sonic boom and the enemy Warden was completely destroyed traitor

And with him out of the way it was time to enter the Warped forest and finally finish this thing on day 100 I entered the Warped forest and prepared myself for the fight of my own life it wouldn’t be easy first I had to deal with the Enderman they kept teleporting around me

And it took both my mace and my mega Sonic Boom to take care of them it doesn’t matter how much you delay I’m going to take on your boss soon enough I thought I’d need to keep searching for The Demon King but instead The Demon King came for me he floated down towards

Me ready to fight you again that little failed experiment that killed the Necromancer are you truly foolish enough to think you can best me the demon king and with that that he began to grow becoming a far bigger and more powerful version of himself than I had ever seen

He had finally reached his full power even if I can’t beat you I’m still going to fight you because what kind of person would I be if I didn’t a living one The Demon King pulled out a powerful bow and started shooting me with it I tried to

Dodge but was quickly overwhelmed due to the sheer power of it weak how disappointing destroying you will be an act of Mercy just as I thought I’d be doomed I noticed something had been added to my inventory it was the blade of the cleric my Act of Bravery had

Finally earned it as soon as I equipped the blade I saw myself growing getting more powerful I was bigger stronger and even had a mighty 50 Hearts there would be no stopping me now okay Demon King are you ready for a real fight with the blade of the cleric I attacked the Demon

King striking him again and again forcing him further back into the world wared Forest weakening him breaking him down I could tell he was afraid Zoo wait clearly you’re strong how about we join forces imagined the power we could have together nice offer but I think I’ll

Stick with my friends demon king with one last blast of my Sonic Boom the Demon King was destroyed and the world was saved after that I went back to the base happy to finally relax on day one I spawned into the red desert as diamond Venom the Symbiote

With major swag wa and I’ve started with 20 hearts that must be because of my diamond heart skin even though I’m a baby Venom I’m one tough baby but I didn’t get to enjoy all this for long before I knew it a bunch of heavily armored Royal Guards were running

Towards me yeah he looks like one of the escapes we need to get him back into containment before agent Horus finds out he’s here Escape e but I didn’t Escape I’m Zozo and I just spawned here oh we’ve heard that one before bub come with us you sparkly symbiot we’ll be

Forced to use extreme uh Force I really didn’t want to get into a fight straight away especially over a misunderstanding so I ran as fast as my little Diamond Venom legs would carry me uh-oh it looks like I might not be fast enough as I was running I suddenly noticed that more

Royal Guards had me backed up into a corner symbiotes are powerful but as just a baby and without any weapons there was no way I could take all these guys on can’t we just talk this out I promise I won’t misbehave I think this is a huge misunderstanding don’t worry

Kid we’ll talk it out when we have you back in containment come along now we don’t want to hurt you if we don’t have to and with that the gang of Royal Guards led me off to who knows where this isn’t turning out to be a very

Successful first day on day two the Royal Guards escorted me into what looked like a kind of small secret research lab in the middle of the desert welcome to Area 52 son this is where we keep all the secret things for research and testing and that includes you but I

Don’t even know what you guys think I did that’s for us to know and You’ have probably never find out now get in this cell over here we’ll check your paperwork and deal with you later they made me go into a cell where a huge kind of intimidating Redstone Golem was

Waiting for me oh shiny what are you in forac honestly I don’t even know I feel like the right to a fair trial should have been given to us they can’t just lock us away like this you’re here to that buddy I’m Robbie Robbie the Redstone Golem you I’m Zozo and don’t

Worry Robbie I’m going to bust both of us out of here but how you see one of the powers of the symbiot is super strength watch with my powerful Diamond fist I busted down the wall of the cell leading to the outside and before any of the royal guards could even notice

Robbie and I escaped out into the desert that was amazing Soo we should probably go our separate ways now so that those goons can’t catch us but I hope we’ run into each other again same here Robbie happy travels and with that we both ran off in different directions on day three

I ran further into the desert trying to put as much distance between myself and Area 52 as possible I never want to have to go back there if I can avoid it but as I was running away my diamond Venom stomach started to rumble oh no this

Isn’t good symbiotes are meat eaters so I need to get my hands on some good protein as soon as possible lucky for me there were some desert chickens waiting around and they just looked too delicious for me to resist I attacked them until I was left with some yummy

Raw chicken on my hands which I ate with gusto that’s finger looking good my Hunger saded I kept on walking until I ran into another lone figure in the desert it was a warden hello there Zozo wait how do how do you know my name I

Know a lot of things hooks of the job I’m agent Warden nice to meet you agent Oh no you’re with Area 52 you’re going to try to capture me I used to be with them but now I’ve gone Rogue believe me Zozo we’re on the same team come with me

I’ll tell you everything you want to know that was an offer too good to refuse so I followed agent Warden through the desert from day four to day five we arrived in an isolated base in the middle of the black forest so deep in dark that nobody would ever find it

Unless they knew what they were looking for Welcome to my secret base Zozo and I do mean secret if you tell anyone about this I’ll be forced to destroy you noted jeez this guy is intense I heard that no you didn’t when we were inside agent Warden started telling me the whole

Horrible truth about what people were up to at Area 52 you were lucky to escape with your life Zozo they’re monstrous people they capture and EXP experiment on everyone who’s different trying to take their special powers and use them for their own gain I used to be part of

Their whole organization until I decided enough was enough I needed to take them down and over the next 100 days you can help me take them down after what they did to me and Robbie I’m happy to lend a hand in taking these bad guys down

That’s the spirit but we can’t be seen together Zozo if we are there’s too much of a risk we’ll both get taken out take this Stone sword Axe and stone pickaxe go make your own secret base we’ll talk again soon my instructions were clear I took the sword Axe and pickaxe and left

Going deep into the black forest I cut down some trees to make a clearing and M some Stone then I started building myself a basic base to spend the night adding a nice furnished room and a bed to make myself feel safe from the mobs at night I stood back to appreciate my

Small and proud base and I was really pleased with my work but then I heard some Royal Guards coming towards the forest there is that diamond Venom get him stay away from my base guys or you’re going to find out that I’m really a lethal protector they didn’t listen

Instead they charged in and I used my super strength to beat the living stuffing out of them that’s what you get for messing with the diamond symbiot and giving those Royal Guards a beat down also gave me enough XP to level up becoming bigger stronger and amazingly

Having 50 hearts and it looks like I can use my super strong symbiot arms to climb walls I climbed the walls of my little base and sat on the roof admiring the beautiful scenery of the black forest from day 6 to day 8 I continued working on my base adding some couches

And bookshelves to my living area when I took a break none other than Robbie the Redstone Golem came walking through the forest right next to my base I was happy to see him again Robbie I’m so happy to see you again how are things going with

You sadly not good man I’ve been looking for a place to crash but two of The Villages I’ve tried to visit were already destroyed by the time I turned up destroyed that’s terrible you said it man something awful is going on out here you need to stay safe I’m going to keep

Moving and you should keep your eyes peeled stay safe out there Robbie Robbie left and I was feeling more confused and afraid than ever I needed to go and speak to agent Warden as soon as possible I ran to a secret base and told him everything that Robbie had told me

Then it seems the situation is already Graver than I first thought I have a few classified missions I need to perform myself but in the meantime head to the Sierra Valley and scope it out for any unusual activity together we can stop the worst of this Insidious Plan before

It even starts yes sir I’ll do whatever I need to that’s a great attitude Zozo do everything I say and you’ll go far from Day N to day 10 I did exactly what agent Warden said and made my way out to the Sierra Valley to investigate I just

Just needed to find out if anything unusual was happening out here doesn’t look like anything weird is happening out here oh other than that as it turned out I hadn’t noticed the huge armored piglin running towards me yeah that’s certainly pretty unusual I began to battle the zombified armored piglin but

He was way tougher than the royal guards even with all my hearts and my diamond hard skin he still had me on the ropes until suddenly an armored Pillager ran in and shot the zombified armored piglin with a bow and arrow the second the arrow hit the creature it

Seemingly got a lot weaker and one more strike from my stone sword was enough to defeat it that was awesome you really saved my life there thank you armored Pillager don’t mention it I’ve never seen anyone like you you really can fight I’ve got a gang of cell swords who

Operate out here in the valley we could use someone like you if you wanted to sign up it’d be good work and good pay it definitely sounds tempting but I can’t right now I’m sorry I on an incredibly important Mission from agent Warden who it doesn’t surprise me that

You haven’t heard of him he’s incredibly secretive but I’ll let him know we had this talk thank you again for the help from day 11 to day 12 I returned to agent warden’s secret base and told him all about what happened in the Sierra Valley with the piglin and the armored

Pillager who saved my life but by the end of the story agent Warden didn’t seem happy with me you even told him my name you can’t do that Zozo I thought I told you my I was top secret can you not even follow the most basic of

Instructions I’m so sorry agent Warden I didn’t know it would upset you so much I promise I won’t tell anyone else your name I’ll keep your missions top secret good that’s more like it for your next mission I need you to go to the Sierra Valley again the north specifically and

Find your way to a research base hidden out there they’re puppets of Area 52 carrying out their evil bidding if you value your freedom you’ll gather all the information about them you can yes agent Warden I won’t let you down this time but that mission sounded dangerous so

Before I could take it on I needed to upgrade my gear that’s why I ventured down into an abandoned mine in the Black Forest to collect some iron I mined until I had enough iron or which I then smelted into ingots and an abandoned furnace and crafted into a full set of

Iron armor an iron sword iron axe and iron pickaxe but it wasn’t all easy I was detected and attacked by a bunch of spiders while I was down there this this is what I get for shining bright like a diamond it didn’t take me long to defeat

The spiders with my iron sword then it was time to prove myself to agent Warden once again from day 13 to day 15 I ventured out through the Sierra Valley until I found what looked like a small research base it was crawling with Scientists guess it’s time to play

Detective and ask some tough questions I snuck in and found one of the researchers alone I cornered him and used my intimidating Diamond venom look to get his undivided attention listen here you’re going to tell me everything you know about your bosses at Area 52 or

Else what Area 52 aren’t our bosses liar I have it on good authority that you do all their evil bidding so you better start telling the truth I am telling the truth the only time we ever collaborated was on the warden project wait the what project I’ve told you too much already

Just please please leave me alone yes I will I’m so sorry for bothering you I left the research base and started heading across the Sierra Valley something about all of this was terribly wrong and I needed to get some answers from agent Warden immediately from day

16 to day 19 I made my way through the Black Forest back to agent warden’s secret base as quickly as possible but on the way I ran into Robbie the Redstone Golem again Robbie what’s wrong this time zoo I found out some terrifying news and I needed to tell you

As soon as possible the one who’s been destroying whole Villages is some kind of Genetically Enhanced Warden and he lives in this Forest Genetically Enhanced Warden oh no oh no no no I’ve had this all wrong I need to get back to that research base and warn them but by

The time I crossed the Sierra Valley and reached the research base it was already too late the research base was in Ruins and who else was standing in the rebel but agent Warden I decided to rush in and confront him agent Warden how could you why are you doing this these people

Aren’t under the orders of Area 52 at all oh Zozo as naive and small-minded as ever you really are a diamond Venom in the rough aren’t you I don’t know the full extent of your evil plan but one thing I do know is that I’m not going to

Be a part of it whatever awful thing you want to do be careful Zozo if you’re not with me you’re against me then I guess I’m against you you’re about to find out just how strong a diamond Venom really is but Zozo while symbiotes like you have two weaknesses fire and sound agent

Warden Unleashed a hugely powerful Sonic Boom out of his chest it was a direct hit on me and as soon as it connected I fell unconscious from day 20 to day 22 I woke up in the ruins of the Sierra Valley research base agent Warden was

Gone and it looked like there was only one surviving scientist the same one I’d interrogated earlier you there zoo was it I’m Dr Hardy I saw that you tried to defend us against that terrible monster and even though the destruction he caused was awful it means a lot to know

You’re on our side I’m still so sorry I couldn’t help more Dr Hardy I have no idea why Agent Warden just turned like that but I have a feeling that if we work together we can find out why want to come stay at my base and team up but

Sounds like an excellent idea Zozo I want to get back against this monster any way I can Dr Hardy and I returned to my base and I began working on a new room for him it had an area for him to sleep and an area for him to conduct any

Scientific experiments he needed to thank you Zoo this will do nicely from day 23 to Day 26 I made a trk back to the red desert where I originally spawned to see if I missed anything if I was wrong about agent Warden I’ve got to make sure I pay more attention to things

From now on I carefully looked around and noticed there was an is oler in trouble someone please I need a protector an armored skeleton was running them down and it seemed like it would catch them soon I had to do something don’t worry Diamond Venom is here I jumped into the path of

The armored skeleton and hit him with my iron sword it got his attention but he wasn’t looking that damaged from the attack I had succeeded at making the armored skeleton attack me instead of the isce oler but now it seemed I would have to deal with a strong and fast mob

All on my own it wasn’t an easy fight but in the end I took home the W the iser was delighted that was amazing they make a good team you said it iser it’s almost like a symbiotic relationship like a symbiote defeating the armored skeleton to save that is oler had

Reminded me of my true strength and caused my powers to evolve I now had 75 hearts and could Dash to quickly close the gap with enemies from day 27 to day 31 I was still in the red desert when I came across a herd of sheep they were

Looking for grass to eat but couldn’t find any I guess they must have been lost this way sheep there’s plenty of grass to graze on in the Black Forest back at the base I made sure to build a pen for the Sheep are on some of that delicious grass I mentioned delicious

For sheep at least this diamond Venom is on an all meat diet later on I was walking through the base when I ran into the iser I had protected in the desert hey Zoo thanks again for your help the other day hey iser when did you get here

