Avomance – How to Build a Witch Farm in Minecraft | Minecraft With Farm Tutorial | Get Gapples and Glowstone

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Which is it’s not just about Halloween or stories to scare children and some adults frankly witches can also be a really really good source of all kinds of resources I’m gonna show you how right now don’t you go anywhere good morning good afternoon good evening and good night depend on what time

You’re watching this next farm tutorial from me have events and today you can see the background we are going to make something out of this which huh which Hut’s aware you make which farms and which farms give you all kinds of really good things such as redstone dust and

Gunpowder and bottles for your potions and you can also get ghosts owned us out of them yeah glowstone and you don’t even have to go to the nemah for it’s actually a really really good farm that is fun gives you a fairly good rate actually it’s not super super super amazing but

It’s a fairly good rate but what’s really good about it is it is ultra ultra simple so let’s just crack on with it right now so it’s difficult for me to say exactly what it is you are going to need because this build is quite adaptable so you can change it around a

Little bit if you wanted but what you are definitely going to need is some kind of structural block and I definitely recommend wood because it’s in keeping with the surroundings in a swamp a lot of glass lots and lots and lots and lots of glass and some stone I

Think is a good idea because that is quite good for a spawning platform one dropper just the one and you need a number of dispensers some redstone repeaters redstone comparator a lot of spruce wood slabs I’ve gone for spruce wood purely because it works really well

With the oak wood in terms of the pallet you need about nine hoppers some redstone single block of redstone some redstone torches a different type of stained glass that darker glass gray works really well some dirt simply for structure you’re going to get rid of it afterwards and some redstone powder a

Lever sticky piston a lot of water buckets lots of water you’re going to need some source of light and I’ve got glowstone but doesn’t have to be glowstone you could use torches if you really wanted to glowstone works I think really well for this particular structure lots of torches could you need

To light up quite a lot chests two chests for chest it’s kind of up to you how big you want a storage system to be and a little bit of wall that you can use to sure you can visualize your redstone circuitry don’t know how many of each

You’re going to need you might need to play with it but they are the blocks you’re gonna want so he fought the spawn zone of slimes were really really small well a witch huh is even smaller look at this we have got just three potential levels one from the row underneath the

Floor of the hut and the top one being two blocks above the roof that is it anything above that doesn’t spawn it anything below that doesn’t spawn it and anything outside the size of the roof of the hut and at the front you can come out one more where it’s got that extra

Little platform for the kind of patio porch area anything outside of that is non witchy spawn area so that is our lot so we’ve got to make the best of that what we’re gonna do we’re gonna clear out the whole of the heart because the heart doesn’t need to be there and just

Leave these platforms so there we’ve got our three levels built now what we need to do is clear just a little bit of space around this we don’t to do too much but we do have to clear a little bit so we’ve got kind of done that so

We’ve cleared a nice big area probably way more than we need to be honest and at the bottom just in front of one of the long edges of these platforms I’ve got a strip all the way along there and that is going to be our drop zone so we

Are going to dig that out eventually but before we do that we are going to build up a little bit of structure around this particular build so we’re going to come up as high as that platform then going to come up one two and there not one

More so three above that platform and they’re going to do exactly the same at the other in here all the way to the top and the same in these four corners as well so this is just part of the build its stylized you can do this with whatever style you

Want you could do this all in glass perhaps you could do this in just stone brick if you wanted to be practical and do it where the block you want really it just needs to be a solid block so we’ve got a bit of structure there and then

What we’re gonna do is just going to build across and frame this up in the same way as we do with any other even an on-farm build all of my houses they’ve all got a very similar method we’re gonna frame it up and at the end of it

This is going to help us make it look really quite nice so I’ll be back why not done all of this the structure is now done and we filled in the sides here with some gray stained glass I think it looked quite nice it starts to create the closed-in build because we don’t

Want any of these witches being able to escape out of the sight but it does allow us to see in should we want to and don’t worry about a light we’re going to sort that out as well so this will also function in the day you’ll also notice here we have brought

