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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of all the mods all 21 of them so above and beyond the eights that we started with it’s so cool um if you’re interested you should check out our sponsor who hosts the server that we’re hosting and you know maybe

You could play some all the mods with your friends or just some vanilla Minecraft or whatever floats your goat if you go to the links in the description of the stream of the YouTube video and use our codes you’ll get 25 percent off your first month of Hosting

Give it a try check them out and um have a good time you know thanks to Apex for sponsoring good intro that thank you thank you so much eight out of ten really be here all week be here all week um like all week all week every single one of the days I

Would never miss a single one speaking of which I’m missing this Tuesday but you know we can talk about that later wait you’re not gonna be here Tuesday no or not Tuesday Friday sorry Friday Friday you’re not gonna be here Friday I won’t be yeah you’re not gonna be here for

Freaky Friday no isn’t the whole reason we’re doing a dub in this interest happening right now because we missed the day and it’s happening again it’s happening again well the I have friends that are moving out of state and so they’re they’re having one last goodbye and so I was kind of like

You know that was like what you were doing uh not so long ago kind of I guess yeah I did I did move out of space are they moving to Utah no no they they are not there but I mean close though really if you think about it like

They’re I think they’re able to going to the Colorado it’s another one of the corners of those four yeah yeah there’s there’s four of them in the corner and that’s one of them um well I I hope they have a good time there and me too

I hope that you have a good time celebrating them hopefully having a good time exactly so um but also we will miss you and we will only feel slightly offended that that you’re having fun without us I feel very offended I’ll try and uh like Soldier on you know you know what I

Might just move so seeing can spend time with me okay that’s all you have to do to get Zine to spend time with you you could move here and then we could spend all sorts of time together you know oh um that sounded like uh that sounded like a

No yeah no was that being uncertain again I got shut down I said I was down already on my way I’m already on my way I am in a nether fortress that initially seemed like it had a fair amount of wither skeletons and then it petered off into nigh worthlessness

Computer and off man yeah can you elaborate on this excuse me excuse me I just want to know what my verb means uh uh no okay it’s okay you don’t have to be offended because brandoning off means the opposite so you get both sides of the equation uh-huh

Love it here I really do I’m happy to hear that I’m happy to hear you’re hearing well speaking of going places I absolutely love to I think I need to go to Mars what do you boys like to accompany me or shall I go alone haven’t we already been

To market we’ve been there to Mars we all know the ships are red um and make more ships for Mars did you make a second they’re just red like Mars so I just said Mars okay got it I just really wanted to make sure you didn’t

Yeah you know like I’ll go something for red too I’ll go someplace new with you but I don’t know about Mars man I assume ah I’ve gotten so bad at muting in time because it’s like the older I get the more dad sneeze they get and it’s like

The less response time I have because it’s just like bam and I’m like oh God it’s here already you know it’s kind of the same with going to the never mind anyway it’s uh uh it’s going to what kind of doctor any kind of doctor really okay

Um but yeah like now it’s just I’m I’m happy if I can lean away if I have enough time and and wherewithle to to lean fully away they’re so loud with so little warning I’m sorry no I’m not yours just in general like the older you get they just come on

Faster go hard oh there’s they they they just it’s just so bad and just like really why do Grandpa sneezes go so hard oh that is yeah that’s a new rocket that’s looking pretty fancy all right so Pete but the problem is I have a problem forged also

Oh yeah it’s a problem get to that what do you need to build the space the space station is iron there’s like a whole list of stuff it was how are we supposed to know the list before you blast off beg your partner is there a way to know

The list before you go sure because that was a problem every time we would blast off and then it would tell you the requirements you’re like well I’m already here I don’t have those on me yeah I don’t know wait we can probably juice the old spacesuit yeah we

Get God Forge oh that’s pretty cool yeah do it up okay that’s pretty good that’s pretty good how much I get from it got uh nine out of a maximum of 12. oh that’s pretty good that’s four thirds right there that is indeed I need two more and then I’m ready to

Come over gravity that’s not going too fast I think it just hurt my head no you can’t do that I do I do that a lot where uh like when I’m talking about recipes and like what I need how many I need I’ll you know do the math and and

