50 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving AFK

Video Information

Well I caved I know what you’re thinking what are you talking about right now I have been terrified to play Hardcore Minecraft for the longest time but here I am right now as you can hear it in my voice I’m sick but I’m still ready to play Minecraft hardcore I don’t know how

Far I’m going to get into this but today we’re playing the first 50 days so let’s see how far I can actually make it playing this hardcore world I’m really nervous just a really quick audio disclaimer it might seem a little weird because my audio might be going back and

Forth because it’ll go for from in-game audio to voiceover audio but I’ll be trying my best to make it sound coherent so we should be fine today’s the day we have um a hardcore survival world and our spawn is so far insane we have an outpost right here on

The other side of the hill we have this massive Mountain that we literally started looking at and I’m pretty sure yeah there’s an ocean right there uh I started a hardcore survival world prior to this the spawn was just trash I did not like the spawn at all it was like on

Some really sharp jungle Hill that was extremely dense and the only thing near me was just like an ocean and stuff it wasn’t really fun I wasn’t really enjoying it so I’m just going to you know stick it to the basics restart the world and wait until I find a better

Seed and this appears to be that seed this is a wild seed so let’s see what we can manage to do with this I just want to get some saplings and get some uh wood out the way my biggest goal right now is just sheep I want to check out

This cave too this cave looks oh I see lots of sheep over there this cave looks terrifying okay it appears that there’s water at the bottom of it is it vanilla or not vanilla is it hardcore friendly it looks like after a little bit of of preparation we can go down

There so it doesn’t look like you know a cave that’s going to be ready to take our lives the second we spawn in I don’t like how that Pillager is already standing on top of that thing ready to take me out to be completely honest I kept babbling throughout a majority of

This part part so I’m just going to do a voice over it real quick I’m just going to talk about the I guess my goals for the first few days I want to just get wooden tools get my first bed and get some basic supplies everybody’s already

Seen this so we’re going to fly through the first day and speaking of goals my main goal throughout the entire first episode is getting an official first house this house is just going to be very temporary we’re not going to be sitting here in it for a long time it’s

Just going to be our house that keeps us safe for the first 50 days after the first 50-day house um I do want to also have some Farms I want to do some villager trading and I do want to tackle some enchanting and I would hope to end

The episode with full diamond armor I’d like it to be enchanted but it’s 50 days you know I’m I’m really already pushing it uh making the house and everything like that but yeah if you guys have anything that you would love to see throughout this um or anything you’d

Want to see in the next video let me know i’ definitely love to implement it in anyway I do have lots of ideas for episode 2 I don’t know if Episode 2 is going to be 100 days long or 50 days long I guess we’ll just have to see um

But I do have lots of ideas for that already but if you guys have your own ideas I would love to implement them you just got to let me know just like a quick disclaimer as well the nights will be going by kind of fast so the video

Isn’t you know 3 hours long it is already about to be the second night eventually I want to stop using the night cycle but as of right now whenever I am naked basically I don’t want to sit here and die and now we have some food so we’re not going to be

Dying oh no you better not throw me off off the mountain I don’t know I I don’t know what the heck their uh oh there’s a lot of them I don’t know what their RNG is to to make them want to hit people I don’t know if they just like

Feel intimidated and just randomly hit people or if it’s just like completely random or if they don’t actually hit players I don’t know I have not looked into that um but yeah 15 do you have more you would like to give me yes you do I mean

What by the night time I’m basically going to have full iron armor I maybe by Night 10 I’ll have full diamond look how many coal or how many look at how many coal look at how much coal there is here well we might as well set up shop a

Little bit here make some tools you know Place some basic things down cuz it’s probably going to hit uh nighttime soon essentially by the second night I had full iron armor with all full iron tools within this tiny little cave I had so much iron I don’t know why the ground

Decided to be so generous to me but I collected almost all of it and that’s kind of all I did for the second night and I’m taking my CH chch chch mhm I’m taking my chorch I don’t want to have like 12 stacks of coal though so

I’m probably not going to mine all of this coal here cuz look at how much coal is here but that iron I’m definitely going to grab that iron too but look at all this coal oh see like up here right at this we can make a tiny little house right here literally right

