APHMAU: Insane Minecraft Family Adventure!

Video Information

On This Server the goal is to raise a family to survive and everyone knows I’ll be the best dad please that title goes to me no me sad Bight St my eye too bad now you got no eyes wow boys are dumb why do they even fight everyone knows the best dad would

Be why you get over here look I respectfully respect your opinion but that’s just your opinion okay yeah we all know that we would be the better parents and and in particular I would be the better Dad yeah sure in some weird made up world but in the real

World in the real world not your fantasy world dude what oh oh my gosh what are you doing here oh hey guys what’s up oh so Ian we’re playing a game where someone would make the better Dad okay and we want to make obviously I would

Make the best dad question let me think about it you are too strict and boring and D you are just too ugly I’m going to be the best at anduh look at this guys don’t go just break it right in the blocks what’s happening

Wa this these are cool uh wait is this a part of the game uh must be the blocky whoa where are we hey I’m over here now okay great you’re still a bad dad and we’re over here what what’s in the chest yeah what is here there’s

Stuff in here I’ll take the bow Aon and we can spit the bread oo Yes sounds good I’ll take the pickaxe all right ow that kind of hurton come on we got to get to work yeah yeah we got to beat him we got to beat him you guys have to share tools

I get these all to myself yeah but we get to work together as a team which means that look Aon I already got a crafting table do you guys have a crafting table no that’s why we would make I’m no you know what I’m going to do

Aaron Aon Aon Aon come here come here come here come come here yeah if you just gave those tools to a baby you’d know they’d be in trouble what is it is it we got to build to the center because there might be some surprises there you

Know get some get get some go go go go go go come on come on we got to Casey how about you start building a house team oh there’s some lava down there we can remember that later I got to collect materials I give them to you

As soon as I get them made it there we go perfect oh oh look what we found guys we made it to the middle so we get a block what does it do what does it do what does it do let’s see start building my own stop

I want that black what did that do there was no poop or anything what do we maybe you broke it guys they’re Starks and they have baby cribs Babies see look oh there’s oneing catch it we can get back to the island there’s one coming to me

Too what is it what is it what is it oh come here he’s probably going to be super handsome and talented just like his it’s in a tree it’s a baby guys my baby’s in a tree oh it’s a little baby the baby looks just like you I love this

Baby here I’m going to carry this baby we have got the cutest baby right here no we have the cutest baby no we have the cutest baby no you have the ugliest baby H we have the cutest baby there we go now cute a man my baby’s ugly what

Here Casey I’ve got those wood PL start building the house a the baby is kind of cute look at it I want to I want to want to get a good look at the baby oh wait let me see the best dad you ever seen oh

Ian you have an adorable baby angel over there no it’s all ugly it doesn’t look like me at all it’s not handsome wow it’s got no hair babies don’t look like you they’re not their own people okay well my child should look like me we got

To raise this baby all right we got to raise this baby good don’t we can’t we can’t we can’t be leaving we got to raise it we got to bring it to the sky what we doing okay Aon I’m just letting you know okay okay I’ll give you an axe

Okay got me an axe you got Stone yeah right over here what Casey Casey my casy my man’s got a stone what he got a stone he got me a stone axe look at that where’s my stone ax yeah Zane where’s your stone I was just focusing on building some shelter

First you know that’s not true I was building the shelter I was getting materials for the shelter man you guys are terrible team fix this best dad best dad best Dad wow I got to be a St my man’s got me a stone axe look at that well now everyone’s B can be

Perfect okay see okay all right let’s go over here uh make some more of this stuff here um Aon yeah you work on the see see we’re working together like a team over here yeah we’re splitting things up yeah yeah we’re working as a team well why don’t

You get her Stone aing are we really I’m working on it here here Aaron look look look here here’s here what what else did you get me Aaron oh I got you a stone pickaxe and and shovel casy what Casey my man’s got me get me

An up hey Zane I’ve got a stone axe too I don’t want to hear it oh my I’ll by your selfie I’m impressed yeah good job hang on look look Casey I got you the stone pickaxe just like you asked it’s too late I want an iron pickaxe iron I’m going I’m going

All right we got to raise this baby I don’t know what’s going to happen next we got to raise this baby all good all right let’s see all right Aon I’ve been thinking about this a little bit um can you make some ladders please ladders all

