Bear vs Hacker: Cheating in Minecraft Build Challenge

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Today I’m going to be doing a build challenge with my little brother Waddles but he doesn’t know that I’m secretly cheating with commands what’s up bear what are we doing today we’re doing a build challenge Waddles oh my gosh sounds like fun I’m so going to beat you

Bro I have been practicing oh I hope you have Waddles cuz you’re going to need all the luck you can get but check it out Waddles over here we’ve got a dispenser and if you look inside there’s a load of different options for us to

Build so Waddles I want you to press the button and then see what we’re going to build oh my gosh okay I’m so excited okay okay okay uh bo oh what did we get Waddles let’s take a look huh go I’m ready bear okay our first build we have to build a

Mansion what’s a mansion oh Waddles it’s a very big house you know exactly what a mansion is oh right yeah yeah of course okay I’ve got a great idea for that okay Waddles wish you the best of luck cuz I’m going to go and start building oh my

Gosh okay bear I’m I am super excited this is going to be the best thing ever can I get started now yep our time starts now Waddles okay go oh wait I got something to tell you you suck oh Waddles whatever bro I am definitely

Going to beat him now and I’m not going to feel bad about it oh guys I have got a secret cheat ready and waiting for this Waddles is going to have his mind blown when he sees this okay guys wles thinks he’s going to beat me in this

Build contest but there is no way because I have got an epic cheat ready check it out I’m going to go down here I’m going to drop into this secret little hole and then I’m going to paste in a schematic and look check it out

Look at the size of my brand new mansion this place is huge there is no way Waddles is going to be able to beat me it is insane look at all the swimming pools oh no there’s no furniture inside and no lights it’s super dark in here so

To start I think I’m going to grab grab a night vision potion oh this could be a challenge in itself cuz this is a lot of space to fill in and if I’m going to convince Waddles that I built this I’ve got to make it feel like it was built by

Bear it needs my own stamp so I’m going to set it up so there’s a big party going on outside if I do that then wles is totally not going to care that there’s not going to be any furniture inside so if I grab like a load of nice

Looking sofas I can line it up outside and make it look real busy oh oh bear you are a genius I’m going to grab all of these colors we’ll make it look like there’s loads of stuff going on in the front of the house when in actual fact

There is nothing going on because this place is so big man if I had the time I would design the whole place this is such an epic Mansion Waddles and I could live in this place and it would be so cool okay what else can I do to make

This believable uh TVs and some desks okay this is going to be pretty quick but it should make the house feel so much bigger not that it needs it two TVs that looks great and let’s not address the fact that they’re just really old TVs okay Waddles isn’t going to notice

Okay what am I going to do with the front here ah yes it looks like there’s loads of furniture in the house from outside this is perfect and there you have it oh cool there’s just a few sofas around but it looks so good from out here the balconies look busy and it

Looks furnished but Waddles knows that my favorite thing is food so if I don’t have like a hugely stocked up kitchen he’s going to know something’s up so we’ve got to build a really cool kitchen but where am I going to do that I really like the idea of it being outside or

Outdoors oh I know we can do it right here that way you can cook outside while you’re playing and looking at the pool so what I’m going to do is quickly change up the floor use loads of colorful blocks because if bear designs a mansion it’s got to be a colorful one

And these blocks are like real kitchen floor blocks with with the checken floor Waddles isn’t going to suspect a thing y Waddles is going to be so jealous of my Mansion there is absolutely no way he’s going to be able to beat me but it would

Be so embarrassing if he did so one more layer of blocks around the edge and then I can put in my fridges now what else would I put in oh definitely some pizza pizza is always a good option to have in your kitchens come on bear speed it up

Finish off the floor we don’t have much time okay so this is going to be our kitchen and we should put down loads of fridges because if we have loads of fridges then we’ve got fridges for drinks for food you can host huge parties now Waddles is going to be so

Jealous oh wait he’s definitely going to check the fridges I better put some food in them sinks over here some ovens this looks so good okay there’s no way he’s going to doubt me on this one now another distraction I’ve got loads of these pizzas I could just place them

Around and Waddles would go nuts for them and this place is like a party Mansion of course there’s going to be boxes and boxes of Pizzas around oh that’s right I’m going to need tables and chairs for guests with enough tables and stools around we’re going to have a

Pizza party oh this looks so good why didn’t I think of this earlier boom done kitchen done who wouldn’t want to come to this house and have a pizza party oh I better get started at the party on the front oh shoot these are slabs oh gosh

Uh maybe I’ll need to break some of these slabs if I’m going to make this look right oh no this makes it so much more Awkward okay maybe if I just build up like this along the sides those can be our raised tables so if I stack it up

Kind like this Waddles will not know the difference guests will be able to walk up on the sides and pick up anything they want from our tables and by anything they want I mean probably pizzas oh gosh we don’t have a lot of time and I’ve got a secret surprise for

Waddles for all of this as well oh he’s not going to like that one bit I need to move on to that real soon so now if I just stack them all up like this here are the pizzas oh the guests are going to love it check it out an official

Pizza party H what else does a party need music if I put some Juke boxes around we can make this side all about the dance floor and of course every party needs speakers how else are you going to hear all the music a mansion would definitely have speakers on the

Walls too I’m just thinking about how jealous Waddles is going to be when he sees this his mind is going to blow huh now what what else does this party need oh my gosh guests but before we get to that sun loungers oh sunglasses oh my gosh who thinks we need

To put on sunglasses for this whole thing we’ve got the shades on for our party oh that gives me a great idea if I leave a chest here with a load of sunglasses on as soon as Waddles gets here I’m going to give him a pair and

He’s going to love it even more I’ll say that you have to wear sunglasses to be at the party oh oh man I wish I could keep this house after we could have so much fun here all right big sunglasses RGB sunglasses okay all in the chest

When Waddles gets here he’ll be able to choose whichever glasses he wants I bet he’ll take the RGB ones hm balloons what other party things would make this place pop okay the main focus is obviously going to be the party that’s going to be distracting Waddles from everything else so I found some

Cool new items that we can kit this place out with I’m going to create a few more platforms here I seriously can’t afford wallows going too far inside and realizing that this build was not made by me we’re going to put a big huge cake

Down right here so this area will be our dessert stand chocolate cake and a giant birthday cake and I think I better add to our menu how about hamburgers because if people don’t like pizza they probably like hamburgers and right by the entrance here we’re going to have a

Guest band so now it looks like they’ve got instruments they can play uhhuh yeah now this place looks like a party H I guess I’ll decorate the front with some fairy lights and Waddles knows my favorite color is orange so if I put down some orange hanging lights like

This oh that look so good oh that does not look so good how about like this oh not there these things kind of suck maybe just on the long stretches some more here all right that is looking so good okay but a party is never finished

Until you have guests oh now how am I going to get guests to come to our party no I’m just kidding I know exactly how I’m going to do it this is going to be the surprise for Waddles he is going to be so scared it’s going to be so funny

So check it out I’ve got this fun little item called a Persona totem I’m going to make the floor bigger expand out on our dance floor and then I’m going to place down all our party guests I can’t wait for you to see them okay the floor FL is

Ready which means I just need my guests can you guess who’s coming Waddles is so scared of creepers and zombies and Enderman well basically anything that can look at you and scare you so I’m going to bring this whole party to life with them it’s going to be so funny now

Using this tool is kind of cheating but I guess I’m cheating already so it doesn’t matter what Waddles doesn’t know won’t hurt him they’re not real creepers though they can’t blow up so everything’s going to be safe so Endermans zombies creepers wles won’t know a thing

About it there he is oh spooky all right zombies wles is going to be so shocked I’m having a full-blown mob party there’s no way wles will be expecting this I cannot wait to see his face all right maybe I’ll stage with them so it looks like the zombie eating pizza over

Here look at the zombie go for the pizza oh okay now what would a creeper eat okay let’s have a creeper going for a burger huh okay I think our time is almost up oh I hope Waddles likes my build I really think I’m going to win

And I mean I am cheating but don’t tell Waddles okay so here’s our party I think it looks pretty amazing oh quickly one last thing let’s put some sofas down outside and make it look real cozy people at a party still need sofas to sit on okay just even it out around here

This looks pretty nice I think we’ve done great okay I think it’s time now to go and check on what Waddles has made I can’t can’t wait to see his face when I show him this build all right let’s go and surprise him Waddles oh gosh bear don’t tell me the

Time’s up already time is up Waddles time for me to come see your build wo wo wo Waddles do not sneak around the corner okay I’m not peeking I’m not peeking bro okay you ready to show off your build ah I guess my mansion’s pretty good bro but it’s not finished

Okay Waddles in three 2 1 let’s go see it oh wo wles this looks good right I haven’t done the garden and I didn’t get around to doing the bedroom but check it out I really like the shape of the place Waddles I really like this this is like

A big white marble Mansion it’s pretty cool right I got super excited about what to do and then I thought wo what if I had this open play kitchen and then I thought wo wouldn’t it be cool if I have a pool on the roof but I didn’t have

Time wles you’ve got a pool on the roof no I didn’t get around to it there a okay well let me have a look around and then and I’m going to give you your score okay this is a really nice kitchen Waddles uh-huh did you see my cow in a

Jar yeah wait what Waddles why do you have a cow in a jar I don’t know it just seemed important uh okay huh well I really like your downstairs Waddles let’s go see your upstairs Waddles this place looks amazing I can see the potential here it may not have a lot of

Furniture yet but I like a lot of the natural light thank you bear I was thinking what if the ceiling is like all glass cuz I really like the stars you know that there and then I thought wo I can have like a raised platform for the

Bedroom but obviously I run out of time so oh you did run out of time Waddles but I see the vision and I love it h I think I’m going to have to score your build Waddles at oh gosh an eight out of 10 no that’s so much better than I

Thought bear I thought I was going to walk out of here with like a six or something no this is great Waddles you did so good now are you ready to see mine oh yeah for sure I can’t wait to see what you came up with bear okay

Follow me Waddles Feast your eyes on my build watch bear how cool is it Waddles how did you do all of this this Waddles is my epic Mansion oh right I didn’t get a chance to put the lighting in so you’re going to need one of these no

Okay bear you seem to have like like um guests yeah you spotted it Waddles come on in say hi check it out follow me Waddles no bear you know how scared I am of zombies and creepers oh I know Waddles I know but don’t worry I invited

Them here and they promise not to do anything bad they’re my party people Waddles party people oh bro you got like a live band going on here it’s like mob that’s right Waddles it’s a mob party check it out Waddles open this chest you get to choose your sunglass to the party

Oh my gosh okay you know I’m going to be rocking the rgbs Bro rgbs called it I’m going to take the big sunglasses come on Stick these on Waddles and let’s head on into the pool party oh my gosh a pool party at a real Mansion I can’t believe

It over here Waddles we’ve got the instruments for the band over here you get to choose your snacks we’ve got pizzas we got Burgers that’s it really it’s good isn’t it w wles oh my gosh pepperoni pizza wles I saw that oh gosh sorry bear I ate

