A Very Modded Beginning! In Modded Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Ep 1

Video Information

Hello there everyone i welcome you to the first episode of the multi multiplayer survival series i’m planning on uploading one to two episodes a week on this series so if you guys are new to the channel then make sure to subscribe and if you guys do enjoy this video then

Make sure to drop a like as well so what are we waiting for let’s just invite some of my friends and get started so as you guys can tell we’ve just logged into the server there seems to be some progress already made because my friends

Have had a little bit i stay a little bit of a head start but yeah they’ve had a bit of a head start before me so the friends i’m joined with so far are mystic sparky but there’s also another friend called game biscuit there’s only a mystic online right now

So hopefully we can meet up with her and see what she’s up to don’t know whose house is who’s but on the house there’s a house over there as well you know what nothing beats dying off your multiplayer survival by stealing we’re gonna take some sparky’s crops i hope she don’t mind oh

I realized we have this book so there’s also an animal mud um that’s why we got this animal dictionary on us in case you were wondering what exactly is this book that i have on me and there’s like a bunch of new animals i did pretty cool right so i guess we’ll just

Shove that over here and just put the carrots in our entry and just take a look around sparky’s in one diamond for your stay oh okay oh this is a temporary home you can stay in make sure to leave your stuff have fun creepy face

Oh i see mistake i see myself you know what forget about this house we don’t care we we care about mystic though uh let me just admit why is she calling me him why are you calling me a new because i kinda oh oh no oh no okay i’m not gonna die by

Barry bush as soon as i start off the game so um i just logged into the server do you have um anything you want to give me any like starter starter stuff start a tree you already have a carrot yeah i stole this but somewhere sparky sparky’s crafts bed oh okay thank

You you can have some potatoes as well yeah all right thank you don’t i don’t mind this and extra food food is always crucial in the early game oh some torches oh thank you thank you you want to show me around since you’re the only one in the server for now

Okay this here is my humble abode oh lovely i i tour before we we start our let’s play at school single bedroom single i can join you it could be a double bedroom no no yes look it’s not it’s nighttime we can we can go to sleep together what do you

Mean why you booked my bed alone oh okay i’ll just watch you that’s creepy it’s not my fault you put me in this situation here it is biscuit’s house oh i like his bed you know um there we go i’ll take that i don’t i don’t think he’ll notice that took his

Sign in bed woody over here says sparky’s treehouse don’t break the tree please all right oh yeah this is the moderate if you yeah you big then try tree oh she’s online she’s online mistake that’s not gonna be discreet i fell down [Laughter] hey sparky i just logged into the server how you doing i’m okay you seem a bit i’m all right you seem a bit down to be honest i just love i’m tired okay All right then um i lost my dragon as well that’s why i’m so sad do you like my do you like my car yeah i love it apparently it was a bathtub to mystic but i i always knew it was the car it’s my car anyways i’m gonna go start my mining and

Getting prepared and stuff you guys have fun yeah you too i guess yeah wait wait you have this oh thank you my last is my last blueberry thank you very much i’ll remember this when i’m in the mines see ya goodbye i didn’t want to break some trees near

Them guys spaces so i wandered off and i found this um kind of cursed area here you could say i’m taking the wood from here i think there’s probably like a lightning strike that happened here and everything’s set on fire oh yes so as you can see sparky is

Teleported we have like this uh map thing where if you like leave like waypoints you can teleport to them so that’s pretty cool uh let’s get some wood let’s make us out of the crafting table let’s start making ourselves some sticks the first thing we’ll obviously make is a wooden pickaxe

Could someone see please all right so let’s let’s head to bed um we’ll spend our first night asleep there we go before we head down to mine we’ll just start cooking some of these potatoes and i guess we could take a for the rubbish rubbish baby me when okay these guys

