20 Sky Bees vs Mischief of Mice GONE WILD!

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief i’m berlin i’m kashgar and we’re here today for another episode of sky bees are you looking at me a buzz is not my catchphrase oh there i go oh my gosh thank you rowan for the tea time hi everybody i was very lucky yes i like just made

The edge let me say hi to everybody that’s showing up in chat so far we’ve got rowan fellar lance astro birder uh siren moons tyrell serious creeper i almost said sirens creeper siren moons tyrell tyrell nobody get i’m i can word today uh does ella and hinson

Hi everybody how you doing i think that’s everybody that’s this oh and uh cuboid droid hello hello i think that’s everybody that’s uh said something in chat as of so far but uh that’s a lot of money thank you hit son oh no that was a serious creeper for hinson

Thank you serious creeper for gifting us up in 16 lapis yeah your own creeper thank you very much actually i’m gonna take the only one i’m gonna use that lapis i’m gonna try and get a new bow because this one with multi shot is just it’s killing me yeah i’m just leaving

Arrows everywhere on the ground when i try using it it’s terrible oh you’re right ah i knew i was supposed to set up something for the automation on that hold on a second let me see what is that september oh [ __ ] right i i knew it as well and

I’m like this i need to do something for twitch today and i can’t remember what it was it’s subtitler for those who don’t know it means that you get uh 20 off when you uh get a sub or gift to sub uh and i still

Get that i mean we still get uh the same rates that we would as if it was a full paid sub so cheaper subs for you guys uh same support for us let’s see where is the yeah it’s good stuff clown [ __ ] man is it this no no no no no not commands

Hold on here i’m going to switch over to too late to save the child now you will join him and there we go thank you very much thank you place of great power that’s amazing where is the darn thing oh my gosh uh is it under this i think it’s under

This it’s too good for you very powerful no it’s not in there you know i’m just gonna say i’ll i’ll take care of it after the stream uh for next time just what i’m looking for you guys further oh boy [Applause] so thank you redemption to start off thank you serious creeper

For for the reminder and for giving us up to hinson then fourth was thank you for gifting subs to kite and lord annie to nice cuboid droid ghost hunter The 100 ankle biters harvester sing it dang it right oh we’re on a hype train we already made level one harpsichord thank you for wow 500 400 bits Thorns effect now so they’re kind of hurting themselves but i am down a bit of health there there we go Take a while to punch in that guy uh where’d the witch go dealing with him just being here is the best help that’s true you guys don’t have to donate anything you don’t have to you know you don’t have to try murders yeah you can even just learn you know

Being here helps help oh crap i’m almost dead we don’t have any party healers oh i know there’s a witch here somewhere i just can’t see it there she is oh where where’s yeah i think you picked up four twists you got him yep i didn’t think it would happen well done

Uh my bow is gone do you have any forgetting to lock out when it happens do you have my yeah do you have my bow oh i do have i have a bow named [ __ ] storm you can you can keep it if you like your inventory is totally

Overflowing with stuff let me grab it [Laughter] it was like kind of just magnetic towards me awesome i’m back thanks [ __ ] storm i forgot because it really is with the multi shot because i don’t know if you noticed this but watch i’m going to shoot the the

Dirt blocks over there watch my oh my god i can still see you yeah are you stuck in it oh hi all right let me let me try again all right watch my feet but you can still see where i’m aiming if you want but you just i’m watching your

Feet all right ready yep your your feet are on fire exactly it’s multi-shot and for some reason one arrow goes forward and all the rest landed my feet oh lightbox pg thank you for the phone thank you for twist for the 300 bits i don’t think i i thanked you for those and

Uh thank you light light fox bg for the follow welcome to the mischief you guys are all what’s the point in the multi shot if you’re just shooting yourself well this is why i’m thinking i need to get a different uh a new bow i might put oh is this why you were

Trying to give it to me here like here have this yeah no it’s it’s a great bow it’s super opaque but i just can’t i don’t know if it’s theravos or the ravos uh rohi 78 curiosity i’m the lust and damian oliver thank you so much i’m the best

And that’s what i was looking for yeah i was reading chat when that gas fireball went by i’m sorry put that in there put this over here um this is a place of great power yup and i need uh sugar because i’m going to make a lot of things

Okay yes i said that looks like multichart right purple is projection we all fired we’ve got the old 80s this is a problem uh stabby movie music jason is on his way no if i ran out of hey hold on another stack Nice try the pause with jason having to tie his shoes So i can’t oh there’s a fly in here kashka is your game volume kashka doesn’t broadcast game volume so it is on but for her to hear only so when you’re seeing her view you’re still getting my sounds yeah that’s awesome i can hear the ducks

Don’t come back to uh the inventory area unless you want to hear lots of ding-a-lings do you want some digglings um i see what kind of stream it’s going to be where did you go busy killing dark hats you disappeared how are you above now yes all right i need to finish

Doing this stuff all right wait why it might not work okay sir this is a wendy’s have some have some tickling and there’s another bit i have 85 levels what do you want me to do with this you won’t give it back then come back up those weren’t those weren’t danglings

Those were ding ding ding insert my tingling jason is always watching though today he must be in bed i heard he was a bit horsey’s this morning but oh i i don’t know about now gosh ducks all over the enchanting area ah got eggs oh oh this convenience let’s

No no dang it you were supposed to be launched off the edge da i tried okay we’re gonna toss those in there down in there and see what we get infinity that’s a good start quick shot infinity magnet and punch i’d take you that works stay homeless and thank you rowan

So what i need to do is put that there all right let’s see quick shot six geez okay um oh that’s nice okay infinity so i don’t need all these arrows anymore just need a few and then magnet six let me take off this for a moment the ring the one ring um

Throw this on the ground oh yeah look at that how far away does it work oh that’s pretty good let’s go all the way over here oh yeah okay well i might as well have vogue right what i watched there we go the commands are still in quite oh right

I forgot [ __ ] i was supposed to do it while we were setting up and i didn’t do it now i’ve got to do it on stream oh and i just screwed that up uh let’s see it’s under here i’ve got this and then this no no it’s under this

I think you magnetize it because you guys keep like well um dumping our stuff all over the ground no it was just an accident honestly okay and then this one here okay this one no this this one that one there we go got it okay all right save reload exit

Oh gosh okay that just scared the heck out of me oh my god is it gonna do the thing oh no you have to do i have i have to do it so first let me say welcome raiders yes i’m going to switch let’s switch the point

Of view here welcome raiders thank you chosen architect very much for bringing your community here we are currently playing sky bees with cci enabled which is content creator integration so when you guys do stuff like bits and follows and just different channel rewards things happen in games

We’re also doing that with carrier bees which does similar stuff with bees and let’s do a shout out oh gosh and i just no no no no actually that’s perfect don’t respawn i won’t respond all right um so i’m going to slowly die as a voice just like harvester just did i’m going

To do a shout out for for for chosen so we could do i’m trying a new feature where it actually shows a clip from uh the shout out stream so or not necessarily the same stream just one of the clips that they’ve had so let’s see which one comes up

Uh and you guys can see that it’s like complete oh i didn’t do it right okay click relax it helps if i actually put yeah it is clip roulette oh boy yeah so let’s see i don’t know i gotta see this as well make a normal crafting table tinker’s crafting table

I’ll just put this right on top of the bedrock sneaky architect i know right that should be my next channel just sneaky architect sneaks all day long alright so we needed that for a base mesh let’s take a look uh we have not done the hammer yet but uh the bed one

And and here’s the thing because it’s clip roulette sometimes you get somebody that just clips weird things that have you know it’s not like a big laughable thing so this is why we can do it multiple times okay that’s nice i see you’re playing minecraft i remember this you’re not my friend

Right now with your fpb wasn’t it take that every feeling death wait witches have something that can kill you i thought they literally just when did witches get well done sir well done i’m respawning on that one but there you go for those that haven’t already given

Chosen follow you should he’s a really cool guy that’s a little sample of of the quality content yep he’s a friend of mine and he streams a lot more often than we do but he’s good the time i learned bottles can kill you right i got killed by that actually at the

Beginning of the stream just before you guys showed up oh you maybe you should do like a quick base tour oh sure okay for those that are hanging around here um let’s start off thank you for the follows by the way that’s fine yes thank you very much for the follows

I see walking dead uh loki the cat uh kizzy gamer boss bones alphavax nidian and thank thank you all very much for the follows and welcome to the mischief um so this is where we started this is our our messy area with all the deaths that we started getting one day that

Won’t be there anymore one day um so you’re gonna have to watch on the small screen now because uh as you can see somebody activated one of the cci interactions which switches our view um but to the really boring me turning flowers into petals sorry but this was the area where we had

Our bees cur stored in here um but we have since moved them over to the main area twitter bunny thanks for the follow as well and welcome to the mischief um so then we we moved on over to moving on over we did actually we blew up half

Of the original base on purpose then we moved it out to this area koshka started making all these different hex areas let me teleport to a different location we’re up at the enchanting area but she is currently making a giant stem to what is going to be a huge flower

With a whole bunch of uh bee making hives around it uh yeah we’ve got an inventory system down here with our apiary that’s currently making mass amounts of all sorts of stuff this is our inventory area here and then if you go over to our tech mess

Area this is my project for the day is to try and clean this up um oh shoot we’ve got spots over here that need light as well on top of the reactors but um i’ve got to move the power systems up here and then we can have a machine area down here

And yes we’ve got ducks everywhere it’s it’s a thing it’s a thing [Laughter] we’ve got our blood magic area it’s just a bobby blood magic area we don’t really need to get too heavily into it so i never did uh then we’ve got the uh bunch of chosen architect bees flying

Around it’s so cool to see like bees just wandering around the face it’s very cool i like down oops okay i gotta stop using the teleport story um but we also have a boss arena down here for the very rare occasion that somebody uh you know

Activates one of those we have to fight a boss we’ve got a mob farm down below which people enjoy flinging me out of into my death which i think you saw earlier we also have a britannia area that kashka made over here um it’s like baby tanya yeah baby botania it’s like a

Lot of the the stuff it’s just you just need little bits of it you don’t need a lot of it oh god um and oh shoot i just shot that um then we’ve got our astral sorcery stuff really high up in the sky oh god ah this is gonna hurt oh

