minecraft 1.21 survival island seed

  • Survival Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.21!

    Survival Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.21! Exploring the Top 25 Survival Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.21! Modern Classic Survival Island This seed presents a modern twist on the classic survival island, featuring stony shores instead of the usual beach. The refined search conditions used to discover this seed have resulted in a collection of small islands that offer a unique Minecraft experience. Ocean Village In this seed, players will encounter an ocean village situated in the middle of the vast ocean expanse. With 14 buildings, including masons houses and armorers, this village stands out as a significant landmark in the sea. Small Forest Island A… Read More

  • Dream spills how his DreamSMP blew up

    Dream spills how his DreamSMP blew upVideo Information What’s the story behind the dream smp i feel like that’s kind of what all these other minecrafters are a part of who are huge and it’s got your name right in the title the dream smp originally i just wanted to play survival with me and my friends until eventually tommy in it Just talk to him a couple weeks ago don’t miss it link somewhere i don’t know he ended up asking if he could join originally i said no i was like ah nah because he was such a big troll you didn’t know if… Read More

  • Hermitcraft 9: Episode 15 – GO FAST

    Hermitcraft 9: Episode 15 - GO FASTVideo Information So about that YouTube schedule I managed to maintain a perfect YouTube schedule for one week and then the next week I’ve got a little bit behind I’ve managed to be consistently one day late on every single video this hermitcraft episode might end up being two days late but you See I’ve had a bit of a personal thing come up I I think we should head over to personal Corner which I haven’t actually built yet so let’s quickly do that I’ve heard purple is a calming color this is going to be my finest Minecraft… Read More

  • Testing Scary Minecraft Myths that were Forgotten…

    Testing Scary Minecraft Myths that were Forgotten…Video Information Starts raining then stops snowing but instead of freezing the ice begins to melt there is something hiding trapped inside the iceberg you see two glowy white eyes this is our first a screenshot of evidence comes from the latest version of the game 1.19.2 where you can clearly see these Three points on the top and this one the fourth to the side why is this important because players have reported seeing this exact same Iceberg across different seeds and versions of the game such as this one from 2019 on version two and three and… Read More

  • Youtubers play MINECRAFT EARTH for the first time

    Youtubers play MINECRAFT EARTH for the first timeVideo Information Bienvenidos nuevamente a bobby craft sabías que varios youtubers ya pudieron jugar y probar con sus propias manos el juego de minecraft art básicamente hace unas semanas atrás estos youtubers fueron invitados para probar en exclusiva el juego de minecraft erdan opiniones y por supuesto dar sugerencias lo mejor es que ellos Han grabado y documentado su experiencia y cómo se ve en minecraft erc ya funcionando correctamente en una partida normal con amigos antes que nada el siguiente contenido proviene del canal grial en la parte de la izquierda podemos ver cómo se ve los jugadores jugando… Read More

  • I have speedrun Minecraft RTX (and therefore the Bedrock version)

    I have speedrun Minecraft RTX (and therefore the Bedrock version)Video Information J’ai enfin speedrun minecraft en bedrock édition et le tout en rt x beaucoup d’entre vous savent que j’adore minecraft et que j’aime beaucoup speedrun ce jeu mais une question revient souvent c’est est ce que tu te laisses pas de toujours faire la même chose ah ça je répondrais oui et non Dans le sens où je teste plein de catégories je me donne des objectifs mais c’est vrai que parfois en enchaînant plusieurs sessions malchanceuse ça peut être un peu frustrant c’est pour ça que quand on ne propose de tester minecraft rtx je dis pourquoi… Read More

  • Call Me What You Like – Lovejoy – Minecraft Music Maker Mod Cover

    Call Me What You Like - Lovejoy - Minecraft Music Maker Mod CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Call Me What You Like – Lovejoy – Minecraft Music Maker Mod Cover’, was uploaded by The V on 2023-05-27 19:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Call Me What You Like – Lovejoy – A Minecraft Music Maker Mod Cover Song made entirely in the Music Maker Mod (v1.18.2): … Read More

  • What can I do with this crater?

    What can I do with this crater?By Curious-Jelly4583 on 2023-08-07 22:48:10 and they scored 0 points! I think I’m too close for a villager or iron farm, I already have a animal and crop farm, so now what? Read More

  • Minecraft Championship The 30th – Red Rabbits

    Minecraft Championship The 30th - Red RabbitsVideo Information Hello everybody and welcome to mcc30 it’s almost as old as I am brought to you by the like button make sure to hit it up and subscribe to captainsparklezq and follow on Twitch to catch the mcc’s live and all that awesome super duper cool stuff it’s gonna be slick the team Today is me Hannah Rose Captain puffy and sapna it’s just Omega teams for this mcc’s absolute Insanity bro so let’s get into it okay I stand there and punch and you do the twerking got it will do I don’t know if we got… Read More

  • So I Got Invited to the HARDEST Minecraft Event…

    So I Got Invited to the HARDEST Minecraft Event...Video Information Alex yo you’re popping off holy let’s go alex stay alive alex get him alex get him i played in a minecraft event with my friends mr cat fire breath man and a magician and declan i streamed this live over at twitch.tv wolfy so if the quality is a little bit bad sometimes That’s why alright hope you enjoy if everyone is ready we shall uh get on the way running Uh i mean if you want oh my god shane well it’s not last yeah i wonder what it is guys Oh okay i just felt… Read More

  • How To Download & Install Data Packs in Minecraft (1.19.3)

    How To Download & Install Data Packs in Minecraft (1.19.3)Video Information Data packs Minecraft 1.19.3 let’s get them installed so first things first you’re gonna need to download a data pack now you may already have one but I’m guessing you might want some others so in the description down below we have this list of the best data packs for Minecraft it’s a list of as you can see I believe like about 10 or so data packs that are really good and what’s great is they’re all working on the newest version of Minecraft now in this specific video we’re gonna install vanilla tweaks well at least… Read More