Oh I’ve been here for a while I noticed you have some scientists doing research here so I thought I could help out in a big way follow me I followed the iser to another part of the base and saw what he was talking about he had upgraded the

Base with a research Watchtower the scientists are going to love this meanwhile somewhere in a secret place agent Warden was plotting the next phase of the warden project and whatever that entailed was probably super evil everything is going according to my super secret plan that’s because you’re

So good at being evil Warden I agree pigas soon it will be time for you to play your role in how things proceed it is an honor to serve you sir piglet will make sure your every order is carried out without fail from day 32 to day 35 I

Went to Area 52 to see if I could get any more answers out of the royal guards even if they didn’t know anything else about what agent Warden was up to I could still reason with them and form an alliance ah it’s Diamond Venom there’s no reasoning with them battle formation

The Royal Guards fought against me but I defended Myself by using my armor to reduce the damage from their attacks hold it guys I really think we can work this out he’s trying to reason with us I guess we were wrong about him that’s the first time we’ve been wrong about

Anything the Royal Guards took me to the office of their top agent agent Horus so you must be that diamond Venom that escaped from my holding sale a while back it’s a shame I never got to meet you in person is that because you were going to do some uncalled for

Experiments on me what no what do you think we do around here we thought that a diamond symbia like you had the potential to be turned towards the side of good that’s why we brought you here I’m glad you guys weren’t up to anything Sinister you definitely could have been

Nicer about it though the kinds of superpowered monsters we deal with it’s hard not to go overboard especially after the war Warden project made us responsible for another monster you mean agent Warden what is he up to I can tell you it’s something most secretive and most definitely Sinister we’ve been

Keeping tabs on him but he’s operating in the shadows now I want to help you take him down he betrayed me and I don’t like that kind of thing good we could use a Venom Like You on our side until agent Warden is defeated will’ll make you a temporary secret agent agent

Diamond Venom I like the sound of that from Day 36 to day 39 I went mining for iron to fix up my armor if I’m going to be playing the part of a secret agent I should look like I’ve got the best gear I dug down deep into the mining area and

Managed to strike iron there was plenty of iron to go around enough to fix my entire set of iron armor there were some diamonds down there as well I must have had a knock for finding them because I was a diamond Venom myself Diamonds Are a diamond’s best friend wait what did I

Say the diamonds weren’t even the rarest treasure that I found in the mine the honor went to the powerful battle axe that I found lodged in a wall I went above ground with The Spoils of my mining Excursion and fixed up my armor I finished just in time for the isolator

To come in and talk to me hey Zozo actually it’s agent Zozo right anyway I was thinking we should expand our team there’s someone I want you to go talk to they should be waiting for you at the shattered GLA here from day 40 to day 43

I went to the shattered Glacier where the iser said I could meet our new contact I was surprised and relieved to see that it was my old friend Robbie the Redstone Golem I heard Area 52 made you a temporary agent they are no friends of mine but it’s good to see that you’re

Moving up in the world whatever it takes to stop that rampaging agent Warden what did you call me here to talk about I wanted to ask if I could join your super group even if we’re only working together in secret this world needs protectors I was about to ask him what

He had in mind when a giant Pigman ran towards us and stopped right next to us it was pigas the new minion that was sent by agent Warden you were too easy to follow Diamond Venom time to carry out agent warden’s orders and what would those be there’s no point in asking me

That question I’m not telling you pigas smashed a big hole in the ground to show off how strong he was he’s tough Robbie do you think we could take him if we teamed up maybe but for now we should get somewhere safe to have the rest of

Our conversation I nodded and the two of us ran away as pigas continued to smash his way across the shattered Glacier from day 44 to day 49 I was lying low in my base when I was visited by agent Horus he really must have been the top

Agent because I didn’t even see him come in agent Zozo I’ve got some key Intel and a new assignment for you take you long enough this diamond Venom is on the job whatever it is there is an object known as the Destroyer which was once in

Our Poss at Area 52 we believe that in the right hands it has the power to take down any bad guy even agent Warden now now Diamond Venom just focus on finding the destroyer and getting it to us we’ll handle the rest where can I find the

Destroyer it was last sided in the Sierra Valley biome you should head back there and search for it won’t let you down agent Horus from day 50 to day 53 on horus’s orders I went to the Sierra Valley B to learn more about The Destroyer it looked like I wasn’t the

Only agent on the case a royal guard was already here probably sent by Horus too hey there agent I’m agent Zozo I’m looking for the Destroyer too shh keep your voice down we don’t know who’s listening I’ll tell you what I know about The Destroyer but you need to

Promise to keep it a secret I promise the truth about The Destroyer is that we made it in Area 52 using some rare materials from another dimension those materials are what gave the item at unmatched destructive power what were the materials and what dimension did they come from that’s classified the

Point is we were so impressed by these materials that we started to use them on a different project the warden project let me guess that was how agent Warden got his superpowers it was what made him a super villain the materials gave him destructive Sonic abilities that were

Out of control that’s why we need a weapon like the Destroyer to take him out I understand now you keep looking around here I’m going to go back to the base for now I left the royal guard to keep searching that’s when I saw a battle between an iron chicken and a skeleton

The iron chicken looked like she would make a good addition to the super group I was forming with the others I went to help her in the fight but the iron chicken had already won by the time I even got a HD in wao you’re strong do

You want to join my superhero team sorry Diamond Venom but iron chicken works alone she ran off right after saying that I guess not everyone wants to team up with me from day 54 to day 57 I was traveling through the red desert when I ran into none other than pigas agent

Warden’s big brute of a henchman what do you want pigas I only want what agent Warden orders me to want that’s how loyal of a henchman I am okay and what does agent Warden want he ordered me to take out the trash and the trash is you

Pigas hit me hard sending me flying across the desert his super strength was so much stronger than mine and I was practically super duper strength I fought back but I was losing a lot of Hearts to the big pig’s punches you really are trash just call me the trash

Compactor actually I prefer to be recycled and by that I mean live to fight another day I knew I couldn’t win so I ran away from pigas he might have been strong but sure was slow well his henchman was keeping me busy agent Warden was in his secret base developing

A personal teleporter that would take him between Dimensions at will once I harness the true destructive contained in the other dimensions I will be unstoppable from day 58 to day 62 I met with the scientist who’s been living in my base to see what he’s been up to how

Has the research been going Dr Hardy I’ve got amazing things to tell you about Zozo the statue I’ve been working on is really coming along it’ll be one of the great achievements when we’re done building it awesome work there is one slight issue though I’ve run out of

Building materials do you think you could fetch us more of course I was just heading down to the mine anyway I returned to where I had been mining before and dug further into the area with the diamonds I was determined to get even more of them so I could get a

Complete set of diamond gear to match my diamond body I also made sure to get more Stone and iron while I was there so the scientists could continue work on the Statue once I had enough of everything I left the mine and gave the scientists what they had been looking

For then I went to the crafting table and made myself a diamond sword diamond boots and a diamond helmet Diamond Venom is more Diamond than ever from day 63 to day 66 I received another visit from agent Horus he must really want me to find that Destroyer I looked around like

You told me to but I haven’t found it anywhere that’s all right agent Zozo the Royal Guards and I have done that part of the job ourselves we have reason to believe that the Destroyer somehow crossed Dimensions back to where it originally came from the Destroyer is another dimension yes in another world

Known as the end how can I get there from here take a look at this portal we installed in your base agent Horus led me to an incomplete end portal which at the moment wasn’t working I wonder where they even got this portal but I didn’t

Want to question agent Horus what do I have to do in order to reactivate the end portal no idea we’ve never gotten any farther than this but if it does activate you should let us know post haste from day 67 to Day 70 I kept an

Eye on the end portal that Area 52 had installed in my base there were no signs of activity and I wondered if I would ever get the chance to get the Destroyer I was relieved of this Duty when Robbie the Redstone Golem showed up again hey

Robbie what are you up to we’ve got ourselves a new objective Zoo there’s some trouble down at the shattered Glacier and we should go help out what’s the problem one dangerous mob called the skeleton Jackal might be a new super villain leave it to me Robbie I arrived

At the shattered Glacier and saw exactly what Robbie was talking about the skeleton Jackal had claimed the shattered Glacier as his own territory Diamond Venom you’re too late I the skeleton Jackal will soon be the most powerful new villain out there sorry but I already have an arch nemesis and he’s

Not you I’ll make you take me seriously the skeleton Jackal attacked me with his claws but I fought back with my trusty battle axe you were evenly matched in damage but my diamond armor and Diamond skin made my defenses that much stronger you might be durable Diamond Venom but

This fight isn’t over by a long shot stop this we don’t have to fight What If instead of a villain you decided to be an anti-hero you can still be scary but you also get to do the right thing anti-hero huh I guess I could give it a

Try wow it worked welcome to the team skeleton Jackal from day 71 to 74 my base was under attack by pigas who is using his Brute Force to smash giant holes into the surrounding terrain pigy power stop it pigas I used my Dash ability and started swinging my battle

Ax of pigas inflicting damage on him ouch that ax hurts can I have it pigas punched me causing me to drop the battle axe he picked it up himself and started swinging it at me I equipped my diamond sword and continued to fight but pigas was even more deadly with the battle axe

In his hand hand give that back it’s not yours it is now eat this iglas wound up a big punch and sent me careening straight into a hill and caused me to get heavily dazed when I got back up he was already gone it was no use trying to

Get my battle axe back now it looked like my base was totally wrecked too pigas I was really sad so I went to the river to be alone for a bit after a while I Solider came by to cheer me up hey Zo I know you’re feeling down about losing

Your weapon but I’ve reviled the base and added a perimeter wall to keep out future attacks you’re the best iser I’m glad you’re part of my super group meanwhile back at agent warden’s base my arch nemesis had gained the powers of the interdimensional energies he was attempting to harness Area 52 thought I

Was a mistake and tried to destroy me H their real mistake was not going further with their experiments from day 75 to day 78 agent Horus came to check on the base and give me a brand new weapon to replace my battle axe the javelin we heard what

Happened with pigas it sounds like you really gotten on agent warden’s bad side that pigas is a real Menace he’s going down just like agent Warden Y in look we’ve got the location of agent warden’s secret base we figured we’d send you over there to do some real damage I’ll

Do more than that this might just be bus business for Area 52 but it’s always personal for me I took the javelin and set off through the Black Forest toward agent warden’s secret base if pigas was there I’d be sure to get my revenge from

Last time from day 79 to day 84 I was sneaking around the outside of agent warden’s secret base and sure enough I found exactly who I was looking for pigas ancient Zozo looks like recycling day came early I’ll break you down like a cardboard box you’re the one who’s

Going to be broken pigas I threw my Javelin at pigas catching him off guard and then I used the opportunity to hit him a bunch of times with my diamond sword not bad I didn’t expect that new weapon but did you really forget your old weapon so soon no please pigas

Anything but battle axe pigas swung the battle axe that he stole from me taking off a ton of Hearts he was wielding the weapon as if it was meant for him one again my diamond sword couldn’t stand up to him especially since my super strength was weaker than his I really

Like being a henchman you know when I secretly get rid of someone agent Warden rewards me with treasure I wonder how rich I’ll be after I deal with you oh no am I going to lose as pigas prepared to deliver the decisive blow with my own

Battle axe I Heard a Voice from the trees it was the skeleton Jackal Zozo don’t forget that your diamond Venom a shining inspiration to anti-heroes everywhere you’re right inspired by skeleton jackal’s words I grew into a form powerful enough to take on pigas even with the battle axe I had 100

Hearts and Diamond Venom claws that were stronger than any diamond sword with my new form he was dropped in no time well I did the best I could but sometimes a henchman is just a henchman your boss agent Warden is next pigas and with that

Pigas vanished from day 85 to day 89 I went back to my base to tell everyone that I had defeated pigas in battle I went and visited the scientist first to inquire about the state of the statue I’ve made some amazing strides in the pursuit of the statue but I’m still

Missing some materials could you grab me some more wood sure let me grab some from my chest I took some wood from my chest and brought it back to Dr Hardy who then escorted me to the Statue it was a statue of Dr Hardy halfway through transforming into normal Venom I guess

He must have been a big fan afterwards I returned to the side of the end portal where agent Horus was waiting for me it seems that agent Warden has already gone to the end to harness the materials there if the Destroyer falls into his hands he’ll be even more Unstoppable

Than a big Pigman with a battle axe that’s pretty specific but I totally understand what you mean These Eyes of Ender that the Royal Guards have gathered should be able to jump start the portal get in there and make us proud yes sir he activated the portal

And I stepped through suddenly I found myself in The Nightshade Forest this must be the main biome of the dimension known as the end this is feeling strangely familiar again not too far away I saw the Destroyer lying on the ground I didn’t have time to go and grab

It an Enderman appeared out of the trees and started to attack me H I guess I’ve got to deal with the mob first I used my diamond sword combined with my claw attacks to make the Enderman back off and run away with the mob gone I picked

Up the destroyer and headed back towards the portal from day 90 to Day 94 I heard someone sneaking up behind me it was agent Warden welcome home diamond in the rof this isn’t my home home is on the other side of this portal and I intend

On going back after I defeat you that is you won’t defeat me Agent Zozo you’re just like me the diamond symbient that grants you all of your powers is from the end that’s why this place is your home I’m from the end yes and that’s why

I want you on my side I need someone to help me reap the rewards that exist in this world the materials that gave me powers could make an army of Sonic Warriors I’m not joining you Area 52 trusted me to take you down and that’s what I’ll do you’re making a mistake

Agent Horus and the others are weak and that’s why they capture and create super beings to fight their battles I think we should choose our own battles don’t you I actually agree that’s why I’m choosing my battle to be me versus you I threw my Javelin but agent Warden took it like it

