All 5 Maps! Interactive Pirates Adventure Game At Disney’s Magic Kingdom!

Video Information

All right we’re here at Magic Kingdom and we’re going to explore the pirate quest here over by Pirates of the Caribbean is a pirate location right past the under arts will show you as we walk to it and there’s a series of five different quests you can do now rumor has it

If you accomplished two of the quest to get a free Fast Pass on Pirates of the Caribbean so we’re gonna go do the quest we’re gonna do all the quests that we can sometimes they’re down and we’re gonna quest for our free Fast Pass we are back at the Magic Kingdom and this

Time we’re going to hunt for a hidden pirate treasure you’ll understand what I mean in a moment stay tuned when you’re hunting for pirate treasure here at Magic Kingdom where do you start not at the Pirates of the Caribbean that is a very common misconception we’re actually going to go to a

Different location and we have a couple of quests we have to accomplish first prior to getting our reward you’ll see what I’m talking about any minute now This always happens when I video there’s always someone behind me waving this time I saw them so as we’re on our way to the pirate area to do our pirate quests behind me you can actually see an update of the club 33 construction over here in Adventure land so I’ve been told

By some cast members that they are absolutely taking their time here on the construction making sure that this is absolutely going to be epic and amazing it’s going to be a while right now club 33 has to open locations one in Epcot and also one over in Hollywood studios

So if you haven’t watched my club 33 video please watch that and let me know what you think but the one over at Hollywood studios is in the brown derby to the left of where you walk in – over by the bathrooms there’s an elevator that’s the entrance that Club 33 over in

Epcot it is over in America right across from the stage between the two big white buildings you’ll see kind of like a door and the door has the club 33 logo right next to it on a button so we’ll give you more updates on this as they develop all

Right we’re here at pirates the Caribbean that where do we start the pirate quest I’ll show you so complaints of creeping you’re gonna go pass over towards frontier land and you’ll see this kind of archway in front of you now straight ahead of us there’s a building and that’s where you start

The pirate quest so we’re going to go in we’re gonna use our magic band if you don’t have a magic band you can use your ticket and you’re gonna tell them how many people there are in your party and then you’re gonna start your quest [Applause] Basically a interactive scavenger hunt around Adventureland so you go to different areas in adventure land and the your Magic Band or your park ticket will trigger an interactive element in each spot so using one of our five maps that has four or five different spots

You go to each spot on the map and it’ll take you around it basically sends you to each spot and then it sends you back here you can do up to five maps for each map that you finish you get a collectible card and for two maps that

You finish you get fast passes to Pirates of the Caribbean once you finish all of them you’ll also get a finishing card that goes along with the five cards so when you lay it down flat on a flat surface there’s like a picture that it creates so it’s basically just the fun interactive

Scavenger hunt around Adventureland all right so we start in here and we’re gonna choose our language we’re gonna do English there we go say good safety tip we’re gonna scan our magic ring there we go scan to our magic ban right here how many in my party it’s just me today

Never use your fingernail or your knuckle We have king’s ransom you’re gonna go find the bird first and it’s pointing pretty clearly to the spot and then from that spot you’re going to want to get to us but you use your magic band to trigger that interactive element so you’ll rub your magic band on the on

That place and then they’ll send you to all the other spots on this map awesome and then I’ll send you a fantastic wall all right we’re off thank you so much you’re welcome see you math number one so the bird is inside the shop so the shop entrance is right there so we’re

Gonna go in there and we’re gonna find the bird and that looks like it’s this cubby hole or this curio cabinet thing ha this is it we know it’s it because there is the bird This piece of paper inside alright so we need the lion so on the map the Lions right here and it gives me a squirrel and it says my activation is way over here so here’s parents of the Caribbean so it’s gonna be right across the tower

Right here in the corner so there’s the tower next two types of approve Ian and I’ll bet you it’s this cart right over here And there’s the lion right there What peanuts they go on the bumper is whoa Shannon oh boy I fired a cannon Oh my Foolish fibers so distracted by your sinking ship you do not even think to look next to my helmet now you will never know that the treasure can be found at a magical mark of the key all right we have to go to the key I think the key usually lights up

