A River | Minecraft Dinosaurs Ep# 57

Video Information

Nobody came here today with an episode of mine craft dinosaurs and today we are here to do some more building on our eventual Diplodocus exhibit so as you can see I don’t know how much has changed since last episode I think I edited a bit of the landscape I finished

Filling in some stuff but I think it’s relatively close to how it was at the end of last episode anyway us ho today’s plan for well I guess what I’m hoping to get done I don’t know if I’ll finish all this in time but I’m hoping to get a

Good deal amount of stuff done today mainly well I mean I still obviously have a lot of terraforming I need to do but I don’t know I’ve been trying to think about which part of the project I really want to work on right now and I’ve realized something and that is what

We were talking about over here which was incorporating the river into the main part of the exhibit as this river doesn’t really connect anywhere in the part yet it’s kind of just running behind and I kind of realized I mean we talked about doing like a rock wall and we’re

Gonna do that back here for sure like a cliff side kind of like bordering the edge of the river but I’m very much thinking maybe you’re about right here just racing the river up and making it a waterfall here and then we can bring this back around here and stuff and I

Don’t know maybe we’ll put a building over here maybe there won’t be any exhibits back here maybe it will literally just be a random River but I don’t know I really like this idea I like this idea of doing some sort of special terrain build back here and ever

Now we’re not gonna do all of that this episode um in fact I’m thinking I don’t know when we’ll finish this whole area because at the end of the day it’s not really an important project it’s just kind of like a little project I’d like

To work on however like part of it is definitely an essential bit since well you know it’s kind of part of also how we’re keeping the Diplodocus in the exhibit so part of the plan for today I think is going to be widening out the river here sending it through hopefully getting

Some water in started construction of some of the rock retaining walls like that’ll be along here that’ll be along here kind of like setting up the beach and as you can see I’ve got so I’ve got like stone and dirt in here and I repaired up my tools went down to the

Zombie farm but I’ve also got some cobblestone with me and the goal with that is I’m gonna start laying out the like the fence plans so kind of coming around here and just kind of laying up with fences where they’re gonna go and kind of I guess setting up where the

Enclosures gonna be also that’s another thing I wanted to sack right real quick I’ve been trying to think and I’m not trying to think I have been thinking I’ve been looking at the Brachiosaurus fence and I’ve been looking at Diplodocus and I feel like I need a different sauropod fence and all honesty

Which is kind of funny because I just spent all the time building that fence up in the Brachiosaurus he’s a bit but I don’t know it I was looking back at some of the exhibits and especially like I feel like it works for the Triceratops

And all honesty I mean yes I did a triceratops is still like a five six ton behemoth of a dinosaur but I mean I feel like it there’s a difference between that and like a 35 to 40 ton animal all right guess practicer probably got even up to like 48 ton

Let’s say like a 48 ton dinosaur pressing up against a wood and like chain-link fence that fence is not going to hold I mean maybe like a triceratops will be held in by and we’re gonna say it would but like I don’t know sauropods I guess

Seem like I’m jump like they need a higher security fence so I’m very much considering redoing the fence both this and this exhibit to kind of give it a bit more structure give it a bit more security kind of thing also pathway going along the top of the hill here I’m

Very much trying to figure out like how the path that’s actually gonna work per se you didn’t really figured that out yet cuz I don’t know if I wanted to like because I mean obviously I might be editing the course of the river and I do think I will probably cutting this hill

Back a bit but I hadn’t really figured out how exactly the path is gonna work yet so that I don’t think we’ll get to the path this episode anyway I guess the main goals for today’s episode hopefully are gonna be just working a bit on the

Rocks rain if you do a little bit more terraforming and get kinds of fences started or at least I don’t think we’ll build the fences this episode but like at least getting marking down where the fence is gonna be so we have a really good idea of how big the exhibit is so

Once you kind of got down that exhibit size at that point we really can start planning out how many Diplodocus we can have speaking of which I don’t think I’ll have time this up soap and maybe between next episode or so I need to do mining because we only have one

Brachiosaurus DNA as far as I’m aware so we’re definitely gonna need more if we want to do most these of it also if my voice sounds a little weird sorry about that I literally woke up like 20 minutes ago so I don’t really think I’m well-adjusted anyway yeah I’m gonna

