Becoming A WIZARD – Minecraft All The Mods 8 Ep. 3 (ATM8)

Video Information

Welcome back to all the mods 8. in today’s modded Minecraft experience I’m going to become the best wizard to ever exist while we do this our Egyptian mine colonies town will continue to expand as I approach becoming a pharaoh if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to

Leave a like And subscribe as it helps the channel a ton and let’s get right into it Welcome back everyone to all the mods eight that’s right it’s another episode of the let’s play I’ve been on a little bit of a vacation but we are back to the Grind now so we’re gonna be continuing work on this world the main project for

Today is we are going to be making a Wizards Tower and we’re gonna become a wizard we are also going to be needing a flying broom you know just a little bit of Harry Potter action which we’ll be using the Moda hexeri for and then we’re

Also going to be taking a look into ours novu which I think that’s how you say it I don’t quite know for sure first we have a few things to do before getting into the meat of this episode and the first thing I want to do is we’ve got to

Name another building as you can see in the last episode we had Tut’s Tavern added into our town I think I’m gonna make this guard Tower over here Dark Days guard Tower and the reason I go with dark day is because Dark Day 2 2012

Left a huge comment he left a lot of information and he was a big help for me figuring out what I needed to do so thank you dark day so much for your comment and I hope you enjoy your new guard Tower if you guys also want to

Have a building in this town named after you make sure to leave a comment as it helps out the channel a ton now it’s time to get into some building we’re gonna be building this wizard tower now and we’re going to be building it out of sandstone it’s going to be all regular

Sandstone and red Sandstone to get the blocks we need we need the red standstone to be chiseled into these red Sandstone bricks and we’re going to do the same with the regular sandstone and then we needed to get a bunch of this cut red Sandstone so that we can craft

It into red Sandstone uh bricks versus I guess these are like the stone brick style and these are like the brick brick style anyways these are going to be the main blocks we use I might you know different up whenever we go back and add

In some detail but this is going to be be the main block that we end up using but as you can see I’ve collected a bunch of the blocks that we’ll need and you know kind of already crafted them up and everything but yeah so I’m going to

Go ahead and start getting into this building I hope you guys enjoy to start off this build I need to flatten out the land a little bit by removing some sand then I created a Sandstone outline of the tower before filling in the floor afterwards the entrance ways were marked

Out with red Sandstone before murdering some worthless creatures I added in some Corner pillars to get an idea of how tall I wanted the tower to be I recreated the bottom circle at the top of the pillars so I could put the walls in with the main structure of the tower

Completed I began work on the top floor I put up the walls to make the top room before creating a balcony with Sandstone railings I need to go collect some terracotta from the Mesa biome so I can dye blue and make the roof of the tower

It’s going to require a ton of resources but it’s totally worth it after completing the roof I added a blue terracotta staircase to complete the build I hope you guys enjoyed this type of time lapse and commentary if you did please leave a comment down below and let’s get straight back into live

Commentary alright I am back everyone and as you can see we’ve got a new building this thing is looking huge I’ve never built a wizard tower before but I absolutely love it it’s it’s quite thick also while I was off camera I did get into some Shenanigans over here with

Some DNA multiplication stuff it was very interesting how I did it basically I just created a spawn egg of a cow and then place it on a spawner that was like previously zombie or something anyways now it is spawning cows in here and I’m letting it collect it for me it has a

Spawner agitator on it which means that even when I’m far away it will continue to make food for me now it is time for us to actually become a wizard we are going to be filling up this entire Wizard Tower with cool you know gizmos and gadgets that are wizard like I don’t

I don’t know much about Wizarding but you know there’s there’s some cool mods that will help us get into that and one of those mods is hexari which basically adds in actually a bunch of witching stuff but what I’m looking for specifically are these brooms you can

Make a flying broom just like in Harry Potter which is exactly what I’m going for other than that we’re also going to be looking into ours Nobu which we would be able to get a spell book from and cast spells but we’ll deal with that in