Through the table you must have been hungry bro and right over here by Mr Enderman we’ve got desserts you got this place so stacked out with food bro I can’t believe how much you managed to sort out in such a small amount of time well Waddles it gets even better cuz I

Actually cooked it all myself no way bro you’re so impressive now ignore the back of the house we’re still getting the furniture delivered but look at the side of it check out the kitchen oh bro you got so much room here to do so much stuff with wo bro you got so many

Fridges that’s right this is the kitchen where I prepared all of my food everything for the pool party was made right here and of course it’s right next to the pool itself come on Waddles oh my gosh bear you got your priorities right bro you got a pool party who cares if

You haven’t got a few pieces of furniture so this is my Mansion what do you think I love love it bear can I fly around and take a look of course bro go for it take a big look wles and then give me a big score oh my gosh you got

So much space here bro you got a whole huge Back Garden too I’m going to score you on this build a 10 out of 10 a 10 out of 10 yes Waddles that means I win the first match but don’t worry Waddles we’ve still got two more buildoffs ready for round two

Bro darn it okay I’m ready for round two bear and look we’re neighbors that’s right we’re neighbors okay round two good luck Waddles you’re going to need it okay Waddles here we go do you want to take a look and see what is the anticipation what is it Waddles okay

What is it it’s a robot oh a robot oh that is such a difficult one wles that’s a super difficult one bear I have no idea what to do for that no wles but you have to start because time starts now I don’t know where to start good luck

Bro okay guys this one is going to be a funny one cuz I have the perfect build already I’ve got the perfect cheats for this one oh Waddles is going to lose his mind when he sees this so if I go over here and load it in what look at this it

Is so big this is a huge robot and I can nearly see over the wall I hope Waddles can’t see it from here but I have to do this build Justice I’m going to fly around it look at the this thing this might be the coolest build I’ve ever

Seen the attention to detail is insane but we need to do some things to make sure Waddles thinks I built this so I have the perfect idea check it out it’s got a cockpit up here it’s where you can drive this thing and it’s already set up

Inside so I’m going to go inside here and I’m going to put down a driver so I’m going to make some space around here move out of the way beautiful blocks I have got a new hero driver coming in so if I grab some red stone to power

Something up I’m going to put it down here no further down here so I’m going to grab right here a laser projector this is a super cool piece of tech and if I put it down on the Redstone check it out it’s activated so I can go in

Here and watch what I can do now I’ve got to come up with a name for our pilot H I’m going to call him Lord bear the Titan Lord bear the Titan that’s going to be the name of our pilot but now we’re going to add a person so I’m going

To project a skin above and it’s going to look like the guy piloting it and now we’re going to change the skin and it’s going to be a bear check it out this is our new pilot Lord bear the Titan this is so cool look you can see him from out

Here it totally looks like like Lord bear the Titan is driving this thing this is already super sick now how else are we going to make it look like I made this H if we put some more bears behind him we’ll make it look like the bear

Pilot is protecting all the other bears oh yeah this is going be so cool I wonder if this is going to work like I want it to so if I do that and oh wait I forgot to put the Redstone beneath it okay there it is okay but check this out

Guys because the Titan’s so big I I think these guys have to be a lot bigger too so if I scale these up to eight we can make it look like a little baby bears it looks like he’s protecting them from behind the robot this is so cool

Huh but they are floating above so so if I move this down here and then set the scale to the same thing I can cover in the grass and it looks like the Bear’s just standing there yes Waddles is totally going to believe this this looks

So good I think I’ll put a few more down so the story is this robot is going to be protecting all of the Bears Waddles is going to have his mind blown again so same steps again red stone projector and if I do like another two or three more of these that’s going

To look sick check it out protect the Bears so so far we’ve got Lord bear the Titan in his cockpit protecting all the other smaller Bears so what I’m going to do next is grab a position here with my wand and I’m going to change the color

Of this entire robot cuz Waddles knows that blue is his favorite color but it’s not mine so I’ve got to make this thing orange huh now what block is this if you wanted to make this thing outside of creative it would be so expensive to

Make I’ll let you guys do the math on that one okay so all I need to do is enter a command that says replace the lazuli with orange concrete now let’s see how that looks wo oh that looks so good Waddles is going to freak now this

Is definitely the type of robot I would drive okay but I should do some more tweaks if I change the red Wool with yellow wool I wonder how that would look that would be way more in theme with me yo check it out huh now if I changed the

Blue wool what would I make that probably Brown yeah changing blue Wool with brown and it will look totally like a bear robot Waddles is going to be shook to his core oh that just reminded me a power core oh I’ll get to that in a

Minute first of all I want to add some lasers lasers down like that once again powered by Redstone and it’s protecting the core oh wait we can put a teddy bear inside of a power core that can be our power core oh that’s going to be so cool

Ah come on it’s here somewhere maybe we just put in a teddy bear wait I think I know how to do this okay check it out if I put this down here and I put the teddy bear in it the lasers are protecting the bear core how cool is that okay now

There is no way that Waddles is not going to believe this build it looks so good so now if I just patch that up you can’t see the Redstone and it’s well protected huh but now I’ve used those lasers that’s giving me another idea what if I make the lasers come out of

The hand now how am I going to change the hand around turn hand around ah I’m a genius I’ll just rotate the whole arm if I make the hand go forward I can have a whole laser hand coming out of it wait before I rotate it let me test this

First if I put some Redstone in the hand okay that’s pretty cool it would need to be kind of big though wait there’s also Advanced lasers what do they do oh check it out and what is this I can change the direction of the laser that is so cool

Okay sold I’m going to turn the whole arm around and then we’re going to lay it full of lasers so if I go down here set this as the first position and this one will be my second point and then I copy the hand like that and then if I rotate made it

90° I should be able to just paste over this thing oh wait let me try it over here first to make sure I’m right let’s see oh it does work okay we’d have to clean it up a little bit but it works so

Now I can get rid of this I cut it oh no he’s missing his hand sorry Mr Robot but this is for your own good and then all I need to do is paste it again oh wait oh I’m so stupid it’s in the wrong spot I

Know how to do this it might be a bit fiddly oh man I should have done this such a smarter way in ‘s running out I’m just going to have to guess the angles does that work ah super close Okay a I mean ah close enough I mean it’s got to

Be close enough at this point I’m running out of time and Waddles is probably making something ridiculously complicated I guess it does look like his hand is here from here okay now I just got to completely clean this up maybe it’s okay that his arm is a little

Bit further back it’s like his wrist is B and he’s charging up a laser or something if I just patch it up and build a little bit more here no one’s going to notice a thing boom totally more attached now that one laser is cool

But I think the whole hand has to be lasers if our Roo is going to have a laser hand he might as well have a lot of them now we can make him go in all sorts of weird directions oh that is so cool Waddles is going to be so jealous

So far we’ve got our orange bear Titan driven by Lord bear the Titan driver we’ve got a bear power core and we’ve got a laser hand and he’s also protecting all of these awesome little bears down here okay time to checking on Waddles let’s see how he’s doing Waddles

Time’s up oh gosh okay think Waddles think bear before you cross the Wall I’ve got something really out of the box okay Waddles that sounds interesting what do you have it is a robot right well yeah definitely is a robot just um a different kind of robot I guess oh

Okay well I’m actually really excited to see it wles okay bro keep your eyes closed or just keep looking at the floor that works keep looking down yeah I’m looking down wles how long is this going to take okay I’m just messing with you bear you can look up voila what is that

Waddles this looks I mean what is this it’s a mecha Gast a mecha Gast Waddles that’s actually a super cool idea thank you bro that’s so creative um but Waddles this is really cool but but where’s the entrance can I actually get in this thing oh yeah sorry I forgot to

Add an entrance ladder oh wobbles you don’t have an access point to your driver station well bro I was about to build a ladder at the back but I ran out of time you know Waddles this is a really cool little place yeah it’s my little froggy chair Command Center

That’s for the battle station got glass at the front so I can see out while I’m flying around don’t sorry for Breaking Your Glass wles I just needed to get a way out because you know oh that is so cool bro you actually look like you’re

Driving a gas yes that is exactly what I was going for uh what is this thing on top Waddles is it an antenna or does it shoot stuff no bro it shoots Cannon TNT oh that is so cool you know what Waddles this is a super small build but it’s

Actually really creative so I’m going to give it us seven out of 10 y okay that’s pretty good even though I don’t have a way in yeah you’re trapped in there Waddles but it’s time to go see my robot are you ready oh gosh you’re about to

Show me up again bear aren’t you oh I wouldn’t say that Waddles this was pretty cool okay Waddles here we go oh gosh I left a glass block oh my what is that bear uh don’t mind me Waddles I’m just going to go clean something up real

Quick don’t worry just keep looking at the mech bear this looks incredible bro and boom you didn’t see anything Waddles okay Waddles do you want me to give you the tour oh my gosh yes I would love aour bro what is going on with his hand

Oh I’m glad you noticed Waddles he’s got a laser hand bro you even made the fingers That’s crazy dude isn’t it cool so these are all the lasers sticking out as he’s like charging up like a power shot you know like a hand laser beam Cannon it’s going to be dope and he’s

Doing that because he’s down here protecting oh my gosh he’s protecting a load of tiny bears well I guess they’re not very tiny that’s right Waddles their baby bear is being protected but guess what Waddles what oh don’t tell me it gets better this robot is also powered

By Lord bear the Titan oh my gosh you have your own personal driver yep he is driving the Titan protecting his be friends and then we have the power core down here look you can’t get in because it’s protected by lasers but look what the power core is Waddles oh my gosh you

Have a bare head as a power core I love it yep and orange is my favorite color so that’s how you know I built it right oh bro imagine imagine okay you’re like piloting this thing and you’re smashing things and I’m inside my little gas then

Flowing around and firing off as well we could fight like mutant mobs in this thing oh yeah wles that’s so cool imagine if it was like a giant creeper to fight or if we were fighting the Wither storm we could drive this into battle no doubt oh my gosh okay where do

I begin uh this is probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen bear I am so proud that you’re my bro so I’m going to give this build uh 10 out of 10 oh another 10 out of 10 a perfect score thank you Waddles thank you so much I

Worked really hard on this one I can see that bear oh you’re so talented thanks bro but we’ve got one more build left are you ready oh gosh I suppose I don’t know what you’re going to pull out of the bag for this one bear but I feel

Like I haven’t got a chance anymore oh you can still win Waddles you still have a chance let’s get building okay Waddles it’s your last last chance to win so here we go it’s slow Waddles check it out Waddles you’ll like this one it’s a train it’s

One of your favorites oh gosh really oh I Love Trains bear and because it’s my favorite topic double or nothing bear Winner Takes all I am going to beat you little bro okay Waddles let’s do this run Waddles it’s showtime okay guys I’ve won the first two rounds and they were

Pretty epic and now I have a lovely new build here for round three check it out this is my train set it is so cool I love the details I love the colors and it looks just like W’s old toy set that he had as a kid so he’s going to rate it

Higher just because of that it’s nowhere near as big as the ones we did before Oh wait I need to move it further down I don’t want Waddles to sneak around and see it might as well make good use of how big this wall is is all right sweet

