40+ Build Ideas for your Minecraft Village

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Gamers are you looking to transform or create a village of your own and have no idea what to build well you’ve come to the right video because I’ll be showing you over 40 Village builds I’ll also quickly mention that all of the builds showcased in this video are available to

Download over on my patreon so be sure to check that out if you’re interested alright let’s get started first up we’re going to be taking a look at a whole bunch of different decorations with these first four being specifically water features so firstly here we just

Have a simple water fountain as you can see we have a nice design here where we have like this main stem thing and then we have the water up top here inside of a stone brick wall with a lantern on top the water kind of sprawls out between

These stairs and then down the sides and into this little Basin down below next up we have a bit more of a modern water feature as you can see the water starts up here and then it sprawls down to the left and right and then finally down

Into this little area down below this might not match like a lot of villages but if you’re making like a modern Village for whatever reason then this is definitely a really cool addition next up we have a bit bigger of a fountain except this time it’s actually sprawling

Out and uh powering these crops I don’t know if powering is the right word it definitely isn’t uh it’s it’s watering these crops yeah there we go so yeah if you want like a really nice aesthetic water feature that’s also useful at the same time this is definitely a really

Cool idea for that and now for the final water feature we have this small little Pond we’ll be taking a look at another Pond as well just after this but uh yeah here I just showcased a bunch of different ways that you can decorate a pond and I’ve kind of just added them

All into one you might not want to add in all of these details to your pond because uh like this one it might look a little bit too detailed but yeah so we’ve added some little stones in the water here along with some seagrass some lily pads and we have a little island

Here with a sugar cane plant on that too then actually surrounding the pond we have a whole bunch of azaleas Moss rooted dirt coarse dirt grass some bigger stones and a lantern as well and then a little Bush over here too and now on to the second Pond design as you can

See this one’s a little bit bigger and a little bit less detailed as well so we have like a little Forest surrounding it as well which looks really nice we have a pathway that actually leads up over here to a bench and also a little dock

As well it’s not really a dock it’s more of like a I don’t know like a fishing platform or something like that but yeah then on to the inside of the pond and here we’ve added in the same little Stones design we’ve added some sea pickles as well this time and instead of

Like a little island we’ve just added in some stone brick walls with a lantern on top and it can definitely give a really nice look to your pond next up we’re taking a look at a couple of nether portal designs with the first one here being a futuristic portal so as you can

See it is pretty simple we just have like a simple Square portal behind this and then we’ve kind of covered all of the exposed obsidian by using some deep slate blocks and also some quartz blocks we’ve also added in some sea lanterns with some deep slate buttons actually

They’re Blackstone buttons excuse me so yeah so we’ve added some buttons in front of those to give like a pretty cool look and we’ve also added a bit of a staircase up to the portal as well once again this might not entirely fit your village so once again if you’re

Making a futuristic or modern Village for whatever reason this can definitely look cool in that next up we have an island portal so if you’re building a Beachside Village this can definitely be a really nice thing to add to that instead of just adding like a portal

Underground or something you can make a little island or you can kind of transform a little island and turn it into a bit of a portal Island so yeah we’ve added these big custom palm trees to the left and right and their leaves are kind of draping over the portal and

Then yeah as for the portal we just have like a pretty standard portal I felt it looked really cool leaving it like that but you can of course change the portal up to I mean look however you want next up we have the overgrown portal and this

One’s actually on the inside of like a cave or something like that and so even though this looks pretty like complicated it’s actually very easy to build all you need to do is just take a chunk out of a cliff here add in a massive nether portal in the background

Texture the area with a bunch of Mossy stone bricks and also some mossy cobblestone bricks and some Moss as well adding some extra details like some drip Stone glowberries and some Vines and then something as well that I really love is just adding these little gaps

Using some stairs and slabs and it lets you see the portal through these little areas and I just really love the way that looks it’s such like a cool thing and now for the final portal we once again just have a pretty standard like portal but then the actual decorations

Around it are what makes this look really cool so it’s as if we have like had this structure that’s been here and it’s been ruined over time so we just have like these four pillars that are remaining and then we also have added in some extra decorate is like a whole

Bunch of coarse dirt and some rooted dirt some grass and ferns some barrels chests and some lanterns as well and then we’ve also covered the face of the portal here with a couple of vines it might need a little bit of a trim but oh yeah if you have like a ruined Village

Or something like that this can definitely be a really nice addition next up we’re taking a look at a couple of different mine entrances with all of these being biome specific so this one’s actually meant to be in a Tiger Biome but uh as you can see it’s just kind of

Randomly been placed here uh don’t worry about that just imagine this isn’t a Tiger Biome but um yeah I mean this one can kind of work in any biome so what you need to do is just come to like the side of like a cliff or like Mountain

Kind of thing and then just add in like a whole bunch of stairs and slabs and some andesite blocks as well you could even sprinkle in a couple of details on the outside like some extinguished campfires and some barrels and then as we head on to the inside as you can see

We have a rail here that would theoretically lead all the way down to the bottom uh I’m lazy and have just uh not really gone down very far with this but yeah a really cool thing that I love about the interior of this one is that

We have these Spruce trap doors that are kind of buttered up against each other and it looks like a half slab pillar and it just looks really cool in my opinion next up we have the dark oak mine entrance and this one is in the uh