Catch up with you guys in just a second when I started I got in some progress done okay guys we’re back and I’ve made a bit of progress more progress than I actually probably realized I’ve made but tada well you can’t actually see what I’ve

Done from here you can kind of see it on the mini-map we’re actually gonna so since the last guy I’ve made a bit of progress on the river here you can kind of see I ya know I’ve been channeling I’ve you can kind of see wherever I move

Tons of dirt and oh my gosh that was funny actually I’m gonna go on a quick tangent here so ever moved a lot of dirt trying to dig out this river here and I was like oh my goodness this is gonna be so much dirt I’m gonna refill my dirt

Stockpile except then I realized all the dirt I’m digging is almost immediately going back into the bill to fill in holes so yeah dirt I need to get like an actual dirt quarry set up somewhere so I should probably do that at some point I don’t know when I’ll do it I’ll get

Around to it anyway as you can see I’ve got the beginnings of the river connection and oh my gosh guys I cannot tell you how much I sympathize now with the or I have sympathy for the people who have to dig like the Panama Canal or

Like the Suez cuz oh my gosh in this just dear God it took so long I took like an hour to just get all this done like I don’t know why it took take so long but it did it also doesn’t help that this river is apparently it’s not

Very wide but it’s very deep which is problematic when trying to extend it because suddenly I need to dig super deep down because yes I want to make it look nice anyway so yes I dug the river I also did a bit of work on getting the

Cliff faces in I only did that a little bit there but it’s a bit more evident if we will quickly hop up to this side over here by the pathway or what is the pathway I guess um tada I’ve started getting I just kind of

Worked on getting a bit of the rock face in and I’m actually really happy with this I think it looks pretty good it’s obviously got to be extended all the way along also I think both these hills are gonna get brought back a bit more because obviously they’re meant to

Be cliff faces as well kind of like the rivers been cutting through over the years and just kind of channeling in through this little hillside which I really like to look up and I I think obviously it looks a bit funny right now because there’s still bits of grass down

There which I might leave actually and maybe put like some Reed’s or something or uh cocaine but I like the feel it’s gonna have especially when I we start to get the rock faces in a bit more on this side as well cuz it’s gonna have a very very

Different look to it then then every other exhibit does currently and I like that I mean it yes kinda looks a bit like the star coke so again it’ll look better once the whole terrain feature is done which which I do not think is gonna be happen anything in this episode just

Cuz I don’t know like the last steps and we were working on that terrain which I do realize now I did a lot more work than I thought I did uh I was like oh you know I think max Diplodocus is gonna take three episodes like one episode

We’ll just do all the terraforming next episode will be fences third episode we’ll get it in yeah that that was that was definitely very foolish of me to think that because this is definitely gonna take more up a good deal of episodes because this is actually a

Fairly large and complex build I decided to go for so it’s it’s gonna take its sweet time to finish but I’m really happy with it also on I actually really like how that dips down I really do I think we can leave it mostly like that

Cuz I know I like that I like how it’s very flat over here and that kind of works really well but um I like that little dip down there it looks very good anyway um so some other things I wanted to mention one was I’ve realized now so

Say even the pathway comes out to about the far this time maybe it’ll go so like right here or like say he goes up to this block these the Diplodocus is actually gonna be very far away from the pathways I’ve realized like then you’re not gonna be a dinosaur that’s super up

Close to the fence like almost every single other exhibit we have is there they’re gonna be far away and I kind of like that in fact is very much like I was saying but the fence is how I’m considering replacing them with a more high-security fence I’m very much

Considering doing something similar with the Brachiosaurus exhibit and trying to create a bit more space between the visitors and the and I think I’ve mentioned last episode I want to do something with this pathway I want to change it up I want to get rid

Of it a bit and kind of figure out something new to do over here and like I said that’ll especially be more easy since being kylus orbs are gonna be moving out to a new area so yeah I don’t know it it’s kind of funny to me because

Whenever and for those of you’ve been on the channel for a while you know this about me whenever I started a new project I do something I like it quickly translates to I must rebuild that in other parts of the park to kind of get a good feel going anyway

So from here I think the plan is I want to extend the rock wall out a bit more like I said we’re not finishing the river today maybe next episode the river will be finished hopefully but yeah so I think we’re gonna try and just get a bit more

Of the rock wall done maybe take up a tiny bit more on the riverbed maybe put some stone up there so we can kind of get like an idea of how it went do the cliffs there and maybe around here kind of dig a bit more and then I’ll probably