All nice and hidden ah breathe it in this is my train but keeping in theme with what Waddles likes I’m going to make this a bit more fun for him I’m going to add a ladder right at the back of the carriages and I am going to fill

It with everything that Waddles loves and I’m going to do that for two reasons one I need to convince him that I built this and two I need him to vote it really high so there’s no doubt that I can win he’ll totally get suspicious if every everything is super epic so I’m

Going to build in each of the compartments I’m going to make doors and little Bridges all the way between H but if I don’t use something good this could be dangerous let me see if there’s any bridges that would do the job huh now

What bridge will we use oh we need to go higher with these okay yeah this looks so good this is going to look like definitely part of the train way more than just like building blocks across yo that looks really really cool and that way using these we can run through the

Whole train really safely and super quick okay I’m going to do that the whole way down and then we’re going to fill each of these train carriages with lots of really fun stuff okay check it out everyone we can run the whole way down the train all the way from the back

All the way to the front and we’re going to fill each and every one of them with gifts for Waddles as we go along but the biggest gift would be at the end and that’s the ability to sit in the train conductor seat and pull the horn h I

Think first of all I’m going to need a computer cuz it’s going to be like a I guess a future train I’ve got to at least make it look like there’s a way of driving the thing stool down here we’ll put the computer screen nah not there

Yeah on the side and a lever on the side for him to pull it like it’s the horn ha check it out oh this is going to be so cool so what else can I put in the driver’s cabin something for Waddles for sure what would the driver like if the

Driver was Waddles Waddles would love a fridge full of donuts because he likes his Donuts cold for some reason and then a table with some fresh donuts on the side okay final check and this is looking good it’s like Waddles his dream in here okay now we need to fill out all

Of these carriages so I’m going to fill them all individually with fun things that Waddles just loves okay this one the yellow one we’re going to make this the Pizza Carriage I’m going to fill everything in here with pizza he’s going to love it I know we

Had a pizza party earlier but he’s still going to love this so one table along the side with fresh pizzas just like this oh walls is going to be so happy he’s never going to want to leave this train okay Pizza Carriage done what’s next how many more carriages two more oh

Wait no we got three more carriages to fill okay I know what to do okay if I know Waddles I know that he loves blowing stuff up and he loves crazy looking TNT so I’m going to put a load of TNT into the train like one whole Carriage with loads of different types

Of TNT oh gosh I hope he doesn’t blow it up while we’re reviewing it he won’t be able to give me a score if it goes Skyhigh oh wait no I’ll just tell him he can blow it up at the end that will be his reward for losing fire TNT other

Crazy TNTs meteor TNT and eating TNT that sounds like Wallace himself okay uh let’s put the TNT further down just in case Wallace decides to do that too early all right if we do this TNT Carriage right Waddles is going to love it fire TNT drilling TNT digging TNT man

There are so many types troll TNT I don’t even know what that does and finally ocean TNT and walking TNT all right what else can we give waddles H Waddles does love painting well he loves spray painting mostly maybe we’ll put down some cool paintings and we’ll make

This entire Carriage like an art Carriage he does love the Arts some art pieces some canvases paintbrushes oh we’ll need a table this will be the carriage where Waddles gets to do some painting before he goes into the next one and blows everything to Smither oh

Wait it’s like you can look out the window while you’re painting this is such a good idea can I put a painting on this thing ah lame okay moving on oh should I do the other side too uh maybe we’re blocking the way no no no we’ll

Leave it let’s change some of this up and I think less is more let’s choose this one this one looks great okay I think a few more little paint themed goodies and the art Carriage is done a few of wd’s favorite colors in spray cans and paint buckets I think this

Looks great ooh if you had a train what would you fill it with let me know in the comments okay the last one we got to do is going to be his first impression what does Waddles love most he loves music he’s always playing the drums

Super loud but if I kid out this entire thing to be like his entire Studio a huge room full of music and instruments he’s going to love it okay we’ll put a mic down in here just in case he wants to do some karaoke huh what does a grand

Piano look like who way too Grand okay okay a harp that fits nicely okay speakers along the wall got to be able to hear what you’re playing okay oh sweet DJ Dex oh Waddles loves that let’s get a table for those wait a turntable oh my gosh bro Waddles can play vinyls

Sick Bro put the tables down here a phonograph because vintage is cool and the turntable the snare drum kit and the final icing on the cake Waddles his favorite drum set in his favorite color in his favorite colored Carriage so we throw a guitar down there and then I

Think we just run a load of amplifiers around the walls so there we go oh man hopefully this convinces Waddles to give me a high score I didn’t want to do anything too crazy for the last one because he’ll know that I’m cheating all right one last run through the train so

We can see everything that Waddles loves we’ve got his music room we’ve got his pizza parlor and loads of snacks we’ve got his art room and then we’ve got the carriage full of TNT oh this is going to be massive at the end okay time’s up

It’s time to go and find Waddles and then show him what we’ve made I can’t wait to see what he made okay Waddles time’s up I’m at the corner I’m waiting to see what you made I can’t wait bro oh gosh I’m on my way bear I’m pretty

Confident about this one okay here I come across the wall 3 2 1 ta oh wo bro this looks so good Waddles you’ve even got the train tracks below that’s right bear welcome to Waddle rail this looks pretty epic bro awesome um Waddles do you not have a way into the train again

Waddles really I have to jump in keep forgetting to work on entrances I’m more thinking about features wo you’ve got all the chairs and everything in here that’s pretty epic wles mhm mhm that’s right bear and obviously we have Mission Control Mission Control Waddles this is a really cool modern train I actually

Feel like I’m driving a train up here right exactly and of course no control panel is complete without the waddle frog chair oh of course the waddle frog chair super cool bro thank you bear Waddles you did a great job I love your colors bro it looks like a really

High-speed train yes you got it it’s based off of highp speed rail and stuff you know how much I love trains B you do love your trains Waddles and that is why I’m going to give you 9 out of 10 Jo 9 out of 10 yes that’s my highest score so

Far today you did great Waddles but now it’s time to see my last build are you ready oh I’m ready bear but I’m also terrified because you didn’t seem so shocked by my build and now I’m worried oh don’t be worried Waddles you did a great job come on down here and I’ll

Reveal to you my train here we go Waddles Feast your eyes oh my gosh bear it’s like my old toy box train set yeah good spot Waddles I knew this was your favorite type of train I wanted to make sure that whatever I built it was the best one

Ever oh my gosh bear I cannot believe how much detail you squeezed into this yes it does and there’s rails down the bottom but wles follow me I’ve got a surprise for you at the back oh my goodness okay I can’t wait to go through each and every Carriage yes Waddles at

The very back you shall do just that jump up on the ladder yeah can you reach it dly yep no I can’t reach it Bear all all right up you go okay sweet thanks bro there you go sorry I didn’t make the ladder long enough oh my gosh did you

Just box up my entire childhood in the train that’s right Waddles every Carriage has something special just for you drums oh my goodness my favorite drum sets here that’s right Waddles drums and music is Carriage number one but if you’d like to follow me across the bridge in between oh my goodness

It’s like walking through a toy train no way a pizza Carriage oh this is so cool yep your favorite flavor as well pepperoni oh my goodness this is my favorite Carriage so far does it get better oh that’s right Waddles it gets better okay next up I know you love to

Paint oh my gosh and you could just get as messy as you want with paint in here yeah and you can paint the scenery as you drive by on the train if you can paint that fast oh gosh this is so cool and Waddles we all know you’ve got a bit

Of a destructive side so the last Carriage is is oh my gosh bear this is just too much you shouldn’t have I know all this TNT is for you and you can light it up at the end oh bear I am definitely going to light it at the end

And finally Waddles we all know you love to drive trains now I don’t think mine is as good as yours but here’s the driver’s cabin and it does come with donuts oh wow a fridge full of snacks and a plate full of donuts do you like

It I can have my sodas I could drive my favorite train I could even pull the little horn you can Waddles that was what the lever was for good spot oh Waddles you look so cool running between the carriages so Waddles what do you

Rate my build well bear H man I look at mine it just looks so bad compared to yours I’m going to give this one a 20 out of 10 20 out of 10 yes oh I win I am the winner okay Waddles I am the winner

But you get the flint and steel oh my God I get to light it up oh this is like fireworks light it up with pleasure run Waddles run oh gosh I’m running I’m running wa it’s all on fire no I didn’t get all of them hang on others not go

Off you only lit the fire one oh my goodness be careful in the fire Waddles oh that is so dangerous Waddles Waddles get out of there before the fuse goes I’m trying bear I’m racing against the clock here wa oh my gosh bro okay bear I

Wonder what it’s going to be Waddles we have to build a hotel a hotel oh I’ve never stayed in a hotel before bear but I think I know how to build one oh Waddles it’s just a big house with lots of bedrooms you’ll be fine oh whoops I’m

Going over to your side okay Waddles orange is my side good luck to you bear you’re going to need it okay guys it’s the first building competition and there’s no time to waste but I’ve got my cheats ready watch this it’s going to be so epic we’re going to fly all the way

Back to the center and we’re going to use our secret command to load up a pre-built structure schematic paste and we’re going to have a hotel ready to go okay I think I’m far enough away I just pasted it in and wao oh no did it go

Through the wall oh my gosh no way way too close I can’t let Waddles see it I’ve got to undo it that was poking around the wall oh my gosh he could have seen it at any second okay okay let’s do our Command here and okay that does it

Let’s see how it looks oh my gosh I can’t believe how big this place is it’s like a whole Resort this is the most epic looking Hotel I’ve ever seen there’s no way Waddles is going to be able to beat this but we do need to make

It look like we built it first of all let’s get rid of the obvious element that makes this a cheat guys if you ever see a block floating in the corner of one of your builds that’s someone using a schematic for sure so as you guys can

See the build I’ve decided to cheat with is a beach resort hotel now I got to get rid of all the super obvious stuff first so pick up all these floating items because that is so obvious so after I pick up all this junk we can go and see

What we can do inside wo are these beds on the water this looks so cozy okay I think I’ve got most of the junk let’s go and take a look inside our hotel so this is the entrance to our epic Place H it’s a little bit empty in here but it does

Look cool okay first impressions when you walk in a really cool hotel you need like really comfy places to sit so what I’m going to do is use some of these really sweet looking sofas and I’m going to put them right around like this oh

It’s like it’s mapped out for me this is so cool okay now let’s get some blue sofas and do the same over here wait what is this thing oh my gosh it’s a staircase okay that’s dope I kind of want to explore that oh it’s got to wait

And is this the water elevator wao oh oh my gosh I’m going so fast oh my gosh there’s so many floors oh don’t tell me I’ve got a rooftop garden too this is like the best hotel I’ve ever been in oh my gosh none of this place needs much

Work this is so epic Waddles is going to be so jealous huh what could we do to make this place even better rooftop food oh what about a rooftop Sushi party a sushi party on the roof Waddles is going to have his mind blown so I’m going to

Need some Oak tables something real nice and then I’m going to put like a sushi feast all across it so guests can just walk over and pick stuff up whenever they want check it out sushi everywhere that looks so good now what else would you have on a rooftop dinner party oh my

