Best Alchemy Lab Build | Minecraft Survival Lets Play | Ep. 28

Video Information

YouTube welcome back to a brand new episode of our minecraft let’s play and it has been about three months since I have actually done a Minecraft episode there’s been a lot that has been done off-camera we’re gonna jump right back into it I’m gonna show you everything

That we’ve done well that I’ve done off-camera and yeah let’s start with the house so last episode was the big adventure and we were creating rooms downstairs so now all this is cleared out there’s only one chest it’s got gardening stuff and cheers for our forum will be here and the animals

Over down there and here we go are you guys ready the basement completely furnished we got some pictures we got all the pups down here we got some flowers put some nice flower pots on the shelves everything looks nice still haven’t touched any of our mine chat system got a nice little look

What it looks like a donkey kong big floor-to-ceiling photo over here – guys like fighting looks like just a flower and with the sky and i couldn’t tell you what this is to be honest with you but this is what we got going on we have this room big rooms i’m gonna be

Extending this out i’m thinking this is going to be like an armor room where i could display armor and weapon to all that and then this is going to lead to the library that we built over there and we’re gonna make the library look a little bit better but then over here we

Have all of our stuff organized into all of these chests nice chests have nothing in them we have no purpose form but we have an extra 12 chests we have everything labeled everything’s all organized into its own category even wood we don’t have like garcia and jungle but everything is organized we

Got all of our furnaces and we got our blast furnaces and we got our smokers we got the stone cutters and another crafting table everything’s lit up glowstone on the floor and the ceiling everything’s looking good now for today’s project we have a full inventory we’re gonna be using all of these items

And if you guys can look real quick at part of the stuff that I have in my inventory you’re gonna see the brewing stand we’re making the alchemy building we’re gonna start brewing some spells which means we could start making the spell when you can breathe underwater

And we could start exploring the outside that we wanted to wanted to ban CETIS abandoned ship over there there’s a bunch of abandoned ships in the ocean but I need to be able to breathe more than like seven seconds underwater so I have spent an entire probably a good

Four hours redoing this land and as you can see I’ve extended this out this is all cleared off and you guys think that this is like all messed up over here and it’s not this is just all building blocks from me so I can make this build go a little smoother

I smoothed all this out this took me forever and I had to add so much dirt out of those um chests I had an entire chest full of dirt it was all 64 stacked every slot filled it is now gone doing this over here and a lot of the stir

It’s gonna come back I probably don’t even need the 64 dirt over here because we’re gonna be getting rid of that so that’s actually what I’m gonna do I’m gonna put in 60 for the sack of 64 back because I forgot that we have the place

Holders we don’t have we don’t have much room everything else is still the same but we’re gonna build our alchemy build and it’s gonna be so cool can’t wait to build it and show it to you guys I can’t wait to have it done because like I said

Preparation for this video took me took me way too long so you get used to where everything is this entire chest guys was full of dirt all right let’s get to it first things first however we do need to make some smooth the stone slab so we

Need to have nice smooth stone turn it into slabs so what you’re going to do is just take smooth stone put it in the stone cutter and you’ll have smooth stone slabs boom just like that so to make a smooth stone what you need to do

Is you need to get cobblestone and if I could find my cobble right here I have two two chests of gauzy take cobble and you put it into a furnace with the furnace does we’ll turn it into just regular stone then you’re gonna take this regular stone and put it back in

The furnace and it becomes a smooth stone so I don’t think I’m gonna have a inventory space to do this again yeah cuz I got a thirty-two so go into stone and we’re going to put that there when I take the remaining smooth stone and we’re going to place it here if we

Need more we know where to find it but this should be fine for now probably don’t need to hold on to all these islands but I just didn’t want to go back and forth constantly but so excited to do this build can’t wait to do it

Alright end to start we have our nice little path of violet I already started up a smooth stone so we’re going to complete this so it’s all even that’s that’s good I don’t have any empty spots so we what we’re going to do is we’re gonna do the outside first to clear up

Simon inventory space before I start digging because I’m gonna need any shots for the dirt but basically what you’re gonna do is just gonna go around like this all the way and we’re probably going to have to go back to get more smooth stone so a lot of materials for

This build like I said it to is taking me a good two hours off cap time two hours a good four hours off camera just doing this but it’s gonna be so worth it in the end when you guys see the finished result cannot wait to