Here at this little Edge spot and then we could have like a little pathway and it it puts rudes out to see the ocean and it’s not the most amazing view but it still looks pretty cool I might literally make my house right here specifically in this spot all

Right um and I want to lower it to this block or yeah I’ll lower it to this block and if I need to use this area I’ll raise it up but this little Ridge we can flatten wait a minute that area right there I have a feeling that

There’s going to be spruce trees over there I don’t know why but something’s telling me there is and if there is I’m going there the second the day comes oh it’s a jungle Oh e it’s cool but e bada bing bada boom look at that you

Know a little pretty house I don’t want it to be ugly like this is something that we would just move out of and we would just keep it there for the aesthetic reason of it being my first house but like I don’t want to live here the whole time I

I want to upgrade go up the economic status of living in a Minecraft world I just realized wait economic status of living in a Minecraft world that doesn’t make sense like the economic rankings of living in a Minecraft world doesn’t this house look beautiful I bet you’ve never

Seen a house this beautiful in Minecraft in your entire life this house I I personally would rank this house like a 35 out of 10 stop a double chest that’s fine why why you oh we don’t have enough we’re too short okay well that’s fine I’m going to make a bucket I had

Enough had I had enough the silence said everything this is so random but why did I name like the MLG water bucket drops like this I sound like an old man and I’ll find water eventually um to have a water bucket ready I’m not going to be

Doing any clutch like clutch water Bo things but I use water for everything all right all we got going on right now after this like little clip of finding the house area really we just kind of went exploring and we were just looking around to see what we could find there

Was really nothing interesting directly around the house besides what was literally directly next to the house so I only showed those clips but there really wasn’t anything interesting to find is a big jungle right there oh wait is that a Mesa biome whoa wait what is this cave

Area dude oh that is is Awesome with the lava going down and everything okay okay I like this imagine a village alongside that that like goes down this Cliff oh man I don’t know if I would even know how to build that oh man I can I can uh

What is it I can make a schematic I can build it in creative and make a schematic for it and then rebuild it in the world that that would be awesome I’m really glad this biome is so close because me and all of the other YouTubers that

Exist that use this biome for decoration um know how difficult it is to actually find a Mesa biome let alone this big of a Mesa biome but do I want to travel through it now is the question and no I do not and now we’re on our way back to the house

Yes that’s literally all we found look at my beautiful house missing a bed head two trees dirt I’m guessing around here in the footage is where I started realizing that I was sick and my throat started hurting because my audio does not exist here um but it’s fine because for like

This whole clip that I’m going through it only looks like it’s just traveling through the you know like through the water and stuff like that looking for spruce trees and stuff I’ll go through it and I’ll see if there’s anything interesting but I might just take out

The whole clip both to save time and because there’s nothing interesting in there right here 30 minutes into the clip I came across this massive skyscraping Tower of a mountain that literally looked like he kept going taller and taller this is where I found the spruce trees it wasn’t far from the

House that that’s that’s everything interesting in this whole clip that’s it oh and I guess an interesting thing in this shipwreck I did come across my first diamond um along with all this like gold and iron and you basic shipwreck things there’s a treasure map

I’m not going to follow it but I found my first diamond that’s that’s my point here and here we are making it back to the house all fine in Dandy with our diam in some Spruce saplings and you know a new sense of Pride for myself to

Think that I can make it further cuz I’m able to explore the world or something like that we did also set aside this little area right here at the bottom of the hill uh just to set down the spruce trees so I can make sure to get some but

It’s far enough away from the house to where it won’t really affect it and it’s down this hill so it’s both a pain to climb up and it’s also going to be like the same height as the house so it’s not towering over this clip should tell you

How good I am at this game okay maybe that wasn’t that funny but either way we’re just getting the farm started as you can see here um I’m going to skip through it you know maybe throw a little time lapse we just got this little Hillside it will grow

Exponentially throughout the video but you know we’re getting a farm here I finally fell asleep on day seven to wake up on day 8 with the most important task to stand here for I don’t even know how long this is the most interactive build I’ve done all

Episode this is the most in fascinating thing I’ve seen ever honestly I did the math it was only 2 minutes 36 seconds and 987 milliseconds which isn’t a long time but I could have beat the game I could have killed the Ender Dragon in that time all right we’re getting way

