BAN Skins and Names in Minecraft + Nerf Mob Attack | 23w33a Minecraft snapshot review

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You can now get banned for your Minecraft skin or username that level layer right here we have a new Snapshot from 1.20.2 which includes some controversial changes a complete rework on how mobs can attack and much more so double check that you’re still subscribed and leave a like and let’s

Get into it all over one year ago they introduced so you can actually report and ban players based off of things they said in the chat but they now edit it so you can also report player skins and names using the same feature they said they did this to protect the Online

Safety of their players as well as to align the player safety features between job Edition and Bedrock Edition they’re going to say that Minecraft should be inclusive and safe experience for everyone so the introducer you can report for skins as well as usernames that violate the community standards in

Java Edition besides the report categories that they had before they also added in a new one that was in Bedrock Edition but wasn’t in Java Edition this is sexually inappropriate which refers to messages skins and usernames that are graphic in nature or related to sexual acts social organs or

Sexual violence although this new one doesn’t actually show up on the report category page now when the new ones they also added in was a category that says I want to report them I’m annoyed with them they’ve done something I do not like and in this screen you can also see

The actual skin that you’re trying to report and you can write in some details to explain what happened for the player username they show exactly what username you are reporting and then they want you to share some details that will help them make an informed decision so what

Type of skins and usernames could be affected by this change well it’s based off their Community standards so their values are Minecraft for everyone diversity Powers their Community playing with others should be safe and exclusive and hate has no place here it goes down to clarify that they want people to be

Their authentic selves when building crafting and creating so it’s a community enjoyed by all it clarifies it says when expressing your opinions please be polite and respectful and don’t blow up like a creeper they also care river that they have a zero tolerance policy towards hate speech terrorism violence extremist content

Bowling harassment sexual solicitation fraud and threatening others to continue to emphasize that although they enjoy people making mod skins builds in Realms and packs and other things using Minecraft they don’t permit any content that portrays hate extreme bias or encourages illegal activity broad is also not allowed where there is a

Deception or misrepresentation of her personal or financial gain so by the information provided Us in the community standards we don’t know exactly what type of skins and usernames will be targeted but out of the two probably usernames it’s easier for them to detect if it breaks one of their rules like if

A username was kill all purple people eaters that could probably fall under threatening others but what about username that something like I hate dream would that be considered bullying and harassment or if a username said you should buy this type of Bitcoin would that be considered broad these are tough

Questions that have to be answered with having a in of your character wearing a military outfit of a communist country be considered extremist content so I’m currently on name MC which also has Minecraft skins and trending the last week we got a bunch of different skins but with the new sexual inappropriate

Applying to skins does that mean swimwear skins would now be no longer allowed well we’re not sure but it could apply you can see there’s another one here there’s also the almost completely nude skins as well as people making completely nude skins there’s also skins that are related to like ore but they

Have a lot of blood and guts on them which could be seen as violence maybe a specific historical event was very traumatizing to you does that mean that those skins should be banned what if you’re part of a role-playing server and you’re role-playing something that could fall underneath of one of these rules

Like role playing being a mean prisoner you could violate the chat messages by saying mean things in chat you can even violate your username if you got really into your character or even the Minecraft skin it I used a Ministry online role-playing community and some people would really get into character

The deer reassures that just like the chat reporting when it comes to reports that come from skins and usernames they will be manually reviewed by a team of trained Minecraft moderators who will see if the skins or names will break the community standards so what happens if a

Username or skin is actually found to be violation of their standards well the skin or name will no longer be able to be used by any player of course a player who had the skin and was reported will also get suspended from playing for a duration of time depending on the

Severity and how often they’ve broken past rules in extreme cases they will be permanently banned from playing so it will have been for other people to have this skin when it gets banned their skins will also be removed it will be notified this when launching the game up

And will be automatically assigned one of the Minecraft default skins now they can continue to keep playing multiplayers while single player and they can still choose to select a new custom skin now when it comes to usernames if player get username band you’ll have to choose a new name they

Will also be notified of this when launching up the game and they will not be able to play online until they get their name changed but they can still play single player now typically you can’t change your name for 30 days but if your username gets removed then you

Are able to get a new username now this does bring up some concern because in other games when the game started blocking certain types of usernames it actually causes those type of usernames to be considered rare and then they become actually Collectibles or people actually seek to get those type of names

And oftentimes the only people that have those names are people that played prior to certain rules being enforced onto the game so it’s actually common for people to actually make these names specifically so that they could have a rare name when these type enforcements are applied now in this Minecraft case