Figure it out in my head and then I’ll say like say the wrong equation out loud and then craft it with the right amount and people are like hey what it did that what did you just stop that it’s just in my head I’m like a sneaky four-thirds of wood what four thirds

Um all right I have completed my wither Quest do we have what the skeleton skulls on Minecraft uh I they’re not generated yeah oh okay um I’ve still gotta I still gotta plant them and then they’ve got the crew let’s get very nice bro freaking entity gravity though is just something man It’s just something man I tell you what all right we are nether writing it up let’s go yeah boy I am so red oh my arm is slightly less glowy now it’s just more ghosty mine too yeah transparent Guam I’m like Mysterio I make my head disappear inside mysterious glitching I don’t know

It’s kind of weird you see that you see my head like appearing and disappearing what effect is that uh glitch effect I think we have particles around here while you’re doing that I wish him is it the the arc thing that makes you disappear when you shift it’s kind of weird

Um oh you did like some oh this is cool I haven’t seen this before your little workshop area man the slidey doors oh close the doors of the auctions are gonna leak were these already no they’re right or am I just fortunate space boots what is the cryo freezer do

I can’t get it to work but it’s supposed to make fuel oh just better fuel cryo fuel I put the thing in it doesn’t do anything go figure I don’t know we’re a scientist I’m not very good I’m sorry to hear that you shouldn’t be

So hard on yourself I agree I just think I have room to improve we all have room to improve the thing okay so there was this don’t oh yeah okay okay okay guys if we started getting into ours Nouveau we could get some serious dongers going here and I’m

Gonna have to redo my ax on all the gems oh no how big are we talking here Big and multi-colorful donkers oh that’s bold mm-hmm by the way Zine when do you want to blast off uh I am equipping my gear right now oh six I’m coming up to the platform and I feel like my arm is like half transparent but yep yeah that’s what I was talking

About it’s looking pretty cool you know blast the office all right Shall we do a countdown where I don’t jump the gun this time three two what’s wrong Pete just um do they need this is really cool yeah I know what I’m saying like he made her lab and stuff this is the doors are awesome isn’t the lab really cool you guys

Should admire it for like a little bit longer ah he’s doing a few things he would like admiring this laboratory look at the laboratory doors right there so cool does that sound really whoa what’s that advancement that you just got uh it’s an RS nubo related thing and now I think I

Need uh pedestals or something like that from ours nouvelle an Arcane pedestal yes I believe that would be it and I’m gonna need how many is it 12 of them that’s a lot I’m gonna need to generate source so there’s gonna be work ahead of us

Sounds like fun there’s more for us to do how cool is that actually more wow why are you killing me well you got in the way of my attempt to push you down a half a block your victim blaming right now man yeah yeah 100 I’m a my man

You get everything you need I think we’re gonna close the door then we’re good all right Sparky yep yep you are just looking we need more Source gems but we’re here we’re here counter down counter down three whoo oh oh go oh The worst Jordan’s in last place this was scripted so that you guys could get ahead actually kind of cool with the staggered lunch yeah uh uh apparently Mercury Venus I can’t wait to land on Venus that seems fun well yeah both are we going to Mercury or to yeah we’ll say Venus in

The first seven seconds of a YouTube video it’s true which one do you want Pete you’re the you’re the kid I don’t know you’re the flight director oh well I think we just go straight down the line and go to Mercury all right okay Mercury it is okay by the way

Screenshot it or something 32 Dash ingots at 32 steel ingots 64 iron plates 32 Dash plates you getting that you getting that oh that’s lava huh we didn’t get that no is that lava uh where are you burning we’re here You’re Gonna Wanna it’s hot here by the way we you uh we’re

But We’re Not Gonna Wanna Be Lou we might want to go somewhere else is it I have to build a rocket to get back are you not on fire I’m not on fire at the moment why am I the only one that’s on fire because

You’re in lava dude no I was on I’ve been on fire the entire time yeah I like it yeah you’re on fire Bros 2 I think might be my boots oh it’s my boots I figured it out oh that’s good what was that list of things that I needed some Dash

Chat did you guys make note by any chance how much Dash stock 32 Dash I think there was two kinds of Dash it was like plates and ingots or something like that yeah okay now we’re just sounding desperate uh I just wanna I feel like this is a good good thumbnail just

