Azalea22 – MINECRAFT Bedrock | Visiting SPOOKY Viewer Worlds

Video Information

A Oh Oh I I Welcome everyone how are you guys doing today how’s it going honey badger Michael JJ Ray how’s Kingdom aliser gy later gater online schol 608 Welcome I hearing th re say how are you guys doing also Brant Cory kakr yo Trace unknown how did the cleanup yesterday go the clean up yesterday oh cuz Mochi yeah Mochi had uh she got sick and she had a moment on the bed it wasn’t too bad it was icky she’s doing

All right I’m going to keep my eyes on her hopefully she don’t feel sick anytime soon at least but she has been doing well and you’re able to get Minecraft fixed awesome how’s it going Brian and yep Moi is doing awesome Michael how are you doing ging with

Warrior how’s it going welcome Nicholas how’s it going and how is the emo phase going for you emo fiz oh it’s going awesome I love the emo look it’s it’s it’s cool it’s stylish also youen how’s it going thank you for stopping by on Kick how do you

Add Video game titles to your thumbnails azy like that time we was playing little network two together video game titles your thumbnails uh Google Google is a a big friend of for many reasons also it’s a towels R yo that means we got to switch over to our welcome

Raiders wo welcome Raiders thank you for the raid towels how are you uh how was your stream and what were you streaming and little tiger hey uh also Angel Kitty and Rodriguez welcome thank you for stopping in with that raid and are you sharing that pizza it’s

Magical pizza so I can give you guys infinite slices and I can have infin uh infinite slices myself it’s magical and you were streaming Pokemon Ste to went great awesome thank you so much for that raid to towels guys please do me a favor and check out towels Kingdom and later gear says I’ll be doing spinal craft after my world is shown nice and how are you azy Tiger’s asking I am doing I’m doing pretty good um busy lot of things just I have so many things going on thank you also thank you

To the those of you who were at the premiere earlier today uh I had a premiere for the video in Pokemon Legends archus the video was um the video ends when I get a shiny Pokémon so thank you guys for that um um red Animation Studios and dream dream

Night thank you for stopping in with the raid how are you doing and red animation how’s it going tiger Yoshi the evil tiger is here no going to run let fck thank you so much I appreciate that angel Kitty and have a wonderful rest of your day oh gy

Says yesterday was my birthday happy L birthday please guys can we get some happy birthdays in the chat happy belated birthdays for gy SAS XY happy belated birthday to you I hope you had a wonderful wonderful day and Garrett y thank you for stopping by again Garrett how is your day going for

You Garrett and also I’m going to put the link for tells and please be sure to check out towels Kingdom everyone thank you for that Ray from towels hopefully the bot works please work for me bot and it’s Minecraft Minecraft today visiting oh gosh I need water visiting

Spooky worlds and Realms that you guys have added to the queue so if you guys have any worlds that you want me to check out go ahead add them to the que it’s in the description also I will copy and paste it into the

Chat again for you so all you have to do is click on this link and if you want me to check out your world around just check uh click on the link and go ahead and add it and we will be more than happy to to check it out and it’s

Up to you if you want viewers to join completely up to you you don’t have to have anyone else join if you don’t want or you can have everyone join it’s all up to you and azy I’ll be moving in azy town yay we need more people in azy town if

You guys have um if you have Minecraft and you’re interested there is a server called spinal craft it’s it’s a Java server but you can join through Minecraft Bedrock I did a video showing you how to do it so just go on my my channel you’ll see it it’s one of the

Newest videos and would love to have you join ay Town ay toown is in spinal craft and would love to have more people in ay town and um more activity going on cuz it’s you know it’s been quiet and I’m also been busy now uh so I haven’t been

Able to hop on this often would love to have you also amra eigo how are you guys doing today and congratulations to you hit 1,360 subscribers super super awesome and what is the word belated oh yeah belated so that’s usually what they say happy belated birthday is um you know the

Common phrase if your birthday has already passed and we want to wish you a happy birthday um all right so let’s go ahead and get started picking up some pizza yeah and oh my gosh Gonzalez ARA Gonzalez it’s been a while your name is familiar it’s been a while

How are you doing and JJ says maybe in America we just say happy late birthday so I learned something new so you guys say happy late birthday and so there um depending on where you’re at we say it differently so here in the US happy belated birthday is what I commonly know

And JJ says like over in the UK happy late birthday so awesome I not completely new the channel I just changed my avatar well it’s awesome to have you here all the same am thank you for being here and little tiger says Hey guys make sure to hit that like button

And she add you some love thank you tiger and thank you everybody hash2 like hype thank you I was just about to eat dinner amtr says nice I hope that you enjoy your dinner and you’re having a bad day no here’s a hug for you I hope that your day gets

Better for you and just knock those bad days be gone knock them away also vza welcome vza how are you vza okay so in the queue there’s only one person in the queue so far so maybe you know sometimes these streams can go really long maybe it won’t be that long

Today we’ll see uh later gator you’re the only person in the queue are you ready for us to visit your Spooky World I would donate $120 what we don’t have a PayPal no worries I I appreciate you just being here that means a lot you know every single

Bit of support no matter how small how big all of it I completely appreciate cuz it helps out immensely and and it’s just awesome so thank you and red anation says Aza what are you wearing for Halloween I am going to be myself in in real life I’m going to be myself

Probably and just chill you know be cozy watch spooky spooky things with my loved one eat some candy um so basically that b says thanks a a really bad caught fever so yeah I’m not going to be able to go to school ah I hope you you feel

Better B I’m sorry to hear that Yen says I know I was banned from your YouTube channel chat but I’m glad I’m still here with you you were banned are you sure cuz um H I’m not sure now are you sure you’re banned though cuz like I I don’t recall

Like from my to my knowledge no one has been banned for a long time so I I’m not sure um thank you for being here though youen and my YouTube name isn’t youen anymore I changed it hm also hasht towels thank you for the Super Chat towels thank you for changing my life

For the better you rock towels says Hey thank you towels thank you for all of your support all of your help you are awesome and I appreciate it and can I tell you what it is yeah um as long as it’s family friendly you know I’m sure it’s family friendly because you know

Your name I’m thinking uh also orille how’s it going welcome orille nice to see you and Michael says next next time you do a Roblox stream let me know what theme park or coaster you want me to send you now that I found out how to

Send the link sounds good one week to Super Mario Bros wonder how did this happen dude one week okay well wait wait wait it’s more like one and a half weeks right cuz um for me it’s October 8th it comes out the 20th and then that’s 12

Days so it’s kind of like what it’s close though it’s going to be soon it’s going to be awesome I’m going to be streaming for it and are you going to eat some Halloween Pizza uh I don’t know if I well you know what that sounds perfect for Halloween actually later

Gator I’m not completely sure what I’m having as a meal on Halloween but pizza sounds perfect for that day B this is I do it $9,000 but I don’t have money yeah you’re awesome though I appreciate you and I have ac1 199 gaming that’s your your

Name oh and that’s you know oh awesome when you guys make it to Milestones and everything you know but um that can get into like promo territory so please be careful and mindful of that um TS Kingdom donated 22s through Super Chat Ty for changing my life for the better

You rock I wonder why the TTS is kind of late on that though but thank you uh Gonzalez says I have not been able to watch because of family problems I’m sorry to hear that that you’ve been having h family problems Gonzalez I hope that things get better for you and you

Are always welcome here we’re always happy to have you and MTR says you know my birthday is almost here when’s your birthday up track yes it has it has been a while Orville it totally has and I have been doing pretty all right I’ve been extremely busy uh I have so many goals

And and plans and things I’ve been working on uh one of the things a lot of you guys are aware of is 31 days of videos I’ve been working on so on the the channel for the whole month of October every single day there has been a new video and that’s something that

Yeah I’ve been busy working on so 31 days of videos keep your eyes out Cu uh every single day there’s going to be a new one and Corey Jennifer welcome and Brian how’s it going Trace question brances what’s your question literally in week and five days happy early

Birthday M Trak feel dizzy so yeah just resting on bed I hope you feel better again B um um let’s see I have spent 12 hours in a Spooky World for you have to eat pizza and I’ll be back sounds good trace enjoy your pizza I’m excited to see your

World and Nighthawk how’s it going Nighthawk Kirby Jason welcome guys all right so oh yes later gater we’re um I may have missed your message or maybe you didn’t say anything or maybe you’re not ready but we’re going to find out hopefully uh later gator are

You you here and are you ready for us to visit your world and don’t forget to submit any worlds or Realms you want us to visit in the queue as well cuz like let’s see here otherwise we’ll have to like go somewhere else for you know while we

Wait this one looks like they have some spooky stuff meville Halloween I’m not actually sure what meville is like though oh I’m here not yet I’ll tell you when okay later gator is not ready so it looks like we don’t have any worlds ready yet which is very different from

How it usually is in when we play Minecraft cuz uh usually the queue you know with all the worlds it lasts really long but maybe it won’t be so crazy this time uh hey how’s it going Julian welcome you said you’ll play Super Mario Bros Wonder Brian says and live stream

On October 20 for playing online yes that is correct I am totally going to do it and how do I join Julian says so if you guys have any spooky worlds or Realms you want me to visit go ahead and add them into the queue and later gator

Has one but uh he’s not ready yet and trace it sounds like Trace has one so be sure to add add your worlds into the queue and then we can visit but for now it looks like we’re just going to have to chill and do some other spooky things

While we wait for everyone else to be ready picking out my pizza be home shortly sounds good and Alex Wick how’s it going do you need online for this yeser says I would show you my world but I would have to create it first so how do you join

Well let me know what your Microsoft gamertag is and then I can add you as a friend on here and then you should be able to join but as far as like uh these places I’m actually not 100% sure it works but I’m going to go ahead and check out

Mindville right now and see if they have anything spooky going on cuz I see they have like a Halloween thing and we’re going to um you we’ll have to like kind of wait until everyone’s ready to show us their world cuz uh lator is going to

Be home shortly and Trace is going to yeah everyone’s eat some pizza they’re all busy eating some pizza all right so join server mindville is there anything spooky going on in mindville DM you my gamertag so you can join quicker when I’m sounds good later get I’ll go ahead and get the

Discord tab open so that I’m ready to do that but yeah uh for Minecraft you do need to have access to online in order to like play and I guess I’m just going to go to connect to server right yeah that should take you where I need to go I think or

Maybe not I have a different thing set up because uh I had let’s see mind bill we’ll just do that that’ll be good and just submitted awesome all right in that case we will hop over to Julian’s world then but since I’m finally connecting I’ll just check this out very briefly

And then we’ll go ahead and check out your world Julian BR says I think this is a bad idea because I don’t something you play online like it’s too early to play or I don’t want you to show us the spoilers gameplay of Super Mario Bros

Wonder uh well if you don’t want it you don’t have to stop by but I’m I’m excited for Super Mario Bros wonder I’m going to be live streaming it immediately and I will probably do a little bit of the game play of the um you know like the solo stuff but I do

Want to focus on playing with you guys so that’s going to be awesome Kirby Jason playing Splatoon 3 awesome and holy flippers gy guys can we get a #g sxy in the chat I’m not 100% sure how to pronounce your name fully but thank you

So much for that Super Chat thank you gy this is my allowance that is all I’m going to say thank you also Zeon gamer how’s it going Zeon gamer and towel says last message hugging little tiger is that the message and Cody Shell how’s it good Cody Shell

Welcome and Dr Sonic welcome to the stream Dr Sonic H hey azy who’s your favorite hashida mine are rang Goku and muo oh I like the one oh it didn’t work toy Chris hello how’s it good toy toy Chris so I like the one that I don’t

Remember the name that um it was like one of the first ones you meet and he I think he has like the black hair and I think he’s really cool but I don’t remember the name of the dter a thank you so much gy I really appreciate that and how’s it going

Na welcome na it’s called Naruto maruto Ultimate ninj Storm connections all right so later gator Julian I’m trying to figure out who is ready for us to visit your world later gator are you still still on your way home gyss sxy donated $19.99 through Super Chat what this is

My allowance that is all I say holy holy are you sure G like are are you sure that’s okay like like you know I want you to make sure that you put yourself first and like if it’s your birthday money you know but thank you so

So much for that that was really really generous of you thank you gy Trey says I speedran that pizza I don’t know why but some reason I can’t join the spinal Craft Server so a toy Chris did you see my latest video on how to join Java through bed rock CU I I

Went over a tutorial showing you how to do that are you able to do it through that and Yoshi hello again Yoshi also # Kirby Jason gaming and Splatoon in the chat remember for three months level two C thank you for your support Kirby Jason azy who is your

Favorite Mega Man X character mine is Marino I’m not sure who all the characters are in that game actually I mean Mega Man himself is pretty cool I like Mega Man uh it doesn’t have to be a realm no it can be a world it can be a realm it can be

Either one so it’s completely fine and is yeah after glue Nikki how are you guys doing welcome guys Nikki says hi g y s SX y donated $19.99 through Super Chat IAT Us in game CH sounds good oh thank you so much for ever vescent happiness you have no idea

How low I was last February and it’s because of you I got my switch towels says hey I’m happy that I can help you feel better towels you are awesome and I hope that you just you know keep your spirits High you got this and you have

Minecraft so can I join you yes you can okay still okay you dm’ me your Gamertag but you’re still on your way home and Julian that means that we’re going to go ahead and hop over to your world now and can you can you turn down the TTS it’s

Kind of loud oh is it I never adjusted that before actually huh I may have to look at that after the Stream maybe I wonder if that’s my alert box thingy is that the same thing I don’t know I’ll turn that down a little bit in case that’s it otherwise I’ll I’ll check

After stream and Vasa says azy did you know that I’m a millionaire in Venezuela buddy should we all move to Venezuela and we’ll be M uh millionaires okay so let me look at the queue here okay so Julian I don’t think we’re friends so I’m going

To go ahead and add you and then I should see your world open okay an add Friend so you said it’s not really spooky but it kind of is also not fully complete but anyone or but can join anytime okay so hopefully I’ll see your world pop up then let’s see anything and that is the Microsoft keber Tag I saw in the Q so I’m hoping that’s

Correct and are we friends on Minecraft if we’re not just go ahead and let me know what your Microsoft gamertag is and then we should be good and I see it yay it says Among Us sweetan says I guess I’ll just watch as I eat my French fries oh what is your Igan

Um I’m assuming that means ingame name maybe uh so ailia 22 8458 is my Microsoft gamertag I have that in the description for you guys as well and uh reminder to everyone if you have a world or a realm that you want me to visit be sure to add it in the queue

In the description I have the link for that so you just click on it and just put in a a little bit of information not really anything much just uh you know so I’m able to join and all that Andi says my iPad has this feature where I can

Donate the donation two times in a row and I actually clicked that oh no G what G what oh my God yo gy thank you again and I hope that wasn’t an accident but thank you so much that’s very kind of you thank you oh chili cheese fries that sounds really

Good and you check the description awesome Trace Michael says Universal Studios Roblox is getting a Spider-Man 3s attraction soon that sounds fun and # 30 like hype thank you for the likes everybody oh trap how did I how did I miss your comment welcome trap thank you for

Stopping by trap says Hey a you just stopped by for a second G’s again I’m finding the shiny in that video thank you trap thank you for being there that means a lot thank you for being here that means a lot uh I hope you’re doing well thank you so much Afterglow says

Time to see what shiny you got in that video no one tell me andan say I want to join so bad but I haven’t bought the Realms unfortunately oh so you don’t have to yeah you don’t have to buy anything yeah no purchase is necessary you just need to be able to

Have Minecraft access to online and you can join gyss sxy donated $1.99 through Super Chat just one more and Julian said that anyone is allowed to join so feel free guys if you want to join everyone’s welcome to join this one aie did you know that you’re a

Billionaire I’m a billionaire what and VI Vietnamese money yay oh G says I got $2,000 for my birthday I got money to spend hey nice di nice and a458 that is correcto uh I don’t think there’s a space though yeah I don’t think there’s a space in the description there’s no

Space just wondering when is the best time to DM you aie so you can DM me at any time honestly tiger at any time is completely fine I just probably won’t get to it right away um but yeah I mean you can do it right

Now if you want um just won’t get to it until later so it’s all good who is your favorite Ninja Turtle I don’t I don’t actually have a favorite honestly two grand that’s like 10K rupes here probably more B say can I do just

Can I just do one more what I mean it’s completely up to you on that um just always put yourself first but but I appreciate you go crazy L of okay I’m working on some Redstone just say when you want to look around all right I’m I’m ready to look around

Unmissable you said that it might be spooky is there so is there something that you wanted to show or is it still like a work in progress uh completely and 100 wait is that 100,000 Viet is about $41 Pizza is totally radical dudes Michael says as you look up look up like