The platform out at the back this is the back end by an extra two blocks so this platform is now nine by nine of these stone brick blocks so the last of those we’re going to put a row of dispensers on that means that when we dispense

Water onto this block that is going to flow and go to the end but not flow over and then we’re going to have exactly the same on each platform so let’s get on with that so I’ve put all the dispensers out now and I put a bucket of water into

Each one a little bit boring so did it off-camera so each one of these has got a bucket of water and you can see that so and also we’re connecting them up I’ve done two of them already I’m just going to show you how to do it on this

Top one so we’re going to come out with a platform there is a two wide all the way along like this like that and then we get our redstone repeaters they run in to the back of all those dispensers and don’t adjust the timing so I’ll just

Make it so as its standard timing and then run a redstone wire all the way along the back there so really as simple as that now what we’ve got to do is we’re going to make sure that we’ve got a single signal that fires all of these babies at

The same time and we’re going to run that in from an external power source and that external power source is going to be a little bit more complicated than just a redstone torch we need it to do a number of things so the first thing we

Need to do is to have a long delay ie a big gap and then a nice long signal and then a big gap and a nice long signal so we need a long clock a long delay clock then what we need is we need a way to

Turn that long long signal into a single pulse and then we need a way to split that pulse so as it fires twice instead of once if you don’t get that don’t worry I’m gonna show you how to do it in a minute it’s gonna be great let’s crack

On with it so before we do any of that clever redstone we’ve got to get the connections ready and the first connection level is here and we need to come out to that will then connect up with that level and then we’ve got to lose that one and come up

One level there and then we need to come up another level because we’re going to step up using half slabs and then we’re going to come up another level and then we’ve got to come up another level and step up there and there and then what we

Want to do is we want to come around like that and you’ll see why in just a moment so we’re going to just kind of illustrate how this is working by putting some redstone on you can see that redstone connects up to that very very nicely thank God that comes up that

Step that comes up that step that comes up that step that comes up that step like that I’m then going to put a repeater in so make sure the signal is nice and of strong and I’m going to connect up that and that and that can

Accept that entire row so now we’ve got two rows connected up but we need to split this again so we’re going to put another one on the top there and then on the top of this one we’re stepping up again coming around like this and that

Will then come up there that will then step up like that but we do need to have in exactly the same way as we did here we need to get ourselves a repeater in there so let’s get a repeater there we stick a bit of redstone there and there

Redstone there and a redstone and there so that will then run all the way up and power all of those systems so I’m just going to demonstrate that by stick in if I put that there if I stick a redstone torch just to demonstrate this it’s not

How it’s going to get powered but let’s just demonstrate that so you can get stone torch there that shows all of them on and then obviously get rid of it it needs another pulse to turn the water off so if I stick the redstone which again and that sucks all of the water

Back in again you can see there’s no water left in the system so we need to kind of emulate that by doing a double pulse in there but it needs to be spaced out these policies need to be automatic and spaced out and that’s where the clever redstone comes in I’m just going

To get to that right now so we have run a two wide platform inside our base all the way along the entire width of the base there so how many is that I don’t think either gave you the dimensions of it did I so it’s 1

2 3 20 21 that’s 21 blocks and we do pretty much use most of those and you can see we’ve got a little nibbly bit here that comes out the side that is our socket that’s the bit that powers the whole system right off of that block

So let’s come all the way along here to this corner let’s take a block in there leave one two three four gap and a block in there then get a comparator and stick the comparator into each of the blocks get a redstone or just there and just

Over there go we’re not there they’re coming out of the block and then we need to get ourselves a sticky piston facing towards us coming away from that redstone then get yourself a blank block so I’m using walk because it’s easy to mine and then get a hopper and shove the

Hopper you can see it’s facing into that block and then get another hopper and face that into the first hopper and what you’ve made there is a hop the clock you put stuff in one hopper it shoots across and basically you can then use the amount of blocks that are in those