Was nothing and bombarded me with a Sonic Blast even though I’d gotten stronger Sonic attacks were still my weakness his powers had increased so much that I was powerless against him agent Warden hit me with a few melee attacks before knocking out and stealing the Destroyer I’ll be having that see

You on the other side diamond in the rough he ran off through my end portal from day 95 to day 97 I was able to muster enough strength to crawl my way to the portal there’s no time to lose I have to warn agent Horus and with that I

Crawled into the portal when I got to the secret research lab of Area 52 I found that all of the royal guards had been wiped out by agent warden in a destruction free this was definitely the destroyer’s handiwork I kept searching around until I stumbled upon agent Horus

He was The Last One Alive and was hanging on by a thread you sure kept us waiting huh agent Horus I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him he used my weakness against me no agent Zozo I’m sorry it was our foolishness and greed that led to agent warden’s rise to power if only

We had been more careful and now tried to turn what we didn’t understand into weapons you couldn’t have known he’d go this evil it’s all right Area 52 will be no more after I’m gone I need you to clean up our last mess Diamond Venom make sure you stop him horse died trying

To harness the forces Beyond his control now agent Warden was trying to do the same thing I’d make sure it didn’t end well for him either on day 98 I found my base had been destroyed in another one of agent warden’s evil Rampages the scientist I saw ER and skeleton Jackal

Were all destroyed too every member of my team gone this is unforgivable I knew agent Warden was my Arch and Nemesis but I never thought he’d go this far I stood there in total shock for a long time until I heard some familiar heavy footsteps Robbie agent Zozo no just Zozo

I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect the rest of the team he was too strong don’t beat yourself up about it Robbie I feel a bit better knowing that at least my very first friend is still here with me you know what I feel the same way you’re

Alive and I’m alive we’ve got to do something to make that count I’ll tell you what we’ll do we’re going to take back the destroyer and then we’re going to give agent Warden payback for everything he’s done now that’s the symbiot I know let’s rock on day 99

Robbie and I closed in on agent Warden secret base which hadn’t changed location since the time I fought pigas there I’ll learn aent Warden out with a distraction then you surprise attack him and steal the Destroyer sounds good be careful Robbie I went to hide behind a

Tree as Robbie stepped out and waved his arms hey Warden look at me I’m so destroyable ha come destroy me sure enough agent Warden stepped out of the base with the destroyer in his hands he started moving towards Robbie now is my chance I used my Dash ability to rush at

Agent Warden just as planned I was able to grab the destroyer and run away Robbie turned and ran away too haha I’m not destroyed better luck next time when we got back to the base I immediately took a closer look at the Destroyer it was definitely made with the same

Materials that made agent Warden Sonic Blast so strong it was also from the end like my symbiot maybe if I well here goes nothing I absorbed the material in the Destroyer using my symbiot and I could feel that it was enhancing my diamond skin to a whole new level of

Durability it worked now my souped up Diamond skin will be able to resist his Sonic attacks on day 100 I returned to agent warden’s secret base for our final showdown I of course brought Robbie with me we entered his base and went downstairs this time agent Warden was

Already waiting for us in his underground lair this stops here agent Warden you’re not destroying anything else in your quest for Mad Science when will you learn simp it my Sonic attacks will render you immobile once again he fired a Sonic Blast at me but I didn’t even Flinch this time because despite

Its name the Destroyer had made me indestructible how did you do that I knew your weakness it’s like you always said I am a diamond in the rough and now this diamond is going to rough you up I called forth the destroyer from within my simate and attacked using it the

Shock wave smashed the the surrounding area and did serious damage to agent Warden he’s weak my turn Robbie rushed in and smacked him with his Golem arms a couple times I joined in with a Diamond Claw attack agent Warden tried to fight back but his powers were useless against

Me now please no more this is for everyone at Area 52 and everyone at my base too no please all I wanted was to be able to blow up whatever I wanted I was just acting mysterious to look cool well now the truth is out and the truth

Is you got what was coming to you then I swung the Destroyer one last time and he was gone leaving me and Robbie to celebrate the fact that the world was safe again day one I spawned into a cave full of wolves as a devil Golem that

Explains my devilish charm oh wait looks like I’m only a baby devil Golem maybe these wolves are raising me I can’t remember much that’s when a huge scary Soul Leader came barging Out of the Shadows like he was looking for me the whole time don’t you remember me Zozo

You used to work for me until you got all those silly ideas about kindness and personal freedom into your head why don’t you work for me again you can help my world domination plans come true world domination sorry Mr Soul Leader but that really doesn’t sound like my scene fu

Then Bish and just like that the Soul Leader started breathing fire I managed to dodge it just in time but my wolf friends weren’t so lucky they got fried oh no my wolf friends you monster the Soul Leader didn’t care he just watched as I ran out of the cave me and my

Minions are going to hunt you Zozo we’re the most powerful beings you’ve ever faced and I guarantee will’ll destroy you within 100 days 100 days of avoiding the Soul Leader and his crazy evil minions seemed like I had my work cut out for me on day two I was able to

Escape the cave with my life but I wasn’t out of the woods yet in fact I’d literally run out right into the woods what a coincidence and I only have three hearts if I mess with the wrong mob while I’m this week I’ll be a goner for

Sure so imagine how I felt when a Jin a powerful magical creature flew out of the trees and started attacking me you don’t normally find Gins in overall Forest so he must have been one of the evil Soul leaders minions can’t you guys leave me alone I don’t even know what’s

Going on yet there’s something wrong with all of my memories but the Jin was no talk all action he started attacking me with his extreme speed and magical abilities I didn’t stand a chance against him but just as I was about to give up hope a glowing wisp suddenly

Appeared behind me she seemed almost as frantic as I was quick tell me are you a good devil Golem or an evil devil Golem I’m really trying trying my best to be a good one correct answer stranger as the Jin prepared another attack the Wisp grabbed a hold of me and teleported me

Out of there on day three thanks to being teleported by the Wisp we arrived in a Friendly Village where things seemed to finally be a little chill I was grateful for that thanks for saving me Miss wisp I’m Zozo what’s your name I’m Wendy Wendy Wisp and there’s

Somebody I need you to meet Zozo windy wisp led me through the village until we found the biggest building in town there was a Viking villager named Eric waiting outside for us Eric I found one a good devil Golem just like you said Eric seemed impressed do my eyes deceive me

All this time I thought creatures like you were a myth but I was wrong wait I’m a little confused here what do you mean creatures like me dark magic entities Devils they all work in service of the soul eer and until now I believed that

They had no choice in the matter but you Zoo you have proved proven that it’s possible for even Devils to choose to be good but what does all this mean it means that you are a symbol of resistance my boy perhaps in these extremely important next 100 days you

Can lead the charge to defeat him once and for all what do you say Zozo do you accept the call of course I do somebody’s got to teach that mean some manners that’s what I like to hear Wendy take him to the plains to start building his base his training must begin immediately

Yes Eric come on Zozo let’s go on days four to five windy wisp teleported us to the plains where we could start building an awesome base to sleep and train in we should start with some wood Zozo it’s impossible to craft without having the right tools very good point Wendy I used

My tough devil Golem fist to break down some trees and gathered enough wooden blocks and sticks to craft myself a wooden pick this is pretty cool I guess but I think we can do a lot better using my wooden pickaxe I started Mining and gather Gathering up some Stone and other

Materials for the house after that it was easy to make myself a set of stone weapons and tools hey that’s more like it it’s building time baby I used some of my gathered wood and stone to start putting together a nice mansion of course it add bedrooms for both me and

Windy wisp so we’d have places to sleep she was so grateful for the help she wanted to give me a gift this is a potion of strength Zozo I brewed it with my wisp magic and I think drinking it will help you on your quest that’s

Awesome Wendy thank you I guess the only thing left to say is bottoms up I took a drink from the potion and immediately found myself getting bigger and stronger I even gained two more Hearts five Hearts nice I’m moving up in the world on day six to day eight feeling a little

More confident about myself with the base and my new size and hearts I decided to wander the planes maybe if I search around enough I can find something that will help me get my memories back but instead I found something wild a mage getting attacked by a grw a scary floating demon excuse

Me young devil Golem can I get a little help here the name Zozo and help is on its way I pulled out my stone sword and started attacking the gro my first real fight how exciting the gru fought back and knocked off one of my hearts but in

The end I managed to defeat it and save the Mage from its wrath thank goodness you turned up Zoo you really saved my bacon there I don’t know how I could ever repay you oh don’t worry Mage it’s all and a day’s work for me I’m training

To become a Great Hero and one day defeat the Soul Leader so in the meantime I’m happy to defeat any evildoer I can get my hands on in that case would you mind helping me out with something else you see I came to this Forest to slay a Banshee that was

Scaring away some of the local villagers until this Gro started attacking me perhaps together we could defeat the Wailing monster a Banshee sure how hard can it ban be please promise me you won’t make any more jokes like that Zo though oh okay sorry on day 9 to day 10

Mage and I traveled to the forest to look for the Banshee how do you know when we’re getting close oh you’ll know I was about to ask him what he meant when I heard the loudest scream I’d ever heard let me guess that’s the Banshee what was your first clue I wanted to

Make a joke but before I could a Banshee came flying out of the trees right towards us it was shrieking all the way I wanted to run but I knew I had to be brave and stand by my new friend I Drew my stone sword and got ready for a fight

Mage and I tried our best but the Banshee was much stronger than I expected it knocked me down that knocked the Mage into a tree and I knew we were outmatched let’s get out of here we ran away from the Banshee before it could do any more damage dang I was hoping the

Two of us together would be enough I guess I have to get stronger first in the meantime you can stay with me at my base you’ll be safe there thank you on day 11 to day 12 I returned home with mage I made sure to build him a room

There including a crafting bench and a chest thank you for the help and the hospitality Zozo absolutely now that we’re somewhere safe and we can rest I was wondering do you know anything about the Soul Leader I know that he doesn’t take kindly to his former employees

Leaving him for the side of good which as I understand you did apparently and now he and his minions are hunting me well he’s a nasty piece of work and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t like to see him finally taken out if you need help I’m on your side thanks and I’ll

Help you too once I’m stronger we’ll get that Banshee after Mage and I talked I built some bookcases for the base Mage brought me a book to add to the bookcase and I found an unbreakable enchantment inside great this will make my weapons stronger thanks so much to finish out

The day I built a chicken coop and hered some chickens into it finally satisfied with the job well done Mage and I both turned in for the night to get some sleep from day 13 to day 15 I wanted to find new ways to get stronger so I could

Help with the banshee and eventually defend myself against the Soul Leader so I went to Wendy wisp for some advice well I think getting more fighting experience is always a good way to get stronger maybe you should make a new weapon too something you can use to

Fight from a distance great idea so I went out and gathered some wood and string and used them to craft myself a bow and arrow now it’s time to take this thing out for a spin I needed to try out my new weapon somewhere full of the biggest baddest enemies possible I know

I’ll go to the Badlands I ventured out to the Badlands and spotted sud ramu the giant Scorpion and one of the Soul Leader’s minions picking on a bunch of smaller Scorpions Hey cut that out as it turned to rush at me I shot it with an

Arrow it hit and it actually did some damage awesome Wendy was right this thing is great I fired some more arrows and before I knew it I defeated sudu the little scorpion scattered and ran away a thank you would have been nice but I didn’t blame them for wanting to get out

Of there as fast as possible hey looks like that giant scorpion dropped something it was a subscribe to Zozo wow I feel stronger and smarter already I even gained two hearts from day 16 to day 19 I decided to explore the area around the Badlands I came across a cave

I hadn’t seen before cool I wonder if there are any good materials in here once I entered the cave however I got a really bad feeling uh-oh something isn’t right here even though I was feeling nervous I spotted a chest and decided to open it it was full of netherite oh cool

I’ve never seen this stuff before how did you get in here this cave belongs to the boss I was ambushed by a wildkin do you work for the Soul Leader that’s right you shouldn’t have decided to come in here now you’ll never leave he rushed me and started to attack knocking me

Into the cave wall I got him a few more times and before long I had managed to win the fight hey wait a second if this cave belongs to the so leader and it’s full of netherite I bet that means he’s from the nether from day 20 to day22 I

Started the journey back to my base I couldn’t wait to tell my friends about the battles I’d won while I was gone on the way I trained myself a little more on a group of spiders that attacked me I defeated them easily I really am getting stronger after I defeated the spiders I

Found some iron which I made sure to pick up and take home with me once I made it back to the base I smelted the iron and used it to craft some iron armor an iron sword and an iron shield I finally feel ready to go back and face

The Banshee again Mage is going to be so excited I traveled back to the forest where I first saw the Banshee just as I realized I was getting close the Banshee flew at me and screamed luckily I had my new armor to protect me pulled out my

New iron sword and started swinging this time I’m ready for you the bansi kept swooping at me but I was able to take the hits this time thanks to my new gear finally I swung my sword for the last time and the Banshee dissolved and disappeared I knew I had won something

About this whole fight felt familiar too I suddenly remembered I had met this Banshee before a long time ago she worked for the Soul Leader too we had worked together once but I couldn’t stand watching her attack innocent people just trying to walk through the

Woods I’ve got to get back to my base and tell Mage about this from day 23 to Day 26 I tried to think and see if I could remember anything else for my days of working for the Soul Leader no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t I rushed

Back home to my base where Mage was waiting for me I did it I got rid of the bansi that’s great Zozo thank you so much for your help so now that the banshee’s taken care of I guess you’ll probably head back to where you came from nonsense I’ll stay here with you

Until the Soul Leader is defeated once and for all I’ll do whatever I can to help really awesome after I talked to Mage I gathered some Stone and constructed a stone Watchtower to keep my BAS face more secure I found some Guster eyes and sand from a Guster