That’s half my health um but yeah you get a really good view of everything down here uh there’s the another portal down there what can i do for you why wonder 64. thank you for the following to the mischief uh but this is our astral sorcery stuff um we’ve got up here

You okay step to the right into the yeah but yeah and we’ve got a giant bee up here with like the little wings and stuff that uh is going to be landing on the center of this flower that we have yet to build the pelvis for yeah but yeah make a flower

This is a place of great power roxas unknown thank you for the following oh you’re right thank you serious creepy thank you very much for gifting us up and for those that don’t know it is september they just joined you get 20 off subs so

If you know next time you’re going in to like chosen architect’s place and you’re thinking about renewing your sub this is the month to do it you get 20 off he still gets the the same cut as he would normally if it was a full price so it’s a great time to support

Your content creators so sorry that brings us back to night time did you want to sleep so you don’t get attacked by the flying uh rugs um probably because i’ve also because i haven’t like where is it oh did you get to it did you not put the torches down yet

No i didn’t also that yes me and my pokemons are gonna take a nap together oh phantom’s a rug now yep is this okay i got something for you kashka oh yeah yeah what you got uh where are you i am back at spawn because that’s where my bed is all right

There you go it should make reaching those places a little easier stop thank you for the hundred hundred ankles with yummy bits [Laughter] there’s a fly in the house get away from my tea [Laughter] we had the doors open earlier because it was beautiful and then of course

Yeah a fly gets in the house and it’s like game over man oh i thought you were where’d you go i i gave you something it looks like a kind of like a black and yellow matchstick torch launcher so you can shoot torches from a distance if it’s inconvenient so

You don’t have to climb all over the structure what is that chosen be doing a process just hang around especially if you’re like active and whatnot yeah process cleric hello and yeah give subs happen yeah so you know what it does you don’t need to beg for them

Or anything but you know they will happen just hang around in chats participate with the communities and you’ll get them most likely say hello abby okay so i think i’ve got all four corners now yeah they run in the opposite direction when i hit them so if i hit this one

Nope you run away from the edge it’s they’re really smart [Laughter] man they’re smart okay they’re programmed like the bees the like the bees will just come up over the edge shoot you with a honeycomb and then fly back under and the ducks you hit them and they’ll run away from the edges

So they don’t get knocked off it’s it’s uncanny oh oh oh i see a victim you’re there we go got one i gotta keep the duck population down or else it’s gonna get too crazy so chose i don’t we got so caught up in the clips and the base tour that i don’t

Think we asked you how your stream was yeah how was it man i’m sorry about that hello we got kind of excited about it if you’re still here i mean i know a lot of people end stream so they can actually stop for the day yeah yeah

I was standing on the teleporter i do this so often all right how are we doing for power get this egg out of here um that’s doing okay that’s doing okay so are you okay if i shut this one or got a cactus farm set up in vanilla nice yeah all right vanilla

Well you’re on that’s just a big nope you’re on 117 or are you doing uh 118 experimental play i think you’re on 117 vanilla right now aren’t you with a sub server i think as well if i’m not mistaken um i think i’m gonna need

I need another one of these so that i can transport the power no no no throwing stuff did you lose another pair of pants nope i still have my pants okay i still have mine i do have i mean i just noticed thank you bro yep yep and playing

Oh enigmatica 6 and sub server on twitch and now better minecraft plus over on youtube nice i’m sorry it’s going to sound really spammy but i’m going to take this opportunity to advertise my community and i have recently come we’re this far away from full release

But we’re currently on one of the last beta versions of our own uh modded mod pack it’s called magical yeah modded minecraft mod pack it it’s called magical mischief tour it’s a heavy magic exploration adventure mod pack and we’ve been having a ton of fun we’re now playing it on sunday evenings

Here on the channel um so i recommend people to check it out let us know what you think of it you can find it on uh curseforge if you want to find it the easiest way because that’s a bit of a mouthful magical mischief tour just search for mmt in the mod packs

Two m’s and the team might sell out time with male 1 well no i got to promote it because it wasn’t just uh just whatever he was looking for it did the modpack it was our community epic squad how are you harvester thank you for gifting us up to epic

And epic how are you my friend it’s good to see you again um thank you for the oak logs as well uh harpster well how are you doing i played quake remaster while i was at chosen stream and when i finished the new chapter i actually get to your stream stream page

It’s no stranger to me to watch a stream inside any streaming site nice and if the if the web if the modpack page looks a bit amateurish right now it’s because it’s not in full release yet once it’s in full release which it’s just a few tweaks away from getting there

The page will be a little bit more dressed up and we’ll do a few more announcements and stuff like that i mean i will maybe i also have plans to do it on let’s play on our channel but hopefully other people like it too so far our community has really been

Enjoying it a lot come back here come back here exist [Laughter] don’t tell me this i do not need to know anything about mornings hello hello rasco it also works with gd launcher yes it does by tweaks you mean adding more ducks right it’s got three different mods to add ducks

And one and two of them to add geese so i think i think we’re good for ducks and geese right now it’s nice to mix chosens and your tips and mod packs to get most of them right i agree i mean getting multiple perspectives on mods and modpacks

Yep i mean there’s stuff that i always miss there’s stuff that he always misses you know not every time or something like that but i mean it’s it’s what makes it a lot of fun you can kind of vary your content also started streaming mmt on sundays yes we have hey

Well the crumble comb when when you eat it or are hit by the projectile from that bee will start uh damaging your armor now so i get to see more ducks oh i need to fix that ray is oh you mean i’m a server i’m like in real life

There’s three mods with ducks best pack 13 out of 10 wood duck again right wood quack again i need another blazing undercell which means i’m gonna need more of those blazing thingies to transfer the power like that that’s good oh we’ve got a bunch okay all right and i got an egg

Take that back the chosen bee i just need to build things didn’t see you there seriously ray is a terror chosen you do but bishop will point it again we always forget some we yeah we always do i have a question if i was a if i was

Subbed to your patreon that gave to the access to service and had to stop can i still ask for server info chip you can always ask now if the the servers are open to any of our um the those that are subbed on twitch or those that are at the uh

The i think it’s tier two on patreon so it’s it’s both roles so oh it’s a it cannot be i see you’ve got uh a mousy badge next to your name so that means that you’re a sub here on twitch as well so if you really wanted to

Crunch it you could like use your sub here save yourself the 20 and then you know go for go from there still doing subtech age mod packs final main quest but before that i have to gather as many metal materials as possible crafting two singularities of the ultimate correction

That’s a grind yeah i stop when it gets to too much grind that’s my downfall and why i don’t catch a lot of just gonna spam the arrows yeah like the mmt server yep chip you’re right you you do get access to the mmt server if you hook up your twitch account to

Your curseforge account you’ll automatically gain access to that chat that chat channel and it has the information there that b was being very weird something’s never changed all good to you koshka are you okay i was having b issues you know singular crafting is so time

Consuming but i want to reach the end of the main quest line i i understand i understand and i totally support that and i i respect you for having that dedication seriously that’s a lot yup you you’re heading close to that edge are you going over there yeah over there

Could i need to dress that [ __ ] you want to come over here okay if i get some seeds no that would be a little too rude oh xp all right so i need to make more uh another one of these blazing intercept i think i might have one

I do have one okay so then let’s clear that no no no not that let’s p for that let’s see how much of this we already have can i make a second one no but i can make one of those and then this that was really close

Do we think there’s a torch up there that’s the question well you could always just launch a torch nearby i’m on the twitch patron server twitch pages okay there is in fact a torch there okay can’t stop the quacking so what you’re saying is we need a ddss season two no

Oh my gosh no skelly bro was the end of the pack that was it seriously two of those and he was amazing he was he was well worth it okay i’d like to say he was well worth him but the house still needs a leg that’s true it doesn’t only end up

With one leg it’s a flamingo it was a very sus house to check out mmt i was considering making a magic focus pack next too just finishing up my first tech based one at the moment i really enjoyed packs like heaven’s sorcery but that one stalled i like the idea though mostly magical

Storyline minimal tech not just kitchen sink right well the idea behind mmt is uh it’s similar it’s it’s similar to uncle jenny’s in a way it’s open plan you can progress how you want the mods have been very minimally changed oh i hate you maybe i got a feed on it

I can see it you want to shoot it yes got it thank you you’re welcome i don’t know why i don’t know i do know why but i just could not hit that b roscoe thank you very much for gifting us up to vdog thank you very much um what was i saying

There’s duck stocks and space shuttles oh right [Laughter] all right mmt um it’s similar to uncle jenny’s where it’s fairly open plan but the mods are all in except for a few very few recipes have been changed it’s the mods are as they are intended to be

Played so you’re going to be very powerful but you’ve you’ve been nerfed to allow the use of other mods that you can level up with so yeah it’s um we still have a whole host of empty cubes over here by the way mtb b-pods well um have they been breeding in the apiary

There’s a ton of bees in there um okay oh no but um no but but uh i think the chosen beads are in there oh okay that makes sense duck focus magic pack yeah pretty much and there are some chosen bees that are wishing they were in there but health

Isn’t going to cause these fanboys at the window here and like a lot of things well it’s got um player x in it so you i have it it’s set up so you start with three hearts and you’re intended to play it on hard and as you gain xp it’s its own separate

Xp bar that you can update to increase your health and uh other stats like strength and dexterity and choice intelligence and all sorts of luck and whatnot i think sirius was trying for a uh an all look have we seen nightcast by the way and thanks archer i did see nightcast earlier

Is he here tonight um i saw him in chat like at the beginning of the stream okay why do you already chosen these well i’m asking if i’m asking nightcast if you are here earlier um like in in not too many days past there was a special occasion for you that happened

What was that oh yeah we’re doing this now [Laughter] i have no idea what i would drop though i wish i had a custom b well you could talk to newbie he’s the one that made the mod there’s oh my god there we go it was his birthday

Happy birthday night yes i know so i know it was several days ago they’re like very very slowly oh Here i help thanks you’re killing more ducks than you are little i mean like the hostage made the carrier bees mod and it he’s made a one for uncle jenny as well um which is really great it’s it’s got a buck tooth and a tutu and it looks really

Really good like a baseball cap as well thank you for the tea time um but he’s got a quite a variety happy birthday happy late birthday nightcast and it it works really well on with the cci i i highly recommend it chosen if you want more information on it i can

Always talk to you about it later if you want but yeah seriously nightcast i i hope i hope your birthday is okay because i know you were having a rough day on your birthday and i hope that it got better and if not well happy birthday man

