1000 Days Surviving as Santa in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as Santa Claus ho ho ho wo 10 Hearts that’s awesome guess that’s what I get for being Jolly Old St Nick and look how snowy it is it must almost be Christmas already but wait where is Santa’s workshop and all of the Elves and the reindeer

Something’s wrong I need to find out I can’t miss Christmas that’ make me like the worst Santa Claus ever huh maybe that guy over there can help hey I’m Zozo Claus do you know where I can find my reindeer uh-oh I’m not sure that guy is actually going to help me isn’t that

The Wither that’s right Zozo I’m the Wither and you are doomed what why because I hate Christmas and I hate Santa Claus most of all that’s why I captured your reindeer and it’s why I’m going to destroy you uh-oh looks like I better get out of here thankfully as

Santa I can move like wind on Ice the Wither started firing wither heads at me but I was too fast for him to land a hit time to escape to those frozen mountains over there phew that was a close one I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who

Hates Christmas that much oh no who’s that weird little black skeleton guy is he another villain what no my name’s Wilhelm I’m a good guy I live around here I just look a little scary oh I’m sorry for judging on First Impressions Wilhelm guess I’ve got a lot to learn

Before I can really be Santa Claus and I bet all those snowman guys over there are actually nice too actually those are bad snowmen and they work for the Wither we need to run that sounds like a pretty good idea to me the snowmen are coming

Right for us let’s get out of here making Christmas happen is going to be way harder than I thought I’m going to need to make the presents save the reindeer and defeat the Wither on day two after hiding out in the icy mountains with Wilhelm overnight I

Decided it was time to get started on my new workshop but first I’m going to need some tools lucky for me as Santa Claus I’m a master Craftsman and people are eager to help me out hey Wilhelm can you lend me any materials I need to do some

Crafting sure I’ve got a few sticks and wooden planks perfect I can use that to craft a wooden pickaxe that’s a pretty good start of course Santa’s Workshop has got to be cozy like a log cabin so I need to make my way down to a nearby

Forest for some wood but a pickaxe isn’t ideal for Gathering wood I better use my pickaxe to mine some Stone and make myself an axe oh yeah and I may need to use this axe for more than just chopping wood there’s a devour and it looks

Hungry I had no idea these lived in the woods the Devourer jumped at me and I had to dodge to avoid its rings of teeth that was a close one Santa’s got strong arms from years of carrying all the presents so he’s also got a mean a swing

Chew on that Devourer I just wanted to ask you a few questions with the devour defeated it’s time to cut down some trees and harvest the wood I’ll take this back up into the mountains and start building my brand new workshop I needed to make it big and build in a lot

Of room rooms for making different toys and presents I may be able to save Christmas after all on day three my base was coming along nicely and I’d made Wilhelm my first helper what can I say I love Christmas if you let me have a room

In the workshop I’d be happy to lend a hand perfect but now my workshop is going to need a little security to keep out any potential grinches a stone wall will probably do just fine but where can I get a ton of stone at once I can’t

Waste time making a whole new mind myself with Christmas on the way hey zoza there’s actually an old abandoned Stone mine not far from here maybe you can get yourself the blocks for a wall there great idea Wilhelm after grabbing my wooden pickaxe I’m on my way W I

Didn’t expect this abandoned mind to be so spooky is this really the kind of place where Santa Claus would hang out wait are those Icemen what are they doing down here is this what happened to all the miners no no no they’re coming towards me better grab my axe before

It’s too late these guys are way tougher than I thought it’s like my axe isn’t even hurting them oh no I’m surrounded it looks like I’m outnumbered it almost looked like I was done for when a huge oneeyed polyam walked out from the back of the mine hey leave that guy alone

Isn’t he the one who delivers presents to all the good girls and boys just the sound of his voice made all the Iceman scatter I’m just glad he was on my side hey Mr poam thanks for scaring away all those Iceman I’m zooc Claus what’s your name the poam seemed touched my name

Nobody body’s ever asked my name before I’m Ricky Ricky the poam I’ve been trapped in this mine for almost a year now thanks to the Wither wait the Wither is after you too but why I used to work for him I was one of his bodyguards but

Last year I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he flipped out on me I’ve been on the run ever since wow this guy really hates Christmas I guess that’s why Santa Claus is his number one enemy say Ricky how about you come stay at my base we we should probably stick

Together that sounds great Zozo as long as uh I’m not giving you too much trouble let’s do it but first would you help me mine some Stone on days four to 5 I decided to expand the base to make a new room for Ricky the poam he’s a big

Guy being a giant Cyclops so I made him a double-sized room and gave him a double bed to match he and Wilhelm were really getting on great both are scary looking guys who are actually super nice so they already had a lot in common wait you guys are making toys in here that’s

Red Count Me In that’s another helper added to my brand new workshop this is going to be the most awesome Christmas ever maybe I’m not such a bad santa after all and because I still have some excess Stone from building the wall I’m going to give myself the gift of a brand

New stone pickaxe and now I’m off on the hunt willhelm and Ricky wanted me to get some shed snake skins from the forest near the base so I can make some Banner patterns the kids will love those wow this Forest is way darker than I remember time must have gotten away away

From me now it must be night time and that means uh-oh mobs will be on the prow something’s coming towards me out of the dark are those night apparitions we serve the Wither Zozo you cannot be allowed to save Christmas our Master would never allow it then I guess it’s

Time to fight as the night apparitions flew towards me I dodged and pulled out my axe where’s your Christmas cheer guys we’re only interested in spreading Christmas here these night apparitions were no match for Santa Claus after a few strikes from my axe they took off running and what’s that did they drop

Something no way that’s the efficiency Enchantment I’ll be able to mine faster than ever before now on days 6 to 8 it started snowing I’m off in the fields trying to hurt some sheep here sheepy sheepy sheepy come to Zozo I know what you’re thinking why would Santa Claus

Want a herd sheep it’s because I’m going to need a lot of wool for all those Christmas sweaters hurting these guys is a lot harder than I thought where’s a Shepherd when you need one it is I Zozo are you ready to meet your doom I asked

For a Shepherd not a Wither how did he find me here you don’t understand Zozo I’m growing in power I know all and see all soon enough I’ll be able to take on my true final form the Wither storm when I achieve my destiny I will destroy the entire world you’re bluffing wither

There’s no way you’ll ever be that powerful evil can’t win during the holidays you fool bear witness to my supreme power that’s when the ground exploded next to me it knocked out half of my hearts immediately I didn’t know he could do that he’s too powerful I

Can’t fight him I better run you can run Zozo but you can’t hide as I tried to run away the ground kept exploding next to me every time I only barely escaped with my life it’s like he’s got some kind of deadly psychic powers boom bam every explosion left a huge crater in

The ground and the Sheep started to scatter as I ran the Wither kept floating behind me getting tired Zozo I suppose the Christmas spirit can only take you so far now perish another huge crator exploded into the ground and I fell into it only one heart left I never

Knew he could be this dangerous it’s over now there will never be a Christmas I win the Wither wins I’m trapped in this pit and it looks like he’s charging up another attack oh no I’m doomed how can I escape this one wait I have a stone pickaxe and the efficiency

Enchantment if I can’t escape up I can mine and Escape down it’s perfect I mined with all my might as the Wither Unleashed a final blast behind me caving in the tunnel but it’s already too late I’ve escaped I’ll get you next time Zozo

On days 9 to 10 I was hanging out at the base with Wilhelm and Ricky still recovering from my last battle with the with I can’t believe he took me down to one heart if I hadn’t had such quick thinking I would have been doomed what

If next time I’m not so lucky don’t worry Zozo he caught you off guard the exact same thing would happen to anyone I thought your Escape was really cool yeah Zozo you did the best you could don’t beat yourself up we need to stay in the Christmas spirit or we won’t be

Able to finish making all the toys how can we get you feeling Jolly again that’s when I came up with an idea I could build a statue a giant Christmas tree statue that’ll give everyone the Christmas spirit they need if I can make myself some green concrete I’ll be able

To make it the perfect color too I just needed to score some sand some gravel and some green dye time to start building this tree I can worry about the decorations later I need to make this thing huge so everyone can see it this is going to be a real project but just

Because I’m building a new Statue doesn’t mean I can afford to forget about my workshop first I build a second story so I can build in a few more work rooms I also started building a new personal mine into the back of the Mountain near the base this is perfect

We won’t need to travel now to get extra building materials this is more like it even if the Wither is more powerful now our Workshop is getting more powerful too on days 11 to 12 I decided if I wanted to stop the Wither from destroying Christmas I needed to

Understand him first after all I thought Wilhelm was scary when I first met him but as I got to know him I realized he was actually a super nice guy and Santa Claus needs to believe that there’s a little bit of good in everyone deep down

That’s why I went to talk to Ricky the poam about him hey Ricky back when I first met you didn’t you tell me that you used to work for the weather oh yeah I worked for him for 3 years I probably should have quit sooner honestly it was

A real jerk but I needed the dental coverage the day he started blasting wither faces at me I knew it was all over but there’s got to be a reason why he’s such a jerk right and why he hates Christmas so much if we can figure that

Out maybe we can actually stop him that’s when Ricky sighed and and told me the story The One he’d heard again and again while working for the Wither you see back when the Wither was just a little wither kid he’d always behaved badly because of his parents a pair of

Wither skeletons who always ignored him he needed some kind of way to make people notice him and because no one had ever taught him to be kind he decided to be evil instead but because he was a bad kid whenever Christmas came around the Wither would never get any real presents

From Santa Claus he’d just get coold that only made him more angry and bitter and it caused him to vow revenge against Santa Claus and the whole Christmas season of course it all made sense it was the perfect tragic backstory for such a three-headed Scrooge but how did

He get so powerful that’s the one thing that doesn’t make sense well Cole is a pretty bad present for a kid but when the Wither grew up he realized that Cole was actually an incredibly valuable material and he had a lot of it that’s why he built himself a giant castle

Called The Foundry which is full of giant furnaces where the the coal is always burning it helps him to craft powerful items and enchantments he turned the source of his pain into one of his greatest Powers wow I thought that hearing about the Wither’s backstory would make it easier to defeat

Him and now I’m not so sure from Days 13 to 15 I decided that I needed to get some food in case the Wither attacked again so I could restore some hearts while Wilhelm and Ricky were working away at the base I went out to the forest to find some delicious apples

Apples are a tasty healthy snack and a good way to get back hearts these are great I love apples but wait this place seems weirdly familiar oh I know it’s because the abandoned mine where I met Ricky is near here I wonder if those Icemen are still down there at first I

Was a little scared to go down there and take them on then I realized the Wither is way stronger than the Iceman and if I can’t take them on I have no hope of defeating the Wither I need to be brave I need to do this I grabbed my Axe and

Ventured down into the abandoned mine Icemen come out come come out wherever you are that got their attention the Iceman came storming in swords ready to slice in dice but I’d already survived the Wither and surely I can survive these guys too I ran in and fought every

One of them managing to dodge their hits and strike them with my axe until they all gave in okay you win you win we can’t beat you what now are you going to finish us off no way Santa Claus wouldn’t do that Christmas is a time of

Forgiveness how about you guys come back to the base with me our Workshop needs some new helpers thank you Zoo thank you you’re so kind you really are like Santa Claus and defeating people with kindness must be how Santa levels up cuz now I have 20 Hearts that’s twice as much and

A new weapon a special snowball shooter an extremely strong ranged weapon I better save this for an emergency on days 16 to 19 I needed to go on the hunt for some new materials I needed some red blocks to add to my Christmas tree statue as decorations but where would be

The best best place to get them red concrete seemed a little drab H I know I can get myself some red mushroom blocks I grabbed my stone pickaxe and tried to harvest some mushroom blocks but it didn’t work why that’s when I remembered something Wilhelm told me Zozo if you

Want to mind more delicate things like mushroom blocks you’ll need the silk touch enchantment on your pickaxe of course and I think I can learn that enchantment from the ancient cave Library there are plenty of old books full of strange enchantments in there I mined my way into the cave but it looked

Like I had company the cave was full of cave spiders I can’t waste my special snowball shooter on the cave spiders thankfully I have a backup plan one of the Iceman gave me an iron sword he told me he didn’t need it anymore now he’s retired to work at my workshop prepare

To taste some iron spiders there are so many of them down here maybe caves are named after cave spiders rather than the other way around but once they were defeated I got to the library of ancient books and grabbed the enchantment book for silk touch I Enchanted my pickaxe

And now I can collect all the mushroom blocks I like the Christmas tree statue is going to look so awesome when I’m done on days 20 to 22 I got a rude awakening from will home Zozo I’m sorry to wake you up so early but I’ve got

Some bad news I was collecting some apples outside this morning and I saw the Wither on his way towards the base we need to stop him not exactly the nicest way to wake up I prefer bacon and eggs instead I need to grab my snowball

Shooter and my sword just in case and go meet the Wither by the time I was up and dressed the wither was already here he was floating right outside the workshop laughing evily you thought you could Escape me Zozo how pathetic do you really believe that a little Christmas cheer can truly

Defeat my Empire of evil I could blow up your entire workshop with a thought but you won’t oh yes why not because it’d be over too quick if you wanted to defeat me and destroy my Christmas Workshop it’d be a one-on-one fight not just

Blowing it all up at once H I hate to admit it but you have a point let’s fight Zozo and with that he appeared right behind me and blasted a Wither face right at me I was able to dodge it and pull out my sword just in time

Striking back at the Wither impressive Zozo now try this one on for sides he blasted face after face at me but I was Stronger Than I Used to Be I could strike back or Dodge every single one each time getting closer to the Wither he was starting to get nervous I could

Tell hope you’re ready for a u tide beat down wither I was eventually close enough to draw my snowball shooter and line up a good shot when boom he was gone the Wither disappeared we never got to finish our fight but now I knew next time I might actually have a chance of

Beating him Christmas might be saved after all on days 23 to 26 I was helping Wilhelm Ricky and the Iceman build toys in the workshop we were going to need to make as many as possible if we were going to save Christmas but halfway through one of the Icemen came over to

Me with a present hey Zozo me and the other icy boys wanted to thank you for letting us off the hook as a way of thanking you we wanted to give you this gift we made in the spirit of Christmas you know that’s when he handed me a pair

Of Outback leggings and they looked pretty cool if I do say so myself but it’s more than that the Wither uses range projectile attacks and these leggings give the wearer a chance to dodge any projectile attack fired at him we figured it might come in handy oh

This will come in super handy thank you so much Iceman we even put a special inscription for you in the back of the pants take a look let’s see it says that everyone should like the video subscribe to Zozo and tell us what Adventure you’d

Like to see next down in the comments I don’t know what that means but it sounds pretty awesome to me on days 27 to 31 I continued my work on the giant Christmas tree statue while the rest of the gang worked on all the toys and presents the

Mushroom blocks had added a nice splash of red to the Statue but I think it still needed a little more green but seeing as the whole thing was made out of green concrete I need needed a bright green that would really stand out it had to be green emerald blocks but to get

Emerald blocks I needed to mine emeralds and to mine emeralds I need a stronger pickaxe thankfully using Santa’s crafting skills I whipped up an iron pickaxe and set off on an adventure off to the Emerald City uh I mean Emerald mines I’m not sure why I said that it

Took a couple days of traveling to arrive at an emerald cave where I could do some mining but when I did I realized I wasn’t the only one there skeletons and they’ve all got bows I guess you guys probably aren’t going to want to share those emeralds they did not what

They did want was to shoot me with a bunch of arrows what they didn’t know was that this was the perfect opportunity to test out my new Outback leggings with the help of those magical pants I dodged every arrow and took out the skellies with my iron sword you’re

All getting coal in your stockings this year boys with them out of the way I was able to mine some emeralds I used these emeralds to make emerald blocks these will make perfect decorations for the Christmas tree statue on days 32 to 35 I was wandering through a forest looking

For supplies when I saw something shocking an old man the pi Piper was being dragged Along by a group of three terrifying skeletons it looked like they had taken the poor guy prisoner I had to do something I ran in with my snowball shooter drawn get away from that guy you

Skeleton creeps I was hoping it’d be enough to just wave the shooter around and scare these bad guys away but apparently not all three started charging at me so in a moment of panic I pulled the trigger boom wo that snowball shooter is so powerful it destroyed one

Of the skeletons in one shot that sent a pretty strong message to the other two they ran for the hills and I ran in to help the P Piper hey are you okay sir what was happening there it wasn’t anything I hadn’t dealt with before that darn wither wait the Wither is behind

This too what did he want with you H I used to be his babysitter back when he was a little wither kid he always hated me maybe if he would have gotten that novelty hat he he would have turned out different huh novelty hat yeah it was

What he always wanted for Christmas back then but he always got Co maybe that’s the key maybe if I figure out how to get a novelty hat for the Wither I can change his mind and save Christmas after all from Days 36 to 39 I went on a quest

To find the novelty hat that the Wither always wanted back when he was a kid after all isn’t it Santa Claus’s job to find the perfect gift for everybody and help encourage them to be kind to each other I thought this would be an easy little Quest until I found out who

Actually had the novelty hat a guy known as the Reaver of nightmare Mountain nightmare mountain by the way is a giant volcano the Reaver has an evil lair inside where he keeps all of his favorite weapons and also the novelty hat okay I think the Reaver might throw

Me into some lava if I just try to head in there and fight it I needed to find another way in thankfully I was able to make a plan using my efficiency Enchantment I could tunnel in from behind rather than going in from the top hopefully the Reaver wouldn’t notice me

And if he did at least I’d be able to use the snowball shooter now I know how powerful that weapon is it might hurt him maybe well here goes nothing from Days 40 to 43 I decided to go through with my plans if I could get my hands on

That novelty hat maybe I could stop the Wither without even needing to fight him that would be the most Santa likee way to solve this whole problem I pulled out my iron pickaxe and started plowing through the side of the volcano so far so good that efficiency Enchantment is

The Christmas gift that keeps on giving but things weren’t so easy when I actually got in there turns out while I was mining fast I wasn’t mining quietly the Reaver had heard me the whole time and he was waiting for me on the other side how dare you bust into my home

Unannounced this isn’t going well I pulled out my iron sword and tried to attack the Reaver but he was too strong it didn’t even damage him and with every hit he gave me with his giant fists he took five Hearts he was the strongest enemy I’d faced since the Wither himself

This will teach you to mess with people’s privacy who do you think you are I’m Zozo and I’m trying to be Santa Claus I just wanted to come in and get the novelty hat so I could give the Wither the Christmas spirit oh why didn’t you say so I love Christmas I’d

Be happy to lend a hand and as it turns out he did the Reaver gave me his novelty hat and asked if he could come stay at the workshop with me I don’t actually like the heat that much staying in a cabin up in the snowy mountains

Suits me way better than staying in this volcano and because I showed kindness to solve a problem I got another Santa upgrade now I have 30 hearts and I’m bigger and stronger than before we both went back to the pi Piper in the forest and showed him the novelty hat that’s

The exact kind of hat he always used to talk about maybe you will finally get through to him on days 44 to 49 I got back to work on the statue in the base even though I had the Hat it’s not like I can just roll up to the Wither’s evil

Air I don’t think he’d hear me out I hid the novelty hat inside the chest and then started renovating first I built more green Concrete in the workshop and started building the statue even higher the taller it was the more Christmas spirited give to everyone who saw it

This has got to be the coolest Christmas tree ever made and now with the Reaver added to the squad I needed to make another new room for the base I was sure to make the roof extra tall because the Reaver was even bigger than Ricky wow

This place is nice thanks for letting me come back with you Zozo and I’m sorry for hitting you when you tunnel through the wall of my old house Christmas is a time of forgiveness right on days 50 to 53 everything changed after all the threats quests and battles the Wither

Returned to the workshop and this time he brought friends surprise Zozo I bet you thought you’d seen the lust of me the Wither was surrounded by a legion of night Walkers huge scary supernatural creatures of Darkness why don’t you come and face me directly wither we don’t

Need to make this a big deal it’s Christmas oh you and your worthless Christmas I even have a gift for you I have a better one for you Zozo complete destruction attack my night Walkers destroy them all the night Walkers immediately swarmed flying in and attacking the workshop at least I wasn’t

Alone all my new friends Wilhelm Ricky the Iceman and Reaver were there to help me out now it’s more of a fair fight Wilhelm fired a bow at the advancing night Walkers Ricky Used a huge axe to take out monster after Monster the Icemen grabbed their swords again and

Entered the battle and the Reaver was so strong he was able to take out night Walkers with punches alone I can do this all day Rea rules it was clear that we were starting to win and the Wither didn’t like that it’s why he activated his most Sinister power telekinetic

Explosions a huge part of the base suddenly exploded leaving a crater in the ground no the novelty hat was in a chest in there but by then the Wither was already gone and he took Ricky with him I was so angry about this change of

Fate I took on the rest of the night Walkers myself and defeated every last one with an iron sword by the time I was done I upgraded again I was taller stronger had another five Hearts but most importantly of all I had a brand new ability the cosmic ho ho ho looks

Like you’ve become such a powerful Santa Claus your ho ho ho can frighten away enemies who know they’re naughty that’s definitely an upgrade but I can’t afford to celebrate not until I get Ricky back safely and save Christmas on days 54 to 57 I needed to build back the base after

The Wither and his minions had blown half of it up I headed back down into the forest with an axe to collect some new wood for the repairs this was seriously going to affect our gift making schedule we’re going to need to work double time if we want to get all

Of this ready for Christmas while Wilhelm Reaver and the Icemen were rebuilding I went back to an old friend the P Piper that I’d rescued from those Wither Skeleton jockeys I need your help P Piper I got the novelty hat but the with destroyed it before I had a chance

To give it to him and he kidnapped Ricky now he’s got my friend and my reindeer held hostage oh this is bad I know that much Piper is there anything else you can tell me well I can’t tell you how to defeat the Wither but I do know where he

Might be keeping your friend when he captured me his minions were taking me to the ice dungeon it’s an off the book prison he keeps his enemies in before they’re dragged off to The Foundry but it’s heavily guarded and hard to get to any is worth it to save my friend and to

Save Christmas the pi Piper gave me the directions to the ice dungeon but before I went on my daring rescue mission I’d need to step up my game again on days 58 to 62 I started preparing for my epic Rescue Mission I’d gotten a lot stronger

Than I was before but if the ice dungeon really was as dangerous as the pi Piper said it was I needed to go in as prepared as I could and that would only mean one thing full diamond armor I traveled to an underground Cavern where I’d heard rumors of a diamond vein with

With an iron pickaxe ready to go the deeper I got into the cavern the darker it got until only an underground river of magma was lighting my way I never would have been brave enough to do this earlier guess I’ve really come a long way that’s when the hellhounds arrived

Uh good doggy good good doggy but appealing to their sense of flattery didn’t work the hellhounds looked angry and hungry and Santa Claus was on the menu tonight that’s one way to Fast Track yourself onto the naughty list as they all charged me though I took it a

Deep breath and let out a ho ho ho that sent those infernal doggies running off into the dark heck yeah this new ability is paying off already with the hellhounds taken care of I mined some diamonds and made my way back to the base there I finally made the armor and

Weapons I needed to take on the ice dungeon full diamond armor and of course a diamond sword I’m Coming For You Ricky on day 63 to 66 I realized I needed a little inspiration before I went on my most d dangerous Rescue Mission yet I carried on working on the Statue it

Finally felt like it was big enough I added green concrete until it was huge then added more red mushroom blocks and emerald blocks until the whole thing twinkled but it was missing something but what of course a Christmas tree needs an angel or a star on top of it to

