A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT – MINECRAFT: How to build wooden house (Rustic)

Video Information

Hello guy it’s almost addicted here and today we’re gonna build this beautiful beautiful wooden house as you can see look at this and we’re gonna go all the way inside on the inside as well look at that it’s fantastic all the way around and there yeah if you do like

These videos make sure you slap that like button subscribe when you do slap that like button it just really really helps me it’s kind of like saying thank you for doing these tutorials and I really really do appreciate I’ve got that as well and put that down in the

Description that’s a medieval in a medieval bakery and it’s got a lot market on the side as well so we’ll go inside quickly I have a quick look so as you can see we’ve got all this got a little table got a little kitchen and we’ve got a

Place to do our enchanting I’ve made like a secret place in there which is pretty blue ste and then we’ve got the upstairs which is pretty simple we’ve got a bed and the stuff is all nice and little so this is a nice little wooden cabin I really hope you guys really

Enjoy this and yes share it with your friends if you think your friends would like this build it on servers and their credit me for the design it really really does help me out so that further ado let’s build this right so let’s do

This this should fit in a 20 x 20 cm plot so yeah and what we’re going to need is oak wood we’ll need all the spruce we’ll need some oak planks and oak pens some wooden trapdoors and some glass paints all the blocks depended I think a Minecraft Pocket Edition when

It’s got like little bits like this I don’t think you can slot them in so instead of that detail just add the blocks instead so we’re going to start off at the front here one two we’re going to count up two spaces here one two three spaces here one two and

Another three spaces one two now behind here we’re going to turn around to the right hand side count one two spaces one two three four five all together on this one and at the other side now so this is on the left-hand side going to the side

One two one two three four five now what we’re going to do from here from this five block we’re going to count one two and then come back and place one two we’re going to count one two spaces one two and then we’re going to have 1 2 3 spaces once

– as you can see what we’ve got this so far and then we’re going to turn around here one two so it’s kind of making a little square here now we’re going to go back from this block count one two on the third one so you should have that

There as you can see we’re going to bring this up five one two three four five now across the back now we’re going to have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten spaces on the eleven point one two three four five now we have got our basics down round the

Back what I’m going to do I’m going to have like a little trim so we’re going to run this all the way across with the spruce wood we’ll do it all on the insides we’ll do it on the inside of here run it to that block I think yeah

We’ll run it across here as well so run it across here and across here as well as you can see so we can start putting our air spruce down as the floor so we’re going to fill this all the way around I’m going to speed this up for

The floor but we’re just going to fill all that in with a spruce all right so we’ve got that nicely filled in we are going to go to the front now and from the right hand side here we’re going to count 1 2 with upside down stairs

1 2 3 upside down stairs and then we’re going to have the stairs as I think I put clocks yeah 1 2 3 they’re so normal stairs because we’re going to go up here this is going to be the way up and then we’re going to have upside down stairs

Here 1 2 1 2 here as well and then we are going to get some planks some fences sorry oak fanswers across there obviously not across there 1 2 3 across here and then we’re going to put one on each of these four posts at the front we’re going to

Put one on each of these as well these ones so let’s do this bit now 1 2 we’re going to fill all this in but in fact I’m going to put the upside down stairs there and there and then we can fill this whole thing in here you can fill

This in with a block so we should have a little shape it looks canonised so I’m going to keep referring back to this one just so I get a cannon that spot-on for you guys so we’re going to have our doorway here and it’s going to

Be two up so we’re going to go along like that and then we’re basically just going to fill all this in to the fifth level of these logs so as you can see here that should be all filled in what I’ve done at this side is put one two

Three slabs across there and then we’ve put our oak here with the fences just makes it look quite nice no I think I’ve actually put these up an extra one so we’re going to put these up an extra one and then we’re going to have like a

Little porch area I don’t know it looks quite nice you don’t have to add all this other stuff but it just makes the build look a lot better I feel so now what we’re going to do we’re going to work on maybe the roof we might maybe do