Finish this I have an odd number now so maybe three knots always gonna be an odd number it’s gonna know me I have another slab I do okay and I just recently found that trick where if you don’t have it in your immediate hotbar you can just

Middle-mouse and if you have it anywhere in your inventory it’ll just come to your selected slot which i think is really cool saves a lot of time and very useful you need a run back and grab more but with the empty slots right now what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Start digging this out and you started getting rid of some of these stone bricks because this is something we need to get rid of I’m just trying to get rid of as much as I can in my inventory without going back and forth the little things and pretty much to show you guys

The basics of the design right now so we’re gonna take all this out and I’m out of shovel got to go get another shovel I have so many items already pre crafted in case has happened and we’ll get them when we return back so let me just finish up getting rid of

This I’m gonna leave these dirt pillars for now because they’re gonna be our placeholders for what we need you next but over here we’re just going to do this this I’m just gonna fill it in like so just like that yeah as you can see I’m leaving the middle of everything

Opened that’s gonna be a different block that block is going to be regular cobblestone I just go in there like that in between just like that right let’s do the same on this side we have the Kabul already in hand I’ll just do that nope messing up

What is this fortune I’m breaking yeah you dig this down before we start doing that jumping ahead of myself it wouldn’t be a big spill if I didn’t mess something up but uh looks like we are gonna have to go back right now just because we do need a shovel to start

Digging down some more so I will be right back with that all right and we’re back and let’s continue no inventory space to hold on to this dough right now but we will start bringing our stone bricks into it like this so yeah pick up the dirt then take it all the way

Through pretty much gonna make up all the dirt that I had to use snot as much as I used but it’s gonna be a good amount which I’m just gonna probably dig as much as I can around so uh I get full which I just did alright so let’s take

The stone bricks start using them up there’s some inventory spot go grab these no uh no item gets left behind running low on food there only have 13 piece of steak left we have to go to the slaughterhouse a little bit and kill more of those cows so you guys

Don’t have to watch me pick out all of this dirt I will be back when this entire bottom is complete and we are back and everything is dug out and put away this was a long night battling a bunch of zombies and everything we pick up the rotten flesh that I’m not going

To hold on to it’s gonna throw that over here away from us I’m gonna be making me this look a little bit nicer I like how this is kind of sex stick sound I had some dirt to this make it look a little bit better probably extend this out with

The dirt that we collected there’s a lot more in the chests over there but this for now this is what we’re gonna be working with looks awesome so next step is we’re gonna want you start the actual and we’ll get this is gonna be the last these dirt piles into the last you’ll

See what those turn into but that’s gonna be the last thing what we do I’m gonna start the actual build now so what we’re going to do is going to take on another bricks like this and keep the pressure plates we’re gonna hold the door over here yeah get the nether

Bricks and we’re gonna take some glass so we’re gonna do this real quick take on another bricks too and then jump up the third build this along way to mess up twice okay so then we’re gonna put the doors then right here and what we’re going to do is gonna put two pressure

Plates right there so when we go it’ll just automatically open how cool is that you only have to open it oh we could just run through boom especially if I get both of them at the same time and they’ll automatically close behind me so that’s awesome

Ah let’s see I’m going to then take glass and we’re going to go right here I love the update with the glass I said this in previous episodes where it just looks so clean now I’m gonna go up like this and on this block we’re going to go up one more

And this when we won – yeah she’s trying to do this off memory here so one this and the same on this side we’re gonna build it up I know you know lose a little piece of glass see does that does that look right

Nope I was right I did lose a piece of glass for no reason this had to be this I’m gonna put the glass right there and then that there perfect okay I’m gonna go do the same for the other side that and put that there awesome okay so now we’re going to this

Up and we’re just going to extend this all the way across like that stick out nice Frank here run another shell just in case I’m getting smarter with these builds not really I’m just flattering myself at this point my terrible builder watch any episode in the series and yell

Just and you’ll know that this boom all right so we’re gonna connect this bring this all the way across like that I’m gonna do the same for this side and is this my left no I have five more I was gonna say I hope hope I have more all right so now

This isn’t gonna get dug out this is just gonna have a little bit more of a different design I don’t need to do from the inside say so it’s gonna be C one two three we’re gonna go one two three so it’s three and three like that we’re gonna do