Not sure that many entities can spawn at one time well that’s the thing i spaced them out so they didn’t take damage and instantly die in one spot so you have to be in a little bit of a space for them to all start spawning

You need a duck pond now we’ve got one right here okay get i can’t get the duck pond a little bit right right there no there we go but it’s very bubbly [Laughter] how do i want to have this coming like down here you little cook duck

Yes that’s the duck fun being built it’s right there oh oh got one this one is like fascinated with yukashi it’s just like what is she doing they both are i think they expect spanx but it snacks mean i got them okay fair enough call peter

We got another right scrap from some of that i’m being pushed wait would you please stop it oh you’re gonna do a dance oh no problem no no oh that’s one of the bees dang they’re so evil sky blocks murdered all the ducks that it’s my friend [Laughter] wow

I see it not the ducks it’s it’s the ducks are gone these things work great for no more i’m just going to machine gun this thing until i finally hit it come on come on no okay i should just aim oh it’s gone no oh there it is oh i see it

So close oh i got it oh it’s not dead it’s not that i think i’ve pissed it off though oh come back this is the part where i shoot myself aiming directly oh come here come here darn you bomber beaks they’re so evil on skyblocks because

There’s so little land for them to hover over it’s a ballon b because it’s a duck hater oh i hit another one oh i don’t have enough power on this bow apparently to one shot these bees anymore that’s one of the two oh this helps me building things uh-oh well yeah actually

I’m floating oh how’d you gotta thanks for the raid hey go ahead i can i’m gonna come on just one more hit on it it’s so far away and keeps moving around oh so close where is it was over here i thought oh oh i see it is it flying underneath really

Oh for crying out criminy what the heck for crying out yes i said that leave me alone how do you like 85. hey [Laughter] oh we’ve still got the dangle llama going on over here how many episodes has it been dangling over there it is invincible the magical fly dangle llama all right

There it is it’s about to sink into the void but might be able to get a shot off at it got it okay there you go the duck murderer has been slain i think you’re the real duck balloons hello bee i’ve got some some duck feathers here

I’m just gonna put them in the inventory fumble calm oh more raw duck do we have a furnace over here no well um i just wanted to uh cook up some duck whoa okay oh boy we got fireworks hello kitsah 50 arrows to kill one what are you

Talking about i have the same amount of arrows okay no arrows were lost where did my oh i think my travel staff got needed uh oh no i i have it where are you i’m lower hives travel anchor hi there you go thank you ah jeez good well timed mobius

Glad i came when i did oh oh antichondroga is coming in as well with a okay well it’s it’s a night for raids um let me get rid of these oh oh crap oh crap oh crap are you okay no i i hit a bee i said and now they’re

All coming through oh wow you are dead sir welcome raiders um i’m not coming over there thank you ty ty for for coming in for the raid i’m so sorry that most of your bees have just uh been sacrificed because i i punched one i’m sorry

But anyway uh we’ve got cci which uh does things like that for uh interactions we also are playing sky bees what were you up to in fact let’s find out click roulettes we’re gonna do clip roulette here where we get to see a random clip from ty’s stream

So hopefully it’s a well-timed one hopefully it’s one you approve of we’ll see and you were playing minecraft what were you playing sir brick wait what just happened brick point’s modded also nice oh my gosh panda cove who poondozzer 69 dismal decay waldo nuts waldo got one that’s a lot celestia takasaki 0930.

Yeah jackie they made me turn the uh not and we probed this we proved this with chosen rating us earlier that it’s not always something that comes in at a very well timed so i’m going to try again and hopefully we’ll get one that’s a little bit more

Appropriate because not all clips are equal all right so let’s see here uh what well we’ll see well we’ll try another one maybe we’ll get one of the good ones you know i i don’t have all good ones [Applause] happy september that that clip was spot on thank you tai for the sub

And for two months thank you very much and and seriously um if you guys haven’t checked out tai he he’s somebody that i have checked out his his streams are often when i’m like eating food so like i’m making dinner or something like that so i don’t always get to them but you

Should check them out and give them a follow super nice guy plays a lot of mod of minecraft obviously he was earlier how was your stream and i just threw away happy september exactly at 16. happy september i just threw away your lapis but thank you um i don’t know why i do

I’m just all over the place but yeah it is it’s september 20 it’s the unexpected love from the race it is it’s kind of throwing me off a bit i mean let’s get rid of the bowl is what i was trying to throw out you deserved didn’t see that there was a pinned

Message oh gotcha chip oh crap if you’re if you’re not whitelisted please give us a ping in the discord he had loads of fun in the nether let me tell you oh i do tell or do we need to run another clip wow that sounds like a threat

Tell us how your stream works or else i need a teleport back over there so i can finish crafting this thing i thank the light oh sometimes i got knocked off my dirt my nerd i realized that i teleported away and left all these to attack cash so i teleported back

Thank you sorry for the hundred nibbles yeah okay thank you nibbles look at this guy hanging out up here probably not it was case yes was there death by lava because if you go to the nether i think that’s a requirement for my streams you know what i can just do this

I grab all the duck eggs what’s what’s better than one notepad two no polls i know what’s better than three i i can’t even say that properly what’s better than two is three wow wow all right maybe you should naturally koshka villain clips as payback

No no no we’re not we’re not doing a shout out myself that’s not needed um get rid of those ones and i was trying but maybe i make a command for that in the future yeah it’s the same thing it’s just shout out no i know but that’s just goddamn i just

Fell off my notepad how does one accomplish that exactly i don’t know golden iron gold and iron i can put some of these in here i don’t think that’s better nether mods or all the poisonous mushrooms and one man i really love how that looks though it’s

So like i love how like overgrown and crazy it is yeah i quite like that but it is like a pain in the ass because you can it’s like you can’t walk around without yeah uh being quite careful oh crap oh crap um at least you didn’t have uh

Alex’s mobs mosquitoes in the nether i’m floating now too please don’t have another bee hey come here bomber beat oh it’s so close [Applause] On how far oh i got i hit it i think that yeah no thanks on those i was wondering like if that’s like well you know if it’s having having your random clips played is that like yeah oh the drop bears are pretty bad as it is but yeah the the mosquitoes no

Thanks i just i just can’t with the mosquitoes that bee is angry oh it’s a thai bee that’s why oh come on angry angry angry bees we have to tomorrow because valen and i are our beekeepers irl yes tomorrow we have to go and volume some bees to the dead tree

That’s gonna be our day tomorrow it’s gonna be crazy run run okay the bees all gave up oh no they didn’t no they didn’t teleporting away got angry bees don’t don’t attack me okay they left me alone sorry no thanks on those oh gosh they’re ridiculous i’m hi mr pisco i don’t think

I said hi to you earlier hello bisco how you doing oh it’s good thank you dabbing evie school of archery where you too can miss like a pro hey when you i have infinity i’m gonna abuse it get a bite from that blood sucker i get a series of itch well it’s ridiculous

How you just can’t stop them from getting to you either oh and you need to do a massive amount of damage in order to kill them before they can oh they’re just they bug me and i know that they’re a bug and there’s a pun there but seriously they do

Um but yeah i think i did i missed that earlier i was missing a lot as well on his defense smoke chrissy vg257 thank you very much for the twitch prime sub i’m sorry i did not say so earlier thank you very much chrissy how are you and erica erica thank you for

Coming in the mod that adds killer bees instead of poison or wither these are killer bees some of them make you drop your stuff other ones ruin your armor other ones look at your screen or reverse your controls they’re ridiculous ridiculous i’m going to the nether tonight no

Kind of what they do backwards alex’s mobs and puts them into the between lands oh oh no thank you just know i need oh so his oh oh jeez all right that was close necklace um there’s the problem that looks just like a plain boring wall though it needs some like oops

Volume to it time to get out this this it’s 1980s hairspray so we can create that volume Oh but we need to kind of somehow like i am very lucky today yeah how’s that to your occupy somehow that needs to move that way what needs to move that way i don’t know i haven’t quite figured this out can it be like roots growing over the edge

If you have red terracotta you can glaze it and then add leaves and that to make it look like roses oh i also just realized oh the beans oh yeah the bean is here so let’s we need to enable pug cam she okay she doing a little sneezing oh over

Here dark warlock thank you for the following welcome to the mischief thank you oops oh that’s a chicken and it has been cleaned all right here we go pug cam coming on there she is this is our little girl zoey post hello good girl

Oh hold on i gotta turn on my cam too there we go and all the little love hearts she looks extra small in that picture funko doggo doggo pogo yes some boot you into the void um well i mean it is rare but and i see that you

Did try to do that yourself i think that was the point yeah pretty much rude so this this okay i can make that kind of i need another one of those so we were going to build the sorry what you are you what are you up to i’m

Making a second battery cell so i can have it uh access remotely gotcha that cool if you like sure don’t care put those in there the bad the bad night that looks sometimes she just likes to squint yourself into the corner of it like you know

Just as far in the corner as you can get can i think one of those i can’t believe you murdered all the ducks i didn’t you did with your bomber bee obsidian uh casing and capacitor tiny casing oh i’m not chasing really and capacitor tiny okay all right head back over hi hi

Waits for the snares see a pill pug that’s a lot of months serious creeper thank you for gifting a sub to tall thank you i forgot the stream left work early and was finishing up watching the old cole check the night stalker movie i don’t think i’ve seen that one

Hi all hi zoe you guys like timing it she is like tucking her face under there yeah she is super snug she had to walk early just a little one all right let’s put these there goes there one two and three zap just need to wait for the result come on bing

No wrong thing this these hey all right so i need to make more of those oh my gosh i forgot that they’re made of infinitely more okay there we go and then this and oh we run out i run out of gravel oh did you i really did okay surprise surprise

That’s not good uh no i thought we had one don’t we have a gravel bee going somewhere it’s called tv series but i think i think it’s being overwhelmed by really the stuff that’s in the apiary oh okay yeah we need to upgrade that oh almost almost nightcast but not quite

Intercell hardened under so hardened okay got two of those i can make a blazing one what okay i need one of those gravel b where are you oh you know what i should get first before i go hunting for the crab will be something to grab it in or maybe it’s in here

Those oh my gosh i didn’t set up any automatic crafting for these things and i was starting to regret it uh this and then this no no no no that i’m gonna make another bee box it’s that one that i need that and that okay energy cell blazing just