Way off topic beside the fact as you can see I’m running over here to the furnace and um I just decided to pull a nice choppy 360 and hold on wait there’s no way am I standing still again oh okay okay on a serious note the next thing I

Actually did is I went in the creative world and I started working on the house uh the only reason I did it in the creative world was so I can get a nice schematic of it sometimes whenever I build in survival I don’t get as many details as I’d hope especially without

Scaffolding and without an elytra uh so I’m going to be doing this for the first few builds especially for the first house the only reason I’m really showing parts of the clip uh is just to show that you know I I did make it and and the schematic is like something I made

In a creative world and I’m just following the blueprints and then just find it out some random place online which nobody really mentioned but you know just so you know um and also the reason it’s blurred out is cuz it’s going to be a surprise cuz we’re

Literally about to build it right now well technically speaking not right now cuz we need to collect all of these materials but it’s not an insane material list at all so I’m just going to like you know snip snap right through it one of the first big things I did is

I ran pretty far away from my house to get all of these oak trees that was sitting on the side of the Hill um it was kind of scary because there’s so many caves all over the place I really thought I was about to die like four or

Five times there’s so many times running across this Valley that I’ll just kind of see a massive Cavern that just goes straight to my death I’m in hardcore I can’t go down there if you guys didn’t know that after Gathering a majority of the wood supplies I ended up smelting a

Lot of our Stone because I remembered that we’re going to need a lot of stone bricks and a lot of regular stone blocks that’s going to take up quite a bit of a majority of this collecting as well since it’s really only three materials the wood the stone and eventually I do

Need to get bricks but before I go grab the bricks I just got this clip here that shows one of the massive caves that I was walking around look at this thing that is that is straight death right there straight death the brick part isn’t as intense but it does take a

While because we need to find all the bricks and we just need to kind of wait for it all to smell since it takes so long so what better to do than my favorite test to just stand there and do nothing it’s not like there’s anything

Else important we can do like you know get the schematic ready or start building the house or literally make a farm or do anything productive but no I stood here forever in the rain too I probably got a cold maybe that’s why I’m sick right now but that doesn’t matter

Now because the bricks are finally done so now we can finally start building the house I’ll see you guys in the time lapse all right I have a few things to say obviously I don’t want to talk through all of the time lapse recordings but for right now I only want to talk

About it because it’s like our first video one thing that I do want to mention is I hope you guys can let me know what you want to see what you like and don’t like in the comments below I love the criticism and I love learning

From it I want to make the channel kind of morphed around you guys because I’m posting it for you guys the next thing that I do want to tackle really quick also is mods as you can tell I have the light matica mod and I love using it for

Building more complex buildings and stuff like that and whenever I don’t have aely it’s hard for me to see the detail if you guys don’t like the light manica mod I’ll try to use it less but whenever I’m trying to get high Det detail or whenever it’s larger builds

I’ll try to use it to make sure I get everything precise but if you guys don’t like seeing it let me know I can try to use it less another mod that I feel is important to bring up is I do have a villager Moving mod that makes it easier

For me to move villagers if you guys find that kind of cheaty let me know the only reason I used it is because the villagers we found are a few hundred blocks away from the house with that time it’s jeopardizing our Minecraft days I’m trying to get this within 50

Days but if you guys don’t like that then from now on the villagers at my house I can move them the painful and difficult way if you guys are fine with me using that then that’s fine by me too I hate villagers but you know this is

Our Channel all of us are in this channel together so just let me know how you guys feel now that we got the lecturing out of the way cuz we’re not in school let me show you around the house as you can see here um we got like

A front angle view in a little bit I’m going to show you guys this little side view I think this house looks so good it’s simple but it looks really nice you know it’s just sitting on the side of this mountain with this little farm here

I I do have this little fireplace on the back and let me show you around the interior real quick as well all right let’s see here I can’t really turn around because there’s a lot that I built that you guys didn’t really see yet but here’s the house and I just want

To show you guys the interior because I forgot to record that clip for some reason as you can see we got the little you know the little bedroom up here with the red wool and my favorite spot of the whole house probably is this chest area