Gosh I did so much Sushi I forgot about drinks uh this might not be for everyone but I’m going to put down some milk look it’s got the little Minecraft mow on it okay so we’ve got Sushi we’ve got drinks there’s tables and what look like

Candles I guess already set up I think that’s fine for now let’s go and check out one of our floors okay guys let’s check out the bedrooms because if they need work we’re going to have to work on them quite a bit cuz there’s a lot of

Bedrooms and Waddles is going to expect some cool stuff if he’s going to stay here oh my gosh this is really nice already and it comes with a great view oh this is so good huh so if we were going to change anything in here and it

Doesn’t need much I would add a fridge for Waddles if I fill that up with some food Waddles is totally going to believe me that I made this myself oh wait another thing I could do is put down some fresh pizzas Waddles needs to score

Our build really high and if I put some pizza down he’s automatically going to give me an extra point it’s just the way Waddles works so Pizza is a must Waddles loves it plus it’s a total distraction from the rest of the cheats I’m using so that’s the sofa that’s the TV the

Bedroom looks pretty good bathroom looks great but it does need a good-look toilet so if I was a toilet where would I go um this sink kind of sucks so let’s move it okay sofa does not get rid of water noted oh my gosh the whole apartment is flooding oh let’s hope it

Doesn’t wash away any of my stuff okay so if we put the toilet here some toilet roll and a plunger there we go man we’re so high up here this is like the penthouse every good Penthouse has music so let’s stick a jukebox up here just

Like that oh my gosh that looks so good playing music eating p pizza watching your huge TV Waddles is going to lose it huh if this is going to be the only room I show Waddles like the penthouse room maybe I should swap out some of the appliances so let’s swap out the

Furnaces for some real ovens and instead of a hopper let’s put in an actual sink oh this is looking so good oh my gosh I almost forgot guys I need to put some food in the fridge oh my gosh a tray of cookies okay here pizza and a tray of

Hot cookies that’s going to be like an extra three points from okay a few finishing touches to make this place look like a real kitchen huh can I fill up the cookie jar oh I can’t oh I know I’ll just put the cookies in the fridge sweet a fridge full of

Cookies yeah this is so good okay that’s our Penthouse done oh wait let’s put a sign up Waddles is going to want to know that this is the penthouse and it deserves its own sign so some nice holiday looking wood on the left I’m going to stick the word Penthouse and on

The right this is where we’ll really get him it’s going to be reserved for master Waddles we’re going for all the points we can get here guys we’re going to convince Waddles this is the best hotel ever so we’ve got our Penthouse our top floor with our Sushi Buffet but I got so

Carried away that I forgot to finish off the lobby I had a really good idea when I was floating down that I’m going to put down a piano every cool five-star hotel has a grand piano in the lobby huh where would I put it it’s got to go on

The corner and it’s got to be elevated oh let’s get rid of this stuff we don’t have a lot of time left so I’ve got to go quick okay piano down and we need a cool looking stool sweet this is where we’d have all the guest performers you

Know on in holidays when you always have music in the lobby that’s what it’s going to be like so final touches some stools some cushions make this place look so cozy and one little one in there this looks great but we’re missing something oh my gosh the checkin counter

It doesn’t even have any computers okay computers down and do we have any office chairs oh my gosh I just found the perfect chair for outside but that’s not for now bear come on no no office chairs just regular chairs will do fine I guess this is going to be great because when

Waddles comes in I’ll check him in oh is there a suitcase no there’s no suitcase what else would make the checkin experience awesome ooh a barrel of apples so when you come in after you check in you take a free Apple okay now really quickly I’m going to go outside

And stick down some of these chairs they’re perfect for lounging around and that’s exactly what you want to be doing when you’re on the beach if you want to sit down somewhere cozy it’s got to be next to the water okay I think this just about does it that’s our hotel ready so

Now it’s time to see our hotel inspector Waddles and see how he’s doing with his build gosh I hope I win this first battle Waddles your time is up that doesn’t matter bear because my hotel is a Fino Waddles what are you wearing on your head is that a fez uhhuh

Yeah um I’m a bell boy you work in your own hotel no yeah I do everything bear I’m the chef I’m the the maid I’m the bell boy receptionist I’m even security too bear wow Waddles that’s crazy that’s so many rolls I’m betting this is a huge

Hotel I can’t wait to see it oh my gosh I’m so excited for you to see it mine is going to be so much better than yours okay I’ve got my eyes down Waddles I’m moving forward tell me when I can look okay okay keep going forward okay

Waddles I don’t want to bump into it no bear you’re still miles away from it okay tell me when okay you can start looking up now oh Waddles okay interesting mhm what do you think wait wait I know what you’re thinking wow I wish I could stay in here forever it’s

Crazy cool right it is crazy looking all right Waddles but I’m really looking forward to seeing the inside I really like the quartz there’s a lot of it it’s a very nice choice of block Waddles yeah that’s right bear it’s really really really really really modern oh wo sorry

I missed a bit here are you okay what are you doing bottles just I missed a bit bear I don’t want you to walk in with the dust on it you can’t come in and pay the price for a dirty carpet oh my gosh you are the cleaner as well at

Least there’s good service here Waddles you’re just hoovering the carpet that’s so funny okay let’s see what we’ve got going on in here check in desk I like it I would like to check in please Waddles yeah this is the check-in desk bear and as you can see right there that’s real

Gold Bear real gold Wow real gold Waddles that’s pretty expensive this must be a pretty rich and expensive place so I’d like to stay here for one night please Waddles here’s our rates okay let’s see here 50 diamonds per night Waddles that’s so expensive I can’t afford that a come on bear the

Floor is made of gold yeah but I don’t have that money Waddles I’m sorry I can’t stay come on bear I have to pay the rent on this place the floor is gold look open this chest look in here what Waddles you’re rich what are they doing

In there you got so many diamonds already I know bear it’s 50 diamonds per night who have you convinced to pay 50 diamonds per night Waddles you know what I don’t want to know come on show me the rest of your hotel Waddles rooftops Splish Splash Swim slam that’s a really

Silly name wles you’ve got a rooftop pool come on bear for 50 diamonds a night you best believe we’ve got a pool no but you got to climb up the ladder bear oh the ladder okay well I guess you said rooftop so that makes sense yeah rooftop for the Splish Splash Swim swam

Pool wa you’ve got a diving board boing boing oh ow Waddles it’s not deep enough to have a diving board yeah it’s a bit shallow but look it’s like an infinity pool kind of okay yeah I kind of guess you’ve got an infinity pool that’s that’s cool okay Waddles this is a cool

Hotel so far but we need to see the rooms I can’t wait to see what 50 diamonds per night gets me well yeah I can’t wait to show you this so this is what 50 diamonds per night we’ll get you ta all right walls let’s see what we’ve

Got oh okay got beds you’ve got old TVs and a bathroom well wles I’m not going to lie to you this is a bit basic but not bad no come on bear look there’s three beds though that’s huge okay yeah you do have a massive bed so you get a

Bonus point for that okay wles I think I’ve seen everything I’m now going to score your build oh gosh I cannot wait for my perfect 10 out of 10 I’m going to give you uh 7 out of 10 seven s out of 10 Waddles and that’s the highest I can

Give it seven this is a five star hotel H bear are you kidding me no Waddles no it’s not this is a 7 out of 10 come on we still need to rate mine you need to see it no okay bear yours better be good okay Waddles now stand right here and in

3 2 1 ta welcome to my Beachside hotel resort what how did when did you wow bear how did you do this I was so focused Waddles I went in I was like and it was so quick I thought what do we want on a hotel it

Needs to be a holiday location first so that means you need chairs outside towels places to hang out and a couple of different Beach locations oh my gosh bear what is going on here it’s like a full Resort I told you Waddles it is a full Resort check it out here’s the

Hotel lobby over here you can play piano I can’t play piano bear I know wles you play drums but that’s where the musicians come in they’re there playing music while you check in wao look at this reception it’s crazy isn’t it nice Waddles okay Mr Waddles I’m here to

Check you in so this is what hotels look like huh uh let me just check the computer here uh-huh oh looks like we’ve got a special reception for you Waddles um okay uh how much so you get a free Apple and let me take you to your room

Bear how much is this going to cost me no Waddles it’s free for the night wo free wo woah wo woah this is fast yeah sorry Waddles it is a little bit fast wait wrong floor Waddles I’ll show you that in a minute wo okay yeah this

Elevator is a little tricky oh whoops sorry bear and we’re in so take a look Penthouse reserved for master Waddles oh gosh Master Waddles that’s me welcome in sir oh my gosh fresh cookies yep you’ve got your own personal kitchen Waddles fully catered you’ve got an epic balcony

Two of them actually you’ve got a huge flat screen TV oh that is so cool bear this place is huge is this whole floor just for me that’s right Waddles just for you this entire floor you’re our special guest and check it out you got a

Bath and your own toilet oh cool and I love that there’s no door too so people can watch me go to the bathroom nobody can see you up here Waddles this is the penthouse so it’s fully private wo look at the view from here oh wait there do

You think I can make it into the pool from here oh I wouldn’t try that Waddles that would probably hurt and I do not not have the insurance to cover it oh okay this room is so cool bear I can’t believe you built this so special for me

I know and you came at the perfect time wles because we were just putting out a banquet on the rooftop garden so there’s a buffet of sushi what Sushi my other favorite food I love sushi so much bear is this like a rooftop restaurant yeah that’s right wles it’s our Garden

Restaurant it’s for hosting functions and parties there’s also milk if you get thirsty I don’t know why oh that’s so cool you got a garden on your rooftop I mean I’ve got a swimming pool so I guess this is cool but I love the fountain can

I swim in it okay Waddles so what are you going to rate my hotel resort oh um that is a tough one bear I think our hotels are pretty much the same when it comes to Quality but because you’ve got more stuff going on I’m going to give

You uh 10 out of 10 oh come on 10 out of 10 yes all right Waddles I may have won the first one but we still have have another couple of builds to do Waddles you ready ready as ever bear I’m fired up for this one okay Waddles round two

Is ready to go oh I can’t wait bear what is it going to be you tell me Waddles a Steve home oh what does that even mean bear oh a Steve home okay I’ve got a really good idea for this okay wles so just build a home themed around

Minecraft Steve um okay I think I’ve got a great idea you think you got a good idea okay me too take your side Waddles and best of luck you’re going to need it no I’m going to get you this time brother okay guys it’s round two and

I’ve got the most epic build to follow up with check it out here’s my super cool plan I’m going to use my cheats again and oh no it’s the wrong way around okay undo and I need to rotate this so if I rotate this by

270° and paste oh check it out okay so we’ve got an epic gigantic Titan version of Steve and he’s holding up a huge piece of land but there’s nothing on it guys and if I know Waddles that’s where he’s going to get suspicious but first things first I’m going to put some

Torches down here because we do not want any mob spawning if we get a few creepers it could be all over man I can’t get over how cool this Steve is it’s so perfect for this challenge look how strong he looks how heavy do you think that Bedrock is you’re going to