Make it complete but how do you make an angel or a star but making a Christmas tree isn’t the only way to spread Christmas cheer you can also hit the red button and subscribe to Zozo and tell your friends to sub subscribe too so you can enjoy all these adventures together

On day 67 to 70 I equipped my diamond armor and grabbed my diamond sword then set off for the frozen ice dungeon deep in the Frozen waist I was going to save Ricky from the clutches of the Wither by any means necessary but of course the

Ice dungeon was guarded by a horde of snow beasts you picked the wrong day to mess with Santa you nasty little snow creeps I drew my sword and went in on the snow beast taking each one out in one swing but what they locked in strength they made up for numbers every

Time I thought I’d taken them all out more came through in the end I needed to pull out the big moves again ho ho ho that sunk them all running now it was just me versus the door I pulled out my pickaxe and started going at the

Entrance until there was nothing left to stop me it was time I was going in on days 71 to 74 I started fighting my way through the dreaded ice dungeon to try and find Ricky but someone was already waiting for me inside it was the the Ice

Wizard one of the Wither’s most loyal and Powerful minions well well well it’s ice to meet you Zozo how about you chill out I made this whole dungeon for the Wither it’s pretty cool don’t you think enough with the rancid ice puns wizard where’s my friend if you want your

Friend you’re going to need to find him yourself Zozo and that’s snow joke curse you ice wizard with that the Ice Wizard disappeared and he sent his first wave W of minions right at me a group of ice piglins lucky for me with my new diamond armor they couldn’t leave a scratch on

Me when I went after them with my diamond sword it was a whole different story take that and that and that soon enough they were all taken care of and I was heading deeper into the ice dungeon but it wasn’t going to be that easy you’ll find I’m an awful lot more

Slippery than that Zozo you know slippery like ice yes I got the joke don’t OV explain it a door in one of the walls opened and several ice gas poured out flying around the room firing ice balls at me thankfully I still had a longrange weapon my snowball shooter

Reach for the skies ice gas bang bang bang they’re gone wow this snowball shooter is still coming in handy one of them even dropped a potion potion of knockback resistance I better drink it you never know when it’ll be useful with all of the enemies taken care of it was

Time to chase the Ice Wizard and find out where he was keeping Ricky I wasn’t letting him get away with this I found a huge door at the end of the hall this must be where they keep all the important prisoners I burst through the doors and I was surrounded by mutant

Snow golems with the Ice Wizard standing in the middle laughing at me you’re right Zozo this is where we’re going to keep an important prisoner you on days 75 to 78 I was in a really sticky situation ambushed surrounded and most of all confused where’s Ricky I don’t

Understand h Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricky wow talk about brain freeze his name doesn’t ring a bell did he look like this Flash the Ice Wizard transformed into the polyam I thought I knew and loved Ricky wait you’re Ricky always have been Zozo sorry flash he transformed back into the

Ice Wizard looking smug as ever that was never a Ricky he was just a ruse so that I could infiltrate your base and spy for the wither then lure you out here and look the plan worked perfectly I felt so betrayed so this whole thing had been a trap maybe the

Wither was a lot more diabolical than I first thought but that would have to wait I’d need to figure a way out first okay Ricky or Ice Wizard or whoever you are you want to fight let’s fight yeah I’d love to fight get in boys the mutant

Snow golems came running at me I barely had time to defend myself and I lost a few Hearts as they hit me again and again then I pulled out my diamond sword and took the fight to them I was a much more experienced fighter than these

Golems so I was able to outmatch and defeat them okay Ice Wizard let’s do this guess it’s time I finally put you on Ice you already did the Ice thing you jerk the Ice Wizard started to transform again but this time it wasn’t into Ricky he became a towering monster called the

Snow Nightmare and Unleashed a jet of icy breath that would have blown me backwards if if I hadn’t already taken the Potion of knockback Resistance H looks like he’ll be harder to defeat than I thought but don’t worry Zozo I like a good challenge more ice gas flew

Into the room and I needed to pull out my snowball shooter to fend them off all the while I needed to dodge strikes and snowballs from the snow nightmare but when the ice gas were shot down it was time for me to finally bring the snow

Nightmare to an end no more terrible ice puns not now not ever and with a few well-placed strikes of my d sword the snow Nightmare and the Ice Wizard were gone it was time to leave the ice dungeon and never return on days 79 to 84 things got a whole lot worse I

Stepped outside the now empty ice dungeon and the Wither was waiting for me floating above I didn’t expect you to leave the ice dungeon alive Zozo the Ice Wizard was one of my strongest minions you’ve impressed me our battle for the soul of Christmas will be one for the

Ages I don’t even know if I want to fight you wither sure you tricked me you attacked me you kidnapped my reindeer you blew up my base and you almost blew me up but I meant to be Santa Claus and Santa Claus is all about giving Second Chances suddenly the ground exploded

Next to me the Wither had used his explosion attack again but this time my extra hearts and diamond armor kept me from taking too much damage very impressive Zozo but you’re not the only one who can get stronger watch me as I assume my final form storm clouds

Gathered up above and Rain began to fall the Wither became larger darker more powerful the sheer force of his new form caused the ice dungeon to explode into Smither behind me this is true power Zozo even as powerful as I’d gotten there was no way I could defeat him I

Pulled out my snowball shooter and fired it did nothing as the Wither grew bigger and more powerful by the second all I could do was run back to my base or I’d be done for but what if he followed me back then Christmas wouldn’t be coming

This year on days 85 to 8 9 I returned to the workshop where Wilhelm Reaver and the Icemen had been working hard building all the toys and presents I just wish I had better news to give them Zozo we’re so glad you’re back we were worried about you where’s Ricky guys I’m

So sorry but we were tricked Ricky was always just one of the Wither’s minions in Disguise and now the Wither is stronger than ever I don’t know if we’re going to be able to win this one but Wilhelm my first ever friend here wasn’t going to let me get down on myself here

I think I’ve made something that can help a new weapon the mace it’s slow but it’s also one of the most powerful weapons ever made if you can land two hits on the Wither storm you might be able to take him down for good wow this weapon is incredible thank you willhelm

This is the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten and that’s when I got an idea I realized exactly how to finish the statue topping it off with a brilliant bright star I climbed to the top and created a bonfire which would spread the light of Christmas cheer to

To all across the land the statue was finally done that’s when Reaver approached me and he had an idea of his own Zozo so I know the novelty hat that you took from me got destroyed but I do remember why you might be able to buy

Another on days 90 to 94 I traveled for miles until I found a small village that Reaver told me about all the villagers were getting ready for Christmas it was only days away now and the pressure was really on I needed that hat or all of

This might have been doomed I found my way to the local hat store and went inside and there it was a novelty hat exactly like the one I got from Reaver excuse me Mr vendor person can I please have that hat I don’t have any money right now but I promise it’s an

Emergency I need it to save Christmas H nah I think I’d prefer the money okay I also have this extremely powerful mace that could probably destroy this entire store in one hit all right then all right the hat is yours take this redstone dust as well for your trouble

On days 95 to 97 I applied every upgrade I possibly could to all of my gear I gave my mace fire aspect and knockback enchantments to make it even more dangerous if I ever needed to use it I prepared potions of healing regeneration and strength I even made a few grenades

Using the Redstone Dust in case I needed to spread some fiery Christmas cheer I was almost ready for the final battle on day 98 I spoke to Wilhelm Reaver and the Icemen for what could be the last time it was now or never we needed to have

All of our base is covered okay guys just so we’re clear on the plan I’m going to go and confront the Wither get the reindeer back and give him a gift that will hopefully restore his Christmas spirit right right right right but tomorrow is Christmas Eve our last

Chance to get all the toys and gifts ready to deliver so while I’m confronting the weer you need to make sure everything is ready for me right right right right and there’s one more important thing you need to know it’s probably the most important thing of all and what’s that Zozo everyone watching

This needs to like the video subscribe to the channel and leave a comment telling us what Adventure they’d like us to try out next and with that out of the way it was time for the final battle to unfold on day 99 I made my way to The

Foundry the Wither’s huge coal powerered base it was so much bigger than mine but it seemed so lonely the Wither didn’t have any minions left he just floated above the lair incredibly powerful but completely alone so you finally come to face me on my own terms Zozo you You’

Realized what a futile waste of time it is to make Christmas happen as if anyone here really needed it that’s where you’re wrong wither I don’t think anyone has ever needed Christmas more than you I’m just sorry that nobody has ever given you a chance to be a part of

It you fool the only person who won’t be getting a chance here is you it’s time to end this but I was ready drawing on all the power of Christmas cheer I entered my final form the true Christmas spirit 100 hearts almost unbreakable armor and an Unstoppable drive to spread

Good cheer come get me wither and he did the Wither struck me again and again with his full power but nothing seemed to work his Darkness couldn’t hurt the light I was putting out this is impossible I am the most powerful entity in the world actually you seem like a

Sad lonely little creature but it’s okay I can help but he wouldn’t give up he kept getting bigger and stronger I threw my grenades I fired my snowball shooter nothing slowed him down in the end I knew I needed to use my Ultimate Weapon the enchanted mace you don’t want to go

On my naughty list this time wither bam with one hit of my mace at full power the Wither was down for the count cut back to his proper size he lay on the ground injured but alive and I suppose you’ll want to finish me off Zozo go

Ahead it’s probably what I deserve no wither I want to give you this Merry Christmas wait is this the novelty hat I’ve always wanted the novelty hat thank you thank you thank you thank you Zozo hey I’m Santa Claus here it’s just what I do now I could use another helper want

To give me a hand delivering gifts to everyone else yes I think I’d like that very much on day 100 after delivering toys and presents to children all over the world we decided to go back to the workshop even the Wither who turned a new Leaf came back with us we decided to

Have a Christmas Feast together then have a nice relaxing evening in front of the fireplace I think we’ve all earned a rest until next Christmas on day one I spawned into the freezing cold Alps as Super Sonic W look at me I’m super fast and solid gold this is one thing cooler

Than being Sonic even if I only have 10 Hearts I was so distracted by my own cool shiny skin that I didn’t even notice a massive Obsidian Golem stomping towards me through the snow how who goes there you should have asked who zo there there because I’m Zozo it’s nice to meet

You this is no time to joke Golems everywhere are under threat right now and if I believe you might be involved with a threat against us I’ll need to take you in for questioning sure you can take me in for questioning but you’ll need to catch me first I turned and ran

Off unbelievably fast zipping across the Alps way faster than the Obsidian Golem could ever follow me it felt like I was going to escape until I ran up into another Obsidian golem standing right in front of me what how did you get here so fast I didn’t I’m another guy you Dingus

Now come with me before I smash you with my big golem fist gu I can’t argue with that and with that he led me away on day two the huge Obsidian Golem led me back to a fortified base hidden deep in the Alps I was led into a cell and the

Obsidian Golem locked the door behind me you better stay well behaved Zozo we don’t want to hurt you if we don’t have to but if you you make trouble for us I’ll make even bigger trouble for you okay okay I get it you’re a big scary

Golem I won’t mess with you thank you for getting it I didn’t want to labor the point Golem left and left me in an obviously not ideal situation darn I really need to figure out how to get out of here and figure out what’s going on in the Overworld clearly something isn’t

Right yeah not the only one who feels that way mate I turned and saw a drop bear sitting in the cell with me somehow I hadn’t even noticed him in here good day I’m Dave Dave the drop bear I was on vacation from Down Under sightseeing in

The Alps and these big nasty golm BLS wrapped me on the knuckles and dragged me in here you too huh I’m Zozo it’s nice to meet you Dave we need to figure out a way out of this place well I’ve tried myself mate but if it was easy I

Would have done it already Okay let me think I don’t have any tools but I do have super speed maybe if I run at the wall with enough speed I can break a hole into to it couldn’t hurt to try mate well it might hurt you to go into

The war really fast but still I encourage trying whenever I can I took an epic run up well as epic as the size of the cell allowed and ran straight into the wall it broke enough of the blocks to let me and Dave Escape even if

The impact did take off a few Hearts you’re a legend zoo I hope we meet again someday same here Dave be safe out there so we both made our ways out into the world hoping that those nasty obsidian Golems wouldn’t find us on day three I continued traveling

Through the Alps trying to find a safe way out but my body was still aching from running into that wall at super speed oh ow ow it worked but in hindsight I’m not sure why I thought that would be a good idea but I wasn’t just hurting I was also hungry and I

Needed to find some food soon or I wouldn’t even have the strength to run what I’d do for a chili dog right now but I didn’t find a chili dog instead I found some apples laying around and ate as many as I could to replenish my

Hunger bar that’s more like it at least I won’t starve and freeze up on this mountain my relief was short-lived because a huge figure came rolling out of the snow towards me even bigger and stronger than the obsidian Golems oh no oh no I’m totally going to be destroyed

I’m having terrible luck this week Be not Afraid stranger I am hababa the wise Brave and honest and seeing as you’re wandering through the snow alone and Afraid I assume you’ve had an unfortunate run in with the Golems how’ you guess believe me I have good reason

To know come with me stranger I’ll keep you safe and you can help me with a little something I’ve been working on and so I followed hanaba through the snow having no idea what would happen next from day four to day five we finally left the Alps and entered the

Ancient Forest which was actually a lot more comfortable than all the freezing cold of the Alps we arrived at hbaba’s base a little while after where he gave me my first set of stone tools and a stone sword why are you giving me these because you need to get stronger

Stranger if you want to help me save the world you need your own paace and you need to get better at fighting but what are you trying to save the world from hanaba oh and by the way my name’s Zozo once they called me the king of the

Beasts that means I Ruled all the animals and I did so kindly and fairly then came the cruel and diabolical Golems who toppled me from my throne and tried to capture and enslave all the animals I once represented that’s terrible it certainly is so go Zozo get

Stronger and then return to me we will save this world together I left hbaba’s base and went further into the Ancient Forest eventually I found a decent clearing and started cutting down trees and Mining Stone to start building myself a cool little base this is coming

Along well it’ll be nice to be in a room that I haven’t been locked in by somebody else but saying that out loud ironically attracted the attention of one of the obsidian Golems who’d locked me up there you are you owe us some emeralds after damaging a wall I don’t

Owe you guys anything using my super speed I ran in and attacked him with my stone sword too fast for him to even fight back moments later he was defeated and i’ gained enough XP to level up I got bigger tougher faster and gained an awesome jump boost I now also had 30

Hearts instead of just 10 I’m really living up to my supersonic name from day six to day eight I was running back and forth through the Ancient Forest to test my super jumps and super speed but along the way I ran into an old friend Dave

The drop bear oh hey Dave fancy seeing you here Zoo good to see you mate you’re looking bigger and stronger since we last met each other hope you you been working out I have thank you for noticing what are you doing in the Ancient Forest Dave I’ve been laying low

Mate keeping it old school those obsidian Golems came looking for me you too gosh it seems like hababa was right these obsidian Golems are never going to give up unless we stop them HBA what’s that oh just a friend of mine one I should probably go and see I returned to

Humbaba eager to take on my first mission and stop these awful Golems from taking over our lives I’m glad you’ve come to realize how important our mission is Zoo but it’s much bigger than just obsidian Golems it’s all of them your first mission will be a trial by

Fire literally go to the Savannah and defeat the magma Golem if you are strong enough Victory will be yours from day N9 to day 10 I followed hbaba’s instructions and went out to the Savannah boy it’s so hot out here it almost makes me regret complaining about

How cold the Alps were but that heat wasn’t just the climate it was the heat coming off of a big hot magma Golem I was creeping up on I approached carefully ready to use a burst of speed to take him out with a surprise attack but instead he turned and caught me are

You trying to sneak up on me you little creep that’s not a good idea you won’t like what I do to people who sneak up on me don’t worry nobody is ever going to do it again after this cuz I’m going to defeat you H Baba told me exactly where

I find you and here you are you one of hum Baba’s goons that makes all too much sense I’m not a goon I’m a hero let’s go I ran in at super speed and used my jump boost to leap over him I pulled out my stone sword and attacked him as fast as

I could he turned and landed a few powerful hits on me but in the end I was Victorious wow I lost a lot of hearts in that battle this isn’t good that’s where I come in I turned and saw that Dave the drop bear was walking towards me again

Dave how did you find me pure luck I had some commotion and ran right over yeah I have a healing potion mate I drank the potion that Dave gave me and felt my heart’s replenishing why are you out here anyway Zozo my friend hababa sent

Me out here to fight the magma Golem it was harder than I thought he sends you on dangerous missions that’s a strange thing for a friend to do we’ve got an important goal Dave you wouldn’t understand thanks for the health potion though I’ll pay you back for this

Someday and with that I ran up at the speed of sound to tell hanaba about my victory from day 11 to day 12 I rush back to the Ancient Forest to tell hanaba the good news welcome back Zozo where are you successful in your mission

I sure was it was pretty tough but I managed to defeat the magma Golem just like you asked excellent but our work is far from over if we are going to truly win the battle against the Golems you must become stronger get yourself some iron armor and weapons then return to

The Savannah to seek out the remaining Golems there we must eradicate them from the land oh that sounds kind of intense don’t you trust me well I have no reason not to so I guess I’ll get going I journeyed to a nearby cave and started looking for some iron ore after a little

While I managed to find some time to make some new Gear with this I use the iron to Fashion some iron armor an iron sword and an iron pickaxe as I was getting ready to leave the Cave the Obsidian Golem appeared he looked pretty mad there you are I’m Baba’s evil

Henchmen why do you guys keep saying stuff like that I’m a good guy good guys don’t run around attacking innocent Golems he attacked me but I fought back and before too long I had managed to defeat him from day 13 to day 15 I took my new gear and traveled back to the

Savannah there has to be some Golems around here somewhere as I was exploring I spotted a raccoon cow ing behind a tree excuse me have you seen any Golems making trouble around here EK please don’t hurt me what I’m not going to hurt you that you were here earlier fighting

The magma Golem so that I could help free the animals like you I’m trying to help help I didn’t need your help that magma Golem was my friend he just threw me a birthday party last week you’re ruining everything you and your horrible boss I decided to leave the raccoon

Alone before I made matters worse something feels wrong I’d better go back to hababa and talk to him about this from day 16 to day 19 I returned to the Ancient Forest to ask hanaba what the heck was going on I’m probably just misunderstanding or maybe that raccoon

Had me mixed up with someone else when I got there hanaba looked really busy but I decided to talk to him anyway hey so when I got to the Savannah there was this raccoon and I don’t have time for this I have important m matters to attend to come back when you’ve done

What I asked jeez he’s in a bad mood I decided to go back to my base so I could take a moment to think when I got there Dave the drop bear was waiting for me zoo it’s a mess mate that Huma friend of yours attacking a bunch of animals and

Golems in the San it’s chaos what that doesn’t sound like him I’ll go check it out I rushed there as fast as I could and sure enough hababa was stomping around and attacking everyone inide fight what are you doing don’t tell me you’ve lost your nerve now I’m just

Doing what needs to be done reclaiming my rightful place on the throne as king of the beasts wait a second you’re not trying to help anyone you just want to be in charge again took you long enough to figure it out you you tricked me I couldn’t stand there and watch anymore I

Ran at him with my sword drawn and attacked but he was too strong he knocked me down with only one hit I tried to get back up but he hit me again and everything went dark from day 20 to day 22 I finally woke up still in the

Savannah I couldn’t see hababa anywhere must have knocked me out and finished what he started this place is a disaster I can’t believe he misled me like that I feel like such a fool I’m so sorry everyone if you need a place to stay while your homes are rebuilt you can go

To my base after I gave them the invitation I traveled back to my base to make some much needed improvements we don’t have enough room for guests right now I’ll need to expand I built an additional room and I was going to add more but only Dave the draw bear showed

Up sure it’s okay for me to stay here definitely welcome home thanks mate for what it’s worth I don’t think you’re bad you were doing what you thought was right now you know better it’s never too late to turn things around and fight for

The good guys from day 23 to Day 26 I decided to go back to where I started before hanaba filled my head with lies the Alps when I got there I saw a vicious hellhound chasing after a poor defenseless Road Runner now’s my chance to do something good and actually start

Helping people who need it hold on I’ll save you me me hurry I can’t run this fast forever I sprang into action running as fast as I could and jumped in front of the hellhound blocking its path with my iron sword I managed to hold back the Beast and rescue the road

Runner from its jaws but it wasn’t defeated yet the Road Runner ran off down the road leading me to finish my battle with the hellhound I was worried I wouldn’t make it but I finally managed to defeat it as I stood there catching my breath I felt my hearts increased to

50 and I gained the ability to climb walls from day 27 to day 31 I found some lost sheep wandering around the Alps they didn’t have anywhere to stay so I invited them to come live at my base I quickly traveled back to my base to

Build a pen for the Sheep there perfect for some sheep to sleep ha sleep sheep that rhymes sh does mate hey if you’re done improvising poetry about farm animals I’ll come see what I built sure I followed Dave into the base and he showed me a new room that wasn’t there

Before yeah it’s a storage room we can keep all sorts of things in here armor swords boomerangs you name it that’s great thank you so much meanwhile back in the Ancient Forest hanaba had found a new henchmen someone terrifying and Powerful a slave and wer ready to follow

His every order Zoo’s foolishness might have delayed my plans a little but with your help we can still erase all golbs from this land and make me King again yes my le all shall bow before you or perish from day 32 to day 35 I returned

To the Alps and made my way to the Golem base where I was held prisoner before I had to make things right with the golems and show them that I was on their side the Obsidian Golem there wasn’t very happy to see me you dare show your face

Here again after all you’ve done I should have you locked up and throw away the key wait don’t he ran at me and attacked me but I dodged I’m not here to fight I want to say I’m sorry I was tricked by hababa I thought you guys

Were the danger but I know better now I want to help if you truly wish to help then there is someone you should meet follow me he led me to a wise ancient Gold Golem hello my son I’m your son there’s not much family resemblance it’s

Just an expression but I should warn you if you wish to Aid Us in the battle against taba you are in for a difficult fight once he was the king of the beasts but he took that title by force by terrifying and imprisoning all animals that opposed him the Golems freed the

Animals and he swore Revenge now it seems the time has come for him to try and take his power back we can’t let him I agree fight valiantly young Zozo I will help you however I can from Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to my base

Thinking about the gold Golem’s words this is going to be a difficult fight so I need some better equipment I better find some more iron I went back down into the cave and mined until I had enough iron to finish my set of armor while I was looking I found a few

Diamonds too I’ll bring these back to the base to use later Cy look what I found Zoo look at this I followed the sound of Dave’s voice and saw what he was talking about ather awesome let’s bring it back with us when Dave and I got back to the base there is a

Prismarine Golem waiting for us Yoo your Gold Golem sent me to find you you need to come meet with him immediately it’s a matter of life and death then I guess I got to go fast from day 40 to day 43 I returned to the Alps to find what the

Gold Golem so urgently L wanted to tell me Zozo thank you for getting here so quickly I have important information for you about hbaba’s grand scheme you see but before he could finish his sentence we were both interrupted by a huge crashing sound I turned and saw a slave

And wer attacking the Golem base I am here for the head of the traitorous Zoo you can’t have my head I need it for thinking of stuff face me and fight little coward I’m not a coward but I know an unfair fight when I see one no thanks I ran

Away from the slaven wer and in the process ran into the Gold Golem again run Zozo protect yourself we can handle ourselves here the Golems are used to doing battle with hbaba’s many goons you don’t have to tell me twice then I won’t you know what to do I ran out of there

As fast as I could as the slave and wer continued trying to tear the base apart from day 44 to day 49 I was laying low at my base still shaken from seeing the Relentless attack of the slaven wer it’s lucky that I’m the fastest thing alive