Hoppers to time and how it gives signal out through those comparators so I’m just going to demonstrate that by sticking in a block of redstone there that locks up that hopper so as it just doesn’t chuck one thing backwards and forwards it does check all of the locks

Air inside it and we’re gonna put in four blocks so where’s me four blocks so let’s go one two three four I’ll take those four blocks thank you very much I’m going to put four blocks into that hopper and you’ll see that that pushes that backwards and forwards backwards

And forwards every point seven ticks per block that you put in the hopper so I put four blocks in there so it’s 2.8 seconds twenty eight six and you can get up to 320 blocks in here so that gives you a very very solid clock actually and

You can clearly run a redstone signal off of this area here and just every time those stone block is in front of it it’s on get away is office that’s a really good way of getting a long pulsing and control the length of your pulse to make

You go on and off next stage is to turn the continuous signal that comes out of this redstone block into a pulse if it stays a continuous signal it doesn’t matter if we split it because the first one will still be on when the second one

Gets there anyway so we need to split it into a pulse and the way we’re going to do that is by getting a little bit of redstone I’ve just laid a kind of third track along here and we’ll get redstone a redstone there miss a gap redstone there

Redstone there put a repeater into this gap here originally put a repeater is otherwise it’s going to interfere with that little dot redstone there and that allows us to ignore it and then after two more it’s times we hit a another repeater that then goes into a comparator and that after that

Comparator we get another repeater just to make sure that the signal coming out of the comparator it’s strong enough into the side of this we stick another repeater and then we get all the Redstone looping around like that and then we need to turn this into subtract

Mode what that will do is it will then look at the signal coming into the back of it first is the signal coming to the side of it and decide which one is stronger now we know that because this has traveled further this one is less strong so it’s basically going to

Subtract itself until it gets to zero and if we set that to a long delay it works properly so just again to demonstrate that what we’re going to do is we’re just going to get a redstone torch where the Redstone George it’s don’t torture there let me get redstone

Torch and we’re gonna fire just remove that and pretend this is the power coming from this comparator here you’ll see that what happens is it turns on and then it turns off again do you see the comparator at the end there turns on and then turns off again so let’s just do

That again turns on and turns off again so that is the pulse so the pulse bit works really really well and the last thing we’ve got to do is make a pulse extender to split the first pulse into the second pulse and that bit is actually relatively easy so what we’re

Going to do we’re going to here put redstone there and there you know back on to our second track and we’re gonna split it there and there we’re gonna get a number of repeaters because basically we’ve split the two tracks whoops there and there so that’s

Not gonna be a repeater that’s going to be standard redstone and we’re gonna come repeat all the way along here so even just having those repeaters there means that there is a delay but what’s great is that we can change the delay on these repeaters all the way so the

Longest possible delays have put it on four ticks each and every one of them like that and then we’re gonna get another repeater in there leave that on no ticks at all and finish off the Redstone one two three and then that goes there and there and

So what happens there you’ve got get to there uh it won’t work what happens now is this signal comes in here it gets split into two wires that wire goes up and with only one tick delay shoots into the system and whilst it’s doing that this is coming along 40 delay 40 delay

40 today so we’ve got one two three four five six seven eight times four so that’s nearly two and a half seconds later this comes in and flicks the switch now the reason I wanted two and a half seconds is because it’s going to release the water and I want that water

To be there long enough to wash the witch’s out if it only goes on for like a second what can happen is that the water can disappear from underneath the witch and it doesn’t actually get flushed away and that wouldn’t be good at all so now what we’re gonna do is

We’re gonna test the system by putting in just a few blocks in here to see whether or not it works so we’re going to do and so just a few blocks but enough for it to be a working system so let’s do six blocks so I’m going to put

Six blocks in so that shoves the system up the water comes on the delay comes off so you can see that obviously the delay of the clock is going far too fast for the system to be able to catch up these work in the can’t catch up so what we’ll do is we’ll