Just work on setting up the fences and other than that I don’t know what else I have planned so yeah I will catch up with you guys as soon as I have that finished all right so we’re back and well as you can see it made a tiny bit

More progress but actually a fair bit of progress again it’s if you can kind of tell the difference almost because most of it’s actually in a ditch I guess so it’s it’s a bit more difficult to see from up here but if we if we look up

Here try remember what was done last time what wasn’t I added a few more rocks up there I think it’s been like a day since I recorded this last okay yeah some stuff I do remember mostly because I literally was just working on this I decided this was a good enough going to

Bring you guys back into as you can see I’ve come through here and I actually dug a lot more riverbed down we’ve got a lot more of it just kind of like coming through here I am actually gonna continue to lower it but I don’t know I

Just wanted to go over like this side right here because obviously this side isn’t really finished yet but this side where we’re kind of we have a good idea of what it’s gonna look like at the end oh my gosh I love this because it’s like my typical rock

Kind of face cliffs we usually use but I don’t know there’s just something about it being half submerged that I am absolutely loving I don’t know it’s just cool to me to have that um I love to remember to put some dirt though along the edges that way we get these reeds

The water grass I don’t know what it is but I I definitely want more of it we’re gonna sleep real quick and then I’ll go and show you guys off some of what I done I’ve not what I done what I’ve done I can I can I can properly speak English

Maybe not really you know it’s a it’s a hope it’s a hope in a dream that maybe one day I will be fluent in this language but today is not that day oh come on it’s close enough flatmates like let me sleep let me sleep there we go

Alright um okay so one other thing well after we go look at this actually would excuse me all the hiccups there don’t I think up sort another episode um might as you can see if we look like right here yeah you can definitely see a lot more of like the progress I’ve made

I’ve still got a lot of digging to do obviously to kind of get it through this channel here I’m gonna need to push some of this back on this side and I’ve noticed it’s and this was some of my design but it’s obviously a very straight section of river and I don’t

Know part of me likes it part of me doesn’t like it I think I’m gonna stick with it though cuz I don’t know I mean their River so like bendy and stuff but I mean there’s a big straight section back there there’s a big straight section here and actually like this

Section up here will probably straighten out a bit too just because I’ll probably want to or need to um but anyway I also didn’t put a fence outlining as you can see you can kind of see it on the on the mini-map here this exhibit is massive and this is Annie I

Actually came in a bit too short with the cobblestone wall on this side because it only comes to about over this hill this is where it comes to this is not where I intended it to go to it’s actually intended to meet up with this side of the hill over here and that

Because this whole Hill is supposed to disappear but most of that top of the hill way back in that area all the way up to this this exhibit is massive this is the biggest enclosure that’s currently in the park and I think that’s absolutely awesome I love this in fact

It is once again making me consider expanding the Brachiosaurus exhibit which I think we could do especially with since I was talking about doing a waterfall over here we could expand the rocky source to include part of the waterfall and like part of the extension

Of this River here that we want to do well yeah I also as you can see kind of went along this side and built up the rock built up the rock wall over here kind of integrated the grass and like I don’t know it’s I’m really liking where

This is going it’s I don’t know it’s once again it’s very different build than usual because I I think my grand total of seven dinosaur parks I’ve built now helpless being 7th I guess so six dinosaur parks and the 7th and progress I have only used a river as a fence once

As far as I can remember a river has only ever been a fence in an enclosure once and that is an old old old Allosaurus exhibit I’ve built which I actually want to meet remake somewhat because it was actually kind of cool but I just never really used rivers and I

Don’t know why because they actually work really well as these great dividers between you know what I want the dinosaur to be able to access somewhat I want the visitors to able to access and I’m just really excited with how this is coming together I think it’s gonna be an

Awesome project when finished I mean obviously I’m gonna have to landscape the whole thing and that’s actually rather unfortunate realization to me that I have to do all the landscaping um I will say I’m trying to figure out how that pathway is exactly going to work because I don’t know I want to

Figure out I don’t know how to explain it like a good way to get you close to that like river’s edge because I’m realizing there’s a lot of places you probably won’t be able to see much of the river which is unfortunate to me because I really like how the rivers

