1,000,000 Diamonds in 100 Days Challenge

Video Information

Diamonds are the rarest item in Minecraft and I want to get 1 million diamonds in 100 days but when I started this journey 33 hours ago I didn’t realize how difficult this would be so let us waste no time and let’s jump right into this loading the World

Building a Terrain even though there’s not much to build and let’s start destroying this tree right off the bat so my first priority is obviously going to be building a platform for us to catch all the saplings falling down from this tree so let us build a couple

Blocks out from the dirt block obviously on the lower levels no mob spawn here and that’s the perfect size for the tree but I want to try and get just a little bit more well it looks like that’s it so let’s quickly M up the tree hello book

And we did get two saplings so we don’t have to restart so my first priority is going to try to get more dirt so we’ll need a wooden barrel hopefully six of them will be enough okay that’s that’s bugging me so let’s build one more and

Now that’s even and I don’t want all of these filling with water so let’s build up a couple blocks and then put the slab down across I’ll say four of them actually no three because water is going to be kind of difficult to get for the

First little bit so I want to have a few of these filling up whenever it does rain so now that we do have these I want to build ourselves some wooden shears cuz I want to harvest all these leaves and throw them into the wooden barrels because leaves are so much better than

Wasting saplings and we are going to need a lot of dirt so here is our seven pieces of dirt and I want to have four blocks in between each piece so we’ll place this one down right there another one right there and then on this side as

Well so now we need to expand our platform and we’ll need one more piece of dirt so with that platform done I want to start working towards this Cobblestone G which means un Cobblestone which is crafted with stone Pebbles which you get from Sing dirt so I’ll

Need one of these seves and a lot more dirt so now that we have all the materials let’s go ahead and craft up one of these seves or nine of them I should say and we can place all of these down and that’ll bring us to day two so

Now all we need is the mesh which is a bunch of string and String’s actually pretty easy to get all you need is one of these wooden Crooks or a couple of them a few trees and then you just harvest the leaves and you get some of

These silk worms then you grow more trees and then use the worms on the leaves and the infestation will start to spread and then once it’s fully spread we just go along and break the leaves and we got a lot of string I think we did more trees than we needed to but

That’s all right cuz now we can make ourselves a bunch of meshes and we can throw them in our seves here make a ton more dirt actually I think we need a few more barrels so we can make more dirt a lot faster and I guess I’ll cover up

This entire row now and now with one stack of dirt we are on to day three so we can now take this dirt put it through our sees get an absolute ton of stuff but most importantly we can make our Cobblestone and we got 49 of it but as

You can see with the cobblestone generator we’re going to need some buckets and glass which obviously for glass we need sand and you get sand by crushing gravel with a hammer and you get gravel from crushing Cobblestone but for the buckets we’re going to need a couple clay buckets and you get that

From an unfired clay bucket which is obviously just some clay and Clay is pretty easy to get so let’s build ourselves two hammers place down some Cobblestone crush it and then place down our gravel and Crush that as well so there’s our sand and we’ll need a

Furnace to smelt that one piece of sand to get our glass but we’re going to need to crush down the sand just a little bit more so let’s place down nine of the sand Crush that into some dust and it hasn’t rained yet that’s kind of

Unfortunate so the clay will have to be put on to hold but we can work on the lava we’re just going to need an unfired Crucible which is made with por some clay oh which needs more clay all right however there is bone meal we do need as

Well and we just get that by sifting some dust so let’s Crush down the rest of our sand and sa some of it oh it’s raining so our barrels are filling up and we can actually take our dust and put it in to turn it into some clay so

Now we got seven clay blocks which will turn into 28 clay which I hope will be enough so now we can actually make our two unfired clay buckets and throw those in our furnace and while those are cooking up we can sift some more dust for bone meal but we’re going to need

More dirt and while we’re waiting for those to do their thing I want to actually build a dark room because we’re going to need some ethereum Essence for later in this episode and the only way we can really get that to start off with

Is from mobs so let’s take a lot of our wood build over 25 blocks away from our base yeah right there should be good and we’ll build a nice big box okay so it’s day four and as you can see below me I have a little predicament my sword’s

About to break and uh Too Many Zombies so can I even hit them from here I doubt it I can actually it’s not game in the void would be a good idea let’s uh try to close this in real quick okay creeper really well I guess that worked I think

I’m just going to farm trees in the meantime okay well stay five and this mob farm is really not going too well it it is definitely spawning mobs but the creepers keep blowing up and that’s a pretty big problem but we are getting more emperium as we go so I’m going to

Leave that for now seeing as that’s for something later in the episode and because there was a few skeletons in there we did get some more bone meal so we can combine our clay and the bone meal to get porcelain clay and that will allow us to get our Crucible which we

Will just throw in the furnace and now we’ll take the crucible and put it on top of this torch and we craft up more Cobble and we can throw it into The Crucible and it’ll turn into lava so now we can take our bucket pick up the lava

And then pick up a bucket of water as well and we can build ourselves our Cobblestone gen and that will make everything so so much easier no more farming leaves to make dirt to thence to turn into Cobble because anytime we right click on this now it’ll give us

Cobblestone so let’s make ourselves a stone sword and a stone pickaxe but now it’s time to deal with that problem cuz we need the inferior cuz we’re going to need a lot of dirt and I want to use dirt Essence for that which you get from a dirt seed which

Requires four inferium here and four inferium on the seed but we’re going to need multiple seeds in this episode so I want to get this inferium seed and for that we’re going to need eight inferium so come here mobs no no no no no creeper don’t do that and well that went well

Okay well guess we’re building a little bit of a wall not dealing with that we’re going to have to figure out a better way to do this I could just do this oh but we got some inferium right there so we’re going to do something

Risky here or not I’m just going to let all these guys burn well that worked there’s two only a few more to go okay there we go we got 10 inferium so’s now let’s grab our seed and craft up our first inferium tier one seed now we just

Need a place to plant this so let’s build out this way and there we go so now we come on over here place down our seed and and well this is taking too long so how do we make the garden clou glass easy treated wood I need the coke oven so for

The coke bricks we need brick clay and Sandstone so let’s crush more Cobblestone so there’s the sand and the Sandstone now for the dust that’s not enough water so going to need infinite water pool and now we never need it to rain again so let’s make a little bit

More clay smelt up half of it and and while we’re waiting for that we need glowstone and so how do we get glowstone dust by receiving dust oh but through an iron stiffen mesh he do we get the iron or pieces sand or dust well good thing

We got a lot of that so we got eight pieces that we can turn into two iron chunks we need four for the mesh so let’s crush more Cobblestone and then see more dust oh we can do gravel to and it’s the same chance might as well do

That to save time so now we can take our bricks out and check in our 10 iron ore chunks wait I just realized I’m going to be too short okay there’s 12 and the reason I was too short is because this thing’s going too slow so I’m going to

