32 Streamers Compete In IRL Squid Games

Video Information

Oh boy what’s up chad and welcome to twitch rivals the show about the streamers and the games they love and welcome to the twitch rivals ultimate challenge live from vegas over the next two days 32 of the biggest twitch creators in the world will compete for their share of two

Hundred and fifty thousand dollars and a winning duo will each get one of these amazing custom twitch rivals arcade cabinets i’m your host wavepunk we’re gonna explain everything that’s gonna go on over the next two days in just a bit but first let’s meet our 32 creators and

Kick things off with some action right out of the gate for that i’m going to send it over to today’s casters glitter explosion and uber guys how’s it going thank you very much caleb we’re doing fantastic down here on the stage glitter we have 32 of our biggest creators right

Here in vegas competing in a variety of different challenges suffice to say we’re going to kick things off in unorthodox fashion though we most certainly are and when we say 32 creators we meet 32 of the most amazing creators you can find here on twitch and those events we’re not even going to

Spoil them for you because we’ve got a lot of action to dive into here too today so let’s start off by introducing our competitors sounds like a great idea let’s get things started of course and let’s make some noise in the chat for nikkei 30 and replays cutie cinderella and maya Soda poppin Then coming up next we’ve got cypher pk and lucky tyler one and michaela tyler no okay and tense hannah rose and tapple nmp and molina it’s timmy and myth it’s hafu and dog dog and finally xqc and adept the best guys those are your competitors talk about jumping right into things later of

Course here the twitch rivals automate challenge we’re putting our fantastic creators through a variety of different paces we’re kicking off with a good old-fashioned tug of war all right guys now if you’re wondering exactly how this tug of war is going to work while you see all of our competitors planning

Their strategies getting themselves ready for how this is all going to work we’ll explain it to you a little bit okay obviously there’s two teams right but what you don’t know is there’s eight thousand dollars on the line for just this tug of war that is a lot of money

Just to start up the competition here uber obviously a couple rules here to start with you’ll notice everyone’s wearing gloves not your garden variety hand protection you cannot wrap the rope around your hand or body and you cannot sit down once the twitch rivals bandana star crosses one of these lines we will

Have a victorious team today is all about challenges a little outside of the gaming world here and we’ll see that mix of strength and agility here from our streamers in our first challenge yeah i’m interested to see exactly how they handle this situation we see a little

Bit of staggering look at that going on tyler1 unreal time for a countdown everybody ten nine eight seven six five four three two one game on oh this is dead even uber are you kidding me this is a lot closer than i thought it was gonna be look at the

Muscles on these competitors there are a lot of bodies here right now tyler one of the four in this left side trying to keep it going but look at the raw strength the rhythm over like a little here of movement coming in on the right side with nikki 30. Oh my god i was not ready for that they already all look exhausted and this is just the star of today guys they have so many other events they still have to be able to make their way through somebody probably should have told our streamers about conserving energy

Tell you what rope burns would have been an issue without these gloves and wait a minute meets with the eyeballs miss is looking pumped right now miss He’s those were competition eyes those were competition stairs smack talks being tossed about oh my god we were so close guys we were actually so close it was hard because i just got like a wave of feet since we’re like in those freaking sheepskins holy hey we gotta do gameplay

What’s your game theory tell me your secrets i think the secret is i’m going to have a son do jump shots uh-huh and i’m going to try i think the secret is don’t try jumping too high you lose your power dude i think you just run at it

Yeah because look that’s literally a foot you just run at it to get stuck to it because the more power your body puts on it the more likely you’re to stick in afterwards man soda looks so stupid [Laughter] you didn’t want to tire yourself out i don’t know do you want to do all the work that’s actually annoying for nothing whether you’re getting stuck i think it’s cool no i’m on tyler’s team is that 500 bucks yeah i need that money for what pay rent Um wearing the suit because she weighs two pounds who’s wearing the suit of yours uh me because i weigh two pounds oh yeah for sure look well i look like a clown at a birthday party and soda looks like a clown that snuck into a birthday party i like it in here

Maya’s like this is my new home you know what your nice girl time is over i think you should go take a practice run and just jump on the wall because he did it twice so who’s going to stop you just go real quick just quit you’re trying she’s trying to get us