Move all that stuff in there energy i had two all right now we gotta try and find the grapple bee there it is hardened what is it because it’s got power stored in it it’s not working oh no it’s one of your favorite shows girl i think i might have

I might have seen it when i was growing up maybe gosh the chosen bee scared me watch the x-files series i loved watching x-files is that a chest pet or a briefcase what chest pet or briefcase i if you’re looking at my inventory i don’t have much i’ve got a mana tablet

Are you looking at koshkas oh oh no it’s a bee box it’s a bee box it’s restoring a lot of bees ah so i’ve got a mate how do i empty this just want to find the grapple bee you know what and she’s crap let’s go make a new one okay

That’s already full and these are fine so now that we’ve got like a gazillion um another stars should i take the nether b out of out of that yes i think that’s a wise choice let’s close this out energy cells i’m also going to collect some of these chosen bees wait this is

I choose you hold on a second here where’s the powerbook give me one of these storage it’s so grumblebee storage and traffic energy cells and ender cells okay so i need to make an undercell and put a oh maybe we already did okay and i can put the

Enter okay i made an ender cell and i can put an energy cell in it that’s fine the hardened ones are fine i think that they’re going to be oh yeah 8 000 fe i think they’re okay oh oh geez i thought it was more killer bees no it was a duck

There’s a tiger in this he’s still into a beach box but it only buzzes all right so let’s see if i can okay figure out how to get these to connect there doesn’t seem to be any power connection here we’re missing a cable we’re just going to plug that in

Um and i need power nobody the power book newbie hi how’s it going how are you well this weirdest dream wait you had the weirdest dream last time so now you’ve had the longest weirdest dream so is it just a longer version of the previous one uh enter cells

Store energies channel the under network of the owner you can access the energy stored selected channel from anywhere in the world of the undercell you want to transfer power from slash 2 have an active channel with a valid capacity okay so i should be able to just access it by

Placing it down let’s just put this down and see if it’ll work let’s go up here enter cell and does it no it’s not that there we go that’s and it’s it’s storing power rowan thank you messi should invite helen on a tour of your base and drop him into a pit full

Of ducks thanks you guys are great channel two has nothing channel three is not the channel one nice oops nicey nice so let’s let’s go down here it wasn’t hot quite house of leaves but it felt like it oh man oh one of my favorite books yeah and the the album and actually

Poe is my favorite musician oh crap and she’s a sister to uh daniel who’s the author of the house of leaves book and their cooperation with the the book and the the song and the album it’s fantastic i loved it i’d love to see a really well made movie based off

Of the house of leaves book my base isn’t much yet unfortunately it’s all right neither is ours step to the right don’t think they got you didn’t they um if they did it was i was a mid-flight so it didn’t matter oh oh shoot out thimble be no now got it hold on

Okay bad thimble bee bad naughty bad sibling hey pop cheese okay bob cheese it has ducks so it’s fine and and yes uh nightcast you are you should be on a 30 minute cooldown should be i didn’t change anything about that hello my friend stay a while and listen

Creator selfie thank you for the follow and welcome to the mischief all right so i put this away all right what i want to do though so then if this can transfer power out that’s the main power source i can actually move that around but i need to move all this up there

Oh geez i had the freaking sword in my hand didn’t i okay these are all receive and extract this is a place of great power kitty super cave girl oh thank you for being gifted a sub by serious creeper you like how i switched that around serious creeper thank you very much for

The sub and for gifting it oh crap this is a terrible place for this i hope you have a happy birthday night nightcast oh my god it’s raining these little guys okay time to go to turbo mode me get on their level let me get on that level it actually is

A little bit easier there’s one on your back okay you’re weirdo i got it i can still have one yeah they’re on the other side but i can’t get over there because i said i’m being repressed and among stocks why aren’t the ducks eating it i thought they ate these things

Just still one more ow yeah oh there’s one in the pipes in here oh oh how many are there a lot wow you’re with your beheading sword yeah i know it’s annoying actually i don’t want all these heads stop it thanks we’re very upset about all that

Did you hear all the cracking i do all right so um i’m going to temporarily dismantle our power facility and move it upstairs okay all right yep i might move the biggest stuff first take these out and that way we can have something big still supplying some power i guess i’m slowly

Being pushed by ducks they’re just like shoving me they’re so pushy that’s all that’s cool i need white that’s really cool all right so let’s go up here can i get up there excuse me docs all right let’s put down reactor we can put two of them together put two of them

Near each other oh yeah yeah over here one and then look at this it’s a duck in a bag in the inventory a duck sack duck sack sack full of ducks um i want to keep the lights up here so maybe i put one right where the hell did that go

Oh this one wait doing that oh that was damn it this is difficult and then we can connect everything with cables here’s something up there it’s ridiculous maybe if i put more in there it will take longer and i can have oh [ __ ] i just turned that white i didn’t mean to

God damn it this is not going as i expected okay first let’s do this okay oh yeah i forgot that was it was it yellow dye or orange dye to turn the thing uh this green the honey color i can’t remember i think it was orange orange yeah oh except i need okay

And i hope you know how i feel about small hostile mobs i i am interested to hear and i call myself quackers when i start to clap i feel like with this channel in chat we could make a really cool book is there any are there any authors out there wanting

To make a young adult’s book what titles the adventures of the mischievous mice and the dow and the downfall of the duck in them [Laughter] tech mess gosh that’s so many freaking ducks i don’t know what that duck’s doing to the machine but i don’t approve uh let me grab the wrench

For power I have to say of all the stuff the power it’s the only thing that i think doesn’t really look that pretty is the rotate config link what if i these ducks are so pushy now that’s i thought i could just hmm okay i guess i need to pick

To get the cables i thought i could just grab the cables or something else but pick regularly really fast and they have tiny hitboxes yes i heard you can dye ducks with swords too your dogs are weird why are your chips ducks are pretty low to the ground

Villain i’ll tell you i hate them because they move really fast and they’re so hard to hit okay yeah i get that come on i can’t get out of the way i’m collecting cables here excuse me excuse me pardon me uh we’re going to grab this that too oh

I should put that back go back koshka’s going to kill me uh that i grabbed the power that was feeding into your uh thing right now yeah i can’t do anything at the moment because um adult you mean less than 100 years because that might not be inclusive of

Mortal beings like liches and duck deities how could that be get in there i like you you’re right movie the mmt title screen and music oh you like it right thank you the the um the title screen uh the the animation of it and all of the uh the

Options page if you go to that was made by noggins draws um and then of course we did like this there’s a statues mod or something like that for um posing the the people in different outfits and then superimposing them over it so we can transition but it was cold animation

For the sake of all the deities in which hit me and i oh party healer sir i love you very much because i was missing you so much earlier there was no party healer and they killed me with damage not just flinging me that’s a duck in the hopper the enrichment chamber

I’m useful it’s slightly overrun in many ways you are very useful a nightcase i got one thank you thank you very much oh i ran out of ah ran out of eggs oh crap oh boy they’re all gathered around me now too much start crafting them into blocks and

Using them to make really pretty things that’s all i got all right so let’s see um i need to move this whole set up next this is gonna be a bit of a bit of a mess yeah it’s gonna is it even working it’s turned off

Yeah process part we have a netherstar b so it’s just it was just like we had to take it out of the idea because it was just producing so many other stuff it’s just insane how is this even is it it’s not even working anymore is it

Oh look at all this freaking beeswax look we don’t have any magnets anymore did you remove those no i did not find those books right there right duck eggs just all the time it’s just all duck eggs all the time there’s duck eggs all the way down oh gotcha okay [Laughter]

All right let’s see um i need to find those mag maters where’d they go hey bj how are you they’re not in the system either oh jeez guys i’m pooping out duck eggs are they jammed in the system somewhere did they get broken i don’t know the things that were feeding off the

Lava system which isn’t hot i know i mean they’re not here than i am uh there was more than one as well there was one on either side here following the cables now just in case things removed the expired just saw them actually oh dude you have a whole lot another starts

Yes we do we’ve got another beast i mean you don’t think the silverfish hate them do you we got eleven hundred dollar stars doing just ducky oh i see what you see there you go see i just took up a lot less space now um look at that they’re they’re actually

Really pretty blocks did you see i like them they’re opalescent they remind me of the old school arse magicka r is magicka excuse me not arse i’m an artist for saying that some people walk over hot coals and john walks over crucibles of lava well i mean you know ducks do too

Cheese number 12 minecraft transportation would give me any number of another stars as i want yep arse magical you guys are asleep microphone time oh she stopped as soon as i grabbed the mic all right we’ll try to catch sleep whoops next time so seriously you don’t recall us doing

Anything with the um mag maters i see them right like that’s what they’re called too what the heck that was like a good portion of our power supply are they used for anything besides making better nightmares stop pushing me duck [ __ ] stop the ducks just like get out of my watch

Mr blacks last time i saw them they were in an advanced combat because they are imbued with divine lava they underneath the platform why the heck are all these bees like under this platform whoa i don’t understand how those bees have gotten in there uh are they set up to breed

Oh maybe they did sneak in there [ __ ] under here let’s check they don’t want to make another box yeah they wouldn’t make two more boxes kashka i got a dumb question for you okay oh you don’t think that in in your underground tunnelings that you put mag maters under there my underground tunnel

Yeah at the technical series i didn’t touch them that was just all concrete like i put a pipe in there to set up concrete okay all right thank you what is it for this put those in there too rod this this all right let’s check this oh that’s right i need patterns

No there’s nothing in it they’re breathing okay i’d have to make patterns oh man hey how’s it going put you over here another one how many do you got over here is it where is it being stored what here it’s not oh it’s going back over to the uh

Inventory it’s fun isn’t it just through and i get to duck to knock it off the platform that’s what i’ve been doing that’s how i’ve been killing most of them not knocking them off but using their own eggs to knock them off and sometimes there’s something very dark about that

See i think i thought i just spawned a new one that time didn’t i i thought i did but i did not oh you went to the side sneaky little duck i know right thank you boy droid you have a good rest of the evening and or day thanks for hanging out

Look another one just popped into existence is it because i’m not exporting is that the problem because i’m like in here just grabbing them with the box um probably i don’t i don’t know you’d probably have to read up on it i know that there’s a bit in the manual about it

