Become an Evil Wizard in Minecraft!

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More the guild of Nova Nimbus is a center of this magic but a disappearance of their car honks Aram it falls into shade the world is changing as the tide of magical energy shifts as we know it welcome to fairy tale origins Thanks take that little what you think he is

Oh hey hey oh eggplants Oh aren’t you throwing it eggplants on me no I just harvested him I haven’t seen you in a while I thought an eggplant was a good like way to say hi I mean yeah I guess so it’s good for the skin right

You know the skin that you may be awkward thank you so much for that so strong and powerful yeah yeah yeah that’s me so by the way you speaking a strong powerful look I did something follow me coming I want you to the portal over here and then right in here what Wow

Nice portable Jimmy oh oh well you know your mom hang on the portal that’s not how this works mom yeah mom I know you want to be free but you you can’t you can’t be just going into the portal like this has no no what kicked you out mom

It’s what’s the mom doing it is how sure she’s okay ish ah you put some moisturizer on her face you know she’d be fine oh yeah it’s what or if she has skin who brought my mom here though I mean okay so thanks for the kick out kick out kick out do you

Know anyone that kick kick kick you out or kick something with kick out no anyone mmm Shiloh temporarily kicked us out of our house it’s a death scythe oh yeah he’s really yeah he’s he’s don’t mess with him don’t don’t mess with him he’s uh he’s

He’s a trooper you know he’s uh how can I say this okay my wording ray okay I got something to say all right so uh you know how like before I was kinda like uh like a you know slimy kind of yeah yeah yeah you were sliding okay well yeah so

Pretty much back then wasn’t the nicest let’s say what do you mean by nice light like you know good so you’re the opposite of good which means you’re evil that’s harsh words to say come on man I mean you have an evil lair under under the waterfall over there that’s a soul

Okay you know what yeah maybe just dad was this supposed to be some big moment okay okay me maybe you know I was gonna wait for you and Richie to be together but yeah fine I’m evil okay okay you can take me I give or I’ll just take

All my stuff all right okay can you wait wait wait wait wait what I’m not kicking you out I don’t care what you why would I care oh okay so but I do want to know why why did is i lo go into the realm kill kill mom and bring her here

You know what he must have known that I was here and you were living with me so he’s probably like oh I’m gonna get that guy back you know he kicked me out of my realm so around again realm I mean you basically turned him into a unicorn he

Did that himself well he wanted to show you right here but now now I’m just kind of mad disrespected my mother mm-hmm know what he can do with that anger no no maybe that hit my head now uh you kind of I agree about him right yeah maybe wanna I don’t know okay

Kill him no just just wondering you want to kill Xylo why would yes I do okay whoa I may have a night you know I think I’m down he disrespected my mother took her from her home where she was peacefully sleeping brought her here you

Know what else he did so we wanted to the end right and we killed the end dragon there mm-hmm and then he took the egg after I did all the work Wow you know what he’s really good with you back in the day I used to have a dragon right who I loved

And cherish the dragon I forgot what it was called oh but uh yeah he pretty much killed my dragon you see Hilda so all he does is just kill people’s dragons all he does is he kills he kills many dragons man yeah many I’ve never personally killed the dragon

Like I would never kill his ILO’s dragon if he ever had it a dragon because I’m um you know hmm I’m evil but I would never kill it okay dragons are sacred exactly you only kill them if they’re harming other people my mom was just sleeping that’s all she was

Doing nothing in Dragon yeah yeah he was kind of a troublemaker so we had to kill him to get back but then he took the egg like he did all the work Oh well you know what we’re gonna have to do gonna have to make them pay now why

Are about you but why are you familiar with what the evil arts know I have a sword I have a stone and I have a staff oh I don’t know nothing evil I’m coming in okay I can do that watch this what your and I’ll go get

Some nice wool that’s about my evil capabilities and my magical capabilities whoa whoa really well you’re gonna kill him Walt I don’t know maybe like a fly normally okay you know I got some stuff to show you that it’s it’s kind of prototype why I don’t know is that are