That oh hi whoa there are things in the sky there are things I can fly let’s go oh you don’t have an account so you can’t play um all right well do you have access to online cuz um having an account isn’t really too much of a thing to do like

Signing up is free and everything and how do you join this world um so are you able to join through me do you see um unusable do you see a world by unusable if not you might have to be friends with unusable and I’ll go ahead and copy and

Paste it or if you’re friend not friends with me my uh thingy is in the description also how’s it going brething and and holy flippers gy yo #g thank you gy that is crazy like seriously that is crazy kind of you thank you so much for that I slap my world into the

Que let’s put aie in a drama by Jo you so much well just be sure you put yourself first no matter what guys I appreciate appreciate you know everything any form of support that’s you know it means a lot but always put yourself first yay we are on the

World oh so you’re you’re working on some kind of a Contraption is it is it ready we we get behind the scenes oh oh gyss sxy donated $19.99 through Super Chat yes you are now rich and I appreciate all the lurks but thank you so much gy you are super awesome thank

You uhoh it’s really dark here I can’t see I need a torch oh wait okay I’m mus is right here this is the map do do you want to see the Redstone yeah it’s just very dark I can’t really tell what I’m looking at completely um

Um oh I’m not sure if I typed this in but this is unm’s name and then my name is in the description as well if you need to send me a friend request cuz some some worlds you might be able to join if you’re friends with me some you

Might have to friend the host ugly squid was surprised that I watch your streams because I act really oh you act really different in other streams and tal says honestly guys the best way to help you just to be here and like the stream so it’s a oh it’s Among Us is

It here is the here is hole to see Redstone so let’s see oh which map is it now I can’t is it like there’s mirror HQ oh it’s the Pol up I honestly get Mir and polus mixed up sometimes scal I don’t get mixed up Airship I don’t get mixed up a

Parking eligi number one welcome how are you guys doing with your souls I shall rule for all eternity and Nikki says so I’ll join but I can’t show you my Nikki Skin and Super Mario Madness how’s it going haven’t played Among Us in a hot minute gii says I do stream Among Us

Sometimes and there’s a new map coming out for Among Us the fungal map and I’m going to be streaming for that these maps are nothing like each other azy oh it’s just when I when I stream with you guys like we do the maps but I

Just never pay attention to which one is named what so to me I I just get it jumbled up together hey online fool I have been doing well how about you oh go Astros they’re going to win against twins oh uh nice I guess I I I’m

Not into sports but um go both teams YouTube doesn’t use donutes for the algorithm as helpful as they are to the channel tell says and Owen Anderson how’s it going Owen Anderson welcome back to you and thank you for stopping by at the premiere earlier thank you for

Stopping by again here and tiger says that sounds like an incantation i Summit the Google for in the description as well as young GES oh come here okay so the Among Us map oh wait you didn’t say summon like you didn’t I was thinking like you meant summon you’re saying submit is

What you mean Zan gamer I okay I see you now I I I I I got to mixed up Nikki says is this a specific World in spinal craft because I want to join on switch so we are playing on I’m on Nintendo switch Nikki and we are doing Bedrock worlds

This world is by Julian and everyone’s welcome to join it if you guys are able to figure out how to get in this is Julian’s Microsoft gamertag so you might have to be friends with me or you might be able to join through them we’ll have to see I

Challenge aie to a Pokemon battle next week on my birthday happy early birthday and welcome naughty Michael says the best place to sit on do Roblox coasters is the front row and dang wined is over for me already but guess what I’m going to be live again

Tomorrow I’m going to be live tomorrow again oh I don’t I still don’t see the world this has to be either a realm server or a world like how Mineplex is so this should be I is this a world you should be able to join regardless though

Like you don’t have to pay to join other people’s worlds or Realms tomorrow for what I’m doing creepy demos it’s going to be a variety of different games I might include Metroid dread in there cuz that is one of the demos but I’m not SI anymore I’m not sure yet I’m not sure

Maybe maybe maybe that was one of the creepy demos that Nintendo featured in their news is it super cringe that I’m so proud to mod for azy nah you’re awesome towels thank you and I may have missed some things okay come here press the button sorry this button or that

Button this button oh that button maybe they both work are you going to play the Bayonetta maybe you’ll have to stop at the stream tomorrow and see ohy says schedule for tomorrow school school school school school endless school and endless homework no oh wait aelia’s in there

Yay and tiger says yes it’s a mega cringe towels nah just kidding good for you want to see the Redstone yeah I cannot join maybe there’s something specific I need to do Zen says wait wait I might be able to do something okay is there anybody well I’m not are we friends zon

Gamer do you what is your um Microsoft gamertag because I could send you an invite and anyone who wants to join maybe maybe I can do it this way let me know your your Microsoft name and I can try to send you an invite who mention School gamer

I like the touch of the webs on the top whoa we get to see the secrets wow there’s a lot of stuff here so oh this is for the lights did you do all this by like did you do all of this by yourself was it something you did

Manually cuz that’s a lot lot and Cynthia welcome to the stream Cynthia you’re going to have an awesome time in my world Trey says I’m excited and tomorrow later gor says wake up hopefully you might not wake up what I hope you wake up too lator um breakfast school school school

Homework homework azy sleep so colorful what is this school I keep hearing about tells it’s a scary place you don’t want to go there it’s you know very scary oh just DM me your Minecraft username sounds good and how are you doing Cynthia mellow how are you mellow all right so

Nikki okay I’ll go ahead and send you an invite here then I think I have to go here gamertag and then this will make us friends and then I can see on the list oh oopsie there and then add as a friend yay all right right it worked I’m confused I hope it

Worked I think it usually goes to a different thing I don’t know why it’s being weird I don’t know Minecraft’s weird that’s all I can say Nintendo switch Minecraft anyway all right Zeon I see you sent me a thingy too I’m going to go ahead and see if I can add you as

A friend and hopefully that works all right it’s doing the same thing but is it working I don’t know I’m kind of feeling sus about Minecraft right now yo G G I have to give you a hug thank you again you are crazy awesome thank you maybe I need to leave the world

Maybe whoa guys can we get a hash chronically J in the chat yo thank you so much guys thank you for the Super Chat chronically J uh Jay says I don’t know how long I’ve been subscribed to you not going to lie but haa hope hope you’re having a good

Day thank you so much Jay and I hope that you have been doing awesome thank you so much guys and I’m not sure what’s going on with the Minecraft is it not is it not working with the friends thing oh tomorrow is Columbus Day okay I’m confused about Columbus Day

Though guys cuz uh Columbus Day when I was in school you know back in my that kind of thing um we were taught that Columbus Day you know was about Christopher Columbus and Christopher Columbus let’s see like he apparently actually what happened now I’m confused I’m getting I’m getting myself confused um Christopher

Columbus discovered America right but it was by accident right chronically J donated $19.99 through Super Chat I DK how long I’ve been subscribed to you not going to lie but hi you hope you having a good day Holy G why again G why what yo holy

Flippers thank you so much guys like wow I just thank you that that’s that’s just crazy crazy generous thank you so much and also Joshua David Zilla how are you guys doing welcome to the stream thank you for stopping by guys and Melo says it’s a it’s a Minecraft Bedrock

Stream which skin should I use this time gyss sxy donated $9.99 through Super Chat I say something spooky thank you so much guys that like seriously that is really generous of you thank you my job has been finished I must go my people need me thank you so much

Again to you gy you are amazing tiger says I think it was Columbus who discovered that Earth the Earth is round so Columbus was trying to find honestly I don’t even remember I don’t know I just know that some of it got like mixed up oh wait

Tell us says fun fact Christopher never went to Mainland America he made it to the Caribbean and then he called and then I don’t know it’s confusing what can I say I don’t know if is anyone like a a um a pro with the history I don’t

Know and William Aton welcome I I do not know Spanish I am sorry I only know English I am not bilingual I I need to learn more languages a history reader yes Trace are you a history nerd what what was the details on Christopher Columbus what

Happened can you leave the world and try adding me again let’s see should I try to do that is that okay if I try to do that oh you you are uh you are a sus one now nice corilla is only good at science oh tal says I can teach you sweet all

Right did someone say Columbus in India what says H uh yeah what happened there all right if that’s okay with you unusable I’m going to leave and try to add them and then come back oh wait if I Tab out it closes the world so I can’t

Add them like tabbing off and adding them to add me is it okay if I leave and come back and and see if it works [Laughter] whoa for a face reveal well guess what g g guess what I did do a face reveal is this the right command for it though oh

Full story isn’t family friendly oh do you have a familyfriendly version and chronically J says I’m working on a working Among Us map right now on Bedrock but I suck at Redstone only thing I got working was a one shot sword and working doors and lights so Trey says basically Europe

Wanted trade routes to India and Columbus sailed West when India was to the east but Columbus wanted to go to India right and then Columbus accidentally found America is that what happened oh yep gii it was right there nightbot has it I did my face reveal

Video azy V says India was a big Center of Trade back then so Columbus wanted to find it but instead he accidentally reached America then he showed the Spanish King some things and you know all Conquest all right let’s see here okay thank you unusable I’ll see if it works

If not we’ll just have to try to get you guys in the next World if it doesn’t work we’ll see I’m going to try to add them one last time um well before you know we’re done with this world anyway waiting on the Minecraft oh you can add them Julian

Sweet so Julian can add you guys is it okay if your names are posted in the chat for Julian and then Julian can add everyone who wants to join hey Bean Rico welcome to the stream how’s it going being Rico tells us just that he was looking for a shortcut to India and

Found the modern day do Dominican Republican and did bad stuff to the natives shame on you Christopher Columbus how dare you do bad stuff so Christopher Columbus was the first one to stumble upon um America then is that is that right and then that’s why is that why we celebrate Columbus

Day is that the whole point or or what we won’t be able to join I am tabbed out Jan says and going decent glad to hear it Bean Rico Cynthia says sorry I left my screen froze and I had to restart my device hey no worries Cynthia welcome

Back to you and I know how that goes I get blue screens of deaths on my PC while I’m streaming PC games and sometimes even when I’m not this this PC is a flipper so it happens it’s sad uh Aon how’s it yes Doc aelia it’s bad

Back I want to do like a like an evil smile I don’t think my Smiles can really be evil can they why does it look [Laughter] evil she stop hey I I got to give a free one in there I got to throw it in there for the

Halloween season right she has a cat headphones in her face Reve I do I still have them although my headphones are kind of like breaking so it’s kind of funky oh Julian added you Limitless uh Limitless Sleek I added you Julian says azy will never turn evil and turn on

Me but what if I become a zombie lator it might happen enigo thank you for stopping by enigo have a great rest of your day and you can join back in the world now okay and yesterday I flew to China for my birthday that’s super awesome gy I

Would love to travel to more places I’ve been to Japan that’s like the craziest place I’ve ever visited in an awesome way I’m saying crazy in the sense of like um like the most extreme place I’ve visited you know in my lifetime but um Jaan was amazing like phenomenal

Amazing it was magical it was awesome and I really want to check out more places in the world yes exactly be R it was awesome I want to visit again it was really amazing there like it was like seriously it really was magical and crilla is a he continue but

Yeah I’d love to check out I’d love to travel more places like you know go to China go to South Korea go to Canada um specifically uh Vancouver uh go to New York never been to New York and there’s a Nintendo store there that sounds really cool and uh

Super Nintendo World like there’s so many places and you got a new badge in Split 2 3 GG and also welcome Tyler the most extreme place I have visited is my bathroom B says all some is are present that sounds scary y scary v m go back next summer

Hopefully V says um GI I lives in Canada why Vancouver Vancouver seems cool like I know a lot of places um like they shoot a lot of movies there but it looks really awesome in my opinion like I feel like the city just seems really cool looking I don’t

Know my heart just really wants to go there oh tiger says I really really really really really really want to go to Japan yes tiger it is amazing in Japan super amazing I sent you an MC friend request sounds good do I have to actually do something to accept it or

Does it like an do an auto cuz like I never could figure that out and Matt welcome I want you to be family friendly well guess what Matt your wishes are granted because I am family friendly I am family friendly yep familyfriendly Channel welcome to the channel Matt um I

Do say flippers you know that’s that’s what I say um being R says I’ve been to Thailand and Cambodia before as well Thailand is amazing but its weather is really weird sometimes it can rain for 10 minutes at random you know what that sounds kind of cool actually random

Stuff can be can be cool Mickey says I’m so lost one time my cat said what you’re can you actually make your cats talk is that possible I I see these videos you know these funny uh funny animal videos like with dogs and cats and it’s it sounds like they say

Something but you don’t always know like they could have edited the video too but so like I’m not sure Abby Ros it’s also really hot and half the time you can smell exhaust oh that part don’t sound F yeah don’t have f azy is not only family friendly but she is

Really friendly except to me what I’m not friendly to you tiger what you can turn animals to talk I think L says and Thomas gaming hello again I am family friendly Matt I I you can hear us right unless you’re like in the past in the past in the

Stream I wanted to to do the meme genifer say as long as it’s familyfriendly and all that should be good oh want to see my friends home in the walls yes definitely and Pepsi how’s it going Pepsi azy would you rather visit India or Australia honestly

I I would like to visit both actually but I might have to choose India like Australia sounds like it can be spooky right like there’s a lot of spooky bugs and animals and and spooky right spooky but I guess guess it’s good for Halloween and blue Blossom welcome to

The stream blue Blossom how are you my current huskys cannot say I love you but they love me nevertheless you should teach them to speak JJ I I’ve seen videos where where they huskys seem like they’re talking huskys are really cool I like huskies and Kevin how’s it going

Kevin Kevin says hello it’s me oh it is okay it’s Kevin a o and this is my second Channel welcome to the stream Kevin I I don’t swear Matt I don’t swear no worries and wait nevertheless is one word it is English is interesting right lots of creepy crawling things in India

Too uh oh is this true vza I don’t get why Americans love Halloween so much about this is it feels like so random and not so funny or great to me and don’t hate me it’s okay you can have your own opinion um I grew to like Halloween more over the years I

Think like it’s just fun in my opinion um like dressing up well even though I’m not really doing that dressing up can be fun you know um I I find it entertaining um if you guys are familiar with the store I think it’s is it called spirit is it just called Spirit like

There’s a spooky store that um we have like in the US I’m not sure everyone Spirit Halloween I think um maybe that’s it and it’s I find it entertaining to just go into the store and look at all the you know all the things they have

Like not even buy anything just walk in there look at it I think it’s fun it’s kind of like um going to a pet store for me like I like going to a pet store I don’t necessarily want to buy anything but yo I just want to see the pets I

Want to see the animals it’s fun Zan can join yay and V says as he as an Indian I confirm that tals is 99.1% wrong the other 8% are mostly mosquitoes that are creepy and 1.1% cockroaches so towels is wrong about India being having creepy things that like creepy insects but vza

Earlier in the chat you mentioned that in like your your um bathroom is one of the most extreme places that you visited because there’s a lot of stuff there is that which one’s true and Kevin says yeah I’m not that American but I love Halloween because it’s just fun overall

And um yeah watching scary things can be fun too and I like zombie things well I mean there might be some that aren’t so great but uh you know generally zombie things can be fun I think my favorite part of Halloween used to be the candies that’s true you can get free candy

Although usually that’s when you’re younger right but I mean I guess you can get free candy when you’re when you’re older just dress up right they they won’t know they won know who you are what you [Laughter] are oh can I be invited yes okay JJ hey I see JJ invitation there we

Go and do you count snakes I do so to to me snakes are spooky in my opinion is there anyone in chat who finds Snak spooky or dear not like do they not spook you oh um uchen says I typed something in the chat on YouTube yeah it’s like

I’m invisible H so what was your username over on YouTube E I don’t know about to see um I was thinking of the survival game Outlast oh I do know of that one I watched my LED and play a little bit of it I have a lot of or I

Find a lot of fun in watching other people play spooky games and then I can laugh at them basically I find that funny and and fun uh what if you dressed up as your own vtuber dude corilla that’s actually a pretty cool idea I like that uh one thing about it I

Mean my vtuber is based on some of my you know how I used to have my hair and my looks before um but I mean I could like have this whole costume where I look exactly like an animeish V tuer character that’d be cool um oh G says I

Have seven pet snakes they are not scary in the slightest they are just normal animals H and the only snake I like a Sal snake let’s go tiger Metal Gear I got to play the um Metal Gear Solid series still I’m like it it’s been out

For years I haven’t caught up with it V says a it was a joke there are like just three to four spiders that chill with me in the corner oh you know what vza I probably have more spiders that chill with me in my room right now I need to clean my

Room I yeah I’ve got some spots with webs and there’s nothing only spiders chilling with me I I live among them or they live among me little tiger is a legend oh totally gy little tiger is definitely a legend don’t tell liquid snake Zeon says the only snake I like is SAS sumon