Or I don’t know how I would have escaped that monster I need to be more careful soon after that I got a personal visit from the Gold Golem and for once he had some good news for me Zozo my son lend me your ear Gold Golem I’m so glad

You’re okay and that your obsidian Golems managed to repel the attack we did at a great cost L my men are rebuilding the base as best they can but more importantly I have been studying the sacred texts for answers to our hababa problem and I think I may have

What we need oh tell me Gold Golem please a battle ax buried somewhere deep and dark once wielded by a Great Hero who used it to slay some ancient evil the Legends say that the battlea still has some of his power that sounds like exactly what we need to defeat hababa

Where can we find it this is where my knowledge ends you must Journey to the Savannah and find the glowstone goulem Elder perhaps he will have the answers that you seek thankfully with my speed it won’t take me long to get there from day 50 to day 53 I used my super speed

To reach the Savannah and record time I waited until Nightfall knowing it would be a lot easier to find the Glowstone Golem in the dark when the darkness crept in I started my search running end to end in the savannah until I saw a distinctive glow in the middle of a

Clearing I approached and saw him standing there as though he knew I was coming the Glowstone Golem Glowstone Golem my name is Zozo and I humbly come to you searching for help in defeating a great evil speak my friend the Gold Golem told me of an ancient battle ax

That might be able to defeat the evil hababa do you know where I could find such an axe it would not matter if you could find it wait what do you mean you are not strong enough to wield that ancient battle X when you are ready

To use it only then will you find it what I have spoken away with you Zozo do not seek the battle ax the battle ax will seek you if you deserve it and like that the conversation was over I went back to my base moving much more slowly this time feeling completely defeated

From day 54 to day 57 I returned to the Alps planning on telling the Gold Golem the bad news that his glowstone Elder hadn’t told me anything useful but that’s when something even worse happened the terrifying slaven W hopped out right in front of me there you are

You sad little glittery worm you dared defy the great king hanaba and you keep running away from the Justice you so richly deserve why do you work for him W he’s no King he’s just a bully who thinks he’s the best don’t you know he thinks you’re just as below him as

Everyone else of course I’m alow him he is the king and we are all his loyal subjects we exist to serve him and those who refuse to serve him shouldn’t exist including you Zozo the slave and wer immediately lunged at me and one attack from him took off a scary number of

Hearts there was no way I could fight him off like this I just needed to run away as fast as I could which thankfully as supersonic was really really fast meanwhile at hbaba’s base his evil plot was marching ever further so Zozo is seeking out the battle axe excellent

He’ll do all the hard work and then I’ll take it from him I’m so good at this from day 58 to day 62 I came back to my base still feeling feeling jittery from my encounter with the slave and wer I need to get stronger weapons and armor

If I don’t I could be toast if I get ambushed by humbaba or his slav and Warder but at least when I arrived at my base again Dave the drop bear had some cool news for me so show me old CA I’ve been working on a bit of a construction

Project while you were gone for starters I made a furnace for all your smelter needs but I’ve also been working on putting together a bunker in case everything goes sideways this is awesome Dave is there anything I can do help well I’ve been running low on Stone if

You could go and get me some that’d be a huge help mate happy to have something to take my mind off of the threats at hand I went to a nearby cave to M Dave some extra Stone but while I was down there I also got lucky and found some

Diamonds finally my luck is starting to change I went back to the base and gave Dave a bunch of stone blocks and then visited the furnace to forge some new items with my diamonds a diamond helmet a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe let’s see that slave and wer try to mess

With me now from day 63 to day 66 I met with the Gold Golem at my base again he’d managed to make a good break in the case after studying further tests I found a potential answer to our troubles Zozo interpreting all the clues I

Believe that the battle ax may be in the brimstone Caverns where it is guarded by a terrible beast that’s at least 50% good news do you have any idea how I can enter the brimstone Caverns I’ve heard tell of a secret door somewhere in the Ancient Forest that leads directly to

The brimstone Caverns without another portal let us go and find it there is no time to waste Gold Golem and I ran out into the Ancient Forest searching for the legendary door and eventually we did find it there was only one problem it was locked is there any way you can open

It with magic Gold Golem I’m afraid only a special key can open a door like that Zozo ah figures from day 67 to Day 70 with the key still Out Of Reach I decided I’d build some extra strength by helping the Gold Golem with a favor up

In the Alps a powerful Taris has been rampaging through the Alps I don’t believe it works with amaba or any of his men but his threat needs to be neutralized one way or another he’s too distracting to our mission I’ll see what I can do it’ll be nice to feel like I’ve

Done something useful for once using my supersonic super speed I blasted my way through the elves until I came upon the tardus it was as big and scary as I expected but I pulled out my diamond sword and jumped into the fight it wasn’t easy but eventually I fought the

Monster to a standstill but I didn’t destroy it instead I spoke to it you are a valiant fighter stranger I admire your strength and grit what would you ask of me just stop causing trouble around here okay the Golems have enough to deal with right now I respect your wishes good

Luck on your quest true to his word the tardus left the Alps from day 71 to day 74 I returned to my base only to see that someone had completely wrecked it confused and afraid I ran in to see what had happened thankfully Dave the Dr bear

Was okay and he told me the whole story it was terrible Zozo that nasty blighter the slaven waterer showed up on attack the base he was looking for you and he was turning everything upside down trying to find you and when he didn’t he just that carth I found for you a few

Weeks ago I’m sick of that heinous henchmen no more being cowardly I’m going to hunt that creep down and fight him on his own territory that sounds like a plan Zozo that nasty slaving water has had it too good for too long as I prepared the plan for my

Counterattack hanaba back at his base was refining a plan of his own we have the door my minion has the key when Zoo takes it and clears the path for me the battle ax will be mine from day 75 to day 78 Dave the drop air had fully

Repaired the base and added a perimeter wall in case someone came to attack the base again we still left a door in the front for visitors such as the Gold Golem who came over to give me a gift before I led my assault on the slaven

Water I have a gift for you Zozo a firework crossbow it’s a powerful ranged weapon that may give you the advantage you need wow Gold Golem this is awesome thank you we have a lot riding on this Quest Zozo I have reason to believe that

The slave in Warder May hold the key to opening the door in the Ancient Forest if you can defeat the water you can defeat hababa once and for all finally understanding the true importance of my mission I took the firework crossbow and left to battle the slave and water

Outside of hbaba’s Base from day 79 to day 84 I arrived outside hbaba’s base ready to face the slaven wer he was waiting outside like he knew that I was coming I will destroy you now Zozo to show my loyalty to my beloved King that might be the saddest thing I’ve ever

Heard dude I fired my firework crossbow at him stunning him before running in with my super speed and delivering a volley of attacks with my diamond sword I never gave up just striking him again and again once my assault was over the slave and wer was destroyed and and I

Had enough XP to level up again I reached full power and full speed with 100 hearts and a whirl in Attack the slave and wer also dropped both my kyar and a key to the door in the Ancient Forest huh that’s convenient still I can’t look a slaven warer in the mouth

Time to go and get that battle axe and so I set off back towards my base having no idea that I was playing right into hbaba’s hands from day 85 to day 89 before heading to the door in the Ancient Forest I arrived at my base to

Give Dave the drop bear the good news so you found the key after all good on you mate since we’re sharing good news I’m pretty much done with the defense bunker if you want you can add the final block I’d be honored to Dave I added the last

Block finishing the bunker for good and then I ran over to the Ancient Forest door it’s now or never time to get this battle axe I unlocked the door and went inside the brim Stone Caverns were dark and frightening and I remembered what the Gold Golem had told me about the

Frightening monster guarding the battle axe and then I ran into the monster a huge scary Cerberus H good doggy I Unleashed a whirlwind attack on the Cerberus and then pulled out my kther the Cerberus was one of the toughest and most vicious enemies I’d faced but in the end I

Defeated it the battle axe was mine from day 90 to to Day 94 I was ready to leave the brimstone Caverns with my battle and defeat hanaba and his evil minions once and for all I expected I’d need to go all the way to his base to fight him but

No he was waiting for me in the brimstone Caverns staring into my soul thank you for collecting my bleck for me zoo I would have done it myself but being the king of beasts is busy work me and the other animals will never accept you as our King you have no Authority oh

Believe me zoo with that axe I have all the authority I need no Golem nor Beast will be able to stand against me because I’m feeling generous I’ll give you one more chance since the slave in water is gone I need a new second in command it

Could be you it’ll never be me ever fine then parish and just like that the ground exploded beneath me and I fell down into a chasm in the floor I was knocked out and when I woke up I realized that the battle axe was gone from my inventory oh no hababa must have

Taken it from day 95 to day 97 I used my wall climbing ability to get out of the pit that hababa had trapped me in with the battle axe I had no way of knowing what terrible things he could be getting up to now I left the brimstone Caverns

At light speed needing to get to the Alps and warned the Gold Golem that hababa was probably going to come straight for them and and I was right but I was too late to do anything about it the Golem’s Fortress was in Ruins and the only Survivor the Gold Golem was

Barely Clinging On To Life I ran in and tried to help him but it was too late Zozo you’re alive so that monster lied that’s a small Solace at least I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here in time to save you Gold Golem you did so much for me

And I let you down don’t worry about me Zozo you need to go back back to your base that’s where he’ll be heading next go quickly before it’s too late my son the Gold Golem was right as he passed on I ran off in the direction of my base as

Quickly as I possibly could on day 98 I returned to my base only to find that more terrible things had unfolded the whole place was in Ruins and Dave the drop air was hiding behind a piece of mostly destroyed wall trying to remain hidden oh no even moving at the speed of

Sound I still wasn’t fast enough to stop hanaba when he heard my voice Dave finally felt safe enough to emerge Cy Zozo I thought you were a gner I’m so happy you’re okay mate I’m only alive because I hid inside the bunker we made but I’m so sorry that I didn’t get back

In enough time to stop hababa from doing all of this I don’t even have the battle axe anymore he took that too we’ve got no hope of stopping him don’t talk like that Zoo you’ve gotten us this far I just know you can take us the rest of

The of the way you’re the fastest thing alive aren’t you if that nasty creepe stole the battle axe who better than you to steal it back and end all of this you’re right Dave I need to run towards this not away from it it’s time for us

To finally win so at the speed of sound I set off to take back what was rightfully ours on day 99 I blasted through the Ancient Forest towards hbaba’s base nothing would stop me from getting inside and stealing back that ax you’re going to regret ever messing with

This supersonic hababa I arrived and did a super jump over the wall clearing it effortlessly when I landed I saw humbaba standing there seeming surprised to see me are you here to submit to me zoo nope I’m not here for you at all I sped off running away from hababa and traveling

Deeper into his base until I Came Upon a chest that looked important I looked inside and found exactly what I was looking looking for the battle axe I could feel the power the strength and the pull of Destiny I was ready to take on the Beast that had caused so many

People so much pain and get rid of him and his evil for good on day 100 full of power and fury as well as my incredible speed I returned to humbaba wielding the battle ax I’d taken back from him the wannabe king of beast was waiting for me

Are you this eager to be destroyed Zoo your tra ing towards a dead end at the speed of sound all the chances I’ve given you to give up and swear fty to me your true king the only thing you’re the king of is being an arrogant windbag I’m

Sick of hearing you brag and posture about how cool you are when all you do is destroy things you’re not a ruler you’re a monster if I’m a monster Zozo come and slay me if you think you’re strong enough careful what you wish for your highness the battle was on using my

Supersonic speed I Unleashed a whirlwind on hanaba throwing him off his rhythm but I didn’t stop there I sped in and struck him with the battle axe moving too fast for him to hit me or defend himself I struck him again and again knowing that soon it’d finally be over

And then it was hanaba had been destroyed and I was the one who did it hababa will never destroy or enslave anyone ever again we’re all free on day one I spawned into the automo Valley as an itty bitty baby Steve this is no fun who wants to be a

Baby I’m so small and weak at least the valley was peaceful and I was surrounded by adorable fluffy mystery sheep they comforted me in my frightened baby State suddenly a huge goldplated bully walks towards me just seeing him made me feel nervous well looky here if it isn’t the

New meat a silly little baby thinking he can just wander around the fields but I’m Midas and these are my Fields dork and there are no babies allowed I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings mister I didn’t mean to trespass my name’s Zozo I’m just trying to understand what’s

Happening Here Zozo n I’m going to call you bozo from now on that’s much more fitting for a silly little baby clown like you why are you so mean cuz when you’re the strongest you get to be mean like this he fired an energy blast that vaporized all the mystery sheep around

Me I was horrified by it all that’s going to happen to you too over the next 100 days unless you get strong too I’m going to get you bozo I felt so mad about how he treated me but I wasn’t strong enough to fight back all I could

Do was run away as fast as I could I don’t care what he says I will get strong enough to stand up for myself in 100 days on day two I continued running through the adominal field and didn’t stop until I was absolutely sure that Midas the bully wasn’t somewhere behind

Me phew that was a close one I only have five Hearts so I can’t afford to let someone as powerful as him get the jump on me like that I still feel terrible for those mystery sheep though my knees started to hurt from all the running so I started crawling around the adominal

Valley didn’t seem so sweet and peaceful anymore to a little baby like me everything seemed almost too scary to handle I hope I can find someone around here who will agree to help me but because I wasn’t very lucky I instead ran into a group of mean looking

Skeleton Jackal excuse me guys but would any of you be able to help a little baby like me I’m lost and afraid but the skeleton jackles just started laughing and laughing oh this is priceless what a little baby dork you must be Bozo midus told us all about you when he sent us

Out to look for for the little lamo who was trespassing in his Valley what you work for Midas the bully but why he’s so mean sure he’s mean but if you side with the bully and help him bully others then they won’t bully you that’s a terrible

Message we should all stick up for each other H spoke him like a true Bozo let’s get him boys I had to run away again because there was no way I could take those guys on it made me feel so weak and cowardly but there there was nothing

Else I could do when I outran the skeleton jackles I stopped in a clearing to cry that’s when a friendly pig wearing a crown approached me are you all right there little one no I’m not I’ve only been here for 2 days and everyone is mean to me oh that’s no good

I’m the king pig and I won’t stand for any of that sort of rubbish in my kingdom come with me little one okay so so I followed the king pig out of the automo Valley on day three the king pig led me out into the blue tiger where

There was a small school building do not worry little Zozo this is the blue tiger school it is a safe place for children and a good friend of mine runs it I entered the school and that good friend turned out to be the water Elemental the teacher who taught anyone passing

Through the blue tiger good Heavens you poor thing look at you I’m so sorry that some of the people you’ve met in the Overworld have treated you poorly Zozo but I promise that you will always have a safe place here thank you Mr water Elemental it was also very kind of the

King pig to bring me here it makes me feel a whole lot better after my incident with Midas the bully and all his goons Midas a truly nasty man an ex- student of mine actually I expelled him from the school years ago for bullying

Other students as sad as I am to say it I don’t think he he’ll ever change what do you think I should do teacher honestly little Zozo I think the ultimate solution is to train hard enough that you’re strong enough to defeat him for the sake of everyone

There’s a nice place called The amaranth fields near here that might be a good spot to begin your work thank you Mr water Elemental I won’t let you down so King Pig and I set off for the amaranth Fields ready to begin the process of taking minus the bully down once and for

All from day four to day five King Pig and I arrived at the amaran fields there were enough wide openen planes for it to be perfect to make a base but first I broke down a tree and made myself a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe then

Mined into the ground for my first stone blocks now I’m feeling less like a baby already I built myself a furnace a stone pickaxe and a stone sword uh King Pig your highness is it all right for a baby to hold a sword it’s okay with adult

Supervision Zozo and I’m for 47 well okay then I continued Mining and collecting Stone and wood until I had enough to start building a basic base with a room for me and a room for kingpig it wasn’t much but it will be enough for now this base is looking good

Zozo it’s not quite Fit For A King just yet but you’re getting there then a problem came up a small swarm of golden devourers tried attacking my base and I was forced to use my sword to fight them all off get out of here you nasty little

ERS I’ve had enough meanies this week but when they were defeated something amazing happened I had enough XP to level up becoming a slightly bigger baby with 20 hearts and the ability to crawl up walls I guess it makes sense for a baby to be really good at crawling from

Day six to day eight given a little more confidence by my new power and new Hearts I decided to venture out to the mangrove marshes where I could hopefully learn more about being strong and tough it seemed like a nice enough place until I saw an an ancient Egyptian guy being

Attacked by a nasty bunch of sectoid soldiers I couldn’t let them get away with that don’t worry I’m here to help baby to the rescue I pulled out my stone sword and ran in defeating all the sectoid soldiers with the element of surprise when I was done it was just me

And the ancient Egyptian left thank you very much my friend I’m Seth you saved my life just then don’t mention it Seth I’m Zozo and I’m just trying to learn to be stronger so any combat experience is helpful well in that case we may be able

To help each other you see Zozo you may think this is bad but there’s a far worse pest problem out in the Cyprus swamp land think you can help me deal with it of course lead the way Seth so Seth led the way and I followed him from

Day n to day 10 I followed Seth out into the Cypress swamplands ready to take on whatever pest problem he was dealing with I mean it’s only bugs how scary can it really be I changed my tune when I saw the pest that Seth was talking about a giant terrifying mummy

Scorpion Okay this may be a bit more challenging than I thought well Seth stood back in the shadows I pulled out my stone sword and ran into battle with the mummy scorpion but my sword strikes didn’t do any damage but when the mummy scorpion hit back it took off several

Hearts in one hit I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible I ran away from the angry mummy scorpion yelling for my life until I was out of there Seth was waiting for me so Zozo did you manage to defeat the mummy scorpion I’m

So sorry Seth but I’m still too much of a baby to defeat him want to come back to my base in the meantime I’m sure we can get something figured out thank you Zozo that’s very kind of you I’ll follow you back and with that we headed back

Towards my base in the amaranth fields from day 11 to day 12 I arrived back at my base with Seth and immediately started working on adding an additional house for him to sleep in having two of my new friends here definitely makes me feel safer after all baby shouldn’t be

Left alone for too long once I was done with Seth’s room he came over to me to share some exciting news Zozo since you were so kind as to let me stay on your base with you I took the liberty of building you a little upgrade come with

Me I’ll show you oh Seth you really shouldn’t have that’s just too kind of you he led me over to a new room he’d created a super cool storage area where we could keep gear weapons and supplies this is awesome Seth thank you this room is going to come in so handy perhaps

More than you even know Zozo I’ve come to understand that M as the bully is after you don’t let the juvenile named folu he’s an extremely dangerous fighter and Magic user to take him on you’re going to need the best weapons you can muster feeling inspired by Seth’s words

Of warning I made my way to a deep cave not far from my base and started mining there I found some iron ore which I took back to the furnace on my base and smelted into iron ingots before I knew it I had an iron sword and an iron

Pickaxe a baby with an iron sword this is just crazy but I guess I’ll go with it and of course a sword is no good if you don’t have supplies that’s why I made a paddock on my base and HED some mystery sheep into it after all you

Never know when you’re going to need the wool from day 13 to day 15 I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to get stronger so I went to my oldest friend kingpig your majesty I’m not sure how to get strong enough to defeat Midas the bully I know

I’ve got a better sword now but I’m still a tiny weak baby well one of the best ways to grow big and strong is to have a healthy diet my boy and for what it’s worth I’ve heard the delicious apples on the DOA mountains have particularly special properties then I’ll head straight to

The do mountains thank you King Pig but the journey up and into the do mountains wasn’t easy thankfully due to my climbing ability I didn’t fall but it still took me a whole day just to get up there and when I did I noticed something terrible there were apple trees but no

Apples where could they have gone that’s when I turned and saw a massive skull scorpion creeping towards me oh no the Scorpion must have eaten all the apples it attacked me and I needed to fend it off with my new iron sword it was hard work for a little baby but I still

Managed to defeat it and when it went down it dropped a special Dober mountain apple time for a post Victory snack when I ate the apple I immediately started growing and becoming more powerful I now had 50 hearts and the ability to quickly build walls I’m one buff baby now from

Day 16 to day 19 I wanted to go somewhere a little less challenging than the do mountains so I settled for the Charming Evergreen Hills instead wow the scenery here is lovely if only I had a book to just sit around and read this would be the perfect afternoon and as if

By Magic I ran into a book on the ground I picked it up and saw that its title was the tragedy of Midas this sounds like an educational read I started reading a passage that said once the one known as Midas was small and weak he was picked on and grew despite everyone

Around him he got strong and grew his fortune covering himself in Gold he then became a bully himself just like the ones who bullied him but my reading was interrupted by a gang of midus the bully skeleton Jackal that came towards me H look at that nerd reading how’d you like

That book bozo is it teaching you how to be less lame no it’s teaching me that your boss is even more small and insecure than I thought hey nobody gets to talk about Midas that way he’s the number number one bully around here let’s get him boys the skeleton jackals

Attacked me but this time I wasn’t going to run away with my iron sword I took them on and defeated every last one of them when I’m done their number one bully is going to be the world’s biggest Zero from day 20 to day 22 while wandering back towards my baits in the

Amaran fields I was attacked by a group of feral swap spiders thankfully I was able to defeat them easily with how strong I was getting now no spider is tough enough to defeat Zozo even as a little baby after defeating the swamp spiders I returned to the Deep cave near

My base where I mined some more iron ore I took it back to my base and used the furnace to smelt it then I crafted it into a full set of iron armor got to stay safe out there with my new sword and my new armor and with the knowledge

That I’d already beaten a skull scorpion I went all the way back to the Cypress swamplands to settle an old score defeat in the mummy scorpion he won’t chase me away this time I tracked down the mummy Scorpion and this time I defeated him easily I felt on top of the world

Knowing Seth was going to be so proud of me until Midas the bully himself stepped out of the trees feel like a big man for wasting some goofy spider huh Bozo you’re still just a tiny little baby to me Midas why don’t you come over here

And fight me rather than just calling me mean names fight you kid I’d squish you like a bug and believe me I will someday but not yet I want you to become more of a challenge first later Bozo Midas ran away before I could say another word to

Him from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to my base feeling upset for my encounter with Midas but proud of myself for finally defeating the mummy scorpion I approached Seth with the good news Seth I defeated the mummy scorpion the Cy swamplands are now clear of monsters

That’s fantastic Zoo thank you so much I’m going to do something to repay you for this stay tuned while Seth went to work on some mysterious project I decided it was now time to improve my sword I repaired it and applied the fire aspect enchantment giving my sword a

Fiery power boost once the upgrade on my awesome sword was done Seth came and led me over to his gift he’d built a secret underground safe room under the base now if anyone attacks and they’re too strong to fight off we can hide down here and

We’ll be safe until they leave this is an amazing upgrade Seth and hopefully we’ll never need to use it from day 27 to day 31 I went back out to the Evergreen Hills where I defeated those evil skeleton Jackal before hoping to find something else of use there instead

I found a small group of Sky lizards sitting around looking relieved you are you the one they call uh boo it’s Zozo actually well zoo we wanted to thank you we heard that you destroyed a group of skeleton Jackal here and those skeleton Jackal had been hassling us for years we just

Wanted to say thank you no problem I just wanted to do the right thing I’m glad everything is okay now ah well not exactly everything is okay we’ve been hassled by other creatures and monsters too it’s hard to live out here then why don’t you come live with me for a while

At least until I’ve defeated Midas the bully thank you Zozo we’ll head over there immediately I went back to the base too and decided to get some much needed rest by sitting down on a nearby Hill and enjoying the view of my base just as I was standing back and