Looking and I you know I’d like it to be visible for the most part but we’ll see we’ll see what ends up happening anyway um there was one other thought I have and that is I know we have like this whole thing and you weren’t really gonna

Be able to go too close to the Diplodocus and we’re talking they’re doing that the Brachiosaurus already I mentioned that twice this episode um but that got me to thinking mostly of a suggestion one of my friends gave to me good old Avalara or innovative pachyderm

And that was to do some sort of like a walkway coming off like a specialized walkway coming off the main path that goes into there has maybe like a tower or something where you could feed the dinosaurs and I really like that idea and this if there’s anywhere to

Incorporate that as like a trial run I think it’d be here so I’m considering how I would like to do that also I forgot we’re putting another nicer in over here possibly so this pathway might actually have to come in a bit closer because I’m thinking we could just have

Or what we could do actually is like right here maybe like right here just build a Plaza kind of like we were trying to do over by the Brachiosaurus like in the round or we can build like a Plaza up here and say it’s like right

Here and like this is your main way of viewing into the exhibit from this side because you’ll obviously be able to see it from the Triceratops speaking of which actually gonna want to head over there I haven’t worked any more on the barn anni – I know but I kind of just

Really wanted to work on the Diplodocus exhibit because I thought it was gonna be super cool and it really is turning out to be awesome but obviously I think we keep mentioning this is probably the ankylosaurus exhibit down here and then we’re thinking of something else to put

Over here part of me once again was thinking adapt asaurus but that’s gonna go over in the non dinosaur section of the park so I’m gonna figure out something to put in here not Gallimimus cuz it’s not enough space so I’m I don’t know I’m trying to look into

Animals maybe we have already that we could move like relocating something somewhere else which might not be a bad idea cuz that again it will give us more space to expand our current exhibits and yeah better than that oh also so I didn’t have time today because actually

The time I’m recording this now I kind of need to start editing pretty soon but I’ve realized so there are episodes like this and partially last episode which I wasn’t too happy with for one reason and that was I didn’t feel like the episode really had much happened in it like

Nothing really happened and I don’t think this episode is quite as bad with that but I think astral is gonna struggle a tiny bit so I’m starting to think what I might do is the main focus of the episodes will be say working on the big project so Diplodocus exhibit

Say in the future a man with Exhibit A t-rex exhibit yada yada yada but not all the episode will be focusing on building that it might be like you know say I get tired of building for the day or like a day or two so instead I decided you know

In the middle the episode maybe it’s like we come through I come through and I just work on a previously unfinished bill to get some pathways done clean some stuff up stuff like that and I’m thinking that might work quite well just kinda – I don’t know get the get have

There be a bit more happen in the episodes but yeah so next episode so this Friday hopefully hopefully I’m gonna have time to go mining between this episode and the next one definitely want to get some bio fossils going because we need more Diplodocus DNA I

Mean I think this is if it’s obviously big enough I could probably stick like a herd of it oh gosh excuse me there but I could probably fit like a whole herd of diplodocus in here and i feel like that would be awesome just like five or

Six possibly I feel like six is a bit of a spooky number for us considering every time I’ve had like six dinosaurs most of them died looking at the trikes and the companies yeah so no I’m just really excited to see how I kind of set this

It’s a bit up in the end because I’m also trying to think of like trees and how that’s gonna work cuz considering this is all boreal I am considering just taking out all of the natural trees and replacing them with spruce trees to kind of give it a bit more of that like

Prehistoric forest kind of feel I don’t know we’ll see what happens but I think that’s about it for now on feather falling for honestly I need this on what is it I need I need feather falling boots on any world I have I always jump off things that are definitely way too

High to jump off of anyway um I’m gonna come over here real quick just kind of show you so this is gonna be the like dividing fence here between this area and what is definitely going to become a carnivore alley because or at least one or two carnivore exhibits going over

Here I mean we talked about this like every other episode now it feels like but definitely got to do something over here with those it’s just such a beautiful area I am trying to figure out how I’m going to get the pathways over here obviously I talked about something

Coming along from back here but I mean I think a bigger problem is now trying to figure out like how do I get this whole area kind of connected up but also keep the diet out there this ski keep it from being too close to Diplodocus exhibit

Because I don’t know I’ve never really liked my carnivorous exhibits HAP sharing just a fence with a herbivore exhibit because I feel like you know you really shouldn’t do that oh my gosh the amount of pigs over here anyway though I think that’s gonna be all for