Um they’re a bit i’m not stealing anything guys don’t worry i’m just taking a look at oh oh okay okay okay mystic um okay it seems to be a mine over here maybe it goes all the way down to diamond level uh before we even think about diamonds let me get some stone

Okay there’s a crafting table here nice uh let’s get some stone real quick there we go and we’ll quickly craft ourselves some stone tools wow this place looks so despite that but it looks looks so cool let’s not look at the enderman though but there is quite a lot of iron around

There some there some there and there’s some over there let’s grab that one first Okay this is quite a good vein of iron okay there’s some more there’s literally some more let’s grab that okay there’s some more there’s some more okay this is this is a good vein of iron i um what level are we on we are on level 15 all right and we find some

Diamonds straight into the mining session i just realized we we got some iron we’ve got some diamonds but we just don’t have any coal oh never mind so while our mine is cold i might as well talk a bit about this series um it’s just gonna be a regular modded multiplayer survival series

I’ll try to upload more than one episode a week i mean i’m gonna try my hardest maybe two episodes a week so far we only have like myself and three other players in the server so maybe we might add some more people later on i doubt that there’s going to be any you

Know youtubers and streamers watching this but if they are and you guys don’t mind being a part of a modded you know multiplayer server there is proximity chat as well so that’d be pretty cool you can probably join the discord server mine and message one of the mods

Um if i’m not available or you could just like leave a comment and you know probably we’ll just check out your channel and see so we’re getting the iron let’s start making ourselves a little bit of armor before we do anything else because i can hear quite a lot of mobs around

Put that on put that on a iron pickaxe and we’ll also make ourselves a helmet there we go before we mine the diamond let’s just see how big the vein that we have is smoke on the water what is that challenge smoke in the water find an undead prior ship oh So let’s see what we have here we got one two three four five six seven eight okay and eight bean i think eight mains are like the largest rain you can get of diamonds the last piece of armor that we need is some leggings

And there should be a way to put it on before besides going i don’t know people put it on somehow without even going on to you know this inventory page what button to the press if you guys if you guys know let me know because um

I want to be advanced you know an advanced minecrafter but anyways we’ll do like we’ll do the generic way of putting it on manually oh my god okay we found a little cave okay so i say that and there’s like nothing here the other side might be a bit more promising oh yes

Very promising oh yes i mean very promising i don’t it seems to be like two vein of diamonds in this little cave i say a little but it’s quite big and very deadly let’s just get rid of this guy sorry about that i i just had to take you out like that

All right so i crafted us some more to oh my god we found a why these spool blossoms i want one i want one so what do you take for it we’ll just do that all right there we go i started to see like one of the best parts of the lush caves Oh there’s an enderman distracting this vine hey dude he’s chilling and there’s a zombie wait i see some cobblestone i think there might be a spawner it might be one let’s see yes it is there’s a spawner right here nice this is very nice we got ourselves a zombie spawner

And what do we have we got a music disc all right in here we got cursor vanishing okay we’ll stack it up it’s all stacked up stack this up put that over here impaling one no i don’t need any of those but the zombie spawner is honestly going to

Be really useful let’s just tie it up a bit more just in case i just found a zombie spawner and honesty i’d mind my way all the way out and it’s literally right over here let me let me let me put no it’s not it’s it’s hours

Hours hours let me put some cobble around the hole so we know okay we’re making a waypoint for this locations and then we’re gonna call it sparky’s in confirm there we go so if we want to teleport to it we just have to click this and teleport

So sparky found like a structure which we’re going to teleport to right now and hopefully loot it up i think we’re actually we’re not okay in food i was gonna say we’re okay and food but we’re really not let’s grab some more carrots if we can okay so we just teleported and

Oh oh my god oh my god you scared me i was trying to look at the structure and you just teleport in to me so as well as having the map to teleport we also have these wave stones uh let’s discover this there we go and we seem to have

Hey where’s this place called this place is called marasa look looks like mercedes my joke my joke is not funny at all okay me and sparky then headed into the village that was nearby and took out the bandits that guarded the place we also blew up the area which had a