Put a few more bits into it let’s put those eight bits in so we take maybe take a lot longer you can see now the water’s dissipating and in a minute you’ll flip again that will send the water out the water’s dissipating and then it comes off and then when it goes

Back again it will do exactly the same thing again so we’ve got long spawn time in the chamber for the witches to spawn in and then the water comes out now when we actually set this we’re going to set that for much much longer a few minutes

So it says plenty of time for the witches to spawn probably as much as five minutes because it’s doubled whatever the hopper clock can hold so if we put four full stacks into the hopper that’s three hundred and twenty blocks which is three hundred and twenty times

0.76 but it’s twice that because the block has to move backwards and then back again so it’s actually six hundred and forty blocks equivalent of delay which is loads of time for which is to be spawning in this chamber now we’ll close all this system in towards the end

And I’ll show you how you do it towards the end but right now what I’m going to do is I’m going to put some grey glass over the back here just so as it just closes it in the system doesn’t have to be closed in at all but I just prefer it

Closed in so we’re just going to put some glass in there the only reason I’m sticking the glass on the side there first is because but get really irritated by forgetting to crouch and keep trying to put some it into the dispenser so I just put on the side and

Then I never have to press on the dispensers themselves and then we’ve got the last one down here like this all the way along all right that so that’s the back all sorted out and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to sort out the front and the

First thing we’re going to do is we are going to build up a Tower of glass all the way to the top here and then another one all the way to the top here and then we’ve got some digging to do and we’re going to be digging in this

Area here and we need to make sure we have at least a 32 block drop from this block here 32 blocks so I’m going to come back when I’ve dug down all the way down here that drop there those two drops there and this drop here

So I’m going to dig down a minimum of 30 that one being number one this one being number two I’ll be back when I finish that we’re at the bottom of the drop and it is over 32 blocks which is good because any witch that falls it’s just

Gonna be a which shapes of splat by the time it gets there we want a 100% kill rate and that is what that will give us we’ve only lit down towards the bottom we’ve not lit up near the top because we don’t want any stray light getting into

The farm but I wanted to be able to see which I thought was reasonable I’ve opened up this area here purely for me to be able to work this is not going to be a working area at all this is gonna be somewhere hopefully we never have to

Come again so let’s come to the middle and come almost to the back I’m going to get ourselves a dropper right there this is the start of our item elevator the elevator that’s going to shoot everything back up to the top get ourselves a comparator comparator flips

Out of the dropper stone after that then get ourselves a repeater that repeater goes into another block of stone we get redstone there and there come along this side get that there and another repeater going into that so what’s going to happen anything that goes into this dispenser here this dropper has the

Comparator suck a signal now it’s a really weak signal if it’s only one block so it goes into a block but that’s okay because this repeater here turns that signal into a full-strength signal shooing it into that block and this redstone here picks that up it shoots it

Back into the comparator which we put in to subtract mode to create a loop and a clock that also splits it to come down this way and shoot back in to the dropper which tells it to shoot the stuff that’s inside it at the top happy days

So it just continued to do that until it is completely empty now this item elevator we’re going to make it’s going to be a little bit different to the torch elevators that we’ve done before it’s going to be completely without repeaters completely without any redstone torches it is brilliant and it

Is made of glass so we’re gonna do a glass elevator so we’re gonna come and make a complete surrounding of the dropper and that is going to go upwards and we’ll do that in a minute because first we need to stick a hopper in it and we need to stick another hopper in

The hopper and we need to stick another hopper in the hopper and yep also need to stick another hopper into that hopper like that so now we can build the run of hoppers that are going to collect the drops like that so anything that falls into these hoppers will be sucked along to

The middle same from this side be sucked along to the middle which will be shot down this row into that drop up I’m just going to refill this although I only emptied out so I can actually get these position properly but you should be able to see that all of these hoppers are