Off you’re into it this well this is a destruction staff you know I’m kind of kind of blow up things wait like a blow like are you see yeah okay stand here I’m just I’m gonna head over here oh god oh oh okay a little bit too far a little

Bit too far oh how I look I look so pretty what you can fly I told you this you didn’t listen to me oh yeah you know weird laughing I gave me this yes yes cool the strange Dorf guy all right well i said i’ll Mazama

Just show you this all right so we got the destruction one so you Scott charge it up [ __ ] whoa okay you know what that didn’t really make that baby go to four blocks you know it’s okay cuz I got one page 300 yeah now that’s just stage

Three there’s still stage four but it’s kind of all run on blood so I don’t know about you but lately it’s been like blood magic I mean well yeah I always got blood Oh what the heck what is that your blood I mean it’s other people’s

Blood oh oh but listen all right it’s kind of it’s kind of cool it smells like jelly Oh what way do I have to use needles to be evil yeah needles you do I mean needles no white silo disrespecting my mother I’ll take some needles if I need to okay I

Mean needles aren’t the worst you could also like spikes you spikes I feel like that’s more painful yeah that’s fine but uh so yeah we got this and then we also got the mace of distortion Chum don’t wait up I think I could test it on

You I don’t know if it’ll actually kill you ah you know I’m gonna test that I guess it’s just the evil capabilities I don’t think it’ll do anything Wow see that’s just loving one I’m fine what was I supposed to do just hit me ah

You know that feel hit me in the back you never hit a guy in the back affects me a thing oh really I’m good I’m good now hey let me read from my evil book book yeah oh I just thought of something you know that guy Mario Luigi dude shirt shirt um well

He in his idiot in his house yeah it’s like coffin thingy and he said nobody can open the coffin or some strong evil magic gets out right so what if he got the coffin and we put it in silos base whoa I like I like what you’re thinking

Okay okay well yeah no yeah I don’t know what I’m doing yet I mean let me show you I got stronger if we cuz there’s ILO’s there he’ll kill us both well you kill me okay I mean I I can show you right now if you

Want to yeah I want it I want to make the destruction and the beam thingy all right well uh first things first follow me now here’s what you get it yeah I think you’re gonna have to kill a spirit I know it sounds weird out I this perfect

This you’re gonna want to take the Vengeance ring I mean I don’t want to take that all right all this now you don’t do anything with the Vengeance ring but kill that skeleton do I have to kill it with this thingy that she gave me or with the sword not now just kill

It with anything okay but stand back on it I have magic let me kill it alright I see that spirit yeah use your spirit thing and right-click it or not right-click on it but like hold it killing the spirit and you’re killing it you killing it and boom see what we

Drafted saw that that it’s one of the key ingredients to this other than you know all the blood drop in your blood on my face it’s it’s it’s organic that can’t be sanitary it’s fine I don’t know I was what the essence what do i what’s this

Okay follow me I’m gonna show you it’s very important you know I was actually thinking about turning the waterfall into the blood oh I mean I’m down oh okay so is it’s your blood not mine what do you put this here bread Oh buddy what

Are you doing are you okay who put you in here did you put him here no I didn’t put him there I don’t even know he had a name I don’t even know you even had a stuffed teddy bear this is Fred he’s a god it’s okay buddy wait he’s a god yeah

From I’m like your world from everywhere oh well uh I’m sorry God uh he’s names Fred not God the Fred I’m sorry okay you know what here you you want it you won’t learn right no we gotta figure I hope put him here let’s know what it was silo want to

Know why things I love put him here I know exactly I mean Fred I used to have this melon up but now it’s facing down yeah his eyelid did that and he also must have did did the tread thing I would eat that’s no he crossed the line now first

He kills your mom then he takes Fred I’m not so medicine that’s it nobody touches Fred yeah also diamond blood he’s dead this thing this thing I basically a blood thing yeah you know I’ll teach you it later this is more advanced stuff but what you wanna learn the base six yeah

