BECOMING HASHIRA & DEAL WITH DEMON!!! | Minecraft – Demon Slayer: Island Anzhong #2

Video Information

One island 16 people three lives each who will be the last one standing well that’s for us to decide on ireland and zone or however you want to call it we’re back with another episode today i’ve got a lot of big plans so you know what let’s just

Let’s just jump into it like i was saying my main thing i actually want to accomplish in this video are three actual problem let’s actually say two things first thing i would i really want to do is i really want to become hashera i want to get to the level of a hush

Around you guys don’t know how to do that you pretty much have to like max everything kill a ton of demons max all your breathing and all that so that’s going to be our main goal for this video but the second goal which is actually probably the first

Thing i’m going to do because it might be over here is i want to find a good biome to live in ah okay no this is a spruce forest i want to try and find a jungle so i don’t know if we’re gonna be able

To find one because i don’t even know if there’s one on the island but for some reason i love jungles and uh that’s okay that’s another stone huh and hopefully we can find one in this video oh hold up oh wait what’s going on over there

Okay i think i think i saw a demon hold up let’s quickly go have a quick little look-see hey okay there’s some demons here nothing that much oh what the frick yo oh wait is that zen hold up bottom man careful careful i’m sorry boy oh no my mic’s off my

Bike’s muted up my mic speedily my mic’s muted how do i unmute oh i don’t know i don’t know how to mute my mic i’m just going to keep running i don’t want him to kill me oh no that was a great first experience oh my gosh

I think i think sen might be nearly i think he’s like nearly husher already he did like seven hearts of damage that is ridiculous ah i i still i’m still learning my moves i still don’t even know what half these things do okay all right you know what let’s i’m

Thinking i’m just gonna travel during the daytime and hopefully at night we can find something i don’t know i want to find demons and just some good land you know what yeah while i’m at it i i’m probably going to use spruce quite a bit

So i may as well use my daytime to like i don’t know grab up some spruce stuff uh and also i realized it only hit me recently that if we actually kill sheep i think we can get there or if we sheer sheep either one works

If we do that we can get the wool and use that to craft better armor i think i think there is better arm that we can make like because we can make the hashra armor which is slightly more powerful than the uniform but i think we need a non-broken uniform

To do that so i mean hey that’s for the future we can do that in the future can’t we let’s actually test how strong are we currently okay we’re still pretty weak we still only do one okay at least my breathing’s a little bit stronger but we’re still definitely

Yeah hey yo uh kinoto konoto hey we’ve ranked up a little bit you know what i know my main goal is to hit hashiro but hey i’ll be happy with any levels up i can’t even lie there ah but i’m i’m still a bit worried about where a jungle is no one’s actually

Found one from at this current point at least this is actually a prime spot for demons like so many demons hold on is that yo that’s the hand demon yo okay if i kill you i could probably get a demon art form can i or sometimes i know

I know you guys sometimes drop stuff that i can use uh okay oh wait where’d he go oh is this you no that’s you’re one of the swords craftsmans aren’t you uh where is it oh wait he’s right there okay and let’s go wait did that get him did that get him

I’m assuming it did oh yes it did hey and he dropped a demon art form what is this hold on what actually is this ah let’s get rid of uh let’s get rid of the bones for now but what is it hand demon special attack with zed okay you know what

I have an idea yup miller is online okay for some reason i thought miller wasn’t then i’m thinking oh hold up i found a uh hand demon art form form so it seems like miller actually wants to make a deal for the demon hand art form now i

Obviously i’m not really a good demon slayer you guys really want me to be a bad guy for some reason so what we’re going to do is we’re going to meet up now and trade this but i’m thinking what we might trade it for is a bit

Of you know a little bit of blood for when we become a demon i’m trying to go there we go so when we become a demon we will have blood at the ready so obviously i’m not allowed to collect any now but that doesn’t really stop me from you

Know maybe becoming a bit of a friend with a demon and then trading for something in the future you know hello hello hello is anyone here oh god i don’t know where anyone is oh no but uh don’t like this oh i’m on edge oh hello hello i see you

Underground can you hear me hello i can hear you hey there you are yes yes there you are all right how do i get to you how do you how are you on the ground oh hello oh this is so weird hello demon i’m not oh