These sides as well because there yeah we’re going to work on that so obviously going to have a full block going across and then we’re going to have that three window there so as you can see what we’re going to do is we’re going to get a full block going across on the

Right-hand side of the building if you’re facing it as you can see there and we’re going to do a strip up to the fifth a strip up to the fifth here and then we’re going to have a window here so that we’re going to have this window

Here and I think that one’s the third one as well so we can add the glass one two one lots of strips – lots of strips now if Minecraft Pocket Edition doesn’t work when you actually put in these on them I do apologize so what we’re going

To do now we’re going to get that upside down stairs across there just to kind of trim it in make it look like it’s got a nicer you know little a window think reject I don’t know I don’t know what I’m on about so now we’re obviously

Going to have a strip going all the way across that’s going to go up the middle so I have a strip of the out going all the way across here we’re going to find the dead center which is – obviously by the doorway we’re going to raise this up

To the fifth so we’re going to move this across here so that’s going across there and we’re going to be puncturing a hole out there anyway so we’re going to put two either side of here and then we’re going to puncture that hole out for the

Window I think what I’ve done the window is in is just like a two gap year so we’re going to put this up the side this at the side and then I think I did ya I did exactly the same where we’ve got the oak I was putting across

The top there a top there and then obviously fill it in with blocks if you’re a Minecraft Pocket Edition I don’t know how the mechanics work but I think it’s said I don’t know it’s a bit silly it’s a bit different but we’re going to put one over side here one

Other side here one over side here and that is the OKs set and then we are going to put our half slabs one two one two just makes it look a little bit nicer and then we’re going to count 1 2 with the trapdoors here I’m going to

Obviously shut these to look quite nice and then we’re going to go to this side we’ll do this one one two one two and I think I’m going to leave that window I think I’m going to leave that one that’s fine fine how it is I’ve done that the

Same and then we can get onto the roof we’ve got that we can work on this a little bit as well we can add that little bit in later so yet we’ve got to work on the roof now and obviously the front of the house

Where we’ve got our windows in so I mean we can do the windows but windows split now I don’t know where the hell I’m on about bro right so we’re going to put it here and here so it’s level with this doorway and we’re going to bring them up

One two three four so it’s five altogether obviously from this ground level I forgot to fill this in so we’ll fill this bottom layer in now so obviously we’re standing our porch and we don’t fall down into the grass this is never a good thing so I’ve got a four window here fantastic

So I’ve done something a little different here I’ve done these windows going across here but I’ve done it from here you know I’ve done it from that but I mean you can have it off as a four it really doesn’t matter if you want as a

Four if you want is a free that’s the beauty of this build you can kind of change it up now I’ve done something a little bit different here put two of the spruces here and then I put these as well and yeah I just think just to mix

Your build up so it’s just not all in the same color it’s kind of nice thing to do and that I think I did put a little trim across the top underneath there but I think that’s going to be covered anyway sir it’s no biggie on that one and across the door

And yeah so across the Darnell we’re going to get to across there we’re going to get to across there we’ll have a little balcony here and then we’ll get out glass panes back up so we’ll get the glass panes I’ll save those for later one two one two there and a yeah put

This trim across here and I think we’re going to have something trimming across there which doesn’t matter so much I think we can just get the full blocks and just place it across because that’s going to be hidden anywhere so it doesn’t really matter and what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to place it out like this we’re going to run this all the way across to the other side so it’s overlapping by one and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to put this and it’s going to overlap so it’s

Level with that and we’re going to run it all the way across so we should have just enough room so one overlap in there and now we’re going to go up a stage with our blocks you’ll have to remove that and put it back and then we’re

Going to put this all the way across as well now we’re basically I’m sure you guys can do this this is going all the way across overlap in there all the way across to the back here and we’re just basically going to follow this pattern

Till the roofs meet at the top so this puts that under this and we’re doing the same at the other side this under this under now for this bit I’ve done it a little bit different but starting from here I think we can do it already

I don’t know so we can put one on here put it out by one and we’ve kind of got that ready and I think I did it back as well I think you did it back so we’ll put this up one one and basically we’re

