3 True Wendy’s Horror Stories Animated

Video Information

Foreign Have you ever been to Wendy’s in general it is a good restaurant the food is pretty good and they have more variety than the rest of the burger places like McDonald’s with Ronald they also have their own mascot she is a very cute red-headed girl

I never knew if she is based on a real person or if they just created her for the logo but what I do know is that once someone disguised that she tried to kill me it all started one normal night on weekends I have to babysit my son at his

Favorite place to eat is Wendy’s he used to throw a big tantrum when I didn’t take him and over time it had become our favorite father-son activity everything was going well until one day I noticed something strange as we left the place a person disguised as the Wendy’s girl greeted us there was

Nothing strange about this what did scare my son was that the whole costume was covered in blood after we passed her she walked behind us still waving at us my son started to get really scared and started to speed up his pace I thought about confronting this person

But to tell the truth I’m a pacifist I don’t know how to fight and I don’t want to I would if it was to defend my son but what was that accomplish I would only put him at risk I decided to pick up the pace and get

Into the car as soon as possible just a few steps away the girl was still waving at us in a terrifying manner several weeks passed and my son was somewhat reluctant to return to the restaurant until one day I talked to his mother and she convinced him I was sure nothing would happen

Maybe that was a one-time thing if this person was stalking all the customers like that she had probably already been kicked out with many doubts my son went with me to the restaurant little by little I could see how the spark began to return there was no trace of the strange woman

And he began to feel more and more comfortable we spent a great night together eating it seems like everything that had happened would be in the past as a bad and bizarre memory we made our way to the car and the parking lot was empty but this was a good thing since

Our Starker from that time wasn’t there either we got into the car and I started it up but at that moment the thing I was most afraid of happened in front of the car preventing us from moving forward the woman in the costume was waving at us

Her costume was still bloody and just like last time looked like fresh blood her greetings were much more frenetic than the previous time this time she was waving her hand violently as soon as he saw her my son began to cry as if he had recalled an

Event that had kept him awake at night for many nights I knew it had affected him but this was much worse than I thought I honked at her to run but instead of listening to me she only came closer walking in front of the car and even standing on top of it

I quickly put on the seat belt while I listened as this terrifying woman walked on the roof I took advantage of the situation to try to speed up the car but as if sensing that I was going to do it she laid down and stuck her head inside

Of the window showing us a big knife in the process I accelerated the car but in a matter of seconds we lost control and crashed into a pole all the car’s tires the woman had fallen from the accident so I took the opportunity to grab my son and run back to the

Wendy’s on the way the woman caught up with me in a matter of seconds and threw me to the ground my son fell away and as I yelled at him to go to the restaurant to report what was happening the woman tried to press her knife against me

She was very strong somehow her strength was equal to mine which in itself was not much my arms began to give way and the knife came closer and closer to my throat until suddenly it was all over some security man threw the woman away from me and died terrified stepped back I

Took a deep breath because it was all over but a Battle Cry brought me back to reality the woman was running at full speed and in one Leap she lunged towards me to plunge her knife into me the security man caught her in mid-jump grabbed her knife and held her until the

Police arrived when they took off her mask my son started crying and I was shocked that person was not a Wendy’s employee she was my ex-wife my son’s mother after a while she confessed that she was dressing up to scare my son so that he would no longer want to spend time with

Me or have a bonding activity like she was doing she had no intention of killing me but that night everything went out of control she had taken drugs that took her out of herself and because of that all the subtlety and her plan was gone she went into a state of euphoria and

With a knife already in her hand tried to kill me and give my son a trauma he would never forget after that I kept custody of my son he still goes to see his mother in prison but he doesn’t want to I always convince him to do it

To forgive her but I must tell you the truth I will never do it since that day every time my son and I go to Wendy’s we are afraid the food tastes much more bitter and we are just thinking about leaving but we keep lying to ourselves that