Upgrade it to tier two so now it should go a little bit faster and we also have enough to make one iron mesh and we’ll replace the string one so now we can actually get diamonds from saing and that will start our countdown to 1 million diamonds I’m sorry that was a

Little bit close so now let’s work on upgrading the eight others so there’s the iron mesh and now we can just grab our dust and get our first first two pieces of Glowstone Dust now I just need more dust so there’s five and our first glowstone block now we need two iron

Plates so let’s build the hammer and make our two iron plates so now we just need glass panes and we can get the lantern so now the Iron Mechanical component which all we need is copper and iron for so let’s craft that all up and smelt it so while we wait for that

Let’s get back to the coke oven hopefully 15 will be enough but let’s build it right here yeah that definitely will wasn’t enough so a little bit more clay and let’s take our copper throw half the clay in and make our Iron Mechanical component so now all we need

Is the treated wood hopefully that’s enough bro I’m really bad at counting okay now we have enough and now just smack with the hammer and I need some coal so now we just need to let this do its thing but in the meantime we’re going to need this miny upgrade and we

Need a ton of iron all right more receiving so here’s the iron pickaxe and we can make the m upgrade so now we just need this fluid transfer node which is fairly simple to make just need transfer pipes which are very easy to make as well so let’s grab a bunch of Cobble

Smelt that up now tournament slabs and there’s the pipe oh we need an iron bucket well that’s the problem so there’s our iron bucket and there’s our transfer node so now we got a lot of the oil that we need we can just take our

Bucket fill it up do we really not have any more wood okay come here treat and treated wood so now we can make our garden CL and we’ll put it right here place down our transfer node the pipe for our mining upgrade in there so now this is

Filling with water oh we need power yep kind of forgot about that but this still isn’t grown so we really don’t have a choice but to make the power so I think I want to make some solar panels which is going to require a lot more iron I’ll be

Back diamond diamond we got one so many stacks of gravel later we have one diamond so one out of a million done only 999,999 more to go sifting is clearly not the way okay so we got 15 iron and three stacks of glass so now we can make

The mirrors and now the solar panels so there’s three I really don’t think this is going to be enough for anything well let’s grab one piece of dirt throw it into our machine here and then take our solar panel and throw it on top here and

It is slowly charging so now with our fully grown inferium essence which I’m pretty sure took like three Minecraft days if not four we can break it and come place it in the garden clou and it will grow so much faster once it’s daytime up because the solar panel is

Not working cuz it’s night time so while we wait for daytime I kind of want to make one of these Auto hammers because I am getting very bored of crushing Cobblestone myself so we’re just going to need 10 pieces of iron and a diamond Hammer so we did get another diamond

From Sif and gravel so let’s make make that hammer right now make sure we save that and once again come back to crushing things so there is our two pressure plates and there is our auto hammer so now I can just place this down right here I’ll need to build a couple

More hammers so there we go hello H Hammer why you no go in ah needs power excuse me you have power here transfer okay fine don’t I’ll need to make some of these conduits oh these are so expensive so I need an alloy smelter

Which is just a ton more iron oh this is so much fun you know what I’ll be back with a stack of iron did I say a stack I I meant like half a stack anyway so let’s make this alloy smelter so we need The Cauldron check

And the Machine kit oh what is this got the Copper got the gold okay we don’t have Redstone okay dust through a mesh so let’s do that and there’s the capacitor some iron bars the machine chassis and the O smelter so let’s place that right there throw our solar panel

On top and now we just need Redstone and iron so let’s throw that in and that in where’ my Redstone go why does it have to take all my Redstone okay so let’s throw those in now and this power is going way too slow so what does the tier 2 need a piston

And eight solar panels so we’re going to need a little more Redstone so there’s our solar panels our piston and our te two actually I think I want to do the tier two conduits so we just need energetic alloy which is redstone gold and glowstone we have the gold and the

Glowstone so let’s just throw it all in but we’re also going to need a hopper push into the side of it and then we can take our generator and just place it on top right there so now it will autofill with Cobblestone but now we also need

This conduit binder which means we need binding composite which is made by gravel sand and Clay which we have all of that so there’s 32 and we can just throw that in our smelter and there we go that changed up to 64 CU you get two binders per composite if we come into

Our alloy smelter what why did it give me flux again just make the energetic alloy there thank you that we can now use to make eight enhanced energy conduits so now we can come back here place it down on there and the solar panel on top and it will start filling

Up with power when it’s daytime again so while we wait for that we can come to our Garden clou take out all our inferium Essence and we can try to upgrade our seed to tier two so we get more Essence from it so we need Pentium

For that which means we need a infusion Crystal which is very easy to make so we have extra diamonds in here and some Prosperity shards in here so here’s the Crystal and 29 Pentium so now we can take this tier one seed and upgrade it

To tier two and do we have enough to get a tier three no we don’t so let let’s throw tier 2 in here for now and we get rid of all these tier one seeds but now as I mentioned at the beginning of the episode we can take four Prosperity

Shards one of our seeds craft up a basic seed make it into tier one grab our four dirt and make ourselves a dirt seed but I really don’t want to take the inferium seed out so I think I’m going to build another clou so there’s a second garden

Clou and we could just place it right there and connect the pipe to the back then we’re going to grab another tier 2 solar panel and we’re going to throw on top here then add the dirt and the seed so now the seeds multiplying and we’re getting dirt Essence so soon enough

We’ll be able to fill up this entire farm so I we wait for that dirt we got more inferium Essence here and if we combine it with the rest that we have we can get ourselves a tier three okay so now we have 43 dirt Essence here make

That 45 we can go ahead and make a ton of dirt and then with that dirt we can start filling in some of our Farms so we can really start making progression and or and everything else won’t be an issue anymore so if we very quickly do this

All of our Farms completely done so we’re ready whenever we need to use them but it’s day 20 right now and we really still don’t have any diamonds whatsoever because the few diamonds we do have we’re probably going to need to use these so we need to figure something out

Right now and as I’ve already said sifting really isn’t the way to do it especially if we want to get 1 million Diamonds the other way it’s by this diamond chicken but we need to breed a bunch of these guys together we need to breed a glass and a gold and there’s a

Whole bunch of other tiers leading up to those as well so we need to set ourselves up for that which means we’re going to need a nesting pen which is just a bunch of wood and an egg nest which is three hay bales which is nine wheat we don’t have that much wheat

Especially for the scale we’re going to need to do this at so let’s grab our seeds and I’m going to make these two Farms entirely wheat so so let’s get planting these down well 10 seeds didn’t go very far I wonder do we have any

Bones in any of these chests we do got 10 bone meal and seven bones so let’s change the bones into bone meal and we got 31 so let’s go ahead and bone meal all of this up to get a ton more seeds 12 more not bad but that’s still really

