Automatic Chicken Cooker Coop! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 104]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day today’s project is going to be a small one but an essential one and you might be wondering why I’ve saved such an essential project for episode

104 of the Minecraft Survival Guide the fact is I don’t tend to build chicken cookers all that often that’s by the way it’s a chicken cooker if you can tell from the video title already we’re gonna do a chicken cooker today and the main reason is that I just have other food

Sources I’ve been farming cows and sheep basically since episode 2 we had some chickens at lying around the house for a little while not doing a great deal eventually those all got out thanks to the fact that I have a pressure plate in my house or they just kind of wandered

Off generally and since then I’ve been eating basically whatever I can scrounge up I’ve been farming cows for beef right now I’ve been munching through some fish because we have a guardian farm that cooks them in lava on the way down and they drop cooked fish as a result so we

Haven’t really needed a chicken cooker even though chicken cookers tend to be a fairly essential part of an early game of Minecraft world especially if you’re on a server it’s nice to set up a chicken cooker just so you can have an infinite supply of chicken whenever

Anybody happens to swing by and collect Sun the reason I want to do it today is mainly because it’s a useful skill to have but also because we get to demonstrate a few interesting aspects of redstone in the process of making this chicken cooker and people tend to ask me

When I make these videos people will leave in the comments that they want to see like an overview of redstone or like some general videos about redstone and let me tell you why I don’t tend to go into just how a redstone mechanic works in a vacuum how it works in isolation

How it works outside of the context of gadgets and stuff first of all I’m not exactly a redstone genius I I make little gadgets here and there and I can get by with redstone but I’m not the kind of person who can tell you the ins

And outs of it and how it works perfectly if you want that by the way there is a series out there called dissecting minecraft by logical geek-boy and methods I’ll leave a link to that in the description really useful series if you just want to know what each redstone

Component does and and how various things interact they’re really gonna go into technical minecraft in that series as well so I think of it as a good companion to this series if you want to go and check that out the other thing really is that

The way I learn redstone is using it in practical ways rather than learning the theory of things I like to learn how stuff works just by testing it out and building stuff and making mistakes and that kind of thing so learning the theory of like what a redstone

Comparator or redstone repeater does can only take me so far I need to see exactly how it can be put to use in a contraption before I really understand it so that’s kind of the the teaching method I’m going for in this series it’s learning the practical things rather

Than the theory it’s like doing the practical side of a driving test rather than doing the theoretical side of a driving test where you just learn the rulebook basically it’s kind of how I’m thinking about it but you your mileage may vary on that score it might actually be a

Better way for you to learn if you kind of pour through the Minecraft Wiki or a slightly more kind of you know note by notes tutorial about how redstone works me I like to work on little projects and I like to have you guys learn a little

Bit about redstone as we go so today we’re going to come out the back of the farmhouse actually because I figured since day one we have been farming sheep we have been farming cows we haven’t really farmed chickens at all except for the ones that we had running around the

House and this little area out the back of the farmhouse was previously a nether wart farm and a flower farm that I didn’t really use is where I demonstrated bone milling to tall flowers using that observer clock and I figured we may as well completely clear

All of that out and make way for a chicken coop of sorts the thing about this chicken coop is that it’s going to be cooking the chickens as they hatch basically or not quite as they hatch but as they grow up from hatchlings the thing about chickens is that they get

Bred in two ways or they are produced in two ways you can just breed them one chicken with another chicken it’s not a chicken oh no that’s a flower I was hoping there was a chicken around for us to demonstrate with you can breed them using seeds that you just get from from

Punching grass you can breed them using wheat seeds or you can throw eggs and occasionally one of the eggs will hatch into a chicken sometimes even it will hatch into four chickens there is a very rare chance that one egg will produce four chickens which is kind of cooler like a nice

Little Easter egg as it were so what we’re going to do today is set up a means by which we can collect eggs in a hopper that’s going to be kind of the eggs are going to be pooped by chickens they’re going to end up going into a dispenser the dispenser

Will throw them in much the same way that a player right-clicking will throw eggs and that can occasionally hatch a chicken inside of a machine which eventually when the chicken grows up is going to be able to cook the chicken using lava basically if an animal dies

When it’s on fire we’ve covered this earlier in the series I think but if an animal dies when it’s on fire it will drop the cooked version of whatever meat it has instead of the raw version so if you set fire to a sheep or a cow and it

Dies while it’s on fire it will produce cooked mutton or cooked beef the same goes for chicken so we’re gonna take advantage of a few fun little redstone mechanics and we are going to cook a few chickens today but before we do that I want to go over a couple of redstone

Mechanics with you and these are basically the materials I think we won’t need anything else we might pick up a couple of other components as we go but the first thing I want to demonstrate is a really cool trick using redstone torches I’ll use these oak planks as my