Everything we went through didn’t affect us at the end of the day even though she ended up in jail my ex-wife is a woman dressed as the little girl at Wendy’s got her way back when I was a teenager I had a girlfriend named Olivia although she was

A teenager too she was in college two years older than me and much more mature she was the nicest human I’d ever known we lived in the same neighborhood played together went to the same school until she graduated and had the same group of friends so it wasn’t a surprise to our parents

When we both announced that we were dating she was 19 and I was 17 when we both decided to work at our local Wendy’s it was a small outlet and mostly the college and high school crowd frequent in that restaurant we wanted to buy a car so I could drive

The four miles out of our town to visit her at Community College we were both very excited about the prospect of having a car and not having to borrow our parents cars to see one another most weekends we worked late in the restaurant and often offered to close

The restaurant this would allow us to spend more time together although Olivia was older than me she was a short petite girl whereas I was a six foot tall football player also working late for an hour or so paid us more which meant we could add more

Money to our collection to buy a car before the summer break was over I was very happy to get so much time with Olivia little did I know that that’s all I was going to get with her at that young age we had planned our whole lives together

I was excited to join her in the community college though I could easily secure a spot in the Ivy League colleges with my sports background however I wanted to be with her so I decided to go to the Community College one evening while we were working in the

Restaurant as usual a group of my high school friends came in to have a quick bite I was quite popular in the college so they all greeted me and ordered their food that evening it was again just me and Olivia in the Wendy’s as our co-workers had some emergency

The kids from my school were enjoying themselves in one of the booths when Olivia and I were getting their orders ready hey there Sam had walked up to the counter hey Sam anything I could get you other than your order no Jack I’m here to tell you guys something

You know my dad is a cop right so he received Intel from one of the other sheriffs that there’s a killer on the loose in our County and he is targeting shopkeepers workers waiters Etc who are alone in the shops and restaurants at night you guys work pretty late just take care okay

Olivia was listening to as Sam warned us okay bunny thanks for giving us a heads up we’ll take care with that Sam returned to his table where my other friend sat after my friends left there were no more customers so we decided to head home a week later Olivia and I realized that

We had collected the required amount to purchase the car we both wanted with the help of my dad we bought the car and we’re super happy to drive to and from work every day it was a black Toyota nothing fancy but at least it was a first step towards our future together

I remember we were both so happy in early July one evening the other workers had left early to enjoy some movie that had just been released although now we didn’t need extra money to save up for the car we still enjoyed working late so that evening too we were more than

Happy to cover up for our colleagues our car was parked right in front of the entrance to the door in the parking lot Olivia was cleaning up the inside counters and I was setting the tables right that’s when we heard the alarm of our car go off

It was so loud that for a second we were confused no one was in the restaurant except us and in the past hour or so we hadn’t spotted anyone in the parking lot as well this happened back when there were no CCT cameras so we couldn’t even look

Into the camera feed to see if anyone was there the alarm was still going off someone had to do something to stop the noise a few minutes later I saw the most horrid scene of my life I don’t remember why I looked up but when I did I saw him there

He was standing with his face pressed against the window of the restaurant and his eyes were pitch black without any pupils or anything his face looked demonic and he had a silly grin pasted on it I was terrified just looking at him but when I realized that Olivia was

Still cleaning the counters my fear spiked Sky High she was unaware of this person still busy cleaning the damn counter the man and I stared through the glass at one another his smile didn’t waver an inch and his dark matted hair was pasted to his face his skin was yellow and unnaturally textured

He had a big butcher knife in his hand which he raised and showed me through the window I was helpless at that moment I watched the man run towards Olivia behind the counter as I stood there beside our new car in the parking lot looking at them from outside

No matter how fast I ran I was sure you would kill my girlfriend I was truly utterly helpless I sprinted towards the doors nonetheless and yanked the front door open I jumped behind the counter and saw the lifeless body of Olivia covered in blood and with knife marks on her neck and torso