The gravestone next to Lava oh you’ve got oh you’re just right in there too yeah yeah once you like I didn’t have the right boots on and that was the problem oh I didn’t really so the netherite spacesuit is just dang yeah take them out they’re in the frame

Dude get them out of here what are they doing what are you doing to my grave so um screenshotting it there we go there we go that’s so much better oh God I have particles everywhere now like there’s a bit of like grave dust stuff but

You know oh God I forgot I don’t even know what I’m gonna do oh yeah no is the piglich from last episode I was thinking of my thumbnail strategy and planning and this plate is mercury doesn’t have lava on the surface this is not an accurate representation of Mercury

Guys was stealing it’s your stale plates uh uh maybe plate sounds familiar I’m gonna bring both Probably not a bad idea it’s kind of a bad idea you need to jump in the lava and like chill oh there’s a big Ravine over here it’s kind of cool is it exciting not that exciting no you aren’t missing anything it looks a lot like uh it’s basically a Basalt Delta

Like if I and if I was knocked on the head and ended up here and I had no idea what happened I would think oh I’m in the nether so that’s all okay I think what are we uh what’s the material here Pete what store I think it’s calright

Oh don’t get too many of those you might put on some pounds I’d actually really like some calories right now I’m currently taking a steroid medication that is making me constantly hungry and it sucks huh e everything good what the heck we’ll find out uh what probably fun so just it’s a lot

Of like so I have like a swelling in my lymph node but I’m not sick so trying to figure out what to do about that because I was on antibiotics for like 10 days and I didn’t do it well it helped but as soon as the antibiotics were done like I

Was done with my medication for it it just went right back to being a problem again so now we’re going like okay let’s try a few more things a particular lymph node or is it yeah it’s a specific one okay gotcha yeah you tried poking it with a sticker and I

I was told not to do that I tried a self-biopsy it I was directly told not to do that oh okay I don’t know how you would do that but yeah they were like don’t try like a stick Zine can do those things I’m not going to I would do those things

I know you would deep slight calorie Venus calorite uh are we sure calorite isn’t on Venus is it do we go to the wrong planet either well deep slate calorite maybe is that here or it might just be a Venus kind of thing we probably need to go there then

I would feel more comfortable with that you boys want to get back in the rocket and go to Venus yeah sure cool I don’t know how exactly to get out of the place once you’ve gone there but oh right do you just build a new rocket every time I would hope not

Well no when you’re like yeah I have okay because like every time I’ve go to a new place we needed a different tier of Rocket but now we just need the tier three so we could pick up the rocket and then warp Stone back if there’s not enough fuel to just go there

Yeah is there a is the rocket like contained in that life raft thing whatever yeah yes yeah like that that is the rocket yes cool I think so um how do I get why can’t I find where Zine is it is 182 140 but be careful

I don’t know what exactly the detail is but if you have something that sends you up you keep going up for quite a quite quite a while oh are you entity gravity uh no no I’m just flying away huh I have jump boost which isn’t anti-gravity but I keep getting

Levitation too and poison from something and I don’t know what or why but I’m at why 350 still heading up and trying to do what I can you can’t do flight oh trust me oh I’m coming down again all right I I peaked at 400. which one of you broke a

Hole in my lab huh seen which one of us added a window to your lab [Laughter] added a window I was like it we we were I was rushed out I was gonna you don’t have a permit for that I was gonna grab a a pane of glass and and do all that

But but you didn’t I didn’t I because we had to go we had to go you made it it’s when I touch the ground something shoots me it’s weird come with me what wait what don’t do that what the frick Ed my window I’m with me this

Uh where did Pete’s rocket go though he blew it up it blew up oh it’s just dead yeah he blew he he crashed it oops but yeah if I touch the ground something about it sends me a a a away that’s fascinating I think I just have did you already made

A new rocket yep did you make a new rocket just to retrieve your stuff yep there you go there’s another one where’d you get this is yours from Mercury yeah from Mercury wait from Mercury with love this is your rocket then it is my rocket but like you could you could get back

There if you wanted to do these things automatically fuel from the plates uh no it feels from a fuel loader okay which is this little block that I have in right here but is it like automatically connected to those base plates no it just feels anything within a radius