I’m sorry I’m not really talking I’m just really trying to concentrate on making this right one two three four five so it’s one two three four and five that comes and this is gonna break up there and inside like that okay break this I goofed with the glass

How much glass do I have hopefully enough to finish I have more in the in the bin now my thing is I hope that this will turn to brass even though there’s glass on there you know that’s my thing alright so this is gonna get connected

And we’re going to go like this I’m gonna extend that across I’m gonna bring this down look at that and then the same thing over here well you’re gonna bring this up one two three four so one two three and four another brick in the corner and bring it out like that

Awesome alright okay that piece of dirt we’re gonna leave there for now we’re gonna fill in the rest of this with glass I should have enough bless is just very delicate to work with because if you mess it up you lose the block you break it it’s it’s over so

Yeah side like that inside all that’s done okay I’m just gonna fill in this wall and I really hope that all of this turns aggress because I do not want to see dirt all around I gotta go out high and sits as a block on top of I feel

Like it’s not know that that turned to grass awesome so it does that does do it right so this is this is the front alright so now we’re gonna want to start banging out the inside let’s take our shovel and we’re going just dig I understand those doors are gonna go away

Let’s pick up the doors again I’m gonna place them back over here whoops that open up and then you’re gonna put the other two pressure plates Oh can’t do that hmm it’ll work if I do that though all right so still okay I did not know that I could not have put them

Right there it makes sense because the door swings out like that I’m glad that works out because I guess it’s still conjoining this is still on this block and this is gonna give to power to this block so it makes sense it does okay anyway let’s get back to the actual build

Take all this out I need to leave this area because I don’t want to confuse myself and you doing this the insides a little bit more complicated so let’s take on another brick so we are getting hungry have a nice Bellini myung steak there we go all right [Applause]

Alright so we’re gonna build forward with these two like that all the way and glowstone is gonna come into play right here so it’s gonna be right there I think or is it gonna be here I mean line it up nice oh we’re gonna

Have me let me do this first so I really don’t confuse myself and botch this I put spruce right there I just brush right there okay we’re gonna take our chests noodle one two one two okay some the glowstone is gonna go right in front of the chest which I assumed all right

So they’re in there okay let’s put another bricks in surround it it’s gonna be one this is gonna be another glowstone that’s why I had it marked with the torch all right take this okay so now this is a little bit of a design that is part of the build

Let’s get rid of these fill in glowstone so we just know right away okay complete gonna stick to the outside first but this is gonna be like a water fountain get rid of this yeah we’re gonna get rid of that like that okay so

Now in here I dig this yes you out put that there take this one that there that one okay and then these two gonna get you’re gonna get dug it out so we’re just like that like that and like that right right okay so all of this then

Gets to be another brick I do have more so thank God for that here we go okay perfect so the water is gonna come in from there let’s get rid of this and we’ll be complete on the inside all right so on this shelf right here we’re going

To put our brewing stand it’s gonna be the opposite on that and then we’re gonna take more we’re gonna have to get another chest there’s gonna be chests on this side as well which I forgot so we’re gonna get another two chests over here there’s gonna be a crafting table

On both sides over here and then there’s going to be a furnace which I did bring right here not that we never use it but it’s just for uh just the looks alright so let’s go behind us here and build the back part of this so this is gonna be

Just straight a block like this that covers the back like so and it’s gonna be like this is pumping out water for everything so now we’re going to we’re gonna I’m gonna actually go to sleep so it’s not night I’m not trying to battle out zombies again so we

Will be back and we’ll be finishing up the build in the daytime oh right and it is daytime and we have a creeper right there this is why I hate the dark and this whole place is so little if I don’t understand how a creeper comes like I

Need him to become very far away I don’t even also remember to start bringing a bow so I can shoot these things went distance we got another one over there hopefully will attract him come away from the property please don’t blow please don’t blow I’ve worked so

Hard fixing up this land the way I wanted to all right give me gunpowder it’s acceptable all right so date-time we still have a lot to do but i have a lot of confidence that we’ll be able to finish it without any more cuts so let’s go back inside

Here I don’t know I just hoping there’s gonna be our fourth of habit let’s I think you see a restock my inventory with more stuff that we need to put this a like of that I’m gonna take our crafting tables and we’re gonna put them in the corner like that boom I