A bit right now I want to look into getting a broom I need to fly around I’m tired of using my little feetsies now how are we gonna do that it’s quite easy actually because what we need to do is we need to find a swamp biome and inside

That swamp biome there will be a structure that will give us kind of everything we need to start this now how are we going to find a swamp item so easily I don’t want to go exploring I don’t want to just run randomly and hope that’s where the Nature’s Compass comes

In let’s go make that all right we have everything for the Nature’s Compass it’s actually really simple to make I don’t know why I didn’t know about this earlier but it lets you search for whatever biome you want and it’s super easy to make in here we are going to be

Able to search directly for a swamp and this will start a search and now we know a swamp is exactly 1400 blocks this way so I’m gonna do some running I’m gonna go get that swamp and I’ll be right back this here is an interesting find on the

Way to the swamp I believe this is for blue skies which is a dimension mod in here uh let’s see if we can find there should be a portal in here somewhere oh okay so there’s a portal in here I actually have no idea how to light this

But I am just going to make a mark of it and maybe we’ll take a look at that Dimension here in a little while we are about 900 blocks away we’re still running so I will see you guys in a little bit all right we’re getting close

There it is so we are looking for a very specific structure in the swamp well this is not the structure I’m looking for at least I don’t believe but this is really cool I love that this mod pack includes a bunch of different you know

New ways for villages to look we got a cute cat what’s up bud oh a little exploring later and here we are right on the edge of the swamp too this is what we are looking for this is a witch hut this is a proper Witch Hunt too this is

An upgrade this Forest is gorgeous whole it’s lagging me a little bit but it is so pretty this guy is throwing some stuff at us we should probably take care of them still don’t have a bow so I guess we’re just gonna go in swinging all right that was easy are there any

More I don’t see any more but you can see what I’m talking about how this place just looks insane this is a witch hut added in by hexurai with kind of all of the basic things we’re gonna need to get into this mod I’m gonna do the work

To get the broom here but afterwards I don’t really have any interest in staying here so I’m probably just going to loot everything that’s in here like the Belladonna this this Candlestick the crystal ball all of this to decorate the inside of my own Wizards Tower but for

Right now I want to just stay here I’m gonna do a little bit of research on how to get the broom and I will be right back to you all right everyone I have done a little bit of collection and we have all of the resources we’re gonna need to go ahead

And get started in this now the first thing we’re gonna need to make is the Book of Shadows this is going to be the most important thing I need I need a book uh bunk all right I got a book This Book of Shadows is going to be the most

Important thing to get into this mod because it tells you everything you can do so we have crafted up a Blue Book of Shadows that looks so cool the next thing we’re gonna need is this altar which should be pretty easy to make it just requires mahogany wood and mahogany

Slabs and considering I believe oh that’s Spruce ah this is mahogany this is what we need considering I’m not going to actually be using this building for anything just for now I’m gonna go ahead and grab just the mahogany from here there we go okay so we now have an

Altar and this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen a mod pack do this is how you look at the book this is so cool oh my God I don’t even know how to describe it it’s just awesome welcome to the wonderful witchcraft filled world

Of hexari where many of your desires known and unknown will be met to its fullest this mod is my life and soul right now I put nearly all of my time and energy into it Joe Fox uh so far from what I’ve seen you’ve done an amazing job working on this book for

Over a month designing it completely from scratch well I absolutely love it let’s keep moving I don’t got all the time in the world I’m sorry okay so the next thing we’re going to be looking at is the mixing cauldron which we don’t need to make because we’ve got one right

Over here you would normally need to make one of these the first thing we are going to need is the blood sigil and the blood sigil requires some interesting things that requires some polished black stone which I have collected beforehand and some Redstone Dust which I also have

