5 Terrifying Minecraft Stories

Video Information

I returned a Minecraft after three years I regret it by the meme was better so as the title states I haven’t played minecraft for three years straight I remember back in 2014 2016 I used to play multiplayer and go to mini Plex and hypixel a whole lot and

Play the games on those servers it was fun I loved it and played it every day after school sometimes I would even spend all night playing until it was 1 or 2 in the morning after I’d say 2 months of playing on hypixel my best friend let’s call him Nick or Nick the

Player 3 2 1 as his username when Nick and I met I hit it off faster than anything we played with each other for the longest time on minecraft we even exchanged numbers and started playing other games together like war Fame call of duty world at war zombies with custom

Maps and mods and whatnot etc 2 years later we were the best of friends practically brothers and all was great I finally had a friend after living my whole life with no one wanting to hang out with me but there he was one person one kid who I could truly call a friend

One day I went to invite Nick to play Minecraft with me I installed a bunch of crazy mods for us to play like the morph mod Pokemon mod Star Wars mod etc after an hour of waiting for him to respond I finally got a message but it wasn’t from

Nick it was from his mom his mom knew me pretty well too and the message went on with hey Jonas Nick can’t talk to you right now puzzled I asked is there anything wrong she said something had destroyed my world and would leave me shattered for my whole life

Jonas Nick is gone no it couldn’t be my one and only friend I ever had couldn’t be gone quickly I responded with what did she mean and she explained to me that Nick was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer my only friend the only person who had ever cared about me who I

Could talk to and call a brother was dead his life taken away I never got to say goodbye and that is still my biggest regret to this day and will always be my biggest regret after six months of severe depression multiple suicide attempts and talking to no one I finally decided to

Seek help from a local therapist nowadays I’m doing a lot better I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love with all my heart great paying job with an adopted Bernese Mountain Dog we call a Louis but the main story takes place just a week from today and this feels

Like something I needed to type up to kind of get off my chest I’m still a little shaken so forgive me if I’m jittery and phrase things weirdly I was watching videos on YouTube with my girlfriend on the couch when I saw a recommendation on skydoesminecraft a

Youtuber Nick and I watched back then and I started to blank out as if I was having some flashback take note that my girlfriend and I started our relationship when I was in therapy and she helped me out through all of it and she knew about me and Nick’s friendship

She started to comfort me but for some reason I clicked on the video and as soon as I saw skydoesminecraft said hey guys Skye here his intro I started to choke up and closed out of youtube after I drove my girlfriend home I pulled up the video again and started

To watch it more and during it I started to feel better and better I guess taking a trip down memory lane was what I needed and I felt in a better mood but then something clicked in my head should i play again probably not maybe but why not why not

Screw it it won’t hurt I guess after thinking to myself I thought I should try to play Minecraft again for old times sake I created a new world and called it in memory of my one and only friend thank you and then I started playing I broke

Down some trees built a house crafted a sword axe and pick you know the usual Minecraft startup but something felt strange I was having fun more fun than doing any other kind of thing I’d ever done I was happy I couldn’t help but notice how familiar the land looked

Though I had a weird flush of deja vu but nothing to be worried about I guessed there I finished building my house my tools and weapons and found a nice ravine with some good iron depositories and after I’d say about an hour of mining out the iron ore and coal

I was about to leave when I heard one of the cave sounds angelic humming cave to dot o GG to be specific and at first I thought nothing of it and brushed it off until I got back to the house and then heard the train whistle cave 100 G and

Started to get really freaked out since everything around my house was lit with I’d say around a hundred torches so I decided to turn off the cave sounds for a more peaceful and viral I went to the settings sounds ambient noises only to see they were turned off what that’s impossible I exclaimed

Puzzled I decided to turn off the master volume so I wouldn’t be able to hear anything in the game keyword shouldn’t after 10 minutes I heard another cave sound but louder and not one I’ve ever heard before it had more Rumble more creepiness far too disturbing even for