She was dead and the knife was lying beside her I knelt and held her body in my hand and sobbed however one thing I noticed was that the killer was nowhere to be seen there was no back door to the restaurant and no other exit either

And he surely didn’t walk out of the front exit so where did he go I don’t remember what happened next how the cops got there and for how long I was holding my girlfriend’s lifeless bloody body the next thing I remember was the detective saying that it was an open and

Shut case as I was the Killer they had found my fingerprints on the murder weapon when in fact I’d never touched it also they didn’t find any Footprints other than mine in Olivia’s behind the counter which concluded that I was the Killer no matter how much I tried to convince

Him that I wasn’t the murderer and there was a man who did this no one believed me not my parents not the cops nor my friends now I stand before the same Wendy’s restaurant that I and Olivia worked in after being out of prison 35 years later till this day

I could not find the proof of The Black-Eyed man who killed my girlfriend and ruined my life was it I who really killed her or was there another man or ghost perhaps what do you guys think When I was a little girl my mother told me that fear was an emotion that required to be conquered but in case it was impossible to fight against it the best solution would be to flee I never seem to understand what she meant until three months ago when I finally came

Across a fearsome situation but before I start telling you my Dreadful story I would like to introduce myself my name is Mary when I graduated from high school I got accepted to a college in another state I was happy to move out of my family’s house as I did not have

Any patience to put up with my parents unending fights at first I was really happy I have never felt that free in my life however as years passed I started to face the consequences of my lack of attention to the classes they warned me over and over again and eventually

Kicked me out of the College due to the classes I kept failing I never had the courage to tell my parents about it because I was afraid that they would force me to live with them again and that was something I did not desire because I was not able to stay in the

Dorm I had to find a place to live and to be able to pay the rent I had to work I searched for a job and was desperate to find one I searched the internet hoping to find a suitable job but I could not find any after a couple of

Days I ended up being a server in Wendy’s it was my first working experience so I had a hard time to adjust to having a career a couple of months passed and I realized the fact that I got used to working there of course I would get tired time to time

And sometimes rude customers would piss me off but other than that I was quite happy working in Wendy’s I was not aware that this beautiful first job experience of mine was about to turn into a nightmare the day that horrible even occurred was three months ago it was a busy day and

We were all exhausted as the time of closing arrived me and two other co-workers of mine stayed to close the restaurant one of them was an old man who very rarely spoke to any of us we did not know anything about him but he would always gently smile and thank me

Whenever I helped him his name was David and that was actually all the information I had about him the other one was Liam he was an extremely thin man in his 30s he had black bags under his eyes his skin was dirty and pale he smelled like a wet dog

That had been living inside a trash bin even though he was not too wretched looking looking at him would still give me the creeps he was a talkative person who enjoyed telling the same stories over and over again as we were about to close the restaurant Liam approached me and started to speak

As if I was eager to listen to one of his stories a great sense of boredom filled my heart I told him that I forgot to clean the bathrooms and walked away of course it was an excuse to get away from him I went inside the bathroom and

Started to wait the bathroom did not need to be clean as I had already done it a half an hour ago but unfortunately with Liam around the bathroom was the only place I could find some peace as I waited for five minutes hoping that the others would finish their duties quickly

So that I could go home as fast as I could I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom the sound stopped and I heard a knocking on the bathroom door it was Liam he told me that he was bored and that he wanted to speak with me with

A frustrated voice I said I am busy why don’t you go and talk with David he seemed to not understand or care about my frustration as he replied everybody knows that David is not the chatty type I tried talking with him but got bored immediately also I really

Enjoy having conversations with you I sensed the sudden shift on his tone as he said the last sentence his voice became unsettling I did not respond he started to talk about his life but his speech topic quickly changed into a sexual life and how good was his performance and bad while talking I