Disqualified don’t do it maya maya don’t do it maya maya don’t waddle in there you need to go a little higher [Laughter] Nice if you guys start trusting women it’ll be much harder for me to take all your money so please [Laughter] i think it was maya and cutie cinderella going forward they were the final team to go let’s see how this went okay see this is the part that’s hard not

Understanding the distance or if sometimes you feel like you’re throwing straight and it’s going completely to narnia but you obviously have no idea because you’re blindfolded the underhand play is probably the go here’s the problem if you get off course you need to give yourself a little bit

Of reset doesn’t look like that was the case here yeah i i think that it combined with maybe a little bit of the communication which is hard there’s a lot going on you got to be able to allow yourself you know so there’s so many factors going into they do seem to be

Bringing it back a little bit towards the end here once they kind of find a rhythm and go because these throws are strong again they’re coming out yeah they’re getting more and more spirited perhaps maya is hurling insults i can’t tell right now because these throws are

Getting more and more frenzied as time goes on okay wait wait for the jump so i think made a decent point there earlier on is that you know the more you weigh the harder it is to stick to that wall right so 100 obviously great finish

This is a sticky wall angel move love to see it thank you yes you saved it i did deserve it for the record 57 wow oh that was great i feel good maya’s the mvp giving me calms over everybody else who was lying to me kind of rude i don’t

Know how you do that thank you you saved that you know why though why because you were throwing it so poorly and so hard that they were bouncing up and hitting me yes i did yes i did so really that’s why everyone else was mad at you for helping me

Because i sabotaged all of them i was like what is happening i deserved the sabotage but i appreciated the help because maya was just so far away i could barely hear if you have time you come back i will when you guys are when you when your group is

Over there i will go yell and be like oh let’s laugh i will i’ll sabotage the first to go up let me keep going all right i need to practice yeah all right chad you’re going down all right dude i did great how are you doing i did okay

Okay i think i would rank my personal performance on this bigger one would be actually pretty okay okay i was very confident okay i’m very scared i am too terrible it’s guys this doesn’t look that tall but and there’s like a better way to jump in order to not hurt yourself I look like compared to everyone else everyone else is like stayed still i’m like on crack oh sorry oh my god oh my god sorry chad no look at xqc’s this is like all over the place oh his is also on crack yeah i’m ready i’m ready i’m ready

Dude it feels like we’re like on a cx tour like in the in the you know the van no what’s it called because everyone has like their cell phones yeah i was like i was like this is what it’s like walking to any party in l.a yeah like in l.a you

Walk in and everyone’s just like this game right now is amazing because all of these teams are collaborating to try to figure out a strategy right now no one has perfected it yet but i feel like it’s going to come soon that was a smooth straight away from

Both of those teams uber i i mean that looks like they have the first lap figured out yeah no doubt about it pretty easy pick up there on the dice for meyer is she’s going to be rounding this corner here again remember you do have to tag off

With your with your teammate there is of course on the other side you see russell coming around hustling and bustling as he goes it looks like he’s getting a little bit slowed down there in the hand-off situation he doesn’t want to come in too quickly and i think they actually did

Lose some time in comparison to the girl yeah i think soda pop in there gritting his teeth because he knows he’s got a bit of a lead to make up for here is across the line comes cuba cinderella straight to the button clean finish that was really really solid

And we see as sodapoppin does make sure he gets the button there at the end for the duo but uh that is probably a little bit disappointing uh yes i believe the translation of that from uh from sodapopping was oh dratz oh drat yes clearly the word he chose all right

Bella you got our winners there yeah i got a winner right here it’s absolutely insane so maya you and cutie tore it up now maya i saw you during the practice rounds you were kind of struggling but you caught your stride how’d you feel about this overall

Once i knew i was going up against uh comedy wrestle i just had to kick it into full gear i feel really good about this i just wanted to do this well russell definitely got beat because i think they’re definitely in last place now but good luck so far keep crushing

The competition and we’ll see you guys later intensity is on damage the moment is upon us known at the beginning we would have been so fine you guys yeah this damn no i’m not helping what help help come on help carson let me the tip i was going to give them is a

Reach for each other to tag because then you’re like you’re tagged and you can go and i have long ass arms but they have longer arms that’s why i’m not giving them that tip and i don’t feel bad about it all right i’m gonna win [Laughter] he’s been drinking