Needs to be made in lava which I made sure to grab before I came over here from some caves surely lava is considered a heat source oh it is all right our blood sigil is crafted all right so the next thing we are going to

Need is we’re going to need to acquire a bottle of blood and uh if I if I stand in here it’s gonna it’s gonna do a little drinky I have to oh okay I kind of have to jump back in and that should give me one bottle so I

Can dump the rest of that now um and now we have the bottle of blood bottle of blood is the last thing we need so we just need to put water in there we don’t need to heat Source or anything fancy oh I believe also just so

You guys know you can throw it in there and it will add it correctly so now it’s churning it’s churning and what’s this going to give us this is going to give us a broom so in here it comes with a broom brush which we are gonna need to

Enhance because I mean while I can fly on this it’s not gonna be the greatest so I’m gonna enhance this broom brush what we want to get is a wet enhanced broom brush it’s just gonna require a bunch of these plants which you can just find throughout the swamp and now it

Should be working and we’re gonna get a wet enhanced broom so what we’re gonna need to do next is we’re gonna throw this wet enhanced broom brush on there and that’s going to just kind of drip dry and it’ll take a little while and then we’ll have an enhanced broom all

Right the next thing I want to craft up is actually just a cosmet medic item but I think it’s going to look really cool it’s going to make some gold rings ah there we go the campfire was one block too low and now we are getting some gold

Rings the next thing I want to get is a small Satchel which is going to be super easy to make um it’s just some leather and some string and a gold nugget and that will give me a small Satchel you can use that to make a medium satchel and then you

Need another small satchel and a medium Satchel to make the Large Satchel I’m gonna go ahead and craft those up on my own time and just do that real quick all right everyone I’ve crafted up this Large Satchel which is going to give us a lot of extra space and we have this

Enhanced brush done too so I’m going to go ahead and throw that on and that should make it a little bit faster I believe and let’s just see how this puppy can do I mean uh I’m gonna be honest it’s a little slow I mean it looks pretty sick I kind

Of love this so yeah we’ve gotten our broom and I think it is time for us to raid the rest of that we’re done here we’ve kind of used everything we need and we’re just gonna go ahead and take everything back to base all right I

Think I’ve looted pretty much all of the decorations in this place so I’m just gonna go ahead and head back home all right we are back at base and oh my God that Wizards Tower looks insane and look at this look at this I’ve just got a

Place to land my broom I kind of just want to go ahead and start decorating this place with all of these cool goodies so I’m gonna get to that and then we’re gonna start working on some R’s Nouveau all right everyone we are back and I have done a lot more work on

This top room it’s really coming together this is going to be our witching space or our Wizarding space uh so yeah we’ve got uh some cauldrons set up you know one with water one with lava and a heat Source we’ve got our altar with our book

Right here we’ve got a crystal ball and you know a bunch of different flowers set around everywhere right now the plan is I want to get into ours Nouveau which is going to take a little bit more of an emphasis on Wizarding than hexurai which

Is more of a witching mod so I’m gonna do a little bit of research into this and I will see you guys in just a bit all right everyone we are back in our Wizard Tower and it is time for some R’s Nouveau I’ve done a little bit of

Looking into it and it shouldn’t be too difficult to get into it the first thing we want to do is I’m going to make a worn notebook which is just kind of the the guidebook for all of the things you need in this mod first thing you want to

Do is we want to get into spell casting and to do that we’re gonna need to make a novice spell book which is just just going to take all of these resources up here and if we do all of this now we have a novice spell book all right so

Now that we have the spell book let’s go and open it up this can get very complicated but for right now it’s pretty simple basically the form is if you want it to shoot if you want it to apply to yourself or if you want it to apply when you touch something from

There you can either have break or harm I want to do projectile and then I want to do harm I’m going to name the shoot shoot because I’m I’m I’m smart we don’t have a lot of Mana so it’s a little you know we we use it up pretty quick but