Could hear his deep breathing sound obviously I was disturbed by his speech and I told him to leave me alone with a devilish voice he said I can show you how good I am in bed if you like me to once again I screamed leave me alone

My voice echoed in the bathroom after a couple of seconds I started to hear banging sounds as if he was trying to break open the door thankfully I was smart enough to lock the door but this insane man was still trying to open the door I cried for help

I screamed as loud as I could hoping that David might come to my Aid after a while Leo managed to break the door because he stood there right before me he locked his eyes on my breasts and grinned he opened his eyes so wide that

I thought they were going to pop out of their sockets of course of course you want me to please you my love he said as he started to approach me slowly at that moment I heard the breaking sound of glass and when I looked behind Liam I saw David with a broken bottle

And his shaking old hand I realized that David had broke the glass bottle on Liam’s head although blood was pouring from his head Liam was acting as if nothing happened he continued to walk towards me he grabbed hold of me with a skeleton-like hands his grip was way

More powerful than I expected I wanted to fight back but my body was totally frozen David jumped on Liam and tried to pull him away from me Liam pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground and hit his head on the floor I felt like my

Body was paralyzed I could not move a single muscle when I thought everything was over I heard the sound of my mother in my head telling me to fight back or run away following The Virtuous advice she gave me when I was a child I found the

Strength to snap out of my paralyzed State I pushed Liam back he tried to grab me again but I managed to run away from him as I ran outside I heard the police sirens seeing the blue and red light shining as the police car arrived

In front of the building I I felt a sense of relief two officers rushed toward me still shook by the recent incident tears burst out of my tired eyes I cried and told them what happened while I was telling them the story one of them looked behind me and shouted he is

Running away they started to run and I watched them chase Liam I watched them as they disappeared into the darkness of the night after a moment I heard gunshots the policeman came back and told me that they got him apparently the police had to shoot Liam nine times before he fell

To the ground I told them that David was lying inside unconscious they rushed inside and came out of the restaurant carrying David he seems to be okay one of the officers said they told me that after David heard my screaming he called the police and that was the reason they were able to

Arrive so quickly I thanked David I thanked the officers and I asked them what they knew about Liam they told me that considering the way he resisted to the bullets it was possible that Liam was under the influence of a substance I resigned from my job at Wendy’s the

Very next day I called my parents and told them what happened my father demanded me to return to them immediately normally this would bother me but after everything I went through the idea of going back to my parents house seemed good I do not know why Liam

Was acting that way but according to the police investigation it is likely that he was a drug addict with an unstable mind although I know he is dead I still wake up at night seeing him in my nightmares approaching me and saying of course you want me to please you

This video, titled ‘3 True Wendy’s Horror Stories Animated’, was uploaded by SSG Animations on 2023-05-22 20:34:05. It has garnered 543472 views and 3945 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds.

3 TRUE WENDY’S HORROR STORIES ANIMATED #horrorstories #wendy #fastfood #scary #ssg

If you love horror stories, then be sure to check out this video. I’m telling three amazing horror stories that are sure to leave you feeling terrified. Whether you’re a horror lover or not, you won’t be able to resist the fear these stories will bring!

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    Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘☾ ໋〖 Minecraft 〗まったり癒しのマインクラフト〖 天羽衣┊ななしいんく 〗’, was uploaded by 天羽衣 / Amaui Channel【ななしいんく】 on 2024-01-17 15:16:44. It has garnered 6662 views and 584 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:58 or 11098 seconds. . ⁺˖ ☾ Today’s Quote ☽ ˖⁺ . ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ I’m by your side, #Amaui! ໒₍ ܸ o̴̶̷ ̫ o̴̶̷ ܸ ₎১ 🩵﹒ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/Amaui_🩵﹒Twitch   https://www.twitch.tv/amaui0915⟡﹒ General tag ﹕ #Amehagoromo ⟡﹒ Streaming tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoLegend ⟡﹒ Original tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoPictureScroll ⟡﹒ Clipping tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoRoku ╰ ※ We would like to use this in our activities ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ 🩵﹒ Nanashi Inc Official… Read More

  • Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft – Firelight Series

    Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft - Firelight SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Deaths = Blood’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-06-08 01:00:04. It has garnered 81475 views and 2103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. If I DIE My Deaths Get More BLOODY in Scary Minecraft! What till the end to see the Cursed results! ✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for… Read More

  • Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortnite

    Ultimate Sweat Takedown Begins! Day 1 💪🏻#fortniteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of taking down Sweats 💪🏻#fortnite #sweat #og’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-12 15:30:13. It has garnered 3698 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc #tiktok #games… Read More

  • CreepyMine

    CreepyMineServer focused on player based economy,RPG elements, cooperation, hard survival and DISASTERS! Still performing under construction, so we are open to suggestions. Later discord link will be added. Read More

  • Lords of Soot – Modded PVP Semi-Anarchy Roleplay – Geopolitical – 1.16.5

    Welcome to Lords Of Soot Lords Of Soot is a 1.16.5 Survival Server focusing on light geopolitical roleplay and large-scale cooperative projects. Join player-ran nations with unique building styles on a stunning Terraforged map. Modpack Features Explore Immersive Engineering, Create, Mekanism, Immersive Railroading, Immersive Vehicles, and more. Engage in wars using Timeless and Classic guns or enjoy a quiet life with cooking, agriculture, and decorative mods. Join Us Today Experience a 4-year history with wars, rising and falling nations, and a welcoming community. Visit our Discord, Dynmap, and wiki for more information. Connect with Us Discord: https://discord.gg/weUerta7qj Dynmap: http://mc.lordsofsoot.tesseracthosting.com:21501/ IP:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 1.21 update: Minecraft’s spiciest patch yet!

    Looks like 1.21 is going to be such a good update, even the meme score is off the charts! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 22 is here, Challenging myself, no need for fear. Picking up acacia wood, a new sight to see, Variation is key, it sets my creativity free. Shout out to TikTok friends, a community so grand, @facu8117, @elmoran888, a supportive band. @leandrocr757, @lorenzov_ok, and more, Each one a gem, worth cheering for. Join my channel, support and enjoy the ride, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, all by my side. IrlandesGamer, the name to remember, In the world of gaming, I’ll be your guide, forever. Read More


    WHICH MINECRAFT AXE SWINGS FASTER? Well, obviously the diamond axe is faster because it’s bling-blinging its way through the trees! 💎🌲 #blingaxe #minecraftspeedyaxe Read More

  • Math Hacks for Game Dev

    Math Hacks for Game Dev The Intricate World of Minecraft: Unveiling the Mathematics Behind Game Development As millions of players immerse themselves in the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, few realize the complex mathematics that underpin this virtual world. From world generation algorithms to physics simulations, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience. The Mathematics of World Generation One of the most fascinating aspects of Minecraft is its procedurally generated worlds. Through the use of advanced algorithms, the game creates vast, diverse landscapes for players to explore. These algorithms rely on mathematical concepts such as Perlin noise, a technique used to create… Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1

    Unleashing Dark Magic in MR SMP / Ep1Video Information This video, titled ‘MR SMP / Big Joss Series / Ep1’, was uploaded by WitchCraft on 2024-05-01 04:50:25. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:02 or 362 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #letsplay #survival #viral #smp #funny #biggboss Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst Mods

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft with the Ultimate Worst ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arruiné Minecraft con los PEORES MODS que EXISTEN’, was uploaded by CiertopeloGAME on 2024-01-26 01:15:02. It has garnered 25467 views and 1942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:13 or 1033 seconds. Welcome to this NEW Minecraft video where I put so many MODS to Minecraft that it no longer looks like Minecraft✌ Hello, I’m a totally necessary description, check out my social networks!👇 https://linktr.ee/ciertopelogame Join this channel to access its benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoO5jIYQBTPUp5ndHHD6b-A/join Read More