Interior of a tree here so this is actually a custom tree as you can see this one’s pretty thick and uh yeah so we can just head on inside down this uh rickety staircase theoretically down into a mine uh yeah once again I haven’t really gone that far down with this one

But yeah that’s all there really is to this one next up we have the desert themed mine entrance and as you can see this one is in a bit of like an Egyptian or like Castle themed one where we have these two towers on the left and right

Side and then the area in between them is the actual mine entrance we’ve also added some decorations to this one like some textured little blocks here that sprawl out into the sand as if this was once like an actual pathway and then we have like a bit of a broken Railway as

Well and then a minecart out here too this can definitely be a really nice addition to the front of any mine entrance it can definitely look really cool and now for the final mine entrance we have a jungle themed one so once again this one’s like kind of in the

Side of like a little Hill or something like that and it’s made to look as if it has been abandoned so we have like this little area back here that kind of looks like it’s been like boarded up or something and you can of course just

Come in and like open these whenever you want to actually go down once again we’ve utilized that same design where we have like a just a lone Minecart out here and also some broken tracks and then the actual outside area of this we’ve used a whole bunch of Mossy stone

Bricks and mossy cobblestone to make it look like as if this was like once an actual structure but has been reclaimed by Nature next on to some Farm designs starting off here we have this little design here now this can definitely look really nice as like a main feature for

Your town or something like that or you could even sprinkle in like a whole bunch of these around your town and then we’ve also added in this pathway that kind of sprawls between both of them as well we have like a little bit of a staircase over on this side and then we

Can of course take that up to the top platform here next up we have the simple Field farm design but something that makes this look really cool instead of just like a plain boring field is that we actually have separated little mini Fields inside this fenced off area we’ve

Also used coarse dirt to line the entire area and also as the Pathways in between all the different Farms to separate them as well we’ve also got composters at the end of all of these Pathways with a lid added onto them as well and yeah just a

Really simple but also a great looking Farm design next up we have a farm that’s actually like inside of a greenhouse so as you can see we just have like a simple building design here made up of some strip Spruce Wood and also some slabs and stairs the rest of

It is entirely made up of glass as you can see the walls in the roof here are glass just to let as much light in as possible I think that’s how greenhouses are supposed to look yeah we can head on inside and as you can see we just have

Like a little pathway here and then we also have just like pretty much the entire floor taken up with carrots or whatever crop you wanted to use we have this little area in the central area here as well with a composter and then a couple of little decorations as well for

The next Farm design we actually have an indoor or hydroponic Farm design so this is definitely a really nice look if you’re wanting to do something on the inside instead of an exterior Farm but at the same time it’s not very efficient as you can see we just have two crops in

Each of these sections so uh yeah I mean you could definitely make this a little bit more of an efficient design but um yeah this is mainly meant to be just purely aesthetic as you can see on the right here we just have like these big

Tables full of pot plants we’ve also got pot plants and azaleas and stuff on these shelves up here and my favorite thing about this is actually the light design as you can see we have two levers that are pointing towards each other and then we have some end rods in between

Those and that just looks like a fluorescent light or something like that and I really love the way this looks I think I’ve said I really love the way this looks like a couple of times now I I need to stop saying it next up we have

A bit bigger of a farm design as you can see this one takes up uh yeah a massive area so maybe you have like an area of your village or something like that where you’re not really like utilizing the space you could definitely just add something like this into your landscape

It’s just like yeah basically a massive sprawling Farm there’s not really any way that you can mess this up just adding a whole bunch of any kind of crop anywhere just along the natural landscape will always look really nice and then you can Spruce It Up by adding

In a pathway in between all of the crops we can also add a bridge in like a man-made River in between that and maybe even add in like a bit of a farmer’s house over here as well next up we’re taking a look at a couple more smaller

Farm designs so this one here is made to look more like a park or something like that so we have a pathway here that kind of surrounds this little Pond Design This one could definitely be spruced up with some of the details of the previous ponds that I showcased in this video

This pathway also leads up over to this little bench here and a bit of a custom tree as well this could definitely be a little bit larger it’s a bit too small for my liking and then the coolest thing about this is that we have some crop

Fields on the left and right side that are kind of like frame the entire thing and I definitely really love the way um I said it again man for the next one we have a bit of a like more man-made looking farm so yeah this one is like a

Roofed Farm design so we’ve got all of the crops here elevated up one block and then we have like this nice staircase around it that allows us to actually like walk up onto the crops without having to jump up on each side we have some chests and a barrel as well and we

Also have some more barrels and composters on the other sides and then as for the roof we have yeah just the simple like staircase roof design but something we’ve done to make this look really cool is adding some signs all along the end here and it kind of makes

It look like the roof is like kind of curved like I don’t know how else to explain that but yeah it like goes up that way kind of looks like a Japanese style roof or something like that for the next one we have another field design this one’s a little bit smaller

This time and we actually have some squares instead of rectangular shaped ones and it’s a bit more of like a stone themed one so yeah we’ve also utilized the really cool design of how like fence gates connect to these stone brick walls and then we can utilize another one here