Um i don’t feel i don’t mean to say like be rude about this but i don’t feel a hundred percent um hey look i’m putting a torch down for you okay thank you i have night vision so i don’t need it but okay uh wow lovely place right

Lovely place you’ve got here oh this is where butter this is where i’m riding well look you’re a demon now you don’t have to worry about rotting you’re like way too superior now because technically if you get too powerful you could easily kill us i mean that’s kind of concerning look i’m

I’m only a few right ranks of being top demon slayer so i wouldn’t i wouldn’t uh but i know i’m here to try and bring peace people want me to be evil people want me to be a bad guy and sure enough i feel like i will

Eventually be a demon slap oh demon demon there i’m gonna be a demon eventually so i thought i’ve got this for you it’s not an art form it’s actually armor that allows you to do a demon ability so i’m thinking of giving you this and in return

If you have some spare demon blood laying around for when i become a demon because i’m not allowed to get any for myself but that doesn’t come with yeah that doesn’t stop you from maybe having some leftover ones so if i become a demon then you can be like here you go here’s

Two stacks of blood which is gonna get me a bit of a kickstart you know very true sorry okay i like that deal but i also have a deal on my own okay all right let me hear it okay so i do think you’re gonna be one of like the

Strongest to beat if anything because you know at the end we let’s be real there’s only one winner yes very true so i want to propose to you something okay i want to have an alliance with you only till top seven if we make it there okay

After the top seven the lines can break okay then if there’s still like eight people we’re gonna be a team okay you know what i’m i’m all right with that i’m fine with that uh so we so you’re all right with my deal and i’m okay with that one

Yeah all right then if you if you have like an enemy that you want to be evil with i i can join you to kill them so i i will say i have no idea how that well i know you put it on as an armor slot

Uh and then zed apparently allows you to use the ability so i want to do it on here yeah i’m a bit concerned i’m gonna let you play around with that in your video uh so people can go check that out uh in the description so i’m gonna leave

You to it thank you top seven yup top seven all right i’ll see you then um yeah don’t take this to a fence but i’m gonna go find some demons to kill peace okay boy so we have just made the deal with the demon hopefully hopefully that doesn’t bite us

In the ass later on miller i think i think she’s gonna be okay i think i think she’s gonna be pretty good and get pretty far in the series uh personally i i hope she does a rank eight that way that way i don’t need a you know

Actually fighter but hey we’ll just we’ll just wait and see what happens won’t we yeah that’s the best we could do oh oh no oh duke he died oh no holy crap wait duke died oh bro that means he’s a demon so we have two demons on the server now we have duke

And oh and miller oh my gosh surely we’re close at least to leveling up please come on guy please there’s a few teams around here about to go daytime let’s quickly see if we’re close okay that wasn’t it i was expecting a level up from that one this one

Wait there’s two here we go hey there we go we’re there oh how the heck do i pronounce that uh chissy kuruto kiss cuz the totco oh man i’m making a fool of myself damn it but there we go i feel like that means so let’s have a quick

Look in uh yeah player abilities okay we still okay so become hashira that once we do that then we get those achievements but we’re still we’re still a little bit away okay yeah we still definitely have a bit to go i think i have enough to do it now let’s

Actually quickly craft up some hashera armor because that is slightly more powerful uh wait that way there we go we i’m thinking let’s make up some ren goku armor it’s the same level all the hashera armor is i think the same level but i know i don’t oh man this is gonna

Be real experimental let’s have a quick look outline that there there we go and then can we mix this with our broken uniform i don’t think so i i don’t think we care but moment of truth hey yo we can dude okay that’s awesome wait if that’s the case i don’t actually know

Hold on let’s quickly our enable and see what it looks like oh dude dude oh yo i love how bulky it makes us look but at the same time i i really do vibe with just that default costume so i’m fr yeah i’ll probably leave it

Off now just so people can still see my outfit but that reasons the question hold up is there like any hollow let’s quickly search this uh pants uh no uh uniform i should say is there any uniform that is better oh this one yes that is better

10 armor and that’s eight oh yeah so this is better and it only needs four that only needs four wool but we may as well make it that is gonna be slightly better in that i’ll take any advantage we can get at this point so let’s quickly uh do