Yeah yeah alright so pretty much you see this thing yeah an infuser so what we’re gonna do is that we’re gonna take these tanks let’s see we need more blood tanks okay here we go go so we take these tanks full of blood and we put them into the infuser and if you

Click on them or if you click on I’m right just right they’re gonna flow into the infuser so basically this thing can hold 600 600 40,000 Miller Bloods like I think that’s Miller buckets you know what Miller bucket you know it’s okay mr. science guy G well I’m

Just saying like my usually stands for Miller buck it’s not middle of Bloods okay and what I was supposed evil didn’t say I was smart all right so pretty much which one you want to make first you want to make the miso destruction first I don’t I don’t care

Let’s do destruction fracture alright destruction now the mace of destruction is a pretty easy one so we need to Garmin buzzer I’m not gonna go about who what it’s um I’m not gonna pronounce its Garmin boza or moment yeah so anyways oh my cheese come on iets it’s all in here see oh

So anyways you’re gonna want to take that vengeance the eggplant uh no you go oh sure thank you right here so this look see you have an orange smoothie yeah that oh yeah it’s kind of like my thing I I makes movies that was good yeah okay so what am i doing this

Vengeance okay so here’s what you’re gonna wanna do you can want to take these like so what disease that’s crushed our gem so you’re gonna want to put the vengeance uh essence in the middle like that and then the crushed dark gem all around it hey like that exactly

So and then let’s materialize now so you go more grab it and you’re gonna want to shove it into the blood and fuser mr. basil using whatever blood yeah it’s just pouring blood all over the place I’m good it’s sanitary all right it’s gonna be fine

You hear that Fred we’re gonna play with our blood exactly just I have to tell him what we’re doin so he doesn’t get mad all right well here grab some dark sticks thought that was an eggplant yep it is it is so yeah grab some of those

Okey alright there you go now you can even see those and perfect and I got one arm on both of ba-ba-ba-ba Oh payments are oh that’s nice so now what we’re gonna want to do that we’re gonna need to kill another spirit and now let’s see another one cuz we need to any

Other spirits around here piston oh nice nice don’t like can we kill a piggy yep you can kill pigs let’s see we gotta find a pig then I mean you can fly I can’t so I’m a fine Tom Pig some papers as long as I have the ring

In your inventory you’re all good ah you know pigs are harder to find that I thought they’d be ah say be chicken with a baby chicken work baby what chicken would work okay let’s I got an idea just kill it and then just make sure you do what I taught

You so just like that that’s gonna work right there I’m always it Oh Oh God okay maybe kill it hey work so you see Lana up to zap it come back here now there’s a there’s also another thing that you can do with the spirits you can actually trap the

Spirits into chests and save the spirits earlier you could actually cook the spirits I got it that’s it oh I mean no I need that there we go I got it all right now you get them off all me you know baby chickens are a great way to get spirits yeah yeah

I guess so that’s actually really smart okay I’m kind of glad you evil partner well now we could be evil partners it’s just just craft the the other thing thing that you just didn’t throw it in there oh yeah I remember to do this watch this boom hey boom I did it

Mm-hmm all right now we also need one last thing you have a box – the box is empty oh yeah basically what you can do with this thing is that if you kill a spirit you can actually shove the spirit in there so yeah it could literally be

Anything you want what you know guess we calm down come here I’ll show you how to do it cuz you die you need like a different tool to do it you can’t do it with the ring cuz the ring watch look here Billy what’d ya bring if you scale

Things and just focus whoa oh I got the other one the ghost chicken attacked me and then died all right so let’s see now so now we need as a inverted rib bone sure that’s uh good now you can guess it could work all right so now I’m gonna quickly make

You something so just look at the crafting recipe ideas sphere yep so now we’re gonna take some dark oh darn yes yeah you find them in mining and stuff so boom there we go you got the inverted whatever this thing is called okay alright so now we’re

Getting hmm I don’t know if you’re ready for this but guess I could show you it so now this is the weather machine why is everyone the weather machine you said this was on a big powerful item and it’s a weather machine it’s more complicated than that it’s basically a weather machine but