Snake oh yes that one too going to eat my pizza take a shower and then my world will be ready sounds good lator and Trac say can you invite me what is your name Trace actually wait I think you posted it yes you did you posted it in the que

So I know it’s Trace XM or xpm let me see I’m not sure if we’re friends Let Me Wait I have to go back here let me go ahead and add you or check if we are already friends maybe oh V so V you said that you don’t

Really get the appeal of Halloween what holiday is your favorite is there one that you go crazy over end well it’s doing the same thing so I don’t know if it’s working fully Trace are are you able to get in or anything with that manage to clear all three waves and

Seven run GG Tyler an armchair how’s it armchair corilla says Hey Azie would you rather face a dry asaurus or a Tyrannosaurus Rex so I know what the T-Rex is but what is a driaa surus yo G you are definitely Legend and I really appreciate you thank you so

Much for for all the super chats and just for being here it’s all greatly appreciated oh wait I’m looking it up right now A dryptosaurus I’m not even sure if that’s how you say it so it’s smaller than a T-Rex it’s like a carnivorous smaller dinosaur that looks scary and would probably eat

You you know what that’s a really good question would you guys rather be face to face with a T-Rex you know a giant maybe slower dinosaur I’m assuming it wouldn’t be like as fast as this one or the drip dript asaurus which looks like it’s like smaller like bigger than you

But like it would probably run fast and eat you I’m honestly kind of a feeling a T-Rex might be easier to deal with with I don’t know this is bringing me back to the movie uh you know like Jurassic Park Jurassic world like maybe we could tame

It because um Chris Pratt he’s able to kind of you know befriend one of the dinosaurs that is originally carnivorous so maybe we could do that I don’t know it doesn’t say you’re online so Minecraft might be um being a flipper right now it’s a dinosaur that has drip

Jes T-Rex all day any day about to says I don’t celebrate holidays I just enjoy them with my friends T says uh Zeon Hey Ron welcome Ron how’s it going oh earlier V says it’s between Christmas and dewali U sorry if I mispronounced that the festival of light so what is

That completely about the festival of light like what’s that what is it celebrating exactly and what do you do for that Zen says my parents did let me trick or- treat last year and now that I moved to a giant neighborhood I won’t go get to trick-or treat this

Year corbs say the dryosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur that is half the size of Tyrannosaurus Rex finally been tracking you every day and now I’ve return to a stream y Lord of D welcome back how’s it going you can’t tame a T-Rex but maybe you could tame the other one do you

Think life would be so different if dinosaurs were actually around us now like imagine that that’d be honestly I think our world would be very scary um M says hey azy could you read my previous message about favorite festival and snakes can’t type them over again did I

Did I catch them all now and I am scary JJ says look at Minecraft all right JJ where are you ah and you have twins they’re twins yo is Nikki also the same thing what is going on we got triplets we got triplets yo bomatic thank you for stopping by bomatic how

Are you and try says I would send out my 256 bed and the T-Rex would be done for you know I mean maybe that would work you know it’s like the game Pikman you have um strength and numbers send me an invite please so I’m not sure if it’ll work Jennifer can you

Let me know your Gamertag and I can try do it oh G did I get um if I missed a comment that you really want me to read it would probably be good to do a repost cuz I’m not sure which one it is now oh

Wait maybe this one do you want says my favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day because I get candy and it’s not 12:00 a.m. at night I do like Valentine’s Day uh all right as well not always doing a lot for it but uh azy you caught the favorite

Festival but not the one about snakes oh are you able to do a repost uh doing good just finished the homework I had for today yay finished homework always a great feeling and I am doing I am doing all right T-Rex you could just hide R behind

It but what if it steps on you ah that would be a pretty sad way to go wouldn’t it a T-Rex stepping on you that that yeah that would have be cool it’s 200 word m that you can’t copy what okay V Let’s see if I could find it so I

Missed the one about snakes right you said I missed the snaky one but I got the light one I got the good one then F says and the only place you’ll find snakes and cobras are mostly in national parks and sanctuaries and if anyone finds a snake in their house

Wildlife Rescuers will come and immediately send them back okay I think I got it now hey Bey welcome Bey how’s it going do you I says know my iPads at 4% no G well bye I’ll make you rich tomorrow one more Rich then today Dy thank you again you are crazy

Awesome appreciate you I think YouTube deleted my message no YouTube why are you such a flipper when will you get fixed YouTube we might have to wait another 22 years before YouTube fixes its problems yeah they have too many problems uh Lord of D is my favorite holiday’s

Christmas Mel says Hey aie doesn’t matter if the skin has ketchup that’s fine you can have ketchup skin that’s okay and what’s your favorite candy Tiger’s asking so favorite candy I like Caramelo I love the combination of chocolate and caramel together delicious Snickers are good I do like Snickers a

Lot stickers almonds I’m going to say stickers almonds carmels Milk Duds Skittles um how about we go with the skittle that’s like a different flavor I I love the base flavor but I like to try like different kind of things too you know they have like Skittles with different flavors sometimes and then

Also Starburst I love those I dislike the American pronunciation of caramel oh really well I mean I think you can say caramel and caramel like how do you say it JJ almond stickers a bomb let’s go B medic um what about you uh little tiger what’s your favorite candy and everyone

In chat what is your favorite candy Carmelos yes exactly has mellow in the name mellow that’s SS cool um zon says for me I see couples hanging out with each other on Valentine’s Day and I’m single which is sad I remember those dayson but um I have a loved one now we

Don’t always do things on Valentine’s Day sometimes we do though uh reposted the repost oh yeah and I explained deali what you did I didn’t see it did YouTube did YouTube actually post that one tells did do you see V’s message talking about dewali oh I missed this one V says azy

It’s about our God Ram so maybe this is maybe this is it then uh returning to his City so he was welcome with Dia and decorative colors Rangoli and bright lamps it sounds like it’d be a fun a fun holiday with lights and all that are you

In the top chat I am is that bad um favorite candy is anything with white chocolate oh nice tiger I actually that brings me back to another chocolate I remember having that they don’t have anymore it was Almond Joy white chocolate and I believe it was

Gosh was it a pina colada flavor maybe it was really good though but they don’t have it anymore and Zuma welcome Zuma how’s it going Zuma pack of wolves or pack of er Raptors which would be worse in your face W wait oh worse not better

Um I would like I would choose the Wolves to hang with so the uh is it Utah Raptors is that how you said that that would be worse to me CU I like wolves but I hope they don’t you know destroy me I I I would in my mind I would tame

Them oh my user is wicked for friend Quest so it’s just Wicked that’s your whole Microsoft gamertag are you sure um doesn’t have numbers or anything oh yeah Twix is good too it’s ROM not the animal sorry so it’s just Wicked okay I’m not sure if this is going to work because it

Seems like it’s being a flipper but I will send a request to Wicked I’ll try anyway and then afterwards maybe I’ll have more luck with adding you guys maybe I have to reset Minecraft I don’t know wolf attacks on humans are rare as heck then I choose

Wolves H it says there’s no gamertag with wicked as the name all right I know I’m talking to chat a lot now we kind of got into a lot but was there um any anything more that you would like to show us in the world Julian so that’s why we celebrate it V

Says we make colorful floor decoration called rongoli light Dia BR lamb decoror house with lights and burst Echo friendly crackers that sounds that sounds cool though like I feel like it um like with all the lights it would be really pretty oh want to see my friends s and Home in

The walls yeah let’s do it Universal Studio Roblox say a remake of the velos veloso coaster from Orlando Michael says I wonder if I could get anyone to join my world z gamer says did you add it into the queue is it spooky also uh I do notice that Google

Forms is messing up a bit so if you did submit I do see your names but it might not show up in the uh the spreadsheet for some reason I don’t know Google forms is a flipper just like YouTube and they’re both with Google so Google’s a flipper there we go Google’s a

Flipper okay Rosie attacks are much more common I get smooch attacked every day oh yes moochi attacks are extremely common as well towels she she will smack me with her paw like she literally will um she’ll like it really feels like she’s smacking me I I I’ll wake up and

I’ll say okay I’m ready let’s go and she’s excited excited and she like just smacked me it’s like Moji please don’t Smack me um I’m your favorite streamer yay uh Gator says I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll have my world open sounds good Gator and Rosie stands on

Your feet she’s trying to squish your feet I did that funny thing again when you said Rosie oh what’s the funny thing JJ all right okay I’m going to follow you unmo okay I’m I am following you there we go GC how are you GC and William says oh

Sorry I only know English so I don’t know what you’re saying but thank you for being here Super Mario and the PS4 wooo that would be a very different world it have to be like a fan-made game or something or some kind of a mod probably uh oh I lost you moose does

Anyone know where moose went I don’t know if moose went this way oh I can’t go here I won’t use the ketchup version of the skin this time says azy could you read my previous chat please V says um okay V says that Mochi okay Mochi azy

You forgot my food feed me why are you ignoring me don’t ignore me or I’ll smack you smacks azy she usually smacks me when she’s excited like when I’m like all right um let’s go s or you know get first getting out of to bed and like okay I’m up let’s

Go and she’s like she’s like excited happy and like kind of pouncy and then she just smacks my face or something um Brony how’s it going Brony oh wait okay Nikki’s here all right Nikki do you know where everyone went wait uh oh Nikki disappeared Nikki disapp Oh no you’re

Back okay okay Nikki do you know where everyone is are they here oh yay Nikki Nikki and mochi says OMG azy let’s go new dog food smacks a pi it pretty much there’s no catchup in my world but even I find it kind of scary planning on streaming on Twitch nice uh just be careful about getting into to promotion territory though um going good Bon said just got

Done playing some spato 3 oh JJ is on the other side with the cool flowers are these flowers hard to find oh the turtle thingy oh tell says can I please can I please get the hug here’s a hug cre towels cbill says the following dinosaurs I’ve mentioned are therapods

And since they are therapods they are closely related to the modern day Birds oh I’ve heard about uh things like that where the birds like it sounds like birds are the close most close related thing to dinosaurs it’s kind of crazy honestly meliss say I would have used my mind

Coins for a scary world if I remembered you were going to stream Spooky World JJ’s going for a swim we probably should move on to the next World soon here um but would you like to show us anything any other things disgusting mob tough Golem would

Have been better TR says would you mind if I send you a friend request on switch when I have the chance oh you’re definitely welcome to um my friends list is often times full but if it’s required for you to join in any of the games I’m streaming I can definitely do

That also how’s it going Jeremiah welcome is it true that you also sing azy um well I mean I do enjoy enjoy you know singing but it’s not like anything like serious it’s just you know little fun thing just like everyone you know a lot of people probably do you know like

Singing in the shower that kind of stuff uh Z says I wish I could see what ay toown looks like in person so Zeon um if you’re interested you could join spinal craft and I did post my video uh it um just recently here just released a video how you can join

Minecraft Java through Minecraft bed rock on Nintendo switch and uh yeah I was able to do it many times like I was testing it over and over and I had no problem so hopefully like those of you who are attempting it also get through smoothly and then you can join spinal

Craft that way and ay Town Emoji says woof yes she says woof Mochi actually doesn’t bark as much as some of her siblings though like some of them are crazy her mom is crazy mochi’s mom is so crazy seriously she is crazy she Barks A

Lot and she likes to eat socks this is mochi’s Mom who likes to do it she’s a full breed cocker spaniel mochi’s mom is and she likes to eat socks seriously she she she had a sock and she was like eating it I was like what king L’s haunted Hide Away Nikki

Says also welcome to the channel welcome to the stream the notorious C welcome and just remember my switch name is Super G Never Going To Give You Up username is wicked no uppercase W or numbers so I did try it Jennifer and it said there was nobody there so I’m not

Sure is mochi’s mom a kisser yes Mochi is also a kisser she likes to lick your face mochi’s mom is crazy with that too she likes to lick your face like crazy like she’s crazy crazy crazy hey Mr s welcome to the stream Mr s how are you oh also unusable

Let did I miss anything from you okay oh what do you want to see um is there anything anything else that you would like to show us anything that you think is cool anything you’re proud of anything spooky um if not that’s completely fine

Too cuz uh we should move on to the next World very soon here and Jeremiah I’m doing well how about you Jeremiah there ain’t no whis for the wck wicked oh pronounce Mr ese like that how it make me so angry TOS uhoh what’s making you angry oh

Whoa okay I did not do that correctly how do I get get into this place there okay just drop like right here right maybe uhoh actually I forgot how to crouch and I I just figured it out I don’t know how to get in there though I think oh thank

You yeah if if you’re mad about something um I mean I I don’t know what you’re mad about but sometimes it’s best to just move on from things like dwelling on things you know is no good oh this is a working task so you’re working on building more things then like more

Things with the Redstone the light litif theator welcome back Orville azy would you rather face the Jurassic Parks D Dilophosaurus or the real Dilophosaurus the difference is that the real thing is taller and has potential for feathers and no FRS um the real one so I can you know

See what the real one looks like Po is from Among Us yeah playing Minecraft on PC nope I’m playing it on Nintendo switch uhoh oh wait okay found you again so this is a working task just work light so we got to see the behind the

Scenes and doing all this work well that is really really cool and you got lava ah the question really is fight a fish or a bird oh want to see the task book sure and then maybe after that we’ll go ahead and move on to the next World how is

Life Trea me orille ask in um it’s been mostly all right I’d say I’ve been really busy lately uhoh did you want me to take the book or do you want me to give it back and how about you Orville but yeah I’ve been really busy been working on my

31 days of videos for the channel here so every day this month a new video is coming out and also working on other things so been super busy there are two tasks that are complete that is one of them one of them oh do I have to oh

Gosh okay am I able to read this you could read no I I forget how I do things oh there we go go to the litif theator make all the lights on by pushing the buttons and making them turn turn on when all of them are on put the

Book in the barrel so that’s a task we’re supposed to do press all the buttons to make the lights on and put the book in the barrel all right so I want to do all this and I don’t know if the lights are on though wait are they oh there we go

That one’s on now and then in the is it down here you put the look in the barrel how do you do that I’m not quite sure how to do it just drop it there yay maybe why does my skin out appear on your end it might be because

Minecraft on Nintendo switch is a bit of a flipper sometimes and come hom home Mario madus say tell says uh a reminder smash that like guys and consider subscribing so the amazing gilia can get 12K by her birthday thank you towels thank you everybody happy yo happy happy happy

Welcome back again happy thank you for stopping by happy happy says lick the like button corilla says azy would you rather face the sperm wh or the prehistoric Marine reptile I don’t know much about either one of these honestly which one is less scary also Ramon how’s it going Ramon

Renon is this the first world it is so oh did I do something incorrectly wait is are you stuck don’t do what I just did uhoh how do you get out that doesn’t do it or does that do it I don’t know all right thank you for letting us

See your world unmissable and we should move on now for the sake of time but it was really cool you have a lot of stuff here that you worked on very nice oh I did happy sorry I’ve been really busy but I I’ll try to get to that and you’re

Having a good day let’s go Ramon having a good day or wait having a good time having a good time having a good time that that one song from Queen I think right yo # 50 like H thank you for the likes guys thank you for licking the

Like button as happy suggested Al Corsa sperm whale is the modern day whale that has teeth and leop plon went extinct in the late Jurassic Period well for the sake of curiosity I’m going to say I want to see everything that’s extinct and then yeah yeah Freddy was awesome I didn’t

Mean literally yeah don’t don’t look it literally please was yeah okay I’m going to go ahead step on to the next World sounds good I’m moble oh I have a thing oops I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I don’t know how I can read

This is there a way I can read it I’m not sure it just says paper okay all right I will leave then yes no gems I disinfect my phone just yesterday tell says and how’s it going Joshua David how do you join you zilia 22 on Minecraft world so um you

Want to let me know what your Microsoft gamertag is Microsoft gamertag let me know yep let me know your Microsoft gamer tag if you want to join and then I will try to add you and maybe you can join through me otherwise you might have

To friend the host so now we need to figure out who is ready for us to visit their world um let me go ahead and delete that one the next person we have so later gator and then Trace later gator are you still away later gator might still be

Away might still be doing other things so maybe Trace you might be next are you ready This is last World I’m joining that I’m going to leave Mickey says might have made my world too advanced hey I mean that sounds cool Trac is ready all right let’s do it Trace I think that lat Gator is still um working on other things so we

Can do lat Gaters soon uh but we’ll go ahead and do traces and oh I needed to add you right cuz it wasn’t working let me see if this works otherwise I’m going to restart Minecraft and hope that it’ll work from then yes it worked so it was being a

Flipper earlier and since I’m on this I’m going to go ahead and add Nikki and Zeon really quick too because it wasn’t working before and then we will join trace’s world It’s taking some good time loading though oh no I don’t know it’s stuck on the loading yo Joshua hash Joshua Davon thank you for the Super Chat Joshua D hey asilia makes me happy thank you oh Happy’s trying to Du with me loading screen of death and Michael says Medusa is the