Going to have the roof where it comes to here and then I think I start bringing out there and there we’re just going to fit the roof into it if you know what I mean right I might as well stay around and get this a little bit done this will be a cross

Underneath here so obviously still following the term roof design when it gets to this bit obviously we’ll put knees underneath for the next level as you can see it would should blend it into the roof so we go like that and then these levels should

Go into the roof as you can see there and this side is well we’re gonna do the same I can speed it up for the rest of them but I’m just gonna get this little bit done because some people are gonna be struggling probably coming in I’m

Stuck – Pat and now yeah and just I don’t know how but I’ve just got my edge stuck like lean out in a plant pot and them yeah I just cap it in what come bro you can do this one you can do this so for this bit we’re going to put

Underneath underneath there underneath there and there we’re going to get these join in so we can get a roof on the top so this roof is going to go on the top follow the same roof design so we’re following it round to that side there

And then we’re going to do the same on the other side and the rest should be pretty much basic and simple even though that was basic and simple but yeah so we’re going to get these roofs they’re going to join up to the middle this roof

Is flat as you can see at the back here and then what we are going to do is get a log there and then ruin a half slab going across the top so I’m going to speed this up for this pin out right so once you’re done it should look

Like that I have actually put up going all the way through but if you want to save on resources you can just put the one there so you can just have the one and then fill the rest in with spruce or whatever and for this side now what we

Are going to do we’re going to raise up this side and here and we’re going to have kind of like a window here so the rest of it we can fill in so we can fill in this bit the side this bit other side

And then we can fill in the top so we should have a two gap with the one there we can fill that window in let’s just check is there yeah fill that in and then we’re going to get our trapdoors it just makes it hell of a lot nicer makes

It look really nice with the trap doors on kind of like a side panel windows because it’s quite difficult to replicate that sort of design in Minecraft but yeah there you go if this side I’ve kind of just done exactly the same so we’ve got the – you

Can raise these up making sure you’ve got dead center there where we can fit our two ones you can put that at the top fill that in fill these two or three even get up filled in there there there and yeah we’ll get the glass in I’m

Going to put these first because haven’t got my glass out and it did actually add some buttons on the outside and stuff but that’s completely optional and I’ll just show you guys when – yeah so as you can see I just put one put snow in there

It’s there as you can see and then a little extra design is kind of like I don’t know it’s kind of like nailing panels or something that you probably get on an old house like that and then that is pretty much it for the outside I

Think or in fact we have got this it’s just a little extra bit it’s where we go like this and then we put a slab in the middle and then obviously we’re going to get a dirt block if we’re in survival but you can actually spread it up if you

Get a dirt block and get the grass to spread up and then you can spread it across there so we’re going to have three there we’re gonna get our trapdoors across the three filled that in there put that there and then I just got a spruce plank but I mean you do

Have to put this underneath if you want a little extra kind of tied to the house if we can actually fit it in that’s what she said Hey and that she did right so we’re we’re gonna get that on I did actually make it a little bit different so I’ll put this

Across here and then that goes up and down just like that in fact I might put it there and I’ll put it there I think I did that little thing anyway you should fit two of them in I think I’ve done it wrong so you have two fences here of the spruce

Just to kind of give it a different chocolate cover you know and then we’re gonna put this like this it’s kind of like I don’t know just then adds to it think it looks quite nice and there yeah so the inside now we’re gonna obviously use the Spruce doors because I think the

Spruce tiles look we’ve got a log cabin sort of feel and I’m going to show you in the other house em and then you can kind of replicate cut yeah I mean the roof level is this or the floor level even floor level is this level underneath that window it

Should be underneath here as well so you can fill all that in get all that in as well so that’s filled in now I’ll show you inside the other house and then you can kind of replicate it but if you want to add some more detail to this

Obviously you can get your little flowers out and still Fernet depending up on what you want you know just one there and maybe two flowers here you can get some bushes going and some vines coming down if you want it sort of like it I don’t know that jungle sort of forest

Sort of looks already jungle why I don’t know why the hell little bit in a jungle and then across the back you don’t have to you can just put a bear cross here maybe make it a bit more really sticking you know like build it up kind of thing