Right fine we have to protect this baby this innocent adorable little baby it’s our family Aon yeah I know I know but why ladders uh okay let’s see oh hey there’s another block over there wait there another baby I don’t know if I can take another baby yet I don’t know but

This looks kind of dangerous I’m not going to touch that block I don’t want it you what I don’t know if I like the look on that block hang on does that mean we can go get it I mean yeah I mean who said you couldn’t I’m building a

Bridge over I am going to get there first cuz I am going to be the best dad here no no no Zane I am the better dad so I’m going to get the block no because I’m such a good dad nothing’s going to happen to any of the babies not just

Mine it’s what are you talk you guys want the block it looks like a baby playing with electricity I first guys don’t be idiots come on oh I don’t trust this at all let’s start building up have a bad feeling about this bre no wa build

The house the baby will die wait wait the baby will die we got some work to do build a house build a house build a house build building now oh this sounds boring I don’t want to do it build a house build a house build the house

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go ah lightning oh ah that guy there’s lightning we need more wood time I’m going to use dir cover the baby cover the baby cover the baby is the baby safe our baby’s okay for right now Ian you better be building a house for

That baby oh fine oh my gosh why can’t I move this why can’t I move here I got to build a house for this dumb baby it doesn’t even look like me I want one that looks cool like uh me stop baby here there we go okay baby right there

Nice work Casey Come on close it close up close it up close it up close it up I’m going I’m going I’m going what’s wrong are you taking too long to protect your babies actually our babies are going pretty fine uh you know how about

You oh look at yeah our house is pretty cool actually put a door down I’ll get some more stuff oh okay okay I got to craft I got to craft CRA door let’s keep moving let’s keep moving there this counts right take someone’s time long enough to plant some more trees all

Right I got a door uh more wood there we go I got more wood Aon you need more wood yeah good good good good okay cool here you go get it got it get under oh okay more wood more wood there you go take it teamwork teamwork teamk team we

Got it all right there we go guys has a lightning left yet I looking Casey whoa w I found a really cute flower oh that’s really great but we got to make sure the baby’s safe warning tantrum storm approaching what does a tantrum storm mean tantrum build it up Aaron keep the

We must protect this baby is that more lightning what is that Aaron Aaron is the baby okay the baby’s fine so far wa is something wrong all right uh Aon you have ladders yeah yeah you told me to make them Casey keep inside all build up build up build up guys something there’s

Something out here what’s going on I’m going to check it out there we go put some lad go up no check it out oh it’s zombie babies zombie babies are attacking oh my gosh there’s a zombie baby in our hand don’t worry I’ll save the

Baby got it what them got it oh they’re at the door okay all right all right save that you just keep yourself safe Casey aon’s got the covering watch out the baby the baby the baby zombies are up here I got it I got it watch out

Casey I would like a little bit of help though okay Casey I’m going to fight him off I made an extra sword here take this you made sword oh my gosh JY my man’s made me a sword what I don’t have a sword well you got the bow I figured

You’d be good with that I am protecting this family I will you those Z all right we got to cover this up because those those mobs are crazy right now make sure the door’s closed down there I don’t want another uh temper tantrum or whatever oh my gosh there’s

Another one down there wait wait there’s another one I’ll get if you need me to another wave don’t worry eron I got this we’re Partners in this okay we we got this look yeah you’re real good at that look at that knock those Bab babies off

The side okay wa wait are you killing the babies down there oh no but they’re cute babies too I love all babies Aaron I love all the babies but they’re so cute yeah but they’re evil zombie babies and they’re trying to kill us a but I

Like all the babies well listen I like babies that aren’t trying to kill us I will fight every baby to protect my baby Z our roof is leaking okay uh some of the trees finished growing so uh I’ll get more wood don’t worry oh my gosh bread you’re

Baking bread already this place is looking so good look at this where’d you go where where are you what what I was upstairs with the baby oh you were upstairs with the baby and I just want to say I want to say thank you for these

Boots you made me these Diamond I love them all diamond to Big those boots what you do there hey hey uh you guys haven’t found any gold yet I can’t find any in the mines listen I got a bigger problem right now Ian I got to go find more dond

Down there you got just look what back it back to the mines s we need more flowers uh more flowers sure I just got to get back down and ooh FM look at my diamond boots oh my God yeah I finally made something before you oh you got