Above the house I think this just looks so good and then you got the the first floor this little Nook of a kitchen is so amazing you got the little crafting table that’s like peeking through here and then you know you know like the furnaces you got the uh you know more

Furnaces and like the shelving units and stuff and then the ladder that goes down hiding in the back corner to show our chest room I Can’t Turn Around from this point either because there’s stuff behind me that I also added later but you you know you’ll see all that in a

Little bit but either way that’s that’s what we got going on and as I’m right now looking at myself placing these torches I’m realizing I was talking throughout this clip like I had my microphone connected but my audio isn’t going through and none of it picked up

So I don’t know I don’t know what the issue is hopefully this doesn’t happen throughout the rest of the clip I’m fine with doing voiceovers like I’m having a lot of fun doing this but what happened to my voice I’m not even kidding as I pulled up the next clip I literally

Unmuted my microphone and I’m talking in this clip but you know it’s it’s fine it’s fine it’s fixed finally have a house um and it’s date officially 21 now the only thing I don’t have is diamonds and like an enchantment area so what I

Want to do uh is go mining now I don’t want to jump directly into the caves because no just just because no I want to gather gra yep I want to gra um all the iron that the eye can see until I have so much iron that the eyes can’t

See anymore I have no idea what I’m talking about right now I’m literally just making things up my point is is I want to gather a lot of iron so that I can have a healthy amount of iron for tools because I am going to be mining

For a long period of time I don’t need any more coal I’m already like fully set on coal this should last me until I get fortune and then I can you know break the coal faster and get tons and tons of diamonds or I mean yeah uh-huh tons of

Diamonds from the coal that’s my favorite thing to do did you guys know about that Minecraft exploited glitch yeah I do that all the time you know you just break the you just break the coal with 10 billion Newton tons of force against the coal and it the pressure is

Just so strong because of how strong Steve is that it literally just turns the coal dust straight into diamonds yeah but he can’t break bedrock though that’s illegal I don’t need like 8 million iron pickaxes cuz hopefully I’ll find diamonds fairly quickly you know I’m probably jinxing myself right now

And I’m probably not going to find any gold is it because of the biome that’s right here what biome is this considered to be in the Stony Peaks that’s so weird Stony Peaks at 156 blocks in the air is that regular it has to be because

It’s bordering this biome like it has to be cuz look it I bet you if you went two blocks this way you’d be in the other biome not even two blocks watch yep yep okay so that’s why it’s because it’s still considered in the bad lands all

Right I was going to say yeah so I turned my microphone on for 5 minutes and all of a sudden I don’t know how to act right I’m over here running around I’m talking about everything I’m getting lost so I’m just I’m just going to cut

Straight to uh you know going down into the mines cuz we’re apparently doing everything else but okay um if I were to make a mine where would I make it I would want it to be like pressed up against like a wall so it probably would

Be like over here and we’ll just start right here um with got oh no already what is that ew dude that’s gross going to kick it in high gear and put it in reverse Terry we’re going the other way hate caves and right now we’re currently heading towards the ocean which means water

Caves and what’s more exciting than water caves absolutely nothing do you want to drown while being killed by drowns while drowning while trying to find diamonds but you can’t find them because you’re drowning and everything is darker and blue but don’t worry there’s glow squids

Oh did they light up the water no they just look at you do you want your signs to have funny looking letters you can do that with these I feel like I’m making an advertisement for glow squids do your signs look boring does your much much cooler and much more fun neighbor always

Make fun of you because your signs aren’t as cool as his well starting St in today for the low low price of 500 diamonds you can get the new glow squid ink and now your signs can look so much better than your better neighbor take that rich neighbor be

Depressed what am I talking about I think we should just go back to mining okay for some reason the way I mined that I thought I mined six instead of five whatever Minecraft knowledge you have relating to mining I’m telling you right now it is wrong unless if you mine

Exactly the way that I do um and I will Gaslight you into believing me so if you mine five blocks tall right in a one by one pathway on the way up you can build a staircase and you won’t bang your head at all and also since it’s five blocks

Tall you can easily just Branch off areas to other caves and you Explore More wowa yeah do you feel do you feel like you know how to mine better in Minecraft now I hope hope so cuz if you’re banging your heads on your way down to the cave