Appreciating my hard work kingpig ran over to me in a panic Zozo we need to go to the blue tiger School immediately something terrible is happening from day 32 to day 35 kingpig and I ran to the blue tiger school as fast as we could but it may have already been too late

The blue tiger school was under attack from a swarm of skeleton jackals sent directly by Midas the bully oh no we need to stop them I ran in to help attacking the different skeleton Jackal but I couldn’t save the water Elemental he was destroyed in the confusion no

Water Elemental I went into full rage mode after that taking out every single one of the skeleton jackals but even though they were gone there was no bringing back the water Elemental I’m sorry King Pig we lost him this is a truly terrible day Zozo from Day 36 to

Day 39 I went back to the mangrove marshes I needed to be alone and clear my head I still felt so guilty about not being able to save the water Elemental but then as I was traveling through the marshes I happened upon an air Elemental and he looked like he needed help he

Reminded me of my old old Elemental friend so I really wanted to see if I could help out I’ve lived in these marshes for years but recently a bubble monster moved in and it’s been ruining everything I may need your help to stop it Zozo of course air Elemental I’ll go

See what I can do I ran deeper into the marshes excited by the thought that I might be able to do a good deed and make a difference I’m Coming For You bubble monster when I found the Beast it didn’t take long to defeat especially with the

Fire aspect enchantment on my sword once this Dirty Bubble Was Defeated I ran back to the air Elemental as fast as I could you have done me a great kindness Zozo in return I will give you one cryptic clue mest lurks in a forgotten place and with that the air Elemental

Disappeared and he was right that was a very cryptic clue from day 40 to day 43 I returned to my base and found that kingpig had made an amazing Improvement to my base a statue of the water Elemental so we would always remember

Him I was so kind of you king pig if the water Elemental was here he’d really appreciate this thank you Zozo also I was wondering if I could ask a favor my friends the gold pigs need to leave my kingdom for a while to be safe from

Midas can they stay here until we’ve defeated him of course they can call them over whenever you’re ready your majesty and he did a day later a group of gold pigs arrived and came to stay in the new house that King Pig had created for them so many people live here now it

Makes me feel so safe speaking of people who lived in my base now one of the sky lizards ran over to me with some exciting news Zoo you must head to the flowering Ancient Forest at once we believe that midus the bully is already there from day 44 to day 49 I followed

The tip from the sky lizard and traveled to the flow flowering Ancient Forest to find Midas the bully as I was looking for him Midas himself jumped out from behind a tree well if it isn’t Bozo what’s up little clown I’m not a clown and you know my

Name is Zoo you’ve been pushing everyone around for too long we’ll see how funny you think it is when I finally stop you from bullying everyone yeah good luck with that clown you see my gold armor no one can get me when I’m wearing in this and once I’ve

Got my hands on all the gold no one will ever be able to stand up to me all the gold you’re just going to steal it I’m going to make everyone so afraid of me that they’ll just hand it over like the sad little cowards they are that’s

Terrible too bad so sad anyway wish I could stick around to kick your butt but that would be a waste of my time I’ll have my buddy here do it instead come on out Horus who’s Horus me Horus appeared out of nowhere and Midas ran off uh-oh

This guy seems pretty strong I knew I was in for a tough fight from day 50 to day 53 I started my battle against Horus in the flowering Ancient Forest he was a lot more powerful than I expected but I was still holding my own I had enough

Yet Bozo no way I’m not backing down then I guess I’ll just have to make you Hit me hard knocking me back and I almost fell over but I got my balance back and came back at him just as hard the fire aspect enchantment on my sword

Helped me finally defeat him and I took a second to catch my breath that was a close one hey what’s that looks like he dropped something there was a baseball bat on the ground I’ve heard these can freeze mobs for a couple of seconds this is going to be super useful I also

Spotted a part of a book hey this looks like a page from a diary it says Midas on it dear diary I sure hope no one finds out the reason I wear all of this armor I’m not a very good fighter I’m just good at dodging and taking lots of

Damage if someone found a way to freeze me or damage my armor I’d be in big trouble good thing I’ll never tell anyone my secret oh boy I’m glad I found this from day 54 to day 57 I got ready to head back to my base but as I Was

Preparing to leave the flowering ancient Forest an Ender Creeper ambushed me ah you get out of here don’t blow up on me I used my new bat to freeze the Ender Creeper for a few seconds giving me plenty of time to defeat it before it could explode This Bat is pretty awesome

When I beat it the Ender Creeper dropped a potion of strength I picked it up great I can take this back to my base with my new bat and my potion of strength I headed back to my base to tell my friends all about it I found the

Sky lizard waiting for me there hi Zozo how did it go I couldn’t defeat Midas yet but I got this bat and this potion and I learned some new information that I think will help that’s great news from day 58 to day 62 I decided to take time

To make some improvements to my base I expanded my Paddock to make room for more sheep we’re going to have so much wool sweaters for everyone or whatever else we can make with it speaking of which come here little sheep let’s give you a haircut I harvested some wool from

The mystery sheep when I was done with the that I decided to keep the resource Gathering train going I headed down into the mines in the Deep cave and started digging sh mining sure is hard work but it’s worth it as soon as I said that I

Found some diamonds I gathered them and brought them back to my base I was able to use the diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword I’m making great progress look out Midas we’ll see how your gold does against my diamonds one of the sky lizards came up to me as

I finished crafting my diamond gear here Zozo come look I added some more bedrooms to the base in case any more friends need to come and stay here I followed him and saw all the rooms he had added onto the base wow this must have taken ages thank you so much anyone

Who needs a safe place to hide from mid as the bully can come here now with the help of my friends even though I’m a baby I feel big and strong from day 63 to day 66 Seth approached me at the base Zozo I have information about where M

Might have gone I heard he likes to stomp on flowers big meanie that he is is there anywhere with lots of pretty flowers he might have gone to H I don’t know wait a second maybe you should check the flowering Enchanted Forest I traveled to the flowering enchanted

Forest and kept my eyes peeled for the glint of gold that meant Midas the bully was hiding there I didn’t see Midas but I did see a fire Elemental running right at me oo is that you oh jeez no it’s Zozo I grabbed my sword I guess you’re here to fight me for

Midas huh what no I’d never work for that guy I heard you were someone to go to for help I need help getting this ghost Miner to leave me and my family alone he’s trying to kick us out of our house and wants us to give him all of

Our gold that’s despicable he must be working for Midas don’t worry I’ll see what I can do from day 67 to day 7 I followed the fire Elemental to his house sure enough there was a ghost Miner trying to break down one of the walls looks like my grandma is still inside

Hurry please hold on granny fire Elemental I’m coming I got my sword ready and rushed towards the ghost Miner he was chipping away at the wall of the house but when he saw me coming he stopped and turned his focus on me he was strong definitely the strongest

Enemy I’d fought so far but I still managed to finally defeat him it’s safe now no one will try to destroy your home again thank you bozo I’ll never forget what you did for us today no problem my name is Zozo though could you spread the word minus the bully started calling me

The wrong name and I really don’t want it to stick I may be a baby but I’m no clown you got it it’s the least I can do if you ever need a fire Elemental you know where to find me or you can just come over for dinner sometime yum sounds

Like a plan for from day 71 to day 74 I kept exploring the flowering Enchanted Forest keeping an eye out for smushed flowers I know if I see something that’s messed up my disc can’t be far as I walked taking in the beautiful scenery a bee came buzzing by me hello little bee

Hello Zozo say if you’re enjoying this adventure and want to see more make sure to subscribe and find other Adventures by searching zo zo anyway I’ve got to buzz off bye thanks for the tip B now back to searching for that bully talking about me Bozo I could see midus just up ahead

Of me stomping on a flower why would you destroy something so pretty these flowers aren’t hurting anyone flowers are for losers and dweebs who needs them you probably love flowers don’t you bozo I can stomp on you just like these flowers you’re just as weak no I’m not

I’m getting stronger all the time huh oh yeah you think you’re strong enough to fight me I tried to get my bat so I could freeze him for a few seconds but I wasn’t quick enough he rushed at me and overwhelmed me I had to run I ran to a

Safer place and stopped to collect my thoughts next time I’ll be ready next time I’ll be stronger that’s right you better run from day 75 to day 78 I returned to my base feeling pretty down about the fight with Midas all I wanted

To do was lie down and take a nap but I couldn’t even fall asleep I can’t believe I had to run away after I talked all that talk about being stronger I still wasn’t strong enough to take my Dison maybe he’s right maybe I am just a

Silly little clown baby I’ll never win knock knock can I come in sure go ahead I thought you might want to see some improvements I’ve made to the base come on take a look okay I’ll check it out while I was gone King Pig had added a

Bunch of decorative lanterns to the base it made the whole place look way nicer and even though I was still bummed out it definitely cheered me up this is really nice and calming in a way one of the sky lizards came running over to me Zozo Zozo look what I found it’s a

Potion I think it’ll make you stronger try it and see what happens sure I might as well I drank the potion and to my surprise I felt myself getting bigger and stronger I was growing up my hearts increased to one 100 thank you I feel so

Much better now I had a tough time before but I just know I’ll be able to take down Midas soon from day 79 to day 84 I decided to take my new confidence back to the flowering Enchanted Forest to see if Midas was still there this

Time I’ll show him he’ll see that I’m not a clown at all and he can’t pick on me anymore I looked all around but I couldn’t see Midas anywhere I saw some sectoid guards though and I was able to test out my new Strength by fighting them off it was much easier than

Fighting the sectoid soldiers from before I’m definitely getting better at this when I finished battling the sectoid guards a rich mummy came to me say old chop that was impressive tell me how did you become such a talented fighter lots of practice some special potions and the support of my friends

Right oh Splendid work my lad a warrior of your caliber deserves the finest quality armor why I have just the thing I don’t have any use for it myself I have so much wealth already please take this netherite helmet and put it to good use really thank you so much no trouble

At all old sport give that reted bully Midas what for T after giving me the helmet the rich mummy ran away and disappeared what a weird guy but this is a really nice gift it’ll help protect me the next time I see Midas from day 85 to

Day 89 I return to my base only to find that more of Midas the bully skeleton jackals were attacking my base trying to break down the structures hey me and my friends worked hard on those how dare you oh this was your house we thought it

Was just a big pile of trash someone left in the field it’ll probably look better once we’re done you you big jerks I’m not going to take that in my pure anger at being attacked like this I went into a rage frenzy and started knocking

Them out one by one won but some of them managed to escape during the chaos I knocked out the remaining ones and decided to give chase chasing them outside of my base I noticed that I wasn’t fast enough to catch up during my Chase I suddenly saw a lone saber-tooth

Pig just standing around in the field and crying what’s wrong saber-tooth Pig those big mean skeleton Jackal came through here and they called me ugly and now I feel horrible about myself oh no that isn’t fair for what it’s worth as saber-tooth pigs go I think you have a

Certain handsome charm but at the end of the day it’s what’s on the inside that counts the only truly ugly thing is to be mean to people you’re right Zozo thank you that made me feel a lot better no problem and if you’ll excuse me I

Need to chase those meanies down go get them Zozo from day 90 to Day 94 I chased the gang of skeleton jackals into the Forgotten Forest eventually we found a dead end I had them backed into a corner ready to face the consequences of your bullying ways skeleton Jackal but they

Just started laughing at me you fool you fell right into our trap you think we’re nasty meet midas’s best friend he’s going to get all the gold now a huge buff pigas walked in and the skeleton jackals ran off he must have been midas’s best friend and it was certainly

Scary to be standing in front of him you can leave now there’s no need to fight but pigas didn’t seem to listen to me so I walked in and hit him with my baseball bat he wasn’t even affected this is going to be a tough one from day 95 to

Day 97 the real fight between me and that huge buff pigas began every hit from him took down my hearts massively I was lucky that I had a hundred of them or I would have been doomed I kept hitting him with my diamond sword until the pigas was finally defeated and when

He went down he dropped a book A book I never expected to see it was marked the Diary of Midas wow another extract from midas’s diary pigas must have really been midas’s best friend if he trusted the guy to carry his diary of course I opened up the diary and started reading

And I didn’t believe what I was seeing inside it said another day trying to get rid of zoo I feel like I’m so anxious all the time it’s so difficult to pretend to be big and tough all the time but it’s the only way people will respect you Zozo he seems like he’s

Actually strong and people like him too I need to get rid of him quickly or I think he might actually defeat me I was blown away by what I’d read so deep down Midas is the most scared and insecure of all and he’s afraid that I’ll defeat him

If he believes I can then I believe I can too I ran back to my base ready to make the final preparations I was going to take down Midas on day 98 I came back to my base feeling more motivated than ever to complete my quest and end the

Reign of the Overworld number one bully once and for all King Pig Sky lizard and Seth gathered up around me ready to see me off it’s time everyone I’m going to midas’s base to defeat him once and for all and free the land from fear and bullying you’re here Zozo you’ve always

Looked out for us and I’m proud of you for seeing this through all the way you’re a true true hero for doing this I agree ever since you first Saved Me from those sectoids and helped me defeat that mummy scorpion I knew you had it in you

To save the world you’ve got a hero spirit and you can do this but I don’t want to send you into the lion’s den let me come and help you Zozo you shouldn’t have to do this alone it’s okay King Pig I’m going to do this myself knowing all

Of you believe in me is enough on day 99 I made my way across the do mountain mountains psyching myself up for the final battle against the bully who had been hassling me for 99 days I can’t wait for this to finally be over so me

And my friends can all relax on my way there I ran into a yak who was casually grazing wish me luck Mr Yak I’m on my way to defeat a major bully good luck hope you don’t get your butt kicked I kept going until I saw the last thing I

Wanted to see a big gang of M’s skeleton jackals ready to fight oh no even I might be outnumbered here think again I turned and saw that King Pig had been following me the whole time King Pig why are you here because you need me clearly

You’ve helped me a lot since you’ve come here Zozo now it’s time for me to help you I’ll distract all these nasty skeleton jackals you go take down that big bully you’re the best King Pig let’s do this on day 100 I entered Midas the bully’s Lair by using my wall climbing

Abilities to get in past the walls all that gold he’s taken you think he’d have invested in some better security when I win in Midas was the only one there he seemed shocked to see me what this is impossible I sent out all my skeleton Jackal to stop you how could you have

Gone past them because I still have friends unlike some people around here big talk for such a little baby Bozo I may be a baby Midas but I’m not a coward I know the truth pigas was carrying your diary and I read it you’re afraid of me you’re afraid of everything and rather

Than confront that you’re mean to everyone around you I’m giving you one last chance to be better you you read my diary oh for that I’m going to found you you nasty little baby this is the end well I can’t say I didn’t give you a

Chance Midas fired an energy blast at me but I used my quick building skills to build a wall between me me and the blast now it was time to fight back I chugged down the potion of strength I received earlier there was no way he could stop

Me now I ran out from behind the wall and took Midas by surprise and bonked him with my bat before Midas could stop me I hit him again and again and again cutting through his golden armor until the last strike defeated him for good that’s what you get for being a bully

And with midest gone the Overworld was free to have fun once again on day one I spawned in as a Lego man looks like I’m a baby Lego man figures wait it looks like the whole Minecraft world is made out of Lego that’s amazing I looked around the

Desert I’d spawned into and saw other Lego people walking around all villagers by the looks of it I’ve never seen anything like this what’s going on here allow me to explain Lego Zozo I turned and saw a more Sinister Lego man with a scary looking helmet and a business suit

He didn’t look friendly I’m Lord Business soon to be the new manager of this Lego world I’m going to keep things clean orderly and most importantly profitable that doesn’t sound so bad oh and I almost forgot to mention to make profits you need to cut cost and I’m

Going to cut cost by destroying all those who oppose me starting here hey swung his hammer and suddenly the desert was filled with explosions tearing into the ground and blowing up all the Lego villagers around me just like that I was all alone I’m not going to let you get

Away with this Lord Business I will defeat you Lord Business just laughed and stomped over towards me I’ve got a tight business plan Zozo I’ll have control of this entire world in 100 days and unless you become a master builder you’d have no hope hope of stopping me

And it’s not like that’s going to happen I wanted to fight back and defend myself but I was just a baby and I didn’t have any weapons that’s when a swarm of Soul vultures appeared and started chasing me all I could do was run there’s only one

Way out of this I need to figure out what exactly a master builder is and become one in 100 days so I can defeat Lord Business and stop him from taking over the world on day two after running for hours and hours I ended up leaving the desert and entering the Savannah I

May not have any weapons yet but at least I’m tough five Lego hearts even my health and hunger bar look like Lego pieces and I’d need those Lego hearts because I still hadn’t lost Lord business’s gang of nasty Soul vultures they were tough and fast and I still

Didn’t have any gear to fight them off with don’t you guys have something better to do than hassle a baby Lego man as the soul vultures got closer I could feel my energy depleting it was almost almost Nightfall and now I was really in trouble then flaming arrows went flying

Through the sky someone was shooting at the soul vultures the Flames scared them and the flock retreated someone had saved my life that’s when I saw a Lego villager hiding behind some cover thanks for saving my life man no problem name’s Bruce I’m part of the resistance against

Lord Business and his evil plans wait there’s a resistance please let me in on it I want to help defeat Lord Business too then you better follow me it’s dangerous to be around here at nightfall before we go do you perhaps have any food my Lego belly is starting to rumble

No problem little man here are some cooked mutton Lego bricks on day three Bruce and I went to a village in the middle of the Savannah The Village provides cover for the resistance all the K members are hiding out here none of us want Lord Business to turn this

World into his personal piggy bank Bruce took me to a secret building in the middle of town where he wanted me to meet the resistance leader an Egyptian iller named Osiris sitting in a chair in his private Library everyone was gathered around the table so I sat

Behind it as well it’s nice to meet you Mr Osiris I’m Zozo Bruce told me you’re the leader of the resistance against Lord Business this is true Bruce told me you wish to join us that’s also true Lord Business attacked me when I first spawned and he told me he’s going to

Take over the world in the next 100 days I could only stop him if I became something called a master builder Osiris seemed shocked he stood up and came walking towards me a master builder he said those exact words master builder yeah but I have no idea what it means do

You know anything about Master Builders Osiris Legends tell of the Master Builders they’re Lego men who have mastered the sacred art of construction through training and special techniques they can build anything some say they’re so good at building they don’t even need to use weapons to fight they can use

Building itself as a weapon I jumped with excitement oh my gosh that sounds incredible how can I become one it won’t be easy but it’s possible it will take training in the art of building of course but most importantly of all you must be taught the secret techniques by

The four Master Builders hidden across the world and if we are to have any hope of stopping Lord Business you’ll need to do all of this in less than 100 days I waved goodbye and exited the secret building on days 4 to 5 I began my first

Pieces of work and training after all I couldn’t even think about seeking the other Master Builders until I’d completed some basic training tools first I got to make myself some tools so I went over to the nearby trees and started Gathering up some wood it wasn’t

Easy to punch through the trees but soon enough I had enough wood to make a crafting bed and then my first set of wooden tools these look pretty cool but a master builder needs better than wooden tools using my wooden shovel and pickaxe I started digging into the

Ground until I hit Stone and collected enough blocks to build myself a full set of stone gear including tools and a sword because I was now an official part of the resistance Osiris said I was allowed to build my base on the edge of the village so I started using my spare

Wood and stone blocks to build the foundations of my base the first step was was building rooms for myself and Bruce the Lego villager who’ saved my life in the desert it’s always nice to have a friend living with you Bruce hurried towards me looking frantic Zozo

The building is going to have to wait I can see a bunch of zombies creeping towards us out of the Savannah we need to stop them luckily I had my new stone sword so I pulled it out and ran in ready to kick some moldy zombie booty you’re messing with a future master

Builder here you’re going to regret this and they did because it didn’t take me long to defeat the zombies and return to my base glowing with Victory that’s when I started to change I upgraded getting bigger and gaining two hearts seven Hearts this is awesome on days 6 through

8 I was wandering through the Savannah until I reached a forest I was collecting more wood for my base when I saw a wooden villager being attacked by this big and ugly looking bug called a sectoid but the wooden villager was fighting back building walls between him

And the attacked in sectoid I’ve never seen anyone fight like this before maybe he’s that’s when the wooden villager noticed me are you going to stand there all day son are you going to give me a hand with this thing oh right sorry I ran in with my stone sword and joined

The fight the sectoid was tough but with me and the wooden villager working together we had a chance every time the sectoid tried to attack me the wooden villager quickly built a little wall between us soon enough the sectoid was exhausted and Confused and I was able to

Defeat it with my stone sword he dropped some string I guess it makes sense he did look a bit like a spider all that was left was me and the wooden villager and wanted to know more about his special fighting skills thanks for the assist kid who are you I’m Zozo and who

Are you I’m Master red wait Master as in master builder can you help me learn to be like you sure thing kid your training starts now you’re going to help me Chase a Soul Leader out of a cave near here sounds like a plan Master let’s go on

Days 9 to 10 Master Ren and I made our way through the forest until we found the cave he told me about before we go in master Ren what’s the first lesson how can I fight like a master builder the first technique is the one you saw

Me using in the woods kid when your opponent tries to attack you you build a wall between you and them okay I think I’m ready let’s do this I followed Master Ren into the cave where the Soul Leader was waiting it was was even bigger and scarier than I thought it’d

Be and the second it saw us it flew towards us now is the time Zozo try out the technique I taught you but with the Soul Leader charging towards me I panicked I couldn’t help it I tried to build the wall between us as quickly as

I could but the Soul Leader just flew over the tiny barricade and started attacking me in one strike I lost a bunch of Hearts uh-oh I need to get out of here I ran out of the cave and master Ren followed me felt so embarrassed to

Lose and front of him like that but he didn’t seem to mind perhaps I will need to train you more cautiously young Zozo how about you come stay at my base you can train me more there that sounds like a good idea to me on days 11 to 12 I

Returned back to my base with Master Ren and started adding another floor to the base this way he can have his own room I hope this is to your liking Master Ren well it’s clear you have much to learn in the way of building but thank you

Zozo it’ll do well Master Ren was was resting up I decided to put my building skills to good use I created a custom crafting room where I could perfect my crafting skills and store my Creations by the time I was done I saw that Osiris had arrived at my base and he had

Something to tell me how’s the training going Zozo it’s uh going what’s up I figured it was finally time for me to tell you about what’s really going on and why Lord of business is doing everything he’s doing you see creativity is a wonderful thing and it’s a skill

That all Master Builders are required to develop but the purest kind of creativity is the kind used to make people happy the darkest kind is the one that Lord Business has fallen prey to creativity to satisfy greed all he cares about is money and everything that

People create he seeks to own and he’s willing to destroy anyone who gets in the way of his bottom line after hearing this story I went out into the forest and gathered more sticks and wooden blocks I made a little fenced up area in the backyard of my base and herded some

Cows into it as well as making a small Wheat Farm alongside it if I’m going to become a master builder I need to be able to build everything on days 13 to 15 I approached Ren who was practicing in an archery range I had built for him

On the other side of the base hey Ren I was wondering do you know other ways I can improve my building abilities H well I suppose there is this handy tool I usually use it’s called a builder’s wand and it lets you build much faster by extending connected block faces what you

Didn’t think to mention this before in the cave well I have been known to be a bit forgetful here and there here have one Ren tossed out the wand for me thanks well hopefully you can remember anything about Master Builders since you know you are one of them Osiris said

Something about there being four Master Builders out there and I’ve only found you H perhaps you’re best bed is searching the snowy Tundra I’ve heard Tales of mysterious buildings popping up there it could be the work of a master builder then I guess the snowy Tundra is