To make it like an arch design now a bit of a downside to this one is that adding a fence gate in between these two makes these two like this but Daddy disruptive has a hack for you if you Chuck some string on top of these they’ll turn back

To how they were before and yeah that’ll allow you to add in the fence gate here for the next one we actually have a semi-automatic crop farm so as you can see we have these two tiers we’ve got carrots and then wheat then pressing this button here will activate all the

Dispensers at the back which will release all the water it’ll push all of the crops down into these Hoppers and into the chest down below we also have a nice wooden staircase on the right side of this as well that allows us to walk into here and replant the rest of our

Crops for these next couple of farms are actually on my hardcore world so forgive me for not being able to fly around as I uh don’t have an elytra yet but yeah so as you can see here we have a fully automatic crop Farm we’ve got this guy

Working on hard all day all night harvesting our crops and giving them over to this guy here just let me get in there and get a bit of a closer look yeah so as you can see we just have like this guy right here he’s kind of stuck

In there because of these trap doors and then we have our workout out here he’s just constantly harvesting and because he’s full of carrots he’s trying to give them to this guy to breed to but they’re actually all getting collected in these Hoppers here and then these Hoppers get

Sent down into these barrels down below and yeah the actual design for this crop field is uh really easy to do all you need to do is just fence off a nice area that you like on like a hillside or something like that and just basically

Plant in a whole bunch of crops and it can look really cool kind of the same like design philosophy as the Riverside farm that I showcased previously but a bit more of like a natural design now these next couple of farms aren’t actually Farms but they’re like Farms if

You know what I’m saying so these ones here are some iron Farms they’re very very easy to build the hardest part is just getting a couple of villages and also a zombie down into them and these designs were created by Ian x04 I have to shout him out he’s the goat of

Anything Minecraft farms but yeah these are like really really easy to build farms I haven’t actually made them look nice yet I don’t know if I plan on doing that or not but yeah as you can see we’ve got a whole bunch of iron in these these have been running for a little

While now and yeah here’s the storage of the other one there’s actually a couple of mobs have gotten into this as you can see we’ve got like some string and bones and rotten flesh what the hell but uh yeah definitely check out his channel and his starter iron farm tutorial if

You wanted to make these for yourself for these next two Farms we’ve actually got uh two joined into the same build I’ll get to the other side in just a second but as you can see on the front here we just have a simple sugarcane farm so once the sugar canes grow up

High enough in front of these observers the Piston below will push it and then it’ll get collected by the Minecart with the hopper down below uh you might be able to see it there you go uh whoop there it goes and yeah that Minecart with a hopper will drop all of the items

Into these Hoppers below and then into this chest here the cool thing about this is you can actually replace it with bamboo as well if you wanted to harvest a whole bunch of bamboo for uh whatever reason and then heading over to the back

Of this build as you can see we have a lava drip Stone farm so yeah I mean nothing too special here we just got a whole bunch of drip Zone there’s lava above these and then this allows the lava to drip through the drip Stone down to the cauldrons and then you basically

Just have infinite fuel for your furnaces I mean one lava bucket can smelt a hundred items just think about that that is insane and then all of this is encased in a really nice design as you can see we just have like a standard like house design it’s roofed as well

And it has like a whole bunch of details I just really love creating these in my Villages and now for the final Farm we’re actually in my base and we’re gonna head underneath the base here and as you can see we have a fully automatic melon farm so this one isn’t really made

To look too aesthetically pleasing but I actually kind of like the way this looks being underground it looks like an industrial kind of theme or something like that and yeah so we actually have four separate fully automatic melon farms here so we’ve got one here one

Here and then the same thing on the other side and so the basic way that this works is we have all of these melons here once they actually grow a melon The Observer will detect the stem updating the Pistons will then be powered and push the melons into the

Ground which will harvest them and then this Minecart with the hopper down below will pick up all of the melons send them into the hoppers down here and then these will all be sent down into the chests below and then yeah I have yet to actually set up the interior of this

Area where we’re going to be trading our Villages but I recommend adding something like this this here with a whole bunch of Pharma Villages so that you can trade all of your melons to them for some free emeralds next up we’re taking a look at a couple of different

House designs that you can use in your Villages uh yeah we’re kind of starting off with the biggest and craziest one so if you’re making more of like a medieval like Castle themed Village or something like that then this can definitely be a really cool base to add to your village

I mean this is also meant to be like mainly a standalone based design but it can definitely work inside of a village and the cool thing about this is I also have a complete tutorial video for this on my channel so be sure to check that

Out if you wanted to build this for yourself I’m just going to go through a quick tour here so um watch the video if you want a full tour but yeah so starting off here we have an actual dock the original build for this was entirely

In the ocean so this is like the main way that you’d arrive at it but I mean yeah you could remove this and just make it like a simple pathway yeah so we have these simple Towers on the left and right and then at the back we have the

Same one it’s just a little bit higher there’s nothing really too special inside of these as there’s not a lot of room but I mean you could add whatever you wanted in here and then the back left Tower is our main one we’ll get to

That in just a second so on the exterior here we have like a couple of little crop farms we’ve also got a nice little water fountain design over here and then most of this base is actually on the exterior so as you can see we have some