Example blocks we’re gonna put one here and this is a redstone torch redstone torches are a really neat components they are just like a torch in that you can place them on the sides or the tops of blocks you can’t dangle them from the ceiling or anything like that but they

Are able to be placed attached to blocks like so or like this and redstone torches provide 15 redstone signal like so for example if we put down a redstone dust there you’ll see it’s powered 15 let me actually go and grab a lever really fast so I can demonstrate this

Next thing what happens when you power the block that a redstone torch is attached to for example this redstone torch here is attached to this wood block if we power it from a different source taking out the redstone dust there it will actually turn off the redstone torch like so so this redstone

Dust here will no longer be powered because this lever is powering the block the torch is attached to and turning it off this forms quite a substantial portion of a lot of redstone circuits but what happens you may think if a redstone torch powers its own block in

What if it powers the block that it itself is attached to and that is the basis of the mechanic we’re going to explore today because as you heard right there the redstone torch powers the block it pulses a whole bunch of times like it can’t work out what’s going on

And then it fizzles out listen to the sound effect there you go it’s got that kind of like sound effect that means it’s burnt out now there’s a fun aspect to this I’m gonna turn the mob sound stand by the way because those sheep Ertz starting to

Get on my nerves a little bit the there’s a fun aspect to this where if you place a blog if you if you update a block basically anywhere around the redstone torch now say for example I place some redstone dust here watch what happens it goes through the same cycle

Again it pulses again because right now this torch is off but it really should be on because there’s nothing really stopping it from cycling through again the main reason it does that is just to prevent it from continuously looping through this same cycle but by updating

A block around it you can get it to pulse again there is a smaller version of this circuit that you can make by placing a block above this redstone torch here and then placing a redstone dust there and that will basically create the same circuit because the redstone torch is powering this block

Here the adjacent redstone dust gets powered by this block and at the redstone dust being on top of there powers this block creating this kind of feedback loop which eventually shuts off our redstone torch and now as before if we place a block or any kind of item

Around it if I place a block there or if it does take a little bit of time to cool down but if I place a block there now you’ll see it does the same thing if I wait a couple of seconds and then take that block away again or I take that

Block away again there we go it does exactly the same thing each time that is part of the mechanic that we are going to use to set up our little circuit here today because if we put a dispenser on top of here it does exactly the same

Thing in fact what it does is power the dispenser eight times and that happens to be a really useful number for this circuit right here because what we’re gonna do now it’s a little bit nerve-wracking with the lava bucket in the dispenser we’re going to update this

Redstone torch so that the the dispenser with the lava bucket in is powered eight times so that should take the lava out to put the lava back in take the lava out put the lava back in like so there we go the hats that’s a little bit weird

But it works and if I take that block away again same thing so what we can do is use this to cook chickens but only adult chickens and as we build up this circuit today you guys will see exact how that’s going to work but there we go redstone torch burnout demonstration

Really interesting very useful mechanic and can be used in a variety of ways you don’t see it all that often but there are some neat little exceptions that we can we can leverage that for the main thing we’re going to be doing today is using it to cook ourselves some chicken

So taking all my supplies out of that shelter box and I think we want the main output chest to be here so we’re gonna put that there we’re gonna put a hopper into this and I think we want some kind of slab in there let’s put an oak slab normally you would

Probably want to avoid building this out of wood because it’s got lava in the dispenser and you don’t want to set things on fire even when it’s pulsing in and out of the dispenser like that there might be a split second in which the lava can catch something on fire so in

The average world you might not want to build this out of wood in my case I have fire tech turned off so I don’t need to worry about lava catching things on fire it’s not going to be a problem nothing’s gonna burn so what we’re gonna do now is

Place a spruce plank behind there and we’re going to add two dispensers on top of here this one right here is going to fire the eggs that one right there is going to fire the lava now the cool thing is even though there is a slab here this dispenser is still gonna be

Able to fire eggs out of it as though they were thrown by a player and that’s what’s going to hatch the chickens now in front of these were going to be placing the trap doors we’re gonna pop those on those two blocks like that and the fun thing about this remove the top

Slab by the way you don’t need that there that’s gonna stop the lava from coming out if it stays there the fun thing about having the trap doors like this is if you want to if you feel a little bit bad for the little chickens that end up in here you can occasionally

Let them out so what I want to do is have like a chicken pen around the outside here and have all of the chickens kind of hop out of here if we want to you know have some chickens here for aesthetic purposes maybe and I’ve run back into the house because I needed

To sleep and I needed a redstone comparator that was something I forgot to put in my little project shelcha box so we’re gonna have a comparator reading the contents of this dispenser here and that’s going to start a redstone signal coming out of here any time this