Lady with hair made of snakes and a look that could turn you to Stone oh I remember that I I know about Medusa and ccken was a sea monster in Clash of Titans I never quite got into that movie Yo thank you tiger you are awesome And Joshua David has just donated $222 through Super Chat Joshua hey AIA makes me happy woo I won the duel all right so that worked now Nikki and then we’ll visit the world all right it loaded better and it worked sweet so we’re solid there 100% pacifist I will defend ailia

But not fight for my own Glory toas okay so looking for trace and here it is and Trace oh trace says says only I’m allowed to join though so tra says only I’m allowed to join it’s kind of more scary than spooky but nothing gory

Tra says also if you have the fear of the dark you are in for a good time sweet and do I have you friended I’m not sure what’s your Microsoft gamertag being Rico and I can try to look # 50 like hype in the chat thank

You for the likes everybody I would give you my Minecraft username BR say so yep if you guys want to join just go ahead and let me know your Microsoft gamertag and I can try to send you an invite thingy definitely won’t be it for a good

Time Ella says it’s private Christ Dicky says well Zeon says anyone’s allowed to join for their world and Zeon is coming soon and then we also have later gator later gator said that four people can join four people Max is what lator said so whenever lator is back um okay Brian

Ni 23 I’ll have to wait for this to load yes the loading screen of death corilla says I don’t really play multiplayer Minecraft but I give you videos on tours of what I do yo # Islander raid welcome Raiders and it loaded the Raiders made it load thank you Raiders wait it says

Wait and let’s see if I can add some more people okay Brian nice we have and Bean Rico let me just try to get this really quick and then also the Raiders okay Brian nice hopefully I got that right okay And oh no Brian is 23 flippers I got to try it again anyway thank you so much for the r cover welcome everyone how are you guys all doing how’s it going isas Daquan nice to see you again tetran how are you you Wallflower Kev we also got the nightmare Spencer

Brian Super Mario Madness and doing a talking stream how do those go for you Kev how you liking the uh just chatting streams I did miss the 23 yep I’m going to have to do it again and I hope that your stream went well for you cover thank you for

Choosing to bring your community over here and raid us much appreciated also add how’s it going Aunt it went great thanks doing plans for the upcoming week oh what kind of plans you got are you ready for my world almost ready later gator almost ready we are visiting

Trac’s world right now then we can visit yours and oh you’re going to doing some party let’s go and if you guys can please do me a favor be sure to check out Kevin and subscribe and you’re doing ant amazing that is ant awesome oh party for AK for my upcoming Saturday

Oh did you make it to 8,000 subscribers just now fantastic Yes thank you so much for the ra and I hope you guys are all doing awesome all right Brian nice with the 23 let me go ahead and try to do that and then I’ll get the screen back on for you Guys ad BR all right thank you again for the raid and again please be sure to check out Kev s have to go um have to got to go I’mma watch a movie with my homies enjoy the movie and congrats on 8K oh you made 8K two weeks ago holy

Time flies really fast that’s crazy congratulations super awesome All right and be and Rico I’m going to go ahead and add you and then we are in trace’s world right now later gator after that we can go ahead and do yours cuz we we just joined so we’ll go ahead and do theirs Bean

Rico there we go and I did get yours correct now Brian I did Brian I 23 so it should be good oh also for this one tra said that only I can join for this world so unless trace says otherwise please respect their wishes and I’m doing bedrock and if you

Guys are wanting to ever do a Java server as long as it’s uh Bedrock compatible I did a tutorial video that I just released the other day on how you can join Minecraft Java through Minecraft Bedrock so do be sure to check that out if you are wanting to figure

That out Lucario thank you for stopping in with the raid no worries at all how are you and gotta go or gotta do my farewell to Pac-Man 99 oh that’s right Pac-Man 999 is ending I didn’t play it a whole lot but um you know that is sad thank you thank

You for stopping by with the ra Tetra fan enjoy the Pac-Man enjoy the rest of your night and when is fashion show and Animal Crossing so I am thinking that’ll either be the very last weekend of the month Brony or the weekend before I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted on that

Super Mario Maker 2 is going to be next weekend though so if you guys have any scary levels that you created or that you know of and you want me to check it out Mario Maker 2 viewer levels is next weekend so be sure you have your levels

Ready for that if you have any that you want to work on for that next weekend lucaria says doing good azy and just getting relaxing watching the movie with Kev and everyone hey nice yeah Pacman Pacman 99 is supposed to be ending like today I heard

All right back to the world okay I’m I’m all in it now trace and what what is Max gamble amount I’m actually not sure I can’t remember what I said it as I think we had people who were like working the system getting all the points so we had to like limit

It more oh you won 100 pedals GG is it okay if I give you the Bells on the night of the animal crossing that’s um as long as it’s before the stream I’m fine with it like anytime before the stream otherwise it might it it’s you

Know might be a little bit too much during it during the actual stream cuz we want to have things set up and organized um oh ZR to read oh no wait you said ZR I pressed ZR so I’m okay right I didn’t do anything bad okay and

Then what do I press to read it then okay I pressed it we’re good I was scared tricky to mail them I know worries towels um we could try to if you want I could try to plan a time where you um yeah you can just fly over to my

Island but as long as it’s before the stream just anytime before I I you know otherwise it could get a little bit too much possibly I lost 100 from The Duel so made it even ah I see Super Mario Bros 35 all over again only this time

It’s Pac-Man I’m happy that Tetris 999 is still standing firm and tall I love Tetris 999 but I haven’t been playing it I do love it though before you continue you must first select your difficulty using the button behind you every time you press the button the game will get a

Little more difficult you must set the difficulty at least two presses in order to proceed okay in that case place the book there we go I’m going to press it twice then like two is a good number one two okay I press two almost always three sounds good

Towels and later you want to add me or should I add you Julian’s asking DM you anytime tell says okay so I pressed the Buton twice you said I have to do it at least two times and what do I do now I guess I just

Wait what the side says wait one like away from 60 as well thank you for all the likes guys much appreciated wait do one more okay one more there one more it opened I have more books to read okay the rules those with the fear of the dark play

Watch at your own risk do not break any blocks do not set anything on fire except for towels no just kidding uh except for the central tree please read all books play with low brightness for more challenging gameplay have a spooky time spooky dance I’ll do all the adding stuff when

A you join and I can explain the rules of my challenge later get says Ah Trace yo Trace what where’s your head Trace don’t got no head oh no Trace disappeared okay I’m assuming I need to remove the books and read the books then and okay I will only take from that if

You instruct me to remove the book oh no I can just read it story there is an ancient forest with ruins from centuries ago that has mysteriously been flooded with unexplainable Darkness so much darkness that it has been titled The Forest of the void for months people have been going

Missing in the forest to bring an end to this you have been assigned one goal burn the forest towels earlier today you were just talking about how it’s only you that’s getting burned with fire and now Forest you know AKA Forest wall Poole Forest gets burned burn the forest

Of the Void to the ground all right in order to do this you must craft a special fire Source out of three materials that can only be found in the forest the dark Flint found in small cave metal brick found in the ruins of the prison sacred text of the arson

Found in the library a miniature crafting station can be found right next to this large tree at the center of the forest once you craft the fire Source ignites the large Central tree and your job is done I hope I I hope I remember that because I’m already kind of forgetting

It uh you are certain to get lost in the force of the Void like the Lost force in Zelda uh without the proper equipment to help you navigate the forest you are being given a bow uh a a lar bow so not just any bow a

Lar bow uh the lit bow allows you to fire illuminated arrows onto surfaces that aren’t visible to the human eye grab your litter bow and battery from the chest to your right it is also advised that you take a handful of Sanity pills I got to keep my

Sanity and Daniel welcome over on Kick I only know English though but thank you for stopping by Mel says uh I guess while I wait I’ll check if my map is spooky enough okay so he said I need to take these items oh my sanity pills the litter bow and the battery

Okay and then I have to proceed forward oh no I accidentally used it I was just trying to read the book before you enter the forest you must first complete a quick training course for the lito your first test is a test of a practice shooting the targets

As much as you like but only when you hit the target shrouded in Gold can you advance to your next test okay Target shrouded in Gold ah okay I practice but I got to make sure I hit the target here well I hit the target so I think I did it

Addy and Trader Mystic how are you guys doing welcome and #t 60 like hi thank you for the likes Addie says Hi friend is how are you and I smashed the like thank you for that Addie and I am well how about you Addie I’m kind of like really sick no

Trader Mystic feel better I’m sorry that you’re sick trainer Mystic all right I succeeded doing that so I think I proceed forward maybe no no I don’t no do I have to hit the bullseye uh I didn’t do that right I’m scared the door will briefly open when you hit it oh

Okay I think I lost my uhoh I don’t have any arrows I’m confused with what just happened I’m doing fine Addie says oh the cold weather got to you trainer mistake yep stay warm bundle up get your heaters going welcome back ants and Lord is are going to place some

Among with my friend who I am on call with enjoy Among Us and thank you for stopping by you should have infinite arrows H it doesn’t show any arrows in my inventory I don’t know what happened and it doesn’t work when I press the um ZL and next Mario Maker stream next

Weekend so everyone next weekend is Super Mario Maker 2 doing spooky viewer world if you have any levels that you worked on or just any levels at all they don’t have to be your own as long as they’re spooky next weekend next weekend uh you need regular arrows for Infinity to work Julian

Says hungry for streamers to play my level I’m not sure why it’s working towels yo towels do you actually know Spanish and thank you for being on Kick too and you have a spooky troll level yay so I don’t know wait draw yeah ZL is draw but it’s not

Working oh quick question azy will you be doing multiplayer during these levels next week um so next week I’m not going to be doing Minecraft uh unless it’s well I don’t think I’m going to be doing Minecraft and if I do it would just be spinal

Craft so today is going to um today is the only Minecraft spooky viewer World stream this month because I have other games I’m fitting into so I won’t be able to do another one oh Mario Maker 2 oh you’re oh you’re asking if I’m just going to do like multiplayer not like

The viewer worlds um uh let’s see I might be able to fit some of it in if it’s if it’s like with spooky worlds if you guys have like a good spooky multiplayer World maybe we can do that oh you gave me oh thank you okay give me a working

Arrow is it good or do I have to get like right in the center is that the problem I was close to the center very close and later can I join but just look if you don’t want me to do the level Julian Says all right try again too high is it still not on it how about this it’s so close uhoh oh no it’s kind of hard to move it exactly where you want to let’s see if this this is good enough what how is that so high this is hard Trace getting the exact

Bullseye there what about here this has got to be good right no is it still too high how about this did I get it I can’t tell thank you for stopping by Addie have a good night oh I did it okay I did it ah Trader smacking it or

Tra is smacking me not Trader I already did it okay oh I think I’m in the Dark World now uhoh smacky oh there’s another book to read congratulations I’m passing your first test your second test is a small maze constructed of a material that replicates the darkness of the forest

Shoot arrows onto the wall to determine where they are reach the set of doors at the end of the maze to advance all right so use this to figure out where the walls are that is a wall and that is a wall this is going to be kind of

Tricky oh walls right next to me that is going nowhere I feel like I’m hearing an uh an Enderman what it’s not showing anything how long are you going for this world let’s see how about another 10 minutes I’ll put in a 10 minute timer 10 minute timer okay 10 minutes

Ah this is difficult whoa ah Trac is back at me again it’s hard figuring out where to go uhoh okay am I following you or did I hit a wall I think I hit a wall oh Trac is right there okay [Applause] yay congratulations on completing your

Second test and your lit our training when you are ready to enter the forest press the red button if you are having second thoughts and wish them back down from the job press the green button good luck one final piece of advice we have

For you is to use a lit boat often so you find him but before he finds you oh no hurry your switch is going to die okay I’m going to try my best out of order ah I like that this is the one you you press if you want to back out but

You can’t cuz it’s out of order this is the only option oh I can’t go oh in now oh there we go okay I’m in oh what is this I can see a little bit though that’s nice behind there’s nothing behind me it’s a pillar doing great so far azy thank you Mario

Madness do not enter you know what we’re going to do right right we are going to enter it yes we are unless we can’t I think we did though there’s an Enderman oh what’s that darker to do something what not sure where I am it’s very dark now

Gillian how’s it going Gillian Bron says I want to try and get some Halloween vibs and MC soon oh you just translated I see Tails oh that’s a wall do I have to jump jump out I’m not sure how to get out of this and where I go oh wait yes it’s an

End come here dude or Slender no Enderman yeah not Slender Enderman look at his eyes right don’t they oh I die never mind I was going to try to I was going to try to uh shoot the Enderman and then I looked in his eyes and then he was

Attacking me so I I was thinking I think you know if you look at his eyes for a long time then it like makes them stand still but I died you can’t short short with that bow short wait what I got the darkest slint it’s an Enderman not slend although it

Looked like slend yeah it’s uh I’m assuming they did it based off the slman and how’s it going Armada azy are you hyped for the fnf or Five Night at Freddy’s movie yes I’m looking forward to seeing it I’m not sure if I’m going to have is it Paramount plus that you

Can see it on I’m not sure if I will have that to watch it so I don’t know when I’ll see it but I can’t wait to and frish trap welcome your post your world sweet oh peacock peacock is where it is okay peacock yeah I don’t know if I’ll

Have that in time so look at my inventory well I have the same thing still ah ah get away homie get away is he dead I think he’s Alive H I shot you this time Enderman and you died is your puers feeling better she seems to be doing good so far but I’ll be keeping my eyes on her and hoping that she don’t don’t get sick I’m going to watch it there because I’m not

Confident to see in the future viy says oh you’re going to watching on peacock uh are you um doing that because like how spooky it might be for you the invisible person ah I think this is another Enderman right but am I supposed to find the exit

Wait where was the thing that said oh it’s the end again you have the darkest Flint now you need to find the library H how where do I go to find the library this is where I is this where I came from oh no this is the library I found the Library so what am I supposed to do at the library there I got the book sweet can’t see dark nicholes it is very dark as someh just cast you to my TV Mega Azy oh it’s your first horror movie ever Nikki says and brown uh Brown didly how’s it going big gr hey wanted to stay stay by and say hi well thank you how are you guys doing can’t you try and splash night potion or drink it is this night Potion

No this is my sanity pills and those are my sand pills so timer is 3 Minutes I think I leave now right but where do I go you need to find the prison I have to find a prison uhoh ah is it this way I don’t know where the prison is is this the prison oh I think I did find it that looks like the

Prison so did I find everything Thomas it’s so hard to see they can’t see [Laughter] anything yeah I can barely tell and see things and I’m doing well Thomas how about you excited for your birthday that’s in four days right found a cloudy Wing bird outbreak

In Violet so I’m a hunt for some more shinies good luck on the stream and remember everyone hit the like button see you thank you for stopping by b craft and good luck on the hunting and how are you uh a Thomas how are you oh ow ow okay I’m in the Prison been doing good and yeah preparing for my birthday soon awesome for night is dark and full of tears yes oh okay I found thingies so now I have to do the next thingy one day the universe war end Cory says my switch is at 40% I’m beging you please

Hurry okay I do have a timer set so we’ll try to end around then and it is at 1 minute let’s see uh oh okay this way right there we go so now where do I go he 19 years old Let’s Go Thomas that was the library oh the central

Tree is that here is this the central tree and craft of flint and steel okay so craft of flint and steel I hope I’m doing this correctly there we go okay I got FLT and steel and how do you chat on switch I don’t know how to chat on switch brand says on

Minecraft you want to press right on the d-pad okay oh put the text of arson on it let’s see how do I do that right here so flint and steel okay put the text of arson what do I do exactly here oh Subscribe how much longer the timer so we’ll try to wrap it up soon the timer is done so we’ll have to move on very soon here do I do I grab a book or what do I do put the book in the second slot okay this book okay and

Then this or enchantment cost three did I do it almost done oh so uh Thomas Mario Maker 2 spooky levels are going to be next weekend I’ll take more sanity pills okay there you go that should be good enough now I should be able to do it right hopefully we’ll see

Yeah I did it t says I need this burn the tree down okay is this the tree I can’t quite tell cuz it’s so dark I’m on [Laughter] fire we can see oh you’ve been drawing wolves it’s fun that sounds cool I burned the tree the tree is set on fire all

Right is there anything else before we move on oh what’s down here oh we got spooky things I am a spectator and Mel’s asking so who can join lator thanks for playing hey thank you for showing me that that was um that was a cool idea and definitely spooky and

Dark all right so L Gator is next okay and are I think maybe we’re already friends are we already friends oh wolves quickly became your favorite animal yeah I like wolves a lot too like especially after playing like Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess you know back when that came out like that was