It’s just entirely up to you what you kind of wanted to work with it how you want it to do maybe one is the exacting up just kind of making its way up your house and then I forgot this little bit as well put these little porch bits on

Obviously just makes it look a little nicer and yeah this side as you can see just kinda this exact it up so we’ll go on the inside I will show you guys and then you can kind of replicate you don’t have to do it like this so as

Soon as you get in I just put a little strip of the carpet I put a little thing there and across here I’ve count one two three across this doorway and count with one two with the oak fence put two chests here and then counting from this chest

One two three four we’re punching out a hole there and then you could just do whatever you like maybe making a chump and place down there an underground base whatever you want to do so from this side here we’ve got this log let’s attach to the door so that log one one

Two three and we’re going to place a log going up into there we’re going to place a slab on top of that obviously so it’ll fit on to the roof we’re gonna put a stair they’re upside down stair there another one there and then we’re going

To put a log next to it we’re going to build that up to the roof we’re gonna have one two and then another log going up there and then we can just build our stairs from there so one two three four five and you should have enough to just

Have the one here you don’t have to do this maybe we put a nice trim of a fence going around you put an oak there oak there maybe slot your bed in there with a bit of a carpet on the bottom just makes it look quite nice some glowstone

Here if you want to light up I mean you can put some extra fences under here as I’ve done just to make it look a little bit better and you can actually put your Chester’s underneath em because I’ve made the roof with stairs so you can still add all your chest underneath

There which is quite cool and there by this doorway I’ve just put a little table so obviously you get your pistons you just put a little redstone torch underneath like that I get a piston put your redstone torch down then your piston little pop-up and then that I’ve

Just put a little shelf going across here and then these last free I’ve put a slab with a little I’ve got what’s called lever but a lever on and then a cauldron a little furnace with a little bit of cobblestone going up to the top a

Little plant pot with it a fern in it your brewing stand there a bit of chess and nice pretty much it guys you can just add your little extra details like you’ve got there stairs coming up here so you’re zigzagging it up and that is pretty much it I really really hope you

Guys enjoyed this to help me to the maximun and you’ve done this tutorial you know definitely slap that like button it puts that video out for me and it makes it just makes me grow so much more it shows me that you guys enjoy videos like this and then you know you

Know and you know I can make more see yeah we’re yeah if I definitely get more than let’s let’s reach for 200 likes on this bad boy and I never asked for that many likes 200 likes that’s that’s gonna be beasty so as you can see here what I’ve done

Here as well just added a little extra it’s just put a bit across here maybe that going across there you can have a little arch where as well you kind of like an archway you know you can do whatever you want to do you can put a

Little fence across there as well boom boom so yeah subscribe if you like this and definitely going to do more houses like this and as you can see I’ve got this down in the description so if you want to build this medi for bakery definitely have a look at that I’ve got

Some small house tutorials I’ve got some other cool ones over here so I’d be almost addicted I shall catch you in the next video and thank you so much if you do subscribe you guys who wait to the end and watch this whole video you’re the people who make at my channel grow

So much so I really do appreciate it and big love and kisses that’s so sappy bye guys I’m gonna go shoot myself now Oh

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: How to build wooden house (Rustic)’, was uploaded by A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT on 2016-08-27 19:49:04. It has garnered 262855 views and 5364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:56 or 1256 seconds.

Minecraft: how to build a wooden house tutorial. This house is Cosy little, cute house. – vanilla minecraft – Rustic House