Oh okay cool so it blasting off does consume like all the fuel in the rocket that sucks it does oh do you need to get some more of that could you go into the wireless crafting grid Jordan and pull out a ton of oil um in what oh just like buckets

Yeah just the buckets of oil okay and hand them to you yep thank you you closed my window yeah it was leaking I can make a better window one that doesn’t leak I’m sorry if we what is uh what was I gonna get here I wanted to get something I’m totally forgetting now

Oh yeah the ours knew though we don’t have a mine thing do we know I wonder if you can get the RS Nouveau Source gem in here uh uh what’s up do another way of getting sore stream no oh okay you can imbue it oh that’s using sort oh that’s right I

Kind of vaguely remember doing this yeah yeah I’ve vague memories but yes there is a source B you can do um so we could try and work on figuring that out um did you minor yeah I just need to have one on me to do the DG minor unless

There’s let’s see Source Forge colon orders Source or something like that you just throw your elytra in that corner the temporary Elijah I’ll be back I miss you already oh it’s hot oh okay we just imbue lapis give you lappies with swords okay God I thought there was a

I think there was no one no I would throw you could certainly find some there there is a way to find it but uh I would because yeah there’s definitely an ore that you get it from maybe it’s not in this mod pack there is in other mod packs for sure

I forgot the suit um does that mean my rock is just gonna fall and explode too oh don’t think of it like that um I feel like I feel like what we should have probably done is just put a waist down oh that’s what it is do that why am I still on

Fire it’s the it’s not the orb Jordan is there’s the source Berry plants remember oh right right right also I just realized you’re looking very fashionable today thank you this is my mc6 again okay I need the suit in an entire suit I’m gonna Bank on no yes

Never mind definitely need the full suit yeah remember me being on fire constantly that was because you didn’t know the entire suit on it’s because I didn’t have the right boots on yes I had my old boots on my old spacesuit boots instead of the netherite ones let’s make

Another here take mine take my it’s right there it’s at your feet thank you you’re welcome anything for you King thank you King what the heck did he do he just left in a new splash of Arcane icons do Source fairies actually give you Source gems I believe so

Because we definitely have gotten Source gems from things before I believe teleported me to the Grayson on the ground like three seconds later my ship blew up from the sky he was falling out all the time you traveled uh back you traveled to the speed of light and like went back in

Time or something like that Maybe not maybe maybe maybe it doesn’t look like you can get that yeah I’m not seeing I’m not seeing that so just I think just the imbuement thing yeah the imbuement’s the only that and the bees but there is definitely an ore in another month yeah we’ve definitely

Ended up with them at some point to acquire this be look up the crafting recipe for its spawn egg which requires an enchanting apparatus a bunch of source gems and a diamond B spawn egg which isn’t that difficult honestly thank you King I always say specific kind of wood oh it’s archwood

Where were we didn’t we see archwood somewhere in big quantities there was some oh well right here literally right here that’s yeah it’s right outside yeah yeah that’ll do wait do we have uh can I tree capitate this well I’ll do that there we go

Do you need to plant the saplings in any particular fashion for it to regrow is it a two by two um I am unaware oh or for Source gems was removed from the mod after 1.16 huh well there you go that is quite fascinating y’all we have learned on this day

That we have yeah oh I was like why is this not working but now I understand why it’s not working okay so with that I bet we can get some serious Source generation going from these fields right you mean the new field you’re gonna build what no I mean I’m gonna hijack your

Field Oh you mean the new field you’re gonna build right no ah it’s not easy to be Being Cheesy me wait how do I get the source Rick how do I get the source to imbue here will it work can I crank the hog oh it’s working oh that’s sick

I can’t okay so just go slowly until you I’m not get it going good all right all right all right we just need two and then we can make an agronomic and it’ll pop off Pete uh did you get your stuff by the way got it all ready to fly

Okay friends aren’t meant to make we don’t have to you guys are doing our own thing no no I am super oh Time in a Bottle is the freaking way let me just time in a bottle of this and then with clouds between their knees

And then we’ll be good I’m more than a bird more than a person I love the window but it’s okay it’s not easy to be me um okay cool cool I am ready to blast off at the speed of light nut so for the moment I’ve got to set that there hi girl