Think it’s uh coming out to be a nice looking room oh nice to say so myself alright so now we’re going to hey hey guess I gotta run through it alright what we’re going to do is gonna take our smooth stab slabs and we’re just gonna start this real

Quick mainly because I need okay okay mainly because I need dirt to get on the roof we go I think that should be enough dirt from now and we’ll climb up all right here we go so we’re gonna jump up on here this was because we knew I was gonna see how high

This was going to be so we’re going to take another brick stairs and we’re gonna go around like this and as you guys know from other builds stairs of my least favorite block in the game the absolute worst block in the game and there’s no even arguing that if I never

Put another stair down in my life I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it go around like this get rid of that piece of dirt all right boom so now we’re going to fill the rest of this in with glass and that is going to be the roof

Very open bright well not right with another break but you can definitely see what’s going around outside with this build and I think it looks awesome I hope you guys like it as much as I do if you guys are trying to follow along and building this in your world I’m I

Apologize now for the horrible building instructions that I do and all the mess ups but you can pretty much get the gist of it I can’t believe that just worked out perfectly all right I did not need all this class all right so the roof is now complete

Awesome we’re going to go back down on our dirt and I’m just gonna bring this all the way down we’re gonna go inside just take a look at the completed inside now I have to do a little exterior so this is what its gonna look like from

The outside come inside here here’s the roof all right we’re gonna take our water now I’m gonna definitely have to fill up more I don’t think the object does it get pouring out of here but to also have it still water over here so you can always have water just as

Quickly swipe and put so if you won there have that flow one there have that flow all right so now we also need to blow from the side like that and I do that is that gonna go away yeah it is so we’re gonna go get more still water

Luckily for us we got our little lake right here which from a fan I was told to never get rid of however we will be can’t take from there okay taking the middle there we go we will be moving the sugar cane into the corner over there

That will be in a future episode we will be moving our sugar cane plantation gotta get used to the not needing to right-click for the door all right so pour that back through all right so we got the two sides then right here right there and this should be always be nope

Because we lose the water then hmm wonder if I take another batch of water and put it in if it’ll still be still or if I have to put some on the bottom so when the waterfall comes there is a method to my madness I promise you all

What if I do this nope that’s it nothing and I’ll get it so it’s a waste of water what if I put the bottom up there no not just it oh there we go that’s what I wanted to see how every refills beautiful I guess it was the water over

There that extra piece of water I had to put over here is it gonna automatically refill it at all times which is awesome which is what exactly what we wanted okay so now the inside is complete I’m gonna make some glass vials we’ll put

Some stuff in here I’ll put a lot of our out stuff in here but this is this is our out room I think it looks beautiful a little glass and especially with the new glass update where you can literally see outside beautiful alright so let’s

Go back to the outside now and we can get rid of these because dig this out you like it this all right now we’re going to take our soulsand I’m gonna place this all around the build while picking up the dirt that’s all around and with Seoul San now

What we can do is we can play so another warts let’s use the non full stack first I’ll plant these all around our pills perfect you know what I don’t like the way this looks where you can see the grass may dig underneath and put just like another brick there think that is

What I’m actually going to do so let’s so get rid of this this and take our nether bricks yeah that looks a lot better all right so let’s just undo everything I just did to fix that and make that look a little bit better I don’t like

The way that looks now let’s put the soil sand back and replant yeah it looks so much better alright let’s do the same thing on this side no look at that we already have stuff growing just take these two out put it on another brick the soul stone back and boom easy fix

Thank God I don’t like redo oh so much stuff I would have been not I wouldn’t have been a happy guy without breaking the glass that’s the most important thing not breaking the glass okay so do nether warts grow so quick all right this up and think we have to do the back

Now yep I lied by the way when we were gonna finish this in one more minecraft day because it’s becoming nighttime [Applause] alright that looks so much better 100% better alright the only thing left now is are these pillars so let’s get to uh grab our smooth stone slabs and just

Get get going it’s gonna break all these cuz I’m gonna know where to put it since it’s the only piece of dirt all right one two and this will be it for the smooth stone there definitely one of my favorite box just looks so clean hopefully those mops tape Hey

All right so finally we’re going to show you what these are so what we did is we want to be taking ports pillars so to make quartz pillars what you need is to my courts in the nether from there you will then turn use for course to make a

Coarse block and then you can put the quartz block into the stone cutter to create a quartz pillar which gives you that type of a design with the line the coarse block is just pretty much why it kind of looks like concrete in a way that’s that design so we’re gonna go to