I actually strictly said i want alcohol and i wasn’t kidding why didn’t you bring something from the minibar tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow in the pockets i don’t like playing video games oh you’re live you guys are tied for the first yeah we are you guys beat us you guys

Beat us by a second but in general yeah we did beat you by a second yes look at that Okay second overall second overall that’s overall okay we have to watch this dude i don’t know how oh see that’s what you do you literally grab like he grabbed two i’m gonna go there so like grab grab because then it’s just yeah when they’re in there you just grab

And get out they’re not getting out fast enough we got to get out way faster good job keller yeah you’re in first we’re in second we’re in second no big deal we what’s a good i will give you one hint if you give us one hint what have you

Guys done so far uh we’ve done that one okay we’ve done the blockbuster one okay any hints we’ve done the opposite we’ve done i will trade one hint for one hit it depends on how good the hint is how do we know it’s a good hint i see now that’s why

It’s objective though no it’s it’s if if these guys would have known the hint that i if we would have known the hint we would have saved six seconds okay i’ll give you a hint but it’s probably pretty obvious this one um don’t give it

To him go away you can knock him out and pick him up oh everyone knows that one you gotta give me something more i want to hear what you have to say okay in in in this one the one the the gopro yeah the go-kart one it’s more about

It’s not about fast people are going and they’re moving their feet fast it’s long strides and like yes like how useful is this we haven’t done it so it’s just really it’s massive we got we got that we got the second fastest in the entire everyone just yeah

And the only reason oh and you have to tag you have to we forgot to tag and so i had to go backwards and you still go and we still got the second fastest because it’s all about okay that’s a good tip um i see now i don’t know what about what’s

The tip on like shooting well the shooting i’m going to be honest i kind of just felt it and it just won’t look blue really okay okay it’s pretty hard though okay so what it was is it was on the blockbuster one so so like whenever you have all the block

Setup you have to like have this but also i noticed when i pulled it back i always just kind of wing it in yeah i hit the ball oh as far as possible though it messes up so you don’t want it oh really okay that’s good to know

There’s a handle that i didn’t see yeah so you don’t want to pull it all the way not all the way back okay and also it was a card like a playing card yeah i i’ve watched it a few times do you um question what’s the fastest way to get out of that

Like barrel roll you don’t want to go on your butt like you’re gonna be like oh really so what i did is i literally just like bend your knees so you don’t hurt yourself but like you want to almost plant all right scammed them scammed them i didn’t tell them the big

Secrets i’m talking about lifting their toes lifting their toes on the stat on the wall dude i don’t know how we get you guys beat us by a second on the sticky wall dude if we if we would have uh i i will live about i’ll think about that for

Days it takes a while um donut chat here you can have some you guys put your hands in there huh uh-huh dirty i’m covered free what about everything else not std free though am i right let’s spy on other people’s chats who’s chad is this katie’s nice oh this is tina let’s talk

Lol these guys suck i’m so much then people are going to think tina’s talking better than them they’re saying toxic tina tina’s somebody typing oh i’m crawling i’m crawling i’m crawling on the floor i’m crawling on the floor she knows she knows she knows be casual crawl away crawl away we’re gonna talk

on hassan’s now there’s hassan’s running away running away i think we should pay less taxes [Laughter] i was typing in people’s chats as them it was awesome i went in hassan’s chat and i said i think we should pay less taxes hassan i saw you saw on your chat what

About wanting to pay less taxes that’s so weird so you type that in your own chat oh did you take my phone is playing psychological warfare yeah there’s a little ding in it that’s right on the three and if you wait four seconds after the three it goes to the five

So if you putt when you see that ding oh i’m putting you guys just wait real quick i can do it i counted you wait four seconds and four seconds is about how long it’ll take to get down the thing so if you shoot when you see the ding four seconds

Though you see you wait and see you wouldn’t see you guys we didn’t get you and see i’m gonna keep trading tips and i’m getting new tips and everybody else is getting the same exact tip from me ciao we’re going to the pizza hut lounge look out everybody it’s our time to shine

I’m taking all the money i went and i’m putting it in black what do you think if i get a two i should do it well that’s awkward okay we got some pizza it looks awful i’m gonna have this one no don’t tell anybody i’m just going to put it back okay

Now obviously some of the uh some of the com the competitions here the competitors are done and they are now hanging out one of the lounges got cutie here in the pizza lounge grabbing herself a slice and then running back to the madness that his chip shot