Good amount of iron and gold hey what’s up hello hey y’all what’s up um nothing nothing yet i mean it’s not going to be going to mean yo what is this i found it when i was exploring and it uh yeah it looks so cool oh my god oh my god yeah

I’m going to build over to all the top rooftops because the rooftops have oh guys guys look i’m building i’m building the thing since we loaded up the first building we now knew that the best loot was at the top so we decided to cheat our way to the dungeon by

Bridging across to the rooftops which had some really good loot waiting for us we have just made it back to sparky’s inn and i’d say that our adventure was quite successful we got four diamonds from that but we got full like free diamond armor which has you know some average enchantments

Um i mean i can’t complain literally we literally just started um our minecraft you know episode it’s that time in the episode where we start base planning as you guys can see mystic space is right there biscuit space mystic biscuit rhymes right bars his base is over there sparky is over there

And her inner so right over here where we’re currently staying at we got our stuff in the chest for now i’m thinking about going with a hobby hall but same time i want to make like a base that’s like in the mouth i say mountain but it’s not even a mountain it’s like

It’s a hill i guess um i put some ideas in the screen if i if i even find any and if i even remember i guess it’s time to gather materials and get to work all right so i think these guys want me to head down and check out mystic’s dragon

So let’s go do that um there we go hello i’m trying to it’s not breaking oh my gosh you guys my mic was muted that entire time when i’ll show you do you guys love but you know the fire dragon yeah i’m just stepping away from this situation i think he’s gonna die

He died well um those guys just uh killed uh their own dragon um let’s not talk about that oh wow look at you guys oh my god you guys actually look so cool and you guys are gone wow wow look at you guys both oh this is sick

All right so them guys just flew off into the sunset huh they left me here and smell and i guess i’ll oh oh somebody’s coming back oh my savior my savior has returned it’s time to start working on the bridge before we even built on our house so time lapse time Guys i’m sorry to tell you this but i have some bad news the replay file i was recording got corrupted therefore i don’t have the footage of me building the bridge and a little bit of my home but anyways i guess i’ll show you guys what i’ve done so far

Honestly if you take a look at it it ain’t that much it honestly isn’t much all right this is a bridge uh it looks like this honestly it’s not it’s not too much um nothing too unique uh here’s the entrance of my home this is where i’m planning to

Enter from and you go all the way down and i’m planning to go maybe a bit more deeper but down there will be my base this side is quite similar to that side it’s just going to be a little room which will also connect around

To this area here and this you might be thinking what is this now oh you scared me how’s it going what’s up it’s going alright how are you what we’re robbing your shoes yeah i was just watching you guys from over here i was like

Let’s see how long it takes for her to notice oh i was trying to talk about the the build that’s what i was trying to do then i heard your voice and i was like oh the tinder one was oh biscuits here uh we got some cabbage rolls from the game biscuit

That’s very nice now wherever we were what were we talking about i think we were talking about this thing i’m happy with this honestly i think i’m happy with this we got a window there we got a window here we got a little canopy and an entrance i’m not sure what

Else is missing it feels like something else is missing but i don’t know what else to add because i just passed quite empty over there but i guess we’ll make dude what we have for now so i hope that’s enough for what i’m planning on doing um

Yeah it’s time lapse time again if you could if you couldn’t tell but this time the just the generic minecraft time lapses um nothing too fancy unfortunately and the time lapse you know why uh i can’t do this the pickaxe isn’t even enchanted but unfortunately we don’t even have enough

Levels to even enchant it to a point okay this one’s can we merge this we might be able to hopefully because this does have efficiency too and i mean that’s better than nothing right i’m not sure if anyone has an anvil let’s just check if game biscuit does since um he’s online

I don’t think he’s home oh there we go perfect all right so we can actually heal this for like two xp so let’s do that there we go so this pickaxe is a a bit more faster i mean it ain’t too bad i guess we’ll work with it let’s get right back into