Not enough so let’s come on over to our mob farm over here that I did redesign to make it a little easier to farm and we can Farm These skeletons biggest problem though is grass in the drops which I do have an idea for I just don’t

Have the materials for it yet so right now it’s just a sketchy way of break this H let’s get rid of this creeper first that’s probably a good idea grab the bone and cover it back up yeah it’s not the most fun thing in the world but

I’ve also designed this now so we can get Enderman spawning because ender pearls are going to play a very big part in getting us to a million diamonds so I’ll do a lot of farming and I’ll be back after and there’s a full Farm arm

Of Wheat and now we have 51 in our inventory so we can go ahead and make five hay bales really not six okay give me three more wheat thank you and we make the sixth one because now we can make two egg nests which will allow us

To make a nesting pan and I need new area for this looks like this side of the base it is and here we go now I just need a grass seed to grow some grass here and we have six in here so let’s plant these over here and that should

Start growing nicely but in the meantime let’s go ahead throw our nesting pen right down there and the Egg Nest right there so next thing we’re going to need is this animal net which is just three sticks and three string and we got all that so let’s craft it up and that will

Allow us to transport all the chickens so now how do we get the diamond chicken we need a gold one and a glass so let’s go with the glass one first we need nether quartz chicken that can only be found in the nether yay that place is

Fun okay so let’s grab our bucket and some of this lava and let’s make a obsidian I just forgot I need diamond pickaxe to pick that up yep don’t have enough diamonds but I believe we can use the stone Barrel so let’s grab one of those and I’ll throw it right down on

Top of the obsidian that we failed so let’s fill this back up grab more lava out put it in the barrel and then put the water on top and now we have obsidian without a diamond pickaxe now we just need to do that nine more times

But while we’re waiting for that we can make the Redstone chicken which is a sand chicken and a red chicken and we can make make the red chicken egg with a bunch of red dye and an egg so let’s come over here get a bone turn it into

Bone meal now we can bone meal a bit of this grass and there’s some red dye and some yellow ones so there’s our eight red dye now we just need a chicken and there’s really no way to craft it besides with chicken essence but you need chicken chunks for that which means

You pretty much need chicken drops so we just have to wait for one to spawn so I guess it’s back to making obsidian and the final piece acquired now I’m just build it at the back side of our mob Farm here there we go now we just need a

Way to light it so let’s take our iron and our Flint make a flint and steel and ignite our portal so let’s enter the Nether and I have no idea where I am well we have a thing over there and one right there but that’s a little farther

So I think I’m going to go to that one but first i’m going to build a little platform around our portal and I guess build our way over okay so we are here I built a nice big bridge with torches so nothing spawns on it buil our way up to

There which was not fun not at all and so I placed torches along the top but for some reason there’s blazes around here oh we still got some Hostile Mobs up there so we do have to be very careful and hope we can find a chicken

No get away from that guy I don’t want to hit him hopefully we can find one very quickly because I do not want to un alive oh one right here one right here grab it grab it go go get me out of here

Get me out of here no Blaze no no no no no no no no no get me out of here oh that was close at least we have our nether course chicken now I I am I am so happy that it didn’t take very long time

So now I’m going to need a fence and a carpet and if we run on over here chicken I’ll be right with you I’m going to build a little bit of a pen to throw our chicken in to grow up so let’s throw the carpet on here so we can jump in and

Out and then we’re also going to grab you and I’mma put you in here cuz you’ll drop me stuff am I able to speed these guys grow up I think I can I think I just need these seeds but let’s get a few more and let’s grow you up yes it is

Working well I guess we’re just going to have to wait a minute now but while we wait let’s collect all this wheat here so it can start regrowing and now we can craft more hay bals and turn those into egg nests and then half of those into

Nesting pens so let’s throw these down and did you drop me an egg uh of course not why would he want to do that and you’ll spit out an egg in 3 minutes so let’s take you and throw you in the pen I guess it’s 4 minutes now and we got an

Egg so we can craft up our red chicken egg okay so while we’re waiting for that to hatch what else do we need we need a sand chicken and that’s fairly easy to make just a bunch of sand and an egg and we got another egg in here and do we

Have any sand no we don’t so let’s grab some gravel and make some sand and our sand chicken and I believe we can just place this one down normally I don’t think we have to put it in one of those so let’s try and yes we don’t have to so

Let’s grab that and throw them in there while we wait for this attach so that’s the glass side done now there’s the gold side for that we need the yellow chicken which is just going to be the yellow dye and an iron chicken which is a flint and

A bone the Bone’s pretty easy and the Flint is pretty easy as well we just need to wait for more eggs oh and a red chicken hatched so let’s grab him throw him in there to grow up so let’s feed him a little bit so there we go he’s

Fully grown and now we could try to get the Redstone chicken so let’s grab the sand one Chuck him in there as well and let’s breed these two hello you going to to oh Yar breed to cool down all right let’s try that again there we go and a

Sand chicken you were not what I was wanting well we can try again 5 minutes but while we wait we got an egg in here and are we able to use these eggs maybe let’s try and see oh you can just turn them into normal eggs so let’s grab our

Yellow dye bone meal and flint and there’s the Flint egg the bone White and the yellow so the bone White and the yellow will have to go into the nesting pens but the Flint chicken I can just spawn normally so here’s our yellow one and here’s our bone one and with a

Little of editing magic later we are on day 28 and I’ve gotten ourselves up to a gold chicken and a glass chicken and I’ve gone ahead and put all our useful chickens over here besides that guy right there he’s not too useful and we got a redstone nether quartz and an iron

That one is going to be very useful and then on this side here we have all the breeding chickens not really going to go through those because they’re not too useful besides for breeding so this is going to be the last breed we have to do to get the diamond chicken so hopefully

We can do this so let’s go ahead hope we can get this first try well that didn’t work let’s try it again finally that took way too long so now let’s go ahead grow this guy up fully and now that he’s fully grown we can take them and put them into our

Nesting pen in here we’re in 2 minutes and 30 seconds he’ll hopefully drop an egg for me in here and we can upgrade the tier of them hopefully all the way up to tier 10 to make his drops the most efficient as possible and there we go

There is our first diamond chicken egg growth two Gain two strength two so we got an upgrade on every single stat so let’s go ahead throw it in the nesting thing here and wait for that to fully grow and I got to do that all the way up

To level 10 on every single stat so I’ll see you in a bit and there we go the perfect perfect diamond chicken egg 10 growth 10 gain and 10 strength so let’s take this egg and throw it into the nest and once it hatches we will have a

Perfect chicken to throw into our nesting pen and then we can start our collection up to 1 million diamonds and here we go he’s hatched so let’s pick him up and throw him in the nesting pen right here so now we just have to wait for that one to lay another perfect egg