Storage over here we have our toggleable nether portal smelting crafting more storage and also netherwart and brewing and like some melon and pumpkin farms as well these aren’t really that useful they’re mainly just kind of aesthetic but yeah and yeah so now let’s head over

To the back left Tower and as you can see on the first floor here we just have like some combined storage smelting and crafting actually uh there’s no crafting blocks uh oh yeah there is never mind heading downstairs we have absolutely nothing and then heading back upstairs

As you can see on this floor here we have our main storage area where we have a whole bunch of double chest single chest and barrels as well we’ve also got another crafting table just for some ease of use heading up to the next floor

We have the bedroom so we have a whole bunch of personal storage and some barrels along here and in the corners we’ve got a whole bunch of armor stands for decoration and yeah and now we can head up to the next floor which is actually the enchanting area I mean yeah

There’s nothing too special up here we’ve got some nice little decorations in all of these little areas and also over here as well and then finally we can head all the way up to the roof um yeah there’s nothing really much up here a cool thing that I kind of left out

With this is you can actually add a nice little flag up on this one here and yeah it’d look pretty cool for these next couple of houses where uh once again back on my hardcore uh world so yeah I can’t really fly around so sorry about

That and for the first base here we’re taking a look at my actual main base design I might just place a whole bunch of scaffolding so we can get a better look at it yeah so as you can see we have this nice circular design here it’s

Just like a big Cobblestone Circle and then we have like these separate areas here we’ve placed in all of our Farms we’ve alternated between wheat and carrots to give like a really nice look to all of this I have yet to plant this last one uh don’t worry about that and

Heading on inside as you can see we have Pathways that go around the entire base here that allows us to actually access all of the different farms and then as for the actual main base here we have like a kind of barn style house where we have like these arched roofs here and

Then we have like a central area that’s actually the second floor with a like nice little arched roof as well along the outside we have a whole bunch of Windows we’ve got azalees as well for some nice decoration and yeah now we can head on inside to the interior as you

Can see on the left here we have my giant smelting wall at the back here we have my crafting station and then on the right side we have my main storage area and finally my bedroom off to the right here once again down the ladder we have my fully automatic melon farm I’ve

Already showcased that so we’re instead gonna head upstairs where we have my enchanting area uh this is yet to be completed I want to fill in all of this area here with the bookshelves but I don’t have them yet we also have a whole bunch of just random storage up here as

Well just for like other stuff once I’ve run out of room down below and then we also have a librarian up here as well with my mending Book trade uh yeah these just straight vibing up here you know next up we’re taking a look at a couple

Of actual like main house designs that you’re like villagers would be living in so this first one here is just a simple five by five house design it’s just a little square along the outside here we’ve added in my signature design of like these pillars with these sticking

Out Parts we’ve added some buttons on those we’ve also added some stairs and some trap doors below those for a nice little arched look in between these pillars along this area here we have added in a couple of fence gates a fence and then a lantern as well and then on

The sides we have like the roof Trim in this area heading on inside as you can see um yeah it’s nothing too special just got a bed a barrel and a lantern that’s pretty much it for the second house design we have a bit bigger of a

House design so this one’s actually in a t-shape as you can see the area over here as well we’ve got pretty much the exact same like design philosophies on the exterior here and heading on inside as you can see we’ve just added in a couple of beds a nice little table as

Well and uh yeah for the third standard house design as you can see we have an L-shaped house once again pretty much the exact same uh like design exterior stuff going on I just realized I forgot to add buttons on those logs Whoopsie Daisy it’s going to annoy me if I don’t

Add those on so yeah let’s slap those on real quick and yeah so heading on inside as you can see I haven’t made the interior for this one because I’m a lazy prick but uh yeah I would probably uh actually change one of these to just be

A solid wall I’d add a ladder up here add in a bit of a ceiling here as well and then maybe add in some just random decorations like some beds and barrels and chests and stuff and now for the final building on my hardcore world we have this like Lumberjack or like

Firewood Shack thing so at the front here we have like a bit of a log splitting area this does look kind of weird at the moment I do want to add in some extinguished campfires around the place to look like some split logs so heading on inside we can head to the

Actual build here once again I haven’t actually made the interior but in here I would add in some chests and barrels and then some just like log piles and stuff and then as we head out the back here we have like a bit of a man-made or like

Man planted forest and this is like obviously where the guy would come out to to harvest all of his wood and then he’d head back to the front here to split all of the logs next up we’re actually taking a look at a storage

House design so as you can see we have a pretty detailed exterior here where we have my signature pillar design and uh yeah there’s definitely a lot of details in the exterior here which you could cut back on if you wanted to you could definitely remove a whole bunch of these

Trap doors if you wanted but uh yeah let’s head on to the inside the actual uh juicy part here and as you can see we don’t actually have that much storage in here this one’s mainly meant to be aesthetic as you can see the interior of this is laid out very aesthetically yeah

So we have a whole bunch of double chests on the front and back walls and then on the middle part here we have like this nice hanging chest and we have some barrels below that as well we just have the same thing on the other side

Here for the next build we have another storage house this one is a little bit less detailed on the exterior which is kind of to my liking and then as we head on to the inside as you can see this one’s actually laid out to be way more