All right you all ready I need one moment but only one moment not many moments okay but the small moments while I configurate and constipate there okay very good very good configure it and constipate did you say all right that is stored and uh then send this up there good on my way

It’s not a fluid a lot of fluid not a fluid all right all right you’re good to go good to go we all good to go all right uh don’t forget your positions three two one I’m never gonna I’m never it’s all my fault because I have those unsynchronized launches

Before that everyone was just like heard peek get in and immediately hit it so I just oh there’s certain things somehow done it sooner than me this is a race to the bottom everybody well then Pete wins because he doesn’t put on his brakes I won that one a few times

So did Mercury have anything on it at all not a thing that we saw cool I see where it gave us is access to then uh oh go to the space station too late no I can’t do that I’m already here heck away from home oh that’s cool Jordan was very fast but not quite fast enough oh you’re cool oh it’s like a one-person Space Station what the oh hey Venus actually does have a thing wait does it oh it’s so dark it looks like ancient debris all over the place I see I see mobbies ow moglars

No there’s a whole thing over here wait it’s it’s piglens where wait are they oh what the frick hydros oh I see yeah okay the open mouth is completely disconcerted it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of awkward that’s that’s just the thing that’s just awkward yeah is the word for it

We miss you Cyclops dogs like the frick is happening here oh that’s just unsettling wait don’t forget the space oh wait where’s your ship in a different dimension they don’t like it when you Pete how does this keep happening to you I don’t know I built a space station but

Apparently the space station was just in a different void Dimension and when I went down to Y level zero it brought me here I’ve eliminated all the space dogs no no you haven’t oh okay I limited a few of them look out oh they they don’t like it when you open

A chest they don’t like it when you open a chest I know that see that was that was the thing they they Angie about chest opening this is pretty cool it’s certainly more interesting than Mercury so far these barrels actually have anything in them the chest I checked did but then I

Immediately got attacked and had to run I mean I didn’t have to actually run but you know I did because were they doing a lot of damage to you it’s pretty cool no not in the slightest wow that’s a lot of good loot dang that’s yeah that’s big why is this

Somehow like less compelling loot than last place but anyway we need the ores right we need the oars yes or is Novo there’s Venus coal where’s nouveau interesting is that the structure for the planet hmm I’m just wondering if like that’s the only structure here or if there’s more I got no idea

But hey at least it’s got a structure and stuff all right time to find the I’ve got a lot of cobblestone I’ve got a lot of coal there’s more coal there’s a lot of coal here very carbon based this place is we should populate this place is like

Creepy underneath dude uh I found Bedrock oh I got raw calorite it looks like meat that’s the thing we need oh torches don’t work here nope I noticed that too by the way I placed one and it went I have not found any calorite that I’ve

Seen oh I’ve got a few I’m at 33 right now all right all right it’s not a competition it is and I’m losing Just pick up the one that deletes stuff huh no that’s void oh there it is according to the people I missed some that’s probably an unforgivable sin I’m sorry guys it’s a sin there’s a creeper-esque type thing that just charged at me I didn’t even see its

Name because I saw it and just swung it’s a creeper I mean fire um yeah oh no it was very creepy I hope you survive lava behaves very uh netherish here oh it goes right fire yeah oh but our suits also don’t care about lava so don’t

Worry about it no need to panic no need to panic account rights like not like plentiful it’s not super plentiful but if you just remember him underground you should run into it it’s called a sulfur creeper and it’s like take a creeper and then make it creepier dang that’s crazy

You really just hit you with the damn that’s crazy yeah I didn’t it was very it was very patronizing I noticed that but it’s I just you know we’ve been having a hard time together anyway it’s a thing they hate each other I have found gold I have found diamond I have found

That sounds like chest loot nope I just just like I found Venus gold I found Venus diamond did you find Venus flytrap oh man uh I don’t know if I can work in these conditions this dude just called playing video games working they’d never find the body

They’d never find the body but what about playing video games nothing he said it was working I’m working so hard right now man I mined so much Stone it’s just crazy nobody Minds quite like I do here everything’s a competition I can try I will not succeed

Don’t be silly when you put your mind to anything you knock it out of the park I want you got on you how much what do I have on me how many calories you got um I have two stacks plus eight he wins all right about 260. you might be right