The time lapse i guess All right so this is how far i got until my uh pickaxe broke uh unfortunately honestly i’m i don’t know i don’t know what to do my pickaxe broke i mean i couldn’t make another one obvious i mean obviously i can make another one but i can’t enchant it guys i’m having an

Idea i think it’ll probably be best to work on the zombie farm first because when that’s in we can literally level up like a lot and then once we’re leveled up we can like enchant our pickaxe hopefully with a good enchantment and that would mean that working on the

Base would be a lot more quicker efficient and and just overall easier you know so so yeah i started to gather all the stuff that i needed one of the things being soul sun so i headed to the nether to get some it didn’t take me too long to find this

Really cool structure that conveniently had some soul sun waiting for me when i was back in the overworld i guided some kelp and then headed down to the zombie spawner as it was now time to work on the zombie farm now as you can tell i found another way

To record these time lapses since the replay mod didn’t work out too well for me so i’m using an alternate account i obviously didn’t want to pay for another minecraft account so i’ll just use mystics and set it to spectator mode so hopefully it turns out well So Uh So i’ve called you guys here because i want to show you the zombie farm that i just made oh i remember you showing me a uniform yeah so um the spawner was literally right underneath the starter area so the witty head down is this way are you ready

I don’t shoot that boat don’t shoot that bow i’m getting ambushed oh okay you tried all right oh you see yourself oh okay but when you come on that you see a crouch yeah so yeah this is zombie farm uh this is where they’ll all come yeah this is like

An afk spot where you can stand okay don’t be shy zombies there we go so they spawn and then they’ll go up the water elevator which will take them across and when they fall down they’ll take a bit of damage so it’s like a one hit how would you rate it out

Of ten ten five nine point five okay i like that i like the sound of that will be used working ten out of ten ten out of ten okay i like you even more over you mystic okay i always knew biscuit was free i got a 9.5 i think that’s what we’ll be

Ending today’s episode on i really hope that you guys did enjoy so if you did then make sure to subscribe if you are new and drop a like if you haven’t already and as always i guess i’ll see you guys in the next video You

This video, titled ‘A Very Modded Beginning! In Modded Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Ep 1’, was uploaded by SkylaMC on 2021-07-29 10:56:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

A Very Modded Beginning! In Modded Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Ep 1 Hello Everyone 😀 I welcome you to the first episode of …

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    Insane Minecraft Material Grind with Towa - HoloLive Server Madness!Video Information [音楽] よ [音楽] N [音楽] あ [音楽] [拍手] [音楽] N [音楽] の [音楽] H [音楽] [拍手] [音楽] あー ヤッホーこんやっ ぴー父様ですなんか鼻声だ [音楽] わ よしということでホロライブハードコア サバああれえホロサバハードコアマイクラ やってきたいと思いますでも予定があるの でねちょっと短めにはなるんですけれど もていうかさ夜間 夜 [音楽] だるあれしようかな [音楽] と素材でも集めようかなていうか明日ウ ザって言ってたんだ けどウィザーって何 あウザー今日なんだあじゃ今日は別にあれ か関係ないか あれ来 [音楽] たよし [音楽] よしポーションってかあれ かまず は えっとあなんか報酬が入ってるんじゃ ない来たダイヤモンド だ初めてな [音楽] ちょっと待ってねこのダイヤモンドを持ち ながら 鉄鉄が生成される場所の近くに行って鉄を 生み出してもらい ながら生きると いうえどうしよっかなダイヤゴリしとこう かなダイヤゴリ かなんかか えめっちゃ悪くねポピーはいいかポピー 邪魔 [音楽] かなんかゴミ多い なてか日を日をどうにかしなきゃいけなく て [音楽] すごいこのポピーはさ上にえゲーム音入っ て ない本当 だ本当だ ていうか体いらなくねあいる かじゃああれするか掘る かちょっともらってって てポピー邪魔だ から開始し てここに鼻だけ入れとい て よしダイヤ集める かこれ弓はあるから大丈夫 でだから [音楽] あれしよっか [音楽] なピグリンブルート3体 倒す歪んだキノコはもう手に入れた からガスト1 体7 でしょソウルサンドってなんだ古代の骸骨 残骨 [音楽] 残骸じゃ一旦あれ [音楽] かえ何これ [音楽] すご体いらないもの島に行く かとりあえずダイヤ使ってピッケル作っ てわでもトラップ タワー行ってあれしないとだめ [音楽] かなんだ これは何 だご飯ってどこだっけ… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Timelapse – SR Exes