Then the roof must have gave you the brain injuries to make you believe that that’s a good idea no no no bad bad I’ve realized I’ve started to do this regularly now um and I probably seem like I have severe mental problems not on a daily but kind of regularly now I

Will literally be walking around my day-to-day life that’s my first time getting copper but I’ll be I’ll be doing you know things in my regular day-to-day life and I will be talking to myself as if I’m talking to viewers so that’s exciting this is so eventful oh

No why did I have to say this is so eventful we were doing so good we were literally doing so good and then I opened my mouth and then we literally found a lava pit the second I opened my mouth what are we at what are we at 36

36 Mark I know you’re watching these videos man that’s your lucky number man man I better find something good if I don’t find anything good Mark I’m blaming you I wasn’t exactly clear in the video but Mark is my best friend by the way and he recently 9 days ago

Posted a video that only has 46 views me and him are in that together that’s me right there this video is hilarious this is a video kind of based off our friendship uh he’s on vacation right now so he can’t really be posting anything but go check out his channel his stuff

Is going to be in the description below make sure you check it out and subs subscribe to him me and him are both trying to make YouTube videos both for fun and just like for like I guess a living if it comes to it but we’re both

Kind of doing this just for like fun and stuff so if you guys enjoy content and if you guys want to see more of of me or if you want to support me uh then go support Mark Mark is the reason why I make videos but like I was saying Mark

I’m at 47 now that’s almost 10 blocks away I did not find anything after what literally felt like a month in both in game time and editing time I finally made it to the bottom I’m just going to do a quick like edit through to show you

Guys when I got diamonds cuz I mined forever I literally mined for probably about two Minecraft days and I only came across like five diamonds it was not eventful was there a patch that they removed diamonds from Minecraft did I just like missed this update and like oh oh okay fine then

Jeez the second I start like you know really starting to doubt myself is it really two wow three you’re so generous I found a lava pool I literally am not kidding I just turned the camera off right after the lava thing and I break that block and there’s a diamond below

It let me save those let me save those right here I’m just tossing in a Day Count from where I started in the mine and now this is when I finally breached the surface and see that it’s nighttime so I literally started midday on day 23

And now it is night time of 25 and I fell asleep in the cave to make it Day 26 so technically it was about 3 days I’m not going to say it was three it really was only like two maybe two and a half but that’s still kind of absurd

Just to find five diamonds boom we’re finally back at the house it only took us uh you know three full Minecraft days just to find five diamonds but we’re here we made it we did it hooray after finally making it back to the surface I wanted to do some work around the house

So I went around working on the farms a little bit and you know you can see a little bit of that here after I worked on the farms I did want to make the entrance in the area for the enchantment table because right after I get the enchantment table I’m going to go

Running around looking for villagers so I can get some trading and I want a full enchantment table setup because that’s like the first thing we’re going to do within the next like 50 days and hopefully throughout the rest of the video is going to be getting enchanted

Diamond armor and here’s the start of probably the ugliest enchantment room you will ever see you’ll know what I mean later trust me all right but now we are finally ready to go off on our journey so that we can find the rest of our leather find some sugar cane and

Keep in mind that I picked up this 26 iron here just keep it in mind and get ready for like this heartwrenching moment every time I go over this cliff and in just like a little bit you’ll see I just got to Yeet myself off of it now

There’s a puffer fish that hides at the bottom of this ocean and there’s been three times that I’ll jump off this thing I’m searching for him right now there’s three times that I’ll jump off that Cliff he will be there and he will give me poison and I will think I’m dead

Every time so I’m taking him on my journey with me you know let him see the world as he as i’ taken his life but the there’s like an ocean Monument right there I mean I’m literally like I’m literally like right outside my house like my house is in view from that

Ocean Monument that’s pretty cool the puffer fish just staring at me oh that’s hilarious oh I see a village over there I see a village over there is there a second village over there oh I am going home happy isn’t that right polar bear isn’t that right oh my goodness polar

Bears are so cute I’m about to Rob them of all their resources come here I’m going to take these two all of their res sources they’re all mine oh I forgot there’s lanterns all over these I’m taking all of the lanterns oh I’m taking all of the lanterns every single one of