It would seem that you would have to just avoid playing a multiplayer server so you never get reported and have it removed but you’ll probably see this start popping up now so if a particular Minecraft skin gets banned so anyone with a similar pixel layout would also have their skin being

Removed but this probably wouldn’t stop anybody from just changing a pixel and then now it’s a different skin this same type of mindset could also apply to usernames where you just alter your username a little bit so it might not be as recognizable as an offensive name we

Often see this in other games where people start switching out letters with numbers though they did say multiple suspensions on the same account would eventually get you banned so if you tried to bypass the system they will eventually catch up with you because your account will get reported again

It’ll eventually cause your account to get banned if the person who’s got reported has a history of offenses then the moderator will probably suspend the account from online play and that way it doesn’t matter what username he picks next or what skinny picks next it won’t

Bill affect others or they may choose to just completely ban the skin as well as username globally but they did give us a process to appeal usernames as well as skins as well as accounts that you think might have been incorrectly banned so you’re probably aware that my main

Account is called raising game but the only other account I own is actually called ilt it just happens to be that my character name which is just a short name actually means something in a different language means oxygen in the language of Danish so it’s possible that people have random character names might

Actually mean something in a different language and even possibly something offensive the usernames could get removed without people really understanding why although the standards page doesn’t give us much information over here or they have more about the player reporting it goes a bit more detail in the actual categories where

You would have to click on when reporting a player such as like under the drugs and alcohol category it says you can report somebody for encouraging someone to partake in illegal drugs but as we know illegal drugs is different from country to Country and even state

To state what if you have a Minecraft name related to taking some type of drug it’s possible for that name to get removed though it seems unlikely and that also could mean that people can actually get reported and get their name removed or in person playing somebody so

What if your name is like the real dream could that be considered as impersonation and that name being removed from the game entirely people have tried impersonating me using the Minecraft usernames like Rey’s works and related ones so maybe if it’s associated with a chat context where someone’s

Trying to impersonate me maybe they could actually get the name removed entirely so no one could actually get it what do you think about these changes and how they will be enforced now just because somebody gets reported doesn’t mean that they’re going to get suspended or banned except for this to occur the

Minecraft moderator would have to find the contents of the report to be objectively offensive or harmful or break the community standards before they take action so it might be reassuring that every band is only done after a human modware reviews it but keep in mind my video was removed from

YouTube and was supposedly reviewed by humans not only on the merging side but also on the YouTube side and yet it was still falsely taken down because of this I don’t have much confidence in them saying that it’s human reviewed sure ultimate a human might push the final

Button but he might not actually look very deep into each situation now how Minecraft decides to enforce the reporting is going to determine a lot about what type of things will get banned same thing actually applies to the updated Eula about how Minecraft intends for the players to use their

Game I talked about this last week how I contained some pretty scary things like how they can change up the rules at any moment how they’re not cool with names of Minecraft related things that have the word Minecraft in the beginning of it how they consider things that are

Provided for free as actual commercial use and they’re more restricted on how you can use their image and if you would happen to have the Minecraft in your name then they got to restrict what type of ads play on your content but the one that a lot of YouTubers were concerned

About is this part here or they say you have to have the entire video posted onto YouTube if you’re making money through ad Revenue this means no pay walls or other charge to view the video this would mean giving special behind the scene access to the video process

Would not be allowed but after this concern was brought up to Minecraft they did come back with an explanation saying that this was mostly just going to be enforced towards more television and mainstream media and their goal with this whole entire thing isn’t really to police and make sure every single one of

These rules is followed all the time but instead to only bring his rules and enforce them when different areas become problematic although this might be reassuring for Content creators this same type of problem actually occurs in the United States where it’s illegal to have marijuana at the federal level but

In some states it’s legal to have it but because the federal level decided they’re taking more of a leniency on it despite what the law says people become relaxed thinking it’s okay but then just out of the blue the federal will come in and decide to actually enforce the laws

And actually put people in prison so even though Minecraft might not be enforcing all of these all the time these are the actual rules which they’ll go back to whenever something comes up so there’s a content creator that they really want to get rid of they can just

Say hey this is the rules and you broke them and now we can strike your YouTube channel and remove you from the internet there’s also parts that prevent people from doing Minecraft related events in real life Minecraft servers must make it clear that they’re not the official Minecraft you can’t have anything that