It’s kind of quiet all right well i might as well move this stuff out let’s grab this oh gosh oh no no got it got it wow that this magnet on this boat stop at me magnet six is ridiculous supposed to teleport away all right so let’s see here so what uh

Any idea what we lost it was the um the what is the green stuff oh geraniite yes i think we’re good for that for a bit it would be nice if we had more there’s something weird going on honestly i think we’re okay something weird going on i just want to put

Some stuff in here uh this there we go half that out put this over here all this tech and i’m still using regular furnaces because why not all right get rid of this this i don’t think we really need these i’ll keep the energy cables don’t need the

Item cables i definitely need the duck eggs they are important look at this okay this is really weird something funky is going on here there’s nothing there’s no bees here right except for the sand bee that’s it right only the sand beach active trees it

Would be so cool if the ducks all flew back up 10 minutes later and started bombing villain effects well that’s what the bees pretty much do kind of trident is that i don’t think any of us have a trident no i don’t have the cable wrench yeah it’s just a wrench from uh

What’s it called um thank you yes cyclic maybe you’ve got them all this time it is an unfunctional trend i took up a lot of my eggs yeah it does look like you’re trying yep got it i agree okay maybe it’s good all right um so that’s some of that this power system

Needs to go to that’s packed ice i need silk touch for that okay i’ve got my eye on you bees yeah we’ve got so much raw like honeycomb in here it’s crazy no not excavate hope it is back in your state oh i’m sorry oh give cover good packs cool

Okay let me do this we all got a good view here zoe zoe park hold on and hi callisto hi you ready for a close-up just one vegetable do i have a choice hold on a second here here we go no you don’t this is this is gonna be sweet oh

Yeah come here come here oh big oh big gruntings get ready to log out there we go oh yeah i’m ready oh look at this baby girl she is so adorbs go back to my point of view i’m still alive i’m actually doing quite well still

I wonder i’m just gonna stand here and see if they’ll kill themselves i think the witch if anything she’s killing them look it’s down to four hearts three hearts oh and then i get healed it’s the witches i think that the witches would end up killing me thank you removed I do have a crap ton of armor the witches are injuring themselves yeah i’m i’m standing here and they’re killing themselves because of which assurance ocean poisoning them all astral sorcery is freaking they need to do more damage at this point do they need to do more damage to you

Djy thank you very much for the 150 thank [Laughter] wow they all killed themselves after that okay that was really impressive newbie thank you very much for gifting us up to dragon f13 and my my hunger bar is almost depleted man i gotta say going the armor i’ve

Never done the uh in the 116 version the armara setup um like focusing hardcore on just getting armor but jeez oh pete thank you that’s i mean i’m also watching difficulty heart and then lock out i’m also wearing this actually did i do that difficulty heart there we go we can do that

Oh look at you it’s not hardcore it’s just so hard i’m gonna die which is a prone to getting that’s why i was thinking i should separate the witches out to their own thank you for gifting a sub to vjy it’s tyra i see some stuff down here that’s trying

To teleport to me it’s an egg ah let’s grab oh crap this stuff what no i remove it this is how i usually fix my wires my wiring they seem to be going after is thank you harpster for the 500 bits i have some um energy cable or fluid

Cables yep i oh i would appreciate those returns please yeah yeah i mean i’ll get right on that one over there thank you for gifting a sub to process cleric that one and that one and oh we need some skystone bricks there you go okay thank you all right bricks no yes

Sky stone blocks there we go oh yeah i was looking for a silk touch pick which i think so here’s an annoying thing in this formulaic assemblicator was that you i’m sorry i’m i’m i’m lining this stuff up it sounds like a witch throwing a potion um

I can’t tell the stock control button does not seem to change when it’s on or off look that looks like that that looks like that so just what does that mean it’s not control off does that mean if i click it it’s off or that it’s off right now um

Oh and the image doesn’t change the image does not change i don’t know the formulaic assemblicator is really freaky have to lie down all right take it easy newbie yeah all right we’ll see if that’s almost no damage typing is hard today yeah it’s always speeching

Speech craft is at a minimal no that’s not one okay right right stop stop the madness okay all right so that’s all just connected to this so that okay so i need to turn that on that’s 1.4k that might not be enough for all this stuff

I keep thinking i can walk on those cables um i okay the kitchen sink over here [Laughter] so it’s comical watching the chaos Okay can i have the bits that you picked up please i just have some ice yep so far lost watching this that it just it’s just comical thank you all right oops oh that’s right i forgot it does like two slots for each yes two inventory slots for each place in the grid

Yes okay thank you guys very much for the second hype train jeez eyes are thoughts that’s very kind of you thank you very much so i’m trying to craft um some white uh white you know concrete powder so if i click this button it should begin craft oh

I don’t see anything coming out the back yet yeah yeah it’s incredible okay why are you doing this birthday thing it should place a cake where you’re standing no we’ve done that it deletes things so why is it not working does it need like maybe it needs

No it just wants to put on this one back is output oh also i’ve got a stone barrel it should be working so if i oh it should work now it’s got redstone detection ignored um You got to stand up for a while all right see you later our jakarta thanks again for reading in stand up right take care oh you’re staying okay sorry was making a joke why do you have to place a cake into the world but not a pie hmm because pies it’s green light

I know it’s got power upgrades public side config i don’t know what that oh that’s a different arrow oh god well while we’re doing it fill empty grid craft single item craft available items There’s one down where’s the thimble bee i don’t know but it’s there it is up there got it oh nice shot right four whatever number you want sorry guys go was aiming for the duck hater what favorite flavor of pie pumpkin pie i miss wall jump so much all right

All right so now let’s run out of gravel so it should stop right hand we’ve got two parts so it should stop taking sound when it gets to eight what is this i think spores recreator let’s get around i just dropped all my stuff

God damn it i don’t i did not get it so it’s all right you should still have it um so i might move oh this oh here and then i think i might have a thing cable there oh it’s in the chest i knew that oh shoot let me pick like this one

This here here’s your jump boost oh is it too late just add wall jump villain not like this pack is pure sky bees at this point the last thing i need to do is true that swap out dang it you’re gonna keep getting these things i can’t help that there you go

Thank you i’m gonna be breaking more by crystallized amber i need to find a different slot jesus that scared me they’re all you oh that that was a lot of ducks they are thank you for the host sorry if i missed that earlier see if we can get one of these

There we go i had a speed boost for a second oh that must have been the berserker thing going on ah hi hello you okay yeah except for teleporting wrong spot uh that that that put all that stuff in there okay so bad don’t drop your face on your phone

He was referring to me because i there how are you all right so i can put these here and here and more cables and then we could have these on the side you could actually dang it no give me stop it why does it always insist on

If i’m breaking it you have to pick it up i don’t know it’s so frustrating i don’t think i need to tell you that though um so so um you’re set up over here with the water and stuff you know i’ll come back to that it’s fine

How’s the power doing on this thing it’s still fine too so i’m going to grab a bunch of everything else i’m going to grab this this give me that this and see if i can make a small energy cell let’s see a cell like a starter one yeah energy cell

And what is it ender set just something that i can use to power this so we do that one of those and this obsidian all right all right i need water with lava production so like this a crucible no not a crucible uh that’s the auto correction hello veldin how you doing

Oh boy um it’s a barrel it is a barrel there it is and [ __ ] it uno bucketto there we go and okay that’s hilarious all right let’s see if i can do that again and then they all start like do a little duck dive [Laughter] that’s pretty good all right teleport away here

Um so i’m going to need something set up for automatic stuff and things so we could use this thing itself if i mine up an item router with modules in it will it keep them in them in it i can’t remember still trying to give our king arcades a

Facelift too and someone might be helping me with that oh boy one backhand toe zoe is croissant shaped right now yes she is woof salt doughnut shaped i have banana milk banana milk she does look delicious what now and i was like huh i’m guessing for the betweenlands pack right

I think it kept the upgrades in it cool all right um so now you want a croissant yeah me too or maybe like a chocolate croissant oh sorry duck i haven’t had banana milk in so long actually it does sound really good i don’t even know what banana milk

Is i bet you can cast i can’t imagine milking a banana okay so having difficulty [Laughter] i got it that makes me throw my stuff out hello so crazy skunk how you doing all right so you’re gonna be okay i’m just trying to remake what i’ve already made simply

And i’m having difficulty concentrating with all the quack with all the ducks it’s not their fault all the ducks i need items uh one of them i need let’s go from this down into this and then we need to have water on top of that and then other blocks around it so i

Just needed to line up two blocks oh and i was gonna grab some shroom lights so it looks like we could use something uh excuse me put this here it’s here and then it has to be a regular sized mystical flower to go in the bonsai pot doesn’t it

Like not a tall one uh i believe that’s correct yes uh do you have never mind it is here it is not cast oh god that’s not what i wanted to do so is that going to pull from there or push me that’s you’re lying a lot of eggs not cast i’m

Just gonna say what i wanted all right see you later process clark thanks for hanging out yeah thanks for stopping by process claire take care hope to see you again soon fella needs to practice letting his imagination wander it seems to picture a bunch of bananas in the hand reaching up

Squeezing flowing and milk coming out to fill a metal bucket yeah thanks mobius that that’s a great illustration of what i did not need um what is that stuff from britannia flowers you’re so helpful hey ask a vague question all right so it’s not this that that needs to come down

And in fact i could do this with hoppers instead but you’re more reliable i’ve got one hot bird fertilizer go two hours neither of you i can’t do it with hoppers like that i need a fluid duct for one of them there we go fluid cable and that and then i need some

Uranium a block of the uranium i feel like this is the only island that has not been oh um not being invaded by ducks yet right it kind of shows like where we hang out actually you can tell by how many ducks are there but how often we’re at that island um this

Here and then this here and then and then i need that there and then this oh this is gonna be a while no that’s that’s kind of janky let’s do it this way i guess this here i could put it up here and then go from there all right i just need some

Something to contain the water um iron bars one two this and there all right another time now any time now like alert mode now enjoy your lurk fourth twist my hearing is hundred times worse now oh newbie is because the antibiotics just wore off two ducks were skipping this only tripped the subject

Do you i have i have some b trivia for you oh no would you like some would you like some be trivia some of it is oh i just wanted to well i won’t do the not be related ones because there were someone here that they said

Would be related and then not be related yeah very gimmicky yep no i made more ducks than i killed no all right these are multiple choice be trivial questions okay oh should i be doing a poll for this nah now let’s just keep it simple okay um all right question number one