Awesome and yes thank you trace that was a fun time very awesome War player max so I’m in azy in already promise judian I’ll invite you later gator says so latergators is let me see what your name is so spirit Eagles is your name okay I can join through here Halloween base

Escapes so it’ll have to be up to later gator because they are hosting it’s up to them it’s up to the host sorry it was so hard a it’s all good trace it I think the the main thing is that it was just really dark that’s that’s what made it more

Tricky Nikki says I’m beging you let me be in this next one before my switch dies yeah Nikki’s switch is going to die and I know Nikki really wants to be in one is it possible Nikki can be in here Too oh seals are cute yeah se’s going be cute and that’s what the Lio was for to help with the darkness later G says Julian and Nikki can I have y’all gamertags oh Trey says I kind of want to join and I might have to go or I might

Have to do the cringe Halloween map I have I guess it’s fine though Mel says so later gator is hosting for this one so it’ll have to be up to later gator with um everything with everyone joining and I see Nikki I feel Ravens are my spirit animal

They are loners who bring bad luck what bring bad luck we have a single Jack Jackal Lantern hey JV hello to you how is it going okay so Julian oh it doesn’t give me the option to invite so it’ll have to be up to later gator AKA spear

Eagles anybody dressing up for Halloween this year Thomas is asking always have the worst luck to says wait to that’s a lie that is a super lie remember those the games you gifted me you won from the giveaways that that was not bad luck litigator says I’ll explain the

Rules down I can’t really see myself in the queue who’s next oh so melow let’s see I I do see you in the queue there’s six people in the queue by the way um at least wait wait wait some of those are done though some of those are done

Done the the problem is Google forms is messing up but I can still see you so if you added yourself you are in there and I can just check in my own thing Google forms is uh yeah that’s just messing up a little bit uh to let you know who’s

Next so we did trace and Julian and then we’re on later gator after this we have Zeon gamer Bean R rules and then mellow and it will also depend though like if they are present or not but after again after litigator we have Zeon gamer Bean Rico rules and then

Melow Nikki says something about the name Spirit Eagles is awesome tell us says good point El how’s it going Dylan Kelly welcome over on Kick how’s it going so we’re just waiting for a few more people to join this world and then later gator is going to tell us the rules and

How it works and later gator is right up there AKA Spirit Eagles Brian says Hey Nikki I have a question oh ler says that four Max that’s how many people can join so since it’s litig Gator’s World it will be up to litigator yeah it would be nice if the

Kick to YouTube bot worked cuz I multi stream on YouTube and kick but for some reason the the restream bot doesn’t always work it hasn’t really been working too well I I don’t know what I can do to fix that or if there’s a way I

Can oh Julian said Gator said I can join H interesting so later gator has four sections with a Jacko Lantern you got ad jump scared oh God that okay honestly that’s kind of cool YouTube be unintentionally scaring you guys with the ad jump scares that’s

Funny it would even be more funny if it was actually like a scary type ad and Brian says yesterday I saw you play Mar a deluxe that you changed your to please join me or something like that h i I didn’t play Mario Kart 8 Delux yesterday they I played it last weekend

Though he Nikki okay there are four squares I will TP you to your Square you will have 8 minutes to build an escape house fill with traps oh got to read the thrust okay so we have eight minutes to build an escape house fill the traps to protect your

Jackal Lantern after 8 minutes you able 5 minutes to do a base you must attempt everyone’s base I’ll TP you to your square and start at 8 minutes oh nck Nikki Nikki left Nikki didn’t want to do that okay so we have to build an escape room filled with traps to protect our

Jackal Lantern and after 8 minutes you have 5 minutes to do base oh Nikki says I don’t do these building contest so I left does that mean we have another open spot then Melo says sounds fun I’m not really sure what to do exactly even though you told

Us so we have to build an escape room filled with traps Trace is wondering if they can join and Julian says that later gator has to add me oh Zen says I’m on the pause screen of death so L says basically build a base to protect your pumpkin 5 minutes to do

Each base and try to achieve everyone else’s pumpkins Trey says I love escape rooms so protect your pumpkin so Nikki doesn’t want to partake in this cuz cuz Nikki’s not that crazy about building but um Trace Julian and melow I think are all interested oh Nikki says before I go

I’ll de DM you a picture of my ghost me oh nice have a really good idea for an escape room already try says I don’t have any ideas maybe I should just watch lator maybe I should just watch because like I feel like Trace would probably yeah

Trace sounds like they have a good idea Melo sounds interested maybe you guys would like have like some really cool looking things I’ll T you all to your square and build the Halloween theme escape room L says and is Minecraft Bedrock free or does it cost something

So Minecraft does cost I don’t think it’s too much but I’m not sure how much it costs but yeah it does cost money and have a good night Nikki thank you for being here Julian says as you gator say me and Nikki can join but Nikki doesn’t want to

Partake in this so that means um there will be an open spot you can’t watch the okay I will do it later get I will do it I I’ll just have to try my best oh is it really $60 I thought it was cheaper than that there’s two open spots are me and

Julian able to join Gator so yeah we we definitely have an open spot for sure later gator and Julian I think you told Julian they could join but you have to add them and then Melo and Trace are interested so you’ll have to figure out how you want to do

That he just build a Halloween themed building with traps to protect your pumpkin got it okay I will try my best I think I’m getting some ideas coming now actually a few ideas later says mow there’s one spot actually it looks like there’s only Brian and myself

Here did you add everyone who needed to be added later gator Trey says later please I I really love this concept I want to be a part of this later says Julian can I have your gamertag towel says are you enjoying the stream then subscribe you silly

Goose okay later tiger says or what did did I what did I just say guys I don’t think I said later gator did I I don’t I don’t know what I just said anyway later gator says someone give me their gamertag if you want to join so go ahead

And post your Gamertag in there subscribe to get free pizza I said later tater you’re you are now later tater you’re a tater tot how’s you clipping that I said later tat oh my gosh oh Lord oh TR has the gamertag for you it’s taking some time for me to join

Gator’s World Zan gamer says and oh a Flareon raid hash Flareon raid welcome Raiders how’s it going QC RS welcome Hey orange B Flareon thank you for the read what were you streaming and how was your stream and guys be sure to check out orange B Flareon And subscribe And how can you set AI the voice as your respond Point yep orange B flare on I you’ll have to oh thank you thank you tells cuz yeah you’d probably have to copy and paste the text exactly for the bot to work and you’re doing Minecraft Hive

Awesome thank you so much for the raid orange B Flareon guys again check out orange B flare orange bro Flareon I don’t want to do the um the later tater incident again oh you’re starting okay Zeon says I’m in the void okay so we’re all starting okay

Go uh let’s see how how uhoh oopsie inventory okay inventory we create we have to create Halloween theme thing around our wait is that infinite cuz yeah I just want infinite um let’s see here and then uh how do I make a Contraption I’m not quite sure how to make a Contraption

Maybe we’ll add some webs oh no I wait what is this even I don’t even know what that is okay where are the webs at there we go get back to the webs I was thinking to make some kind of a Contraption with like a lover and all

That but I’m not I honestly I’m not too familiar with how to do that cuz you need like Redstone maybe we’ll start with some oh Trey says a you may I recommend something sure oh ailia flowers yeah uh QC says I put my name in the que I got to do something but like how do you think it’ll take to be finished oh so there’s definitely going

To be some good time before we get to uh yeah before we get to you in the queue we still have Zeon gamer Bean R rules mellow and then we have you so yeah it’ll definitely be an hour for sure uh I probably will also close the

Queue as well I’m sure we have enough to make it 3 hours so yeah no worries one word ravagers oh add ravagers how should I Implement that yeah it could even be two hours possibly but actually wait I started the stream at 6 actually yeah hopefully we

Might have yeah we’ll have to try to move on more because uh we’re going to be at the three-hour Mark soon and I’m trying not to go for like way too much longer than that um so we’ll have to see I’ll probably have to extend it a little bit no I’m

Trying to click on the search thing it’s not letting me oh I want to type in ravagers there we go anyone want Stampy CU this reminds me a little bit of a serious building time zon says oh just Sledge your base with them okay that sounds like a good

Idea so ravager if I type in ravager it’ll show up right will it no yeah well we’ll probably have to kind of speedrun everyone’s how do I find the ravager though it doesn’t show up when I click on it nope that’s definitely not it oh no no no no

No yeah get rid of that um maybe the mob thingies is it like one of oh Lord it’s got to be one of these right is it in alphabetical order I don’t think so but I found ravager I found it okay so we’re supposed to make a Halloween build protecting this little

Jacker Lantern here so let’s see what I can come up with and try to do it quick maybe I should put the timer for 15 minutes so we can kind of keep track of the time a little bit better just to keep track of it you know

We can maybe extend a little bit but I spelled it wrong ravager ravenger oh well fill it to the room with ra ra ravagers traces all right I’m going to decorate a little bit and I’ll fill it with ravagers raveners and I want to get some dirt because I

Accidentally dig up that dirt now no no no no I don’t want that I want dirt yes just give me some dirt there we go nice dirt just nice old dirt Jazzy yo how you doing Jazzy welcome welcome we’re in later Gator’s world right now and he has something set up

Where there’s four people we have a Lantern and we have to build like a little Halloween um just some kind of Halloween build around it to protect the Jackal lanter so that’s what I’m doing right now you can name the ravagers as well oh that’s cool there aren’t enough hours of

The day to appreciate ail enough says Ah you’re awesome going to have to do your base don’t make it too hard going to have to do your base don’t make it too hard oh no okay I’m just going to try to do a quick little decoration thingy my bobber oh flippers accident

Again six more minutes before we attempt each other’s or bases uhoh I got to make this Snappy oh cers okay I just wanted to fill it with this cuz I thought it looked cool honestly I don’t know I should fill the whole thing with water but that’ll take

Too much time like put water like underneath of this I’m just going to fill it with this just to give it look a little bit more of a touch of that Halloween look oh another idea be um not be craft uh ler Gator or should I say it later

Tater another idea um you could have had like two people in each area and they could just like kind of help each other too like a team up thing hey Christina how’s it going Christina I remember when I was younger and I just built a house out of all dirt

Or all bricks oh we all probably have those times I usually like do that starting out just to have like a shelter while I’m trying to still collect and actual make the real thing how are you doing Christina meliss says oh hey h Jazzy oh I was going to do

That azy oh you’re going to do something with teams or something or or or what make sure to build the walls so the ravagers don’t escape oh I keep pressing the Crouch button for the jump button Flippers I needed to go faster it’s too Slow I’ll work on the walls really quick right after this and then I’ll throw in ravagers and I guess it’s just going to have to be that a quick speedrun build all right got the floor and well I guess I’m just going to like quickly try to do

This you know what actually I have a different idea instead of like trying to go through all this area let me just kind of make it smaller and let me start for like one two three four five and then one two three four five um actually okay sowh in between one two

Three four Okay so anyone need extra five five minutes ah okay 1 2 three four this is going to be the wall wait oh don’t Crouch I am trying to make it speedy so it’s not you know as fancy as I could have it be okay and

Then I don’t know should I throw them wait no I should throw them out here or in here uh how do I do this oh Lord oh holy Lord what dude I’ve never seen this thing before so this is a ravager I’ve never seen this before in my life I’ve never ever seen

This that’s crazy never seen this creature before I so love your Halloween themes it’s so cool thank you Christina welcome back Garrett and Ron how’s it going I need more four isn’t enough uhoh we got piglins out here we’ll put one out here and over here and right

There I kind of hope you don’t put too many okay four out here four in there or something like that fill it to the brid TR want me to go crazy okay and then water let’s get some water can I just type in water does it

Have to be like a bucket that I have to type in let’s see here okay I want some water I wonder what what the fire Coral does see there’s like a fire coral and then let’s see here I don’t know what I’m doing guys I don’t know what I’m

Doing this will be your way to get in I guess I don’t know wait I can’t even get out I’m what the heck is going on okay I don’t know what that was okay all right I can get in there right though like if you go this yeah you can get in there

Wait a second I have to break through and that these guys are in my way I can’t see where thing is yeah out the way dudes okay dudes break break there we go and then ah I smacked it uh-oh going for one now there now you can get to it you have

Things in the way you have to go in the water something like that oh wait you got rid of those ones or did they leave oh well all right I’m going to be almost done here and we have two minutes up until it’s 15 minutes oh yeah I wanted to add

Webs and I need water hey how’s it going George welcome oh we’re still yeah we’re still going we still have more to check out and my throat it’s going crazy oh you said okay you said it was time all right just let me let me go ahead and finish adding the water

Uhoh no there’s a mess up right there whatever okay move to your left and complete the base go in a circle until you come back to yours so how like what do we do exactly also really quick okay I’m done perfect your base is perfect Trac

Says uh thean is about that I didn’t build the base R really tiag together move to the base to your left and try to get to their pumpkin go in a circle to complete all the bases but we all have Creator mode on so shouldn’t that be turned off ooh nice base thank

You all right you saidd to go to the left one this is the left one how’s it going Grande and Buddy gaming rail fan welcome oh you’re about to do that death death Death how’s it going jayen welcome guys we are in ler Gator’s world right now

We we’re supposed to go to the Jacko Lantern and not die how do you get to this one but how how do wait I don’t even know if you can get to this one how does that work I don’t think I can get to it so what we did

Ow endless death each of us made a a base and like really quick amount of time this was my base and we’re supposed to like cover it um we’re supposed to like make a base to protect the Jacko Lantern and now leader Gator is having us try like go to

Different ones and try to get the Jackal Lantern are you able to get to it oh you’re just going to break it what are you doing as a so that’s that’s what we’re doing in a very short amount of time we made it there’s one woo oh ow it hurts it hurts it

Hurts oh I don’t think I have cash app I’ve heard of it but I’ve never like used it how’s it going Grande and how are you doing buddy and Jaden this guys are chasing me non-stop zeen says all right the do’s gone the D’s on the

Other side it doesn’t see me I can get it I can do it I’m going in guys I think uh oh the lava’s right there can I break this can I get in I’m good I’m good I’m breaking good I’m doing it guys I am doing doing it uh-oh

Oh I got it I won I got the pumpkin woohoo I got the pumpkin that’s the only way you can donate should I should I get a cash app should I do that do want B in green woohoo I Survived so it was divided into four uh four different people did it I did one and they did one and what in the flippers what is This you went to another dimension use your water bucket to put yourself out if you get on fire cash up is useful if you don’t have stream lives or PayPal huh I wonder if I should consider signing up for cash app okay you want me to do your base all right

And is it this one oh that was a good idea later gor you made it like parkour like yo I survived I didn’t get lit on fire let’s go I can swim in the lava let’s go I better hurry before lator changes it wait what’s this I can’t break through what’s that about

Start over why oh you’re lagging Brian what’s lagging I think it’s just lag because I cheated how did I cheat I don’t know how I cheated I can swim in the lava I don’t know [Laughter] why it’s fun swimming in the lava Z welcome back sorry for joining late I forgot all

About the stream hey no worries all right H start over Okay I did it again so I’m supposed to jump on them and then make it here is that what it is not cheating to abuse bad Wi-Fi say Azie is too nice to cheat see you later gator I’m not cheating it’s

Impossible and you love my new profile pck thank you there see I’m jumping legit I did legit jumps uhoh ignore that starting over here cheating cheater no towel said it’s impossible for me to cheat I’m too nice I can’t it’s impossible Z says I am

Mario the real mad fan just change it to this because he is the best Italian Arby in the world nice and tals says exactly see TS TS has spoken okay look I’m doing it legit lat see super legit jumps super legit I made it I didn’t touch the

Lava didn’t take the level away away but I don’t know what to do now I I made it though I legit made it we should move on soon here though as well the 15minute timer is up how do I get to it though it doesn’t let me mine through this how

Come the server is really laggy it would seem TR say few seconds later you will die of lava aelia of this lag hardcour around look for the pickaxe oh what I got to do that that didn’t happen you didn’t see anything lat getat her okay I’m it’s all legit

Still right tells I’m I’m Legit doing it right wait how do I get the pickaxe I’m so confused it’s in a red box a red box there’s like there’s like a button here that looks red is that no it was a vis visual glitch trace says I don’t see any red boxes around

Here it’s azy that’s it a it’s in the red box that you said is a button oh it didn’t do anything when I pressed things on it though that’s a red Sher box on the ground Trey says but it’s not doing anything Trey says she can’t pick it up

Because of the lag yeah it’s not doing anything so that’s the idea though got to get this and then go over there and axe through it and then you would get the the pumpkin although it’s underground it’s magma only lava if it makes it to the

Surface did anyone make it to mine my pumpkin’s Still Standing ha how’s it going um Kick welcome okay you got the idea we can move on all right so we’ll go to the next person in the queue I was curious on this though like does this take me somewhere does it have the