Pointing and ended up going into that dropper so now we just have to build up the glass and it doesn’t have to be glass all the way to the top all we need to know is that there are solid blocks in a 3×3 square with the tower coming

Off the top of the dropper being at the middle one so what I’m going to do I’m just actually get its how up these steps I’ve got to do it by using shift click and that’s how up I can’t go any further so basically need to go up and I just

Need to check I’ve got a solid path around me all the way up so what I’m gonna do every now and again we’re gonna get don’t like the sound of that water but we’re gonna get a little bit of glowstone just so that’s where you can see what we’re doing now we’re gonna

Need to remove the glowstone because the glowstone does not count as a solid block so get rid of that so you can see we’ve got a bit of a cavity here so we’re gonna need to fill that in until we reach the surface and we’re at the

Surface so actually that wasn’t too bad we’ve got a fairly low amount of kind of gap egde around us but we are gonna need to fill in some of those blocks so what I’m going to do I’m going to do that and I’ll be back with you when I finish

So now we know that that is a solid 3×3 Tower all the way out from the bottom and we’re going to build it our collection system so what we want to do is again put a 3×3 around that in glass just so we can see it’s nice when you

Can see it and then stick a horseshoe around that and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get a chest there and now we’re gonna get a chest there and there we’re gonna stick a hopper running into that chest like that which will empty that chest and run it into that hopper

And then behind here we’re gonna stick another hopper run into the back of that chest and then one run into the back of that hopper so what happen anything coming up the middle hole will go into that hopper which your shoe into that hopper which will come into this chest

Which we sucked down into that hopper and sucked into that chest and that gives us two double chests worth of storage because this thing does actually produce a decent amount of stuff so let’s test it shall we let’s go down they bought me here she’s going to drop

All the way down now thank goodness we’re not which otherwise that would be dangerous and we’re gonna put 32 stone blocks 32 stone blocks into this system just randomly I’m going to stick here in just randomly in one of these so let’s just stick all of that in there we go

That’s gone in hopper starts to push it into that dropper the dropper is pushing those blocks upwards on if you can see that particularly well it’s Greg x-ray brother the blocks are going up which is really nice to see they’re not spilling out anywhere and if we go back out to

The top we will see that the blocks are coming out there which is great and when they finish coming through the hole we’ll check in here and we should see 32 bits of stone they’re waiting for us so that proves that everything that comes into those hoppers at the bottom will

End up in this chest at the top and that is what we’re after so now we just need to finish off the structure so the first thing we’ve got to do is make sure that the path for the which is he’s not going to get obstructed and get in the way so

We’re going to put glass along the back here so no witches can kind of glitch out and go backwards when they fall and we’re also going to put a row of glass all the way along so as when they fall they don’t kind of overshoot the gap

Because we want them to fall all the way down that hole and get which is plated as the whole point of it so let’s get this down really fast so we have a wall of glass there and that is now completely enclosed except for the roof

Now you could if you wanted to you could actually leave it there and that is a completed and fun and working farm but it would only work at night time because witches are only going to spawn when it is 7:00 or less and that’s not something we want we also

Want to make sure that we’ve not got too many other things spawning around so we need to light up their area as well which make even more efficient but we want this to work in the daytime in the nighttime whenever basically we are afk and around about 30 blocks away so I

Think we need to get a roof on this fella nothing too complicated which is going to put on a roof made out of spruce wood slabs and we’re going to literally cover it over first off along here and then we’re going to extend it out way way way beyond the edges so as

It doesn’t get any sunlight inside because any sunlight inside its gonna increase the light above seven stop the witches from spawning and everybody’s gonna get really upset so I’ll be back when I finish that so we’ve got a lid on it and that is meaning that there is way

Way under light level seven inside and what we’ve also done to stop mobs from spawning on the outside of this is we’ve put a nice layer of water which is going to stop anything spawning let’s be very careful around the Redstone obviously but we’re not going to have anybody contributing to the mob