Somewhere but they tell you what it is so let’s look on the map so here’s the key here and it’s telling me I have to go back into the store and it’s going to be kind of nearer the yeah pergolas it’s gonna be in the back here

And it’s gonna kind of look like this so let’s go back to where we were and find the key all right we’re back in the store now and we’re gonna head to the very very back in fact I think I can see it from here the old one that we did is

Right there that was when the first ones and sure enough this is where the key is so now we gotta find the key and it’s right there Proctor’s not seem to contain Calypso’s Treasury but I have found this the treasure must be the legendary sword or the King of England look closely true

There at the base of the clock so now we’re looking for the pirate ship on the map so when we look at the map pirate ship is going to be and I’ll show you in a second fairly close by so we’re off to the pirate ship so looking on the map we

Have the pirate ship here and it seems to be way over here so this is where we just came from and it’s actually down the way near the end of the corridor here so that’s our next stop acting the corridor area so there’s the one that we

Went to that was a cart with shot cannons which was really really cool and the map says it’s down here near the end so I see a barrel over there and I’ll bet you that’s the location and it should be marked with a pirate ship let’s go look Oh there’s the pirate-ship logo right there so it’s put our Magic Man Oh spent Potter you found the treasure of the Arctic and particular smugglers are sure dead all of course have to keep the more valuable pieces the brigands stole as evidence for the authorities with your assistance I’m well on my way

To finding all of clips those treasures and so it’s if you’d like to search for more set course back to the place where you signed on to this fantastical voyage in the first place it’s easy don’t ever look back for you we’ve completed the first map so now we

Have to go back to where we got our map turn it in and get our next map now remember after we’ve completed two maps we get a fast pass for the Pirates of the Caribbean so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna pleat complete the second

Map and then we’re gonna go back get our fast fast we’re gonna take a break we’re gonna do the Pirates of the Caribbean I’ll probably film part of that ride and then we’re getting continued on and tried to do all five Maps today this is our first reward for completing

The first map if you remember the last thing we saw was the sword of England so we have this nice little collector card and now we’re gonna go do map number two map number two this is our second map here now on the screen it told us to get

The Blackbeard map and we want to go first to the cannon so this shows us that the cannon is right here now we walked right by this when we went inside the building so we’re gonna head right over to where the cannon is so I want to

Remind you that every time that you come in play this game so my order is gonna be different from you order you randomly get a map and you get a random start location so you’re not gonna do all the different quests on each map you’re gonna do a select few of those so

Although I’m gonna be filming all the quests today my results from doing all the quiz could actually be very different from your results from doing all the quests so don’t let this deter you from coming in and trying this out yourself it’s a lot of fun but that being said we’re off to

The cannons where’s the cannon location and which is also the entrance to the store that we went in earlier so we got to come over here and look for a symbol there’s the cannon sometimes holy shot a cannon hit the Bell well Oh way over there Virus now fix your eyes on that parrot it’s the wheel of a ship which had not seen of it in ages find a magic marker there’s ships we are on your map and see what you can see we’re going for the ship’s wheel which is right here so the shoots wheel is

Right here it’s going to be inside the building right here and you’re the front so going there right now so this is the ship’s wheel location here several ships and bottles here and there is where we put our [Applause] All right looking on the map here’s the sand dollar and it shows it’s going to be right here so we know when we look at all this that we’re over in this section here we have to come back around that’s where the cart was that’s what you know

Where the cannon was so we have to circle back around and this is where the Tiki Room is and we’re gonna come around to the side right there and look for the sand dollar here’s the building that’s on the map and if you look down come

Right here where the bridge is and go off to the side you’ll see the sand dollar right here so we’re going to touch our magic band another cool That when we sounded to the present Olivia herself is rising again but not to worry we’ll find sparrows crew soon enough Calypso’s magic will show us where they beheaded look close there at the rocks near that sand dollar the judge of the treasure man as soon as

They’ve searched their map for the mark of the swords we’ll stop them once and for all so our next spot is the swords now ease past the swords inside the building when we were going for the ship’s wheel so we know exactly where that is and we’re gonna go back there right now