The western honeybee may be the best known and most widely distributed in the world but roughly how many species of bees are there in total no cheating cheating yeah no googling and the options are because it’s multiple choice 620 200 2000 or 20 000 so this is

Again roughly how many species of bee there are in the world total and while we’re waiting for the answer yeah so so is it option a yeah oh come on sorry oh she she’s snoring overnight but i need to get another ah it looks like most people think so what’s the answer kashka

Well it looks like most people in chat think that it’s two thousand a couple of people think that it’s six twenty i have to admit that’s what i thought it was too well two thousand yeah i i believe that’s what i went with but uh dns you are correct it is 20 000

Approximately 20 000 species of bees in the world it’s a lot of bees and high diets this put these down that way there we go that’s what i was trying to do i’m gonna put down the water on top you ready for this okay what it’s multiple choice again what can’t bees do

Detect hidden landmines sting repeatedly defy the laws of aerodynamics or carry up to 122 times their body weight that’s a lot of body weight so we’ve got like options so this is again what what cannot bees do so option one detect hidden landmines sting repeatedly defy the laws of aerodynamics or

Carry up to 122 times their body weight this one is easy oh yeah what crabs what crabs is not an option is that crabs [Laughter] staying repeatedly all the above except the last one oh a lot of people think it’s stingray people like they can’t spawn ducks through chat in minecraft Hmm it’s almost done to the next one but it’s it’s doing its thing so r and i and skunk were right bees do not defy the laws of aerodynamics because as it turns out they are airbenders yep so um while worker honeybees have barbed stingers that tear from their abdomen

After they sting mammals but many species have barbless stingers and can sting repeatedly the opening line of the b movie that b shouldn’t be able to fly are in fact a myth opening lines of the b movie sorry are in fact a myth their wings generate tiny

Cyclones that lift them up so bees are airbenders turns out airbenders confirmed do you guys want more she’s like please ask for more we’ll be trivia is available keep them coming okay all right oh that sounds good this one’s a bit more obscure okay which monarch chose the bee as their personal emblem

Was it a cleopatra b napoleon bonaparte c henry the a or d catherine the great tempted to just say b for all of them because there’s b facts [Laughter] you’re going to go you’re going to guess d cap in the crate yeah this one’s a bit more obscure paddy what

Zoe just snort herself awake oh people are going for catherine the great cleopatra siren stinks play patrick oh so close but maybe napoleon all right so got all those why do you feel like you’re back in school i don’t know the answer is napoleon bonaparte napoleon chose the

Bee as symbol of and this makes no sense to me symbol of immortality and resurrection beasts are not immortal nor do they misreact there are no zombies i got no idea wait it did it did it no to be or not to be i know really weird right there we go

I mean i suppose i suppose napoleon so yeah dang it’s just when i thought that i was getting the numbers down this i find four more station is real they have a tiny lifespan yeah it makes no sense at all like um i work a bee’s

Yeah lifespan is less than a year it’s like 30 40 days or something like that so except for in the winter the winter beast all right one more time yeah that’s true honeybees can oh queen bees can live up to a couple of years um and winterpiece live longer but yeah

During the rest of year anyway okay so here we go next next question next question honeybees have been observed sticking pallets of animal poo to the outside of their hives to deter giant hornets from entering and attacking how do they fend off intruders who get inside and actually we’ve talked about

This also yeah so for those that don’t know this is it you’ve been educated here is it is it a hissing at them b roasting them alive c stinging them or d all of the above oh you weren’t expecting that were you they definitely has had them roasting

Alive the oven bee oven all of the above roasting use tiny b swords they do use tiny beast swords you’ve seen them i’ve seen it if it happens in minecraft it must happen i already there’s a poop honeycomb at you um yeah it’s true follow the above siren thinks all of them

Hey duck look at this the answer is in fact all of the about tasty worker bees hiss and buzz when in danger and roast intruders alive by falling and get this quote hot defensive b-balls [Laughter] which [Laughter] hang on yeah i’m just gonna see if there’s any more that are yeah

Okay all right last one last one where is it where is it which of the following is incorrect a manuka honey can kill antibiotic resistant bacteria b a single bee produces one liter of honey in its lifetime c honey has an unlimited shelf life or d

Honey can be used as a treatment for cuffs and coals so you’re looking for like the incorrect one there which one of those is a lie gotta spot the lie so they were a manuka honey can kill antibiotic resistant bacteria b a single b produces one liter of honey in its lifetime

C honey has an unlimited shelf life or d honey can be used as a treatment for cups and they all sort of sound valid over here i think it’s one of the first two house thank you very much for this oh thank you for the follow-up in amongst

The be trivia welcome to the mischief honey is like twinkies i wonder how many people have put twinkies in there like time capsules you know probably too many shoot i need to put these down here so if i put this this here and if i get another hopper right hopper

So the answer is in fact b b estimates differ but a single worker honeybee produces less than a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime if stored well honey can be preserved for thousands of years less than a teaspoon people oh yeah if that’s it hang on

Hey valen can you look at the follows and look at series thank you thank you let me just take a look at this as well okay sorry don’t go to their account it takes forever to report so a jar is a hundred lives or so yeah

Seriously this is why i feel so guilty about like taking honey from them the guilt is real it’s like bees gave their lives for that honey that’s what it feels like and i know they didn’t do it like for me you know but there we go bye bye horse one two three

It’s gonna it does it automatically okay bee’s consent yeah okay i take your word for it there we go anyway be trivia it’s kind of funny i was like just you know trolling twitter it’s like reward them with beer when you take their no what taste the first bit of the honey

All right how am i doing for these white white flowers only 12. the guilt is real and test you taste the first person with that and that’s amazing okay so i can put an underside here and then i can open this pop in a starter oh that’s amazing okay

So it now has power coming into it awesome but let me just make sure that it’s actually working ah the eggs yeah power stain full cool how’s it going over there me yeah you it’s slowly getting a bit straightened out um individual power where do you have power

Coming in over here is it underneath right here yes it does that’s what the tunnel is for can i have the power come in the side is that okay uh do you have to um well i kind of want to like move all this stuff

Like off to one side or something i want to push it back if that makes sense why do you have to put that i’d rather it didn’t i’m trying to clean up the area that’s all i’ve got a central power line down the middle and i’m trying to make like

Some machines on either side down there but it’s like never mind well you could put underground power to all of the stuff then right like so there aren’t cables sticking up everywhere well if they were like i don’t know it’s fine yeah sorry duck trying to break the cable honest

Well that’s right that’s the time makes you want to keep pets she is a cutie she gets away with way too much stuff too yeah i have for sure i’ve run out of tea can i put this that’s not good end or so um well i could go up there and start

Trying to build there we go let’s do it and then we need power here and that should take care of all that so one more intercell should do it and then you might get another travel anchor just to make it easier yeah let’s do it and yourself crap oh need two more obsidian

That is so slow honestly this will be enough over time but for now it’s because i need four pieces anyway i can still make energy cell oh no i can’t get these this there we go that’s going to take a minute obsidian do you have any lava in here no we don’t

These have been around as long as flowering plants have been thank you road for the tea time tasty Only gonna be three uh let’s grab some cool oh every time i’m in an inventory oh all the ducks got hit right it’s dead the other one no i’m flying ah oh it it went up oh geez oh god oh no ah oh that was so close

I’m being like pushed around by this giant moving swarm of silverfish that’s actually a gross thing to think of oh god this is terrible ow is there what is but sometimes they’re falling off and like a bunch of them fell off and landed down here and just it was like raining

Silverfish and they were just dying on impact have you ever seen the youtube channel today i found out he has pretty interesting stuff some odds some odds some informative no i have not scared me and i even saw him say birthday where can he come in um right

We still don’t have that other piece there’s just ducks everywhere oh we can do that at least ah i almost landed on oh it’s dark and it’s dark it’s very dark and there’s a stumble bee up there right i was thinking about having multiples of these multiple fired functions coming through

Oh but then i’d have to have another hopper come through here then they don’t go two ways and it’s fine let’s wait that few extra seconds for the last one one about a guy that built a utopia for rats and it always ended badly for him or the rats

What are you talking about no stop it whoops i got a lucky shot that arched over the over the top there so i will take it also i’m cropping aiming basically i’m not much better all right so we got ender starter cells okay so i can put one here

All right so we kind of want like this to be that in a big huge floor so now each of these is getting powered everything’s wow that’s a oh i just got teleported okay unexpected teleportation but that compacted this even further now it’s not the prettiest thing but

It’s a lot prettier than it was it’s still zero percent full and it’s cut almost 1200 buckets of honey quantum tanks are ridiculous that was the uh this time oh geez let’s just make sure this is gonna be like the beginning of the pack sorting hmm all right so

Think i want to move this all back this should get moved back got this i need some shape to them as well like that i need a hammer one of these There we go and can i make another energy cell i can try it will not work okay can you bucket those uh ducks off the edge wow rude bees will sleep in flowers yeah that is um we’ve seen it yeah so here’s what happens right it’s kind

Of it’s almost sad in a way right um because uh especially in bumblebees right they um they actually kick the drone bees out like as soon as the zombies leave um the hive they’re not allowed to come back anymore so um so they have to like they don’t

Let them back in again so the drone bees have to all sleep outside so if you see like a big bumblebee and it’s all kind of soggy and and hanging out on a flower and doesn’t look like it’s too thrilled about being there it’s probably like a big um probably a male

A male bumblebee who’s not allowed back in their home yeah if they’re a bit bigger than your usual honey Oh and all these eggs all right ah no no that’s so cheesy gosh there’s so many this whole stream is just quack quack quack quack quack i made two ducks trying to get rid of two ducks gigantic [Laughter] duck revenge i feel like i need to get one piece of wall

There we go gotcha all right there’s so many um so the tech mess area is a bit better um i need to move this to just it doesn’t need power it doesn’t wait did item robbers not use power i don’t believe they do they’re so cheesy

Okay what am i building i’m building um the flower part like oh i can look at that okay cool so like here’s the stem like coming up here and now i’m building like the big old petals of it i need to have like at least probably eight of them maybe a

Little bit more and then this so then this bumblebee is gonna be sitting in the middle of a big um a big flower and so then that’s a stalk going down and these are all like rooty tendril like viny bits coming off it i did one like over here