Someone in the forest must have slain and quickly scooped them up I used the items to craft a pocket of sand I can use this to temporarily blind enemies finally I built some walls around my base now this is looking really secure from day 27 to 31 I decided to keep

Exploring and see what else I could learn about the Soul Leader and my bad old days working for him my journey took me all the way to the beach wow look at all the Sun and Sand and that beautiful ocean I’d love to kick back and relax

But I don’t have time for that right now got to keep moving as I was walking I saw a horseshoe crab flipped over on its back hey let me help you with that I flipped him back over gee thanks so much stranger of course do you need a safe

Place to stay you can always go to my base that sounds amazing I told them the way to go and sent them on their Journey then I continued onward along the beach I found a shark tooth neat I can use this to craft shark tooth Arrows with my

New materials I headed back to my base once I was there I put up some decorative banners to make the place feel more festive for the new residence pretty spiffy if I do say so myself sorry to interrupt your decorating Zozo but I need some help herrick’s in

Trouble his village is under attack oh no there’s no time to waste let’s go right now from day 32 to day 35 Wendy and I rushed to the Village to see what was going on we arrived to find the place in ruin filled with reavers making

Trouble oh no they work for the Soul Leader this is terrible luckily we’re here to help I took out my bow and started firing arrows at the reavers taking them out one by one I was doing my best but I definitely needed some help thankfully Eric came running up to

Join the fight I was so busy fending off the Reaver who was attacking me that I didn’t notice two reavers sneaking up behind Eric by the time I noticed it was too late they both swarmed him and knocked him down he didn’t get get back

Up Eric no I rushed up and defeated the reavers that knocked him down but Eric was already gone there was no time to mourn I had to take down the rest of the reavers I finished up the fight and looked at the wreckage of the village I

Couldn’t save him you did your best Zozo don’t blame yourself blame that Evil Soul Leader from Day 36 to day 39 I needed to get my mind off of what happened to Eric so I ventured out to the desert for a change of scenery as I was walking through the Sandy landscape

A Little Neck ran up to me I pulled out my sword and got ready for a fight but he was friendly hey wao buddy I don’t want any trouble I heard you were the guy to ask for help around here I sure am what is it I need help defeating a

Cryp keeper that took over the cave I was living in can you do it you bet I headed to the cave and saw the cryp keeper lurking near the entrance I fired an arrow at him and caught him by surprise the rest of the fight went

Pretty quick and I returned to tell that neck everything was okay now thanks so much say you’re trying to take on the Soul Leader aren’t you I am do you know anything about him only that he’s from the nether I thought so thank you from

Day 40 to day 43 I headed back to my base from the desert this place could use a little sprucing up I decided to add some couches to give all my friends more places to sit and hang out that looks much better after I finished with the couches the horseshoe crab I helped

On the beach came to talk to me thanks for giving me somewhere to stay I’ve been really lonely since my friends moved to the forest hey maybe they could come stay here too would that be okay sure I don’t see why not I built some additional rooms for the extra crabs

Then headed out into the forest to find them it was pretty easy to spot crabs in a forest so I tracked them down and invited them to the base they were excited to come stay with us thank you so much Zozo I’m sorry to ask for

Something else but could you help me out there some mutant zombies making trouble out in the mountains and I don’t know any other hero who could help get rid of them no trouble at all I’ll get to it from day 44 to day 49 I arrived in the

Mountains okay mutant zombies where are you hiding foolish Zozo the mutant zombies are long gone these mountains are my territory now the Soul Leader jumped down from the top of a mountain Landing with a crash did you think you could hide from me I told you we were

Coming for you no one walks away from working for me not without consequences I’ll destroy everything you love and make you regret leaving I don’t even remember working for you doesn’t matter I’ll destroy your base and eliminate all your little friends then you’ll have no

Choice but to be my minion again never I drew my sword and got ready for a fight but the Soul Leader disappeared in a puff of smoke in his place he left behind a huge strong Reaper uh-oh well time to see how strong I really am from

Day 50 to day 53 I battled against the reaper he was much bigger than me but I had something he didn’t my trusty bow I ran backwards to get some distance between us so he couldn’t land any blows and I started firing arrows at him that

Was the advantage I needed to turn the fight into my favor I’m a much better fighter now finally the reaper fell and I knew I had won and he dropped something what’s this I picked it up and it was a book of secrets wow I wonder what Secrets this has you’re the only

Minion I’ve ever shown my secret hideout the only other place I have the location is written down in my book of secrets you’ve got it boss that’s right I saw his secret hideout I can’t believe I forgot from day 54 to day 57 I ventured

Through the plains on my way back to the base there I saw a horde of mutant zombies this must be where they went when the Soul Leader drove them out of the mountains I pulled out my bow and sword and got ready to attack hey you

Undead freaks I shot an arrow their way as they turned their attention on me even more mutant zombies came up behind me and attacked uh-oh there are more of these guys than I thought the fight was much harder than I expected for a little bit I was worried I might actually lose

And never get the chance to beat the Soul Leader with the help of my trusty bow and sword I was able to turn things around and take out all the mutant zombies one of them dropped a potion of regeneration on the ground I quickly picked it up this will definitely come

In handy when I go up against the soul eader time to head home I drank the potion and transformed into a full-sized Golem I even gained three hearts to a total of 10 I traveled back to the base and told the horseshoe crab that the mutant zombies were toast yay I love

Toast it’s just an expression it means they’re gone you’re the best Zozo just do it doing my job job wait a minute you’re used to work for the Soul Leader you helped them steal materials from Villages near the beach oh no I don’t remember any of that well I’ll have to

Do whatever I can to make amends for my past I hope defeating the Soul Leader will be enough you’re definitely nothing like you used to be you’re a hero now from day 58 to day 62 I decided to improve the food situation at the base I built more chicken coops and herded some

Chickens inside that that’s more like it that should help keep everyone fed next I decided it was time to upgrade my gear time to find more diamonds I went exploring in the mines and dug as deep as I could until I finally saw them beautiful sparkly strong as heck

Diamonds I took them back to my base and got to work crafting some diamond armor diamond tools and a diamond sword I’d like to see someone try to mess with me now before I set off on my next journey I decided to improve the base a little

More I built some chests for extra storage and added some flower pots for an extra Decorative Touch Too this place is looking better every day from day 63 to day 66 I decided it was time to venture out into the world beyond my base and explore some more on the way

Out I ran into Wendy the Wisp Zozo I was looking for you what’s up I had a dream about you I think it might mean something I saw you in the middle of a snowy Tundra maybe there’s something out there that will help you wow maybe I’ll

Definitely go check it out with this new clue in mind I headed out into the snowy Tundra BR it’s cold out here I hope I can find something helpful fast so I can get out of here and warm up as I walked I saw Yeti watching me hey you I don’t

Want any trouble neither do I oh okay that’s good I was scared you might be here working for the Soul Leader he’s GED in for me and I’m getting pretty scared oh no I don’t work for him no not anymore at least can you help me find a

Way to keep myself safe I really don’t know what to do absolutely let’s see what we can find from day 67 to Day 70 the yeti and I explored the snowy Tundra looking for clues or items that could help us as we walked past an ice cave a

Sil came flying out at us everywhere I look it’s another thing it’s not easy trying to be good what do we do we have to be brave and fight this Sil rushed at us and started attacking but I was was ready with my sword and shield the sil

Swooped at me but I blocked its hit and slashed with my sword I got a few good hits in before it swooped at the yeti instead leave him alone pick on someone your own size I rushed at the sil and knocked it away from the defenseless Yeti then delivered the finishing blow

Yeah that’s what happens when you mess with my new friend I just wish I had a way to fight for myself when the bad guys come after me what will I do next time without you here to help I’m sure we’ll find something wait a second look

At this the sil dropped something when we defeated it I picked it up and handed it to the yeti an iron sword here Yeti you take this it’ll help you defend yourself if the soul Leader’s minions come to bother you are you sure gee thanks so much you’re right you’re not

Like the soul leaders minions at all you’re nice I’m trying my best well keep doing what you’re doing and I bet it’ll all work out thanks for your help I feel much more prepared for whatever comes my way next from day 71 to day 74 I said

Goodbye to the yeti then decided to keep exploring this cold area I was getting pretty used to it now that the ice cave didn’t have the sil lurking in it anymore I wanted to see what was inside the cave LED down into some huge ice

Caverns wo look at all of this as I walked I saw the strangest thing there on the wall of the cave was written the words make sure to subscribe to the channel to keep up the adventures and be sure to find more Zozo videos by searching zo zo huh weird oh well time

To keep looking just then the Soul Leader busted through the Subscribe sign in front of me ready to come back and work for me yet you no I’ll never work for you again I’m a good guy now we’ll see how good you are when you don’t have

Any of your little friends just you wait you’ll come back they always come back not me I’ll take you down if you hurt my friends the Soul Leader just laughed try to beat me and it will smell your doom I’ll be in touch not so fast I couldn’t

Let him get away that easily I drew my sword and ran at him and he drew his weapon with lightning speed he was ready for me and he blocked my first hit then knocked me back it was a hard hit ow uh-oh I might not be strong enough yet

You’ll never be strong enough you’ll always be my lacky no matter what I wanted to stay and fight but I knew I needed to flee if I wanted to live another day and eventually beat him I had no no choice but to run away before things got too scary I’ll show him I’ll

Get even stronger and I’ll prove that he can’t keep pushing people around from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back home to my base I needed to do something to take my mind off that face off of the Soler and fixing up the base was the

Perfect way to do it making this place Cozier would make me feel better so I built the fireplace and let a big roaring fire inside finally I can warm up after all that time in the snow once the fireplace was finished finished I sat down next to it and got comfortable

While I was lounging by the fire the horseshoe crab came over to say hello this looks great I love the fireplace thanks what’s up I wanted to give you something to thank you for everything you’ve done to help me and others who found themselves in trouble he handed me

A baked potato I was getting pretty hungry that’s no ordinary baked potato it’s a magic baked potato I think it’ll help you get stronger oh wow I thought regular potatoes were already pretty magical but that’s even better I took a bite and it tasted great I mean it was a

Potato of course it did I quickly ate the whole thing then I felt myself growing bigger and stronger I gained five Hearts you weren’t kidding I feel great you look powerful as powerful as the Soul Leader I sure hope so thank you so much that was an amazing gift from

Day 79 to day 84 I decided to test out my new strength on some Hostile Mobs let’s see what this new bigger me is made of I ventured all the way out to the Savannah to see what I could find there were a ton of skeletons roaming

Around and when they saw me they started closing in around me maybe I’d be scared of you back when I was smaller but now I’m ready to fight it hardly took me any time at all to beat the skeletons take that you bon heads after I finished with

The skeletons I was walking around when I spotted a lion curled up on a rock sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up I promise I’m not lying I laughed at my own joke the lion looked confused but then he laughed too I love jokes how did

You know I love jokes too I’m so glad you appreciate a sense of humor my sense of humor is my pride and joy get it pride like lions I do get it nice one it’s so nice to meet someone who knows how to laugh you know what why don’t you

Take this I don’t need it and maybe it’ll be of some use to you a crossbow thanks righted On Target then yeah from day 85 to day 89 I returned back to my base to show off my crossbow and tell everyone about the hilarious lion I met when I got there though it

Was in chaos there were Wars attacking my base and tearing it apart they smashed my flower pots and tore down my banners if you fools touch my fireplace I’ll freak out and then I saw it they smash my fireplace that’s the last straw get out of my base or there’s more where

That came from I didn’t want to destroy them though I wanted to know where they came from so when they started to run away I chased after them but I lost track of them when I followed them through the forest oh no which way did

They go as I was looking I ran into a black bear the works I can point you their way how would be great just help me first and I’ll tell you where they went get me some honey I’ve got to ding but I don’t have any money no pockets so

I have nowhere to put it oh okay sure I searched until I found a beehive please don’t sting me bees I quickly snacked some honeycomb which I took back to the bear here you go yum okay they went that way wait couldn’t you have just gone to

The Beehive the whole time yeah but they might have stung me this worked much better I didn’t have time to argue with this weird bear I ran after the wargs from day 90 to Day 94 I ran in the direction that the bear pointed me in I followed the trail until I finally

Reached the wargs gathered together in a lair made of Bones I see you finally made it come come let’s talk I looked and saw shade standing at the entrance of the bone Lair I followed him down into the lair you were waiting for me I

Was the boss wants me to teach you a lesson make sure you finally learn your place you think you’re Doo good for the soul you’re wrong I’m stronger now I can take you I’m the Soul Leader second in command you won’t stand a chance I ignored his HS and rushed him with my

Sword less talking more fighting I swung my sword but he blocked it and he knocked me back hard uh-oh he’s strong this is going to be my hardest fight yet from day 95 to day 97 I continued my battle against the shade I could see why

He was the soul Leader’s top henchman he was really tough tough definitely the toughest of his minions I had fought so far then I realized I needed to get some distance from him I ran back and got my crossbow then started firing it was just the advantage I needed using a

Combination of my crossbow and then my sword once he was weak enough for me to get close I finally finished the shade off I did it when the shade collapsed it dropped a map to the nether portal this is just what I need I already knew where

To go once I reached the nether but now I know how to get there the side of the map triggered a flashback you have to do it Zozo No Stealing was one thing but I don’t want to hurt anyone I won’t help you burn down the village they defied me

You would defy me too if it means I don’t have to hurt anyone then yes I quit that was it that was what made me stop working for the Soul Leader I wasn’t bad I made the choice to be good I have to defeat him and stop him from

Ever hurting anyone else again then he’ll see that not only am I a good guy now but good good always wins I’ll make the Soul Leader eat his words on day 98 I returned and found the home was fully fixed by my friends and I could prepare