We’ll be looking into some ways to get some more Mana down the line so next we’re going to need to start getting into some crafting stuff so that we can start really taking advantage of this mod and to do that the first thing we’re going to need is an imbuement chamber

Which is pretty simple to make it’s just archwood planks and gold and it should be pretty easy to make I can craft okay so we’re gonna need to make a bunch of these actually but for right now we will just make one so this will let us get

Source gems which are required for a lot of crafting recipes in this but I’m gonna go ahead and craft actually a few more of these because these take quite a while to be honest let’s go ahead and place these down and we have a source gem now which is perfect we’re gonna

Need a few more of these so I’m just gonna start up a bunch of them the next thing we need to make is Source Stone which is quite easy to make actually you just need regular Stone so smelts up some Cobblestone and Surround a source gem in it

All right so we should have plenty of source gems I’m just going to craft up five of them now I think we’re gonna need some more anyways for other stuff I’m gonna go insert some more just you know to have them going in the background because we’re probably gonna

Need them okay so the next thing we want to make is an enchanting apparatus an Arcane pedestal and an Arcane core fortunately these things are pretty simple just requires some more sodastone some gold and the source gems and the Arcane pedestal we’re actually going to need a decent amount of we need more

Than just one I believe we need eight of these pedestals so I’m gonna go get a bunch more gold to make more of these so I’ll be right back with some more gold and some more and a diamond for this one all right we should have everything we

Need so let’s go ahead and craft this up and magic mod mechanic we’re making some moves okay so from here we are going to make kind of a crafting table design and to do that we’re gonna need the core the cord doesn’t do anything on its own when

We put the enchanting apparatus on top of it and then we put all of these pedestals around it and that will basically make like a crafting table the first thing we’re going to do with that actually is we are going to make some Mage Bloom seeds which is going to need

Some more Source gems fortunately these are finishing up right as I need them um um there we go okay I guess you just had to have the recipes on there before you can’t put the final item in yet but we are making some Mage Bloom seeds and oh

My gosh that looks so cool and there they are all right and fortunately I grabbed some bones from my mob farm down below so we can just go ahead and bone meal this up so we don’t have to wait on it right now we have all of the Mage

Bloom we need and that’s going to make Mage Bloom fiber which is how we’re going to be able to make armor alright so after looking into it a bit it appears the tutorial I was looking at is a little bit dated and what I thought we

Were going to be able to do is just craft this into armor like this and that used to make a novice chest plate or a novice robe or whatever you want to call it but it’s not made that way anymore now you actually use this and so we’re

Gonna do we’re gonna surround it in Mage Bloom fiber and put a diamond chest plate in there and that will make a battle mage Gibson which is the chest plate for the battle mage the way this works is that if you use gold armor you will have higher Mana but you will have

Lower defense if you use diamond armor you’ll have higher defense but lower Mana alright so that is a full set of battle mage armor now we’re officially a battle mage this looks so cool we’re gonna work on getting some more spells and to do that we are gonna need

Something called a scribes table which is actually super easy to craft and so what the Scribe table does is if we right click on it with a book is we are going to be able to get glyphs and these glyphs are going to be how we make new

Spells so we want to make leap and we want to make bounce so I’m gonna get the resources for that figured out and I will be right back all right you guys I’ve done a little bit of reworking of this area we’re gonna change how we need

To do these imbuement Chambers to make the things that we need for this and to do that we’re actually going to need to put some pedestals around it because for these glyphs we’re we need to make these air Essences and this AB duration Essence so we need some pedestals for

That I’m gonna make a few more for this but for right now that’s good enough anyways we also added some bookshelves some candles you know just to make this place look fancier added in some really I love these framed glass planes they’re from Cork and they’re just look so

Pretty Arrow wild and wing and that and then I believe just a source Gem and this is gonna take a little while as you can see it’s moving up quite slowly all right that is the air Essence and the nice thing about it is it leaves these

