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Wizard here back for a brand new minecraft video hey guys what’s going on yep i am now back as back bro wizard because literally rodney bessie the wolf pack and every single one of you guys wanted me to become a wizard again in minecraft literally guys i’m not joking

Everybody wanted me to check out the magical wizard spells part of the mod that i checked out a few days back so if you guys do have any other suggestions or want me to go over this mod even more cause literally it is very very huge his electro blobs wizardry mod has literally

So many different things to check out if you do want to see more definitely leave a like on today’s video subscribe and then tap the bell turn notifications and last but not least comment any mod you want to see down below in the comment section hey rodney you got any cookies

For me today uh no no no we have it looks like a cookie inside of some sort of pumpkin soup maybe one day rodney maybe one day you’ll actually have cookies that’s literally all i have them around for is just to literally feed me flipping cookies but anyway ladies and gentlemen if you

Did miss out on my first video i showed you guys kind of how to get started in this mod who the flip is that behind me hey man hi uh yeah i’m just trying to tell them about my wizard skills and stuff like that no okay and three wolf

Smoke bomb all right there we go can’t even see me that’s right correct bro but anyway as i was saying uh yeah i kind of just sort of went over the dude seriously i just smoked bomb your butt no no no no no no no let’s just let’s

Talk it over in the hot tub man i hear you stay there rodney you just keep company but anyway as i’m trying to say if you missed out on the first video go check it out because uh yeah today i’m gonna be hopping right into it i’ve

Already been through wizard school so i know basically everything in this entire mod so yeah should probably what the i just share some more them bro are you staying there let me just yep do a little 360 action all right let’s grab ourselves the rest of my awesome magical

Armor right here so this should be as good as diamond and let’s grab my first magic spell wand of the day so i have literally all of the master abilities so i think i just right click down and then huh rodney what just happened man i don’t know where the cow just went

Okay that was actually okay so this one is called thunderstorm so i really don’t know what they do unless i have either uh a different script or something that tells me or i just test it out so let’s try that again oh my gosh man that is awesome it takes a

Little bit to recharge up so i do want to just kind of like get rid of these guys bro seriously ready ready watch it thunderstorm oh my gosh man this thing is so overpowered and rodney i’m really sorry that you’re burning to death all right you just

Should you should watch out for that but dang guys i mean it didn’t do a lot of damage but it looks so cool now i do probably have to be a little bit careful so let’s just head over to uh mr sheep over here and let’s test it out i want

To do it third person just to see how crazy it looks so here we go three two one thunder storm oh my gosh man i may have just electrocuted the sheep so yeah that thing is pretty dang powerful now since i’m sort of running out of

Mobs to test this out on let’s grab some more so in here i have let’s see bessie wants me to take down some wizards some bandits a couple other guys so let’s try and take down five bad wizards and just see how easy it is so i’m hoping that i

Can uh test out some of the other stuff there we go how about it it’s okay now i’m a fellow wizard we were at wizardry’s school together no we weren’t bam whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that what’s that kind of stings what is that bro is that thor’s hammer you always say

Hold on timeout time out can we just get a timeout in the chat all right let’s see what’s the can i pick this thing up what uh it’s electro shooting rodney what the heck is going on wait can i spawn that in uh stop teleport may stick wizard all

Right take that what was that oh my gosh so literally someone’s in like thor’s hammer out of the sky and then it just electrocutes anything around it so i’m gonna die what is that plague of darkness no no no bro i really i’m not sure what plague of

Darkness does uh i think i actually need to put it back in here to get like some sort of description so let’s put it back in the workbench now let’s see plague of darkness there there is no description of what this flipping does but i mean there is a pretty cool looking uh

Interface with my magic wand doesn’t really help me at all so let’s try maybe if i go over here and use a plank of darkness on this uh really ugly looking wizard oh here we go what’s up bro leg of darkness all right i did nothing about this what the forest’s curse

What the heck i don’t know what after stuff does but that looks so cool let’s see let’s try it again discovered spell forest curse all the way let’s try it again through to a boom all right so it definitely damages him i feel like i should be in a forest when

I’m doing this though all right man take lightning no no way he’s doing lifesteal he’s doing lifesteal oh my gosh so if i can hit the lightning hammer like dead on it does so much damage hold on you stay right there mr fake best sheep all right let’s see does that work oh

He just got literally knocked out now it looks like i can actually like they last for a while so i could spawn in multiple of these dudes and ronnie just keeps getting his butt zapped so let’s try out uh our next spell so we have okay i have