Efficient than the previous one see on the left and right side we have a whole bunch of double chests probably like three or four times as many as the previous one and yeah we’ve also added in our crafting blocks on the floor here so they don’t get in the way and then at

The back here we just have like a couple of decorations and some little Standalone barrels as well next up we have a desert themed base so if you’re making a village in a desert biome this can definitely be some really nice inspiration for some bases in that kind

Of style so as you can see we’ve added a whole bunch of jungle accents to this and also the main layout of the base is very like Square I just really like the way that looks for like desert themed bases and stuff like that and then just

To bump up all the details just add like a whole bunch of random crap around the place like the staircase that leads up to the second floor we’ve got like a nice roof section above all of the windows we’ve added in this like nice Arch design with a lantern as well and

All the way at the top here we have like this nice little gazebo like roofed section uh there’s actually no way to get up here you might want to add like a ladder or something but yeah next up we’re taking a look at a whole bunch of different Bridge designs with the first

One here being a ruined wooden bridge we also got a pristine variant that I’ll get to in just a second but yeah as you can see to make this one look really ruined we’ve added a whole bunch of just random decorations around the place like glowberries leaves Vines rooted dirt and

Yeah just a whole bunch of random stuff we’ve also taken big chunks out of the original design to make it look like it was maybe once on fire or like attacked by like cannonballs or maybe it’s just really old or something like that and uh yeah now let’s uh head over to the

Pristine one so yeah here’s the pristine version of the bridge as you can see it’s in uh yeah tip top shape we’ve got some nice contained leaves that kind of like Elevate and then like de-elevate I don’t know what I’m saying right now man it’s like an arch you know it looks

Really cool in my opinion yeah I really love the way that this design looks with like a whole bunch of different like designs in every section we’ve also got a nice little pass through down well I mean it’s supposed to be a pass through uh forgive me for that just imagine this

Is on the other side we’ve got like a tunnel that kind of goes through that we’ve also got like a nice little fake pass through through here so it actually won’t really work because this area is too short but you might be able to actually make it work if you wanted to

Have that for some reason and then we’ve also got another final pathway of course along the top of the actual Bridge here next up we have another wooden bridge but this time it’s in a like a bit of a different style so we have these two massive arches so this entire thing is

Actually made up of spruce and we’ve also got these nice little dark oak accents these kind of look like little bracings or like support or something like that along the edge of the bridge here we’ve got some nice little lamp post designs we’ve also added a whole

Bunch of details into this as well to make it look a little bit more lively if you’ve got the room on your bridge I definitely recommend adding just random little details like this it can definitely make it look a whole lot nicer and then yeah we also have this

Nice little roof section on at the center of the bridge here if you didn’t like this you could also add this on the left and right side or you could even just make the entire thing a roofed Bridge it’s entirely up to you next up we’re taking a look at a bunch of

Different biome specific Bridges so the first one here is a desert themed bridge and as you can see this one is definitely a very unique looking Bridge it is uh kind of weird looking yeah so we’ve got like this nice little circular designs that repeat and they also have

The pillars like connected to them of course we’ve added a whole bunch of jungle wood Accents in between these and like the same kind of bracing support as the previous Bridge as well and we’ve also added these like little walls here with some lanterns on top of those too

For the next Bayern bridge design we just have like this simple arched Stone Bridge the main thing I really love about this is that we have like these separated little arches in the main Arch so yeah we’ve got like a little one on the sides and then a bigger one on the

Center here which actually allows us to sail through this as well so this bridge can definitely be pretty useful for a river that you might like regularly commute along and yeah so we’ve also added in some very light texturing using some stone blocks just kind of sprinkled

In around the place definitely makes it look a little bit less like uh boring next up we have the forest biome Bridge so for this one we’ve Incorporated a whole bunch of oak leaves to this so oak leaves pretty much line all of the handrails here and also the roof too but

We’ve kept it with more of a contained look instead of making it look like overgrown or something like that so we’ve added a whole bunch of trapdoors and signs to these to make it look like they have been like contained for the next Bridge we have a suspension bridge

This one’s meant to be like in a jungle biome as you can see we have like these little tiki torch designs on the sides and then we have our like main Ash Bridge with some leaves hanging down below now my main tip for building one of these because um yeah it really

Depends on the length I definitely recommend using slabs of course but adding in trap doors as well can definitely help ease the transition between slabs so if we didn’t have trapdoors here as you can see the connection is very like sharp or it’s like yeah it just looks weird it’s like

Barely connected so adding in trap doors to this will definitely make it look a little bit more supported I guess and just as one final little bonus build I thought I should probably showcase the uh actual thumbnail for this video which is this nice little town here that I

Created and yeah that build is actually based on this build which was built quite a long time ago and I just decided on updating it as you can see the houses here are yeah they’re they’re pretty weird looking and this is after actually changing them up to look a little bit

More normal but yeah I just felt like I had to switch them out so this is how the new Village looks is a little bit more expanded as well as you can see over here we’ve added in some extra stuff the buildings also go up and along

At the hillside here and yeah it’s definitely nice for like a kind of like a Lakeside or Riverside themed Village or something like that we’ve definitely Incorporated a very different style of pathway that I don’t usually do which is like a textured andesite and gravel path and then we’ve outlined pretty much

Everything and all of the buildings using some stone bricks which definitely gives a very interesting look but it is definitely a pain in the ass to do even in creative mode another interesting feature is we have this nice little Bridge here that leads over to a kind of

Contained Big Oak Tree and over here we have like a little campsite as well with some custom trees around that too and a bit of a well as well okay and so that pretty much does it for all of the builds I wanted to Showcase thank you so

Much for watching and I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ’40+ Build Ideas for your Minecraft Village’, was uploaded by disruptive builds on 2023-03-20 05:59:51. It has garnered 212711 views and 7210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:39 or 1539 seconds.