Exactly where I’m heading word of advice Zoo build yourself a bow first you never know when it’ll come in handy for you before setting off for the snowy Tundra I tested out the Builder’s wand and sure enough it makes building walls much easier this tool is really useful I also

Followed Ren’s advice and made myself a bow just in case all I needed were some feathers and luckily there were a few chickens around so I could craft the arrows as well better to have a bow and not need it right I made my way across

The map to the snowy Tundra part of me hoped I’d find the next master builder waiting for me but it turned out that the snowy Tundra was huge it’d take me forever to find someone here but it didn’t take long for a mutant snow golem to find me and start attacking you must

Work for Lord Business jeez is there anyone outside the village who doesn’t work for that guy I tried my best to use Master Ren’s technique building walls in front of the attacking Snow Golem but he was still too fast for me even with the builder W in the end I kept my distance

And finished him off with the bow I don’t know if I’m ever going to be good enough to be a master builder at this rate but the mutant snow golem did drop something a builder’s potion which helps the speed of my Mining and building just what the doctor ordered I returned to my

Base and took the potion practicing by digging a huge hole near my base and collecting a bunch of stone blocks it was a good exercise because soon enough I leveled up and gained two more Hearts nine Hearts this is rad on days 16 to 19 I continued exploring hoping I might

Find another master builder hiding inside some ancient ruins this place is so old and spooky it seems just like the kind of place an old Master would hang out but I was half right I didn’t find a master builder here but I did find an ancient sign that might lead me to one

It read He Who seeks to reach the peak of skill must climb to the peak itself a master dwells where the air is thin H thin air Peaks that sounds like a mountain I know where I need to go now but I couldn’t celebrate too quickly a

Group of barcoa ancient people sent by Lord Business had cornered me I needed to think fast what would a master builder do that’s when I had an idea using all the stone I’d mined in the days before I quickly ran around the group of baroa building a wall around

Them that box them all in it was quite tricky because they were surprisingly fast for their short stature eventually I did succeed in boxing them in though before any of them had a chance to escape I fled the ancient ruins safe to fight another day Master Ren is going to

Be so proud of me on days 20 through 22 I was making my way through the forest Gathering up materials to prepare for my journey into the mountains these mountains are treacherous I should really upgrade my gear before I go while I was in the the forest some spiders

Attacked me I was low on Stone at the time so I decided to defeat them with my stone sword instead of doing it the master builder way variety is the spice of life once the spiders were dealt with I mined until I stumbled into a small Cave System I found some iron deposits

It took a while to mine all of it but in no time I had enough to smelt and craft into a set of iron armor and tools it made me feel so cool and Powerful maybe it’s time for me to pay my old enemy a

Visit with my new tools and my new power I went back to the cave where I’d almost been defeated by the Soul Leader but this time it was going to happen the other way around come get me Soul Leader I’ll give you something to chew on I

Decided to go for a mix of standard and master builder tactics as the Soul Leader flew towards me I used my skill to quickly build a wall around the Soul Leader trapping him in place but there was no time to waste I pulled out my new Iron Sword and one-shotted the Soul

Leader right in the head how do you like me now you a cave dwelling meanie having fun Zozo I turned and saw Lord Business standing at the cave entrance and staring at me Lord Business what are you doing here watching your pathetic attempt to become a master builder you

Really think you can make a difference you’re not special Zozo and believe me when my factories are complete we’ll never need people like you to make anything ever again and with that he disappeared Factory that doesn’t sound good on days 23 to 26 I returned to my

Base eager to tell Master Ren that I’d used my new skills to take down the Soul Leader this is an amazing development Zozo I’m proud of you thanks Master Ren I couldn’t have done it without your help I have a reward for you a special schematic for a new tool I’ve built I

Think you’ll find it quite useful Master Ren gave me a book full of instructions and I went into the crafting room to begin building by the time I was done I had a multi-tool tool one tool that can be a pickaxe a shovel an axe a sword and

A hoe all in one this is a perfect tool for a master builder I then used my new iron multi-tool to clear the mess we did outside the base I also used it to gather some more food I then took some time to build a wall around my base now

Nobody with bad intentions could get in on days 27 to 31 I decided to finally follow the instructions I saw in the ancient ruins as I arrived at the ruins I saw the barrao were gone so I made my way up into the mountains it was dark

Cold and difficult to climb but it was worth it if it’ make me be a better Builder I couldn’t see any mobs thankfully but I was so high up that if I fell I probably would have been done for anyway then without warning an Iceman landed on the ground next to me

Who goes there what where did you come from that doesn’t matter why you invading my domain stranger I’m Zozo and I swear I didn’t mean to intrude I just came here to look for a master builder then you found him I’m Master Frost the master builder of the mountains that’s

When I saw how Master Frost had gotten the jump on me he’d immediately built a staircase behind me and used it to attack me from above he really was a master builder want to come back to my base Master Frost I’d love to learn from

You I can even make you your own room sure why not it’s been a while since I’ve taught a young whipper snapper in the tricks while we made our way back to my base we came across a rainbow tree Frost built some stairs so I could reach

The top and I mined some unique material with my multi-tool super colorful rainbow grass blocks I returned to my base afterwards and built a new room for master Frost even giving him a window made from rainbow glass blocks it was almost done when Bruce approached me in

A panic Zozo Lord Business has sent some minions to attack the village we need your help immediately on days 32 to 35 I rushed into the village with Bruce ready to defend it from whatever attack Lord Business had Unleashed on us but I wasn’t expecting to see a gang of Ender

Creepers crawling all over the village the whole village was completely overrun by creepers they were chasing innocent villagers All Around The Village oh no looks like Lord Business really took his evil up a notch knowing it was dangerous to take on the Ender creepers up close

Bruce and I pulled out our bows and started shooting the Ender creepers trying to take them out before they exploded we had to be extra careful but with the help of Bruce we managed to get a lot of them a few unfortunately slipped through the net with awful consequences Bruce suddenly looked

Towards Osiris’s secret base Zozo look they’re cornering Osiris Bruce was right Osiris was being cornered by an Ender Creeper slowly creeping towards him we heard him beg for mercy no no please don’t do this before we could get close enough to save the resistance beloved

Leader we heard it a Lego Boom the Ender Creeper exploded setting off a chain reaction that blew up a bunch of the other houses the whole village was in Ruins we rushed to check out Osiris’s secret base but all we saw was Smoke rolling out he was gone Osiris no there

Was so much left unsaid between us come on Zozo we can mourn later we need to stop these heavy creepers before they can do any more damage it didn’t take us long to defeat the rest of the Ender creepers but with Osiris gone our morale

Had taken a serious hit on days 36 to 39 I decided I needed to search further if I wanted to find the third and fourth master builder that’s why I traveled all the way to the ice spikes a scary and desolate land even further away than the

Snowy Tundra master builder is there a master builder anywhere I soon came across a viking villager named Olaf he was camping in one of the ice bikes eating a Lego apple he looked exhausted you okay there buddy oh yes just taking a breather you wouldn’t happen to be a

Master builder would you no afraid not I’m just a viking but I can tell you where to find the master builder if you help me deal with a little problem I’m having that sounds awesome what do you need there’s a bad snowman around here I’ve been trying to destroy but I’m

Having an off day if you can take care of them for me I’ll give you the information you need deal I wandered around the ice spikes until I found the bad snowman that Olaf had warned me about thankfully I still had plenty of energy so I pulled out my multi-tool

Sword and took him by surprise don’t mess with this Lego man that’s snow joke he even left a few carrots and snowballs in his chest maybe the Viking will want to play a snowball fight with me I returned to the Viking and told him the good news the bad snowman had been

Defeated finally I thought I’d never get to leave this stinking Place yeah the Snowman even left a few snowballs behind want to play a snowball fight uh no thanks I’m too old and tired for such games oh okay so how about the master builder where can I find the next one I

Heard there’s one of them hiding out in the swamp but he likes his privacy no offense but you should probably get better before you go see them if you’re not experienced enough he’ll think you’re just wasting his time on days 40 through 43 I returned to the base

Walking through the rubble the creepers Left Behind reminded me of the loss of our great Osiris leader this is no time for sadness I’m ready to practice and improve my building skills so one day I can have my Vengeance I added some new furniture to the base along with some

Bookcases that helped me study the craft of Master building Master ran approached me Midway through my Renovations with a new request Zozo my student Lord business’s latest creeper attack on the village has destroyed many homes and left many Lego villagers homeless you should do them a kindness and make room

In your base for them to live in the meantime Master Ren made a good point I invited in the homeless Lego villagers and started building another level to my base complete with beds for them all to sleep in just as I finished Master Frost came to me with an Urgent Message I’m

Sorry to interrupt you Zozo but I’ve received some Vital Information some of my allies have followed up on the lead for one of Lord business’s factories I need you to investigate and find out what’s going on it’s also the perfect time for you to test out my attack from

Above technique of course Master Frost I won’t let you down on days 44 to 49 I followed Master Frost instructions until I reached the factory it was a spooky looking building so harsh and out of place in this fun Lego world I need to stop this madness as soon as possible

Before it ruins the whole world I crept inside trying to stay hidden but while I may have gotten really good at building I was kind of terrible at creeping because Lord Business noticed me immediately this is private property Zozo did none of your Masters ever teach

You not to trespass it’s rude it’s it’s also rude to be an evil Overlord what’s your endgame Lord Business what’s the big plan here well since you’ll never leave this place alive I guess I can tell you you see this Factory I’m going to cover the whole world in thousands

Like it and fill it with Builders like you you’ll all either work for me or be destroyed endlessly Building Products that I can sell for a massive profit all for me you’ll never get away with this I won’t let you you don’t have a choice remember the Golden Rule he who has the

Gold makes the rules speaking of which meet a friend of mine the Gold Warrior a gold Warrior stepped out from the Darkness ready to fight get rid of him I’m a little too busy to stick around and watch Lord Business disappeared again and the gold Warrior charged at me

On days 50 through 53 I tried to use my skills to fend off the gold Warrior he was the strongest enemy I’d ever faced and he wasn’t giving up easy no matter how fast I tried to run away from him he caught up to me can’t we just talk this

Out Mr Gold Warrior he didn’t seem to think so instead he kept trying to jab me with his lethal spiky Club I kept building walls between us but every time he’d effortlessly get around them I was in real trouble I tried taking him down with a bow but he used his shield to

Stop the arrows I got one shot in but that was about it this is not effective I need to change tactics I pulled out my multi-tool and activated the sword I couldn’t stop him with my master builder techniques or my bow so I was going to have to fight him directly instead it

Was a tough battle and I lost quite a few Hearts along the way I even got down to half a heart luckily I was able to build my way to safety and eat to regain my health pH this is getting intense but all right here goes round two after a

Lot of fighting I was finally able to defeat him when he went down he dropped his gold shield and a golden key oh I wonder what this unlocks I better keep it in my inventory you never know when you need a key on days 54 to 57 I left

Lord business’s spooky Factory and made my way outside onto the planes but something was already out there waiting for me a powerful Earth Elemental ready to battle the Earth Elemental started walking towards me but out here in the open I could use my master building skills I quickly started using the

Master Frost technique building stairs so I could run up them and attack from above it’s over I have The High Ground I leaped down onto the Earth Elemental and destroyed him in one direct strike to the head he dropped a powerful protection 3 enchantment book too this

Will make me a lot more resistant to damage when I apply it to my armor but I should probably wait until I get better armor and apply it then with my mission complete I returned to my base to tell Master Frost I found him sitting on a

Bench by the lake as he made ice around him freeze up I told him about Lord business’s evil plan and about my Mastery of his technique excellent work Zozo despite the frightening news go see Bruce in a few days he’ll have something valuable for you to do then we’ll do

Just make sure that all the fish don’t freeze on days 58 to 62 I decided that my base needed a little tender love and care so I decided to expand the farm to also include chickens M anyone else want a fried egg but my base was only one

Half of my defenses I needed to get myself better armor and tools too that’s why I used my multi-tool to dig into a mind behind my base going deeper and deeper until I finally found some diamonds even though they look like Lego pieces diamonds are still a master

Builder’s best friend I took the diamonds back into my crafting room and built myself a full set of diamond gear weapons tools and armor then I crafted myself an anvil and applied the protection 3 book to my diamond chest plate now I finally have some proper protection wait what is this I don’t

Have a full armor bar I guess Lego diamonds aren’t quite as tough as real diamonds after all that hard work I built and added a new floor with a lounge and a small Terrace to my base so I could finally put my feet up and relax

I just knew it wouldn’t last for long on day 63 to 66 I approached Bruce the Lego villager and asked him what he had for me I’ve been closely observing your progress zuu and I believe you finally have what it takes to meet the next master builder I’ve marked out the swamp

Where he lives on your map SE him out and learn his teachings thank you Bruce wish me luck over the next couple days I made the long journey to the swamp it was a dark and humid place with a strong musty smell I really didn’t want to

Spend too long here even less so when I saw a huge poam running towards me ready to fight get out of my swamp Intruder the poam was twice the size of me I’d never stand a chance against him in a fight I tried to run away but he was way

Ahead of me the poam mined into the ground and rapidly tunneled below me before popping back up out of the ground right in front of me please I don’t want any trouble I’m just looking for the master builder the poam immediately stopped oh why didn’t you say so nice to

Meet you I’m Master Tony the master builder of the swamp Master Tony I’m so pleased to see you I was told you didn’t like visitors normally I don’t but today I need a hand I’ve got a monstrous swamp Leach infestation if you help me with

That I’ll teach you a thing or two on day 67 to 70 I followed Master Tony deeper into the swamp to help him take on his monstrous swamp leech problem being a master builder I’m pretty strong but leeches have always squeed me out so I appreciate your help on this it didn’t

Take us long to find the leech infestation I didn’t want to get too close either they looked pretty freaky so I pulled out my bow and picked them all off at a distance one Arrow at a time leeches beun on woo I should have been a pest controller great job Zozo

I’m glad I don’t need to look at those nasty things anymore happy to help now how about that technique Master Tony was a man of his word he showed me how he’d mastered the combat tunneling technique how you could use your pickaxe to dig into the ground to escape or create pits

For enemies to fall into this is awesome I only need to learn from one more master and I’ll be a master builder myself on day 71 through 74 while searching the planes I found an entrance leading to some kind of Bunker what could have been inside and if you like

Crazy Mysteries and Wild Adventures you should search for more Zozo videos by typing zo zo into your search bar I prepared my diamond sword and climbed down through the door it looked like some kind of secret bunker underneath filled with bookshelves and books all marked Factory plans wait this place

Must be owned by Lord B business clever observation Zozo Lord Business suddenly came out of the secret bookshelf entrance and swung at me with his netherite sword I barely dodged in time I made a mistake sending my minions to destroy you before I should just get it

Over with and destroy you myself I tried to fight back swinging my sword at him but every time he blocked my strike and fought back knocking off a few of my hearts you’re no master builder Zozo you’re weak weak and pathetic as Lord Business tried to finish me off all I

Could do was Escape in a frantic panic I built a wall between him and myself and made my way out of the bunker while he broke through it I wasn’t strong enough to beat him all I could do was run but at least I escaped this time anyway on

Day 75 through 78 I continued making improvements on my base it was one of the tallest and most impressive bases I’ve ever made so I decided to build downwards too that’s that’s why I made a cozy basement to hold extra supplies I even installed a few beds just in case

Just as I was finishing up Master Frost approached me with a gift Zozo I just wanted to tell you I’m so proud of all the work you’re doing nobody is fighting back against Lord Business as hard as you I wanted to give you a gift as a

Token of my thanks it’s a potion of strength I brewed for you wow thanks Master Frost I can’t wait to try it I drank the potion and felt myself getting bigger and stronger by the second by the time the transformation was done I was a full grown Lego man with 12 Hearts Let’s

See Lord Business try to take me on now on days 79 through 84 I decided to travel for a bit to flex my new strength and master builder abilities by taking on some bad guys in the forest lucky for me a gang of bad guys weren’t hard to

Find as when things got dark the woods soon became filled with angry skeletons you guys have got to go down no bones about it they didn’t appreciate my bad punt instead they attacked me I decided to put all my master builder skills to use in stopping them first I used Master

Frost’s technique I quickly made a Stairway and climbed to the top to get away from them can’t get me up here then I used Master Tony’s special technique I leaped down onto the ground from above and started digging until I formed a big square hole in the ground it didn’t take

Long for the skeletons to follow me and fall in as I climbed back out then I capped it off with Master Ren’s technique and built a roof over the pit where all the skeletons were trapped sealing them away forever wow I’m almost a master builder it’s true and I like

Your style Zozo I turned and saw that an Egyptian Jackal had been standing there and watching me the whole time he seemed impressed I’m Master Joey the final master builder I hear you’ve been looking for me you heard correctly Master Joey can you teach me your special technique so I can finally

Become a true master builder I won’t give you a technique Zozo but I will give you a tool the hammer when you need it to destroy blocks in a hurry you just can’t beat it congratulations you’re a master builder now on days 85 through 89

I came back to my base with new tools and new knowledge only to find that we were under attack from a horde of spider creepers they were crawling all across the village and exploding destroying chunks of the buildings I was Terri IED they would go for my base and the people

Inside I can’t let you do this one of the spiders came crawling towards me fortunately Bruce came out of one of the buildings with his bow helping me fight back don’t worry Zozo you won’t need to fight alone I’ve got your back so we fought together taking on and taking out

Most of the spider creepers until the rest ran out into the Savannah I’ve got to go get them I can’t let them get away this time but as I tried to chase the fleeing group I saw a baby Lego village being chased by a spider creeper I

Needed to save him don’t worry baby I’ll save you I pulled out my diamond sword charged in and defeated the spider creeper thank you Zozo you saved my life on days 90 to 94 after saving the Lego villager baby I ran into the forest to chase the fleeing gang of spider

Creepers you creeps are going to pay for what you did to the Village I chased them until I saw that they were trying to hide in a nearby cave but it was too late I already saw them I ran in ready to fight with my diamond sword until I

Noticed that I’d been lured into a trap there was an Ender Creeper waiting for me and he was wearing a name tag it read vice president to Lord Business uh-oh I guess you’re not going to be easy to fight then are you the Ender Creeper VP didn’t even reply he just came running

At me and I began to panic better use my master builder skills I couldn’t make a staircase in the cave but I could still use master Ren technique and make a wall I quickly built one up between us but VP teleported right through it and hit me

Knocking off a few Hearts looks like this is going to be my hardest battle yet on days 95 through 97 the battle raged on VP truly was the toughest enemy I’d ever fought and often when I tried to hit him he teleported out of the way

Why won’t you stay still and fight fair VP you’re the VP of being a lousy cheater being an Ender Creeper he also had the ability to Tele Port lit TNT right on top of my head oh man I’ve got to be careful and Dodge his falling TNT

That’s when I figured out the perfect method of stopping him I used Master Tony’s technique and created a hole tricking the Ender Creeper into falling into it after that all it took was one strike from above to destroy the Ender Creeper he even dropped a banana woba brick one of the strongest unbreakable

Pickaxes in the world so of course I grabbed it in that moment I had a vision revealing the truth about Lord Business once he also wanted to be a master builder and he sought out the secrets to learn the knowledge and the techniques but in the end it was never meant to be

He was too greedy and impatient to truly learn so instead he decided he’d make others do the work for him and just take all the money if Lord Business never even fully gained his master builder skills maybe I really will be able to finally defeat him on day 98 I prepared

For the final batt battle mining to gather extra blocks that I could use in the fight before I could leave each of my friends came to offer words of encouragement first Bruce the Lego villager you’re one of the strongest Fighters the resistance has ever had

Zozo I just want you to know no matter how this ends it’s been an honor seven with you then came Master Ren you have learned the ways of the master builder Zozo remember them and use them wisely and even Lord Business won’t be able to defeat you and finally Master Frost

Be creative Zozo that’s the most important thing and it’s something you’re brilliant at Lord Business will never be able to take that away from you hearing all of this made me finally feel ready to take on the evil mastermind behind it all on day 99 I made my way to

Lord business’s business base where I was sure to find him on the way there I saw a Lego kid playing in the savannah I Believe In You Zozo you’re my hero thanks kid I’m going to try my best but when I arrive outside the business base

I noticed that it was heavily guarded by a gang of Soul vultures oh no how can I fight all of these then take on Lord Business I’ll be outmatched that’s when Master Tony the poam suddenly appeared don’t you worry buddy I’ll take care of the Soul vultures you get in there and

Take that businessman down thank you master Tony I couldn’t do this without you master Tony ran in and started fighting the soul vultures and while he was distracted I ran right pass him and used the key dropped by the gold Warrior to enter the business base I knew that

Key would come in handy on day 100 with my tools gathered and my master builder status secured I entered the inner sanctum of Lord business’s business base the place was huge with tall walls and a massive fountain in the middle I proceeded forward through a treasure room filled with gold piles he was

Waiting for me on the other side of the room sitting in his giant Golden Throne laughing evily so you’re finally here Zozo but I’m afraid you’re already too late it’s never too late huh that’s what you think my forces are ready to roll out and they follow only my command this

Whole world will be turned into one giant Corporation and I will be the CEO only a master builder could stop me now that’s the thing Lord Business I am a master builder I pulled out my hammer and prepared to battle the evil businessmen for the sake of the world he

Jumped off his chair wielding a netherite sword and tried to attack me I quickly built the wall between us and anytime he knocked the wall down I built another aren’t you even going to fight back Zozo this is pathetic I am fighting I’m fighting like a master builder I

Blocked myself into the treasure room while Lord Business was breaking down my wall I quickly started building a staircase as he broke through I left down onto him and hit him ow no fair you know these techniques if you ever bothered to learn them Lord Business and

You’d know this technique if you had money Ender creepers attack Lord Business pulled a dirty trick doors around the room opened and heavy creepers started piling in he was going to blow me Sky High face it Zozo you’re outnumbered and outgunned I’ve won not yet you haven’t it was time to put all

My training to good use for one last move while the heavy creepers chased me I mind a huge huge hole into the ground with my hammer I pushed Lord Business into the hole I looked at the creepers and they followed me as I jumped into the hole Zoo what are you doing

Finishing this as Lord Business and the heavy creepers scrambled around trying to grab me I placed down the ladders and climbed out of the hole Zozo you fool let me out of this pit the heavy creepers will explode it’ll destroy us both not quite Lord Business boom they

All exploded destroy ing Lord Business with them as I ran from the room it was finally over I’d become a master builder and save the whole world on day one I spawned in as Vegeta tremble before the prince of all saans what only five hearts that doesn’t make sense isn’t he

Supposed to be super powerful I guess I’m going to have to do some serious training if I want to live up to the real Vegeta’s reputation where’s an old Marshall Master when you need him is that one over there he looks like he might know some wisdom it’s me Zozo I’m

Looking for someone to train me are you worthy to train a Saiyan no I am not worthy to train a Saiyan but I am worthy to capture one and make him fight to his Doom this is no martial arts master he’s a wicked Wizard and he’s attacking me

With magic you’re mine Zozo I’ve captured Warriors far more capable than you not today wizard nowhere to run I’ve got to jump off this Cliff to get away hopefully I can fly Vegeta can fly in the show so why not here goes everything uh-oh I can’t fly yet ah I’m falling H I

Guess Vegeta doesn’t take fall damage must be the ability I start with it’ll probably upgrade to Flying later that wizard said something about capturing Sans maybe he has some of my friends or even Goku but Goku isn’t Vegeta’s friend he’s more like a rival every tough guy

Needs a good rival and I guess for now I’ll have to settle for that wizard guy I’ll rest at the bottom of this Cliff until morning on day two I start punching trees and rocks and get the supplies to make my wooden pickaxe I think I’ll build my base somewhere away