No idea what it does let’s just phone into wizard all right we have an earth wizard let’s try it out flights i’m saying flights full whoa dude okay so i can use this for i don’t know how long but i’m really just flying around by flipping minecraft

Well dude and these wings look really really cool now i don’t know how to help me right now i guess they helped me get away from that but we still do have one more spell so let’s hop in here let’s throw a smoke bomb at him oh there we go

He’s nobody was coming and boom black hole whoa okay he’s someone in what the heck do we have black hole inside can i use that with thunderstorm what the oh that’s my wolf back oh that that was it uh god okay well that yep this is happening

This isn’t good and rodney has now okay all right um well with uh being a wizard mastered and all you kind of have to be a little bit careful at least rodney’s indestructible by black holes but dude i think was it safe i think that actually

Might be my best spell now i kind of want to use them all together so if i use okay rodney watch out we’ll use that we’ll use black hole no no okay i didn’t do that right a black hole right there we’ll do a thunderstorm we’ll do

Lightning hammer right on top of that oh my gosh we’re going here plague of darkness and then yeah he just got absolutely destroyed and this is what you get rodney for not getting me flipping cookies all right but anyway let’s move on to i guess we can finish off these two wizards let’s

Try two of them at the same time all right you guys here you fight each other you know the first curse what’s that what’s gonna use the black hole on them we’ll get okay let’s go in there thunderstorm we’ll get lightning hammer all right and then okay they’re using

Okay i think i’m frozen what the heck all right at least i was easily able to take them down what the i have frostbite so i can’t even move oh and oh yeah sorry about that rodney so i think i am done with this one let’s just

Okay yep the flag of darkness is so cool but yeah this one’s actually almost out of mana so yeah i should probably swap over to the next magic wand we’ll save this one for later but i have no idea what the spells are on these ones i kind of sort

Of just let bessie set it up so you have to take down five more wizards and then five bandits all right no problem because you know i went to wizard school and i’m really good at this game so spawning all five bad boys what’s up everybody how’s it

Going let’s try that meteor oh okay that worked out pretty well except guys this isn’t good i have i have a lot of bad stuff happening to me and um i kind of sort of lost my magic wand hey which one do you guys stole my magic

Wand yup get your fat butt over here let’s go let’s go john old man no no stop stop doing the spell steal no smoke up all right there we go there we go stop some tricks on my sleeve all right give me my magic wand back bro i see it

In your hand come on come on come on come on dude okay come on please please please please please please he didn’t even have my wand rodney do you have any backup ones okay we only have oh my gosh most of the wizards kind of took each

Other down okay that dude still has 30 health so i think wait a second come on this has to be okay yes i got my magic wand back let’s spawn in the meteor right there dude that thing was amazing except wait okay wait hold on charging

Up timeout bam okay come on come on oh my dude that thing is amazing let’s test out the next one fire whoa bro fire storm someone’s fire straight out of my chest now i’m sure that takes up a lot of mana so i should probably be a little bit careful with that

Easily took down five wizards all right let’s certain five bandits should be ten times easier you guys got guns dude guns are no match for fire oh straight out of my chest dude oh my gosh wait they’re a little bit far let’s try this ice age whoa oh

Who’s that rodney in there hold up hold everything hold on just dodge weaved out when you come on wait a second wait a second i just have to try the ice age on you whoa dude i think it literally oh no no no rodney’s still in there okay so it kind

Of just traps him in there what’s this one do wall of frost oh i can literally just zoom in a wall dude whoa okay what’s up man you can’t even get me hold on hold on one second here let’s just uh let’s go back a few spells let’s

Just just summon the meteor all right good luck with that dude yeah oh wow that really didn’t do a lot rodney’s back too firestorm all right come on well watch yourself yo this goes through blocks i can literally fire it through this all right looks like the ice is starting to

Break down after a little bit but dang dude like these spells are just next level amazing we’re easily able to take down pretty much all those mobs so let’s see what else we have looks like i also picked up another spell i think they’re gonna get a little bit

More difficult so we have dictator steve or dictator dave we have king spider alfa yeti and then the your guests so let’s grab our second wand as well i mean we might as well have this one just in case but let’s see what we’re going up again sorry here we go rodney you

Just you just stay back buddy there we go dictator dave 100 health all right he seems fine yo what’s up man you want to be dude do you see this magic flipping one all right it really does do a lot of damage it does like nine damage or pop

Let’s see what oh no no no wait i got it i got an idea wait a second no dodge wave dodge wave no ice age oh all right let’s see let’s get let’s just make a wall of ice around this dude all right there we go oh my gosh