Are you looking to transform or create a village of your own, and have no idea what to build? Well in this video I showcase 40+ build ideas for your Minecraft village, for your inspiration!

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🏰Want to download any of these builds? Check out my Patreon! ❤️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/disruptivebuilds 📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disruptive_yt/ 🔷Discord: https://discord.gg/QbDhscExU7 🐔Twitter: https://twitter.com/disruptive_blds 🔴Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLu3lbamoD8-w1stjIpd8Kw

☀️Want my shaders/settings? Tutorial here: https://youtu.be/6b6t3LlWlus

— m u s i c —

All music is from Old School Runescape

— t i m e s t a m p s —

Intro: 0:00​ Water Features: 0:17 Nether Portals: 2:10 Mine Entrances: 4:13 Small Farms: 6:16 Large Farms: 8:11 Resource Farms: 10:38 Base Designs: 14:01 Villager Housing: 17:28 Storage Buildings: 19:24 Bridges: 21:00 Bonus Village Design: 24:24

#Minecraft​ #MinecraftTutorial​ #HowToBuild

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves! In the new Minecraft update, what should we see? More mobs, more blocks, or maybe a new tree? Players are eager, they want something fresh, To keep them engaged, to put them to the test. Perhaps new biomes, with colors so bright, Or new tools and weapons to win every fight. Maybe new structures, hidden in the land, To explore and discover, with shovel in hand. But let’s not forget, the small details too, Bug fixes and tweaks, to make the game true. So many possibilities, so much to explore, In the new Minecraft update, what will we adore? Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed!

    Minecraft's Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, Facing The Rake, a monster to abhor. With Sh460wYt by my side, we take on the fright, Will we survive the terror of the night? Subscribe to Swayle, for the inspiration we found, In this spooky adventure, where fear does abound. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell, don’t miss a beat, As we delve into horror, with humor so sweet. Minecraft mods, a world of endless possibility, But beware of The Rake, a creature of monstrosity. Join us on this journey, filled with scares and fun, In the realm… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We bring you news that’s more than just a dream. Family Feud, but in Minecraft’s domain, AquaVerse Redux brings the game to fame. Join the fun, watch the battles unfold, As families clash in a world so bold. With wits and skills put to the test, Who will emerge as the very best? Subscribe to AquaVerse, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Follow on Discord, YouTube, and more, For updates and laughs galore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing… Read More

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World’s Close Call! #shorts

    Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World's Close Call! #shorts In the world of Skyblock, I nearly met my end, A close call that almost made me descend. Random items spawning every 15 seconds, oh my, The challenge is tough, but I’ll give it a try. On my YouTube channel, the video is out, Subscribe for more content, without a doubt. Twitch, Discord, TikTok, all the addies you need, Join the fun, let’s plant the gaming seed. Dio, the streamer, the YouTuber, the pro, Inspired by DreamSMP, putting on a show. Minecraft, reactions, vlogs, and more, Dio does it all, with content galore. So come along, join the fun… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian

    EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft with a Massive Real-Life Build For Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, the community came together to create something truly spectacular – a massive Minecraft block in real life! The event took place at Alexandra Palace in London, where fans gathered to bring to life a series of Minecraft artworks inspired by the creativity and imagination of players worldwide. Reflecting on 15 Years of Minecraft Over the past 15 years, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. The game has seen incredible feats accomplished by… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio & Minecraft – FREE trial!

    Master English with Dronio & Minecraft - FREE trial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 22:15:00. It has garnered 5243 views and 907 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie – RIP! Minecraft Animation

    Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie - RIP! Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry Baby Zombie, Rest In Peace | Monster School Minecraft Animations’, was uploaded by GOD BOYZ GAMAER on 2024-03-26 01:23:50. It has garnered 2962 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!

    NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!Video Information This video, titled ‘que flojera ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 665 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: https://realms.gg/27JoLmL_TfA Realm con Hacks: https://realms.gg/yTzEnsXKKrY Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – https://discord.gg/jpwBkvATbU Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E1zR7o3mUc2CW2NwN3mPMr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733539675110501/ ————————————————– ——————- Social networks: 💜 [twitch] 💜 – https://www.twitch.tv/ninjagamergirls/ 💝 [Instagram] 💝 -https://www.instagram.com/ninjagamergirls/ 💠 [Facebook]💠 – https://www.facebook.com/RdaNyDoranTeSs​ 🐥 [Twitter] 🐥-… Read More