This and hopefully this is gonna work with this one that’s basically fully broken if it does bro that okay that is amazing to know all right let’s pop those on yes dudes there we go i swear i’m seeing a pirate ship down there aren’t i hold on that actually

That is a pirate ship that is a pirate ship i i really want to see it while i’m at it if we can find a buried treasure map or a oh crap over slide down for a second then i want to see if we can find a

Hey yeah a burying treasure map and get ourselves uh what are they called the heart of the sea i think that’s what they’re called oh no are we gonna drown oh no please oh no okay we’re fine all right but i want to see if we can get a harder to

See i don’t do the maps even work on this custom map though because this is a fully custom island does this all right let’s have a quick little look see this work oh i can’t tell that’s working oh let’s move over here we are moving on the map uh it might be

Hold on let’s quickly see if maybe we load in over here is this the map yes it is oh crap from what i’m being told the treasure is down here i all i want from the treasure is literally a heart of the sea because with the heart of the sea we should be

Able to make ourselves like either an underwater base or a base relatively close to water that way you know demons can’t get to us for the at least that’s my idea hey there we go and ah yes yes yes boys this is going too well all right good

That’s what we want got ourselves a heart of the sea and who knows we might even actually hold on what’s this used for uh tooth lantern okay uh tooth block all right doesn’t look like it’s used for anything really interesting but now we can actually set up an underwater

Base when we want to but obviously that’s that’s later down the line that’s when most people in the server are demons because that gives me a relatively decent advantage you know they can’t block my base and they can’t really sneak up on me oh oh demon supplies oh no oh i can’t grab

These uh oh okay actually it’s not really that good but you know what because i’m a nice demon slayer and technically i’m also a bad guy let’s uh quickly post the coordinates in chat so i can tell the demons where this is hold on hot yes finally that’s a jungle

Yes yes i’m sorry i’ve never been this happy for a jungle before yo oh it uh doesn’t look like a very big jungle uh hold unless it extends down here which it doesn’t uh okay so that oh wait no okay it extends around the mountain

Yes oh we found one okay all right you know what let’s find out just a quick cave or something to live in and then i’ll set up my base in a minute once i’ve gotten a bit more comfortable but yes i’m just so happy we finally found a jungle finally

Yo okay that came down there looks perfect if i i hope not to actually go suck this cave out oh let’s land it there and i think this cave looks pretty good oh let’s just light it up a little bit hello hello uh yeah this cave seems this game si

Bro this cave seems abso look dude yes oh this is a small this is perfect this is all i need i can set up all my items down here it’s not gonna be my permanent base but it’s definitely gonna be a decent start yeah okay i can work with this all right

You know what i’ve got an idea though let’s quickly uh grow some of this bamboo at the front of their gate that way it kind of like blends a bit more into the environment i don’t have much bone meal but these will start growing by themselves

Now so there we go we’ve got our little base pretty much set up uh the only thing i think i want to do is actually put our where is it some of these around the spot because i don’t know if these do anything but they do also kind of look cool you

Know what uh we’ve pretty much got all this place set up we’ve got all of our items stored in somewhere safe what i want to do is let’s keep going hunting for demons and also looking around this jungle for a cool spot to build a base i

I don’t know if there’s gonna be any like flat area but i’m thinking if we can find a river or something we could build right alongside it i don’t know i’m gonna i’m gonna have a look around see if there’s any cool land that we can build a base on

And at the same time do some demon hunting so i guess you guys will get cut in for when something interesting happens should i you know what uh yeah i don’t know if i have the faith man uh you know what why not let’s see how strong we are

Uh oh no we did no damage to him we did like no damage to him hold up uh please let’s do a quick little jab and see what he does to us uh okay he missed us completely that’s fine and time to worry come on boy come on boy i’ll excuse uh

Dance oh oh you guys can’t really see it because of the chat but oh that was almost two rows of hearts yeah a tundra i don’t think i really want to fight you boy i don’t think i want to fight you boy um have we done any damage to him i don’t

Think we have i don’t think we’ve done anything we haven’t i saw his hearts there we’ve done nothing okay i’m gonna leave this fight well at least in good news i did actually find a good area so i’m just gonna finish up these little bamboo which i think is all right there