Three four five six and think one more seven so now I’m going to take my dirt and I’m going to connect the two like that okay but for this one this is going to be my need to connect it on the bottom because I need I need one

Different okay so let’s build this one up three four five six and seven this one’s gonna get connected at the top this one’s gonna be at the bottom all right do we have more dirt yes I do thank God okay and I’ll explain why we have to do this one different in a

Second and when you see the actual build you’ll understand why let’s take our water and hopefully I can get this right awesome I know why the team just doesn’t look like that just looks to me like it’s a little off but it is constantly refilling so it does work yeah this is

On me now over here two and three and read our quartz pillar again oops did you gave me a potato all right four five six and seven might as well just take our food out because we’re gonna be dropping constantly seven now if I did the math correctly when I

Was doing making these courts I should have enough needs of the times where I wish that we had scaffolding I didn’t have to just keep dropping and falling like this and losing too large and damaging my armor so you know what I’m actually gonna do this little different

In two three I’m still getting hurt I’m hoping to uh lessen the fall a little bit there we go all I know is if I hear a creeper count behind me and destroy everything we just did I will scream another reason why we need to find we need to find some cats

And put them around cats ins creepers are scared of cats so a cat will deter a creeper from being near your base true story all right so let’s build up this one all the way get rid of that okay now hopefully when I drop down well

Maybe I could even just kind of nope yeah well it’s better than losing a full heart the half all right I could time it right I could probably yep put a block down right before I fall and I won’t get damaged at all around here

My left my pillars this is the last my pillars like I said if I time this right well counted this right I will have enough I’m sorry for these zombie groans now but they will they’ll be dead in a little bit when the Sun rises we’re all

Gonna burn I’m not jumping down to kill them it’s just not happening we just picked so long doing this Bill’s a long video longer the mountain and I like in doing please say I’m more dirt I don’t have more dirt okay learn ahead more than enough Wow did I

Have more than enough interesting all right so this is what I hope I have enough for maybe I miscalculated these all this right here these stairs have to go around twice and they need to go upside down so this is what’s maybe a pain so this is what I’m gonna do so I’m

Not boring you guys I will be back when I have all this around all right and we are back and I had 21 stairs left over as well but this is basically what it is just upside down stairs on both sides going around the entire thing that

One looked a little weird but this is how it looks so now what we’re going to do is this original one right here it’s get rid of this because we need to put take some damage again I’m gonna collect our dirt that’s the last pillow that we

Need to do filled it up okay so now this original one we are now taking water and we’re gonna do the same thing again where the hell did it go how is it over there maybe because it’s the stairs hmm interesting so I know there you go

Okay I say it should be able to do this And it’ll give me the automatic supply no we won’t what the hell I think I accidentally touched the stair that’s why put it on you bet there we go we’ll put it right there and I will have still body I so with that being said I’m

Gonna get rid of all these they’re all the dirt now that we didn’t account for a second shovel are you gonna get rid of all of the dirt in between all right once all of the dirt is completely taken out we’re going to drop some water like

So and just refill it this is why we needed a source like that so I’m gonna do one on one side like that and it’s not gonna intrude over there and you can go on the other side and do the same just like that and I think that gives it a nice

Little cool design to finish it off so you’re gonna do that in all of the slots here just like I’m doing now and I will be back I will be back with the finished product guys and we are back and this is the finished design water found all

Around everything you come through here yes we’re through it and boom awesome awesome awesome I may fix this up a little bit so it’s not a bulky like this I may have it just so it’s gonna be one waterfall and up both so I swing through one that I have

To smooth through another and right here is like the oxygen where I’m kind of in-between I may put dirt and just have the dirt come out for here I don’t know how we’ll we’ll see we’ll figure it out I don’t know how I feel about how bulky

It is kind of want to smooth it out and only have one waterfall to go through but this is this is design but we’re not done yet almost almost there so let’s take our wool cobblestone wall and along the outside right here in the middle we will

Be actually do I want to do it in the middle let me see let me think about it do I want to do it in the middle okay so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to put fence cobblestone wall like that on one two three four five six boom

Get away from me my sword is gonna break good thing about this base is that it’s gonna be creeper is this in cuz creepers do not go in water but I’m going to put glowstone right on top like that so one two three oh that’s a lot of zombies wow