Boots you have some already yeah I made those boots a long time ago a s I’m on it back to the mines look guys there’s a Pet Block is this pets can we get pets oh I don’t know about this are we ready for a fail you think it’ll be cuter than

The babies tame your pet time limit what that oh the time liit what is this it’s a cat it’s a fish easy we just need cat Okay uh yeah let’s get to fishing uh guys how do uh youy you tame pandas with bamboo right yes you do

Where am I going to get bamboo this is useless I don’t know where you’re going to find Bamboo uh oh look his pan is rolling everywhere what do you mean my Panda I can’t tame this I don’t have any bamboo hey get you get away from the

Baby care baby be careful the baby we did it oh did you get it we did I’m going to go to the L to see if I can find skeletons okay all right I’m going to take this puppy and put it over here all right Aon you go get it uh I’m going

To go show the puppy to the baby where’s the baby oh baby look at our puppy isn’t the puppy cute a okay all right um don’t we got okay all right doggy you stay there AR you good yeah yeah yeah I’m fighting skeleton I’ll be okay all right how’s

That Panda going in great you know just uh I’m already hey what is was that was that the panda it like blew up part of my Island oh ah you’re blaming the panda I don’t care I a now a now seriously I can’t take care of a panda and a baby

The baby doesn’t even look like me or you so it’s just like baby it’s not our fault your baby looks ugly baby where’s your baby are you admitting defeat no just saying that I’m doing a better job Des it’s aaby it’s ay if you don’t want this baby I’m taking the baby

No no no no it’s my baby I’m totally a good dad just uh you know I was so you want the baby to look like me why Ian mhm uh uh yeah I can’t hear you from over here uh-huh listen well you take care of your pets all right I’m

Trying to do with this Panda all right let’s see if we can tame the dog uh go over here oh we got Panda’s fighting Panda’s fighting back here’s one for the dog dog oh I didn’t do it oh I have a few more uh four three two oh oh you got

It Aaron nice okay all right we have a family look at our we got a dog and a baby get out of the house you’re not allowed in here and the time limit is up so yeah what am I supposed to do with the panda if I can’t tame it huh huh I

Guess it just stays with you looks like you got a new roomie a oh and look he’s making space for himself no okay all right uh let’s see let’s see what else can we do uh how do we do this I mean we could build a

Hot tub oh there’s a block there’s a block there’s a block what is it do baby baby grow up baby oh no I I don’t need another baby wait what do you got apples I got apples I got apples huh wait apples what happens I feed the baby let

Me feed the baby let me feed the baby feed the baby I just got apples too oh oh wait what’s with these green particles huh oh it looks looks just like okay uh eron Aon we need a fence uh we need a fence what we going to fence

Her in oh she’s so cute oh she’s got to run off the edge yeah we got to block off the area uh block block off right here block this here blocks and FY uh here let me see um let’s go over here put this oh no no no sticks need sticks

Uh down and then I think it’s no oh I forgot how to make F oh I’m going going I got two gates I’m going our baby grew up yeah ours grew up too proud parents now no no no no don’t stay I think uh

Hey I got six I got six uh the oh f f over here over by the balcony put one there hey guys um does your baby look weird I feel like mine’s not quite right like the face is a little off what happened and every baby and toddler is

Special and what what is going on there this one’s cute I I I I couldn’t tell you Zane he’s got little eyebrows he adorable what are his eyebrows doing too big a he’s so cute he’s a little sh a wait wait let me see this he’s adorable

I the kid looks just like you what no he does not he looks just like look at her strange baby oh I want to see your baby I want to see your baby what does your baby look like oh uh hold on let me see oh she’s the cutest oh it’s my little

Girl oh my god oh look at her there she is she’s the what no that’s our cat she’s up here oh my God she’s a little shy yours looks normal wait wait normal okay all right Ian yours looks fine okay it looks just like you what about yours

Huh oh she’s cute here come here come here right follow me I’ll show you our baby he’s over here up this way a boy look look look look a little girl look look look she’s right where she oh she I told her we needed more face she’s adventurous she is very adventurous wow

Really let her play on The Ledges like that huh well you know what we like to let her explore come on come back I was given a broken baby you were not giving a oh baby’s a precious hand all right I’m going to go get uh