Thing no the ravagers deserve a lay a lay ra Trey says all right next person in the queue Zeon gamer are you ready for your turn Zeon thank you for letting us join and that was a cool idea with the little building contest although I I

Um didn’t quite have it where I wanted it but that’s okay server’s too laggy for you to enter the nether a that’s why I just named all the football positions all right Zeon are you here Zeon if zeon’s not ready oh yeah no no politics in the chat it’s

Not not the place for that but we do have a serious discussion channel in the Discord where we can uh discuss that kind of stuff um okay so Zeon gamer Bean Rico rules and Melo are you guys here please let me know Zeon gamer Bean Rico rules and melow

Hello George how’s it going George oh zeon’s ready all right Zeon is set okay so we got Zeon then be and Rico and then Melo Minecraft is one of those things I love seeing you stream azy Bron says hey I’m glad you’re enjoying it Bron and

Melo and Deo are here awesome so zeon’s ready and then you guys are after Zeon And do you have the world ready now Zeon your name cuz I I did add you as a friend so we should be good there so Dr hero is what we’re looking for and I don’t see anything showing right now with a do hero no do hero okay Bean Rico is

There looking for Dr hero oh Zeon gamer says that anyone is allowed to join oh forgot to add this in the Forum beo says my world isn’t necessarily spooky overall but it has a couple of places that could that could be considered spooky and I’ll be right back

But your realm looks so cool Christina says I appreciate you Christina um the places that we are joining are by viewers so the last one was later gator please play e AFC please it’s not scary sadly e AFC what’s that honestly don’t care what aie streams even if it’s Roblox says

And later gar is asking if you can fite them Zeon with their gamertag in the chat there but I’m just trying to find your world because I don’t see anything showing with your name right now so maybe you have to get the World open boting up okay sounds good so I just got

To wait a little bit for it to load then Zeon will have their world hey I see it Dr hero sweet Trac is asking Bean can I add you on MC also kick I think that calls for yeah got to stay nice in the chat don’t be disrespectful that’s not cool

Goodbye don’t ask for too much in the streams just just um you know basic follow following of the rules basic rules and stuff like that and that involves kindness and respect okay ler says can you invite me Zeon ooh Z town that’d be a good place for zombies a he

Was faster G says if I have that game I can just make my own base as well for capture the pumpkin yes Positive Vibes always like if no one ever has to like be you know no one’s forced to be on any streams if you don’t want to be there

Don’t be there you know but got to you know stay nice and respectful though don’t be a flipper please no flippers ises zwn would be pretty cool for zombies though like that’s that’s uh sounds like that’ be great for that oh it’s not scary related but I hope you

Like it all right um also I’m going to set the timer for 15 minutes because we are like at our three-hour spot now so 15 minute timer there we go and Cy hello on Kick Cory Cory says can I ask for ice cream though you’re always W always welcome to

Ask for ice cream and pizza you can get both uh neutral Vibes for me I struggle with positive all right so did you want to like um kind of show us around Zeon like do a little bit of a tutorial lat G says can someone invite to the

World hopefully I could see your name um let’s see later gator your name was Spirit Eagles that’s right well I should see you under the online section here though and I don’t see anything so I’m not sure I guess it’s just Minecraft being a bit of a

Flipper Oh I thought we were friends not friends okay and Ron thank you for thank you so much for hanging with us Ron have a wonderful rest of your day I’ll go ahead and send a friend request to you then so is it Spirit Eagles or is it sprit

Eagles I can’t remember what I saw in the game but in the Q you put Sprint Eagles maybe that was a typo uh I’m going to go ahead and put spirit Spirits I’ll try both okay add is a friends so I’m not sure it is Spirit okay sweet then I should be good

And let’s see trace and Julian okay so Julian I know that was you and trace your name was just Trace right and I did add you as a friend so you should be here but I don’t see you okay Spirit Eagles send invites yo how’s it going Tony looks

Like I missed some stuff welcome to the stream Tony um um I wonder why it doesn’t show your name though Trace yeah you had Trace in it and I added you right but it’s not showing cuz it should show at the top here and I don’t see

It h well let me go ahead and check the offline section maybe I can send you an invite I do have the timer going right now though so we probably should kind of hurry sort of since I have other ones to visit ice cream pizza if it’s like a

Dessert pizza that could work Tony says don’t have Microsoft account I need my mother’s PC maybe it’ll show over here cuz sometimes it’s done that before and there we go okay so Trace sent invite oh okay should be uh should be good hopefully okay Zun welcome to Z town so all you need to do Zeon is throw some zombies in here and then uh you know Zombie Town Z Town chicken wings would be good with pizza oh yeah that sounds really good honor of the Lost friends in online honors of friends we could had

Made in high school L say Zeon can you TP me and how do I accept invites um I think you’re supposed to do it like right when it happens I can try one more time and you should have something pop up on your screen and then try to catch it and

Press the button for it my friend made this I don’t know why Zan gamer says would be easy to type typo as a typo if you’re type typing typical that sounds kind of confusing okay Trace there we go boom all right so Dr hero is the host so let’s follow Dr

Hero Tony says came here to say hi I took a break from YouTube playing with friends watching playing Dragon Ball never would have thought I become a fan of that hey so you like Dragon Ball nice I hope you’ve been doing well Tony thank you for stopping

By oh it said I pressed minus respond and I did but nothing happens H I wonder if you have to reset Minecraft like is it just messing up maybe cuz it’s weird that it doesn’t show you as online too uhoh maybe I need to do it I don’t know is that supposed to

Open okay there it opens have a good night Tony appreciate you stopping by and I hope school is going well for you oh look at all the houses it actually it looks cool since you have like all of them with the same kind of design all unified together may have to

Leave stream to say some inappropriate things about Nintendo online real quick yeah the Minecraft on Nintendo switch isn’t so great you you know sometimes those kind of problems can happen and welcome to the quartz neighborhood tell says sometimes yeah Nintendo online in general isn’t really the best and the Minecrafts for Nintendo

Switch isn’t so great and I’ve had it worse before actually where I I know I’ve had streams where I was trying to connect for like even an hour it was very sad Julian says I’m heading out of Minecraft but still going to be in the chat every so often I appreciate you

Julian oo I’m liking this place so is this like a museum that’s cool so Zeon did um was everything here like built manually cuz I know like you can somehow like upload things or you know that kind of thing I really like this place though Garrett says true I mean the

Upside of Nintendo online they charge 20 bucks for a full year membership which is pretty good they used to have it free though remember the days of of free oh my friend made this from scratch I like it they did a really good job I really

Like like right here is really cool send one more invite okay Beano says despite Minecraft for Nintendo switch being so buggy I don’t know how but it’s my most played game game of all time and T says You’ think 2023 almost 24 they’d have easy to use online I wonder how is the

Next gen console going to be though are they going to have better online with that is it going to be the same oh invite game there we go hey it shows you on line out trays let’s go maybe this will work now I’ll send it again just in case

There hey meow’s Cavern welcome how are you renewed your Nintendo online membership today Garrett says yeah since I you know I live stream and a lot of those well I think pretty much all those require online so I’m going to have to just keep that mine’s going to expire I think in

November actually I think you watch Loki did you like it the season two of Loki just came out last Thursday and I’m enjoying it I can’t wait to see the rest of it press the button nothing nothing happened no oh we’re at the building across from you where you are uhoh let’s

See if I can figure that out where you guys are trying again Nintendo is still being a flipper Brown deadly says are those pyramids they look lit my friend made this normal house for my secret crush to make fun of me oh sweet teleportation and you have some cake

Let’s go yo welcome Jacob Beast I called you trophy azy wait trophy aie manage 800 hours on animal CR Crossing you know what towels I wonder if I don’t have something like that on Animal Crossing somehow I got a lot of hours on that one and Mario Maker

Too a you’re awesome Garen I appreciate you thought those were pyramids Brown dly says you know what brown Dilly it would be pretty cool if you tried to imitate like the Egyptian pyramids like have giant ones that could be pretty cool I should play a Pokemon Quest is

That what is Pokemon Quest is it something that recently came Out oh meet Miss minutes yes it’s like Pokemon oh I might know what you’re talking about then like Pokemon in Minecraft Garrett says I always tell myself to never let the devil voice in my head get the best of me even at my lowest and that yes Garrett absolutely um you know

We can we all have we all will have times where you know things aren’t always going the best and we might like have those negative thoughts and just negative emotions but smack them away because they’re just flippers oh this looks cool Zeon I like it it says Zeon

Gamer I wonder how you get the letters on there like I’ve never done that like the Pokémon are shaped like blocky Pokemon I’m trying really hard to keep my family friendly mode but Nintendo online is really ticking you off I’m sorry Trace Pokemon Quest isn’t that bad Brown

Says so this is zeon’s house very nice uh also just to let you know there’s two minutes and 30 seconds left on the timer I’m going to try to keep track of the time a little bit just because we are at that 3r Mark and I do want to R wrap it

Up eventually here doesn’t suck but it does have tons of flaws beo says oh Miss Mes is a parody of Mr DNA from Jurassic world I’m not sure who that is right now tell says I played Pokemon quest for five minutes and quit in fact I’ve came back come back to it

Because I got to beat it says Victory wall oh you don’t have any victories in 2023 it says None thank you for the lurk NAA and when are you going to play fall guys again that’s a really good question uh I know it’s been a while this month I’m not

Sure if I’m going to be able to fit it in if they have like something really spooky themed maybe I am pretty packed this month though honestly like I have a lot of streams I have t5s I need to fit in the member stream and a lot of spooky

Streams I’m trying to fit in and then you know I have my 31 days of videos so there’s a lot of things oh in the past my friends and I took it down BR says just saying it’s a game I can tolerate oh the the Pokemon Minecraft

Game oh some bad guys that’s not cool I think you need to make a jail in your world create a prison and throw in the bad guys put them in the prison oh it says welcome that’s cool and you got Wolfies a and that’s cute they have like their own little

Spot oh this is like a couch and that’s like the big screen TV that’s pretty cool and you got to point for the bot GG oh it’s your dream PS5 yeah I I need to get a PS5 sometime too eventually oh my God the timer went off and it scared

Me it was so loud super super loud if you guys want to hear it I wonder if there’s a way I can make like have you guys hear it like can I put like a 5sec timer and you guys can hear it yeah I’m going to do that you guys

Are going to Hear What I Hear This is what I hear when the timer is done I think it’ll go we’ll see yep that’s what I hear so you guys should have been able to have heard that as well and you like the timer sound you can hear it isn’t it beautiful not

Really all right is there anything else you would like to show us before we move on to the next World don’t trust this minute she’s been me C says that might be kind of spoilery though Meo Cav I I don’t know if we like if someone’s you

Know I’m just going to you know just for the sake of potential spoilers but I hear you there I hear you have you thought about trying party animals I think that’s something you’d like I did stream party animals was it a couple weeks ago and towels gifted that to me thank

You how’s it going Tyson I’m not I’m not sure exactly what that’s supposed to mean though but welcome I Wikipedia vills just be careful that to City spoilers so please be out CERN Garett says I consider Azie and everyone who has been here for me as angels we all support you

Garrett oh where did Dion go oh okay this spot is where I imagine myself being a ninja okay where where’s that spot Alex welcome Alex we have some builds I don’t know Zen says cuz yeah we’re past the three-hour Mark so I’m going to try to put 15 minutes on the worlds

Now and we can keep track of the time and all that um what is this ah I see it’s like a fridge that’s cool oh you have one more okay I’m not sure where you are right now so um how do we get out of the

House how are you doing today Alex Myers welcome okay this is not an exit later wait oh it is an exit never mind okay teleport sweet the garden for new recruits hey very cool Garden for new members oh and those are all of your members hey welcome

Buddy T says oh I remember M Star Wars I these are friends that I made in my new school I’ll add you in there since you joined here oh thank you Zeon and also the next people we have in the queue Bean Rico you are the next one

Bean Rico are you ready for us to visit your world be Rico Fe Ghost says yeah awesome not going to lie my map is horrible but it works M says and welcome back gaming with Wario I have a question only a only a girl could answer okay how do I know

If a girl has a crush on me I’m not sure if a girl likes me or not so everyone is different you know um no matter what your gender is you know everyone is different still and let’s see it could be tricky like if you know their personality and all that um that

Could be a factor too um yeah that probably best to talk about that on Discord tells us yeah that that could be um a more fitting place for it probably but if they seem really happy around you if they want to spend time

With you I mean that is a good sign I I don’t you know I can’t say that um that it means that they for sure have a crush they might um okay and Zeon thank you so much for letting us visit your world it was definitely filled with some really cool

Stuff and for the sake of time though we we should move on kind of expose that you don’t and Q is still here if there’s someone who wants to show you something don’t mind I’ll be back in 20 minutes sounds good yeah should it would be better to talk

Uh in Discord and stuff like that tells has a crush on zilda what okay and we shall take our departure but thank you Zeon and thanks for visiting thean says all right so we are going to go ahead and visit Bean Rico’s world and I think I already added you as

A friend right I’m kind of forgetting wait yeah I did I did I added you lator says thanks for letting me join having a crush on fiction shake my head delis hey B Rico and ban Rico says only I can join so um you know unless Bean Rico says

Otherwise please respect their wishes why you can wait why can you join my Minecraft world just saying uh huh I’m not sure what you’re saying exactly Brian but I did have a queue so if you guys had any worlds you wanted me to visit I did close it now though

Gaming with Wario says I finally got the real Minecraft on my PC I can play Bedrock Edition wo Garett says I me there’s nothing wrong with having a crush fictional characters as long as wishes are respected going to join spycraft let’s go later gator and I’ll

Let Trace join to since I trust him okay so Beano says that they’ll let you join Trace well I meant join so as far as those who join it’s up to the host it’s their world so you know they determine how they want the visits to

Go y c says John Cena is the best guess I just never felt that way R says it’s all good so we have two more worlds to visit after this one and then after that we’ll be wrapping up the Stream So I’m thinking we might be done in around an

Hour possibly then we’ll be going for a raid and all that good stuff and don’t forget that I am live tomorrow I will be live doing some creepy demos that were suggested by Nintendo in their featured news so I’ll be trying out different games never played them before we’ll be having fun

Doing that tomorrow and of course we got the 31 days of videos the whole month of October I have a video coming out every single day a different video so keep your eyes out for those we have one week one week done of October already actually one full week done of the

Videos one full week of October’s gone how did that happen uh gaming with Wario says my bro and I have this one two-year-old wait two-year-old word a month or two ago we finally beat the Ender Dragon at while it’s so laggy the world was made in the

1.15 updates and ailia the socca bloom flower and that P looks awesome thank you br I um I did it myself I worked on it John Cena defeated Jimmy oh cool I’m not a sports person but uh um awesome awesome and Flora welcome Flora how are you couldn’t think of a wrestling name

For azy so ailia the Sakura bloomf flower I guess that’s me or ailia the bloomf flower that’s my wrestling name waiting for the resources to load and waria says Minecraft Bedrock Edition can take so long to load it’s always annoying yes lots of yes oh don’t know why it’s taking so

Long Trace was able to join just fine are you on Nintendo switch Trace maybe I need to reload my uh Minecraft Trace is also on Nintendo switch H Should I reset it maybe maybe one more minute if doesn’t load yeah reset yep I’m going to be live

Tomorrow usually I haven’t been live on Mondays but I’m trying to fit in more things this month you know with the spooky spooky month uh spooky stream so tomorrow I’m going to be doing a live stream doing some creepy demos and what did you do the last time

You were on the loading screen of death I I just sat here or maybe I used um I used the force and I didn’t realize it okay I think I’m going to have to reset that yeah it’s being a flipper tion welcome tion how’s it going Garrett

Has got to head out have a good night azy my bestie and everyone and good night to you Garrett thank you so much for being here I appreciate you better than the 12 Days of Christmas a okay hopefully this works and going good awesome and it’s been going pretty good

For me to ton um just waiting for Minecraft to load it’s it’s taking its time I reset it and yeah oh my God it said loading resource packs this may take a few moments uh at first I thought that said this may take a few

Months I looked at it and I I was like wait did that say mon I look back oh no it’s [Laughter] moments as you equal sus this may take a few Years that’ be crazy dude if it actually said that if a game said that it had like the loading and it said this may take a few months Wario says I think I finally found a way to revive my channel from dark ages past few shorts I’m sorry to hear that it’s

Definitely tough YouTube is very tough it takes a lot of effort work algorithm can be a flipper but you also want to be careful to not get into the um you know promotion territory as well this may take a few decades and see you Mia cin thank you so much for stopping by

Okay it loaded and it has one of my favorite words omnipotent I like that word I think that’s one of my favorite words is omn omnipotent I just like the way you say it Warrior says imagine if it said this might take a few SES I should add that in a game honestly