So i did one over here where the vine is like coming up and holding up this island and i might come back and like put petals on this one as well so it’s like my plan with like these little islands is to make like stalky bits that are going out and

Holding them up so i don’t know we’ll see how many i do this is and then one of them is going to be um one of them is going to be the stable for our behemoths like we i’m going to make a special flower coming off the

Side of one bit that’s specifically for our behemoths i’m getting all these tax tasks completed because i was doing things out of order before funny sorry uh this way this way let’s down block and piston uh i’m also gonna replace some of these like white concrete blocks um

It’s probably like i really like actually how the the petal blocks look mixed in with the concrete and it just seems kind of appropriate as well so i’ll come back and replace some of those with them with a big old concrete or a block but i need to um

Have a bunch of those generate first point one two three okay it’s now four got it wait why you no rotate oh you’re being such a jerk okay uh where’d that heavy machine block go there we go there there we go fine be that way and then hammer hopper and that’s good

That’s very good and i need this one’s already got stuff in it so we’re gonna do this but it’s not what that’s an energy cell that’s one not the ender cell okay no one doesn’t have one let’s find out because i think you can just craft it and get this stuff back

There’s no difference it looks like between these two yeah oh what how do i get the energy cell back avocados are meant to be extinct because the only way to spread their seed were through the bellies of megafauna like the giant ground slaw well what do you think we are i can’t okay

It’s the wrong remote thing i i don’t know divine cheese looks right to me i need some more concrete let’s say in here how to get the thing back oh my god so many eggs and add capacity is like the channel by shift clicking energy seller battery to

The undercell the ui that’s the same with the item you’ve added max capacity a channel can have which you can have i have no idea what that means and why it’s got a crafting recipe too avocados are gross they are not gross how dare to recraft itself what what is the purpose of

No idea the avocados are black what they’re good at well apparently it’s working with the undercells so hey just duck you guys excuse me the baby ducks follow the adult books actually a bit it’s okay is an avocado confirmed is there a duck bee there is not a bee duck

You like avocado on toast or along with salt and pepper yeah that’s my birthday breakfast right there photo on toast and then bella makes a poached egg and puts that on top and it’s delicious with um a few times yes sometimes oh i still have the uh engineers

I have to go and do some realtor internship all right there’s a hoverbee look at easy chip wings can goodnight chip thank you for stopping by we’ll see you later nobody got time for that all right cash get it i could use your help nobody got time for my birthday breakfast

I have time um what more shall i move over here because right now i’ve got power up above i’ve got the machines down below and this is why is this oh where’d they where’d it all go there’s no water oh crap i forgot about that no water time to beat the puppets

Okie doke thanks for stopping in yeah i can usually find something to put in there instead of bacon all right hang on i was going to look up why white petal blocks they just come in blocks right there there isn’t like yeah okay white ash steps how do i make this ash blocks

Oh i can do this totally totally that needs water too we’re also gonna suffer the same fate because i kind of need some steps for like the corners oh let’s have a look at what they look like at least there we go and then we need more uranium you’re in you’re ready night

You’re in tonight i don’t know um teleport to spawn oh thanks son this stuff this stuff yeah that looks kind of cool does it look okay next to these wait a minute stop crying me ducks kashka yes what you broke it i don’t oh doc you’re kind of like in my face

No no no respect for personal space i just picked up the hover water i have no idea what was going on there those look okay together right like as a mix for the petals power power there we go thank you and then hoppers and i gotta see this bacon egg cheese slices

What what you’re trying to make me hungry website go it’s not lovely i’ll let it load for a second there oh wait is this gonna these are gonna have to go into the top aren’t they oh no no it’s working all right so many things to reject on this webpage Okay cool oh wow that is not what i was expecting they’re like they replaced the bun with an egg it’s like a tiny little bacon egg cheese slider yeah that looks pretty tasty oh come on just let me in oh zombies looking up no what the what why is it white

It looks so weird what you’re doing she’s so cute she is so cute tell me it’s like now what you want betty rose you went to belly rope is that way we love you oh and it’s dark um i just want to verify these are all receiving and extracting yep okie doke

So do i use the petals for like a bit down the middle or the petal blocks were a bit down the middle of the purple or mix them in randomly or oh yes for um put them along the edge maybe i don’t know hmm what do you think chad

I’ve got these white paddle blocks to kind of break up the the pure whiteness of this shenanigan so what do you think uh i more i should do over here with the tech mess because and i could probably move this stuff let’s do that

Maybe i do move this and put it on put it back here instead oh i think i did that i think there it is and i just lost two i thought i would get that but i didn’t know all right so i’m now even more happy that i have plenty of rgb igbb

Thank you and um sand which sound do i have though not as much as i expected user there’s my px where’s reclamator actually i could do there’s still two pieces what are they doing how did you get in there i don’t know i don’t know i really don’t know oh this is

Inventory access is that possible um from where from from my personage just all over the whole base yes um maybe i don’t know if we make that much power because that’s a lot of power there are eggs in here this is not great that’s not my fault we need to put doors

On open hoppers i realize now excuse me duck um this there there okay there’s that stop asking me doc geez keep flinging me about all right and this way that away those bars i have a lot of duck eggs i like to do with duck eggs right say hi to the ducks hello

Get no no you’re so rude all right all right all right so got it oh yeah those petals look like they need to come out further so i think i’m gonna do like a second set of petals and have them be even bigger these are just like the underneath ones you know

Oh i like that and then have like big chunky petals coming out another duck further the dust another bite don’t go no there’s so many in inventory storage oh my god kind of our cat now is here for dinner my actual cat gets mad if he

Sees her on the porch so he starts hissing and growling and upsets our dog who thinks the cat is in pain so lots of barks and wines oh no oh yeah all right wireless transmitter this oh that’s where the mag readers went oh that’s right

Uh is it just waiting for the gravel to be posted so i could do another starter cell over here instead get out of here geez cobblestone bricks what that’s still that’s the power of the disk drive now back off i’m working here um so if we do it’s this that needs the power

Dang get out of here um this ah i was gonna make that yeah like in the stem there i’m gonna put a big centrifuge because then like all these little hive pods and the apiary can pipe into that centrifuge and then spit out all the goodies all the goodies

I will take them thank you very much honeycomb i need one of those one not a stack there and there that should boost the power that this can receive and now i can try putting on the wireless [ __ ] making you sleepy i don’t know but it kind of does me too

16 blocks we’ve got a wireless transmitter for 16 blocks right now gosh let’s look up range oh yeah that’s right we’ve got range transmitter out now papa cheese now thank you for the 100 bits swooping power with the quack that’s iron man’s thank you for the

Hundred bits how do you smack the ducks why do you huh why didn’t the sirens generate that is angry fighters didn’t even show up in uh in the feed huh that’s where well i can repeat puppets at least which these would be siren moons one because i can’t repeat one that doesn’t

Show up on there that’s that was weird i bet you that there was a glitch in the twitch a twitch glitch oh god somebody ducks 48 blocks is as far as it goes 40 fee per take six four five oh okay uh so let’s see wireless

So i can go out 48 blocks from the middle um wireless bid creative creative wireless grid of course that one worked teleport away kaskas you’re right it is excuse me all right cass can i get to the trash can please oh oh my god oops i’m hitting the ducks oops oops oh

I’m hitting the ducks i feel so bad ow well they’re all after you now because somebody was using a sword nope I get it Oh my stuff hold on hold on there’s your bow oh and i just got moved boy they just all saved up at once didn’t they i think those are my pants have you got my boots i’ve got your boots Hold on hold on here’s your weapon it’s in the ground somewhere i got it back i’m gonna beat everybody up with the silver head for his head siren was psyched for thousands of salty bits thanks for the 500 hype train [ __ ] thank you guys very much oh my god potions oh my gosh

So much stuff i’ve got your bow again okay i think you’ve got my sword yep so bow sword uh do you have your arrows i do okay um yeah i think that’s a so i think what i was trying to bake all the ducks got it so difficult to like yeah and

You’re constantly like popping up and down oh all right honk that didn’t seem harder i agree it might have already been on hard Maybe i need to respect my uh astral stats put it all into damage some people are so mean oh crosstalk oh great power serious creeper thank you very much for gifting a sub to medic 571 thank you very much sirius and the diamonds too thank you very much i

Really like what they’re doing in chat now with the big like celebration yes of the gift subs that’s awesome definitely called it out more um it’s a monitor that’s what we want right there oh that’s going to be a bit of a faff but no we don’t have one

So if i make one of these are you going to throw it into the void because it’s expensive a little cheaper you heard me yes i love throwing my things into board i just do it all the time you [Laughter] Car horny what oh he’s got a little star on his head he got a star for the day helping them hone their survival skills even oh wow we have enough that i can make that [ __ ] broadband’s processor do we have any of them top redstone oh god thanks puppet birthday [ __ ] okay

Have you heard his voice siren does your significant other have a have a nice voice bw i have a door in my inventory koshka were you working with a door nope oh i must have hit things on the wall nevermind um white dash block she sure does oh okay

His voice is incredible what who what what i’m curious about this now too let’s pee for this leave your hubby alone nobody tried to throw himself at bw the moment he heard him talk all right where’s we have a charger of some sort uh yeah charger right here so let’s put

This in here i said let’s put this network okay i still don’t have enough gravel oh yeah i know it’s out of energy i’m just trying to get it connected but this it is connected all right okay so the charger doesn’t charge things that’s good to know thank you applied energistics

Why is this thing like not got any power in it is it just like why these beans multiplying still oh my gosh what the actual [ __ ] is going on here because okay i took them all out of the bee breeder it makes no sense at all another bat what where are you

I’m up by the ice area not for long not because i need to come i need to give you stuff oh now i’m over attack you’re just messing with me now did you get it um no because my inventory is full i got it well if you pick it up it’ll fix your

Inventory problem it will yes let me put something away i’m quite a lot um it didn’t pick anything up did the duck steal it no i’ve got it here oh wireless crafting grid it works up to 48 blocks away from the center inventory area you got that okay thank you uh-huh

Thank you guys for the hype train and all the thank you for the videos and stuff very kind snow blocks what don’t want snow blocks i wanted ice blocks oh mobius oh and i need to throw the snow blocks in there okay fair enough there’s no wireless transmitter in range oh geez