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    Minecraft Stoneopolis | EPIC Modded Questing!Video Information Isaac welcome back to what could potentially be the final episode of stone opis we’re here Isaac in the updated base and have a look Isaac in the ultimate crafting table in all of its Glory keep looking in there Isaac cuz I am about to shatter your hopes and dreams and I’m going to take everything out taking everything out it’s going it’s going no oh my God it’s doing a little dance in here why is it doing a dance that’s a good question no one knows just take all the items out Nick it’s part… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SAIYAN TRANSFORMATION?! 🐉 #1Video Information aujourd’hui non seulement on va jouer au meilleur mode Minecraft de tous les temps ce n’est pas une blague je le pense réellement mais en plus de ça je l’ai déjà fait donc oui je recommence une série maisou mais tuas dit que tu ferais plus de séries je sais je j’ai je sais je j’étais nostalgieque donc le mode dragon block on commence en choisissant notre race donc on va faire bah semi Sayen je pense comme ça je pourrais choisir la couleur de mes cheveux je fais toujours la même chose et ça risque pas de… Read More

  • CRAZY Cactus Cheats Exposed in Minecraft! | Antimen Ep. 2

    CRAZY Cactus Cheats Exposed in Minecraft! | Antimen Ep. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘КАКТУС С ЧИТАМИ |6СЕРИЯ|Part 2|Анимация майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Antimen on 2024-04-13 19:49:19. It has garnered 140 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. #mincraft #minecraft #animation Discord group (yes we are alive :)) https://discord.com/invite/eJdGPWYs Теги(не читай 😑) minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft mod, camman18, minecraft challenge, minecraft speedrun, camman18 minecraft, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but i cant touch grass, camman18 shorts, minecraft facts, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but you cant touch the color, minecraft update, canman, camman, minecraft seed, minecraft rarest, minecraft how to, whats the rarest,… Read More

  • EXHIBIT A IS BACK! Join now for Modded Minecraft fun! 😱

    EXHIBIT A IS BACK! Join now for Modded Minecraft fun! 😱Video Information e e e e e hello can everyone hear me mic check actually it’s a 30 second delay isn’t it I’m GNA have to wait 30 seconds to see any responses in chat I think um in the event that you actually can hear and see me right now hello everyone okay good good everyone can can hear me hell yeah all right so um it has been about 3 years give or take since my last stream um and it’s going to take I’m going to have to get back into the swing of things because uh… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: The deadliest fight in Minecraft Battle Royale!

    Ultimate showdown: The deadliest fight in Minecraft Battle Royale!Video Information today 100 players were dropped into a giant Minecraft Hunger Games Arena each with the goal to be the last player alive will I be able to out survive all 100 other players and survive until the end well I was about to find out as I joined the Hunger Games I’m just going to run straight away from mid three two one let’s go oh my God that was quick don’t start punching me do not start punching me only two pieces you kidding me is that enough for a sword it is that is enough for… Read More

  • 💎🌳 Unlock the SECRET to the Diamond Tree in Minecraft! #sensaiyt

    💎🌳 Unlock the SECRET to the Diamond Tree in Minecraft! #sensaiytVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Custom Diamond Tree in Minecraft! 💎🌳#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sensai Yt on 2024-06-09 12:00:13. It has garnered 1041 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Building a Custom Diamond Tree in Minecraft! 💎🌳 Description: Welcome to our Minecraft adventure! In today’s video, we’re diving into the world of custom builds with a spectacular Diamond Tree. Watch as we gather resources, design, and construct this dazzling masterpiece. In This Video: Resource Gathering: Find out the best strategies for collecting diamonds and other essential materials. Tree Design:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! #1 Sky Thug Extra

    Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! #1 Sky Thug ExtraVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making A Stater House In Minecraft Part – 1 || Minecraft Survival Series || #1 || Sky Thug Extra’, was uploaded by Sky Thug Extra on 2024-03-05 14:13:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello friends, my name is Sky and Everyone is Welcome to My channel, Video and Description. You will get All Gaming Related … Read More

  • AthenaMC

    AthenaMCThe best non Pay-To-Win Skyblock server out there.! – Island Top payouts! – F2W! – Custom experience – Seasson 1 release join now athenamc.my.pebble.host! Read More

  • Mildew RP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Java Roleplay Discord 18+ Whitelist

    “The sky is far from a limit. So why don’t we paint the stars?” Mildew RP is a new Minecraft roleplay server based on existing Minecraft lore with a unique twist. Choose from eight species to create your character, each with different mobs to inspire you. Your builds are not limited by any specific time period, so let your imagination run wild! What we offer: A Safe Space: Zero tolerance for harassment. A World You Help Shape: Mold the world as your character wakes up with no memory. Squaremap: No risk of getting lost. Friendly and Active Staff: Quick help… Read More

  • [Minewarcraft] PvE & PvP Open World (NEW GAMEMODE!)