Kind of okay it power stuff pretty much oh okay it’s pretty cool so we need to fill this up with blood see these like these particles are here they’re they’re there when you put blood tanks in them now luckily for you I have a spot that I

Go to that’s kind of far away so I gotta do this okay I’ll be back hello were you going I’m just I’m just grabbing some blood tanks yeah blood tanks just chilling I got blood tank so I got I got you know i i’ll show you it later

Oh okay we got here alright boom we put blood tanks and their Akeno it’s not the one tank no one dare dare and dare and we need the other two where’s the other two these two full these two okay I need to grab more boxing momsie okay it’s okay you’re gonna be fine

Keep believing me with all this blood you’re gonna be fine what’s this oh don’t don’t don’t touch anything I’m not I’m not don’t touch I would be a touch touching is not my profile you know nothing I swear if you touch stuff now I would never I would

Never touch anything nope not me all right just almost bad people I get my shake is I’m a bad person there on time I mean I’m just misunderstood okay I guess you are no I’m just I’m just misunderstood there’s a difference an iceless let’s head back over here hi

Yeah Did you touch anything no no ID no touching acting you sure nothing okay now I’m not sure if this is gonna work but if I fill blood up in there and then if I put it right there now we needed to thunderstorm is it Thunder stormy right now I doubt it

I’ll see if it’s raining no it is raining oh whoa okay I think it actually is thunderstorm perfect so now hopefully if we have enough blood which we do awesome so now is gonna be the final part on what we need we need to make a

Word at a weather container and I do that you need sugar glass and a dark job ah okay so sure I should dark gym I have a slingshot it’s actually called a slime sling watch this though you have a slime sling boom it sounds pretty cool it is fun all

Right now wear it over all my dark junk oh I had like four stacks of it you lost all your dark Jim ah hold on to me che I’m s I put it in this chest which I highly doubt how much hidden stuff do you have around here

Eyes I’d rather not talk about it I kind of want to talk about it yeah there oh wait even got my dark power gem in here ah hi sweet all right we could actually put her it got her some coffee right here so I’m gonna let you do the honors of

You throwing it in there and watching all the blood and fuse into it I said boom whether for the dinner you’re gonna head up over here we’re going back in the waterfall right yeah yep yep man I can’t learn how to fly okay it’s unfair all right here you know take that

And stick it in the machine piece we need like that dad do it save it if it’s cooking or if it needs more play in there more fancy and I’ll play all the Bloods infuse anyway it’s fine that’s blood there we go thunderstruck perfect so now I drink it

No no no no oh no okay follow me all right just stick it in there right now we’re gonna make some lightning grenades so you got any ender pearls listen it’s okay dining in a pearls all right surround it with that like that or like that like

That whoa can I throw these I mean cool no not at me all right follow me or actually wait we could actually do this inside all right well you’re gonna want to do is throw it onto that ball see Wow so now it’s empowered so now finally

Make the mace that was a lot of stab Josh this better be worth it trust me it is hey you don’t know hey they got you put the ender pearls like that and he put doubt in there no it’s okay you know so you know the two guard garb on the

Bottom are things yeah all right you’re gonna want to core like they’re there and then you don’t want to put two sticks here here the dark the dark sticks that I showed you I add those I’m perfect don’t take it out and shove it into the Machine fill it up with blood

You just put everything in this machine pretty much all right now don’t just throw here love God don’t test it over here you sure that’s no I mean I’m sure don’t test I’m confused do I do it or not no no okay at all scroll was that

Universal well I’m gonna take keep that for me Wow right I got all right so now getting want to take your mace and you’re gonna wanna see you doing doing it right that’s bearing right there is okay just blow just release now actually I’ll take your soul I got it all right

So now if you just you know just you gotta like kind of Bend and get get the right throttle you can actually switch into different power modes so I’ve never actually tried power more for us this is actually Wow yeah that’s the message destruction I’m almost dead mm-hmm I don’t know if you

Wanna do the other one oh it’s getting kind of late there’s no late maybe we could do it some other time okay you okay yeah you like that it’s my back paddle munu hear this that was cool right yeah really cool okay oh my go to sleep I’ll

See you tomorrow I guess I’m just gonna get blood okay goodbye

This video, titled ‘BECOMING AN EVIL WIZARD! | FAIRY TAIL ORIGINS MODDED SMP Season 3 | EP 18 (Minecraft Story)’, was uploaded by PandaFire11 on 2018-04-04 19:00:01. It has garnered 18042 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:21 or 1701 seconds.