What you wait you were saying you weren’t doing a good job when you had 260. why are you standards the way they are I got don’t set them I’ve got 35. okay now I have two stacks plus 42 so like a little bit better but gosh dang it okay we have enough now

No enough no no I spent like the first 30 minutes of our first episode recording just mining Desh in the previous getting more Dash was Dash the last one no Ostrom I need more awesome how many stacks did you have I found a bunch that I had in my backpack that I

Added to the uh thing this at the beginning of this round okay that’s good but I don’t need that anymore uh wow a lot of it considering that I blew up a spaceship twice oh yeah that that will do it that will do it let’s go past me what’s your y level

Uh negative ten oh okay I’m on 35 maybe that’s why I’m not getting as many as you I was it better I was at bedrock and I wasn’t getting much hmm okay I found it is like wild dependent if you’re at around Bedrock or lava you won’t find as much

This is how it wasn’t the previous uh find it oh there’s so much more at this y level this is about to go like two thousand five minutes okay I’m at a three and a half stacks I feel like all together with all of our stuff we’re probably good no

Good stock upgrads in your backpack yeah well not not the one that I’m collecting in right now okay I have a lot of Sac upgrades in my experience backpack he’s got so many upgrades he needs multiple backpacks to hold those upgrades yes precisely I build backpacks for my

Upgrades not upgrades for my backpacks damn that’s hardcore thank you thank you Game recognized game okay I have a I put the the rocket back into the system I wish you could just upgrade the existing rocket into the next years it seems like that would be very nice of them to allow

But it’s kind of sad they don’t yeah it’s not like the worst crafting recipe but I agree wow we are up to 4 100 piglet charts I think that the neural hostile networks are a good way to get them you would big obviously upgrade

So what other mobs can we I use on the neural now with the upgrade I don’t know just search for whatever the thing is called that you put inside it shows all the different mobs in jei oh it’s a few more model I think yeah Modell death tone

I’m a grown on me oh I need it right oh Twilight Forest oh wait no yeah of course there’s Twilight Forest man there’s always Twilight Forest well I thought that’s why that forces the death Tom but I think I read the tag wrong whistle I can’t stand to mine

Have you tried sitting down yeah that’s why I’m doing it duh okay yeah we getting Source we getting Source let’s go I got two and a half stacks am I done Pete I wasn’t gonna stop until I had your permission you’re done hazing is the inferium um not cranking

I cannot answer I am busy getting more stacks for Pete actually I think you’re done oh wow that was weird go check on the inferior so wait were you saying that you didn’t actually need the extra stack after yes was I being faceted on if that’s what you want it is

Um of course imperium’s cranking why what do you what’s the what’s the issue there’s one field that doesn’t seem to be cranking hard uh which field is this Source into this thing yeah that one right there the Brownfield doesn’t seem to be oh yeah no I haven’t

I haven’t upgraded this field yeah oh okay oh put it closer okay all right so don’t ever do the way you are upgrade the frick did we put a waste on down here oh yeah that goes oh that freaking rooms why is my backpack taking torches and freaking stuff what the heck

What’s your backpack doing silly what are you doing man what are you doing oh you’re putting down something that gathers Mana from the growth Cycles because what we have to do is we gotta do ourselves a little bit of um what you would call it we gotta do some

Pedestal imbuement and stuff in order to be able to make some of the fancy all the modium related items I forget how many it was what’s 80 times 15 was 960 wasn’t it 80 times 15 is no yeah it’s 1200. 960 divided by 88 so 12. oh that’s right

Because they’re 12 they’re 12 layers of 12. I was like I’m pretty sure remember the number is 960. wait but Pete um you said you needed more of the stuff why did you not need more but you told me you did because I proceeded on you like you wanted me to

I lied to Eugene you’re willing to let me waste my time because you wanted to waste your time right that’s what you asked was it I don’t I don’t think that’s what I asked but I mean I guess I don’t know I doesn’t sound right you don’t have to

Ask for me to know I’m so confused right now my heart hurts okay um hmm oh there needs to be an Arcane something or other under the thing cane core perhaps is all this necessary just to get the source gems no no this is for the uh this is for the

Uh all the modium fancy level oh so that’s the whole that’s the whole kitten caboodle this is yeah dude so I’m just wondering like does it keep the gems is it an upgrade to your existing thing or is it gonna start it over from scratch right that’s the question I don’t know