For battle right away only a few days left before the Soul Leader expects me to be dead meat I’ll have to be ready for him as I was working on Gathering diamonds and upgrading some more of my weapons Wendy the Wisp came up to see me

Zozo I made this for you she handed me shark Toth arrows crafted from the shark tooth I found this is amazing thank you good luck I know you can do it next Mage came to see me I wasn’t so sure about you when we first met but I’ve watched

You grow so strong and capable you’re going to beat the Soul Leader I just know it the horseshoe crab visited me next I’m so happy that I met you you’re a hero through and through I hope you’re right then a cake was brought out and I knew everyone was sending me their best

Luck there weren’t any candles to blow out but I made a wish anyway I wish to do my best on day 99 I made my way through the forest carefully following the instructions on the map until I reached the nether portal but it definitely didn’t make me feel good to

See that the portal was being guarded by a vicious gang of cakes that must have been working for the Soul Leader too why do so many people work for this guy does he just have really good dental or something I was trying to figure out what I should do when the solution came

Right towards me it was my friend the yeti with his iron sword Yeti I never expected to see you here you changed my life Zozo since we met and you taught me to stand up for myself I’ve been traveling around helping people out too

And now I can do the same for you let me distract those cres that meanie the Soul Leader he’s all yours without another word then now brave and strong Yeti ran in and started battling the Craigs he gave me the perfect opportunity to run up to the nether portal and Jump Right

In on day 100 I burst into The Nether ready to battle my memories were starting to come back to to me I knew that the Soul Leader would be hiding in another Fortress near here amongst all that scary fire in lava You Can’t Hide Soul Leader I’m coming for you I ran

Into The Nether Fortress remember that feeling Zozo getting a little Deja Vu we fought here once before when you first started with all those silly Notions about quitting I hit you so hard you forgot who you were this time I’m going to hit you so hard you won’t get up at

All big talk Soul Leader but my memories are coming back I worked for you for years I know all your tricks and I know who I am I’m Zozo and I’m a hero once a devil Golem always a devil Golem let’s just see about that I tried to pull out

My crossbow and get a lock on him but he was too fast he got up in my face and I didn’t have time to draw one of my weapons we were about to throw down hand to hand you know Zozo to begin with I wanted to get you back now I’m going to

Fire you and he meant that that literally because he tried to push me into one of the many nether fire pits if I hadn’t dodged I’d be done for you can’t fire me Soul Leader I quit I fought back unleashing my full force and applying all the knowledge and strength

I gained over these past 100 days I kept attacking kept forcing him back not even giving him time to strike back soon enough he was exhausted and standing right on the edge of the lava sea the Soul Leader knew he’d been defeated but you can’t push me in right Zozo cuz

You’re here now and pushing someone into lava isn’t what Heroes do I guess you were right about one thing Soul Leader once a devil Golem always a devil Golem no with one more strike the Soul Leader fell back into the lava and he was gone

Forever I was finally free on day one I spawned in as the Grim Reaper then I noticed I was Tiny and I only had three hearts what is this nonsense I looked around and saw that I was in in front of a castle ooh this looks interesting I’ll

Take a look inside I opened the door and called out anybody home maybe one of my friends lived here or something I started wandering around and found myself in a throne room what is that I saw a man with a mutant wither skeleton he was holding a scythe wait I think

That’s my Scythe how did you get it the man screamed in Rage and pointed at me destroy him a bunch of zombies came out from the back room and I gasped in shock without even thinking I fired an icy blast that froze some of the zombies solid huh that’s interesting I guess

This is because I’m as cold as death I ran out the door and down the stairs as the zombies followed me that was not what I was expecting and why does that guy have an army of zombies that’s not right I found a small cave and decided

To sleep there for the night tomorrow I’ll find out what’s going on on day two I left the cave to go exploring i w walked for half a day until I found my way to the atum forest I don’t really have a home so I guess I’m going to have

To make one I started collecting some wood to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe after some additional Mining and crafting I had some simple stone tools and weapons well it’s better than nothing I had been working so hard all day so when I stopped I realized I

Was hungry what does a grim reaper eat I found some cows and pigs and cooked up some food for myself it didn’t do anything to help in fact it made me feel sick gross I need to find something else I noticed that it had gotten dark suddenly a group of zombies popped out

And started attacking me with my new stone sword I was able to take them out easily they had dropped some meat and I stared at it hungrily maybe this will help me I ate the meat and sure enough my hearts were restored I feel much

Better now I made it back to my base and worked on a few more things before heading to bed on day three I went back out to find more materials for the base it was safe enough but I wanted to make some improvements it turned out to be a

Nice day I hope nothing too crazy happens today I realized I had spoken too soon because just then I heard an awful crash I ran to see what the noise was when I saw a dread Queen fighting a bunch of zombies hey leave her be I rushed forward with my weapons the

Zombies started to attack me when I remembered my trick at the Castle I fired out some ice blast and froze up some of those nasty zombies the others noticed and started to run away nice job death it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you did you shrink who are you I’m

Famine do you know me I’m sorry no oh this must have been Lord terror’s doing I knew he was up to no good I was so confused at this point famine could see that I was overwhelmed you are the Grim Reaper or death I’m famine and we have

Two friends War and pestilence we establish order in the world but Lord Terror as he calls himself started messing with stuff he’s been infiltrating The Villages and turning people into Undead that’s horrible those Souls need to be freed and move on I thought that’s what you were planning

But nobody has seen you for a while now I know something bad happened you’re smaller and you don’t look like yourself this is a lot to take in how about we get back to my base it’s not a castle but it’s safer than out here sure famine

And I made our way back to my base just in time for the sun to set on days four to five I helped famine make a little home at my base I was driven out of my home by the undead I guess Lord terror is getting more powerful as the days go

On the house wasn’t too fancy but famine seemed to like it and she thanked me no problem anything for her friend I went out to look for some more supplies when I saw a group of skeletons near a cave entrance I’m DEA surely they won’t want

To harm me as I approached they seemed friendly but then they started shooting me with their foes hey we aren’t enemies honestly I didn’t know anymore I was just a baby after all I used my sword to attack and soon enough they were all gone hey what’s that I noticed a bow on

The ground and I picked it up it had an enchantment of flame on it nice this will come in handy on day 6 to 8 well out in the forest near my base I gathered some meat from some more cows and pigs hon got hungry a lot after all

I’m going to keep working and getting stronger Lord Terror doesn’t stand a chance against me is that so I looked and to my surprise it was Lord Terror he had a few zombies around him let those innocent souls go you don’t have a right to keep them here Lord Terror laughed

And swung the Scythe around I’m the Lord of death now little Reaper I won your Scythe fair and square what are you talking about he seemed tired of talking so he swung at me instead wa he was fast I tried to dodge him but he kept getting

Hit in I beat you once I will beat you again I got to get out of here I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me as I did I heard Lord Terror laughing from behind me that’s right little Reaper run away I will see you soon enough on days

9 to 10 I made it back to the base famine could tell I was hurt and she tried her hardest to help me it’s okay de you will grow stronger and eventually beat Lord Tera he’s just a silly little monster trying to steal other people’s things I felt a little bit better after

Our talk but I still felt exhausted oh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you she brought me outside to show me a statue she was beginning to make Tada It’s Great Famine is it a tent no silly do you really not know what it is I

Looked again can you tell what it is I also made some other upgrades while you were gone she showed me the lanterns and a small archery range wow you’ve really outdone yourself it’s the least I can do for a friend famine was awesome I was

Glad I was able to find her I hoped our other friends were doing okay I would go looking for them soon on days 11 to 12 I had a vivid dream I was a fully grown Grim Reaper with my Scythe at my side I was living in the castle that had

Escaped from on day one everything is as it should be not quite I looked and saw Lord Terror except he looked like a normal villager I believe we have a game that needs playing death with his dark Powers Lord Terror began to steal away my energy and my ability he shape

Shifted into his mutant wither skeleton self as I became a sad little baby Reaper ah I woke up in horror at the nightmare I had just had I rushed to famine to tell her about it she shook her head so that’s what happened I knew you made a

Deal with a dying human but I didn’t know you lost all your power in the process that can’t be it why am I back but as a baby why can he control the dad famine shook her head maybe our friends know I think it’s about time we go find

Them on days 13 to 15 I went out to explore I was hoping to find war or pestilence but they didn’t seem to be anywhere I hope they weren’t captured or anything I realized I was back in the area where I had seen famine for the first time

There were a bunch of zombies Milling around still I guess they just expected her to come back get lost I drew my bow and defeated them one by one I didn’t realize it until now but I was releasing their souls from their bodies I was freeing them nice I managed to release

All their souls when I felt a power coursing through me I grew in size and became an older Grim Reaper I’m bigger and I have 30 Hearts I realized I could also now turn invisible for short periods that’ll come in handy I can’t wait to try this out later on day 16 to

19 I found a cave and decided to mine for some more materials this looks promising hopefully I can find some iron in here as I was venturing deeper into the cave I saw a group of skeletons standing right on top of an iron deposit it looks like I’m going to have to take

Care of that I drew my bow they noticed me immediately and began shooting come on guys I just need some iron after just a few more shots they were all gone their bows and arrows scattered around me I mined the iron without any more trouble and got to work I smelted the

Iron into ingots with a furnace then was able to make a new sword pickaxe and some other tools yes things are looking up on days 20 to 22 I started to head back to my base when I noticed I was being followed I went invisible briefly

And waited for them to approach then as the figure approached I turned visible again and jumped out whoa whoa whoo I’m a friend he was a crimson Wizard and the red of his outfit made me think of anger which then made me think are you war in

The flesh I thought you looked kind of different you’re uh not as tall as you used to be I told him what happened and he whistled that sounds awful hopefully you can get your Scythe in your Castle back those were pretty sick thanks no problem

I invited him back to my base he he happily agreed I thought my house was a fortress you know being war and all but those pesky and dead got inside and started breaking everything so I left good thing I ran into you we were nearly to the base when we saw famine running

Toward us oh hey famine she didn’t even acknowledge War Death no terror is outside he is threatening to take down the base wait what sheesh it’s like I’m invisible stay here I’ll go see what he wants if I need help help I’ll call for you war and famine got to catching up

While I approached the entrance sure enough Lord Terror was there with my Scythe I believe that Scythe belongs to me see now little Reaper I won this fair and square you agreed to the terms I don’t even remember what happened and you’re just a human you can’t be death

That’s my calling you’re wrong the witch gave me the ability to win this power witch Lord ter screamed and charged at me I dodged him and used my ice blast ability to try to stop him it didn’t work for some reason what in the world he laughed and lunged at me again I

Slashed him with my new iron sword I actually managed to hit him and he looked at me in shock I was about to hit him again when he slammed the Scythe into the ground pushing me back I’ll be back to finish you off and with that

Lord Terror ran away what a coward I’ll say I looked and saw waren famine looking out from behind the trees I did manage to wound him though so that means I’m getting stronger yeah but you have a lot of work to do on days 23 to 26 I

Chatted with war about Lord Terror you definitely need some upgrades if you’re going to fight Lord Terror and beat him I can think of a few things that might be useful to you like what well you definitely need to upgrade your sword iron is all right but you need some

Diamonds and an enchanting table to improve your attack okay where should I go War told me all the places where I would find the supplies it wasn’t a short list this might take a while you wanted to defeat Lord Terror and get your Scythe back right of course I do

Then get to it I started Gathering materials for the enchanting table and managed to make one all by myself good job Jess thanks if you think I’m doing a good job be sure to join me on all my other Adventures just search zo zoo on

Days 27 to 31 I went to check on famine I hadn’t seen her while I was gathering supplies and I wanted to make sure she was okay hey famine how are you liking your house it’s great look what I’ve been working on she led me to the Statue

Which I could definitely tell was an hourglass you’ve made some great progress yeah well I’m not quite there yet I wanted to add something special on Top it’s a surprise could you get some white and black wool for me sure I made my way outside to find some sheep to

Bring back to the base I found an abandoned Village and SP added some sheep and pens perfect as I went to collect them I heard something approaching a horde of zombies were coming toward me they must have been the villagers that used to live here you

Guys need to rest and I’m so sorry Lord terror is doing this to you I used my weapons to release the souls from the undead I was much more powerful and helped them all in just a few moments hopefully you can all be at peace now I

Gathered the sheep and managed to bring them all back to the base it wasn’t easy but I knew that famine would appreciate it on days 32 to 35 I went to gather some more food for all of us pork seemed like a pretty safe bet I know the pigs

Will be easy to find but I need to wait until dark for the zombies I decided to set up a little trap for them and sure enough they fell right into it impressive death who is that you don’t recognize my voice shame on you old friend then I saw someone step out from

Behind the mushrooms of course I didn’t notice her she was a mushroom Lord she Blended in pestilence did you shrank yeah I shrunk I told pestilence what had happened and she tsed in disapproval now why would you do that death you are too clever to be outsmarted and depowered by some lonely

Wither Skeleton that’s the thing I think Lord Tera cheated me he mentioned something about a witch I think that he somehow won because of her well the only witch I know of is famine hey I’m just kidding I’ve heard of an apothecary that lives here in the swamp maybe that’s who

He went to this is great information pestilence agreed to take the food back to the base while I looked for the witch hopefully she could give me more information about Lord Terror on days 36 to 39 I journeyed further into the fungal patch in search of the witch I

Thought for sure that I would find her but I didn’t see a house anywhere where in the world is she I looked around some more when I saw a group of rabbits they were acting kind of strange a little too organized maybe they’re her henchmen or something I should follow them H

Actually they’re probably just stocking up on food how silly of me to think that they were working for the witch then I noticed that the rabbits all gathered together again they seemed to be examining each other’s food okay I should maybe look somewhere else then the rabbits all bounded toward a large