BECOMING AN EVIL WIZARD! | FAIRY TAIL ORIGINS MODDED SMP Season 3 | EP 18 (Minecraft Story) 🔥 Dreamers Store (Dreamers Official Clothing Line!) – 🔥 🔥Dream Team Store (Lukos Hill, Wildthorne and More Merch!) – 🔥 ▶ Previous Episode: (Link will take you to the last video I uploaded!) ▶Next Episode: 🔥 Can we SMASH 200 LIKES?!🔥

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    Ultimate Bedwar's Tournament on Infinity SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY’, was uploaded by Infinity Smp on 2024-05-23 02:08:44. It has garnered 66 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:55 or 4975 seconds. Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY Discord: 🎮🚀 #MinecraftMonday #GamerFleet #LiveGaming #livestream 🌟 Immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft journey with GamerFleet! 🎮⛏️ Join our vibrant community of gamers as we embark on epic… Read More

  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

    Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can't be a Dad! 😱🙈Video Information This video, titled ‘Mai kabhi BAP nahi ban sakta 🤣😭 #comedi #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by SSD Bhai 99 on 2024-03-24 06:42:26. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft aayush poppy playtime chapter 4 animals movie camera toilet granny gulli bulli herobrine iron man ishq bhi toilet nagin videos one more time shorts superheroes minecraft ye jism. hai toh kya 390 duke aalu mota bhalu aayush poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!

    INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but all blocks around me BREAK!’, was uploaded by Spl1ce on 2023-12-29 19:55:22. It has garnered 7805 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #speedrun MINECRAFT but i DESTROY CLOCKS MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN CHALLENGE MINECRAFT but I destroy the blocks around me! ⭐ALL MY SOCIALS!!!⭐ Kick: Twitter:​ TikTok:​ Discord:​ Twitch:​ ⭐PC SPECS⭐ Keyboard: Mouse: Headphones: Webcam: Microphone: Microphone arm: Mixer: Monitor: Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • DazzerPLays – VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?

    DazzerPLays - VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & GETTING BONES 4 DAYS!!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:54. It has garnered 1056 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:25 or 7825 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – swerve – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!

    Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival video in minecraft @Tecno72 @minecraft’, was uploaded by Tecno on 2024-01-13 01:32:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like … Read More

  • ObsidianMC

    ObsidianMCObsidianMC is an emerging Minecraft Network that provides a delightful experience for its vibrant community. Join us to explore our incredible gamemodes! Gamemodes: – Practice – Prison – Parkour – Bedwars & many more… WHAT KIND OF Read More

  • Safe Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6

    Join Safe Survival Server! Server IP: Discord: Come join our SMP server with land claims, KeepInventory, sethome, and /tpa commands. Explore spawn with random teleports, shops, and more! Join our community and chat on Discord about builds, server updates, and more. See you there! Read More

  • Spirits-Network | JAVA & BEDROCK

    Spirit Network is a Java and Bedrock Compatible server focused on Fun and layed back Minecraft play. We have a HUB that will let you choose the Minecraft experience you want! So Join Today !! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Icy path chillin’ with Frosty 🥶

    Minecraft Memes - Icy path chillin' with Frosty 🥶Why did the creeper start wearing a scarf? Because it heard winter was coming and wanted to stay frosty! 🥶 Score of 10, baby! Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • “Spicy Tips for Mob Making” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Spicy Tips for Mob Making" 🔥 #minecraft #meme “Step 1: Give them a cool name like ‘The Fluffy Butt Brigade.’ Step 2: Feed them lots of virtual snacks. Step 3: Watch as they wreak havoc on your virtual world. Congratulations, you’ve successfully made a new mob in Minecraft!” #MinecraftLogic #VirtualChaos Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 6