Them they’re mine you got fer ey too furnaces furnace sizzles what am I saying right now I do accept your trade free villagers for free beds all for me that is a great trade oh hello so yeah this is what I mean by uh I can just pick them

Up no hello baby skirt my way over here if yall didn’t know I’m actually a professional drifter in real life um I’m totally kidding I would love to be a professional Drifter that that was just a joke though I don’t need that oh potatoes potatoes oh I forgot about

Potatoes and carrots bro get out of my face get out of my face and get in my inventory I’m taking your jobs I’m taking your lights I’m bringing you back to the Medieval ages but don’t worry because I’m also taking half of your population I’m like Thanos right now I

Am taking everything you need I’m I’m like politically corrupt Thanos I’m taking half your population and everything you love just for my own benefits and every few years I’ll give you something you moderately appreciate just so you think that you need me now I’m sounding like a manipulative

Relationship oh this is so great and then I’m going to imprison you for my own benefit and wealth as well oh my goodness I’m America whoa there’s a lot of villagers right here there’s a lot of villagers right here I’m so tempted to just like walk around and just turn them

All into babies I mean not into babies into into just like eggs turn them into eggs now do you remember all that iron that I was talking about watch this smart play that I do in this chest here there it all goes goodbye iron I forgot about it and it’s gone forever

Now after making poor choices both politically and decision- making wise we finally made it back to the house with all the leather we can need we have lots of villagers and we have lots of resources so hopefully we can get the rest of our tasks done for today because

We all have the house we have food we have villagers we have the enchantment table all we need left is just full enchanted diamond armor and we are at day 31 okay I might have lied a little bit we might have to kill just one cow

This poor cow that I I oh my goodness it’s not even that funny I just forgot how bad my aim was when I was trying to kill that cow but I all I needed was just a little bit more leather that poor cow’s been sitting here since I started

The game uh but now we finally actually have enough all right we’re going to be Switching gears a lot in the rest of the episode here because this is the most extensive part of the video where we’re trying to reach level 30 and get all of our enchants kind of aligned we’re also

Going to be doing a lot of terraforming and a lot of work around the house because we have a lot of extra blocks and stuff to work with the thing is is at this point my my mentality is drained and my coffee is wearing out so if you

Couldn’t tell from the last few Clips I’m kind of running all over the place so I’ll try to do mainly voiceovers throughout the rest of the video um and just kind of show you guys the highlights so we can keep a structure and keep a good time limit but yeah

Either way around all that as you can see here I’m making some tools and I’m actually running outside and I’m doing my favorite part of the entire video I’m starting to work on an area for the potato farm and the carrot Farm if you guys know me and if you guys have seen

My videos you know that I love making Scenic views and building the scenery around houses like adding plants and stuff like that I think it adds so much and I think it just makes it look so much better so yeah that’s that’s kind of what we’re working on now the first

Thing that I wanted to add with this terraforming is this large retaining wall now I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the YouTuber FIP obviously he wasn’t the one that invented this idea but I think he is definitely the inspiration behind it and I think it’s a

Great idea whenever you have Farms to add this wall that kind of holds the Earth back and makes it have like Ledges oh my goodness it’s such a great idea for building Farms or building on top of mountains and stuff you should definitely try it and yeah that that’s

Kind of my my goal here or like my idea behind a lot of this is creating this ledge that makes makes this platform that will go to another ledge kind of like a staircase and after a long time we waited we can finally go grab our sugar cane what feels like it’s been

Forever we finally might have enough sugar cane to make enough paper to make our bookshelves uh the one thing that I’ve been worrying about a majority of the time throughout the playthrough at this point was worrying about my health in the game because every time I play

Minecraft I always end up dying like around this portion of the game right before I get full diamonds whoa whoa whoa whoa let me cut myself off there before I get off topic apparently I’m making villagers ready I didn’t even know I did this at this portion uh but

You know we got villagers and you can see I have a Fletcher and then also have a librarian the Fletcher he’s a pretty cool guy the librarian I hate him I don’t know what what’s up with him but I hate the librarian he you know he just

Sucks I just feel like he’s just out to get me I’m not picking favorites he’s just lame and after that little side quest was done we finally put our bookshelves down all of them but the and this part really does go back and forth for a while between getting our