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Timelapse - SR ExesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Plains Village in Minecraft | Part 2 |Timelapse’, was uploaded by SR Exes on 2024-01-06 15:34:11. It has garnered 556 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. have transformed an entire plains village in vanilla Minecraft. #transformation #Minecraft #Village #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • INSANE Gaming Trivia: Guess the Minecraft Art #shorts

    INSANE Gaming Trivia: Guess the Minecraft Art #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can you guess Art? Minecraft PE 1.20 Pixel Art #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming Trivia on 2024-02-13 06:23:11. It has garnered 1 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Can you guess Art? Minecraft PE 1.20 Pixel Art #shorts pixel art minecraft big , love pixel art minecraft , pixel art minecraft fnaf , pixel art minecraft hard , pixel art minecraft logo , pixel art minecraft meme , minecraft ruffy pixel art , pixel art minecraft steve , lucario pixel art minecraft , pixel art minecraft skibidi… Read More

  • CoraliaMC

    CoraliaMCWelcome to CoraliaMC, a Towny and USW paradise for players! Compatible with Bedrock! Port 8036 for Bedrock. Get started and get $2000 in-game currency on request! Admins and mods are usually online from 4-6 pm central, and you can find them usually all day on the weekends. (and oh yeah we have a buc-ees) play.coraliamc.com Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded – Custom Plugins – NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server just looking to have fun without everything locked behind a paywall! We try to keep things as simple as possible for anyone who joins. We may not boast some of the features other servers have, but we try to be as fun as possible! Server Features: Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen for all worlds Rotating Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Catch Combos, Mega Evos Land Claiming, Pokehunts, GTS Player Warps and Player Chest Shops and more! Server Links & Info: IP: cobble.pokeclash.com Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric Discord: Join our Discord Mod Packs:… Read More

  • ArchMC | Rule Your Own Game

    ArchMC | Rule Your Own GameArchMC is one of the biggest servers in North America with gamemodes designed for every play style. Founded by a team of Minecrafters, our server has become the go-to for anybody seeking a new experience and a fresh breath of gameplay. Whether you’re into Minigames, Hardcore Survival, or Creative plots, there’s something for everyone here. Join today and Rule Your Own Game. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft perfection, defined

    This meme is so relatable, even the Endermen are nodding in agreement. Read More

  • Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06)

    Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06) In this Minecraft world, we craft and build, With rhymes and beats, our creativity fulfilled. From cozy cottages to gardens so green, Every detail in rhyme, a sight to be seen. Campfires on roofs, and barrels for decor, Pathways of stone, leading to the door. Melon seeds planted, in soil so rich, Hydrated with water, a garden to enrich. Andesite and stone, textures so fine, Mixing and matching, in every design. From fireplace to flower box, every detail refined, In this Minecraft world, our creativity shines. So join us next time, for combat and more, In this Minecraft world,… Read More

  • “Hot Portal Dilemma: Nether Survival Edition” 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes

    "Hot Portal Dilemma: Nether Survival Edition" 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes When you can’t decide which Nether portal to choose, just remember: it’s like picking the lesser of two evils…but with more lava and pigmen. Choose wisely, my friend. #MinecraftStruggles 😂🔥🐷 Read More