So we had done the ship’s wheel before and literally off to the side here this is where the cross swords are so we’re going to do this one here in a second so there’s the sword medallion and touch our that oh look in that it was empty Nets full of bubbles the

Treasure of the Mediterraneans power is mine Oh Davy I’ll make you regret you now be gone run along to your pirate Haven and enjoy while you can but know this you’ll never be safe Well done drew I told you like it was nothing to be afraid of I was watching everything that happened clear safe distance we are well on our way to finding all the clips those treasures but well on our way is lost all if you like this from all its known to the low-calorie

We’ve now finished two maps now we’re going to go back to where we came from and we’re getting at our Fast Pass or Pirates of the Caribbean so we’re gonna take a boat trip and continue on with our third map Blackbeard it’s my second map that’s your second map it is my

Second map well here’s your treasure that’s free thank you oh yeah I think we got our Fast Pass for pay to the Caribbean and our treasure whoa and the trip reflective is the crown which we just got that’s awesome so we’re gonna go on to our third map and

Take a small break for Pirates of the Caribbean how did you lose There we go that’s our new map all right so we got our heads are loose and we’re looking for the poison dart whoo but first head to the Caribbean now number three but before we actually start the quests on map number three and our first

Thing is the blow dart we’re going to go on Pirates of the Caribbean and I’ll film a little bit why I’m on there for you guys take that short break and go on the ride so this is the best pass that we got for the completion of two maps Quit your clucking the gentlemen want the room boy [Applause] We just got off the Pirates to creep in threw in a couple of shots for you to see how awesome the ride is and now we’re gonna be on our third map so our first step is the poison dart so here’s our new map and the poison dart is right

There and it shows it over here so like what we’ve done is we’ve done this one and we’ve done that one before and the poison dart when it looks like it’s right in the center so as soon as we exit the right to go around and to do it

Right there so there was a card and over there’s the barrel and I’ll bet you right here if the location for the poison darts and there it is on the Search your man for the magical it will lead you to the chest the chest bones all right we’re off it’s so here’s the lock and it’s back in the building again so let’s go over there and see what we can find it I think I have an idea where that could

Be so when you walk into the here which we’ve done multiple things in here start heading towards the exit to go to the Caribbean on the left-hand side of the wall and over here living in a cubby way is the law that builds rampart boosts up betrayed us all you’ve

Got to exact revenge ha best name as we saw on the map and it looks like it’s right here so here’s where the camels bits so and here’s the market over here so it’s right across from the market right there so it’s really where the the squirting uh tikis

Area is I think no squirting tikis over here so it’s gonna be right across from the camel so there’s the speeding camel over by the magic carpets of Aladdin it’s now we get to find our last location here there it is all right here’s the skull

Oh there was not so long ago I was a pirate just like you’ll be the treasurer of the Pacific I saw it with my own two eyes I can show you where to find it oh the anchor boy who’s hided behind that mask thank you kindly Kirino you’ve shown me

Precisely where I need be $7 quick you’ve got to fight that treasure before he does look he to that post your clothes now finds a magical mark of the palm tree on your map and get the treasure so the palm tree is over by where the speeding Isle idols are so we

Just passed that so we’re gonna go over there right now oh yes praying idol playing cool down zone here right there’s a skull and there’s the palm trees You found the treasure of the Pacific well done now seeing as I could always use more proper pirates to help me find more treasures right you two set course back to the race etc and some able-bodied misanthrope of a handyman we completed the third map and now we

Had any moves back to where we started to get up Oh tradin alright alright so this is the treasure from the third map I’ve done future fast passes for the first two I did perfect I’ll roll in for the mall today remember a fingernail name our computer Oh

Guardians curse and we want the bullseye so the bullseye is right here and it’s this little cubbyhole thing so that’s going to be fooled by Aladdin here so it’s gonna be your like right before we got to the spitting statue is over here so it’s gonna be right here map number

Four we’re almost done there’s only one more map after this one we’ll see what the final treasure is but for now we’re off recovered like over here in the stroller area is our quest where’s the booze oh oh we shut into the water there the shooting at the