Stuff ready like visual wise and Gathering the sugar cane then and then working with the Villagers like it’s all over the place so I’m going to skip through a lot of it so it’s not literally just back and forth and back and forth just know that that’s that’s

What I’m doing in between this scene and the next power one give me my right right you’re trapped now huh aren’t you get back in your cell I’m going to bed so you’re stopping to being you you are a sassy villager that’s all I’m going say he is Sassy my

Shaders are still on ooh ooh don’t make me pick you up and put you back oh how did you get out how did you get out mhm yeah you tried now my ax is about to break all because you’re being annoying is this how you want to play the

Game whoa okay in this clip coming up notice how my door is wide open oh what are you doing here what are you doing here what are you doing here get out of my house get out of my house what are you doing in my house I want waffle

Fries I smacked the grass I did not smack him I’m not playing games dude like I’m not playing games man we might as well just turn this entire or light up this entire area considering they thought he’s got an enchanted bow he’s got an enchanted bow I don’t think I’m

Playing games with him I’m over here trying to build something pretty over here enjoying myself and what are they doing they’re over here just standing on my crops walking in my base acting like it’s their home what do I look like I am no nanny I

Am not taking care of you get away from me oh my goodness that villager oh man I already hate villagers I already hate villagers and he just made it worse he he was just upset I probably left his friend over in either in the chest or at

The Village which I mean honestly if you took my friend I would do the same thing I would be upset too but like my goodness like you’re already sitting here in a hole underground you really think you have a voice no no one can hear you goodness acting like he’s the

Top of the world or whatever no one cares all right we’re taking a massive jump in Clips right now it only went from day 39 to 41 but I’m over here looking for lapis because I forgot that I didn’t have any uh and then I ended up

Bumping into this cave and I literally thought this was going to be that experience that I keep talking about that I literally die every time I get full diamond or close to it Lees three creepers I told you okay get over here just you just you don’t bring your friends come out to

This big room where I have it pre-lit dead dead of course why wouldn’t they be both staring at me at the exact same time and following me into the thing at the exact same time oh well this is it I told you this is it I told you this

Is it I told you this is it I told you this is it I told you this is it I told you this is it I did that that was that was you know my goal the whole time I was planning on doing that I and I successfully did that

Exactly how I planned on doing it you can’t tell me otherwise because you don’t know my brain cells okay besides the three heart attacks in one uh I did end up getting the lapis in the end so luckily you know we did come out the cave Victorious at the lapis we were

Looking for and it’s daytime oh my goodness the game is actually appreciating me that means I’m going to get the worst enchants I’m going it’s going to give me Unbreaking one hello oh we are going to use my Unbreaking diamond pickaxe we’re going to break three more diamonds from that gigantic

Diamond vein that we found um and we’re going to use those three diamonds to make another diamond pickaxe and we’re going to combine them um hopefully we get something decent out of it boom and now we’re level 30 okay obviously there’s a ton of jumping around I literally spent this

Whole time getting XP you can see it’s only day 45 it’s been 3 days getting this but you know just just watch the enchants I get for you to to do to do that and fortune 3 with efficiency 4 oh man I literally just got the best pickaxe that

You could get okay at least by day 45 I at least have I I I at least have the best pickaxe you could ask for 19 is insane 13 is still insane but I will do it I’m going to go mine for a bunch of diamonds I’m probably going to do that

For the rest of the episode this additional three turns into nine okay finally finally finally we’re coming across some more I was going to say it’s starting to get excessively distant oh and this is a whole Aid vean oh all right nobody wants to see all the

Strip mining you know but we’re here at the end we ended up with 34 diamonds and we’re right now actually about to make the full diamond armor oh I forgot the sword I am one short from another pickaxe one short nice the one Diamond left dude you

See that do you see that we got full diamond on the first episode dude dude I didn’t really have the extra time to uh be able to do full enchants on all of my armor with 3 days left to go considering 3 days got me level 30 once so I really spent a

Majority of this time just kind of farming I did some terraforming and everything like that and made sure my base looked as pretty as it could for the last 50 days I didn’t really do a great job to be honest as you’ll see the biggest thing that we worked on last is