I feel like we need to go grab a slice i would like a slice of pizza please this is the getaway cam from the uh lounge this is this is the the the this grab a slice and dash two minutes i won’t grab anything but i want to jump

In there i need a good jump you know one yet i did it yesterday but i haven’t done it today but i was scared yesterday so i’m hoping i took a few shots just don’t land on your side should be fine yeah don’t land on yourself

So hard to get out of the pit really the deeper your feet go in there the harder it is to get out okay if i lose my shoe i’m going without it just go without it lose the shoe i’ll say that shoe shoe you don’t need to don’t either

Wait should i do should i do shoeless i wonder yeah hey take off your socks i was just giving you the strat what was i saying sound like the rest of my mods who do you think is the worst like if you get first pick who do you choose to go against

I think maya sucks sorry so i would not go against tina who’s someone that’s bad at minecraft Should we do shoelaces [Applause] the other tip i got was don’t go straight down because your feet are straight down so you have to bend them bend your legs okay yeah but then like put the other chin you can’t think about it when you’re up there too bend the other chest

So that no please jump grab it but you can’t knock it out make sure it’s not knock outable i’m actually i look like that too i’m all shiny and gross very shiny you’re not trying gross i have blotting paper because other people are just better than you no they’re tired with us

Oh they’re three four and fifth is type oh you oh so if we don’t win this we could go to sixth place all right can we go i just want to get over with it’s actually pretty scary up there chat it’s like it’s it looks it looks short but it’s

Pretty it’s like at least is everything secured i don’t know yeah i’m wearing two i’m wearing three sports bras you have pasties on i’m wearing pasties i actually didn’t bring taste pasties i only brought duct tape so yeah i don’t have pasties i don’t want to get banned on twitch

Rivals if something falls out the trick is when you ducked up your titties your first duct tape something else you don’t rip your nipples no i already taped are you trying to help don’t make it weird [Laughter] i’m sorry about her i know you’re trying to help all right she made it weird Now you’re now you’re homophobic why’d you assume why’d you assume it’s straight i’m talking to trust me we we turn it back on her turn it back on her yoga mom’s tying their shoes really excited today with a great friend cheating is being a better competitor as long as you don’t you’re right

You’re right yeah let’s grab that one good job great job you got it oh you got the third you got three yeah smart don’t listen to me knock it down nice you got them both you got them both i’ll help you i’ll help you i’ll help you i’ll help you

There you go oh my god watch the side okay what how many left you’re good it fell off it fell off is there any left did they clear it that quick oh yeah they cleared it with 10 seconds left you guys are doing so well holy hell wow

I wish i could be your guys’s boyfriends i’ve never felt like more of a beluga whale you’re my wife no you look lying in there yeah i’m actually going to golf ladies i feel good about this oh wait sorry i gotta go hard or cutie really

Hard i’m just gonna put it right here oh it didn’t go in three double three zero do not put that back in there i don’t know one one zero three three yes five one okay they won do not put that back in do not go in there three oh my god

They do it oh i think they did they might be number one i think you guys got 50. oh no 30. oh yes oh nice try ladies what did you guys get 30. dude she kind of picked us up yeah she told us 25 seconds so then i just started going five seconds

Yeah that sucks thank you hi how’s it going we got 30. what’d you get what’s happening on the putt-putt 30 yeah 24-25 i scored like nine ones oh yeah i got a bunch of threes but we still we only got second in our group really yeah nick molina got 35. oh what

Yeah we got a big brain yeah we’ll be fast we should have we actually should have paid attention because they didn’t change the puzzles it’s a it’s a kappa car yeah but yeah i know what it is but those guys were struggling we’re just about to see her you’re gonna see two faces

Because there’s two faces so put the faces together first which ones matches yeah but how do you know which one’s up and which one’s down i don’t think that matters oh like you’re right actually it doesn’t matter yeah first and then work around the faces okay so find the faces and then puzzle

Around it okay then do the rest all right i appreciate that because if not you’re gonna start figuring out what head goes on which yeah you’re right yeah we got two more competitors left to go to duo’s and it’s going to come down to it i think you’re right lulu and ava

Are the ones that would be like hey if they put a big score no no they’re gonna shoot up that leaderboard okay but we see the teams prepping for their last event here on blockbuster sodapoppin and russell taking on cutie cinderella and maya we’ll see how they do i i do want to