But what i did is i found a good area so you know what guys i’ve done one of these in a while but let’s jump into a time lapse of me building up my first base let’s get into it Oh There we go we’ve got our base all set up but i’ll give you guys a house tour in a second what i’m thinking we do now is i’ve got this base set up i want to keep hunting for demons i don’t have much time left to record today

So i think what we should do is just dedicate all of our time now for killing demons and becoming husharrah once i’ve got hashtag then i’ll do a little house tour for you guys but for now main goal kill demons ton spawn in this field uh and yeah i actually i just realized

Upper ranks and stuff are gonna start spawning soon oh no i really need to hit usher soon please game please go and poop there we go and hey kinoto wait did we already hit kenodo or is it something else oh oh man i’m getting confused with ranks oh crap

How i don’t think i’ve seen any upper ranks or lower ranked demons yet so i don’t think oh no oh there’s one right there oh crap an upright that was upper right three oh no oh great great upper ranks and lower ranked demons are starting to spawn now oh man

Oh wait wait oh boy hot dude what bro what wait this this demon it looks like a simple like bass demon but he has like i think he has a demonite since when were these a thing in the mod hold us hold the freaking phone hold the

Freaking phone turn your deal with him for me what bro what uh is he gonna drop anything oh we leveled up again all right sick that was weird i feel like i feel like we’re super close to being hashera you know what i feel like a few more

Demons oh wait hold on oh you’re you’re lower rank six aren’t you are you lowering six i know you’re not lowering six you were a lower rank weren’t you and then you got kicked out oh man i don’t remember oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hashera um i’ll take it

I huh i expect that was weird i thought those guys were tough to kill oh well sick we did it that literally just leaves up our damage and that should be everything once we’ve taken all the damage we need i think that will basically mean we are

A fully maxed out demon slayer which fully means we can pretty much take on anyone on the server i hope my skills might not be up to par with some people but i i think we’ve got good faith in hold on this is taking forever hold on where are we at currently

Oh we’re only yeah we still need to receive so much more you know guys yeah no i feel like we could probably find a quicker method for this is there an upper ranker anywhere near me um because i could probably take on an upper rank and not die you know

I hope that’s me hopeful ah yeah oh whoa okay hello who are you i don’t know who you are i’ve not seen you in the anime yet uh i’ve not read the manga so i’m sure you guys will tell me who this is in the comment section down below

Uh and i swear to god if this is like upper rank one i’m gonna i’m gonna pee myself a little bit where is he where is he let’s see if he hurts us oh three hearts three hearts that’s oh but he’s doing the damage he is doing the damage received achievement that is

Good i’ll take it i’ll fight you uh six size i i don’t know i swear this is probably upper rank one is this upper rank one uh if it is i actually feel pretty comfortable we’re not doing enough damage to kill him but he’s not doing enough

Damage to kill me either so i’ll take it oh no i’m actually starting to run low on food i’ve only got this bread and rotten flesh left oh crap oh crap um how quick is he is yeah hold on i just realized is he actually following me

Um wait hold on let’s head back for a second see actually still following oh he wasn’t following me oh no oh what why did he he he despawned are you serious oh well okay that’s fine i guess i have to find someone else to help me get my damage up ah

Oh man should i should i you know what yeah what why not why not sure i could take i couldn’t take you out earlier bro but i feel like i’ve got this now let’s see how much damage you do at first actually yo one heart one heart

Is is this what it feels like to be a husher bro one heart against tangible that i’ll take but i’ll definitely take that all right yeah bro easy easy touch rope bro i thought you would be difficult go and hey there we go oh yes wait dude we got the demon slayer

Mark yes that means we can now activate that in regenerate health at any time oh crap okay that’s awesome that’s awesome now i just gotta kill tundra i’m sorry i’m sorry but you gotta join your family bro i’m sorry i’m sorry that was actually dark i’m sorry that’s probably not the last thing

You want to hear dude just accept it don’t worry you’ll love seeing them again trust me they’ve been waiting there we go are you dead no i said that they’ve been waiting there we go all right sick and did he drop anything no all right sick i’ll take it i’ll take

It boys dude what is that hold up what have we got left to do breathing wait breathing is this new attack 20 times for breathing and attack 40 times of breathing okay i could have sworn that is a new thing i don’t remember that being there during my hundred days but let’s