Items behind so we can reuse them but for right now I’m just gonna drop them in there the next that we’re gonna need is a milk bucket a sugar and a fermented spider eye and we’ll give it another source Gem and that’s gonna start creating the ab duration Essence while

It does that though we’re gonna go ahead and start working on making this Glyph of leap okay so we select and toss items as they appear above we need three of these and one air Essence and oh my God the animations for this are so cool

There we go we have a glyph of leap and so I believe we just right click that and we learn it whenever we go to make a new spell we can use that instead so we’re just gonna be waiting on this obturation Essence to finish up bounce here it is all right

Let’s select that give it that and three slime balls and now it should begin making that all right Glyph of Bounce thank you let’s go ahead and learn that now we can open this up and go to three and I believe we want this to apply to

Self and then we want it to leap and then bounce and create that and I’m just going to name it leap I I really don’t have enough Mana so oh oh I’m dumb that’s why there we go that’s much better okay so I still run out of Mana pretty

Quickly I definitely need to figure out a way to you know get more Mana more easily but for right now I’m really happy with where I’m at as a wizard thank you guys so much for watching everyone I hope you guys enjoyed and if you guys did please make sure to leave a

Like And subscribe and comment down below and I will see you guys in the next video goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘Becoming A WIZARD – Minecraft All The Mods 8 Ep. 3 (ATM8)’, was uploaded by JustKerp on 2023-01-14 15:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome back to All The Mods 8! In this episode I will be focusing on Ars Nouveau and Hexerei to become a wizard! ATM8 is a …

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    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

  • The Dovan Domain

    The Dovan DomainWelcome to The Dovan Empire. We don’t offer much so far right now but we will soon expand into something big. The server has already been started by me and my friends and we are ready for it to grow with the building support of fellow players. My server ready to have a loving community with many good people to boot. If you also want to talk to me and my pals you could consider joining my discord I am mostly active and so are my mods. I hope to see yall soon. P.S. The only way to join the… Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded Custom Plugins NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server focused on fun without paywalls. Join us for a simple and enjoyable experience! IP Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1 Features Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Mega Evos, Mega Raids Shopkeepers, Land Claiming, Homes PokeDex rewards, Pokehunts, and more! Server Links & Info Discord: Mod Packs Modrinth Modpack: Link CurseForge Modpack: Link Technic Modpack: Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – You have been roasted!

    Minecraft Memes - You have been roasted!Why thank you, meme overlords! I will now graciously accept my crown as the ultimate meme king. Bow down to me, puny mortals! Read More

  • Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled

    Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From redstone circuits to mobs all around. Join us on a journey, deep dive we’ll take, Uncovering the logic, for goodness’ sake. Crafting recipes, village trading too, Enchanting mechanics, all for you. The intricate systems, we’ll explain, In a playful tone, with a rhyming refrain. So grab your pickaxe, let’s explore, The hidden mysteries, we’ll adore. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, come what may. Got questions or tips, drop a line, In the comments below, we’ll be just fine. Let’s unravel the secrets, in this blocky land, With… Read More

  • Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet’s spicy voice

    Chipi Chipi in Gamer Fleet's spicy voice “Chipi chipi in gamer fleet voice: ‘I asked my mom for a snack and she said ‘go eat some chips’… so I did!’” #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleetmemes #snacktime Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Breaking News Updates! 🌟 Join the Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! 🌟 Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities and excitement? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From epic battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with fellow players to conquer challenges and embark on unforgettable adventures. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Void

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Void Minecraft’s Galactic Plain: A New Dimension Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got even more intriguing with the introduction of the Galactic Plain. This new dimension, created by the Stinking Galactrift Mod, offers players a unique and empty space to unleash their creativity. Discovering the Galactic Plain The Galactic Plain is a dimension devoid of life forms, allowing players to build and explore without any restrictions. To access this dimension, players must gather Galactite, a rare resource found underground in the Overworld. Additionally, Pincher Beans, which are rarely found in the podzols of the Overworld, are essential for… Read More