    INSANE HUGGY WUGGY REMAKE PRECISION BUILDVideo Information This video, titled ‘REFAZENDO O HUGGY WUGGY DO MINECRAFT BEDROCK/WIN 10 NO MINECRAFT JAVA’, was uploaded by IsaacBeyCraftYT on 2024-04-05 15:00:41. It has garnered 766 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:36 or 576 seconds. Description/Credits Here: | V Channel of the original addon creator: https://www.youtube.com/@BendytheDemon18 Wiki do addon original: https://mcpedl.com/poppy-playtime-addon-the-tight-squeeze/ Mcreator (The Program I used to make the Mod): https://mcreator.net/ [Versão do Mcreator usado no Vídeo — 2023.3] Blockbench (The Program I used for the custom models): https://www.blockbench.net/ Plugin (Geckolib) that I used to run the customized models in Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/plugin/91484/nerdys-geckolib-plugin-forge-1182-1192 [Versão do… Read More


    EPIC DOOMER BUILDS UWU TOWN in MINECRAFT! 🔥#GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘| The Town of UWU | Minecraft BETA 1.7.3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by DoomerPlaysMinecraft on 2024-02-21 00:51:57. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. The town of UWU was founded by Ospence5 on August 9th 2023, and currently has 25 residents. If you want to see UWU for yourself you can find it at mc.retromc.org Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please considering subscribing and hitting that like button as it supports us in a major way! ~ Doomer… Read More

  • Coca MC

    Coca MCCoca MC is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with treecapitator and /home and /warp plugins to help with mobility and gathering resources. There is a small and friendly community with active players who can help you if needed. There are certain teams you can opt into joining, which each have their own lore, but it is entirely optional. This is mainly an English-speaking server, however, we have German members too. We are planning to add more plugins in future, mostly just QoL or fun plugins which don’t alter progression Read More

  • EpicGaming: Semi-Vanilla, Vanilla, Minigames

    1.20.6 EpicGaming Multi-Server (3 Servers) IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m2GWN6F We offer: Towny Survival (Semi-Vanilla) -Mobheads -Playershops -Death Chest -Teleports -Ingame Ranks -Ender Dragon respawn Minigames (over 20+): -Soccer -Horse Races -Build Battle -Bedwars -Ice Boat Races -Parkour -Boost -Sheep Wars -Pig Race -Chess and more 100% Vanilla: Opened 3 weeks ago, version 1.20.6 Server Tournaments: We regularly host events and tournaments. Next event is today (Sunday 8pm CET). Join us! Community Details: -Small, active community -Average age: 20 -Server uptime: 100% Interested? Let us know in the comments for server connection details and a past event video. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why can’t players ride zombies?

    Minecraft Memes - Why can't players ride zombies?Looks like the zombie got the better end of the deal! Who knew they were such skilled sniffer riders? Read More

  • Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness!

    Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂🎮 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2

    Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2 Minecraft Hardcore Season 2: A New Adventure Begins! Welcome to Wolf City! The beloved Minecraft Hardcore series is back with a thrilling second season. Fans are in for a treat as they join the adventure in this hardcore gameplay. Exploring New Challenges This season promises exciting new challenges and adventures for players. From building intricate structures to surviving dangerous encounters, the stakes are higher than ever in this hardcore world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Hardcore, survival is key. Players must navigate the world, gather resources, and fend off enemies to stay alive. With limited lives and increased… Read More

  • Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft Hexxit

    Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft HexxitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft – Hexxit’, was uploaded by UntoldGG on 2024-05-09 18:05:29. It has garnered 58 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:38 or 7298 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!

    Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but only with Leather Armor! | Stream 6’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-09 06:35:34. It has garnered 780 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:10 or 8470 seconds. Yoo this is Stream 6 of the Minecraft Hardcore Series! Today I set up the villager farm (mostly) so that I can have good trades for enchanting! Lets see how long it takes me to beat the ender dragon! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text… Read More

  • Dronio’s Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viral

    Dronio's Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft с Компотом – яркий фейерверк веселья. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 13:45:00. It has garnered 11491 views and 1639 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!

    Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT A CUTE COTTAGECORE STARTER HOUSE – OLYMPUSCRAFT SEASON 4 EPISODE 1’, was uploaded by Fuzzycub_ on 2024-04-17 17:59:46. It has garnered 324 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:40 or 1600 seconds. Join the Bear Cave Discord : https://discord.com/invite/v6EDtJNsRX Olympuscraft SMP is a Modded 1.19.2 Minecraft java Server. Check out the other members here! @CodeMC1 @styrkatMC @RobPlaysMinecraft @CallieBuilds @dergrietz @saigeyplays @MB_C-137 @BeardedSurvivalGuy @zinjy @jblader111 @MasterCWG music licences from Epidemic sound. Read More

  • INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! – Battle Lock Gamer #3

    INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! - Battle Lock Gamer #3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3’, was uploaded by Battle Lock Gamer on 2024-02-27 16:17:32. It has garnered 400 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3 Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can adventure solo or with friends, and discover an… Read More

  • “UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night” #gamer

    "UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night" #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft’, was uploaded by Night Gamer on 2024-04-08 13:00:44. It has garnered 5050 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft Read More