  • Space Jump Shenanigans

    Space Jump Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars: A Fun and Exciting Gaming Experience Introduction to Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars is a popular game mode that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and creativity within the Minecraft universe. Players compete in teams to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of opposing teams. It’s a fast-paced and thrilling experience that requires quick thinking and coordination. Features of Minecraft Bedwars Team-based Gameplay: Players team up to defend their beds and eliminate opponents. Resource Gathering: Collect resources to build defenses, weapons, and tools. Bed Protection: Safeguard your bed to prevent respawning after elimination. Strategic Planning: Develop… Read More

  • Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shorts

    Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thali Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:30:23. It has garnered 1029 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts minecraft tower tutorial,minecraft tower,how to build a tower in minecraft,minecraft build,how to build a medieval tower in minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft tutorial,how to build,minecraft mage tower,stable minecraft,minecraft ship,minecraft wizard tower,how to build a wizard tower in minecraft,how to build a fantasy tower in minecraft,minecraft ship tutorial,how to build a small medieval… Read More

  • Unleashing “The Curse”: Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4

    Unleashing "The Curse": Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4Video Information a loyal buler go back to serving team hey Mr werewolf hey Uncle Uncle Wolfie where’d he go well he’s gone over there now just keep bading him places we just keep sending him off the edge oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you is it finally over am I free it’s a his powers were supposed to be sueme I many all right I’m going in since I have like no Health we died at the exact same [Music] time welcome back mother time for you to die I’m using the emergency axe now since I… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraft

    🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraftVideo Information वेलकम बैक टू द राज एपिक गेमिंग और आज हम लोग अपना माफ्ट का फर्स्ट पार्ट स्टार्ट करने वाले तो गाइस आज हम लोग अपने माफ्ट के प्यारे से वर्ल्ड में एक प्यारा सा घर बनाएंगे और एक प्यारा सा एनिमल फार्म और आयरन की माइनिंग करेंगे यही सब जो नॉर्मल बंदे करते हैं मा में ही करेंगे बेसिक नीड कंप्लीट करेंगे उसके बा फिर हम लोग लास्ट मतलब लास्ट एपिसोड में एंडर ड्रैगन को मारेंगे विदाउट एनी [संगीत] चीट ंग [संगीत] रिसोर्सेस जनरेटिंग वा बन जा यार और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा यह ग्राफ दीजिए देखिए… Read More

  • Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City Seaside city is one of the largest urban Minecraft cities that have ever constructed however I built it in 2019 and 2020 and as you can see it’s looking a bit old and outdated so in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City and giving it a major [Music] overhaul [Music] all right so the first thing we need to do is build the roads in the city so as you can see here I’m going to try and do that but what I realized is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!Video Information J Leute was geht hier ist der zweite Part von meiner halben Herzen Challenge etwas verspätet aber er ist hier es ist leider etwas Aufnahme verloren gegangen weshalb ich jetzt ziemlich am Ende der Challenge bin und den netherp auch schon geskippt habe aber es ist alles live passiert alles legit und ja viel Spaß mit dem Finale ALR wir haben glaube ich alles oder kürbischnitzen w vielleicht nicht schlecht fürs end okay nachdenken wir haben mehr als dre ST pile sollte hoffentlich reichen für den Ender Dragon F wenn nicht dann kotze ich mache ich auch nach… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT HORROR WORLD - MUST WATCH!Video Information before the video starts I just want to say thank you everyone for 1,000 subscribers I know it’s not something too crazy but it’s a little crazy for me because like two months ago I just hit 200 subscribers and like now I have 1,000 so that’s like like I’m a little speechless right now I don’t really know what to say other than just thank you I do want to say I don’t plan on having an upload schedule because I want to take my time in editing these videos trying to come up with other video… Read More

A Very Modded Beginning! In Modded Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Ep 1