All right here you go buddy yep just get trapped in the ice yep just uh just don’t even worry about it it’s okay all right there we go he’s trapped in there and i guess we could test out our next thing what is this hail storm whoa okay that looks super cool except

It’s not going to do anything because yeah he’s uh he’s stuck in the ice all right come here buddy whoa whoa whoa where the heck did he okay i think he’s right here let’s just let’s let’s bust him out oh what’s up dude where’s there was a haircut hailstorm hail hailstorm

What the he’s not even okay look look he’s getting hit a little bit stop it okay really is not doing a lot let’s try this one diamond flesh we’re saying oh i have diamond flesh so i don’t think i could die now let’s hop in someone in a meteor

Let’s do firestorm i think firestorm might be my favorite let’s get him okay dude all right all right wall across stop it bro seriously wait a second i say hailstorm diamond flash what’s that meteor let’s do fire okay okay okay there we go i may have accidentally frozen myself as well

But i think yeah guys i just did so much damage well i open largest lesson because that was the easiest thing in my entire life let’s spawn in the king spider what’s up mr king let’s try firestorm more firestorm boom just get roasted just get out of here you stink a druid i

May be having a little bit too much fun with this but honestly guys i love this mod i actually can’t wait to do a part three i want to go around and try and find a bunch of wizard towers in part three and try and find like a bunch of

Spells as well but let’s see okay we still have one more want to get through so let’s test it out on the alpha yeti all right hold on hold on hold on timeout just let me get a little bit far away let’s see what’s this one

Shockwave hold on wait i think i have to be close to this one all right you stay right there all right let’s try shockwave all right i did two damage all right just just wait a second let’s try this one otherwise this arrow rain okay oh that actually whoa

Okay if all these arrows hit this dude that could have did a lot oh he’s crying oh poor guy i’m really sorry about that dude let’s try i say hailstorm i think i already i may have put hailstorm on twice wait let’s see does it damage him

Probably not because he’s a he’s a giant ice yeti what about this next one let’s see lightning web whoa whoa whoa dude okay oh my gosh i’m taking a lot of damage right here dude that was awesome see let’s get the next one font of mana so okay

I don’t know what this does wait a second dude oh my armor just got wrecked so i’m not sure if font of man i’m sure probably like gives me some mana back is my best guess but we do have another move let’s see earthquake oh my goodness that looks so cool let’s

Try it again it literally picks up all the blocks let’s do it bro that is awesome let’s get back to let’s do a shock wave no it didn’t really work let’s try error rain come on oh that is easily going to take him down arrow rain

Is just so so good no whoa get that ice thing out of here yep your neck out there oh lady webb get out of here no don’t kill me don’t don’t me somehow i don’t even know i don’t know how i just flip that and somehow i

Just killed him too all right well i guess i’ll take it so we used up all three of the ones uh and i don’t really know what my favorite was comment your favorite spell down below i think mine had to be either earthquake i really think the black hole was like super good

As well so he’s saying let’s get black hole out let’s get um let’s see diamond flesh is good but let’s have the meteor ready and then let’s do huh earthquake was cool but i think arrow rain i think if i use these three together i could do a ton of damage to

The last boss which is the year gas now my armor is kind of destroyed so uh rodney i’m gonna need some of those weird cookie pumpkin things in just a second let’s test it out boom all right let’s see we need the black hole suck

Them in all right there we go spawn in the meteor this one an air rain all right let’s try and get thunderstorm let’s do lightning hammer come on all right plague of darkness do forest curse all right uh what else what else i got on my sleeves let’s do firestorm all

Right we’re doing a decent bit of damage ice age all right he didn’t get affected we can make a wall of frost we’ll do a hail storm on him diamond flesh so i don’t die i guess we’ll just throw in another meteor some more fire dude it’s insane more

Rain hail storm lightning web come on come on come on no wait the black hole ran out the black hole flipping ran out okay come on come on come on no no no no no no no no come on black hole please pull him in i need him to get pulled in man

Okay let’s see can i get lightning hammer right there all right that’s doing a little bit i can’t tell if the black hole is working though maybe if i go in here what if i use forest curse all right still don’t think that did really anything so we might as well just

Fly away all right maybe oh wait i’m running out of mana i’m running the heck out of mana i what if i use the black hole right there oh this thing’s out of mana okay that’s not good let’s try fire is not going to work ice age

The wall of frost isn’t doing anything either guys dagger man come on hailstorm has to do something diamond flesh i know for a fact works but i don’t know about anything else all right meteor did a little bit but the fire man the fire can’t affect