Cap inside the enclosure only witches can spawn physically inside the spawner it’s on peaceful at the moment so nothing spawning at all so that means that really the only thing we’ve got to do now is to light up around the outside in such a way that doesn’t affect the

Light level inside that does stop things spawning relatively close now I appreciate we could also be lighting up the caves underneath that’s a good idea right now I’m just going to light out this area so I’ll be back when I’ve done that and we have lit this place up like

A beacon it’s actually a little bit Blair Witch for my liking there’s all these torches all over the place and when it’s nighttime it looks like there’s been some kind of a cult thing going on it’s a little bit scary but we do have a functional witch from now it

Has taken me a little while to do this but we’ve had probably four nights I would say four nights of Witchiepoo in of me kind of floating around farm so sometimes going inside the 25 block radius which means that I’ve been stopping the witches spawn and sometimes being outside the radius which means

That the witch is instantly not there stuff in there now the witch is instantly despawn but mostly it’s been fairly actively so we’ve got a witch in there at the moment and we’ll just wait for it to click off come on so it’s got a reasonable delay on the

The tick to get plenty of time for this washing happen but look and it goes the witch gets washed off the water stops and happy days that is more witch stuff in our chests now you can obviously you need to be a fk’d with this farm it’s

Not going to be a farm that you can just kind of stickiness born chunk and forget about and go wander it’s only gonna work if you are kind of between 25 and kind of about 40 to 45 to 50 blocks away from it most likely but it does work quite

Well so set yourself a little afk perhaps you could set given that you’re in a swamp you could set an afk that is halfway between your witch farm and your slime farm if you saw my slime farm tutorial the other day you can have an afk point that basically functions for both your

Witch farm and your slime farm if you build your slime farm close enough to a witch hut in the beginning but what we’re going to do now is we’re just gonna have a look in the chests to see what we’ve managed to acquire there’s another witch in there now as well look

These witches have come in relatively quickly as to there’s two witches in there so let’s watch whilst both these witches get washed away with the next flash you’re getting flushed ladies I’m very sorry but you’re going down now sometimes it flushes them and it doesn’t quite push them off the edge especially

If they’re right up close to the dispensers but in the main you can see look the app can’t see that because it’s at going up through the roof that’s really fun it looks like I’ve got a really silly monk that’s quite funny but look the water washes and bugs off they go

Thank you very much right so before we get any more action I’m gonna come around and I’m gonna check out these chests now we’ve got two chests here the reason if you remember we’ve got two choices if we’re AF came for a long time it’s gonna take a long time to fill up

One chest trust me but let’s have a quick look and see what we’ve got we’ve got okay so we’ve not done to bad luck we’ve got ten sticks eight spider eyes ten lots of gunpowder seven lots of sugar seven lots of glowstone dust six lots of redstone a gap Paul yes a gap

Paul and for glass bottles that’s not too bad you know all right I’m quite happy with that nice M what for Knights approximately I think four Knights action that is not too bad at all so there you have one which farm is quite a big old build it does take a

Little bit of time to do but I think it’s really worth it cuz you get some amazing stuff which is including those gap pores and glowstone – you get Gladstone without having to go to the nether because nobody wants to do that do that that’s amazing and I think it

Comes out all right if you’ve enjoyed this video please do make sure you slap that like button it’ll be really good if I could see the likes racking up maybe we can get what’s the target for this one let’s say six hundred and ninety seven likes for this video 697 likes is

The target let’s see if we can’t crack that make sure you hit that thumbs up and it’ll ready makes you eat the sub button as well it’d be great to see you in my sub Club and I look forward to seeing you in another video you take it easy now bye

This video, titled ‘How to Build a Witch Farm in Minecraft | Minecraft With Farm Tutorial | Get Gapples and Glowstone’, was uploaded by Avomance on 2017-09-27 05:29:48. It has garnered 123219 views and 2398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds.

Witches drop so much AWESOME stuff, but they spawn so rarely! NOT IN THIS MINECRAFT WITCH FARM THOUGH!! LOADS OF WITCHY DROPPING!