Looks like a Minecraft Cape all servers must be appropriate for all ages you can’t sell more than 20 products of something that looks like theirs such as like a Steve head and you can’t make more than 5 000 USD in one year for anything that’s related to their assets

A lot of this is really restricting especially for people that are out there trying to make content related to Minecraft that’s one reason why Minecraft blue wolf is because it was so open for people to make it whatever type of game they wanted to as it was just

Like a Sandbox those same freedoms that made Minecraft so popular are now being restricted and it makes it less likely for Content creators to even make content about it so therefore less people will know about it it could cause a game to lose traction over time especially if any of these started

Getting enforced heavily I’d love to know what you guys think about this if you’ve ever made content for Minecraft even if you made it for free you’re actually restricted by this on how you can make content which is pretty crazy because like in the past when you buy

Like a board game you could change the board game however you want it and play the game however you wanted once you bought it it was yours but now with these type of Minecraft online games they actually are restricting what you can do with their game even after you

Have purchased it which is a bit of a weird thing to think about but they are trying to uphold their brand image ultimately if they didn’t say it’s okay they don’t want you to do it which means your creative abilities are limited by this document but we also have a bunch of other

Changes that came out with this snapshot so let’s look at those you guys ever had it in some cases where a mob would seem to be able to hit you through a wall despite there being a large distance between you and the mom while this attacking system was completely

Overhauled so now they only will be able to attack things that are at the same height as thump so here I am just slightly above the Iron Golem and you can see it’s not able to hit me even though it’s mad at me same thing applies

If you’re under the mob here I’m just slightly under the Iron Golem and it still can’t hit me instead of writing something like a horse that means baby zombies or small mobs won’t be able to attack you on top of the horse and tell moms like camels will protect you from

Mobs like zombies raptures will no longer be able to attack you even though there’s just one block between you but that does mean Enderman can actually attack you if you’re only two blocks up you now have to be three blocks tall for them to not reach you it also means that

Mobs Can attack you even if just a little bit of their feed is at the same height as you so double check your hostile moms and make sure they can’t attack you or other things in this case here you can see zombies not able to actually attack the Villager because

They can’t actually see the villager’s head but if I would remove this lab here it can now see it and now that it’s at the same height of it it can attack it as well so keep this in mind when you have villagers and zombies how they can

Easily tack through corners if they’re at the same height and can see them so make sure you fill in any Corners so the zombies can’t get close to the villagers now this doesn’t affect the reach for the player attacking the reason they added in this new system so it would

Make more sense people can easily figure out when mods would attack them versus when they couldn’t but what do you guys think about this and do you think it’s going to cause any unintentional problems to change how you can access the different types of F3 menus so

Before you would have to hold like alt and press F3 to see different things but now you have to do F3 plus a number so at three plus one gets you that pie chart a three and two gives you both the frames per second and TPS at three plus

Three on the keyboard will give you access to the bandwidth in pink I suppose they did this so that way they can add more different types of f3s in the future without running out of different buttons and also it’s kind of annoying that you had to hold shift

Which also makes you normally Crouch now in your accessibility settings you can come in here and turn on if you want to accidentally press Ctrl B which turns on the narrator and I often accidentally do this so I will turn it off datapex also got a change where they added in a

New decal for armor trims now eating core is fruit while falling wouldn’t actually remove the fall damage once you hit the ground that was the bug so now they added in so if you do this you’ll actually not take fall damage similar to like having an ender pearl land

Now I show a lot of cool renaming tricks that you can do using animals in this video here and one of them is that you could take the different types of containers rename them and then when placing these downs and breaking them their NBT tag changes so before our

Dispensers had two NBT tags but now the new one that we just broke off the ground has one and therefore they don’t stack now this one’s fixed in the newest version but there’s other ones that you could still do which I’ll have that video linked below and a similar bug was

Fixed where you could come in here and just remove the characters that you had before this should give you the default name of Whatever item you put in here does it have to be a container but then you can see it doesn’t even stack with the normal item that’s right I’m having

The exact same names but one of them has the NBT tags so be sure to collect some of these cool and BT items before updating to 1.20.2 when using the crafting recipe you can normally have it find normal bows and make the dispensers but if you have any other type of bow like

Enchanted ones it won’t find the dispensing recipe and even Boza seem normal but come from cleaning them off inside of a grindstone still have a lot of the data related to the bow and weren’t being found inside the recipe though you couldn’t manually put these