If I should probably test it on something I haven’t put any gems on and see what happens or something like that uh that would be mine so your most biggest concern is just whether or not like you is you’re just your gear like I see well yeah it’s whether or not it’s going

To delete all the stuff on my gear which would be quite bad um well I’ve got that and a gem you could go slap those together if you wanted to real quick and just I mean yeah I suppose if we just had like a random piece that wasn’t that

Valuable that had a yeah actually plus three step height is not hard to come by literally just threw a gym and a piece at your feet oh did you okay okay that’s so cool that’s so cool my man my man um well I just need a Smithy people um

Did you just throw me gold leggings yeah what do you care like didn’t you just say you just want to test it it doesn’t work on just gold leggings I don’t know you were like I need something crappy I was like here I’ve got this in my inventory have a

Good time I’m just trying to help I was working off an incomplete data set it’s whatever it’s fine there’s got to be another thing in here uh surely I can make something right now I’m just gonna make a new sword oh God but then I gotta Forge it

And stuff you know it’s fine I’m just gonna use my boots and if it doesn’t work I’ll get a new Step hype Jim we got plenty of those um Jordan take your clothes off all right oh you want the spacesuit back yep it was a loner oh you got that you got

That sick Vault Hunter snorkel going let’s go oh thank you do you want my stuff did you want me to guess okay frick you know what whatever we’re gonna do it on the Frick I don’t want to do it on the pickaxe because that’s not junk I’ll

Make a new pickaxe God dang it no it doesn’t seem where are you I’m at my farm base oh you’re down here too oh thank you you are most welcome my king actually no yeah you’re right I’ll make a sword that’s a good idea you punted didn’t you

You wussed out from your I’ll just use my boots didn’t you no I can’t I can’t do boots like it has to be tools tool only there’s nothing to upgrade on Armor I’m sorry to have uh messed up your I’m fine wait why is this film

This one the fire aspect that’s kind of dooky something interesting here kind of dookie that looks good that looks nice I don’t know much but I know dookie it’s usable I’ve dookieed before Why are you wait why is this not working what a who oh yeah I need to I need to actually roll it you need to roll in it yeah that’s true on the ground in front of your machines this feels like a different type why

Does this okay here we go let’s find out let’s show this thingy donkey it’s not doing foreign Diamond B oh honey all right it’s big testing time how do I make oh oh so you actually do get to upgrade when it comes to this space suit you do yeah oh and it like

The prerequisite for it oh that’s sick so it didn’t work for the non once you get netherite it works or no it just doesn’t work for the ships but it works for the armor whoa what is happening yo it worked okay did it did it keep did it keep

Oh it keeps the stuff oh my God it keeps the stuff let’s go um if anybody wants a fancy sword I’m putting it into the system Search all the modium thank you no problemo happy to help perfect oh so thank you Pete you’re welcome oh sorry you were thinking Pete and I yeah that’s uh I thought that now that yeah now now that now that’s enough grade that was the spacesuit that wasn’t

The ax you’re that’s I’m an idiot anyway I appreciate the help and the work that you’ve done Captain Sparkles it’s okay I I that was an uncalled for thing that I did there okay well here we go let’s do this and then dude I gotta I’m gonna thumbnail this though dude

There’s so many thumbnail opportunities here it’s just not even funny so I’m guessing I need to get Diamond bees in a hive that has this pokey pokey thing and then somehow magic happens ugh what my thumbnail I was like this is neat what’s going on

Get out of the frame oh crap I’m out hey photobombed yeah that’s a that’s a pretty big boy right there dang that is crazy man you and I got like we were on the thumbnail and mercury and we we ‘ve decked it off for cooler particle effects

I can’t jump in this suit this sucks I press spacebar and it flings me into the wall have you put on the gear no it’s terrible you can’t jump try it put it on okay oh why does it like send you forwards a little bit Oh wow fast though if you hold down space bar it’ll just take you there like it just Jets you there but you can’t jump I see it’s like a jet pack got it and you’ve just flew into the wall and died huh this Mod’s gonna be the end of me man um