Dispenser fills up with eggs which is going to do if we place a hopper on the side here and have some chickens sat on top of that hopper now of course chickens are likely to wander off so we will need to put some sort of barrier

Around the outside of this on a more permanent basis to make sure that the chickens will not escape and in fact for the purposes of getting some chickens in here I’m actually gonna build this up a little bit higher than hell because we will need some chickens to start

Producing eggs in there in a second now around the comparator here I’ve placed this little ring of redstone dust three redstone dust so that the signal comes out of this side of the comparator and is fed back into the site hello everyone post-commentary pixel rifts here now I

Haven’t made a massive mistake this time just one small note because I was testing this after I finished the video I was having a look around in creative mode to see if this could be refined even further and I discovered that those two pieces of redstone dust there and

They’re not necessary at all all we need is one piece of redstone dust coming out of the back of the comparator to kind of update whatever redstone signal is coming out of there so the other two pieces don’t worry about it they’re gonna be there for the rest of the video

Cuz I didn’t feel like re-recording this entire thing but they’re not necessary so ignore those two pieces make sure there’s just one piece coming out of the comparator and you’ll be good alright on with the video now the reason for this is actually kind of interesting we’re

Gonna place a redstone torch on the side of here and the comparator is actually what’s going to update this redstone torch eventually we’re gonna place a block on top of there we’re gonna place redstone dust on top of this dispenser and this little circuit is actually going to power both dispensers believe

It or not the power of redstone the fact that it’s powering through this dispenser onto this dispenser here because the redstone dust is just gonna be sat on top of there it will actually power both dispensers meaning that eggs will fire out of this one at the same

Time lava fires out of this one now I’m gonna block up the other side here as well because we don’t want the baby chickens escaping from the front the idea is that each time this dispenser down here starts to fill up with eggs it’s going to dispense eight chickens

And it’s going to dispense the lava eight times now once the baby chickens end up in here because when they come out of the eggs they’re just going to be babies they will have a little bit of time to grow up in this little area here

And then once they grow into adult size they’re actually going to be tall enough that the lava from this dispenser is going to cook them every time that activates so it actually kind of works on a sort of timer that depends on when the chickens in here lay eggs and how

Quickly the chickens in here grow up and around the outside of this we’re going to be building ourselves a nice aesthetic looking chicken coop which we should have enough space for over here but for all this to make any sense we need to get some chickens and for

That we will need some eggs and as you can see my egg chest is completely empty I used up a lot of eggs making the cakes that are in the bakery found us forged but luckily for me I found a couple of chickens over at founders Forge and I sneakily

Put them in a couple of traps now there should be one over here there are a couple of chickens in this one and oh I just fell in the hole with them all I can let them out in a second anyway because yes they have provided us with a

Lot of eggs fantastic stuff well done you you can go free now we will let you guys out of the hole and I don’t know they might want to stay in there for a little while longer who can say but there should be another one over here as

Well but I won’t fall into this time smart oh the same amount of eggs as well fantastic great so yeah I left these guys in here for a little while these ladies in here actually because their egg-laying chickens after all and that they have provided us with more than

Enough eggs to get this project started we could always breed up a couple more chickens inside the Machine itself because we can always just throw a few seeds in there but I think what we’ll probably do is at least start this off by throwing a whole bunch of eggs into

The hole here now of course these are gonna have to be adult chickens before they can produce any eggs themselves but chickens will naturally grow up you can even feed them a few seeds if you get impatient we probably want maybe like at least half a dozen chickens in here to

Start off with but perhaps even a few more once we get going and once we got enough chickens in there I’m afraid we are going to actually block them in we’re gonna put a an oak stare there and each of the surrounding blocks here is

Going to be an oak stare as well because that’s gonna form part of the roof and we need to seal that off so we can open up this block here because that is where some all-important redstone dust is going to go for our dispenser mechanism

As you can see that is now powering both of those dispensers including the egg one down here that’s going to receive the signal of this comparator right now so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna put the lava bucket in the top dispenser like so and I’m gonna put some eggs in

The bottom dispenser and I’m gonna show you what happens now to complete the image of this being a chicken coop I’m actually going to start making a roof like so this shouldn’t affect any of the active blocks in here it shouldn’t affect any of the redstone or anything like that and over the

Hop here we can put a row of slabs like so cuz that avoids the redstone at the top there we’re gonna turn the rest of this into a little coop in a minute but for now those chickens in there once they eventually grow up on top of that

Hopper should just lay eggs continuously and the eggs will all end up in this dispenser and you will notice that as soon as an egg ends up in this dispenser it gets fired out of the dispenser at the front because this comparator circuit activates and updates the redstone torch so anytime this

Comparator starts to receive a signal now it will actually activate the redstone torch and pulse the circuit and that will push through the whole system now you might wonder what’s gonna happen with that little cooldown time because when eventually these chickens grow up they’re going to be producing eggs