From this Cliff since I don’t want to run into the wizard again before I’ve gotten stronger I’ll need Wide Open Spaces to fire my keyi blast so this Rocky desert will do nicely there are some nasty coyotes here but I’m a saian I can beat a few coyotes bare-handed

Confusing me for just another helpless villager the coyotes attacked but I was ready it looks like I have some Buffs to my punching damage probably from being a martial artist that’ll come in handy get out of here coyotes this is my turn okay okay we’re going you don’t need to

Be such a jerk about it you should have known who you were messing with with my pickaxe I start mining for Sandstone that will be the main material that I use when making my base at least until I can go underground and get some more durable blocks there are some Cactus

Blocks here too but I don’t have any armor or weapons so I’m just going to leave them alone for now if I decide later that I want green dye then I’ll be sure to start farming those Cactus blocks I end the day by building a fence

Around where I want the base to be and a tiny tent to sleep in when it’s done this will will be the perfect gym to train as a Super Saiyan warrior on day three I travel to a nearby Forest to find some more wood for my fences if

There’s a river I can redirect into the desert that’ll also be a good future project of course I wouldn’t be Vegeta if I wasn’t also looking for a fight sayans get stronger the more they battle tough enemies after all that giant tarantula should make for a worthy

Opponent spiders give me the creeps but Vegeta isn’t afraid of anything let’s go tarantula I started punching and doing some damage but I was also losing too many hearts too quickly oh no he’s biting me got to run didn’t think a spider would be giving me so much

Trouble but is it really fair that he has six more arms than me well I was escaping from the tarantula I found that there was an entire monkey caught in its web monkeys are like distant cousins to saans so of course I have to help him I

Punch away the webs and set that monkey free be free monkey oh I guess he has something to say what’s up new monkey friend thank you for releasing me my name is Stu and I was chased here by an evil wizard I’m Zozo I’ve seen that

Wizard too why would was he after you he thought I was a Saiyan so he tried to kidnap me well you’re safe now why don’t you come back to my base with me sure but only if you’ve got bananas stew the monkey is bananas about bananas on days

Four to 5 I made the fence surrounding my base bigger in order to make space to build a house for stew full of bananas obviously yeah baby stew loves bananas that should keep him entertained while the real San focuses on important things like getting so strong that I can

Totally send that wizard flying into space when I next see them the problem is a bigger base meant that I was much closer to the cactus blocks and the cactoid were starting to become aggressive and I don’t have enough buckets of water to tame them off back

Off you greedy cact toids the fence can keep the little ones out but when Night Comes the local cact Tyrant is going to transform and attack me those guys are no joke and they attack at night when the sun can’t make me stronger or is it

Just Goku that powers up with the sun either way those creepy Cactus creatures have the advantage unless I take my Arsenal up a notch I have until nightfalls to craft a weapon weapon from the materials I’ve mined nobody wants to fight a CAC Tyrant bare-handed after all

Damage Buffs are not there’s plenty of stone around so I use some stone blocks and a stick to make a stone sword and some tools I wait until it gets dark and then I go out and face the CAC Tyrant I defeat him using my new weapon he drops

Boots of swiftness wow that’s unexpected now I can run around at high speeds with the best of them bet that evil wizard would never see this coming woohoo if only I knew where I was going on day 6 to 8 I’m deep in the desert Gathering up

Sand to craft some pockets of sand Vegeta doesn’t always fight fair so I want to be able to throw sand at my enemies and I might need to because here comes that evil wizard from earlier and it looks like he’s riding on a go-kart there you are Saiyan this time you won’t

Get away you’ll never capture the prince of sans but the scary thing is he actually might no matter how fast I try to run with my boots of swiftness it’s like he’s always catching up to me I told you there’d be no escape this time

That vehicle is really fast so I have to lead him to the cactus patch where he he has to drive more carefully you think some puny cactuses will stop me Zozo the plural is cacti actually dark wizard maybe you need to go back to school I’m

Evil I don’t have to get things right I do things wrong on purpose he throws a spell at me from long range and now I’m taking damage I hide behind a tall Cactus then I throw a pocket of sand at him yes it looks like that threw off a

Steering and made him stop the go-kart well I’m not going to drive when I can’t see that’s just basic Road Safety the effect will wear off soon so I’m going to get out of here thank goodness he doesn’t know about my base on days 9 to

10 I still don’t know why that wizard wants to capture me how can I be the prince of all sayans when I’m afraid to fight the first guy I met in the world steu thinks I’m being too down on myself don’t worry Zozo you’re doing a lot

Better than I could you saved me from that spider and I’m sure you’ll save us both from that wizard too well maybe but I think I should build a statue to get my mind off of things get your mind off of things like being afraid you won’t

Defeat the dark wizard forever and all time you’re not helping me out stew sorry sorry stupid who does believe in you though I think I’ll build a statue of Vegeta’s father King Vegeta that way I can show everyone who comes to my base how powerful the samean people once were

It might encourage me too who knows but this won’t be just any statue the king of saans needs a huge statue made out of strong material I better start mining stone and Gathering all the materials in my baks and who knows maybe all this mining will help make me stronger too

It’s good exercise I’m also going to get a source of water in the base by redirecting a nearby River my Saiyan fists are super strong so these blocks are like nothing to me I also made myself a bigger place to live and constructed a house out of sandstone and

Now that I have more water in the base I can start taming the nearby cactoid with buckets of it you nerds work for me now on days 11 to 12 a viking villager arrived outside my base with a story to tell he had apparently traveled a long

Way seeking my base you must be the saian I’ve heard about I am known as Charles and my people are the Vikings days ago I escaped from a terrible place where the dark wizard of Baraka is making all the greatest warriors in the land fight until only one remains he

Continues to gather the mightiest Fighters he can find and pit them against each other why is he doing that who knows before it was my turn to fight I ran away as fast as I could now I have come to you with a warning abraa will

Stop at nothing to capture you with a true Saiyan in his collection he’d be able to make the battles even more violent so that’s where all the strong people are hiding interesting it’s strange there was another one like you there except he wore Robes of Orange

Wait Goku is there but he’s my tough guy rival no one gets to defeat him until I defeat him I guess You’ better start training then for now I’ll still avoid getting captured but it sounds like the wizard is holding a tournament for powerful Fighters I better hope I can

Qualify in the meantime how about we get you some water Charles you look exhausted after all that thank you Zoo it seems you truly are the hero people say you are on days 13 to 15 I train non-stop to make myself even stronger because that is what a z fighter does

When push comes to shove cutting down some of the cactuses is great training for swordsmanship I can’t just rely on my fists if I want to win this thing and I also can’t let my opponent look down on the prince of ss so I go back to that

Giant tarantula and challenge it to a rematch this time I’m armed and ready Bring It On You eight-legged freak I start the fight by throwing a sand pocket and then I run in swinging my sword and doing a lot more damage now and my key Bloss is also very helpful

Not so tough now are you Spidey it tries to trap me in a web but my sword can cut straight through like it’s no problems the bigger they come the harder they fall this spider is toast wo I feel like my power level is rising this is going

To be good I’ve become Super Saiyan with 15 hearts and way stronger attacks tremble before me I’m the legend that all of my enemies of the Saiyan sphere I know that Vegeta can still get a lot stronger than this but the change in appearance shows I’ve made some real

Progress towards my goal I’m going to prove that I’m the strongest warrior in the world even Goku won’t be able to defeat me when I’m fully leveled up on days 16 to 19 I dig deep into the mine in search of materials if I can get my

Hands on some metal I’ll be able to have better gear to match my brand new Super Saiyan form it feels good to be a legend The Way Forward is infested with skeletons so it looks like I’ll have to take them down first out of my way skeletons you’re all just jealous that

You don’t have muscles like Vegeta I guess that really struck a nerve with the leader of the skeleton horde you think you can come in here and make fun of us Zozo we’re working for the dark Wizard and he sent us here to cap you well tell him he should have sent better

Or don’t cuz I’m sending you back to Oblivion the skeletons that charged me directly were easy enough to deal with but those archers were always a pain it’s a good thing that I have key blast to return fire no bones about it you guys are done for I take out the ones at

Close range and then mop up the rest but it looks like their leader got away he’s probably going to tell the dark wizard that I’m a force to be reckoned with You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me Zozo I’ll be back now it’s time to give my armor an

Upgrade to iron well I’m at it I’ll craft an iron sword an iron pickaxe too iron everything oh the irony on days 20 to 22 I was surprised to see Charles the Viking returned to the base what’s going on be careful Zoo Bara somehow found out

Where I was and now he’s followed me here to the base get inside I’ll handle this Charles went inside the base I went to go face the dark wizard abraa alone he was waiting just outside I’m ready for you this time dark wizard show me what you’ve got foolish s you are light

Years away from being able to defeat me we’ll see about that I threw a sand pocket at a braa to Blind him then followed up with a key BL shot to my surprise he wasn’t there he was right behind me instead you’ve met the Viking

So you know why I’m here you know about the Battle to find out who’s the strongest fighter in the world I swung my iron sword at him but he avoided it will you accept my challenge oh so now you’re giving me the choice it’s because you’ve grown a bit stronger Zozo if I

Fought you now I couldn’t go easy on you is that right I’m Not Afraid Bring it on I threw another pocket of sand at the dark Wizard and this time he was blinded I followed up with a few powerful strikes from my sword yeah I really got

Him that’s enough don’t make me destroy you Saiyan the wizard summoned an explosive block of TNT I ran for cover as it exploded when I looked back over he was gone was he really holding back or just afraid of what the prince of saans could do either way I would

Happily take him on again and find out on days 23 to 26 I was finally able to start farming the cactoid and CAC Tyrant for materials and this is the fruit of my labor no not the perly pears even though they did drop a lot of those

Using the Thorns that the CAC Tyrant dropped and with a little bit of crafting I can make a thorn shooter looks like building a training center in the middle of the desert has its perks this new Thorn shooter will be my ranged weapon of choice I don’t know what kind

Of totally crazy Warriors I’ll be facing when and if I take the dark wizard up on his challenge but it’ll be good to have some variety in my attack options Stu thinks that thorn shooter is is really cool I’m impressed thanks St let’s go test out this weapon in the desert who

Knows maybe we’ll even find some strong enemies to defeat me and Stu headed out to the desert and made a few targets out of sandstone they’d be a perfect way to focus my shooting skills Bam Bam look at those targets go down this Thorn shooter

Is so powerful hey can St try that thorn shooter I’ve got a score to settle with another monkey back in the forest yeah maybe I should keep it for now to I feel like things are about to get even crazier and if you’d like to find more

Of my videos you should like subscribe and type zo zo in the search bar it never fails on days 27 to 31 I start to add some of the more durable material to the Statue of King Vegeta I want to make sure his armor is absolutely perfect for

The blue parts of the armor I’ve got to get my hands on some diamonds but that’s a really rare material so it looks like it’s time to go underground stew hold down the fort while I’m away you can count on stew it’s not like a monkey around while you’re away Venture down

Into the underground farther than I’ve ever gone before until I am greeted by the bright light of orange lava somewhere in these lava caves I should be able to find a vein of diamond and looks like a couple of magma cubes don’t appreciate me trespassing down here if

The cactus blocks damage me when I touch them there’s no way these things don’t the last thing I want is to touch any kind of magma in a place like this got to put my thorn shooter skills to the test and take them out at a distance magma cubes always split into smaller

Magma cubes when they take hits so I won’t keep moving until they are completely gone my key blast area attack helps with that just pass the area where I fought the magma cubes wait where are the diamonds huh no diamonds down here well then I guess I’m going to need to

Find another way to get the blue for the King Vegeta statues armor wait I have a plan if I mix sand gravel and some blue dye together I can make blue concrete blocks that’ll do just fine for now on days 32 to 35 I felt tired from all the

Farming and training I did so I couldn’t access my Super Saiyan form I’ll have to rest soon but for now I received another visit from my old nesis the skeleton that ran away from me in the mines still working for the dark wizard I see you’re

Going to get it now Zozo I brought the desert Lord with me and he doesn’t take too kindly to some saan wannabe building bases in his desert well too bad I am the prince of sans and I don’t take orders from the likes of you guys then I

Guess we’ll have to fight you the desert Lord ran at me I won’t lie he was big and I felt a little intimidated thankfully I didn’t have to fight him with my sword I was prepared for a battle and my thorn Shooter had full ammunition my Thorns desert Lord no way

You’ve got a thorn shooter no fear let’s MOS on out of here cowards the skeleton in the desert Lord ran away hopefully they won’t be back again it looks like some of the other mobs have returned as well the gang of coyotes are back didn’t I already teach you guys a lesson we

Know Zozo you’re very strong but that’s why we need your help you coyotes need my help yes our friend the tribal Gremlin was taken by the dark wizard second in command the champion Colossus he’s holding him in his Fortress until the dark wizard wants him to fight he

Took some Gremlin before he got to me I guess I’m going to have to see this for myself your friend is as good is rescued on days 36 to 39 I set off to go save the tribal gremlin from the champion Colossus those coyotes are going to owe

Me one waa is that the champion colossus’s base up there on that Hill I really need to start expanding my base if I want it to look like that he had a pair of iron golems guarding the gate and there were gargoyles on the rooftop I don’t know what I was expecting from

The dark Wizard’s henchmen but this guy must be really serious I can’t just fight my way in there I’d be totally outnumbered I’m going to need a solid plan if I want to get in there and save the Coyote’s friend I made my way around the entire Mountain searching for any

Less guarded areas that I can sneak into on the far side of the Fortress is a tunnel but I’ll still need to avoid those gargoyles that are flying around on patrol I guess I’ll have to use a Frontiersman cap to engage stealth mode sorry raccoons your sacrifice will not

Be soon forgotten I’ll need your tails to make the cap and if I can use this to free the tribal Gremlin it’ll all be worth it but what if something even scarier is waiting for me down in the tunnel wait I said earlier Vegeta isn’t afraid of anything I need to be

Courageous the tribal Gremlin and all the coyotes depend on me tomorrow it’s go time on days 40 to 43 I’m sneaking through the Fortress and avoiding detection from the mobs that the champion Colossus has been using to guard this place I’m still not scared obviously but if they know I’m here they

Might suspect the tribal Gremlin of planning an escape and do something to hurt him the coyotes would never let me live down and down using the thorn shooter I can pick the mobs off from a distance without them ever knowing I was there as long as I’m doing it one by one

Of course first I take out a couple gargoyles then I finish off the Iron Golem guarding the entrance to the fortress’s dungeon I’ve got to be careful though because even though these guards are nothing to worry about the champion Colossus is somewhere in this place and he has to be almost as strong

As the dark wizard after a whole lot of sneaking about I find my way to the tribal Gremlin cell hey Gremlin up and at them the coyotes sent me here to rescue you you oh good I was getting tired of waiting for a good fight let’s

Get out of here you say that like you could have left at any time I’ve never slept in a fortress before it was kind of cool honestly well I’m building the ultimate training gym out in the desert if you need a better place to crash you should stay at my base tribal Gremlin

Seems sure of himself either way we make tracks and find our way back to the coyotes thanks Zozo on days 44 to 49 I continue crafting more blue concrete for the stat of King Vegeta he is going to look so Regal it’ll be the centerpiece of my base when it’s finally finished

But a job this big requires the help of many friends I had stew gather fur from the forest that I could use to line the king statue’s tail stew can get you all the fur you need just don’t ask who’s it is Charles on the other hand went to the

Ocean for some lapis lazuli stone that way I had two shades of blue to work with for the armor blue is my favorite color Vikings love the sea after all and I’m no exception well everyone else is gathering materials for the statue the tribal Gremlin and the coyotes are

Building a Sandstone wall around the perimeter of the base does this look good zoo don’t worry guys I think it looks great no matter what anyone says I’ve got a few larger rooms for training and keeping spare weapons and I also Reus some of the materials for my fences

To build a pen for the tamed cactoid Stu also came back from his last trip with something I’d never seen before hey Zozo what is it stew I found a bunch of banana blocks in the forest and thought we could use them to make even more bananas this is your wildest idea yet

Stu but I guess having enough bananas to go around never hurt anybody that’s the spirit bananas to all and to all a banana on days 50 to 53 the dark wizard finally reared his ugly head and he wasn’t alone by his side were all of the

Henchmen I’d come to know and hate the skeleton leader I told you I’d be back and now I’m back again the desert Lord he doesn’t say much and most terrifying of all the Champion Colossus he’s probably pretty upset after I managed to sneak into his Fortress and save the

Tribal Gremlin I’m pretty upset that you managed to sneak into my Fortress and save the tribal Gremlin told you the time for your Reckoning has come Super Saiyan Zozo I may have offered you a choice before but now you have stolen two of my Fighters away that is

Unforgivable well have you thought that maybe those guys didn’t want to be taken prisoner intriguing now perish I felt my power rising and once again I turned back into my Super Saiyan form ready for the fight the dark Wizard’s forces attacked the base everyone did their best to repel the attack but the

Champion Colossus was simply Unstoppable I couldn’t worry about him now because skeleton and desert Lord had closed into melee range and were looking to take me down yeah no match for us this time Zozo I drew my iron sword and took out the desert Lord without much difficulty the

Skeleton was a lot tougher but even he couldn’t withstand the power of a Super Saiyan speaking of Super Saiyan I felt my power level grow once again as I buffed up to Super Saiyan blue I’ve got 30 hearts and I can fly now how do you

Like me now I was so excited that I almost didn’t notice that the dark Wizard and the champion Colossus were retreating and they had taken Charles with them Charles no on days 54 to 57 myself and the other NPCs in the base did our best to repair the walls and

Training room nothing could repair the loss of Charles the Viking though we had to get our friend back he didn’t deserve to fight other Warriors years until the end and he definitely didn’t deserve to fight Goku before I got to I went to the tribal Gremlin half wondering how he

Didn’t get captured when he had already gotten taken beforehand how can we get Charles back it’s simple we go and save him because we want to and we succeed because we believe we can huh that doesn’t sound like a real plan the true warrior does not need plans only the

Will to Triumph okay look TG I just need to know if you have any idea where this Tournament of champ Champions is being held fine fine the truest Warriors know that there is a Coliseum deep in the nether where only the mightiest Fighters have gone I think Baraka has probably

Chosen that place as the location of his tournament nether Coliseum got it how do I get there the only functioning portal to the nether in this world was inside of the champion colossus’s Fortress after you broke in they most likely destroyed it so you couldn’t find follow

Them well there has to be a second portal otherwise how could they get back to the nether with Charles think of it this way Zozo you could scour the entire world for that second portal or you could be a true warrior and build one

Yourself well I guess I do want to be a true warrior building a nether portal it is on days 58 to 62 I finally found an underground Cavern with some Diamond veins jackpot I know the lava caves can be dangerous but they’re perfect for finding diamonds and also the obsidian I

Need to make the outside of the portal but of course diamonds come first I’ll need a diamond pickaxe to mine those obsidian blocks and full diamond gear wouldn’t hurt either in addition to the magma cubes from last time there are a few other mobs deep inside the lava

Caves like these fire Elementals that really meant to do me harm but now that I’m a Super Saiyan second grade my Buffs to melee attacks without a weapon are through the roof I can punch cactuses bare hand magma cubes barehanded and now even the fire Elementals can be defeated

With just punches after I dealt with those mobs I got back to Mining and before too long I had all the diamond or that I needed to make myself a diamond pickaxe and since I’m here I think a newly upgraded Super Saiyan deserves some super cool diamond armor and

Weapons to match that’s right I’m now ducked out in full diamond armor and a diamond sword too next I rerouted some of the water in my base into the lava caves creating a field of obsidian blocks ripe for mining I’ll be ready to make that nether portal in no time but

There are a few L things I need to do before I can start my quest to finally defeat the dark wizard on day 63 to 66 I take a break from building my portal to continue work on the Statue of King Vegeta wow it really is starting to look

Like him I wonder what the real King Vegeta would say if he were to see us now this is King Vegeta saying subscribe to Zozo for more cool Adventures like this for the sake of all sayings you should hit the red button and then the

Bell on day 67 to 70 it’s about time I went to the Nether and settled this I craft a flint and steel out of materialss I found in the caves then I gathered my obsidian blocks and arranged them into the shape of a nether portal I

Used the flint and steel to light the obsidian and boom the nether awaits not too far from the other side of the portal was a giant Coliseum over a huge lake of lava of course it had to be close since abraa was kidnapping Warriors from nearby but I never would

Have found it if I wasn’t in the nether I guess me and the tribal Gremlin are even now since he gave me the hint about this place don’t worry Charles I’m on my way I made my way toward the Coliseum and found that it was guarded by a pair

Of zombie Spartans no doubt the undead remains of Warriors that had faced their demise in the dark Wizards Arena but they weren’t going to stop me Thorn shooter go blam blam blam with a few wax of my diamond sword and knocked them down for good on days 71 to 74 I stepped

Into the Coliseum only to be surrounded by a cheering crowd of skeletons in the stands the arena itself was empty except for another fighter who was standing not so far away from me he looked really tough too are you my next opponent I’m Zozo and I’ve come to rescue my friend

Charles the Viking I don’t know who that is but I have heard of you Zozo long have I dreamed of fighting a Saiyan warrior there’s no talking you out of this huh of course not I willing to fight any worthy opponent until the end and that goes for you too the Aztec

Warrior ran towards me and attacked he was strong so I took some damage I had to play this smart so I flew into the air and shot him with a thorn shooter a couple of times then I landed behind him and hit him with a punch I drew my

Diamond Sword and the two of us faced off you fight as well as the legends of your people suggest Zozo I don’t understand isn’t Goku here if you wanted to fight a Saiyan why don’t you fight him there is no Goku here I would have remembered facing another Super Saiyan

Before you but Charles said there was a guy in an orange robe I did face such an adversary but he was no Saiyan if he was I probably would have been defeated like I have been defeated now and with that the the Aztec warrior fell no more time

For arena battles I had to go find Charles on days 75 to 78 I went to the barracks below the Coliseum and found Charles down there among the prisoners Zoo thank goodness I knew you’d come to rescue me let’s go home Charles I’ve done my share of fighting in this Arena

And I say we don’t give the dark wizard any more satisfaction we ran backwards towards the arena but as Misfortune would have it there was an ambush waiting for us the champion Colossus stood ready to take us on well take me on on anyway did you think I was going

To have Charles fight this guy get behind me Charles it’s time for Super Saiyan blue Zozo to show the champion Colossus who the strongest fighter in the world is strongest fighter in the world well that would be me this isn’t the first tournament that the dark

Wizard of Bara has held I was the winner of the last one and he let me go in return for becoming his eternal servant that’s a sad story but you’re no match for me I’m stronger than any Warrior here you can’t beat me we shall see on guard Zozo the Saiyan the champion

Colossus was definitely the strongest enemy I had fought up until this point but there was no way I’d let him beat me too much was on the line I reached for another pocket of sand but I was out oh no the champion Colossus Hit me hard and sent me flying literally flying because

I can fly is that all you’ve got Zozo leave Zozo alone you big jerk Charles rushed in for a surprise attack but it was all in vain the champion Colossus hit him once and he was struck down on the spot Charles I wouldn’t let Charles throw his life away for nothing I hit

The champion Colossus with my diamond sword over and over until finally he collapsed he was defeated good job Zoo you Avenged me Charles you’re going to be fine I was destined for Valhalla the moment I was captured you are a true warrior it’s always been you take care

Of yourself Zozo and with that Charles was gone I made my way out of the arena and back towards my nether portal on day 7 9 to 84 I was still in the nether when I heard the wicked laughter of the dark wizard abraa Echo behind