Minecraft I started to freak out even more and opened up Spotify and plugged my headset him to listen to music to calm me down I continued to play minecraft though whilst staying vigilant to see if anything else weird was going on but after a while I saw some mobs

Spawning come nighttime so I grabbed my sword shield and bow after going outside I saw an almost overwhelming amount of mobs almost and just in the nick of time thunderstruck started to play in my Spotify and with the power of God I raised hell and wreaked havoc on all of those freaks

After massacring them all without mercy I collected all the experience and went home to sleep but the text said you may not rest now there are monsters nearby let’s see what other target practice there was there was nothing no mobs not even animals but why why was this going

On why was this world so screwed up I checked to see what difficulty my game was on and my heart skipped a beat when I saw it said peaceful the cave sound played again but one completely different from the last one even more disturbing more distorted and

So wrong how was i hearing this I thought I had disconnected my headset then I got lightheaded from possible anxiety and completely blacked out I woke up an hour later to see a new comment thing on my minecraft after getting up I looked closer at the thing

To see it said something that will haunt me for the rest of my life yet the player three to one joins the game Minecraft’s by Clarky cat there are very few video games that can engage my interest in time like minecraft I yearn for the days when you had three lives to reach the end of a game where there were little or no check points and when games were actually challenging like Alex the

Kid in miracle world on the master system – they took me in my brother months to complete and is still one of my favorite games two nights ago I was at my friend’s house playing Minecraft his parents were away for three weeks so he had a free house except for Suzy his

16 year old Wolfhound who perpetually craps in the house she is so old she can barely stand to give you some idea of this setup his house has an old half and a new half and is set back from the road a good 20 meters my friend stepdad owns

And operates a garden landscape business and in his large garden there are various garden arbors log sheds and shelters that serve as a kind of try before you buy so the clients can see what they are spending their money on since his parents have been away we have

Been spending the majority of our evenings set up in his room which is the farthest room from the back door of the house with two computers set up indulging an hour after hour of Minecraft if you haven’t played it yet the game literally eats up time

Typically we would start at 6:00 in the evening and I would look at the clock seemingly 20 minutes later and it would be 11:30 p.m. time has distorted for some reason when you are immersed in another world with headphones on shut up in a small dark bedroom this evening however was

Different as I said it was two nights ago and we had been crafting for about two hours when my friend suggested we should have a little smoke to enhance our concentration levels I hadn’t had a smoke in a while so I agreed with his sentiment then we pulled out the tray

And roached one we went up to one of the shelters in the garden and sat and he overgrown refuge Ivy had taken over and logs were stacked his crude platforms to sit on we chatted for a little bit when Carl my friend saw that the workshop

Light at the top of the garden was on we concluded that one of the workers must have left it on no big deal so we went inside to Carl’s house to grab the keys and headed back up the garden to switch the workshop light off normally the security lights are activated by someone

Walking the path to the workshop but today they seemed to be malfunctioning the only light was that from the workshop which cast long flickering shadows across the path we hadn’t brought a torch with us because we wrongly assumed that the lights would be working instead and we were in pitch dark

A silent mist rolled across the garden illuminated by the shadows cast by the only source of light needless to say we reached the workshop a little paranoid to varying degrees especially since we adjust smoked one the main workshop door had not been locked and Carl pushed it open reached around the corner and

Switched the light off it flickered a few times creating a strobe effect that seemed to bounce off the walls now I thought that I saw a couple of shadows appear in the split second when the lights flickered but I dismissed it as juvenile paranoia caryl shut and locked the door and we

Quickly made our way back to his house and upstairs to the safety of his bedroom we sat and booted minecraft up Carl turned to me and said dude and I had smoking anymore I’m sure when I reached in to turn the light off I saw a shadow move in the workshop I responded

That it was all in his head but it’s unsettled me at the same time though I didn’t tell my friend we both thought we saw something I am by nature an empiricist and started assuring myself that I did in fact see something move in the workshop we both had the lights were

On and the door was open it wasn’t illogical to assume someone was in there when we locked the door BAM a Minecraft zombie was trying to get into my house the rattling of the door alerted me to its presence and I rushed over to stab him with my ruby sword and