Today and Wow this hill is amazing and these mountains are amazing and there’s just so many cool things we can do over in this area hide I don’t know why I didn’t come over here earlier well I guess I was focused more on the like

Main center of the park I guess but yeah anyway thank you guys for watching hope you’ve all enjoyed watching this there consent you to leave suggestions there were some great suggestions last episode for stuff we can do with this exhibit so continue to leave ideas I don’t even think we’ll start actually integrating

Tons of ideas maybe until maybe even maybe next episode we can start doing that we’ll see it just kind of depends how long you know it takes to get through with this project I’m going to try and get a bit more progress done on it between episodes did we finish the

River up we’ll see anyway thank you again for watching hope you’ve all enjoyed and until next time guys see ya

This video, titled ‘A River | Minecraft Dinosaurs Ep# 57’, was uploaded by The Chaotic Craft on 2020-04-22 21:10:39. It has garnered 1774 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:30 or 1350 seconds.

Today we continue what will probably be somewhat of a miniseries, by working on the river border section of our new Diplodocus exhibit! We also try and set up some new fences and prepare for the last of the terrain building!

I hope you all enjoy and are looking forward to more! All links and mod list down below! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discord Link | https://discord.gg/NKd6nJ9

Twitch Channel | https://www.twitch.tv/thechaoticcraft

Minecraft Dinosaurs Playlist | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9V5NhLHx8SssF2qjVhW86fgjQ9iezXSN

World Download | (April 2020) http://www.mediafire.com/file/dcmjnuwrnr8wd3n/D1.zip/file

Mod List |

Better Foliage Chisel Dynamic Surroundings Fairy Lights Fossils and Archeology Fast Leaf Decay Just Enough Items Optifine Xaeros Minimap Zoo And Wildlife Animals Storage Drawers

Shaders and Texture Pack |

Sildurs Vibrant Shaders | https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/ Faithful 32 by 32 | https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/faithful-32x/files

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  • Insane Chicken Theft – 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #anime

    Insane Chicken Theft - 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #animeVideo Information This video, titled ‘give my chicken Back! 😡 #anime #music #edit #song #memeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bubba bubbaphant Animation•984•years•17B views on 2024-05-16 12:04:05. It has garnered 539 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Thirty Numbers SMP

    Thirty Numbers SMPHello and welcome to ThirtyNumbersSMP in this server its survival and there is basically no rules (other than the ones in discord) also you can team with players pretty much whatever you desire there Read More

  • ViibeMC Network 1.20.4 Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to ViibeMC Adventure awaits in SMP and Skyblock! In SMP (Survival Multiplayer), team up with friends to conquer the wild landscapes, engage in PvP battles, and experience custom enchantments for added excitement. In Skyblock, start with a tiny island and expand it into a paradise. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity. IP: play.viibe.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/viibe Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!

    Minecraft Memes - Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!Just like the Warden, this meme is giving me the silent treatment because I can’t stop laughing at it! Read More

  • Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts

    Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a mystery to me. But fear not, for the adventure is still grand, Exploring, building, in this blocky land. With each new update, the game evolves, New features, new challenges, for us to solve. So join me, fellow gamers, in this digital delight, As we craft, mine, and survive through the night. Don’t skip the video, don’t miss the fun, In this world of creativity, we all are one. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, your bow, And let’s dive into Minecraft, where the possibilities… Read More

  • POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage

    POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage POV: My friend still won’t stop bragging about how I saved them in Minecraft by stopping time. I guess I’m just a time-stopping hero now. #humblebrag #minecrafthero Read More

  • Fireball War in Minecraft

    Fireball War in Minecraft Minecraft Fireball War: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe When it comes to epic battles and exciting adventures, Minecraft never fails to deliver. One of the most thrilling events in the Minecraft universe is the Fireball War, where players engage in intense combat using fireballs as their primary weapon. The Excitement of Bedwars Bedwars is a popular game mode in Minecraft that involves teams of players competing to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. The addition of fireballs to this already intense gameplay takes the excitement to a whole new level. Hypixel Bedwars: The Ultimate Challenge… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness – Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1

    EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness - Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Shipyard w/ Drydock Pt.1 (Minecraft beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by syncc on 2024-05-10 01:00:32. It has garnered 561 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:02 or 1562 seconds. Thank you for watching the first part of this mega project, I wish I could’ve gotten more done in this video but life has been hitting with some personal stuff going on. Have not had much time to play, and the footage was taking up a bunch of hard drive space so I figured you guys would probably enjoy a video regardless… Read More

  • Unleashing Light Power in Minecraft

    Unleashing Light Power in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtained the Power of LIGHT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArctixNation on 2024-03-16 20:55:08. It has garnered 12269 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I joined the Divine SMP, a Minecraft server where you can control different spirits and I want the strongest one, Light. Credits: @flxshed (Thumbnail) @JustBK_ (Overall Support) @Merffinn @MugmV2 (final fight) @Encade @Korwick @justgapple Thank you! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This… Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTLn8dYN9qRfI5uhebeWIw The X-RAY https://www.9minecraft.net/xray-texture-pack-mcpe/ Follow My Twitch 🙂 https://www.twitch.tv/chrispylegion Donate https://streamlabs.com/chrispylegion Donate https://cash.app/$ChrisspyLegion Donate https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Chriss377YT?locale.x=en_US Join my Discord https://discord.gg/X6D95HpYFB #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More

  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

    "Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE" #SMP #aternosVideo Information This video, titled ‘3K Kab Honge | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP #aternos’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-01-14 13:44:45. It has garnered 160 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:48 or 8868 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZk7wcJb3fKboFgnp-Wpkxg/join MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK : https://youtube.com/channel/UCB8zmPdjDyiK9L9dZ8ArbNA INSTAGRAM… Read More


    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers super fast running speed part 2|| Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Farhad gaming on 2024-03-15 15:42:54. It has garnered 11075 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. subway surfers og ,  subway surfers old ,  subway surfers ost ,  subway surfers hack ,  subway surfers ohio ,  subway surfers poki ,  subway surfers pros ,  subway surfers song ,  subway surfers music ,  subway surfers phonk ,  subway surfers remix ,  subway surfers sound ,  subway surfers theme ,  subway surfers glitch ,  subway surfers profis ,  subway surfers zombie ,  subway surfers deutsch ,  subway surfers paluten ,  subway surfers gameplay ,  subway surfers official ,  , #subwaysurfers , #subway , #subwaysurf , #subwaysurfer , #subwayseries , #subwaystation , #game , #subwaytile… Read More

  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! play.skyhaven.fun:27194 Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: play.wavymc.fun Bedrock IP: bedrock.wavymc.fun (Port: 19132) Discord: https://discord.gg/smp Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

  • Squishcraft

    SquishcraftSquishcraft is a skyblock server with tons of custom items, plugins, and features. Join today for free ranks and free crate keys.mc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!

    Minecraft Memes - Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!Why did the Minecraft player bring Impaling V, rain, and riptide I to the beach? To make a splash in more ways than one! Read More

  • Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness

    Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Craftsman Dragon and MasterCraft, a dynamic team. Block Crazy VS Build Craft, the battle is on, Each game unique, with adventures to spawn. Craftsman Mobile Game, Android delight, Survival mode, shaders, and pets in sight. Craftsman 2024, the future is bright, With endless possibilities, day and night. Craftsman Survival Mode Series, a journey to embark, Exploring new maps, with shaders that spark. Craftsman Mod, a twist in the tale, Adding depth and challenge, without fail. Craftsman Texture, a visual treat, Enhancing the gameplay, making it sweet. Craftsman Advanture, an adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #shorts 😂🎮 Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Memes & Bedwars Gameplay

    Whispering Minecraft Memes & Bedwars Gameplay Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated realms of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a sandbox environment like no other. Exploring the Minecraft Universe With a vast open world to discover, players can roam through forests, scale mountains, and delve into deep caves teeming with resources. From building towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Bedwars and Skywars Engage in thrilling PvP battles in game modes like Bedwars and Skywars,… Read More


    SURVIVE ONE BLOCK IN MCPE WITH JUNIOR T.G.! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MCPE ONE BLOCK SURVIVAL JOURNEY || DAY 1 || @TechnoGamerzOfficial @TotalGaming093’, was uploaded by JUNIOR T. G. on 2024-05-31 00:50:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. technogamerz #totalgaming #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #trendingvideo #minecraft,ezy minecraft,minecraft end … Read More

A River | Minecraft Dinosaurs Ep# 57