Try game tries neo talisman We’ve done well now look for a magical knock nice of the deck shot it’s that blasted parrot if you locate the metrical mark of the pass on your map the mangy bird will deliver our message to play the post down below here and it looks like it’s going to be at the front

Of the store that we constantly gotten into so we’re gonna go check that out and it shows us a little picture right there what the parrots going to look like the parrot object an available over here in the parrot it’s supposed to be right here on the gun to the campaign The next connection is right here pretty much right across from us over my toe so I guess it’s right there so let’s go And there’s the contest right on top let’s see when a compass points a captain’s house is it well then you must because to the Trisha find the magical mark of the captain’s hat on your map Sammy all right captain’s hat is up here at the top and

That’s on the other side of where the target was so it’s going to be over here so that’s our next stop okay so this is the Hat location and if you kind of get lost here this is where you’re going to put your Fastpass passband either that

Or your ticket so we’ll come over here their facility into motion I had it in my head that you were Jack Sparrow kicked me while you receive its power I received its best but my words as soon as I discussed how to break this mess To avoid its curse as well it seems we will find all the treasures at this rate which reminds me fancy phone is nutrition well if you find your way back to the place where you sit on all right turning in my format here oh I keep doing all right so

We turn in our fourth man and I think diamond is our reward so to the fifth and final map man five the final map so earlier here is where the blow dart was there’s the basket or worthy ship and that’s personalized and over here And there’s the skull and crossbones right there No I didn’t sink I now see that sign the one that says pirates he be warned train your eyes in a post office train sound is the president anti-european even to complete the spell find its magical marked on your map We’re looking for the Panther which is right here and the Panther okay it’s going to be back in the bazaar the Panther is inside here it says go find it oh I bet you that’s it over there so there’s the Panther and the Panthers mark you are ready to begin the spell

Hurry to the magical mark of the claw the crab on your mouth fire so here’s the claw and it’s gonna look like this it’s a cubbyhole and it’s going to be just through there so here’s where we pick up the mat this is like the tunnel

There’s pirates so it’s going to be in this cubby hole right here and that’s where we’re going right now well there’s the location that we pick up the maps and if you turn over here this is the little cubby hole right by the store and this is where it’s crab’s claw location is

This is Calypso’s location Very well Damn jack was wise to choose you fine screw you have found everyone of Calypso’s treasurer’s no go look for this magical mark of the souls on your map and use it to find the painting once you are there you can use the power of ellipses pleasures to protect the planet

Even they said something about going to the swords and only boyer it will order – and I think we were just ordered – so off to the swords we go and we visited that before a bit now let’s go back again so here’s the painting they were

Just talking about and here’s the swords see what happens at last Jack Sparrow’s pirate even lies with all their defenses pause up ahead sir It’s a holiday This is very very well done oh I never closed captions of adventure we have completed all the quest we have gathered all five treasures and now we’re heading back to gain our rewards wow this was actually a lot of fun this took a couple hours to do we’ve completed all five

So that was our reward for that final map and this is our final reward for completing all the tasks look at that there we go thank you and here are all bye treasures once you complete all so this is what the first time I’ve actually done all five maps in

Concession many of the times when I wanted to do in the past one of them you know had some problems or some technical difficulties so this was the first time I actually got to complete them and I’m glad you got to join us as we did that

Please like and subscribe and let us know what you want us to film we’ll see you again soon hey this is will of adlib custodial like and subscribe to the Orlando wizard if you want to see some awesome videos of the Magic Kingdom and other surrounding resorts

This video, titled ‘All 5 Maps! Interactive Pirates Adventure Game At Disney’s Magic Kingdom!’, was uploaded by The Orlando Wizard on 2018-08-15 18:00:04. It has garnered 9300 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:54 or 2274 seconds.

In today’s vlog we head to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom to play A Pirate’s Adventures: Treasures of the Seven Seas, an interactive adventure game! I have played this in the past, but never did all 5 Maps! What I like most about this free game is that it is interactive! Things happen! You earn collector cards as you complete maps, and if you do all 5, you get a special card over and above the 5 you have earned! This does take a few hours to complete, so I recommend that if you have never been to the Magic Kingdom, focus on the park first, and not necessarily this game, UNLESS, you want a free fastpass to Pirates! To get your fastpass, you must complete two maps! I filmed some of the ride, to entice you to do some of the maps 😉 This is such fun and I do highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested in Pirates or if you’re just looking for something new to try while you’re at the Magic Kingdom!