There’s a lot of zombies oh my god alright we’re gonna we’re gonna go take it take a nice sleep and then we’ll be back and it’ll be in the end of the video thank you guys for whoever stuck around the view is greatly appreciated you see

I don’t know how I I kind of want that flat so we have to work on that off camera alright let’s continue the cobblestone wall there goes my creeper ah I just dropped that that’s annoying please go away please go I swear to God if you destroy my thing oh god guys like

A leg what if I knock you in – no don’t blow up uh whisk it up I’m gonna play the safe you’re gonna go far away from my there yeah all right can we have enough people coming just let me build things builds videos going on for way too long

One two three four five six seven one two three four five six and that doesn’t add up correctly put one there all right 1 2 3 yeah didn’t really think this one through and kind of still hung up on the whole not flat part so uh I am

Gonna end the video here I’m gonna go off-camera and work out some of these minor little kinks but this is the completed build for our alchemy come in here we have all I think that I think this looks cool having all of us around us like that we can start al King next

Episode I think what we’re gonna do is we’re going to start traveling I’m gonna start doing the under underwater abandoned ship seeing what they have we have the items to make the breathing underwater possible so remember to leave a like comment and subscribe thank you guys for we’re still watching and until

Next time guys peace out

This video, titled ‘Best Alchemy Lab Build | Minecraft Survival Lets Play | Ep. 28’, was uploaded by Binkz on 2019-08-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:02 or 3422 seconds.

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About Minecraft: Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox video game created by Swedish game developer Markus Persson and later developed by Mojang. The game allows players to build with a variety of different blocks in a 3D procedurally generated world, requiring creativity from players.

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    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience! Are you ready for an epic adventure like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. With a modern, upbeat community and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and explore the virtual world. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer with like-minded players from around the globe. The Minewind server offers a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts The Hidden Secrets of Minecraft Mobs Unveiled! Are you ready to delve into the mysterious world of Minecraft mobs? Buckle up as we uncover some mind-blowing secrets that will leave you in awe. From teleporting boats to deadly encounters, the Minecraft universe is full of surprises! 1. The Enigmatic Shulker Boats Have you ever wondered what happens when water meets a Shulker boat? Brace yourself for a teleportation extravaganza! Pour water on a Shulker boat, and watch in amazement as it magically teleports. Who knew these boats had such hidden powers? 2. The Curious Case of Naming a Vindicator… Read More

  • Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land!

    Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land! Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Xin chào mình là chủ kênh Lờ Đờ Vờ, xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của mình, mình sẽ cố gắng làm chủ đề Minecraft trên kênh game của mình nhanh chóng phát triển. Mặc dù có những lần nhận được nhiều lời bình luận không hay nhưng mình vẫn sẽ cố gắng làm video và sẽ bỏ ngoài tai những lời không tốt từ phía người xem có ý nghĩ tiêu cực. Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn. Building a Chicken… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Money: Click Now!

    Master Minecraft Money: Click Now! Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey: Conquer the Nether Fortress! Welcome to IDSP GAMING, where Minecraft enthusiasts unite to witness the most thrilling adventures in the game’s universe. In this episode, prepare to be captivated as we set our sights on conquering the formidable Nether Fortress, a task that only the bravest dare to undertake. Unleashing the Adventure in the Nether Hold onto your pickaxes as we delve deep into the heart of the Nether, a realm filled with treacherous challenges and untold dangers. Our mission is clear – to conquer the Nether Fortress and etch our names in… Read More

  • Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update

    Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! Armored Paws Drop and Realms Plus Upgrade In the latest Minecraft update, players can now enjoy the Armored Paws drop, featuring the Armadillo, Wolf Armor, and various wolf variations. Collect scutes from armadillos, gather your favorite wolf variations, and protect them with dyeable wolf armor. Realms Plus has also received an upgrade, offering a 10-player private server, Realm Stories, character creator items, and enhanced render distances. Ominous Trials and the Mighty Mace Enter the ominous trials if you dare! Available in Java Snapshot, Bedrock beta, and preview, these trials offer challenging… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥

    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall Survival

    Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall SurvivalVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus that’s loud I turn that down hello how are we all doing it’s a good game Sorry I mean experience how are we all doing tonight that music just feels loud why all right uh let me get the game loaded up curse Forge where you at load that come on you can do it there are 150 clone orders correct you doing good that’s good it is we’re at the part of the Year where the house is always hot… Read More