Or I guess this one can as well oh there we go perfect timing so we’ll come over here throw this one in the the nesting pan and then once those hatch we really shouldn’t have to do anything with the eggs we can just to make it a little bit

Faster but we don’t have to and you’ll see what I mean by that in a second but here is our second perfect diamond chicken who just spat out quite a few diamonds so let’s pick them up bring them on over here with our other perfect diamond chicken and we can actually just

Breed these two together and it’ll spit out another perfect diamond chicken and their breeding cool down is only 20 seconds it’s going to go so much faster I thought I thought we’d have to wait for these eggs as well and throw them each in one of these and wait for those

To hatch while we waited for the cool down on these guys but it really doesn’t look like that’s the case so we’re really going to need more of these very very quickly so let’s Harvest all this again and there’s eight more egg nests and eight more nesting pens so let’s

Place these down right here and I’m going to transfer all our chickens over so now we’re going to have this entire wall here and the backside all for the perfect diamond chickens and we can breede these one more time and now we have four time to do this on a massive

Scale but if we’re going to do this efficiently as we’re already on day 54 we’re going to need a way to transfer items and this item conduit is what I want to use which is just conduit binder which we already have and pulsating iron nuggets which comes from pulsating iron

Which we need ender pearls and iron for two things were running very low on so for the iron I want to make an iron seed which is intermedium Essence and a tier three seed but it’s a good thing we have a ton of essence in here that we can

Craft up into intermedium so now let’s grab our prosperity shards and then make a seed once again and then upgrade it to tier three so now we just need four iron and we can make our iron seed that’ll throw in this Garden clush here and

While we wait for that I want to upgrade this seed to tier four I wonder do we actually have enough in here to get tier five no we don’t so while we wait we can work on the ender pearls and I want to do seed for this as well but we need

Enderman chunks which require two ender pearls each and then zombie chunks and to get the zombie chunks we’re going to need this Solarium dagger which is two Solarium and a Mystic tool Rod the Mystic tool Rod is easy to get but the solarium OTS are a little bit more

Difficult so we need Solarium dust which we get from Soul dust and Pentium combined together and we get the soul dust from Soul Stone which is made by Stone and Soul Sand so we’ll need wither dust and sand if we want to use that recipe however I really oh Jesus however

I really don’t want to go into the nether so we could use witch water and sand and witch water is very easy to get we’ll just need these two ancient spores and I prepared a little area here so all we need to do is place that down make it

Milium I think that’s how you say it and then we just take wooden barrels and we put them on top and it will all eventually spread to the other piece of dirt as well so now we just fill these with water and it starts transforming into witch water so let’s grab some

Gravel and make it into sand then just take a bunch of Cobble and smelt it all and there we go our witch water has fully transformed so now we can just throw the sand into the buckets or barrels and get Soul Sand and I’m just going to repeat this a whole bunch of

Times and yes I did add fourth Barrel but now we can craft up eight Soul Stone that we can smelt into Soul dust so now we can craft up our dust and we can smelt that into our ingots and now we can craft up our tool rod and make the

Dagger so now let’s come over here to our zombies and get ourselves a mob chunk but we’re going to need four of these so let me get those real quick so there we go and now we just need to smelt them down into our tier one mob

Chunks and we need to bring these up to tier four for the Enderman seed so there we go now we just need a tier four seed and now we got it so now we take our tier four mob chunks and surrounded by ender pearls to get four Enderman chunks

That we can now take and make our Enderman seed with and seen as our iron seed is pretty much done we can go ahead and throw the Enderman seed in and then plant the iron seeds down and now with those planting down and slowly growing we can take some of our Enderman Essence

Craft a ton of Ender Pearls and then the same thing for the iron then we can throw both of those into our alloy smelter and here is our first bit of pulsating iron that we can turn into the nuggets and combined with our binder to make our first item conduits this is

100% not going to be enough but it’s a good start so now we can come around back of our nesting pens here and connect all of them together just like that however now we’re going to need to sort these items so we’re going to need some of these item filters which is a

Hopper and paper so we’re going to need some sugar cane and I believe we have seeds in here somewhere yes right here four sugarcan seeds and I’ll actually need the snad here which is just two pieces of sand on top of each other so let’s make four pieces of it and throw

It down right here and then just add our water and then our sugar can seeds and I would just wait for that to grow and while we wait for that we’ll need a trash can which is just Cobblestone and a chest and I guess some regular Stone

As well so there we go there is our trash can and we’ll only need one for now and now we have our sugar cane that we can make paper and now we can make our Hopper as well or two Hoppers I should say and we can make one basic

Item filter while we wait for more of that to grow but we’re also going to need a way to store the diamonds that we collect and just a regular double chest is way too small so there’s these different kind of chests we can build and we’ll start with the iron one and

Then we’ll go to gold and then diamond and now to Crystal because these Crystal chests can hold a ton and then we can come back to our trash can here add our item filter change it to Blacklist and put a diamond in in so everything but diamonds will be going into that trash

Can now and now our sugar cane is grown we can make more paper and now make our second filter that will add to the chest one Whit listing diamonds so now only diamonds will go into that chest and if we throw some diamonds into this nesting pen it’ll take them out and start

Storing them all here and if I throw some seeds in along with it the seeds will disappear and it will not be in this chest because they’re all getting thrown in there which just deletes all items and now we can start taking our chickens and putting them in the pens of

Course after breeding a ton of them and with day 57 we have a wall of chickens and we are collecting a ton of diamonds and this chest right here can hold up to 6,912 Diamonds meaning we’ll pretty much need 145 of these chests filled to get

To a million so we’re going to need to expand this a whole lot more and start working on something else but we’re going to have to leave this for for now because we are limited by our wheat growth so I will expand into the second Farm here like I originally said I was

Going to but for some reason decided against and that’s going to be helpful because obviously we need it for the chickens but also because I need build 14 more of these Farms just to efficiently make everything else I will need in this episode because you might have guessed I need this diamond seed

Because then we can make a ton of diamond farms and I know how to speed up the growth of these crops it’s just very expensive to do but we’re going to need to do something else very quickly because without this it’s going to take way too long and that would be the angel

Ring cuz that gives us the ability to fly so to start out we’ll need two feathers four iron a golden lasso and resonating Redstone crystals so let’s start with the golden lasso just four golden nuggets and four string and I believe we’ll need two of these so there

Is eight string and our gold nuggets and and our two golden lassos so we can actually come over here take out our normal chicken throw them in the lasso and then come over to our mob farm and collect the bat cuz we’ll need that also but now we need the resonating Redstone

Which is just four Redstone each and an Ender Shard which is an ender pearl and a glass cutter which is very easy to make so there’s the glass cutter and our ender pearls so now we get a bunch of Ender shards and our resonating crystals