Love this though guys I’m going to take this even one step further and I’m going to cheat again I’m going to use my sheets to load a house so I’m going to load this house and when I paste it in D oh it’s the wrong way round again let’s

Rotate it again same amount and now it should work yes it does oh my goodness look how cool this is it’s Steve holding up the land with our house on it huh but we do have a little bit of a paste issue here but it’s nothing that a little bit

Of world editing can’t fix with our magic wand if I fill in this floor it won’t be obvious that I just pasted it in cuz right now it looks ugly there we go oh gosh the back needs cleaning up too oh man this might take a bit of time

I’ve got to make sure not to leave anything that walls would find suspicious once I clean it up Waddles his mind is going to blow clean it up and leaves here oh my gosh I got part of a different house here there’s Christmas

Stuff on here ah I got to get rid of it Waddles would know immediately good thing we spotted it oh gosh I got to smash my way through this quick I need to move on to the bigger design so what are we going to put inside our house oh

Oh gosh this is the downside of using cheats everything can get so messy oh my gosh the cheating block okay this looks like our new home and I could turn this into like a mob pen or something so let me put this up here like this look that

Looks actually pretty nice time to go into our home oh that’s not good there’s nothing in here oh how quickly can I make this look like a house I made oh my gosh there’s bats in here hey little guys sorry to destroy your home this is

Mine now so let’s box off this part of the house at the do to create the separation of space and this room we’ll use as our bedroom as all of you know orange is my favorite color so I’m going to go with that so I’d need wardrobes in

My room ah it is coming together already some carpets just to make it look nice and cozy huh I wonder if this is too far away from my bed but I always love having a TV in my room so if I put down two TVs over there no let’s put down

Another torch sorry bats but I’d also love a place to lounge around in my room uh maybe just some sofas like that yeah that looks great what else would I need for my morning routine oh my gosh I have to be able to do my hair so a mirror

Would go here and we put down a table over here what would I put on my side table oh a clock I could put a clock on the wall wait no it’s a hat it’s on my face not on the wall oh gosh I thought

It was an item for the wall okay let me take off the clock H but what else would I choose for this room oh I’m getting too hung up on things I need to move on I have to make a living area red sofa because they look so comfy and of course

I have to put another TV down in the living room cuz otherwise Waddles would definitely deduct me some points okay that looks good and of course the easiest part of doing all of this we need an epic looking kitchen we’re always building kitchens so this stuff

Is so easy sinks ovens what else do we need counters oh and a fridge of course okay so what color countertops are we going to use M maybe just white white looks pretty good actually so let’s bring this out into the room by making an island and some stools to sit around

It like a breakfast bar oh so if Waddles is going to believe me that I made this what would I have in my kitchen oh my gosh utensils and supplies okay yeah that’s going to be cool and in my kitchen I love waffles and apple pie oh

Delicious oh I can’t wait to eat that stuff oh my gosh I’m running out of time okay uh let me put down this stuff here and here nice little toaster oh so cool this kitchen looks like you can cook in it already huh now this looks like the

Perfect spot for a really cozy fireplace so I’m going to set a game roll do fire tick false and what that means is that if I put down fire over here it’s not going to set fire to my wooden house we need Netherrack and flint and steel to

Set fire to it and because I entered the command it’s not going to burn my lovely house down because that would be so dangerous if I didn’t and there you have it with a chimney that is our fireplace and this place looks amazing okay final

Touches uh I need a hat stand oh no forget it that’s too gimmicky something everyone needs before they leave the house is probably a mirror let’s put two mirrors down for good measure all right I think that does it and good news because time is almost up let’s go see

How Waddles is done oh I can’t wait to see his build Waddles your time’s up where are you at no bear no way that’s crazy it can’t have been that long already I need way more time bear oh Waddles I’m sure it’s fine come on show

Me your house no okay bear well I think I did pretty good considering okay wles I’m going to take a look in 3 2 1 uh Waddles mhm that’s my name so this is your Steve home Yep this is it bear it’s a one story mansion on story Mansion I’m

Not sure how that works Waddles but I do like your use of blocks and you got a lot of glass that’s a lot of light you’re Lighting in can I come in uhhuh you’re allowed in oh wait wait wait wait wipe your feet bear sorry of course I’ll

Wipe my feet what no Vacuums in here this time so let me walk you through this place this is the state-ofthe-art TVs plural these bear are the most modern TVs you can get on the market look at them oh they’re so amazing uh I don’t know about that Waddles oh look

There’s a show yeah I get like three of channels oh and here’s the chairs you can’t sit on a more comfy seat bear it’s made of wood it’s got Nails hanging out of it and I’ve had a few splinters so far it’s perfect uh I don’t know Waddles

Oh Waddles I see what you’ve done here you heard Steve house and then you made a Noob house well yeah I mean that’s what it is right bear oh my gosh wles you’re calling Steve a noob oh bear let me show you this so you know when you’ve

Had too much juice uh-huh yeah and then Nature Calls and you have to go to the bathroom check this out oh I can’t wait to see oh my gosh walls that’s just a hole in the ground there’s toilet paper on the wall yeah I know but at least I

Have toilet paper bear there is yeah that’s great wles oh my gosh well you do have all the main rooms you got a kitchen a bedroom a living room a toilet I think yeah I actually really like the kitchen I think it’s kind of underrated

I got a spice rack up here it’s pretty cool yeah you do have a spice rack going on but there’s no spices on it Waddles but you do like food so it makes more sense you put more effort into the kitchen okay score out of 10 what do I

Give my little brother Waddles well I think it’s going to score pretty high but you can knock a couple of points off anyway because I I know it’s like already perfect I think I’m going to give you for this one Waddles a 6 out of

10 a six what I slaved over this place bear this took me so long to do you can’t give me a stinking six for it bear no okay walls you know what you’re right I’ll change it to 7 out of 10 because you’ve got a cool cyan carpet going all

The way through it and it reminds me of Steve oh right yeah I ran out of cyan carpet it was the best I could do okay but it’s definitely a 7 out of 10 now wles are you ready to see mine no okay be but I doubt you’re going to be the

Seven get ready to Feast your eyes on this wait what the bear what is that floating in the sky this is my Steve house get out of here bear this can’t be real I would like you to meet Steve he’s wearing full diamond armor wa look at

All these diamonds how did you get this many bear I thought you couldn’t pay for a night in my hotel uh I used my secret stash Waddles don’t ask questions just admire Steve and Steve is holding up my beautiful home wait what’s up here oh my

Gosh there’s a house up here it’s got a garage too yep and Steve spends all his time holding me up like a king wo oh okay you got an iron door very secure very secure Waddles it has to be we don’t want any break-ins because we’re

So rich ooh I like the kitchen and I like the island are these waffles for anyone in particular yep those are waffles Waddles um they’re waffles for waddles yes waffles for Waddles and this apple pie this one’s mine don’t touch that one okay so this is our kitchen

We’ve got a nice fireplace to warm our toes over here we’ve got an epic sitting area with a little bit more of a modern TV I guess m okay well it all looks really good and everything bear but you’re missing one vital thing forgot one thing what thing Waddles where are

You going to sleep dummy d right over here Waddles here is my bedroom oh my goodness you converted the garage into your bedroom you got TVs in here too oh my gosh you’re going to be up all night watching them Dino isn’t it epic but I think that’s everything I’ve got to show

You Waddles there’s obviously the mirrors to check yourself before you’re going out and that’s pretty much it are you having trouble with the door go I’m having trouble with the door what do you think Waddles no I really like it bear I don’t know what that thing is but it

Looks cool overall I really like the house oh this is going to be a really hard one to score but I’m going to give W do you want to know of course of course I want to know Waddles I got to give you a 10 out of 10 on this one bear

It’s pretty cool 10 out of 10 again yes Waddles awesome a score welld deserved I think super happy with that score Waddles thank you so much but we’ve got one more challenge left Waddles I hope you’re ready okay let’s go bring it on bear okay waddles the last and final

Round you can read it out to me in 3 2 1 go okay what is it it is a gaming computer wo Waddles that one’s super difficult have you got an idea yet no my gosh no this is going to be really hard but wait no I do have an idea now bear

Okay walls I like the confidence let’s see how we get on good luck brother I’ll see you real soon bye bear okay guys round three and we have to win this one to bring it home I know we’ve been cheating but it’s been so funny oh no we’re leaving remnants of our previous

Builds but Waddles is getting a little bit suspicious so I’ve got to change how I’m doing this one we’re still going to cheat but check it out I’m going to use my secret command but I renamed the schematic to something completely different just so that he wouldn’t guess

What it was because if he checked and saw a schematic called gaming computer he would know immediately something was going on so I’m going to load it rotate it and then I’ve got to paste it just like this probably up in the sky so this is my secret gaming computer oh whoops I

Went too high I need to get rid of it and I’ll repaste it no okay we went in the ground this time but that’s not too bad I can cover that up with the wand look at it it’s so good it’s an epic gaming setup okay let me quickly fix the

Floor to make it way less obvious set that to grass and now it looks like it’s just a shorter table so easy so check out my setup guys you can see how cool it is in there I’ve got a mouse monitor awesome looking microphone I’ve even got

A tiny little plant on my desk it’s so cool but wles knows that my computer always has different colors in it so I’m going to make my keyboard look way more colorful this is going to be a little bit annoying cuz I got to sneak can

Place the whole thing but it’s going to look sick when I’m done so I’m going to change the colors of the major keys I use enter key and obviously WD but because the screen can’t turn on I’m going to make it look like we’re actually playing Minecraft on it this is

Going to be a little bit tough but if it works Wallace is going to have his mind blown so if I build up like a grass hill right here oh my gosh guys wait until you see what I’ve got planned for this it’s going to blow your mind too oh my

Gosh I can’t wait to put into practice when I’m planning with this it’s going to be so amazing so we’ve got Minecraft on the screen it looks like it right now we need to put down a blue sky I can’t wait to show you guys the secret I’m

Planning it’s going to give me so many points so place down these blocks and finish off our sky so I’m going to put down a cow on this side oh I really hope he doesn’t jump off but the big secret is going to be over here but I need to

Dig in and hide it because I’m going to put Redstone right here and in this I’m going to put down a projector I’m going to make it look like Waddles is actually playing Minecraft on my computer screen so I just need to put the name up here

And then I’m going to grab my brother’s skin and look we’ve got Waddles on the screen playing Minecraft on my computer monitor Oh wait we’re going to need to scale him up a little bit I think and there you have it on my curved monitor we’ve got Waddles playing Minecraft but

I kind of want to make sure this cow isn’t going to go anywhere I don’t want him to and I want to make it feel a little bit more like Minecraft so I’m going to put some water down in here uh uh not a fan of this but if I delete

This how does it look okay that looks a lot better we’ve got Mr mukal on the left and wles on the right and maybe a sign down what will we put on it maybe Minecraft is the best but there is my epic computer I think I’ve done all I

Need to do here I hope Waddles likes it and I hope you guys like it too so in the comments let me know what you would rate my build now I’m going to wait around and wait for Waddles to tell me he’s ready okay Waddles time’s up how