Mushroom and disappeared wa where did they go I quickly followed after them running straight toward the mushroom on days 40 to 43 I ran through the fungal patch chasing the rabbits what in the world Intruder a large group of rabbits came bounding toward me what are you

Doing in our lady’s realm did you have an inquiry is this where the witch lives the rabbit’s gasped you dare call her such a rude name she is an apothecary of great Renown sorry I just need answers I don’t mean her any harm you look like you do then the rabbit started jumping

At me hey I didn’t want to hurt them so I just tried to swap them away as nicely as I could death what are you doing here I looked up to see a friendly witch friends no need to harass death I I’m sure he has a reason for being here

Rabbit stopped attacking me and quickly surrounded the woman who are you I’m Amelia I wasn’t expecting you for quite some time I’m not here to collect your soul I just need to know why you helped Lord Terror Lord Terror he stole my power and made me regenerate he took my

Scythe and is using it to keep Souls captive in their Undead bodies Amelia gasped and started to shake her head that was Logan Turner I gave him a potion of luck he said he needed it in order to fulfill his last dream before he passed I had no idea he would use it

For such an awful thing she seemed genuinely upset I can’t undo what’s been done but maybe this can help you she went inside her house and came out with the potion what is this a potion of strength you will need that in order to get your Scythe back thank you I look

Forward to seeing you again but hopefully not for a long time she waved goodbye as I left her realm returning to the swamp on days 44 to 49 I returned to my base pestilence famine and War were having a good time together I noticed they had improved their homes as well as

The wall of the base you’ve been busy so of you my friend did you find the witch Apothecary and yes she was very nice I told them the whole story and showed them the potion that’ll be useful later I’m glad you were able to find her probably gave her quite a scare though

Just a little bit we all laughed and chatted for a little bit before famine jumped up oh come look at the Statue I went to look and sure enough famine had outdone herself on top of The Hourglass was a skull that looked just like my face wo it’s amazing he been a great

Friend to us steth it’s the least we can do we admired the statue together for a little while longer and then went to bed on days 50 to 53 I woke up to a loud crash I hurried outside to see what it was and there were zombies everywhere I

Could see Lord Terror standing on the edge of the Wall come and fight me yourself Logan don’t call me that he snarled at me and then swung the Scythe it nearly knocked me over but it also knocked out some of the undead time to be freed my friends I used my iron sword

On the group of Undead freeing them from their cursed bodies it took a little while but I eventually got them all you can all be at peace now just then I felt a pain in my back I grew taller and gained more Hearts I looked in my back

To see what the pain was and realized that I had grown dark feathery Wings wo this is amazing I flew up for a minute to survey the damage this is going to take some time to fix death I looked and saw famine pestilence running toward me I lowered myself to the ground what’s

Wrong Lord terara took War the undead were just a distraction no I slumped to the ground I thought I could protect everyone but Lord Terror was too clever he needed to pay on days 54 to 57 we all worked hard to fix the base we gathered supplies made the walls taller and added

Extra security measures including a small note after working all day we sat down to chat about our next move there’s no doubt that Lord terara took War to the castle why do you say that oh yeah you don’t remember there’s a massive dungeon in the basement it has cages

Traps and all sorts of things we actually used it to meet there sometimes for brunch sounds lovely it was we should do it again soon famon cleared her throat sorry but he’ll be there for sure there is a back entrance where we would come in quicker that way pestilence gave

Me directions and I wrote them down I needed to find our friend before Lord Terror did something awful but first I needed to prepare on days 58 to 62 I went mining for more diamonds I needed to make some better armor and weapons for myself since I had no idea what I

Might face at the Castle I wasn’t having any luck then was about to go search another cave when I saw a glimmer just up ahead diamonds I walked forward then felt something fall on me from above it was a huge hairry spider and he had brought some friends I’m a friend no

Need to hurt me the the spiders kept attacking and I had no choice but to defend myself soon enough they were all gone now on to the Diamonds the deposit was actually really large and I managed to make armor plus a new sword and a pickaxe sweet I felt just a little bit

More ready to go save war on day 63 to 66 I noticed that part of the statue had been damaged during the fight I didn’t want to finish it without War so I just admired it with all its Burns and marks I’ll save you War I promise hello Mr

Death sir I looked and saw some of Amelia’s rabbit friends gathering around me you aren’t going to jump on me again are you no sir we need your help hamelia has been captured by that Lord Terror man we don’t have the strength to get her back could you get her back the

Rabbits looked very concerned of course he has my friend too he’s probably keeping them in the same place oh thank you Mr death sir I’ll be back soon in the meantime you can wait here with my friends they can help you they agreed to stay while I rescued Amelia this was

Going to be a little bit more difficult but I was determined and hey if you like what you’ve seen so far don’t forget to subscribe we love having you here with us on days 67 to 70 I followed the directions to the backd door entrance of the dungeon it was hiding behind some

Trees and bushes good job me for thinking ahead I ented quietly and made my way down down down I didn’t hear much for a while so I thought I was in the clear what was that I turned to corner and saw a swarm of zombies blocking the

Hallway they saw me and started ambling toward me get back I used my wings to fly over them I fired my ice blast at them from the air freezing them Solid Peace friends I lowered myself in front of a door and opened it carefully death it’s about time you showed up war and

Amelia were stuck in cages and I quickly broke the bars to free them how did you know I was here your loyal little friends told me they really are the best aren’t they sure are let’s get out of here on day 71 to 74 we made our way

Back up toward the back door then I noticed a lever I hadn’t seen before it was hiding behind a pillar I wonder what this opens is that a wise idea it was my house I’m sure it’ll be fine I released the lever and a trap door opened I went

Inside and saw a chest in a small room there’s a chest well what are you waiting for open it I opened it and inside were netherite ingots gold diamonds and some other ingredients for enchanting wow I climbed back up and showed War hey you can finally make that

Sword we’ve been talking about right we continued out following the stream of daylight on days 75 to 78 we finally made it out thank goodness I was beginning to think that Lord Terror would would hold us there forever not so fast Lord Terror came around the corner

Scyth in hand you dare take my witch and my strongest Soldier I am not a witch then I would never fight for you we brandished our weapons as Lord Terror snarled why won’t you just die he swung the Scythe but I managed to Dodge I then

Swung my sword and hit Lord Terror he stepped back then swung again he was fast but I was an equal opponent now I could sense his fear no no no no no no he slammed the hilt of the Scythe into the ground and blasted us back somehow

Through some dark magic he stole my potion of strength and drank it on day 79 to 84 we all watched in horror as Lord Terror grew and grew and grew he was enormous oh no we need to go Lord Terror laughed as I picked up my friends

And flew away with them this has to end soon or Lord terror is going to take over everything on days 85 to 89 we arrived safely back at my base famine and pestilence came running out to greet us okay you better not cry cuz I’m not good at dealing with emotion Amelia saw

Her rabbits and they all jumped for Joy it seemed like things were at least a little normal for now death come we need to fix that sword of yours War took me to upgrade my sword and then showed me how to enchant it wow this will really help War thanks for everything you’ve

Done hey I love conflict but not when it involves my friends it’s the fire aspect enchantment it’ll give your sword a burning edge this will help you to get your Scythe back how Lord ter doesn’t always have the Scythe with him he likes to hang it up in the main Corridor and

Just admire it I heard him talking about it while we were captured this is great information War if you can fight him off long enough to get the Scythe back that’ll be the key to stopping Lord Terror for good I agreed and went to show my friends they oo and AED before

Famine spoke up come and see what pestilence and I did with the help of the rabbits it took me over to the Statue which now had wild flowers growing all around the base on top was the skull now with flowers and a touch of flames guys this looks awesome you are

The Lord of death but we know you have a soft side I do like flowers I stared at it in a I really did have amazing friends on days 90 to 94 I traveled back to the castle to retrieve my Scythe if I did it will Lord Terror was unaware

Surely I would be able to defeat him as I approached the castle I decided to just hide next to one of the pillars inside the throne room and stake it out I could see Lord Terror back to his normal size thank goodness he was standing around admiring the Scythe

That’s mine I waited for a long time before he fell asleep I quietly open opened the door and snuck past him grabbing the Scythe from the wall I expected to grow into my full form but something was wrong Intruder Lord Terror started to charge at me I brandished my

New sword and smacked him backwards he brought out another potion and drank it before charging at me he was incredibly fast and I could barely see him as he struck me oh no my hearts were fading fast since I couldn’t defend myself I ran away taking the Scythe with me it

Won’t work for you little Reaper you are too late I didn’t know what he meant but I flew away before he had a chance to attack me again I need to fix whatever he did to my Scythe otherwise I’m dead meat on days 95 to 97 I brought my

Scythe back to the base and had War examine it I don’t know what to tell you it looks normal to Me Maybe ailia will know I take it to her and she examined it this is my fault Lord Terror forced me to make a binding spell he is is now

Bound to the Scythe by an enchantment how do I break it I’ll have to make a counter spell but it will probably take a few days it might even break it do it she worked tirelessly trying to fix the scythe and I did what I could to assist

Her I really need this to work on day 98 I helped Amelia with what I could but she said I needed to wait for the result I made my way outside and admired our base and the statue it had been a difficult Journey so far but I was glad

That I had found my friends made some new ones and grown stronger even if my Scythe didn’t work I knew that I would defeat Lord Terror somehow hey we’re really glad that you’ve been here on this journey too be sure to subscribe and search for zo zoo for more videos

Also comment below on what my next adventure should be I can’t wait to see what you say on day 99 I went to look for Amelia she looked a little discouraged I don’t know if the spell worked you’ll need to wield it in battle

To see well then I guess it’s time to go fight Lord Terror I’m sorry about all the trouble I’ve caused if it wasn’t for me none of this would have happened maybe but I’m glad it did I got to find my old friends again build an awesome

Base and meet you you’re an awesome Apothecary Amilia which but who’s keeping track go give him well you know I smiled as I flew off towards the castle Scythe in hand as I landed on the steps the door was open for me the undead were nowhere to be scene but Lord

Terror stood on the steps sword in hand potion in the other you can’t defeat me we’ll see about that I took my scythe and slammed the hilt into the ground causing everything to shake I felt a surge of power and I was connected to my weapon again I grew taller my hearts

Increased and my wings spent further you have cheated death Logan Turner and for that you must pay Lord Terror drank a potion and he grew tall ER as our weapons met there was a brilliant burst of light it’s not fair I Am Lord Terror the new Grim Reaper I earned that title

I lifted myself into the air letting the Scythe swing down with a mighty Force you stole that title I am the rightful Grim Reaper and now you must move on Lord Tera screamed before the Scythe made contact and in a burst of smoke he

Was gone on day 100 I flew back back to the base triumphant and glorious in my final form everyone cheered as I descended and they even tried to hug me you’re our hero the world is finally right again and that was the honest truth on day one I spawned in into the

Bad lands as a shape shifter wa that’s a cool special ability I wonder how far I can go with it but I didn’t have long to think about that because a gang of wither skeletons with bows and swords showed up and started chasing me darn it

I wish wish I could go faster but I’m only a baby shape shifter and that means I’ve only got three hearts but even though I was weak that didn’t mean I couldn’t shape shift I hid behind a rock and turned into a rabbit nobody ever suspects a rabbit the wither skeletons

Kept searching until they found my little rabbit self acting casually the leader of the wither skeletons immediately clocked me there he is boys grab him the wither skeletons immediately surrounded me giving me no chance to escape wait how did you know it was me there are no rabbits in the bad lands

You’ve still got a lot to learn Shape Shifter let’s take him to the jail on day two the wither skeletons dragged me over to the Badlands jail you can’t do this I’m too young to go to jail but that didn’t seem to persuade them they threw me in a cell with another prisoner

A quill Beast I had to figure out what was going on hey Mr quill Beast I’m Zozo what’s your name and what are you in for the name’s quam I don’t know why I’m here I was just wandering the Badlands when suddenly the wither skeletons arrested me and dragged me here don’t

Worry quilliam I have an idea for how we can both Escape no offense Zozo but I really don’t know how a rabbit could launch a jailbreak that’s the thing I’m not a rabbit I’m a shape shifter I used my power to turn into a wither skeleton

Just like the ones who ran the Badlands prison we used one of quam’s quills to pick the lock and the two of us walked down the hall together another Wither Skeleton stopped us on the way hey where are you two going I’m just taking this prisoner to a different sub block

Nothing to see here fine I suppose on your way in my Wither Skeleton disguise quilliam and I slipped out of the Badlands prison without a second thought that was amazing zoo you saved both of us in there these shape-shifting skills really come in handy I can’t wait to get

Better at them on day three I decided to continue my escape and make my way into the jungle it’d be way harder for the bad guys to find me amongst all these dense trees but if I really want to fit in here I can’t just be a wither

Skeleton I need a real jungle disguise that’s why a shape shifted into an orangutan orangutan is Malay for person of the forest so it makes for a perfect jungle disguise all this shape shifting was hungry work so I explored the forest and gathered up some tasty melons to eat

M delicious and nutritious but while foraging I encountered a mysterious wooden villager meditating in a clearance sorry to interrupt you wooden villager but is everything okay everything is more than okay now that you’re here Zoo what how did you know my name I know many things I am amama the jungle Mystic

I have long traveled this jungle in search of a hero to whom I can reveal the great truth of the world do you believe you are that hero well I’d like to be for sure good then follow me there is much to learn on days 4 to 5 Amma the

Jungle Mystic led me deeper into the forest where he started to explain what was going on here so does the problem here have to do something with the wither skeletons no the wither skeletons are irrelevant to the true issue here Zozo you see this Forest is overrun with

Vicious tribal Gremlins alone they may not look like much but together they can pose a major threat for the sake of the world’s peace and safety we must see to it that they are defeated we have less than 100 days to exterminate them before things really get out of hand wow that