Pretty regularly and with the dispenser only pulsing eight times every time you end up with a certain amount of eggs in there it’s going to shut off again right it’s only gonna be able to push a certain amount of eggs through and then the comparator isn’t going to update

Regularly do we only chickens in here by the way all we do there you go fantastic I will show you what’s going on with them in a moment but the cool thing about this circuit is that it will actually chuck eggs out faster than it can receive eggs in from the hopper so

This is actually going to start to even out over time every time this comparator updates including if it starts to output a higher signal strength it’s going to trip this redstone torch circuit and so when the eggs in this dispenser reach 11 it’s actually going to send out an

Additional redstone power which updates the comparator updating the redstone torch and it’s gonna throw eggs out again until it gets to three eggs left and I’ve tested this in a creative test world with a whole bunch of egg-laying chickens and the number in here rarely reaches above eleven one alternative way

You can do this of course is to set up a comparator circuit like we’ve seen before where you have a repeater over here that feeds the signal round at full strength pulsing the comparator and powering the dispenser using the block next to it that is something you can do

But I don’t really think it’s necessary for this design because I think it’s it’s working pretty well on its own just with the torch updating that and powering both dispensers so let’s talk about what happens to the chickens in here because that little chicken in there has a

Hitbox and you might think wait a second when the lava comes out of that dispense it’s actually going to impact the top of that chicken’s head because his head is above the level of the dispenser now if I press f3 B you’ll notice actually his hitbox ignore the blue lines that’s the

Other chickens line of sight his hitbox is actually lower than the top of that dispenser and the lava pulse is out this so fast not to mention the fact that he is standing on a slab right now so he’s raised up a little bit and the lava

Can’t flow down into that block the lava isn’t going to affect the baby chickens in any way they also don’t jump up and down or anything like that so that baby chicken in there is going to be right as rain until it grows up into an adult and

When it does that the increased height of this slab here plus the increased height of the chickens hitbox means that it will get into the range of the lava that’s being pushed out by this dispenser and that will cook and eventually kill it then with this hopper underneath here the items will get

Pulled through the slab and we’ll get a cooked chicken and probably a couple of feathers ending up in this chest and I would love to demonstrate this for you right now but I need to wait for these folks in here to lay a few more eggs

Before that happens so it’s gonna be a little bit of time waiting for these chickens to grow up let’s take away the hitboxes there because the blue lines are going a little bit crazy and let’s let’s take down the blocks around here and oh oh there’s a thought I need to

Replace that one I need to replace that one with you know what we could probably work that into the design I’m gonna turn this whole thing into a chicken coop so we’re going to place some stairs along the back here we’re going to fill this back section up here with spruce planks

All the rest of the blocks in here can get filled in we could even put some torches in there if you want to keep the entire thing hollow but we can just fill out the outside like this that could even be like a little chimney or something like that will we’ll keep that

There instead of messing too much with the area that’s containing those chickens because I don’t want to risk letting any of them out it was a bit of a pain getting them in there in the first place we’re going to add stairs going all the way up the side like this

As a little overhang and I think we’ll probably put one stair on the top like that just kind of give this whole thing a little end cap like so we’ll do the same on the opposite side we will cover this entire thing in stairs so that you

Can’t see any of the redstone this side panel is all spruce planks and I need to invert that stare there we go we can put inverted stairs underneath each of these just to give it a nice little archway like so and then I think we’ll probably just put

Two stairs on either side like that just to give it that little kind of thing like it’s resting on the ground like that kind of like an a-frame chicken coop design I kinda like this actually I think it looks pretty cute and there we go not a bad little chicken coop design

If I do say so myself now all we have to do is wait for the chickens in there to grow up and start laying some eggs and then we’ll know whether or not it works but I think I think it was working pretty well when I tested it the first

Time around so shouldn’t have too much to worry about there but like I said one of the cool things about this design is the fact that if you open up those two trapdoors you could let out any of the chickens that are held captive in here

And with a little bit of a fence around the site here we could turn this into a little kind of chicken run I guess we can make a little fenced off area where the chickens could roam around if you want to have a couple of free-range ones

For your farms so let’s grab a few fences and maybe a bit of pods all and some stuff like that that we can use for chicken scratch on the ground let’s let’s do that there we go folks all the waiting has started to pay off now that dispenser just fired a whole

Bunch of times but you’ll notice it hatched a chicken and the chicken didn’t immediately fly up into the lava the cool thing about the egg throwing mechanic from dispensers is that the chickens that come out don’t tend to like bounce up or anything like that meaning that every egg that gets thrown

Out of here that has a chance to create a baby chicken will without worrying about them dying in the lava when it pulses out of that dispenser I’m pretty sure that’s a hundred percent reliable mechanic as well I’m not certain if it’s going to work that way on the bedrock