Me I finally done it what is it now I turned and saw the dark wizard had grown to a massive size and he was brimming with power holy moly what happened to you he cruy stared down at me like I was an ant he was about to step on now that

All the greatest fighters in the world have perished in my Arena I dark wizard abraa have been able to absorb their martial arts and become master of magic and might I am now the perfect being you’re not perfect you’re not even close you just stole the strength of a bunch

Of other people you don’t deserve to have their power especially if you had to destroy them for it it is not for you to decide what I deserve I have become a true warrior and that means that all I need now is the will to Triumph compared

To that what do you have Sayan with that meager power you’ve gathered maybe I’ll never be the strongest but at least I know who I I am I Zozo a Super Saiyan a z fighter and a truer Warrior than you’ll ever be you’ll be nothing once I’ve destroyed you for good he stepped

Forward with the stolen power of all the Fallen Warriors I knew I couldn’t fight him just yet so I turned and ran through my nether portal as soon as I got to the other side I used my diamond sword to break the portal trapping the dark wizard in the Nether world that should

Hold him for now on days 85 to 89 I told the others at the base that Charles didn’t make it back they understood what it meant he was in Valhalla and at peace What mattered now was making sure that a Baraka paid dearly for all the Warriors

He had sacrificed to gain his dark power hey Zozo Stu knows how bad you must feel about the rescue mission so Stu decided to cheer you up by giving you a powerful new weapon this will definitely help you defeat the dark wizard Stu gave me a banana bazooka which was many times more

Powerful than my thorn shooter this would be my new ranged weapon thanks too like Stu always says bananas make everything better later on I completed the stat of King Vegeta finally adding the diamond blocks he deserved to his armor nice I had a feeling that the dark

Wizard would be on his way soon so I went to seek the advice of the tribal Gremlin TG I need your help the true warrior has finally arrived what I’m speaking about you Zozo you went down to that Coliseum and fought and returned that means that you are now the

Strongest fighter in the world you are the champion who must set things right what can I do a Roa still has so much power you have power too you just need to awaken it there is a great waterfall behind the high Cliffs if you train there you will be able to unlock your

Full potential on days 90 to 94 I followed the tribal Gremlins advice and sought out the great waterfall The Cliffs were really steep so I had to use my flying abilities to climb up them it’s a good thing I still don’t take any damage when I fall thinking back this

Was the place I started my journey almost 100 days ago it was remarkable to think how much I’d done in all that time I had made friends won battles and even traveled to a whole different dimension it was crazy there were many waterfalls around this area but somehow my spirit

Could tell which one would actually unlock my full potential I trained my skills with both my sword and my punches and I could feel myself growing stronger by the day this is it I’m going to become the true warrior I was always meant to be at one point a few giant

Lizards attacked me and tried to interrupt my training but I saw this as another test of my power and I fought them all off banana bazooka that Stu gave me was an excellent weapon for dealing with enemies at a distance of course my melee attacks worked just as

Well I will be the one who defeats the dark wizard me Zozo I’ve got this when I finally reached the last day of training I knew that I was the most powerful that I had ever been a magical Halo appeared in my inventory when it was over

Probably to show that I had achieved my potential on days 95 to 97 I was at the base when the coyotes told me that they had found another portal to the nether deep in an emerald cave across the desert it must have been the same portal that the dark wizard used to take

Charles back to the nether when the one in the Fortress of the Colossus was destroyed without a doubt the dark wizard would be using that portal to re-enter the world and wreak havoc I wasn’t about to let that happen though and prepared to meet him there and

Settle our score but first I had to enchant my gear and put the finishing touches on my base using the diamonds and obsidian from the lava caves I crafted a few enchanted books and gave my diamond armor the Thorns enchantment it would sacrific durability but in exchange those who hit me would suffer

Damage by now I had enough green Dy from the cactus blocks that I was able to make a Green carpet across all the floors of the inside of the building there were now enough bananas and perkley Paris to feed an entire Village and with the help of the tribal Gremlin

I was able to plant a lovely Garden in the shadow of the King Vegeta statue this place was now the perfect gym for martial artists and warriors everywhere to come and train and I’d make sure that the world would be safe enough for them

To do so on day 98 I got some last minute training in with the tribal Gremlin as a fellow Warrior I respected everything he had done for me until now I promise when I return nobody will have to worry about the dark wizard ever again please cheer for me in the

Comments and let me know what character you want to see me play as next tomorrow would be the test of whether or not I was a true warrior so I spent the rest of the day getting ready it was almost time for the final battle on day 99 I

Was in the emerald cave standing in front of the nether portal when the dark wizard finally stepped through Zozo this is a surprise you ran from me last time never again I’m going to stop you right here if you don’t want to fight then go back to the Nether and leave us alone

What fun would that be I need to be on this side of the portal where weaklings like you live that’s where you’re wrong abraa I’m no weakling I’m a true warrior and I use my power to protect people you will go no further I fired the banana

Bazooka a few times to slow the dark wizard down as he got closer I drew my sword and attacked you think you could beat me in that form pathetic saian his attacks were pretty strong but my thorn enchantment did damage back to him oh clever trick but it won’t be enough

Maybe you’re right dark wizard but then again this isn’t even my final form I started up the Halo and allowed the power of my potential to flow through me my spirit awakened one last time and gave me the power to become Ultra ego Vegeta 100 Hearts full power here we go

I will not let you destroy this world with my new Ultra fists I punched the dark wizard over and over this is for Charles the dark wizard tried to strike back but in Ultra ego mode the more damage I take the more damage my attacks dealt no all my power it’s being used

Against me it’s not your power but this is mine with one decisive blow I punched the dark wizard into space dust sayanora the battle was now over on day 100 I found Stu training with the tribal Gremlin in the gym to become a stronger fighter I guess he really looks up to

The Sayan after all and all that true warrior talk set a positive example there’s nothing wrong with having a martial arts student but I guess I wasn’t expecting I’d become the master at the end of my journey I’ll be on guard here at the base while I train

Stew and anyone else who shows up because after all there will always be people like the dark wizard who misuse power from here on out I’m going to make sure that the power is in the hands of true warriors on day one I spawned in as

Monkey deffy the rubber boy with a straw hat yo ho ho I’m going to be the future King of the Pirates but it looks like I’m just a little kid for right now at least my dreams are big I got to go find some good food to eat so I can grow up

To be super strong but there’s nothing around this Village but coconut trees w a storm is rolling in I better take cover is that a lightning bolt or a person that’s G Straw Hat zoo I be Captain o kilowatt and you’ve had The Misfortune of washing a shore of me

Island here you will be doomed to one into the many dangerous terrains In Search Of Me greatest buried treasure if you succeed within 100 days you may keep what you find but if you fail you will never be allowed to leave very treasure well monkey deffy is a pirate so that

Treasure is as good as found ye had better hoped that you find it or ye will never Voyage on the sea again challenge accepted you stormy scallywag good luck Zoo you’ll need it oh H Captain OK kilawat laughed evily and ran down lightning on the village so I

Ran for cover he attacked several houses and even wiped out the villagers talk about no mercy I have no idea how big this island is but I’m going to scour every block of it until I find that buried treasure the dangers ahead are completely unknown but I will face them

With a bravery suited for the future king of the Pirates on day two I started to explore the nearby tropical forest I have six hearts right now so I I need to stay in the least dangerous areas for right now who knows maybe the Buri treasure is in the easiest place to find

It that would be one crazy trick wouldn’t it oops did I say this Forest wasn’t dangerous what I meant to say was it’s filled with ghosts somehow they kind of look familiar are you guys the ghosts of the villagers from back there yes we are why couldn’t you have been

Hit by that lightning instead of us just lucky I guess not for long Zozo because we ghosts are going to haunt you oh no I can’t punch ghosts and I don’t have any weapons that can affect them I got to run to safety get away from me all of a sudden

I saw something swoop down from above it picked me up and carried me away from the ghosts when I got my bearings I saw that I was at the top of a tall tree there was a bird with a colorful beak in front of me were you the one who saved

Me yes sir I’m Stay Stay the twocan and whenever there’s someone in trouble in this tropical forest I come to the race that’s cool man I’m Zozo want to join my pirate crew sure can man every great pirate needs a bird sidekick after all I’m looking for the buried treasure of

Captain okila do you know anyone who can help I just might follow me on day three Stan the toucan took me to a small Workshop among the trees wait until you meet my friend Titus the armorer he makes all sorts of useful atoms sweet an armor could be useful to have on my

Pirate crew he could make me items and Gear Fit for a pirate king I looked around and saw lots of really awesome armor did you make these all by yourself sort of kind of my good pirate I do the crafting but it takes Brave adventurers like yourself to gather materials for me

I’ve had loot brought to me from all the terrain on this island and I always take what I’m given and make it into something better neat I’ve accepted Captain OK kila’s challenge so I’ll be visiting all of the terrains myself what can you tell me about them well the main

Ones are the ancient r ruins the cloud city and the Misty maze nobody who has looked for Captain okila wat’s treasure has ever found it but there’s plenty of rare items I can make for you if you bring me back stuff from each of them so you’re saying I should visit each of

Those three terrains in the next 97 days if I want to have a chance at winning pretty much I set off for the terrains without a moment’s delay Luffy never passes up a chance to Adventure he also never travels without his crew so I took

Stan the toucan with me on days four to 5 I was still in the the tropical forest so I made sure to gather wood from the trees once I had enough I made my first set of tools the wooden pickaxe will serve me well in gathering Stone but I

Won’t be needing them for long because I’m going to use that stone to craft myself a set of stone tools all right time to build a base for the brand new Straw Hat pirate crew I laid a bunch of wood blocks for the foundation and made

Sure to give lots of space for all the new friends I’m going to recruit I get the Captain’s Quarters of course and Stan gets a bird housee all to himself I too can believe this base is wonderful Captain Zozo oh I get it two can well

Two Can Play That Game stand very funny but leave the puns to me won’t you got to put a kitchen in here too I may not have a chef on my crew yet but I am starting to get really hungry while I was placing down the chest I saw a

Strange item fall out of a tree say isn’t that the gumgum fruit it is not only did it fill up my hunger bar it also made me stretch out like a crazy rubber boy and I grew to the size of regular Luffy I’ve got nine Hearts now

With that much health I’ll be able to last much longer in a fight with Mobs now I’m that much closer to becoming the king of the Pirates yo ho ho on day 6 to 8 I was on my way to the ancient ruins when I saw a flock of giant penguins how

Adorable except they didn’t seem friendly at all because they were chasing someone down and it looks like another human and look they’re wearing an enormous chef’s hat well now I got to help I was so mad that I started smoking and my skin turned red with anger now my

Fists are stronger than my sword looks like the gumgum fruit I ate earlier gives my punches extra knockback and I’m going to need it because these penguins totally outnumber me I need to hit them quickly and then Dodge if they surround me I’m dinner with a gum gum powered

Punch I took down the biggest one and the others retreated March back home Penguins don’t mess with the future king of the Pirates you okay Chef thanks to you I am but how did you know I was a chef just a lucky guess based on the fact that you are wearing this slightly

Oversized chef’s hat and a chef’s apron you got me I am a chef named Skyler I’m going to the ancient ruins to find a spice that can really cook my cooking up another notch want to come with I could really use a bodyguard sure I’m headed there myself looking for Treasure

Personally I think food is the greatest Treasure of all I like both treasure and food for different reasons of course I can’t eat gold or can I you really shouldn’t try to eat gold it’s not food oh take your word for it you are the

Chef after all on days 9 to 10 I arrived at the ancient ruins the first of the dangerous terrains that I must explore to complete the challenge before going any further I decided to consult my loyal crew so Stan Skyler are you excited to explore the ruins you know it

Captain Zozo excited no no eager to find the ingredients yes remember this place is dangerous what are you so worried about it starts with that giant dinosaur right behind you I thought these guys went extinct years ago but it seems like I might be the extinct one if I don’t

Get out of here ouch that bite took away a lot of Hearts if only I knew how to use all of my different gumgum powers Skyler has a weapon but even together we’re no match for this dinosaur we’ve got to run away and fight it another day

My crew and I ran away from the ancient ruins Captain okila wasn’t kidding around when he said these trains were dangerous and this one was only the first one that was pretty brave back there Zozo even if you didn’t win my Hunger meter was getting low again so I

Decided to go back home and grab a bite to eat which would be a lot easier now that I had a chef on my pirate crew on days 11 to 12 I made sure that Skyler felt right at home as the head chef of the new Straw Hat crew I built her a

Small house and made the food preparation area even bigger to make sure we had plenty of ingredients I also constructed an outdoor farm and a flower garden where we could grow plants and made pens where we could keep animals for meat of course no pirate base would

Be complete without a flag to tell Intruders who we are the skull and crossbones mean business y we’ll be heading back to the ancient ruins in a few days anything else I should know about that place I heard that Captain illat has members of his own pirate crew

Guarding each of the terrains no way he has a crew of his own yes and you are going to become a part of it if you fail the challenge at least that’s what’s happened to all the other ones who tried it before he forces people to join his

Crew that’s terrible I can’t let that happen to me just be careful Zoo the other Pirates thought that way too before he got them don’t worry about it I’m not like those other Pirates I’m going to be king of the Pirates I can talk big but these former Challengers

Would all be strong opponents I had to get in gear to face them I decided to train my battle skills by fighting some cave centipedes underground I gave their legs to Titus the Craftsman and he was able to make me a special suit of armor that could climb walls that’ll come in

Handy later on days 13 to 15 I was in the tropical Woods when I realized I needed a new way to train Stan what should I do in order to get stronger I need to become powerful enough to take on the dinosaur in the ancient ruins

Have you thought of going to one of the other dangerous rains first maybe you’ll be able to find something to help you there that’s a good point might I recommend the cloud city with your new climbing ability you should be able to get up there through the mountains I’ll

Leave right away I set off for the highest point on the map climbing the walls with my centipede leggings until I reached the top at the top of the mountain it started to snow and visibility decreased but wow this place is amazing there was a bridge connecting

The Cloud City to the top of the mountain who knew there were materal materials that could be used to build buildings on top of clouds I’m definitely going to have to take some of these special blocks back with me I better grab them fast because I can hear

Something inside the city it looks like I’ve got company an ice gas is flying towards me so you must be Captain Zoo I’m afraid you won’t find any treasure here are you a member of the okila crew yes I am ghastly gust the keeper of cloud city my wind powers will blow you

You away I could feel Gastly gust attempt to launch me off of the mountain but I didn’t give in this was a fight I had to win if I was going to complete the challenge the Gast had ice ball firing abilities which trapped me in ice

And slowed me down while also hurting me with my gum gum abilities I was able to stretch upwards and reach the gas this way with my punches I pummeled Gastly gust when I took him down he dropped some sort of weird key I wonder what this opens during the fight it seemed

Seemed like I had achieved a new level of strength I decided to return to the base and placed one of the cloud blocks on the ground nothing happened a this thing is broken I want a refund I started jumping on it and I suddenly leveled up sure enough I was faster

Stronger and could jump two blocks higher W I’ve gone to second gear in this most powerful form I have 21 Hearts the training was a success on days 16 to 19 I went to explore the Misty maze since I had defeated a member of Captain owt’s Crew at Cloud City I figured I

Could do the same here true to its name the Misty maze was easy to get lost in there were also skeletons everywhere which is never a good sign speaking of signs I found a mysterious note inside of the treasure chest along with another key the note said I have searched

Throughout every corner of the Misty Maze and there is no trace of Captain OK killawatt buried treasure I did find this key though so whoever finds this treasure chest might have a chance to use it what were these Keys it looks just like the one the ghastly gust

Dropped suddenly I was attacked by the skeletons they must have been guarding this treasure chest for Captain OK kilowatt take this you can’t stop second gear I found my way out of the maze with the key in hand on days 20 to 22 I went

To the beach on the edge of the island and fought some aggressive walruses they weren’t that tough now that I had gotten stronger so I was able to gather their tusks as material I Min some Pearl block so I could trade it to the Craftsman in exchange for a better helmet and boots

Here you are Zozo new and improved armor for a pirate Captain thanks Titus with stronger defenses I went back to the ancient ruins I had the feeling that I could find a third key there the dinosaur last time was still roaming around but I was geared up in more ways

Than one I made short work of it wow I really have gotten stronger but not strong enough who are you I am a nubis the true God guardian of the ancient ruins I’ve been sent by Captain o kilawat to defeat you here and now he must really want to protect that buried

Treasure let me guess it’s here in the ruins you wish the treasure is in a place where you’ll never reach was the buried treasure not in any of the terrains I’d been to so far just then Anubis was struck by a lightning bolt it was Captain o kilowatt but why did he

Attack his own crew mate you were a fool to give away Clues so easily nuis I have no room on my crew for fools I was tempted to fight him then and there but I knew I wasn’t strong enough so I just grabbed the key he dropped and ran away

On the way out of the ruins I grabbed some spice from the ground just what Skyler was looking for on days 23 to 26 I returned to the base with all three keys and also the spice for Skyler thanks Zoo now I can complete my ultimate recipes let me know if you make

Anything with meat in it you still have to catch some animals if you want want a meal to happen well you’re the boss Skyler no I am the chef you’re the boss I thought I was the captain with the previous dangerous terrains unguarded I could now gather materials from all of

Them but first I went into the cave to mine some iron ore so I could upgrade my stone tools to iron ones that way I could mine even deeper just because I know there isn’t treasure doesn’t mean I shouldn’t dig I decided to go back to the ancient ruins where there are stone

Brick blocks these are perfect for building a sturdier wall and now I was even able to build floating buildings just like in Cloud City borrowing some of the designs I saw in the misty maze I created a series of secret passages that could be used to mislead any enemy

Pirates who tried to sneak into the base Skyler came out of the house to give us a leash to help with the animals I could use it for capturing animals and I made sure to gather up some of the tastiest creatures I could find I buffed up my

Defense by building a wall out of the strong blocks I had found even though the base was coming along great I still wondered what to do with the three keys that I had gotten from fighting Captain okila wat’s Crew I’d have to explore the island tomorrow and see if there was a

Way I could use them on days 27 to 31 I traveled to a part of the island I had never been to before it was a valley covered in smog I wonder where it’s all coming from even though it was hard to see I could sense somebody sneaking up

On me who’s there a pirate I had never seen before stepped out of the smog oh no I’ve been found forgive me Captain it’s okay I’m not going to hurt you probably who are you my name is Joy the ice pirate I’m a member of O kilowatts

Crew but I can’t stand by and let him imprison other Pirates anymore you should come back to base with me it’s much safer out there than hiding in this smoke cloud okay I’ll bring my special materials as well they can only be found in this Valley Joy went to mine some of

The material and I left the smog Valley with him to return to the base his special material bronze dragon scales were perfect for crafting an even stronger suit of armor in the meantime I added another Tower to the base and of course more pirate flags I also gave the

Outside of the wall a decorative wooden layer to make it look more like a pirate ship on land wow that’s perfect then Joy came walking up to me and gave me a few samples of the bronze dragon scales now to go see Titus about that armor I went

To visit the Craftsman and showed him the special materials it seemed like they brought back memories for him these materials come from from an island far away from here they’re from a suit of armor I made back when I was undertaking the challenge wait these are your

Materials yes and the armor I built using them was one of my best it belonged to a very dear crew mate who is sadly no longer here I’m so sorry Titus do you think we’d be able to rebuild the armor we have to go back to that Valley

The rest of it could still be down there on days 32 to 35 Titus and I went to the smog Valley and searched for the remaining pieces of the armor the smog was so thick that it made it difficult to find anything but it turned out that

It was coming from some kind of huge Factory I noticed there was a door on the side of the factory with three key holes those must be where the three keys go just then we were ambushed by several giant trolls from the smog there’s so many how can we stand a chance Captain

Zozo you must unlock the door I’ll hold them off but Titus you’re not strong enough who do you think I am captain I am the Craftsman and the these are my crafts just then Titus equipped a really cool set of armor i’ had never seen

Before now go find out what’s in there I ran to the door and unlocked it knowing that I may never see Titus again his armor could survive the attacks of those giants but not for long using the time Titus bought me I put all three keys

Into the door and it began to open Titus come on it’s not too late but it was I turned and saw him fall to the ground after an extremely hard hit from the Giants Titus I ran in and knocked down one of the Giants surprised at My Own Strength

But the next one hit me and took away most of my hearts Captain I’ve done all I can equip my armor it’s the only way okay with titus’s Enchanted armor I fought back against the Giants fueled by The Rage of what they did to my friend when they were all defeated the armor

Vanished Into Thin Air it was gone and so was Titus on days 36 to 39 I went through the large door that led to the factory it was dark inside but I soon found a light switch I flipped it on and saw this place was up to something

Really Sinister giants like the ones outside were being modified on a conveyor belt to become tricked out cyborgs these must be Captain OK kilowatt secret weapons what is he planning to use them for meat intruder alert uh-oh an evil robot time to show no mercy I hit the mechanical Menace

Hard and he was launched back I was ready to go for round two when the robots seemed to stop fighting where am I where is the rest of my crew where’s Titus you knew Titus Mr Robot Man yes we were members of the same pirate crew I

Was captured here and turned into a cyborg no way that’s terrible I wondered if OK kilawat would do the same to me and the rest of my friends if he captured me Captain oka’s first mate did this to me with his powers he’s a man named retro Gary who ate the Borg Borg

Fuit he has my real body we have to get it back don’t worry we will for Titus thank you it seemed like I was able to snap titus’s old friend out of his cyborg mind control sometimes you got to beat the mob inside to save yourself on

Days 40 to 43 I built a memorial to Titus on the front of my base rest in peace legendary Craftsman you did everything you could Zozo thanks St man this base is the safest place on the island now we should let some of the good people from Cloud City live here

Good idea I built some more floating dwellings inside the walls of the base that way the cloud villagers could live the way they were used to we went to the Cloud City to invite the friendly Cloud villagers to come live with us and they agreed there are so many people living

At the base now and all of them are counting on me to find the treasure I can’t let anybody down I promise I’ll become the king of the Pirates I believe you can do it Zozo oh hi Joy how are you liking the base I’m really grateful for

The fact you took me in I also thought I should tell you where you can find more of those materials I brought with me you mean the pieces of titus’s armor yeah there’s more of it at my old Hideout near the smog Valley it’s in a bad land

Where Captain OK killawatt tests his lightning powers sounds like I’ll need to be careful but it means getting the rest of those materials I have to do it for Titus if I could complete that armor I’d be able to face Captain o kilowatt and his secret weapons with my friend’s

Ultimate work I prepared for a journey to the Badlands on days 44 to 49 I traveled to the bad lands lightning strikes had destroyed this place there were no mobs anywhere not even friendly ones but there was Captain oaat he was practicing his lightning strikes just like Joy said

I see you there Zozo you’re almost halfway out of days to complete my challenge are you sure you want to take me on now and cut it short I’m only here for the rest of titus’s armor o kilowatt I’ll deal with you later oh How brave but I’m afraid you have Miss understood

Whose armor it is I am the one who controls the island so everything on it is mine I have already gotten those materials for myself and I’m going to use them for my secret weapons you mean those cyborg Giants yes in fact I have a prototype for you to play with right now

Enjoy stat Zo Captain oaat disappeared by summoning lightning on himself and one of those giant cyborgs showed up armed with special futuristic enchantments I was not going to back down the cyborg was big and had a huge reach but I was quick and ran around to avoid its attacks I