Sounds like a tall order these tribal Gremlins must be really scary how should I fight them don’t worry about fighting them just yet I’ll be able to help you plan the best course of action for now take these tools and start building yourself a base amama the jungle Mystic

Gave me a set of stone tools and I left him to go find a clearing in the jungle where I can start building my base I immediately started cutting down trees for wood and mining for stone my base was already coming along nicely when suddenly a wither skeleton scouting

Party appeared out of the woods he’s got to be around here somewhere come on boys let’s find this slippery little crate I needed to think fast obviously a rabbit was no good and they’d probably be expecting another wither skeleton what could I turn into that would save me oh

Wait I’ve got it I shape shifted into a Wither boss and floated over to the wither skeletons what are you boys doing out here slacking off this is unacceptable but boss somebody escaped the prison we need to go track them down forget about one lousy prisoner go back

And stand guard to make sure more don’t get out and that’s an order yes Wither boss sir the wither skeletons turn tail and marched out of the forest I breathed a sigh of relief and my shape-shifting skills paid off because I earned enough XP to level up wao I have six hearts now

And I can shift for longer this is awesome on day six to day eight I took the form of of a baboon so I could finish building the house and it looked amazing I decided to explore for a bit as I was walking through the jungle I noticed something a little strange wait

Where are all the animals is this something to do with the tribal Gremlins that Amma the jungle Mystic was telling me about as I was gathering Some Coal a stray ran past me whoo there everything okay stray there’s no time to talk I need to keep running get out of my way

You’re safe here explain yourself my town was destroyed by the red nightmare and his forces he’s taking over everything if you had any brains in that baboon head of yours you’d run while you still can and then he ran off leaving me confused red nightmare I’d never heard

Of that so I decided to find amama the jungle Mystic again and ask him what he knew ah yes the red nightmare he’s another terrible Force associated with those tribal Gremlins I told you about perhaps it’s time to arm yourself against the coming struggle if you make

Your way to the snowy Tundras and find defrost Weaver you’ll be able to obtain a mace by defeating it go now the tribal Gremlin threat advances ever closer on days 9 to 10 I shifted into a snow leopard so I could both move faster and

Stand the cold then I made my way out to the snowy Tundra to begin my search I’m going to find you frost Weaver but what I didn’t expect was that the frost Weaver would find me first it was huge and ferocious and it attacked me as soon

As it SU M me he spit poison webs at me which really slowed me down I figure I can’t ask you nicely to hand over the mace then the frost weer didn’t feel like chatting with me instead it relentlessly attacked knocking off a couple of my hearts there was no way I

Could defeat a monster this powerful but to my luck I suddenly saw a snow golem running towards me Golems have a natural protection Instinct so I was really in luck here don’t worry kid I’ll give you a hand the snow golem joined me in the

Fight and we were were able to turn the tide soon the frost Weaver Was Defeated and I had picked up the special mace he dropped thanks for helping me there snow golem I really owe you one think nothing of it why don’t you come back to my cave

With me my family and I could make you some dinner so we traveled back to the ice cave where the snow golem and his family some baby Snow Golems lived he gave me some mushroom stew that helped replenish my missing Hearts I suppose you’re out here fleeing from the red

Nightmare that’s why most people come to Brave these Frosty w the red nightmare as in the tribal Gremlins tribal Gremlins I’ve never heard of any such thing how strange well I better go ask Amma about it thanks for the stew on days 11 to 12 I assumed the

Form of a formidable Komodo dragon and returned to my base Amma the jungle Mystic was waiting for me Amma something isn’t right I got the mace but while I was out in the snowy Tundra I met a snow golem who knew about the red nightmare but not the tribal Gremlins how could

Could that be I wouldn’t worry about it Zozo instead go to this cave I’ve marked out on your map you can mine some iron ore there and perhaps use it to upgrade your armor or gear it will be vital in the coming struggles once you have your

Iron you can begin the attack on the tribal Gremlin Camp to the left of here okay if you say so Amma still it’s a little weird to say the least I went to the cave that Amma marked out for me I made my way in and started mining the

Iron ore there was a decent amount of it down there but not enough to do what I really needed I did grab the extra coal that was there though then when I left the cave I was ambushed by a lurker one of the nastiest little creatures in the

Jungle thank goodness I have my mace with me with the one swing of my mace I’d smooshed that nasty creature and was off on my way to the tribal Gremlin Camp from day 13 to day 15 I came across a path this must be the way to the Village

I took the form of a gremlin so nobody would really notice me and I followed the path path I arrived at the tribal Gremlin Camp it was basically a huge village made of tree houses in the jungle I was expecting it to be scary but honestly all the tribal Gremlins

Seemed weirdly peaceful I decided to talk to one of them to see what was going on hey fellow Gremlin you looking forward to causing some more chaos in the forest today he just looked confused chaos what are you talking about I turned and saw a very chubby stern-looking tribal Gremlin Chief

Sitting behind me there will be no chaos around here boy we need to stay organized if we want to have any hope of defeating the red nightmare the tribal Gremlins wanted to fight the red nightmare too I thought they were in League with them nothing was making

Sense I needed to go back to my base and talk to Amma the jungle Mystic immediately from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base I took the long way back through the jungle trying to figure out some kind of reasonable explanation for what had happened could Amma had

Been lying to me this whole time but why when I arrived back at my base there was a tribal Gremlin waiting for me he looked like he was in a panic stranger we need your help something terrible has been attacking our village something terrible I’ll come right away but by the

Time I arrived at the Village it looked like the worst had already happened the village was in ruins the tribal Gremlin Chief was dead only his mask remained and standing in the middle of it all was Amma Amma how could you the treble Gremlins are friendly and peaceful to

You perhaps but to my plans they were a frustrating inconvenience what do you mean your plans I never told you my full name did I I’m a shape shifter like you you see some call me Arma but my true name is a molish perhaps better known as

Suddenly amama shape shifted into a huge blood red creature the true Amish sh Wait you’re the red nightmare very clever Zozo I thought I could trick you into destroying the tribal Gremlins for me but it seems you’re completely useless so you can be destroyed with

Them I was so angry that I turned into a huge vile ogre and charged it a mulish the red nightmare he would never use me to do evil but I underestimated how strong he was with one strike he knocked me down from the bridge and every

Everything faded to Black from day 20 to day 22 I woke at the bottom of what remained of the destroyed tribal Gremlin Village I’d failed I’d let them all down but thankfully at least some of them had survived a mish’s monstrous attack but now we have no place to live we can’t

Just survive out here in the jungle he’ll pick us off one by one that’s when I turned into a horse nobody is living out in the jungle hop on my back and I’ll let you come live at my base we can work together and and stop a mulish from

Destroying anywhere else one by one I took all the remaining tribal Gremlins back to my base and started building a Barracks for them if a mish thinks he can destroy us all we’re not going to go down without a fight from day 23 to Day 26 I traveled out to the desert that

Jungle humidity can be killer sometimes I decided to turn myself into a Road Runner so I could run extra fast across the sand me Meep it feels good to feel the wind blow between my feathers but I had to stop when I saw Sun God being attacked by a gang of enhanced aredes

They must have been sent by a molish don’t worry Sun God I’m here to help I ran in and started circling around the aredes distracting them from attacking the sun god that gave the sun god a chance I unleashed the power of the sun he sent out a powerful sunblast

Hitting and vaporizing the aredes and he never could have done it without me I never could have done it without you Zozo in exchange I I give you the blessing of the Sun from now on you will be stronger and faster in daylight you will also gain a few Hearts that’s such

A cool power thank you Sun God and the two extra Hearts will come in handy may my blessings be with you from day 27 to day 31 I went back to the Jungle I missed all those lush green trees on the way back to the base I found some sheep

Wandering around the jungle they seemed lost so I decided to take a stone guard form and Shepherd them back to my base when they were back I started to build a pen for them now I can have as much wool as I want this is perfect I also decided

To make a bigger wall around my base to protect me the sheep and my tribal Gremlin guests from aish and his minions meanwhile an Amish is evil air he was meeting with his Deadliest Warrior the Behemoth a huge demon knight what would you have me do Master I thought that

Zozo could be useful but it seems he’s just a thorn in our sides if we are to dominate this world he and those who Ally with him must be destroyed make it so yes my master I will destroy him personally from day 32 to day 35 I

Decided I’d wander the plains in search of new allies and weapons I needed to figure out how to defeat a molish because I didn’t want to get attacked by any monsters on my journey I decided to shift into a mutant skeleton nobody would mess with that stop right there

Monster I turned and saw a gang of armed villagers ready to fight they started firing arrows and I was forced to dodge as fast as I could wait stop I’m not a monster I’m Zozo I’m just a shape shifter that got the villagers to calm down they lowered their weapons and

Began to murmur amongst themselves before turning back to me come with us Zozo we want to take you to our leader the great king Mattis the ruler of gold they led me back to their village where Midas was waiting for me in a Golden Throne in the mid middle of the village

He was certainly an impressive sight ah so my men brought you to me there must be a reason why are you here my boy I’m trying to find a way to slay a mish and get revenge for the tribal Gremlins correct answer amalg galish the red nightmare has troubled Our Kingdom for

Generations me and my ancestors have tried to gather information about him for years and I believe soon we will have the answers when that time comes come back to me from Day 36 to day 39 I turned myself into a scarecrow just for fun and entered the mine in the village

I mined iron to complete my new set of tools and armor and I got really lucky cuz it wasn’t just iron ore I found I also found some diamonds not enough to craft just yet but they were definitely worth keeping in my inventory for a rainy day though the most exciting thing

I found down in that M shaft was a dust sealed book containing an unbreakable enchantment which would make my new items unbreakable I crafted a full set of iron tools iron weapons and iron armor before returning back to my base to rest but sadly there would be no rest

When I got back to my base an Aztec warrior was already there waiting for me King mid is sent me to collect you he wishes to speak to you about a truly grave matter then I suppose I better come along from day 40 to day 43 I

Returned to the Village to meet with King Midas I wondered what had gotten him so worried aside from the fact that I’d now shape shifted into a gorilla for toughness Zozo I’m glad you’re safe of course your highness why wouldn’t I be safe my spies have gotten word of a

Terrible development in the war against amales he has summoned his most dangerous minion the great Behemoth and he has given him the instruction to destroy you p personally don’t worry King Midas I’ve gotten a lot tougher than I used to be I bet I could kick this Behemoth guy’s booty why don’t you

Say that to my face weakling I turned and saw the behemoth was standing right behind me while the villagers fled in every direction he was even bigger and tougher than I’d imagin I charged up towards him and used all my gorilla strength to deliver a mighty punch but

The Behemoth just Shrugged it off he hit me back and sent me skidding across the Village Square take this new form my boy the Gold Golem and use it in my name with my new Gold Golem strength I pulled out my mace and attacked the BMA somehow he effortlessly blocked every hit and

Started rampaging around the village I need to get out of here I’m still not strong enough to beat even the henchmen yet so I fled the village while the villagers tried desperately to stop BMA from day 44 to day 49 I returned to my base feeling so ashamed of myself for

Running away way that I turned myself into a blobfish I don’t deserve to call myself a hero I left all those poor villagers to fend for themselves I’m a zero as I was moping none other than King Midas turned up having survived the previous battle Zozo I need to call on

You yet again I don’t deserve you King Midas I was a coward I ran away don’t focus on the past Zoo we’re not going there I’m here because I have some important knowledge there are legends of a sacred item a mythal battle axe that can be used to defeat the red nightmare

A Mythril battle axe but I already have a sword and a mace and neither of them help the mythal battle axe is more than just a weapon Zozo It’s Supernatural it can give its users immense power even granting them wishes but it is legendarily hard to obtain you will

Either need to find find one or make one from mithril or the mountains would be the best place to begin your search from day 50 to day 53 I decided to take the form of a mountain troll and go searching through the mountains for information on the Mythril Hammer maybe

If I find it I can regain my honor after running away from Behemoth the way up the mountain was tough at the top I searched and searched until I found a secret cave tucked away under one of the mountains it seemed like the kind of place where something important might be

Hiding away I put up some torches to light my way inside of the cave but sadly I didn’t find any mythal or a mythal battle axe in there but I did find a book labeled the legend of a molish hey that’s the guy I’m fighting the book described how a molish is an

Ancient evil who has tried to take over the world many times but only someone who is of pure heart with a perfect weapon will be able to put him down for good and save everyone maybe I do have a shot after all with at least some extra

Knowledge I started heading back to my base the way down was just as treacherous as the way up but I eventually made it when I reached the jungle again I heard some commotion and I saw a clink fighting a whole gang of scary jungle spiders don’t worry clink

I’ll help you but by the time I reached him he’d already defeated all the jungle spiders without breaking a sweat he was clearly a lot stronger than I was that was amazing Mr clink want to come back to my base I need someone to help train

Me how to fight like you sorry buddy but I’m not the teaching type oh clink is too freespirit to ever be tied down like that good luck with whatever you’re doing though from day 54 to day 57 having been rejected by clink I continued back to my base well at least

This day can’t get any worse you have a big storm coming Zozo I turned and saw that literally the last person I wanted to see right now was standing right behind me Behemoth a mish’s number one good soon oh no not you again I believe we have some unfinished business square

Up and prepare to meet your doom I shifted into my Gold Golem form and pulled out my mace this time I was going to win I charged straight at him with impressive speed and with all my might I swung the mace right into his face and

It had no effect I still wasn’t anywhere near strong enough to fight bema and all I could do was run away while he laughed at me meanwhile back at a mish’s evil there he was receiving information from his top adviser the impish pixon tell me pixon how goes the war effort are our