    [Minewarcraft] PvE & PvP Open World (NEW GAMEMODE!)Minewarcraft, an MMORPG created by the American company NCN Entertainment and released on November 14, 2017 & released as Minewarcraft: Herosane’s Wrath in 2020 is a brand new expansion of minewarcraft. Set in the fictional town, interact with nonreal players—called nonplayer characters (NPCs)—and other real-world players (PCs). Various quests, battles, and missions are completed alone or in guilds, and the rewards for success include gold, weapons, and valuable items, which are used to improve one’s character. Characters advance by killing other creatures to earn experience. Once enough experience is acquired, the character gains a level, which increases the character’s powers. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the rise and fall of a legend

    “I guess you could say watching Minecraft videos has turned into a real ‘block’ party now.” Read More

  • Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor

    Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor In the world of Minecraft, a qualified boyfriend is rare, One who faces fear with his girlfriend, showing he cares. Exploring a haunted map, with weapons in hand, Protecting her, making her feel grand. But alas, in a room filled with loot, The girlfriend gets scared, giving him the boot. He tries to save her, but she pushes him away, Breaking up, with nothing left to say. In the classroom, the teacher plays a game, Students try to avoid homework, it’s all the same. From sneaky reports to skipping class, The teacher catches them, they can’t surpass. But in… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #hot #lol

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #hot #lol Why did the Minecraft player bring a pillow to the game? To add some texture to their sleep! #MinecraftHumor #PillowTexture Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built a REAL CANNON in Minecraft! 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built a REAL CANNON in Minecraft! 😱Video Information Freunde herzlich willkommen auf meinem kleinen Schiff in Cre life 5 wir sind endlich da wir haben schon ein bisschen gespielt ihr seht schon ein bisschen stuff hinter mir wir haben nämlich am Samstag live auf einer Messe create life 5 gestartet es war sehr sehr white das hat aber sehr sehr gekracht deswegen seht ihr jetzt mal ganz kurz ein paar Zusammenschnitte von dem ersten Tag ich sitze gerade einfach auf so Ries g Kaktus ich weiß nicht ob ich Euch das hier zeigen kann warte ich guck mal hier kommt gleich keine Burg ne do wir… Read More

  • Surviving Day 29: Haunted Mine Exploration

    Surviving Day 29: Haunted Mine ExplorationVideo Information previously on Surviving 100 nights of Minecraft he I think we found something we definitely did what is it though I think it’s a m shaft how do you know see it is it’s a m shaft we found an abandoned M shaft dude people actually get but what’s down here Evan I don’t know um maybe we should go back Evan bro whoa what happened I I have no idea man wait there’s something there’s something behind you what what’s that noise it was a zombie I think what’s going on where are we at I don’t… Read More

  • Ultimate Crystal PvP Gameplay on 2b2t Server!

    Ultimate Crystal PvP Gameplay on 2b2t Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t Crystal PvP (King POV)’, was uploaded by Spikestinger on 2024-05-08 01:19:50. It has garnered 1834 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. #2b2t #crystalpvp #minecraft one Thumbnail by @hazel2b2t servers: 2b2t.org, 2b2tpvp.net, strict.2b2tpvp.net, 0b0t.org, 8b8t.me, alacity.net tags: (not stolen.) tags: 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, futureclient, future, babytron, montage2b2t, babytron music, spikestinger, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to crystal pvp,future client, 2b2tpvp,how to pvp,minecraft pvp,pvp tutorial,anarchy,minecraft anarchy,fitmc tuffty anarchy,salc1,2b2t pvp,2b2t meta,2b2t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trending Shorts in My One Block World! #cotugaming77