So let’s grab let’s aim this way let’s grab ah pick with silk touch on it excuse me what oh what i can’t still touch snow i thought i could but i guess not how close do i gotta be i can see it it’s not that far there we

Go let’s aim this way though no in this way there we go uh put that away a shovel we will grab a shovel just any old shovel this one’s fine great lengths and i’ll need i will need a silk touch pick after all because i’m going to be making ice

You’re going to be making water nice oh why oh now i need a bucket again he’s been hooked on some show on hulu called kenny something letterkin i i can’t say i’ve heard of it alright cool Perfect there we go nice i felt like i was dying earlier and i think you don’t know yeah there are torches nearby aren’t there let’s get rid of some of those that would explain why some of these things are melting very quickly and easily is it light level 11 i think it is

Um 15 15 skies it’s not helping with the server light sky client these all say 15 so that’s not exactly helping at all I think that’ll be all right that should be okay that will go closer and shovel this one to turn it into more of the same it already is a light there suppose i could move that here all right so i’ve got loads of sand but i seem to have like a gravel shortage

Didn’t you have gravel shortage before i think i’ve sorted out there we go just enough light on this stuff and another duck doesn’t time warp make it night it does all right now it’s magic you pick no ice well that’s regular ice i gotta wait for that one

Oh that’s packed ice i thought it finished i got it now i gotta wait for two again oh let’s run out to power what has a solidification chamber really yeah i don’t understand how i’m not saying you’re you know not telling the truth or anything silly like that i just don’t understand how

You knew that i’ll be there in a moment i just placed the ice solidification changing now they’re not plugged into the basic energy cube there you go oh thank you thank you rowan hey rox how you doing oh oh crap and it’s it is now a time warp tonight time whoa further still

Also you’ve got spawn spots up here really it’s dark oh [ __ ] that’s pretty spooky up here where is up here oh up there up there yeah oh thanks oh oh crap do you think because bomber bees oh oh you’re bastard i was gonna shoot it until you ran in front no

Where is it bumblebee dope there you are no no no come here come here oh it’s up by did you get the bomber bee nice thanks for the torches up top no problem torch up top really how’s this doing it’s doing good put a couple more blue ice in there one in there

Oh let’s do it you know if you have a bow drawn and you scroll wheel it doesn’t waste an arrow but then it forces me to use whatever is the other tools that is on there newbie and i did not want to throw my picarang

Nor did i want to eat a cooked duck and i just threw string that is now going to like vacuum back to me i don’t know why i did that right so all that so wait 48 blocks from where from the central inventory oh okay

I i feel like i need to put out some farther away antenna or something from it i’m gonna have to work on that i gotta figure out how to do that next uh this cable i need to eliminate the cable that goes all the way to tech mess but well if i

Do that though can we link i can’t remember if we can use a modular wrapper this system over there what a modular router would connect the two inventory systems yeah you’ll see spending channel points don’t mind me so you can usually let go of the button

But that’s not always well i’ve also got a charm that i instantly eat the food so i don’t have that i have too much speed with eating now as a wireless transmitter and wireless receiver block what are you doing nothing stop it stop it stop it right now stop it stop

No stop stop you are truly evil i’m like sounds like she’s throwing snowballs these aren’t snowballs these little suckers here oh no siren that’s awful so i know i accidentally killed a hummingbird last night picking flowers with a flower i was so sick oh no thank you you’re just randomly picking stuff

Actually i think it was injured so thank you for taking power but they connect like cables at range I’ll just throw my stuff throw my pants on the floor don’t mind me put this in there all the little chirps oh cook some more duck oh up here to put in some more of this we go nice so then it’s just the ice that we’ll need to worry about at some

Point but it goes very slowly so hmm i could put four stations out there each with transmitters but then that that’s like 40 fe per tick per station that i put out there oh but if i put the station just out here oh gosh just made another duck she’s still doing it

For the quacks um i could it could just be like a 16 radius one that i just put down here like this one here 16 blocks yeah that should be far enough away i mean it’ll cover most of this area so can i make oh one of those wait no this

Doesn’t want me to make one of those oh it has to be on a basic crafting table eh of course quite some rich diet come here come come here get my inventory there we go and this and that this wrong one again okay i got it i got this

I can’t shift click it okay fine i’ll just put it in there it’s fine it’s fine so kashka shall we uh should we call it shortly here because i i think that probably yeah i’m just waiting at the moment like on concrete and flowers to do something oh gosh

You guys are making me think that i’m like getting attacked by ghasts i do not approve no that’s stone and silicon the cheaps the cheap cheaps i’m getting right now oh my gosh it’s ridiculous get out of here and oh i thought we had quartz some rich tired i thought we had quartz

What i think we have done we have a quartz b if we do it’s not i think that’s interesting i think it’s the conversation we have every time yeah yeah we don’t have quartz what so i can only put one out here but it’ll be in a useful spot um

It’s just that that i’m waiting on oh no it ran out of power because the mag mater is giving power to everything else hmm i know how to fix this i can i can do this temporarily do this there we go what why you no power facing on all extract there we go

There we go so i think i actually need to go around and have all these just everyone from extract except for the one that is actually taking the input um and then i can mine that excuse me duck uh that and this just charge me no i can make this

Yes okay put these in here those in there and this should help out a little bit at least can i put this on here i can sweet okay hey it works over here now cool so the wireless transmitter oh gosh you just launched a bunch more ducks over

Here at the tech mess didn’t you no oh my god gosh you know oh is that what all the clicking was such oh they just hated me [Laughter] that’s it i’m eating ducks i just made two ducks trying to eat one off the edge attack oh you said you’re eating them

Okay so we’ve got remote access over at the machine area we’ve got remote access in a general roundabout area near our inventory area um and um yeah stop it stop it oh that was a great sound [Laughter] it’s okay little ducks it’s okay look how cute they are all huddling around

The adult oh my god how could you murder them don’t do not what are you doing nothing i’m waving hello that’s a generator air is there anything with air diving air capsule what anti-gravity ring no that’s not helpful fan yeah i think there are a bunch of ducks just chilling in the board

I have an idea this i don’t think they’re um yeah i think they’re hitting the board and and not dying so oh my god this is what happens look how cute that is oh my god no when you eat them off the side what hey

You eat them off the side they just end up in the void right no give it back give me back my fan no do it [Laughter] give me back my fan i’ll go make another one this they’re alive in the boy balance what’s the point what do you mean

They’re alive in the void they’re alive in the void no they’re not they take damage you wanna go look what do they do how do you know did you go look when i died you know when i fell out the world i could see the ducks i saw the ducks oh my gosh

Those are peas those are bees are you sure yep i just flew by a whole bunch of bees maybe vanilla bees yep take your bee mother or are they bees they’re bees yeah i ran out first i have to wait for these guys to adult up and then i’ll have more stop gosh

These guys what are you doing nothing don’t you worry about it oh my god what what leave me alone do not murder those baby dogs hiding behind them single adult is trying desperately to protect them from you whoa oh crap okay i i’m near the stem i know that what there’s a

There’s a chosen bee hello chosen bee lightweight ah all my stuff this stuff harvester thanks for the tea time you monster put my pants back on okay i hate you [Laughter] oh if only i had a fan she doesn’t need to log out she just transferred away Oh my god oh they’re pushing me up now no no no no no no no no they’re really good okay they’re pushing me back the other way now no that’s supposed to hit you not break into another duck let’s see muffler that’s an upgrade ah so i think i’m done thank you

Thank you why aren’t the ducks tied warping like you promised i didn’t promise them to die warped all right well i i think that this is regardless of the the quackening this is a good spot for us to call it here it is at 1 30 in the morning

I’ve had a good time um let’s go let’s go to the credits again thank you all very much for the subs for the bits for the follows yeah thank you so much just for visiting for lurking whatever it is that you did to help thank you very much it is very

Appreciated thank you for the raiders as well two massive raids in there and a mini raid and all raiders are and hosts thank you very much very kind so let’s see who’s out on twitch and then we can do a raid of our own thank you movie for the host

That the quackening is going on during the outro i had a channel point reward to spawn a thousand duck egg no gosh Who do we have out there today let’s see no worries yeah we had fun all right so i’ve got the perfect person we can raid it is feldrae playing her magic minecraft modpack we don’t get to rainfall during ruins of ardania 2 which if you don’t know what this is it’s very

Similar to the magical mischief tour mod pack but instead of the relic x and the player x mods in there she’s got um like the leveling mechanic that’s from uh engineer’s life 2 built into it and a few different magic mods like malum and turtlemancy

And stuff like that in there um and a few different ones than what we had so but it is very similar otherwise and i think you guys will really enjoy it so we’re done please join us for the ride and definitely if you don’t mind um i highly recommend giving feldrei a

Follow and gentsy oh harvester thank you so much for gifting that sub to jensen thank you harvest amazing all right oh and you know what here let’s do let’s oh let’s do this we’ll do a shout out but i don’t have that i don’t have this

We’re just not in our chat so it won’t work oh that’s gonna be the shout out for failed rain so we can do like the the on-screen thing but well that was that emoji work i think that’s a new emoji it’s a haha i think you have to have unlocked it but

Either way all right all right so let’s do the right thing you want to join us for the raid you also get uh channel points which as many of you know are good for all sorts of stuff on our channel here feel free to use any of our emotes as

You so desire yeah just get the notifications live um or twitch is really really late all right so thank you all again i hope you have a fantastic weekend yes take care everybody we bought you we got you very much we’ll see you soon bye bye we’ll

See you on sunday for some magical mischief tour yep we moved house 8 p.m we moved house so come see where we moved to we’re in a new place we’ll see you then bye bye wait i gotta wait for the stream for the raid thing okay all right here we go

This video, titled ’20 Sky Bees w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2022-10-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 48 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:50 or 12050 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer # This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch (twitch.tv/mischiefofmice) or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice

~~Support us & more with our partner/affiliate links~~ Bisect Hosting Partner link (get servers!): http://bisecthosting.com/mischiefofmice Bisect Hosting 25% OFF (new accounts) code: mischiefofmice Humble Bundle partner link (get games!): http://humblebundle.com/?partner=MischiefofMice

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  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

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  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

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  • Debunking Minecraft’s 666 Seed Myth

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  • Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!

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  • Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and Zombie

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  • CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!

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  • Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail Pinehaven

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  • SECRET Minecraft Server – Join Our Elite Team Now 👾

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  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More