I guess up there we go oh there’s one done all right sure let’s quickly i guess uh max out our breathing i don’t know if this affects anything of us it maybe increases our breathing damage i’m not too sure but hey we’ve got to do it we need to

Max out everything so we may as well do it i guess go and oh wait oh it’s you again it’s you buddy hold up let’s see we are we any hold on okay wait i actually don’t think he does as much damage i might be able to actually take you out this time

I ain’t letting you get away from me this time boy i’m gonna for now i’m just gonna assume you’re an upper rank for at least i’m assuming i don’t know man i have i’m just guessing you know i’ve read the manga don’t assume that i read freaking mugger i have bad enough english

Vocabulary i can’t read it oh no oh okay that’s fine that’s fine i think we’re pretty close to getting our breathing maxed anyway so this guy should stretch it out hopefully to the end oh okay breathe breathing 40. i think that’s all of it i think maybe probably not

Go oh breathing 80 okay it’s definitely not all but oh crap oh no i swear is this going to be another situation where i run out of food again all right look how much health he still has i have not done enough damage to him oh okay i might have to leave this

You know what guy how about this how about you just let me max my breathing and what there we go once we’ve maxed out breathing then you know what i’ll just go in my oh wait wait wait transparent well work in progress wait have we maxed out breathing i think

That means our breathing’s maxed i’ve still got hmm i’ve still got a little bit of food so i’m gonna see how much damage i can do against him but i think that means we are now oh crap oh okay an upper not operate demon we are now a fully maxed usherer

I think i hope we’ll check in a second i’m a bit i’m a bit distracted at this current point oh no i’m running out of food again dude and he’s still got so much health i’m i’m probably gonna have to leave the fight here i i’m gonna have to leave the fight here

Okay noted so when i need to find an upper rank demon i need a lot of food yeah i’m gonna have to call it there boys i’m gonna have to call it there just in case let’s go and check i i want to see if he’s there wait hold on wait nessico wait

Oh oh wait uh that was me right clicking you what did that do did that do anything i didn’t get anything for it uh what uh desicco uh is this something you would explain to me can i use you to like hurt demons around me is this what it is

Um okay i have no idea what that’s about but where is this guy is that him up here hold up no it’s not that’s the temple demon uh where is this dude is he he’s probably despawned hasn’t he and yeah yep ah damn it okay you know what that’s fine i’m still okay

Now it’s a demon slayer i’m still happy with the fact that we are now a max oh wait a second you’re you’re an upper rank you’re an upper rank i know you’re like upper rank four aren’t you or are you up for rank five i don’t know

How many upranks there are man i still i know you’re coming in the next season though oh that’s a bit weird to say that considering i know what you are okay here we go we could take you uh ducky duck ducky yeah ducky i’m pretty sure we could take you out

Pretty easily you’re not that powerful you’re definitely not as powerful as the other guy which which has me a little bit concerned considering the other guy is probably an uprank demon one or something i don’t know bro let’s quickly kill you come on kill you there we go and kill

You and no i said kill you okay you know i’m probably i can’t one shot you guys yet but you are and you are dead there we go hey and we got some demon art sick there we go boys all right you know what let’s head back to the base so i can

Actually guys i could give you guys this freaking uh bass tour but here it is guys this is my crib this is my first base so i have a few ideas of what i want to do eventually like i want to really add down here a bridge crossing like one of those

Really cool japanese style bridges with like the the like you know that why is there an arrow why was there an arrow on my arm but one of the bridges with like the roofs covering the top of them i don’t know if they have a certain name

But this is the property of butter jaffa just in case you know people show up here and don’t know whose base this is it’s very much very simple at this current point we just got our chest area our brewing area and our enchantment area over here where we can actually get fully maxed

Out enchantments i still haven’t i’ve only maxed this one well attempted to max that one and attempted to max this one but our chest plate is still bad and we don’t have any boots at this current point and our swords are also wait wait red saw two

What the heck’s red saw two is that something here uh transparent world crimson red nichiren that might be what this is a group of powers okay i don’t know how we got that but our swords now have red sword too which i’m assuming means we do more damage to demons which is

Always good so this guy’s is my very fir what the heck are you doing up there boy but this is our very first base we are still rocking it completely fine on our third life i know some people have dropped down to their last some people have dropped down to their second