  • “EPIC House vs Fire Showdown – INSANE Minecraft Animation!” #gegagedigedagedago

    "EPIC House vs Fire Showdown - INSANE Minecraft Animation!" #gegagedigedagedagoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gegagedigedagedago HOUSE vs Fire In The Hole! #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation #memes’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-22 11:00:47. It has garnered 156108 views and 4754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

  • “Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7” #MinecraftPVPMadness

    "Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7" #MinecraftPVPMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] what This video, titled ‘Bridge PvP #minecraft #gamingcommunity #relaxation #texturepack1 #texturepack #mcpe’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-21 17:24:13. It has garnered 88 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

  • Unreal Secrets to Enter SMP! #minecraft #gaming

    Unreal Secrets to Enter SMP! #minecraft #gamingVideo Information oh hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school This video, titled ‘how to join smp #minecraft #lilyvillesmp #gaming #demisesmp #viral’, was uploaded by MR TRICKY 981 on 2024-01-11 04:40:00. It has garnered 2418 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft Mobs REVEALED!! #shorts

    🔥 NEW Minecraft Mobs REVEALED!! #shortsVideo Information as of today Minecraft version 1.20.5 is out and  it’s not just a bug update it actually has some   of the recent snapshot features it mostly adds  the last mob vote winner the armadillo and also   its scutes and the Wolf armor they even added  the dog variants that were previously announced   armadillos are found in the savannah and Badlands  biome they will periodically drop scutes or they   will drop them when a brush is used and their food  of choice is spider eyes armadillos will also roll   up when they detect any sign of danger and  when… Read More

  • Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft – MUST WATCH!

    Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Malenia Madness Disrupts Minecraft – Callums Corner Stream 16/04/24’, was uploaded by Saint R. Moat Hospital on 2024-04-16 23:21:58. It has garnered 3322 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:57 or 837 seconds. Malenia went mental mental chicken oriental there… Read More

  • Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen

    Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information oh what is this Mikey where are we I don’t know but it looks like a bed one of mud and one of diamonds wow what are they for I wonder and look we have a tape measure that says mud and a block of diamond ha I think this is a challenge they prepared for us there’s a diamond bed and a mud bed and whoever gets what from the tape measure will survive on that bed I think it’s interesting yeah so let’s spin the roulette wheel for you first and what you get Yahoo I… Read More

  • Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shorts

    Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Zoxtic Gamerz on 2024-04-07 19:36:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More

  • Cosmic Network

    Cosmic NetworkCosmic Network is a new network which was originally created to promote the idea of skyblock, we feature alot of features including – PvP – Bosses – Custom Recipes – Crop based Economy – $30 Paypal Payouts! and so much more to discover. Read More

  • Mystic Dominions Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.4 Geopolitical Lands

    Welcome to Mystic Dominions – Where Legends Are Forged! Embark on an epic journey into a world where imagination knows no bounds! Welcome to Mystic Dominions, the ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity takes centre stage. Forge Your Legacy: Craft your own unique story in a world shaped by your imagination. Mystic Dominions offers limitless possibilities to carve out your place in history. Forge Nations: Take the reins of destiny and establish your own mighty nation. Lead with wisdom, strength, and diplomacy as you shape the course of history. Create Guilds: Unite with like-minded adventurers and form powerful guilds that… Read More

  • Attack On Titan Roleplay Server

    Attack On Titan Roleplay Serverattack on titan minecraft server Made By Skele Animates Join Noww!!!! This Server is for 1.16.5 This Is A interesting Server Go Join Now This Is A anime Roleplay Server Attack On Titan Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minechesty Goodness

    Minecraft Memes - Minechesty GoodnessI guess you could say this Minecraft meme is a “block-buster” with a score of 4! Read More

  • “Farm life: where cows do the grind” 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    "Farm life: where cows do the grind" 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Who needs a gym membership when you can just play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and work on your virtual farm all day? #FarmFit” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Why You Should Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless creative opportunities, Minewind is the perfect place to shake things up and have fun in Minecraft. Why Join Minewind? Endless Creative Opportunities Vibrant Community Unique Gameplay Experience Exciting Events and Challenges How to Play Minecraft the Right Way After watching the video “the right way to play minecraft” by Breadfish, you may be inspired to try something new and shake up your Minecraft gameplay. Minewind offers… Read More

  • ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans

    ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a Minecraft Adventure Brothers Ian and Ethan dive into the virtual world of Minecraft, ready to conquer challenges and unravel mysteries. Their journey is filled with excitement and unexpected twists as they navigate through different scenarios. Unveiling the Gameplay In Minecraft, the brothers encounter various roles like murder, sheriff, and innocent. Each role presents unique challenges and opportunities for them to showcase their skills. From strategizing to quick reflexes, every moment is a test of their gaming prowess. Thrilling Moments and Hilarious Mishaps As they progress through the game, Ian and Ethan… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2

    EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2Video Information hello there everyone the andrada here and welcome back to episode 15 of our FTB Skies let’s play series and it’s a long one today we got a lot of stuff that we got going on uh a lot of big changes or or big improvements to our setup and everything uh so get started sorry for the length hopefully you’re okay with it um but yeah let’s dive in welcome back my friends to another wonderful day here in the world of the andrada uh where I have a couple things that I would like to work… Read More

  • Becoming Ghosts in Minecraft

    Becoming Ghosts in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizen JJ & Mikey on 2024-01-13 20:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved … Read More

  • Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viral

    Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viralVideo Information Minecraft но вы управляете кругом Оу Нет я застрял в этом крошечном Круге Стоп А что если просто выйти из него что происходит э когда кто-то ставит лайк Круг становится больше Стоп А что если кто-то подпишется серьёзно вы уже открыли шахту и прямо там разрушенный портал вы открыли Уже половину Моего Мира продолжайте ставить лайки и кстати моя цель – это открыть мир на 100% было бы намного проще если бы он перестал уменьшаться ээ что эти железные блоки могут остановить уменьшение Круга я собрал абсолютно все самые прочные блоки в игре Так что Круг не сможет… Read More

  • Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!

    Insane Nyan vs Mad Squirrel: Ultimate Escape Challenge!Video Information [Music] all right am i y yep we’re ready okay it’s the temp number 12 here we go right are we recording yes yes yes yes okay uh yeah this is attempt number 12 of the decked out to survival escape challenge thank whatever we’re calling oh wait I should have wait don’t close the door I don’t know why I thought that door closed it doesn’t all right we got a Escape Decked Out by building another portal and we got got to Traverse through the nether build a second nether portal to escape into the Overworld… Read More

  • Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information I might go back to UNI and study cuz I feel like my brain is just like shrinking I was going to study cyber security computer science I don’t know I feel like it’s a lot of dedication I want to do it that’ be the best thing for your fual life yeah the other month I wanted to do [Music] marketing This video, titled ‘i’m becoming a hacker #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by thepizzawaffle on 2024-03-11 06:58:45. It has garnered 2595 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7

    SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7Video Information minecra se va a quedar siendo igual de [ __ ] pero es que la gente está tan acostumbrada a la [ __ ] que te saca una Maza y bro que es una Maza tío dilo tú bro dilo tú no no dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú vale lo digo lo digo dilo dilo dil ahí te saldrá Bienvenidos a todos los orbit culaciones a este nuevo orbis podcast nuevo episodio nuevo domingo estamos a domingo efectivamente en el día de hoy estamos con nuestro compañero nuestro brother con el bro nerw qué tal nerw Bienvenido al podcast… Read More

  • Insane Transformation! Kc’s New vs Old Minecraft Skin

    Insane Transformation! Kc's New vs Old Minecraft SkinVideo Information it’s out with the old and in with the new goodbye clouds of gray hello Skies of Blue This video, titled ‘Kc new vs old minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:24:46. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider – Sonoyuncu Titanyum

    INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider - Sonoyuncu TitanyumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Karpuz Oynatıyoz – Sonoyuncu Titanyum’, was uploaded by ghostrider titanyum on 2024-02-11 03:28:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!

    Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We Can Draw Anything!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-04-17 09:00:38. It has garnered 40192 views and 1370 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:13 or 1873 seconds. for sponsorship: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Watching videos PepeSan TV, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute BGM Yummy Flavor: Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft Tagalog, Oneblock, Minecraft but,… Read More

  • Bushi Craft

    Bushi CraftBushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new. Read More

Best Alchemy Lab Build | Minecraft Survival Lets Play | Ep. 28