Forces winning we’ve crushed resistance to the east our wither skeleton army has been successful in raiding the villages to the West soon I’m sure the North and South will fall too and what of Zozo has Behemoth destroyed that little brat yet soon my Lord Behemoth says that our

Mission will be even easier than he thought Delight delightful just delightful on day 58 to day 62 I returned to my base feeling a little down in the dirt so I turned myself into a swamp Pig so ashamed of myself it feels like I can’t do anything right but

When I got back I was so happy to see that the tribal Gremlins had increased the size of my base they built new rooms and a whole new floor it’s the least we could do since you let us stay here with you Zozo I was so touched by their

Kindness that I wanted to do something for them in return I’d build a statue but not just any statue a tribute to the Fallen tribal Gremlin Chief I started collecting all the proper material when I happened upon an abandoned diamond mine out in the jungle I wonder if there

Are still diamonds down there I went in and started to mine until I finally found enough diamonds to craft a pair of diamond armor pieces a pickaxe helmet pants and some cool boots it isn’t much but it’ll certainly help from day 63 to day 66 one of the tribal Gremlins

Approached me Zozo I think I know where you might be able to find a myal battle axe like the one you were looking for there’s a special cave out in the desert one that’s sacred to my people we might be able to find it together that sounds like an excellent idea tribal Gremlin

Let’s do it we set off together until we reached the desert with my shape-shifting Powers growing by the day I decided to shift into a Guster so I could fit into the desert environment after 2 days of walking we finally found the cave it looked deep and dark and as

I stepped forward to enter the tribal Gremlin stopped me wait Zozo I just remembered something important you can’t go in the cave not yet but why not we really need that mythal battle ax tribal Gremlin but you need to obtain a soul heart first I’ve heard aend that those

Who enter the cave without one lose their souls so we need to seek one out yeah now that you mention it that does seem like a pretty solid call from day 67 to Day 70 the tribal Gremlin went home and I continued exploring the desert hoping to find a soul heart it’s

A shame they don’t just hand out those things huh suddenly I was distracted from my search as a coyote running towards me he looked really worried hey stranger mind lending me a hand there’s a nasty sudu bothering me and my coyote Brothers sure thing maybe I can help

Diffuse the situation I ran after the coyote until I found a group of coyotes being attacked by a huge sudar ramu who was clawing at them he looked like he was in a really bad mood zamu stop bothering these coyotes mind your own business fool this is between me and the

Coyotes the second you start bothering people it is my business time to fight I ran to the suduru and began to fight he was tough but he didn’t seem like he really wanted to destroy me he just liked fighting people so I gave him a good fight every time he swung his claws

At me I was able to dodge then hit back my hits barely bothered him but he seemed like he enjoyed having the exercise y that was a good fight I like your style man you’re pretty good figh yourself sudu how about instead of fighting random coyotes you go up

Against a real opponent like helping me take on that demon a molish now that sounds like a good time from day 71 to day 74 after not finding anything in the desert other than a cave I couldn’t enter I returned to the base only to find that Behemoth was already there and

He was annihilating my base by the time I got back half of the base had been destroyed and he was attacking the tribal Gremlins trying to rest there so so you’re back good I was getting bored destroying all your friends Behemoth you monster you’re going down for this try

Me I transformed into a Vex pulled out my mace again and attacked Behemoth my rage fueled me and this time as I attacked him it looked like I was actually doing some damage you’ve improved Zozo I’ll give you that but you’re still nothing compared to me Behemoth hit me back stunning me and

Taking down several of my hearts and while I was stunned he grabbed one of the tribal Gremlins and ran off with him Gremlin no but there was nothing I could do after I got my strength back I teamed up with the other Gremlins to rebuild the destroyed sections of my base and

Create a new guard Tower to watch out for any future Intruders at a melicious lair he was laughing with Glee as his army of monsters and skeletons prepared themselves for the next battle it is almost time soon I will wipe out the resistance and all will be mine from day

75 to day 78 King Midas once again arrived at my base carrying a gift Zozo I have heard about your recent losses and your Valiant attempts to get your hands on the mithil battle axe in the meantime please as a token of my gratitude for all the work you’ve done

Take this oh wow King Midas thank you what is this it’s a sword of undying my old battle weapon from my adventuring days it’s not the mithil battle axe but this is a powerful well forged weapon I believe Behemoth keeps his own private lir out in the plains perhaps you should

Go show him how well you can use this new weapon from day 79 to day 84 I arrived at Behemoth Lair out on the plains with my sword of UN dying ready to do battle I stormed in Ran past the skeleton soldiers and saw that Behemoth

Was waiting for me this is it Zozo I’ve gotten bored of playing with my food you won’t be leaving this Lair and when I’ve destroyed you the master will give me power and riches your creep of a master is never going to see you again Behemoth skeletons grab this fool skeletons

Surrounded me but I managed to take them down without much effort I focused on Behemoth next next sword in hand we fought Behemoth was still incredibly strong but I felt like I was finally ready to take him on but as the fight went on even though I was doing some

Good damage Behemoth started to turn the tide he fought harder and harder hitting me again and again watching my hearts drop even with the Regeneration and extra absorption Health the sword of undying gave me I was still losing this fight everything I’d worked for was about to be for nothing you’ve been

Using Zozo but I won’t miss you when you’re gone just as Behemoth was about to finish me off one of the walls of his lair exploded and suduru broke in to save the day Zozo it’s this he threw me a golden apple I’d never seen one like

It before and I immediately took a bite immediately everything changed I could feel myself getting bigger and stronger and not just regenerating Hearts but doubling them with the 16 Hearts I shifted into Ultimate Gold Golem and with the sudu at my side I was ready to

Finish this the two of us attacked the Behemoth together giving him no chance to take us out I climbed to the top of the gate wall and jumped on the Behemoth swinging my sword at his head he was defeated once and for all I looked and saw that the destroyed Behemoth had

Dropped a soul heart onto the ground now that was a good fight say what’s that thing he dropped sudu that’s our ticket to the big time from day 85 to day 89 while still out in the plains I shape shifted into a double-headed vile ogre I

Stumbled upon some clay and dug it up to use on the tribal Gremlin Chief statue this is going to look awesome and I bet my tribal Gremlin roommates will really appreciate it too I returned to the base and completed the statue seeing it there inspired me and reminded me of what

Really mattered all the innocent people I was fighting for with the Statue done I set off for the desert with the Behemoth Soul heart in my inventory I could finally finally enter the sacred cave and obtain the mythal battle axe it would be a great day but when I entered

Things weren’t so easy there were husks everywhere and just as I was about to clear them all a terrifying jabber walk jumped out of the cave and started attacking me I needed to pull out king midas’s sword to fight him off and even then it wasn’t easy feels like nothing

Has been easy for me these last few months with the jabberwock cave Guardian defeated I saw it there waiting for me the mythal battle axe that would solve all of our problems I picked it up and felt its power surging through my hands ignites and knocks back targets well

That is useful things are looking up at last from day 90 to Day 94 I emerged from the cave with the mithil battle ax wondering what I’d use it for first when I saw that a molish was standing right in front of me hello again Zozo think

I’d let you get away with destroying my most powerful henchmen for that I’m going to destroy you myself I didn’t feel like talking to this monster instead with the mythal battle ax in hand I charged at him ready to strike I got one hidden he instantly hit me back

And set me flying the hit was so hard it knocked the battle axe right out of my hands before I could get up he snatched the mythal battle ax even though I’d only just gotten it you won’t be needing this anymore in fact I think I’ll make

Much better her use of it than you ever did goodbye Zozo there was an explosion and the desert ground beneath me caved in trapping me in a pit a mish disappeared off to do something awful no doubt one step forward two steps back from day 95 to day 97 I needed to do

Something clever to escape the pit thankfully this was where my shape-shifting skills came in handy again I turned into a bald eagle and flew right out of there heading towards King midas’s Village with the mithil battle a lost I needed to ask him for advice on what I should do next but it

Was already too late when I arrived at the Village I saw it had been completely ransacked all the buildings were destroyed I couldn’t see any villagers all that was left was King Midas near death next to his broken Throne I flew down and turned into a golden villager

Approaching King Midas to see if there was anything I could do to help I’m sorry it’s already too late for me a m Gish used the mythal battle ax to improve his power to unimaginable levels he destroyed the entire Village you must stop him you’re our only hope I will

Stop him King Midas I promise he’ll pay for everything he’s done King Midas passed and I journeyed back to my base on day 98 I arrived back at the base and found that my worst fears had been made real a mish had come here too and destroyed everything the base was in

Tatters and most of the tribal Gremlins were gone I failed I couldn’t protect anybody or anyone it seemed like a molish was going to use the mythal battle ax to rule the world I felt so terrible about myself I shapes shifted into a cockroach just as I was about to

Give up hope one of the last tribal Gremlins approached me I’m so sorry that I failed tribal Gremlin I let your people down from beginning to end but this isn’t the end Zozo you can’t give up if a mish could use the magical axe to destroy all this then maybe if you

Get your hands on the axe you can make it all okay again and in that moment I knew that the tribal Gremlin was right if that axe could get us into this it might be the only thing that could get us out on day 99 I shape shifted into

King Midas himself as a tribute to the great King’s Legacy as him I approached amish’s base wielding his sword of undying to my surprise aish himself came out to meet me holding the mythal battle axe exactly as I’d hoped King Midas this is impossible I dealt you a lethal blow

With the mythal battle axe you must be Zozo and I’ll be taking that axe yes to the face this time a mish lunged at me first upset at being tricked but that’s when I took my opportunity as he swung the mythal battle axe I dodged and

Snatched it from his hands thanks sish I promise I’ll bring BR it back with the Battle Axe in Hand I ran back to my base as fast as I could hoping that it still had some magic left over after all the damage that a mish had done with it I

Arrived back at my base and began to wish holding the axe tightly in my hands I wish for all the tribal Gremlins to be brought back and for my base to be fully repaired that’s all I asked for and seconds later the axe vanished from my

Hands never to be seen again but my wish was granted my base was back to normal and all the tribal Gremlins had been brought back you saved us Zozo thank you and now together we can save everyone else like aish himself said just one tribal Gremlin doesn’t count for much

But all of you together we can bring aish down for good let’s go save the world on day 100 I led the tribal Gremlin Strike Force straight into mish’s Lair as wither skeletons poured out to fight us the Gremlins took them on Gremlin free freedom forever and as the fight raged on of

Course a mish crawled out of his lair ready to fight me personally you worthless little creature I should have destroyed you when you were small and weak it would have saved me a lot of trouble it’s too late for regrets now Mish they won’t do you any good stubborn

And arrogant to the end do you really think you can beat me you’re not even carrying a weapon I’m a shape shifter AOG don’t you know what that means what it means I am the weapon and with that I turned into my final form a giant Ender

Dragon no this can’t be it isn’t fair I can’t be defeated by some other lowly Shape Shifter I’m the most powerful being in the world but all that complaining didn’t do him any good I Unleashed my most powerful dragon’s breath attack on him and by the time I

Was done there was nothing left oh Mish Was Defeated and once the tribal Gremlins were done defeating the last of the wither skeletons the world could finally be at peace once again

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a WARDEN NINJA in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Greatest Warriors Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-01-18 02:15:04. It has garnered 29375 views and 361 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:21 or 12741 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a WARDEN NINJA in Hardcore Minecraft! Shogun Skull has taken over the land, with the brigands and dread skulls giving him their full support. I seem to be the only warden ninja left; what happened to my people, and how can I stop Shogun Skull?!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a WARDEN NINJA https://youtu.be/50zCmpepIYQ 0:36:04 100 DAYS as a ZOMBIE WARDEN https://youtu.be/s8r9MjJdY2Q 1:12:20 100 DAYS as a DIAMOND VENOM https://youtu.be/0xHBJs5J2uo 1:51:38 100 DAYS as a DEVIL GOLEM https://youtu.be/t2_RiV2aFjc 2:25:35 100 DAYS as the GRIM REAPER https://youtu.be/P1uSKmk7gMs 2:55:27 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER https://youtu.be/UpysC4j5_Jg

#minecraft #100days #wardenninja

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  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

    Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge Exploring the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft The Minecraft community is always buzzing with exciting challenges and creative builds. One such popular challenge is the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE. In this challenge, players of different skill levels compete to create stunning statues inspired by the iconic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Building in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fundamental aspect of the game that allows players to unleash their creativity. From simple houses to intricate statues, the possibilities… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Paul’s Hilarious Pick in Minecraft!

    Paul's Hilarious Pick in Minecraft! The Quest for the Perfect Starter in Minecraft In a hilarious Minecraft Short, the player delves into the world of mods to select their very first starter. As they navigate through the options, a wave of nostalgia hits, leading to a difficult decision. Let’s explore this comical journey and the reasons behind the ultimate choice. The Selection Process As the player embarks on their quest, they are faced with a variety of starter options. Each creature comes with its unique abilities and characteristics, making the decision a challenging one. From cute and cuddly creatures to fierce and powerful beasts,… Read More

  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

    Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and surprises await at every turn. Dive into the blocky landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you navigate through a realm filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With its open-world concept, Minecraft allows players to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. Explore vast landscapes, mine precious resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Discover New Horizons As you… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Deeper Dive: DualityCalamity MCC Ep. 3

    Deeper Dive: DualityCalamity MCC Ep. 3 MCC: Episode 3! (We Need To Go Deeper) Welcome to the Modded Minecraft Series, MCC! In this exciting episode, our adventurers delve into the depths of the New Nether, uncovering valuable resources and facing thrilling challenges. Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft! Exploring the New Nether As our intrepid players venture into the New Nether, they are greeted by a landscape teeming with danger and opportunity. The revamped Nether biome offers a host of new features, from unique mobs to rare ores waiting to be discovered. Key Points: Encounter new mobs such as Piglins and Hoglins, each… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More