With that the mystery of the shadow in the workshop was pushed to the back of my mind my computer was facing the window that looked over Carl’s garden and I think it was about thirty minutes later when one of the security lights lit up a patch of the garden my guests

They must have been working now but I literally just missed whatever had set it off I assumed it was Suzie or a cat but it made me think about the workshop shadow again and I was toying with the idea of getting my friends Slugger the baseball bat he keeps by the back door

And going to have a proper look now that I wasn’t feeling so stoned anymore I wasn’t in my little world and I looked up out of the window to see if I could see anything else besides the shadow in the garden but I saw still gives me

Goosebumps to this day I strained to see out in the darkness as the warmth of the security light had disappeared leaving an incomprehensible dark void and I was struggling to make out any discernible shapes except a blurred dark oval shape in the center of the window I

Must admit that for about five seconds I didn’t realize what I was seeing the situation became apparent as the oval shape moved backwards I ripped my headphones off and shot the chair back towards the doorway shouting for Carl and spinning on the spot I had just seen the reflection of someone looking around

Carl’s bedroom window it all happened so fast Carl threw his headphones off and looking like I had just pulled a gun on him asked what was going on it only took two seconds with his headphones off we stood motionless as we heard someone running down the corridor and then

Stomping down the stairs to realize that we were not alone in the house adrenalin took over and we both booked it out of his room and gave chase to the intruder we crashed into the kitchen where the back door of his house is and were greeted with an absolute mess Suzy that

Is we hope that was Suzy had crapped all over the kitchen floor and was distraught cowering in the corner whimpering it looked like the intruder had slipped in the defecation and crashed into the kitchen work surface there was no sign of the intruder but the back door was wide open so we

Assumed they had left this did not deter us from meticulously checking every room of the house however with the lights on though it seemed as though nothing had been stolen after we checked arriving back into the kitchen we sat around the table talking about what the heck had

Just happened we revisited the workshop this time with a high-powered torch in a plank of wood that I had picked up off the floor and found nothing except a side door that was unlocked Carl locked it we started cleaning the mess up in the kitchen the first job naturally was to clean the

Excrement off the floor however there was something wrong with the residual crap that seemed to be caked on the floor while I was cleaning there were no footprints at all none it was almost like the intruder had been wearing shoes with absolutely no tread on them there

Were no paw prints – so we knew it wasn’t susie karl was cleaning near the door to the lounge room and commented that whoever broke in was wearing boots he recognized the logo left imprinted in the crap that’s the two intruders that were in the house and the scariest part

The slugger was missing from my back door where it was usually kept if Karl had been alone that evening staring at his screen with his back to the bedroom door and his headphones on I think things would have gone very different Minecraft’s dot exe by I don’t know what 12 I was a huge fan of Minecraft I liked the way they made it you see I was a simple fourth-grade student that was turning 10 and going into the 5th grade as you don’t know I played Minecraft sometimes and roblox I didn’t

Like that one very much this is where it got strange first I had an email from notch there was one point five point three that was odd since the version was not out yet and yes that’s a true fact this is where it started getting more

Odd next I found a letter from knotch it said this dear minecraft don’t play this it’s haunted herobrine was here written in blood larch I started to play it anyway and it was a CD it downloaded a program called minecraft dot exe after it downloaded I opened it things were

Normal but the buttons if ever only three of them start options in quit I pressed options it only showed texture packs I opened that but there were only two texture packs called death and the default one I selected to death which I thought what the hell could go wrong

It wasn’t doing anything I went to the title and played next it showed two buttons and then a text on top of the screen that said solo player multiplayer two buttons single and multiplayer I clicked multiplayer no servers were found I found a button same back so I

Clicked it it was back to the screen with the text and the buttons next I clicked single-player I found one word it was called House I played in that world for a time the spawn was a bonus chest and a starter house made out of wood and logs but the house looked

Real the logs in wood looked so realistic and I saw an ak-47 next I took it with I thought the gun was awesome next I saw herobrine and he looked real also I went to f5 and my character looked too realistic for a blocky game it was night