Point out uh cutie and maya i think the only duo to coordinate their i was just gonna say the same thing and i feel like it really speaks to their teamwork i love that they made that decision oh and here they go the timer has begun and

They will begin with the angel tradition of building the puzzle in front of the podium currently in seventh place cutie cinderella maya up against the 15th place soda poppet and russell here so this definitely is a big one for our two ladies here you know i feel like we’ve watched

Sodapoppin and russell kind of trust each other less and less throughout the day so this could be a huge opportunity to bring it back there’s been an erosion of morale i think this is going to require a bit of team building though literally the team’s going to have to build together

All right so russell supplying the pieces and soda now having to put them together remember you don’t know if that’s top left or they’re dominating it’s not it’s not particularly close right now they are finished they’ve built their very oh my gosh they have finished i don’t think they’ve misplaced a block

The whole time i think every guest was correct but all soda and russell have to do is just look to their side for some inspiration on how the card puzzle works maybe i could look to the side for some inspiration on how to i mean on the image but i don’t

Think the puzzle is actually the same no the puzzle’s not the same but the concept of the card yes because they haven’t figured out that bottom k yet i think they might be taxing their bandwidth a little too much under these current conditions there it is it’s a completed

Currently maya and cutie are at one minute 35 seconds they have a chance to set the record with some accurate slingshot in here all right they definitely need it in one or two shots though it’s not going to be easy but here comes the first one cutie cinderella up to the mark

Pass interference sabotage look at that what a word not even a moment celebration might have expected that connection she understands that they could they could yet again okay we’ve been waiting to see what people can figure out in all of these events all day i don’t think we’ve

Seen a single team figure out that you can rock the entire stand and still get on the ball here and one goes a little high what is going on the left hand side look still at least one upside down letter for them to take reference

Okay hold on hold on i see you coming together for them a little bit they’re still a little confused but they’re definitely getting a square to the record is gone but they could still possibly come in second okay that one falls out sometimes yeah not a big deal yes

Reset at this point i’d start trying to pursue my opponents as well just to try and make it hard for you to concentrate just rattle the cage a little bit you know that’s yeah that was always going to go wide that one more like a trebuchet i’ll draw a three point there

We see look i’m telling you they got it they’ve got the square shape if they can uh bounce back here with some solid slingshot shots it because the bottom we’ve seen people struggle with the bottom the bottom is so hard again the higher hold that’s yeah okay

Holding it high means it will drop low i don’t know anyone said to collect that one that could be going for a bit of a roll a little too low there there we go that’s perfect and one more hit i think cutie cinderella has it all figured out now just

To stick to the landing come on come on chance pressure mounting though is uh obviously soda pop and it’s moved into the slingshot phase two they’ve completely switched up tactics at this point okay we’ve just got a ball passer and a slingshotter and they’re not rotating off anymore it’s working

Better for them right now man you got it she’s really getting this dialed in a little higher we’re out of balls again here on this right hand side so there’ll need to be a collection still waiting for any bricks to fall for the boys though now balls are very

Dispersed here on the right hand side again there’s not so many balls left so many of them have just started rolling around the arena there well done it took him a little bit on the slingshot here necro but they finally find it jesus damn it we were so fast in the puzzle

They’re smart they went bottom first that’s what we should have done gone low first i was [Applause] did you guys beat us you guys are really cool no we are so slow no no so where are we seventh it’s all right it’s good it’s good top eight top ten we love top 10.

You’re actually so right if we go to minecraft there’s no way it’s it’s not minecraft it’s just a race so okay i’m carrying literally not you carried one game that’s gonna be crazy now it’s time though for the duos to draft their opponents for the first round of tomorrow’s single elimination bracket

We’ll go in order of the standings and the selecting team can choose any remaining squad to play head-to-head in the round of 16. when you come over and join us here cutie cinderella and maya you have the uh the honor the privilege of selecting your opponent so who do you

Have in mind and can you tell us why oh my god this is hard so we were thinking for a long time we’re not choosing them but we were thinking tina and five up but we’re not gonna do it because i keep getting whispers that five up is cracked and

And so you might be saved from us if i could i would pick us i would pick us and go against us as we could but i think i think we’re gonna ruin some friendships and um uh we’re choosing nicki minaj is the theme of the day please please

Tell me you have not played this game oh please ah please i would say you guys so bad and you picked me i cannot believe it you’re going home early thank you you just threw you just threw i might not play games on stream but i do play games off

Stream and both of you are just toast mike doesn’t have a computer all right she has birds yeah yeah yeah yeah i think you’re our best bet so that’s what we’re going for all right thank you thank you positions competitors

This video, titled ’32 Streamers Compete In IRL Squid Games’, was uploaded by QTCinderella on 2021-11-07 16:00:10. It has garnered 281945 views and 9995 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:23 or 2183 seconds.