    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! BIGGEST SERVER BASE IN MINECRAFT! #VapeGainzVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏹Minecraft: JÁ TEMOS A MAIOR BASE DO SERVIDOR! – FACTIONS VANGUARD’, was uploaded by xVape on 2024-03-30 17:07:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Don’t forget to LIKE – SUBSCRIBE and Activate ▻ Information • IP: loja.redevonix.com • Website: loja.redevonix.com … Read More

  • Escape Minecraft Traps! The World’s Smallest Violin 🎻

    Escape Minecraft Traps! The World's Smallest Violin 🎻Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Escape Minecraft Traps at Every Age (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Error on 2024-05-26 16:30:12. It has garnered 154737 views and 4393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Thank you for watching! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #Minecraft

    Insane Mega TNT Arrow Firework! 😱🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by yc on 2024-04-26 14:45:07. It has garnered 10718 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Mega Arrow TNT firework 🎆🤯 #shorts #minecraft #gaming Your Queries:- nba on tnt minecraft manhunt nba highlights minecraft manhunt but minecraft manhunt but op enchants minecraft but spectator mode qndres minecraft mod lewwolfe minecraft but sheep drop op items minecraft smp pixelmon minecraft manhunt but op loot jagster school minecraft smp custom item levels smp minecraft stacked mcpe new song minecraft manhunt… Read More

  • Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in Minecraft

    Shocking! JJ and Mikey Rescue Homeless Cat in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-03-19 19:42:35. It has garnered 31581 views and 585 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:41 or 4061 seconds. Today, JJ and MIKEY found a cute stray kitten and decided to take it home! JJ and MIKEY hide the cat from his parents! JJ and MIKEY FOUND a HOMELESS CAT! ORPHANED KITTEN – SAD STORY in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and… Read More

  • Dipa AC’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!

    Dipa AC's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Ending Prep!Video Information This video, titled ‘Persiapan Ke The End Di Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-04-05 04:19:45. It has garnered 13501 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:59 or 4799 seconds. ❏ Let’s Go, Let’s Get Ready! ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No roleplay (calling papa//mama//sister) to the streamer… Read More


    INSANE! NikoHite LIVE: EPIC SERVER MOVE & NONSTOP GRINDING 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] PINDAH SERVER TETAP GRINDING – MINECRAFT REVOLUTION SMP INDONESIA’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-02 13:59:04. It has garnered 400 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:43 or 8863 seconds. Here’s the link: https://saweria.co/NikoHite this channel is still developing Rules: 1. no toxic 2. no asking to be a moderator whatever the story 3. no sarcasm and racism 4. respect other viewers 5. no spam #minecraft #minecraftpelivestream IP SERVER: PLAY.BRUTAL.ID backsound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_tYp2A8U9s Read More

  • DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!

    DIPA AC plays CRAZY Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gasken Main Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dipa AC on 2024-03-31 04:32:49. It has garnered 11459 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:28 or 5308 seconds. ❏ We will try the public server before release!! ❏ The IP (1.20.4) [JAVA&Bedrock] : CENDOL.shockbyte.pro ❏ Want to Support Me? Here, check the link below~ https://trakteer.id/dipaac/link ❏ Join Server Discord Dingin Intergalactic Ya Guys! https://discord.gg/5rMaKpN74r ❏ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rz.dipa ▷ Livestream Rules ❏ No questions about privacy (Except Age, Place of residence, origin) ❏ No racism, sara, bad-mouthing ❏ No discussion of political matters ❏ No… Read More

  • AriseCity

    AriseCityArisecity is a Java/Bedrock comp Kingdoms and Earth themed server with heavy emphasis on pvp, wars, countries and grinding. Mainly vanilla combat with some balance changes. play.arisecity.net Read More

3 True Wendy’s Horror Stories Animated