Him i don’t know if it’s just like i’m not too close so what the heck is going on but i think my last chance is maybe lightning webb now what about earthquake now without them shockwave no air rain come on come on please air rain has to work air rain has to do

Something what the where did all these jews come from oh my gosh we’re doing so good our air rain is definitely good enough but i should really get lightning web i feel like this does a lot alright second let’s go up here come on come on this does what

Two damage will pop come on man come on it’s definitely locked on wait a second i have a lot of stuff earthquake earthquake come on man okay please tell me that worked i don’t have no idea honestly oh my gosh dude come on come on i’m getting back all my armor’s just destroyed

We’re so close please go um i mean we took him down but i kind of sort of got wrecked well guys ah the rain’s clearing up i took down each and every boss you know with some crazy minecraft wizard powers i really hope you guys did enjoy honestly this mod is

Just super cool and it keeps getting better and better every time i check it out so guys if you do want to see more of electro blobs wizardry mod in minecraft definitely leave a like and comment what your favorite spell was down below but anyway dudes that’s

Pretty much it i have a lot of dudes better surround me and i will see you guys all next time peace out dudes

This video, titled ‘BECOMING A MINECRAFT WIZARD!’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2018-08-06 18:50:29. It has garnered 148291 views and 3479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:12 or 1092 seconds.

BECOMING A MINECRAFT WIZARD w/BeckBroJack ✅ Enjoyed the video? Drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for 🍪’s ➡

BECOMING A MINECRAFT WIZARD! Today I’ll show you how to become a Minecraft Wizard and use insane Minecraft Wizard spells! These spells can summon extremely powerful Minecraft minions like Ice Giants, Magical Wraiths, Phoenix’s and MORE!!



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    Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We Can Draw Anything!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-04-17 09:00:38. It has garnered 40192 views and 1370 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:13 or 1873 seconds. for sponsorship: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Watching videos PepeSan TV, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute BGM Yummy Flavor: Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft Tagalog, Oneblock, Minecraft but,… Read More

  • Bushi Craft

    Bushi CraftBushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new. Read More

  • AtlasSMP – SMP Vanilla

    Welcome to Atlas SMP Java Server! Are you looking for a new vanilla SMP to join on Java? Atlas SMP has just recently restarted and is looking for new members to join! You can expect a small group of active members that are online everyday. In Atlas SMP you can be yourself, whether it be grinding, making friends or even just building. There is something on atlas for everyone. If this sounds like you, follow the link below to start your application! If your discord friend request is on private, please send me a request on Shyy1707 Click here to… Read More

  • QenCraft Bangladesh

    RULES FOLLOW THE RULES:-Be respectful. This means no mean, rude, or harassing comments. …No inappropriate language. …No spamming. …No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material. …No advertisements. …No offensive names and profile pictures. …Server raiding. …Threats are forbidden and Hacking…[12:24 AM]SERVER RULES1.No Griefing2.No Spamming3.No Advertising4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing5.No Trolling/Flaming6.No Banned Items(Tekkit Rule)7.No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items8.Respect all Players9.Obey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/Hacks12.No Full Caps Messages13.No Builds Near Spawn14.No 1×1 TowersMod/Admin Rules:15.Be Responsible with the privileges you are given as a Builder/Mod16.Do not spawn blocks or items for other players17.When Trading, only buy and sell legit items18.Only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Like, Just Report: Minecraft Bot Jokes

    I guess this little twitter bot is feeling a bit insecure about its meme game! But hey, 1883 is a pretty solid score, so maybe it should just embrace the likes instead of fearing them. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Hacks and Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic builds to intense PvP battles, there’s… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft The Hive with ZACK!! Just like old times’, was uploaded by 🧩Jishy🧩 on 2024-04-02 00:13:27. It has garnered 45 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:46 or 9466 seconds. Powered by Restream If youd like to donate, you can here – Join My Discord Server Here: Go sub to Jamzy 🙂 – Friends – Tokisku – Zack – Undead Legends – Sauce Daddy – Omarow – Simon – Kainimations – Lemon Experience – Aspect – ctrlZ -… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Highest Pit

    Exploring Minecraft's Highest PitVideo Information Farm the tallest pits in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you guys what do you think is the tallest thing on the planet probably these pits look I am somewhere in the sky there is only one sky around me and you can’t see the Earth at all it is somewhere in the distance well we have these giant round pits today very tall lots of different interesting characters look here we have the lady speaker for woman next up an orange rainbow friend kind minion T showing us… Read More

  • 7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft – CRAZY challenge!