  • Daekock’s Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #Minecraft

    Daekock's Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JFK Mega – Auf zum Mars 🚀 🌍 #minecraft #JFKMEGA #atm9’, was uploaded by Daekock on 2024-02-28 12:00:31. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Livestream on twitch.tv/daekock Mon – Thurs: approx. 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri – Sat: approx. 3:00 p.m. to open end Sun: approx. 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Follow me on: Twitch: twitch.tv/daekock Youtube: youtube.com/@Daekock?sub_confirmation=1 TikTok: tiktok.com/@daekock Instagram: instagram.com/daekock/ X (Twitter): twitter.com/daekock Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq0GxzpqWWmJIHna-TCibsWd-DylA0AXg #minecraft #JFKMEGA #JFKMEGAPROJEKT #atm9 #allthemods9 Read More

  • Minecraft PVP with DISASTER

    Minecraft PVP with DISASTERVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-05-30 17:00:00. It has garnered 716757 views and 14305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:25 or 1765 seconds. Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • New Minecraft Speed Test: Golem vs. Axe

    New Minecraft Speed Test: Golem vs. AxeVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT AXE IS FASTER IF IT WAS A CAR IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-24 20:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More

  • HypeGame.net

    HypeGame.netEventy, na których możesz wygrać vouchery na rangi, klucze do skrzynek i dużo innych przedmiotów! Posiadamy autorskie pluginy, skrypty, rozbudowany spawn, warp info i wiele wiecej! Zapewniamy przyjemną atmosferę Posiadamy własny serwer Discord oraz doświadczoną administrację! HypeGame.net Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    Welcome to MineRealm! Over 260,000 unique players have joined since our launch in 2010. Join one of the longest running public SMP servers today! Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch Here Discord: Join Now Rules: View Here About MineRealm: We focus on keeping core gameplay close to vanilla Enjoy infrastructure, mega builds, and land for your empire No items or blocks spawned by staff Custom-coded gameplay features and grief prevention system Join our Discord Server for updates For more information, visit this forum post Join today and be part of the MineRealm community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes = Ultimate Power

    Well, I guess you could say axes are really… cutting edge in Minecraft! Read More

  • 🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny

    🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny “Cuando ChatGPT intenta construir una casa en Minecraft en la vida real y termina creando un desastre de proporciones épicas. ¡Al menos no hay creepers en la vida real, verdad?” 😂 #minecraftfails #chatGPT #constructiondisasters Read More

  • The Monster’s Arrest in EcoSMP

    The Monster's Arrest in EcoSMP The Monster Has Been Arrested | Monster Marauder Part 14 Breaking news on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server! EcoSMP officials have successfully apprehended the notorious Monster Marauder. The monster is now being transported to a top-secret facility, ensuring the safety of all EcoSMP towns. But the question remains – what about the stolen treasure? The Hunt for the Stolen Treasure The Monster Marauder, in a final act of defiance, taunted authorities by claiming that the stolen treasure would never be found. However, hope is not lost as brave adventurers have discovered six mysterious keys scattered across the server…. Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27 Exploring the World of Minecraft on Day 27 of the Wood Challenge Today, the Minecraft adventurer delved into a world with trees scattered far and wide. Despite the current ease of access to wood, the player anticipates challenges as the days progress. Will the scarcity of trees become a hindrance after day 100? Only time will tell. Shoutouts to the Community Our intrepid gamer took a moment to send greetings to fellow content creators on YouTube and TikTok. Among those mentioned were: TikTok: @elspleex, @algun_pana_insano, @gero_haxx, @eric_rodriguez15, @cactuki_18 YouTube: @Juadre77, @Pinguin_pro13, @lautaroarcepalma1165, @user-cb3dv9pw8l, @kitsunebi-di8gs, @Agua_gamer_creeper, @TizianoYsa Become a Channel… Read More

  • INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴

    INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt | Episode 3 (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-06-04 08:41:19. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:45 or 6405 seconds. The marks the second episode of the LIVE Series where I will try to get every Minecraft advancement. However, I have a mod that adds over 1000+ advancements to the game! Come join and have some fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House Build

    Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE CONJURING 2 HOUSE IN MINECRAFT BEDROCK…’, was uploaded by Pucheku Gaming on 2024-03-22 07:32:34. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ ☠️░H░ ░o░ ░r░ ░r░ ░o░ ░r░ ☠️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ 🗡️WELCOME TO PUCHEKU GAMING NEW VIDEO⚔️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• New Video •.•] The Conjuring-2 In Minecraft ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Links•.•] Discord :-https://discord.com/invite/jbxXR3JppS YouTube :-https://www.youtube.com/@Pucheku_Gaming ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Download Links•.•] Creator:- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Popular Videos •.•] ✅How To Make Replay In Mcpe:- https://youtu.be/h85eClPgHqc?feature=shared ✨Mcpe Best Useful Mod:- https://youtu.be/pytubFlBDCA?feature=shared 🤯How To Add Shader On Pojav Launcher Rendering Replay:-… Read More

  • Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #Viral

    Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘First time visit in cave in survival😱😱😱😱😱 #minecraft #vairalshort #technogamerz #anshubisht’, was uploaded by All_rounder_gamerz on 2024-04-20 01:30:34. It has garnered 6445 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯

    AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘3_14_2024(2)’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-03-15 04:03:57. It has garnered 249 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:44 or 14024 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the room before making jokes or bringing… Read More

40+ Build Ideas for your Minecraft Village