In todays video I am making a really fast and easy to build Witch Farm in minecraft. This is a pretty simple system with not a lot of Redstone – just a little redstone circuit to make it go.

it features some clever item elevator ideas, a glass item elevator, and also ways to give long redstone pulses, turn redstone signals into pulses and how to make a redstone pulse extender. All in one easy minecraft tutorial

Plenty of Witches in this minecraft Farm tutorial dropping lots of different things, inclding Glowstone, redstone, gapples, bottles, potions, sticks, spider eyes and more. Witches are really useful to farm! Now its really easy!

Works in MCPC PC version, XBox, PS4 Console and also (I think) in MCPE Pocket Edition Let me know if thats correct in the comments below.

Works really well when build next to a Swamp Slime farm SLIME FARM TUTORIAL CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://youtu.be/-z1HeeqSOxA

Witches are really difficult to farm because they spawn less often than other mobs. This Farm tutorial shows you how to get lots and without the risk of getting poisoned or killed trying to get their loot!

Witches spawn naturally in Minecraft Swamp Biomes in Witch huts and a light level of 7 or less. This means you can harvest them easily if you use that information to get them!

Come see how!


This automatic minecraft farm is a block by block tutorial for you to follow. Make sure you use that pause button if you need to keep up with the block placements.

Very survival friendly and server friendly to use on your SMP


Simple block by block tutorial in minecraft. Works perfectly in Minecraft 1.12 and 1.12.1 Works on console XBox and PS4 and works on MCPE

This is an easy lets build tutorial for your survival Minecraft world. Never run out of witch loot! This will produce loads and loads for you in minecraft. I tell you how to make a witch farm in this Minecraft Lets Build.

The Farm Tutorial series can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL01Bu4wi_UjXnRMKb90l_CQn5H87odpQs

Works on Console (XBox & Playstation). Works on MCPE Works on Pocket Edition and Works on PC

Crop Farm can be found here: https://youtu.be/DesNIAmnD3I

Iron Golem Farm can be found here: https://youtu.be/BmwWqxKOH2U

Cobblestone Generator can be found here: https://youtu.be/FedyFNsD1SE

Mob Farm can be found here: https://youtu.be/LiEsxppro4A

Meat Farm is here: https://youtu.be/l6xWdGsVeZ4



Easy Minecraft Tutorial to help you make create a farm in minecraft. A really great easy lets build tutorial


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Twitter: @AvoMinecraft Facebook: Avomance Minecraft Instagram: AvoMinecraft Come and find me


Other tutorials, are available on my channel. Many more also available!

No Redstone Elevator – single floor version: https://youtu.be/fht6qcpPL7s

The wooden cottage is here: https://youtu.be/r460FV0Q7iA

Starter survival house is here: https://youtu.be/4HDEr8BoEpU

The Hidden Piston door | Jeb Door is here: https://youtu.be/DnPGwvSLoeY

Lots of others too!

If you enjoy the video, don’t forget to hit that like button and leave me a comment on what else you might like me to do a Tutorial on.


Minecraft is a creative building game created by Mojang. The creators, who go by the names of Notch and Jeb in game, sold the company to Microsoft for a MASSIVE amount of money. Notch is no longer associated with the game, Jeb still is (as I write this) It allows the payer to build and mine in a format of blocks of different types to create ever more complex constructions. As the game progresses, you can combine blocks to create more useful objects to help you on your adventures.

The game was made famous by creators such as Dan TDM The Diamond Minecart, Stampy, PopularMMOs, Captain Sparkles, Ssundee and LDShadowLady, Little Lizard and many more – all great YouTubers who play this amazing Minecraft game so very well. Redstone geniuses like Fed X Gaming, Mumbo, Seth and Xisumavoid also make this game great

*** Keywords:

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Avomance – How to Build a Witch Farm in Minecraft | Minecraft With Farm Tutorial | Get Gapples and Glowstone