Some we got a do you have a fence do you have a fence nobody need to make some more for sure yeah we need we also need to plant I have some trees here we can plant we can expand a little bit more over this way let’s see um put some

Trees out this way let’s make this here all right let me put them this way huh okay time to better baby proof this place guys there’s another special block wait I I don’t know me a new baby I want a new baby new baby give me give what

Happened uh did did it give a new baby I nothing yet are the birds coming wait a minute the birds are back oh the bird bir Birds there is one okay we got to catch uh please drop it really safe please on the roof the RO on the roof okay okay oh

Fine we’re fine right the front step okay let’s see I want to see the baby oh this one looks like me we got to go up we got to go up I don’t have any ladders yeah I’ll go up I’ll go up a oh okay okay maybe oh it’s right there Aon it’s

Not over here careful oh it’s a little just going to get him upstairs real quick let’s take it in come on let’s go here we go okay got it there we go wait wait do we have to make this one girl too wait uh do you have any food I still

Have apples left over maybe that work let’s see if this works wait you going to grow up the baby already I think we can oh look at this one this one looks like me oh they’re so cute so cute the same as the last one that’s it is he complaining about his

Babies again Eric keep bringing the dog yep on it are you complaining about your babies well none of them are cool or helpful hey panda panda no get away from the baby no we what that panda is stealing my baby well I’m stealing this baby Aaron steal the other one we’re

We’re adopting Ian’s babies all right Ian where’s the other baby I don’t even want it well fine you know what these are our babies now I’m taking in Ian’s babies there we go there we go in there uh caring the baby oh sorry baby sorry baby sorry baby oh babies are useless

They don’t mind the Panda’s blowing up my house there we go oh we got a baby did you get the other baby Aon yeah yeah I got him I got him okay yeah we can have these babies right you know what sure I I got other plants okay fine all

Right and just like that it’s down to two Two Dads oo well you know Zan I have four kids now so I’m a super dad I mean he’s still a dad of the panda a p it doesn’t count if you just take someone it we adopted

Them Zane yeah we adopted them baby and you’re going to be safe with us cuz that man over there that man is doing stuff okay wait wait where are you you do nothing I guess I can’t disagree with that your own business all right do have

An idea Ian all right so let’s let’s take a look at our little family uh after we we have a small problem what’s the problem uh Ian’s baby w’t stop crying oh why is he crying I don’t know I I think Ian must have done something

Maybe he wants to go back to Ian come on let’s take him over here no the baby sorry he’s okay here let me see Ian I think your baby wants you back Ian what are you doing on our Island Ian Ian your baby’s here I think your baby wants you

Back he’s over here he’s over here a all right baby what what is it do you want I think he he misses oh never mind well I don’t think that worked maybe he’s hungry I do you feed your kids maybe yeah I think he’s hungry come on

Let’s let’s go over here we’ll take him back um all right Ian we thought he loved you but I don’t think he does I think he’s fine you know what that’s fine uh I got another plan uh thanks Z all right I got these baby’s here and oh and baby stop crying

A okay all right uhan what are you doing what’s happening huh uh nothing you really think I can’t see you going into our base nothing get him where’s he doing is he under the house is he we got to find a shovel where’s a shovel I need a

Shovel oh I’ll my I have an axe wait wait he’s stealing from us is at least he tried to he’s got a hopper go get him where are you you idiot wait what hang on you’re not going to get away trying to make my

Escape he stop it oh oh oh wow they the panda why is your Aon run run run run run why is the panda explode the Panda’s exploding this is the worst Panda ever all right everything is good look at them oh oh we have so many babies you

Sure you don’t want the babies back huh no no I’m I’m trying to hunt down the panda it’s up there what wow okay oh I think the panda just oh Dad new box there’s a dad there’s a dad there’s a Dad wait what do you mean going break this Dad thing well no

You’re not breaking that I’ll be the ultimate dad and then I’ll you’re you’re not a dad I am the dad but who got it where’ to go last dad standing winad standing do that mean don’t huh what oh no what is this oh no why do we have chainsaws I don’t even

Want to be here I don’t want to be a dad anymore sorry but uh it looks like I’m going to have to kill you come on you got to win don’t have to tell me twice get over here wow well was easier than I thought I don’t even have a baby yeah