    7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft - CRAZY challenge!Video Information anak usia 7 tahun pasti bisa menyelamatkan anak kucing ini dari ketinggian Aku butuh 30 balok lagi untuk menggapai anak kucing ini tap-tap layar kiri atau kanan untuk mengarahkan Oke pastikan kalian tap-tap layar yang benar ya Wow Makasih untuk lima baloknya oke mantap Oke semoga aja cukup berhasil guys anak usia 7 tahun sekarang hebat-hebat ya yang usianya 7 Tahun coba komen ya E sekarang kita turunnya Bagaimana nih This video, titled ‘Anak Kucing di selamatkan oleh anak umur 7 tahun #minecraft #games #leftorrightchallenge’, was uploaded by AbdiBramanJR on 2024-04-20 23:00:32. It has garnered 13295 views and… Read More

  • INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End – Minecraft Hardcore

    INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End - Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information in the last episode we’ve got these totems of undying we also have few more but this episode I was thinking of I actually don’t know we’re just going to play and kind of see what happens cuz I have no idea before I start press the record button of what to do so yeah first we have we still have hero The Village from last episode when we did the raid and go the totems so we should get some trees right here oh my I L should get these trees right here I love flying elro… Read More


    "EPIC SURVIVAL SERVER 🔥 N21 DESTROYS MONSTERS IN FARLIGHT 84" #shorts #minecraftliveVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] और [संगीत] [संगीत] और [संगीत] हम [संगीत] बा आपको रजिस्टर करना पड़ेगा न कर जी आई एस रजिस्टर उसके बाद कुछ भी अपना पासवर्ड रख देना जसे मैं हेलो हेलो सा वेलकम स्म थक य सबिंग हैंग कि हेलो थक यर सब्सक्राइब जो देख रहे हो फटाफट लाइक करके थोड़ा सपोर्ट कर देना जो जो जॉइन होना चाहते हो आईपी कॉपी पेस्ट करके जवाइन हो जाना और डिस्ड का लिंक भी है तुम डिस्ड में भी जवाइन हो सकते हो ये लोग कालू हा क्यों नहीं दो तीन दिन से ठंड के वजह से उना… Read More

  • EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! – Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5

    EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! - Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5Video Information you get the Eris beat down from episode 11 trust me I know I’d get my but I’d still want to run the ones all right well here join the guild I’ll help you get the quest so we can all go this this guy this this guy this guy wants me to join this Quest so badly it’s the scaled so badly it’s crazy yeah so all work together look I’m like a I’m like a I’m like a private contct ctor right you can you can hire you literally get paid being in the guilds and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!

    Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine turned cow into a Girl – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SHXDOW GAMING on 2024-02-10 01:59:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1

    Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1Video Information I’m back I’m back guys [Applause] okay oh chill [Music] chill [Music] what [Music] oh Ready 2 one oh oh oh oh oh chill oh chill oh chill oh chill yes one that’s not don’t [Music] know oh chill oh chill oh Chill by by by by by [Music] oh you are going to die I going to die I going to die I [Music] [Music] wait pause pause I can’t run okay last [Music] one wait wait wait xtag bro chill okay [Music] sh he three two one oh chill okay okay okay okay chill chill oh… Read More

  • APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM – RosePies Minecraft Madness!

    APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM - RosePies Minecraft Madness!Video Information what is this oh no look the have my own Aon need help guys please help me like the video subscribe the channel and I help the ELO and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem no problem F and Aaron okay okay open chest nice very good gun very good guns okay okay Alo and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem guys please like the video like the video okay what what is this oh no she give the tallet okay okay okay nice very good very good guys very good very good congratulations ah congratulations… Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft SMP Community Join our community-based SMP with over 100 members worldwide! We welcome all players to our diverse and inclusive server. Why Join Us? Content creator and technical player friendly Existing server running for almost 4 years Custom Advancements, Shopping District, and more Regular server events, giveaways, and community projects 24/7 server uptime with plugins for security Ready to Play? Visit our website here or join our Discord here. See you in-game! Read More

  • ShlonkMC

    ShlonkMCShlonkMCA player run SMP with elected leaders, who adopt the server rules and manage the server.Engage in Politics, Economies and War.Build a city, open a shop or join a nationFind out more about the server through our discord:ShlonkMC Discord (Link)Apply to join the server here:ShlonkMC Application Form (Link)To join the server you must apply using the link above.If you apply, your application will be reviewed by a commitee of players, and if accepted we will contact you and whitelist you.If you have any questions, please DM me on discord at the9fed Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: We get it, move on

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: We get it, move onWow, this meme really needs to calm down before it starts demanding a higher score like a diva! Read More