That’d be funny all right will it work down please Minecraft work please yep there’s a self-promotion channel in the Discord so if you guys ever want to share your channels or if there’s other things you have that you want to share you are more than welcome to post them in the self-promotion

Channel and if there’s other things you want to promote that isn’t your own we have a promote others Channel I really hope Nintendo’s next console has better servers yes yeah 3 hours what happened Corey 3 hours have passed is it working it might be working maybe it’s doing things or is it stuck

Now uhoh B says imagine if ailia 22 is a or the 22nd clone of ailia 1 the original Android that’s top secret information vza and we are in let’s go it take any hour Brian says and United Kingdom nice to see you again United Kingdom how’s it going use these

Top map North button map Central wait what I’m confused okay use these top map North but bottom Central uh map four do I want to take that how’s it going Andre Andre says hello isia happy early Halloween day happy early Halloween to you too you’ll find the truth one

Day impostor what V BR says Minecraft truly is amazing take all this stuff in the Sher box okay I’m going to go ahead and start the timer as well so 15minute timer Legend says that the number at the end of a username is a SE sequential clone yep doing

Minecraft whoa yo yo yo yo yo we are in a world of awesome pixeled images very cool subscribe that’s so cool I love it built a ton of crazy stuff in this world it looks awesome I love it I love it unbelievable exactly V says I believe

Aelia 1 the original Android was created by the evil mastermind but doctor called Dr towels towels are you secretly a doctor did you create the aelia number one did you want to show us around like did you want to have us do anything or just explore on our own like

However however you want to do it in fact promoting ail is actually encouraged looks like shul is that like a snake that they have oh you waving Trace I don’t know how to do that I wave back to you oh are you just like moving you could use the maps to explore

Whatever all right let’s do it then use the maps to explore whatever I can fly oh this is so Cool I’m seeing Pokemon and things I don’t know but hey there’s link that is really cool I like the giant cat and it there’s a penguin and I think more Pokémon things I don’t know what this is I have no idea what this is and is that Charmander in some kind of a fish

Suit I’m not sure who this dude is And not sure who those people are right now we got more Pokemon Bron says dog I’ve yet to get back into pixel art for real Ty says just out of curiosity did you see a subscriber jump today I want to know if my efforts worked oh subscriber jump let’s see so last I checked we were around

11,750 as we we around and I think it went up a little bit yeah so I think it was 11751 and then now I see it at 11,754 thank you to all who have subscribed you are awesome and we’re getting close to 11,800 can I eat no you cannot bza leave the Pokemon

Alone oh the Charmander thing was fishy’s Discord server icon oh cool it’s is Charmander wearing the costumes United Kingdom says uh imagine if I’m Ireland or wait image if I’m Ireland and UK invades me then I would exist uh a you deserve every single one

Of those subs thank you so much Bron and looks like the Pokemon jodo chakora cicil and Totodile oh squil I do like cic Quil wait burn it burn it food no you will not touch the Pokémon you’ll have to get past me first I sent a bunch of Tik toks

Promoting you a thank you tows I I appreciate you oh I think this is this like from a cartoon or something not sure what that is but they’re super super cool looking for sure and Z Chronicles I can’t wait to play the rest of that series and is that a Shrek oh like

Um a sand Shrek or something right I think that’s what that is maybe oh trying to join spincraft but it says unable to join world did you so you followed the tutorial the video tutorial and it’s doing that and like you have the numbers exactly as what they were shown and everything H is it really I wonder why you’re having problems joining when I when I was uh checking it out like I did it on different days even and I did it multiple times and it worked just fine so I don’t know why you’re having problems with it the only thing

I’m not sure if it would be like the updates like you know Minecraft has updates and I don’t know if that would be an issue like if the up if there was a recent update and it’s not aligned with each other I don’t know if that could be

It some of my friends built stuff here not sure what some of it is but I kept it anyways H oh 352 welcome welcome thank you for stopping by again and nope we’re visiting viewer worlds yeah we’re just visiting a bunch of viewer worlds um trying to go with like Spooky Spooky

World so them haven’t really been spooky but we are currently visiting Bean Rico’s world right now so yeah we’re just checking out the world and it’s filled with a lot of cool pixel art oh there’s more than more than this area let’s see where should we go

Then oh we got like the um we had the evolutions for Squirtle and Charmander my six-year-old brother’s room looks like the back rooms Wario says I didly says speaking of Mickey I bought the cutest Mickey plushy recently nice and there was Pikachu there’s like so many different versions of Minecraft now when he says and cam dog hey you finally beat the original cup head let’s go GG so I I hope you’re able to get that figured out later G her I don’t know why it’s doing that I never I didn’t

Have that a single time in my attempts honestly I didn’t have any issues with it so hopefully we can get that figured out whoa what is that we had like um a giant ball it looks cool though tra says I made Arts oh you’re in here too whoa

Woo wait oh do we just keep going this way oh it’s the Death Star okay okay oh this is Bean Rico’s world that we’re in right now Christina so yeah be be Rico let’s see here Super Mario says this place looks amazing oh you chopped ailia 2023 so that means I’m safe then

I love Star Wars games Nas says I haven’t really played too much for the Star Wars games uh there was like one of the Battlefront games I tried a little bit and it was fun doth zilia time it’s like a maze I don’t know which way to go maybe I found yay

Wario says I hate mazes o we’re inside and try say being TT to me are you getting lost I was but now I’m found this place is kind of based off of an area from Xenoblade 3 oh okay I haven’t played it so yeah I um probably shouldn’t really yeah don’t

Want to know any more than that but that’s cool Andre says I love Maze and thank you for the hugb Andre says I’m really good at solving the maze also to let you know we got 4 minutes and 45 seconds left on the timer should build a death star whoever

Owns this world Wario says oh is this a secret place it is a secret ailia 23 is classified ailia 21 went crazy and tried to take over Europe what that sounds super crazy oh is this like a maze area maybe can’t go through there a secret

Door uh I’m not sure how to get out of here now yay that works it’s the Multiverse of Madness all over again I’m excited for the future of Marvel especially like watching Loki season 2 and seeing more of the crazy stuff that’s going to happen oh housing District shopping district

Cool random potions three emeralds each where are we I’m not sure but it’s pretty cool castle graveyard oh you missed the 2000s Spider-Man I wonder what they’re going to do with Spider-Man from here on out like are they going to continue with Tom Holland because I think I I read things

About Tom Holland not being in it anymore it seems a little bit I don’t know like laggy or something looks like the castle and graveyard wait ailia 222222 is better than ailia 22222 wait what season two episode one of Loki was confusing a little bit Wario says um

I I don’t know if I guess I don’t know if I was really too confused using that one uh I did watch season 1 again before seeing it so like I was I had things refreshed and can I give you a funny joke sure but I I could see how you know it

Could become confusing for some people like anything involving time and and stuff you know I missed basically anything from the 2000s ground de said say all right there is 1 minute and 30 seconds left is there anything else that um you would like to show before I move on cuz

The timer is getting close to the end there but this was definitely filled with a lot of cool stuff for sure and I didn’t realize that those were color coded and SL they like flood above them nothing better than getting infected with azy positive vibes my zombie my

Zombie getting infected with my zombie Vibes imagine azy knocking out Mike Tyson then fortnite emoting on him coming up at 3 hours and 40 minutes what how did this happen and what makes it scary because the pumpkins are going to catch You oh oh that’s cool that’s cool go up these infinite stairs infinite glass stairs there you go and then a crazy crazy whoa that would be crazy crazy like doing this without creative mode that’s a lot and there’s something cool looking over here oh gosh the timer has spoken

Ah all right it has been 15 minutes are you going upstairs pink block of glass a while ago I got a black eye at school while playing gym it was an accident oh I’m sorry to hear that I’ve never had a black eye before I I

Remember this is cool too you have a lot of different um block combinations and stuff that looks cool I remember a long time ago when I was in PE class a bow got thrown at my face but I I was okay though I I remember that that was lame oh show me

One more area real quick sounds good mrio azy would you rather eat pizza with some e b how dare you not ruin my pizza I don’t want to I don’t want to like Envision this I don’t want to visualize that or a 30-day old in the SE burger what that’s all

Gross yo Riley welcome back oh also # 80 like hype thank you for the 80 likes guys don’t forget tomorrow I’m going to be live again doing creepy demo games a variety of different games that were suggested by Nintendo oo we’re looking up at the stars that’s cool they should have a

Whole a whole world area where you’re like an outer space in Minecraft but what is going on uh this is weird I don’t know what I’m doing am I flying am I falling okay this is crazy I think it’s cuz of laggy no V you flipper Mel says apparently the map I

Chose the single player might have to change it to just you who can join Melissa this looks cool but like I’m confused I don’t know where I am is this like the absolute highest you can go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa can I fly up higher am I

Flying I don’t know what I’m doing guys am I flying now I think I’m moving oh the thing’s lagging it should show stuff that’s lowest it’s lowest I can go yeah eat a burnt pizza or frozen Burger both are made ew vza have a good night Wario I hope school goes well for You so I guess it’s not going to load then huh because it’s like too much too crazy it just feels like we’re in the middle of outer space which would be insanely scary I think actually guys that’d be pretty cool if we if we could like really go in outer space like in

Minecraft we could visit planets or something maybe that could be cool probably leave now send the stuff in Discord later sounds good thank you so much for showing us the World be Rico uh yeah sorry it was laggy it’s going crazy but it was really cool

There’s a lot of awesome stuff in it thank you it doesn’t even want me to leave all right so we have two people left in the que mellow are you ready for your world mellow and then we have QC as the last one I don’t know if I want to read your

Comments Spots I’m scared I have to reload Minecraft no I couldn’t handle it it was too Much you know it’s bad when at 4:00 a.m. I think it’s starting to get a little bit late all right mow is ready let’s do it h 80 like hype I don’t think we did that yet thank you so much for the 80 likes guys and welcome welcome back again

Riley thank you for being here Riley a normal one thank you have mac and cheese or half tacos actually vza I have a thought what if we have mac and cheese tacos combine them Together that could be cool to try actually I kind of want to do that billly thank you for hanging with us have a wonderful rest of your day oh no your stomach’s being a flipper no yeah tacos filled with mac and cheese that actually sounds delicious B

Says yes we got to try it now right like a spicy mac and cheese with um maybe maybe some hamburger maybe chicken okay send me an invite sounds good mellow okay I pressed the button yes I did and I pressed it yes it’s working I’ll go ahead and start the

Timer as soon as I’m in the world another one would you rather eat iron or eat wood Uh Wood I used to like uh when I was really really really little I used to eat paper and you know that’s you know papers made from you know trees uh

Uh I used to eat paper I used to love eating paper so what and iron sounds like it would be bad on your teeth like you break all your teeth I’ve got ginger tea and Nutmeg tell says Trey says this was yesterday I hope it

Works but your body D iron I cheated on my backpack when I was a kid Ella Brony says oh gosh that reminds me Brony I have had a baby blanket I would chew on it I I I liked chewing on it all the time I think somewhere somewhere in a box in some

Room somewhere um I think my baby blanket exists somewhere I used to call it Pinky actually that was the name of my baby blanket pinky it was like a light pale pink color I don’t know what it looked like at the start though cuz you know it kind of became a

Rag azy would you rather drink Squirtle water or t water or just regular water regular water I think and what did you do wait what did you do yesterday I live streamed Roblox spooky games yesterday and that was a lot of fun tomorrow I’m going to be

Doing another live stream where I’m I’m going to do various different games suggested by Nintendo in their featured news it was suggested these creepy demos of different games I’m going to try out Mel says I would have chose D and D but that doesn’t really qualify as Halloween

More just scary monsters and that’s it says when I was little I used to chew on what V you to chew on your handkerchief okay well Azie you’re going ham on the streams this month yeah there’s there’s things I want to fit in um you know it’s

Spooky month so I want to fit in some spooky streams with certain games and and we also have tier five streams and member stream to fit in so in order to be able to get it all fit in I I may have to do a little bit more

Oh you’re fine Brian you’re all good Andre says sounds skety don’t forget guys Super Mario Maker 2 is next weekend if you want to create a level that’s spooky if you already have any or if if there’s something that you just know of that isn’t yours that all works doesn’t

Have to be yours just something spooky doing spooky viewer levels next weekend Mario Maker 2 we’re only doing it you know only going to be spooky for the month here we’re not going to be able to stream a game more than once probably cuz it can’t really fit it in with all

The other ones so next weekend and of course we’re going to be doing Animal Crossing New Horizons the Halloween themed Fashion Show contest with bell prizes that’s going to be the last half of the month I’ll let you know what weekend it’ll either it will either be

The last weekend or the weekend before that but I’ll be sure to let you guys know so keep your eyes on the community posts and the Discord announcements Twitter all that stuff would you rather bite an alive elephant or try to bite an alive lion I what elephants seem like they’re really

Nice and lions it would probably destroy you try says thank you again for inviting me to that world Bean don’t have spooky level that’s okay um you know you can still stop by you can still hang with us whether you have levels or not you can watch me play all the

Spooky Andre says I love to play Animal Crossing New Horizons yeah Animal Crossing is a lot of fun so everyone’s welcome to join in all of these streams and you’re welcome to participate in all the streams and you know in Animal Crossing New Horizons so just come with

Some kind of a costume it doesn’t have to be insanely spooky but it can be you know just it’s going to be a Halloween costume contest it’s going to be like a fashion show as well last world I hope it ends with a bang Corey says KO count

Use the key card on on the console to open the door oh gosh how do I do this mellow I have a really scary costume nice oh there we go yeah look at mow that’s definitely a very spooky skin right there I love it mellow very

Cool okay so I have to do this use key card uhoh it’s not working okay there it worked the doors have Open uh oh the text was going kind of weird yeah I’ve only played the first Xenoblade it was a long time ago when it like it first came out haven’t played the others how does ghost have ketchup I guess they they really like ketchup oh what we got

Here it’s not safe hurry up guard your squad is heading out now to explore in the Bing facility oh SCP map the ghost like burgers with ketchup there you go use the key card on the console to open the door is that all it’s going to say okay guess that was the cut

Scene is this me or why people will still buy a Minecraft map in Marketplace even though it has so much lag um I mean maybe it’s not always laggy for them I don’t know it might require like resetting maybe they’re not on Nintendo switch would you rather be eaten by a mucas

Moner or by a polluted moner that sounds gross I’m say polluted monster you dialogue is glitched ignore it okay ignore the dialogue oh trying to build calling 9 from Z blade one so if I ever finish that I’ll probably show it oh awesome hey Oscar how’s it going this isn’t made for multiplayer

Melisses spooky and also spooky have a good night Trace thank you for hanging with us oh whoa um so that one’s going a little bit farther v i I love I love the doggos and the animals and all that stuff so yeah okay little bit far oh dude I can slash something okay

As an SCP you’re able to perform three types of attacks wait this is what I look like what the heck oh how do I oh dude there we go there we go this is what I look like guys this is me I have a new Look I have a completely new look oh rather put a dog or petat hey that’s better um I guess I’ll say a doy I like both though that was my beautiful beautiful face good head out to Sher be lurking though thank you for the lur Rico so let’s see can I open

This is it glitching let me open it the interact input will perform a range attack or second unique melee this new look is even more horrendous than the Halloween one got to finish the tutorial first oh so what’s it want me to do then what do I have to slash

Exactly I’ll press the attack button two times ZL isn’t doing anything ZR does Something oh is y will do something in a bit okay hold jump am I doing it oh okay I did something uh oh melow I’m stuck I can’t move I’m stuck in the same spot right now oh wait am I moving now no did it mess up do I have to like

Restart oh I forgot to set the the 15 minutes I’ll move for you I guess thank you Rather Be A Millionaire or give Mochi The Best Day Ever what well maybe I can be a millionaire and use that to give Mochi The Best Day Ever right I’ll get her a bunch of treats

H the ZR is that what I’m supposed to do to press the button doesn’t let me do anything it may be broken should I try coming back to it Melow would you switch bodies with Mochi or switch Minds with Mochi for a day H maybe bodies cuz then I could R around like Mochi and do crazy jumps I don’t I don’t Know holding down jump and quickly releasing will trigger a special oh yeah that’s what mow said quickly pressing jump once will make the oh maybe it’s working yay yay good job M you fixed it how’s it going Ancient One welcome Welcome those look like Halo dudes like Spartans from Halo oh you can only spectate me oh wait are they attacking me I’m a monster and they’re trying to kill me oh no oh I’m killing them that’s so evil uhoh what now and change into a guard oh how oh what

How do I use it though okay go on it whoa what this is weird I’m a guard now but I’m secretly a monster all right how do what do I do to proceed oh I have to do something else hey zero Vibes welcome back how are