But we need two of these and I actually need to do something with redstone first and that’s make a redstone seed cuz we’re going to need a lot of it in the next few minutes so let’s collect our Essence make our crafting seeds and a redstone seed so let’s go ahead throw it

In our Garden clou take out our Redstone Essence and craft more Redstone and now we can go ahead and make our Crystal and I’m going to make a few extras as well because I know we’ll need them and now we can make the chicken wing ring that’s

Always a tongue twister now we need a squid some graphite and our ender pearl so the Ender Pearl’s easy and I believe we get graphite just by doing this yes perfect and for the squid I can just break one of these run 25 blocks away and they’ll start spawning I just hope I

Can catch one before it falls in the void so if we come on down the bottom of the water stream here we should be able to catch them as they fall unless I can get that guy right there and yeah I got him perfect so there is the ring of the

Flying squid so now I just need gold leather and a gas so here’s our gold our leather but we don’t have a gas and we’re going to need a curse lasso which is just a drop of evil and you get those from Withers so I’m going to take a few

Of our diamonds and make us some diamond armor and I’m also going to upgrade our sword and our pickaxe so now let’s go back into The Nether and let’s try and get some blaze rods and drop a evil oh that compressed guy is going to be a

Problem I guess come here and we’re going to have to do a little bit of uh I don’t have any blocks D going to have to do a little bit of retreating while fighting things you know that actually wasn’t too bad and we got two drops evil and a

Weather skeleton skull so now I just need a few few more blaze rods for later and we’ll be good to go back home but I do want to grab an extra bat because we’re going to need it for this next part so let’s grab our bucket some of

This witch water actually we don’t need that bat and then we can combine this together and drop the witch water down hello bat you’re supposed to uh transform give me a second to figure out what’s wrong ah it just needs to be a squid so now we’ll come back here and

Hopefully this doesn’t go horribly wrong throw the squid in the witch water and there is a gas and I was not quick enough we have to do it one more time and there we go so now we can craft the angel ring and let’s put it through the crafter and

Make it a bobble slot but we still can’t fly just yet because I need this water mill or a few of them I should say so we’re going to need some Stone burnt which is made by polished Stone through a resonator and the resonator just built a block coal two Redstone one resonating

Redstone Crystal and some iron so let’s grab our coal and our Redstone make our coal block and there’s our resonator but we’re also going to need this manual Mill which requires polish polish Stone which is four regular stone bricks and we have stone here that would be made in

Stone bricks and now we can make polished Stone and then we need red stone gear which is just a plank and four Redstone torches and I’m going to make 16 cuz I know we’ll need a few so we can place the resonator down now we

Can make a few the gears and the manual Mill so let’s go ahead and place these down throw some of the Polish stone in there and just start cranking so there’s seven Stone burnt and now we can make our Watermill but we’re going to need a

Little area to put these that should be good enough since now we can go ahead and place our Watermill down right in the middle there and then grab some water and place it down just right there flowing into the Watermill and we’re going to do the same thing on all the

Sides just like that so now we need three more of these good thing they’re easy to make and I don’t have to manually crank the mill anymore so we can just let this go for a while and just like that we have enough grid power

To fly so now building will be so much easier and it’s a good thing too cuz we got a lot of farms to build so there’s the Farms now we just need to fill it in with dirt and it’s going to be a lot of dirt so I’ve added a crystal chest to

Our garden clou and put the dirt seed in cuz it’s day 61 and we really need to get this going so let’s add all the dirt and there’s all the Farms filled in with dirt that took a very long time and of course it’s raining cuz why wouldn’t it

Be but also I’ve added a few more layers to the chicken farm as they have been farming this stuff like crazy I say that as it’s fully grown don’t judge me but now we’re crafting seeds and the first seed I want to do is coal which is

Fairly cheap to get so there we go and now we’ll just throw it in here then the next one is gold there we go and that one can get swapped as well but this next one is a little expensive and that would be the yium one so we’re going to

Need our supremium along with our yium dust that we’re going to smelt up in here and then we’re going to have to transform all of our Essence hoping we have enough and we had just over a perfect amount so let’s craft the seed up to tier five and there is our yium

Seed so now we can go throw that one in so while that’s going we also need a nether seed which use Nether clusters which is just Netherrack and Soul Sand we know how to get the Soul Sand and Netherrack is just lava and Redstone so

We got some lava in here so let’s grab that up throw it in our Barrel grab some of our Redstone and combine it and there’s our first piece of Netherrack now just do that about 500 more times and there we go there’s our eight Soul Sand and eight Netherrack so let’s

Combine them together to make our nether clusters and there is our nether seed and now we can throw this in there as well but now that it’s night time we can take each one of our seeds including Redstone which we made earlier and plant them down in our Farms but it is now

Daytime once again n n the was that that’s terrifying am I eating the rain I am okay that sounded just terrifying but back to what I was doing I want to make a silicone seed which means I need silicon in the first place which is just smelted quartz so let’s

Grab our quartz and I might as well grab all this stuff as well smelt four pieces of it and then I also want to make a quartz seed so there we go and throw that in there I’m just going to do that the rest of the seeds I’m not going to

Point out the fact that I’m doing that grab our four silicon make the Silicon seed then I want to make an obsidian one a skeleton one a blaze seed and pulsating iron but that’s not the last seed we need we just need to make the other ores I guess or ingots or whatever

You call them and one of them is the quartz enriched iron seed which requires obviously enriched iron which is actually pretty easy to make just three pieces of iron and a piece of quartz so there’s IR riched iron and there’s the seed and now the next one is electrical

Steel so for that we’ll need iron crushed coal and silicon so we’re going to need a sag Mill which is pretty cheap and we made all those items before so there’s our sag Mill and now we can just Chuck some coal in and get coal powder

So now we have all the items we need so there is our electrical steel and while that’s going I want to make a guardian seed which obviously requires Guardian chunks which are made by fish and prismarine shards and when we actually have some prismarine from some Loop bags

So we can throw that in our sag Mill and it’ll make us some shards so now all we need is a fishing rod and can I fish in this probably not so let’s make a little fishing spot back here that should do nicely so now let’s catch our first

Couple fish and that’s not really what I was looking for is there oh wait no we can just change it into a normal fish this shouldn’t take very long at all and there we go so now if we grab the prismarine we have everything we need to

Make the guardian chunks and the seed and because the time we took to do that our electric steel is ready and our final seed now we have everything we need actually I forgot one final thing we need to place this chest down here and we need to start collecting chicken

Manure so we have to add that to our Blacklist as well and why is there so many diamonds in here oh cuz this is full well I guess we need another chest there so there’s three more chests just to be safe for now so now with that

Collecting and all our seeds on day 67 we can start making a ton of progression towards our d diamond farm and the first step towards that would be a reactor so we need iron graphite which just smelted coal and a reactor core which is very