All right how’s this going to go oh wow A Time To Die there’s more you are never a good dad Z I knock you down not if I knock you down first dad fight dad fight on Z my dad can take your dad Casey my dad’s got you’re not

Very good at T yeah dad fight dad fight for our family for our family and do your best what do you think I’m already doing no I got I got hang on hang on is for family oh no a I am the greatest Dead uh for now

There we go wait what wait what do you mean for now why are you coming over here why are you comeing over here laughing you don’t want to fight the best dad are you sure please please please think of the babies think of the babies oh that’s true all right come on

Let’s go okay

This video, titled ‘Having an APHMAU FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2023-10-22 19:15:00. It has garnered 2409932 views and 41184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:52 or 1312 seconds.

No one said raising a family was easy!!! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau

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    Joining a Minecraft Cult!? 😱 Chuck Nasty's StoryVideo Information recently my viewers have been getting up to some unusual Shenanigans see while most YouTubers and streamers have fan bases that Troll and act egregiously sus jinxy this your door Dash driver I nutted in the ranch my fan base started a cult that wasn’t a joke the Chuck Imperium a group that started on my members only Discord server and uh oh boy they are the real deal they have an official Minecraft server they made a flag and they even claim territory in real life that is my face on a flag on the top of… Read More


    TV NURSE RESCUES JJ IN MINECRAFT! BEAT MIKEY TODAY!Video Information [Music] ah I’m so hungry and I haven’t slept well hi everyone it’s me JJ and recently my life went downhill and now I live in a very bad place on the street and eat whatever I can get my hands on by the way I’m very hungry maybe I could get something left for me by someone who passed by and I could get something to eat so what’s going on here I left this box for someone to give me food but they didn’t put anything in it I’ll be hungry again I’ll have to look… Read More

  • Insane Edatersgg Modpack Tutorial – Mind-Blowing Cheenis99 Minecraft Installation

    Insane Edatersgg Modpack Tutorial - Mind-Blowing Cheenis99 Minecraft InstallationVideo Information attention degenerates this is how to access the Minecraft eata GG server and get whitelisted first to get whitelisted you’ll click the next button you’ll enter all of your information here so that we can dox you press submit and then re go to the link on the first page of the form click the click here to download the file okay this brings you to Mega wait for this to load hit download in the top left and while that’s downloading go to curse forge.com hit Cur get curse Forge app in the top right and then… Read More

  • EPIC Real-Life Minecraft with DIAMOND REACHES in RTX Texture Pack!

    EPIC Real-Life Minecraft with DIAMOND REACHES in RTX Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Real Life POV – DIAMOND REACHES in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版’, was uploaded by Skreeper on 2024-05-23 14:10:31. It has garnered 6802 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft in Real Life POV – DIAMOND REACHES in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版 🔥 Hallo My name is SKREEPER ! Today will show how to survive in Minecraft in real life (Minecraft Real POV), That in Realistic Minecraft videos about zombie, Creeper steve and Alex in my adventures. How to make TNT trap… Read More

  • 👧 Squeezy Girl 2 Game – Play Now! 📱 #shorts #androidgames

    👧 Squeezy Girl 2 Game - Play Now! 📱 #shorts #androidgamesVideo Information [संगीत] ओके तो आज अपन ये लेवल कंप्लीट करेंगे ये कलिंगड़ पे बैठ गई ओके लेमन देन एप्पल ओ नो यस गई ओ या बनाना पर भी बैठ गई This video, titled ‘Squeezy Girl 2 Game || Mobile Games #shorts #gameplay #games #gaming #androidgames #minecraft’, was uploaded by BHUSH GAMING on 2024-02-21 11:44:09. It has garnered 8985 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unstoppable Minecraft PvP Master Takes Down Legends 🔥🔪

    Unstoppable Minecraft PvP Master Takes Down Legends 🔥🔪Video Information okay hang on let me load up Minecraft okay please tell me this is working okay we’re back in uni okay but my schedule is a bit my thing’s a bit messed okay hang on um like that maybe like that okay are we back oh okay we got the Minecraft coming up like this okay it’s working Asian Jeff yo what’s up St Man Ke as well what’s up we’re back in uni we’re chilling we’re actually back let me drink some water y what’s up guys okay we’re back did you miss me what’s up Asian… Read More