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 6 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 6 On the sixth day of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, our player found themselves in the midst of a spruce forest, making today’s task quite easy. But the real question is, how long will this streak of luck last? Let’s dive into the adventure! Exploring the Spruce Forest As our player navigates through the dense spruce forest, they come across an abundance of tall trees with lush green foliage. The peaceful ambiance of the forest provides a serene backdrop for their wood-gathering mission. Challenges Ahead While today’s task may have been straightforward, the… Read More

  • 2024’s Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick

    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • “Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis” #moddedminecraft

    "Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis" #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Catch An Ignis #moddedminecraft #minecraft #vtuber #malevtuber’, was uploaded by Mushin Aigen on 2024-05-06 23:23:46. It has garnered 427 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I use Ars Nouveau’s magic to capture and cage a boss enemy for later farming. Original Broadcast Details Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 14, 2024 Platform: Twitch Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher Part 2 (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 21, 2024 Platform: Twitch Read More

  • Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!

    Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #9: Redwood Ashlands’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-02-24 10:00:26. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:04 or 3784 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded minecraft, modded… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblock

    Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mining Challenge + BIG Giveaway | Hypixel Skyblock #minecraft #shorts #hypixel #hypixelskyblock’, was uploaded by 60Block on 2024-03-06 17:56:41. It has garnered 423 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokémon vs Minecraft! #Cobblemon

    EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokémon vs Minecraft! #CobblemonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pokémon Vs Minecraft #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:08. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the future…. Read More

  • Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life 😱🙌 #aphmau

    Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life 😱🙌 #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚽🤣When REAL LIFE MIRRORS Aphmau’s Minecraft (Watch the Rebound!) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccermemes’, was uploaded by Miss Moon on 2024-04-06 12:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When Aphmau’s Minecraft Mayhem … HAPPENS FOR REAL! (2 Down@End) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccershorts In these … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire’s Bride

    SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Accusations – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-02-18 23:00:26. It has garnered 8231 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:37 or 1117 seconds. It’s daring to make accusations with no proof… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: Check out Merch! – Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – Damien… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum Squad

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum SquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 🪼Neues Projekt🪼Anime Music Abend🪽Arcanum Squad #minecraft #hardcore #live #tinix’, was uploaded by Tinix on 2024-02-25 01:09:19. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:52 or 13372 seconds. Welcome to my hardcore project! Immerse yourself in a world full of possibilities and adventures in 1.20. ↓↓️ More information ↓↓ ️ ···················································································· Spotify Cherry SMP PLAYLIST ···················································································· SOCIALS Discord: Instagram: CHANNEL: @TinixTV @tinixVOD @techtinix ···················································································· SHADER Complementary Reimagined: TEXTURES ····················································································· PARTNER Arcanum Squad: PixelGHG OmegaCat TacoEnte LordMeloneHD @LordMeloneHD ····················································································… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!

    Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-09 08:10:00. It has garnered 435 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA Axom

    Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA AxomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sweet 😋 #2danimation #animation #comedy #spongebob #minecraft #jokes’, was uploaded by ASA Axom on 2024-01-11 08:59:44. It has garnered 9652 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More

  • OVClub – 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews

    OVClub - 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews🎮 OVClub Minecraft Server 🎮Rediscover the essence of Minecraft at OVClub ! Immerse yourself in a pure vanilla gameplay experience with a few knacks. Join a tight-knit community of players who appreciate classic Minecraft in its truest form.🏰 Thriving Economy: Engage in a player-run economy where you can trade resources, shape the marketplace, and witness the dynamic interactions of our community — Currency is Sponge 🧽.🛍️ Player Shops: Create your own shop in our server shopping mall and showcase your products. Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine as you attract customers from across the server. 🌟 Unique Monthly Events: Experience exclusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Groundbreaking interior design”

    Minecraft Memes - "Groundbreaking interior design"“Who needs a fancy designer floor when you can just mine some dirt and call it a day? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More