One after I explored next there were no mobs I was in easy mode which was odd since there was mobs in easy normal or hard and I wasn’t in peaceful next I turned it to peaceful and there were mobs there was even Slenderman but I wasn’t using mods I saw herobrine again

Except this time he would scream if I looked at his face after that minecraft closed down and my PC shut down itself I would never play minecraft again minecraft bug by yellow hat it was 4:30 in the morning I had spent the last hour or so reading creepypasta on no sleep I

Had nothing to do tomorrow so I booted up minecraft I was testing the latest snapshot I’m playing creative and figuring out what all the new blocks and items do twenty minutes in I had a fairly complicated redstone structure going that used a bunch of new pieces the hopper the redstone block the

Daylight sensor etc I was trying to get some drops to fall into the hopper right when I noticed a new block in the item list it was a new skull the ender skull so I dropped what I was doing and had fun placing a bunch around my little structure they looked like little

Enderman heads with the eyes darkened they didn’t do so much so I went back to trying to float drops into the hoppers or whatever after a while I started hearing clicking noises like a mob falling enough to be annoying I looked around even dug a little but I couldn’t

Find any mobs so I figured there was a zombie I couldn’t find and gave up I went back to work and it was at this point that I noticed that all the end of skulls were facing me I moved to the left and they remained facing where I

Was at first I thought it was an illusion but I flew around the structure a little and could confirm that they were all indeed facing the same point which is not how I had set them up I didn’t see this figure in the patch notes so I resolved to try and document

It I started knocking all the skulls off the structure to recreate the effect and after a minute I got very confused because it didn’t seem to be working no matter how many I cleared off there were more even in sections I thought I had cleared and what was more they all

Seemed to be facing me again one of the minecraft random music clips then started playing which startled the crap out of me I backed off from the screen for a second I leaned back in again and now there were skulls everywhere on every surface all aimed at me a suddenly

The music cut off there were about two seconds of a frozen screen full of skulls and then the app quit and asked me to send an error report I booted minecraft back up and tried to reload the world file but it wasn’t fair I made a new one instead and tried to recreate

The scenario but nothing seemed to work I’d document this but I’m not sure what the bug report would look like There’s nothing wrong with minecraft by jingle check one night I was playing everyone’s favorite game minecraft with my friend and it was pretty spooky because I loaded up the world me and my friend had but we were kind of freaked out because the save was called bloody

Hell and then we spawned in the nether even though we didn’t have diamond picks it really made me confused but I just thought it was a bug so we ignored it and explored whenever we walked for ages with no way of possibly finding anything but after 30 minutes we found something and never

Forretress it was weird because it didn’t just use normal blocks it also had blood all over it after we found the big bloody fortress we explored all over it until we found a chest with blood on it too and we found it had a bleeding book in

There titled readme so I told my friend and he told me to read it aloud I clicked the button to open it and when it opened up I nearly cried facing me was herobrine the scariest most dreadful person to have ever been in Minecraft I then read the text inside the book and

It said you order him two days I got really scared at this point and that all the pages were covered in blood there was another page on it so I turned the book and I screamed because it was not his face but with black eyes and red

Blood dripping from his eyes it said at the bottom in red bloody text herobrine dot exe is coming free it looked like the text was changed by Zhu algo my friend wondered why I was so scared and I told him why he replied ah no word doomed man I asked why and what

Would happen to us and he replied with it’s too late we are going to die I then heard a loud bang over his mic and he disconnected from the game I went off after that because it really scared me and I was hoping he was okay but of course I

Couldn’t be sure so I called him and he picked up I heard loud muffled screaming helped me on the line and he said that herobrine had him I then hung up I was really freaked out and then I got a text message from him saying he hoped he

Would say he was just joking but the text really said his mine or I threw my phone on the ground and screamed since my parents were on holiday they couldn’t help me I was alone it’s been two days and nothing has happened except what has happened to my friend it couldn’t have