I’m surprised i’m really surprised on how well we’re doing so you know what next video i’m gonna probably challenge some people or well i’m i can’t really challenge people because i’m on my third life but i will take any challenges so hey demon slayers on their second life or any demons out there

Come fight me i challenge you oh well i i can’t really do that but i still i i’ll accept your challenge so you know what guys that’s where i’m gonna leave this one i hope you did enjoy if you did then be sure to hit that thumbs up because every time you

Guys leave a like it lets me know that you guys are enjoying this and you want to see the next episode even sooner than normal but as always my name is troy i hope you did enjoy and i’ll see you in the next video see you guys oh

This video, titled ‘BECOMING HASHIRA & DEAL WITH DEMON!!! | Minecraft – Demon Slayer: Island Anzhong #2’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2021-07-20 15:30:01. It has garnered 600897 views and 22582 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds.

Heyy guys and welcome back to Demon Slayer 3rd Life, also known as Demon Slayer Island Anzhong… in todays episode we set our goal for the highest rank of the Demon Slayers, Rank Hashira… along with that we find some things we can’t use BUT I know a Demon who just may have a use for them… Well now, like always, with all that out of the way, sit back, relax and “hopefully” enjoy the video / new series!!!

#MinecraftDemonSlayer #Minecraft3rdLife #DemonSlayerMod

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Extra Music Information: Music used in this video by Asher Fleming

Do not steal this video. #ButterJaffa

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    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • Old Fashion

    Hello there!! Welcome to old Fashion, We are a server that is less severally and more community. We are just starting this community up and as we are putting things together we are in need of players to give us the suggestions that will make us the best place to come and play. Come on in. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Fish ain’t swimming, what gives?

    Minecraft Memes - Fish ain't swimming, what gives?Maybe he’s just taking a little fishy nap, let him rest and he’ll start swimming again soon! Read More

  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

    Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16 In the world of Minecraft, where tools are key, We delve into modding, with Fabric MC. Basic tools like axe, hoe, pickaxe, and sword, Crafted with care, in the game they’re adored. Tool materials, a crucial aspect to know, In Minecraft 1.20.6, they put on a show. From wood to diamond, each material unique, Enhancing gameplay, for players to seek. Join us on Discord, for more modding fun, Where the community gathers, under the sun. Fixing errors, tweaking code with finesse, In the world of Minecraft, we always impress. So leap into the verse, with tools in hand, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom Read More

  • Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let’s goooooooo!! 😍

    Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let's goooooooo!! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘Sans & Let’s goooooooo!!! 2024 ep4 😍 Parotter Minecraft best funny Animation’, was uploaded by Parotter on 2024-05-01 11:30:24. It has garnered 68935 views and 1320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds. Please Subscribe😍& could you be my Fan??? Would you like to be my supporter?[YouTube Membership$1.99] ★This money will be used to fund my activities and purchase equipment. ★I will reply to comments to members with the highest priority. 💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖 Insta X 💖source My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJItalents→ #shorts… Read More

  • Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft Updates

    Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘deleted minecraft updates #memes #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memecraft #experiment’, was uploaded by PerKing on 2024-01-26 17:15:36. It has garnered 3244 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Music: Holiday Weasel by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: and music by epidemicsound license minecraft is weird game Read More

  • ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6t

    ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6tVideo Information This video, titled ‘ИЩЕМ МЕСТО ДЛЯ НАШОЙ БАЗЫ АНАРХИЯ[2]#anarchy #grief #minecraft #6b6t #frainds #перемога’, was uploaded by MR Кавунчик on 2024-01-27 14:27:15. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:05 or 6425 seconds. #anarchy #grief #frainds #minecraft #overcome #6b6t played on the server[] Read More

  • Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in Minecraft

    Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Server Gets Copystriked – Minecraft SDMP #21’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-24 00:00:17. It has garnered 35765 views and 1493 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:21 or 7281 seconds. Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: SDMP Playlist: My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): ● My clothing line: ● Twitch: ● Tiktok: ● Twitter: ● Instagram: Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make secret base in minecraft; then i relize…..#minecraft’, was uploaded by TOxBE8999 on 2024-05-12 13:51:20. It has garnered 5102 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. keywords LisicGaming StandaryPie Aastra Smp AstraSmpVideo AstraSmpVideoS1 astrasmps1 lifesteal smp minecraft headsteal, lifesteal smp loyal smp, lifesteal smp with shop, lifesteal smp minecraft server, lifesteal private smp, lifesteal smp applications open, lifesteal smp in aternos, smp minecraft lifesteal ip, smp minecraft server ip lifesteal, minecraft smp to join lifesteal, server like lifesteal smp, lifesteal smp with commands, drk limited lifesteal smp,… Read More


    EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY 4Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MYTHICAL SMP MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY FOUR’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-03-01 08:01:20. It has garnered 2003 views and likes. The duration of the video is 07:46:59 or 28019 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMR

    Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aldeano Tímido Se ENAMORA [MINECRAFT] [M4F] [Strangers to Lovers] [Wholesome] #AsmrRp’, was uploaded by Stuey Asmr LATAM on 2024-05-31 20:30:06. It has garnered 1696 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:03 or 723 seconds. #ASMR #ASMRRoleplay #aldeano Script by STU 😉 #Anime #Animeroleplay #roleplay #roleplayenespañol #asmrenespañol #novioroleplay #minecraft Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 – Too much already?

    UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 - Too much already?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Connect – Livestream #16 – Schon so viel?’, was uploaded by Goldenes C on 2024-04-22 08:45:11. It has garnered 72 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds. – Golden C – My name is Cjay! I’m a YouTuber and I record videos about Minecraft! I experience strange adventures with my friends and travel to magical worlds! No matter what, it always stays crazy! Here is my Discord: Here is the ROBLOX GROUP of the magic team:!/about Socials: Instagram: Twitter: Here to my friends:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join Anytime

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join AnytimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT LIVE ! l EVERYONE IS WELCOME’, was uploaded by Jux on 2024-03-29 17:22:40. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:27 or 3267 seconds. 🔔 Subscribe to the JUX GAMING channel for more content! ————————————————————– LOVE YOU GUYS! Tiktok l Discord l #roblox #memes #robloxmemes #minecraft #meme #dankmemes #robloxedits #edgymemes #dank #bloxburg #fortnite #robloxgfx #funny #robloxedit #adoptme #robloxart #robloxadoptme #robloxgamer #robloxgame #offensivememes #royalehigh #robloxmeme #robux #lol #gaming #robloxbloxburg #robloxian #anime #adoptmeroblox #youtube #memesdaily #edgy #art #robloxroyalehigh #explorepage #freerobux #tiktok #gfx #funnymemes #gamer #dankmeme #rblx… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGTBQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

    Apply here: (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an environment where interactions between members are highly valued – the primary goal is for the community to be inclusive of all people. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no one is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and other… Read More

  • Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING] – 1.20+

    Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING]  - 1.20+Modern Beta is a recreation of the infamous Minecraft version from 2011, beta 1.7.3, in modern day Minecraft (1.20+) utilizing resource pack and server side magic. Beta 1.7.3 is widley recognized as the “Golden Age” version of the game due to its simplicity, charm, and lack of “forced goals,” so the only goal is the ones you make with you and your friends.Our mission is to create a vanilla 2011 Minecraft server experience where you can trust who you play with. We pride ourselves on not using any land claims or locked chests in favor of manual moderation via discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He actually beat it… EP2 MADNESS!

    That one guy must have been really dedicated to his Minecraft lets play series if he actually made it to episode 2! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💎 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch Showdown

    EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy’, was uploaded by Ambi Boy on 2024-05-05 01:59:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy Your Queries:- minecraft maizen minecraft funny milo and chip cash gaming maizen challenge omz nico cash and nico chip jj maizen mikey maizen minecraft mod jj and mikey noob vs pro security house maizen raft supercell clash royale squad busters no cursing milo maizen volcano roblox chip and milo wudo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

    Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!Video Information This video, titled ‘OPEN PACKS & DUEL BUT WITH A DUEL MONSTERS TWIST! Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-20 20:00:09. It has garnered 3250 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. My Brother and I started playing the YuGiOh card game over 20 years ago at the same time. Today we go back to those starting times opening packs, building a deck and duelling in some old school YuGiOh! MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE -… Read More

  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More

BECOMING HASHIRA & DEAL WITH DEMON!!! | Minecraft – Demon Slayer: Island Anzhong #2