Edition but still we will have a decent chicken farm here in Java now obviously the more eggs you can have those chickens in there lay the better so ideally you really want to fill that thing up with chickens as as much as possible before you put the whole farm together

I feel like probably even I have like underestimated the amount of chickens that I would need but that’s just all of the eggs I had on me at the time so if we can risk opening this thing up maybe with trap doors or something like that

Then we might want to potentially feed a few more of the chickens in there until they can breed some more chickens to lay more eggs and therefore keep this thing ticking over but in the fullness of time that chicken in there he’s gonna grow up into

An adult chicken then next time a bunch of eggs get thrown out it’s going to be caught in the lava and it’s going to cook and end up in this chest here I’m going to wait around a little bit more until it does because I really want a

Proof of concept for this before we wrap up the video but in the meantime as you can see we have a couple of chickens roaming free around the yard courtesy of a couple of eggs that I threw earlier we also have some hay bales some pods all

Cost dirt a few planted wheat seeds that aren’t anywhere near a water source so they shouldn’t grow particularly fast but they will steadily grow if we can leave them out here anyway just a little bit of set dressing to make this place look like an active chicken coop instead

Of a chicken cooking machine while we’re waiting around here’s a quick look at the difference between the hitbox of an adult chicken and the baby chicken as you can see the adult has quite a bit of extra height so standing that on top of a slab will definitely mean it ends up

In the lava now you’ll notice that chicken there look like it was taking damage it’s actually not if you throw an egg at an entity if you throw it for example at these chickens in here oh and we just ended up with another one you don’t have to worry about them taking

Damage it’s all because eggs don’t actually cause damage to anything it’s like snowballs they don’t cause damage to anything except blazes eggs don’t cause damage to anything whatsoever so even though the dispenser in there is firing out eggs that’s what’s damaging the baby chicken in there and even that

Doesn’t cause it to get propelled up into the lava so the fact that the chickens are in there and the lava is pulsing from the dispenser do not worry about that the baby chickens in there are perfectly safe until they grow up into adults and adults are the only ones

That drop cooked or raw chickens so that’s kind of the thing we need we need them to stay in there until they are adult size and that’s when they’re gonna get cooked now naturally having thrown around a couple of eggs inside this enclosure that I got from the chickens

That are still on top of the hopper in the field over there I now have more chickens running around this little area than I do inside the chicken cooker but no worries this should still be steadily filling up with eggs every now and again there we go got ten in there already so

That is primed and ready to go when it receives the next egg it’ll come back down to three and it’ll spit out a few more chicken spit out some lava and eventually the chickens gathered in this area will grow up and they’ll end up getting killed so there we go one of the

Chickens in there has finally grown up and you can tell because you can see its head through the top trap door instead of halfway through the bottom trapdoor fun fact that I just learned from looking up the Minecraft Wiki because this was taking a while the chickens will

Actually take about 20 minutes to grow into full-sized chickens from babies whereas a chicken will lay an egg roughly every 6 to 10 minutes 5 to 10 minutes I think it was it was like 6,000 to 12,000 game ticks which is about 5 to 10 minutes so as a result you’re

Probably going to end up with quite a lot of baby chickens in here before they grow into adult chickens which is a good thing because you’re gonna be getting you gotta be getting a whole lot of babies in there ready to grow up and as soon as they grow up pretty much the

Amount of eggs processing through this system will basically mean that you will get a couple of chickens each time so eventually when this thing actually fires which yes it’s gonna take a while to do this is very much a set it and forget it kind of project we will end up

With a cooked chicken coming into the chest here thanks to that chicken up the top they’re dying in lava and the drops are just going to come out the bottom of it the lava is not going to burn up the drops or anything like that it all

Happens a little bit too fast for that and I think in the long run it would help to have a lot more chickens in here laying eggs because we need the system to be running pretty much constantly but like I said this is very much a set it

And forget it kind of project is the kind of thing that you would start right at the beginning of a server as soon as you’ve got the components for this put it together make a comparator make a couple of hoppers make a couple of dispensers get all of the chicken eggs

You have and throw them in this thing and then you’ll basically have chicken for the rest of your life roughly as long as you build this in chunks that stay loaded for most of the time because the chickens will need you to be around and for the chunk to be loaded for them

To grow up there we go that chicken dies on fire and we here to cooked chicken and for feathers so it may be that there was another chicken that was an adult in there I didn’t spot it but there we go we have our first cooked chicken out of

The chicken cooker and we have some feathers that we can use for written books or arrows or whatever you feel like crafting out of feathers so there we go I’m glad we tackled this project and our farm feels a little bit more complete for it like I said this is very much