All right things are going great this time everybody it’s been Fantastico I can’t believe this just this was just good it’s just easy I am so used to things like not working and troubleshooting it’s just we just freaking did it dang oh oh right then there’s okay Good morning Jordan do you need the Arcane B no no no you don’t have to worry about it I think I think we’re good relief everything is everything’s good All right Pete where were you when uh that took place top of the base oh okay it could have been worse could have been worse he just diminished your pain right there well it’s not wrong it could have been much worse bro we need to get oh my God we need to

Go crazy in order to get the all the modium alloy Paxil oh my God dude we gotta make all the tools and then we gotta get an awakened supremium Paxil which is just all the oh my God that’s crazy wow that’s crazy excuse me that’s pretty crazy sounds like it’s pretty crazy

I’m inclined to say that it is okay so um oh yes did you also put the suit on nope nothing happened okay I certainly was not startled unnecessarily by a silverfish that would be ridiculous and as we all know well in many things I am not ridiculous or wanted to get startled easily

By silverfish on the list that’d be embarrassing and I am not embarrassed do you know is it possible to be embarrassing if nobody’s embarrassed oh yeah 100 you think so oh yeah wait I miss I misunderstood I was thinking like is it possible to be embarrassed if

No one was there to like see it but uh kind of that right like is it possible to be annoying if nobody is annoyed well if no one is annoyed then it’s not annoying so yeah you’re probably not being annoying if that’s the case I mean being annoying is only defined as

If someone finds you an arm yes I would imagine yeah but one might find oneself annoying I guess it is possible to annoy yourself oh yeah trust me I’ve lived with me for a very long time by the way um by the way we are approaching the

Time and stuff like that the end where we you know wanting to was there anything that we we wanted to accomplish or you know the any of that stuff there’s a lot of things I’m good most selfish uh I don’t have anything I’d like to accomplish so that sounds

God we are such good Underachievers foreign well uh if you boys are good then we can be good if you’re if you’re ready to call it then we can call it if you’re ready to be done then we can be done let’s be done I’m good I’m good uh-huh

Um all right well we want to thank our sponsor uh for the series Apex hosting providing the server we’ve been playing on if you would like to play with your friends be sure to check out the links in our descriptions you can save 25 off on your first month and have yourself a

Great time entertaining yourself and your friends with uh hypothetical psychological questions uh also we do create these live you can see as it happens slash Pizza Hut captainsparkles scene throw some follows say some howdies get to hang out with all the people other peoples and you know make

Friends have have a have a drink and uh kick back relax enjoy yourself I don’t know you know do what you want to do uh and then of course if you have enjoyed this video be sure please hit that like button uh leave a comment let us know what parts you liked

And then uh you know if you haven’t already please consider subscribing and uh hitting that Bell along the way anything before you do before we YouTube thanks I just uh someone in chat said Pete you managed to die on multiple planets that is an accomplishment so fan them [Laughter] I

Right as you said I started taking poison damage in the I don’t even wait okay anyways having a night all right death attack acid rain player what the all right bye everybody

This video, titled ‘ALL THE MODS 8 w/ CAPTAINSPARKLEZ & PETEZAHHUTT – MINECRAFT MODDED – Ep. 21’, was uploaded by X33N on 2023-08-22 20:00:03. It has garnered 1608 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:25 or 4045 seconds.


Special thanks to ApexHosting for helping sponsor the series. Use code X33N when reserving a server and you can save 25% on your first month.

Did you know I’m much more of a streamer than a YouTuber? I stream full-time with additional Minecraft as well as many other games and events! I would love to have you come by. I stream on both Twitch and YouTube!


CaptainSparklez: PeteZahHutt:

All The Mods 8 –

Music provided by Ninety9Lives Outro Song: Dohi – Distrion & Cediv X33N Channel Edit: vsbmeza3 – Video: Download:

#X33N #minecraft #gaming

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    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

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  • Unlock Martin’s EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!

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  • INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!

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  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

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  • Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!

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  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

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  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

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  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

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  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

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  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

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  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness!

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  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

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    EPIC MINECRAFT MOMENTS with OnlyAfro - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #5’, was uploaded by OnlyAfro VODS on 2024-05-20 10:52:31. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:25 or 19345 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion – Epic Gameplay!

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  • 🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFun

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  • Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!

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  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

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  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More