Did you do Joe not going to lie to you bear I think I nailed this one brother you’re going to love it are you ready oh I’m excited Waddles let me see it here we go in 3 2 1 I’m coming wo Waddles you did such a great job I know I’m getting

So good right bear definitely Waddles you hit the brief on this no problem even from far away that looks just like a gaming computer it’s got its own chair no know I nailed it I understood the assignment bear so here’s the chair it leans back a little bit so so I’m not

Sure if it’s that good oh wait no it’s perfect it’s a gaming chair you need to lean back yeah you need to be able to lean back in your gaming chair Waddles so the keyboard and the mouse and you’ve got them connected together that’s so cool yeah keyboard and mouse with

Mechanical buttons click click click but look bear there’s Minecraft on the screen oh my gosh and you put Minecraft on the screen that’s so good Waddles oh why didn’t I think of that no yeah I wish I had like three or four screens and a huge setup but uh this is all I

Could manage really it was like the quickest I could build it I think it looks pretty good Waddles this is epic your best build of the day so I’m going to give you a 9 out of 10 wo that’s almost perfect thanks bear that is so good that’s my highest score today I

Don’t think you’re going to beat a nine bear it’s so good Waddles okay but here’s mine are you ready show me bear taada wo look at this thing oh my gosh this is insane Waddles as you can see I don’t have a chair so you did better

Than me there here’s my headset oh my gosh a headset I knew I forgot something what is this thing here this is a microphone so when I’m recording videos Waddles wo that thing’s awesome notice anything on the screen Waddles it’s me you got Waddles on this screen and I’ve

Got a pet cow oh we’re just hanging out yeah I did it’s Waddles playing Minecraft and check out my keyboard I got all the buttons down here and I’ve got the glowing Keys too from my keyboard they all light up no my gosh bear that is such an awesome keyboard wo

You’ve also got a little potted plant nice detail of course Waddles a little bit of nature on your desk goes a long way look at all these colors on this gaming setup this is so Pro a if only you had a chair bear oh my gosh I can’t

Believe you even built a parts this is so cool your screen is even curved I know Waddles but check it out I got the RTX graphics card in there because this computer is a beast oh well I know you don’t have a chair but honestly this is

So cool and if I’m going to compare it to mine so what are you going to rate my build Waddles now you got to give it a 10 out of 10 bear it’s so good yes Waddles 10 out of 10 thank you so much

This is going to be so good I know we always have so much fun with these so Waddles I’m going to let you hit the dispenser first in here are all sorts of different topics whichever build pops out first we’ve got to build it okay Waddles go ahead whenever you’re ready

Okay bear boom ooh I got one oh my gosh what does it say Waddles yeah it says a boat bear we have to build a boat ooh this is a pretty cool one to start off with Waddles have you got any ideas M yeah I’m going to build a boat bear no I

Don’t care I’m going to beat you go all right bring it on bear okay guys my cheats are activated it’s time to win this Build contest the first thing I’m going to do is move a little bit further away from the wall and then I’m going to

Paste in my schematic oh wait till you see the reveal and ta oh my God go look at it wo gosh this is so much bigger than I thought okay so the trick is I have to convince Waddles that this is my ship so oh gosh where do I begin a boat

Should definitely be on water so Waddles is going to believe that this is like a whole city in a ship but that’s why I chose it I really want to do something awesome with it but to convince him that it’s actually mine I’ve got to do some

Awesome Makeovers to it got cabins oh my gosh there are so many beds in here this looks awesome it’s like a whole villager City on a boat got like an office Reading space on the upper deck okay first things first if this was my ship I would have the Captain’s Quarters where

Would that be but the captain of course is going to be a bear cuz that’s me uh not necessarily at the back okay let’s go towards the front because this is going to be so cool looks like we’re going to have to make our own Captain’s

Quarters so I’m going to put down some red stone in here and I’m going to look for a projector because then I can get a skin set up and I can make it look like the captain is actually here so I’m going to move the name up huh now what

Do I call the captain of my ship something really long and funny like pirate bear the captain Lord yeah this is going to look so good right now though it kind of looks just like Steve so the next step is to make pirate bear the captain Lord actually look like a

Bear so I’m going to put bear down here and Tada look it’s an actual bear okay let’s rotate this guy around oh that is too slow oh that is not going to work oh my gosh I’m blind there’s a rotation slider okay looking good oh but we also

Have to rotate the text and there is our captain oh he looks perfect you are now the proud captain of the ship pirate bear H but you do need some sort of steering wheel so if I put down a couple of blocks and find myself an item frame

I can stick the steering wheel in it and there we go oh it looks so good Oho Captain oh my gosh what else does a pirate need well my captain would definitely have a pet parrot that’s like a super piratey thing oh my gosh what if

I stuck a few little parrots around oh this is going to be such a cool pirate ship oh look how cute they are oh my gosh oh my gosh what if we turn this place into an evil pirate ship what would pirate do oh it would definitely

Make people walk the plank let’s build a plank out here and anyone who wrongs the captain will have to walk the plank maybe we can make Waddles walk it okay other pirate themed stuff let’s grab a chest and look for some Pirate swords W what is this thing it’s like a big fish

Wo that looks awesome let’s put a chest down oh whoops oh no I did not mean to break that uh let me just fix that so if I put a chest down right here I’m going to put my two swords down and that’s what the Pirates are going to use to

Poke people off the plank oh my gosh yeah let’s put another little parrot down that way we can make him watch people walk the plank H the water is definitely going to need some sharks no this is going to look so cool oh wait I hope they don’t despawn if they’re gone

When Waddles comes to check out our our pirate ship he’s not going to score it that high oh it needs to be on easy not peaceful so let’s put down loads of cool looking great white sharks look how menacing they look huh I wonder can we

Put a net across here to keep them in no no we should let them roam free oh my gosh wles is going to lose it when he comes here okay the other thing I want to do is put down some chairs and tables just to make it look like I kind of Ked

This place out a little bit and of course can’t miss the pizza it’s a staple he knows if I was to build anything for for him it would probably have that in it we’re going to put down some table and chairs like it’s a nice little restaurant and oh that’s a nice

Little feature I didn’t know it did that this is looking great it’s like a pirate pizza party oh jeez say that fast pirate pizza party pirate pizza party I can’t say it that fast part Pizza Party part Pizza Party part pizza party oh my gosh I’m great at this oh my gosh Waddles

Made the advancement steering oh my gosh Waddles put a steering wheel on his ship as well I wonder if he knows I can see that oh my gosh it’ll be so crazy if wles makes a better one than me and I’m cheating I’ll never live it down we can’t let that

Happen okay our time is nearly running out so let’s quickly finish off this pizza party maybe stack a few boxes pretty high cuz this kind of ship would have lots of people on it and there we go so many pizzas but I’ve got to feed a

Lot of staff on this ship well I definitely bit off more than I could chew at this build but it looks pretty awesome I really hope Wallace believes I made this but with everything that I’ve put down and it being pirate themed that should distract Waddles from the bigger

Questions okay awesome it’s time to go check out how Waddles did on his first build let’s see if he can beat mine okay wles time’s up don’t go peeking I saw you oh my gosh I nearly saw yours but I didn’t get a proper peek so come on over

Okay Waddles well I’m going to come and have a look at yours and then I’ll rate it between 1 and 10 you ready Waddles no okay I’m definitely getting a 10 on this one let’s go wo Waddles it’s a sailboat mhm M it is a oh my gosh this is my

First time taking a step back okay looking at it it’s just kind of janky yeah I guess it’s a sailboat I mean yeah it’s a little bit of a wonky sailboat but it looks like a boat still okay barar let me take you on a tour this is

The water Waddles why didn’t you just use water this is wool what I used blue wool okay I didn’t want to waste any water yeah but Waddles look if I jump up here nice touch by the way if I jump and bounce and bounce I land on the wool

That’s going to break my leg bro whatever bear you’re going to land on wool it’s soft it’s okay it’s perfectly fine no one’s going to complain so uh you got the diving board and let me show you this part this is my favorite part

Okay let me see what you got look at my steering wheel what is that Waddles you can’t steer a ship with a pizza yeah well you know steering is hungry work I’m steering the boat for everyone bear I’m getting a little bit peckish so you just take a slice off your steering

Wheel what happens when you eat all of your steering wheel Waddles you’ll have I have nothing left to steer the boat with no okay I’m glad you asked Bear that’s when I go up here follow me are you following me bear okay there’s a little chair oh gosh I fell right off a

Bear come on sorry Waddles but there’s not a lot of space up here so I sit here right yeah you sit there and then I’m like you’re the captain now and then I jump an abandoned ship what Man Overboard oh come on you just desert your ship like that Waddles yeah I would

Well I have to say wles I love the sail you get such great distance uh so what else you you got in here there’s a lot of chairs oh right yeah so this is my VIP area this is a charter boat I will not be giving any free tours oh which

Actually means bear you owe me a lot of money bro I need a bunch of diamonds from you like um a chest full of diamonds I need a chest full of diamonds from you what no no no no no Waddles I’m jumping off I didn’t agree to this a

Darn it but I would like to score it okay what are you going to give it out a 10 bear it’s got to be a 10 right H well it is a warm-up build waddles so I’m going to give it a 6 out of 10 oh okay

Well I guess that’s not too bad when I look at it from here it’s yeah it’s a 6 out of 10 no K Waddles but it’s time to see my build are you ready oh my gosh yeah show me what you got there well Waddles it’s right behind you wao what

The that’s like an entire city how did you build this so quick this is my villager pirate City boat Waddles I wanted to build something that you could have absolutely everything in I’ve added some really cool and fun things but you’re not allowed to look for a second

Okay uh okay do I just look at the ground yeah just look down or look at your boat Waddles just admire your own boat for a second oh gosh okay bear oh gosh it even looks worse from further away my boat sucks bear okay okay okay I

Got to place down these sharks okay Waddles you can come up to me now where are you brother oh okay yeah time to walk the plank Waddles wo wo wo bear no bear no you know I’m afraid of heights there’s just a few Hungry Sharks below you wles there’s nothing to worry about

No no CH better chill chill yeah H oh waddles the sharks are coming Waddles you got to get out of there gosh Waddles you’re so lucky this is creative Build Challenge otherwise they would have come after you like that you would have gotten eaten up bro oh my gosh that

Was so close bear what did you like my plank yeah I guess it’s awesome to have a plank oh my gosh look at the size of this sail it’s like the size of my ship bear actually it’s bigger I know and I’ve got a few things I want to show you

It wouldn’t be a pirate ship if it wasn’t captained by pirate bear the captain Lord yeah that’s a funny name bear I like it oh my gosh he’s got a little parrot of course wles he’s a pirate he has to have a parrot and of course he’s got his steering wheel oh

Nice but it’s not made of pizza but there’s something else I want to show you come on down let me get rid of the dangerous mobs first Waddles welcome to the pirate pizza party what you got a whole pirate pizza party oh look you got a steering wheel no Waddles I didn’t

When you look at that you know it’s Pizza Time oh it’s like pizza o’ okay bear I like it yeah and we’ve we’ve got pizza for everybody uh except no one else showed up so I guess it’s just for us Waddles no nice okay don’t worry bear