Something that you would probably want to build in the early days of your world but it is certainly nice to have around and that’s gonna wrap up this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide thank you so much for watching my name is Ben picks or Eve’s don’t forget to leave a

Like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Automatic Chicken Cooker Coop! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 104]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-03-26 11:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to build an automatic chicken cooker – a redstone …

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  • Enderman’s Appearance Based on Wi-Fi Speed

    Enderman's Appearance Based on Wi-Fi Speed Minecraft: Enderman’s Appearance Based on Wi-Fi Speed? Have you ever wondered how Enderman looks in Minecraft based on Wi-Fi speed? In this intriguing video by BrosY, the concept is explored in a fun and entertaining way. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and discover more about this fascinating topic! Exploring Minecraft Worlds Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in various virtual worlds. With its endless possibilities and creative freedom, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Enderman: Mysterious Creatures Enderman is a mysterious and intriguing creature in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, this game offers a truly immersive experience for players of all ages. The Excitement of Minecraft Shorts One of the most popular trends in the Minecraft community is the creation of shorts – bite-sized videos that showcase the best moments from gameplay. Whether it’s a thrilling battle with a boss or a hilarious mishap, these shorts capture the essence of Minecraft in a fun and engaging way…. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await

    Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await Welcome to! Are you a fan of viral Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the excitement and adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in epic battles, creative building challenges, and so much more. Immerse yourself in a community of passionate gamers who share your love for all things Minecraft. Experience the thrill of facing off against formidable opponents like Herobrine and Kenny in a virtual world where anything is possible. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer

    Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer Welcome to the World of Infinite Craft Step into the expansive universe of Infinite Craft, where creativity knows no bounds and endless possibilities await. In this virtual realm, players can unleash their imagination and build, craft, and conquer to their heart’s content. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in the ever-evolving world of Infinite Craft. The Joy of Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Infinite Craft is the art of building and crafting. Players have the freedom to construct anything their minds can conjure, from… Read More

  • Shai’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    Shai's Wild Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Partner: Episode 16 Welcome back to another exciting episode of Minecraft Survival Partner with Candy Purnama! In this episode, we continue our adventure in the world of Minecraft, facing challenges and exploring new horizons. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and see what awaits us! Exploring for Diamonds Our journey begins with a quest to retrieve the elusive Diamonds that we missed out on in the previous episode. Armed with determination, Candy sets out to locate the precious gemstones, navigating through the depths of the Minecraft world. With careful planning and resource management, Candy embarks on a… Read More

  • 100 Days vs Minecraft’s Deadliest – I Survived!

    100 Days vs Minecraft's Deadliest - I Survived!Video Information all right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done one of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes! You won’t believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSee

    Insane Minecraft Memes! You won't believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSeeVideo Information गोल्डन एरा भी नहीं इसको डायमंड एरा उससे भी बढ़कर था वो टाइम ठीक है तो ऐसे हमको बहुत ज्यादा याद आ रही है उन टाइम की हम बताते हैं ना [संगीत] असली मजा है यार पर तो क्यों लोग वापस टाइम में पैक जाए जो कि इंपॉसिबल है अभी पता है तुम लोग को भी पता है हम रो ब्रांड एसएमपी की ऐसे याद है यानी ये सब चीजें हुई थी वहां पे अभी तक वो [संगीत] ठीक है एंड लेट्स गो बहुत ज्यादा बातें हो गई हम लोग चलते हैं अपने टाइम में [प्रशंसा] वापस ना… Read More

  • ChromsySMP


  • Epoxy SMP 1.20.4 Java Advanced Survival Lands

    Server IP: Welcome to Epoxy! Epoxy is an advanced Survival server with quests, skills, banks, lands, and more. Join us since the season started on 10/05/2024. While we’re still small, we have a dedicated staff to assist you. Come play and experience the challenge of high-level mobs lurking everywhere. Server IP: Version: 1.20.4 (java only) We’ll see you soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who wants to mine with me?

    Minecraft Memes - Who wants to mine with me?Sure, but just be careful not to dig straight down and fall into a pit of lava! Safety first in the mines, right? Read More

  • Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2

    Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With demons and love, the story molds. A boy named Noan, with a sister in need, Seeks a potion to heal, his heart does bleed. But wait, who’s this stranger, Dylan by name, With a plea for help, his eyes aflame. Noan must decide, to trust or to doubt, As danger lurks, shadows about. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, As the plot thickens, and emotions soar. Minecraft animation, a love story told, In rhymes and in pixels, hearts unfold. Read More

  • Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby

    Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby Why did the sigma baby villager in Minecraft become a trending meme? Because he’s always calculating the most efficient way to steal your diamonds while you’re not looking! #sneakysigma #minecraftmischief Read More

  • Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6 Update to Minecraft 1.20.6 – Part 2: Fabric Modding In this video, the focus is on handling errors in the mod development process due to changes in the base Minecraft code. The narrator delves into the intricacies of Fabric item settings and the impact of alterations within Minecraft. Identifying Errors The narrator guides viewers through the process of identifying errors by examining external libraries and code snippets. Emphasizing the importance of meticulous debugging, they highlight the need to scrutinize each line of code to pinpoint and rectify errors. Debugging Process Viewers are taken through the debugging process step by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecraft Ama Ülkeler Arası Yapı Savaşı #minecraft #shorts.” Although the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine taking part in epic battles, building magnificent structures, and embarking on adventures with players from all around the world. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PVP Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft PVP Showdown Minecraft PVP UHC – DEADLIEST TOURNAMENT! In a thrilling Minecraft PVP tournament, 656 and friends face off in a battle to determine the ultimate Minecraft PVP champion. With dangerous mobs lurking and only an hour on the clock, the stakes are high as players gear up and strategize to survive until the final death match. Who will emerge victorious in this intense Minecraft Ultra Hardcore Tournament? Let’s dive into the action and find out! The Setup As the clock starts ticking, the players scatter, each with their own strategy in mind. Some rush underground, while others focus on gathering… Read More

  • Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!

    Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome to let’s build Hogwarts the foundations so here we have a very basic layout of Hogwarts essentially and a little bit of the surrounding areas mainly the wall and a bit of the bridge there the Boatyard uh boat house I should say so um for those that are just starting it might be an idea to watch this one first because it gives you an idea so that you can plan the build out I do get asked quite a lot how big the build is and for those that are building on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art Showcase

    Minecraft Pixel Art ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong @Creepercraft_77 @artcreeper #shorts’, was uploaded by Realistic Graphic on 2024-04-02 03:30:17. It has garnered 429 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong ‎@Creepercraft_77  ‎@artcreeper #shorts 9.00 Minecraft focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs and items. Some activities in the game include building, mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs and crafting new blocks and tools by… Read More

  • RAFEDO YT – NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shorts

    RAFEDO YT - NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shortsVideo Information नूब मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर मेरे पास यह है अब तुम्हारा आर्मरर नब मेरे पास आयरन फार्म है जो मुझे दिन का 500 से ज्यादा आयरन देता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास तुम्हारे ही फार्म के नीचे तुम्हारे ही फार्म से सारा आयरन आता है हां आख बंद नाक बंद खोटा खोटा बात बंद बना है तो बाप बंद नूब मेरे पास मेरा पैट डोगी है जो मुझे हर मोब से बचाता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #MinecraftVideo Information [음악] diar 최고 치치 차차 루비루비 라바라바 비 두비 This video, titled ‘Which Irongolem Is Spawn?? #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-04-10 05:51:35. It has garnered 27740 views and 752 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • “Piyot finds cursed secret in Minecraft SMP!” #shizo

    "Piyot finds cursed secret in Minecraft SMP!" #shizoVideo Information This Server lasts one week and all of the players are coders not only are they all coders but they all have access to the server files so everybody on the server made their own unique superpowers from crazy flying machines to self-controllable jetpacks I’ve seen it all on This Server me personally I can set people on fire if you could code anything on the server what would you make This video, titled ‘Cursed Minecraft SMP #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Piyot on 2024-02-22 04:07:25. It has garnered 11186 views and 416 likes. The duration of the… Read More


    🔥 JONAS LOSES IT IN HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK LIVE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Hypixel SkyBlock Makes Me Mad!!!🔴(LIVE)’, was uploaded by jonas…. on 2024-03-06 17:43:05. It has garnered 110 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:37 or 4837 seconds. We streamin Hypixel SkyBlock with Viewers today. Send your IGN in chat to join. I created this Minecraft channel as a way to afford child support. Discord = Donate =…./tip 💸 Donation Punishments 💸 (all donations have TTS) 1 dollar = Text to speech message + turbulence 5 dollars = Yell while my family is asleep 10 dollars = 1 shot of… Read More

  • Dive into the Mystical AQUAMIRAE Biome with Akashy!