  • Doni’s Secret Minecraft Dimension Uncovered

    Doni's Secret Minecraft Dimension UncoveredVideo Information hello hello oh Donnie why did you tell me to join bro what’s going on here man likea finally bro what something bad happened I don’t know how it happened and where’s Linux he’s he’s not okay why what do you mean he’s not okay yo what happened to my boy bro hold on he went in here what what is poop he went into poop what is this no he went inside he opened up like a hole and then he went inside why you telling me just open up anywhere Inside Man you don’t know where… Read More

  • Dream Lands Craft SMP

    Dream Lands Craft SMPDream Lands Craft is first and foremost a Survival server trying to enhance the vanilla experience by making the late game much more interesting by adding leveled progression in terms of Elite and Infernal mobs which spawn in addition to normal mobs, unique items, jobs. The server economy allows you to buy and sell many different items for in-game money which can be used to buy gear, building blocks, ranks… You can claim your own land which can not be griefed so you can work on building megaprojects, you can play in the MobArena and much more. Almost everything you… Read More

  • Newland Realms 18+

    Join Our Adult-Only Bedrock Realm! We are looking for more members to join our casual, cooperative Bedrock realm. With around 12 members already, we are seeking to expand our community. Our mega-base cavern is carved out of a snowy mountain, and we are constantly expanding and building new chambers. We have been active for 4 months and have no plans of stopping. Our main rules include no PvP, no mob/item/xp farms, and no disrespectful speech. If you are interested in joining our community, message me for more information. We also have a Discord for members to join if they’d like! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Meme #33

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Meme #33Looks like this meme is on a winning streak! Score of 73 in the Minecraftifying Memes league, watch out world! Read More

  • Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge!

    Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge! In the world of Minecraft, a quiz is set, Can you spot the changes, can you bet? Watch closely, observe with care, One small detail, different, beware. Aha! Moment, brain training in play, Spot the difference, in a Minecraft way. For those seeking answers, a challenge awaits, In the world of blocks, where creativity creates. Explore new ideas, in the Minecraft land, From reproducing maps, to elevators grand. Learn to use barrier blocks, with skill and might, Ride an Ender Dragon, take flight in the night. Create PVP battles, Splatoon-style fun, With command blocks, victory can be won. So… Read More

  • Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes

    Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes Only 0.04% of Minecraft players have the patience and dedication to build this secret feature…the rest of us are too busy accidentally setting our houses on fire with lava buckets. Read More

  • Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE!

    Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE! The Exciting World of Minecraft Furniture Mods Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spruce up your virtual world with some stylish furniture? Look no further! The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE Malayalam is here to take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting mod and how it can enhance your Minecraft experience. What Does the Furniture Mod Offer? The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE and Bedrock Edition brings a wide range of furniture options to your game. From modern sofas and elegant tables to cozy beds and decorative lamps, this mod… Read More

  • Minecraft Barrel Tutorial

    Minecraft Barrel Tutorial Minecraft Barrels: Crafting and Uses In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for new ways to store and organize their items. One popular storage solution that has gained traction is the humble barrel. These cylindrical containers offer a unique aesthetic and functionality that sets them apart from traditional chests. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft barrels and explore their crafting recipe and various uses in-game. Crafting a Barrel in Minecraft To craft a barrel in Minecraft, players will need the following materials: 6 Oak Planks: Gather oak wood and convert it into planks at a… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2024-06-01 14:00:03. It has garnered 254222 views and 7424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:37 or 2917 seconds. I attempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on only One Chunk. During these 100 days I have to use limited resources, stave off starvation, and beat the game with limited land. Can I survive all 100 days?…. Watch to the end to find out! 👍 Can we get 30000 likes for an even harder 100 Days!?👍 #hardcore #100Days #minecraft ────────────────────────────────── 😵‍💫BRAND… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!

    Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED)’, was uploaded by MR.LOKIGAMER on 2024-02-15 09:34:50. It has garnered 44 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED) Minecraft, But Scary Cursed MOBS are ULTRA REALISTIC Challenge with ETHAN! Can you Believe the END?!! #Eystreem #Minecraft Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, secret, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft mobs in real life extra scary, minecraft mobs in real life, minecraft mobs, minecraft scary mobs, minecraft myths scary, mobs in real life cursed minecraft, extremely… Read More

  • FerFox – INSANE Memory Loss in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts

    FerFox - INSANE Memory Loss in Minecraft! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Do You Remember.. 🥺 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FerFox on 2024-05-10 23:00:03. It has garnered 3091553 views and 157710 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Do You Remember.. 🥺 #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #foryoupage #minecraftMods #trending #tiktoksong #shorts FerFox does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today FerFox plays… Read More

  • SHOCKING Reality VS Realistic Minecraft 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    SHOCKING Reality VS Realistic Minecraft 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Reality VS Realistic Minecraft… 😳 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-01 22:14:37. It has garnered 12909 views and 431 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Reality VS Realistic Minecraft… 😳 TikTok:https:https://www.tiktok.com/@diamont.crafter Read More

  • 🔥Sachin DESTROYS in NEW Lifesteal SMP 🔥JOIN NOW!

    🔥Sachin DESTROYS in NEW Lifesteal SMP 🔥JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥MINECRAFT | NEW BEST PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | FOR JAVA / PE | FATAFAT JOIN KARLO 🙃’, was uploaded by Sachin playz on 2024-03-19 06:32:12. It has garnered 1611 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 🔥MINECRAFT | NEW BEST PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | FOR JAVA / PE | FATAFAT JOIN KARLO 🙃 ◽️Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/sachinplayzofficial/ 🔵Discord:- https://discord.gg/YnbC729ss4 🤑For Businesses and Sponsors:- [email protected] Minecraft 100 Days On a RAFT https://youtu.be/wYvsdLjeDWs?si=g8IzslRasNvO1HP_ Minecraft 100 Days in JUNGLE https://youtu.be/CuQ0l7T4kvY?si=aDapHUzJmDGFXF5k Minecraft 100 Days on Survival Island https://youtu.be/ND7XaOJ9xEM?si=OK_3DsACfAuhyBez Minecraft 100 Days In Badlands Only… Read More

  • Unbelievable VR Eyetest Game – Mind-Blowing!

    Unbelievable VR Eyetest Game - Mind-Blowing!Video Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #eyelevel #magic #eyegame #art #mindboggling #duet #eyesgame #smallbusiness’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-03-19 01:15:46. It has garnered 6383 views and 544 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1#shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1 Read More


    DARINA'S EPIC ANIME MAGIC CHALLENGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘#tutorial #challenge #anime #magic #minecraft #trend #trending #funny #dance #duet’, was uploaded by Дарина on 2024-05-24 17:35:34. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT CHAOS: iHorus DESTROYS EVERYTHING!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT episode 9’, was uploaded by iHorus Smash on 2024-04-02 04:10:29. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:20 or 8960 seconds. Welcome to the channel, I stream Smash, Rocket League and other games. Feel free to sub and hop in the chat, I usually reply to everyone. Have a good day~! Read More

  • Insane Peppa Pig EXE Attack on Minecraft House ft. Mikey & JJ

    Insane Peppa Pig EXE Attack on Minecraft House ft. Mikey & JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Peppa Pig EXE family vs The Most Secure House Minecraft gameplay Mikey and JJ (Maizen Parody)’, was uploaded by AlexBro on 2024-05-29 13:20:20. It has garnered 27617 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. Today, we’re facing up against one of our scariest opponents yet, the Mutant Scary Peppa Pig EXE family and Mikey Play like Maizen JJ and Mikey experiment with JJ and Mikey to Scary Peppa Pig EXE family I hope you will enjoy my videos. Read More

  • ZapCon Network

    ZapCon NetworkEste es un servidor con amplias modalidades java y bedrock con buena optimización y comunidad el server sigue en desarrollo para tomar ideas de la comunidad y mas espero que les guste y se diviertan. mc.zapcon.net Read More

  • 🌎 Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! We are a fresh 18+, semi-vanilla Java Minecraft server that started on the 25th of March this year. Our community has grown significantly, welcoming players from all over the world into a close-knit community. If this sounds like the place for you, be sure to apply! Why Choose Us? SEMI VANILLA: Whitelisted server for 18+ players with vanilla survival gameplay enhancements. WHITELISTED: Thorough application process to ensure quality players only. SUPPORT: East US coast server location for good connectivity worldwide. PLAYER PROJECTS: Help shape the server with your building skills. ADVENTURES: Explore the server’s unique history… Read More