This stair case it it didn’t really come out that good I want to work on it a lot it looks way too straight but yeah um kind of like my way to get on top of my house from both sides of the mountains that was the first staircase and here’s

Me working on the second staircase here you can see this one’s kind of making our way down to the spruce tree farm I think this one goes a lot better up this mountain like I think the slopes are a lot more natural and it looks better

Going up the hill than the other one does but both of them need a lot of work I just kind of wanted to get them out the way because it was such a pain getting up these Hills but yeah no we got we got you know little little tiny

House just a little tiny house I think this house is so cute look at this little house um and it’s kind of tall not going to lie it’s a little bulky yeah I’m basically just running around from this part because there’s only like half a day left there’s not much to get

Done so I’m really just kind of running around I’m like showing off kind of what I’ve built and everything and I’m kind of describing what I want to see in the next video also I think in the next video I either want to start working on

The official house or I want to do a trading like a trading hul I’m probably going to be doing a trading haul and along with the trading Hall I also want to get some Farms going like a totem of undying Farm you know some creeper farms

And stuff like that and I really want to work on my full Enchanted armor those are going to be the main goals that we’re going to be working on going into the second episode uh and if there’s anything you want to see in specific then let me know literally I’m I’m

Already started working on the second episode but either way besides all of that you know it’s basically the end of the episode I mean you know the sun’s about to go down and we’re going to sleep on the last day to make it officially day 50 so with all that being

Said you know I really hope you did enjoy watching the video and you know hopefully you’ll be able to make it to the next one if you guys want to see anything different let me know um you know if there’s if there’s anything you want to criticize me on or anything like

That if there’s anything you you appreciate in the videos or something like that just let me know I’d love to hear it um but yeah with that all being said that is the end of the video I’ll you know I’ll show the clip where I’m

Going to sleep on day 49 waking up on day 5050 where we have a fresh start with a brand new house on episode 2 and this is going to be the first pickaxe everybody uses their first pickaxe everyone does everyone if you do hardcore World it needs to be the first

Pickaxe but the thing is this it’s not just going to be the first pickaxe it’s going to be the there we go first pickaxe 50 days there we go and for right now the this back wall is going to be the achievement board first pickaxe 50 days just this

Wall but we’re going to we’re going to eventually grow out of it and we will have a area specifically for our achievements our first 50 days but that’s the first pickaxe we’re going to have something iconic from each of the episodes so the first 50 days the iconic thing is the first

Pickaxe isn’t that exciting or maybe the next 50 episodes or 50 days it’s going to be a Nether Star maybe it’s going to be a dragon egg maybe it’s going to be a piece of dirt you never know but with that all being said we should be all set

To go and I’ll see you guys in the next 50 days 100 days thousand day I’m kidding probably not a thousand but yeah I’ll be I’ll see you guys on the next one wait a minute do I not have the footage to sleep it it’s day 50 on it’s

Daytime I found it I had to do some digging

This video, titled ‘I SURVIVED 50 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE!’, was uploaded by Eddy’s_AFK on 2023-11-28 20:00:05. It has garnered 265 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:02 or 2582 seconds.

Hello!! welcome to my description! i hope you enjoyed the video! i will be trying to make more videos soon! if there is anything you would love to see next let me know! other than that here are my social page links along with Marcs!!!

Here are my links! Instagram – eddys_afk TokTok – eddys_afk Youtube – Your here 😀

Marc’s Links! Instagram – aries_storm136 Youtube – ARIES_STORM TikTok – aries_storm36

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  • Join Minewind: Minecraft Multiplayer Fun!

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  • Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures

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  • Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong

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  • 🔥Gawr Gura’s CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!

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  • My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft Hospital

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  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

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  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

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  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

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  • MRG Network

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  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

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  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

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    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.castiamc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations”

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  • Wathi’s Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator’s Realm

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  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme

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  • Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft!

    Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building Plr_Hightower in Survival Mode! Introduction to the Adventure In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. Join Lyfe and Me on an exciting journey as they embark on the challenge of building Plr_Hightower in Survival mode. Creating a Dye Farm The first step in their adventure involves setting up a dye farm. This essential resource will provide them with the colorful materials needed to bring their vision to life. From planting seeds to harvesting vibrant flowers, the process is both strategic and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More