Been herobrine right oh my god I just looked out the window and I saw my friend he has covered in blood and his clothes are ripped he’s he’s knocking on my door right now oh god please help me his eyes are glowing white he just broke

Down the door and he’s coming up the stairs oh god I have to get this out before he gets me okay Rita listen to me don’t trust minecraft it’s an evil game and if you do what I’ve done you will be next please please never play Minecraft

Don’t worry about what I said about what I just wrote it’s fine minecraft is safe and a safe and fun game for all ages and remember there’s no such thing as herobrine in short I hope to see you all in there very soon playing morning grass You

This video, titled ‘5 Scary MINECRAFT Stories | vol. 1’, was uploaded by The Tale Master on 2019-09-06 06:04:18. It has garnered 5552 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:28 or 1888 seconds.

♢ TIME STAMPS ♢ I Returned to Minecraft After 3 Years – 00:30 Minecraft – 09:36 Minecraft.exe – 19:00 Minecraft Bug – 22:52 There’s Nothing Wrong with Minecraft – 26:06

♢ READ ALONG with the STORY ♢ STORY 1 – https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/b8h3a1/i_returned_to_minecraft_after_3_years_i_regret_it/ STORY 2 – https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1695xv/minecraft/ STORY 3 – https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1fsmzq/minecraftexe/ STORY 4 – https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1604wo/minecraft_bug/ STORY 5 – https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/8826iv/theres_nothing_wrong_in_minecraft/

Join me, friends, as we read some of the scariest Minecraft horror stories I’ve found on the Internet.

The only question is…does Herobrine still live?

Audiobook recorded and produced by G.M. Danielson.


♢ THEME MUSIC ♢ CO.AG Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzIDq0fJsnk

♢ BACKGROUND MUSIC ♢ CO.AG Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzIDq0fJsnk MONST3R – Myuuji –

All music and background soundscapes/music/audio are royalty free and provided by Youtube’s Audio library: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

♢ SOUND EFFECTS ♢ https://www.finnolia.com https://www.freesound.org




↪ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gmdanielson ↪ WEBSITE: https://gmdanielson.wixsite.com/gmdanielsonhorror ↪ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gmdanielson.horror/ ↪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DanielsonHorror ↪ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gm.danielson/

SUBMIT your own horror stories, true accounts, and creepypastas to: [email protected]


G.M. Danielson works as a professional voice actor and sound engineer, producing boutique audiobook content with a nod to the great radio dramas of the past. Danielson’s pet project, G.M. Danielson’s Horror Vault began with a singular vision: to offer listeners and aesthetes of horror an unusually personalized experience. A strong believer in the social component of business, Danielson spends a great portion of his efforts replying and corresponding with his many fans and supporters. In a world where meaningful social interaction is an ever-changing – and, to some, a declining – art form, G.M. Danielson’s Horror Vault stands as a rare gem among many glass substitutes.


#creepypasta #herobrine #minecraft

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    Unhinged Gamer Dominates Minecraft Survival! #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome to Minecraft survival series ! pocket edition #1’, was uploaded by All Gaming King on 2024-01-18 02:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to Minecraft survival series ! pocket edition #1 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #allgamingkinng #minecraftpe Minecraft … Read More

  • Solar Eclipse Madness! PyjamaPrince Builds Functioning Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse Madness! PyjamaPrince Builds Functioning EclipseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s build a Functioning Solar Eclipse!’, was uploaded by PyjamaPrince on 2024-03-25 06:08:40. It has garnered 977 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:44 or 8684 seconds. For episode 5 of the Hardcore Minecraft series we’ll be heading to the End to construct a working Solar Eclipse! #minecraft #solareclipse #hardcore #megabase #megastructure Read More

  • Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!

    Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLuncher is now safe and Get some More FPS boosting mods and tips [ in hindi tutorial ]’, was uploaded by T.G gaming on 2024-01-13 12:22:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【DISℂOℝD SEℝVEℝ 】 https://discord.gg/KStVZcUd 【Whatsapp Group】 … Read More

  • Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Farewell to Iron Giants: A Melancholic Tribute in Minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-10 22:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this poignant Minecraft Short, we gather to pay our respects to the silent guardians of our Iron Farm—our loyal Iron Golems. Read More

  • 🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!

    🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!Video Information This video, titled ‘beautiful dance’, was uploaded by Beauty and Hoty girls on 2024-06-05 21:29:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter… Read More

  • Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x Textures

    Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x TexturesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ich Google Übersetze Minecraft Texturen 4000x …’, was uploaded by Stamm on 2024-05-11 09:00:43. It has garnered 88379 views and 2860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:38 or 638 seconds. I Google Translate Minecraft textures 4000x … and make a resource pack out of it! Discord: https://discord.gg/VpF2MmMfDJ Idea: @Renidrag @Toiu (Also leave the sub with the guys!) Pixel program: “paint net” TexturePack Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ozl-X5QTAZoNtSv-Fjh6qdH6yBxpXKlq/view?usp=drive_link (Loading long!!) More: “I Google Translate Minecraft Items 2000x …” https://youtu.be/U-zvUDh0YR4?si=afc-yyelC6grxrh_ “I’m turning Minecraft mobs into memes…” https://youtu.be/sVOAOzDxreM Subscribe to 🙂 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Villager iq #minecraft #popular #trend #viral’, was uploaded by Deadxx on 2024-06-08 04:56:50. It has garnered 687 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft animation dream smp steve mcpe minecraft anime minecraft parody minecraft tutorial memes shorts new trend tiktok viral Minecraft unusual memes anime minecraft ylyl funny memes minecraft update minecraft funny beating minecraft memetrap meme compilation funny vines try not to laugh best memes tiktok memes memes compilation funny videos memes video try not to laugh challenge you laugh you lose https://youtube.com/@deadxx389?feature=shared minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft… Read More

  • LuminaCraft

    LuminaCraftWelcome to LuminaCraft, a brand-new server that needs YOUR HELP! We are trying our best to make it the best server there is, so will you join? Staff applications are open, and there are a lot of giveaways. The Discord is fun and active, and the survival server is ready to play. Since the server is brand new, we are still developing and fixing everything. In the future, we are adding a bunch of new game modes and functions, so get ready and start playing! play.luminacraft.nl Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 – Survival, Dynmap, Build Competitions, Events, No-Reset, Collaborative Wiki, Discord Chat Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla Minecraft Server UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server founded in January 2019. It offers minimal enhancements to the core game, with everything built in survival mode. The server has 30 player slots to maintain a tight-knit community feel. Address: play.ultravanilla.world – Java edition 1.20.4 – 1.20.6 Features: Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes No map resets, with chunks from 1.13 to 1.20 Various fast travel commands Events and competitions Time-based ranks Tool-friendly technical aspects Community Projects: Events Nether highway system Seasonal decorations Shopping districts Towns/settlements Libraries Map art collections Rules: No griefing No stealing No PVP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table

    Minecraft Memes - Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table“Why upgrade on a smithing table when you can just trade your diamonds to a wandering trader for a netherite chestplate? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4: What’s New? Enchantments Tweaks In the latest Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4, players can expect some exciting tweaks to enchantments. These changes are set to enhance the gameplay experience and add a new layer of strategy to the enchanting process. With these updates, players will have more options to customize their gear and make their adventures in the blocky world even more thrilling. TNT Adjustments Another notable feature in this pre-release is the adjustments made to TNT. Explosions are a significant part of Minecraft, and these changes aim to make the TNT mechanics more balanced and… Read More

  • Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!

    Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Secret Minecraft Feature ?’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-06-04 07:11:42. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Tags : Minecraft, Minecraft secrets, Minecraft features, Minecraft hidden features, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft update, Minecraft news, Minecraft mods, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft cheats, Minecraft building, Minecraft redstone, Minecraft survival, Minecraft creative, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Bedrock, Minecraft Java, Minecraft PC, Minecraft console, Minecraft Xbox, Minecraft PlayStation, Minecraft Switch, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft pocket edition, Minecraft realms, Minecraft server, Minecraft… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker going to diamond mining #minecraft #funny #shorts’, was uploaded by it’s my gaming 999 on 2024-04-09 10:52:01. It has garnered 2160 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft minecraft mod maizen minecraft hindi nico cash milo and chip nico and cash mia omz noob vs pro chip cash and nico chip and milo kory checkpoint milo noob vs pro minecraft minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god noob minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mod – REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!