    Insane Minecraft Trending Shorts in My One Block World! #cotugaming77Video Information हेलो गाइस तो हमस आ चुके अपने सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड में वन ब्लॉक सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड में और देखो मैंने यय बनाया है इसमें डुबकी लगा के आता हूं जल्दी से और फिर जल्दी से आपको कुछ और भी दिखाता हूं जल्दी से यह देखो यह य माइनिंग करता हूं माइनिंग करके दिखाता हूं यह वन ब्लॉक है हमारा और आगे देखो मैंने इतना बड़ा एरिया कब्जी में ले रखा है अपने क्या आपने इतना बड़ाया कब्जे में लिया कभी न बलक के अंदर और इसके लिए कास लेता हूं भा ये स्लाइम बहुत उरला है इसके दोनों अंडे निकाल… Read More

  • Insane Farming and Epic Dungeons in Minecraft!

    Insane Farming and Epic Dungeons in Minecraft!Video Information wait no are we back [Music] all right are we good now we all good I’m sorry I don’t know what happened with my internet I’m so sorry sorry for having to make you guys watch ads I don’t know what happened this is like the first time my internet has ever cut out I don’t think I’ve ever had my internet cut out like that before figet it with a cannonball what what oh my God [ __ ] you guys are some goobers bro I have a cannonball that I Spit on my desk I um… Read More

  • END RAIDING on Minecraft – PinQuazaVGC SMP

    END RAIDING on Minecraft - PinQuazaVGC SMPVideo Information H what she person purple hair they better than no headphone yeah someone steals them oh hey you’re actually live now yeah I know I know what why didn’t you tell me uh didn’t want to interrupt whatever you’re talking about we are live let me let me get my phone out so I actually read chat that’s I’m also had another viewer who I just had to relaunch OBS that was a problem oh are you oh yeah yeah why is it is it my God John hold on let me let me mute the stream hey… Read More

  • Insane Pixelmon Farming in Minecraft!

    Insane Pixelmon Farming in Minecraft!Video Information rapaziada traz a Live aqui é oi de boa na vida de boa você Su fazendo Live no Instagram fazendo Live no Instagram su beleza Feliz Páscoa para você também juna famlia e ganhe muitos ovos chocolate ó o feca agora pronto í velho ele ele é lindo R Posso morar aí não por que pode sim Lógico que pode já comeu quantos ovos ixi o Mateus aí que tá na C tá se acabando o ovo de chocolate Sai daí enfiando tudo na boca de bombom Tudo na boca enfiando aí não tanco mobile é horrível [… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Gamer Surprises Everyone! #Shorts

    Minecraft Pro Gamer Surprises Everyone! #ShortsVideo Information हेलो गाइस कैसे हो आप सभी लोग अबे रुको रुको रुको हेलो गाइस कैसे हो आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू न्यू न्यू लाइव स्ट्रीम चलो गाइस रुका मुझे कमेंट ओपन करने दो दो सेकंड रुको दो नोटिफिकेशन भी आ क्या चलो ममज आ गया दोम हेलो एसटी वाटी भाई कैसे हो सर एसटी वाटी मेरे भाई कैसे हो वेलकम ूम दिल से शुक्रिया स्म जवाइन करने के लिए भैया आपने बेडर एडिशन सर्वर बनाया हां बनाया बनाया एक सर्वर में उसमें सब लोग खेल सकते हैं ठीक है लाइक बेडरॉक जावा एक है रुको मैं दे दूंगा… Read More

  • Rich JJ Family Bunker TSUNAMI Survival Battle – INSANE Minecraft Base!

    Rich JJ Family Bunker TSUNAMI Survival Battle - INSANE Minecraft Base!Video Information friends look I have a lot of money and now my friends and I will go choose a bunker for ourselves I wonder who can afford a more expensive bunker and for example this one is very very expensive I’m the last one how many zeros are there and this resident seems to be selling it so friends I wonder what kind of Bunker is there look and there is a bunker that costs only $1 why are they all fighting I don’t understand residents please let’s calm down yes I understand that you really want to go… Read More

A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT – MINECRAFT: How to build wooden house (Rustic)