I’ll deal with all this pizza man this boat is so big did you call it a city yeah well I wanted to make sure it was big enough to roam around on you could tour every biome in the entirety of Minecraft on this thing check it out

Down here wles I’ve got Farms Food Shops you wouldn’t even have to leave this boat oh my gosh bear look at all this food you could live here forever exactly Waddles so now it’s time for you to give it a score H let me see okay let me go

Out and have a look oh you’ve even got a really cool steam engine in the middle oh I can’t believe you did this in a time um oh gosh I got to give you a 10 out of 10 bear it’s just too cool yes 10 out of 10 thank you Waddles okay Waddles

We do have another build challenge waiting for us so let’s begin you still have a chance to win too so don’t give up yet Waddles oh I’m going to get you bear that’s the spirit Okie wles round two are you ready let’s see what we get

Yeah I can’t wait I hope it’s a good one oh this one’s tough Waddles it’s a robot a robot oh okay gosh where am I going to start with a robot no I’m really worried about this one bear no wles you can do this you did a great build before just

Think creatively Waddles you can do this no okay bear if you believe in me then I’ve got this you’re going down good luck Waddles okay guys a robot is one of my favorite things to cheat on and I’ve got the most epic looking thing ready to

Go Waddles has no idea oh my gosh I feel so bad but I like winning more right so we’re going to paste it in and this time we’re getting an epic roll oh my gosh it’s way too close to the wall definitely need to move it back uh wall

Is going to see it oh gross we got all this junk left from destroying our boat okay let me paste it in there oh that is so much better perfect now Waddles can’t peek over the wall to see it so check out this robot it’s got two arms on that

Side one arm on this side it’s so epic there’s no way Waddles is going to be able to compete with this Waddles will definitely ask some questions if I don’t make it look like it was built by me though so I’m going to first off start by changing the whole color scheme so

I’ve got my two points I’ve selected the whole area huh red wool so obviously I’m going to replace all the red Wool with orange wool there we go boom orange is my favorite color and from this distance you can see why oh my gosh it looks so

Good you know what I think it’s already done done it’s definitely built by bear and to prove it I’m going to put down a little signature on the heel tag it up with hashtag built by bear so if Waddles has any questions and he doubts me he

Can come over and see that I signed it myself Waddles also knows I like to change what my power core is inside my robots so I should definitely build a cool looking power core what would I put in it though I’m definitely going to get this place looking like it’s charging up

And I’ll definitely use lasers too so if I hollow out the chest add a little bit of a floor and then box it up I got to limit the space that I’m working with cuz this is timed so check it out here we go this is going to house our power

Core H what are we going to do to protect it oh it has to be lasers let’s knock out the yellow wool here and replace it with redstone because we need to use that to charge up our lasers they need a power source the power core is

The most important part of a giant robot it has to be protected wao whoops okay I nearly fell there all right let’s put down these lasers oh that looks so good ooh I know what we could do I could put a laser across on either side let’s put

One here and not there oh there double lasers oh wait but that means that no one can get inside at all h no that’s not going to work I wonder do I have space to put a heart in here maybe the power core could be a redstone heart let

Me see if I can build one out H yo this is not looking too good oh gosh this looks awful oh well at least it looked kind of like I built it this this doesn’t look like a heart at all oh gosh this is so bad but I don’t have time

Maybe if I just rejig this and I put a display case down and then I can put like a little bear inside so it’s like a bear heart I don’t know and let’s look for a bear plushy oh a Freddy Fazbear doll okay this could be a Freddy Fazbear

Robot okay so that’s our power core so now that that’s done let’s put our defenses back on there we go that is the power core with uh kind of a heart inside oh gosh this is way too uneven I can’t stand it forget the hard idea

We’re just going to put down two display cases and make it symmetrical because I’m losing my mind over this there we go oh that looks so much better okay we haven’t got much time but one thing Waddles always knows is that I always have a pilot in my ships so we need

Someone in the cockpit oh no there’s no space underneath but that’s okay we can do a tiny bit more building and cover that up we don’t want Waddles to see the Redstone and of course we’ve got to bring out our projector and another ridiculously long name so let’s go for

Lord bear the Titan King pilot I am so ridiculous with my naming and there we have our pilot Lord bear the Titan King oh sorry Lord bear the Titan King pilot of course yeah there we go insane our pilot has his little visor he’s ready to

Go huh is that enough it’s orange it’s signed by bear it’s got its power core and of course we’ve got our pilot what else would a robot have uh you know what I think that’s enough I I think he’s definitely going to think this is built

By me if I do too much he’s going to ask questions plus we’ve even got our little sign as a backup okay let’s go see how wles got on with his build time’s up Waddles I’m ready to see your build oh my gosh bear I think you’re going to

Love this one I put so much effort into it check it out wo okay yep it’s a robot like you said and it’s a really Advanced robot here’s his robot feet super cute oh my gosh wles it is so cute and and it’s got these like power cords up here

It helps his legs move I don’t know what they are but they look cool the hands are obviously made of redstone for powerful punches okay I like it and the body is reinforced with titanium it’s kind of cool cuz it’s like it’s like a control panel on his chest but it’s

Actually just reinforced nice protecting the robot’s heart that’s so smart Waddles yeah and these are its eyes it’s probably like my favorite feature oh my gosh Waddles that is such a good idea the eyes look so good it really brings it to life it looks like it’s an actual

Robot no I know not thank you oh my gosh you even did like a robotic hairstyle for him wles this is a really cool robot I could picture him walking around and doing all sorts of stuff this is awesome no oh my gosh thank you bear but we’re

Not done yet we’re not flick the levers here uh okay what will that do Waddles don’t trust me flick them bear no way there’s a control panel inside yeah the passcode is 1 2 3 4 open it up let check it out okay 1 2 3 4 it’s the brain of

The robot the CPU bro oh my gosh all the brain pieces Waddles this is genius and it’s so well protected yeah I know I know I am a genius bear I really wish this guy would come to life what do you think bear he’s pretty cool right you

Know what Waddles I also wish this thing was alive this is so impressive no I know bear okay you got to give me a fair score it has to be better than the 6 out of 10 do Waddles I think this has got to

Be at least an 8 out of 10 no that is so good that’s my highest score okay yeah I’m really happy with an 8 out of 10 bear okay bear you got to show me your one now I’ll show you right now Waddles oh but I have to say my favorite feature

Of yours is definitely the eyes and hair so smart really wish I thought of that okay wles time to take a look I’m not going to make you wait any longer taada oh darn it okay well bear I think you might win this one no Waddles what do

You mean yours is really good mine’s just a little bit bigger is all bear mine goes up to like here yeah you’re right it is the size of his foot but Waddles speaking of his foot I’ve got to show you something that is really important information huh important

Information what yeah right down here Waddles com in Bear take a look at the sign read it out to me uh built by bear # built by bear got to get that one trending bro your builds are insane yeah that’s right wles it confirms that it

Was all built by me that’s all the proof you need right yeah that’s all the proof I need plus it’s orange just like you bear so it has to be yours wait what is this oh you saw it this is the power core you can’t go past the lasers

Waddles they’ll burn you but this is what powers the robot it’s little Freddy fazbears no oh my gosh little Freddy fazbears um are we sure that’s safe but it’s so cool so this is like the heart the core of the thing so awesome bear mhm that’s right and because this is

Like a Mecca robot we of course have to have the pilot oh my gosh it’s such a long name um Lord bear the Titan yeah the name kind of got cut off it’s Lord bear the Titan King pilot he likes his long names oh my gosh I couldn’t see the

Whole thing that’s funny dude oh I absolutely love the Mecha Robot idea bear yep and especially good for going to battle with giant mutant creepers oh gosh bear do you think this robot would beat my robot in a fight I think it might oh you know what wles I think my

Robot would protect your robot oh my gosh you’re right they would be friends okay bear I’m ready to score your robot oh I’m nervous what are you going to rate it okay um I’m going to go with do it’s kind of hard not to give this a perfect score you’re really knocking it

Out of the park here bear ah 10 out of 10 yes 10 out of 10 again thank you Waddles but you went from like six points to 8 points so your next bill could be a 10 Waddles no I really hope so B but you’re kicking my butt right

Now bro all right Waddles we got one more Build Challenge left so let’s get to work Okie Wallace the final Build Challenge get ready to catch whoop oh wo this is going to be a really interesting one bear we have to build a car what oh

My goodness this is going to be a tough one oh how am I going to make Wheels how am I going to do a steering wheel this is going to be tough there’s so much to do oh my gosh four wheels and a steering wheel I would have forgotten that thank

You bear how can you forget a car has wheels in a steering wheel Waddles never mind good luck sounds like you’re going to need it yeah okay good luck bear okay final round I’m going to use my cheats again we’ve got an epic car ready to go

In ta oh my gosh what are we going to do to make this look like be made it well first thing for good measure Waddles really believed me when he last Saw this sign so I’ll just put another one down real quick he’s going to come and check

Out the steering wheel so I’ll put it right here # built by bear H that reminds me a horn we could put a horn in our steering wheel I think I’ll use Redstone there we go that’s your beep beep spot and what would be left over in

The back of the car oh this has got like double seats Waddles always wants Pizza on a car ride so I’m going to put down a load of pizzas oh you should hear Waddles when he’s in the car he has to have a pizza so I’ll slap down a load of

The those and he’ll just be like oh this is the best thing ever and of course Waddles loves watching TV while he’s in the back of the car so I could put TV screens in the back head rests so we’ll stick this show on this seat oh my gosh

So many TVs to go through and on this side we’ll do the exact same thing but we’re going to change the channel TAA lots of the same show man I wish I had a TV in the back of my car what else can I do okay let’s add some detail into the

Rear viw mirror I’m going to make it blue because it’s meant to be like reflective I guess the white does not do it for me if I use blue it looks like it’s a sunny day and all you see is blue skies out of the rear view mirror okay

We’ve got pizzas and TVs the inside looks good and of course the biggest change is we’ve got to change the color white is so boring and it gets dirty real quick maybe I’ll just extend the exhaust pipe first I’m going to Kit out this exhaust pipe to look like a huge

Souped up car big scary exhaust pipe and I’m going to fill it with fire so it looks like it’s kicking out loads of power and let’s extend out the bottom here a little bit more I’m going to put down some Netherrack and then I’m going to ignite it on fire with flint and

Steel this is going to look so cool oh wait this thing’s made of wool I need to do a cheat so this doesn’t burn down so we’re going to turn off the game rule for fire ticking to false that means when we light fires it’s not going to

Spread a look at that oh my gosh look at the size of this exhaust oh gosh it looks a little bit big so I’ll just clean up that piece okay now we can move on to changing the color of the car because Waddles knows we both hate the

Color white on cars but just to win him over even more I’m going to use some of his favorite color too so first of all let’s use the command to change white wool to orange wool nice oh that looks so good already then what I’m going to

Do is incorporate some of wd’s favorite color and the coolest feature I can think of that’s going to be super easy to do is adding in Racing Stripes oh my gosh what am I doing building like a normal person when I’ve got all my