Easy to make as well but some of these crops are taking a while to grow and we’ll need to fuel this reactor so let me just make a nice big setup of these Garden closes there’s the setup so now we can’t waste any time so we’re going

To have to do these next few things very quickly so we need to get power going for with a reactor so I’m going to need Iron Coal gold and redstone diamonds please so there is our power station and I built a little fuel system behind it here which isn’t anything we haven’t

Done before besides this crafter which is very easy to get just need a machine frame which is crafted like that now you’re all caught up but now we need a way to transfer the power so we’re going to use these flux points and a flux plug

Which is very easy to make just a flux core and a flux block so flux core is just obsidian endere eye and flux which flux is just smell the Redstone and then the flux block is easy as well just flux course and flux so let’s do that and

There we go now the flux plug goes here create a network and then select it and now anything we put these on we’ll have power well once we activate this but now we need to build farming stations we’ll need electric steel Diamond hoe machine chassis pulan crystals and a z logic

Controller which is made in a slice and splice so let’s get to it and there is our farming station so now we just need a diamond seed so there we go so let’s multiply the seed and come and place our farming station down then we can add our

Power on top select our Network and when we turn that thing on it should start working oh wait no we need hose I forgot about that is there any unbreakable ones I really don’t want to use Tinkers so premium hose are unbreakable oh but we need nether stars for those guess we’re

Building a tiners thing real quick there now we just need to make some of these maddocks so there is a complete paper Mok and now we need to make it unbreakable with these things and there we go I guess I made one more reinforcement plate than I needed oops

But now we can throw it in the farming station take some of our seeds and plant them down but these are still growing stupidly slow so we need some light and then some of these things which are kind of complicated and it’s day 71 unless we

Only need the tier one because those are a lot easier and we have the guardian Essence and the bone essence or skeleton I should say so let’s make some bones and some bone blocks now the sea lanterns which is prismarine crystals and prismarine shards which are very

Easy so there is way more than enough and a stack of sea lter and now that we have our iron we can only make eight of these oh we’re just short bone that is not a problem there’s 58 and 14 more so now come over to our diamonds head

Underneath we can place these down just like that and now if we come to the top it’s growing a little bit quicker still not quick enough though so there’s a few more and our diamonds are growing very quickly now so let’s activate our reactor and now it’s harvesting but a

Very small area we need a couple octadic capacitors oh but I don’t have VN alloy but I do have energetic alloy and ender pearls so let’s make them now the seed multiplying that and while that does its thing we need to automate down here there we go so now we just need make

Sure this set to push and we’re making a ton of diamonds however we need a way to transport these things and I think these ender chests will do just fine so we can make 14 of them and if we grab a ton of lapis we can place it down right here

And mark them all blue and now activate this and diamonds will be stored in our Ender Chest which for now I’ll have going back in the chicken area but now we got enough vibrant alloy Essence to go ahead head and make our capacitor and we can throw one in here which will

Expand the range making us more diamonds and now I just need to build this a done more times so wish me luck however while I wait for more items to generate in our garden closes I kind of want to do something with this because this is a

Lot of diamonds just laying around and I think I have an idea on how to fix that there’s these thing called absorption Hoppers and they work in a 7x 7×7 area they’re very easy to make and I’d only need four for this farm so I got all the

Items I’d need right here so let’s craft up four of them then we can come down below and place them in the four corners of the crafting table and then we can put a crystal chest below each one of them and then change down two items so

Now the diamonds and manure are being collected however we want the diamonds going down and the manure going into a trash can but I forgot to make that okay there we go so now we just Place trash can down change it to insert and then add item filters then just add chicken

Manure and we can actually get rid of these the bottom ones here and we can actually just place the two ender chests on each side once again changing them all to blue and then add the filters and diamonds and now we can activate these and now we’re getting a lot of diamonds

Through here but I’m still not done yet because I’ve been farming quite a bit and I have some seeds so we can actually go and breed all of these chickens making a bunch of baby ones and we’re going to get a lot of diamonds from this

So much so I expanded our system a bit but I still don’t think that’s going to be enough because how many chests I said we need to fill at the beginning of the episode okay I messed up a little bit Hoppers need to be a little further out

So I just added four more instead of tearing down the old thing but now we can breed more chickens that’s a lot of chickens but nowhere near as much as that and it’s even getting to a point that every time I breed the chickens they kind of glitch outside go all over

The base and then they just start teleporting back in here don’t even ask me how many chickens are in there I don’t know a lot and this storage is already becoming an issue so we need to figure that out now and I I think I want to build a refine storage system which

Is very easy to make just very tedious when you want to go for this 64k drives which we’re going to need about 16 of those so let’s grab all the materials necessary and let’s start building so there’s the controller now we need a grid so let’s smelt some diamonds some

Iron and some gold whenever these finish actually I can use this alloy smelter and I can put this upgrade in so it’ll smelt very quickly but we’re actually going to need a new machine which is easy to make so let’s grab that and I think I’ll place it down right here next

To the controller and we’ll add a fleux point to the back so now we just need Redstone our iron and silicon and we can throw it all in here and let them smelt up and while we wait for that we need to build this disc drive which is made with

The enriched iron and advanced processors which use diamonds and this machine so let’s pause that for a second and throw the diamonds in so there’s our two Advanced processors and the iron can go back in and there’s our disc drive that can go right here but that only has

Eight slots we need 16 so we need another one of those there we go and now I believe we can craft some of the things we need to make the grid so there it is and now we just place it on top and we have a system just need the

Drives so let’s get started so let’s make a stack of the 1ks then a few 4ks and now the 16k and two 64k parts now we just need to make them into a storage disc which we can do and then throw them in the system so I’ll do that a few more

Times but we’re actually going to need some cable and importer cuz now we can connect these to the back of the system and grab our ender chest and connect the Importer making sure these are all blue so we can actually now disconnect this and put it here change that to insert

And all of these to extract so the Ender Chest will start filling up and then pile into our system over there and now with our full disc drives all we’re storing is diamonds but this chest is getting pretty backed up so I going to make some upgrades for this importer and

I think the stack upgrade will be important which is just sugar and a few speed upgrades which are the other upgrades we’re going to want so not to bore you here is all our upgrades let’s just throw them in and that’s training a lot faster now and we have almost 5,000

Diamonds in here and we are well on our way with a ton more to go so I’m going to do a little afking and we’ll see how we’re going okay so we’re on day 82 and I noticed something I don’t know if it was just a coincidence but I took one of

These chickens and brought it off to the side here made a little pen and I compared it to these chickens in here for drop time and what I noticed is the chickens in the nests are actually dropping diamonds a lot faster so I decided I wanted to do a bit of farming