For more info on the Pirates game-

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Music by: Scott Holmes

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    EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixel art #shorts’, was uploaded by IC 1101 GAMING MCPE on 2024-01-13 08:30:05. It has garnered 4697 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #ic1101gamingmcpe #chapatihindustanigamer #loggyhindustanigamer #loggy if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will do it for you Video SEO::: minecraft viral tiktok hacks worlds smallest violin,minecraft shorts,shorts,minecraft build hack,world’s smallest violin,worlds smallest violin,minecraft… Read More

  • Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraft

    Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by Allay Gamer 2.O on 2024-04-01 00:53:37. It has garnered 40 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:11 or 3611 seconds. 🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp JOIN OUR DISCORD ⫸ SUBSCRIBE MY SECOND CHANNEL ⫸ IGNORE TAGS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftindia #minecraftpakistan #livestream #livehindinews minecraftpublic smp minecraft public smp minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp 24/7 minecraft public smp 1.20 pocket edition 24/7 minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic WARRIOR LEVELING/MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-22 14:55:20. It has garnered 641 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:06 or 10566 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Read More

  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

    "ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!" #minecraftsquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Triệu Hồi Bubba BubbaPhant Trong Minecraft #minecraftshort #xuhuong’, was uploaded by King Craft on 2024-03-20 11:06:11. It has garnered 17859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make tower#minecraft #shorta’, was uploaded by Gamer Demon on 2024-01-12 10:14:32. It has garnered 1216 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

    Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Annual #Minecraft Journey CALLED ME IN! LMAO #shorts’, was uploaded by TheSlaY3R_ on 2024-01-13 16:45:00. It has garnered 2464 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. uwu ———————————- I’m live on Twitch at least a few days of the week if you wanna hang out: Twitch Schedule: (Eastern Time / EST) Start Time: Before or by 9pm End Time: ~12am (I post when I’m live on Discord) Social Links: Discord Community- Read More

  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

    Minecraft's Dark Secret Revealed - Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktokVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop mining like this in Minecraft [DARK] #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #gaming #mining #mine’, was uploaded by DARK on 2024-03-06 14:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to DARK, your go-to destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into our world of tutorials, epic Bedwars battles, captivating gameplay, thrilling 100 days challenges, and so much more. Whether you’re a beginner looking for building tips or a seasoned player seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, our channel has something for everyone. Join our vibrant Minecraft community as we… Read More

  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power - Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-05 07:30:19. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy |#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope… Read More

  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

    Welcome to SalveCraft! SalveCraft is a thriving Minecraft community with players from all around the world. Whether you’re a master builder, redstone expert, comedian, or content creator, there’s a place for you here. Our server operates similar to HermitCraft and focuses on creating a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. Current Season: Season 2 (Started 05/20/24) We are always looking for new members to join our community and liven up the server. If you’re interested, reach out to us or join our Discord server for more information. The application process takes place on Discord. Discord: Join our Discord server We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

    Sculk Shrieker’s main goal is to be more popular than all the other Minecraft memes…and it looks like it’s winning with a score of 26! Read More

  • Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥

    Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥 “I made an iron golem in Minecraft, but now he just stands there judging me while I try to mine for diamonds. Talk about a tough crowd!” 😂🤖 #minecraftproblems #ironjudgement Read More

  • EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await!

    EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await! Welcome to EDS BOY: Your Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome to EDS BOY, a mystical realm where blocks come alive and adventures unfold! Dive into our pixelated universe, where diamond pickaxes gleam, creepers lurk, and redstone circuits hum with magic. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a curious newbie, this channel is your gateway to epic quests, jaw-dropping builds, and heart-pounding survival challenges. Uncover Hidden Temples and Tame Wild Wolves Join us as we explore lush forests, treacherous caves, and towering mountains. Uncover hidden temples, tame wild wolves, and outwit those pesky skeletons. The world of EDS BOY is full… Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

    Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans The World of Minecraft: Exploring Bedwars, Skywars, and More! Embark on an exciting journey through the blocky universe of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn. From intense battles in Bedwars to thrilling challenges in Skywars, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Bedwars Step into the adrenaline-pumping arena of Bedwars, where teams compete to destroy each other’s beds while protecting their own. With strategic gameplay and fast-paced action, Bedwars offers a unique multiplayer experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. Key Features: Team-based gameplay Resource gathering and base building… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

    Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Escaping Rooms in Minecraft (And Real Life😩)’, was uploaded by Jervy Ras on 2024-04-21 09:39:10. It has garnered 63 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:29 or 6209 seconds. I have joined a small Minecraft event because it looked like fun, @savvysoggy is the creator of it and it is in the honour of one of his friends! I am not planning on winning all 10 rooms but I am going to try my best to make it far! Official Discord: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: Read More

  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

    Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I summoned herobrine 😰 #gamergirl #gameplay #herobrine #minecraft #minecraft2024 #horrorgames’, was uploaded by Tanu Gaming on 2024-04-13 05:19:30. It has garnered 2799 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. About This Game Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮

    GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS ON A RANDOM CHUNK IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE 🥹’, was uploaded by Great Is Back on 2024-03-18 11:17:23. It has garnered 249 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Join us as we tackle the challenge of surviving the first day in hardcore mode. Watch as we gather resources, build shelter, and fend off mobs in this intense gameplay series. Don’t miss out on all the action – hit that subscribe button now! #Minecraft #gaming #hardcoremode Subscribe for more epic adventures… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)

    Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft… nya??? (dies of cringe)🌠’, was uploaded by Jelly Ch. 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-02-02 16:10:04. It has garnered 6435 views and 747 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:52 or 10612 seconds. … 🌠Your super cute alien idol princess, is invading!! 🌠 I’m Jelly Hoshiumi, Phase Invaders’ SUPER CUTE SUPER FUNNY SUPER PURE shooting star 🌠 from a faraway planet! ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Donation Page✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Jelly really appreciates your donations, but they’re not required to enjoy the streams! Unless stated otherwise, all donations are final and non-refundable, so please donate responsibly :3c ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Social Media✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Youtube:… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Modding Builds – New Year Fashion Show Tutorial” #viral #trending

    "Insane Minecraft Modding Builds - New Year Fashion Show Tutorial" #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new year fashion show modding builds tutorial#viral #trending #minecraft #gaming #youtube’, was uploaded by carryminy PC gamer on 2024-01-08 09:01:20. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMG

    WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMGVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Minecraft Mob is that? #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-24 17:00:20. It has garnered 100 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • “Minecraft SHOCK: Erik’s MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!” #shizo #clickbait

    "Minecraft SHOCK: Erik's MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌳 EINFACHE BAUMFARM! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 12:00:42. It has garnered 29712 views and 1400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. 🔥 Subscribe to me or a creeper will explode in your camp! ► 👕 Merch: (Advertising) ► 💬 Discord server: ► 💥 TikTok: ► 📷 Instagram: ► 👑 Twitch: ► 🖥️ YouTube: @ErikOnHisPeriod ★☆★ More info & links ★☆★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● 🎧 Background music 🎧 ●•٠· ► 🎶 EpidemicSound: * ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● Minecraft ●•٠· ► 🎮​… Read More

  • INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shorts

    INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds Ep. 68 | #shorts’, was uploaded by EcoSMP on 2024-02-12 22:29:29. It has garnered 5714 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. This timelapse shows us building a beautiful Victorian fantasy medieval cottagecore house in Minecraft. Our friend, Lindolas_Official, has been kind enough to let us create videos of his creations. Please show him some support on Planet Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftidea #minecrafthowto #minecraftmedieval #minecraftfantasy #cottagecore #minecraftjava #smp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftstarterhouse Music Courtesy Of Mojang Studios Read More

All 5 Maps! Interactive Pirates Adventure Game At Disney’s Magic Kingdom!