You and I’ve been doing all right just been super busy um like I also I’ve been working on 31 days of videos for the whole month of October here every day there’s a new video so that’s that’s like one one of the things that I’ve been busy with and R suggestion oh I’ll

Keep it in mind tells oh I proce and 608 hello how’s it going 608 says yo I like this world sorry for long response I became extremely busy i’t no worries oh you got to attack the guards let’s see where where are the guards oh like right here I have to

Smack them or something just smack them or can I like change back into my my true monster form oh wait Melo did I change you into a monster M Melo killed him would you rather quit Minecraft or rather quit Among Us what oh back back is a

Monster have a good night Julian thank you for hanging with us well honestly if I really have to choose either one I probably have to quit Among Us Minecraft’s been going how long Minecraft seems like it’s here to stay for all eternity whereas Among Us I feel

Like the first game won’t be here forever but they’ll have a sequel probably maybe I don’t know so I’ll just I I’ll return with the sequel Melo is destroying everybody would you rather be Goku for a day or be vza for a day very kind of I

Mean Goku has a KEH hameh ha and you can be super saiyan and you can be more than super saiyan it would kind of be pretty cool to be Goku honestly mello’s eating everybody T says b would you rather get timed out or ask something other than would you ask question just

Kidding but V has your support Eddie is very awesome okay I’ll choose vza then how you feeling I’m feeling like a monster I’m ready to eat some more of these guards yeah they’re called guards M oh I can attack you’ll move Okay so go to

This I mean I don’t mind watching if you want to be the monster that’s okay if you want to go through it we have 7 minutes and 40 seconds left also smack smack smack smack regular human smack smack would you rather be super saiyan or be super fast like the

Flash um Super S cuz uh Super S can go really fast too and they can fly really fast Cyn uh Cynthia thank you so much for being here have a wonderful night Julian says before I leave I wanted to hear your answer to the what one would

You rather oh would you rather quit when I finish my map you have both in the same world oh wait what good night Julian thank you so much for hanging with us I can only attack I mean I’m fine with whatever you want though Melo good

Job is you you are a master monster you can kill them all always what I wanted to be a a master monster would you rather meet Santa or make the Statue of Liberty a living being uh meet Santa cuz then I can get loads of presents unless it’s loads of coal

No how’s it going Hammer welcome I am a monster right now you got a 20 second unsk skippable ad you can thank YouTube they did some changes Hey spook Kimbo welcome if you want to attack and move I could spectate most sense oh I’m I’m all good with

Whatever whatever you want M I’m all good if ailia was Goku she would be bound by limits and find a way to break the limits yes so I would be bound by No Limits eventually we’re just killing people as this monster see look this beautiful Monster right here this is

This is mellow and me aren’t we beautiful the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen uh-oh uh use the keyboard so do we have to switch uh oh can we use it or do we have to switch back to a human maybe we have to switch back to a human

Huh I’m pressing it but am I doing it wrong I’m pressing ZL there we go would you rather be a volcano that explodes lava every 5 years or be a tsunami that appears every 5 years honestly tsunami because you can travel volcanoes are stuck in one one

Spot this isn’t even aila’s final form they go up to ailia 1996 let’s see oh I’m not on the thingy okay on the thingy now hey how’s it going Julian welcome to the stream oh slasher is my name oh Melo is a slasher destroy everybody melow take them out

Oh we have a new dude they’re in a different suit they’re like throwing some toxic thing at you I think melo’s destroying them oh uh-oh take this oh no my hearts they’re destroying me uhoh how do I heal myself I died no would you rather be thos or be

Daro or be William Aton uh oh I don’t I don’t know who William Aton is well I think I do but I think I don’t it’s like I do but I don’t like I know the name but I’m not sure if the person is right now uh H that’s a good question

Actually oh from Five Nights at Freddy’s um maybe Thanos actually ah I didn’t mean to do that these guys are scary mow they’re killing me take that you Clippers I can’t do it mow TP okay thank you TP you to the next part sounds good these guys are too scary they got these

Weaponry on them oh dude they’re they’re so scary he spring trap who made the animatronic who have the children’s souls in them hey Mago how’s it going Mago Ender Dragon the banished scorge of humanity uh mag says how’s it going 325 thank you for being here an ancient one

Thank you for stopping over on Kick let’s see here oh next area maybe or something when you will learn the Five Nights at Freddy’s lore I guarantee you will not sleep for 24 hours at all B says all right so go to the Statue okay at the Statue am I good

Oh wait is that you or is that some random Jer or something’s messing up welcome nus how are you nus would you rather be evil Iron Man or be evil Captain America um Iron Man can fly so that could be cool oh it’s not working I just say Facebook flipper or Twitter

Flipper instead of trying to remember their names tell say keyword being even oh I’m stuck as a slasher forever oh that’s okay it looks like the timer is up is there anything else that um yep got stop the timer is there anything else that you would like to

Show melow or anything else that I should do Melo is perfect timing all right this one pretty cool though mow thank you for letting me get to experience this and check it out and I got to be a monster not really anything else you can do since you don’t have the other

Transformations all right that was pretty awesome though thank you Melo we have one world left in the Q so QC RS are you ready for us to visit your world are you here QC I’m surprised the game actually worked well M say I that was cool would you rather learn ancient ones

Backstory or be him for a week hm backstory I don’t know so you weren’t expecting it to work well that’s awesome that I was able to work so we got to see if GC is here or not GC QC qy um I think I’m friends with qy but let

Me go ahead and check so dun core is the name this is our final world to check out and then we’re going to go for a raid let me see if we’re friends first of all and tomorrow going to be live again 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time is what I have it set

For and that is going to be checking out some creepy demos that were suggested in the Nintendo’s featured news area it’s going to be games I’ve never played before a variety of around five different games just trying out the demo of some creepy games and I am friends with

Dudes so if they don’t show up soon I’m just going to have to wrap up the Stream So QC are you ready for your turn please let me know would you rather donate $10,000 for charity or buy $110,000 worth of pizza what well I’d have to go with the charity

Also only have one world in real time so take care of the planet everyone tell us says and hope you’re doing well ailia Kimbo says I’m I’ve been doing pretty good Kimbo how about you thank you so much for stopping by I appreciate that so QC let us know are you here

QC we might just have to wrap up the stream cuz um not sure if they’re here and if they’re not here and if their world’s not showing then I can’t really you know can’t really do anything so we’ll just um maybe wait a minute

And I’m going to go ahead and set up the the raid and get you know all that stuff ready for us so we can go for the raid and then if they’re not here then we’ll just have to wrap up the Stream but don’t forget guys tomorrow I will be

Live again doing the creepy demos of five different games I’ve never played before and 31 days of videos the whole month keep your eyes out different video uh different videos every single day so keep your eyes up for that next weekend I will be live with Super Mario Maker 2

Doing spooky viewer world so if you guys want to work on a spooky level or if you just have something you know of I Am All For That pizza or YouTube what no oh do you mean speto Andre the Pokemon speto that was my favorite one

In Pokemon Violet I liked that one so I’m setting up the the whole race Target thing for us so that the redirect is ready and if QC is not here if their world’s not up and if they’re not here then we’ll just have to go and wrap up the stream go for a Raid all right I think I have that all set let me get the link here all right one last time QC R AKA dun core are you in the chat are you here in the Stream please let me know we’re going to have to wrap up the stream

Otherwise I don’t see any worlds popping up and I don’t see QC oh you can’t at them get ready for my level to be h I look forward to itness going to go to sleep now great stream aie good night thank you Melo thank you for being here

And thank you for letting me experience that world again uh ok Kimbo says but I’ve been okay busy working six days a week I’m very behind with my school stuff but other than that not too bad glad to hear that you’ve been doing all right uh

Kimbo rather be a penguin or a walrus penguin penguins are cute I like penguin so next weekend is Mario Maker 2 next weekend uh I’ll let you know the exact day but you know it will be next weekend sometime I’ll have the live stream schedule up as I usually do weekly and

Tomorrow I’m going to be live again tomorrow night again doing those creepy demos of five different games and it looks like QC is not here so we’re going to go ahead wrap up the stream and we’re going to go ahead and go for a raid as well so if you guys

Want to join for the raid that’d be super awesome we’re going to be raiding someone named uh I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to pronounce this correctly but it’s like gy games they’re celebrating their oneye anniversary stream playing Dinkum # ailia 22 raid thank you so much to everyone for

Hanging with me you guys are awesome one more like to 90 by the way one more like to 90 what mob are you going to vote Minecraft what mob uh uh I’m not sure I’m going to say creeper I’m not sure if I understand the question but creepers are

Cool thank you so much guys for hanging with me again have a wonderful day and a wonderful night tomorrow live again and don’t forget 31 days of videos every single day a new video uh don’t forget to share like all that good stuff subscribe just you know all that good

Stuff especially if you’re enjoying the videos it lets me know know that you’re wanting to see more here is the link as well to our raid Target go ahead and click on that link and join in for the raid it’s going to be a redirect as well and # 90 like hype

Thank you for the 90 likes everyone thank you all for being here thank you for the support appreciate all of you guys have a good night and a good day and VA no bye everyone

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Bedrock | Visiting SPOOKY Viewer Worlds’, was uploaded by Azalea22 on 2023-10-09 04:15:19. It has garnered 588 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:20 or 15320 seconds.

I’m LIVE with Minecraft Bedrock playing and checking out spooky viewer worlds/realms for the Halloween Season 2023. Whether you have your own minigames you would like us to play or some cool creative builds to show off, it’s all game in today’s Live Stream!

Minecraft Bedrock is cross-platform compatible, so we can all join across different platforms.

————————————————————————————————————————- Azalea228458 is my #minecraft Microsoft Gamer Tag NOTE: You do need to be friends with me through the Microsoft Gamer Tag, otherwise the Nintendo Switch friends list may work. ————————————————————————————————————————-

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This is a special #familyfriendly live stream with my VTuber. 🙂

—————————————————————————— If you’re interested in a Java Minecraft Server, be sure to check out an awesome server I was introduced to called Spinalcraft.

Join the Java Minecraft server, Spinalcraft: Server IP then Ascension. Be sure to follow rules. It’s open 24/7. You can join us in Azzy Town if you’d like.

—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————


Keep it PG-ish Be nice, have fun Don’t spam a lot No advertising/self-promotion Respect the owner and all mods No Trolling No harassing remarks, hateful comments, etc. Please do not ask for mod

(These are some base guidelines, but also please use common sense as these are not necessarily the limitations to the rules.)


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• You automatically earn points while watching the live streams, and can also try your luck with a few games! • Redeem items during live stream to use and see them displayed on screen. (Redeem by going to the above loyalty store link or typing !redeem (item name) in the chat.

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Video Game: Minecraft Bedrock Platform: Nintendo Switch Video: Let’s Play/Gameplay Live Stream

—————————————————————————————– —————————————————————————————–

Special Donation/Super Chat Alerts for these amounts:

2.22 – Azalea 3.10 – Mario 3.33 – Jumpscare 6.67 – Spooky 7.77 – Lucky 7’s 13.33 – Super Jumpscare 22.00 – Azalea 22.22 – Azalea 100.00 – Cat OMG 220.00 – Super Mario World Special —————————————————————————————–


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Let me know if you guys have any Super Mario Maker 2 courses you would like to see me play on the channel!


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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Technoblade Roasts YouTubers Over Reuben’s Death

    Technoblade Roasts YouTubers Over Reuben's Death Minecraft: Story Mode – Reuben’s Death Reaction Technoblade’s Emotional Response Technoblade, known for his exceptional Minecraft skills and entertaining content, showcased a rare emotional side in his reaction to Reuben’s death in Minecraft: Story Mode. The loss of Reuben, a beloved character in the game, struck a chord with Technoblade, leading to a heartfelt response that resonated with his audience. Other YouTubers’ Reactions CaptainSparklez, Logdotzip, and DanTDM also shared their reactions to Reuben’s death, each bringing their unique perspective to the emotional moment. These popular YouTubers added depth to the storyline by expressing their genuine feelings towards the character’s… Read More

  • Secret Vault Build in Minecraft Server! Join Now! ?mc

    Secret Vault Build in Minecraft Server! Join Now! ?mcVideo Information what’s good what’s good what’s good all right sorry about that chat live now oh God what am I getting hit by relax spider why is it two spiders inside the base all right what’s up what’s good what’s good hello Frosty sorry chat I was not prepared give me a moment go there how you doing Frosty go to the other stream now hold on go I think on go back please this one there hello Mario what’s good chat what’s good what’s good what’s good what’s good how you guys doing today more Minecraft is this… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter with MUTANT HEROBRINE

    Terrifying Encounter with MUTANT HEROBRINEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary MUTANT HEROBRINE almost killed me… (Minecraft wait what meme part 6)’, was uploaded by iMuqan on 2024-03-12 17:00:04. It has garnered 2211 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. Scary MUTANT HEROBRINE almost killed me… (Minecraft wait what meme part 6) The most cursed Minecraft… Check out wait what memes playlist :). ~~~~~~~~~~ 👍 Liking my content will support this channel a lot 👀 Subscribe if you like my Content 🔔 Turn on the Bell TO get my latest content !!! ~~~~~~~~~~ MUSIC BY c418 Read More

  • 🚀 DRONIO: First MOB in Minecraft REVEALED?! #shorts

    🚀 DRONIO: First MOB in Minecraft REVEALED?! #shortsVideo Information Какой самый первый моб в Майнкрафте в Майнкрафте существует 50 видов различных мобов но кого из них добавили самым первым скорее всего многие из вас могут подумать что это Зомби или скелет эти мобы и вправду были добавлены давно Но они всё равно не самые первые настоящие олды Майнкрафта скажут что это паук но и паук не является самым первым мобом Так какой же моб по-настоящему самый первый в Майнкрафте и назывался Он стой ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя… Read More

  • Jeffy’s Craziest Escape in Minecraft MM2!

    Jeffy's Craziest Escape in Minecraft MM2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Don’t Get CAUGHT in Minecraft MM2!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2024-02-02 22:02:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today, Jeffy, Marvin, Daisy and Gooby play MM2 In Minecraft! Will Jeffy be able to survive and figure out who the MURDERER is? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1

    Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! 🌲🔥 | Gameplay Episode 1 |’, was uploaded by TOXIC PLAYZ on 2024-01-09 14:13:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! | Gameplay Episode 1 🏷️ Tags & Keywords: Minecraft Fps Test … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!

    Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!Video Information [Music] oh oh [Music] yo what’s up crater Sky how are you bud [Music] oh oh oh I’m good that’s awesome what’s up ory demon hey easy I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing streamer I do not want you to quit yo Orie Damon yo thank you ory Damon that was very nice thank you that was very nice of you [Music] [Music] yo what’s up Lucas that’s what we like to see W’s happy Thursday happy Thursday Lucas Lucas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a oh [Music] my you put some amazing work into your videos… Read More

  • 🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!

    🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【JP/EN #minecraft 】ポケモン初心者がマイクラ世界でポケモンマスターになる!?#2【#新人vtuber 】’, was uploaded by 葵杏くれは🍁⛩新人Vtuber on 2024-01-14 14:16:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank-you for coming! I’m still coughing like I have a cold, but please forgive me! ! ! I’m playing Minecraft MOD’s Pixelmon! Almost all Pokemon… Read More

  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 – CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀

    Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 - CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀Video Information we viory [Music] viory viory tomato one one one Ro yeah for we to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wa to my friend was gone down I revived him now we’re heading southbound This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 145 | 9/11’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-04-29 15:46:37. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvel

    Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation’, was uploaded by anime art🎨 Channel on 2024-01-10 08:40:08. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP! About Us: Complexity SMP is a 2 1/2 month-old Minecraft server focused on exploration and quality of life mods. Join our tight-knit community for a long-lasting world full of creativity and adventure. Join Our Discord: Our active Discord server is filled with useful features to help you get started and connect with other players. Join us here! Modpack Features: Explore mods like Alex’s Caves, Create, Cataclysm, and Iron’s Spells for a mix of creative freedom and engaging gameplay. Enjoy the journey to the late game power spikes! Check out the modpack: Click here to explore the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build

    Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build Minecraft SMP: The World of Creeper Mob Farms Exploring the Depths of Minecraft SMP In the vast world of Minecraft SMP, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. One such example is the creation of mob farms, specifically designed to harvest resources from hostile mobs like creepers. These farms are not only practical but also a testament to the ingenuity of Minecraft players. The Art of Mob Farming Creating a creeper mob farm requires careful planning and execution. Players must consider factors such as spawn rates, mob behavior, and resource collection. By strategically placing spawning platforms… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: ➜Main House Tutorial Video: ▼More House Tutorials▼ This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

  • INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft’s SPUD Update! 🥔

    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: Forums: Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More