    Dive into the Mystical AQUAMIRAE Biome with Akashy!Video Information C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] k [Música] C [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] k e [Música] [Música] [Música] Alô tamom pronto para agora tem todas pronto Ah fta aqui [Música] não para tudo isso aqui se curte para ninguém quebrar agora eu tampou isso aqui Esso aqui vai tem que tá com a m mano é um esses bastão aqui melor para fazer [Aplausos] oão sa mais ah [Aplausos] C aqui o teto é isso aqui não… Read More

  • Unleashing Unstoppable Powers in Dark S.M.P (Part 3) 🔥🎮

    Unleashing Unstoppable Powers in Dark S.M.P (Part 3) 🔥🎮Video Information हेलो गाइस फिर से आपका स्वागत है रे प् चैनल की ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो आज के इस वीडियो में मैं फिर से जवाइन करता हूं डार्क एसएमपी सर्वर सो गाइस यहां पर मैं तो आ चुका था डार्क एसएमपी में बट पुलकित लोग ने यहां पर डायमंड आर्मरर ग्राइंड कर लिया था बट मेरे पास उतनी एंट मेंट नहीं थी सो मैंने सोचा आज से ग्राइंड करेंगे नेदर आइट यहां पर मैं एश डेब फाइंड करने में इतनी मेहनत तो नहीं करने वाला हूं सो गाइस यहां पर मैं थोड़ा सा रिसोर्स पैकरा ब जमानी भाई जब तक… Read More

  • Ultimate Fruit Circus Pomni Addon in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Fruit Circus Pomni Addon in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] Yeah Boy H what H nice what hm nice hm H nice H nice H nice h what H nice H nice what nice H what nice hm M nice what what what H nice H nice nice what nice nice nice [Music] nice This video, titled ‘Digital Circus FULL Pomni Addon in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-02-14 17:48:00. It has garnered 2319 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. In this video, I show Jenny in my Minecraft world. mod: If you’re interested in… Read More

  • PlongieCraft – SMP, Roleplay, PvP, PvE

    Welcome to the Ultimate RPG Adventure Server! Features: Handmade mods 1.20.1 modpack with various mods like Irons Magic, The Aether, and more Unique level system Hard mode for challenge No tolerance for griefing/raiding Dedicated PVP areas Join us to: Build in a survival challenge Participate in group battles and trading Explore new mods and content like dungeons, guilds, and NPCs All players welcome! Connect with us at Read More

  • PlayD

    PlayDThis is a fun survivals server containing many minigames and maps! This server is alot different than your average copy paste network server so enjoy! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft gamers be like:

    Minecraft Memes - Real Minecraft gamers be like:Well, I guess this meme really scored a creeper-ly low zero! Read More

  • Monster Mash-Up: Zoonomaly vs Poppy Playtime in Minecraft Madness!

    Monster Mash-Up: Zoonomaly vs Poppy Playtime in Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where monsters roam, Zoonomaly creatures, in their own home. Facing off against Poppy, a challenge so grand, In a 24-hour drawing, with a steady hand. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, shining bright. Super Ngao leading the way, with a grin, Crafting stories in rhyme, let the games begin. Like, share, and subscribe, to support Ngao’s art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity starts. For news and updates, in rhymes so fine, Let the gaming world, in verse, intertwine. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans #youtubeshorts

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans #youtubeshorts Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftdatingdrama 😂🧨 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server Now! Are you a fan of intense competitions and thrilling races like the one in the YouTube video above? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! Experience the excitement of racing against other players in a virtual world where anything is possible. Build your own Go Kart and compete against others to see who will emerge victorious. With a community of dedicated players and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore with Shizo – EPIC Steampunk Adventure!

    Minecraft Hardcore with Shizo - EPIC Steampunk Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl Poczatek’, was uploaded by Chrzestny on 2024-04-01 03:59:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Powered by Restream STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore pl ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n… Read More

  • Mythical SMP: New Update Day | Episode 23

    Mythical SMP: New Update Day | Episode 23Video Information it’s a new trench code skin Chad I I haven’t seen it myself okay so it’s a new trench code skin we’re going to see should I should I should I take it off in front of you guys maybe we should be a little private down here okay all right hey nice fed all right let’s I’m going to look at it myself Chad it might be too risky I don’t know what this skin is so I’m going to look at it first and then I’ll show I’ll show you guys just in case well I’m… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter: Paw Patrol House Exe in Minecraft ft. JJ and Mikey – Maizen

    Terrifying Encounter: Paw Patrol House Exe in Minecraft ft. JJ and Mikey - MaizenVideo Information [Music] all right today we’re moving to a new house and it’s our last day in this house we’ve lived here for a long time and it’s starting to show its age I loved This Old House though moving can be so sad it’s hard to leave these memories behind but we have a new house to move into well it’s time to go let’s hop into our moving car okay ah goodbye house bye-bye we’re driving up the road to our new home now let’s see here it is Mikey this will be our new home this… Read More

  • EPIC: Minecraft Icon Returns for Ultimate Comeback!

    EPIC: Minecraft Icon Returns for Ultimate Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘”العودة الأسطورية: إعادة تشغيل لعبة Minecraft – عودة أيقونة الألعاب!”‘, was uploaded by Mr Really on 2024-03-08 01:11:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Topic: “Legendary Returns: Minecraft Reboot – The Gaming Icon Returns!” My Instagram account… Read More

Automatic Chicken Cooker Coop! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 104]