    LIVE 24/7 MINECRAFT SERVER - JOIN NOW!Video Information ह बकट बकट [संगीत] है [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] य हेलो हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम एवरी बडी दो दिन के बाद हेलो आवाज आ रहा है ना मेरा माइक तो मट हा ठीक है हेलो हेलो अरे बोलो यस देख लेना एक बार स्ट्रीम से चल र है कि नहीं मैंने तो देख लिया अपने लाक स्ट्रीम इधर से एडमिन पैनल से बट एकसा तुम्हारा वो आवाज बहुत धीरे आ रहा है शायद से सुनाई भी नहीं देगा ये वाला सुनाई दे रहा है सर्वर प चलते है ना सर्वर प चलते आ जाओ सर्वर पे… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Pratham’s Value System

    The Dark Side of Pratham's Value SystemVideo Information I need a [Music] drop Val I need a drop found you my eyes are better than yours where is everyone hiding hard for enemy spotted a [ __ ] down a Shadows traveling 55 30 seconds left last player standing last round in the half 29 camera taken out enemy spotted B theun begins enemy attacker Spa I’ll handle this Spike planted decoy put down sh one enemy remaining last player standing swiching side they think they’re so secure reloading okay let’s go cover going out cover going out my camera is destroyed reloading reloading reloading reloading wait wait… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving in Desert-Only Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft desert only world in pocket edition’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-01-11 11:39:38. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Read More

  • 🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥

    🚨Bengali Minecraft Smp App for West Bengal & Bangladesh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity’, was uploaded by SlowGG on 2024-01-13 05:13:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Application for বাংলা Minecraft Smp | West Bengal and Bangladesh | @BanglaMinecraftCommunity #BanglaMinecraftSMP … Read More

  • My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMG

    My Friend Became a Zombie in Minecraft! #OMGVideo Information so there I was building my base with my buddy and he already went and fell off a ladder but because this is the zombie SMP he came back for blood I managed to fend him off this time to join my new zombie SMP head to the Discord link on my profile This video, titled ‘My Buddy Turned Into a Zombie! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jamps MC on 2024-01-09 15:00:35. It has garnered 7345 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. New Zombie SMP Coming Soon! Discord –… Read More

  • Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 – MINTOON CRAFT

    Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information [Music] woohoo what [Music] [Music] hey hm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah a w [Music] oh [Music] what he [Music] yeah hello [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no do it what the nice huh you will die hello come on huh subscribe now nice come on yeah [Music] boy okay huh wao huh [Applause] UHA [Music] yes come on easy huh huh what the go go go shut [Music] a huh what [Music] the w tast This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: SAVE THE WORLD FROM… Read More


    SMAJOR'S EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MISSION!Video Information make it work make it easy [Music] while [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] I learned that from you Mama it’s amazing what baking can [Music] do make it up and surprise them tell them my secrets but disguise them so they dance on the tongues of the very people that bear secrets from make it soon make it better though better never lasts forever I’ll make it small so it fit even [Music] this even now now even as the walls come tumbling down even as a can stop remembering how every door we ever made we never… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!

    EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!Video Information hello guys like And subscribe you are the best thanks [Music] [Music] woohoo woohoo go go go o oh my oh my god [Music] wow [Music] woohoo go go [Music] go [Music] woohoo what no no no no [Music] what H oh [Music] my Yahoo [Music] what oh my God no [Music] God yeah [Music] boy Yahoo [Music] woo [Music] woo Yahoo wait a minute go go [Music] go look at this [Music] dude [Music] ha [Music] Yahoo [Music] wow huh [Music] [Laughter] huh oh my [Music] God no God please no [Music] no ooho H [Music] oo… Read More

Becoming A WIZARD – Minecraft All The Mods 8 Ep. 3 (ATM8)