Cheats what am I thinking no no no no no let’s use my wand so let’s make this selection and this selection and we set cyan wool oh that’s so good okay there one done let’s do the same thing over here uh I think three thick is probably

Better cuz it stands out let’s do the same on this side taada we’ve got our racing stripes on our car in wd’s favorite color awesome but it’s not enough let’s do one big racing stripe across the top yes yo that is so cool okay time’s really running out so let’s

Put the passengers in let’s do something cute let’s put little plushy sheep on each seat these little guys can be the drivers of our car oh my gosh they’re so tiny this is going to look so funny okay one of over here one over here all sorts

Of different colors and then we can put the other two at the back here it’s a sheep family and they’re going on a carpool ride and the ones in the back get to watch TV shows okay we’re really close to time up now so I can’t wait to

See what Waddles made and TAA I can’t believe it this looks so good this is our car I can’t wait for wles to see it it’s going to blow his mind okay wles it’s time to reveal are you ready yeah I’m good to go bear I think you’re going

To be really pleasantly surprised by this one it’s awesome okay Waddles good luck and in 3 2 1 wo yeah do you like this one hey Waddles oh wles I know this was built by you because it’s your favorite color so you got cool looking Wheels good thing you remembered those

No yet remembered the wheels bear wo you got like a bumper and a grill on the front you even put down headlights yeah got a bumper got a big engine pumping out it’s kind of like a blend between a truck and an SUV or a bus uh some kind

Of vehicle I guess it looks like a little bit of a mix of everything Waddles uh Waddles how do we get in the roof oh right yeah uh there’s a hole in the roof oh nice look see there’s so much space back here it seats four five

Maybe six I don’t know you can bring so many friends on a carpool journey and did you check out my steering wheel again I know this is built by you Waddles cuz only you would use a pizza as a steering wheel okay what does this

One do wo wo wo whoo whoo whoo whoo wo wo bear wait a second wait just a second on that one you can’t just go throwing levers on what why does it start the engine does it throw up weapons what does it do Waddles no no you stay in

There okay it’s an automatic sun roof once you flick it it’ll open up all this glass really no way let me try Flick it bear W no wow look how automatic that was oh my gosh so impressive wow Waddles that’s so impressive you didn’t have to

Do anything that was so automatic no not a thing so automatic and look you can enjoy the sunshine while you ride around well I love your car Waddles I love the details I love the headlights I love the automatic sunroof so I’m going to give

This one um an eight out of 10 m another eight okay I’ll take that that was a really hard one to do okay I can’t wait to see your one bear you bet Waddles I am going to show you my one you did fantastic Waddles but I think I did

Better oh my gosh look at the size of that thing I think you got more room in your car than I do bear maybe just a little bit Waddles so let me give you the tour here it is the be mobile the Bear mobile well I know that bear cuz

It’s orange it’s the same color as you wo cool you got the lights you got the grill on the front yeah and guess what did you notice I’ve got your favorite color as Racing Stripes oh nice that makes it go faster right here that’s right wd’s way faster and I also forgot

To make an entrance oh sweet you got automatic windows too yeah automatic windows just like you have Waddles oh my gosh no way mhm that’s right we’ve got TVs in headrests do check it out walls don’t stand on the guests they’re the passengers in this car y this is so cool

Bear they’re just chilling out and watching TV there’s also a pizza party Yep this is pizza I mean you always have to have pizza when we’re on road trips right oh I’m so glad you remembered bear I love pizza while we’re driving you got a real steering wheel and a horn yep steering

Wheel with a horn and what does that say oh look # built by bear yeah that’s my signature that’s my build bear this is so cool good thing you put that down because it proves you built this I know right and check it out Waddles I got one

More thing I want to show you on the outside wait this gets better oh my gosh okay I have to see this all right come around to the back you’re going to love this check out my epic exhaust pipe wao that is crazy big does it spit Flames

Yeah when you rev the car up it spits Flames out the back the bar mobile is pretty epic that is insane bear okay cool and you got so much trunk space too you can go on holidays with this stuff that’s right Waddles so waddles what are

You going to score me for this car I wish I could score it lower than a 10 but this is awesome it’s your best one yet it’s a 10 out of 10 for me bear yes 10 out of 10 Again perfect score thanks Waddles looks like I win another build

Challenge Waddles you got to get better at this no I know bear but you’re just so good at these ones I don’t know how you do this much in the time well I know do you want to know a secret it’s because I cheated again oh you cheated

Not again I used commands to build all of my builds how did you cheat Waddles you didn’t even notice which means by default I am the winner still oh you tricked me that’s totally not fair bear oh well wles you got to get good if you want to win a darn it

This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a Build Challenge (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Bear on 2024-02-28 17:46:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today, Bear and Waddles compete in a build competition… But, Bear is secretly cheating with hacks and commands! Will Waddles …

  • Sneaky Disney Date in Minecraft!

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  • Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness

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  • Surviving with Iron: Minecraft Series

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  • Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown

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  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

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  • Insane Minecraft Data Hack Revealed! #MinecraftMadness

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  • Unbelievable Mystical Gems – LIVE Minecraft Hypixel Q&A!

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  • SHOCKING 2K CELEBRATION: Banana Paints Minecraft Figurines HANDCAM

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  • Minecraft’s Insane New Weapon Revealed by Mastergaming21!

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  • EPIC Precioso Melhore Hitsync in Minecraft PVP!

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  • Cherry Block SMP 1.20.6 Crossplay

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bros got that Minecraft Arnold build… flexin’

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  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

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  • Sweetberry Farm in Minecraft

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  • Unveiling the Secret Features of Minecraft: China Edition with Fundy!

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  • Krewso Cinema SMP: Orcean Update – Full Stream

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  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Challenge! EPISODE 1 🔥

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  • Minecraft Pro Builds EPIC City in 1 Year!

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  • EPIC PUBG Gameplay + Minecraft Dragon SMP Live 🔥

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  • Insane Roblox stream series! Road to 1K Hive in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Multiplayer with Myamara! #13

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  • DazzerPlays GRINDS Ironman Profile F7 + Giveaway?!

    DazzerPlays GRINDS Ironman Profile F7 + Giveaway?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding Dungeons (F7) then Ironman Profile GRIND (Giveaway???) Hypixel Skyblock!’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:45. It has garnered 757 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:37 or 6217 seconds. DONATE ($1 tts) ➡️ (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – swerve – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • JUICY Hashira Training?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer ep. 12

    JUICY Hashira Training?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer ep. 12Video Information This video, titled ‘OUR HASHIRA TRAINING ARC!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#12] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-05-30 16:00:37. It has garnered 50952 views and 3199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:36 or 1596 seconds. Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome back to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • ambush

    ambushthis is a server with no plugins or mods or texture i don’t know what else to put here the server it’s normal minecraft ok what else do you want me to put here Read More

  • The Lodge: Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Fabric CurseForge

    Looking for active and mature players to join a new long-term Java server The Lodge is a semi-vanilla server with mods such as player shops, claims and grieving protection, more biomes, graves, and more structures. Features include: Player shops 💰 Claims and grieving protection 🏳 More biomes 🪷 Graves 🪦 More structures 🏘 Routine events: Ender dragon fight 🐲 Halloween specials 🎃 Tournaments 🏁 And more Join us: Comment or DM for details on how to join and for additional information on the server. Discord is required. Read More

  • Cryptic MC

    Cryptic MCCryptic MC is a new Upcoming Minecraft Network containing Bedwars, lifesteal with Skyblock coming soon more info can be found within our website or in our discord if you have any questions or need support contact use on discord or via the tickets on our website if you have ideas/features you wish to have added to the server(s) in the future post them on the forums Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Savage Reality Check: Not CNN 10

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Savage Reality Check: Not CNN 10Looks like Steveee needs to work on his journalism skills if he can’t even make it on CNN 10! Read More

  • Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming

    Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming In Minecraft, a fish tank I did make, One block challenge, for goodness sake. Building houses, crafting with care, In this blocky world, nothing can compare. Gaming in Hindi, with Devil369, Every move, every twist, every turn. From the start to the end of the video, The S K R, with gameplay aglow. Like, share, and subscribe, don’t forget, On Instagram, Facebook, and Moj, we’re set. For business inquiries, email away, Devil369 Gaming, here to play. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft world, let your creativity shine. With every update, every new day, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling 😂🔥 #viral

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling 😂🔥 #viral Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! 🤣 #MinecraftHumor Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with ONE BAMBOO

    Surviving 100 Days with ONE BAMBOO Minecraft Hardcore Survival Challenge: 100 Days on Survival Island In this intense survival challenge, a brave Minecraft player is embarking on a journey to spend 100 days on a Survival Island in Minecraft Hardcore mode. The stakes are high, the dangers are real, and only the most skilled players can hope to survive this ultimate test of survival skills. Seed ID and Shader Seed ID: -4697254411347427324 Shader: Complementary Shader World Download Link For those who want to experience the same challenge, the world download link is available here. Dive into the world and see if you have what it… Read More

  • Bedrock vs Java: The Ultimate Showdown

    Bedrock vs Java: The Ultimate Showdown Exploring the World of Minecraft: Bedrock vs. Java Edition When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players often find themselves debating between Bedrock and Java Edition. In a recent video by Oakleypaws, the content creator delves into the reasons why they chose Bedrock over Java and why they have no plans of switching. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key points discussed in the video. Benefits of Bedrock Edition One of the main reasons Oakleypaws prefers Bedrock Edition is its accessibility across multiple platforms. Unlike Java Edition, Bedrock allows players to enjoy the game on… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Mods – Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Mods - Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!Video Information This video, titled ‘BETTER MINECRAFT – Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!🌻 (1.20.1 Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hollyology on 2024-05-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 230 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:21 or 3141 seconds. Welcome back to the 10th episode of Better Minecraft! Thanks to everyone who watched, liked, subscribed or commented last episode, I appreciate all of you ♥ Go check out Joffy’s perspective here!: Hope you enjoy! ♥ Read More

  • Stunning 4K Minecraft Cimatic Edit

    Stunning 4K Minecraft Cimatic EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k cimatic so beautiful 😍 Minecraft edit #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-24 11:57:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. games #minecraftshorts #gaming #viral #madapgaming @TechnoGamerzOfficial @DeadZilla @dream @MrBeast … Read More

  • “¡Última oportunidad de ser impostor en Among Us y Minecraft!” 🚪👾 #impostor

    "¡Última oportunidad de ser impostor en Among Us y Minecraft!" 🚪👾 #impostorVideo Information This video, titled ‘última oportunidad para salir en el pasillo de suscriptores #amongus #minecraft #impostor’, was uploaded by impostorsus on 2024-03-28 20:58:16. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!

    Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survivalcraft Gameplay – 250 Days on Cruel’, was uploaded by BAS17 on 2024-05-28 10:22:03. It has garnered 101 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. Hi I am BAS17 and welcome to my channel, where we explore the exciting worlds of Survival Craft and Minecraft! Join me on epic adventures, survival challenges, and creative builds as we dive into these blocky universes. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to never miss an episode!” This video is just about me making different furnitures at 250 days on… Read More