    EPIC Minecraft Mod - REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft | Realistic water | lava | Slime block’, was uploaded by dogi on 2024-05-03 07:55:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft / Realistic Water / Lava / Slime Block Authors of realistic videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/QuasarRM … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beautiful Survival House #minecraft’, was uploaded by DojoCraft shorts on 2024-01-12 18:08:49. It has garnered 2745 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Today I made a Very Easy Survival House. This time for real,it is Easy and you cannot Complain about it being fast or hard to follow so ENJOY 😀 Read More

  • DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraft

    DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god’, was uploaded by @DabraSorts 420 on 2024-02-20 02:27:57. It has garnered 310 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god how to improve pvp skills in minecraft how to improve pvp skills in minecraft pe how to improve my pvp skills how do you get better at pvp how to get better at pvp how to improve pvp in minecraft minecraft skins minecraft unblocked minecraft download minecraftle minecraft free minecraft mods minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Celestial verdant castle Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-03 00:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft animation shorts herobrine minecraft but ethobot minecraft funny daisy minecraft meme … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlime

    UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Slime #minecraft #minecraftslime #babyslime #slimechunk’, was uploaded by Kesh Nest on 2024-02-08 23:23:22. It has garnered 2557 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9

    Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by GetTogetherGaming on 2024-05-27 04:30:24. It has garnered 137 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft #gaming #resident #residentevil #residentevil4 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #residentevil #residentevil4 #residentevil4remake Experiencing Resident Evil 9 within the virtual realm of Minecraft 🤩🤩 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/kE5A7BYrCU 👍 Don’t Forget to Like the Video!… Read More

  • Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody Animation

    Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daddy Among Us Vs Orange Impostor Parody – Among Us Animation Compilation Shorts’, was uploaded by Ellementary on 2024-01-13 17:47:33. It has garnered 1092 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. animation vs minecraft, minecraft vs animation, minecraft animation, animation minecraft, animation vs. minecraft, minecraft animations, animation vs minecraft ep 31, minecraft animation fight, animation vs minecraft season 3, warden minecraft animation, animator vs minecraft, minecraft animation stickman, alan becker animation vs minecraft, animation vs. minecraft (original), minecraft animation steve and alex, animasi minecraft, stickman vs minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • YGcraft

    YGcraftYGcraft currently has lifesteal, with survival being worked on. Lifesteal has economy, crates that don’t cost real money, and many other things, just have fun! Max hearts is 70, but it may change. It also has a shop where you can buy stuff, and a good selling system. YGCraft is meant for having a fun experience, playing your favorite Minecraft gamemodes. ygcraft.mcserver.us Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

    WACESMP Welcome to WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running 1.20.4 and hosting an event from the 3rd to the 9th of this month. Brief Approaching 7 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV integration for chat Various plugins for administration and QoL Simple Voice Chat Survival mode Whitelisted server Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Supports Java + Bedrock crossplay Vision WACESMP is a space for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to collaborate on amazing builds and projects, whether focused on details or large-scale constructions. About As the owner, Blockbuster206, I’ve been a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMA

    Minecraft Memes - M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMALooks like this Minecraft meme is a rare find, just like a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

    Minecraft Knight: Code Delight In Minecraft, Hollow Knight takes flight, A world of wonder, crafted just right. From characters to enemies, all in place, Every detail, a work of grace. The terrain, the structures, the music too, All recreated, just for you. With combat, abilities, and charms to equip, Every feature, a thrilling trip. Explore the world, from King’s Pass to Dirtmouth, Every area, filled with truth. Download the map, and join the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. So tell me, what game should I make next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll do my best. For now, enjoy this Hollow Knight… Read More