QTCinderella and Maya compete in Twitch Rivals QTCinderella Live Stream ► https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella Clips Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/QTCinderellaClips Twitter ► https://twitter.com/qtcinderella Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/qtcinderella Reddit ► https://www.reddit.com/r/QTCinderella/

Edited by: https://twitter.com/nandomagoo

#QTCinderella #Maya #stream

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    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Boubou as they tackle the challenging Hardcore mode in version 1.20.4. Despite some technical difficulties, Boubou has bravely uploaded their gameplay to showcase their survival skills and determination. Surviving the First Few Days Boubou managed to narrowly survive the initial days in Minecraft Hardcore, setting the stage for an epic adventure ahead. With a few goals achieved, the journey is far from over in this vast and unpredictable world. Even though Boubou admits to not being the best hardcore player, they… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed!

    Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, experiments run wild, Mutant mobs roam, fierce and untamed, not mild. Zombie mutants, red and scary, immune to the sun, Skeleton mutants, armored and fierce, ready to stun. Wolf mutants with two tails, a sight to behold, Spider mutants with big fangs, fierce and bold. Chicken mutants turned into T-Rex, a fright at night, In the world of Minecraft, mutants take flight. So subscribe and like, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, mutants bring the heat. Stay tuned for more adventures, more experiments to see, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraft

    FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrRJay on 2024-03-18 06:02:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today Iam Gonna Be Show You How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft If you liked the Video don’t … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew’s EPIC Real Base Build!

    UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew's EPIC Real Base Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started a REAL Base in Minecraft (2024)’, was uploaded by God King Mew on 2024-04-15 20:00:34. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:11 or 18251 seconds. In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, join me as we explore mysterious landscapes, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on quests that will test our courage and creativity. From towering mountains to treacherous dungeons, every block holds a story waiting to be told. **Survival Mode**: We’ll gather resources, build shelters, and fend off mobs. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the… Read More

  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

    OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Eating Food And Op Item || Subscribe|| #1 || Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by MiningTv⛏️ on 2024-02-20 23:39:41. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. join Dc https://discord.com/invite/AXAmSE2SQd Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए)! Join my Club on Turnip MININGTV ⛏️: https://profile.turnip.gg/gPP9GkXose55yFd27 Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a… Read More

  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

    SahuPlays - INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-06-03 03:32:28. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime animation catnap huggy wuggy mommy long legs poppy 퍼거필러 번조버니 마미롱레그 bunzo bunny fancy refill 허기워기 파피플레이타임 smile critters critters 캣냅 poppy playtime chapter3 maizen pj pug a pillar aphmau aphmau games cash and nico nico cash aphmau aaron aphmau playing as minecraft aphmau minecraft mods minecraft funny… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-05-31 20:41:22. It has garnered 534 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft… Read More

  • Doepiecraft

    DoepiecraftHello, this server is just made, we build a simple survival server to play with your friends on PC and Console. So its a Crossplay server! The server is just started so there are not a lot players yet! The bedrock Ip is: And the port is: 19132 Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 252 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. Revive Competition If you die, you can earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Team Competition Sundays at 12CT there is a special Team Competition, ongoing for 218 weeks. Prizes Prizes include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Server IP: gapple.mchost.pro or Goal & Score Goal: Stay alive and earn points. Score +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point earned…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down Stairs

    Minecraft Memes - Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down StairsIt seems like that rabbit really hopped into a sticky situation! Read More

  • Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge!

    Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge! In Minecraft news, we take flight, Reporting updates with all our might. From head base challenges to new mobs, We cover it all, no need for sobs. Join us on Discord, YouTube, and more, For gaming fun that’s never a bore. AquaVerse is the name to know, For Minecraft facts that steal the show. So come along and join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve just begun. Stay tuned for more, don’t be late, AquaVerse Channel, your gaming mate. Read More

  • Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab!

    Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab! “Experiment 1: Trying to play Minecraft without accidentally punching a tree for 10 minutes straight.” Read More

  • Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure Angekommen in der Wüste: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as our protagonist explores a captivating map in this thrilling episode. Join the journey through a unique AdventureCraft Launcher experience that promises endless fun and surprises! Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher Discover a whole new world of possibilities with the AdventureCraft Launcher, offering exclusive gameplay that is not available elsewhere. Dive into the action by downloading the launcher from AdventureCraft.dev and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience. Join the Community Connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts by engaging with the vibrant community surrounding this Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Cobey on 2024-05-20 12:36:24. It has garnered 8531 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:11 or 1391 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Barbie girl house! We are inspired by MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, and Kory! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun…. Read More

  • JJ’s Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw Hands

    JJ's Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw HandsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-14 20:00:11. It has garnered 94124 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:49 or 3649 seconds. How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft – EPIC!

    HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain (Imagine Dragon – Bones) #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #fyp’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-15 08:28:21. It has garnered 180417 views and 11387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #tiktok #like Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Climbing With Heavy Weight (Imagine Dragon – Bones) HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain… Read More

  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST…’, was uploaded by AA12 on 2024-05-24 01:00:15. It has garnered 2002 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:47 or 1907 seconds. Today, we play Minecraft but we play the scariest addon… This mod adds a lot of scary jumpscares in Minecraft PE! Watch till the end to see if we survive this scary Minecraft mod. If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST… The Haunted Herobrine Addon: https://modbay.org/mods/499-the-haunted-by-herobrine.html Fearcraft Addon: https://modbay.org/mods/1244-fearcraft-addon.html Addon Creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3ZM3ovonRY7hXqji7YPfA Thanks for watching! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

    EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Raw Gameplay Part 1’, was uploaded by CtrlAltFun on 2024-03-27 21:45:01. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Welcome to ctrlaltfun, where adventure, creativity, and exploration merge in the pixelated world of Minecraft! Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the endless possibilities of this sandbox universe. Introduction: Welcome to the infinite world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, embark on a… Read More

  • Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?

    Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby Cameraman Deserve Go To Heaven Or Go Down Hell?’, was uploaded by Baby Monster School on 2024-01-03 09:30:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Music: Sound Effects: http://freesound.org #SkibidiToilet #minecraft #Cameraman. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My Server

    Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Special Program Reaction + Minecraft on My Own Server’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-26 20:08:58. It has garnered 24 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:15 or 12075 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE WITH VIEWERS! | 10k Sub Hype!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS | 10k Subscribers?’, was uploaded by iitzDanger on 2024-04-05 16:54:21. It has garnered 1884 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:29 or 12989 seconds. 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS Other Socials: Minecraft Channel: youtube.com/@UC6os3sY8wueBczW3Keyg5-Q Twitter: https://twitter.com/YoItzDanger Sponsors/Partners: Use code ‘Danger’ for 15% off at: https://www.kinetichosting.net/ Use Code ”Danger” for 20% off at: https://glytchenergy.com/ Use Code ‘Adxpt’ for 10% off at: https://soardogg.com/ Use Code ‘ADXPT10’ for 10% off at https://byebluelight.com/pages/adxpt fortnite,fortnite challenge,fortnite chapter 4,fortnite shorts,fortnite tiktoks,fortnite news,fortnite tips,fortnite memes,fortnite trickshot,fortnite battle royale,fortnite montage,fortnite… Read More

  • Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!

    Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic.EXE VS Sonic Baby VS Amy Rose | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 07:08:21. It has garnered 6268 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FXLN0Y-kTpc This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) . I will promptly… Read More

  • Friendly Pickaxe

    Friendly PickaxeA brand-new semi-vanilla survival server This server runs Fabric with the goal of maintaining true vanilla game behavior. 3 /home’s /tpa commands to teleport to your friends /randomtp so you can get started quick! 16 view distance Perfect vanilla behavior 20+GB of RAM Cross Minecraft/Discord chat & music bot We don’t take donations or reward players in exchange for votes Discord: https://discord.gg/Jtxw8C2WJY Dynmap: Read More

  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

32 Streamers Compete In IRL Squid Games