So I got myself 48 hay bales so I can make 16 egg nests and then transform those into nesting pens so I’m going to go ahead and put all these down and then transfer a lot of these chickens into these and I think I’m going to try to do

All these chickens and there is a ton of them so wish me luck okay so it’s now day n and we have a ton more chickens and I do mean a ton and to make building the nests more efficiently I’ve automated this well that’s a problem Oh I’m a

Genius just never added the recipe and put some of the growth accelerators underneath as well and we’ve just been storing all the hay bales in here but we have 222k diamonds and only 10 days left to go so I’m going to need to continue expanding this Farm as much as I

Possibly can because I knew the diamond growth would accelerate tremendously towards the end I just didn’t think we’d be cutting it this close so let me waste no time and let’s expand this even more oh wait this chest is Right full but the under chest is empty so we’re just not

Transferring items quick enough so I need some of these item conduit speed upgrades which are very easy to get so there is a 16 of them because not only do I want to put them in the extract here I guess I need to put them in the

Insert as well wa no we can’t and it’s still not even going down meaning we had a very big backup of diamonds I just don’t know where so I’ll add the other eight in here as well and now that’s going down very quickly so that’s better

Now we can expand even more and there we go it is now day 100 and I really hope we completed this because we have massive chicken farm and if we fly around the back it is completely covered in more chickens it’s a little bit laggy

Over here but if we come on down to our store system okay that doesn’t look good how many do we have 561,000 well I guess it is still going up but still so unfortunately we didn’t complete the challenge but I’m sure if we focused more on chickens from the start of the

Episode rather than these Farms we would have 100% completed this challenge because those chickens are really the main thing that filled up this system so we’ll probably come back to this in the future try again but for now thank you guys so much for watching I hope you

Guys did enjoy sorry for this being late if you want to know why I posted a little thing under the Community tab my channel why it’s late and if you guys want to see more content like this let me know I did enjoy recording this for

You so once again hope you enjoyed have a great day and see you next time happy holidays and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Can You Farm 1,000,000 Diamonds In 100 Minecraft Days?’, was uploaded by DragsterkingHD on 2023-12-22 22:00:13. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:32 or 3152 seconds.

In this video, We start a new Challenge! We are Starting from a single tree and trying to get 1 Million Diamonds in 100 Minecraft Days! Sky Factory Minecraft! Hardcore Skyblock

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  • World’s End Unveiled: Gamers Stunned by Sight!

    World's End Unveiled: Gamers Stunned by Sight! In the world of Minecraft, players were in shock, When they reached the end, it was quite a block. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and bold, But with teamwork and skill, its story was told. A million guardians, a powerful sight, Could they defeat the dragon with all their might? In seconds it fell, a legendary feat, The end of the world, a victory sweet. So dive into the game, explore and create, With Minecraft, the possibilities are great. Keep crafting, keep building, let your imagination soar, In this pixelated world, there’s always more. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Skibidibopyesyesyes Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Skibidibopyesyesyes Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #skibidibopyesyesyes Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today we stumbled upon an exciting video titled “NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Spider Man in Minecraft🕷#shorts”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to build your own Spider Man statue or even recreate epic battles like the ones shown in the video on a multiplayer server. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a noob, a… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Isekai Boy Learns Minecraft Skill from God’s Legacy – Town Building Madness!

    Unbelievable! Isekai Boy Learns Minecraft Skill from God's Legacy - Town Building Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Isekai boy Get a Minecraft skill from God’s Legacy and Starts Build a Town Manga Recap’, was uploaded by Manga Update Channel on 2024-05-15 12:00:28. It has garnered 4249 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:02 or 8342 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate destination for manga enthusiasts! 🚀 At Manga Update Channel, we’re your go-to source for in-depth manga recaps that bring the captivating stories of your favorite series to life. 🔍 What We Offer: 📚 Manga Chapter Summaries: Dive deep into the latest manga chapters as we provide comprehensive summaries,… Read More

  • 1000 Days as Hulk in Hardcore Minecraft!

    1000 Days as Hulk in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as HULK in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Green Beasts Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-03-14 02:15:00. It has garnered 412416 views and 469 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:54 or 12834 seconds. In this video, I attempt to survive 100 days as a movie character HULK in Minecraft Hardcore mode! This is an extreme challenge where I will face other animals, creatures, movie characters and so many more, who will try to take me out but will I survive? Watch and find out! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as HULK https://youtu.be/zVzJxl8Tj28… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Glitch Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Now the New Best Minecraft Texture Pack…’, was uploaded by ItzRealGlitch on 2024-04-06 00:56:43. It has garnered 2228 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:55 or 115 seconds. Thank you everyon for 500 subs lets try to get to 1K subs and I will have a video you have all been waiting for… Texture pack Download link: https://rekonise.com/sub-to-unlock-ronfj (Disclaimer) I do not own any music from this video ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ tags (ignore) #cpvp #crystalpvp #minecraft #minecraftfps #minecraftfpsboost #minecraftvideos #survival #swordpvp #texturepack #youtube #1v1 crystal pvp, crystal pvp player, cpvp… Read More

  • Master Builder Creates Epic Village in Minecraft!

    Master Builder Creates Epic Village in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3142 #shorts’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-05 02:30:26. It has garnered 2468 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3142 #shorts Read More

  • MishellMoon’s Epic Modded Minecraft Memes!

    MishellMoon's Epic Modded Minecraft Memes!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #mcyt #twitch #modded #kawaii #minecraftmemes #foryou #gaming’, was uploaded by MishellMoon on 2024-03-02 17:18:44. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Ender Golf CHALLENGE – You won’t believe TWO TURDY’s reaction!

    EPIC Ender Golf CHALLENGE - You won't believe TWO TURDY's reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ender Golf at TWO TURDY on Mythical Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-03-21 04:13:53. It has garnered 61539 views and 1210 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:25 or 13585 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeninjas-kingdoms.1926218 Installation Guide – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner Read More

  • Minecraft Detective Uses EPIC Binoculars!