Launched a barrage of second gear punches at the cyborg toppling it over some secret weapon you are you belong in the recycle but even that wasn’t enough the giant cyborg started chasing me towards a rock wall on days 50 to 53 I was backed into a corner the giant cyborg was still

Attacking me in a canyon I climbed up the wall with my centipede leggings and dropped down to strike from above gumgum battle axe that one looked like it did some real damage I had to keep going while I had the advantage the mob was really strong but I managed to knock it

Out with some more punches man that was just one of those secret weapons if more were Unleashed I don’t know how I could win I need to go home and eat some good food I couldn’t worry about that now though because the giant had dropped some of titus’s armor pieces when I

Touched them I could see Titus and his crew mates in the past I could see them exploring all of the Misty maze Cloud City and the ancient ruins all of them were wearing powerful suits of armor in the ancient ruins Titus even knocked down a tree with only one swing That’s

How Strong he was it seemed like they almost defeated Captain oaat back in the day but retro Gary helped out and turned Titus friend into a robot he destroyed the armor and using a slingshot he scattered the pieces of it throughout the bad lands in the valley I had no

Idea Titus had been holding on to so much sadness I’ll make sure to complete the challenge so that nobody will ever have to face a defeat like that here again on days 54 to 57 I made my way back to the factory to see if I could

Learn any more from titus’s robot crew mate when I arrived on the inside and flipped the switch I saw that a bunch of the Giants had broken the conveyor belt and started to run free this is probably bad for captain illowa in the long run but it’s bad for me right now those

Giants seemed really angry looks like you could use some help thanks robo man a friend of Titus is a friend of mine working together we managed to defeat the ordinary Giants they dropped some kind of giant power up too I suddenly grew bigger and became Luffy third gear

Yo ho ho it looked like I arrived at the factory just in time to because the conveyor belt was filled with the rest of the armor shards I wore these ones when I was fully human they belong to you now thanks rubber man I promis to get your body back when I

Finally made it back to the base I went to titus’s chest and picked up the last armor pieces I needed in the chest I also found titus’s Hammer I went to the crafting table and doing the best I could I put the special armor back together somehow it felt like Titus was

Watching over me guiding me through the crafting process I swung the hammer over the the pieces on the crafting table and the recipe was complete I equipped the armor and it looked like it would protect me really well almost a bit too much the helmet provided so much

Protection I could barely see out of it maybe for now I’ll take the helmet off I like being able to see where I’m going now that I had put on the restored suit of armor I saw another vision of the past Titus was digging into the ground

At the tropical forest what did this mean should I try to search for Treasure there on days 58 to 62 I stocked the animal pens and loaded up the farm with all the delicious ingredients I found while exploring onions rudaba sweet berries and beetroot now the meals for

My crew would be the tastiest of all time Skyler made a big meal for everyone at the base we set up a large picnic table and for once things were peaceful around here B Appetit enjoy your Feast oh boy there’s meat veggie all of the food groups this is the best after

Dinner I decided to mine so that I could have powerful tools to match my new set of powerful armor since one of my moves is called gumgum battle axe I figured along with the rest of the tools I could craft a diamond battle axe to use for chopping wood and enemies alike they’ll

Never see this coming I decided to have the inside of the base look like a pirate ship to match the outside and lined all the inner walls with dark wood I made sure to keep lots of chests around to fill with gold can’t have a pirate base without any Treasure of our

Own when all of this is over I’ll have a kilowatt treasuring here too on day 63 to 66 I went back to the tropical forest with Stan to see if maybe we could find the spot where Titus had been digging in the flashback I don’t see anything that

Looks like that place what about you Stan why are you asking me I didn’t see the flashback oh yeah right you did say he was digging so maybe you should try that hole over there this looks a little deeper than the whoa I’m falling in I tumbled down into the shaft leading deep

Down below the ground if I I hadn’t caught myself with my wall climbing that might have been it but look at this place there’s a huge empty chamber lit by torch light that’s weird it feels like there should be something in here I dug around on the floor and found an

Unusual sarcophagus hidden among the rocks it flung itself open and out came a mummy back off you gift wrapped meanie thank you for setting me free I’ve been trapped inside that box ever since my captain lost the silence challenge oh sorry I thought you were going to attack

Attack me say what was your captain’s name his name was Captain Anubis I was the most loyal member of his crew is he okay no I’m sorry but I’m putting together a crew to stand up to Captain oaat do you want in of course I don’t

Like that guy at all also this place was supposed to be where his treasure was but he only put me here where do you think the rest of it is I don’t know but first things first you’ve got to help me get out of here oh we can just climb out oh right

Only I can do that on days 67 to 70 I used the diamond tools I crafted to dig a tunnel leading back above ground I broke open some of the blocks and a Devourer jumped into our path they growled and hissed please tell me you’re friendly too it definitely wasn’t

Because it tried to devour me I guess that’s where the name comes from if we don’t defeat that Devourer we’ll never get out of here don’t worry mommy I’m your captain now and I won’t let anything bad happen to you I meant those words too all the the other Pirates Who

Came to this island before me may have lost their way but I made a vow that I’d keep everyone safe that’s how I’d become the king of the Pirates and no devour would stop me after I finished it off the mummy and I continued our progress towards the surface no other mobs showed

Up to attack us so the rest of the journey was easy before I knew it we were back near the top of the hole inside the tropical forest Stan was waiting for us and he seemed happy to see that I survived great to see you Captain Zozo but who’s that mummy guy

With with you I was once part of the crew of Anubis but after seeing The Bravery of zoo I’ve decided to join up with you guys well the more the merrier we all went back to the base together and had another delicious dinner to celebrate our crew getting even bigger

It was great to see so many people joining the team I couldn’t help but feel like we were all becoming one big happy family on days 71 to 74 I was in the bad lands when I saw smog was everywhere again I decided to take a

Look around H it’s kind of hard to breathe in here but this looks just like the smog in the valley where I found that factory that must be important but what’s even more important is that you you find more of my Adventures by searching zo zoo in the YouTube search

Bar I walked for a long time before I saw exactly what I expected another Factory for making those cyborg Giants I might have stolen back the armor pieces but it seemed like Captain okowatt still hadn’t given up on his plan and there he is I’ll have to take him on foolish

Pirate have you forgotten that I train here taste me Lightning he started hitting me with lightning bolt the armor was helping me avoid the worst of it but he was too fast for me to get a lot of hits in I realized I was still too weak

To beat him so I high tailed it out of there I’ll have to return to that factory later but until then the bad lands are off limits that terrain is too dangerous to take lightly on days 75 to 78 I was back at my base and doing some

More work on the interior mostly by making the dining room bigger and more decorated this is the place where everyone eats together so it’s got to look nice while I was thinking about all the friends that were already here to stay I was surprised to get a visit from

The robot Zozo I’ve come to help you unlock the full power of the armor you are wearing this armor can become even more powerful do you remember back when Titus wore his own special armor how it made him way stronger than usual while also granting him protection yeah I saw

Both of of you use that armor power in the flashback too you can use it too it was powered by the friendship between Titus and myself that’s our secret weapon but how do I do it I became friends with Titus while he was alive but now he’s gone but I’m still here

Zozo and I’ve come to give you what you are missing I’m going to give you my friendship right we fought together at that factory we’re definitely friends now I accepted his friendship and the power of the armor began to awaken at the same time so did my own power I grew

Again becoming Luffy fourth gear now I have 45 Hearts I’m almost strong enough to defeat Captain o kilowatt now I can feel it on days 79 to 84 I decided to destroy the new Factory with my fourth gear strength and supreme armor for Titus of course and also because now I

Actually can probably do it there are a bunch of those cyborg Giants but they were incomplete without the armor pieces that now made up my armor you’re no match for the power of friendship my crew giv me strength it was amazing to see how much stronger that I had become

These Giants that were once going to be an Unstoppable Army were now completely unable to beat me I feel like I can unleash even more strength gumgum super jump I grew massively so I jumped on top of the factory breaking through the roof there were more robots inside the

Factory too look he wears the captain’s armor were these guys part of titus’s crew as well yes we were captured and made into robotic servants by retro Gary our real bodies are with Him wow I really need to do something about him it seems like he’s inconvenience just about

Everyone and how also each of us kept a little bit more special material hidden away in case the captain ever came back for it excellent I could use that to make some tools out of it goodbye diamond tools hello special material tools now I’ve got a full set of armor

And everything made of a material that gets stronger with friendship I might as well call this stuff friend medal on days 85 to 89 I got back to base only to find that they were mechanized mobs attacking could there have been more cyborgs no way I thought I got rid of

Them all don’t worry everyone the captain is here to help these cyborgs were made from the devourers rather than the Giants it seems like Captain illat had branched out and started making minions out of other things they started retreating but I’m going to follow them back to the Source you won’t get away

That easily I ran as fast as I could until I bumped into someone it was another human and they appeared to be carrying a bow and arrow you can call me Sharpshooter I came here from the island of snipers in search of bury treasure I was challenged by a pirate Captain who

Controlled lightning that if I didn’t sorry to interrupt but I’ll need to stop you right there I’m actually on that Quest right now oh having any luck luck not exactly but I’m doing pretty well at this point well uh let me know how it goes if you manage to get the treasure

Thanks personally I think it has been more trouble than it’s worth the real treasure has been the friends I’ve made along the way on days 90 to 94 I found that the cyborgs had gone back to a third Factory man how quickly can they build these things this one was the

Biggest Factory of all and I could tell why because retro Gary was right there ready to fight with me well how do you do Straw Hat Zozo you’re crew has become quite the source of trouble for my boss so I’m going to make sure that you’re no

Longer a threat you can’t beat me Gary I’ve Got The Power of Friendship on my side your power of friendship is no match for the power of my Bor Borg fruit cyborg devourers comine with me and go into Super mea retro gar mode retro Gary combined with all of the minions to

Become one super powerful cyborg this would be a tough fight fight for sure but if I won I’d be able to get all of titus’s crew’s bodies back I swung my special material axe at retro Gary and it seemed to do a little bit of damage

He can be hurt which means that I can win his attacks were really strong but so was my armor I stood my ground and continued to hit him over and over again on days 95 to 97 retro gar still had an admitted defeat but then again neither

Had I Bor bog Blaster gumgum Mallet we traded attack until I noticed some of the cyborg parts were starting to fall off of him he was getting smaller with each attack soon he’d be back to normal and that’s when I could take him out captain oila and I are going to create

An army of invincible cyborgs created from the world strongest Pirates and both you and that armor are going to be our finest work yet me become a cyborg you’re dreaming Gary but here’s a better dream I’m going to be king of of the Pirates and with one final punch I

Smashed his robotic body into pieces before his power faded away Gary laughed maniacally apparently he had one more secret left to reveal Zoo there is no treasure it was just a story we came up with to lert Pirates here to this island the whole time our plan was just to

Gather the raw material of our cyborg project the other Pirates were too weak so they just became those lowlevel servants if only I won against you we’d finally have a perfect subject with that his power reached zero could it be true was there really no treasure either way

I’d have to take down Captain illat to protect my friends my crew and the world from his evil plan on day 98 I returned to the base and told everyone what happened to my great Delight all the me members of titus’ crew had gotten their bodies back when I defeated retro Gary

It seems our friendship with Titus was strong enough to Grant you victory in this battle it’s not over yet I’ve still got okila to take care of we’ll be right behind you I stopped by the house to visit Skyler who had been preparing a welcome back meal for me ever since I

Left to go fight Gary there you go Captain this has all of the best ingredients it was made as a sign of my loyalty to this crew and also our friendship thank you Skyler I don’t know where I’d be without you and I’d definitely be going hungry just then joy

And the mummy approached it seems you made good use of all that special material it wasn’t the material Joy Captain Zoo’s courage is what allowed him to defeat retro Gary if I’m being honest I think it was a little bit of both of you guys it was material no it

Was courage material courage okay okay guys I get it just stop fighting I was so thankful to see that everybody body was safe and sound after the cyborg attack on the base well almost everybody there was still one important friend that I had to go see on day 99 I headed

Back towards the destroyed village where everything had begun almost 100 days ago that was the place where Captain o killawatt had challenged me but now it would be the place that I would challenge him but before that could happen I remembered to walk through the tropical forest and say hello to Stan

Hey Zozo it’s your twocan man Stan it’s hard to believe how much we’ve been through to get here you’re telling me friend but treasure or no treasure we’re going to see this through until the end somehow I knew you’d be the pirate to save us all I knew it from the moment

You set foot on this island Stan and I walked together to the starting point and saw that Captain o killawatt hadn’t shown up alone your time is almost up Zozo you may have defeated Gary but I still have a few more giant cyborgs left and once I juice them up with my full

Lightning power they will be invincible yeah right that was Skylar’s voice she was here and so was the rest of the crew we’ve got this Captain we’ll take on the Giants while you settle things with Captain oaats my crew sprung into action I was so grateful and proud of all of

Them but now I had to do my part I was going to send Captain oaat flying once and for all he flew away into the clouds by grabbing on understand the two of us flew upward Into His Last Retreat on day 100 I landed on the cloud City Island

And came face to face with Captain OK kilawat you shouldn’t have lied about the treasure or turned people into cyborgs or destroyed Anubis or all the other evil things you did you’re a really bad Captain you know that oh spare me we’re Pirates we’re supposed to

Be the bad guys we steal thing we’re selfish and we don’t let something like friendship stop us from reaching our goals that’s where you’re wrong oh killawatt I won’t even call you a captain anymore you’re just the guy I need to beat before I become the king of

The Pirates King of the Pirates huh keep dreaming I will I’ll never stop dreaming I’ll never give up and I’ll never let you hurt anyone else we charged at each other and began our greatest battle yet his lightning bolts were as potent as ever but with my courage to guide me I

Pushed through I channeled my inner anger and suddenly grew in size then I landed a four gear punch on him he looked like that really hurt guess he wasn’t as tough as I thought he was just really good at dodging he was at the edge of the cloud and I punched him

Super hard sending him flying to another smaller Cloud I used my gum gum super jump ability to get to him one more attack like that and you’re done you’ll never hit me again I’m going to destroy this cloud with me lightning powers feel the storm sure enough the clouds began

To Fall Away beneath me you can’t make me fall too bad I had nowhere else to jump this left me as an open Target and O kilowatt launched everything he had at me this be the end Zozo no it’s the beginning of my dinner I pulled out

Skylar’s welcome back meal and ate it my health and hunger were instantly restored yummy what good food from a good friend can weather any storm you still can’t hit me over here zappy Stan flapped around near the bad guy’s head that was the only chance I needed I

Jumped off my platform and smacked him in the face bye-bye go gum gum fist that did it ok kilowatt was sent flying into the distance never to be seen again as I fell back towards the ground I smiled because I knew there was no way this was

The end my entire crew set out a trampoline made of cloud blocks to catch me I landed safely among all my friends they were the real treasure one that could never be buried and as pirate king I treasure them always

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as SANTA in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Christmas Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-24 02:15:03. It has garnered 21357 views and 309 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:35 or 13835 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as SANTA CLAUS in Hardcore Minecraft! Will I save Christmas in time?

0:00:00 100 DAYS as SANTA https://youtu.be/zDYnWsulqkE 0:40:31 100 DAYS as SUPER SONIC https://youtu.be/DG1f32DSzOE 1:15:24 100 DAYS as a BABY https://youtu.be/kfAXowMhZ5g 1:52:21 100 DAYS as a LEGO MAN https://youtu.be/M0X-_QVKl54 2:33:24 100 DAYS as VEGETA from DRAGON BALL Z https://youtu.be/1WBGz99QwwA 3:08:36 100 DAYS as LUFFY from ONE PIECE https://youtu.be/-AapPMXrWgE

#minecraft #100days #santaclaus #christmas #holidays Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft: No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. All generated money goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is guaranteed. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL players, with zero tolerance for hate speech. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with our unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Enjoy features tailored for both Java and Bedrock players…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Hot Potato Minecraft Meme – MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny

    Hot Potato Minecraft Meme - MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny Why did the GeGaGeDiGeDaGeDaGo meme go to therapy? Because it had too many layers to peel back! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building, surviving, and exploring, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Just like in the YouTube video where the creator builds a beautiful underground house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much larger scale. Imagine constructing your own underground fortress, gathering resources, and defending your territory against other players. The thrill of survival combined with the joy of building is what makes… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀

    Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀Video Information tes tes tes tes tes tes y semuanya Selamat pagi pagi-pagi tadi tadi gua live streaming e subuh-subuh ng-lag ya akhirnya gua live Jam 10 lagi enggak ketiduran 2 hari kemarin gua sempat live jaga tapi ketiduran jadi jam 12 gak live pagi pagi lagi sekarang gua pagi karena gua ggak tidur habis tarawih habis apa habis tarawih habis salat subuh ya habis e sahur tadi langsung tidur masih hidup masih hidup Mih lah Mih gak tidur Pokoknya gulah kita ak main server lihat guys PIN gua Beh lancar be lah Halo entar gua tadi gua sebelum pas… Read More

  • Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server – EPIC Adventure!

    Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server - EPIC Adventure!Video Information [Music] shut up [Music] spy said with [Music] love [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right hello everyone hi comron it’s cool to see you in the Stream and Pringle and carbon and Dolly and [Music] spooky I said it with love I said it with love shut up spooky with love you know it’s okay um love you guys okay so uh on the I’m waiting for stream to give me the stats and stuff it’s not popping up hi espre oh God we don’t want Mei okay so spooky too far on the grind I’m just being… Read More

  • Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!Video Information hi it’s TV and YouTubers are lost among themselves oh no there’s a bunch of cashes inside the marketplace oh no which one is the real cash I don’t know how many YouTubers are there uh I think that’s like six or seven to save uh wait which YouTubers I’m a huge fan of apmau I wouldn’t be AAU H uh I’m not sure which ones I guess we have to find out which YouTubers to save but first let’s save cash okay so it’s Prop Hunt so one of these is the real cash and we need… Read More

  • Wildly Insane Daku Builds – Epic Minecraft Gameplay!

    Wildly Insane Daku Builds - Epic Minecraft Gameplay!Video Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that Mak me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 – RuHypixel.net” #minecraft #hypixel

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 - RuHypixel.net" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘The 3 NEW Best Texture Packs for Bedwars 1.8.9 | RuHypixel.net #minecraft #майнкрафт #hypixel’, was uploaded by zlokwiq (eng) on 2024-04-30 12:26:16. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:31 or 751 seconds. i show you the top 3 best textures of the pack for bedwars, i hope you like it 😀 ➤ like & subscribe to the channel! ➤ my discord: https://discord.gg/WphBaNFYMN ★ my goal is to gain 1000 subscribers ———————————————————- ➤ sens: 400dpi ➤ fov: 85 ➤ server ip: RuHypixel.net ➤ my setup – keyboard: I… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie Realistic Minecraft Texture Pack’, was uploaded by Bostjan Potrc on 2024-05-19 21:55:35. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:19 or 319 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft player, then you know that making your own weapons is one of the most fun things you can do. In this video, I’ll teach you how to make a realistic Minecraft weapon using my favorite texture pack. This tutorial is perfect for those of you who are looking for a Minecraft project to work on in your free time…. Read More

  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3SEzeR9GUA [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBXJfY4F31E [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JPd_V23sm4 [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

  • Ametist

    AmetistSunucudaki bulunan bazı sistemler: – Seviye sistemi – Görev sistemi – Gelişmiş huni ve fırın sistemi – ihale sistemi – Lanetli güneş tutulması – Tılsım sistemi – Özelleştirilmiş eşyalar – Yetenek sistemi Wiki: https://ametist.gitbook.io/ametist-survival/ play.ametistmc.fun Read More

  • SummitSurvival SMP no-whitelist no-grief 1.20.4

    Summit Survival Summit Survival Join us for a semi-vanilla SMP experience where the focus is on creativity and exploration. No land claiming plugins, just pure gameplay freedom. Joining Process Connect using the IP SSMP.io. Cross play supported via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules No hacking or x-ray No modifying player builds Avoid universal dupes No hate speech Server Features Item based economy Set waypoints with /sethome Teleport to spawn with /spawn Simple protection system Quality of life additions Statistics World Border: 128k x 128k Difficulty: Hard Version: Paper 1.20.4 KeepInventory: False Season 3 started in Feb 2023 and will… Read More

  • Nova Europa – Minecraft Geopol

    Nova Europa - Minecraft GeopolWelcome to Nova Europa! A vaporwave theme and European centred Minecraft Geopol!We launched on 31/05/2024 and we would love to include you in our community!https://discord.gg/hFcZ3jxNfnhttp://europamc.com:25840/ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Monday Mayhem”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Monday Mayhem"“Why was the Minecraft player always calm? Because he had a score of 42 and knew he was in the meaning of life territory.” Read More

  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

    Crafting Stokes Twins' Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I built the Stokes Twins house, with no complaints. From the walls to the roof, every block in its place, A masterpiece of design, a true showcase. The Stokes Twins, known for their pranks and their fun, Now have a virtual home, under the sun. With a touch of my hand, and a click of my mouse, Their dream house in Minecraft, now ready to house. So join me in this journey, of building and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. And remember to like, subscribe, and share,… Read More

  • Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition

    Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition “When you try to impress your crush by showing off your TikTok hack in Minecraft, but all they can say is ‘Is that a dancing creeper?’” #minecraftfails #minecraftlove #crushproblems #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today we want to introduce you to the incredible world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of creativity, community, and endless possibilities, then Minewind is the place for you. Imagine a server where you can build, explore, and survive in a unique and challenging environment. With a dedicated player base and regular events, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become part of our growing… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Artyom Pushkin Goes Insane!

    Minecraft Madness: Artyom Pushkin Goes Insane!Video Information This video, titled ‘СТРИМ МАЙНКРАФТ MINECRAFT ИГРАЕМ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by Artyom Pushkin on 2024-03-08 13:58:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. https://www.donationalerts.com/r/artemkasurovin (artemkasurovin donation alerts) 1.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.7, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.7.5, … Read More

  • Heart-Pumping Minecraft Speedrun Challenge!

    Heart-Pumping Minecraft Speedrun Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrunning, But With Only 1 Heart!’, was uploaded by Jawunleashed on 2024-02-25 00:33:25. It has garnered 254 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:24 or 10224 seconds. Back in 2020, MrBeast challenged me to beat Minecraft with only ONE HEART! In that video, I ended up LOSING that challenge! So now it’s time for a shot at redemption… I’m back to beat Minecraft with only one heart, but this time… I’M IN HARDCORE! That means ONE HEART OF HEALTH. WITH ONLY ONE CHANCE. Will I be able to beat the… Read More

  • STRANDED ALONE IN THE OCEAN! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1

    STRANDED ALONE IN THE OCEAN! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1Video Information This video, titled ‘DENİZDE MAHSUR KALDIM! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1’, was uploaded by YmirLP on 2024-05-11 11:00:11. It has garnered 11658 views and 666 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I WAS TRAPPED AT SEA! | Minecraft Raft Survival #1 😘Don’t forget to subscribe! – https://www.youtube.com/@YmirLP I had a lot of fun in the video, I hope you had fun too. If you liked the video, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video! 🐥Sponsorship and Business [Business] : [email protected] #minecraft #ymirlp #skibidi Read More

  • EPIC Modern Wooden House Build in Minecraft!

    EPIC Modern Wooden House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a modern wooden house: tutorial’, was uploaded by Hunter Sky on 2023-12-19 22:02:52. It has garnered 274 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. learning how to build a modern house in minecraft learning how to build a small house in minecraft learning how to build a survival wooden house in minecraft please like and subscribe #build #minecraft #tutorial #minecraftideas #survival #learning #modernhouse Read More