In to get to work then I’ll fix it so that the game should find these bows with different types of NBT tags these will now be able to get pollen from the sport Blossom as well as the chorus flower skulk sensors will not be able to detect when players remove equipment

Just as if they were equipping it having trim on chain helmets wasn’t showing up until they added it in when giving armor trims a second layer you can do some pretty cool stuff with that but in last snapshot they actually broke this until they fixed it so it’s back again they

Also fixed several sound issues made them related to different blocks which are made out of certain types of woods or Stones we’re producing the wrong type of noise they also add in an experimental feature into the launcher if you come down here to where it says experimental features

If you check mark this enable experimental quick play feature for Minecraft Java Edition and you go back up to the Minecraft job Edition top right hand corner you can actually see the quick play symbol over here where you can actually immediately click on these worlds and actually launch these

Worlds directly without having to go through the normal Minecraft game menu here and you can also change some of their settings like change by image you want to illustrate which game you can also pin the bar or show the title initial also tells you what version

You’d be running this in and being the latest snapshot let’s go ahead and give it a try and just click on it it explains how it’s going to launch the game immediately and go ahead and click play and you can see it’s loading up the game but it immediately launches you

Into that specific game that you clicked on rather than taking you to the menu so if you’re always playing a certain single-player world or multiplayer world you can easily hop in without having to click through all the menus join me in testing out the new changes to mobs

Attacking over at my live streams which are every Wednesday Friday Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm Eastern thanks my supporters who make these videos possible you can get your name up there through twitch sub patreon or Discord subscription thanks for over 14 years worth of support and I will see you in

The next one bye

This video, titled ‘BAN Skins and Names in Minecraft + Nerf Mob Attack | 23w33a Minecraft snapshot review’, was uploaded by Rays Works on 2023-08-17 19:05:15. It has garnered 20671 views and 1467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:26 or 1106 seconds.

Like and Share with other Minecrafters! ►Ray Twitch Livestream (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 2pm ET): ►Support Ray with Patreon: Minecraft update snapshot 23w33a bring player reporting and banning of minecraft skins and user names. Plus mob attack range nerfed for easier fighting and quick play button added to minecraft launcher and many bug fixes. ►More News videos:

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0:00 1.20.2 23w33a snapshot review 0:13 player report skin and names 3:10 ban skins 4:04 trained minecraft moderator 4:20 what happens to names and skins? 5:17 rare minecraft names 5:55 bypass minecraft ban 6:55 user name meaning 7:24 ban reasons 7:53 impersonating 8:25 human review 9:03 minecraft Eula enforcement 12:37 nerf mob attack 14:15 other changes 17:06 quick play launcher

ProtoTech is 100% Vanilla Survival whitelisted 6 year old server that has never reset the map with 160,000+ Minecraft days accumulated. With the goal to automate and collect everything possible in the game, the journey has only started! ► ProtoTech episodes: ► ProtoTech tours:

Ray’s PC setup: Recorded with OBS: edited with SVP: Optifine: Mcedit: NBTexplore: NEW Loot for Wandering Traders, Jungle and Swamp Villagers Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks. Amidst: Replay Mod: Carpet mod: Music: Sunray valley by Scandinavianz Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library

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    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

    SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOWVideo Information whoa streaming streaming streaming streaming oh yes that’s for sure’s once the live pops up we can start the live stream got to find it oh there it is all righty let’s add everyone real quick and then we can start I got plans at everyone sends now streamy there we go all right now now everyone knows that I’m live so damn these villagers are allowed hold on we should leave leave the library real quick welcome scabs to the stream good to have you here welcome um um but yeah so I didn’t do that so… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Mysterious Past Life Revealed!

    Herobrine's Mysterious Past Life Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine’s Past Life (sapientdream – Pastlives) #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #sadstory #pastlives’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-213 on 2024-01-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 2864 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video #minecraft #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #doraemonsmp #lifestealsmp #hardcore @BulkyStar #teddygaming @TeddyGaming #senpaispider @SenpaiSpider @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleetShortsOG @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #technogamerz #senpaispider #pvp #minecraft100days #shorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshorts #herobrinesmp minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.20, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!

    Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!Video Information [Music] m yeah [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] y [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] what [Music] l [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] a for is for for is [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh no oh [Music] B [Music] [Music] [Music] n on [Music] a [Music] oh m [Music]… Read More


    💎 DIAMOND PORTAL to PARADISE! 😱🌈 | MINECRAFT MODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘PORTAL TO PARADISE IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MODS’, was uploaded by DIAMOND on 2024-01-02 20:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you get 5 likes I will release a full video with the mod #minecraft #minecraftmods minecraft portal to paradise. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraft

    🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraftVideo Information भाई नोट आ जा यार प्ली सुब कर रहा व सो जा रहा है कोई ना कोई सो जा रहा है चलो कोई बात नहीं जा कोई बात नहीं बेड बना लिए वसे जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी ब काम कर थोड़ा इधर वो आयुष भाई हेलो वेलकम ूम मे भाई आयु भाई कैसे हो बढ़िया भाई लाइक कर दो फलिंग यादू वंशी हेलो बिग फैनर कुछ सामान दे दो भाई क्या नाम है आपका इनम नेम क्या है बताओ ऊपर ला प ऊपर एक बंदा है उसको ड्रैग करना जरा डिस्कडमी पसी में ले आ ग हां थैंक यू… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!” #minecraft #satisfying

    "Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!" #minecraft #satisfyingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying emoji face falling pixel art#minecraft#satisfying#shorts’, was uploaded by Beadrobix on 2024-01-03 18:14:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Inspiration: technogamer mrbeast yes smarty pie anshu Bisht Wisp Unspeakable Skydoesminecraft XNestorio DenTDM Wilbur … Read More

  • You won’t believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱

    You won't believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱Video Information प्यार तो छोटा सा शब्द है मेरी तो जान बसती है तुझ में प This video, titled ‘mumma ki Jaan hai tu. #music #song #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Labhansh Jain on 2024-04-14 08:15:36. It has garnered 471 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Music videos Celebrity news Movie trailers GamingLet’s Plays “Minecraft,” “Fortnite” Gaming newsGame reviews Tutorials and How-To “How to cook DIY home decor “Makeup tutorial “Technology Smartphone reviews Gadget unboxings Software tutorials Lifestyle Fitness and health tips Travel vlogs Fashion and beauty Education Learn language History documentaries… Read More

  • CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!

    CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information these are my friends and I invited them to the ultimate Avatar build battle but what they don’t know is I have this secret Elemental bending device that will allow me to cheat and every round it’ll get new upgrades that I can use to mess with my friends what is happening what the heck the video ends when they find out round one boys you have to build Momo Momo Momo’s my favorite let’s go 5 minutes on the clock what’s a Momo in my hand you guys could see we have this Elemental bending device if… Read More

  • Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!

    Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Решили поехать на озеро с нашими друзьями-птицами летом 2027 года | Это мем из 2027 года’, was uploaded by Hoang Duy Ho on 2024-03-28 17:25:43. It has garnered 4359 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. #HoangDuyHoPIXEL #minecraft #minecraft »Main channel- I decided to go with a person next to a bird to the lake in the summer in 2027 Opium Bird in Minecraft minecraft,villager,ultimate minecraft recap,Minecraft,minecraft animation,villager ai cover,froppy craft,minecraft mods,funny minecraft,minecraft villager,minecraft memes,villager memes,spiral mc,grox,cas van de pol minecraft,minecraft parody,dom studio,zmde,reffmc,minecraft prop hunt,minecraft villagers,cheap pickle,aphmau,minecraft… Read More

  • Official Minecraft Server Official Minecraft ServerAbout us MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun. Read More

  • CrystalVerse SMP PvP – Lifesteal

    Welcome to Crystal Verses Minecraft Server! In this unique Minecraft server, survival takes on a whole new level of intensity with the addition of lifesteal mechanics. Every blow dealt to an opponent not only inflicts damage but also replenishes the attacker’s health. Will you risk engaging in combat to regain health, or will you play it safe and try to outlast your opponents? Join Us: Java Edition: IP: Bedrock Edition: IP: PORT: 19132 New Members get a free rank if joined within the next hour! Don’t miss out, join now! Read More


    Minecraft Memes - ANTI-CIS ELON SLAMMED! MAGA FANS TRIGGERED.I guess even the Minecraft community has its own drama queens! Elon Musk better watch out for some unexpected competition. Read More

  • Insane TNT Slider Trick in Minecraft

    Insane TNT Slider Trick in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro [Music] This video, titled ‘Genius Moment Minecraft TNT Slider #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-28 16:50:24. It has garnered 2 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Yeah I taken an L on this one lol Join for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥

    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

BAN Skins and Names in Minecraft + Nerf Mob Attack | 23w33a Minecraft snapshot review