    Minecraft Detective Uses EPIC Binoculars!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft aber es gibt CUSTOM Ferngläser!’, was uploaded by Dektiv on 2024-01-05 13:15:02. It has garnered 341077 views and 3435 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:23 or 1463 seconds. Hi guys ✌️, today I’m playing Minecraft but there are custom OP binoculars! 🛒 Official Detective Merch Shop: https://dektiv-shop.de (Available now!) ✨ Subscribe to the channel if you don’t want to miss any videos! 🙂 👍 Like or share the video to support me! 👀 More videos on the topic: #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival ↪ I played 7vsWild in Minecraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlsZJ3TZWh0 ↪ I’m trying to… Read More

  • Stop time in Minecraft! POV NipunLegendShorts” 😉#shorts

    Stop time in Minecraft! POV NipunLegendShorts" 😉#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: You can Stop Time in Minecraft 😉 #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-10 07:30:12. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- POV: You can Stop Time in Minecraft 😉 #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts… Read More


    😨NEVER FOLLOW A GIRL AT 3 AM IN MINECRAFT! SHADY LESKA & NUBIC SCARY STORYVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱НИКОГДА НЕ СЛЕДИ ЗА ДЕВУШКОЙ В 3 ЧАСА НОЧИ В МАЙНКРАФТ! ШЕДИ ЛЕСКА И НУБИК СТРАШИЛКА MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MrShadyMan on 2024-01-16 10:00:03. It has garnered 364029 views and 14213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:08 or 1328 seconds. Today we will be watching Leska at 3 am in Minecraft! 👧LESKA: https://bit.ly/2FYiJrz ✅NUBIK: https://bit.ly/2Y3swbN 🔴SECOND CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/3zf2C1Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🍏 TikTok:https://bit.ly/33mE5uX 🍊 INST:https://www.instagram.com/mrshadymanoff/ 🍉 My VK page: http://bit.ly/2hIsotv 🍋 All episodes: http://bit.ly/2DuIGfo 🍒 VK group: https://vk.com/mrshadyman ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A little about myself: Greetings friend, my name is Slava or ShadiMan. On my channel you… Read More

  • BlockBreak Network

    BlockBreak NetworkBlockBreak Network is a fun survival and pvp server with a constantly evolving storyline. We have kitpvp, survival games and two survival worlds. “Survival A” is a vanilla experience with no cheats however “Survival B” has cheats enabled but there are more resources, exciting plugins and a constantly evolving storyline. The two pvp servers use 1.8 pvp but the server is in the latest version. We have parkour, ranks and a new expanding community with frequent giveaways for in-game items. Join now to experience this thrilling server! Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft About Us: Community-focused server with opportunities for building, leveling skills, and earning money. Active development and player suggestions. Main Features: – Towny for land claiming and community building – Fourteen unique skills to level up – Thirteen different jobs for earning money – Player-driven economy – Over 200 custom enchantments – Craftable gear and custom resources – Custom fishing system with 170 fish species to catch Join us on play.prismacraft.net or on Discord for more information and assistance! Read More

  • Charged Creeper [SMP] {Cross-Play} {McMMO} {Dungeons} {Mob Arenas} {Custom Loot} {Shops} {Chest & Inventory Sort} {Crates}

    Charged Creeper [SMP] {Cross-Play} {McMMO} {Dungeons} {Mob Arenas} {Custom Loot} {Shops} {Chest & Inventory Sort} {Crates}Welcome to the Charged Creeper SMP server! Build, conceptualize and reimagine to your hearts content with the assurance of your progresses safety and longevity. If you’re annoyed with unstable & buggy worlds; If you’re tired of short lived servers destroying your progress; if you’re tired of servers nickel & diming you creating an unfair / broken experience, we’re the server for you! What else does Charged Creeper have to offer you; log in at any time, any place from any platform and see for yourself! Here are a few things we offer the community:💎 QoL: Such as Public Warps, Personal… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “War in the Air.”

    I guess in Minecraft, even wars come with a sweet, fragrant aroma! Who knew fighting could smell so good? Read More

  • Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player’s Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem

    Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player's Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem In the world of Minecraft, where players roam free, There’s a cheater among us, causing quite a spree. The moderator’s on the case, ready to reveal, The truth behind the cheating, it’s time to deal. Join us on Ares Mine, where the action’s hot, With giveaways and updates, we give it all we’ve got. Server IP at mc.aresmine.ru, come join the fun, And see for yourself, the battles to be won. Follow the rules, stay sharp and true, On Discord and Telegram, we’re waiting for you. Ares Mine is the place to be, where legends are made, So come… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe or Creeper will explode your house 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe or Creeper will explode your house 🔥😂 When you’re so desperate for subscribers that you start begging like a Minecraft villager trading emeralds for diamonds. #DesperateTimesCallForDesperateMeasures 😂🤣🎮 Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the BEST BONEMEAL FARM in Minecraft, producing a whopping 8,300 Bonemeals per hour! The farm is compact, fast, and self-sustaining, making it a must-have for any Minecraft player looking to up their game. But here’s the catch – this incredible farm might be affected on some servers due to limitations. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind provides the perfect environment… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Annoying Pop-up Tips

    Minecraft's Annoying Pop-up Tips If Minecraft Had Annoying Pop-up Tips Imagine playing Minecraft and suddenly getting pop-up tips that are both annoying and useful at the same time. While this may not be a feature in the game, it’s fun to think about how it would change the gameplay experience. Let’s explore some of the potential pop-up tips that could make Minecraft even more interesting! Tip 1: “Did you know? Diamonds are a miner’s best friend!” Imagine mining away in the depths of a cave when suddenly a pop-up appears reminding you of the importance of diamonds. While seasoned players may already know… Read More

  • 🔮Prince Arii’s EPIC Wizard 101 & Minecraft Adventure (LIVE)🔥

    🔮Prince Arii's EPIC Wizard 101 & Minecraft Adventure (LIVE)🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Wizard 101 Then Some Minecraft!!!! (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Prince Arii on 2024-05-03 07:39:45. It has garnered 91 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:53:06 or 17586 seconds. Please like and subscribe…. Please… Gary [Homies Links] This Dude – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkz_sxsFeE4anxf2SOY7Utg Shy – https://www.youtube.com/@shytownxs Jack – https://www.youtube.com/@SKELETON_UTOPIA MNC- https://www.youtube.com/@MidNightClub- [Personal] Donation Page – https://streamlabs.com/theprincearii Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/arii_marrello/ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@ariimarrello Discord – https://discord.gg/5gavgZTY Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/theprincearii Read More

  • Grotex: Unbelievable Reactions!

    Grotex: Unbelievable Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘BRO WHAAT?!?!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-04-29 10:58:46. It has garnered 465 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while… Read More

  • INSANE Hardcore Map Run by PaypayNotPie!!

    INSANE Hardcore Map Run by PaypayNotPie!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Map Hardcore PaypayNotPie -Clip’, was uploaded by Sasera on 2024-04-01 12:26:40. It has garnered 1895 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Judul: Aku Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft Hardcore! Hashtag: #Minecraft #MinecraftHardcore #Rumbling #AttackOnTitan #ErenYeager #ColossalTitan #Indonesia #Gaming Kata Kunci: Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore, Rumbling, Attack on Titan, Eren Yeager, Colossal Titan, Indonesia, Gaming, Tutorial Minecraft, Cara Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft, Minecraft Survival, Hardcore Survival, Minecraft Indonesia, Server Minecraft Indonesia, Mod Minecraft, Plugin Minecraft, Resource Pack Minecraft, Shader Minecraft, Seed Minecraft, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition,… Read More